int64 1
| LNF_code
int64 501
| raw_DE
stringlengths 4
| raw_ENG
stringlengths 3
| 1st_tier
stringclasses 4
values | 2nd_tier
stringclasses 5
values | 3rd_tier
stringclasses 19
values | 4th_tier_ENG
stringlengths 3
⌀ | empty
null |
1 | 501 | Sommergerste | summer barley | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | SummerBarley | null |
2 | 502 | Wintergerste | Winter barley | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | WinterBarley | null |
3 | 504 | Hafer | oats | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Oat | null |
4 | 505 | Triticale | triticale | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Wheat | null |
5 | 506 | Mischel Futtergetreide | mixed fodder cereals | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Grain | null |
6 | 507 | Futterweizen gemäss Sortenliste swiss granum | Feed wheat according to the list of varieties swiss granum | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Wheat | null |
7 | 508 | Körnermais | grain maize | Vegetation | Field crops | LargeGrainCereal | Maize | null |
8 | 511 | Emmer, Einkorn | wild emmer, einkorn wheat | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | EinkornWheat | null |
9 | 512 | Sommerweizen (ohne Futterweizen der Sortenliste swiss granum) | summer wheat | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | SummerWheat | null |
10 | 513 | Winterweizen (ohne Futterweizen der Sortenliste swiss granum) | Winter wheat (without forage wheat of the variety list swiss granum) | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | WinterWheat | null |
11 | 514 | Roggen | rye | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Rye | null |
12 | 515 | Mischel Brotgetreide | mixed cereals for bread production | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Grain | null |
13 | 516 | Dinkel | Spelt | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Spelt | null |
14 | 519 | Saatmais (Vertragsanbau) | maize for seed production (by contract) | Vegetation | Field crops | LargeGrainCereal | Maize | null |
15 | 521 | Silo- und Grünmais | Mads d'ensilage et mads vert | Vegetation | Field crops | LargeGrainCereal | Maize | null |
16 | 522 | Zuckerrüben | Sugar beets | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Sugar_beets | null |
17 | 523 | Futterrüben | fodder beet | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Beets | null |
18 | 524 | Kartoffeln | potatoes | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Potatoes | null |
19 | 525 | Pflanzkartoffeln (Vertragsanbau) | potatoes for planting (by contract) | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Potatoes | null |
20 | 526 | Sommerraps zur Speiseölgewinnung | summer rapeseed for oil production | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | SummerRapeseed | null |
21 | 527 | Winterraps zur Speiseölgewinnung | Winter rape for cooking oil | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | WinterRapeseed | null |
22 | 528 | Soja | soy | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Soy | null |
23 | 531 | Sonnenblumen zur Speiseölgewinnung | Sunflowers | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Sunflowers | null |
24 | 534 | Lein | flax | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Linen | null |
25 | 535 | Hanf | hemp | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Hemp | null |
26 | 536 | Ackerbohnen zu Futterzwecken | Field beans for animal feed | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Field bean | null |
27 | 537 | Eiweisserbsen zu Futterzwecken | protein peas for animal fodder | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Peas | null |
28 | 538 | Lupinen zu Futterzwecken | lupine for fodder | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Lupine | null |
29 | 539 | Ölkürbisse | oil pumpkins | Vegetation | Field crops | VegetableCrop | Pumpkin | null |
30 | 541 | Tabak | tobacco | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Tobacco | null |
31 | 542 | Hirse | millet | Vegetation | Field crops | LargeGrainCereal | Sorghum | null |
32 | 543 | Getreide siliert | Ensiled grain | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Grain | null |
33 | 544 | Leindotter | false flax (camelina sativa) | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Linen | null |
34 | 545 | Einjährige Freilandgemüse, ohne Konservengemüse | Annual free-range vegetables, without canned vegetables | Vegetation | Field crops | VegetableCrop | Vegetables | null |
35 | 546 | Freiland-Konservengemüse | Ground-canned vegetables | Vegetation | Field crops | VegetableCrop | Vegetables | null |
36 | 547 | Wurzeln der Treibzichorie | chicory roots | Vegetation | Field crops | VegetableCrop | Chicory | null |
37 | 548 | Buchweizen | buckwheat | Vegetation | Field crops | SmallGrainCereal | Buckwheat | null |
38 | 549 | Sorghum | sorghum | Vegetation | Field crops | LargeGrainCereal | Sorghum | null |
39 | 551 | Einjährige Beeren (z.B. Erdbeeren) | Annual berries (e.g., strawberries) | Vegetation | Special crops | Berries | Berries | null |
40 | 552 | Einjährige nachwachsende Rohstoffe (Kenaf, usw.) | single-year regrowing ressources (Kenaf and others) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
41 | 553 | Einjährige Gewürz- und Medizinalpflanzen | Annual spice and medicinal plants | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
42 | 554 | Einjährige gärtnerische Freilandkulturen (Blumen, Rollrasen usw.) | Annual horticultural outdoor crops (flowers, turf etc.) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
43 | 555 | Ackerschonstreifen | Conservation headlands | Vegetation | Grassland | BiodiversityArea | Biodiversity encouragement area | null |
44 | 556 | Buntbrache | fallow | Vegetation | Special crops | Fallow | Fallow | null |
45 | 557 | Rotationsbrache | rotational set-aside | Vegetation | Special crops | Fallow | Fallow | null |
46 | 559 | Saum auf Ackerflächen | Hem on arable land | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | null | null |
47 | 566 | Mohn | Poppy | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
48 | 567 | Saflor | safflower | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
49 | 568 | Linsen | lentils | Vegetation | Field crops | CropMix | null | null |
50 | 569 | Mischungen von Ackerbohnen, Eiweisserbsen und Lupinen zu Futterzwecken mit Getreide, mindestens 30% Anteil Leguminosen bei der Ernte | Mixtures of field beans, protein peas and lupines for animal feed with cereals, at least 30% legume content at harvest | Vegetation | Field crops | CropMix | MixedCrop | null |
51 | 572 | Blühstreifen für Bestäuber und andere Nützlinge | Bloom strips for pollinators and other beneficials | Vegetation | Grassland | BiodiversityArea | Biodiversity encouragement area | null |
52 | 573 | Senf | mustard | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Mustard | null |
53 | 591 | Winterraps als nachwachsender Rohstoff | Winter rape as a renewable raw material | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | WinterRapeseed | null |
54 | 592 | Sonnenblumen als nachwachsender Rohstoff | Sunflowers as regrowing ressource | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Sunflowers | null |
55 | 594 | Offene Ackerfläche, beitragsberechtigt (regionsspezifische Biodiversitätsförderfläche) | open arable land, eligible for subsidies (region-specific biodiversity area) | Bare soil | null | null | null | null |
56 | 597 | Übrige offene Ackerfläche, beitragsberechtigt | Other open arable land, eligible | Bare soil | null | null | null | null |
57 | 598 | Übrige offene Ackerfläche, nicht beitragsberechtigt | Other open arable land, not eligible | Bare soil | null | null | null | null |
58 | 601 | Kunstwiesen (ohne Weiden) | Art meadows (without pastures) | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
59 | 602 | Übrige Kunstwiese, beitragsberechtigt (z.B. Schweineweide, Geflügelweide) | Other artificial meadow, eligible (eg pork pasture, poultry pasture) | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
60 | 611 | Extensiv genutzte Wiesen (ohne Weiden) | Extensively used meadows (without pastures) | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
61 | 612 | Wenig intensiv genutzte Wiesen (ohne Weiden) | Little intensively used meadows (without pastures) | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
62 | 613 | Übrige Dauerwiesen (ohne Weiden) | Other permanent pastures (without pastures) | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
63 | 616 | Weiden (Heimweiden, übrige Weiden ohne Sömmerungsweiden) | Pastures (pastures, other pastures without summer pastures) | Vegetation | Grassland | Pasture | Pasture | null |
64 | 617 | Extensiv genutzte Weiden | Extensively used pastures | Vegetation | Grassland | Pasture | Pasture | null |
65 | 618 | Waldweiden (ohne bewaldete Fläche) | Forest pastures (without wooded area) | Vegetation | Grassland | Pasture | Pasture | null |
66 | 621 | Heuwiesen im Sömmerungsgebiet, Übrige Wiesen | Hay meadows in the summering area, other meadows | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
67 | 622 | Heuwiesen im Sömmerungsgebiet, Typ extensiv genutzte Wiese | Hay meadows in the summering area, type extensively used meadow | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
68 | 625 | Waldweiden (ohne bewaldete Fläche) | Forest pastures (without wooded area) | Vegetation | Grassland | Pasture | Pasture | null |
69 | 631 | Futterleguminosen für die Samenproduktion (Vertragsanbau) | fodder legumes (Fabaceae) for seed production (by contract) | Vegetation | Field crops | BroadLeafRowCrop | Legumes | null |
70 | 632 | Futtergräser für die Samenproduktion (Vertragsanbau) | fodder grasses for seed production (by contract) | Vegetation | Grassland | null | null | null |
71 | 634 | Uferwiesen entlang von Fliessgewässern (ohne Weiden) | Riverside meadows along rivers (without pastures) | Vegetation | Grassland | Meadow | Meadow | null |
72 | 697 | Übrige Grünfläche (Dauergrünfläche), beitragsberechtigt | Other green area (permanent green area), entitled to contributions | Vegetation | Grassland | BiodiversityArea | null | null |
73 | 698 | Übrige Grünfläche (Dauergrünflächen), nicht beitragsberechtigt | Remaining green area (permanent green areas), not eligible | Vegetation | Grassland | null | null | null |
74 | 701 | Reben | vines | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Vines | null |
75 | 702 | Obstanlagen (Äpfel) | Fruit plants (apples) | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Apples | null |
76 | 703 | Obstanlagen (Birnen) | Fruit plants (pears) | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Pears | null |
77 | 704 | Obstanlagen (Steinobst) | Fruit plants (Steinobs) | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | StoneFruit | null |
78 | 705 | Mehrjährige Beeren | Perennial berries | Vegetation | Special crops | Berries | Berries | null |
79 | 706 | Mehrjährige Gewürz- und Medizinalpflanzen | Perennial spice and medicinal plants | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
80 | 707 | Mehrjährige nachwachsende Rohstoffe (Chinaschilf, usw.) | Perennial renewable resources (miscanthus, etc.) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
81 | 708 | Hopfen | hop | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Hops | null |
82 | 709 | Rhabarber | rhubarb | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
83 | 710 | Spargel | asparagus | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
84 | 712 | Christbäume | Christmas trees | Vegetation | Orchards | TreeCrop | TreeCrop | null |
85 | 713 | Baumschule von Forstpflanzen ausserhalb der Forstzone | Nursery of forest plants outside the forest zone | Vegetation | Orchards | TreeCrop | TreeCrop | null |
86 | 714 | Ziersträucher, Ziergehölze und Zierstauden | Ornamental shrubs, ornamental shrubs and ornamental shrubs | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
87 | 715 | Übrige Baumschulen (Rosen, Früchte, usw.) | Other nurseries (roses, fruits, etc.) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
88 | 717 | Rebflächen mit natürlicher Artenvielfalt | Vineyards with natural biodiversity | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Vines | null |
89 | 718 | Trüffelanlagen | Truffle plants (in production) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
90 | 719 | Maulbeerbaumanlagen (Fütterung Seidenraupen) | Mulberry trees (feeding silkworms) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
91 | 720 | Gepflegte Selven (Kastanienbäume) | Cultivated selven (chestnut trees) | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Chestnut | null |
92 | 721 | Mehrjährige gärtnerische Freilandkulturen (nicht im Gewächshaus) | Perennial horticultural outdoor crops (not in the greenhouse) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
93 | 722 | Baumschulen von Reben | vines nursery | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Vines | null |
94 | 731 | Andere Obstanlagen (Kiwis, Holunder usw.) | Other fruit plants (kiwis, elderberries, etc.) | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
95 | 735 | Reben (regionsspezifische Biodiversitätsförderflächen) | vines (region-specific biodiversity area) | Vegetation | Orchards | OrchardCrop | Vines | null |
96 | 797 | Übrige Flächen mit Dauerkulturen, beitragsberechtigt | Other areas with permanent crops, eligible | Vegetation | Special crops | BiodiversityArea | null | null |
97 | 798 | Übrige Flächen mit Dauerkulturen, nicht beitragsberechtigt | Other areas with permanent crops, not eligible | Vegetation | Special crops | null | null | null |
98 | 801 | Gemüsekulturen in Gewächshäusern mit festem Fundament | Vegetable crops in greenhouses with solid foundations | Infrastructure | null | Greenhouse | Vegetables | null |
99 | 802 | Übrige Spezialkulturen in Gewächshäusern mit festem Fundament | Other specialized crops in greenhouses with solid foundations | Infrastructure | null | Greenhouse | Special cultures | null |
100 | 803 | Gärtnerische Kulturen in Gewächshäusern mit festem Fundament | Horticultural crops in greenhouses with solid foundations | Infrastructure | null | Greenhouse | Special cultures | null |
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