[ "***\n\n« Je l’ai dit souvent et je le répète : “Où sont mes sœurs ?” »", "\n\nJoëlle Léandre, contrebassiste 2] Joëlle Léandre, contrebassiste\n\n***\n\nL e point de départ de Marie Buscatto pourrait suffire : dans le monde du jazz professionnel, de cette musique que l’on penserait plus libre que d’autres, seulement 8 % de femmes. ", "Avec « une double ségrégation ». ", "1) horizontale – il y a des emplois masculins et des emplois féminins : les instrumentistes sont surtout des hommes (96 %), alors que les chanteur.se.s sont surtout des femmes (65 %). ", "2) verticale – ce sont les hommes qui font carrière, les femmes se dirigeant en majorité vers des emplois subalternes. ", "Quand elles n’abandonnent pas le milieu, elles occupent finalement des rôles de soutien (faire de la communication pour des artistes masculins, gérer les concerts et la carrière d’hommes, se charger des enfants). ", "Si elles continuent à jouer en amatrices, elles diversifient leurs revenus, en enseignant la musique ou en jouant dans d’autres registres – rock, variétés, spectacles pour enfants.", "\n\nDans un détour par la musique classique, Buscatto valide le terme de « ségrégation » : des différences fondées non pas sur la qualité de la musique jouée, mais sur le genre. ", "Aux États-Unis, le nombre de femmes recrutées dans les orchestres a augmenté de 30 % après les auditions en paravent – les musicien.ne.s jouent sans être vu.e.s, et ne sont donc jugé.e.s que pour leur performance technique et artistique. ", "Dans Femmes du jazz, ce qu’on apprend des logiques de domination, on le pressent déjà, ailleurs. ", "Un esprit de corps, bien masculin, qui n’aime pas être entravé, bousculé. ", "Qui ne fait rien, et qui donc fait tout pour que rien ne change.", "\n\nLes jazzmen reprochent aux chanteuses de rabaisser leur art. ", "Loin de l’image mythologique des (rares) divas du jazz (Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, etc.), ", "le chant reste méprisé des instrumentistes. ", "Malgré tout le travail qu’elle demande, malgré les études qui montrent qu’il s’agit bien d’un « instrument à vents et à cordes », d’une « machinerie complexe » socialement et techniquement construite [3], la voix reste reléguée à un don, d’une facilité toute instinctive. « ", "La voix, c’est naturel », disent les jazzmen rencontrés par Marie Buscatto. ", "Il suffirait pourtant d’écouter les gammes d’une artiste jazz comme Youn Sun Nah pour réviser un tel jugement. ", "Et ces messieurs de reprocher aux chanteuses de leur imposer une transposition des partitions, un changement de tonalité plus proche de celles de la voix que des vibrations d’un sax ténor ou d’une trompette. ", "Comme un refus mâle et obstiné de s’adapter aux modalités du chant, et donc des chanteuses. ", "Un refus, au final, de céder sa place : on pourra s’effacer le temps d’un solo de batterie ou de trompette, on rechignera à se caler sur la voix. ", "La cour d’école n’est pas si loin : on ne joue pas avec les filles. ", "Le « vrai » jazz se joue ailleurs, entre instrumentistes. ", "Entre mecs. ", "Pour Buscatto, on retrouve ici la prolongation de stéréotypes sociaux genrés dans la musique : le chant est du côté de la parole, de la relation, de la communication (femmes). ", "L’instrument dans celui de la technique, de la créativité, de la virtuosité (hommes).", "\n\nPlus avant, la sociologue révèle des motifs extérieurs à la musique même. ", "Les musiciens ont en effet tendance à imposer une injonction contradictoire aux femmes, comme c’est le cas ailleurs. ", "Ne te mets pas trop en avant comme chanteuse, au centre de la scène, puisque tu n’es pas musicienne. ", "Mais ne sois pas trop effacée comme chanteuse, sois plus musicienne. ", "Paradoxe incapacitant et répressif : elles se retrouvent à « être incitées à s’exprimer de manière “féminine” et se voir dénigrées professionnellement de ce fait ; se comporter de manière “masculine” et se voir dévalorisées pour leur manque de “féminité” ». ", "Au final, c’est au moins cela qui se confirme sur la place des femmes dans le monde (du jazz) : elles doivent en permanence se positionner par rapport aux définitions figées des conventions masculines.", "\n\nTandis que la musique jouée par des hommes se veut universelle, prétendument dénuée d’ambiguïté genrée, de dimensions subjectives extra-artistiques ou de sensiblerie non technicienne, les notes jouées par une femme portent en elles le soupçon. ", "Celui de chercher à envoûter le public, les programmateurs, les critiques – l’homme –, celui d’user de leurs charmes non musicaux pour briller. ", "Dans les faits, observe la sociologue, les rapports de séduction sont tout autres. ", "C’est bien plutôt les hommes qui mélangent pratique artistique et possibilité de drague, jeux de scène et érotisation des situations.", "\n\nLes filles saxophonistes que j’ai rencontrées après la lecture de Femmes de jazz en ont fait l’expérience. ", "Camille : « Sans faire de généralités, il arrive que les musiciens soient sympas, en sortant de jam par exemple, ils viennent te dire que tu joues bien. ", "Au début, t’es naïve, merci c’est cool, et puis parfois tu te rends compte que tout ce qui se joue là, c’est de la drague. ", "Donc en grandissant, sans vraiment t’en rendre compte, tu mets des radars ! ", "Je suis une personne avec un corps comme tout le monde, ça fait partie de qui je suis, mais quand on m’appelle pour jouer, je n’ai pas envie que ce soit pour mes nibards, seulement pour la musique. ", "Quand t’es un gars, il y a moins de doute : on t’appelle pour un concert, tu sais pourquoi t’y vas – jouer de la musique. » ", "Cathy : « Dans le programme d’un festival consacré aux femmes, tu trouvais par exemple des peintures de femmes dévêtues face aux biographies des musiciennes. ", "Pourquoi ? ", "Quel rapport avec la musique ? ", "Et pourquoi uniquement quand il s’agit de nanas ? » ", "Là où les hommes, souvent négligés, ne réfléchissent pas à leur tenue lors de concerts ou des jams, les femmes s’interrogent sur leur fringues, trop, pas assez féminines… ? ", "Camille : « Je me suis longtemps habillée sans mettre de jupe ! ", "Ce n’est pas toujours évident quand on évolue dans un milieu masculin de grandir et de s’épanouir pleinement en tant que femme. ", "Je voulais qu’on me voit comme saxophoniste, pas comme femme. ", "De manière inconsciente, sûrement, tu essaies toujours de te mettre à égalité, tu veux être comme les gars qui jouent à côté de toi. ", "Même si, évidemment, la féminité ne se résume pas aux jupes, c’est une invisibilisation de son corps de femme. ", "On est obligées de bien montrer qu’on “n’essaie pas” de séduire. » ", "À tel point que pour toute femme qui cherche à continuer son évolution dans la musique, « quel que soit leur capital séduction et les usages plus ou moins “féminins” de leurs corps, un apprentissage fondamental se réalise ainsi au cours du temps : fermer la séduction », note Marie Buscatto.", "\n\nCe que disent ces femmes parle au-delà du jazz, résonne avec la vie de n’importe quel collectif, n’importe quelle situation sociale. ", "C’est la puissance du travail de Marie Buscatto, et celle des instrumentistes rencontrées au cours de cette lecture. ", "Camille : « Ceux qui persistent dans le jazz, homme ou femme, ont mené leur barque, créé leur groupe, poussé leur art avec une passion qui ne fait pas de doute en bossant et en y croyant sans se décourager. ", "Peut-être malgré tout que, quand tu es une femme, tu dois encore plus prouver de choses pour y arriver ! » ", "De là, quelle marge d’action – ou d’inaction – pour les hommes ? ", "Cathy : « Il s’agit d’héritages. ", "Des choses dont on ne se rend souvent pas compte au moment où on les vit. ", "Pour aller contre, il faut être vigilant tout le temps. ", "Que les mecs apprennent à écouter et à composer, autant entre eux qu’avec des femmes. ", "Nous les femmes, on peut avoir tendance à être plus timides, à moins l’ouvrir pour donner du poids à ce qu’on fait. ", "On nous a plus appris à ne pas nous valoriser. ", "Dans les formations que je donne, j’observe que les mecs sont généralement plus sûrs d’eux, dès l’enfance. ", "Ce qui m’intéresse alors, c’est le moment où chacun.e va pouvoir prendre la parole, décider d’un geste musical, d’un choix au sein du groupe. ", "Faire que l’ensemble crée une musique où chacun.e a sa place. ", "Moi, je sers de médiatrice pour trouver une espèce d’autorégulation dans le groupe. ", "Faire émerger l’écoute au delà des répartitions genrées, et que cela donne une création commune. »", "\n\nFerdinand Cazalis" ]
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[ "Wednesday, October 29, 2008\n\nDo you have to smush 'em like that?", "\n\nMy health and weight loss journal\n\nI delayed posting my health and weight loss journal for a day because I wanted to tell you about my first mammogram, which I had today. ", "Don't let my title fool you; it really wasn't that bad HOWEVER I didn't think my boobs could be manipulated in the way they were today.", "\n\nMy appointment was at the St. Joseph's Hospital's Women's Breast Health Center, which is a very nice facility. ", "The environment was comfortable and inviting. ", "This helped to somewhat alleviate my nerves.", "\n\nMy appointment was at 10:30 and I arrived early. ", "That allowed me time to fill out the registration paperwork then sit, relax and read my magazine. ", "Once called I was escorted to a changing area where I removed all of my clothes from the waist up. ", "I put on a gown, with the opening in the front, like I was instructed.", "\n\nSeems easy, right? ", "Well, I didn't take the gown from the top of the pile because it didn't have a tie attached. ", "I pulled one from the bottom so I could tie it securely.", "\n\nI won't bore you with all the details, but I will say this (for those who haven't had one yet): Regardless of the level of discomfort, I felt empowered for doing something proactive and necessary for my health. ", "The following picture is the part of the machine where they place your boob. ", "You stand up and lay your boob on the bottom tray (they put the nice white cushion on the bottom for comfort) then they press some pedals to get the top clear part to come down and compress your boob. ", "I had two images taken of each breast ... so, yes, I had both breasts smushed and squished twice. ", "Oh, that pole you see on the left is what you hold onto when they're doing it. ", "There is also one on the right, that you can't see, to hold onto when the right side is being done.", "\n\nThis (below) is what the bottom of the machine looks like. ", "The computer and contraption on the left is what the technician looks at and she stands behind a little thingy to protect herself. ", "The technician told me that the results would be sent to the Veteran's Hospital this week and they would send me a letter. ", "The first mammogram will be used to make sure both breasts are the same... if there is a drastic difference then I will be called back for more imaging. ", "If everything looks fine then today's images will be used for a baseline of future mammograms.", "\n\nAnd there you have it... the day my boobs were squished.", "\n\nIf you have a history of breast cancer in your family or if you're 40 or older, be sure to schedule your mammogram. ", "And, remember, always do monthly breast self exams." ]
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[ "Sulejman Vokshi\n\nSulejman Vokshi (1815 - 1890) was an Albanian military commander and a leader of the League of Prizren. ", "A member of the central committee of the league as head of the finances commission, Vokshi also was an important leader of the organization's military branch and an officer of its military staff.", "\n\nLife \nBorn in the village of Voksh as Sulejman Lokaj he was a member of the Vokshi clan of the wider Thaçi clan. ", "During the Tanzimat period reforms he fought in the Albanian Revolt of 1843-1844, trying to not let the reforms take place in lands ruled by Albanian nobles, as the reforms would reduce their power.", "\n\nFor participation he was interned in Anatolia. ", "In 1878, he was one the orchestrators of the attack against Ottoman marshal Mehmed Ali Pasha, an event that marked the first military action of the league. ", "During the consequent Ottoman-Albanian conflict he fought alongside Haxhi Zeka and Vokshi's Prizren League forces captured the cities of Üsküb (4 January 1881), Pristina and Mitrovicax being one of the main military leaders of the League. ", "He was captured in 1885. ", "Vokshi was initially found guilty of treason and sentenced to death that later was commuted by sultan Abdul Hamid II to hard labour and imprisonment. ", "He was eventually released during a general amnesty period in 1890s.", "\n\nReferences\n\nNotes\n\nSources\n\nSee also \nAlbanians in Kosovo\nAhmet Koronica, attacking commander against Mehmed Ali Pasha\n\nCategory:1815 births\nCategory:1890 deaths\nCategory:People from Gjakova\nCategory:Kosovo Albanians\nCategory:Kosovan politicians\nCategory:19th-century Albanian military personnel\nCategory:19th-century Albanian politicians\nCategory:19th-century Albanian people\nCategory:Activists of the Albanian National Awakening\nCategory:Heroes of Albania" ]
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[ "New Mexico voters are picking a new governor, one U.S. senator and deciding on two open congressional seats, as they fill a long list of statewide public offices including attorney general and secretary of state.", "\n\nRegistered Democrats accounted about 53 percent of early votes a week before Election Day.", "\n\nRepublicans accounted for 34 percent. ", "Libertarian, minor party and unaffiliated voters accounted for just over 12 percent of votes." ]
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[ "Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent syndrome with onset in early childhood characterized by problems with attention span, distractibility, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ", "A variety of studies have documented that ADHD is associated with academic failure, poor peer relationships and family dysfunction. ", "ADHD has also been associated with increases in injuries, visits to emergency rooms, traffic violations, tobacco, alcohol and drug use. ", "A variety of family, twin and adoption studies have demonstrated that ADHD is highly heritable. ", "The long-term goal of this application is to identify specific genetic elements predisposing to ADHD. ", "The identification of such elements would enhance diagnosis and, potentially, the treatment of children with this disorder. ", "A variety of imaging, neurochemical, behavioral and drug response studies implicate pre-frontal catecholamine pathways as being involved in the etiology and treatment response of ADHD. ", "In particular, dopamine-related pathways appear critical to problems with inattention. ", "We propose in this study to screen 75 genes related to pre-frontal cortical development, neuronal activity dependent energy metabolism and catecholamine pathway function for coding region allelic variations associated with subtypes of ADHD. ", "As phenotypes for analysis, we will use both DSM-IV defined subtypes, as well as refined categories derived through the use of latent class analysis. ", "Groups of previously identified children will be screened for allelic variation in dopamine pathway genes using Denaturing High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (DHPLC). ", "The presence of allelic variation identified using DHPLC will be confirmed by genomic DNA sequencing. ", "Whether specific alleles are associated with subtypes of ADHD will be tested using the Transmission Disequilibrium Test (TDT)." ]
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[ "Electrostatic separation for recycling waste printed circuit board: a study on external factor and a robust design for optimization.", "\nElectrostatic separation is an effective and environmentally friendly method for recycling waste printed circuit board (PCB) by several kinds of electrostatic separators. ", "However, some notable problems have been detected in its applications and cannot be efficiently resolved by optimizing the separation process. ", "Instead of the separator itself, these problems are mainly caused by some external factors such as the nonconductive powder (NP) and the superficial moisture of feeding granule mixture. ", "These problems finally lead to an inefficient separation. ", "In the present research, the impacts of these external factors were investigated and a robust design was built to optimize the process and to weaken the adverse impact. ", "A most robust parameter setting (25 kv, 80 rpm) was concluded from the experimental design. ", "In addition, some theoretical methods, including cyclone separation, were presented to eliminate these problems substantially. ", "This will contribute to efficient electrostatic separation of waste PCB and make remarkable progress for industrial applications." ]
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[ "Delete the word diet from your vocabulary!", "\n\nPeople assume, just because I'm \"shaping up,\" that I'm on a diet; they often ask me what \"diet\" I'm on and wait for me to tell them I'm \"on\" Atkins or South Beach or riding some other crazy-fad diet train. ", "So most are surprised when I tell them that I'm not on any diet and, in fact, that I don't like that word at all. ", "See, I think the real start of the success I've had so far with weight loss was really understanding that I had to permanently change the way I eat. ", "By definition, a diet lasts for a certain time period: You're either on one or you're not. ", "And knowing they're finite makes their terms more restrictive--and actually impossible to stick to for a lifetime. ", "So instead, I took baby steps (I'm a big believer in those!) ", "to change my bad eating habits (I used to have stock in Diet Coke; had the 24-hour diner on speed-dial; ordered two or three margaritas at happy hour and wondered why I wasn't losing any weight). ", "Once I was able to pinpoint those fat traps, I could start to make changes I could live with. ", "So instead of vowing to never step foot in a Starbucks again, I changed my twice-daily whole-milk venti latte order to a grade coffee with steamed soy milk and cinnamon. ", "The best thing about eating healthfully and being really disciplined about my food choices is that I don't feel deprived. ", "And let's be real: What's the likelihood of sticking to any shape-up plan if we feel like we're serving jail time?", "\n\nWhat's your take on the whole \"diet\" thing? ", "Does it help you stick to more disciplined ways of eating when you know you can relax a little once you reach your goals? ", "Or are you trying to make lifetime changes too?", "\n\nP.s. ", "Sorry for the late post... I started my new job here at Glamour today! ", "Here's a pic of my new desk. ", "Wish me luck! :- )" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nexecute julia scripts from Java\n\nI'm coding Julia script with ZeroMQ.", "\nMy goal is to communicate with ZMQ between two scripts. ", "Here is an example:\n# script1\nusing ZMQ\nctx = ZMQ.Context()\nsockDealer = ZMQ.Socket(ctx, DEALER)\nZMQ.set_identity(sockDealer, \"idA\")\nZMQ.connect(sockDealer, \"tcp://localhost:5555\")\nZMQ.send(sockDealer, \"hello world!\")", "\nZMQ.close(sockDealer)\nZMQ.close(ctx)\n\n#script2\nusing ZMQ\n\nfunction pollrecv(socket::ZMQ.Socket,zmsg::Message)\n rc = -1\n while true\n rc = ccall((:zmq_msg_recv, ZMQ.zmq), Cint, (Ptr{Message}, Ptr{Void}, Cint),\n &zmsg, socket.data, ZMQ.ZMQ_DONTWAIT)\n if rc == -1\n # Base.", "Libc.", "EAGAIN = 11\n # Problem unsolved: Failure to find Base.", "Libc.", "EAGAIN\n if !(", "ZMQ.zmq_errno() == 11)\n throw(ZMQ.StateError(ZMQ.jl_zmq_error_str()))\n end\n return false\n else\n ZMQ.get_events(socket) !", "= 0 && notify(socket)\n break\n end\n end\n return true\nend\n\nctx = ZMQ.Context()\nsockRouter = ZMQ.Socket(ctx, ROUTER)\nZMQ.bind(sockRouter, \"tcp://*:5555\")\nfini = false\nwhile !", "fini\n println(\"listening...\")\n idSock = Message()\n while pollrecv(sockRouter, idSock)\n msg = ZMQ.recv(sockRouter)\n println(\"msg recv: \" * bytestring(msg))\n fini = true\n end\n sleep(1)\nend\nZMQ.close(sockRouter)\nZMQ.close(ctx)\n\nI can execute them with Julia on the command prompt. ", "Everything goes fine. ", "Script 2 can receive the message of Script 1.", "\nNow, I need to execute them from Java. ", "Meaning that I need to create a java project which is just like a controller. ", "Here is my Java project:\npublic class Container {\n\n private Vector<String[]> commands;\n\n public Container() {\n this.commands = new Vector<String[]>();\n }\n\n public void addCommand(String[] strs) {\n this.commands.addElement(strs);\n }\n\n public void execute() {\n for(int i = 0; i < this.commands.size(); i++) {\n try {\n Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(this.commands.get(i));\n if(p.waitFor() !", "= 0){\n System.err.println(\"exit value = \" + p.exitValue());\n }\n BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));\n StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();\n String line = null;\n while((line = in.readLine()) !", "= null){\n stringBuffer.append(line + \"-\");\n }\n System.out.println(stringBuffer.toString());\n\n } catch (IOException ex) {\n // TODO Auto-generated catch block\n ex.printStackTrace();\n } catch(InterruptedException e){\n System.err.println(e);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n//main\npublic class Main {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n Container c = new Container();\n\n String[] script1 = {\"/usr/bin/julia\", \"/home/thomas/Julia/script1.jl\"};\n String[] script2 = {\"/usr/bin/julia\", \"/home/thomas/Julia/script2.jl\"};\n c.addCommand(script1);\n c.addCommand(script2);\n c.execute();\n }\n}\n\nHowever, when I run my java project, I can see that it keeps running but I can't see anything on the console: no result, no message, no error.", "\nI think there is something wrong in my java project.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou'll want to run the two scripts concurrently: script2 is the server script, so it should be running when you run script1. ", "As it is now, Process.waitFor() will wait for script1, the client script, to complete, before executing the server script script2 in the next for iteration.", "\nYou could start them as such:\n String[] clientScript = { \"/usr/bin/julia\", \"/home/thomas/Julia/script1.jl\" };\n String[] serverScript = { \"/usr/bin/julia\", \"/home/thomas/Julia/script2.jl\" };\n\n Process server = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(serverScript);\n Process client = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(clientScript);\n\nand instantiate two threads to read their outputs:\n (new ProcessReader(server)).start();\n (new ProcessReader(client)).start();\n\nusing\npublic class ProcessReader extends Thread {\n private Process p;\n\n public ProcessReader(Process p) {\n this.p = p;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void run() {\n BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));\n try {\n String line;\n while ((line = in.readLine()) !", "= null) {\n System.out.println(\"Read: \" + line);\n }\n } catch (IOException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n}\n\nAlthough, since the clientScript doesn't produce any output, you could just\nstart the scripts, and only read the output from the server script - no thread needed.", "\nThere's one more thing to consider: the serverScript must be listening... before the clientScript attempts to connect. ", "So you may want to do this:\n Process server = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(serverScript);\n BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(server.getInputStream()));\n if ( in.readLine().equals(\"listening...\") ) {\n Process client = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(clientScript);\n\n String line;\n while ( (line=in.readLine()) !", "= null )\n System.out.println(\"Read: \" + line );\n }\n\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Generated by class-dump 3.3.4 (64 bit).", "\n *\n * class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2011 by Steve Nygard.", "\n */\n\n#import <DevToolsCore/PBXProjectItem.h>\n\n@class NSString, PBXBookmarkGroup, PBXProject;\n\n@interface PBXBookmarkItem : PBXProjectItem\n{\n NSString *_name;\n PBXBookmarkGroup *_bookmarkGroup;\n PBXProject *_project;\n}\n\n+ (id)archivableAttributes;\n- (long long)compareUsingName:(id)arg1;\n- (BOOL)shouldArchiveName;\n- (void)setContainer:(id)arg1;\n- (id)container;\n- (void)setBookmarkGroup:(id)arg1;\n- (id)bookmarkGroup;\n- (void)setName:(id)arg1;\n- (id)name;\n- (id)defaultName;\n- (void)dealloc;\n\n@end\n\n" ]
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[ "Even though Mahabharata is majorly a story of Kaurava’s and Pandava’s, their exile and war. ", "But, the actual Mahabharata text begins on a very different note. ", "Not many people know how important role Takshaka the Serpent (Naga) King played in Mahabharata. ", "At one point Bhishma’s prowess is compared with him. ", "Takshaka, the Sanskrit language means the snake which can glide or fly.", "\n\nThe text of Mahabharata itself begins at the Sarpa-Satra yagya (Serpent Sacrifice) organized by Janamejaya, son of Parikshit and grandson of Abhimanyu, to kill all the snakes in the world to avenge Parikshit’s death. ", "Finally, with force of this yagya Takshaka was brought to the fire. ", "In the end, a learned boy named Astika intervenes and persuades Janamejaya to stop Sarpa-Satra. ", "That’s when Vaishampayana the disciple of Krishna Dwaipayana (Vyasa) narrates the story of Janamejaya’s ancestors.", "\n\nTakshaka ruled the kingdom near Kurukshetra i.e. Khandavprastha. ", "It was supposed to inhabitable for humans. ", "After Pandava’s were given to rule the Khandavprastha, Arjuna and Krishna went there to take a look. ", "Arjuna using Agneyastra set the whole forest ablaze to kill all the snakes in the region. ", "Mayasura used to live in the forest of Khandavprastha with Takshaka but, Arjuna saved the life of Mayasura. ", "Takshaka had to live Khandavprastha and he settled down in the region far north-west to Kurukshetra. ", "Interestingly the city built by Takshaka was called Takshashila (modern name of the city is Taxila). ", "It is the same Takshashila which was famous for the ancient university.", "\n\nTakshaka held grudge against Pandava’s and especially Arjuna. ", "When the great-grandson of Arjuna, Parikshit was cursed by the sage that he will die due to the snake bite. ", "When Takshaka found out about this curse he approached Parikshit in disguise and bites him. ", "It is also said that he bribed the sages of the line of Kashyapa which were good at healing snake bites, making sure that Parikshit dies. ", "To take the revenge of his father’s death, Janmejaya attacks Takshashila and destroyed whole Kingdom leaving Takshaka homeless. ", "To avenge his father’s death Janmejaya takes the vow to kill all the snakes of the world and arranges for Sarpa-Satra. ", "Finally, when Astika intervened, Janmejaya and Naga’s end enmity between them and began living peacefully once again. ", "The day when Sarpa-Satra was stopped is celebrated as Nag-Panchami till date!", "\n\nSo this was how snakes of the world were saved. ", "Takshaka no doubt, has an interesting story in Mahabharata!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPython piping received tcp/udp pcm data from network socket into subprocess (aplay)\n\nI can't for the life of me figure this out.. I'm trying to take data received on a network connection, and then pipe it to a subprocess, which will stream the data to my soundcard via aplay.", "\nI've managed to do this, but it pauses briefly while it receives the data. ", " \n\nwhile True: \n data = sock.recv(1024)\n p1.stdin.write(data)\n\nWhat is the best way to setup a pipe that will stream from a network connection indefinitely? ", "Setting up multiprocessing or threading to do this? ", "\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nPlaying back sound is especially tricky - human ears are sensitive to any kind of break in sound playback and the perceived quality would be bad. ", "Further, you can never predict the delays/jitter/latency in the network. ", "Hence, the following model is the best:\n\nMulti-threading - One thread receives from the network and submits to a queue. ", "Another thread reads from the queue and submits audio data to sound card.", "\nHave a jitter buffer that can hold 1-2 seconds worth of data. (", "Depends on your application. ", "If you are writing a voice chat app, not more than 150 msec of data should be buffered).", "\nIf you run out of data in this buffer, re-buffer before starting playback. ", "A temporary pause in playback is better than constant breaks in audio.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Taurine and Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Diabetic neuropathy (DN) commonly complicates diabetes and can lead to lower limb amputations. ", "In diabetes, neuropathic pain reduces quality of life, contributes to depression, limits exercise and impairs metabolic control thereby contributing to excess cardiovascular risk. ", "Currently there are no treatments for DN other than improved metabolic control and conventional treatment for painful neuropathy can be cardiotoxic and have low efficacy. ", "The etiology of pain complicating diabetes is poorly understood but may result from dysfunction of pain signaling pathways at multiple levels including cutaneous nociceptors, afferent neurons and spinal and supraspinal pathways. ", "Taurine is a ubiquitous a amino acid, which functions as an antioxidant, regulator of glucose sensitive signal transduction pathways and analgesic such that its depletion in diabetes may contribute to the development of DN and pain. ", "We have identified taurine depletion in the peripheral nerve of diabetic rodents and shown that taurine repletion alleviates hyperalgesia and prevents nerve metabolic, vascular and functional deficits. ", "This proposal extends these observations and aims to explore the ability of taurine treatment alone to decrease pain and in combination with D-L-a-lipoic acid to improve nerve structure and function in patients with DN. ", "The overall hypothesis is that taurine depletion contributes to the development of painful DN. ", "The rationale is based on: (a) evidence implicating oxidative stress, altered neuronal calcium signaling and neuronal hyperexcitability in the development of painful DN (b) the emerging role of taurine as an important endogenous antioxidant, calcium regulator, neurotrophin, modulator of neuronal hyperexcitability and analgesic and (c) our data implicating an important role for taurine depletion and oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of experimental DN. ", "The experimental approach will be to utilize biochemical, electrophysiological and imaging techniques to test the following aims: 1. ", "Determine whether neuropathic pain complicating diabetes can be ameliorated by therapy with taurine. ", "2. ", "Determine whether nerve functional and structural deficits complicating diabetes can be ameliorated by combination therapy with taurine and D-L-a-Iipoic acid. ", "These studies will test a novel mechanistically based therapeutic approach to a common disabling and often-refractory complication of diabetes." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "ANDY JOE ALTIC, JR., ", " )\n )\n Movant-Appellant, )\n )\nvs. ) No. ", "SD35502\n )\nSTATE OF MISSOURI, ) Filed: May 1, 2019\n )\n Respondent-Respondent. )", "\n\n\n APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF POLK COUNTY\n\n Honorable Judge Michael O. Hendrickson\nAFFIRMED\n\n Andy Joe Altic, Jr. (\"Movant\") appeals the motion court's denial of his Rule\n\n29.151 motion for post-conviction relief after an evidentiary hearing. ", "Movant claims that\n\nthe attorney who represented him at trial, Stephanie Bullard (\"trial counsel\"), was\n\nineffective. ", "We find no clear error in the motion court's denial of Movant's Rule 29.15\n\nmotion, and affirm.", "\n\n Background\n\n On May 9, 2013, around 5:30 p.m., Victim and her husband drove her black 1999\n\nHonda Accord to a store in Polk County, where they parked and left the keys in the car.", "\n\nWhen Victim's husband returned to the parking lot seven or eight minutes later,\n\n\n\n1 All rule references are to Missouri Court Rules (2018).", "\n\fVictim's car was missing. ", "Victim's car was found later that evening in the parking lot of\n\na church located in Greene County.", "\n\n Officer Margaret Morton (\"Officer Morton\") testified that she viewed the store's\n\nvideo that showed Victim's car as it entered the parking lot, and also showed Movant\n\nentering the store shortly after Victim. ", "Officer Morton stated that she was dispatched to\n\nthe store and arrived at 5:46 p.m.—about 15 minutes after Movant was shown entering\n\nthe store according to the video's time-stamp. ", "Movant was no longer at the store when\n\nshe arrived.", "\n\n Brennen Bagwell (\"Pastor\"), a pastor at a Greene County church, testified that he\n\nsaw a man with a parked car in his church parking lot on May 9, 2013, sometime\n\nbetween 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. The man was standing behind the vehicle with the trunk\n\nopen. ", "He identified himself as \"A.J.\" and explained to Pastor that his car had\n\noverheated. ", "The car was subsequently identified as Victim's car. ", "Pastor later identified\n\nMovant as the man in the parking lot in both a photographic lineup and in court.", "\n\n Movant was charged as a prior and persistent offender with one count of the class\n\nC felony of stealing under § 570.030.2 At the conclusion of Movant's bench trial, the\n\ncourt found Movant guilty.", "\n\n Movant filed a post-conviction motion, which was amended, alleging ineffective\n\nassistance of counsel (\"Amended Motion\").3 In his Amended Motion, Movant alleged\n\n\n2\n All statutory citations are to RSMo Cum. ", "Supp. (", "2012).", "\n3We have independently verified the timeliness of the amended motion as required by Moore v. State,\n458 S.W.3d 822, 825 (Mo. banc 2015). ", "In Case No. ", "SD33137, Movant filed a direct appeal of his\nconviction for felony stealing. ", "Movant voluntarily dismissed his appeal on July 10, 2014, and a mandate\nwas issued that day. ", "On August 14, 2014, Movant filed his pro se Rule 29.15 motion. ", "Movant's pro se\nmotion was filed within the 90-day time limit set forth in Rule 29.15(b). ", "Where, as in this case, an\nappellant files a motion for post-conviction relief after a direct appeal is taken, the amended motion must\nbe filed within sixty days of the date counsel is appointed. ", "Rule 29.15(g). ", "Counsel was originally\nappointed on September 8, 2014; therefore, the amended motion was due on November 7, 2014.", "\nHowever, the amended motion was untimely filed on November 10, 2014. ", "Movant's motion for post-\n\n 2\n\fthat trial counsel was ineffective for \"erroneously convincing him he could not be\n\nconvicted at trial on the charge of stealing a motor vehicle because there was no\n\neyewitness to the crime in Polk County.\" ", "He claimed this advice prejudiced him because\n\nhe rejected a settlement offer based on trial counsel's advice, and is now serving a longer\n\nsentence than the one contained in the plea offer.", "\n\n The motion court held an evidentiary hearing regarding the claims in the\n\nAmended Motion. ", "Both Movant and trial counsel testified at the evidentiary hearing.", "\n\nThe motion court entered findings of fact and conclusions of law denying Movant's post-\n\nconviction motion on April 2, 2018. ", "This appeal followed.", "\n\n Standard of Review\n\n When a movant in a post-conviction case is granted an evidentiary hearing, the\n\nmovant has the burden of proving his claims by a preponderance of the evidence. ", "Rule\n\n29.15(i). ", "This Court's review of the denial of a post-conviction motion \"shall be limited\n\nto a determination of whether the findings and conclusions of the trial court are clearly\n\nerroneous.\" ", "Rule 29.15(k); see Wrice v. State, 485 S.W.3d 382, 384 (Mo. App. ", "E.D.\n\n2016). \"", "The motion court's judgment is clearly erroneous only if this Court is left with a\n\ndefinite and firm impression that a mistake has been made.\" ", "Mallow v. State, 439\n\nS.W.3d 764, 768 (Mo. banc 2014). ", "The findings of the motion court are presumed\n\ncorrect. ", "Id. This Court gives deference to the motion court's credibility determinations.", "\n\nArata v. State, 509 S.W.3d 849, 852 (Mo. App. ", "S.D. 2017).", "\n\n\nconviction relief was eventually dismissed \"without prejudice\" for failure to prosecute, without the motion\ncourt making findings of fact or conclusions of law or determining whether an evidentiary hearing was\nnecessary. ", "In Case No. ", "SD34526, this Court reversed that judgment of dismissal, and remanded this\nmatter back to the motion court for an abandonment inquiry because of the untimely filing of Movant's\namended motion. ", "After conducting that hearing, the motion court found that Movant was abandoned by\nhis appointed counsel, and allowed Movant to proceed on the amended motion originally filed on\nNovember 10, 2017.", "\n\n\n 3\n\f Discussion\n\n In his sole point on appeal, Movant claims trial counsel was ineffective \"by\n\nadvising him to reject the State's plea offer because there was not legally sufficient\n\nevidence to convict him of the offense for which he was charged, as she neglected\n\nsubstantial circumstantial evidence that proved all the elements of the offense[.]\"", "\n\nMovant argued he was prejudiced because he rejected the State's plea offer based on\n\ntrial counsel's erroneous advice, and is now serving a longer sentence instead of a\n\nshorter sentence as contained in the earlier plea offer. ", "This claim is without merit\n\nbecause Movant failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that his trial counsel\n\nadvised him that he could not be found guilty and that he should try his case.", "\n\n At the motion hearing, Movant's testimony centered on why he decided to take\n\nhis case to trial. ", "Movant agreed that trial counsel had discussed with him the evidence\n\nthat the State would have presented at trial. ", "When asked why he waived a jury trial,\n\nMovant testified:\n\n I waived the jury trial because [trial counsel] informed me that it was very\n – technically speaking, it was pretty simple, that they had to prove that I\n stole the vehicle from Polk County, Missouri. ", "Since there was no evidence,\n and no one ever seen me in the vehicle, or possessing the vehicle or even\n like around the vehicle in this county, they could not find me guilty no\n matter what, and in Greene County they had a tampering charge if\n anything. ", "And once she presented that to the Judge, that we would not,\n you know, I could not be found guilty.", "\n\n Movant stated that trial counsel had informed him that \"the only thing [the State]\n\nhad was weak circumstantial evidence\" and that \"in itself was not enough to convict me\n\nof the charge.\" ", "Movant stated that trial counsel advised him not to plead guilty, but he\n\nagreed that it was his decision whether or not to plead guilty.", "\n\n\n\n\n 4\n\f Regarding the State's plea offer, Movant clearly stated that trial counsel had\n\ndiscussed a plea offer with him, with terms of 120 day shock incarceration with a seven-\n\nyear sentence \"backup\" or a five-year sentence.4 Movant stated \"I can't say I didn't want\n\nan offer. ", "I mean, if I knew I was going to be found guilty, I mean I would have gladly\n\naccepted [the State's] offer.\" ", "Movant testified that trial counsel \"said that there is no\n\nreason to take the offer because once we took it to a bench trial that I wouldn't be found\n\nguilty.\" ", "He further stated that trial counsel's advice \"absolutely\" influenced his decision\n\nwhether to accept the State's offer.", "\n\n Trial counsel also testified at the post-conviction hearing. ", "She testified that her\n\ntheory in the case was \"that no one saw [Movant] take the car. ", "So, we were going to\n\nargue reasonable doubt.\" ", "When asked if she had made recommendations to Movant\n\nabout going to trial or taking an offer, counsel testified that:\n\n I don't recall any specific conversations with [Movant], my general\n practice is to present all of the facts to the clients, and let them make the\n decision. ", "Under those circumstances, I believe I would have advised him\n that [the plea offer] is a good offer, but I do know that [Movant] was very\n consistent about not pleading guilty or being found guilty.", "\n\n Trial counsel testified that it was not her standard practice to promise her clients\n\na \"particular outcome at trial\" and that she would not have done that. ", "She testified it\n\nwas her \"standard practice\" to explain \"circumstantial evidence and reasonable\n\ninferences\" and to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of her client's cases.", "\n\n The motion court entered findings of fact and conclusions of law denying\n\nMovant's post-conviction motion. ", "The motion court did \"not find the Movant's\n\ntestimony credible.\" ", "The motion court found trial counsel's testimony \"generally\n\n\n4\n The record on appeal does not contain a copy of this plea offer. ", "However, the terms of the offer were\ntestified to by both Movant and trial counsel and are not in dispute.", "\n\n 5\n\fcredible.\" ", "The motion court found that trial counsel did not \"advise the Movant as to a\n\nparticular result\" or \"tell Movant that he could not be found guilty of stealing\" or tell\n\nMovant that he should try the case. ", "Further, the motion court found that trial counsel\n\npresented \"Movant with appropriate and competent legal advice before trial which\n\nincluded discussion of the plea offer and of the weaknesses of the State's evidence.\" ", "It\n\nfound that \"sufficient evidence exists . . . ", "that trial counsel presented and discussed the\n\nplea offer with Movant[,]\" and that \"trial counsel did not attempt to convince the\n\nMovant to go to trial and reject the offer as suggested by the Movant.\"", "\n\n The motion court further found:\n\n Evidence established that trial counsel appropriately discussed with\n Movant the fact that the State's case was circumstantial and advised her\n belief that it was not enough to convict. ", "However, trial counsel testified\n though that it was her practice to present all facts to defendants and let\n them make decisions.", "\n\nThe motion court concluded that \"trial counsel was neither deficient in the advice she\n\ngave Movant before trial nor deficient in strategy in trial[,]\" and the motion court denied\n\nhis Amended Motion. ", "Movant appealed.", "\n\n A criminal defendant is entitled to effective assistance of counsel during plea\n\nnegotiations. ", "Williams v. State, 367 S.W.3d 652, 654 (Mo. App. ", "E.D. 2012) (citing\n\nMissouri v. Frye, 566 U.S. 134, 140 (2012)). ", "Thus, a criminal defendant may be able\n\nto obtain relief after a fair trial if he can prove his attorney's deficient performance\n\ncaused the defendant to reject a favorable plea agreement. ", "Williams, 367 S.W.3d at\n\n655-56 (discussing Lafler v. Cooper, 566 U.S. 156, 160-66 (2012)).", "\n\n To show ineffective assistance of counsel, Movant had the burden of proving that:\n\n\"(1) his counsel failed to exercise the customary skill and diligence that a reasonably\n\n\n\n 6\n\fcompetent attorney would exercise under similar circumstances; and (2) his defense was\n\nprejudiced as a result of that deficiency.\" ", "Hardy v. State, 387 S.W.3d 394,\n\n400 (Mo. App. ", "S.D. 2012) (citing Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 687\n\n(1984)). ", "For Movant to succeed in his challenge that trial counsel's performance was\n\ndeficient, he \"must overcome a strong presumption that counsel's conduct was\n\nreasonable and effective.\" ", "McLaughlin v. State, 378 S.W.3d 328, 337 (Mo. banc\n\n2012). ", "This Court need not address both the performance prong and the prejudice\n\nprong under Strickland if the movant has failed to make a sufficient showing on either\n\nprong. ", "Taylor v. State, 382 S.W.3d 78, 81 (Mo. banc 2012). ", "We need not address\n\nwhether Movant suffered prejudice because our finding is that the motion court's\n\ndecision was not clearly erroneous.", "\n\n Here, Movant testified that trial counsel \"said that there is no reason to take the\n\noffer because once we took it to a bench trial that I wouldn't be found guilty.\" ", "Movant\n\nadmitted, however, that trial counsel had discussed the plea offer with him. ", "He also\n\nstated that trial counsel had explained to him that \"the only thing [the State] had was\n\nweak circumstantial evidence . . . [", "a]nd that in itself was not enough to convict me of the\n\ncharge.\" ", "The motion court did not find Movant credible.", "\n\n Here, trial counsel testified as to her normal practice. ", "She testified that it was not\n\nher standard practice to promise her clients a \"particular outcome at trial\" and that she\n\nwould not have done that. ", "She testified that although she didn't recall having a specific\n\nconversation with Movant explaining circumstantial evidence, it was also her \"standard\n\npractice\" to explain \"circumstantial evidence and reasonable inferences\" as \"part of the\n\ndiscussion in a case like this[.]\" ", "It was her standard practice to discuss the strengths\n\nand weaknesses of her client's cases. ", "The motion court found trial counsel's testimony\n\n 7\n\fgenerally credible. ", "The motion court found that trial counsel had reviewed the evidence\n\nwith Movant prior to trial, and that she did not advise him \"as to a particular result\" nor\n\ntell Movant that \"he could not be found guilty of stealing.\" ", "This Court presumes that the\n\nmotion court's findings are correct and defers to the motion court's credibility\n\ndeterminations. ", "See McFadden v. State, 553 S.W.3d 289, 298 (Mo. banc 2018). ", "On\n\nMovant's ineffective assistance of counsel claim, \"the motion court is free to believe or\n\ndisbelieve any evidence, whether contradicted or undisputed.\" ", "Savick v. State, 461\n\nS.W.3d 63, 66 (Mo. App. ", "S.D. 2015).", "\n\n Movant argues that trial counsel's advice may have been \"given in ignorance of\n\nthe law regarding sufficiency of the evidence for criminal convictions\" and was therefore\n\nnot reasonable. ", "Here, the motion court found that \"trial counsel appropriately\n\ndiscussed with Movant the fact that the State's case was circumstantial and advised her\n\nbelief that it was not enough to convict.\" ", "Trial counsel testified that since Movant\n\nwanted to go to trial, her theory in Movant's case was \"to argue reasonable doubt.\" ", "This\n\nCourt's review of counsel's performance is \"highly deferential\" and the presumption that\n\n\"counsel's conduct falls within the wide range of reasonable professional assistance\"\n\nserves to \"eliminate 'the distorting effects of hindsight.'\" ", "Bright v. State 4 S.W.3d\n\n568, 569 (Mo. App. ", "S.D. 1999) (quoting Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689). ", "The fact that\n\ntrial counsel believed her trial strategy would succeed, even though it did not ultimately\n\npersuade the trial court, does not necessarily mean that her advice to Movant regarding\n\nthe case's strengths and weaknesses rendered her performance ineffective under the\n\nStrickland performance standard. ", "We are not left with a definite and firm impression\n\nthat a mistake has been made.", "\n\n\n\n 8\n\f We find that Movant failed to prove that the motion court clearly erred when it\n\ndenied him post-conviction relief.", "\n\n Decision\n\n The judgment of the motion court is affirmed.", "\n\n\n\nMARY W. SHEFFIELD, J. – OPINION AUTHOR\n\nDANIEL E. SCOTT, J. – CONCURS\n\nWILLIAM W. FRANCIS, JR., ", "P.J. – CONCURS\n\n\n\n\n 9\n\f" ]
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[ "Fun Fact: I was originally going to make Fritz put the love potion in Elsa's chocolate fondue. ", "That would've been funnier, but it wouldn't really have made any sense seeing as chocolate fondue is more of a dipping sauce kinda thing, not something you just straight-up drink like glögg. ", "Well, Elsa and Anna probably do, but still.", "\n\n\"Ugh... Wha... Where am I?\"", "\n\nSlowly, Olaf's snowy eyelids opened up to find the ballroom ceiling spinning above him. ", "He looked down at himself, his head throbbing from the movement. ", "Olaf's carrot was missing, his coal-buttons and twig-arms had swapped places, and the words \"PARTY ANIMAL\" were painted bright red on his chest. ", "Olaf's head was perpendicular to his torso, and his butt was nowhere to be seen, but wherever it was, it felt funky.", "\n\n\"What... happened?\"", "\n\nWith a bit of effort, Olaf managed to roll himself upright, though it left his head turned sideways. ", "From this angle, Olaf could see that lying beside him on the ballroom floor was a young, beautiful royal maid. ", "Her cheeks were crimson, and in her swaying hand was a half-empty glass of glögg.", "\n\nThe moment his eyes fell on her, the maid giggled. \"", "Hi, Olaf.\"", "\n\n\"Um, hello.\" ", "Olaf gave a polite wave of his new coal-arm. \"", "Have you seen my butt?\"", "\n\nThis only made the maid giggle harder. \"", "Olaf, hash anyone ever told yuh yer warm hugsh are amazing?\" ", "She snuggled up against him.", "\n\n\"Um...\" Olaf inched backwards. \"", "I really need to go find my butt. ", "It was, uh, nice meeting you. ", "Well, I don't actually remember, but I'm sure it was nice.\" ", "With that, he hopped away by his torso.", "\n\n\"Call me!\" ", "the maid yelled after him.", "\n\nMeanwhile, at the head of the ballroom, the guests were flocking to the entrance doors, where the queen had just pushed her way inside past the guards. ", "An elaborate, icy wedding dress adorned her body, and a scrawny boy in an oversized dress jacket trembled at her side. ", "He tried to escape, but her grip on his arm was iron.", "\n\n\"Change of plans, everyone!\" ", "Elsa announced to the crowd. \"", "I won't be marrying Prince Eugene.\"", "\n\nThere was a collective sigh of relief-\n\n\"I'll be marrying Fritz here instead!\"", "\n\n-followed by gasps of horror. ", "One look at Fritz, and the partygoers were protesting far louder than they ever were at Eugene.", "\n\n\"Now, everyone to the chapel.\" ", "Elsa spun back towards the door, an oblivious smile on her face. \"", "We need to throw this wedding as soon as possible so Fritzy and I can hurry up and spend the rest of our lives in blissful matrimony.\"", "\n\n\"Are- Are you sure that's a good idea, Elsa?\" ", "stammered Fritz. \"", "I mean, shouldn't we at least live together for a while to see if we're, y'know, compatible?\"", "\n\nElsa looked a bit like a kitten who'd just been smacked in the nose. \"", "Are... Are you saying you don't... want to marry me?\"", "\n\n\"No no of course I do I love you with all my heart and soul!\"", "\n\nHer smile returned as quickly as it'd gone. \"", "Aww, I love you, too, Fritzy.\" ", "She gave his arm a tug. \"", "Now come on, the chapel's right this way-\"\n\n\"Stop the wedding!\" ", "Just then, an out-of-breath Anna burst into the ballroom, followed by Rapunzel and Eugene.", "\n\n\"Oh, come on!\" ", "Elsa threw out her hands. \"", "What could the problem possibly be this time? ", "I'm not even committing adultery anymore!\"", "\n\n\"Elsa, you have to listen to me!\" ", "Anna's voice was bordering on frantic. \"", "I know you think you love Fritz, but that's not what's really going on here!\"", "\n\nElsa looked lost. \"", "What do you mean?\"", "\n\nAnna stepped forward, wrenching Fritz free of Elsa's grasp. \"", "I know just what's happening.\"", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "asked Elsa.", "\n\n\"And you can't even tell!\"", "\n\n\"Well...\"\n\n\"You think it's love, but in reality... you're brainwashed by a spell!\"", "\n\nElsa's eyes went wide. \"", "No!\"", "\n\n\"I know you know that I'm right! ", "You must be well aware! ", "And so I just can't help but start to fear... that you don't even caaaaaaaaaaaaare!\"", "\n\nNo sooner had the words left Anna's mouth than Elsa started to sing, accompanied by that foreign language-chanting chorus who did Vuelie:\n\n\"Feels so wrong and yet so right,\n\nWhenever I'm with him.", "\n\nFor the first time since I was locked away,\n\nMy life's guided by whim.\"", "\n\nElsa twirled in time with the music, grinning blissfully. ", "Fritz, however, looked more troubled. ", "A voiceover of his inner thoughts sang:\n\n\"I know it's just the potion,\n\nBut if there is no cure,\n\nCould she be mine at last? ", "Impossible!", "\n\nI'd burn in hell for sure...\"\n\nThen Elsa turned to Anna and sang:\n\n\"Who cares if some love magic,\n\nIs what's helping me see?", "\n\nWeren't you the one who said that I should date?", "\n\nJust let me be happy!\"", "\n\nAnd then the chorus played again amidst a time-elapse montage of the royal wedding being prepared:\n\n\"Feels so wrong and yet so right,\n\nWhenever I'm with him.", "\n\nFor the first time since I was locked away,\n\nMy life's guided by whim.\"", "\n\nThe scene switched to Fritz staring at himself in his bedroom mirror, tugging at the collar of the fancy white suit he'd been forced into.", "\n\n\"Feels so wrong and yet so right.", "\n\nI would pay any cost,\n\nIf she'd look this way she looks at me,\n\nWhen she's not brainwashed.\"", "\n\nFinally, as the music slowed, the montage came to an end within a packed chapel. ", "Every last partygoer had been ushered in from the ballroom and forced to look happy under threat of freezing. ", "The only thing impeding the proceedings was a desperate Anna, who sang a heartbroken final verse as a guard dragged her away:\n\n\"And if you two get wed tonight,\n\nIt can't be undooooooooone.", "\n\nWell, okay, yes, it could, technically,\n\nBut it would not be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun- Agh!\"", "\n\nShe found her butt plopped into a pew.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry, Your Highness,\" the guard murmured in her ear. \"", "We don't know what exactly this love potion's done to your sister – We're afraid it could trigger her powers if we upset her. ", "We have to do as she says.\"", "\n\n\"Yeah, just play it cool,\" Anna whispered back. \"", "Did you get a fake priest like we planned?\"", "\n\nThe guard shook his head. \"", "Even under the love potion, Queen Elsa was too smart to fall for that. ", "She recognizes the real royal priest from her coronation.\"", "\n\n\"Dang, that's right.\" ", "Anna slammed her fist against the pew. \"", "Okay, no big deal, we'll just, uh...\" As Fritz walked by the aisle, she leaned out and whispered, \"Fritz, bad news, you're gonna have to get married for real.\"", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "Fritz's face went supernova.", "\n\n\"Calm down. ", "We'll have it annulled once Elsa's back to normal. ", "Oh, and, err, Fritz?\" ", "Anna gave him a pointed look. \"", "If we can't cure Elsa by tonight, then, well...\"\n\nFritz swallowed. \"", "Then what?\"", "\n\n\"Then you had an accident cutting firewood when you were seven and now you're totally impotent.\" ", "She jabbed a finger in his face. \"", "That's your story and you're sticking to it, capisce?\"", "\n\n\"Y-Yeah, of course!\"", "\n\nAnna's eyes narrowed. \"", "I'm serious. ", "I'll know if you try anything – I'm putting guards everywhere.\"", "\n\n\"Henrik?\" ", "A royal guard ran up to the base of a tree in the palace gardens and looked skyward. \"", "What are you doing up there?\"", "\n\n\"Oh, hi, Morten!\" ", "A second guard waved down at him from the highest branch, which just so happened to be positioned right next to Elsa's bedroom window. \"", "Princess Anna told me to climb up here and watch through that window, and if I see the queen having sex with her bodyguard, I'm supposed to report it immediately to-\"\n\n\"Okay, okay! ", "Sorry I asked!\"", "\n\n\"I'd never take advantage of Elsa like that!\" ", "Fritz's cheeks had gone the color of a particularly abashed radish. \"", "I'm not a bad person, honest!\"", "\n\nAt this, Anna seemed to relax. \"", "Yeah, I know, I'm just saying. ", "I mean, with Elsa throwing herself at you, it's gonna be pretty hard to resist-\" She patted his shoulders. \"", "-but I trust you. ", "You're a good guy.\"", "\n\n\"Thanks.\" ", "With that, Fritz continued down the aisle.", "\n\nHe felt sick at his stomach. ", "Mossy had said the potion would just make Elsa more attracted to him, not that it'd make her want to marry Fritz that day! ", "While apologizing to Rapunzel, Elsa had insisted she'd been planning nothing worse than making out and cuddling with Eugene, but if Elsa ended up actually getting married to Fritz, who knew where she'd draw the line?", "\n\nBut Fritz had meant his promise to Anna just now – He really had. ", "In fact, he was starting to think that as far as breathtakingly beautiful things went, Elsa was the type where it was best to look but not touch. ", "Fritz's spit still hadn't thawed completely...\n\nThis should've been a dream come true. ", "As in, Fritz had literally dreamed of marrying Elsa. ", "But the more of the ceremony Fritz watched, the tighter the knot in his stomach twisted itself. ", "He stood paralyzed at the head of the pews, trembling as Elsa glided down the aisle, her elegant dress trailing behind her.", "\n\nRight before Elsa reached earshot, the priest leaned in behind Fritz and murmured, \"Just so you know, son, the people of Arendelle won't recognize this union at all. ", "We're not even noting this little mishap in the royal records.\" ", "He patted Fritz's shoulder. \"", "But don't worry, nobody has any ill will towards you. ", "None of this is your fault.\"", "\n\n\"Thanks...\" At this point, Fritz would've given anything for Alexander the Great to barge in and untie his stomach for him.", "\n\nThe whole world felt like a haze as Elsa finished her trek down the aisle, then stood across from Fritz, beaming at him as the priest recited all of the painfully cliché wedding lines.", "\n\n\"Do you, Queen Elsa-\" The next word in the sentence was Elsa's surname. \"", "-take Fritz Herman Gudmund to be your lawfully wedded husband, 'til death do you part?\"", "\n\nElsa's eyes locked with Fritz's. \"", "I do.\"", "\n\nThe priest turned to a trembling Fritz. \"", "And do you, Fritz Herman Gudmund, take Queen Elsa-\" He said her surname again. \"", "-to be your lawfully wedded wife, 'til death do you part?\"", "\n\n\"I... I...\" Fritz took a breath, leaving the whole chapel watching in anxious silence. ", "He glanced at Elsa, who gave an expectant nod. \"", "I...\" Fritz's eyes clamped shut. \"", "I can't.\"", "\n\n\"What? ", "What do you mean you can't?\" ", "No sooner were the words out Fritz's mouth than Elsa's lips started to tremble. \"", "We love each other! ", "This is supposed to be the happiest day of our lives!\" ", "She sniffled, causing a flurry of snowflakes to swirl around the panicked audience.", "\n\n\"Say yes, you idiot!\" ", "the priest said through gritted teeth. \"", "We'll have it annulled later! ", "Do you WANT another eternal winter?\"", "\n\n\"No, you don't understand. ", "I can't marry Elsa because... because...\" Fritz fell to his knees. \"...", "iiiiiiiit was meeeeeeeeeeeee! ", "I gave her the love potion!\"", "\n\nThe crowd gasped in unison.", "\n\n\"You?\" ", "Anna sprang to her feet, running to the front of the chapel.", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "Following behind her were Rapunzel and Eugene. ", "Rapunzel gaped at Fritz, her eyebrows quivering. \"", "Why the heck would you want Elsa to hook up with Eugene?\"", "\n\n\"It was an accident,\" said Fritz, burying his eyes in his hands. \"", "I was supposed to drink that glögg. ", "That's how the potion got past the royal food taster. ", "The queen's own bodyguard stabbed her in the back.\"", "\n\n\"But why would you bother with a love potion?\" ", "asked Anna. \"", "You hadn't even asked Elsa out yet. ", "For all you knew, she would've said yes anyways!\"", "\n\n\"Are you kidding?\" ", "Fritz uncovered his eyes to scowl at her. \"", "I never had a chance with Elsa! ", "I'm not a prince or a nobleman. ", "I never went on an epic adventure with her like your boyfriend did with you. ", "I'm just a-\" The scowl faded. \"", "-a nobody. ", "An idiot who screws up at everything. ", "A complete loser.\" ", "He shut his eyes. \"", "I couldn't even use the love potion right. ", "I screwed up at cheating.\"", "\n\n\"So... So you loved me all along?\" ", "said Elsa. \"", "Even before the love potion?\"", "\n\n\"Yeah. ", "I'm... I'm sorry, Your Majesty. ", "I should never have done this to you. ", "I'm a horrible person! ", "How could I have ever aaaawwahahbuhbuhbuh-\" The rest of Fritz's words were impossible to decipher.", "\n\n\"Oh, Fritz.\" ", "Elsa knelt down to meet his eyes. \"", "I had no idea you felt that way.\" ", "She gave a warm smile. \"", "I forgive you for using a love potion on me.\"", "\n\nFritz gazed up at her through a blanket of tears. \"", "You do?\"", "\n\n\"Yes, of course.\" ", "said Elsa, wrapping her arms around his waist. \"", "I love you no matter what, potion or no potion.\"", "\n\n\"Really?\" ", "Fritz blinked. \"", "You mean that?\"", "\n\n\"NO, she doesn't mean that, you ding-dong!\" ", "snapped Anna. \"", "She's still being brainwashed!\"", "\n\nFritz's face fell. \"", "Oh yeah.\"", "\n\n\"But that doesn't mean we can't get married!\" ", "added Elsa, a note of desperation in her voice. \"", "It doesn't matter why I love you. ", "Come on, all you have to do is say 'I do,' and then we can kiss.\"", "\n\n\"But- But it'd be morally wrong to-\"\n\n\"Say 'I do' right this instant!\" ", "Out of nowhere, the room temperature dropped below freezing, and rows of jagged icicles erupted out between the pews.", "\n\n\"I do! ", "I do!\" ", "squeaked Fritz.", "\n\n\"Then, um, err-\" The priest took a moment to compose himself. \"", "If anyone has any objections to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, excuse me, I have an objection.\" ", "A random servant from the pews raised his hand. \"", "This Gudmund person has had no royal training whatsoever. ", "Giving him authority as king would be nothing but a hindrance to the well-being of Arendelle.\"", "\n\n\"Ha!\" ", "spat Elsa. \"", "True love is more important than your petty politics!\"", "\n\n\"But he sabotaged his monarch's mind with a magic potion,\" added another member of the crowd. \"", "Shouldn't he be arrested for treason?\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" said Elsa, \"but because Fritz was acting in the best interest of true love, I'm officially pardoning him.\"", "\n\n\"And what kind of royal wedding is this, anyways?\" ", "added another. \"", "You just threw this thing together in a couple hours and then forced everyone at your ball to-\"\n\n\"Don't care, true love!\"", "\n\n\"But Gudmund is just a little boy!\" ", "added another. \"", "You can't marry someone undera-\"\n\n\"TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!\"", "\n\n\"Please tell me I didn't sound like that when I was with Hans,\" muttered Anna.", "\n\n\"None of you understand!\" ", "Elsa was practically frothing at the mouth. \"", "Fritz has been treated like dirt his whole life, and he has a crush on me, so that means he deserves to have me no matter what. ", "Isn't that right, Fritzy?\" ", "She gave him a loving smile, swapping from monstrous to bubbly in miliseconds.", "\n\n\"I...\" Fritz's voice trailed off. ", "He stared into space, horrified. \"", "I guess that... is what I thought.\"", "\n\n\"Good.\" ", "Elsa turned to the priest. \"", "Now finish marrying us!\"", "\n\n\"Y-Yes, Your Majesty.\" ", "The priest cleared his throat, then said, \"You may now kiss the-\"\n\n\"I OBJECT!\"", "\n\nThe chapel doors burst open, and in charged a blonde beauty atop his noble steed. ", "Sven flung himself between Fritz and Elsa, allowing Kristoff to hop off and drop a boulder onto the carpet.", "\n\n\"Grand Pabbie, do your thing!\" ", "said Kristoff. \"", "Hurry!\"", "\n\nThe boulder uncurled before the awestruck audience, revealing a decrepit old troll. ", "The moment his eyes fell on Elsa, Grand Pabbie raised his arms.", "\n\n\"Stay back!\" ", "She tried to grab her fiance, but Sven dutifully blocked Elsa's reach. \"", "You can't stop this marriage! ", "It's TRUE FRIGGIN' LOVE!\"", "\n\n\"Whoa.\" ", "Kristoff's eyes went wide. \"", "Elsa's gone nuts!\"", "\n\n\"I am perfectly sane!\" ", "snapped Elsa. ", "She pointed at one of her guards and barked, \"Gunter! ", "Seize them!\"", "\n\n\"My name's Robert,\" muttered the guard.", "\n\n\"This is worse than I feared,\" Grand Pabbie said gravely. \"", "The potion's taken deep root in her mind.\"", "\n\n\"Wait, I thought she was fawning over that prince guy?\" ", "frowned Kristoff.", "\n\n\"His wife kissed him and turned him back to normal, but Fritz ended up kissing Elsa and now she's in love with him instead!\" ", "Anna said hurriedly.", "\n\n\"A corrupted true love's kiss.\" ", "Grand Pabbie bowed his head. \"", "It's not permanent as Kristoff feared, but undoing its effects is problematic.\"", "\n\n\"I don't care!\" ", "Elsa threw out her hands, shooting pillars of frost towards the ceiling. \"", "If you don't back off and let me marry my true love, so help me I will freeze every last person in this room!\"", "\n\nPabbie sighed. \"", "Then you leave me no choice.\" ", "Before she could react, he swished his arms, filling the podium with blinding light that enveloped not only Elsa, but everyone standing nearby. ", "They all flinched, but when the light faded, the room was seemingly unchanged.", "\n\nElsa blinked. \"", "Oh my God.\" ", "She brought her hands to her mouth. \"", "I'm so sorry! ", "I didn't mean that! ", "I'd never use my powers to hurt anyone!\"", "\n\n\"Elsa,\" Grand Pabbie said sternly. \"", "Focus. ", "Do you have romantic feelings for Fritz?\"", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "Elsa let out a laugh. \"", "Don't be ridiculous. ", "You know I only have eyes for this cutie right here.\" ", "She grabbed Kristoff's arm.", "\n\n\"Alright!\" ", "Kristoff grinned. \"", "You're way hotter than-\"\n\n\"Change her back to liking Fritz!\" ", "yelled Anna. \"", "Change her back to liking-\"\n\n\"But Anna!\" ", "Suddenly, Fritz threw himself at her feet. \"", "I- I never realized before... all that time I was trying to confess my feelings for your sister, you were with me every step of the way. ", "You're the only one who supported me, who cared for me... Don't you see, Anna? ", "I was never meant to be with Elsa. ", "My real love... is you.\"", "\n\nAnna glared at the troll. \"", "What did you do?\"", "\n\n\"Oh dear,\" frowned Grand Pabbie, scratching his chin. \"", "I'm afraid instead of undoing the corrupted true love, I might have accidentally altered the polarity of-\"\n\n\"My God.\" ", "Eugene gazed at Sven, starry-eyed. \"", "I didn't think it was possible for any living creature to look so magnifi-\"\n\n\"CHANGE THEM BACK, CHANGE THEM BACK!\" ", "yelled Rapunzel.", "\n\n\"Alright, alright!\" ", "Grand Pabbie waved his arms, causing a second flash of light. \"", "There. ", "Now, Elsa, how do you feel?\"", "\n\n\"I- I don't know.\" ", "Elsa blinked again, rubbing her eyes. \"", "But... I don't think I want to marry Fritz anymore.\" ", "She smiled. \"", "I'm back to normal!\"", "\n\nSuddenly, Anna burst out crying.", "\n\n\"Anna?\" ", "said a startled Elsa, running to her side. \"", "What's wrong?\"", "\n\n\"I- I- I've made a huge mistake,\" Anna choked out between sobs. \"", "I should've stayed with Hans!\"", "\n\n\"What?\" ", "Elsa's jaw dropped. \"", "Anna, he tried to murder you!\"", "\n\n\"I could've changed him!\"", "\n\nBefore Elsa could say another word, Kristoff let out a wail. \"", "How could I have ever broken up with Amethyst? ", "Yes, she's a troll and I'm a human, but we were in love!\"", "\n\n\"I should've stayed with that Brazilian schooner pilot!\" ", "moaned Eugene.", "\n\n\"And I should've gotten with the ceramic unicorn guy!\" ", "added Rapunzel. \"", "He was sensitive!\"", "\n\n\"What have I done with my life?\" ", "The priest fell to the floor, hugging his knees. \"", "I mean, 'vow of celibacy?' ", "What was I thinking?\"", "\n\nElsa gave Grand Pabbie a look. \"", "I think you'd better cast that spell again. ", "Just let me get back first – I haven't fallen in love with an animal or family member so far, and I'd really like to keep it that way.\" ", "Once she'd backed up a safe distance, Pabbie waved his arms, enveloping the remaining group in a blinding light yet again. \"", "There, now does everyone feel normal?\"", "\n\n\"Well, I'm pretty sure I love my wife again,\" said Eugene, rubbing his eyes, \"so everything's probably-\"\n\n\"Whoa.\" ", "Fritz stared at him, mouth agape. \"", "Eugene, you're so... dreamy.\" ", "A speck of drool trickled down his chin.", "\n\n\"Um...\" Eugene took a step back. \"", "Hey, troll guy, maybe you should cast that spell one more time?\"", "\n\n\"Very well.\" ", "Grand Pabbie's hands started to glow.", "\n\n\"Oh, Rapunzel...\" All of a sudden, Anna glided over to her fellow princess, taking Rapunzel's hands in her own. \"", "How come I never noticed how hot you are?\"", "\n\n\"Not as hot as you, Anna.\" ", "Rapunzel stroked her hair, sending a shutter down Anna's spine. ", "The space between the princesses' lips grew smaller... and smaller...\n\n\"Actually,\" said Eugene, \"on second th-\"\n\nFlash. ", "The girls blinked, then drew back, looking befuddled.", "\n\n\"What was I doing just now?\" ", "asked Anna.", "\n\n\"Beats me,\" said Rapunzel.", "\n\n\"There. ", "Everyone's back to normal.\" ", "Grand Pabbie glanced up at Eugene, smiling pleasantly. \"", "Now, what were you saying?\"", "\n\n\"Nothing,\" Eugene said quickly. \"", "I didn't say anything. ", "It's good that you turned everyone back to normal. ", "That's really... good of you... to do that.\"", "\n\n\"Yes, thank you, Grand Pabbie.\" ", "Elsa stepped forward. \"", "I owe you more than I can ever repay. ", "But...\" She clutched her forehead. \"...", "my mind's all a blur right now. ", "Could you tell me what's going on, exactly?\"", "\n\n\"Indeed I can, Your Majesty,\" Grand Pabbie nodded. \"", "The trolls possess an artifact known as the Heart of Arendelle. ", "It is a powerful and dangerous object capable of altering the very nature of love. ", "We trolls study the Heart, but our laws forbid us from ever using its magic, not even to try and help control your powers or heal Anna's frozen heart – The risk would have vastly outweighed the reward.", "\n\n\"This morning, I entered the Heart's hidden chamber only to find it missing, cut out of the cavern walls. ", "I suspect that a troll named Mossy, who was banished from our tribe for tampering with love magic, has stolen it for his own purposes...\" His eyes drifted to Fritz, who looked distinctly uncomfortable. \"...", "and I believe he had an accomplice.\"", "\n\nSuddenly, Grand Pabbie was yelling, \"We trusted you, Fritz Herman Gudmund, and in turn you betrayed the trolls! ", "You've put all of Arendelle in danger, you mindless fool!\"", "\n\n\"You did what?\" ", "Somehow, Elsa wasn't looking at Fritz with quite the same lovey-doveyness as before.", "\n\n\"I...\" Fritz paled. \"", "I might have... told Mossy the password to the Heart cave in exchange for a love potion.\"", "\n\nIn case it wasn't clear enough, Fritz thought Elsa was the most gorgeous thing on the face of reality. ", "But that didn't mean she couldn't also look blood-curdlingly terrifying when she wanted to.", "\n\nFritz glanced away from her, eyes fixed on the floor, and muttered, \"I, uh, I don't suppose that official pardon's still on the table?\"", "\n\n\"Ow!\"", "\n\nFritz's butt hid the cold brick with an earsplitting thud, but it wasn't as earsplitting as the sound of his cell door slamming shut." ]
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[ "Merkel cell carcinoma: review.", "\nMerkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is synonymous with primary cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma. ", "It tends to affects elderly whites, but there is also an increased incidence among immunosuppressed patients. ", "The recent identification of a novel polyomavirus associated with the tumor has stimulated renewed interest in its pathogenesis. ", "MCC tends to show classic histologic features of a neuroendocrine carcinoma and is often positive for CK20, but nonclassic cytologic findings and unusual immunophenotypes may be observed and can lead to a diagnostic confusion. ", "MCC needs to be distinguished from other primary cutaneous tumors with a small cell appearance and metastatic tumors. ", "Surgical excision is the treatment of choice, but radiation therapy has also found to be effective. ", "Sentinel lymph node biopsy has become an integral part of the staging of patients with MCC." ]
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[ "Sometimes, all it takes is patience and determination.", "\n\nSeason 5 runner-up and fan favourite Alaska auditioned for every season of RuPaul's Drag Race until he was eventually cast.", "\n\nThe US reality TV series has spawned eight seasons since 2009.", "\n\nThe show documents 55-year-old US drag queen RuPaul's search for \"America's next drag superstar\" via weekly challenges that test contestants' skills in fashion design, musical performance, comedy and runway walking.", "\n\nAlaska, 31, whose real name is Justin Honard, said in an e-mail interview with The New Paper: \"I'm very happy with the timing of getting on the show. ", "I wouldn't have been ready any time before Season 5 (in 2013).", "\n\n\"I cried a lot (on the show). ", "I had a good run. ", "If I could go back and do it again, I would try to win more challenges.\"", "\n\nHe added: \"I wanted to be a Ru Girl (contestant) as soon as I realised what being a Ru Girl was. ", "I'm very grateful for the opportunity and I encourage young queens everywhere to follow their dreams.\"", "\n\nAlthough Alaska did not win, he was the contestant everyone was rooting for.", "\n\nHe was also one of only six queens on the show who were never in the bottom nor did they have to lip-sync to avoid elimination.", "\n\nWeek after week, he would come up with the craziest outfits and impersonations that won over viewers, like wearing a horse mask and creating hilarious skits.", "\n\n\"I'm just insane, I guess. ", "But really these are things that just exist, and I just listen to the Lord and to the Universe and play with them,\" joked Alaska.", "\n\nHe named Madonna, RuPaul and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroine April O'Neil as his drag inspirations.", "\n\nTOURS\n\nSince his stint on the show, Alaska has helmed a string of solo tours.", "\n\nHe will be in Singapore on Sunday for the R18 drag revue RuPaul's Drag Race Battle Of The Seasons 2016 Extravaganza Tour, which is into its third year.", "\n\nIt features a line-up of past winners, finalists and favourites from the show. ", "They include Manila Luzon, Detox, Ginger Minj, Ivy Winters, Pandora Boxx, Violet Chachki, Phi Phi O'Hara and an opening DJ set by Pearl. (", "See report on right.)", "\n\n\"(The shows are) always different because we're feeding off the energy of the crowd. ", "So whatever you guys bring is what we give to you.", "\n\n\"I try to keep Alaska fresh by doing laundry and bathing at least once a month,\" Alaska joked.", "\n\nHis favourite part about touring?", "\n\n\"I like hanging out with my sisters. ", "Our time together is always so fun because they make me laugh so much. ", "Any time with these girls is a blessing,\" he said.", "\n\nAlaska has also enjoyed success in the music industry with the release of his debut album Anus last June, which topped the iTunes dance chart.", "\n\nBut acting seems to be the path he hopes to eventually take.", "\n\nIn 2014, he starred as straight-laced Charlotte in a stage production of TV series Sex And The City.", "\n\nHe said: \"(RuPaul's Drag Race) has given me a lot of opportunities and opened a lot of doors. ", "I now have a full-time job doing drag, which a few years ago would have been unheard of. ", "So I'm very grateful.", "\n\n\"I love acting, so doing roles as a man or a woman would be something I'd love to do in the future.\"", "\n\nBut before that, Alaska will return to the small screen for the second season of RuPaul's All Stars Drag Race.", "\n\nIs he planning to lip-sync better, sew faster and death drop harder than ever before?", "\n\n\"I'm just going to go in with a positive attitude and try to do my best. ", "I still don't really know how to sew though,\" said Alaska.", "\n\n\"This time round, the judges and the audience are familiar with my work, so it becomes a matter of doing what I do, but pushing myself further.\"", "\n\nRuPaul's Drag Race Battle Of The Seasons 2016 Extravaganza Tour\n\nWHERE Kallang Theatre\n\nWHEN Sunday, 7pm\n\nTICKETS $88-$188 from Sistic (6348-5555 or www.sistic.com.sg)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCloud security and privacy\n\nI have a very basic doubt regarding cloud computing that is catching up pretty fast these days. ", "To my understanding, cloud computing is a paradigm in which companies put up their data and applications on somebody else's machines aka 'The Cloud'. ", "I want to know just how secure is it to put up my data on some third party machines, especially if my data contains private details. ", "In particular, how can an enterprise trust the cloud computing service providers in this data privacy aspect?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt depends on what kind of data you want to store.", "\nIf you are speaking of credit card or financial information, then its NOT secure. ", "PCI Level 1 compliance rules out any possibility of using the cloud, because to be compliant you need to perform third party on-site audits, and most cloud providers don't allow that. ", "Here is Amazon's stand on it. ", "For any other data that requires legal compliance, you will find it difficult to host it on the cloud.", "\nFor other kinds of data that doesn't need legal compliance, it all boils down to your enterprise's risk appetite and the kind of cloud vendor you are dealing with. ", "Completely agree with Stephen on this.", "\nFor general information on cloud security, you should visit Cloud Security Alliance. ", "They have the most relevant information in this field.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "„We zijn erg enthousiast als er mannen solliciteren”, zegt ze. ", "De balans tussen mannen en vrouwen verschilt per rechtbank. ", "Volgens Koek is het niet mogelijk om dit vanuit de commissie te reguleren. „", "Als het gaat om werven zeg ik: ja, het zou fijn zijn als wat meer mannen zich tot ons zouden wenden. ", "Hetzelfde geldt voor migrantengroepen. ", "Maar als het gaat om selecteren, kijken we echt naar kwaliteit. ", "Verwacht dus vooral geen positieve discriminatie.”", "\n\nWel is de taaltoets voor sollicitanten aangepast, zodat allochtonen van de tweede of derde generatie niet nodeloos struikelen over bijvoorbeeld ’ouderwetse’ spreekwoorden. „", "Je kunt ook denken: hoe vaak gebruikt iemand dat spreekwoord eigenlijk nog in Nederland? ", "Dit soort benadelende factoren filteren we eruit”, zegt Koek." ]
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[ "School Shooting Raises Security Issues\n\nEach new school shooting raises, among many other issues, one inevitable question: Is there any way for schools to stop them? ", "Can facility managers and other district officials upgrade or install any combination of technology and procedures that will adequately protect students and teachers and staff from an active shooter?", "\n\nThe latest shooting, which left 10 dead in Santa Fe, Texas, does little to offer answers to this question, but it has contributed to the efforts among K-12 districts to try something, anything, to harden their facilities against attack.", "\n\nRead: Making the case for security system upgrades\n\nSchool districts trying to avoid becoming next on the list are urgently chasing answers, with an increasing number staking their hopes on high-tech security systems originally developed for the military, police and private industry, according to NBC News.", "\n\nThese modern tools range from instant background checks for visitors and social-media monitoring software to gunshot-detection sensors and ID cards equipped with panic buttons. ", "They’re driving a rapidly growing school security market, which has ballooned to a multibillion-dollar industry — despite little proof that the new methods prevent violence.", "\n\nRead: IT and Security: Challenges in cooperation\n\nSome states are seeking to take quick action Minnesota Republican party leaders say they may move quickly to pass a $28 million bill for security upgrades at schools after the latest shooting. ", "Hours after the latest deadly shooting, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka said the Legislature might pass such a bill later Friday, according to KCBS2/KCAL9 TV. ", "The money would allow schools to fund security upgrades like bulletproof glass and secure doors, as well as increase mental health resources.", "\n\nA lack of research on the effectiveness of various tactics has not stopped districts from investing in high-tech promises. ", "School administrators say they want to be smart about what they buy, but they are also guided by parents’ desire for added security, even if those systems are never used.", "\n\nScott Laliberte, superintendent of schools in Londonderry, N. H., took advantage of a state grant offering contracts a service that allows teachers to hit a panic button on their classroom computers and communicate with authorities via text message. ", "The system has not been put to use yet, but in a couple of accidental activations, Laliberte say, he saw that it gets officers to the scene quickly." ]
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[ "This former drug user relies on the food bank to survive\n\nMetro Morning\n\n1542258000\n\n05:54\n\nAs we launch our Sounds of the Season programming this morning, we're telling the story of Madonna Broderick. ", "She has been clean for 17 years, after more than two decades of crack addiction, but still struggles with what she calls an addictive personality - whether it's drugs or ice cream. ", "Madonna relies on food banks to make ends meet." ]
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[ "Established in 2002, the consumer electronics company has been providing stellar service to customers throughout the United States and the rest of the world by marketing cell phones, computer components and other consumer electronics.", "\n\nFrom cell phones to family plans, find the mobile phones and service plans you need to connect to friends and family across the city and around the globe. ", "See the latest Sprint cell phones and get the wireless plans you want at Sprint.com.", "\n\nOffering high quality international and domestic long distance rates. ", "Use from any phone worldwide including cell phones, residential lines, pay phones, and more. ", "Includes a variety of features not offered on traditional calling cards.", "\n\nAccess all the financial tools you need for safe and secure retirement planning including a retirement calculator designed to help you crunch the numbers for your own retirement. ", "You need as much high quality information as you can to make an informed decision about your retirement.", "\n\nWe specialize in great customer service, fast dependable shipping and low prices. ", "We offer free shipping on orders over $99 and even if you have to pay shipping fees we believe our price savings will offset the cost.", "\n\nAt Advanced Skin Wisdom in NJ, we provide the latest cosmetic and laser procedures to reduce wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging, tighten skin, even out skin tone, smooth skin texture, helping women and men in New Jersey, New York and Tri-State Area look and feel their best.", "\n\nWebotopia provides a business directory designed to promote Ufone Cell Numbers Of Islamabd companies, products and services whilst helping it's users find the Ufone Cell Numbers Of Islamabd information they need. ", "Webotopia business directory, with the help of it's dedicated support specialists and reviewers, enables delivery of Ufone Cell Numbers Of Islamabd quality content, excellent customer support as well as value added services such as content publishing and press releases for it's users." ]
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[ "The Best Plumbers in Levis\n\nHandpicked Top 3 Plumbers in Levis, QC. ", "Our 50-Point Inspection includes everything from checking reviews, ratings, reputation, history, complaints, satisfaction, trust and cost to the general excellence. ", "You deserve only the best!" ]
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[ "INTRODUCTION {#s1}\n============\n\nHyperglycemia is one of the classical features in patients with burn injury \\[[@R1]--[@R3]\\]. ", "Mitochondrial dysfunction resulting from burn injury has been proposed to lead to skeletal muscle wasting and one of the leading cause of post-burn injury hyperglycemia since skeletal muscle is one of the hot-spot for glucose metabolism \\[[@R4]--[@R5]\\]. ", "Indeed, it has been shown that administration of insulin can fasten wound healing in patients with burn injury by activating MAPK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathway \\[[@R6]\\]. ", "But the mechanistic details of post-burn hyperglycemia are not well defined.", "\n\nInsulin is a main anabolic hormone involved in the regulation of glucose, protein and lipid metabolisms \\[[@R7]--[@R9]\\]. ", "In some critical illnesses, intensive insulin therapy is utilized to combat the harmful effects of hyperglycemia. ", "Most of the effects of insulin depend on its ability to activate the PI3K/Akt pathway, subsequently phosphorylate glycogen synthase kinase 3-β (GSK3-β), tuberous sclerosis protein-2 (TSC-2), bcl-2 antagonist of cell death (BAD), Forkhead box O (FOXO), etc. ", "\\[[@R7]--[@R9]\\]. ", "These Akt targets are important for the regulation of protein metabolism, inhibition of lipid lysis, promotion of fatty acid synthesis and glycogen synthesis. ", "\\[[@R7]\\].", "\n\nIt has been recently shown that microRNAs (miRNAs), a type of endogenous, small noncoding RNAs, can functionally regulate diverse cellular and pathogenic processes. ", "Through specifically binding and cleaving mRNAs or inhibiting their translation \\[[@R10]\\], miRNAs can function both as tumor suppressors or oncogenes and in a wide variety of diseases \\[[@R11]--[@R13]\\]. ", "However, our understanding of the expression and function of miRNAs in burn induced hyperglycemia is still limited and deciphering the role of the same would be of significant clinical benefit. ", "It has been recently shown that 66 miRNAs are differentially expressed post burn injury \\[[@R14]\\]. ", "Furthermore, it has been established that miR-194 can target insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (*IGF1R*) and result in hyperglycemia post-burn injury \\[[@R15]\\].", "\n\nThe objective of the current study was to evaluate if there are other post-transcriptional mechanism(s) mediated by miRNAs that regulate *IGF1R* expression post-burn injury which in turn causes hyperglycemia in patients with burn injury. ", "Our results show that the miRNA let-7b is robustly induced in burn injury and attenuates IGF1R protein expression and downstream activation of GSK3β that results in hyperglycemia.", "\n\nRESULTS {#s2}\n=======\n\nIt has been earlier shown that miRNA-194 can target *IGF1R* and silence its expression in burn cases. ", "To identify if additional miRNAs are involved in targeting *IGF1R* expression by post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, we used two independent algorithms TargetScan \\[[@R16]\\] and microCosm \\[[@R17]\\] to *in silico* predict the miRNAs targeting the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of human *IGF1R*. ", "MiRNA-194 had 7 putative binding sites between nucleotides 559-565, 1021-1027, 1608-1615, 2370-2376, 4191-4197, 4599-4605, and 6813-6819. ", "However, the preferential conserved targeting (P~CT~) values for all the seven sites (\\<0.1, NA, 0.12, NA, NA, NA, and \\<0.1; NA-cannot be calculated) were much less than 0.75. ", "P~CT~ scores reflected the Bayesian estimate of the probability that a site is conserved due to selective maintenance of miRNA targeting rather than by chance or any other reason not pertinent to miRNA targeting \\[[@R18]\\]. ", "And a P~CT~ \\<0.75 is usually considered an irrelevant miRNA-target prediction. ", "Instead let-7b had three binding sites in the 3′UTR of *IGF1R* - 99-105 (P~CT~ = 0.74), 2619-2626 (P~CT~ = 0.93), 6661-6667 (P~CT~ = 0.89) sites with higher probability of preferential conservation ([Supplementary Figure 1](#SD1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Two of these three sites had P~CT~ \\> 0.75 and one just missed the cut-off with a P~CT~ of 0.74. ", "MiR-15, miR-133a, and miR-30 also had P~CT~ \\> 0.75.", "\n\nUsing a 30% TBSA rat model, we first confirmed that fasting blood glucose levels were significantly higher in burn rats compared to sham rats (data not shown). ", "Since it has been previously indicated that glucose metabolism by skeletal muscle is repressed post-burn injury \\[[@R19]\\], we used the anterior tibial muscle of the rat model at day 7 for determining miRNA expression levels. ", "We assessed the levels of let-7b, let-7e, miR-194, miR-15, miR-133a, miR-15, and miR-195 (as a non-specific control) by real-time PCR. ", "Whereas, miR-194 levels were increased 1.24 ± 0.1 folds in the burn rats, let-7b levels were increased 6.72 ± 0.7 folds in the burn rats, compared to sham rats (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) (P\\<0.05). ", "MiR-195, let-7e, miR-15, miR-133a, and miR-30 did not show any significant difference between burn rats and sham rats (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) (P\\>0.05). ", "This indicated that let-7b is perhaps a more potent mediator of burn-induced hyperglycemia in skeletal muscle compared to miR-194. ", "Hence, we focused on let-7b in further experiments.", "\n\n![", "Expression of let-7b is induced post-burn injury\\\n**(A)** Steady state expression of indicated miRNAs in burn rats (TBSA) and sham rats (SHAM). ", "Data is represented as mean ± standard deviation post-normalization to *U6* snRNA expression. **(", "B)** Fold changes in expression of indicated miRNAs in fourteen burn patients compared to healthy controls. ", "Data is represented as mean ± standard deviation post-normalization to *U6* snRNA expression.](oncotarget-08-72886-g001){#F1}\n\nTo confirm the potential role of let-7b in burn-induced hyperglycemia, we next evaluated let-7b, miR-194, miR-15, miR-30, and miR-133a expression in serum of 14 burn patients before surgical intervention and compared them to serum from 14 healthy subjects. ", "Real-time PCR analysis showed that let-7b was significantly up-regulated in burn patients (5.49 ± 2.06 folds) compared with healthy subjects (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}; p = 0.018) (P\\<0.05). ", "MiR-194 expression was also higher in serum from burn patients (1.62 ± 0.27) (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}; p = 0.039) (P\\<0.05), but the changes were much more with let-7b than miR-194. ", "There were no significant changes in the expression of miR-15, miR-30, and miR-133a between healthy subjects and patients with burn injury. ", "Cumulatively, our results indicated that let-7b expression is upregulated in burn patients, comparatively more than miR-194.", "\n\nInsulin, the key hormone involved in glucose metabolism, signals by binding through either IRβ or IGF1R. Immunofluorescence showed that IRβ expression was comparable in burn and sham rats (Figures [2A, 2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "But the IGF1R protein expression was significantly lower in burn rats compared to the sham rats (Figures [2C, 2D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Immunofluorescence assay to detect relative expression of IRβ and IGF1R protein in anterior tibial muscle obtained from burn and sham rats at day 7\\\n**(A)** DAPI staining, **(B)** IRβ, **(C)** IGF1R, and **(D)** merge images. ", "Scale bar: 100 μm. ", "Images are representative of at least 10 different images obtained within the experimental set.](oncotarget-08-72886-g002){#F2}\n\nSince insulin signaling through IRβ or IGF1R activate PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, we determined levels of phosphorylated Akt, total Akt, phosphorylated Gsk3β, total Gsk3β, phosphorylated eIF2B, total eIF2B, phosphorylated S6, and total S6 in anterior tibial skeletal muscle of sham and burn rats (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *left two lanes*). ", "There were no obvious changes in phosphorylated eIF4B at serine 540 between sham and burn rats. ", "However, IGF1R, phosphorylated Akt at serine 473, phosphorylated GSK3β at serine 9, and phosphorylated S6 kinase were significantly suppressed in the burn rats compared to the sham rats, indicating attenuation of PI3K/Akt and mTOR signaling pathway in the burn rats (Figure [3A, 3B](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) (P\\<0.05).", "\n\n![", "Impaired PI3K/Akt signaling in burn rats induced by high expression of let-7b\\\n**(A)** Western blot analysis of indicated proteins in lysates obtained from anterior tibial muscle in sham rats, burn rats, or burn rats pre-injected with anti-let7b antagomir or a control antagomir. ", "The blots were stripped and re-probed with GAPDH as a loading control. ", "Experiment is representative of four independent experiments. **(", "B)** Densitometric analysis of relative expression of P-Akt, P-Gsk3b (S9), P-S6, and IGF1R in the indicated conditions. ", "Data is represented as means ± SD.](oncotarget-08-72886-g003){#F3}\n\nTo confirm that the inhibition of PI3K/Akt-mTOR pathway is being mediated by increased let-7b levels targeting IGF1R, control or let-7b antagomir were injected through the tail vein of rat each day for 7 days before inducing burn injury. ", "Three days post-burn injury, PI3K/Akt pathway activation was evaluated (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *right two lanes*). ", "Suppressing let-7b expression by let-7b antagomir prevented decrease of IGF1R protein expression post-burn injury (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *lane 3*). ", "Importantly, let-7b antagomir restored levels of phosphorylated Akt at serine 473, phosphorylated Gsk3β at serine 9, and phosphorylated S6 kinase to levels comparable to the sham rats (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *lanes 2 and 3*). ", "Cumulatively, this indicated that let-7b directly targets *IGFIR in vivo* and attenuates PI3K/Akt pathway resulting in hyperglycemia.", "\n\nFinally, we wanted to evaluate if serum from burn rats was capable to transfer the effect of let-7b expression on IGF1R protein expression in L6 cells. ", "L6 cells were treated with serum obtained from burn and sham rats at day 7 for 24 hours before IRβ and IGF1R protein expression was evaluated by immunofluorescence. ", "As shown in Figures [4A, 4B](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} exposure to either serum from burn or sham rats did not cause a change in IRβ expression. ", "However, IGF1R expression was robustly downregulated in L6 cells exposed to serum from burn rats as compared to serum from sham rats (Figure [4C, 4D](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Use of burn serum also attenuated PI3K/Akt activation as assessed by phosphorylated Akt at serine 473 and phosphorylated Gsk3β at serine 9 (*data not shown*). ", "Cumulatively, this indicated that burn serum exposure can promote let-7b expression, which can attenuate IGF1R protein expression and PI3K/Akt signal pathway resulting in hyperglycemia.", "\n\n![", "Immunofluorescence assay to detect relative expression of IRβ and IGF1R protein in L6 cells treated for 24 hours with serum obtained from sham rats and burn rats at day 7\\\n**(A)** DAPI staining, **(B)** IRβ, **(C)** IGF1R, and **(D)** merge images. ", "Scale bar: 100 μm. ", "Images are representative of at least 10 different images obtained within the experimental set. **(", "E)** Relative luciferase activity of transiently transfected luciferase reporter constructs containing either full-length or mutated (let-7b binding site deleted) *IGF1R* 3′ UTR, alone or in combination with let-7b antagomir, in L6 myotubes treated with serum from burn rats. ", "Data represents means ± SD of 3 independent experiments.](oncotarget-08-72886-g004){#F4}\n\nTo confirm that *IGF1R* is a bona-fide target within our experimental system, L6 myotubes treated with burn serum were transfected with renilla luciferase constructs harboring either wild-type or let-7b binding mutant (let-7b predicted sites deleted) *IGF1R* 3′UTR. ", "Expression of renilla luciferase harboring wild-type, but not the mutant, *IGF1R* 3′UTR was significantly attenuated in L6 myotubes treated with serum from burn rats (Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) (P\\<0.05). ", "However, on co-transfection of let-7b antagomir along with the luciferase reporter constructs expression from renilla reporters harboring either the wild-type or mutant *IGF1R* 3′UTR were comparable (Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This proved that *IGF1R* is a bona-fide target of let-7b in the context of burn injury.", "\n\nDISCUSSION {#s3}\n==========\n\nOur results showed that the miRNA let-7b is robustly induced in both the 30% TBSA rat model of burn injury as well as in patients with burn injury. ", "This induction was overwhelmingly more when compared to increase in expression of the previously reported miR-194 \\[[@R15]\\]. ", "Furthermore, the high expression of let-7b attenuated PI3K/Akt activation and Gsk3β activation, which was proved by using anti-let7b antagomir *in vivo* which de-repressed the aforementioned signaling pathways in the sham rats.", "\n\nInsulin is the critical hormone regulate glucose metabolism. ", "Insulin can bid to both IRβ and IGFIR and activate downstream signaling pathway leading to activation of PI3K/Akt that in turn is the central regulator of glucose homeostasis \\[[@R20]\\]. ", "Phosphorylated Akt and Gsk3β was thus evaluated as a measure of PI3K/Akt signaling activation. ", "Phosphorylated-mediated activation of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (Gsk3β) functions as a negative regulator of glycogen synthesis and its inactivation leads to activation of glycogen synthase and increase glycogen synthesis \\[[@R21]\\]. ", "Our results indicate that increased let-7b suppressing IGF1R activation ultimately leads to inactivation of Gsk3β and concurrent activation of glycogen synthase leading to hyperglycemia.", "\n\nOur results also indicate that topical insulin application in patients with burn injury might alleviate hyperglycemia in the short term but without causing an activation of IGF1R it might be difficult to sustain its beneficial activity. ", "Topical insulin application along with anit-let7b antagomir might be a more potent alternative option that needs to be tried in pre-clinical animal models.", "\n\nIn addition, it seems that there are many different miRNAs that can potentially target *IGF1R*; even with P~CT~\\>0.75 there are 4 different miRNAs. ", "It will be important to define if different miRNAs are induced under different kinds of burn or are they all induced redundantly and result in down regulation of IGF1R. If multiple miRNAs are induced that target *IGF1R*, it might be an attractive option to identify what causes these upregulation. ", "Identification of that mechanism will provide a better therapeutic handle to regulate and treat hyperglycemia in patients with burn injury.", "\n\nMATERIALS AND METHODS {#s4}\n=====================\n\n30% TBSA animal model {#s4_1}\n---------------------\n\nAll animal studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of The 309th Hospital of PLA. ", "Twelve rats were randomly divided into sham and burn groups (9 rats in burn and 3 rats in sham group, respectively). ", "Post-anesthesia, 30% total body surface area (TBSA) and full-thickness burn model was performed based on previously describe protocols \\[[@R15], [@R22]\\]. ", "Briefly, the dorsal hair was shaved before the back skin in the burn groups were placed in hot water (94°C) for 12 seconds. ", "Shock was prevented by simultaneous injection of balanced salt solution at 40 ml/kg body weight. ", "1% tincture of iodine was administered on the wounds and the area was kept dry. ", "The similar skin region in the sham rats were placed in water at 37°C and similar protocols post-burn injury were performed on the sham group. ", "For six of the 9 rats in the burn group, let-7b antagomir or control antagomir (n=3 for each group) (ThermoFisher Scientific) was injected at 100 fmol/kg body weight through the tail vein post-anesthesia every day for 7 days before induction of burn injury.", "\n\nFasting blood glucose test {#s4_2}\n--------------------------\n\nPost-fasting for 12 hours (both solid and liquid), blood from tail vein was collected and blood glucose was evaluated using a digital glucometer (ACCU-CHEK Active, Roche, Shanghai) following the manufacturer\\'s instruction.", "\n\nSkeletal muscle collection {#s4_3}\n--------------------------\n\nAfter modeling for 7 days, anterior tibial muscle and muscle in each group were collected. ", "Blood was obtained from aorta and centrifuged at 1,000 rpm for 15 minutes to collect the serum. ", "Tissues designated for miRNA isolation was stored in RNAlater prior to storage in liquid nitrogen along with specimens for immunofluorescence.", "\n\nCell culture and treatment {#s4_4}\n--------------------------\n\nL6 rat skeletal muscle cells were obtained from ATCC (Manassas, VA, USA) and maintained in DMEM (4.5g/L glucose, Hyclone, Logan, UT, USA) with 10% FBS, 100U/mL penicillin and 100μg/mL streptomycin at 37°C in 5% CO~2~. To differentiate L6 myoblasts into myotubes, the culture medium was substituted with DMEM plus 2% horse serum after the L6 myoblast cells became confluent. ", "Four days after the initiation of the differentiation, the cells were treated with 10 μM cytosine arabinoside (C1768, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) for 24 hours to remove the dividing myoblasts. ", "Prior to being cultured with serum from burn or sham rats, the myotubes were serum starved for 12 hours.", "\n\nTotal RNA extraction and quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) {#s4_5}\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe total RNA from was extracted from the anterior tibial muscle or from serum of burn and control patients with TRIZOL reagents (15596-026, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions, and quantified with ultraviolet spectrophotometry (DU-800, Beckman, Fullerton, CA, USA). ", "The expression levels of indicated miRNAs were done using customized Megaplex™ Primer Pools and TaqMan miRNA arrays (ThermoFisher Scientific). ", "Data was normalized to *U6* snRNA expression and analyzed by the -ΔΔCt method.", "\n\nGene construction {#s4_6}\n-----------------\n\nThe *IGF1R* 3′ UTR clone in pMirTarget was obtained from Origene. ", "The *IGF1R* 3′ UTR reporter was constructed by amplifying the endogenous *IGF1R* 3′ UTR from the Origene. ", "XhoI and ApaI sites were added to the 5′ and 3′ ends of the fragment during the preceding PCR reaction and cloned into the XhoI and ApaI site on the Rr-luc-6XCXCR4 Renilla luciferase vector (Addgene). ", "To make the *IGF1R* 3′UTR mutant construct, site-directed mutagenesis was used to delete 99-105, 2619-2626, and 6661-6667 regions, corresponding to the predicted let-7b binding sites. ", "A firefly luciferase vector was used as transfection and normalization control in all luciferase assays. ", "Constructs were sequence verified before being used in experiments.", "\n\nTransfection and luciferase assays {#s4_7}\n----------------------------------\n\nL6 myotubes (4 × 10^4^), treated with serum from burn rats, were transiently transfected with wild-type and let-7b binding mutant of *IGF1R* luciferase vectors using Lipofectamine LTX (Life Technologies, Beijing, China) as per the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Where indicated, cells were co-transfected with let-7b antagomir. ", "Fourty-eight hours after transfection, the renilla and firefly luciferase activities were measured consecutively using Dual-luciferase reporter assay system (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) as per manufacturer\\'s protocol. ", "Each reporter plasmid was transfected at least twice in triplicate. ", "Post-normalization the data was represented as relative fluorescence units (RFU) ± standard deviation (SD).", "\n\nImmunofluorescence analysis {#s4_8}\n---------------------------\n\nImmunofluorescence was performed using routine protocols as described previously \\[[@R15]\\].", "\n\nProtein extraction and western blotting {#s4_9}\n---------------------------------------\n\nProtein was extracted from anterior tibial muscle with RIPA buffer, containing 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 0.25% Na-deoxycholate, 1 mM EDTA, 1% protease inhibitors cocktail (78425, Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA), 1 mM PMSF (36978, Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA), 1 mM Na~3~VO~4~ (S6508, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) and 50 mM NaF (S7920, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA). ", "Protein concentration was quantified with a BCA Protein Assay Kit (23227, Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Before the samples were loaded onto the SDS-PAGE gels, 40 μg of total protein was mixed with loading buffer and denatured for 5 minutes at 100°C in a water bath. ", "The protein was transferred to PVDF immuno-blotting membranes using a Electrophoretic Transfer Cell (Mini Trans-Blot®, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) after being separated by electrophoresis in a Tetra Cell (Mini-PROTEIN®, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). ", "Subsequently, the PVDF blots were incubated in blocking buffer (5% dry fat-free milk in TBST) for 30 minutes followed by incubation for 1.5 hours at room temperature in blocking buffer containing the appropriate dilution of primary antibody (anti-phospho-Akt (Catalogue 4060), anti-Akt (Catalogue 2920), anti-phospho-Gsk3β (Catalogue 5558), anti-Gsk3β (Catalogue 12456), anti-phospho-S6 (Catalogue 4858), anti-S6 (Catalogue 2317), anti-phospho-eIF2B (Catalogue 3596), anti-eIF2B (Catalogue 3595), and anti-GAPDH (Catalogue 5174); Cell Signaling, Danvers, MA, USA). ", "The membranes were washed (4 times at 5 minutes/wash) in TBST and then incubated for 1 hour in blocking buffer containing the appropriate HRP conjugated secondary antibody (ZB-2301, Zhong Shan Golden Bridge Biotechnology, Beijing, China). ", "After washing as described above, the blots were incubated in a chemiluminescent substrate solution (ThermoFisher Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA) for the desired amount of time to visualize the bands.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#s4_10}\n--------------------\n\nResults are presented as the mean ± SD. ", "A student\\'s t test was used for statistical analyses. ", "Differences were considered significant at a P value less than 0.05.", "\n\nSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FIGURE {#s5}\n==============================\n\nThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.81372051 and NO.81670009), Military Medicine and Senile Disease Scientific Research Project of General Staff Headquarters(No.", "ZCWS14B06), Beijing Science and Technology \"Capital Specialty\" Program (No.", "Z151100004015199), and Military Medical Science and Technology Youth Training Program (No. ", "15QNP049).", "\n\n**Author contributions**\n\nYajie Zhang and Bin Yin participated in the design of the study, Bin Shu performed data analysis. ", "Zhen Liu helped to revise the manuscript. ", "Hong Ding carried out data collection, Chiyu Jia helped to draft the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\n**CONFLICTS OF INTEREST**\n\nThe authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.", "\n\n**DECLARATION OF FUNDING SOURCE**\n\nNone.", "\n\nIGF1R\n\n: insulin-like growth factor receptor 1\n\nTBSA\n\n: total body surface area\n\nPI3-K\n\n: phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase\n\nBAD\n\n: bcl-2 antagonist of cell death\n\nFOXO\n\n: Forkhead box O\n\nIGF1R\n\n: insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor\n\nqRT-PCR\n\n: quantitative real time PCR\n\nUTR\n\n: untranslated region.", "\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Mellanox Technologies, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.", "\n * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n * $COPYRIGHT$\n *\n * Additional copyrights may follow\n *\n * $HEADER$\n */\n\n#ifndef PMIX_SM_MMAP_H\n#define PMIX_SM_MMAP_H\n\n#include \"src/include/pmix_config.h\"\n#include \"src/mca/pshmem/pshmem.h\"\n\nBEGIN_C_DECLS\n\nPMIX_EXPORT extern pmix_pshmem_base_component_t mca_pshmem_mmap_component;\nextern pmix_pshmem_base_module_t pmix_mmap_module;\n\nEND_C_DECLS\n\n#endif /* PMIX_SM_MMAP_H */\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.0026455026455026454 ]
[ "youth sublimated lacrosse uniform for kids\n\nMake Lacrosse Uniforms Utah\n\nDesign Custom Lacrosse Uniforms\n\nLacrosse uniforms Utah from Lightning Wear®.Just because it is snowing in Utah right now does not mean there is not a great game of lacrosse or two being player in or outdoors. ", "Check out these lacrosse team uniforms going out to the Logan team." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0035335689045936395, 0 ]
[ "You use q-tips to clean your ears? ", "i too like to live dangerously\n\n136 shares" ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Which Technology Issues Cause the Most Stress? [", "INFOGRAPHIC, POLL]\n\nModern technology may have made our lives easier, but our reliance on it has a price. ", "Fully 60 percent of respondents in a new survey said they find issues associated with technology to be downright stressful.", "\n\nWifi seems to be the major source of ire, with more than one in 10 of those polled listing it as their top tech gripe, followed by issues with cloud technology and home networking.", "\n\nWhat annoys people most about technology? ", "Nearly a fifth don’t like how frequently it changes, while about 15 percent said it simply “doesn’t do what it’s supposed to.” ", "And if you have techie friends that you’re always bugging for help, you might want to give it a rest — 10 percent of the people polled said it’s really irritating.", "\n\nAnd tech providers, you’re on notice, too. “", "Unhelpful customer service” was listed as the top complaint by a third of the survey participants, with “confusing privacy policies” and issues with trustworthiness making the list as well." ]
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[ 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Jacques de Lesseps\n\nJacques Benjamin de Lesseps was a French aviator born in Paris on 5 July 1883, killed in an air accident presumably on 18 October 1927 along with his flight engineer Theodor Chichenko. ", "He was the son of French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps. ", "In 1910 he married Grace Mackenzie, daughter of Sir Willam Mackenzie.", "\n\nEarly aviation career\n\nMilitary career\nDe Lesseps served with distinction in the French Air Force, commanding a squadron. ", " He joined the Compagnie Aerienne Franco-Canadienne in air survey work after the war.", "\n\nDeath\nHe and his flight engineer were lost at sea during air photography operations along the Gaspé, Quebec coastline in October 1927.", "\n\nA cairn erected to his memory exists near Gaspé. ", "It records that de Lesseps was the second man to fly the English Channel by airplane. ", "He was a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, held the Croix de Guerre and the United States Distinguished Service Cross.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Biography (in French) and portrait \n Pictures of monument at Gaspé\n\nCategory:French aviators\nCategory:1883 births\nCategory:1927 deaths\nCategory:People from Paris\nCategory:Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross (United States)" ]
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[ "ive of f**6/40 - f**5/36 - 2*f**4/27 + 2*f**3/27 - 16*f**2. ", "Factor b(v).", "\n(v - 1)*(3*v + 2)*(9*v - 2)/9\nFactor -11*f**4 + 6*f - 9*f**2 + 4*f**4 + 10*f**4.", "\n3*f*(f - 1)**2*(f + 2)\nSuppose -2*y = -7*y + 15. ", "Let a be -1 + y + (-3 - -1). ", "Determine v, given that a - 4/3*v**2 + 2/3*v + 2/3*v**3 = 0.", "\n0, 1\nLet t be 2 + 3/((-9)/4). ", "Suppose -15 = -4*o - 5*f, -4*o - 6 - 9 = -5*f. ", "Factor o + 2/3*u + t*u**2.", "\n2*u*(u + 1)/3\nDetermine k so that -45*k + 59*k**3 - 20 - 19*k**3 + 8*k**5 + 6*k**5 + 30*k**4 - 9*k**5 - 10*k**2 = 0.", "\n-4, -1, 1\nLet h(j) be the second derivative of j**6/30 - j**5/10 - j**4/3 + 4*j**3/3 - 12*j. ", "Suppose h(t) = 0. ", "Calculate t.\n-2, 0, 2\nLet t = 157 + -155. ", "Let -2*z**4 + 0 + 1/2*z**5 - 2*z**t + 1/2*z + 3*z**3 = 0. ", "Calculate z.\n0, 1\nLet o be ((-1198)/300 + 4)/(2 - 1). ", "Let q(n) be the second derivative of -1/210*n**7 + 0*n**3 - 1/60*n**4 + 0 + 0*n**2 + 1/100*n**5 + 3*n + o*n**6. ", "Factor q(u).", "\n-u**2*(u - 1)**2*(u + 1)/5\nLet i(h) be the first derivative of h**6/10 - 3*h**5/20 - h**4/2 + 7*h + 6. ", "Let g(n) be the first derivative of i(n). ", "Factor g(z).", "\n3*z**2*(z - 2)*(z + 1)\nLet t(u) = u**3 + 3*u**2 - 10*u + 1. ", "Let o be t(-5). ", "Let z be o/(-3) - 4/(-12). ", "Suppose -1/5*j**3 + 1/5*j**4 + 0*j**2 + z*j + 0 = 0. ", "Calculate j.\n0, 1\nLet o be (7 - 8)*1/29. ", "Let a = o - -61/87. ", "Suppose 0 + 2/3*f**4 + a*f**3 - 2/3*f**2 + 0*f - 2/3*f**5 = 0. ", "Calculate f.\n-1, 0, 1\nSuppose 15*t = 5*t + 20. ", "Factor -4/7 - 18/7*m - t*m**2.", "\n-2*(m + 1)*(7*m + 2)/7\nLet -7/2*h**2 + 1/2 + h + 2*h**3 = 0. ", "Calculate h.\n-1/4, 1\nLet g be (-19)/39 + 4/26. ", "Let d = 0 - g. Let 1/6*v**2 + d*v + 1/6 = 0. ", "Calculate v.\n-1\nLet c(b) be the third derivative of b**6/30 + b**5/3 + b**4/2 - 6*b**3 + 4*b**2. ", "Factor c(w).", "\n4*(w - 1)*(w + 3)**2\nLet t be (11 + -9)/((-1)/(-2)). ", "Let c**5 + 6*c**3 + c**t + 4*c**2 + c + 4*c**4 - c**4 = 0. ", "Calculate c.\n-1, 0\nLet g(t) be the first derivative of t**7/840 + t**6/360 - t**5/60 - 7*t**3/3 + 6. ", "Let j(c) be the third derivative of g(c). ", "Factor j(r).", "\nr*(r - 1)*(r + 2)\nLet l = -9 + 13. ", "Solve c**4 - 2*c - 5*c**2 + l*c**2 - c**3 + 4*c - c**3 = 0 for c.\n-1, 0, 1, 2\nLet u(x) be the third derivative of 2/3*x**4 + 0*x**3 - 49/72*x**8 - 133/90*x**6 - 6*x**2 + 161/45*x**7 + 0*x + 0 - 46/45*x**5. ", "Suppose u(y) = 0. ", "Calculate y.\n-2/7, 0, 2/7, 3\nLet c be ((-1542)/135)/((-4)/(-6)). ", "Let s = c - -55/3. ", "Factor -2/5*d + 8/5*d**3 - s*d**2 + 0.", "\n2*d*(d - 1)*(4*d + 1)/5\nLet i = -31 - -31. ", "Let j(b) be the third derivative of 1/60*b**5 - 1/3*b**3 + 0*b - 1/24*b**4 - b**2 + i. Factor j(o).", "\n(o - 2)*(o + 1)\nLet s be (-2)/1 + (-66)/(-15). ", "Let z = 566/385 + 10/77. ", "Let 2/5*w**4 - 8/5*w - z*w**3 + s*w**2 + 2/5 = 0. ", "Calculate w.\n1\nFactor 21*b**3 + 15*b**3 + 25*b**3 + 3*b**5 - 13*b**3 - 24*b**4.", "\n3*b**3*(b - 4)**2\nLet d(j) be the third derivative of -3*j**2 + 0*j + 0 + 1/100*j**6 + 1/30*j**4 + 1/30*j**5 - 1/525*j**7 - 1/840*j**8 + 0*j**3. ", "Suppose d(c) = 0. ", "Calculate c.\n-1, 0, 2\nFactor 21/4*y**2 - 9*y - 3.", "\n3*(y - 2)*(7*y + 2)/4\nLet v(u) be the third derivative of u**5/90 - 7*u**4/18 + 49*u**3/9 + 24*u**2. ", "Determine d, given that v(d) = 0.", "\n7\nLet s be (-1)/(2/(-4) + -1). ", "Let n = 20 + -18. ", "Factor 2/3*j**n - 4/3*j + s.\n2*(j - 1)**2/3\nLet p(g) = -7*g**4 + 21*g**3 + 26*g**2 + 33*g + 17. ", "Let m(a) = -3*a**4 + 10*a**3 + 13*a**2 + 16*a + 8. ", "Let s(y) = -9*m(y) + 4*p(y). ", "Find w such that s(w) = 0.", "\n-2, -1\nSuppose -s + 18 = l + 4*s, 3*s - 12 = 0. ", "Let q be 10/4 - l/(-1). ", "Suppose o**2 - 1/2 - q*o = 0. ", "Calculate o.\n-1/2, 1\nLet a(c) be the third derivative of -c**6/240 + c**5/30 - 5*c**4/48 + c**3/6 + 11*c**2. ", "Solve a(j) = 0 for j.\n1, 2\nLet k(y) be the third derivative of y**5/15 - 7*y**4/12 - 4*y**3/3 + 14*y**2. ", "Factor k(g).", "\n2*(g - 4)*(2*g + 1)\nSuppose -4*l - 5*j - 8 = -j, -5*j - 5 = 0. ", "Let k be (-2 - l) + (2 - -1). ", "Factor -2*h + 2*h**3 - 3*h**2 + 2*h**4 + k*h**2 - h**2.", "\n2*h*(h - 1)*(h + 1)**2\nSuppose -y + 3*h - 2*h + 1 = 0, 0 = -5*h + 15. ", "Suppose y*m - m - 6 = 0. ", "Let 5*z**m - 3*z**2 + z**3 + 3*z**3 + 2*z**4 = 0. ", "What is z?", "\n-1, 0\nLet z be (-7 - -1) + (-30)/(-4). ", "Let -1/2*f - z*f**4 - 5/2*f**2 + 0 - 7/2*f**3 = 0. ", "Calculate f.\n-1, -1/3, 0\nLet q(d) = -3*d + 1. ", "Suppose 0*b - 4 = r - 3*b, 5*b = 5*r + 10. ", "Let f be q(r). ", "Determine x, given that 0 + 2/7*x**f - 2/7*x**3 + 0*x**2 + 0*x = 0.", "\n0, 1\nSuppose -6*h = -4*h - 4. ", "Let s = h + 1. ", "Suppose -11*a**3 + 1 + 18*a - 20*a**2 - 3 - 34*a**2 + 65*a**s = 0. ", "What is a?", "\n1/3\nSuppose q - 4*m = -2*m + 14, 5*m + 29 = 2*q. ", "Find f such that 52*f**2 + 4 - 8*f - 7*f - 65*f + q + 48*f**3 = 0.", "\n-2, 1/4, 2/3\nLet f(x) = 4*x**2 - 8*x - 12. ", "Let u(o) = 4*o**2 - 8*o - 12. ", "Let a(g) = -4*f(g) + 5*u(g). ", "Factor a(i).", "\n4*(i - 3)*(i + 1)\nLet u(a) be the first derivative of 2 + a**2 + 3/20*a**5 + a - 1/6*a**3 - 1/3*a**4. ", "Let w(k) be the first derivative of u(k). ", "Solve w(c) = 0 for c.\n-2/3, 1\nLet q = -14 - -18. ", "Let -2*o**4 - 3 + 5*o**4 - 6*o**3 + 0*o**q + 0*o**4 + 6*o = 0. ", "What is o?", "\n-1, 1\nLet t(u) be the first derivative of 1/2*u**4 - u**2 - 2*u - 4 + 2/3*u**3. ", "Let t(r) = 0. ", "Calculate r.\n-1, 1\nLet j(f) be the first derivative of -1/24*f**4 - 4 + 1/9*f**3 - 1/12*f**2 + 0*f. ", "What is r in j(r) = 0?", "\n0, 1\nLet f(j) = -2*j**4 - 2*j**3 - 6*j**2 + 6*j - 6. ", "Let s(a) = a**3 + a**2 - a + 1. ", "Let l(t) = f(t) + 6*s(t). ", "Factor l(h).", "\n-2*h**3*(h - 2)\nLet k(z) = -z**3 + 4*z**2 + 2*z - 5. ", "Suppose -4*c + 4 = -3*c. ", "Let l be k(c). ", "Factor 2*u + 6 + 4*u**2 + 2*u**l - 6.", "\n2*u*(u + 1)**2\nLet g = 7 - 5. ", "Let m = 49/60 - 5/12. ", "What is t in 2/5 + 6/5*t + m*t**3 + 6/5*t**g = 0?", "\n-1\nSuppose 3*o = o. Let y = 2 - o. Factor -2/5*u**y + 0 - 2/5*u.", "\n-2*u*(u + 1)/5\nLet x(y) be the second derivative of -y**6/90 - y**5/10 - 11*y**4/36 - y**3/3 - 31*y. ", "Find z such that x(z) = 0.", "\n-3, -2, -1, 0\nSuppose 4*p = -35 + 43. ", "Determine u so that 2/5*u + 0 + 2/5*u**p = 0.", "\n-1, 0\nLet l = 101 + -65. ", "Find q such that -l*q + 36*q + q**3 = 0.", "\n0\nLet x be (-1)/(-2) + 1 + (-6)/4. ", "Solve 0 + x*p + 0*p**2 + 2/5*p**3 + 2/5*p**4 = 0.", "\n-1, 0\nSuppose 0 = 4*q - 13*q + 18. ", "Let p(a) be the third derivative of 2/9*a**3 + 1/360*a**6 - 3*a**q + 0 + 0*a + 1/36*a**5 + 1/9*a**4. ", "Factor p(m).", "\n(m + 1)*(m + 2)**2/3\nLet m be (-695)/(-140) - 5 - 2/(-7). ", "Suppose 3/4*r - m - 3/4*r**2 + 1/4*r**3 = 0. ", "Calculate r.\n1\nLet c(b) be the first derivative of 1/5*b**3 + 2 - 1/20*b**4 - 1/5*b**2 + 0*b. ", "Determine x, given that c(x) = 0.", "\n0, 1, 2\nLet y(x) be the first derivative of 0*x - 3 + 2/27*x**3 - 2/9*x**2. ", "Factor y(r).", "\n2*r*(r - 2)/9\nLet w(x) = -x**3 - x. Let b(q) = -10*q**3 - 22*q**2 - 14*q + 10. ", "Let a(u) = -b(u) + 6*w(u). ", "Factor a(k).", "\n2*(k + 1)*(k + 5)*(2*k - 1)\nSuppose 0*s**2 - 1/3*s**4 - 1/3*s**3 + 0*s + 0 = 0. ", "Calculate s.\n-1, 0\nLet q = 1/82 + 20/41. ", "Factor 0 + 5/4*d**3 + 0*d + q*d**2.", "\nd**2*(5*d + 2)/4\nLet i = 1 - 1. ", "Let s = 359/20 - 177/10. ", "Factor s*r**2 + 0*r + i.\nr**2/4\nLet h(c) be the second derivative of c**5/20 + c**4/2 + 2*c**3 + 4*c**2 + 8*c. ", "Let h(l) = 0. ", "What is l?", "\n-2\nSuppose -l**3 + l + 14*l - 3*l - l**3 - 9*l**2 + 3*l**4 - 4 = 0. ", "Calculate l.\n-2, 2/3, 1\nSuppose -3*p = -4*p - 7*p. ", "Suppose 4/7*u**3 - 2/7*u**4 + 0 + p*u + 0*u**2 = 0. ", "Calculate u.\n0, 2\nLet 0 - 9/7*v**3 - 5/7*v**5 + 12/7*v**4 + 0*v + 2/7*v**2 = 0. ", "What is v?", "\n0, 2/5, 1\nLet w(y) be the second derivative of -y**7/294 - y**6/210 + y**5/70 + y**4/42 - y**3/42 - y**2/14 + 10*y. ", "Suppose w(j) = 0. ", "Calculate j.\n-1, 1\nLet u(m) be the first derivative of 1/12*m**4 - 1 - 4/3*m**3 + 8*m**2 - 64/3*m. ", "Solve u(l) = 0.", "\n4\nLet c be (-2 + 4)/(2/5). ", "Let r(o) be the third derivative of -1/54*o**4 + 1/54*o**c - 1/180*o**6 + 0 + 0*o**3 + o**2 + 0*o. ", "Let r(p) = 0. ", "What is p?", "\n0, 2/3, 1\nDetermine p, given that -30/7*p - 3/7*p**2 - 75/7 = 0.", "\n-5\nSuppose 0 = q + q - 3*q. ", "Factor q - 2/9*n**3 - 2/9*n**2 + 0*n.", "\n-2*n**2*(n + 1)/9\nFactor 0 + 2/3*c**2 + 5/6*c - 1/6*c**3.", "\n-c*(c - 5)*(c + 1)/6\nLet v = 78/11 - -4/77. ", "Factor 38/7*o**3 + 2*o**4 + 2/7*o**5 + 32/7*o + 8/7 + v*o**2.", "\n2*(o + 1)**3*(o + 2)**2/7\nLet q(a) = a**3 - 3*a**2 - 4. ", "Let b be q(4). ", "Let w = 0 - -3. ", "Factor 3*t**3 - 2*t + b*t - 2 + w*t**3 - 14*t**2.", "\n2*(t - 1)**2*(3*t - 1)\nLet v = -49/3 - -16. ", "Let f = v - -2/3. ", "Find s, given that f*s**4 + 0*s**3 + 0*s**2 + 0 + 0*s = 0.", "\n0\nLet v be 3 + 0/(0 + -2 - -3). ", "Suppose -2/5 - g - 1/5*g**v - 4/5*g**2 = 0. ", "Calculate g.\n-2, -1\nLet z(r) = r**3 + 4*r**2 + r - 2. ", "Let l be z(-3). ", "Let m(h) be the first derivative of 1/3*h**3 - 1/4*h**4 + 1/2*h**2 - l - h. Let m(k) = 0. ", "What is " ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0.02127659574468085, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04081632653061224, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.01, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.022222222222222223, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Association of red blood cell n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with plasma inflammatory biomarkers among the Quebec Cree population.", "\nWe examined the prevalence of elevated plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) concentrations and associations with red blood cell (RBC) long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCn-3PUFA) in the James Bay Cree population from the province of Quebec (Canada). ", "A total of 744 Cree adults (18-91 years) from seven communities of Eastern James Bay were included in these cross-sectional analyses. ", "Associations between RBC LCn-3PUFA and proinflammatory markers (hs-CRP, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)) were assessed by using multivariate general linear models with adjustment for sex, age and waist circumference. ", "An arbitrary inflammation score was defined based on the sum of the quartiles of hs-CRP, IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations (range=3-12). ", "Elevated hs-CRP concentrations (>3 mg/l) were present in 46.9% (95% confidence interval (CI) 43.3-50.5) of the James Bay Cree population. ", "RBC docosapentaenoic acid (DPAn-3; C22:5n-3) was inversely associated with hs-CRP, TNF-α and the inflammation score (all P trend<0.02), whereas eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3) in RBC were not associated with inflammation (all P trend>0.18). ", "Among participants with RBC DPAn-3 levels above the median of the population, odds ratio of having an elevated inflammation score (≥9) was 0.67 (95% CI, 0.48-0.93) compared with participants below the median. ", "RESULTS indicate that low-grade systemic inflammation is highly prevalent and that higher RBC DPAn-3 levels are associated with a lower risk of systemic inflammation in the James Bay Cree population." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.0040650406504065045, 0.015037593984962405, 0.007246376811594203, 0.01079136690647482, 0.009569377990430622, 0.005025125628140704 ]
[ "\"Klondike.2014.S01E02.Part.", "Two.720p.", "WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-BS\" \"Extracted from the Movie by:\" \"Cliffe January 27th 2014\" \"The klondike in October.\" \"", "Two things are going south right now The weather and people smart enough\" \"To get out before winter comes.\" \"", "Some, like my friend,\" \"Never got the chance.\" \"(", "boom, boom)\" \"Death has come to the klondike, seeking like the rest of us,\" \"While we search out gold and abstractions like justice,\" \"Death only seeks more.\" \"", "His instruments are many.\" \"", "The land.\" \"", "The animals.\" \"", "And that most vile and irrepressible of forces\" \"To which man\" \"Specially in the klondike\" \"Has no defense.\" \"", "Disease.\" \"(", "flies buzzing)\" \"Yes, dollars!\" \"", "Fifty dollars...\" \"That's bogus!\" \"", "50 bucks!\" \"", "Any man who wants to give up\" \"On his horrible toil, get his claim off his back\" \"I'm offering 50 dollars.\" \"", "Wouldn't pay for the equipment, soap,\" \"You low grade son of a bitch.\" \"", "God's own truth, but it's better than being dead now,\" \"Ain't it?\" \"", "Well, take a look yonder.\" \"", "What do you see?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "Same as any other day.\" \"", "What you don't see is what's slowly creeping up the creeks.\" \"", "Nervous fever.\" \"", "Kill you like a hundred men they already put\" \"In the ground in dawson.\" \"", "I'll take my chances.\" \"", "I did mention the tlingit, too, didn't I?\" \"", "I guess, you just got to ask yourself which is greater.\" \"", "Chance of you hitting the pay streak in one of these\" \"Prospect holes, or the chance the nervous fever get you.\" \"", "Or the tlingit gets you.\" \"", "You filthy son of a bitch.\" \"", "Whew.\" \"", "You.\" \"", "Yep, me.\" \"", "Well, I know that look.\" \"", "Shameless opportunist, right?\" \"", "That my look or your conscience?\" \"", "Oh, I see it a whole different way.\" \"", "I'm saving lives.\" \"", "What do you say?\" \"", "50 bucks.\" \"", "Wouldn't get me 100 miles.\" \"", "Which out here is just another part of nowhere.\" \"", "Gets you out of the radius of the fever and the tlingit.\" \"", "I'm offering you nothing short than a ticket to life.\" \"(", "coughing)\" \"How about you step back, huh?\" \"", "Put a few paces between us, friend.\" \"", "Why don't you step back?\" \"", "So I don't get any of you on me.\" \"", "No way to talk to a man trying to liberate you.\" \"", "Fine by me.\" \"", "It's going to be cheaper for me when you all die.\" \"", "You do have a fine day, though.\" \"", "Don't pay him any mind, meek.\" \"", "It's not so much him I'm worried about.\" \"(", "coughing)\" \"You've got to get that looked at.\" \"", "It's just my lungs ain't agreeing with me.\" \"", "They got to get to it fast before it gets into your head.\" \"", "As soon as your brain stops agreeing with you,\" \"You're done.\" \"", "I'll hitch a ride into town with gorna's team tomorrow.\" \"", "St. Blase invoked against diseases of the throat,\" \"St. Achatius invoked against headache,\" \"Saint christopher, invoked against storm and plague...\" \"Enough.\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "Moving them out.\" \"", "Where?\" \"", "Street.\" \"", "They'll all die out there.\" \"", "Well, they're going to die anyway, right?\" \"", "And until they're dead, I can't have them on my land.\" \"", "Your land?\" \"", "The cheapest plot in town, believe it or not.\" \"", "What in god's name are you going to do with a mortuary?\" \"", "There's no hospital here.\" \"", "These people have nowhere to go.\" \"", "Well, god will protect them.\" \"", "Right?\" \"", "Why are you so callous?\" \"", "Prudent.\" \"", "I'm being prudent.\" \"", "I can't have infectious disease on my property.\" \"", "Well, then I'll take them\" \"To my church.\" \"", "Oh...\" \"You really think your lord's going to protect you.\" \"", "You think he's going to save you from this nasty disease?\" \"", "I'm already saved.\" \"", "You're the dead man.\" \"", "And not just in this life.\" \"", "Well, I do wonder about that, father.\" \"", "This foundation is going.\" \"", "The soil's wet, but not that wet.\" \"", "It shouldn't be giving like this.\" \"(", "grunting)\" \"Tell that to the hillside.\" \"", "I'm going to do some reckoning.\" \"", "And by my reckoning, we need more wood in a bad way.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"World feeds off of itself up there, doesn't it?\" \"", "Man dies, birds get his flesh, vultures get his boots,\" \"Someone gets his claim and I get a story.\" \"", "Got that thinking look on your face.\" \"", "I was thinking about whoever it was that turned tents\" \"Into a city on a chunk of what's a\" \"Effectively a typhus-ridden swamp.\" \"", "Miss mulrooney, we got to talk.\" \"", "Inside.\" \"", "Without more wood, that bench is going to give.\" \"", "And that's eight weeks of digging gone south.\" \"", "I'm up against a vein.\" \"", "I know it.\" \"", "Miners are always up against a vein.\" \"", "If a tenth of them were right,\" \"We'd be paving a road back to the states in gold dust.\" \"", "This claim is different.\" \"", "That superstructure falls in on itself...\" \"I don't know if I got\" \"The ability to wait out until spring to start building again.\" \"", "By ability you mean money.\" \"", "If you stake me two cords for fuel, 30 pulls to shore up the build...\" \"He wants credit.\" \"", "I ain't in the business of charity.\" \"", "You got a stake in that claim, too.\" \"", "That bothers you, doesn't it?\" \"", "It makes you wonder whether I had something\" \"To do with epstein's death.\" \"", "In terms of my stake in that claim,\" \"I have no interest in mining, as I've always maintained,\" \"What I have is an investment in joe meeker.\" \"", "And why is that?\" \"", "He's a cousin.\" \"", "He's a walking, talking, two-legged labrador.\" \"", "Don't need much more than a bone to keep him happy.\" \"", "If that bone is a half a stake in a claim,\" \"Ain't averse to keeping joe meeker happy.\" \"", "What if I put up my half?\" \"", "Two halves of nothing.\" \"", "That's just what I need.\" \"", "A lot of speculation about this claim.\" \"", "And even if you don't believe in it,\" \"It'll sell for something on the open market.\" \"", "For more than the price of the wood I'm asking.\" \"", "You're either stupid or you got way too much faith.\" \"", "Hold it for a week.\" \"", "That's all it's going to take for me to get to that vein.\" \"", "But after a week, if you don't pay back the loan,\" \"Capital does me no good tied up there in the claims.\" \"", "It has to be down here in dawson.\" \"", "These properties are all too nice.\" \"", "See, I don't want nice.\" \"", "What I'm looking for is shit.\" \"", "Shit that you can polish up and then make nice.\" \"", "That's real estate, understand?\" \"", "Uh...\" \"Word with you.\" \"", "I heard you threatened the priest.\" \"", "There will not be any murder in this town,\" \"Well, you and I both know there's going to be a murder.\" \"", "Lots that slips through the cracks for us as a\" \"We've got ten men to police 200 square miles of claims.\" \"", "We've got to pick our priorities.\" \"", "That starts with the church.\" \"", "That's another institution that can help civilize this town.\" \"", "Faster than you know what hit you,\" \"I'll put a cage around you.\" \"", "I might not have to kill him myself,\" \"Superintendent.\" \"", "God might do it for me.\" \"", "♪\" \"You shoot my friend?\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "You're not going to get an answer out of him.\" \"", "But you can take solace in the fact that one way\" \"Or another he'll see justice.\" \"", "A problematic word.\" \"", "Justice for us is hanging a killer.\" \"", "Justice for them is maybe fighting off people\" \"All we get's a couple of dead men.\" \"", "Who's the wiser?\" \"", "That's a pretty even-keeled response.\" \"", "I'd think you'd be seeing red.\" \"", "Oh, I'm seeing plenty.\" \"", "Just not sure if it's here.\" \"(", "speaking in tlingit)\" \"He wants to know if you want some.\" \"", "Says he prefers it to the white man's water.\" \"", "Must have been a hell of a shot\" \"With a dead trigger finger like that.\" \"", "Ain't exactly made for marksmanship, is it?\" \"", "One way or another we'll find out the truth.\" \"", "♪\" \"Just a little higher.\" \"", "A little higher.\" \"", "A little over to the left.\" \"", "♪\" \"The guy buys a mortuary and now he's looking to add to it?\" \"", "Up there?\" \"", "Who buys a cemetery?\" \"", "I don't think he bought a cemetery.\" \"", "I think he bought dirt.\" \"", "I don't like people buying dirt next to my dirt.\" \"", "He's making offers.\" \"", "Talking about putting up saloons,\" \"A hotel.\" \"", "Let him.\" \"", "Location's location.\" \"", "And that up there, that ain't location.\" \"", "But it is dry.\" \"(", "sighs)\" \"Look around, people are tired of living in the mud.\" \"", "He's figuring a city.\" \"", "A city built to last.\" \"", "Front street isn't exactly a model of sanitation now, is it?\" \"", "That's why he's buying up there.\" \"", "Do you think he's planning on making a new downtown?\" \"", "That's exactly what I'd do.\" \"", "Find out who he's talking to.\" \"", "I want to talk to them first.\" \"", "Tell them I'll pay more than the count.\" \"", "Count pays cash 100 percent.\" \"", "You've taken too many notes from miners,\" \"Wood's ready to go up to 152, bill haskell claim.\" \"", "Should we set him up or wait on the roads?\" \"", "We'll send him up.\" \"", "You want to compete with the count?\" \"", "You got to sell that claim.\" \"", "Which means whatever you do, I would not bring him that wood.\" \"(", "thunder crackles)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"Two more for me and two more for my friend here.\" \"", "Hey, this tastes like horse piss!\" \"", "To hell with them glasses, just give me a bottle.\" \"(", "giggles)\" \"Give us a feel.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "It's kind of the point, don't you think?\" \"", "Oh, I prefer it be a bit more classy than that.\" \"", "So you have an opinion, do you?\" \"", "Hey?\" \"", "I just bought it off of you.\" \"", "And the next one.\" \"", "And the next one in your head.\" \"", "Perhaps I can request that we take this upstairs?\" \"", "You see, now, to make requests that requires you\" \"To have an opinion.\" \"", "And I just bought your opinions, didn't I?\" \"", "And the next one in your head.\" \"", "And the next one in your head.\" \"", "What do you want me to do?\" \"", "You're a whore.\" \"", "Take clothes off.\" \"", "More.\" \"", "More.\" \"", "This is the klondike, love!\" \"(", "clang)\" \"I don't see you digging!\" \"", "♪\" \"That enough whore for you, count?\" \"", "No, not quite.\" \"", "But I think we're getting there.\" \"(", "coin clangs)\" \"I'm just kind of curious.\" \"", "How much is enough whore for you in a woman?\" \"", "A little bit ain't enough is it?\" \"", "You, you want more.\" \"(", "coins clang)\" \"All of you!\" \"(", "clang)\" \"You want more of the whore?\" \"(", "cheering)\" \"Who will do whatever you want Let you do whatever you want to her.\" \"(", "gasp)\" \"Enough.\" \"", "The lady's done for the night.\" \"", "Yeah, I think you'd know not to interrupt a man\" \"Who's spent money on a hooker.\" \"", "You've been outbid, asshole.\" \"", "Showed him.\" \"", "You didn't show him a goddamn thing.\" \"", "Standing out there buck naked in the rain\" \"With money in your hand.\" \"", "He's right, you're a goddamn whore.\" \"", "Now you give me that.\" \"", "Don't you look a gift horse in the mouth.\" \"", "I just saved you.\" \"", "Who said I needed any saving?\" \"", "You shitting me, woman?\" \"", "We all do what we do.\" \"", "Now I need that money.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "I'll do whatever you want.\" \"", "Inside my coat there's a pocket.\" \"", "You reach in there, you pull out that compact,\" \"You open it up Look.\" \"", "See what you are.\" \"", "You go to hell, bitch.\" \"", "You righteous, rich, bitch.\" \"(", "smack)\" \"Money, that's what men have over you.\" \"", "Once they don't, they ain't got no sway.\" \"", "And you get to keep your integrity.\" \"", "And that is worth a whole lot more than all\" \"The gold in this goddamn, frozen shit box.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "You don't say sorry to me.\" \"", "You say sorry to yourself.\" \"", "♪\" \"God may be a fairytale, but the fear of god ain't.\" \"", "You put that in her.\" \"", "You understand?\" \"(", "thunder crackles)\" \"It's a long way for the deputy minister of the interior\" \"To come, that's all.\" \"", "We do tend to hibernate in ottawa\" \"At the first sign of winter.\" \"", "The dawson problem is apparently too pressing\" \"To let wait until spring.\" \"", "At least according to my superiors.\" \"", "Dawson problem?\" \"", "As you know, the government is encouraging companies\" \"To come up here, develop the yukon.\" \"", "But said companies are a little uneasy.\" \"", "Word's gotten back, justified or not,\" \"That the natives are restless.\" \"", "You want to scare a white man in a corporate boardroom?\" \"", "Tell him he's investing in a land full of angry brown people.\" \"", "Ah.\" \"", "So, obviously, they need to be reassured\" \"That there is the rule of law in the yukon.\" \"", "If they're killers, they need to die.\" \"", "But I'm not yet 100 percent certain that they're the ones.\" \"", "Then get 100 percent certain.\" \"", "♪\" \"Good news.\" \"", "The tailor said he'd talk to you about the property.\" \"", "I know you don't want the count to get it,\" \"But don't offer the man cash for that land.\" \"", "You don't have it.\" \"(", "knocking)\" \"Mcdonald, it's belinda mulrooney.\" \"", "Come in.\" \"", "I appreciate you seeing me, sir.\" \"", "Mr. Mcdonald and I were just finishing up.\" \"", "It's not signed yet.\" \"", "What if I offered you more?\" \"", "The count's paying me a nice number.\" \"", "200.\" \"", "300.\" \"", "400?\" \"", "Five.\" \"", "You know, you should really walk away.\" \"", "You've pressed me twice already.\" \"", "I'm liable to become unhinged.\" \"", "Six.\" \"", "2,000.\" \"", "Hah.\" \"", "You spend money like that,\" \"I wouldn't have to worry about you.\" \"", "You'd be broke.\" \"", "Mr. Mcdonald, if you please.\" \"", "Nobody pays 2,000.\" \"", "Only an idiot does.\" \"(", "gunshot)\" \"(gasps)\" \"(mumbling grunts)\" \"And you're right.\" \"", "Nothing is a far better price.\" \"", "Now, I need to know that I'm done with you.\" \"", "Tell me that I'm done with you.\" \"", "Oh yeah, I'm done with you.\" \"", "Good girl.\" \"(", "door opens and slams shut)\" \"(sighs, sniffles)\" \"(thunder crackles)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"(sighs)\" \"Agh.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"(tapping)\" \"♪\" \"(heavy breathing)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"(clanging on cell)\" \"We're going for a walk.\" \"", "♪\" \"(cocks gun)\" \"Hit the bottle, please.\" \"", "♪\" \"(gunshot)\" \"Again!\" \"", "Again!\" \"(", "gunshot)\" \"Playing lame, aren't you?\" \"", "Let's put some real stakes into it, hmm?\" \"(", "small whimper)\" \"Now make the shot.\" \"", "Make the shot like you did that night,\" \"Or he dies!\" \"(", "whimpers)\" \"Make the shot!\" \"(", "gunshot)\" \"(crying)\" \"It's all right.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"(thwack, thwack)\" \"♪\" \"Ain't enough to share.\" \"", "I never killed no man, but you don't give way to that wood,\" \"I may have to start.\" \"", "Don't make it about that.\" \"(", "grunting, bashing, and stumbling)\" \"(grunting, bashing, and stumbling)\" \"(grunting, bashing, and stumbling)\" \"You're going to have to kill me, too, to stop me.\" \"", "Pwah!\" \"(", "thunk)\" \"(heavy breathing)\" \"♪\" \"Haskell's asking for the wood.\" \"", "In this weather?\" \"", "Haskell's got way too much faith in fellow man thinking\" \"I'm just going to saddle up and ride out into that.\" \"", "Deliver him wood that he wants on credit.\" \"", "I ain't doing it.\" \"", "I've got too much else on my mind.\" \"", "There's plenty of men have died in the yukon\" \"On account of the wrong kind of courage.\" \"", "It would be a shame, though.\" \"", "He's a good one.\" \"", "Don't you put that on me.\" \"", "I don't put nothing on nobody.\" \"", "I just talk.\" \"", "How much firewood does he have?\" \"", "Not enough.\" \"", "Ed?\" \"", "That's my husband.\" \"", "What happened?\" \"", "What happened?\" \"", "He's still with us.\" \"", "Don't worry.\" \"", "You all right?\" \"", "Get in the house.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"Light, you son of a bitch.\" \"(", "horse trotting and neighing)\" \"♪\" \"If I were more of a religious man,\" \"I'd say you were an angel.\" \"", "I've been called a lot of things,\" \"But never that.\" \"(", "grunts)\" \"What are you doing?\" \"", "Giving somebody something they need.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"This ought to burn right.\" \"", "The man tried to take an axe to you and you still gave him wood?\" \"", "It wasn't him swinging it.\" \"", "Something inside of him.\" \"", "Something the weather put there he'd rather not have seen.\" \"(", "horse neighing)\" \"(snap)\" \"(horse neighing, clanging)\" \"(wood clatters)\" \"(gasps) oh no.\" \"(", "large clatter)\" \"Humph.\" \"", "Goddamn.\" \"(", "heavy frustrated breathing)\" \"Idiot, idiot, idiot!\" \"", "Stupid woman!\" \"", "Thinking I'd get back before it went 100 percent to shit.\" \"", "Wish I could offer you something.\" \"", "A hot bath would be nice.\" \"", "A dry bed.\" \"", "Like I said, I wish I could offer you something.\" \"", "Remind me never do anyone a favor.\" \"", "Dig someone out of a hole... (grunts) ...You just end up putting the dirt in your own grave.\" \"", "We drink it when we want to knock the\" \"Sharp edges off the world.\" \"", "It's going to be one of those kind of nights,\" \"Full of sharp edges.\" \"", "Ah.\" \"(", "coughs)\" \"(laughs)\" \"Too damn smart to be digging around in the dirt.\" \"", "You know, you keep talking to someone like a neophyte,\" \"You're liable to alienate them.\" \"", "All the better.\" \"", "Then they don't get the wrong idea about things.\" \"", "And you've got, what, one more season than I do up here.\" \"", "One season is all it takes to undo 5,000 years of civilization.\" \"", "Goddam has the species regressed.\" \"", "No We've come a ways.\" \"", "What do I do, father?\" \"", "I'm stuck up here and I swear sometimes it's hell on earth.\" \"", "Well, between you and me, hell's bullshit.\" \"", "No fiery brimstone cave under our feet.\" \"", "No devil.\" \"", "I mean, if hell's real, it's right here.\" \"", "It's when we start believing that fear\" \"Is something different than what it is.\" \"", "It's just a feeling, that's all it is.\" \"", "Bones buzzing, blood pumping.\" \"", "And when you see that, you're through the looking glass.\" \"", "Can't steer you no more.\" \"", "So, if there are only two things in this world,\" \"Love and fear, what are you going to choose?\" \"", "Love.\" \"", "But I ain't seeing it.\" \"", "But you do see the fear, don't you?\" \"", "Why people are doing the things they're doing\" \"Is because they're scared.\" \"", "And when you see a person like that,\" \"When they're afraid, you see the little kid in them.\" \"", "You see the scared thing inside of them,\" \"And you can't help but\" \"Love them.\" \"", "Father?\" \"", "What am I going to do?\" \"", "Well, you can learn how to love.\" \"(", "thunder crackles)\" \"You're different, haskell.\" \"", "What makes you so different?\" \"", "I try to bathe at least once a week.\" \"(", "laughs)\" \"Well, it ain't doing you any favors.\" \"", "You got some white in your mouth.\" \"", "The teeth of your civilization.\" \"", "It's the first thing that goes, hygiene.\" \"", "Civilization ain't gone up here.\" \"", "Not if you don't want it to go.\" \"", "Oh, it ain't what you want.\" \"", "It's what nature wants.\" \"", "And she'll pull the animal right out of you\" \"Even if you don't know it's in there.\" \"", "Nature can't take what you don't want it to.\" \"", "Goddamn if civilization ain't a beautiful thing.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"If you say a word of this to anyone,\" \"I'll deny it.\" \"(", "heavy breathing)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"One hangover, I'm used to.\" \"", "Two hangovers, a whole other thing.\" \"", "A lot of intoxication in there, last night,\" \"In more ways than one.\" \"", "It'll wear off.\" \"", "Always does.\" \"", "I'm too far gone, haskell.\" \"", "Too many closed up places in me that need\" \"To be open for something like this to work.\" \"", "A woman needs to be like that up here.\" \"", "Keep that civilization burning bright,\" \"Won't you?\" \"", "You do the same.\" \"", "Well...\" \"It's been beat out of me.\" \"", "I think I made that clear with all that\" \"Pontificating last night.\" \"", "If it don't show up last night, I'm out here in the mud dead\" \"And I think you knew that.\" \"", "So don't talk to me about civilization.\" \"", "♪\" \"Maybe that's the biggest curse of the klondike,\" \"How it saps your ability to trust.\" \"", "You never know what's in a person's heart,\" \"What they really want from you.\" \"", "They'd just as soon kill you as love you.\" \"", "Because you kill someone\" \"And they're never a threat to you again.\" \"", "You love them, they can take everything from you.\" \"", "Your gold.\" \"", "Your land.\" \"", "Your soul.\" \"", "♪\" \"Woo!\" \"(", "laughs)\" \"Ha, ha!\" \"", "Show us your stuff!\" \"", "Half-wit's supposed to be on the straight and narrow.\" \"", "Well, she is, believe it or not.\" \"", "She's just celebrating.\" \"", "Celebrating what?\" \"", "Well, if I'm not mistaking,\" \"She's in love with the divine holy light.\" \"", "There you are.\" \"", "I just need a few signatures.\" \"", "Liquidation papers for the bill haskell claim.\" \"", "Who's our buyer?\" \"", "We talked about this.\" \"", "You want hard cash to\" \"Compete with this man.\" \"", "Then this is the way to do it.\" \"(", "sighs)\" \"(chatter and laughter)\" \"Miss mulrooney.\" \"", "I trust you're here to consummate the deal?\" \"", "I'm not consummating that way, but you do get my point.\" \"", "You shut up, soap.\" \"", "Don't you make this any dirtier than it already is.\" \"", "The good news is,\" \"I've got walking pneumonia.\" \"", "Not a lot of people qualify that as good news.\" \"", "It is if it means I don't got typhus.\" \"", "Well, now, congratulations.\" \"", "And you'll be elated to know I figured out why\" \"The site's been filling in on itself.\" \"", "There's flow under the surface.\" \"", "And plaster.\" \"", "Soft as clouds.\" \"", "Meaning, if there's science to any of this,\" \"That is an optimum gold-bearing soil.\" \"", "You might want to hold off on that.\" \"", "I started with the good news.\" \"", "♪\" \"Is it true?\" \"", "You sell out that claim from beneath me?\" \"", "I told you there ain't no civilization in me.\" \"", "I sold your note to soapy.\" \"", "He's not going to give you the week I was to pay back the loan.\" \"", "He's going to foreclose.\" \"", "Tomorrow.\" \"(", "flies buzzing)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"I thought we had an understanding.\" \"", "I'm formally requesting a judge be sent so a proper\" \"Case can proceed.\" \"", "Because if you want justice\" \"Up here, then you're going to need a justice.\" \"", "You don't want to do this.\" \"", "Don't you tell me what I want to do.\" \"", "I'll tell you what.\" \"", "What I'm going to do right now is save you.\" \"", "That's going to the telegraph office.\" \"", "I'll have them type another.\" \"", "Now you listen to me, friend.\" \"", "There's a reason you came here.\" \"", "I know what it is.\" \"", "I know exactly who you are.\" \"", "20-year veteran that's never risen above constable.\" \"", "A wholly uninspired candidate incapable of original thought.\" \"", "Year in and year out, you get passed over.\" \"", "So you come up here, take the job that no one else will.\" \"", "Your one last shot to be someone.\" \"", "A superintendent.\" \"", "And suddenly you get that original thought at exactly\" \"The wrong time.\" \"", "Were this to get through, I would simply countermand it.\" \"", "You would be relieved of duty.\" \"", "And I would have more public relations complications\" \"When I want less.\" \"", "I'm giving you a chance to reconsider.\" \"", "What's happening here is going to happen,\" \"Whether you retype this or not.\" \"", "You're a son of a bitch.\" \"", "Yes I am.\" \"", "A son of a bitch who's saving you from yourself.\" \"", "So, what do you say, superintendent?\" \"", "Let me save you?\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"(grunts)\" \"(crash)\" \"The man puts a shovel in the ground that many times,\" \"God is bound to reward him.\" \"", "He's just got to.\" \"", "We'll find another claim.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "This was it, meek.\" \"", "Our one shot!\" \"(", "banging wood, grunts)\" \"♪\" \"Don't give me that look.\" \"", "I gave you a chance.\" \"", "You could have cashed in.\" \"", "Save it, leech.\" \"", "I'd rather be a leech than an idiot, friend.\" \"", "A leech is never hungry.\" \"", "Idiot, go, go-go find yourself lunch.\" \"", "Someplace else besides my claim.\" \"", "Meek!\" \"", "Meek!\" \"", "We're still in it, meek!\" \"", "It ain't over yet!\" \"", "We're still in it!\" \"", "Come on!\" \"", "Hey, hey, hey!\" \"", "What the hell are you doing?\" \"", "This is my claim now!\" \"", "No it ain't.\" \"", "I got a contract!\" \"", "Yeah, well in case you can't see,\" \"I'm holding that contract now.\" \"", "And since you can't pay the balance due this very day,\" \"I am ordering you to vacate.\" \"", "You do not have the funds!\" \"", "That's where you're wrong, soapy.\" \"", "We are fully funded.\" \"", "Go on, get!\" \"(", "laughing)\" \"♪\" \"Death is here.\" \"", "The sky will darken soon.\" \"", "Like a coffin lid closing and we will be alone with death.\" \"", "God isn't fooled by our shelters Or by the rags covering our bodies.\" \"", "He knows.\" \"", "We're no different than the coyotes.\" \"", "We are predators, creatures of fortune and circumstance,\" \"That's all.\" \"", "God knows.\" \"", "There's no end to him.\" \"", "He is the storm.\" \"", "He is the mudslide.\" \"", "He is the typhus-ridden mosquito.\" \"", "And he is our greed for gold.\" \"(", "thunk, splash)\" \"He chooses who to kill, like an infant smashing sticks.\" \"", "I've come here to tell you that I feel his grace,\" \"I feel him pulling me to him.\" \"", "I can feel it coming.\" \"", "A storm.\" \"", "What storm?\" \"", "I will kill.\" \"", "Have you killed before?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Whom have you killed?\" \"", "A wandering jew.\" \"", "A young man with the sap still rising in him.\" \"", "And you will kill again?\" \"", "Whatever burns inside you, man always has a choice.\" \"", "Always a choice.\" \"", "Not when it's god's own gravity\" \"Pulling you like the rain out of the sky.\" \"", "It just happens.\" \"", "An inevitability.\" \"", "That's my confession.\" \"(", "coughing)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"Attention!\" \"", "Attention all you dirty pricks!\" \"", "This boat leaves in two days and there won't be another\" \"One until next spring.\" \"", "And only the healthy...\" \"Careful with the piano, please.\" \"", "If you have a sniffle, a speck of a sniffle,\" \"Cough, rash, scratch in your throat,\" \"If you're dying, planning to die,\" \"Hoping not to die, this ain't your ship!\" \"", "You will not be coming aboard!\" \"", "That is life or death drama.\" \"", "Most of these people don't have supplies\" \"To last through the winter.\" \"", "They'll die if they stay here.\" \"", "Which makes this a business-tunity,\" \"Don't it?\" \"", "I got ten tickets to the highest bidder!\" \"", "Now we all know how this works.\" \"", "We'll do it in an orderly way.\" \"", "Somebody say a number and then somebody says a higher number.\" \"", "Who'll give me 40?\" \"", "This is your one and only tunity to get out of here\" \"Before the winter sets in\" \"And you all start to freeze your asses off!\" \"", "Now you all know about the typhus.\" \"", "This is...\" \"Dog?\" \"", "40.\" \"", "It's going to be 40 dollars To get out of here.\" \"", "Who can give me more?\" \"", "Think about it.\" \"", "This is your lives we're talking about.\" \"", "45 from this gentleman... (heavy breaths)\" \"We're in a tavern up north and there is this big indian there.\" \"", "Tlingit, I think.\" \"", "And he's had a few, but he's not drunk.\" \"", "We decide we're going to have a little fun with him.\" \"", "Now the man is standing with his back to a mirror, see?\" \"", "And we tell him, if you turn head really fast toward\" \"The mirror, you can see the back of your head.\" \"(", "laughs)\" \"Well, this savage who just stares at us,\" \"Doesn't say anything.\" \"", "Indian doesn't understand english, we think.\" \"", "Hah.\" \"", "Then we see him, when he thinks nobody's looking.\" \"", "And he's whipping his head around like this.\" \"", "He does it every three seconds or so.\" \"", "Almost saw it.\" \"(", "laughs)\" \"Could I have a word with you a moment, sir?\" \"", "How may I help you, father?\" \"", "Well the prisoners you're about to hang are innocent.\" \"", "And you say that, why?\" \"", "Because I've spoken to the murderer.\" \"", "He's a white man.\" \"", "What's his name?\" \"", "I don't know his name or, or his face.\" \"", "It was in the darkness of the confessional.\" \"", "And the bond of the confessional prevents you from saying more,\" \"Yes sir.\" \"", "I mean, if I did know more, I wouldn't say it,\" \"But I don't know more.\" \"", "Ah, catholic evidence.\" \"(", "chuckles)\" \"Boys, remind me never to confess to a priest.\" \"", "He'll blab it all over town.\" \"(", "laughs)\" \"I've known men like you.\" \"", "Strong with others, weak alone.\" \"", "I said what I came to say.\" \"", "Now you do with it what you will.\" \"", "Hey priest!\" \"", "You know if you turn around really fast you can see\" \"The back of your head?\" \"(", "laughs)\" \"Wait.\" \"", "Are you sure it was the killing of byron epstein\" \"He was talking about?\" \"", "It's amazing to me how you can all have a chuckle\" \"When innocent men are likely to die.\" \"", "You don't understand how it is.\" \"", "There's a lot more going on.\" \"", "I can't think of anything that would trump the\" \"You'd be the last person I would think to get on a soapbox.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Because I'm a whore?\" \"", "There's only one whore standing out here, superintendent.\" \"", "And it isn't me.\" \"", "I think this gold we're pulling out\" \"Is just the tail of the beast.\" \"", "The beast itself lies below.\" \"", "We just got to dig deeper.\" \"", "The beast.\" \"", "Well, let's go.\" \"", "We're burning daylight.\" \"", "The beast.\" \"(", "banging)\" \"(creaking)\" \"Hey!\" \"", "Hey!\" \"(", "crumbles, muffled screams)\" \"Meek!\" \"", "Meek!\" \"", "Ugh.\" \"", "Meek.\" \"", "Ugh.\" \"", "Agh.\" \"", "Meek!\" \"", "Help!\" \"", "Help!\" \"(", "shovels digging)\" \"(rocks crumble)\" \"♪\" \"(grunts)\" \"(coughing)\" \"(grunts, coughing)\" \"Where's meeker?\" \"(", "coughing)\" \"Meeker?\" \"", "He's over there.\" \"", "Arm's broke up, but he's over there.\" \"", "The beast got us.\" \"", "His arm is busted up.\" \"", "We're taking him to dawson.\" \"(", "coughing)\" \"Did you get a look at the assailant?\" \"", "Got to be the same one that killed epstein.\" \"", "That's the problem with property rights in this territory.\" \"", "If a claim owner dies, his next of kin have one week\" \"To take possession.\" \"", "No one can get here in a week.\" \"", "No relation shows up, the claim's up for grabs.\" \"", "If both you and mr.\" \"", "Meeker had died,\" \"That mine would be a free-for-all.\" \"", "You are incentivizing killers, superintendent.\" \"", "I did not write the law.\" \"", "You're keeping something back.\" \"", "The murderer, he's been talking.\" \"", "He as much as admitted the killing to someone.\" \"", "Who?\" \"", "I have nothing further to say that this gentleman\" \"Hasn't already heard.\" \"", "But you saw him?\" \"", "Heard him.\" \"", "Must have seen something.\" \"", "I am bound by god not to divulge what I've seen\" \"And heard in that space.\" \"", "Was it a miner?\" \"", "Well, it wasn't a tlingit.\" \"", "It's what he wants, you know?\" \"", "For you to become just like him.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"I'm sorry for my behavior this morning.\" \"", "It was weak of me.\" \"", "I accept your apology.\" \"", "You were right, what you said.\" \"", "I guess maybe you saw it in my face.\" \"", "It's what we whores do.\" \"", "We read men.\" \"", "Don't say that.\" \"", "Why do you feel you have to prove anything\" \"To me, superintendent?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"(", "coughs)\" \"You in the wood business now?\" \"", "You look awful.\" \"", "It's not catching, is it?\" \"", "It's time we had a conversation.\" \"", "You've been bad ever since I've known you.\" \"", "But things have taken a turn for the worse.\" \"", "Well you can put a stop to it.\" \"", "I intend to.\" \"", "You want to be the real estate baron in dawson.\" \"", "All I care about is the fairview hotel.\" \"", "I'm willing to let you buy me out,\" \"Give you the pick of any of my properties on front street, 6,000.\" \"", "So I can keep the fairview construction afloat.\" \"", "Front street properties are a swamp.\" \"", "Well, come spring, all the establishments on front street\" \"Are the first thing folks see when they dock in dawson.\" \"", "I'm your only competition.\" \"", "I'd advise you to buy me out.\" \"", "I'll tell you what I'll do.\" \"", "Right?\" \"", "I'll give you your 6,000, but I want the lot.\" \"", "Everything you've got.\" \"", "That's highway robbery.\" \"", "6,000 for all of them?\" \"", "I'll bring the paperwork to the saloon tonight.\" \"", "You know, when you're not being such a bitch,\" \"You can be really rather fetching.\" \"", "♪\" \"Has anyone seen dog?\" \"", "How about you?\" \"", "Have you seen dog?\" \"", "Dog have a name?\" \"", "What's a dog need with a name?\" \"", "Kid's got a love affair with the critter.\" \"", "Gate's closing.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"(speaking in tlingit)\" \"(speaking in tlingit)\" \"(speaking in tlingit)\" \"(coughing)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"What's going on, val?\" \"", "Count rented the place for the night.\" \"", "How about I lift that off of you.\" \"", "Ain't no way to conduct business.\" \"", "Are we going to have a problem?\" \"", "That's a good lass.\" \"", "How about we have a seat over there,\" \"At the special table.\" \"", "Count pay you by the day or pay you by the killing?\" \"", "You ain't going to buy me out.\" \"", "I got no need for your type.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪ 2,000 u.S. Dollars.\" \"", "The deal was for six.\" \"", "Yeah, but your properties are rotten.\" \"", "They're not worth that.\" \"", "You're not buying properties.\" \"", "You're buying peace of mind.\" \"", "3,000?\" \"", "6,000.\" \"", "You know, I was the first one to believe in you.\" \"", "Back when even you didn't believe in you.\" \"", "Now look at you.\" \"", "Eh?\" \"", "Was I wrong?\" \"", "You don't have it, do you?\" \"", "Your men here know you don't have the money.\" \"", "What my men know is that my new lumberyard has got better\" \"Equipment than yours and on any given business,\" \"I pull in 1,000 dollars, which means\" \"The 6,000 is nothing to me.\" \"", "Then pay it.\" \"", "Get me a beer, while you're at it.\" \"", "Champagne's...\" \"Soft.\" \"", "There's cash in the back.\" \"", "Get it.\" \"", "That cash is a big chunk of your money.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "So get it.\" \"", "How do I know you're not going to shoot me\" \"Like you did mcdonald?\" \"", "Well, because mcdonald and I,\" \"We didn't have the history that we have.\" \"", "I suggest you sign that.\" \"", "Because otherwise I might change my mind\" \"And wait you out, watch you drop dead.\" \"", "You got the typhus, right?\" \"", "Bring me the cash.\" \"", "Give me a pen.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"(short breaths)\" \"(gasp) ugh.\" \"", "It worked.\" \"", "It worked.\" \"", "Jesus, you're burning up.\" \"", "Give us a hand here!\" \"", "Goddamn it, give us a hand!\" \"", "Give them a hand!\" \"", "Give them a hand!\" \"(", "chatter)\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"You're up here by your lonesome?\" \"", "Where's dog?\" \"", "He's run off.\" \"", "Dog knows something.\" \"", "Smells a blizzard coming, maybe.\" \"", "You ascribe a lot of intellect to that dog.\" \"", "Well, he's got what's needed in these environs.\" \"", "More than we've got.\" \"", "You ought to know belinda's taken down with the typhus.\" \"", "She's on a cot in the judge's.\" \"", "I know you two have feelings.\" \"", "You show your love by fighting each other.\" \"", "How bad is it?\" \"", "Go on down there or I'll shoot you through your head\" \"And make you stupider than you already are.\" \"", "You should be out mining.\" \"", "Well you should be out over-charging miners.\" \"", "I am wicked.\" \"", "You just want people to think that.\" \"", "Never fooled me.\" \"", "Sleepy.\" \"", "You can't sleep now.\" \"(", "low sniffles, cries)\" \"Keep talking.\" \"", "When I first saw you, I thought of myself,\" \"\"that woman is stronger than iron.\"\" \"", "You dominated a room just by standing in it.\" \"", "And the room was better for it.\" \"", "A little thing like a fever, you'll just kick it aside.\" \"", "I'm tired of kicking.\" \"", "My mama used to do this to me when I was sick.\" \"", "It must be nice having someone you love do that for you.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "What else did your mama do?\" \"", "She talked and told me everything she was doing.\" \"\"", "I'm changing the sheets.\" \"\"", "I'm airing out the room.\"\" \"", "Like I couldn't see her.\" \"", "Sometimes she sang to me.\" \"", "No, I'm not singing to you.\" \"(", "cries, sniffles)\" \"♪\" \"She went days with the disease skulking through\" \"Her body like a wolf.\" \"", "Most people wouldn't even be able to walk.\" \"", "She'll be all right.\" \"", "She's tougher than rubber.\" \"", "The arm's feeling better.\" \"", "Won't get better without help.\" \"", "Doctor help, you mean?\" \"", "We got to get you to the mainland.\" \"", "Ferry leaves day after tomorrow.\" \"", "You're going to be on it.\" \"", "And what about you?\" \"", "What about the mine?\" \"", "The season's up, meek.\" \"", "It's the last ferry of the year.\" \"", "You ain't answered my question.\" \"", "What about you?\" \"", "You don't go, I don't go.\" \"", "Don't be stupid.\" \"", "That arm don't heal right, you're a cripple for life.\" \"", "You don't go, I don't go.\" \"", "I'll get us both tickets.\" \"", "How about that?\" \"", "You'd do that?\" \"", "If it gets you out of here.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "I lied to him.\" \"", "I had to.\" \"", "We'd found gold.\" \"", "But I hadn't satisfied the real obsession.\" \"", "The killer of my best friend, hiding out there somewhere\" \"Like a dog, in the mud, in the rain with his great secret.\" \"", "It was just a matter of time before someone saw his face.\" \"", "And the real end game would begin.\" \"", "♪\" \"Safe travels.\" \"(", "coughing)\" \"(coughing)\" \"Bill.\" \"", "Her fever's broke.\" \"", "She might make it.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"Must have nodded off.\" \"(", "clears throat)\" \"Looks like you had a little help.\" \"", "Yeah, well, help at night, hell in the morning.\" \"", "She all right, belinda?\" \"", "Maybe yes, maybe no.\" \"(", "howling)\" \"That's him.\" \"", "Who?\" \"", "I recognize his voice anywhere.\" \"", "He's gone back to the wild.\" \"", "He's howling with his brethren.\" \"", "Well, it's good to know you, bill haskell.\" \"", "You're not coming back, are you?\" \"", "You're going to be on that ferry.\" \"", "I've collected a lot of stories.\" \"", "Don't have much meaning unless people hear them.\" \"", "♪\" \"Put me in one of them, will you?\" \"", "I'll think about it.\" \"", "But right now...\" \"I'm burning daylight.\" \"", "♪\" \"Confused.\" \"", "Where exactly all our customers are?\" \"", "Well, I suppose they're up the street at belinda's mill.\" \"", "She's suddenly selling her wood on credit.\" \"", "That helps her how?\" \"", "For a woman so desperate for hard cash,\" \"Selling on credit helps her exactly how?\" \"", "Well, it helps her keep the customers away from here.\" \"", "Smart little rat.\" \"", "Knew you were strapped.\" \"", "Took all your cash on hand.\" \"", "But why?\" \"", "Well so I can't pay you lot.\" \"", "Sundown and his boys ain't the type you want to be in hock to.\" \"", "Well, there's more than one way to raise capital.\" \"", "Trust me.\" \"", "Got some color, do you?\" \"", "A little.\" \"", "And yet, I get the sense that your mind\" \"Is a whole world away, thinking.\" \"", "I'm working on something that don't have a solution.\" \"", "Well, not much point in thinking about it, then.\" \"", "Thinking about how to ferret out a murderer.\" \"", "How would you do that?\" \"", "Is that why you sent your friend away?\" \"", "Keep him away from whatever nastiness you're planning?\" \"", "Something like that.\" \"", "I ain't as innocent as him.\" \"", "So?\" \"", "That son of a bitch, he hit my claim last night.\" \"", "Got two months worth of flakes.\" \"", "Now that's not what you got, but still it's every penny I had.\" \"", "You know, you can't be certain it was him.\" \"", "Well, there's one way to find out.\" \"", "We find him.\" \"", "We make him talk.\" \"", "♪\" \"If it's the mine he wants, we're going to sit right back here\" \"And let him think he can have it.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"♪\" \"Got movement.\" \"", "Son of a bitch was in my camp.\" \"", "And he's headed for mine.\" \"", "♪\" \"Move, I'll shoot your right where you stand!\" \"", "You're the one that's trying to kill me?\" \"", "You come for my gold now?\" \"", "Didn't kill no one.\" \"", "Just looking to steal something to feed my family with.\" \"", "Well maybe you're here to finish the job\" \"And kill me like you killed my friend?\" \"", "I told you.\" \"", "I didn't kill no one.\" \"", "I'm telling you I didn't do nothing.\" \"", "Superintendent's going to iron all that out.\" \"", "Whole difference between stealing and killing.\" \"", "And I didn't even steal.\" \"", "Bill haskell, what are you doing?\" \"", "I think I found our man.\" \"", "No you haven't.\" \"", "This isn't him.\" \"", "You know something, you talk now.\" \"", "Who is he?\" \"", "I'm bound by god to honor the sanctity of the confession.\" \"", "But I can tell you right now it's not this man.\" \"", "Told you.\" \"", "Shut up!\" \"", "Step away.\" \"", "Now!\" \"", "Talk.\" \"", "You know, I come down here to give myself a little peace.\" \"", "See if our murderous friend was smart enough to get\" \"Onto the last boat out of here.\" \"", "Disappear with his sins and leave the rest of us alone.\" \"", "I didn't get that peace.\" \"", "So long!\" \"", "Good bye!\" \"", "Prison's closing in now.\" \"", "We're all locked in together.\" \"(", "boat horn blows)\" \"The die had been cast.\" \"", "God had sealed us in with our fate.\" \"", "What we were before we came to this place was no more.\" \"", "The land had taken over.\" \"", "Drawn from us the animal instincts we'd rather not know.\" \"", "It had already killed hundreds, maybe thousands.\" \"", "But only one of those deaths mattered to me.\" \"", "The ache of a friend lost forever is a pain\" \"I'd wish on nobody.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\" \"You was just trying to get me out of here,\" \"Weren't you?\" \"", "Only to save that arm.\" \"", "Who's going to save you?\" \"", "Jesus.\" \"", "♪\" \"Sometimes friendships, even new ones,\" \"Are the only solace we have, even if the moment is only\" \"Fleeting and the worst storms are yet to come.\" \"", "♪\" \"♪\"" ]
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[ "Days at Boulder Ridge are exciting and filled with activities and choices. ", "Each session, campers are placed in small groups based on their age and grade with at least one counselor. ", "The Boulder Ridge Day Camp program is designed with the age and development of each child in mind, providing a balance of physical and non-athletic activities. ", "Campers will have both scheduled activities, where they can try everything that Boulder Ridge has to offer, as well as afternoon options, where they can really focus on what interests them." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.005291005291005291 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPrinting to File - Java beginner\n\nI cannot figure out why the following simple program doesn't (create) and then write to a file? ", "Can you spot where the problem is?", "\npublic class RandomSeq\n{\n public static void main( String[] args)\n {\n // command-line argument\n int N = Integer.parseInt( args[0] );\n\n // generate and print N numbers between 0 and 1\n for ( int i = 0 ; i < N; i++ )\n {\n // System.out.println( Math.random() );\n StdOut.println( Math.random() );\n }\n }\n}\n\nWhen I type the following at the Interactions prompt:\n\njava RandomSeq 5\n\n0.9959531649155268\n0.5010055704125982\n0.4444779637605908\n0.4205901267129799\n0.09968268057133955\n\nI obviously get the correct output, but when I use piping, it doesn't do what (I think) it should do:\n> java RandomSeq 5 > f1.txt\n\nA:\n\nThe \"normal\" Java way to write to a file is by using a Writer class. ", "I denoted a small example below. ", "Alternatively you can change the PrintStream that you write to which then sends the output to a file instead of the console (essentially the same as below)\nPrintWriter out;\nFile myfile = new File(folder,\"output.txt\");\nmyfile.createNewFile();\nfos = new FileOutputStream(myfile);\nout = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, \"UTF-8\")));\nout.println(\"some text to go in the output file\");\n\nEdit: \nOn my machine the code works fine using System.out.println(). ", "I can only imagine that there might be a problem with the write permissions, else wise maybe StdOut object has some bugs...\n~/scratch $ java RandomSeq 5 > out.txt\n~/scratch $ cat out.txt \n0.5674462012296635\n0.05189786036638799\n0.1290205079541452\n0.22015961731674394\n0.6503198654182695\n~/scratch $ \n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0.004166666666666667, 0.0033444816053511705 ]
[ "Oral/intravenous maintenance dosing of valproate following intravenous loading: a simulation.", "\nValproic acid (VPA) has a narrow therapeutic range (50-100mg/l) and exhibits nonlinear protein binding. ", "Additionally, VPA pharmacokinetics are dependent on age, induction status, and formulation; so titration and dosing vary between individuals. ", "The aim of these simulations was to determine optimal intravenous (i.v.) ", "loading dose, and i.v. ", "and oral VPA maintenance regimens. ", "A 5-min 15mg/kg loading dose resulted in total and free plasma VPA concentrations of approximately 65 and 7.5mg/l in children, and approximately 80 and 11mg/l in adults, 1h after the infusion; induction status had little effect. ", "For uninduced children and adults, 7.5 and 3.5mg/kg q6h i.v. ", "valproate sodium, initiated 6h after loading dose maintains therapeutic plasma VPA concentrations. ", "The rapid decline of plasma VPA concentrations following an i.v. ", "loading dose in combination with the delayed initial absorption of drug from delayed-release divalproex sodium tablets warrant beginning q12h oral maintenance regimens of delayed-release divalproex sodium within 2h of a loading dose in the uninduced population. ", "Plasma VPA concentrations can be sustained in the therapeutic range using once-daily maintenance regimens of extended-release divalproex sodium tablets if initiated concurrently with i.v. ", "loading dose in the uninduced population. ", "A two-fold higher i.v. ", "and oral maintenance regimen dose may be required in induced patients." ]
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[ "Synchronization of heterogeneous oscillator populations in response to weak and strong coupling.", "\nSynchronous behavior of a population of chemical oscillators is analyzed in the presence of both weak and strong coupling. ", "In each case, we derive upper bounds on the critical coupling strength which are valid for arbitrary populations of nonlinear, heterogeneous oscillators. ", "For weak perturbations, infinitesimal phase response curves are used to characterize the response to coupling, and graph theoretical techniques are used to predict synchronization. ", "In the strongly perturbed case, we observe a phase dependent perturbation threshold required to elicit an immediate spike and use this behavior for our analytical predictions. ", "Resulting upper bounds on the critical coupling strength agree well with our experimental observations and numerical simulations. ", "Furthermore, important system parameters which determine synchronization are different in the weak and strong coupling regimes. ", "Our results point to new strategies by which limit cycle oscillators can be studied when the applied perturbations become strong enough to immediately reset the phase." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "José Mourinho said after the 1-0 defeat by bottom-of-the-table West Bromwich Albion that confirmed Manchester City as Premier League champions that he could “smell” a bad performance coming from Manchester United and that it left him questioning his players’ attitude.", "\n\nMourinho described United as “the masters in complicated football” and said they had been guilty of letting their 3-2 victory against Manchester City go to their heads, arguing that they would not be able to sustain a better challenge next season until Paul Pogba, among others, had started to show more consistency.", "\n\nWest Brom stun Manchester United to hand Manchester City the title Read more\n\nThe United manager also gave a strong defence of his own record, listing some of his achievements with Chelsea, Real Madrid and Porto, after being asked how United could expect to overhaul Pep Guardiola’s team next season.", "\n\n“I trust in my work,” he said. “", "I have no reason not to – eight titles and three Premier Leagues and the last Premier League was not 20 years ago. ", "It was three years ago and I know how to win. ", "I believe in myself but I don’t play.”", "\n\nJay Rodriguez’s second-half winner meant City securing the league title with five games to spare. “", "I don’t know if I was the first or second or third but I congratulated them face to face when I had the chance,” Mourinho said. “", "If I was in their position, I would be very upset if someone said they won because United lost against West Brom. ", "They won because they were the best team and lost only a few points.”", "\n\nPogba was substituted after 57 minutes of United’s defeat and Mourinho did not make any attempt to conceal his unhappiness with the team’s performance and the inconsistency of his most expensive player. “", "Probably because I won eight championships, I was not in the moon with the victory against them [City]. ", "It was only three points. ", "That didn’t make me feel super happy and, in my opinion, it affected some of the people that were too happy. ", "I have lots of experience because I won eight titles and I was not over the moon ... but I saw lots of people who were on the moon. ", "During the week I was trying to fight that.", "\n\nSign up for The Fiver, our daily football email.", "\n\n“With my experience you don’t titles with inconsistency. ", "You win, of course, with quality, but with consistency in every level, not just the performance level but also the mental level. ", "One of the things we have to improve is consistency.”" ]
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[ "3, -374, -639?", "\n-2*m**3 - m**2 + 2*m + 82\nWhat is the k'th term of -6, -14, -28, -48, -74?", "\n-3*k**2 + k - 4\nWhat is the u'th term of 54, 210, 366, 522?", "\n156*u - 102\nWhat is the m'th term of 130, 536, 1214, 2164, 3386?", "\n136*m**2 - 2*m - 4\nWhat is the x'th term of 481, 483, 485?", "\n2*x + 479\nWhat is the i'th term of 12, 48, 110, 198, 312, 452?", "\n13*i**2 - 3*i + 2\nWhat is the z'th term of 565, 1127, 1667, 2173, 2633?", "\n-2*z**3 + z**2 + 573*z - 7\nWhat is the g'th term of -414, -827, -1240?", "\n-413*g - 1\nWhat is the g'th term of 2740, 2732, 2720, 2704, 2684?", "\n-2*g**2 - 2*g + 2744\nWhat is the p'th term of -30, -142, -352, -678, -1138, -1750?", "\n-3*p**3 - 31*p**2 + 2*p + 2\nWhat is the f'th term of -5565, -22256, -50075, -89022, -139097, -200300?", "\n-5564*f**2 + f - 2\nWhat is the w'th term of -402, -403, -404, -405?", "\n-w - 401\nWhat is the c'th term of 208, 362, 518, 676, 836, 998, 1162?", "\nc**2 + 151*c + 56\nWhat is the w'th term of 167, 163, 157, 149, 139, 127?", "\n-w**2 - w + 169\nWhat is the a'th term of -15, -34, -77, -156, -283, -470?", "\n-2*a**3 - 5*a - 8\nWhat is the t'th term of 3143, 3144, 3145?", "\nt + 3142\nWhat is the q'th term of -302, -613, -928, -1247?", "\n-2*q**2 - 305*q + 5\nWhat is the a'th term of 42, 42, 34, 18, -6, -38, -78?", "\n-4*a**2 + 12*a + 34\nWhat is the t'th term of 33, 125, 217?", "\n92*t - 59\nWhat is the l'th term of -133, -137, -131, -109, -65, 7, 113, 259?", "\nl**3 - l**2 - 8*l - 125\nWhat is the x'th term of -35, -127, -283, -503, -787?", "\n-32*x**2 + 4*x - 7\nWhat is the d'th term of -59, -236, -531, -944, -1475?", "\n-59*d**2\nWhat is the r'th term of -8, -26, -52, -86?", "\n-4*r**2 - 6*r + 2\nWhat is the r'th term of -595, -597, -599, -601, -603?", "\n-2*r - 593\nWhat is the v'th term of -2450, -2455, -2462, -2471, -2482, -2495?", "\n-v**2 - 2*v - 2447\nWhat is the n'th term of -33, -67, -103, -141, -181, -223?", "\n-n**2 - 31*n - 1\nWhat is the j'th term of 110, 152, 192, 230, 266?", "\n-j**2 + 45*j + 66\nWhat is the z'th term of 941, 944, 947, 950, 953, 956?", "\n3*z + 938\nWhat is the q'th term of -2745, -5489, -8227, -10953, -13661, -16345, -18999?", "\nq**3 - 3*q**2 - 2742*q - 1\nWhat is the v'th term of -121, -233, -345, -457, -569, -681?", "\n-112*v - 9\nWhat is the r'th term of -173, -352, -531, -710, -889?", "\n-179*r + 6\nWhat is the r'th term of 1168, 2336, 3504, 4672, 5840?", "\n1168*r\nWhat is the a'th term of 31, 32, 27, 16, -1, -24?", "\n-3*a**2 + 10*a + 24\nWhat is the y'th term of -356, -713, -1070?", "\n-357*y + 1\nWhat is the x'th term of -150, -129, -108?", "\n21*x - 171\nWhat is the k'th term of -13, -10, -7?", "\n3*k - 16\nWhat is the m'th term of 118, 101, 72, 25, -46, -147?", "\n-m**3 - 10*m + 129\nWhat is the h'th term of 113, 390, 851, 1496, 2325, 3338, 4535?", "\n92*h**2 + h + 20\nWhat is the f'th term of -38, -79, -120?", "\n-41*f + 3\nWhat is the s'th term of -6, -19, -34, -51?", "\n-s**2 - 10*s + 5\nWhat is the v'th term of 366, 731, 1096?", "\n365*v + 1\nWhat is the u'th term of 4, 0, -8, -20?", "\n-2*u**2 + 2*u + 4\nWhat is the m'th term of -554, -553, -560, -581, -622, -689, -788, -925?", "\n-m**3 + 2*m**2 + 2*m - 557\nWhat is the f'th term of -155, -252, -343, -422, -483, -520, -527?", "\nf**3 - 3*f**2 - 95*f - 58\nWhat is the k'th term of 9, 37, 85, 153, 241, 349, 477?", "\n10*k**2 - 2*k + 1\nWhat is the g'th term of 92, 65, 38, 11?", "\n-27*g + 119\nWhat is the s'th term of -3244, -3239, -3232, -3223, -3212, -3199, -3184?", "\ns**2 + 2*s - 3247\nWhat is the n'th term of 35, 7, -21?", "\n-28*n + 63\nWhat is the o'th term of 6, -19, -72, -159, -286, -459?", "\n-o**3 - 8*o**2 + 6*o + 9\nWhat is the r'th term of -3955, -3953, -3949, -3943, -3935, -3925, -3913?", "\nr**2 - r - 3955\nWhat is the a'th term of 224, 222, 220, 218?", "\n-2*a + 226\nWhat is the g'th term of -13440, -26883, -40326?", "\n-13443*g + 3\nWhat is the h'th term of 1459, 2930, 4411, 5908, 7427?", "\nh**3 - h**2 + 1467*h - 8\nWhat is the s'th term of -382, -377, -370, -361?", "\ns**2 + 2*s - 385\nWhat is the p'th term of -722, -1448, -2174, -2900, -3626?", "\n-726*p + 4\nWhat is the x'th term of 32, 38, 44, 50, 56?", "\n6*x + 26\nWhat is the s'th term of -1264, -1269, -1268, -1255, -1224, -1169, -1084?", "\ns**3 - 3*s**2 - 3*s - 1259\nWhat is the b'th term of -431, -437, -447, -461, -479?", "\n-2*b**2 - 429\nWhat is the y'th term of -185, -380, -591, -824, -1085?", "\n-y**3 - 2*y**2 - 182*y\nWhat is the d'th term of 186, 394, 602, 810, 1018?", "\n208*d - 22\nWhat is the p'th term of -21694, -21693, -21692, -21691, -21690?", "\np - 21695\nWhat is the y'th term of 10, 7, 4, 7, 22?", "\ny**3 - 6*y**2 + 8*y + 7\nWhat is the w'th term of 35, -6, -81, -202, -381, -630, -961?", "\n-2*w**3 - 5*w**2 - 12*w + 54\nWhat is the h'th term of -102, -189, -262, -315, -342, -337, -294, -207?", "\nh**3 + h**2 - 97*h - 7\nWhat is the a'th term of 335, 671, 1007?", "\n336*a - 1\nWhat is the s'th term of 1275, 1273, 1271, 1269, 1267, 1265?", "\n-2*s + 1277\nWhat is the j'th term of 94, 159, 224, 289, 354, 419?", "\n65*j + 29\nWhat is the n'th term of 21, -33, -87?", "\n-54*n + 75\nWhat is the r'th term of 195, 215, 239, 267, 299, 335?", "\n2*r**2 + 14*r + 179\nWhat is the k'th term of -21, -133, -337, -639, -1045, -1561, -2193?", "\n-k**3 - 40*k**2 + 15*k + 5\nWhat is the q'th term of 38, 71, 104, 137, 170?", "\n33*q + 5\nWhat is the m'th term of 1535, 3067, 4597, 6125, 7651?", "\n-m**2 + 1535*m + 1\nWhat is the b'th term of -2, -18, -48, -92, -150?", "\n-7*b**2 + 5*b\nWhat is the v'th term of 14, 62, 150, 284, 470, 714?", "\nv**3 + 14*v**2 - v\nWhat is the j'th term of 39, 107, 219, 375, 575, 819?", "\n22*j**2 + 2*j + 15\nWhat is the a'th term of -138, -237, -302, -321, -282, -173, 18?", "\n2*a**3 + 5*a**2 - 128*a - 17\nWhat is the d'th term of 47, 382, 1291, 3062, 5983, 10342, 16427?", "\n48*d**3 - d**2 + 2*d - 2\nWhat is the h'th term of -2087, -4174, -6261?", "\n-2087*h\nWhat is the o'th term of 0, 8, 22, 42, 68, 100, 138?", "\n3*o**2 - o - 2\nWhat is the g'th term of -779, -806, -857, -938, -1055, -1214, -1421, -1682?", "\n-g**3 - 6*g**2 - 2*g - 770\nWhat is the q'th term of 138, 138, 146, 162?", "\n4*q**2 - 12*q + 146\nWhat is the a'th term of -587, -1175, -1763?", "\n-588*a + 1\nWhat is the o'th term of -6, -46, -112, -216, -370, -586?", "\n-2*o**3 - o**2 - 23*o + 20\nWhat is the g'th term of -7360, -7362, -7366, -7372, -7380, -7390, -7402?", "\n-g**2 + g - 7360\nWhat is the j'th term of -12, -11, -20, -45, -92, -167, -276?", "\n-j**3 + j**2 + 5*j - 17\nWhat is the u'th term of -260, -269, -278, -287, -296?", "\n-9*u - 251\nWhat is the h'th term of 13, 17, 15, 1, -31, -87, -173?", "\n-h**3 + 3*h**2 + 2*h + 9\nWhat is the z'th term of 16, 12, 8, 4, 0, -4?", "\n-4*z + 20\nWhat is the m'th term of 43, 89, 135?", "\n46*m - 3\nWhat is the z'th term of 222, 920, 2084, 3714, 5810, 8372?", "\n233*z**2 - z - 10\nWhat is the k'th term of -484, -966, -1448, -1930?", "\n-482*k - 2\nWhat is the n'th term of -10038, -10036, -10032, -10026, -10018, -10008?", "\nn**2 - n - 10038\nWhat is the s'th term of -26, -33, -40, -47, -54, -61?", "\n-7*s - 19\nWhat is the v'th term of 2059, 2057, 2053, 2047, 2039?", "\n-v**2 + v + 2059\nWhat is the u'th term of -95, -190, -285, -380?", "\n-95*u\nWhat is the m'th term of -118, -122, -128, -136, -146, -158?", "\n-m**2 - m - 116\nWhat is the s'th term of -12, -49, -148, -339, -652, -1117, -1764?", "\n-5*s**3 - s**2 + s - 7\nWhat is the w'th term of 537, 1072, 1607, 2142, 2677?", "\n535*w + 2\nWhat is the h'th term of -5, -25, -71, -155, -289?", "\n-2*h**3 - h**2 - 3*h + 1\nWhat is the y'th term of -539, -533, -525, -515, -503, -489?", "\ny**2 + 3*y - 543\nWhat is the k'th term of 6, -3, -24, -63, -126, -219, -348?", "\n-k**3 - 2*k + 9\nWhat is the x'th term of -244, -300, -394, -526?", "\n-19*x**2 + x - 226\nWhat is the l'th term of 1544, 1545, 1546?", "\nl + 1543\nWhat is the m'th term of 338, 332, 324, 314?", "\n-m**2 - 3*m + 342\nWhat is the g'th term of 22, 17, 4, -23, -70, -143, -248, -391?", "\n-g**3 + 2*g**2 - 4*g + 25\nWhat is the z'th term of 54, 66, 80, 96, 114?", "\nz**2 + 9*z + 44\nWhat is the d'th term of -1, 1, 3?", "\n2*d - 3\nWhat is the n'th term of -93, -69, -45, -21, 3?", "\n24*n - 117\nWhat is the d'th term of -760, -759, -758, -757, -756, -755?", "\nd - 761\nWhat is the q'th term of 27071, 27070, 27069, 27068?", "\n-q + 27072\nWhat is the r'th term of -516, -1033, -1550, -2067, -2584?", "\n-517*r + 1\nWhat is the p'th term of -439, -443, -449, -457?", "\n-p**2 - p - 437\nWhat is the a'th term of 1875, 1870, 1863, 1854, 1843?", "\n-a**2 - 2*a + 1878\nWhat is the f'th term of -21, -24, -27, -30, -33, -36?", "\n-3*f - 18\nWhat is the b'th term of 17, 24, 33, 44?", "\nb**2 + 4*b + 12\nWhat is the q'th term of -2639, -5282, -7925, -10568, -13211?", "\n-2643*q + 4\nWhat is the r'th term of -86, -115, -144, -173, -" ]
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[ "A recent review of early behavioral interventions for autism spectrum disorder^[@R6]^ suggested that many intervention trials are of \"low quality\"^[@R18]^, in part due to the limited ability of researchers to interpret and evaluate efficacy. ", "Most early interventions focus on teaching social communication skills, core deficits in children with ASD. ", "However, measures currently used to quantify social communication skills, such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2)^[@R14]^ were developed to be primarily diagnostic and lack the sensitivity to capture subtle changes over relatively brief periods^[@R2],[@R4]^. The field of ASD intervention research needs measures that can identify subtle changes in core ASD symptoms.", "\n\nOur initial work^[@R9]^ provided the first evidence for the reliability and validity of a novel measure known as the Brief Observation of Social Communication Change (BOSCC) to quantify subtle changes in social communication skills. ", "Since the publication of this work, several additional studies have utilized the BOSCC^[@R3],[@R5],[@R11],[@R13],[@R16],[@R17]^. The BOSCC is a 15-item measure that was initially developed by expanding and adding to ADOS-2 items. ", "The BOSCC is coded from a videotaped observation of a child during a naturalistic social and play interaction. ", "Our initial work^[@R9]^ used a sample of 56 children with minimal language between the ages of 1 and 5 years who were participating in intervention trials. ", "The primary objectives of the study were to assess the inter-rater and test-retest reliability of the BOSCC and the ability of the BOSCC to quantify subtle changes in ASD symptoms. ", "Results showed high inter-rater (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients; ICCs = 0.88--0.98) and test-retest (ICCs = 0.79--0.90) reliabilities as well as statistically significant decreases (improvements) in BOSCC scores, with small to moderate effect sizes (effect sizes = 0.37--0.60), over six to eight months of intervention^[@R9],[@R11]^. In contrast, the ADOS Calibrated Severity Score did not change significantly over the same time period. ", "Children who demonstrated improvements in standard scores on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Communication domain^[@R19]^ and Mullen Scales of Early Learning Receptive Language domain^[@R15]^ also showed statistically significant decreases on the BOSCC, suggesting that the changes seen in the BOSCC align with changes seen in other commonly used standardized measures.", "\n\nBenefits of the BOSCC {#S1}\n=====================\n\nThe BOSCC is a measure of global ASD change and may be particularly useful in intervention trials that focus on improvements across a range of ASD symptoms. ", "The BOSCC was developed to be flexible for use across different sites, intervention types, and naturalistic social contexts. ", "While our initial work applied the BOSCC coding scheme to parent-child free play videos, a standard administration, conducted by a researcher who is unaware of the child's treatment status and timepoint, is recommended. ", "This standard administration was developed in order to eliminate potential bias by parents who are aware of the child's treatment status or timepoint and to provide a context in which changes observed in the child could be distinguished from changes observed in the parent (who may have received training) or the parent-child dyad. ", "We have also had success in applying the BOSCC to other naturalistic social interactions such as segments of ADOS videos^[@R11]^. Researchers who are interested in using the BOSCC should evaluate which context would be most feasible and effective for their study, so long as the context is play-based and social.", "\n\nVideo-based coding offers many benefits. ", "Videos capture the totality, richness, and complexity of a behavior, allowing the observer to dissect nuanced behaviors and to explore the dyadic unfolding of social behaviors. ", "Videos also allow for repeated and varied analyses. ", "For example, videos that are used for BOSCC coding may be used for a variety of other purposes, such as coding parent fidelity of intervention or coding other child behaviors unrelated to the BOSCC, such as a child's motor skills, creating a standardized context for a language sample or focusing on more specific features, such as the use of various consonant sounds. ", "Researchers that have gathered videos from previously conducted intervention trials may also be interested in applying the BOSCC coding scheme to applicable videos retrospectively. ", "Use of video-based observations also provides opportunities for advancements in telemedicine. ", "For example, rural study participants could gather video data in their homes without requiring visits from research staff or attendance at clinics.", "\n\nUnlike other commonly used measures, such as the ADOS-2, which can require up to 60 minutes of both the participant's time as well as the time of an experienced clinician, the BOSCC coding scheme is applied to 10- to 12-minute videos, significantly decreasing the burden on participants and highly skilled clinician researchers. ", "Unlike the ADOS-2 and other standardized measures which require a high level of expertise and training to be able to administer and score reliably, the BOSCC was developed to be used reliably by less experienced individuals. ", "The BOSCC can be administered and coded by post-baccalaureate research assistants. ", "On average, with guidance, training, and participation in BOSCC consensus meetings, our trainees typically became reliable within 12 BOSCC videos.", "\n\nThe BOSCC also offers an appropriate context in which to employ automated algorithms or body sensors that record physiological activity (e.g., skin conductance, heart rate) to detect change. ", "For example, we are working with researchers with expertise in machine learning techniques to generate automated coding of change over time using audio recordings from BOSCC sessions. ", "This work would provide new approaches to capturing change that would not rely on human observation alone, but rather combine multiple methods (human observation and computer automated processes) to maximally identify changes in response to intervention.", "\n\nLimitations of the BOSCC {#S2}\n========================\n\nResults of the initial study were promising but limitations highlight the preliminary nature of this work. ", "Our first study was based on a relatively small sample of children, although many other researchers have now taken an interest in using the BOSCC and are exploring its utility in new, larger samples. ", "While the BOSCC was developed to be flexibly applied to a range of playful social contexts, researchers should be mindful of the limitations of certain contexts and interacting partners. ", "For example, when applying the BOSCC coding scheme to parentchild interactions for parent mediated interventions, it is important to keep in mind that changes in BOSCC scores could be related to changes in parental behavior or in the parent-child relationship. ", "Similarly, the BOSCC may not be independent of other changes in the child's development, such as changes in language or cognitive skills. ", "This highlights the importance of ensuring consistency between pre and post observations (e.g., same social context, same environment, same materials) in order to most accurately capture the child's behavioral change separate from other changes that may be occurring.", "\n\nThough the short length of BOSCC administrations is a benefit, the BOSCC results are, consequently, a very brief snapshot of the child's behavior, a limitation also present with the lengthier ADOS-2. ", "Though short observations are commonly used to assess change in early intervention trials^[@R7],[@R8]^, the question of whether we can truly gather a representative sample of the child's behavior within such a short period of time remains unanswered. ", "There are ways to promote a useful snapshot of the child's behavior within a short time frame. ", "For example, researchers can ensure that the interaction is comfortable, fun and natural by giving the child \"warm-up\" time with the play partner before the BOSCC administration begins, confirming that the child is not tired or ill when the sample is gathered, and asking caregivers whether the sample gathered was representative of the child's behavior. ", "There may be instances when a second video sample should be gathered or when a video sample should not be used, such as if the child is unusually irritable.", "\n\nOur data suggested that researchers should be cautious when using the four BOSCC items in the RRB domain. ", "First, research assistants with less experience with ASD may require more training to be able to reliably identify RRB behaviors compared to Social Communication behaviors. ", "Second, these items showed highly skewed distributions such that the majority of children did not demonstrate these behaviors during the time-limited BOSCC sample. ", "These results are consistent with RRB items on the ADOS-2 over a longer period and with other studies that have highlighted the difficulty with measuring RRBs by observation^[@R1],[@R10],[@R20]^. Some researchers have suggested that accurate observation of RRBs may require multiple observations in different contexts or may need to incorporate parent report^[@R12],[@R20]^. Though our direct observation method may have been influenced by possible novelty of materials at the first time point^[@R10]^, our initial results found stability in RRBs over short periods of time (test-retest reliability was adequate), countering this possibility. ", "Nevertheless, additional research should continue to explore ways to accurately observe and quantify RRBs in children with ASD as well as to maximize the benefits and minimize the limitations of direct observation of RRBs.", "\n\nNext Steps {#S3}\n==========\n\nWhile we hope the BOSCC will help researchers identify efficacious interventions, the BOSCC will not answer *all* questions for *all* interventions. ", "The BOSCC coding scheme may not adequately quantify changes during interventions that are of low intensity, occur over a very short period of time, or whose primary teaching focus is on a highly specific skill (e.g., pointing) or non-ASD-specific skill (e.g., gait)^[@R16]^. Though it is likely that some participants will not demonstrate change or will not \"respond\" to treatment, it is also possible that participants will not generalize improvements made in treatment to the video context in which the BOSCC was applied. ", "For example, if the intervention is conducted in school by teachers, the BOSCC may not show significant changes when applied to parentchild interactions at home.", "\n\nOur initial work focused on toddlers and preschoolers who were minimally verbal, or equivalent to ADOS-2 Toddler or Module 1. ", "We anticipate that the BOSCC will follow a similar modular format based on age and language level as the ADOS-2. ", "The BOSCC coding scheme that is applicable to verbally-fluent individuals with ASD is currently under development. ", "While the BOSCC was developed to be applicable to children with ASD, it is possible that the coding scheme may be effective at capturing change in children with other neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly those with overlapping social and/or communication difficulties. ", "For example, researchers outside our lab are currently exploring the utility of the BOSCC in a sample with Fragile X. Studies like this will contribute to our understanding of the efficacy of the BOSCC in non-ASD populations.", "\n\nOur work and the work of other researchers will continue to contribute to our understanding of the benefits and limitations of the BOSCC. ", "Researchers who are interested in using the BOSCC may attend trainings to learn about the administration and coding of the BOSCC. ", "We are also in the process of developing an online coding system, which would allow researchers to upload videos to be coded by BOSCC-reliable research assistants. ", "Researchers who choose to use the online coding system would not need to attend a BOSCC coding training, would not need to train coders in their own lab, and could receive truly \"blinded\" feedback without going to extensive lengths to keep examiners and coders separate. ", "An online coding system would also improve clinical applicability of the BOSCC by allowing clinicians to submit videos without needing to receive training or score videos themselves in order to have a reliable metric of change.", "\n\nQuestions remain about the utility of the BOSCC in quantifying changes in ASD symptoms. ", "We will continue to explore, as will other researchers, what is a \"clinically meaningful\" amount of change on the BOSCC and when, over the course of an intervention, we might expect to capture this amount of change. ", "Future research will assess what it means for interventions if the individual does not show a clinically meaningful decrease on the BOSCC as well as when changes in the BOSCC do not align with clinical judgment or changes in other standard measures. ", "The BOSCC is one of many steps in the development of innovative ways to identify beneficial treatments for individuals with ASD.", "\n\nThis work was supported by a training fellowship from NICHD (T32 HD040127). ", "The authors would like to sincerely thank Sheri Stegall at Western Psychological Services for copyright assistance.", "\n\nConflict of Interest\n\nC.L. receives royalties from the sale of the ADI-R and the ADOS-2. ", "All royalties related to research are donated to a non-profit organization. ", "R.G. does not have conflicts of interest to report.", "\n" ]
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[ "Signal transduction inhibitors in cellular function.", "\nSignal transduction pathways mediate cell-cell interactions and integrate signals from the extracellular environment through specific receptors at the cell membrane. ", "They play a pivotal role in regulating cellular growth and differentiation and in mediating many physiological and pathological processes, such as apoptosis, inflammation, and tumor development. ", "The mitogen- activated protein kinases (MAPKs) constitute a cascade of phosphorylation events that transmit extracellular growth signals through membrane-bound Ras to the nucleus of the cell. ", "In this chapter, detailed protocols for analyzing the kinase activities of the key components of the MAPKs pathway MEK1, ERK1, JNK, and p38 MAPK are described. ", "A brief introduction to the chemical inhibitors to the MAPKs pathway is provided in the method section of each kinase assay. ", "Inhibitors of other signaling pathways are summarized in Table 1. ", "The reporter assay of cyclin D1, a key downstream target gene of MAPKs pathway, is also described in detail." ]
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[ "Why will it be any different at Swansea, given past form?", "\n\nFor the second season in a row, Swansea have had their manager poached from under their noses. ", "12 months ago Wigan swooped for Roberto Martinez for whom the lure of the Premier League proved too much, and now this summer fellow Championship club Leicester have secured the services of Paulo Sousa. ", "The loss of Sousa is not as bad as that of Martinez a year ago, with the proviso that Chairman Huw Jenkins made a quality replacement, but does the arrival of new gaffer Brendan Rodgers fit that brief?", "\n\nThe summer period hasn’t exactly proved to be a good time for the Swans in recent years. ", "The departure of Martinez and top scorer Jason Scotland a year ago looked on paper as though it would be disastrous, and I for one was surprised at how well Swansea fared in the Championship, just missing out on the playoffs once more. ", "Just when the Liberty Stadium club are looking to strengthen, yet again their manager walks out on them and Swansea have to rebuild once more.", "\n\nIt’s never a good sign when a new manager comes in and says he’s determined to win over the doubters, fighting what could well be a losing battle right from the start. ", "Brendan Rodgers has to do just that, and it’s no wonder given his managerial CV to date. ", "Seven months at Watford was followed by six months at Reading, before he was sacked due to the club flirting with relegation, which resulted in a dramatic upturn in fortunes for the Championship club. ", "So the pressure will be on Rodgers right from the get go, but will it be an environment he can thrive in?", "\n\nNicknamed the Special One because he worked under Jose Mourinho at Chelsea, the real Special One has always believed in Rodgers. “", "I like everything in him, he is ambitious and does not see football very differently from myself” Mourinho has previously said. ", "Thus should his time at Reading just be viewed as a blip? ", "A time when he was building a young team and who knows, maybe he would have got them to the right end of the table if given time.", "\n\nI’ve no doubt that the Swansea faithful will fully get behind the Northern Irishman but will not tolerate a similar start to the one he had at Reading. ", "The 37-year-old has a tough task ahead of him, and will firstly have to fight off Premiership interest in key players such as Darren Pratley and Ashley Williams, before looking to strengthen for the upcoming Championship campaign. ", "Having failed at Reading, is there any reason why the fortunes of Brendan Rodgers will be different at Swansea? ", "I’m not overly confident." ]
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[ "[Cytochrome concentration at different times and low-temperature conditions of preservation of rat kidney cortical homogenates].", "\nContent of cytochromes (a, c+c1) was decreased in rat kidney cortex homogenates, depending on periods and conditions of storage. ", "Optimal conditions were chosen for prolonged storage of the biomaterial. ", "Under these conditions concentrations of the cytochromes were altered only slightly." ]
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[ "Winter Is Just One Long, Cold, Snowy RPG [Comic]\n\nHere’s proof that there are real skills to be gained through gaming, specifically RPGs. ", "This comic will show you how surviving winter is just like your typical role-playing game, complete with NPCs, potions and boring dialogue." ]
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[ "732 F.2d 164\nMcIntyrev.", "Hughes Aircraft Co.\n83-5582\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Ninth Circuit.", "\n3/22/84\n\n1\nC.D.Cal.", "\n\nAFFIRMED\n" ]
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[ "Jogen Mohan\n\nJogen Mohan is a Bharatiya Janata Party politician from Assam. ", "He has been elected in Assam Legislative Assembly election in 2016 from Mahmara constituency.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Bharatiya Janata Party politicians from Assam\nCategory:Assam MLAs 2016–\nCategory:People from Jorhat district\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "106 F.3d 416\nSarofimv.", "Attorney's Title Ins.*", "\nNO. ", "95-3680\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Eleventh Circuit.", "\nJan 13, 1997\n\n1\nAppeal From: M.D.Fla. , ", "No. ", "94-00360-CIV-ORL-19\n\n\n2\nAFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n*\n Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 11th Cir.", "R. 34-3\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Four expert predictions -- and four Gophers victories over Iowa\n\nExpectations can be the most dangerous thing for a team that looks like it is turning a corner but hasn't quite proven it is around the bend yet.", "\n\nThat said, they can also be an opportunity to prove the early adopters were right.", "\n\nThis brings us to Saturday's Gophers vs. Iowa game. ", "Vegas says the Hawkeyes are a touchdown favorite. ", "Your eyes might tell you differently after seeing an improved Gophers defense lead the way to a 4-0 nonconference start while Iowa looked shaky in going 2-2 (both losses at home, to Iowa State and Central Michigan).", "\n\nSome of the Big Ten experts? ", "Well, their eyes say Floyd of Rosedale stays in Minnesota for a third consecutive year.", "\n\nThose making predictions for ESPN.com and the Big Ten Network web site -- two per site -- are in the Gophers camp. ", "All four of them are taking the road underdog to win.", "\n\nBrian Bennett: Somehow, Iowa is favored in this game. ", "But even though it's at Kinnick Stadium, all the good vibes belong to Minnesota going into Saturday. ", "The Gophers' pass defense has been strong, while James Vandenberg and the Hawkeyes' passing attack has sputtered. ", "Mark Weisman will batter his way to 160 yards, but the Gophers come up with two picks and a special teams score to hogtie the Hawks. ... ", "Minnesota 21, Iowa 14\n\nAdam Rittenberg: I went against the Gophers last week and paid the price. ", "Not happening again. ", "The Gophers' defense contains Weisman and forces some mistakes from Vandenberg, while the run game surges behind Donnell Kirkwood. ", "It'll be an up-and-down day for Max Shortell, but he finds senior tight end and Iowa native John Rabe for the game-winning touchdown in the fourth quarter. ... ", "Minnesota 24, Iowa 20\n\nTom Dienhart's pick: Minnesota, 24-21 – This will be three wins in a row for the Golden Gophers over the Hawkeyes, as Minnesota’s defense continues to play well vs. an Iowa attack that can’t get on track.", "\n\nBrent Yarina's pick: Minnesota, 24-16 – Who’s more legit: Iowa RB Mark Weisman or the Minnesota defense? ", "Based on my pick, I’m more sold on the vastly improved Gopher defense that can stop both the run and the pass.", "\n\nYou'll notice all the scores are almost identical and all the games are tight in their predictions. ", "Is it possible that Minnesota is simply the better team? ", "We'll find out Saturday, with the team suddenly creating some expectations." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFacebook web app login works with ip but not with domain\n\nSo I am using FB login in this website xyz.com which has ip address x.x.x.x\nWhen i use the ip address x.x.x.x:8000 in the FB settings and then open this same ip in the browser, the login works fine.", "\nBut when i replace the ip with the domain xyz.com:8000 in FB settings and then open the link xyz.com:8000 it gives the error\n\nGiven URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: ", "One or\n more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. ", "It must\n match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain\n of one of the App's domains.", "\n\nWhat could be the problem?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn the both examples: xyz.com and x.x.x.x you've used the same App ID: 14*****80; that's the problem. ", "\nThere should be two different apps (and app ids of course) for different site urls; eg:\n\nxyz.com - APP_ID_1\n \n x.x.x.x - APP_ID_2\n\nYou said that you replace the ip with the domain xyz.com:8000 in FB settings, that's not possible! ", "Since the login is working fine on x.x.x.x. ", "So please check this again!", "\nAnother problem could be the port no, so try removing the domain field from the app settings, if you have set any.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Shape transformation and relaxation dynamics of photoexcited TiO2/Ag nanocomposites.", "\nThe laser-induced sintering of TiO2 nanoparticles into larger nanospheres is accelerated by adsorbed silver particles. ", "For the same weight fraction of silver, silver nanoparticles of 5 nm in diameter modify TiO2 nanoparticles more effectively than those of 1.5 nm do, suggesting that the photocatalysis of TiO2 nanoparticles as well as their stability is highly dependent on the sizes, the shapes, and the distribution of adsorbed metal nanoparticles. ", "The photoexcited electrons of TiO2 nanoparticles are quenched at trap sites and surface states by transfer to the conduction band of silver, implying that the presence of adsorbed silver nanoparticles enhances the photocatalytic effect of TiO2." ]
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[ "Arnold H. Wagner\n\nArnold Henry Wagner (September 9, 1878-September 9, 1949) was a musicologist and linguist who helped pioneer the improvement of voice and musical vibrato and advanced the theory of the psychology of music. ", "He developed techniques to correct bad vibrato in singers' voices and in string and woodwind instruments, which was previously thought impossible. ", "Over four decades he taught music and foreign singing language at the University of Southern California.", "\n\nPersonal life \n\nWagner was the son of William Henry Wagner, a farmer and American Civil War veteran, and Harriet Parmelia Arnold. ", "He was the youngest of seven children born in Lisbon, St. Lawrence County, New York, and raised in nearby Ogdensburg. ", "His father conducted local choruses and community singing events and greatly influenced the young Arnold.", "\n\nArnold Wagner married Pearl Carlotta Comer, a concert pianist and the daughter of Levi Calvin Comer and Hattie Sheets, on June 28, 1915, in Los Angeles, CA. ", "The couple had no children.", "\n\nEducation \n\nWagner attended rural schools and at the Odgensburg Grammar School and Free Academy. ", "He earned his lifetime teaching certificate at the State Normal and Training School in Potsdam, New York. ", "In 1904, he traveled to Europe to study the French, German and Italian languages. ", "He returned to the United States in 1906. ", "By 1911, he resumed his education in Los Angeles. ", "In 1919, he earned a Bachelor's of Arts degree at the University of Southern California (USC) and a Master's Degree in 1924 in music. ", "He continued his studies at the Teachers College at Columbia University in 1925-1926. ", "He spent summers from 1924 to 1928 at the State University of Iowa where he received his doctorate degree in music.", "\n\nCareer \n\nWith his Potsdam Normal School teaching credentials, he began his career as a teacher in 1900 in Adirondack, New York. ", "However, he quickly accepted a position offered by the United States government to teach English and music in the Philippines. ", "He was part of the first batch of 100 students in 1901 to go overseas to teach English, music and art. ", "He initially taught in the provinces before moving to Manila.", "\n\nHe returned to the United States in 1904 and became a music supervisor for the public school systems in Douglas and Bisbee, Arizona.", "\n\nReturning to Los Angeles in 1911, Wagner taught at local schools before joining the Santa Monica Unified School District in 1913 to teach music and language. ", "He later became head of the music department. ", "Meanwhile, he taught music during the summers at USC and at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1921 to 1924, and at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1925. ", "By the mid-1920s he was a permanent professor at USC, teaching English, French, German, Italian and Spanish as it applied to singing. ", "He also directed the university's glee clubs and directed choruses in addition to teaching courses in music appreciation and mentoring new teachers.", "\n\nIn the 1930s, he collaborated on two important voice and music projects. ", "He conducted a series of experiments with Dr. Joel Pressman at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Los Angeles on vocal registration. ", "Pressman had an expertise in the larynx and developed a technique to film the larynx working.", "\n\nAmong his findings, particularly in his collaboration with Pressman, Wagner found that vocal artists must pay close attention to refining their vibrato during performances and learn to control to increase or diminish the vibrato rate and the extent of oscillation. ", "By exercising conscious control singers can modulate the rate if it becomes too slow or too fast, or the oscillation becomes inappropriate to the emotion of the performance. ", "To establish that control, Wagner argued that vocalists, whether a child or adult, must pay attention to the action the musculature of the larynx that will lead to correct habits of control. ", "Repetition and practice can lead to successful command of the vibrato. ", "Many vocal artists, with the rise of radio and motion picture musical performances in the 1920s and 1930s, had difficulty with pitch. ", "Wagner's study, \"An Experimental Study in Control of the Vocal Vibrato,\" provided singers with a path to exercise control over oscillation and pitch.", "\n\nWagner also conducted research with Dr. Carl E. Seashore, a prominent psychologist and educator, at the State University of Iowa where they studied the vibrato in the voice and its application to string and woodwind instruments. ", "The focus was to remedy bad vocal vibrato. ", "The research resulted in Seashore's book, \"Studies in the Psychology of Music, Vol. ", "1,\" in which Wagner contributed the chapter \"Remedial and Artistic Development of the Vibrato.\"", "\n\nWhen military veterans returned from overseas following World War II, they sought a university education, but were impatient with the stilted rules of teaching grammar and language. ", "Wagner streamlined courses with his own teaching method of “Grammar Rules in Rime.”", "\n\nDeath \n\nWagner died in 1949 at the age of 71 in Los Angeles. ", "His widow, Pearl Comer Wagner, died in 1966, also in Los Angeles.", "\n\nPublished work \n The Emotional Factors in Artistic Singing (Pacific Coast Musician, May 1927)\n The Vibrato as a Factor in Artistic Singing (Pacific Coast Musician, June 1927)\n Interpretation in Singing (Music Supervisors Journal, May 1928)\n An Experimental Study in the Control of the Vocal Vibrato (University of Iowa Psychology Monographs, 1930)\n Research in the Field of Voice Training (Music Educators’ National Conference, 1939-1940)\n C. Seashore, ed., ", "Studies in the Psychology of Music, Vol. ", "1, \"Remedial and Artistic Development of the Vibrato\" chapter, (University of Iowa, 1932)\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:American musicologists\nCategory:Educators from New York (state)\n\nCategory:1878 births\nCategory:1949 deaths" ]
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[ "Glossary of jive talk\n\nJive talk, Harlem jive or simply Jive (also known as the argot of jazz, jazz jargon, vernacular of the jazz world, slang of jazz, and parlance of hip) was an African-American Vernacular English slang that developed in Harlem, where \"jive\" (jazz) was played and was adopted more widely in African-American society, peaking in the 1940s. ", "H. L. Mencken in The American Language defined it as \"an amalgam of Negro-slang from Harlem and the argots of drug addicts and the pettier sort of criminals, with occasional additions from the Broadway gossip columns and the high school campus\". ", "\n\nIn 1938, jazz bandleader and singer Cab Calloway published the first dictionary by an African-American, Cab Calloway's Cat-ologue: A \"Hepster's\" Dictionary, which became the official jive language reference book of the New York Public Library. ", "In 1939, Calloway published an accompanying book titled Professor Cab Calloway’s Swingformation Bureau, which instructed readers how to apply the words and phrases from the dictionary. ", "He released several editions until 1944, the last being The New Cab Calloway’s Hepsters Dictionary: Language of Jive. ", "Poet Lemn Sissay observed that \"Cab Calloway was taking ownership of language for a people who, just a few generations before, had their own languages taken away.\" ", "\n\nDan Burley's book Original Handbook of Harlem Jive was compiled and published in 1944 at the suggestion of Harlem poet Langston Hughes.", "\n\nIn 1953, Albert Lavada Durst published the Jives of Dr. Hep Cat, a collection of rhymes compiled when he was at WVET in Austin, where he did late night R&B. Besides referring to the music scene, much of the argot related to drugs, such as marijuana. ", "Mezz Mezzrow gave this sample:\n\nGlossary \nA hummer\nExceptionally good.", "\nAlligator\nA devotee of jazz or swing music. ", "Perhaps alludes to sharp-dressing with alligator leather.", "\nBeat up\nSad, uncomplimentary, tired.", "\n ChopsRefers to any musician's level of ability. ", " Originates from the physical changes that occur in a brass player's mouth and lips. ", "E.g., Dizzy Gillespie and Louis Armstrong. ", " Also a term used for a musician who had significantly improved his or her playing. ", "E.g., \"I got my chops up\" or \"Has he got the chops to play with this group?\". ", " Chops can also refer to general ability in any skill. ", "E.g., \"Yo, I found a lawyer who has the chops to get George Shearing a driver's license!\"", "\nCorny\nOld-fashioned, stale.", "\n FrailAbbreviation of \"frail sister\" (prostitute). ", "Also used for any hepster woman.", "\nG-manGovernment man, especially one who arrests or harasses peaceful citizens.", "\n GageMarijuana. ", "Particularly associated with Louis Armstrong.", "\n GateAny man, usually used as a greeting. \"", "Yo, gate, what's the word from the herd?\"", "\n GatemouthA horn player who has a large mouth or a mouth that is habitually open. ", "Playing brass instruments often results in larger cheeks and a callus on the player's lip. ", "The larger cheeks is the origin of the word \"chops\". ", "After 1930, however, \"Gatemouth\" generally referred only to Louis Armstrong.", "\n HepIn the know. ", "Later, hip.", "\nHep catKnowledgeable person. ", "Later, hipster.", "\nHighHappy. ", "See \"mellow\".", "\n Hoochie CoocherHot babe who dances lying down. \"", "Minnie the Moocher was a red hot HOOCHIE COOCHER.\"", " —Cab Calloway\nHoochie coochieErotic dance.", "\n JeffOpposite of hep; unhip, uncool or opposed to hipness.", "\n Jelly roll1) female genitalia, 2) act of coitus. ", "3) Jelly Roll Morton: a famous stride piano player.", "\nJitterbug A swing fan, named after the dance. ", "Same as the Lindy Hop, a dance created in the 1920s and 1930s. ", "Danced to swing and Western swing.", "\n JiveCab Calloway defines this in the 1930s as \"Harlemese speech\", meaning the style of slang. ", "In basic terms jive means talk. ", "It can also mean kidding with someone. ", "It is often confused with jibe which means \"be in accordance with\".", "\nJive talk\"Whaddya say, gate? ", "Are you in the know, or are you a solid bringer-downer?\"", " —Cab Calloway. \"", "Are you Hep to the Jive\" —Cab Calloway.", "\nJoint is jumping\nThe place is lively, the club is leaping with fun.", "\n Light upTo light a stick of T or reefer.", "\n LidA Prince Albert tobacco can filled to the lid. ", "Roughly one ounce.", "\n Man!Commonly used as an interjection or for emphasis. ", "Also in alternative to \"boy\" which was used by whites as a disparaging term used to hail African American adult males.", "\n Mellow\"Let's all get mellow.\" ", "Words in the song \"Light Up\". ", "The meaning is obscure. ", "Probably means light-hearted, calm and happy.", "\n Mighty MezzAn expertly rolled reefer. ", "Named after Milton Mezz Mezzrow, the saxophonist who played with Louis Armstrong. ", "Mezzrow was a close friend of Louis Armstrong. ", " He was also a user of marijuana and a distributor strictly to other musicians who were his friends.", "\n MopA woman. ", "Often a reference to another hepster's girlfriend.", "\n Muggles1930s and '40s slang for marijuana cigarettes.", "\n Mugglin'I's a-mugglin', you's a-mugglin', meaning getting high on reefer.", "\nOfayPoliceman or law enforcement, \"the Man\", possibly constructed from pig Latin.", "\nPadBed.", "\n PotMarijuana.", "\n PuffTo smoke weed.", "\n ReeferThe marijuana plant, aka hemp, pot, ganja, or cannabis. ", "Refers to the leaf of the plant or a cigarette rolled from the plant (JIVE, STICK OF TEA). ", "See also: Reefer Madness, a 1936 anti-cannabis propaganda film.", "\n Reefer manSomeone who uses reefer.", "\n Stick of teaJoint, reefer, left-handed cigarette.", "\n Stuff1) Jive, muggles, reefer. ", "2) Nickname for famous viper, jazz fiddler, \"Stuff\" Smith, famous composer of viper songs such as \"If You're a Viper\".", "\n \"T\" or TeaMarijuana.", "\nTeapadin Harlem in the 1930s and 40s, an after-hours club where pot was smoked and jazz music performed.", "\n T-man (Tea-man)Marijuana provider.", "\n VipersRefers to hep cats from the 1930s who inhaled. ", "Examples include Cab Calloway, Fats Waller, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, and Louis Jordan. ", "They frequented tea pads and smoked gage. ", " The term vipers arose from the sssssst sound made by an inhaling pot-smoker or a snake.", "\nZoot suitNamed in the rhyming way of jive talk: \"a Zoot Suit with a reet pleat, with a drape shape\". ", " With a generous cut but tight cuffs, this was popular with dancers of the swing era.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n \n \n \n \n\nCategory:African-American cultural history\nCategory:African-American English\nCategory:African-American slang\nCategory:Drug culture\nCategory:Harlem Renaissance\nCategory:Harlem\nCategory:Jazz culture\nCategory:Swing music\nCategory:Wikipedia glossaries" ]
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[ "![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0097){#sp1 .72}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0098){#sp2 .73}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0099){#sp3 .74}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0100){#sp4 .75}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0101){#sp5 .76}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0102){#sp6 .76-1}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0103){#sp7 .77}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0104){#sp8 .78}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0105){#sp9 .79}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0106){#sp10 .80}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0107){#sp11 .81}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0108){#sp12 .82}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0109){#sp13 .83}\n\n![](", "transmedchirsocedinb81291-0102-a){#f1 .76-1}\n" ]
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[ "Assessing differences in care needs and service utilization in geriatric palliative care patients.", "\nLittle is known of the palliative care needs and experiences of older adults. ", "This study explored whether these needs differed from those of younger patients. ", "We performed a retrospective data analysis of 1184 palliative care consultations in a major teaching hospital. ", "There were statistically significant differences across age groups in patient demographic and clinical characteristics, advance care planning, and service utilization. ", "Patients over age 80 had a reduced prevalence of cancer, a higher prevalence of dementia and incapacity, more frequent decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments, and fewer interventions for symptom management. ", "The palliative care needs of older adults appear to be substantially different from those of younger patients. ", "Dementia and incapacity profoundly influence decision-making, requiring more time and communication with patients and families." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "[Description of a tissue culture technique using tissue from mussel (Mytilus edulis) for the preparation of chromosomes].", "\nExplants from mantle and foot tissues of adult mussel were grown in culture tubes containing a medium composed of Eagle's Basal Medium supplemented with salts, Hepes buffer, egg yolk and antibiotics. ", "The cultures were maintained at 18 degrees C and pH 7.50, without medium renewal. ", "After 6-7 days, the cultures were stopped and harvested for slide preparation. ", "Numerous metaphase spreads that were good enough for karyotyping were consistently obtained. ", "This method may prove to be a reliable source of actively dividing cells that is a prerequisite for extensive chromosome structure analyses in the bivalves." ]
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[ 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPython: Understanding dictionary view objects\n\nI've been trying to understand built-in view objects return by .items(), .values(), .keys() in Python 3 or similarly by .viewitems(), .viewvalues(), .viewkeys(). ", "There are other threads on that subject but none (even the doc) seems to described how they work internally. ", "\nThe main gain here seems to be efficienty compared to the copy of type list returned in Python 2. ", "There are often compared to a window to the dictionnary items (like in this thread).", "\nBut what is that window and why is it more efficient ?", "\nThe only thing I can see is that the view objects seems to be set-like objects, which are generally faster for membership testing. ", "But is this the only factor ?", "\nCode sample\n>>> example_dict = {'test':'test'}\n>>> example_dict.items()\ndict_items([('test', 'test')])\n>>> type(example_dict.items())\n<class 'dict_items'>\n\nSo, my question is regarding this dict_items class. ", "How does that work internally?", "\n\nA:\n\nOne of the main advantages is that views are dynamic:\n>>> di={1:'one',2:'two',3:'three'}\n>>> view=di.viewitems()\n>>> view\ndict_items([(1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three')])\n>>> di[2]='new two'\n>>> view\ndict_items([(1, 'one'), (2, 'new two'), (3, 'three')])\n\nTherefore you do not need to regenerate the item, key or value list (as you would with dict.items()) if the dictionary changes. ", "\nThink of the Python 2 dict.items() as a type of copy of the dict -- the way it was when the copy was made. ", "\nThink of Python 3 dict.items() or the Python 2 equivalent of dict.viewitems() as an up-to-date copy of the way the dict is now. (", "Same with .viewkeys(), .viewvalues() obviously.) ", "\nThe Python 3.6 documents have good examples of why and when you would use one. ", "\nValue views are not set-like, since dicts can have duplicate values. ", "Key views are set-like, and items views are set-like for dicts with hashable values.", "\nNote: With Python 3, the view replaces what Python 2 had with .keys() .values() or .items() Some may relying on dict.keys() or dict.values() being a static representation of a dict's previous state may have a surprise. ", "\n\nA:\n\nDict views store a reference to their parent dict, and they translate operations on the view to corresponding operations on the dict.", "\nIteration over a dict view is more efficient than building a list and iterating over that, because building a list takes time and memory that you don't have to spend with the view. ", "The old way, Python would iterate over the dict's underlying storage to build a new list, and then you would iterate over the list. ", "Iterating over a dict view uses an iterator that walks through the dict's underlying storage directly, skipping the unnecessary list step.", "\nDict views also support efficient containment tests and setlike intersection/difference/etc. ", "operations, because they get to perform direct hash lookups on the underlying dict instead of iterating through a list and checking equality element by element.", "\nIf you want to see the concrete implementation used by CPython, you can take a look in the official repository, but this implementation is subject to change. ", "It has changed, repeatedly.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The nearest single star to the Sun hosts an exoplanet at least 3.2 times as massive as Earth — a so-called super-Earth. ", "Data from a worldwide array of telescopes, including ESO’s planet-hunting HARPS instrument, have revealed this frozen, dimly lit world. ", "The newly discovered planet is the second-closest known exoplanet to the Earth and orbits the fastest moving star in the night sky. ", "This image shows an artist’s impression of the planet’s surface. [", "Higher-res images]\n\nThe nearest single star to the Sun hosts an exoplanet at least 3.2 times as massive as Earth — a so-called super-Earth. ", "One of the largest observing campaigns to date using data from a world-wide array of telescopes, including ESO’s planet-hunting HARPS instrument, have revealed this frozen, dimly lit world. ", "The newly discovered planet is the second-closest known exoplanet to the Earth. ", "Barnard’s star is the fastest moving star in the night sky.", "\n\nThe planet, designated Barnard’s Star b, now steps in as the second-closest known exoplanet to Earth [1]. ", "The gathered data indicate that the planet could be a super-Earth, having a mass at least 3.2 times that of the Earth, which orbits its host star in roughly 233 days. ", "Barnard’s Star, the planet’s host star, is a red dwarf, a cool, low-mass star, which only dimly illuminates this newly-discovered world. ", "Light from Barnard’s Star provides its planet with only 2% of the energy the Earth receives from the Sun.", "\n\nDespite being relatively close to its parent star — at a distance only 0.4 times that between Earth and the Sun — the exoplanet lies close to the snow line, the region where volatile compounds such as water can condense into solid ice. ", "This freezing, shadowy world could have a temperature of –170 ℃, making it inhospitable for life as we know it.", "\n\nNamed for astronomer E. E. Barnard, Barnard’s Star is the closest single star to the Sun. ", "While the star itself is ancient — probably twice the age of our Sun — and relatively inactive, it also has the fastest apparent motion of any star in the night sky [2]. ", "Super-Earths are the most common type of planet to form around low-mass stars such as Barnard’s Star, lending credibility to this newly discovered planetary candidate. ", "Furthermore, current theories of planetary formation predict that the snow line is the ideal location for such planets to form.", "\n\nPrevious searches for a planet around Barnard’s Star have had disappointing results — this recent breakthrough was possible only by combining measurements from several high-precision instruments mounted on telescopes all over the world [3].", "\n\n“After a very careful analysis, we are 99% confident that the planet is there,” stated the team’s lead scientist, Ignasi Ribas (Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia and the Institute of Space Sciences, CSIC in Spain). “", "However, we’ll continue to observe this fast-moving star to exclude possible, but improbable, natural variations of the stellar brightness which could masquerade as a planet.”", "\n\nAmong the instruments used were ESO’s famous planet-hunting HARPS and UVES spectrographs.", "\n\n“HARPS played a vital part in this project. ", "We combined archival data from other teams with new, overlapping, measurements of Barnard’s star from different facilities,”\n\ncommented Guillem Anglada Escudé (Queen Mary University of London), co-lead scientist of the team behind this result [4].", "\n\n“The combination of instruments was key to allowing us to cross-check our result.”", "\n\nThe astronomers used the Doppler effect to find the exoplanet candidate. ", "While the planet orbits the star, its gravitational pull causes the star to wobble. ", "When the star moves away from the Earth, its spectrum redshifts; that is, it moves towards longer wavelengths. ", "Similarly, starlight is shifted towards shorter, bluer, wavelengths when the star moves towards Earth.", "\n\nAstronomers take advantage of this effect to measure the changes in a star’s velocity due to an orbiting exoplanet — with astounding accuracy. ", "HARPS can detect changes in the star’s velocity as small as 3.5 km/h — about walking pace. ", "This approach to exoplanet hunting is known as the radial velocity method, and has never before been used to detect a similar super-Earth type exoplanet in such a large orbit around its star.", "\n\n“We used observations from seven different instruments, spanning 20 years of measurements, making this one of the largest and most extensive datasets ever used for precise radial velocity studies.” ", "explained Ribas. ”", "The combination of all data led to a total of 771 measurements — a huge amount of information!”", "\n\n“We have all worked very hard on this breakthrough,” concluded Anglada-Escudé. “", "This discovery is the result of a large collaboration organised in the context of the Red Dots project, that included contributions from teams all over the world. ", "Follow-up observations are already underway at different observatories worldwide.”", "\n\nThis wide-field image shows the surroundings of the red dwarf known as Barnard’s Star in the constellation of Ophiuchus (the Serpent-Bearer). ", "This picture was created from material forming part of the Digitized Sky Survey 2. ", "The centre of the image shows Barnard’s Star captured in three different exposures. ", "The star is the fastest moving star in the night sky and its large apparent motion can be seen as its position changes between successive observations — shown in red, yellow and blue. [", "Higher-res images]Notes[1] The only stars closer to the Sun make up the triple star system Alpha Centauri. ", "In 2016, astronomers using ESO telescopes and other facilities found clear evidence of a planet orbiting the closest star to Earth in this system, Proxima Centauri. ", "That planet lies just over 4 light-years from Earth, and was discovered by a team led by Guillem Anglada Escudé.", "\n\n[2] The total velocity of Barnard’s Star with respect to the Sun is about 500 000 km/h. Despite this blistering pace, it is not the fastest known star. ", "What makes the star’s motion noteworthy is how fast it appears to move across the night sky as seen from the Earth, known as its apparent motion. ", "Barnard’s Star travels a distance equivalent to the Moon’s diameter across the sky every 180 years — while this may not seem like much, it is by far the fastest apparent motion of any star." ]
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[ "How to Make Cauliflower Crust Pizza\n\n**This is a 1 minute HOW TO video**\n\nI was so amazed by how tasty this pizza crust turned out to be!! ", "It was crispy and delicious... I really felt like I was cheating! ", "I highly recommend that you try this one! ", "My kids even enjoyed it too!", "\n\nAbove is a HOW TO Video for you to watch and you can find the recipe below.", "\n\nIngredients for Crust Only:\n\n1 head of fresh cauliflower\n\n1 cup mozzarella cheese\n\n1 tablespoon minced garlic\n\n2 tbsp grated parmasan cheese\n\n1 tsp sea salt\n\n1 tsp black pepper\n\nDirections:\n\nCut up your cauliflower into bite sized pieces.", "\n\nSteam the cauliflower in the microwave for about 5 mins and drain the water. ", "It is very important to get as much water off of the cauliflower as you can." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to write set cover code by using Lisp ? (", "algorithm is included)\n\nI have the problem about writing a set cover problem code by using Common Lisp. ", "\n(setcover N S), N is a nonnegative integer, and S is a set of subsets of the numbers U = (1 2 ... N). ", "The set cover problem asks to find a (small) number of subsets in S such that their union covers U. This means that every number in U is contained in at least one of the subsets in the solution. ", "And the final solution has to be greedy\nex: \n(let ((S '((1 2 3) (2 4) (3 4) (2 5) (4 5))))\n (setcover 5 S))\n\noutput : \n((1 2 3) (4 5))\n\nI tried to write this code, and I did write the algorithm for it.", "\n(round means recursion)\nfirst round:\n use number function to create a list (1 ,2 ....U)\n then use common function to compare the sublist of S and list U and check how many numbers are in common. ", "then take that sublist for construction(in this ex, it is (1 2 3)), finally remove (1 2 3) from list U.\nsecond round:\n check again, and there is only (4 5) left in list U, so sublist (4 5) will be used.", "\nthird round:\n nothing left, so a new list will be formed ((1 2 3) (4 5))\nMy problems are how to find the largest number from common function in each round? ", "how to remove those matched numbers from list U (since it has to be created first) ? ", "and how to create a new list at the end?", "\n;create a list U\n(defun numbers (N) \n (if (<= N 0)\n nil\n (append (numbers (- N 1)) (list n))))\n\n;check if this atom exist in the list\n(defun check (Atom List)\n (cond\n ((null List) nil)\n ((equal Atom (car List)))\n (t (check Atom (cdr List)))))\n\n;numbers of common numbers that both two lists have\n(defun common (L1 L2)\n (cond \n ((null L1) 0)\n ((check (car L1) L2) (+ 1 (common (cdr L1) L2)))\n (t (common (cdr L1) L2))))\n\n;final setcover function but I have no idea what to do next...\n(defun setcover (N S)\n (cond \n ((if (null S) nil))\n ((listp (car S)) \n (common (car S) (numbers N)) \n (setcover N (cdr S)))))\n\nHope someone could help me. ", "Thank you !", "\n2019/01/24 (more question descriptions)\nWrite a Lisp function:\n(setcover N S)\nThis function should implement the greedy algorithm for the set cover problem. ", "This problem and the algorithm are described below. ", "The Wikipedia article on set cover also explains the problem (in much more detail than we need).", "\nIn (setcover N S), N is a nonnegative integer, and S is a set of subsets of the numbers U = (1 2 ... N). ", "The set cover problem asks to find a (small) number of subsets in S such that their union covers U. This means that every number in U is contained in at least one of the subsets in the solution.", "\nExample:\n(let\n ((S '((1 2 3) (2 4) (3 4) (2 5) (4 5))))\n (setcover 5 S)\n)\n\nA solution: \n((1 2 3) (4 5))\n\nExplanations: N = 5, so U = (1 2 3 4 5). ", "S consists of some subsets of (1 2 3 4 5). ", "We are looking for some small number of those subsets that together cover all the five numbers.", "\nThe best solution uses only two subsets, (1 2 3) and (4 5). ", "Another solution, with three subsets, is ((1 2 3) (2 4) (2 5)). ", "Yet another solution is ((1 2 3) (2 4) (3 4) (2 5)). ", "However, in this solution you could remove either (2 4) or (3 4) and get a smaller solution that still covers all of U.\nSolving the set cover problem optimally means to find the smallest number of subsets of S that cover U. (Number of sets, not size of sets.) ", "Unfortunately, this problem is NP-hard, and therefore no efficient algorithm is known.", "\nInstead of the optimal solution, your program should compute and return the greedy solution - a small set of subsets that covers U and is computed by the so-called greedy algorithm below. ", "This algorithm is also described on the wikipedia page.", "\nThe basic idea is to solve the problem in several rounds. ", "In each round, we select one more subset from S until we have a complete cover. ", "We pick a subset that contains as many of the still missing numbers as possible.", "\nAssume that we still have some of the numbers in (1 2 ... N) left to cover. ", "We consider each subset Si in S, and count how many of these numbers would be covered by Si. ", "Then we greedily pick a subset that covers the most.", "\nDETAILED EXAMPLE\nS = ((1 2 3) (2 4) (3 4) (2 5) (4 5))\nSubsets in S: S1 = (1 2 3), S2 = (2 4), S3 = (3 4), S4 = (2 5), S5 = (4 5)\nN = 5\nU = (1 2 3 4 5)\n\nStart of algorithm:\nSolution so far = ()\nStill to cover = (1 2 3 4 5)\n\nRound 1:\nCovered by S1: 3 numbers (1 2 3)\nCovered by S2: 2 numbers (2 4)\nCovered by S3: 2 numbers \nCovered by S4: 2\nCovered by S5: 2\nBest subset: S1, covers 3 numbers (1 2 3)\nSolution so far = (S1)\nStill to cover = (4 5)\n\nRound 2:\nCovered by S2: 1 number (4)\nCovered by S3: 1 number (4)\nCovered by S4: 1 number (5)\nCovered by S5: 2 numbers (4 5)\nBest: S5, covers (4 5)\nSolution so far = (S1 S5)\nStill to cover = ()\n\nRound 3:\nNothing left to cover, so stop.", "\nReturn solution (S1 S5) = ((1 2 3) (4 5))\n\nMore example : \n(setcover 2 '((1) (2) (1 2)))\n((1 2))\n\n(let\n ((S '((1 2 3 4 5))))\n (setcover 5 S)\n)\n((1 2 3 4 5))\n\nA:\n\nHere is a possible greedy solution, with the hypothesis that all sets are sorted and without using the primitive functions of Common Lisp, like set-difference, and using only recursion (and not iteration or high-order functions).", "\n(defun my-difference (s1 s2)\n \"Compute the difference between set s1 and set s2\"\n (cond ((null s1) nil)\n ((check (car s1) s2) (my-difference (cdr s1) s2))\n (t (cons (car s1) (my-difference (cdr s1) s2)))))\n\n(defun cover-sets (s1 s2)\n \"Compute the greedy cover of set s1 by elements of list of sets s2\"\n (cond ((null s1) nil)\n ((null s2) (error \"no cover possible\"))\n (t (let ((diff (my-difference s1 (car s2))))\n (if (equal diff s1)\n (cover-sets s1 (cdr s2))\n (cons (car s2) (cover-sets diff (cdr s2))))))))\n\n(defun setcover (n s)\n \"Solve the problem\"\n (cover-sets (numbers n) s))\n\nHere is an alternative solution with primitive functions and iteration:\n(defun cover (n s)\n (let ((u (loop for i from 1 to n collect i)))\n (loop for x in s\n for w = (intersection u x)\n when w\n do (setf u (set-difference u x))\n and collect x\n end\n while u)))\n\nAddition\nAfter the update of the post with the specification of the algorithm, here is a possible solution (without using recursion):\n(defun count-common-elements (s1 s2)\n \"return the number of common elements with s1 of each set of s2\"\n (mapcar (lambda (x) (length (intersection s1 x))) s2))\n\n(defun index-of-maximum (l)\n \"return the index of the maximum element in list l\"\n (position (reduce #'max l) l))\n\n(defun setcover (n s)\n (let ((working-set (numbers n))\n (solution nil))\n (loop while working-set\n for i = (index-of-maximum (count-common-elements working-set s))\n for set = (elt s i)\n do (setf working-set (set-difference working-set set)\n s (remove set s))\n do (push set solution))\n (reverse solution)))\n\nand here is a recursive solution:\n(defun most-elements (s1 s2 m)\n \"find the set with the higher number of elements in common \n with s1 between m and all the elements of s2\"\n (if (null s2)\n m\n (let ((l1 (length (my-difference s1 m)))\n (l2 (length (my-difference s1 (car s2)))))\n (if (< l1 l2)\n (most-elements s1 (cdr s2) m)\n (most-elements s1 (cdr s2) (car s2)))))) \n\n(defun greedy-cover-set (s1 s2)\n \"find the greedy cover set of s1 by using the sets elements of s2\"\n (cond ((null s1) nil)\n ((null s2) (error \"no cover possible\"))\n (t (let ((candidate (most-elements s1 s2 nil)))\n (cons\n candidate\n (greedy-cover-set (my-difference s1 candidate)\n (remove candidate s2)))))))\n\n(defun setcover (n s)\n (greedy-cover-set (numbers n) s))\n\nNote that remove is the predefined function of Common Lisp (see the manual). ", "It is not difficult to give a recursive definition of it.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "The OpenLDAP Public License\nVersion 2.7, 7 September 2001\n\nRedistribution and use of this software and associated documentation\n(\"Software\"), with or without modification, are permitted provided\nthat the following conditions are met:\n\n1. ", "Redistributions of source code must retain copyright statements\nand notices,\n\n2. ", "Redistributions in binary form must reproduce applicable copyright\nstatements and notices, this list of conditions, and the following\ndisclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided\nwith the distribution, and\n\n3. ", "Redistributions must contain a verbatim copy of this document.", "\n\nThe OpenLDAP Foundation may revise this license from time to time.", "\nEach revision is distinguished by a version number. ", "You may use\nthis Software under terms of this license revision or under the\nterms of any subsequent revision of the license.", "\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OPENLDAP FOUNDATION AND ITS\nCONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,\nINCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\nAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT\nSHALL THE OPENLDAP FOUNDATION, ITS CONTRIBUTORS, OR THE AUTHOR(S)\nOR OWNER(S) OF THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,\nINCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,\nBUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\nLOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\nCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT\nLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN\nANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\nPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n\nThe names of the authors and copyright holders must not be used in\nadvertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealing\nin this Software without specific, written prior permission. ", "Title\nto copyright in this Software shall at all times remain with\ncopyright holders.", "\n\nOpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.", "\n\nCopyright 1999-2001 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City,\nCalifornia, USA. ", "All Rights Reserved. ", "Permission to copy and\ndistribute verbatim copies of this document is granted.", "\n" ]
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[ "Çiçek Island\n\nÇiçek Island (, literally Island of flower) is an Aegean island of Turkey. ", "It is in Edremit Gulf at and administratively a part of Ayvalık ilçe (district) of Balıkesir Province. ", "Its distance to the nearest point on the mainland (Anatolia) is about .", "\n\nThe surface area of the island is and it is covered with olive trees and narcissus. ", "The ancient name of the island was Argistri. ", "In 1929 the island was the property of a Turkish family from Thessaloniki. ", "However, according to Milliyet newspaper currently the island is put on market.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Aegean islands\nCategory:Islands of Turkey\nCategory:Islands of Balıkesir Province\nCategory:Ayvalık" ]
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[ "Calathea lancifolia\n\nCalathea lancifolia (rattlesnake plant) is a species of flowering plant in the Marantaceae family, native to Brazil. ", " Requiring a minimum temperature of , it is commonly used as a houseplant in temperate regions.", "\n\nIt is an evergreen perennial, growing to , with slender pale green leaves to , heavily marked above with dark blotches, purple below.", "\n\nReferences\n\nlancifolia\nCategory:House plants\nCategory:Flora of Brazil" ]
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[ "The White Ensign was raised for the first time on the second of five Batch 2 River-class offshore patrol vessels, HMS Medway, as BAE Systems handed the ship over to the Royal Navy.", "\n\nMedway was handed over as the crew of lead ship HMS Forth are in the final stages to resume trials and training, after the ship underwent post-delivery rectification work to solve problems with the ship’s electrical systems and marine fixings.", "\n\nForth is due to replace HMS Clyde in the Falklands. ", "Meanwhile her sisters could find themselves on patrol in the Caribbean, Mediterranean or the Pacific rim operating from Singapore.", "\n\n“We’re focused on taking Forth to sea before the end of March. ", "We have belief and faith in the ship. ", "Now it is time to test her at sea,” Commander Bob Laverty, HMS Forth’s commanding officer said.", "\n\nMedway will be a couple of months behind Forth in going to sea for a second time. ", "She is currently having military systems installed on the Clyde after her successful first spell at sea before Christmas. ", "After more trials and training, she’s due to sail for Portsmouth in July.", "\n\nIn September she’ll have her commissioning on the river Medway. ", "She will also exercise the Freedom of the Borough. ", "After that there’s front-line training ready for her maiden deployment overseas at the turn of 2019/20.", "\n\nBatch 2 River-class OPVs are 90 meters long and have a range of 5,500 nautical miles and a maximum speed of 24 knots. ", "The new OPVs are four knots faster than their Batch 1 predecessors, have a 30mm automatic cannon as their main armament instead of a 20mm gun, two Miniguns, four machine-guns and are equipped with two Pacific 24 sea boats." ]
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[ "Bulk Orders\n\nPlease Contact Customer Care 866-228-9252\n\nPlease choose your specialty\n\nRegular Price: $24.95\n\nAsk An Expert Starting at $24.95\n\nHave a medical coding or compliance question? ", "Don’t sacrifice your valuable time to endless research. ", "Choose Ask an Expert to get clear answers from the TCI SuperCoder team. ", "And here’s a tip for the budget-conscious: Select the 12-question pack to get the best rate per question!", "\n\nPFT/Spirometry in a Phsycians Office setting\n\nMarilyn Posted Sun 19th of December, 2010 14:38:05 PM\n\nNew RT hired by doctor to perform PFT/Spirometry. ", "Before, there was an independent company performing this procedures. ", "They had a billing sheet and was marking off: 94200-59TC, 94375-59, 94761, 94200-26, 94375-26. ", "Now they are no longer in the office, the RT still uses the same billig sheet and marking off the same codes. ", "I do think it's incorrect. ", "Then, the doctor wanted to bill for: 94200, 94375, 94761. ", "Now the Rt changes the codes again to: 94010-59, 94200-59TC, 94760. ", "Should the correct billing be: 94010, 94200-59, 94760-59? ", "Why would a modifier -TC be added to 94200?", "\n\nSuperCoder Answered Mon 20th of December, 2010 08:37:54 AM\n\nSince, the doctor and RT has different code selections, so I would suggest you to post the procedural note/documentation for the answer.", "\n\nMarilyn Posted Mon 20th of December, 2010 18:20:48 PM\n\nThe RT is not indepencent, so bill what he checks off? ", "94010, 94200-59TC, 94760. ", "We are billing under the doctor.", "\n\nMarilyn Posted Sun 26th of December, 2010 14:52:02 PM\n\nWhat I don't understand is the Dr request a spiro on a pt, we bill under Dr and RT uses codes 94010, 94200TC59, 94760. ", "Why the TC modifier?", "\n\nSuperCoder Answered Mon 27th of December, 2010 14:21:57 PM\n\nThe CCI edits allows modifier 59 with 94200 when billed with 94010. ", "But, in actual practice, what I observed is that since Maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) or maximal breathing capacity (MBC) (i.e., cpt 94200) is considered a component of the codes such as 94010, 94060 or 94070 by most of the Insurance carrier, and is considered double billing and resulted in very high frequency of denials of cpt 94200.", "\n\nThis might be the reason for avoiding denials in your practice by billing 94200 with modifier 59 and with TC .", "\n\nMarilyn Posted Mon 27th of December, 2010 18:28:46 PM\n\nWe have no problems getting 94200 being paid. ", "Isn't appending modifier TC means that the reading was not done by the physician and only billing for the professional component, technician, and equipment which is in this office, the physician does read the test results." ]
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[ "Pages\n\nWednesday, June 27, 2012\n\nPrepare 12 oz. ", "of Macaroni or other short noodle. ", "In a sauce pan or deep skillet melt 2 Tbsp. ", "Butter over medium heat. ", "Add 2 Tbsp. ", "flour and mix constantly for about 2 minutes until mixture is golden and bubbly (this should be a roux for those who are well versed in the kitchen). ", "Next, add 1 cup of Milk and 1 cup of Flat Beer (flat's just preferable, and easier to manage), stir constantly. ", "Cook for 5 minutes before reducing heat. ", "Add a total of 12 oz. ", "Shredded Cheese and 6 slices of American Cheese. ", "Season with Paprika, Mustard, Salt, Pepper, Thyme and Fresh Basil.", "\n\nA while back we hosted a couple of CouchSurfer's from Turkey, although they are currently living in Northern Ireland. ", "As always, we learned a lot and enjoyed their company immensely - and, they made a delicious breakfast which in turn inspired some re-creation efforts.", "\n\nI haven't been totally confident that my dish is anywhere near the delciousness of theirs, but I'm relatively satisfied and will continue to work out the kinks. ", "For now, here's a general idea of this Turkish Breakfast we learned from a couple of CouchSurfers!", "\n\nIngredients/Directions:\n\nIn a large skillet heat a couple Tbsp. ", "Olive Oil, saute 1 chopped Onion, 1-3 diced Green Chiles and 3-4 minced cloves of Garlic. ", "Meanwhile, seed and chop 4-6 Tomatoes. ", "Add the chopped tomatoes to the onion and pepper mixture as well as a dash of Cumin, Salt and Pepper. ", "Leave this mix alone until your ready to serve up the breakfast. ", "Before serving, re-heat the tomato mixture and whisk 3-4 eggs which you will then add to the heated tomato mixture. ", "Let eggs set for a couple of minutes before breaking a part and continuing to cook the eggs through. ", "Serve this mixture with crusty bread and fine cheese (Feta would be ideal but we use anything we have on hand here in the land of Kimchi). ", "Scoop some of the egg and tomato mixture onto a slice of bread, top with a bit of cheese and place into your mouth - let out a sigh of satisfaction and repeat until the pan is clear.", "\n\nTuesday, June 26, 2012\n\nThe thing I love most about traveling, whether it's in the country where I reside or if it's an adventure which requires a seat on an airplane, is discovering new foods and combinations of old favorites.", "\n\nWhen I did my study abroad in Granada, Spain, I lived with a host mother. ", "Anytime my friends and I were going on an organized or spontaneous weekend outing she'd make me two Bocadillos - a simple yet always delicious baguette sandwich. ", "No matter the occasion, I always left my home-stay with one baguette filled with an egg and cheese omelet and another baguette stuffed with tuna, tomatoes and a bit of olive oil.", "\n\nI studied abroad in the fall of 2005, yet distinctly remember the joy of having these two sandwiches to munch on weekend getaways. ", "So, 7 years later, it's time to re-create the magic!", "\n\nRather than simply slicing my baguette however, I dug out the dough and then stuffed a mixture of tuna, tomato, olive oil, basil, salt and pepper into the opening, let the olive oil have a couple minutes to soak into the bread and then enjoyed every last bite of this single meal which brings back some of my fondest Spanish memories.", "\n\nWednesday, June 20, 2012\n\nI had a bit of prepared quinoa left over after this recent casserole and spent some time considering what exciting things I could throw together. ", "I had initially pictured a simple breakfast of a fried egg and fresh torn basil atop a pile of quinoa but soon had some tomatoes on hand.", "\n\nSo, I threw together a quick tomato, basil, olive oil and balsamic vinegar 'salad', let it set over night and threw it on top of this chilled quinoa grains - mixed it up and what do you know, threw an egg on top for a delicious, light and perfect dinner for a warm, Korean summer evening!", "\n\nSaturday, June 16, 2012\n\nIt seems certain things get pretty trendy on Pinterest...in the blogosphere.", "\n\nS'more anything.", "\n\nCake batter anything.", "\n\nSalted caramel anything.", "\n\nQuinoa anything.", "\n\nAvocado anything.", "\n\nYou know the drill.", "\n\nA little less trendy, but always present nonetheless is the mini-bite-size-taco/lasagna/spinach-dip-cup/thing-you-wish-you-thought-of-dish.", "\n\nWell, this was an inspiration based on those trendy little, single-serving dishes.", "\n\nServed 'em up at a going-away brunch and enjoyed some for a few days after for our morning breakfast.", "\n\nIngredients/Directions:\n\nPrepare a muffin/cupcake tin with oil and/or flour. ", "Preheat oven to 350 F (177 C). ", "Place a wonton or dumpling skin into each cup and gently press down. ", "I found 3 whisked eggs was the perfect amount for 6 regular sized cups. ", "Add a splash of milk and your choice of quiche fillings to the egg mix before splitting the mix between the wonton cups. ", "I filled half of mine with steamed broccoli and cheddar and the rest with chopped sun-dried tomatoes, fresh basil and mozzarella. ", "Bake for approximately 15 minutes until egg is no longer runny. ", "Remove from pan and toast on the oven rack a couple more minutes if you desire a more crisp and golden 'crust'. ", "Super quick and super easy!", "\n\nI started with this recipe for a Warm Chickpea Salad thinking it'd be great for a day trip Mike and I had in the works. ", "But then, it seemed I'd rather eat more than this salad on the day trip which was turning into a festival outing which promised enticing food items, so... I put the salad on hold, letting the flavors soak in just a touch more.", "\n\nBy the time Monday evening rolled around, I sat staring at a jar of nicely seasoned chickpeas and sun-dried tomatoes and I thought to myself, I want that to be dip-able, I want to dip some chips in that - so into the food processor it went before entering our bellies on numerous corn tortilla chips.", "\n\nI think it'd make a delicious salad, so you can go that route as well, the directions are for the salad - to get the 'hummus' simply throw into a food processor!", "\n\nIngredients/Directions:\n\nIn a large skillet over medium heat, warm 3 Tbsp. ", "EVOO, add 2 Tbsp. ", "Cumin Seeds (or a shake of cumin if you don't have the luxury of easily attained spices) and 1/4 tsp. ", "of Crushed Red Pepper and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly until toasted and aromatic. ", "Reduce the heat to medium-low and add 4 minced Garlic Cloves, cook 3 minutes until golden. ", "Next add 2 - 15oz- Cans of Drained Chickpeas and 1/2 cup chopped Sun-Dried Tomatoes. ", "Turn heat up to medium-high and cook until chickpeas are warm and shiny with oil. ", "Remove from heat and add a splash of Lemon Juice and fresh (or conveniently frozen) herbs of your choice (I threw in a couple of basil cubes). ", "Salt and Pepper to taste, let set for at least one hour, serve at room temperature or throw into a food processor for a delicious and rich 'hummus'\n\nThursday, June 14, 2012\n\nI pinned this recipe a while back, back when I didn't actually have Quinoa and wasn't sure how I was going to get my hands on the intriguing little grain taking my Pinterest wall by storm. ", "Soon enough, however, another English teacher left the land of Korea and in turn passed on some Quinoa to the Harrington household. ", "Recognizing that I now had the opportunity to be preparing the handful of Quinoa recipes I'd pinned, I got excited and began the preparations for this Casserole which features not only Quinoa, but also black beans and sweet potatoes - one of my favorite combinations.", "\n\nWednesday, June 13, 2012\n\nThis just may be my crowning moment in the world of culinary goodness.", "\n\nBeer Bread meets Banana Bread and it is alliterative love at first bite.", "\n\nI really had no idea how this loaf of bread would pan out, but the idea came and I had to throw it together to find out.", "\n\nIt was a perfect mix of banana and beer, with an incredible meeting of the dense-ness of banana bread with the lighter, airy texture of beer/yeast breads.", "\n\nI could not have been more satisfied with the way this bread turner out - definitely helpful that I get to use my husbands home-brewed beers which are full of flavor compared to Korea's watered down brews.", "\n\nIngredients/Directions:\n\nIn a large bowl, mix together 3 cups Flour, 1 tsp. ", "Salt, 3 Tbsp. ", "Sugar, and 1 Tbsp. ", "Baking Powder. ", "You will need a total of 8-12oz Flat Beer (I used a Belgian), add about one cup to dry mixture as well as 3 Ripe Mashed Bananas. ", "Add additional beer as necessary to gain the proper consistency, thick and sticky, not too runny. ", "Pour batter into a greased loaf pan, dollop 2 tbsp. ", "of Butter on top of the raw loaf and bake at 375 F for 30-40 minutes.", "\n\nSqueeze out excess moisture from 4 cups of Spent Grains. ", "Preheat oven to 350 F (177 C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or tin foil. ", "In a large bowl, mix together the grains, 2 Tbsp. ", "Sesame Seeds, 2 Tbsp. ", "Flax-seeds, 1/2 cup Brown Rice Syrup (or honey, or maple syrup) and 1/4 cup Vegetable Oil (or 2 Tbsp. ", "Coconut Oil). ", "Separately, mix together 1/3 cup Wheat Flour, 1/4 tsp. ", "Salt and any seasonings you may like such as cinnamon etc. (", "not too much, the recipe I referenced originally, called for 3 Tbsp of Cinnamon which I'm finding to be overwhelming). ", "Mix the dry ingredients with the wet and spread out onto a baking sheet. ", "Bake 40-60 minutes stirring every 20 minutes, you want it to stay golden and beautiful, so if it looks like it's getting to dark, stop at the 40 minute mark otherwise keep going! ", "Reduce heat to 275 F (135 C) and bake an additional 20-30 minutes, this is when you want it to dry out, but not really cook any more, stir every 20 minutes. ", "Remove from oven and cool completely before storing in an airtight container in the refrigerator. ", "At the reduced temperature time or after completely baking the granola you can add some craisins or other dried fruit and some nuts if it suits your fancy. ", "However, I added craisins at the beginning of this recipe and ended up with crispy, dark dried cranberries, better to wait it out!", "\n\nAnyway, that's the most basic spent grain granola and it pairs quite nicely with home-made yogurt if I do say so myself ^^\n\nIf you spend any time in the blogosphere or on Pinterest, you've likely seen something like this post on Banana \"Ice Cream\" or single-ingredient ice cream etc. ", "You may even read some posts and discover that some people are now eating ice cream for breakfast...\n\nHow magical.", "\n\n(BTW, I'm posting this weeks later, but want to note that this morning, I had a smoothie...a Pineapple Pie smoothie to be exact ^^ - I think ice cream for breakfast, whether with bananas or not is an acceptable choice)\n\nAnyway, I decided to get in on this Banana Ice Cream action and take it up a notch by placing the mix between a couple of graham cracker like cookies.", "\n\nThrow those babies in the freezer and I'm coming home for work, desperate to be cool and have a little afternoon snack. ", "I grab one of these ice cream sandwiches and EVERY-TIME, I'm thinking to myself \"I should not eat an ice cream sandwich everyday...BUT WAIT, it's not ice cream! ", "It's banana! ", "This is friggin' awesomeeeee!!!!!!!!!!\"", "\n\nI have never heard of Pineapple Pie until I stumbled upon this recipe at Happier Than a Pig in Mud.", "\n\nI was thrilled to see a recipe that made sense given the available summer 'produce' in South Korea...now, don't get me wrong, South Korea has summer produce, but it's primarily melons and bananas, neither of which are entirely perfect for pies (although, I'm sure I'll do a banana cream pie soon enough).", "\n\nWere I in the states, I'd likely be enjoying some berries this time of year, but they are outrageously expensive here and since Korea does a relatively impressive job providing only in season produce, especially at prices I'm willing to pay, I don't have many options when it comes to 'fresh' produce pies...so canned pineapple?!? ", "Why the heck not!", "\n\nIngredients/Directions:\n\nIn a saucepan combine 3/4 cups Sugar, 2 Tbsp. ", "Cornstarch and 20 oz. ", "Crushed Pineapple with juice (I ran my sliced pineapple through the blender...because I didn't have crushed) and 1 Tbsp. ", "Lemon Juice. ", "Cool this mixture slightly before pouring into a 9 inch Pie Shell and covering with a second shell. ", "Bake at 425 F (218 C) for 20-30 minutes (because of the higher temperature, it is recommended that you cover the edge with tin foil to avoid burning). ", "Remove from oven, cool and enjoy!", "\n\nSaturday, June 9, 2012\n\nA not-so-recent-river-side-picnic resulted in my returning home with half a watermelon filled with home-made watermelon sorbet - I'm guessing the original recipe was something like this one.", "\n\nUnfortunately, it was no small task to break out some that watermelon sorbet, so it sat in our freezer a little longer than I'd like to admit.", "\n\nThen, I had an idea.", "\n\nIce Cubes.", "\n\nBecause they are easy and accessible.", "\n\nSo, during a Sunday of cooking/baking adventures, I pulled out the melon and let it thaw.", "\n\nScooped it into the blender, added a touch of pineapple juice and then poured into some ice trays.", "\n\nNow, I can have the occasional hard cider (homemade by the hubs) with the nice taste of watermelon added to the mix. ", "Or, I can throw a couple into a smoothie or even some (n)ice cream sandwiches (more on those later).", "\n\nSo, yeah, it was a good idea and now that watermelon sorbet is being put to use!", "\n\nSamgyupsal is Korean three-layered pork which resembles bacon but doesn't have that cured and salty factor the American bacon possesses. ", "Regardless of your opinion on how bacon/pork should taste, Samgyupsal is delicious as a grilled/BBQ'd meat which is the typical serving style here in South Korea - but it also makes for a nice addition to various dishes including good ole Saturday Morning Breakfast Burritos.", "\n\nAlso, i did these burritos up with some additional flare because it just so happened to be a day when I need to clear a few things out of the refridgerator - so while I add a common Korean meat dipping paste and a few tablespoons of ranch to my eggs, it's not really necessary, but helpful if you find yourself in need of clearing out some room in the fridge.", "\n\nIngredients/Directions:\n\nIn a large skillet, fry up some thinly sliced samgyusal until cooked through, use scissors to cut the pork into bite size pieces. ", "If loads of fat have been rendered, drain some off, however about a Tbsp. ", "or so will be a nice way to add flavor and non-sticking power to 1 chopped Green Pepper a handful of diced Cherry Tomatoes and 2 cloves of minced Garlic. ", "While sauteing the pork and the veggies, beat in a seperate bowl 6-8 eggs with no more than a 1/4 cup of ranch and a Tbsp. ", "or 2 of Korean bean paste for dipping meat. ", "Make sure sufficient oil/fat remains in the skillet to keep the eggs from sticking before pouring it over the meat and veggies. ", "Let egg set slightly before using a spatula to break up the egg and continue cooking. ", "Throw the mix in a flour tortilla, top with cheese, fold it up and throw on to a hot, dry skillet to melt the cheese and make the outside crispy. ", "Enjoy!", "\n\nThursday, June 7, 2012\n\nAs a born and bred American, I generally associate pancakes with Saturday and Sunday mornings, topped with syrup, fruit and whipped cream.", "\n\nBut traveling and aging have introduced me to the joy which is savory pancakes, while I still prefer the sweet syrupy kind for breakfast, these Kimchi Pancakes as well as Spring Onion Pancakes are a delicious and light way to enjoy an evening meal.", "\n\nAs always, for Korean recipes, I use what I know from eating out in Korea and refer to Maangchi to fill in the holes.", "\nYou can check out her original recipe and YouTube Video here.", "\n\nOr, you can keep reading and follow my lead ^^\n\nIngredients/Directions:\n\nIn a bowl, mix together, 1 cup chopped Kimchi, 3 Tbsp. ", "Kimchi Juice, 2 Tbsp, chopped Onion, shake of Salt, Sprinkle of Sugar, 1/2 cup Flour and 1/4 cup Water. ", "Heat a non-stick skillet and 2 tbsp. ", "oil to med-high heat. ", "Pour kimchi batter into to hot skillet, spread evenly and thin, cook for 1-2 minutes until bottom is golden brown and crispy, flip and repeat. ", "Serve by cutting into bite size pieces or simply give the eaters their own chopsticks and a bowl of Makgeoli (Korean rice wine) and let them go at both at their own pace.", "\n\nTuesday, June 5, 2012\n\nSometimes, I want to post a recipe or a recipe idea just because it worked surprisingly well and I want to remember it for future reference not because it's something extraordinary or necessarily special. ", "This is one such 'recipe'.", "\n\nBecause it's really just an omelet.", "\n\nSurrounding a corn tortilla and stuffed with cheese.", "\n\nI whisked my eggs as per usual, poured into a hot skillet, let it set for a minute or so before setting a corn tortilla on top and working the uncooked egg over the top of the tortilla. ", "Let it set a bit longer, flipped the whole thing over, sprinkled on some cheese, folded it over and let it finish doing it's business." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I show that continuous functions are borel?", "\n\nWe say that a function $f:\\mathbb R\\longrightarrow \\mathbb R$ is borel if $f^{-1}(B)$ is borel for all borel $B$. So let $f:\\mathbb R\\longrightarrow \\mathbb R$ a continuous function. ", "How can I prove that it's borel ? ", "I know that if $U$ is open, then $f^{-1}(U)$ is open and thus borel. ", "If I can write every borel set as a union and intersection of open sets, then it works, but I'm not sure that it's true.", "\n\nA:\n\nLet $\\mathscr M=\\left \\{ E\\in \\mathscr B(Y):f^{-1}(E)\\in \\mathscr B(X) \\right \\}$.\n1). ", "If $E\\in \\mathscr M$, then so is $Y\\setminus E$, because $f^{-1}(Y\\setminus E)=X\\setminus f^{-1}(E)\\in \\mathscr B(X).$\n2). ", "If $E_i\\in \\mathscr M$ for $i\\in \\mathbb N$, then so is $\\bigcup_iE_i$,because $f^{-1}(\\bigcup_iE_i)=\\bigcup_if^{-1}(E_i)\\in \\mathscr B(X).$\n3). ", "$\\varnothing \\in \\mathscr M$ trivially. ", "\nNow, 1), 2) and 3) show that $\\mathscr M$ is a $\\sigma-$algebra which contains the opens in $Y$, so in fact $\\mathscr M=\\mathscr B(Y), $ which in turn implies that $E\\in \\mathscr B(Y)\\Rightarrow f^{-1}(E)\\in \\mathscr B(X).$\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHaskell If Statement Condition\n\nThis is my first time getting into the more \"academic\" programming languages. ", "Coming from the land of Java/C, I'm having quite some issues with If statements in Haskell. ", "It seems all the examples use a single argument, and a simple gt, ls, or eq for comparisons.", "\nWhat I'm attempting to do is check if a function's argument is even or odd, then return a value based off that result. ", "This is to speed up the calculation of an exponent, as:\n\nn^k = (n^(k/2))^2 if k is even\nn^k = n * n^(k-1) if k is odd\n\nHere's what I have so far:\nfastExp1 :: Integer -> Integer\nfastExp1 x y =\n if y `mod` 2 = 1\n then x * x^(y-1)\n else if y `mod` 2 = 0\n then (x^(y/2))^2\n else 0\n\nI've tried to build it using guarded equations, but I just can't seem to get my head around how to build it:\nfastExp2 :: Integer -> Integer\nfastExp2 x y | (x `mod` 1) = 0 = (x^(y/2))^2\n | (x `mod` 1) = 1 = x * x^(y-1)\n | otherwise = 0\n\nIn Java, this isn't really any issue:\npublic static int fastExp1 (int x, int y) {\n if (y%2 == 0) {\n // The exponent was even.", "\n return (int) Math.pow((Math.pow(x,(y/2))), 2);\n } else if (y%2 == 1) {\n // The exponent was odd.", "\n return (int) Math.pow((x*x), (y-1));\n } else {\n return 0;\n }\n}\n\nI can confirm that the Java code works as intended, but with the Haskell I get:\n\nC:\\hello.hs:16:5:\nparse error in if statement: missing required then and else clauses \nFailed, modules loaded: none.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs pointed out in the comments (chepner & Ben), Haskell uses == for comparison where as = is used for definitions.", "\nFor future readers, here is the completed code:\nfastExp1 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer\nfastExp1 x y =\n if y `mod` 2 == 1\n then x * x^(y-1)\n else if y `mod` 2 == 0\n then (x^(y `div` 2))^2\n else 0\n\nfastExp2 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer\nfastExp2 x y | (y `mod` 2 == 0) = (x^(y `div` 2))^2\n | (y `mod` 2 == 1) = x * x^(y-1)\n | otherwise = 0\n\nAs suggested by leftaroundabout, fastExp2 can also be done by:\nfastExp2 x y | (y',0) <- y`divMod`2 = (x^y')^2\n | otherwise = x * x^(y-1)\n\n" ]
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[ "October Fall Open House\n\nNatali Student Center\n\n803 3rd StCalifornia, PA15419\n\nPhone: 724-938-4300\n\nRight now, there are probably lots of people telling you what you should do with your life. ", "And, at times, you may feel like you should already have a clear, set-in-stone picture of what your future should look like.", "\n\nBut success starts with a rough idea that gets clearer along the way. ", "At Cal U, we can help you fill in the details—details that fit you." ]
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[ 0.015625, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Always cache the running loop holder when running\n``asyncio.set_running_loop``.", "\n" ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Rheology of hydrate forming emulsions.", "\nResults are reported on an experimental study of the rheology of hydrate-forming water-in-oil emulsions. ", "Density-matched concentrated emulsions were quenched by reducing the temperature and an irreversible transition was observed where the viscosity increased dramatically. ", "The hydrate-forming emulsions have characteristic times for abrupt viscosity change dependent only on the temperature, reflecting the importance of the effect of subcooling. ", "Mechanical transition of hydrate-free water-in-oil emulsions may require longer times and depends on the shear rate, occurring more rapidly at higher rates but with significant scatter which is characterized through a probabilistic analysis. ", "This rate dependence together with dependence on subcooling reflects the importance of hydrodynamic forces to bring drops or particles together." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. ", "Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.", "\n\nPlease enable Javascript to watch this video\n\nST. ", "LOUIS – The Fox Files found cars abandoned for years in a place where you might least expect it – the airport. ", "We began our investigation after Kansas City police found a dead person inside a car at its airport.", "\n\nFamily members reported the individual missing months earlier and wondered how no one would notice someone dead in the front seat of a car.", "\n\nFox 2/KPLR 11 looked at St. Louis-Lambert International Airport. ", "You cannot wait around for even a few seconds before someone tells you to move your car. ", "TSA doesn’t want someone leaving explosives. ", "But in the parking lot just across from the pick-up and drop off zones, the Fox Files found car after car after car abandoned. ", "They had flat tires, expired plates, some without plates, and dusty windows. ", "We found one sitting so long the dust was thick and caked on.", "\n\nAnother had a message written in the dust: “move this.” ", "An abandoned truck wasn’t even in a parking space. ", "You can see the air traffic control tower from where a Honda Pilot was abandoned. ", "It’s right above the pick-up zone where signs say “No parking: Violators will be towed.”", "\n\nYou can see on Google Earth maps just how long the truck has been abandoned. ", "It shows up parked the same way, right on the white line, just as we found it. ", "It’s on last year's map, then in 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012. ", "It does not show up on the map for 2011, which means it showed up about six years ago. ", "Fox Files investigators found it’s connected to a collision repair company in Texas. ", "We called them, but the company claimed to have no record of the vehicle.", "\n\nFox Files also tracked down the owner of a Ford Explorer who did remember the vehicle. ", "The owner said he now lives in the Czech Republic. ", "He left the truck “back in 2016” when it was supposed to be picked up by a relative. ", "The owner of a Honda Civic is now in the Air Force. ", "He wrote on Facebook that he left on a flight for Texas on August 9, 2014.", "\n\nThe man’s sister messaged us: “My brother sold that car to a buddy of his when he left...I guess the guy never went and got it.”", "\n\nThen a Nissan pickup. ", "It’s only been here six months, but it’s not even in a parking space. ", "Fox Files tracked the owner, Michael Talignani, who lives in Los Angeles.", "\n\n“I was shocked,” he said. “", "I was very happy to hear you found the truck.”", "\n\nTalignani said his relative was supposed to get it, but couldn’t find it.", "\n\n“There’s no way I thought the car would be there for that long,” he said. “", "Who knows how many other cars people could just ditch at the airport and they’ll just stick around. ", "Who knows what any of the other cars could have in them. ", "I definitely think it is a security risk.” ", "St. Louis Airport Director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge said it's not a security risk. ", "She said airport security records show these three cars were all parked on their property last December.", "\n\nBelow is a transcript of a conversation between Fox Files investigator Chris Hayes and Hamm-Niebruegge:\n\nHayes: “We did some digging and we think they’re wrong on four occasions.”", "\n\nHamm-Niebruegge: “Okay?”", "\n\nHayes: “We found the first one on the list, the silver Honda Pilot, shows up on a Google Earth map from August 2012.”", "\n\nHamm-Niebruegge: “Well, that could’ve come and gone.”", "\n\nHayes: “One of the reasons we don’t think it’s come and gone is because it’s even parked on the line there. ", "And in addition, the snapshots from Google Earth, starting in 2012, 2013, 14, 15, 16, 17, show the same position, show it on that line.”", "\n\nHamm-Niebruegge: “Okay, I mean we can go back and look at that again just to see, but as I said, we do nightly patrols of them…It is scanned on a nightly basis through everything and (December is) the first time it showed up on that.”", "\n\nHayes: “So that wasn’t a case where that technology was acquired in December 2016?”", "\n\nHamm-Niebruegge: “We’ve always had the technology. ", "We did have a newer technology so it used to be a hand scanner.” ", "The director said the airport acquired updated automated technology sometime last fall, about when the airport catalogued the vehicles we found abandoned for years. ", "But Hamm-Niebruegge said there was still no danger because of nightly beat checks that sometimes include police K-9s. “", "But we don’t open the vehicle unless we’ve gotten to the point where we know we’re going to have to have them towed and sold,” she said. ", "Is the airport ever concerned that something dangerous could be hidden in any of the trunks of the abandoned vehicles?", "\n\n“Again, you look at the vehicles. ", "You run the numbers. ", "If it’s not been involved in a crime, if it’s not reported as stolen, you wouldn’t anticipate that there was a problem,” Hamm-Niebruegge said.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Talignani asked his brother to try and get his truck. ", "He was surprised the truck started. ", "In his case, the airport was right in its assessment. ", "It had been parked on the property parked six months ago. ", "An attendant told Talignani’s brother it would cost $4,140 to move it off the lot, adding, “This lot is $23 per day and it’s been here since April 10.” ", "His brother turned around to abandon the truck again. ", "He parked it next to another abandoned car. “", "I’m very surprised they haven’t towed it,” the brother said. “", "I thought they’d do it after a month to three months, you know, especially that bad boy next to us taking up space. ", "Someone could leave this vehicle with something dangerous in there.”", "\n\nThe Honda Pilot would cost more than $4,300 to drive out of the airport garage. ", "The airport has now towed the cars we found. ", "In a follow up response, a spokesman says these are a very small percentage of cars in their garages.", "\n\nRead the airport’s post interview follow up response:\n\nAs we discussed in our interview, parking lot safety and security is a top priority and just one of our areas of focus in our overall airport security plan. ", "The Airport’s parking operator (and its employees) and Airport Police patrol the garages and parking lots daily. ", "Suspicious vehicles are reported for further investigation. ", "The Airport has and will do visual vehicle checks, license plate checks and VIN# verification on suspected vehicles to determine if they are a threat or can be linked to any crimes or other serious matters. ", "We have no information that any of the vehicles that you identified were deemed suspicious or a threat. ", "This includes the Silver Honda Pilot on your inquiry list. ", "The Honda Pilot was not a security issue or threat. ", "It was not stolen. ", "It was not wanted by any law enforcement entity. ", "It was not illegally parked. ", "The parking operator and the Airport PD were working together as early as this spring to determine correct (titled) owner. ", "Our records do not indicate the VIN# is associated with Tino’s Collision Repair in TX. ", "Our records show the vehicle was last registered to individuals in Kissimee, Florida. ", "The Airport has sent a certified letter notifying the Florida individuals about this abandoned vehicle. ", "If the Airport gets no response, the vehicle will be sold, based on the Airport’s and City of St. Louis’ procedures on abandoned vehicles. ", "You also asked for a response regarding the systems in place during this time. ", "Until fall of 2016, the Airport used a Parking Access Revenue Control System (PARCS) that utilized hand-held devices, with someone on foot patrol. ", "The system was outdated and no longer reliable. ", "The Airport switched over to a new PARCS in September of 2016. ", "However, it took approximately one year to work with the vendor on installation, programming and operational issues. ", "The system was fully approved by the Airport in August of 2017. ", "It was recently learned that within that one-year setup time, the new system was apparently clearing some electronic inventory data after ninety (90) days. ", "The Airport since checked its backup archive data to confirm that one of your vehicles (Black Ford Explorer) did park in September 2016 (vs our electronic records of December 2016), which matches your information. ", "The Airport has many cases over the years of working to contact owners of abandoned vehicles. ", "The Airport identified seven abandoned vehicles in parking garages and parking lots between 2013 and 2015. ", "The Airport towed those vehicles to a central airport location until there was a certain mass where it was advantageous to begin the liquidation process. ", "Four of the six vehicles listed in your inquiry were already being added to that original pool of vehicles before your inquiry. ", "That pool of vehicles are now set to be towed off airport property and will be sold. ", "For reference, the Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 garages hold 3,006 spaces collectively. ", "On average, the parking operator processes 892,000 transactions (In/Pay/Out) per year for the garages.", "\n\n38.750322 -90.375452" ]
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[ "Dry Like Me cleans up at the Fresh Awards.", "\n\nShare this\n\nWe are incredibly proud that our “Little Miss Smarty Pants” TV campaign for potty training brand Dry Like Me won big at Friday Night's Fresh Awards in two hotly contested categories; The campaign picked up a pair of Silver awards for Proving Marketing Effectiveness and TV or Cinema Commercial.", "\n\nThe 30 second spot, created by Dennis Willison and Vineet Raheja and directed by Karen Cunningham of Pop Up Films, captures the vibrancy of the brand whilst delivering its key messages in a simple and relatable way. ", "The campaign resonated with both parents and children getting the balance between being fun and informative just right, and we are thrilled that it has received this industry recognition.", "\n\nSpeaking of the work, Jude Hough, director of Dry Like Me said; “Connect really understood our needs from the word go, even though we are something of a new genre for them. ", "We had the service we would have expected from a big London agency, but with a small agency feel. ", "The work has exceeded our expectations, making us stand out against our competitors as well as taking us to the next level.”", "\n\nThe ad, titled ‘Little Miss Smarty Pants’ featured across a number of UK children's television channels over four weeks and included spots on popular channels such as Boomerang and TinyPop." ]
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[ "Trip Details:\n\nAbout this program\n\nIf you want to immerse yourself in an exploration of authentic Andean culture and vibrant celebrations, this adventure is for you!", "\n\nJoin thousands of pilgrims from across the Andes on a two-day pilgrimage to the base of a sacred mountain to experience the Qoyllor R’iti Festival, an annual celebration that is relatively unheard of by the outside world. ", "Surrounded by traditional dancers in colourful costumes, music and games, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a ritual offering to the Spirits of the Mountains to manifest your dreams into reality.", "\n\nAs you journey through the Sacred Valley of the Incas, you will experience the real Peru as you are welcomed into the hearts and homes of friendly Andean villagers during a family homestay. ", "Followed by an in-depth exploration of ancient Inca sites, you will visit the sanctuary of Machu Picchu, the majestic Ollantaytambo fortress, the circular terraces of Moray, the salt pools of Moras, and the colourful market town of Pisac.", "\n\nThis is an experience you will never forget!", "\n\nFollow this organization:\n\nItinerary\n\nDay 1 | Lima\n\nFree time to explore\n\nDinner on the town\n\nWelcome to Lima, the capital city of Peru known as the City of Kings. ", "Perched on atop jagged cliffs that plunge into the Pacific Ocean, Lima is a bustling city known for its manicured parks, elegant boulevards, pre-Columbian art museums, vibrant nightlife, and culinary delights.", "\n\nDuring the day there are no planned activities so check into the boutique hotel in the heart of Miraflores and enjoy this time to explore the city. ", "In the evening, you'll gather for the Welcome Meeting followed by dinner on the town.", "\n\nDay 2 | Cuzco\n\nMorning FlightVisit San Pedro MarketFree time to explore\n\nA morning flight will take you to the city of Cuzco and the heart of the Peruvian Andes. ", "Once the capital of the Inca Empire and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is known for its archaeological remains and Spanish colonial architecture.", "\n\nAfter lunch, you'll have free time to explore. ", "Stroll along cobblestone streets to visit the colourful San Pedro market or enjoy a coffee overlooking the central square.", "\n\nDinner on the town and an evening briefing with your local guide.", "\n\nDay 3 & 4 | Traditional Andean Village\n\nDaily life in a traditional Andean village\n\nWomen’s Weaving Project\n\nDespacho Ceremony\n\nOver the next two days, you'll get a glimpse into the daily life of a traditional Andean village. ", "You'll begin with a Despacho ceremony to ask for blessings and protection on your journey and give offerings of gratitude to Pachamama (Mother Earth).", "\n\nYou'll share in a traditional lunch and join activities with local families, perhaps harvesting their crops, a visit to the school or a friendly game of soccer. ", "You'll learn about ancient Inca weaving techniques with an opportunity to purchase items directly from the women that make them.", "\n\nDay 5 | Sacred Valley\n\nSacred Valley Inca SitesJourney by trainHotsprings\n\nToday you journey through the Sacred Valley stopping at various Inca Sites along the way. ", "You'll visit Moray, a deep spiral of circular terraces used by the Incas as an agricultural laboratory to cultivate crops high in the Andes. ", "Maras is an ancient site with over 3,000 pools of salt that are harvested by local families, similar to over 1,000 years ago.", "\n\nIn the afternoon you´ll journey by train to the town of Aguas Calientes and end the day relaxing in the hotsprings.", "\n\nDay 6 | Machu Picchu\n\nExplore Machu Picchu\n\nOptional Climb Wayna Picchu\n\nA morning hike to the top of Wayna Picchu for a birds eye view of Machu Picchu and the unforgettable feeling of being on top of the world.", "\n\nIn the afternoon you´ll experience the magic of Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca citadel set amidst a dramatic landscape between the high Andes and the Amazon Basin as your guide takes you through this magnificent site, pointing out areas of interest and importance.", "\n\nDay 7 | Pisac Market\n\nOllantaytamboPisac Market\n\nToday you depart Machu Picchu and travel back to Cuzco, stopping en route at Ollantaytambo, an ancient fortress built on the side of a mountain with monolithic stones that tower over the town below. ", "Followed by a visit to Pisac, a colourful Andean market where local artisans sell everything from handcrafted jewelry to alpaca sweaters and people from the surrounding Quechua communities come to sell their produce. ", "Overnight in Cuzco.", "\n\nDay 8 | Cuzco\n\nExplore Cuzco\n\nFree day to discover more of Cuzco and the surrounding area. ", "Stroll through cobblestone streets and shops, visit the bohemian neighbourhood of San Blas, check out the famous 12-sided stone, museums, cathedrals and the Temple of the Sun or take a cooking class.", "\n\nIf you’re feeling adventurous, spend your day white water rafting, journey to Rainbow Mountain, hike to the White Christ statue for a birds eye view of the city or ride a horse through the rolling country side.", "\n\nDay 9 & 10 | Qoyllur R’iti Festival\n\n2-day Pilgrimage to Ausangate MountainQoyllur R’iti Festival\n\nYou'll join thousands of pilgrims from across the Andes on a pilgrimage to the base of a sacred mountain to witness the ancient festival of Qoyllur R’iti, which is Quechua for “Brilliant Snow Star”.", "\n\nYou'll see a mix of indigenous customs and christianity and participate in traditional games and rituals to manifest your dreams into reality. ", "The trek is 3-4 hrs each way to the sanctuary at 4700m / 15,420 ft.", "\n\nYou'll dress warmly for overnight camping at high altitude. ", "A local guide will accompany you. ", "Camping gear and a cook will be provided.", "\n\nReturn to Cuzco in the afternoon of Day 10 to overnight and our last dinner on the town." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nJava split byte[] array\n\nЕсть большой массив с байтами:\nbyte[] binary = ...;\n\nКак я могу разбить этот массив на несколько массивов при помощи такого разделителя:\nbyte[] split = new byte[]{0, 0x065, 4};\n\nТо есть нужно сделать то же самое, что и:\nString default = \"abcabcabcaaaa\";\nString split = \"b\";\nString[] result = default.split(\"b\");\n\nно только с байтами.", "\n\nA:\n\nПример отсюда https://stackoverflow.com/a/29084734/1828296:\npublic static List<byte[]> tokens(byte[] array, byte[] delimiter) {\n List<byte[]> byteArrays = new LinkedList<>();\n if (delimiter.length == 0) {\n return byteArrays;\n }\n int begin = 0;\n\n outer:\n for (int i = 0; i < array.length - delimiter.length + 1; i++) {\n for (int j = 0; j < delimiter.length; j++) {\n if (array[i + j] !", "= delimiter[j]) {\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n byteArrays.add(Arrays.copyOfRange(array, begin, i));\n begin = i + delimiter.length;\n }\n byteArrays.add(Arrays.copyOfRange(array, begin, array.length));\n return byteArrays;\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFind the resultant of three forces acting along the diagonals of a cube.", "\n\nNot sure how to solve this one:\nA particle at the corner P of a cube is acted on by three forces each of magnitude F, acting along the three diagonals of the three adjacent faces of the cube which pass through P. Find the resultant force.", "\nI have got so far:\n\nA:\n\nLet's think in terms of Cartesian coordinates, where the directions of the cube edges correspond to the coordinate axes.", "\nFrom the picture, we see that all of the components are equal to $\\frac{F}{\\sqrt{2}}$. This makes sense, because $\\left(\\frac{F}{\\sqrt{2}}\\right)^2 + \\left(\\frac{F}{\\sqrt{2}} \\right)^2 = F^2$. \nWhen the components are summed together, each of the $i,j$ and $k$ components appears exactly twice in the sum. ", "Therefore, the sum is\n$$\n2\\times \\left(\\frac{F}{\\sqrt{2}}\\right)\\hat{i} + 2 \\times \\left(\\frac{F}{\\sqrt{2}}\\right) \\hat{j} + 2\\times \\left(\\frac{F}{\\sqrt{2}}\\right) \\hat{k} = \\sqrt{2}F (\\hat{i} + \\hat{j} + \\hat{k} )\n$$\nwhich has length\n$$\n\\sqrt{2}F \\times \\sqrt{3} = \\sqrt{6}F\n$$\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-ijerph-12-10846}\n===============\n\nContaminated drinking water is a primary exposure route for fecal pathogens and chemical toxins, which are important global public health concerns \\[[@B1-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "Water quality monitoring is essential for evaluating contamination status, guiding protection and treatment strategies, and verifying management efforts. ", "In many developing countries, national regulations specify institutional roles and responsibilities for drinking water quality monitoring \\[[@B2-ijerph-12-10846],[@B3-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "Water quality monitoring includes operational and surveillance monitoring: operational monitoring is performed by water utilities to ensure the safety of their supplies while surveillance (or compliance) monitoring is performed by independent agencies that are usually responsible for public health (e.g., district or regional health offices, ministries of health) \\[[@B1-ijerph-12-10846],[@B4-ijerph-12-10846],[@B5-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "The effective use of monitoring data (e.g., water test results, water point maps, survey results), however, requires efficient information flows that reach all relevant actors, from the utility employees who implement protection and treatment activities to the administrators who establish management priorities and allocate resources.", "\n\nIn-line sensor technologies are increasingly used by water suppliers for operational monitoring purposes to directly measure and obtain real-time data on certain water quality parameters \\[[@B6-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "Regulatory requirements, however, generally specify the use of laboratory-based diagnostic tests for parameters such as microbial contamination. ", "This study focuses on data collected using laboratory methods. ", "Mobile phone applications for improving information flows in the water and sanitation sector have included tracking water system performance, 'crowd-sourcing' information on water supply functionality, and reporting operational data from small, dispersed water supplies \\[[@B7-ijerph-12-10846],[@B8-ijerph-12-10846],[@B9-ijerph-12-10846],[@B10-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "In a previous effort to improve water quality monitoring data management, the Water Quality Reporter (WQR) mobile phone application and a corresponding backend web service, the Water Quality Manager (WQM), were developed under the Aquatest water quality diagnostics program \\[[@B11-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "WQR is a Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) application with form-based data collection that allows water testers to submit data to a central database; WQM is a companion application that allows managers to view reports, visualize testing results, and establish contamination alerts \\[[@B12-ijerph-12-10846],[@B13-ijerph-12-10846]\\].", "\n\nThe WQR/WQM system was field-tested in four water quality monitoring programs, including rural operational and surveillance monitoring in South Africa, rural surveillance monitoring in Mozambique, rural operational monitoring in Cambodia, and urban operational monitoring in Vietnam \\[[@B12-ijerph-12-10846],[@B13-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "The field tests showed that the extent to which the WQR/WQM system influenced information flows was largely determined by existing data management structures. ", "For example, while WQR/WQM improved the efficiency of data transmission in all four field-test settings, it only improved the availability of information within upper administrative levels in Mozambique; in the other three locations, managers already received test results via logbooks and email prior to the introduction of WQR \\[[@B12-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "These results imply that the applicability and success of mobile phone-based water quality data management systems are dependent on context and will vary according to the monitoring program structure.", "\n\nWe identified water quality monitoring program structures most likely to benefit from mobile phone-based data management by analyzing information flows within regulated water quality monitoring institutions in Africa. ", "We then describe a data management system that we tested with the Service National de l'Hygiène (SNH) of Senegal, an institution with a program structure that appears suitable for mobile phone-based tools.", "\n\n2. ", "Methods {#sec2-ijerph-12-10846}\n==========\n\n2.1. ", "Study Sites {#sec2dot1-ijerph-12-10846}\n----------------\n\nWe collected information on water quality monitoring activities from institutions responsible for regulatory operational and surveillance monitoring across Africa that were involved with the Monitoring for Safe Water (MfSW) capacity building program \\[[@B14-ijerph-12-10846],[@B15-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "Initially, 72 institutions from 10 countries submitted monitoring information in their applications for participation in MfSW. ", "Subsequently, 26 institutions from six countries (Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Senegal, Uganda, and Zambia) were selected for the MfSW program. ", "These included 11 water suppliers (two national suppliers, two regional suppliers, one private water operator association, and six individual municipal suppliers) and 15 surveillance agencies (one national health ministry, three regional surveillance labs, and 11 district health surveillance offices) that together were responsible for monitoring 118 urban water systems and 343 public health districts.", "\n\nWe developed a mobile phone application for managing water quality data with SNH, the unit of the Ministry of Health and Social Action in Senegal that is responsible for monitoring drinking water supplies. ", "SNH field agents tested the mobile phone application in the regions of Dakar (the urban capital with an estimated 3 million residents), Diourbel, and Kaolack (both rural with estimated populations of 1.5 million and 1 million, respectively).", "\n\n2.2. ", "Data Collection {#sec2dot2-ijerph-12-10846}\n--------------------\n\nWe obtained qualitative and quantitative data related to water quality monitoring activities between November 2012 and February 2015 during five stages of the MfSW program ([Table 1](#ijerph-12-10846-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}): (1) applications; (2) needs assessments; (3) midterm assessments; (4) ongoing testing; and (5) testing of the mobile phone application (for SNH only). ", "MfSW applications consisted of written surveys and one year of retrospective water quality data submitted by institutions. ", "During needs and midterm assessments, we conducted in-person semi-structured interviews and observations with program managers and implementing staff. ", "In the ongoing testing stage, institutions tested water quality and submitted water quality data monthly. ", "We documented monitoring challenges through email and telephone communications. ", "We analyzed implementation of the mobile phone application through in-person semi-structured interviews, observations, communication notes, and water quality testing data. ", "We submitted the study protocol to the Western Institutional Review Board (WIRB) (Olympia, WA USA) for ethical review and received a determination of exemption from full review under 45 CRF 46.101(b)(2) of the Common Rule.", "\n\nijerph-12-10846-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nData collection.", "\n\n Activity Number of institutions Timings (m/y) Duration Data Collection Method\n ------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------\n Application 72 12/2012--5/2013 Minimal Written application, one year retrospective water quality data\n Needs assessment 42 12/2012--8/2013 1--5 days Written survey, interviews, facility observations\n Ongoing testing 26 7/2013--12/2014 3--16 days Monthly submission of water quality testing data\n Midterm assessments 26 3/2014--12/2014 2--7 days Written survey, interviews, bservations\n Mobile application test 1 7/2014--2/2015 2 months Interviews, observations, testing data\n\nIn our collaboration with SNH, we initiated water monitoring data collection with a paper-based survey. ", "Subsequently, we paired each of their 13 water testing kits with a mobile smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Fame S6790/S3 Lite) running on the Android operating system, which carried a data collection application that we developed using the CommCare survey management platform (Dimagi 2014; the application is available for download at [www.commcarehq.org/exchange](www.commcarehq.org/exchange)). ", "We improved the application through field-testing between July-October 2014. ", "SNH health agents entered the following data into the data collection application about a single sample using three forms filled out over two days ([Figure 1](#ijerph-12-10846-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}): Form 1: Field Data Collection---GPS coordinates, water source, sanitary conditions, and water quality parameters tested on-site when collecting a sample.", "Form 2: Office-Based Physico-chemical Measurements---water quality measurements performed in offices the same day as sampling.", "Form 3: Microbial Testing Results and Action Reporting---fecal coliform colony counts, quality control procedures, and actions taken in response to contamination recorded the day after sampling.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Data Analysis {#sec2dot3-ijerph-12-10846}\n------------------\n\nWe analyzed quantitative data, including the number and frequency of water quality tests conducted by institutions, using the R software package (R Core Team 2014). ", "Qualitative data, including interviews, observations, written surveys, and communication notes, were entered, coded, and accessed using NVivo software (QSR International). ", "We performed queries through NVivo to identify data collection and management challenges and current use of ICTs in existing programs. ", "Based on the qualitative data, we constructed full Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) for 12 of the final 26 MfSW program participants and simplified descriptions of data flows for the remaining 14 to depict each step in data collection, collation, and transmission \\[[@B16-ijerph-12-10846],[@B17-ijerph-12-10846]\\]. ", "We used qualitative and quantitative data and DFDs to develop classifications, or typologies, of program structures for the 26 program participants.", "\n\n![", "Process flow of the three CommCare forms used over two days by the Service National de l'Hygiène (SNH) to collect data about a water sample. ", "A case refers to a single water sample.](ijerph-12-10846-g001){#ijerph-12-10846-f001}\n\n3. ", "Results and Discussion {#sec3-ijerph-12-10846}\n=========================\n\n3.1. ", "Typologies of Water Quality Monitoring Programs {#sec3dot1-ijerph-12-10846}\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nAs depicted in the DFDs, we observed that regulated water quality monitoring programs follow a general framework. ", "Individual 'collectors' (e.g., community health volunteers, laboratory technicians) visit a water source or a household and collect a water sample. ", "They then transfer the sample by foot or a vehicle to a central 'testing location' (a laboratory, health center, hospital, office, or home). '", "Testers' analyze the water samples for microbial indicators of fecal contamination, with results available and recorded after a day of incubation. ", "Our DFDs begin with sample collection and end when results are collated within an institution. ", "Institutions may subsequently report results to external regulatory agencies or consumers, though we did not address these downstream information flows in this analysis.", "\n\nWe used the DFDs to classify the MfSW participants into four monitoring typologies that are based on the following characteristics of an institution's water quality monitoring program structure ([Table 2](#ijerph-12-10846-t002){ref-type=\"table\"} and [Figure 2](#ijerph-12-10846-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}): the number of locations where testing is conducted (*i.e*., '", "testing locations'),the number of staff collecting samples and conducting tests for each testing location ('collectors' and 'testers')whether or not the same staff collecting samples also conduct the tests ('collectors' *vs.* 'testers').", "\n\nijerph-12-10846-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nTypologies of water quality monitoring programs.", "\n\n A: All-In-One B: Pass-It-On C: Decentralized D: Independent Teams\n ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Number testing locations 1 1 \\>1 \\>1\n Number collectors/testers per location variable \\>2 collectors, fewer testers 1--2 collectors and testers \\>2 collectors, \\>2 testers\n Staff collecting/testing same different same same\n Number of MfSW institutions 12 4 7 3\n Main data management challenge Reliance on a few or one person Data transfer from sample collectors to testers Data collation and consistency between multiple testing locations Data collation and consistency within and between multiple testing locations\n\n![", "Generalized representation of typologies.](ijerph-12-10846-g002){#ijerph-12-10846-f002}\n\n### 3.1.1. ", "Type A (\"All-In-One\"): Single Testing Location, Collectors are also Testers {#sec3dot1dot1-ijerph-12-10846}\n\nIn Type A institutions, the individuals who collect samples also test them at a single, central location. ", "Each institution may have one, several, or many individuals collecting and testing samples. ", "All institutions in this category had dedicated laboratory space for water testing. ", "This typology was the most common and included water suppliers for individual towns in Kenya and Ethiopia, regional surveillance labs in Ethiopia and Uganda, and District Health Offices (DHOs) in Uganda and Zambia. ", "For example, a water supplier in Kenya relied on two staff members to manage the testing program: these staff collected samples, transported the samples to the lab, performed the tests, recorded results in a lab notebook, and then entered them into a computer at the testing location ([Figure 3](#ijerph-12-10846-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}a).", "\n\nTypology A involves minimal data transfer and is, therefore, the least complicated of the four typologies. ", "However, with only a few personnel managing the entire testing process, staff turnover has the potential to jeopardize monitoring and reporting activities.", "\n\n![", "Data flows within Type A and B institutions shown through simplified data flow diagrams (DFDs).](ijerph-12-10846-g003){#ijerph-12-10846-f003}\n\n### 3.1.2. ", "Type B (\"Pass-It-On\"): Single Testing Location, Collectors differ from Testers {#sec3dot1dot2-ijerph-12-10846}\n\nType B institutions differentiated water sample collectors from testers who operated at a central location. ", "Generally, there were many more collectors than testers. ", "All MfSW partners included in this typology were surveillance agencies, including DHOs in Kenya and Zambia and a regional surveillance laboratory in Ethiopia. ", "Two of these conducted testing in offices and one used a laboratory in the district hospital. ", "For example, in a Zambian DHO, 15 Environmental Health Technicians (EHTs) from different health facilities collected samples and delivered them to a hospital laboratory. ", "Laboratory staff received the samples, conducted tests, and recorded the results in a data logbook. ", "The data were then transferred into an electronic database by DHO staff ([Figure 3](#ijerph-12-10846-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}b).", "\n\nThe main challenge faced by Type B institutions lies in the transfer of information between sample collectors and testers. ", "When collectors handed off water samples to testers, there was potential for poor coordination with the laboratory staff and for mixing-up samples and associated data (e.g., date, time, location, type of sample). ", "One MfSW partner DHO with a large catchment area reported that sample collectors regularly arrived at the testing location with their samples to find that the testing staff had already left for the day.", "\n\n### 3.1.3. ", "Type C (\"Decentralized\"): Multiple Testing Locations, Fewer Collectors and Testers {#sec3dot1dot3-ijerph-12-10846}\n\nType C institutions have multiple testing locations, each with one or two individuals who both collect and test samples. ", "All of these institutions analyzed samples in laboratories or with portable test kits based in offices. ", "Data from all testing locations was periodically collated at a central location. ", "MfSW participants in this typology included national water suppliers in Uganda and Guinea, regional water suppliers in Zambia, private water operators in Uganda, and DHOs in Zambia and Kenya. ", "For example, a regional water supplier in Zambia had lab technicians in eight districts conducting water quality monitoring ([Figure 4](#ijerph-12-10846-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "In each district, one or two lab technicians collected the water samples, transported the samples to the laboratory in their town, conducted the tests, and recorded the results in a logbook. ", "The lab technicians then entered these data into a digital spreadsheet or document file and forwarded it to the regional center via email.", "\n\nType C institutions, with their many testing locations and few sample collector/testers, struggled to consolidate data from the multiple testing sites. ", "Each testing location under the Ugandan national supplier, for example, had slightly different reporting formats, which delayed collation and submission. ", "Institutions without computers at their testing locations relied on vehicles to physically transport data from the testing location to the central level, which resulted in reporting delays for two MfSW program participants.", "\n\n![", "Data flows within Type C and D institutions shown through simplified data flow diagrams (DFDs).](ijerph-12-10846-g004){#ijerph-12-10846-f004}\n\n### 3.1.4. ", "Type D (\"Independent Teams\"): Multiple Testing Locations, Many Collectors and Testers {#sec3dot1dot4-ijerph-12-10846}\n\nType D institutions have multiple testing locations with many individuals at each site who collect and test water samples and periodically collate the data from all locations. ", "This typology was the least common and included one DHO in both Kenya and Uganda and the national surveillance agency in Senegal. ", "All of these institutions tested samples using portable kits set up in offices. ", "For example, in the Kenyan DHO, Community Health Workers (CHWs) from four sub-areas collected samples, transported them to the testing location at a local health center, and tested them while supervised by Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs). ", "The CHEWs recorded the results on paper log sheets and transported these sheets to the district hospital via motorbike for compilation and digital entry ([Figure 4](#ijerph-12-10846-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}b).", "\n\nSince Type D institutions have numerous collectors, testers, and testing locations, this typology presents the most challenging data management scenario. ", "As with Type C institutions, one of the main challenges for Type D institutions was ensuring data consistency across the multiple testing locations as well as within testing locations. ", "To address this challenge, the Kenyan DHO required all CHWs within a testing location to process samples together, which simplified both quality control and data collection. ", "In addition, it was difficult for these institutions to collate results from the various testing locations, which frequently occurred via the transportation of paper copies by vehicle.", "\n\n3.2. ", "ICT applications in Water Quality Monitoring {#sec3dot2-ijerph-12-10846}\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nijerph-12-10846-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nInformation and communication technology (ICT) applications in water quality monitoring programs.", "\n\n Mobile Phones Computer Internet GIS\n --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------\n Field collection calls (coordinate sampling) print-outs of sampling forms NR GPS units\n Lab testing calls and SMS messages (to consumers/operators) NR NR NR\n Internal reporting/conducting testing calls and SMS (check results, clarify issues, reminders, inventory) text editor (raw data, reports); spreadsheet software and databases (raw data); flash drives (data) email (raw data, reports) NR\n External reporting calls (report results) text editor, presentation software (summaries and reports) website (public data); email (raw data, reports) NR\n Managing sampling points NR Spreadsheet or text editor (customer database) NR GIS (maps, customer database)\n\nNR: Use not reported among study institutions.", "\n\nWe documented a range of ICTs that were used by MfSW program participants in their water quality monitoring programs ([Table 3](#ijerph-12-10846-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}): mobile phones (calls or SMS messages to coordinate programs and ad-hoc transfer of results), computers (data entry, used by two-thirds of MfSW applicants), internet (data transfer), flash drives (data transfer), and GPS (recording sampling locations and mapping water points). ", "Across all typologies, we observed common challenges with electronic data management: computers were often unavailable or shared between multiple departments (particularly among surveillance agencies) and both urban and rural institutions often struggled with intermittent internet, loss of flash drives, frequent power outages, power surges that destroyed equipment, and viruses that corrupted files.", "\n\nOur analysis of testing program typologies in sub-Saharan Africa shows that regulated microbial water quality testing is almost always performed in dedicated spaces rather than at the water source. ", "While in general this practice promotes centralized data entry on computers and transmission via the internet, mobile phone-based data management applications are receiving increasing attention as tools for improving information flows. ", "To evaluate the potential for mobile phone tools to strengthen regulated water quality monitoring in Africa, we examined data flow challenges and ICT opportunities in the four institutional typologies.", "\n\nAmong Type A and Type B institutions, water quality information is collected at a central location, which reduces the requirements for constant data transfers. ", "These institutions are most likely to benefit from ICT tools that include GIS information for sample collection, electronic water quality databases, and reliable internet services for transmitting information to external agencies (e.g., Ministry of Health, regulators). ", "To reduce sample-handling errors, Type B institutions may also benefit from bar code labeling of water samples. ", "Type C and Type D institutions must collate data from multiple testing locations; mobile phone data applications could improve their data flows by standardizing and automating this process. ", "In particular, the numerous sample collectors, testers, and locations in Type D institutions make it difficult to standardize and manage data collection within and between testing locations. ", "Additionally, mobile phone data applications may be particularly useful for surveillance agencies: surveillance staff visit different water sources each time they collect water samples, often collecting significant source-related information during sampling (e.g., source type, sanitary status). ", "In contrast, water suppliers generally collect samples from constant points within their distribution systems.", "\n\nIn summary, our research suggests that mobile phone-based water quality data management applications will provide minimal benefits for Type A or B institutions, but prove worthwhile for Type C institutions in some contexts. ", "They are most likely to benefit Type D surveillance agencies. ", "While program structure is only one component of context (for example, network connectivity and user literacy are also important), we posit that program structure is an attribute that is relatively straightforward to assess and provides a starting point for identifying when and where mobile phone applications might improve data collection and management.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Identifying a Context for Mobile Phone Data Collection: SNH in Senegal {#sec3dot3-ijerph-12-10846}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo evaluate mobile phone applications for water quality data management in a Type D context, we developed a mobile phone-based application for SNH in Senegal, which faced the following data related challenges among their 13 testing locations ('sub-brigades') in their water monitoring program ([Figure 5](#ijerph-12-10846-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}): Health agents from different sub-brigades recorded different types of data about water sources, making it difficult to compare information across sub-brigades.", "Among sub-brigades with access to computers, data were often transcribed from paper by administrative staff and sent electronically to regional or national managers. ", "In areas without computers or internet, agents sent data logbooks in a vehicle to regional or national offices for entry.", "Sub-brigade managers were often relocated yearly and rarely reviewed historical data, which was usually stored in paper formats.", "\n\nBetween August--November 2014, we trained 81 health agents from 13 sub-brigades in three regions of Senegal (Kaolack, Diourbel, and Dakar) to use the application. ", "Through this training process and our analysis of their application use, we identified the following lessons: Benefits were limited by infrequent water testing. ", "Phone usage was restricted to managing water quality data to reduce misuse; however, since rural sub-brigades only tested a few days per month, the phones were often not in use. ", "Among health agents for whom water quality is only one of many responsibilities, the cost-effectiveness of mobile phone data collection may improve if the applications are used for programs beyond water quality.", "Efficient workflows should be developed first. ", "While the first two data collection forms of the application specified information that the health agents already recorded (e.g., water source types, water testing results), introducing queries for new types of information, such as recording actions taken in response to poor water quality, required in-depth discussions to standardize a consistent workflow across the sub-brigades.", "\n\n![", "Data flow diagram for SNH. ", "Simplified data flow diagram for Type D institution, SNH, before (**a**) and after (**b**) mobile phone intervention.](ijerph-12-10846-g005){#ijerph-12-10846-f005}\n\nSupportive institutional structures are important for ensuring sustainability. ", "Despite frequent staff transfers, the strong social infrastructure within SNH facilitated efficient engagement of new health agents with the mobile application.", "Mobile phone literacy is high. ", "Few of the health agents were experienced with computers, but all were adept at manipulating mobile phones.", "Even within the same institution, support requirements and available resources vary. ", "For example, in urban Dakar, sub-brigades included administrative and IT support staff that were not available to rural sub-brigades.", "\n\n4. ", "Conclusions {#sec4-ijerph-12-10846}\n==============\n\nThrough a study of water quality monitoring programs among 26 water suppliers and public health agencies across six African countries, we identified four main program structures or typologies, which we have termed A through D. Though most of the institutions struggled to access data for both immediate action and long-term decisions, our analysis of data flows within each of the four typologies suggests that mobile phone-based water quality data management applications will provide minimal benefits for Type A or B institutions, may prove worthwhile for Type C institutions in some contexts, and are most likely to benefit Type D surveillance agencies, which rely on numerous sample collectors and testers to monitor a variety of sources and locations in multiple remote locations.", "\n\nThe popularity of mobile phone data management applications has fostered the perception that all field-based data collection activities will benefit from their use. ", "In the case of regulated water quality monitoring in Africa, however, our results show that water quality testing is almost always conducted in laboratory or office facilities---not at the water source. ", "This practice promotes data entry on computers and transmission via the internet, which is often accessed through a broadband connection. ", "After analyzing and classifying the common water testing structures found among African water suppliers and surveillance agencies, we propose that mobile phone applications will provide the greatest efficiency gains in water quality data management among institutions that collect water quality data from many remote laboratories that are not equipped with computers, *i.e.* where smart phones are cost-effective alternatives to computers.", "\n\nOur implementation of a mobile phone application in one such setting highlights another feature of water quality monitoring that presents a challenge for phone-based data management in remote settings: water sample collection and testing can be relatively infrequent and may only be conducted by a few individuals at a health center or water treatment facility. ", "As a result, staff may forget how to use dedicated phone applications for data entry and submission. ", "Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of the training and phone supply programs is low with respect to actual data transmission. ", "In the case of surveillance agencies with multiple public health responsibilities, both of these issues might be addressed by utilizing mobile phone applications (possibly the same one) for multiple data collection activities. ", "Limited testing can also make it difficult for agents to maintain their proficiencies in water-testing procedures. ", "Developing mobile phone applications for re-training agents could help maintain their water quality testing performance. ", "Additionally, managing inventory, including equipment or consumable goods, was another challenge identified during our implementation that could be addressed by future iterations of the application.", "\n\nThe four water quality testing typologies that we describe in this study are based on an analysis of 26 African institutions that applied for participation in MfSW and may not be representative of all water quality information flows. ", "However, the 26 MfSW participants include water suppliers and surveillance agencies from six African countries, which suggest that we have described the most common typologies, which provide reference points for additional classification. ", "Future studies could test the hypothesis that mobile phones will provide little benefit for Type A and B institutions, but may provide some benefits for Type C institutions.", "\n\nFinally, this paper addresses information flows from the water source to a central, collated format within an organization. ", "It is important to note that these are the first steps in data management systems for water quality monitoring programs. ", "Further research is needed to determine which ICT-based interventions will prove most efficient for additional reporting, including the transmission of water quality data to both regulatory authorities and the public.", "\n\nThis research was conducted under the Monitoring for Safe Water (MfSW) Program, which is supported by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to The Aquaya Institute. ", "Special thanks to Zarah Rahman and Lola Aleru for initiating the MfSW program and helping with data collection, to Joyce Kisiangani for assistance in organizing and coding the data, to Dimagi staff in Senegal for technical assistance and training assistance, and to Mr. Demba Baldé, the SNH water quality department, and the health agents in Kaolack, Diourbel and Dakar, for supporting and participating in this study.", "\n\nConceived and designed experiments: Ranjiv Khush, Emily Kumpel and Rachel Peletz. ", "Performed the data collection: Emily Kumpel, Rachel Peletz, Mateyo Bonham, Annette Fay and Alicea Cock-Esteb. ", "Analyzed the data: Emily Kumpel, Rachel Peletz, Mateyo Bonham, Annette Fay and Alicea Cock-Esteb. ", "Wrote the paper: Emily Kumpel, Rachel Peletz, Mateyo Bonham, Annette Fay, Alicea Cock-Esteb, and Ranjiv Khush.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIf $ f(3x-1)= 12x+5$, what is $\\ x \\circ f(x)$?", "\n\nHere, I am sharing just an example problem which is given in one of my textbooks:\n$$ \\ \\large{ f(3x-1)=12x+5 \\ , \\\\\nx \\circ f(x)= \\, ? \\ ", " } \\ $$\nAnd, on below of the question, the book has shown an example solution for that:\n$$ \\text{Instead of } \\ \\mathit{x}, \\ \\text{if we write the inverse function of } \\ \\mathbf{3x-1} \\, \\text{;} \\\\ \n\\large{ f(x)= 12 \\times \\bigg( \\mathbf{ \\frac{x+1}{3} } \\bigg) +5 \\\\ \nf(x)= 4x+4+5 \\\\ \nf(x)= 4x+9 } $$ \n$$ \\large{ x \\circ f(x)= f(x) =4x+9 \\\\ } $$\nSo, why do we need to take the inverse function of that $ \\ \\large{3x-1} \\ $ and make it equal to $ \\ \\large{ \\mathbf{f(x)} } \\, $ ? ", "How about writing that equation something like this, which I have tried before to solve the problem:\n$$ \\large{ f(3x-1)= 12x+5 \\\\ \\implies \\frac{x-5}{12}= f^{-1}(3x-1) \\\\ \n\\frac{3x-1-5}{12}= x \\\\ \n12x= 3x-6 \\\\ \n9x= -6 \\\\ \nx= \\frac{-6}{9} \\\\ \n\\implies \\frac{-2}{3} } $$\nCould you please, show me my own mistakes and explain some about how should we approach to this kind of problems to solve? ", "Thank you very much!...", "\n\nA:\n\nThat use of the composition symbol ($\\circ$) is very strange and not really correct, so I’m going to ignore it.", "\nYou’re given a composition of two functions, $f$ and the function $g(x)=3x-1$, and you’re told that $(f\\circ g)(x)=f(3x-1)=12x+5$. From this you want to determine what the function $f$ alone does. ", "That is, you want to know what $f(x)$ is in terms of $x$. \nIn order to discover this, you have to set up a situation in which $f$ acts directly on $x$ in a known way. ", "You only know what $f$ does to the outputs of the function $g$, so you have to arrange for $x$ to be an output of $g$. In other words, you want to find $\\text{something}$ so that $$x=g(\\text{something})\\;.\\tag{1}$$ One way to do this is to apply $g^{-1}$ to $(1)$ to get $$g^{-1}(x)=g^{-1}\\Big(g(\\text{something})\\Big)=\\text{something}\\;.\\tag{2}$$ Since $g(x)=3x-1$, $g^{-1}(x)=\\frac13(x+1)$, $(2)$ is specifically $$\\text{something}=g^{-1}(x)=\\frac13(x+1)\\;.$$ In other words, $$x=g\\left(\\frac13(x+1)\\right)\\;,$$ and \n$$\\begin{align*}f(x)&=f\\left(g\\left(\\frac13(x+1)\\right)\\right)\\\\\n&=(f\\circ g)\\left(\\frac13(x+1)\\right)\\\\\n&=12\\left(\\frac13(x+1)\\right)+5\\\\\n&=4(x+1)+5\\\\\n&=4x+9\\;.", "\n\\end{align*}$$\nNote that the problem does not ask for a specific value of $x$ (and indeed gives you no way to calculate one): it asks you to find a certain function.", "\n\nA:\n\nSuppose you have an equation of the form $f(g(x))= h(x)$, and you are trying to solve for $f(x)$. The problem is that our input of $f$, namely $g(x)$, is some other function of $x$, and it is not clear exactly how the right-hand side depends on that input. ", " One strategy to overcome that problem is to treat $g(x)$ as our variable; so let's give it a new name, $y=g(x)$. In that case, $x=g^{-1}(y)$ (if $g^{-1}$ exists), and so\n$f(y)=f(g(x))=h(x)=h(g^{-1}(y))$. Aside from the renaming of the variable, this is the approach seen in the book's solution.", "\nNeither of the first two steps in your proposed solution are valid, and the conclusion is not related to what the question is asking. ", " You are trying to find a function of $x$, where the answer is expected to be some sort of algebraic formula that takes as input a variable that may take on different values. ", " Your answer seems to be assigning one particular value to that variable, and losing the function.", "\nSpecifically, $f(3x-1)= 12x+5$ does not imply $\\frac{x-5}{12}= f^{-1}(3x-1)$. In the more abstract formulation, $f(g(x))=h(x)$ does not imply $f^{-1}(g(x))=h^{-1}(x)$. Rather, if $h(x)=f(g(x))$, then for the inverse of $h$ you would have $h^{-1}(x)=g^{-1}(f^{-1}(x))$. Why? ", " Because $h(g^{-1}(f^{-1}(x)))=f(g(g^{-1}(f^{-1}(x))))=f(f^{-1}(x))=x$.\nIn the next line, $f^{-1}$ disappeared, and you seem to have simply replaced $x$ with $3x+1$ and vice versa, with no justification. ", " Note that if $y = 3x+1$, then $x = (y-1)/3$, and you have to be consistent if you change variables.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Functional depression of isolated perfused rat heart mediated by activated leukocytes: protective effect of cloricromene.", "\nLangendorff rat heart preparations were perfused with suspensions of human leukocytes containing approximately 65% polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). ", "The cells were either unstimulated or activated with 1.6 x 10(-8) phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). ", "Left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), coronary flow (CF), and heart rate (HR) were recorded during PMN infusion (10 min) and for the recovery period (30 min). ", "PMN were also pretreated with cloricromene (CLO 10-50 microM), a drug that inhibits platelet aggregation and PMN adhesion to endothelial cells (EC). ", "Infusion of unstimulated cells did not affect cardiac function. ", "Infusion of activated cells caused CF reduction (-44 +/- 4% at end of infusion; -24 +/- 4% at end of recovery, expressed as percentage of variation vs. basal value), LVDP decrease (-44 +/- 5% at end of infusion, -26 +/- 6% at end of recovery) endothelial damage, and leukocyte accumulation in heart as compared with hearts infused with unstimulated PMN and sham hearts. ", "PMN accumulation was quantified as myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity (260 +/- 35, 39 +/- 6, 19 +/- 1 U/g, respectively). ", "Superoxide dismutase (SOD 600 U/ml), catalase (2,200 U/ml), thiourea (10 mM) added to PMN suspension blunted CF decrease but not LVDP reduction and MPO increase. ", "CLO (25-50 microM) pretreatment inhibited PMN accumulation, LVDP, and CF reduction by approximately 50%. ", "These data suggest a role of leukocyte activation in the genesis of heart damage and raise the possibility of a pharmacologic intervention with drugs such as CLO that can interfere with this process." ]
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[ "This application claims the priority benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119 of Japanese Patent Application No. ", "2005-378244 filed on Dec. 28, 2005, which is hereby incorporated in its entirety by reference.", "\n1. ", "Field\nThe presently disclosed subject matter relates to vehicle lights, and in particular, relates to a projector type vehicle light, such as a vehicle headlight provided in front of the vehicle body, a vehicle auxiliary headlight, a spot light, signal lights, a traffic light, and the like.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nFIG. ", "1 is a cross sectional view of a conventional vehicle headlight. ", "The vehicle headlight 1 shown in FIG. ", "1 includes a bulb 2 serving as a light source, a reflector 3, a projection lens 4, and a light-shading member 5.", "\nThe reflector 3 is composed of an elliptic surface having a first focus (rear focus) and a second focus (front focus), such that the bulb 2 is located in the vicinity of the first focus. ", "The major axis thereof horizontally extends in the forward direction. ", "The inside surface thereof serves as the reflecting surface. ", "Examples of the elliptic reflecting surface include a revolved ellipsoid, an elliptic cylinder, a free curved surface based on an elliptic surface, and the like.", "\nThe projection lens 4 can include a convex lens having a rear focus (light source side) in the vicinity of the second focus of the reflector 3. ", "The projection lens 4 is configured to converge the light received directly from the bulb 2 or light reflected by the reflector 3 to irradiate the converged light in the forward direction.", "\nThe light-shading member 5 is inserted in a light path to impart a desired light distribution pattern for passing-by type traveling (hereinafter, simply referred to as a “low beam” or “low beam distribution”) to the light irradiated in the forward direction. ", "In reality, the light-shading member 5 is placed in the vicinity of the second focus of the reflector 3. ", "The upper edge 5a thereof is formed into a desired form to shape the light distribution pattern with a cut-off line.", "\nIn the thus configured vehicle headlight 1, when the bulb 2 is energized, the light emitted therefrom travels directly in the forward direction or by being reflected by the reflector 3 to the vicinity of the second focus of the reflector 3. ", "Thereafter, the light is converged by the projection lens 4 to be irradiated in the forward direction. ", "At this time, part of the light passing in the vicinity of the light-shading member 5 is shaded by the member 5 to form a cut-off line by means of the upper edge 5a of the light-shading member 5. ", "Accordingly, the light is irradiated as a low beam in the forward direction.", "\nThe formed cut-off line is projected by the projection lens 4 so as to form the cut-off line in the light distribution pattern in which the line extends from the center to the right slightly downward with respect to a horizontal line and from the center to the left side along the horizontal line in the case in which a headlight is used for a right-side traffic system. ", "Therefore, the thus formed light distribution pattern extends on the lower side of the cut-off line. ", "In other words, the light is irradiated so as to be suitable as a low beam.", "\nIn an actual case, the light distribution pattern is formed such that the light on the right side in the forward direction reaches relatively shorter distance and the light on the left side reaches relatively longer distance.", "\nIn the projector type vehicle headlight 1, the light-shading member 5 can be withdrawn from the light path to form another light distribution pattern for normal traveling (hereinafter referred to as a “high beam” or “high beam distribution”).", "\nIn the vehicle headlight 1 configured as described above, the low beam distribution pattern formed by the cut-off line is unchanged. ", "In contrast to this, vehicle headlights having a controllable light distribution function which is commonly referred to as an adaptive front lighting system (AFS) have been commercially available recently. ", "The AFS can direct the light distribution pattern of a headlight toward the traveling direction even when the vehicle travels along a curved road, thereby improving the visibility along the traveling direction. ", "In addition to this, recent AFSs can provide a highway mode light distribution in which a distance visibility can be improved when traveling on a highway. ", "An adverse weather mode light distribution can also be provided which is formed in consideration with visibility when traveling in the rain. ", "An urban mode light distribution can be provided which is formed in consideration of preventing the dazzling of pedestrians when traveling on an urban road, and the like. ", "These additional dedicated light distribution patterns have respective light distribution pattern specifications that are relatively newly introduced. ", "In particular, the highway mode light distribution has an improved far distance visibility. ", "To cope with this, the required luminous intensity for the low beam distribution in accordance with the light distribution specification therefor is increased from the upper limit of approximately 45,000 cd to approximately 80,000 cd. ", "In addition to this, in some cases, the regulation for the angular position of the formed cut-off line is relaxed to some extent with respect to the conventional horizontally extending line.", "\nOne way to achieve certain features of the AFS as described above is via a vehicle headlight disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. ", "2004-327187 (corresponding to U.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "2004/0213012). ", "The vehicle headlight includes a first movable light-shading member configured to form a cut-off line for a low beam distribution, a second movable light-shading member shading the light irradiated on the road surface near the front of the vehicle body, and a leveling mechanism. ", "The vehicle headlight can adjust the angular position of the cut-off line in the vertical direction by means of these components. ", "In the vehicle headlight disclosed in these publications, the light-shading member forming the cut-off line for the low beam distribution is configured to adjust the cut-off angular position by 0.34 degrees upwards in order to reduce the shading amount of light. ", "We ill now consider a case wherein a projection lens having a focus distance of, for example, approximately 40 mm is employed. ", "In this case, the angular shift of the cut-off line by approximately 1 degree may correspond to 1 mm at the focus position of the projection lens. ", "Therefore, in order to achieve the angular shift of the cut-off line by 0.34 degrees, it is necessary to precisely position the light-shading member by 0.34 mm, namely, in 1/100 mm order. ", "This requires a complicated and accurately controllable movable structure for use as the light-shading member, resulting in increased manufacturing cost. ", "In addition to this, mass production thereof is difficult due to the reliability and durability.", "\nNow, a case will be considered wherein the conventional projector type vehicle headlight 1 can provide a highway mode light distribution which requires a far distance visibility. ", "In this case, when the vehicle headlight 1 is provided with a vertical leveling mechanism to upwardly move the entire lamp unit, and the angular position of the cut-off line is shifted by 0.34 degrees, the maximum luminous intensity would be unchanged.", "\nOn the contrary, when the shaded light amount by the light-shading member is reduced to shift the angular cut-off position by an upward amount of 0.34 degrees, there is still a problem of positioning accuracy of the light-shading member. ", "As a result, the obtained luminous intensity is increased only by 2,000 or 3,000 cd. ", "Therefore, it is possible that enough far distance visibility cannot be attained, and a driver cannot clearly recognize the switching of modes from the normal mode light distribution to the highway mode light distribution." ]
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[ " 5, 2221\nList the prime factors of 3422.", "\n2, 29, 59\nWhat are the prime factors of 897?", "\n3, 13, 23\nList the prime factors of 49457.", "\n19, 137\nList the prime factors of 8841.", "\n3, 7, 421\nList the prime factors of 5359.", "\n23, 233\nWhat are the prime factors of 1457?", "\n31, 47\nWhat are the prime factors of 6702?", "\n2, 3, 1117\nList the prime factors of 52767.", "\n3, 11, 13, 41\nList the prime factors of 481.", "\n13, 37\nList the prime factors of 2435.", "\n5, 487\nList the prime factors of 606.", "\n2, 3, 101\nList the prime factors of 3632.", "\n2, 227\nList the prime factors of 13678.", "\n2, 7, 977\nWhat are the prime factors of 10036?", "\n2, 13, 193\nWhat are the prime factors of 17809?", "\n11, 1619\nWhat are the prime factors of 452?", "\n2, 113\nWhat are the prime factors of 14637?", "\n3, 7, 17, 41\nWhat are the prime factors of 12986?", "\n2, 43, 151\nWhat are the prime factors of 130?", "\n2, 5, 13\nWhat are the prime factors of 7288?", "\n2, 911\nWhat are the prime factors of 1293?", "\n3, 431\nList the prime factors of 1127.", "\n7, 23\nList the prime factors of 8350.", "\n2, 5, 167\nWhat are the prime factors of 31480?", "\n2, 5, 787\nList the prime factors of 64353.", "\n3, 19, 1129\nWhat are the prime factors of 145206?", "\n2, 3, 2689\nList the prime factors of 32416.", "\n2, 1013\nList the prime factors of 10483.", "\n11, 953\nWhat are the prime factors of 6897?", "\n3, 11, 19\nWhat are the prime factors of 39458?", "\n2, 109, 181\nList the prime factors of 13605.", "\n3, 5, 907\nWhat are the prime factors of 57922?", "\n2, 28961\nList the prime factors of 7810.", "\n2, 5, 11, 71\nWhat are the prime factors of 988?", "\n2, 13, 19\nList the prime factors of 1474.", "\n2, 11, 67\nList the prime factors of 1434.", "\n2, 3, 239\nWhat are the prime factors of 13678?", "\n2, 7, 977\nList the prime factors of 31705.", "\n5, 17, 373\nWhat are the prime factors of 5990?", "\n2, 5, 599\nList the prime factors of 3529.", "\n3529\nList the prime factors of 1096.", "\n2, 137\nList the prime factors of 18484.", "\n2, 4621\nList the prime factors of 86916.", "\n2, 3, 7243\nList the prime factors of 20352.", "\n2, 3, 53\nList the prime factors of 16820.", "\n2, 5, 29\nWhat are the prime factors of 39295?", "\n5, 29, 271\nList the prime factors of 1563.", "\n3, 521\nWhat are the prime factors of 31394?", "\n2, 11, 1427\nList the prime factors of 29991.", "\n3, 13, 769\nList the prime factors of 10554.", "\n2, 3, 1759\nWhat are the prime factors of 8362?", "\n2, 37, 113\nList the prime factors of 3640.", "\n2, 5, 7, 13\nList the prime factors of 605.", "\n5, 11\nWhat are the prime factors of 502?", "\n2, 251\nWhat are the prime factors of 1080?", "\n2, 3, 5\nList the prime factors of 454.", "\n2, 227\nList the prime factors of 2141.", "\n2141\nList the prime factors of 1379.", "\n7, 197\nList the prime factors of 2745.", "\n3, 5, 61\nWhat are the prime factors of 65128?", "\n2, 7, 1163\nList the prime factors of 8210.", "\n2, 5, 821\nList the prime factors of 18820.", "\n2, 5, 941\nWhat are the prime factors of 98934?", "\n2, 3, 11, 1499\nWhat are the prime factors of 28410?", "\n2, 3, 5, 947\nList the prime factors of 12177.", "\n3, 11, 41\nWhat are the prime factors of 99444?", "\n2, 3, 8287\nList the prime factors of 19911.", "\n3, 6637\nWhat are the prime factors of 31882?", "\n2, 19, 839\nList the prime factors of 18858.", "\n2, 3, 7, 449\nWhat are the prime factors of 58?", "\n2, 29\nList the prime factors of 175.", "\n5, 7\nWhat are the prime factors of 3874?", "\n2, 13, 149\nWhat are the prime factors of 341?", "\n11, 31\nWhat are the prime factors of 2778?", "\n2, 3, 463\nWhat are the prime factors of 16348?", "\n2, 61, 67\nList the prime factors of 898.", "\n2, 449\nList the prime factors of 28105.", "\n5, 7, 11, 73\nWhat are the prime factors of 23701?", "\n137, 173\nList the prime factors of 6499.", "\n67, 97\nWhat are the prime factors of 17358?", "\n2, 3, 11, 263\nWhat are the prime factors of 55642?", "\n2, 43, 647\nWhat are the prime factors of 4196?", "\n2, 1049\nWhat are the prime factors of 58790?", "\n2, 5, 5879\nList the prime factors of 3641.", "\n11, 331\nList the prime factors of 5379.", "\n3, 11, 163\nList the prime factors of 3192.", "\n2, 3, 7, 19\nList the prime factors of 31671.", "\n3, 17, 23\nWhat are the prime factors of 260?", "\n2, 5, 13\nList the prime factors of 392.", "\n2, 7\nList the prime factors of 11279.", "\n11279\nList the prime factors of 6900.", "\n2, 3, 5, 23\nWhat are the prime factors of 857?", "\n857\nList the prime factors of 4359.", "\n3, 1453\nWhat are the prime factors of 15338?", "\n2, 7669\nList the prime factors of 3417.", "\n3, 17, 67\nWhat are the prime factors of 23705?", "\n5, 11, 431\nWhat are the prime factors of 941?", "\n941\nWhat are the prime factors of 17467?", "\n17467\nList the prime factors of 156.", "\n2, 3, 13\nWhat are the prime factors of 19200?", "\n2, 3, 5\nList the prime factors of 1932.", "\n2, 3, 7, 23\nList the prime factors of 1590.", "\n2, 3, 5, 53\nList the prime factors of 10914.", "\n2, 3, 17, 107\nList the prime factors of 60607.", "\n60607\nList the prime factors of 650.", "\n2, 5, 13\nList the prime factors of 650.", "\n2, 5, 13\nWhat are the prime factors of 1998?", "\n2, 3, 37\nList the prime factors of 19421.", "\n19421\nList the prime factors of 65361.", "\n3, 21787\nWhat are the prime factors of 6031?", "\n37, 163\nList the prime factors of 27829.", "\n17, 1637\nList the prime factors of 1030.", "\n2, 5, 103\nWhat are the prime factors of 5589?", "\n3, 23\nList the prime factors of 90427.", "\n31, 2917\nList the prime factors of 16292.", "\n2, 4073\nWhat are the prime factors of 951?", "\n3, 317\nList the prime factors of 57257.", "\n31, 1847\nWhat are the prime factors of 9037?", "\n7, 1291\nWhat are the prime factors of 21109?", "\n11, 19, 101\nWhat are the prime factors of 2177?", "\n7, 311\nList the prime factors of 145929.", "\n3, 7, 6949\nWhat are the prime factors of 29358?", "\n2, 3, 7, 233\nWhat are the prime factors of 3308?", "\n2, 827\nList the prime factors of 97105.", "\n5, 19421\nList the prime factors of 173471.", "\n41, 4231\nList the prime factors of 6946.", "\n2, 23, 151\nWhat are the prime factors of 1720?", "\n2, 5, 43\nList the prime factors of 6257.", "\n6257\nList the prime factors of 751.", "\n751\nList the prime factors of 883.", "\n883\nList the prime factors of 4596.", "\n2, 3, 383\nList the prime factors of 9725.", "\n5, 389\nWhat are the prime factors of 856?", "\n2, 107\nList the prime factors of 55519.", "\n59, 941\nWhat are the prime factors of 5732?", "\n2, 1433\nList the prime factors of 8165.", "\n5, 23, 71\nList the prime factors of 5340.", "\n2, 3, 5, 89\nList the prime factors of 5591.", "\n5591\nWhat are the prime factors of 667?", "\n23, 29\nList the prime factors of 4024.", "\n2, 503\nList the prime factors of 1094.", "\n2, 547\nWhat are the prime factors of 702?", "\n2, 3, 13\nWhat are the prime factors of 7761?", "\n3, 13, 199\nWhat are the prime factors of 5649?", "\n3, 7, 269\nList the prime factors of 27881.", "\n7, 569\nList the prime factors of 6228.", "\n2, 3, 173\nWhat are the prime factors of 603?", "\n3, 67\nWhat are the prime factors of 11720?", "\n2, 5, 293\nList the prime factors of 4504.", "\n2, 563\nList the prime factors of 13390.", "\n2, 5, 13, 103\nWhat are the prime factors of 1287?", "\n3, 11, 13\nList the prime factors of 66532.", "\n2, 16633\nWhat are the prime factors of 67662?", "\n2, 3, 7, 179\nList the prime factors of 15391.", "\n15391\nWhat are the prime factors of 21598?", "\n2, 10799\nWhat are the prime factors of 658?", "\n2, 7, 47\nList the prime factors of 3470.", "\n2, 5, 347\nWhat are the prime factors of 1304?", "\n2, 163\nWhat are the prime factors of 129742?", "\n2, 64871\nList the prime factors of 483.", "\n3, 7, 23\nWhat are the prime factors of 2389?", "\n2389\nWhat are the prime factors of 128888?", "\n2, 16111\nWhat are the prime factors of 3572?", "\n2, 19, 47\nWhat are the prime factors of 3507?", "\n3, 7, 167\nWhat are the prime factors of 149141?", "\n17, 31, 283\nList the prime factors of 19288.", "\n2, 2411\nList the prime factors of 188218.", "\n2, 94109\nWhat are the prime factors of 12577?", "\n12577\nWhat are the prime factors of 18?", "\n2, 3\nList the prime factors of 96.", "\n2, 3\nWhat are the prime factors of 849?", "\n3, 283\nWhat are the prime factors of 4688?", "\n2, 293\nWhat are the prime factors of 8139?", "\n3, 2713\nList the prime factors of 1201.", "\n1201\nList the prime factors of 4021.", "\n4021\nList the prime factors of 37436.", "\n2, 7, 191\nList the prime factors of 67637.", "\n239, 283\nWhat are the prime factors of 2706?", "\n2, 3, 11, 41\nWhat are the prime factors of 4946?", "\n2, 2473\nWhat are the prime factors of 49?", "\n7\nList the prime factors of 533.", "\n13, 41\nWhat are the prime factors of 83429?", "\n19, 4391\nWhat are the prime factors of 120653?", "\n13, 9281\nList the prime factors of 84844.", "\n2, 21211\nList the prime factors of 3299.", "\n3299\nList the prime factors of 5685.", "\n3, 5, 379\nList the prime factors of 75705.", "\n3, 5, 7, 103\nList the prime factors of 177.", "\n3, 59\nWhat are the prime factors of 146155?", "\n5, 29231\nList the prime factors of 469.", "\n7, 67\nWhat are the prime facto" ]
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[ "Theories and measures of elder abuse.", "\nElder abuse is a pervasive phenomenon around the world with devastating effects on the victims. ", "Although it is not a new phenomenon, interest in examining elder abuse is relatively new. ", "This paper aims to provide an overview of the aetiological theories and measures of elder abuse. ", "The paper briefly reviews theories to explain causes of elder abuse and then discusses the most commonly used measures of elder abuse. ", "Based on the reviewed theories, it can be concluded that elder abuse is a multifactorial problem that may affect elderly people from different backgrounds and involve a wide variety of potential perpetrators, including caregivers, adult children, and partners. ", "The review of existing measurement instruments notes that many different screening and assessment instruments have been developed to identify elders who are at risk for or are victims of abuse. ", "However, there is a real need for more measurements of elder abuse, as the current instruments are limited in scope." ]
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[ "The Latest: Harris says she is fully committed to Iowa\n\nCEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — The Latest on the Democratic presidential candidates (all times local):\n\n5:25 p.m.\n\nAmid questions from Iowa activists about whether her campaign is taking Iowa seriously, California Sen. Kamala Harris told reporters she is “fully committed” to the state and that it will be “a very important part” of winning the nomination.", "\n\nWhen asked about questions surrounding her Iowa campaign, she said she is “fully committed to competing in Iowa and working hard to earn the support of the people of this great state.”", "\n\nHarris said that her visits to Iowa had been helpful to her campaign, by giving her insight into issues affecting voters not just in Iowa but nationwide. ", "And she said that she sees the state as significant to her overall chance of winning the nomination.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n___\n\n5:10 p.m.\n\nFormer South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (BOO’-tuh-juhj) told Democrats Sunday to “change the channel” on Donald Trump’s presidency.", "\n\nSpeaking at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Hall of Fame event, Buttigieg told a crowd of Democratic activists that the Democratic candidates are largely in agreement on their “values,” and the biggest remaining question differentiating the field is how to win.", "\n\nHe said Democrats are not going to win by playing it safe or promising a return to normal. ", "He said Democrats cannot promise a return to the 90s any more than Republicans can deliver on a promise to return to the 50s.", "\n\nAll Democrats can do, Buttigieg said, is “look at that show that this president’s created,” whether it’s “a reality show, horror show, game show.” ", "He promised to “change the channel to something completely different.”", "\n\n___\n\n3:20 p.m.\n\nJoe Biden is not in the room for the Iowa Democratic Party’s blockbuster fundraiser where 19 of his party’s presidential candidates are scheduled to speak. ", "But he’s present in veiled references by some of his rivals.", "\n\nChief among them is Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who said the “same old politics will not” defeat President Donald Trump.", "\n\nIn his speech, Sanders made a thinly veiled reference to Biden as a “well-intentioned” candidate who thinks “the best way forward is a middle-ground strategy that antagonizes no one, that stands up to nobody and that changes nothing.”", "\n\nSanders called this a “failed political strategy” that could lead to the reelection of Trump.", "\n\nSimilarly, California Rep. Eric Swalwell and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker were among those to describe abortion as a right to be protected.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nLast week, Biden’s campaign first affirmed his support for a decades-old policy that bars federal funding for abortions, only to reverse course.", "\n\n___\n\n2:45 p.m.\n\nAt an event meant to show off the Democratic presidential candidates’ organizational strength in Iowa, campaign swag is king.", "\n\nNew Jersey Sen. Cory Booker’s campaign outfitted its tables of supporters with light-up campaign signs, which they waved in the air to show off one of the biggest crowds in the ballroom as Booker spoke.", "\n\nCalifornia Sen. Kamala Harris’ campaign gave its attendees glowing yellow foam sticks with the word “fearless” emblazoned on the side, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign had a sugar cookie stamped with the word “persist” at each setting. ", "Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a successful beer brewer, gave his supporters koozies to insulate their beer cans, and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s campaign laid out her book for her supporters to take home.", "\n\nWith 1,400 people gathered in the convention center ballroom, the goodies are as much an opportunity for the candidates to show off their support as they are a gift for supporters to take home.", "\n\n___\n\n9:30 a.m.\n\nAlmost 20 Democratic presidential candidates are campaigning in early-voting Iowa in an effort to show their level of early support in the kick-off caucus state.", "\n\nIt’s a crowded speaking program at a fundraiser in Cedar Rapids for the Iowa Democratic Party.", "\n\nFormer Vice President Joe Biden, who leads in polls of Iowa Democrats, is skipping the event.", "\n\nSome candidates who’ve been traveling to Iowa for months, such as Sens. ", "Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, are planning for a strong showing of backers outside the convention center. ", "They’re hoping to project momentum eight months before Iowa holds its caucuses." ]
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[ "Tibiofibular bone-bridging osteoplasty in transtibial amputation: case report and description of technique.", "\nTranstibial amputation osteoplasty procedures were originally designed as a technique for achieving a functional end-bearing limb in the post-World War I era; the Ertl procedure is now often used as a reconstructive procedure for failed primary amputations. ", "Modifications of the original periosteal sleeve-covering technique include the tibiofibular bone-bridging osteoplasty. ", "The theoretical advantages to this procedure are highly debated among trauma surgeons. ", "For the patient with a lower extremity injury that necessitates a transtibial amputation, there are many psychologic and physiologic factors to consider, and a persistently painful residual limb postamputation may be mentally and physically disabling. ", "Although the advantages of these techniques may be unproven, they are fairly simple and add little additional operative time to the primary transtibial amputation. ", "A surgeon who performs transtibial amputations should at least be aware of the osteoplasty techniques and how to perform them. ", "The decision to use these techniques may then be made by the surgeon on a case-by-case basis, given the individual demands of the patient. ", "This article presents a case report and outlines the use of the fibular bone-bridging osteoplasty technique in transtibial amputations." ]
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[ "INTRODUCTION. ", "I am taking this four-part paper from the 71 page paper on my internet site (karlkempteachingministries.com) that is titled, \"Verse-by-Verse Study of Genesis Chapters 1-3.\" (", "I was able to use footnotes, bold, italics, small caps, some Hebrew letters, dashes, etc. ", "in the internet version of the paper, but not for this present version that I am putting on several Christian article sites.) ", "That 71 page paper was taken from my 273 page paper that is titled \"Verse-by-Verse Study of Genesis Chapters 1-3: These Three Chapters, the First Three Chapters of the Bible, Provide the Foundation to Understand God, Creation, Man, the Devil and his Kingdom of Darkness, Sin and the Fall of Man, the God-Man and His Kingdom of Light, Righteousness, Salvation, and Judgment.\"", "\n\nThe lengthy (almost 200 pages) Appendix that was included in the original paper was not included in the internet version. (", "I'll include the listing of the Contents of the Appendix as we continue.) ", "I had quoted extensively from others in the Appendix of the original paper. ", "I wanted to do a rather thorough study of this important topic; I spent a year doing the research and writing the original paper. ", "I had received permission to include the lengthy quotations in the original paper, but I did not receive permission to publish those lengthy quotations on the internet. ", "For the 71 page verse-by-verse study of Genesis Chapters 1-3 that is published on my internet site, I abbreviated the few lengthy quotations that were included in the original paper, since I had not received permission to include the lengthy quotations on the internet.", "\n\nI still have quite a few copies of the original 273 page paper, which I will make available to you for $5 plus the cost of the postage. ", "You could send me an e-mail (kkemp7753@sbcglobal.net).", "\n\nHere in Part 1 we don't get beyond the first verse of Genesis chapter 3. ", "Most of the discussion deals with demonstrating that the serpent, who first comes on the scene in this verse, is not a literal serpent that Satan possesses or speaks through, but is a symbol for Satan himself. ", "As you will see, the evidence for this viewpoint is very strong. ", "Genesis chapters 1-3 contain quite a bit of symbolic language, symbolic language that deals with things that are very real. ", "Many Christians have the mistaken idea that if it is at all possible to understand something in the Bible in a literal sense, it must be understood in a literal sense. ", "What we need to be looking for is the sense that God intended.", "\n\nEXTENDED NOTES (in the Appendix):\n\nA. Excerpts Dealing with the Gap View of Creation (8 pages)\n\nB. Excerpts Dealing with a Modification, or Two, of the Gap View of Creation (8 pages)\n\nC. Ezekiel 28:1-19 (7 pages)\n\nD. The Symbolic Use of the Words \"Light,\" \"Darkness,\" \"Night,\" and \"Day\" in the Bible (12 pages)\n\nE. A Study of the Hebrew Verb \"Badal,\" To Separate, To Divide, To Distinguish Between, To Set Apart (7 pages)\n\nF. The Use of \"Day\" and the \"Seven Days\" in the Creation Account of Genesis 1:1-2:3, Using an Artificial Literary Structure (14 pages)\n\nG. Galileo's Condemnation and the Interpretation of Scripture (10 pages)\n\nH. The Bible and Science (19 pages)\n\nI. When Was Adam Created? ", "In this Extended Note we also consider the question, When was Noah's Flood? ", "It includes \"A Discussion Regarding Carbon 14 Radiometric Dating and the Accuracy of this Method\" (20 pages)\n\nJ. When Was the Universe Created? ", "This Extended Note contains extensive excerpts from Hugh Ross. ", "It also includes excerpts from \"The Dynamics of Dating: The Reliability of Radiometric Dating Methods\" by Roger C. Wiens (46 pages)\n\nAll quotations from the Bible were taken from the New American Standard Bible, 1995 edition, unless I mention otherwise. ", "I frequently make comments in the middle of quotations using brackets [ ] or [[ ]] to make them more obvious. ", "cf., ", "e.g., means compare, for example\n\n\"Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD [The four capitalized letters indicate that the Hebrew has the very special name Yahweh, which is used repeatedly throughout this chapter.] ", "God [Hebrew \"elohim\"] had made. [[(", "This double bracket continues for twelve paragraphs.) ", "The most common view among evangelicals is that Satan was possessing, or at least speaking through, the serpent (a literal serpent). ", "I believe it was intended (by the ultimate Author) that the serpent be equated with Satan; the serpent was a symbol for Satan. ", "The first three chapters of Genesis are packed with super-important revelation, as is the super-important book of Revelation, but both writings use a lot of symbolic/spiritual language (symbols that deal with things that are very real) in very effective ways.", "\n\nAs we discussed under Gen. 1:2-5 (not included in this four-part paper), Satan's initial rebellion took place before Gen. 1:1. ", "God's judgment of that rebellion led to the chaotic, dark, dead state of the earth pictured in Gen. 1:2.", "\n\n[[I had a two-paragraph footnote: I'll quote what Bruce K. Waltke says here (\"Genesis\" [Zondervan, 2001], page 90). \"... ", "Although [the serpent is] not named here, he is the adversary of God and humanity, called the Satan (Hebrew 'satan' ['adversary, persecutor, or accuser']) in the Old Testament and the devil ('diabolos,' the Greek equivalent) in the New Testament. ", "He originates in heaven, standing outside earth's natural order. [", "Waltke has a footnote here, \"Seemingly (a mystery) he does not belong to this creation, which is good.\" ", "He was created and fell before Gen. 1:1; he was not, therefore, part of God's good creation spoken of in Gen. 1:1-2:3.] ", "He is malevolent and wiser than humans, bringing them under his rule. [", "Satan's wisdom didn't give man an excuse for the fall; Adam and Eve had been given all they needed to remain faithful to God.] ", "He knows divine matters (3:5) [Waltke has a footnote here, \"This inference becomes explicit in later revelations (Job 1:6-12; Zech. ", "3:1-2).\"] ", "and uses speech to introduce confusion. [", "Waltke has another footnote, \"Cf. ", "John 8:44; 2 Cor. ", "11:14; Rev. 12:9. ", "Despite his power, he will be destroyed by Christ and his seed (Gen. 3:15; Luke 10:18-19; Rom. ", "16:20.\")].\"", "\n\nI'll quote several sentences from what James Oliver Buswell says on this topic. ((\"", "Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion,\" Vol. ", "1 [Zondervan, 1962], pages 264, 265. ", "Dr. Buswell was a founding theologian of Covenant Theological Seminary, where I attended. ", "I never had any classes with Dr. Buswell. ", "He had pretty much retired before I started taking classes there, but based on what I know of him, I have a lot of respect for him. ", "For one thing, he was the primary one who introduced the teaching of the mid-week rapture at Covenant Seminary. ", "Also, he put a lot more emphasis on Christian holiness than most Calvinists do.)) \"", "The tempter in the Genesis record is an evil personal intelligence. ", "The words, 'the Serpent,' I suggest should be read as a proper name [Buswell has a footnote, \"Compare Isaiah 65:25 and Revelation 20:3 [2] where the 'Serpent' is a person. ", "In this suggestion I am not for a moment questioning the inerrancy of the record.\"], ", "or as a title functioning as a proper name. ", "THE GENESIS ACCOUNT HAS NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT A BIOLOGICAL REPTILE [my emphasis]. '", "The Serpent' is not said to be one of the 'beasts of the field'.... Snakes do not literally eat dirt (Gen. 3:14; Isa. ", "65:25), but to be prostrated, and to eat dust, is an ancient metaphor for the humiliation of an enemy. ... '", "The Serpent' is Satan, and figures throughout the Bible as the arch-enemy of God and man, the instigator of all kinds of evil.\" (", "This is the end of the two-paragraph footnote.)]] ", "The one we call Satan and the devil was created by God - he was created good, but he rebelled and fell through pride (1 Tim. ", "3:6); he was created, fell, and was judged before Gen. 1:1; he was not part of the creation pictured in Genesis chapters 1, 2, which was pronounced good.", "\n\nAlthough God undoubtedly created literal serpents in the creation that is spoken of in Genesis chapters 1, 2, the Hebrew noun (\"nachash\") translated \"serpent\" here in Gen. 3:1 was not used in those chapters. (", "Those literal serpents would have been part of what God pronounced good.) ", "God speaks to the serpent in Gen. 3:14, 15; the fact that what He says to him in 3:15 clearly refers to Satan (not to a literal serpent) provides one of several strong reasons to equate the serpent with Satan. (", "What God says to the serpent in Gen. 3:14 fits Satan well too.) ", "Revelation 12:8 (with 12:3, 4, 7-9) and Rev. 20:2 provide an equally strong, if not stronger, reason for equating the serpent and Satan: \"And the great dragon was thrown down, THE SERPENT OF OLD [referring to Genesis chapter 3] WHO IS CALLED THE DEVIL AND SATAN [my emphasis], who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him\" (Rev. 12:8); \"And he laid hold of the dragon, THE SERPENT OF OLD, WHO IS THE DEVIL AND SATAN [my emphasis], and bound him for a thousand years\" (Rev. 20:2). [[", "I had a footnote: Revelation 12:4, 7-9 picture the devil and his angels being cast down to the earth (from their privileged position in heavenly places) at the time Christ returns to judge the world in the middle of Daniel's 70th week. (", "Revelation chapter 12 is discussed in a verse-by-verse manner in my book, \"The Mid-Week Rapture,\" and in my e-book, \"Introduction to The Mid-Week Rapture.\" ", "They are both available at amazon.com.) ", "Revelation 20:2 shows that the devil will be bound throughout the millennial kingdom.]] ", "Revelation 12:4 indicates that a \"third\" of the angels followed the devil in his rebellion against God, which took place before Gen. 1:1. ", "That was a major rebellion. ", "This important information, a \"third,\" is not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible.", "\n\nThe use of the word \"serpent\" in Isa. ", "27:1 also serves as a rather strong confirmation that the serpent is to be equated with Satan. ", "So does 2 Cor. ", "11:3; cf. ", "Isa. ", "65:25. [[", "I had a footnote: The fact that \"dust will be the serpents food\" (Isa. ", "65:25) when the other animals are transformed (\"the wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox\") fits well with the idea that the serpent is Satan; eating dust speaks symbolically of his overthrow (cf. ", "Isa. ", "27:1). ", "It is significant that Isa. ", "11:8 (with 11:6-8) shows that the literal snakes/serpents will be transformed along with the other animals for the millennial kingdom.]] ", "Under Genesis chapter 2 (not included in this four-part paper), I quoted extensively from Henri Blocher on the meaning of the two special trees in the middle of the garden of Eden. ", "I also quoted extensively from him regarding the concept that the serpent was Satan in the original 273 page version of this paper.", "\n\nIt is very clear that the serpent already was an extremely evil being (and also quite competent) when he first comes on the scene in the Bible here in Genesis chapter 3; he already was extremely evil and at war with God (and man). [[", "I had a footnote: It must be emphasized that there never was any doubt about who is going to win this war. ", "The Bible confirms from beginning to end that God is God; He is in sovereign control; and He definitely limits what He permits Satan to do. ", "God knew that man was going to fall, and He had made plans before the creation of the world (cf. ", "1 Pet. ", "1:20) to send His Son to save man (those who would submit in faith to His plan of salvation) and to overthrow, judge, and totally remove Satan and all who follow him.]] ", "The serpent's being a symbol for Satan fits perfectly with what I said earlier in this paper (and in the Appendix) regarding the strong symbolic component of Genesis chapters 1-3. ", "I'll list the most relevant points here: The strong symbolic/spiritual components of the words \"darkness\" and \"light\" in Genesis chapter 1 is significant (where \"darkness\" symbolizes sin, Satan and his kingdom, and the consequences and penalties for sin, and \"light\" symbolizes God and His life, truth, righteousness, peace, order, and blessings; God called the light \"good\" in Gen. 1:4). ", "The emphasis on the need to separate the darkness from the light and to keep them separated in Genesis chapter 1 is a dominant biblical theme, and it helps confirm the symbolic/spiritual component of the words light and darkness. ", "The state of the earth pictured in Gen. 1:2, with the \"darkness,\" chaos, absence of life, with water covering everything had undoubtedly resulted from God's earlier judgment (before Gen. 1:1) of the rebellion led by Satan that at least included the earth. (", "See the Introduction and the study of Genesis chapter 1 in the paper on Genesis chapters 1-3 on my internet site.)", "\n\nThe fact that Adam and Eve were informed that they must \"subdue\" the earth (Gen. 1:28) is significant, especially since the animals were at peace with man and with one another before the fall of man (according to Gen. 1:26-31). ", "Also, at that time, Adam and Eve were at peace with the environment; they had no problems with things like tornadoes, droughts, bad ground, weeds, pests, sicknesses, etc. ", "The enemies that Adam and Eve needed to resist and subdue were in the spiritual dimension. ", "They had to keep separate from the darkness and evil; they had to refrain from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good AND EVIL. ", "The EVIL fruit of that tree (like the darkness) symbolized sin and the consequences and penalties for sin; to eat of that forbidden fruit was to follow Satan in his rebellion against God and to suffer the consequences.", "\n\nIf these points are accepted, it is not at all unexpected or surprising for Satan to come on the scene here in Genesis chapter 3. ", "Most Christians, however, understand Genesis chapters 1, 2 in a way that doesn't leave hardly any room for the fall of Satan, or his relationship with the earth, or God's (initial, partial) judgment of his rebellion. ", "They understand Genesis chapter 1 in a way that doesn't even mention the \"creation\" of the cherubim, angels, etc. ", "They typically say that their creation is included in Gen. 1:1, but you certainly have to strain to see their creation there. ", "And if you believe that there were only five twenty-four hour days and some hours between the time God began His creation of everything in Gen. 1:1 and the time He created Adam on the sixth day (which is a widely held viewpoint), you certainly don't leave much time for the righteous existence of the high-level being who became Satan and the angels who followed him before they fell.", "\n\nSatan (along with sin, death [spiritual death and physical death], and darkness) did not have authority over Adam and Eve until after they had sinned. ", "Satan (along with sin, death, and darkness) gained authority (but not total dominion) over man (which includes Adam, Eve, and all their offspring) through the sin of Adam and Eve (cf., ", "e.g., Rom. ", "5:12-21).", "\n\nThe Hebrew noun (\"arum\") that is translated \"crafty\" here in 3:1 is used in a negative (evil) sense, as it was in Job 5:12; 15:5. (", "This Hebrew noun was sometimes used in a positive sense in the Old Testament, where it was translated \"prudent\" four times and \"prudent man\" four times by the NASB.) ", "The translation of the NASB at the beginning of 3:1 (which is essentially the same as the NIV, \"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals\") tends to leave what I consider to be a wrong impression. ", "This translation tends to communicate the idea that the beasts of the field were crafty too, but less crafty than the serpent. ", "I don't believe the ultimate Author (God) intended to include the idea that the beasts of the field were \"crafty.\" ", "I prefer a translation like, \"Now the serpent was subtle APART FROM [in the sense of \"unlike\"] the wild beasts of the field which the LORD God had made.\"", "\n\nWe'll discuss this rather important point to some extent here and then further under Gen. 3:14. ", "Many have noted that the words of 3:14 (\"Cursed are you MORE THAN [The Hebrew behind \"more than\" here and later in the verse is the preposition \"min\"] all cattle, And MORE THAN [\"min\"] every beast of the field\"), which God spoke to the serpent, build on these words at the beginning of 3:1 that compare (or you could say contrast) the serpent with the beasts of the field. (", "The NASB of 3:1 starts out, \"Now the serpent was MORE crafty THAN.\" ", "The Hebrew behind \"more...than\" here in 3:1, as in 3:14, is the preposition \"min.\" ", "As I mentioned, I prefer a translation for Gen. 3:1 like, \"Now the serpent was subtle APART FROM [in the sense of \"unlike\"] the wild beasts of the field, where \"min\" is translated \"apart from\" instead of \"more than.\") ", "There is widespread agreement that the idea intended in 3:14 is not that the serpent was cursed more than the cattle and beasts of the field, but that the serpent was singled out for the curse and there was no mention of the cattle and/or beasts of the field being cursed in 3:14. ", "The one who was crafty/subtle in a very evil sense and who manifested great hatred for God in his temptation of Eve was singled out for the curse.", "\n\nCommenting on the use of the Hebrew preposition \"min\" in Gen. 3:14, the BDB Hebrew Lexicon (page 582, 6b) says, \"cursed above all cattle [\"cursed above\" is comparable in meaning with \"cursed...more than all cattle\" of the NASB] (but WITHOUT IMPLYING ANY JUDGMENT WHETHER OTHER CATTLE ARE CURSED LIKEWISE [my emphasis]).\" ", "Applying that same reasoning in Gen. 3:1, I wouldn't object to the translation \"the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field\" if we could agree that we are not implying that the other beasts were crafty/subtle too.", "\n\nI'll quote a few sentences from what Edward J. Young says here (\"Genesis 3\" [Banner of Truth Trust, 1966], pages 9, 10). \"... ", "The snake was crafty. ", "Its wisdom was not something good but something evil. ... ", "The word 'subtil' [This is the word used in the KJV.] ", "is evidently used with respect to what follows, where the words spoken by the serpent tempt the woman and lead her into moral evil. ", "It is this fact that throws the true light upon the meaning. ", "And in the light of this fact it would seem that the subtlety is something which could belong only to a responsible being. ", "No mere snake could of itself display the craftiness and cunning which manifest themselves in the subsequent discourse with Eve. [", "Young believes Satan spoke through a literal serpent.] ", "When therefore the Bible asserts that the serpent is subtle it is taking the first step, it would seem, in going behind the scene and letting us know that there is more here than meets the eye. ", "A subtlety is at work such as does not belong to [literal] snakes. ", "That much, it appears, we must grant, if we are to do justice to what the Bible says. ", "The word 'subtil' is the first hint that we have to deal with more than a snake [At least this is the first hint in Genesis chapter 3; as I mentioned, I believe there are several such very strong \"hints\" in Genesis chapters 1, 2.].\" (", "This completes the twelve paragraph double bracket; we are now ready to continue the quotation of Gen. 1:3.)]] ", "And he said to the woman, 'Indeed, has God said, \"You shall not eat from any tree of the garden\"?' [[(", "This double bracket continues for seven paragraphs.) ", "In the margin the NASB has or \"every\" instead of \"any.\" ", "I believe the translation \"every\" is better; or we could translate, \"not eat from ALL the trees in the garden.\" ", "I'll quote part of what H. C. Leupold says here (\"Exposition of Genesis,\" Vol. ", "1 [Wartburg Press, 1942], page 144). \"", "We must definitely reject [the translation] 'not from any'.... ... The exaggeration [that Adam and Eve were prohibited from eating from any of the trees in the garden] would be too gross and crude. ", "The devil would have completely overshot his mark and roused a feeling of resentment at the course insinuation. ", "Therefore A. V. [KJV (also the NKJV)] is correct: 'not from every.' ", "Cf. ", "K. S. [Koenig's Syntax] 352s.\"", "\n\nSatan knew, of course, that Adam and Eve had been prohibited from eating of the one tree in the center of the garden. ", "He wanted to direct Eve's attention to that one tree; he wanted Eve to begin to think of God as a withholder, a withholder of something that was very good, so good in fact that everything else in the garden was garbage in comparison with the fruit of this one very special, forbidden tree. ", "What kind of God would deny Eve the one really good thing in the garden?", "\n\nWe must remind ourselves at the outset that Satan was (and still is) a liar (cf. ", "John 8:44) and a deceiver (cf. ", "Gen. 3:13; 2 Cor. ", "11:3; 1 Tim. ", "2:14). ", "Although Satan mixes in elements of truth when it's convenient (like they say, if you want an animal to eat poison you mix it with some good food), we certainly cannot assume that something is true because he says it, including what he says to Eve. ", "Even though this first question to Eve was stated in a way that tended to question the goodness of God, Satan certainly knew that Eve wouldn't be challenged much by this preliminary question.", "\n\nBased on what is revealed here (there could be a lot we don't know; we are dependent on how much God chose to reveal to us; I'm confident that He always reveals as much as we need to know, even if we would frequently like to know more), Eve may not have done anything wrong to answer the serpent's first question. (", "It could be, however, that she was responsible for adding the words about NOT TOUCHING the forbidden fruit recorded in Gen. 3:3; if so, that seems like a minor problem.) ", "On the other hand, Eve's communicating with the serpent, or even allowing Satan to remain in her presence, may have involved incredible stupidity and rebellion against God. ", "It depends on how much she knew about the being she was communicating with. ", "If she knew that he was a malicious enemy of God and the prince of darkness, then she had no right to talk with him (and especially not to seriously consider what he says to her). ", "She could have called on God for help (or on Adam for a start).", "\n\nIt is very clear that when Eve continued to listen to the serpent (Satan) after he started his unrestrained attack against the truthfulness and goodness of God, starting in Gen. 3:4, she was far out of order and heading for a fall of gigantic proportion. ", "She had no right whatsoever to listen to such attacks against the only God and the Creator, who had demonstrated nothing but perfection and goodness in His creation and in His dealings with her (and with Adam). ", "If all we knew about Eve's sin was the following, we would know enough to understand the extreme seriousness of her rebellion, for which there was no excuse: By accepting the devil's challenge to eat of the forbidden fruit, she had to first accept as true the evil, malicious, blasphemous things the devil said against God (she had to agree that God was a liar; she had to agree that He had been withholding from Adam and her that which was good for them because of His own self-centered interests - if they ate of the forbidden fruit, they would gain knowledge and be like God); she had to side in with the devil in his rebellion against God; and she had to do what she knew they had been forbidden to do by the very Word of God on penalty of death.", "\n\nThe Bible says that Eve was deceived (2 Cor. ", "11:3; Tim. ", "2:14; cf. ", "Gen. 3:13); in some ways she was. ", "The bait (forbidden fruit) that Satan used looked so good to her that she (like a fish) took the bait and ran with it; she took the fruit and ate it, but it should be obvious, based on what I have said, that her sin involved full-scale, willful, informed rebellion against God and His word and a siding-in-with His enemy, which involved a lot more than just being deceived.", "\n\nI'll say more about the specific nature of the forbidden fruit (the details regarding the bait the devil used to tempt Adam and Eve) as we continue (see the excerpts that deal with this issue from Henri Blocher and from others, along with my comments in brackets at the end of this four-part paper), but there are quite a few different ideas regarding what the bait for that original sin was, and I don't believe we know enough to be dogmatic on that specific point. ", "As I indicated in the last paragraph, however, we really don't have to know more than what I have mentioned already to understand the essence of the rebellion and fall of Eve.]]", "\n\nWe will start with Gen. 3:2 in Part 2 of this four-part paper.", "\n\nCopyright by Karl Kemp\n\nhttp://www.karlkempteachingministries.com Karl Kemp worked as an engineer in the space field throughout the 60s. ", "He became a born-again Christian in 1964. ", "He received an MA in Biblical Studies in 1972. ", "He has been a Bible teacher for 45 years. ", "See the website for more info on his books, papers, etc." ]
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[ "Epstein-Barr virus persistence in the absence of conventional memory B cells: IgM+IgD+CD27+ B cells harbor the virus in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease patients.", "\nEpstein-Barr virus (EBV) persists in healthy virus carriers within the immunoglobulin (Ig)D(-)CD27(+) (class-switched) memory B-cell compartment that normally arises through antigen stimulation and germinal center transit. ", "Patients with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) lack such class-switched memory B cells but are highly susceptible to EBV infection, often developing fatal symptoms resembling those seen in EBV-associated hemophagocytic syndrome (EBV-AHS), a disease caused by aberrant virus entry into the NK- or T-cell system. ", "Here we show that XLP patients who survive primary EBV exposure carry relatively high virus loads in the B-cell, but not the NK- or T-cell, compartment. ", "Interestingly, in the absence of conventional class-switched memory B cells, the circulating EBV load was concentrated within a small population of IgM(+)IgD(+)CD27(+) (nonswitched) memory cells rather than within the numerically dominant naive (IgM(+)IgD(+)CD27(-)) or transitional (CD10(+)CD27(-)) subsets. ", "In 2 prospectively studied patients, the circulating EBV load was stable and markers of virus polymorphism detected the same resident strain over time. ", "These results provide the first definitive evidence that EBV can establish persistence in the B-cell system in the absence of fully functional germinal center activity and of a class-switched memory B-cell compartment." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.004464285714285714, 0.009345794392523364, 0.006535947712418301, 0.003236245954692557, 0.006578947368421052, 0.0045871559633027525 ]
[ "Abstract\n\nAs the demand on teacher educators to integrate educational technology into their preservice teacher education programmes increases, the need to identify the variables affecting their lack of educational technology acceptance, use and integration grows more urgent. ", "Although educational technologies are being made fairly accessible to the majority of teacher educators, even in developing countries, considerably less attention is being given to helping these teacher educators make the transition into a technology-enhanced teaching and learning environment. ", "The results of this study indicated that the profiles of the teacher educators were very diverse and reflected acceptance, use and integration of educational technology at various stages. ", "The implications of the diverse profiles for educational technology integration and teacher educator professional development is discussed.", "\n\nGaret, M.S., Porter, A.C., Desimone, L., Birman, B.F. & Yoon, K.S. (2001). ", "What makes professional development effective? ", "Results from a national sample of teachers. ", "American Educational Research Journal, 38*4), 915-945. ", "Gilmore, E.L. (1998). ", "Impact of training on the attitudes of university faculty in the use of technology. ", "Denton, Texas: University of North Texas.", "\n\nGriffen, D. & Christensen, R. (1999). ", "Concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) levels of use of an innovation (CBAMLOU). ", "Denton, Texas: Institute for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning.", "\n\nHall, G. & Hord, S. (1987). ", "Change in schools: Facilitating the process. ", "Albany: State University of New York Press. ", "Hall, G., Wallace, Jr.R.C. & Dosset, W.A. (1973). ", "A development conceptualisation of the adoption process with educational institutions. ", "Austin: University of Texas, Research and Development Center for Teacher Education. ", "Hall, G., George, A. & Rutherford, W. (1979). ", "R& D Report No. ", "3032. ", "Austin: University of Texas, Research and Development Center for Teacher Education.", "\n\nHall, G., George, A. & Rutherford, W. (1998). ", "Measuring stages of concern about the innovation: A manual for use of the SoC Questionnaire . ", "Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03896103896103896, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.025, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.02, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.024096385542168676, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.03508771929824561 ]
[ "6N2P\n\nThe 6N2P, (Russian: 6Н2П), also sometimes spelled in English \"6H2Pi\", is a miniature 9-pin dual triode vacuum tube manufactured in USSR, Russia and China with characteristics similar to the RCA 12AX7. ", " The most significant difference between the two is that 6N2P has its two filament elements connected in parallel, unlike the series filament connection of the 12AX7, and it is thus only possible to operate it from a 6.3 volt, 340 mA filament supply (whereas a 12AX7 may be operated from either 6.3 or 12.6 volts, at 300 mA or 150 mA, respectively.) ", " The 6N2P also has slightly lower gain than a 12AX7. ", "The 6N2P's slightly lower gain and higher filament draw is similar to the 5751 tube (introduced in the mid-'50s) and was sold in quantity to the US military. ", "The 5751 tube may be operated from 6.3 volts at 350 mA (the higher current draw is for increased reliability) for use in avionics.", "\n\nIn the 1970s an improved and more rugged version of the 6N2' was introduced, designated 6N2P-EV (Russian: 6Н2П-ЕВ). ", "The 5751WA tube is a rugged military version of the 5751, and is the closest equivalent to the 6N2P-EV. ", "Currently, a 12AX7 variant derived from the 6N2P-EV is being produced by Sovtek, under the designation 12AX7WA. ", "\n\nA Chinese version of 6N2P exists, labeled in Latin lettering (instead of Cyrillic) 6N2.", "\n\nIn the 1990s a (now extinct) line of \"Red Bear\" guitar amplifiers was being produced in Russia by Novik Ltd. and distributed in the United States by Gibson Guitar Corporation. ", " These amplifiers used 6N2P tubes instead of the much more common 12AX7, prompting user modifications of the amplifier to 12AX7, because the original Russian 6N2P was scarcely available outside of Russia.", "\n\nReferences \n\n 6n2p-ev rugged version of 6n2p Data sheet\n 5751 data\n 5751WA data\n\nCategory:Vacuum tubes" ]
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[ "Synthesis and preliminary in vitro evaluation of DOTA-Tenatumomab conjugates for theranostic applications in tenascin expressing tumors.", "\nTenatumomab is an anti-tenascin murine monoclonal antibody previously used in clinical trials for delivering radionuclides to tumors by both pre-targeting (biotinylated Tenatumomab within PAGRIT) and direct 131Iodine labeling approaches. ", "Here we present the synthesis and in vitro characterization of three Tenatumomab conjugates to bifunctional chelating agents (NHS-DOTA, NCS-DOTA and NCS-DTPA). ", "Results indicate ST8198AA1 (Tenatumomab-DOTAMA, derived by conjugation of NHS-DOTA), as the most promising candidate in terms of conjugation rate and yield, stability, antigen immunoreactivity and affinity. ", "Labeling efficiency of the different chelators was investigated with a panel of cold metals indicating DOTAMA as the best chelator. ", "Labeling of Tenatumomab-DOTAMA was then optimized with several metals and stability performed confirms suitability of this conjugate for further development. ", "ST8198AA1 represents an improvement of the previous antibody forms because the labeling with radionuclides like 177Lu or 64Cu would allow theranostic applications in patients bearing tenascin expressing tumors." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.007352941176470588, 0.012552301255230125, 0.01875, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'In studying the dynamics of large $N_c$, $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory at finite temperature with fundamental quark flavours in the quenched approximation, we observe a first order phase transition. ", "A quark condensate forms at finite quark mass, and the value of the condensate varies smoothly with the quark mass for generic regions in parameter space. ", "At a particular value of the quark mass, there is a finite discontinuity in the condensate’s vacuum expectation value, corresponding to a first order phase transition. ", "We study the gauge theory via its string dual formulation using the AdS/CFT conjecture, the string dual being the near–horizon geometry of $N_c$ D3–branes at finite temperature, AdS$_5$–Schwarzschild$\\times S^5$, probed by a D7–brane. ", "The D7–brane has topology $\\IR^4\\times S^3\\times S^1$ and allowed solutions correspond to either the $S^3$ or the $S^1$ shrinking away in the interior of the geometry. ", "The phase transition represents a jump between branches of solutions having these two distinct D–brane topologies. ", "The transition also appears in the meson spectrum.'", "\n---\n\n[**A Topology–Changing First Order Phase Transition**]{}\n\n[**and the**]{}\n\n[**Dynamics of Flavour**]{}\n\n**Tameem Albash, Veselin Filev, Clifford V. Johnson[^1], Arnab Kundu**\n\n*Department of Physics and Astronomy*\n\n*University of Southern California*\n\n*Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484, U.S.A.*\n\nalbash, filev, johnson1, akundu @usc.edu\n\nIntroduction {#sec:introduction}\n============\n\nString theory is a powerful tool for probing the strongly coupled dynamics of gauge theory, physics which is of vital importance especially in the context of the strong nuclear interactions. ", "Gauge/string correspondences have enlarged and refined the toolbox available for such studies, and there is a large literature on the subject, with several powerful examples such as the AdS/CFT correspondence[@Maldacena:1997re; @Witten:1998qj; @Gubser:1998bc] and deformations thereof[@Aharony:1999t].", "\n\nHowever, we are still some way from describing the “realistic” dynamics of QCD using this approach. ", "The main challenges that remain include getting access to low $N_c$, fully including dynamical quarks in the fundamental representation of $SU(N_c)$, and getting reliable control of the non–supersymmetric regime.", "\n\nIt is to be hoped (if not expected) that even if we cannot obtain a controllable string dual of QCD, there may be considerable progress to be made in capturing physical phenomena that are in the same universality class as those of QCD. ", "This is the motivation of the present work, which is part of a series of studies upon which we hope to report new and interesting results.", "\n\nWe study the geometry of AdS$_5$–Schwarzschild $\\times S^5$, which is the decoupled/near–horizon geometry of $N_c$ D3-branes, where $N_c$ is large and set by the (small, for reliability) curvature of the geometry. ", "The physics of closed type IIB string theory in this background is dual to the physics of ${\\cal N}=4$ supersymmetric $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory in four dimensions, with the supersymmetry broken by being at finite temperature[@Witten:1998zw]. ", "The temperature is set by the horizon radius of the Schwarzschild black hole, as we will recall below.", "\n\nWe introduce a D7–brane probe into the background. ", "Four of the brane’s eight world–volume directions are parallel with those of the D3–branes, and three of them wrap an $S^3\\subset S^5$. The remaining direction lies in the radial direction of the asymptotically AdS$_5$ geometry.", "\n\nSuch a D3–D7 configuration controls the physics of the $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory with a dynamical quark in the fundamental representation[@Karch:2002sh]. ", "The configuration (at zero temperature) preserves ${\\cal N}=2$ supersymmetry in $D=4$, and the quark is part of a hypermultiplet. ", "Generically, we will be studying the physics at finite temperature, so supersymmetry will play no explicit role here.", "\n\nWe are studying the D7–brane as a probe only, corresponding to taking the $N_c \\gg N_f$ limit, and therefore there is no backreaction on the background geometry. ", "This is roughly analogous to the quenched approximation in lattice QCD. ", "The quark mass and other flavour physics–such as the vacuum expectation value (vev) of a condensate and the spectrum of mesons that can be constructed from the quarks–are all physics which are therefore invisible in the background geometry. ", "We will learn nothing new from the background; our study is of the response of the probe D7–branes to the background, and this is where the new physics emerges from.", "\n\nWe carefully study the physics of the probe itself as it moves in the background geometry. ", "The coordinates of the probe in the background are fields in an effective D7–brane world–volume theory, and the geometry of the background enters as couplings controlling the dynamics of those fields. ", "One such coupling in the effective model represents the local separation, $L(u)$, of the D7–brane probe from the D3–branes, where $u$ is the radial AdS$_5$–Schwarzschild coordinate.", "\n\nIn fact, the asymptotic value of the separation between the D3–branes and D7–brane for large $u$ yields the bare quark mass $m_q$ and the condensate vacuum expectation value (vev) $ \\langle \\bar{\\psi} \\psi\n\\rangle$ as follows [@Polchinski:2000uf] [@Kruczenski:2003uq]: $$\\label{eqt: L}\n\\lim_{u \\rightarrow \\infty} L(u) = m + \\frac{c}{u^2} + \\dots$$ where $m = 2 \\pi \\alpha' m_q$ and $-c = \\langle \\bar{\\psi} \\psi \\rangle / (8 \\pi^3 \\alpha' N_f \\tau_{\\mathrm{7}})$, where in this paper $N_f = 1$. (The fundamental string tension is defined as $T=1/(2\\pi\\alpha^\\prime)$ here, and the D7–brane tension is $\\tau_{\\mathrm{7}}=(2\\pi)^{-7}(\\alpha^\\prime)^{-4}$.) The zero temperature behaviour of the D7–branes in the geometry is simple. ", "The D7–brane worldvolume actually [*vanishes*]{} at finite $u$, corresponding to the part of the brane wrapped on the $S^3$ shrinking to zero size. ", "The location in $u$ where this vanishing happens encodes the mass of the quark, or equivalently, the separation of the probe from the D3–branes. ", "In addition, in the zero temperature background, the only value of $c$ allowed is zero, meaning no condensate is allowed to form, as is expected from supersymmetry.", "\n\nThe finite temperature physics introduces an important new feature. ", "As is standard[@Gibbons:1979xm], finite temperature is studied by Euclideanizing the geometry and identifying the temperature with the period of the time coordinate. ", "The horizon of the background geometry is the place where that $S^1$ shrinks to zero size. ", "The D7–brane is also wrapped on this $S^1$, so it can vanish at the horizon, if it has not vanished due to the shrinking of the $S^3$. For large quark mass compared to the temperature (horizon size), the $S^3$ shrinking will occur at some finite $u>u_H$, and the physics will be similar to the zero temperature situation. ", "However, for small quark mass, the world–volume will vanish due to the shrinking of the $S^1$ corresponding to the D7–branes going into the horizon. ", "This is new physics of the flavour sector.", "\n\nThe authors of ref.[@Babington:2003vm] explored some of the physics of this situation (the dependence of the condensate and of the meson mass on the bare quark mass), and predicted that a phase transition should occur when the topology of the probe D7–brane changes. ", "However, they were not able to explicitly see this transition because of poor data resolution in the transition region, coming from using UV boundary conditions on the scalar fields on the D7–brane world-volume. ", "The origin of this phase transition, as we shall see, is as follows: The generic behaviour of an allowed solution for $L(u)$ as in equation (\\[eqt: L\\]), is not enough to determine whether the behaviour corresponds to an $S^3$–vanishing D7–brane or an $S^1$–vanishing D7–brane. ", "The choices of branch of solutions have different values of $c$, generically. ", "In other words, for a given value of $m$ there can be more than one value of $c$. There are therefore two or more candidate solutions potentially controlling the physics. ", "The actual physical solution is the one which has the lowest value for the D7–brane’s free energy. ", "The key point is that, at a certain value of the mass, the lowest energy solution may suddenly come from a different branch, and, as the corresponding value of the condensate changes discontinuously in moving between branches, we find that the system therefore undergoes a first order phase transition. ", "On the gauge theory side, we can imagine a similar situation occurring; two different branches of solution are competing, and the lowest energy branch is always picked. ", "We are able to uncover this physics by doing a careful numerical analysis of the equations of motion for the probe dynamics on the gravity side of the AdS/CFT correspondence, which goes well beyond that carried out in previous papers. ", "By using IR boundary conditions instead of UV boundary conditions, our analysis allows us to obtain vastly more data points, allowing us to complete the picture described above[^2]. ", "In addition, we are able to study the meson spectrum in some detail, and we find that the phase transition also manifests itself as a first order discontinuity in that physics.", "\n\nThe Probe Computation\n=====================\n\nWe begin by reviewing the physics of the D7–brane probe in the AdS$_5$–Schwarzschild background solution[@Babington:2003vm]. ", "The metric is given by: $$\\label{eqt: our metric}\nds^2 = - \\frac{f(u)}{R^2} dt^2 + \\frac{R^2}{f(u)} du^2 + \\frac{u^2}{R^2} d\\vec{x}\\cdot d\\vec{x} + R^2 d\\theta^2 + R^2 \\cos^2 \\theta d \\Omega_3^2 + R^2 \\sin^2\\theta d\\phi^2\\ ,$$ where $\\vec{x}$ is a three vector, $$\\begin{aligned}\nf(u) &=& u^2 - \\frac{b^4}{u^2} \\nonumber \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ and the quantity $R^2$ is given by: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR^2 &=& \\sqrt{4 \\pi g_s N_c} \\alpha' \\nonumber \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ where $g_s$ is the string coupling (which, with the inverse string tension $\\alpha^\\prime$ sets for example, Newton’s constant). ", "The quantity $b$ is related to the mass of the black-hole, $b^2=8 G_5 m_\\mathrm{b.h.} / (", "3 \\pi)$. The temperature of the black hole can be extracted using the standard Euclidean continuation and requiring regularity at the horizon. ", "Doing this in the metric given by equation (\\[eqt: our metric\\]), we find that $\\beta^{-1}=b/\\pi R^2$. Therefore, by picking the value of $b$, we are choosing at which temperature we are holding the theory. ", "We choose to embed the D7–brane probe transverse to $\\theta$ and $\\phi$. In order to study the embeddings with the lowest value of the on–shell action (and hence the lowest free energy), we choose an ansatz of the form $\\phi = 0$ and $\\theta = \\theta(u)$. The asymptotic separation of the D3 and D7–branes is given by $L(u) = u \\sin \\theta$. Given this particular choice of embedding, the worldvolume of the D7 brane is given by: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\sqrt{-g} &=& u^2 \\cos^3 \\theta(u) \\sqrt{\\det S^3} \\sqrt{u^2 +\\left(u^4-b^4 \\right)\\theta'(u)^2} \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ where $g$ is the determinant of the induced metric on the D7–brane given by the pull–back of the space–time metric $G_{\\mu \\nu}$. We are interested in two particular cases. ", "First, there is the case where $u$ goes to $b$, which corresponds to the the D7–brane probe falling into the event horizon. ", "In the Euclidean section, this case corresponds to the shrinking of the $S^1$ of periodic time. ", "This corresponds to what in ref.[@Babington:2003vm] were called condensate solutions. ", "Second, there is the case where $\\theta$ goes to $\\pi/2$, which corresponds to the shrinking of the $S^3$. This corresponds to what were called Karch-Katz–like solutions in ref.", " [@Babington:2003vm]. ", "It is this change in topology ($S^1$ versus $S^3$ shrinking) between the different solutions that will correspond to a phase transition. ", "The classical equation of motion for $\\theta(u)$ is: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eqt: eqt of motion}\n\\frac{d}{d u} \\left( \\frac{u^2\\left(u^4-b^4 \\right) \\theta'(u) \\cos^3 \\left(\\theta(u)\\right)} {\\sqrt{u^2 +\\left(u^4-b^4 \\right)\\theta'(u)^2}} \\right) + 3 u^2 \\cos^2 \\theta(u) \\sin \\theta(u)\\sqrt{u^2 +\\left(u^4-b^4 \\right)\\theta'(u)^2} &=& 0\\ .\\end{aligned}$$ When $u$ goes to infinity and the background metric becomes asymptotically AdS$_5 \\times S^5$, the equation of motion reduces to: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{d}{d u} \\left(u^5 \\theta'(u) \\right) + 3 u^2 \\theta(u) &=& 0,\\end{aligned}$$ which has solution: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\theta(u) &=& \\frac{1}{u} \\left(m + \\frac{c}{u^2} \\right) \\ .\\end{aligned}$$ These two terms are exactly the non–normalizable and normalizable terms corresponding to a dimension 3 operator ($\\bar{\\psi} \\psi$) in the dual field theory with source $m$ and vacuum expectation value (vev) $c$.\n\nEmbedding Solutions\n===================\n\nWe solve equation [(\\[eqt: eqt of motion\\])]{} numerically using a shooting technique. ", "Shooting from infinity towards the horizon, physical solutions are those that have a finite value at the horizon. ", "This will only be accomplished for a particular $m$ and $c$ value from equation (\\[eqt: L\\]), which would have to be delicately chosen by hand. ", "Therefore, if we instead start from the horizon with a finite solution, it will shoot towards the physical asymptotic solutions we desire. ", "In order to be able to analyze the phase transition between the condensate and Karch-Katz–like solutions, we shoot from the horizon for the condensate solutions and from $\\theta= \\pi/2$ for the Karch-Katz–like solutions. ", "This technique avoids having to correctly choose the boundary conditions at infinity, which is a sensitive procedure, allowing us to have many more data points to analyze the phase transition. ", "We impose the boundary condition that, at our starting point–the horizon, we have: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eqt: bc}\n\\theta'(u) \\big|_{S^1\\to 0} &=& \\frac{3 b^2}{8} \\tan \\theta(b) \\nonumber \\\\\n\\theta'(u) \\big|_{S^3 \\to 0} &=& \\infty\\end{aligned}$$ We argue that this is the physical boundary condition to take; the first is simply a result of taking the limit of $u \\to b$ in the equation of motion in equation [(\\[eqt: eqt of motion\\])]{}, whereas the second is a result of requiring no conifold singularity as the $S^3$ shrinks to zero size [@Karch:2006bv].", "\n\nWe solve the equation of motion, equation (\\[eqt: eqt of motion\\]), numerically using $b=1$ and $R=1$. These numerical choices correspond to fixing the temperature and to measuring lengths in units of the radius of the AdS space; the latter condition also means we are choosing a particular relationship between the t’Hooft coupling and the dual quantities: $$\\lambda = g_{\\text{YM}}^2 N_c = \\frac{1}{2 \\alpha^{\\prime 2}} \\ , \\quad \\beta^{-1} = \\frac{1}{\\pi} \\ .$$ Several D7–brane embedding solutions are shown in figure \\[fig:solutionsinLandrho\\]. ", "The red (solid) lines correspond to Karch-Katz–like solutions, and the blue (dashed) lines correspond to condensate solutions. ", "From each of these solutions, we can extrapolate the bare quark mass and quark condensate vev.", "\n\nThe Phase Transition\n====================\n\nWe plot the $c$ values as a function of $m$ in figure \\[fig: c vs m\\]. ", "When enlarged, as shown in figure \\[fig: c vs m zoom\\], we find, as anticipated in the introductory remarks, the multi–valuedness in $c$ for a given $m$. Physics will choose just one answer for $c$. There is therefore the possibility of a transition from one branch to another as one changes $m$.\n\nIn order to determine exactly where the transition takes place, we have to calculate the free energy of the D7–brane. ", "In the semi-classical limit that we are considering, the free energy is given by the the on–shell action times $\\beta^{-1}$. For our case, this is simply given by [@Kruczenski:2003uq]: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathcal{F} &=& \\beta^{-1} \\tau_7 N_f \\int d^4 x \\ d\\Omega_3 \\ du \\, \\sqrt{-\\det g} \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ where here $N_f = 1$. We calculate this integral numerically using our solutions for $\\theta(u)$, and we plot the results for the energy in figure \\[fig: energy\\] after we regulate the result by subtracting off the energy from the $\\theta=0$ solution. ", "There is again multivaluedness at the same value of $m$ as before, and we zoom in on this neighbourhood in figure \\[fig: energy zoom\\]. ", "If one follows the solutions of lowest energy for a given $m$, one can clearly see that there is a crossover from one branch to another as $m$ changes. ", "This was also observed in ref. [", "@Ghoroku:2005tf].", "\n\nTherefore, we find a first order phase transition —at $m\\approx 0.92345$— where the condensate’s vev jumps discontinuously. ", "This had been deduced on other grounds in ref. [", "@Apreda:2005yz]. ", "We show where the jump between curves occurs with the dashed green line in figures \\[fig: c vs m zoom\\] and \\[fig: energy zoom\\]. ", "We note that the shaded areas in figure \\[fig: c vs m zoom\\] are equal; this is to be expected since $c$ and $m$ are thermodynamically conjugate to each other, and the area of the graph has the interpretation as a free energy difference $d\\mathcal{E} \\sim - c \\, dm$.\n\nMeson Spectrum\n==============\n\nNext we study the meson spectrum. ", "This can be read off from the physics of the fluctuations in $\\theta$ and $\\phi$ about our classical solutions $\\theta_{(0)}=\\theta(u)$ and $\\phi_{(0)}=0$ described above[@Karch:2002xe], corresponding to scalar and pseudo scalar fields respectively in the gauge theory[@Kruczenski:2003be]. ", "As a reminder, in ref.", " [@Kruczenski:2003be], the exact meson spectrum for the AdS$_5 \\times S^5$ background was found to be given by: $$\\begin{aligned}\nM(n,\\ell) &=& \\frac{2 m}{R^2} \\sqrt{(n+\\ell + 1)(n + \\ell + 2)} \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\ell$ labels the order of the spherical harmonic expansion, and $n$ is a positive integer that represents the order of the mode. ", "In our meson spectrum calculations, we have only considered the $n=\\ell = 0$ solutions for the fluctuations in $\\theta$ and $\\phi$. We begin by considering the four–dimensional mass of the meson corresponding to fluctuations in $\\phi$. By considering an ansatz of the form: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\phi(z,t)=0+\\delta \\phi(z,t) = f(z) e^{- i \\omega t} \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ where $z = u^{-2}$ in terms of our previous coordinates, and by expanding to second order in $\\delta \\phi(u,t)$, we can calculate an equation of motion for $f(z)$. In particular, we find that near the event horizon, the equation of motion becomes: $$\\begin{aligned}\nf''(z) + \\frac{f'(z)}{z-b^{-2}} + \\frac{R^4 \\omega^2}{16 b^2} \\frac{f(z)}{\\left(z-b^{-2}\\right)^2} &=&0 \\ .\\end{aligned}$$ This equation has solutions given by in–falling and out–going waves: $$\\begin{aligned}\nf(z) &=& a (1 - z b^2 )^{i \\frac{R^2 \\omega}{4 b}} + b (1 - z b^2 )^{- i \\frac{R^2 \\omega}{4 b}} \\ .\\end{aligned}$$ This analysis of the quasinormal mode behavior has been shown in refs.[@Starinets:2002br; @Mateos:2007vn; @Hoyos:2006gb], and the (correct) boundary condition of in–falling waves corresponds to the fact that fluctuations about condensate solutions do not allow for mesons with a discrete mass spectrum[^3]. ", "The mesons “melt” away into the plasma, from the gauge theory perspective. ", "However, as was shown in ref.[@Hoyos:2006gb], we can still find the mass of the meson (which we shall denote as $M$) for these fluctuations before they melt, in addition to the meson’s lifetime ($\\tau$) with the identification: $$\\mathrm{Re}[\\omega] = M \\ , \\quad \\mathrm{Im}[\\omega] = \\left(2 \\tau \\right)^{-1} \\ .$$ The fluctuations about the Karch-Katz–like solutions have a discrete mass spectrum; therefore the mesons are stable, and $\\omega$ will be purely real. ", "To search for the condensate fluctuations, we do a convenient field redefinition: $$\\begin{aligned}\nf(z) &=& y(z) \\left(1 - z b^2 \\right)^{- i \\frac{R^2 \\omega}{4 b} } \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ such that our boundary condition is simply: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eqt:bc1}\ny(b^{-2}) &=& 1 \\nonumber \\\\\ny'(b^{-2}) &\\sim& (1-z b^2 )^{-1} \\big|_{z \\to b^{-2}} \\to \\infty \\ .\\end{aligned}$$ For the fluctuations about Karch-Katz–like solutions, we simply use the boundary conditions: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eqt:bc2}\nf(z)\\big|_{\\theta(z)=\\pi/2} &=& \\epsilon \\nonumber \\\\\nf'(z)\\big|_{\\theta(z)=\\pi/2} &=& 0 \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\epsilon$ is sufficiently small. (", "We used $\\epsilon\\sim 10^{-2}$ here.) ", "In order to find the correct value of $\\omega$ for both sets of fluctuations, we note that in the limit that $z$ approaches zero, where the background becomes asymptotically AdS$_5 \\times S^5$, the field $f(z)$ must only be comprised of a normalizable term, [*i.e.,*]{} the coefficient in front of the non–normalizable term must be zero. ", "We show the first level of the discrete four–dimensional meson mass dependence on the bare quark mass in figures \\[fig: phi meson spectrum 4d\\] and \\[fig: phi meson spectrum zoom 4d\\] (zoomed). ", "In figure \\[fig:phi meson omega\\] we show the behavior of the real and imaginary part of $\\omega$.\\\nFor large bare quark mass, our solutions match those of the AdS$_5\\times S^5$ case discussed in ref.", " [@Kruczenski:2003be] (shown as the black lines with long dashes). ", "We note that, for large bare quark mass, the meson mass is bounded from above by the AdS$_5\\times S^5$ mass. ", "This is to be expected since the coupling in the finite temperature gauge theory goes as: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{1}{g_{\\mathrm{YM}}^2} &\\sim& \\left(1- \\frac{b}{u} \\right)^{-1/2} \\frac{1}{g_{\\mathrm{YM}}^2} \\bigg|_{\\beta=\\infty}\\end{aligned}$$ In addition, we see that at zero bare quark mass, the meson has a finite mass. ", "This is simply the mass gap of the three–dimensional gauge theory: In the Euclidean section, the four–dimensional gauge theory is compactified on an $S^1$, whose radius is set by the energy scale of the theory. ", "In this case, the energy scale is set by the bare quark mass, so at zero bare quark mass, the circle shrinks to zero size, making the gauge theory effectively three–dimensional.", "\n\n\\\nFor fluctuations in the $\\theta$ direction, we can follow a similar analysis as for the fluctuations in the $\\phi$ direction. ", "We begin by searching for the 4–dimensional mass by taking an ansatz $\\phi =0$ and $\\theta = \\theta_{(0)} + \\delta \\theta(z,t)$, where $\\delta \\theta(z,t)$ has the form: $$\\delta \\theta(z, t) = f(z) e^{- i \\omega t} \\ .$$ The equation of motion shows the same behavior as the $\\phi$–meson, so we choose the same boundary condition as in equation [(\\[eqt:bc1\\])]{} for the condensate solutions. ", "For the Karch-Katz–like solutions, we use the boundary condition: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eqt:bc3}\nf(z)\\big|_{\\theta(z)=\\pi/2} &=& \\epsilon\\ ,\\nonumber \\\\\nf'(z)\\big|_{\\theta(z)=\\pi/2} &=& \\infty \\ ,\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\epsilon$ is suitably small. (", "We chose $\\epsilon\\sim 10^{-2}$.) The spectrum is shown in figures \\[fig: theta meson spectrum 4d\\] and \\[fig: theta meson spectrum zoom 4d\\]. ", "In figure \\[fig: theta meson spectrum zoom 4d\\], the disconnect between the condensate and Karch-Katz–like solutions is due to there being tachyonic modes that extend beyond the zero meson mass [@Mateos:2007vn], but we have not shown them in our plots. ", "They occur well away from the physical regime.", "\n\n\\\nWe may also consider fluctuations in the gauge field living on the D7–brane; such fluctuations would correspond to vector mesons in the gauge theory. ", "In order to study their behavior, we must begin by including the field strength term (from the world–volume gauge field) to the DBI action. ", "The action is given by: $$S = - \\tau_7 \\int d^8 \\xi \\ \\left( -\\det \\left(g_{a b} + 2\\pi \\alpha' F_{a b} \\right) \\right)^{1/2} + \\frac{\\left(2 \\pi \\alpha' \\right)^2}{2} \\mu_7 \\int P \\left[ C_{(4)} \\right] \\wedge F \\wedge F \\ ,$$ where $ P \\left[ C_{(4)} \\right] $ is the pull-back of the 4–form potential sourced by the $N_c$ D3–branes. ", "Our previous solutions assumed a solution $A_b = 0$ , so we will consider quadratic fluctuations about this solution. ", "Expanding this action to second order in $A_b$, we have: $$S = -\\tau_7 \\int d^8 \\xi \\ \\left[ \\left(- \\det\\left(g_{a b} \\right) \\right)^{-1/2} \\left( 1 - \\frac{1}{4} (2 \\pi \\alpha' )^2 F_{a b} F^{b a} \\right) - \\frac{\\left(2 \\pi \\alpha' \\right)^2}{8} \\frac{u^4}{R^4} F_{i j} F_{k l} \\epsilon^{i j k l} \\right]\\ ,$$ where the subscripts $a,b$ run over the world–volume coordinates and $i,j,k,l$ run over the world–volume coordinates transverse to the D3–brane. ", "We have dropped the first order term since it will just give the classical equation of motion for $A_b$. Since we are only interested in the components of the gauge field along the D3–brane worldvolume, the Wess–Zemino term will not contribute to the equations of motion that we are interested in. ", "Therefore, the equation of motion for the quadratic fluctuations is given by: $$\\partial_a \\left(\\sqrt{- g} F^{a \\mu} \\right) = 0 \\ .$$ To compute the 4–dimensional mass of the vector meson, we consider an ansatz of the form: $$A_\\mu = V_\\mu(z) e^{-i \\omega t} \\ .$$ We want to consider the case where the condition $k_\\mu A^\\mu = 0$ still holds, which requires us to set $A_t = 0$ since we are working in the rest frame of the vector meson. ", "The equations of motion for the three $V_{x^i}$’s are identical, so we only need to solve for one of them. ", "The equations of motion show the same behavior as the $\\phi$–mesons, so we follow the same procedure as before with the same boundary conditions as in equations [(\\[eqt:bc1\\])]{} and [(\\[eqt:bc2\\])]{} . ", "The spectrum is shown in figures \\[fig: vector meson spectrum overall 4d\\] and \\[fig: vector meson spectrum zoom 4d\\]. ", "We see again that the mass is bounded from above by the AdS$_5\\times S^5$ mass (shown as the black lines with long dashes).", "\n\n\\\n\nConclusion {#sec:conclusion}\n==========\n\nWe expect that, while the details of this construction will not persist in a “realistic” QCD string dual, the phase transition itself represents strongly coupled dynamics that may well persist as part of the full story of the QCD phase diagram. ", "The transition is exciting in itself, of course (particularly since its dual involves a change of topology in the D7–brane world–volume), but much further work is needed on several questions. ", "For example, the robustness of the phase transition against $1/{N_c}$ corrections would be interesting to study. ", "It would also be interesting to see if the back–reaction can be included, allowing us to study $N_f\\sim N_c$ and follow the phase structure to this regime. ", "Although there are complications involving conical deficits in otherwise flat directions when dealing with the back–reacted geometry in the case of a D3–D7 system, some progress has been made in studying the back-reacted geometry of other more stable Dp–D(p+4) systems [@Grana:2001xn; @Bertolini:2001qa; @Cherkis:2002ir; @Nastase:2003dd; @Burrington:2004id; @Erdmenger:2004dk; @Casero:2006pt]. ", "However, many of these calculations have not considered black hole or other finite temperature configurations. ", "These, and several other questions, are exciting matters for further study.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThis research is supported by the US Department of Energy. ", "We have benefitted from discussions with Robert C. Myers and David Mateos.", "\n\n[10]{}\n\nJ. M. Maldacena, “The large N limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity,” [*Adv. ", "Theor. ", "Math. 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[ "vijesti\n\nMeđunarodni dan zaštite ozonskog omotača Ivana Vuletić Domazet / datum: 15. ", "9. ", "2020. ", "20:00 Diljem svijeta 16. ", "rujna obilježava se Međunarodni dan zaštite ozonskog omotača. ", "Svrha je osvještavanje o problematici ozonskog omotača te istraživanje načina očuvanja s naglaskom na provođenju Montrealskog protokola o tvarima koje oštećuju ozonski sloj . ", "Potaknute otkrićem iz davne 1985. ", "godine o postojanju antarktičke „ozonske rupe“, vlade svijeta prepoznale su važnost provođenja strogih mjera smanjenja proizvodnje i potrošnje tvari koje oštećuju ozonski omotač.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCentri izvrsnosti iz matematike, informatike, novih tehnologija i prirodoslovlja Božena Smodlaka / datum: 14. ", "9. ", "2020. ", "11:50 Otvoren je Javni poziv za učenike osnovnih i srednjih škola koji žele postati polaznici programa Centra izvrsnosti Splitsko-dalmatinske županije u školskoj godini 2020./21. (", "više informacija na poveznici). ", "Ove školske godine, provode se izvanškolski programi u Centru izvrsnosti matematike, informatike, novih tehnologija i prirodoslovlja, a način provedbe ovisit će o epidemiološkoj situaciji i uputama HZJZ. ", "CIM SDŽ je spreman za sve izazove, od provedbe programa uživo, u razredima, kabinetima i laboratorijima, kao i u online okruženju!...", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRASPORED PRIJEVOZA ZA UČENIKE PUTNIKE IZ RUDINA Šimun Višević / datum: 13. ", "9. ", "2020. ", "19:46 OVAJ TJEDAN (14.-18. ", "rujna 2020.) ", "za 1.d razred Polazak svakim danom u 13:40 s prve stanice u Rudinama. ", "Odlazak svakim danom u 16:15 (iza 3. ", "sata) Autobus staje na zapadni parking škole. ", "RAZREDNA NASTAVA B smjena jutro Polazak za 2.b, 2.c i 3.a svakim danom u 7:40 s prve stanice u Rudinama. ", "Odlazak ponedjeljkom, utorkom i petkom u 11:10 (iza 4.sata), srijedom u 11:35 (iza 4.sata), četvrtkom u 11:55 (iza 5. ", "sata). ", "Polazak za 3.d, 4.a i 4.b svakim danom u 7:10 s prve stanice u Rudina. ", "Odlazak ponedjeljkom i utorkom u 11:55 (iza 5. ", "sata), te srijedom, četvrtkom i petkom u 11:10 (iza 4.sata). ", "B smjena poslijepodne Polazak za 2.b, 2.c i 3.a svakim danom u 13:40 s prve stanice u Rudina. ", "Odlazak ponedjeljkom, utorkom, srijedom i petkom u 17:10 (iza 4.sata), četvrtkom u 17:55 (iza 5. ", "sata). ", "Polazak za 3.d, 4.a i 4.b svakim danom u 13:10 s prve stanice u Rudina. ", "Odlazak ponedjeljkom i utorkom u 17:55 (iza 5. ", "sata), srijedom u 17:35 (iza 4.sata), te četvrtkom i petkom u 17:10 (iza 4.sat) Autobus staje na zapadnom parkiralištu škole. ", "PREDMETNA NASTAVA – preko mosta Za učenike 5.a, 5.d, 6.a, 7.a, 7.d, 8.a, 8.b razreda: B smjena jutro Polazak svakim danom u 7:10 s prve stanice u Rudina. ", "Odlazak svakim danom u 12:40 (iza 6.sata). ", "B smjena poslijepodne Polazak svakim danom u 13:10 s prve stanice u Rudina. ", "Odlazak svakim danom u 18:40 (iza 6.sata). ", "Autobus staje na istočnom parkiralištu škole. ", "Zbog epidemioloških mjera svi učenici u prijevozu moraju nositi maske i svaki dan sjediti na istom mjestu u polasku i odlasku.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDOBRODOŠLI, DRAGI PRVAŠI! ", "Administrator / datum: 8. ", "9. ", "2020. ", "15:36 U ponedjeljak 7. ", "rujna 2020. ", "započela je nova 2020./2021. ", "nastavna godina, a posebno je zanimljivo bilo učenicima prvih razreda. ", "Njih više od stotinu upisano je u tri prekobrojna razreda te u jedan razred produženog boravka. ", "Kako u skladu s epidemiološkim mjerama i preporukama tradicionalni svečani prijem i priredba nisu mogli biti održani, učenici četiriju razrednih odjela u pratnji jednog roditelja pojedinačno su svečano primljeni u školskim dvoranama...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRaspored odvijanja nastave Jadranka Šošić / datum: 7. ", "9. ", "2020. ", "09:12 2020./2021. ", "Raspored odvijanja nastave u okolnostima COVID-19 JUTARNJA SMJENA 8.00 – 8.40 8.45 – 9.25 9.30 – 10.10 VELIKI ODMOR 10.10 – 10.25 10.25 – 11.05 11.10 – 11.50 11.55 – 12.35 POSLIJEPODNEVNA SMJENA 14.00 – 14.40 14.45 – 15.25 15.30 – 16.10 VELIKI ODMOR 16.10 – 16.25 16.25 – 17.05 17.10 – 17.50 17.55 – 18.35 NAPOMENA: Učenici se okupljaju ispred predviđenih ulaza u školsku zgradu (po razrednim odjelima poštujući minimalni razmak od 1,5 metra), najranije 10, a najkasnije 5 minuta prije početka nastave. ", "U jutarnjoj smjeni učitelj (prema rasporedu sati) dolazi po učenike u 7.55, a u poslijepodnevnoj smjeni u 13.55 sati. ", "Učenici i učitelji dužni su prije početka nastave obaviti sve predviđene radnje sukladno Uputama HZJZ-a, Preporukama MZO-a i Protokolu Škole. ", "Nakon toga, započinje prvi nastavni sat: u jutarnjoj smjeni u 8.00 sati, a u poslijepodnevnoj smjeni u 14.00 sati. ", "Sukladno uputi Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, osnivača Škole, nastavni sat u okolnostima COVID-19 (do daljnjega) traje 40 minuta. ", "Mali odmor traje 5 minuta, a veliki odmor 15 minuta tijekom kojih se postupa po prethodno navedenim uputama. ", "Molim sve učenike, učitelje, pomoćnike u nastavi i ostale zaposlenike te roditelje učenika OŠ Bijaći da odgovornim ponašanjem nastojimo što duže ostati zdravi kako bi naši učenici 2020./2021. ", "nastavnu godinu proveli u stvarnim učionicama koje su prirodno okružje za njihov zdrav psihofizički rast i razvoj. ", "Jadranka Šošić, ravnateljica OŠ Bijaći, Kaštel Novi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nO B A V I J E S T Administrator / datum: 4. ", "9. ", "2020. ", "12:00 Nastavna godina 2020./2021. ", "započinje 07. ", "rujna 2020. ", "Osnovna škola Bijaći radit će prema MODELU A – NASTAVA U ŠKOLI. ", "Prvi nastavni dan školske godine 2020./2021. ", "odvijat će se prema sljedećem rasporedu: Kliknuti na OPŠIRNIJE za pregled rasporeda i preuzimanje dokumenata epidemioloških mjera zaštite\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOBAVIJEST O POČETKU NASTAVE U NASTAVNOJ GODINI 2020./2021. ", "Administrator / datum: 31. ", "8. ", "2020. ", "16:00 Nastava počinje u ponedjeljak 07. ", "rujna 2020. ", "Blagovremeno ćemo objaviti raspored nastave po smjenama te informacije o podjeli udžbenika i organiziranom prijevozu učenika iz Rudina. ", "Nastava će biti organizirana u skladu s Uputama HZJZ-a za sprječavanje i suzbijanje epidemije COVID-19 vezano za rad predškolskih ustanova, osnovnih i srednjih škola u školskoj godini 2020./2021. ", "od 24. ", "kolovoza 2020. ", "https://www.hzjz.hr/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Upute_vrtici_i_skole_24_08_2020_HZJZ-1.pdf kao i Modelima i preporukama za rad u uvjetima povezanim s COVID-19 Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja RH (odnosno, mogućnostima Škole). ", "https://mzo.gov.hr/UserDocsImages//dokumenti//Modeli%20i%20preporuke%20za%20provedbu%20nastave%20u%202020-2021%2029.8.2020.pdf\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. ", "kolovoza - Dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti, Dan hrvatskih branitelja Anamarija Botić / datum: 3. ", "8. ", "2020. ", "13:24 U skladu s odredbama Zakona o blagdanima, spomendanima i neradnim danima u Republici Hrvatskoj, 5. ", "kolovoza obilježava se Dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti i Dan hrvatskih branitelja. ", "Blagdan je to kada se Hrvatska prisjeća 5. ", "kolovoza 1995. ", "godine kada je u vojno-redarstvenoj akciji \"Oluja\" oslobođen grad Knin.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRAVNATELJICA TRADICIONALNO NAGRADILA ZASLUŽNE UČENIKE I NJIHOVE MENTORE Anamarija Botić / datum: 7. ", "7. ", "2020. ", "13:08 Ravnateljica naše škole već tradicionalno nagrađuje učenike i mentore koji su u protekloj nastavnoj godini ostvarili zapažene rezultate. ", "Ovogodišnji prijem održao se 03. ", "srpnja 2020. ", "na početku sjednice Učiteljskog vijeća za učenike/ice koji su u protekloj nastavnoj godini 2019./2020. ", "postigli uspjeh na 5. ", "literarnom, recitatorskom i likovnom natječaju ČA u versin, riči i pinelu te zahvalnice njihovim mentorima; učenicima osmih razreda koji su više godina sudjelovali u dramskoj skupini Dračice i doprinijeli u realizaciji školskog projekta ČAkavska večer (Ivan Barišić, 8.b, Ana Buličić, 8.b, Ines Babić, 8.d) te učeniku koji je imao odličan uspjeh iz svih nastavnih predmeta tijekom osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja i uzorno vladanje (Luka Baković, 8.d)...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDon Luka Vuco - U spomen Jadranka Šošić / datum: 1. ", "7. ", "2020. ", "21:25 Otišao je danas tiho naš dragi, osebujni i neponovljivi svećenik don Luka Vuco (04. ", "05. ", "1939. – ", "01. ", "07. ", "2020.). ", "Njegovi su stope čovječnosti ostavile dubok trag u svima koji su ga poznavali, s njim surađivali i od njega učili… Prezirao je nepravdu, umišljene veličine i elite. '", "Plivajući stalno uzvodno', naučio nas je da svaki čovjek može stvoriti bolje i drugačije težeći istini i neprepuštajući se sudbini… Svojim djelom i svime što je napravio za naš Grad, a posebno za našu župu Kaštel Novi, ostavio je trajni otisak u našim srcima. ", "Neka mu je vječna slava i hvala. ", "Počivao u miru Božjem! ", "Ravnateljica, djelatnici i učenici OŠ Bijaći, Kaštel Novi https://duhovnost.net/kad-veliki-ljudi-odlaze-oni-iza-sebe-ostavljaju-mnogo-2/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Caffeinated Coffee Consumption May Lower Risk Of Depression In Women\n\nDrinking several cups of coffee a day could help women against depression and they are unlikely to get depressed, a new study shows.", "\n\nWomen who drank four cups of coffee or more a day had a 20 percent reduced risk for depression and those imbibing two to three cups daily had a 15 percent decreased risk, compared to those drinking one cup or less daily.", "\n\nA relationship between caffeinated coffee and depression does make a certain amount of biological sense, experts say.", "\n\n“Caffeine is known to affect the release of several neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin, that had been implicated in regulating mood and depression,” said Ascherio, who is also professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.", "\n\nIt is not clear why it might have this effect, but the authors believe caffeine in coffee may alter the brain’s chemistry. ", "Decaffeinated coffee did not have the same effect.", "\n\n“If caffeine has some antidepressant effect, we may be able to find compounds with an even stronger antidepressant effect,” Ascherio said.", "\n\n“Caffeine has short-term positive effects on mood, subjective feelings of having more energy and being more awake in the short term,” said study senior author Dr. Alberto Ascherio, who is a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.", "\n\nAlthough it’s way too early to start recommending regular coffee consumption as a way to prevent depression, the findings may comfort those who feel guilty about their habit.", "\n\n“This may lessen concerns that caffeine consumption will have a negative impact,” said Dr. Christopher Cargile, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine.", "\n\n“Caffeine at high doses has long been associated with worsening of anxiety and other psychiatric illness, and at times this has lead to lingering concerns that it might be best to limit its use.”", "\n\nCargile was not involved with the study, which appears in the Sept. 26 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine." ]
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[ "Taiwan protests against Malaysia's deportation of fraud suspects to China\n\nReuters Staff\n\n3 Min Read\n\nTAIPEI/BEIJING, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Taiwan has expressed its \"stern opposition\" to Malaysia's deportation of 21 Taiwanese suspected of multi-million dollar telecoms fraud to China, the latest example of a problem that has strained cross-Strait ties.", "\n\nChina's official Xinhua news agency said the 21 Taiwanese were among 74 fraud suspects who were escorted from Malaysia by Chinese police and arrived in Wuhan in central China late on Tuesday. ", "The other 53 were all Chinese.", "\n\nTaiwan's Foreign Ministry expressed regret and \"stern opposition\" to Malaysia's decision to deport the Taiwanese to China, according to a statement on its website.", "\n\n\"This action by Malaysia has seriously harmed the rights of our citizens, and harms the long standing friendship between Taiwan and Malaysia,\" it said.", "\n\nThe statement also said Taiwanese police had been working with Malaysia to arrange for the suspects to be returned to Taiwan but that Beijing had pressured the Malaysian government to send all suspects to the mainland.", "\n\nIt said in a statement that cracking down on cross-border telecom fraud depended on cooperation from both sides.", "\n\nMalaysia's foreign ministry did not comment immediately.", "\n\nXinhua described the deportations as part of cooperation between Malaysian and Chinese police to crack down on several Malaysian-based fraud gangs who they say have been scamming people on the Chinese mainland.", "\n\nThose deported are suspected of involvement in more than 500 cross-border fraud cases, online and over the phone, totalling more than 60 million yuan ($8.7 million), it said.", "\n\nMalaysia does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan and treats the island as part of China in line with Beijing's \"one China\" principle, which considers Taiwan a breakaway province.", "\n\nSince last November, China has cooperated with police in Kenya, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia and Indonesia to break up more than 60 telecom fraud rings and arrest more than 1,000 suspects, China's public security ministry said in September.", "\n\nChina has aired televised confessions by some of the Taiwan people previously deported, raising concern in Taiwan over violations of due process. (", "Reporting by Christian Shepherd and J.R. Wu; Editing by Paul Tait)" ]
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[ "Whole swathes of the internet have been blocked in Tajikistan following the recent killing of four tourists, allegedly at the hands of a group of young men that claimed loyalty to the Islamic State.", "\n\nNumerous websites, including news resources like Asia-Plus and RFE/RL’s Tajik service and social media sites Facebook and Twitter, were inaccessible over the weekend. ", "As of lunchtime August 6, some sites were sporadically available, depending on the provider. ", "In some instances, internet users have reported trouble getting online at all. ", "Mobile phone companies have circulated notes to their clients saying that the sudden slowdown in internet provision is related to unspecified technical issues.", "\n\nCommunications officials have made no public statements to confirm or deny that they are behind the problem, although the practice of blocking websites after outbreaks of unrest fits a long-standing pattern that has been in place since around 2012. ", "In what appears to be a break from custom, however, the blockages have this time around been implemented directly by the state telecommunications service and not through a written or verbal order to providers.", "\n\nStarting this year, authorities deprived local fixed-lined and mobile service providers of the right to buy data traffic from neighboring countries. ", "It cited security as grounds for the prohibition. ", "ISPs must now buy data from a structure called the Unified Electronic Communications Switching Center, or EKTs in its Russian-language acronym.", "\n\nThis system is said by officials to funnel all telecommunications-based exchanges — be it by phone or internet — through a powerful computer as a security measure. ", "More importantly, EKTs is owned by state-run Tojiktelekom, which in turn is run by the telecommunications service. ", "This has in effect transformed the entire sector into a lucrative monopoly run by the head of the communications service, Beg Sabur (né Beg Zukhurov), the father of one of President Emomali Rahmon’s sons-in-law.", "\n\nAlthough the reasons behind the latest block of internet sites has not been stated, the prevailing consensus is that it is the result of the murder of four cyclists near the town of Danghara late last month. ", "The government initially attempted to pin the killings on the banned Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan, or IRPT, but it then changed its story once a video surfaced online of the suspected attackers swearing fealty to the Islamic State. ", "The official narrative now is that the IRPT was working in league with the Islamic State.", "\n\nThere are possible alternative (or additional) explanations though. ", "There has been a surge of online activity critical of the government in recent weeks in connection with a series of perceived grievous human rights violations.", "\n\nOne case involved the severely ill four-year-old grandson of IRPT leader Muhiddin Kabiri being denied permission to leave the country for urgent treatment. ", "The travel restriction appeared to be a government reprisal against Kabiri. ", "Online petitions had circulated widely before Hamza Tillozoda was granted a passport and allowed to fly out of Dushanbe.", "\n\nAnother online campaign is also now underway to protest the 12-year jail sentence handed down last month to journalist and comedian Khairullo Mirsaidov. ", "Critics of the sentence have said Mirsaidov’s trial was bogus and based on trumped-up evidence.", "\n\nAnd then on August 4, Tajik border guards reportedly removed the 10-year-old daughter of self-exiled political activist Shabnam Khudoydodova from a flight to Istanbul. ", "A hashtag dissemination campaign titled #FreeFotima, named for the little girl, duly began in the wake of this travel prohibition." ]
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[ "The former Stewart Elementary School in Uptown\n\ncourtesy of Morningside\n\nThere were 16 students in the 2012 graduating class at Stewart Elementary School. ", "I was one of them. ", "I remember graduation day vividly. ", "We were holed up in room 107, adjacent to the auditorium. ", "We could hear the sound of feet shuffling and our loved ones exchanging pleasantries over our own nervous conversation. ", "We filed out of the room in two lines, one of boys in red gowns, the other of girls in white, in order from shortest to tallest. ", "I was last in the line of seven boys. ", "My palms oozed sweat while the butterflies in my belly danced to the school band's rendition of the classic graduation march \"Land of Hope and Glory.\" ", "My nerves followed me onto the stage, and I remember shedding tears as I delivered a reminiscent and hopeful valedictorian speech to an auditorium packed with my classmates, extended family, staff, and the entire seventh-grade class. ", "I remember being vaguely aware that day that I might not see many of these faces ever again, and that it would be my last time up on that stage. ", "I hadn't the slightest inkling, however, that six years later, Stewart Elementary as I knew it would no longer exist.", "\n\nWhen the Chicago Board of Education announced the closing of 54 elementary schools in 2013 (the figure would eventually be trimmed to 50), Stewart was one of the institutions on the chopping block. ", "According to a Chicago Public Schools report, the school was recommended for closing due to a decline in enrollment (down 41 percent from 2003 to 2013), its lack of full air-conditioning, and the estimated $16 million it would cost to refurbish and maintain it.", "\n\nWhen the 2012-'13 school year ended, CPS recommended that families enroll their children into designated \"welcoming schools,\" which supposedly had been prepped to handle the influx of the students. ", "For attendees of Stewart Elementary, that school was Brennemann, a school originally built in the 60s to handle an overflow of Stewart students.", "\n\nLocated a little over half a mile southeast of Stewart in a building half the size, Brennemann would absorb Stewart's student body of 254 children and receive a financial boost of $1.6 million to help assist the transition. ", "The population increase at Brennemann became a point of contention for parents and teachers alike.", "\n\nBy the time the next school year began, Stewart's school building was desolate. ", "Its lawn had been turned into a small tent city for the neighborhood's homeless, and discussions had begun about how to repurpose the 90,000-square-foot building and the adjacent parking lot. ", "CPS teamed up with the Metropolitan Planning Council and the office of 46th Ward alderman James Cappleman to organize a series of planning workshops. ", "These workshops, called the Uptown Corridor Development Initiative, allowed members of the community to present their ideas for the repurposing of the school grounds. ", "MPC used the input to develop eight recommendations including various combinations of retail, housing (both market rate and affordable), parking lots or garages, and space for nonprofit incubators. ", "None of those renderings bear much resemblance to what currently exists at Stewart School.", "\n\nIn 2015 Morningside Development entered the winning bid of about $5.5 million dollars for the property, according to Morningside's asset manager, Erik Slavik. ", "Now Stewart Elementary School is a 64-unit luxury apartment building.", "\n\nOne of the rehabbed units\n\nMatt Harvey\n\nIn order to appease residents, Morningside was required by CPS to include one of either a community farmers' market, a community theater, youth recreational programming, job training facilities, or a community garden (Morningside went with the last).", "\n\nRecently I attended the inaugural open house of Stewart School Lofts. ", "Construction had begun in late 2016 and finished early this year; the couple who purchased the first unit moved in April 15, leasing manager Judy Truong told me.", "\n\nIt was my first time back at my alma mater since I graduated. ", "From the corner of Kenmore and Wilson, the view of the building was identical to the last time I'd seen it up close. ", "The north entrance of the school—the \"Boys Entrance,\" as the engraving above the door still reads—was adjacent to a newly refurbished parking lot. ", "Two wooden theater chairs sat in the foyer. ", "I recognized them from the old auditorium. ", "This was perhaps the most subtle nod to the building's former use as a school; for the most part, its history was in my face at every corner.", "\n\n\"We wanted to keep as much of the charm as we could,\" says Alison Solway, Morningside's marketing manager. \"", "Most of the units have the original hardwood floors, the original decorative molding on the walls. ", "We even kept the chalkboard in one of the units. ", "In some of the rooms, we had to come in and remove coat hooks that had people's names on them.\" ", "Scattered throughout the hallways are renderings of blueprints of the school's original layout, a reminder of the classrooms each unit has replaced. ", "The two-story auditorium where I gave my graduation speech is now two separate units.", "\n\nBRIGID GALLAGHER\n\nRemnants of the former school have been incorporated into the lofts’ design.", "\n\nMatt Harvey\n\nThe crown jewel of Stewart School Lofts sits on the second floor—once Stewart Elementary's main floor—just to the right of the former auditorium. ", "It's a built-in trophy case that once held trophies for the school's sports, chess, and robotics teams. ", "Now it holds trophies of a different kind, objects that were quite literally hidden within the schools walls. \"", "When we were clearing things out and starting our restoration, we found so many interesting artifacts,\" says Solway. \"", "Old music books and classroom logs and different event programs. ", "When we cleaned out the attic, we found old beer and soda cans from like the 1930s. ", "Apparently faculty would sneak up there for a drink back then.\"", "\n\nSolway's anecdotes about the staff's drinking and Harrison Ford's days as a Stewart student are one of the biggest draws for prospective tenants. \"", "It was something we just kind of came across in our search and we learned about the history of it later,\" says graphic designer Kelly Schroer, who shares an apartment at Stewart School Lofts with musician Ben Pedersen. \"", "We were both interested in living somewhere that had such a rich history and unique architecture.\"", "\n\nPedersen and Schroer had done some research on the school's closing. \"", "We read about the circumstances and how it was kind of falling into disrepair,\" Schroer says. \"", "It seemed like a great opportunity for the neighborhood to benefit from rehabbing a building that otherwise would've gone vacant. ", "We kind of thought that it was like saving this historical building that was going unused and we thought it was neat to preserve it.\" ", "Neither made any mention of the fate of the students and teachers that the building had housed prior to its closing. ", "The same was true throughout my tour with Solway, and my brief conversations with Truong and Slavik. ", "There was talk of the school's \"rich history\" and \"beautiful architecture,\" but never any acknowledgment of the human beings affected by the school closing that gave birth to Stewart School Lofts.", "\n\nIt may be too early to say what, if any, benefit Stewart School Lofts will have to the existing Uptown community. ", "Jessie Williams, an Uptown native and fellow graduate of Stewart Elementary, class of 2012, was also at the open house. \"", "It's amazing to me to see what they've done with these old rooms, but not in a totally good way,\" she says. \"", "I mean, the units are really pretty and everything, but I don't think anyone that attended school here has a family that could afford to live here now.\"", "\n\nAccording to statistics provided by CPS, nearly 93 percent of Stewart's student population prior to its closing was eligible for free or reduced-cost lunch. ", "That's 25 percent higher than the average of other schools in the same district. ", "Williams and I were both among them. ", "She grew up in a three-bedroom apartment nearby, sharing a room with her younger sister, who also went to Stewart. ", "According to Williams, the rent for their apartment was income based, so her family paid about $500 per month. ", "A three-bedroom unit in Stewart School Lofts rents for $3,505 per month now.", "\n\nUnfortunately, the numbers that CPS provides only tell half of the story of the collateral damage from the school's closing. ", "There's also the question of what has become of the displaced faculty and staff. ", "Though hard data isn't available, two of my former teachers from Stewart Elementary, Michelle Washington and Leslie McCray, were willing to discuss their current circumstances with me.", "\n\nMcCray, my second-grade teacher, was laid off by the school prior to its closing. \"", "Once they let me go I was looking for work on the west side at first, and I ended up right here at Kilmer [Elementary, in Rogers Park],\" she says. \"", "I retired just last year, but I still go back there to sub when I need a little money—which is often.\"", "\n\n\"When the school closed I went to work at Fiske [Elementary], on the south side, for a year,\" Washington, who taught first grade, says. \"", "Then I went out west to Melody [Elementary], where I teach pre-K.\"\n\nBRIGID GALLAGHER\n\nThe former auditorium seats\n\nMatt Harvey\n\nThe two teachers wandered wistfully through the former first-grade classroom that they had, at separate times, each called their own, room 103. ", "The room number and original foyer remain intact despite its repurposing as a 1,410-square-foot two-bedroom apartment—keeping with the theme of historical charm.", "\n\nMcCray and Washington have more than 50 years of teaching experience between them. ", "But at their current income level, paying the rent for the unit that was once their classroom—$2,755—would be a serious stretch. ", "It would also be a stretch for many people who are already living in the neighborhood: the median household income in Stewart's census tract is $39,076. ", "But the white population of Uptown has increased 64 percent since 2000, while the average rent in the community continues to see a slow but steady increase.", "\n\nStewart School is only one of many schools shut down in 2013 that was designated for repurposing. ", "Louis Armstrong Math & Science Elementary, Emmet Elementary in Austin, and Pope Elementary in North Lawndale are currently in the early stages of being transformed into a government-funded housing and training facility for victims of abuse, a community health center, and a community recreational center, respectively. ", "Ventures like these can perhaps help to ensure that repurposed schools provide a new service to a community.", "\n\nWhen it was time to go, I left through the main entrance and stopped just in front of the community gardening plots that were set up in association with the Peterson Garden Project. ", "I turned back toward the school to take in the full breadth of the building. ", "It was in this building that I read my first books, completed my first essays, took my first tests, and gave my first speech. ", "It was in this building that I played my first—and last—games of Johnny Come Across, and freeze tag, and Head's Up, Seven Up. ", "It was in this building that I found my first crush, first girlfriend, and first kiss. ", "Here, I won my first award, had my first fight, learned under the tutelage of some of my favorite teachers, and met lifelong friends. ", "For nearly a decade of my life, this building was like a second home, and I had more seminal experiences here than in any other place I've ever stepped foot in. ", "Today I wouldn't be capable of calling this place my home even if I wanted to. ", "v" ]
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[ "Of all the creatures in the world, the Irukandji is among the most fearsome. ", "It’s about as easy to spot as a floating sliver of cellophane. ", "But a mere human brush with these tiny creatures causes hearts to fail and blows out blood vessels in the brain. ", "Even those that survive are racked with suffering so extreme that it’s been given its own name (“Irukandji syndrome”). ", "Fortunately for most, these little guys don’t travel outside a shred of the ocean in northern Australia.", "\n\nOr, at least, they don’t yet. ", "However, new research suggests that while the ocean’s rising acidity might keep them up north, warmer coastal waters could help Irukandjis reproduce further and further down the continent’s east coast—and smack into some of Australia’s biggest tourist hotspots.", "\n\n\"Irukandji jellyfish polyps exhibit tolerance to interacting climate change stressors,\" Klein, et al. ", "Right now, Irukandjis are seldom seen south of Gladstone, far north of some of Australia’s most popular beach destinations, such as Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast.", "\n\nThat could deal a big blow to Australia’s tourism industry. ", "Queensland generates a sizable chunk of Australia’s tourist dollars. ", "In 2011, tourists spent A$26.5 billion ($25.2 billion) in Queensland (pdf, p.20), 25% of Australia’s total tourism consumption.", "\n\nIn 2007, the most recent year of available data, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast generated a combined 26% of Queensland’s total tourism output (pdf, p.22). ", "Counting Brisbane, an international hub of regional tourist traffic, that jumped to 88% of Queensland’s tourism revenue.", "\n\nTourism Research Australia ​\n\nIn the context of Australia’s lethal menagerie, the Irukandji’s southern drift might not seem like a big deal. ", "After all, Gold Coast surfers already have to worry about great white sharks, and that hasn’t put a dent in tourism. ", "Even the threat of another deadly jellyfish, the box jellyfish, has been manageable. ", "That said, northern Australia has had to put up nets during peak swimming season to protect beach-goers.", "\n\nBut those nets are likely too coarse to work on Irukandjis, says Kristen Rathjen, an ecologist who worked on the study. “", "These guys are so small [that] when they actually strobilate [meaning “hatch,” in a sense] into a swimming organism they’re about the size of your pinky fingernail,” she tells Quartz. “[", "They] can pass through coarse nets and you’re not going to see them.”", "\n\nAP Photo/Brian Cassey So nefarious it has a syndrome named after it.", "\n\nIf coastal waters become more acidic, these fears may prove unwarranted. ", "But even if the Irukandji confines its mating to its current habitat, there’s another factor that could sweep it southward, say the study’s authors. ", "Climate change has strengthened the East Australian Current (EAC)—a huge swath of warm water that acts as a sort of oceanic highway (see: Finding Nemo)—sending balmy tropical waters streaming as much as 350 km (218 miles) further south than it did 60 years ago, says Shannon G. Klein, the lead researcher.", "\n\nKlein also says the team’s findings suggest that warming seas could widen the Irukandji’s reproductive range in other parts of the world where they are found. ", "Where might that be? ", "Thailand, Florida, Cuba, the Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and possibly the Caribbean." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nImplication of governmental taxes\n\nAre governmental taxes (federal or state) which an entity pays considered a debt [owed to its government] or is the entity merely giving the government its share? ", "E.g. a person is taxed 30% on his income; is that 30% a debt which he owes or did the government own that 30% to begin with? ", "Does it further make a difference which country or which kind of tax is under question? (", "I’m asking for info. ", "per any country.) ", "\nAn argument that it is a debt might be made that since the tax is to compensate the government for maintaining habitable infrastructure (streets, bridges, security, emergency services etc.) ", "an entity is repaying monies “laid out” on its behalf. ", "In opposition, it can be argued that a government is saying “Look, it costs X amount of money to run this country. ", "To make with work we get 30% of the citizens’ income.” ", "\n\nA:\n\nIn UK law, the government is treated like an unsecured creditor.", "\nA debt can only exist when there is a demand for payment. ", "In the case of tax the legal basis for this demand is not the fulfilment of a contract, but the decision of the representatives of the Commons to consent to the payment of a tax: I.e. You voted for those MPs, and they voted to allow the government to raise tax. ", "Or (to misquote Monty Python) the power to tax derives from a mandate from the masses.", "\nThe debt only becomes an issue when there is a failure to pay. ", "In the case of someone evading tax, this is not treated like normal debt, since tax evasion is a crime. (", "unlike debt from not fulfilling a contract, which is a tort). ", "\nBut if someone is unable to pay, then HMRC is considered to be an unsecured creditor. ", " Secured debt is paid off first. ", "In the case of personal bankruptcy, your house can be sold to pay off your mortgage. ", "After this there are preferential creditors (eg employees). ", "Until 2002 HMRC was a preferential creditor but now HMRC joins with all the other unsecured creditors (eg credit card debt) to share out what money is left. ", "\nhttps://www.begbies-traynorgroup.com/articles/insolvency/who-gets-paid-first-when-a-company-goes-into-liquidation\nThe same principle seems to apply in the USA. ", "While tax has a special status, and non-payment is a crime, The IRS is treated like an unsecured lender and must take its share along with other creditors when an individual or company becomes insolvent.", "\nhttps://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/09/corporate-liquidation-unpaid-taxes-wages.asp\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhich Edition of ECMA-262 Does Google Apps Script Support?", "\n\nAccording to this thread from the old Google Group, Apps Script is based on ECMA-262 3rd Edition. ", "\nThis would seem to be supported by the fact that auto-completion in the editor displays 3rd Edition array functions.", "\nHowever the following code runs perfectly well, which casts doubt on the matter:\nvar array = [\n 1,2,3,4,5\n];\n\nLogger.log(\"forEach:\");\narray.forEach(function (item,idx,arr) {\n Logger.log(item); \n});\n\nNote the use of ECMA-262 5th Edition Array function forEach.", "\nWould someone authoritative mind giving a definitive answer on why this is the case? ", "And whether it's safe to rely on all 5th Edition features or a sub-set that have been implemented and seem to work?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe documentation says that the old runtime is based on Mozilla's Rhino JavaScript interpreter which provides a subset of ECMAScript 5 and is based on 1.6, with a smattering of 1.7 and 1.8.", "\nThe new Apps Script runtime is supported by the V8 runtime with few exceptions like E6 Modules.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Effect of epinephrine or cAMP on cAMP-bound protein kinase holoenzymes in rat heart.", "\nNonperfused or epinephrine-perfused rat hearts were used to examine the relative amounts of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-free and cAMP-bound holoenzymes of type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAK). ", "Crude tissue extracts of nonperfused hearts were chromatographed in the absence or presence of [3H]cAMP using DEAE-high-performance liquid chromatography. ", "A partially resolved cAMP-free peak of cAK eluted at 0.17 M NaCl, and an asymmetric peak containing bound [3H]cAMP eluted at a slightly higher NaCl concentration. ", "The first peak contained a tetrameric holoenzyme [2 regulatory (R) subunits and 2 catalytic (C) subunits]. ", "From analysis of R-to-C ratios, the [3H]cAMP-bound peak contained a mixture of tetrameric and trimeric (R2C) forms. ", "Both cAMP-free and cAMP-bound holoenzyme forms were virtually inactive without added cAMP under the conditions used. [", "3H]cAMP dissociation rate studies revealed that the bound cAMP in the peak fraction was equally distributed in the two different binding sites of the enzyme. ", "Compared with the cAMP-free form, the cAMP-bound enzyme in the peak fraction exhibited enhanced binding in nonequilibrium [3H]cAMP binding assays. ", "The cAMP-bound holoenzymes were estimated to represent at least 64% of the total type II cAK in control extracts, and the cAMP-free form was largely converted to the cAMP-bound forms by perfusing hearts with epinephrine." ]
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