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The purpose of this article is to show how one might compute the \'etale
cohomology groups $H^p_{\acute{e}t}(X,G_m)$ in degrees $p=0$, $1$ and $2$ of a
toric variety $X$ with coefficients in the sheaf of units. The method is to
reduce the computation down to the problem of diagonalizing a matrix with
integral coefficients. The procedure outlined in this article has been fully
implemented by the author as a program written in the ``C'' programming
| alg-geom/9203003 | 727,275 |
We use the theory of Yennie, Frautschi and Suura to realize, via Monte Carlo
methods, the process $f\,\bbbarf\to f'\,\bbbarf'+n\gamma$ at SSC and LHC
energies, where $f$ and $f'$ are quarks or leptons. QED infrared divergences
are canceled to all orders in perturbation theory. The resulting Monte Carlo
event generator, SSC-YFS2, is used to study the effects of initial-state photon
radiation on these processes in the SSC environment. Sample Monte Carlo data
are presented and discussed. We find that the respective multiple-photon
effects must be taken into account in discussing precise predictions for SSC
physics processes.
| hep-ph/9203217 | 727,275 |
We propose a new formulation of the $D=10$ Brink-Schwarz superparticle which
is manifestly invariant under both the target-space super-Poincar\'e group and
the world-line local $N=8$ superconformal group. This twistor-like construction
naturally involves the sphere $S^8$ as a coset space of the $D=10$ Lorentz
group. The action contains only a finite set of auxiliary fields, but they
appear in unusual trilinear combinations. The origin of the on-shell $D=10$
fermionic $\kappa$ symmetry of the standard Brink-Schwarz formulation is
explained. The coupling to a $D=10$ super-Maxwell background requires a new
mechanism, in which the electric charge appears only on shell as an integration
| hep-th/9203051 | 727,275 |
Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger have proposed an interesting two
dimensional model theory that allows one to consider black hole evaporation in
the semi-classical approximation. They originally hoped the black hole would
evaporate completely without a singularity. However, it has been shown that the
semi-classical equations will give a singularity where the dilaton field
reaches a certain critical value. Initially, it seems this singularity will be
hidden inside a black hole. However, as the evaporation proceeds, the dilaton
field on the horizon will approach the critical value but the temperature and
rate of emission will remain finite. These results indicate either that there
is a naked singularity, or (more likely) that the semi-classical approximation
breaks down when the dilaton field approaches the critical value.
| hep-th/9203052 | 727,275 |
We provide a non-perturbative geometrical characterization of the partition
function of $n$-dimensional quantum gravity based on a coarse classification of
riemannian geometries. We show that, under natural geometrical constraints, the
theory admits a continuum limit with a non-trivial phase structure parametrized
by the homotopy types of the class of manifolds considered. The results
obtained qualitatively coincide, when specialized to dimension two, with those
of two-dimensional quantum gravity models based on random triangulations of
| hep-th/9203053 | 727,276 |
The aim of this paper is to present an algebro-geometric approach to the
study of the geometry of the moduli space of stable bundles on a smooth
projective curve defined over an algebraically closed field $k$, of arbitrary
characteristic. This establishes a bridge between the arithmetic approach of
Harder, Narasimhan et al. and the gauge group approach of Atiyah and Bott. One
of the basic ideas is to consider a notion of divisor of higher rank and a
suitable Abel-Jacobi map generalizing the classical notions in rank one.
| alg-geom/9203004 | 727,276 |
The puzzles of black hole evaporation can be studied in the simplified
context of 1+1 dimensional gravity. The semi-classical equations of Callan,
Giddings, Harvey and Strominger provide a consistent description of the
evaporation process which we describe in detail. We consider the possibility
that black hole evolution leads to massive stable remnants. We show that such
zero temperature remnant solutions exist but we also prove that a decaying
black hole cannot evolve into one of them. Finally we consider the issue of
loss of quantum information behind the global event horizon which develops in
these geometries. An analogy with a well known solvable system shows that there
may be less to information than meets the eye.
| hep-th/9203054 | 727,277 |
We show that Euclidean 3D-gravity coupled to a Gaussian scalar massive matter
field in first-order dreibein formalism gives a quantum theory which has a
finite perturbative expansion around a non-vanishing background. We also
discuss a possible mechanism to generate a non-trivial background metric
starting from Rovelli-Smolin's loop observables.
| hep-th/9203055 | 727,277 |
Green and Seiberg showed that, in simple treatments of fermionic string
theory, it is necessary to introduce contact interactions when vertex operators
collide. Otherwise, certain superconformal Ward identities would be violated.
In this note, we show how these contact terms arise naturally when proper
account is taken of the superconformal geometry involved when punctures
collide. More precisely, we show that there is no contact term at all! Rather,
corrections arise to the ``na\"\i ve" formula when the boundary of moduli space
is described correctly.
| hep-th/9203058 | 727,277 |
This paper revisits the conundrum faced when one attempts to understand the
dynamics of black hole formation and evaporation without abandoning unitary
evolution. Previous efforts to resolve this puzzle assume that information
escapes in corrections to the Hawking process, that an arbitrarily large amount
of information is transmitted by a planckian energy or contained in a
Planck-sized remnant, or that the information is lost to another universe. Each
of these possibilities has serious difficulties. This paper considers another
alternative: remnants that carry large amounts of information and whose size
and mass depend on their information content. The existence of such objects is
suggested by attempts to incorporate a Planck scale cutoff into physics. They
would greatly alter the late stages of the evaporation process. The main
drawback of this scenario is apparent acausal behavior behind the horizon.
| hep-th/9203059 | 727,278 |
We find the general solution to Polchinski's classical scattering equations
for $1+1$ dimensional string theory. This allows efficient computation of
scattering amplitudes in the standard Liouville $\times$ $c=1$ background.
Moreover, the solution leads to a mapping from a large class of time-dependent
collective field theory backgrounds to corresponding nonlinear sigma models.
Finally, we derive recursion relations between tachyon amplitudes. These may be
summarized by an infinite set of nonlinear PDE's for the partition function in
an arbitrary time-dependent background.
| hep-th/9203060 | 727,279 |
We consider the Sine-Gordon model coupled to 2D gravity. We find a
nonperturbative expression for the partition function as a function of the
cosmological constant, the SG mass and the SG coupling constant. At genus zero,
the partition function exhibits singularities which are interpreted as signals
of phase transitions. A semiclassical picture of one of these transitions is
proposed. According to this picture, a phase in which the Sine-Gordon field and
the geometry are frozen melts into another phase in which the fields and
geometry become dynamical.
| hep-th/9203061 | 727,279 |
Given the two boson representation of the conformal algebra \hat W_\infty,
the second Hamiltonian structure of the KP hierarchy, I construct a
bi-Hamiltonian hierarchy for the two associated currents. The KP hierarchy
appears as a composite of this new and simpler system. The bi-Hamiltonian
structure of the new hierarchy gives naturally all the Hamiltonian structures
of the KP system.
| hep-th/9203062 | 727,280 |
We study string theory in the background of a two-dimensional black hole
which is described by an $SL(2, R)/U(1)$ coset conformal field theory. We
determine the spectrum of this conformal field theory using supersymmetric
quantum mechanics and give an explicit form of the vertex operators in terms of
the Jacobi functions. We also discuss the applicability of SUSY quantum
mechanics techniques to non-linear $\sigma$-models.
| hep-th/9203063 | 727,281 |
We discuss various reactions at future e+e- and gamma-gamma colliders
involving real (beamstrahlung or backscattered laser) or quasi--real
(bremsstrahlung) photons in the initial state and hadrons in the final state.
The production of two central jets with large pT is described in some detail;
we give distributions for the rapidity and pT of the jets as well as the
di--jet invariant mass, and discuss the relative importance of various initial
state configurations and the uncertainties in our predictions. We also present
results for `mono--jet' production where one jet goes down a beam pipe, for the
production of charm, bottom and top quarks, and for single production of W and
Z bosons. Where appropriate, the two--photon processes are compared with
annihilation reactions leading to similar final states. We also argue that the
behaviour of the total inelastic gamma-gamma cross section at high energies
will probably have little impact on the severity of background problems caused
by soft and semi--hard (`minijet') two--photon reactions. We find very large
differences in cross sections for all two--photon processes between existing
designs for future e+e- colliders, due to the different beamstrahlung spectra;
in particular, both designs with <<1 and >>1 events per bunch crossing exist.
| hep-ph/9203219 | 727,281 |
The homotopy group $\pi_{n-k} ({\bf C}^{n+1}-V)$ where $V$ is a hypersurface
with a singular locus of dimension $k$ and good behavior at infinity is
described using generic pencils. This is analogous to the van Kampen procedure
for finding a fundamental group of a plane curve. In addition we use a certain
representation generalizing the Burau representation of the braid group. A
divisibility theorem is proven that shows the dependence of this homotopy group
on the local type of singularities and behavior at infinity. Examples are given
showing that this group depends on certain global data in addition to local
data on singularities.
| alg-geom/9203005 | 727,281 |
We study some aspects of 2d supersymmetric sigma models on orbifolds. It
turns out that independently of whether the 2d QFT is conformal the operator
products of twist operators are non-singular, suggesting that massive
(non-conformal) orbifolds also `resolve singularities' just as in the conformal
case. Moreover we recover the OPE of twist operators for conformal theories by
considering the UV limit of the massive orbifold correlation functions.
Alternatively, we can use the OPE of twist fields at the conformal point to
derive conditions for the existence of non-singular solutions to special
non-linear differential equations (such as Painleve III).
| hep-th/9203066 | 727,281 |
We carry on the study of the Alexander Conway invariant from the quantum
field theory point of view started in \cite{RS91}.
We first discuss in details $S$ and $T$ matrices for the $U(1,1)$ super WZW
model and obtain, for the level $k$ an integer, new finite dimensional
representations of the modular group. These have the remarkable property that
some of the $S$ matrix elements are infinite. Moreover, typical and atypical
representations as well as indecomposable blocks are mixed: truncation to
maximally atypical representations, as advocated in some recent papers, is not
The main topological application of this work is the computation of Alexander
invariants for 3-manifolds and for links in 3-manifolds. Invariants of
3-manifolds seem to depend trivially on the level $k$, but still contain
interesting topological information. For Seifert manifolds for instance, they
coincide with the order of the first homology group. Examples of invariants of
links in 3-manifolds are given. They exhibit interesting arithmetic properties.
| hep-th/9203069 | 727,282 |
Power-counting arguments based on extended superfields have been used to
argue that two-dimensional supersymmetric sigma models with (4,0) supersymmetry
are finite. This result is confirmed up to three loop order in pertubation
theory by an explicit calculation using (1,0) superfields. In particular, it is
shown that the finite counterterms which must be introduced into the theory in
order to maintain (4,0) supersymmetry are precisely the terms that are required
to establish ultra-violet finiteness.
| hep-th/9203070 | 727,282 |
We study moduli dependent threshold corrections to gravitational couplings in
the case of the heterotic string compactified on a symmetric orbifold, for
untwisted moduli, extending previous analysis on gauge couplings. Like in the
gauge case, the contribution comes entirely from the spacetime $N=2$ sector. As
a byproduct, this calculation provides a simple derivation of the trace anomaly
coefficients for the different fields coupled to gravity.
| hep-th/9203071 | 727,282 |
We consider the midisuperspace of four dimensional spherically symmetric
metrics and the Kantowski-Sachs minisuperspace contained in it. We discuss the
quantization of the midisuperspace using the fact that the dimensionally
reduced Einstein Hilbert action becomes a scalar-tensor theory of gravity in
two dimensions. We show that the covariant regularization procedure in the
midisuperspace induces modifications into the minisuperspace Wheeler DeWitt
| hep-th/9203072 | 727,283 |
By evolution of fermion mass matrices of the Fritzsch and the Georgi-Jarlskog
forms from the supersymmetric grand unified scale, DHR obtained predictions for
the quark masses and mixings. Using Monte Carlo methods we test these
predictions against the latest determinations of the mixings, the CP-violating
parameter epsilon_K and the B_d^0--Bbar_d^0 mixing parameter r_d. The
acceptable solutions closely specify the quark masses and mixings, but lie at
the edges of allowed regions at 90% confidence level.
| hep-ph/9203220 | 727,283 |
It is hoped that the accuracy of a variety of lattice calculations will be
improved by perturbatively eliminating effects proportional to the lattice
spacing. In this paper, we apply this improvement program to the heavy quark
effective theory currents which cause a heavy quark to decay to a light quark,
and renormalize the resulting operators to order $\alphaS$. We find a small
decrease in the amount that the operator needs to be renormalized, relative to
the unimproved case.
| hep-ph/9203221 | 727,283 |
A quantum group analysis is applied to the Sine-Gordon model (or may be its
version) in a strong-coupling regime. Infinitely many bound states are found
together with the corresponding S-matrices. These new solutions of the
Yang-Baxter eqations are related to some reducible representations of the
quantum $sl(2)$ algebra resembling the Kac-Moody algebra representations in the
Wess-Zumino-Witten-Novikov conformal field theory.
| hep-th/9203073 | 727,284 |
It is shown that, in QCD, the same universal function
$\Gamma_{cusp}(\vartheta, \alpha_\s)$ determines the infrared behaviour of the
on-shell quark form factor, the velocity-dependent anomalous dimension in the
heavy quark effective field theory (HQET) and the renormalization properties of
the vacuum averaged Wilson lines with a cusp. It is demonstrated that a
combined use of the methods developed in the relevant different branches of
quantum field theory essentially facilitates the all-order study of the
asymptotic and analytic properties of this function.
| hep-ph/9203222 | 727,284 |
The background for string propagation is obtained by a chiral gauging of the
$SL(2,R)$ Wess-Zumino-Witten model. It is shown explicitly that the resulting
background fields satisfy the field equations of the three dimensional string
effective action and the target space has curvature singularity. Close
connection of our solution with the three dimensional black string is
| hep-th/9204011 | 727,284 |
We contrast analytical results of a variety of growth models involving
subdiffusion, thermal noise and quenched disorder with simulations of these
models, concluding that the assumed self-affinity property is more an exception
than a rule. In our two dimensional models, self-affine surfaces may only
appear when the roughness exponent is $\chi = 1/2$ or $\chi = 1$. A new scaling
picture, which leads to more suitable ways of determining the scaling
exponents, is proposed when lack of self-affinity exists.
| cond-mat/9603180 | 727,285 |
We derive the current algebra of principal chiral models with a Wess-Zumino
term. At the critical coupling where the model becomes conformally invariant
(Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten theory), this algebra reduces to two commuting
Kac-Moody algebras, while in the limit where the coupling constant is taken to
zero (ordinary chiral model), we recover the current algebra of that model. In
this way, the latter is explicitly realized as a deformation of the former,
with the coupling constant as the deformation parameter.
| hep-th/9203075 | 727,285 |
We study the Higgs sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, in
the context of proton-proton collisions at LHC and SSC energies. We assume a
relatively heavy supersymmetric particle spectrum, and include recent results
on one-loop radiative corrections to Higgs-boson masses and couplings. We begin
by discussing present and future constraints from the LEP experiments. We then
compute branching ratios and total widths for the neutral ($h,H,A$) and charged
($H^\pm$) Higgs particles. We present total cross-sections and event rates for
the important discovery channels at the LHC and SSC. Promising physics
signatures are given by $h \to \gamma \gamma$, $H \to \gamma \gamma$ or $Z^*
Z^*$ or $\tau^+ \tau^-$, $A \to \tau^+ \tau^-$, and $t \to b H^+$ followed by
$H^+ \to \tau^+ \nu_{\tau}$, which should allow for an almost complete coverage
of the parameter space of the model.
| hep-ph/9203223 | 727,286 |
The problem of quantizing a class of two-dimensional integrable quantum field
theories is considered. The classical equations of the theory are the complex
$sl(n)$ affine Toda equations which admit soliton solutions with real masses.
The classical scattering theory of the solitons is developed using Hirota's
solution techniques. A form for the soliton $S$-matrix is proposed based on the
constraints of $S$-matrix theory, integrability and the requirement that the
semi-classical limit is consistent with the semi-classical WKB quantization of
the classical scattering theory. The proposed $S$-matrix is an intertwiner of
the quantum group associated to $sl(n)$, where the deformation parameter is a
function of the coupling constant. It is further shown that the $S$-matrix
describes a non-unitary theory, which reflects the fact that the classical
Hamiltonian is complex. The spectrum of the theory is found to consist of the
basic solitons, scalar states (or breathers) and excited (or `breathing')
solitons. It is also noted that the construction of the $S$-matrix is valid for
any representation of the Hecke algebra, allowing the definition of restricted
$S$-matrices, in which case the theory is unitary.
| hep-th/9203076 | 727,287 |
We explore the phenomenology of new R-parity violating operators that can
occur in E6 models. The set of allowed operators is found to depend sensitively
on the nature of the extension of the standard model gauge group. These new
interactions lead to additional production processes for the exotic particles
in such models and allow the LSP to decay but with a highly suppressed rate.
The implications of these new interations are examined for the Tevatron, SSC,
LHC, HERA, and sqrt{s} = 0.5 and 1 TeV e+e- colliders.
| hep-ph/9203224 | 727,287 |
Finite versions of W-algebras are introduced by considering (symplectic)
reductions of finite dimensional simple Lie algebras. In particular a finite
analogue of $W^{(2)}_3$ is introduced and studied in detail. Its unitary and
non-unitary, reducible and irreducible highest weight representations are
| hep-th/9203077 | 727,287 |
The $N=2$ supersymmetric {\it self-dual} Yang-Mills theory and the $N=4$ and
$N=2$ {\it self-dual} supergravities in $2+2$ space-time dimensions are
formulated for the first time. These formulations utilize solutions of the
Bianchi identities subject to the super-Yang-Mills or supergravity constraints
in the relevant $N$-extended superspace with the space-time signature $(2,2)$.
| hep-th/9203078 | 727,287 |
We present the Green-Schwarz $\s\-$model coupled to the $N=1$ {\it
{supersymmetric}} Yang-Mills and supergravity in a four-dimensional space-time
with the indefinite signature $(+,+,-,-)$. We first confirm the
$\k\-$invariance of the Green-Schwarz action, and show that all the
$\b\-$functions for the backgrounds vanish consistently after the use of their
superfield equations. Subsequently, we inspect the supersymmetric {\it
self-duality} conditions, that have been developed in our previous paper on the
Yang-Mills and supergravity backgrounds. Remarkably, the Majorana-Weyl spinor
dictating the {\it supersymmetric self-duality} conditions is consistent with
the couplings of Green-Schwarz superstring. Such Green-Schwarz superstring is
supposed to be the underlying theory of the {\it supersymmetric self-dual}
Yang-Mills theory, which is conjectured to generate {\it all} exactly soluble
supersymmetric systems in lower dimensions.
| hep-th/9203080 | 727,287 |
Results that illuminate the physical interpretation of states of
nonperturbative quantum gravity are obtained using the recently introduced loop
variables. It is shown that: i) While local operators such as the metric at a
point may not be well-defined, there do exist {\it non-local} operators, such
as the area of a given 2-surface, which can be regulated diffeomorphism
invariantly and which are finite {\it without} renormalization; ii)there exist
quantum states which approximate a given flat geometry at large scales, but
such states exhibit a discrete structure at the Planck scale; iii) these
results are tied together by the fact that the spectra of the operators that
measure the areas of surfaces are quantized in integral units of the Planck
| hep-th/9203079 | 727,287 |
The properties of Dirac gamma matrices in a four-dimensional space-time with
the $(2,2)$ signature are studied. The basic spinors are classified, and the
existence of Majorana-Weyl spinors is noted. Supersymmetry in $2 + 2$
dimensions is discussed, and the existence of the {\it real chiral} scalar
supermultiplet is discovered. Supersymmetric {\it self-dual} Yang-Mills
theories and {\it self-dual} supergravity model in $2 + 2$ dimensions, that are
apparently relevant to integrable systems, are formulated for the first time.
| hep-th/9203081 | 727,287 |
Various approaches to high energy forward scattering in quantum gravity are
compared using the eikonal approximation. The massless limit of the eikonal is
shown to be equivalent to other approximations for the same process,
specifically the semiclassical calculation due to G. 't Hooft and the
topological field theory due to H. and E. Verlinde. This comparison clarifies
these previous results, as it is seen that the amplitude arises purely from a
linearised gravitational interaction. The interpretation of poles in the
scattering amplitude is also clarified.
| hep-th/9203082 | 727,287 |
Charm and bottom mesons and baryons are incorporated into a low energy chiral
Lagrangian. Interactions of the heavy hadrons with light octet Goldstone bosons
are studied in a framework which represents a synthesis of chiral perturbation
theory and the heavy quark effective theory. The differential decay rate for
the semileptonic process $\LBzero \to \Sigma_c^{++} + e^- + \bar{\nu}_e +
\pi^-$ is calculated at the zero recoil point using this hybrid formalism.
| hep-ph/9203225 | 727,287 |
We derive the period structure of several one-modulus Calabi-Yau manifolds.
With this knowledge we then obtain the generators of the duality group and the
mirror map that defines the physical variable $t$ representing the radius of
compactification. We also describe the fundamental region of $t$ and discuss
its relation with automorphic functions. As a byproduct of our analysis we
compute the non-perturbative corrections of Yukawa couplings.
| hep-th/9203084 | 727,288 |
In the study of Dirichlet series with arithmetic significance there has
appeared (through the study of known examples) certain expectations, namely (i)
if a functional equation and Euler product exists, then it is likely that a
type of Riemann hypothesis will hold, (ii) that if in addition the function has
a simple pole at the point s=1, then it must be a product of the Riemann
zeta-function and another Dirichlet series with similar properties, and (iii)
that a type of converse theorem holds, namely that all such Dirichlet series
can be obtained by considering Mellin transforms of automorphic forms
associated with arithmetic groups.
| math/9204217 | 727,289 |
If a graded Lie algebra is the direct sum of two graded sub Lie algebras, its
bracket can be written in a form that mimics a "double sided semidirect
product". It is called the {\it knit product} of the two subalgebras then. The
integrated version of this is called a {\it knit product} of groups --- it
coincides with the {\it Zappa-Sz\'ep product}. The behavior of homomorphisms
with respect to knit products is investigated.
| math/9204220 | 727,289 |
The well known formula $[X,Y]=\tfrac12\tfrac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}|_0
(\Fl^Y_{-t}\o\Fl^X_{-t}\o\Fl^Y_t\o\Fl^X_t)$ for vector fields $X$, $Y$ is
generalized to arbitrary bracket expressions and arbitrary curves of local
| math/9204221 | 727,289 |
This is a review of [Michor, Peter W.: The moment mapping for a unitary
representation, Ann. Global Anal. Geometry, 8, No 3(1990), 299--313] including
a careful description of calculus in infinite dimensions. For any unitary
representation of an arbitrary Lie group I construct a moment mapping from the
space of smooth vectors of the representation into the dual of the Lie algebra.
This moment mapping is equivariant and smooth. For the space of analytic
vectors the same construction is possible and leads to a real analytic moment
| math/9204222 | 727,289 |
A natural metric on the space of all almost hermitian structures on a given
manifold is investigated.
| math/9204223 | 727,289 |
The theory of Dirichlet forms as originated by Beurling-Deny and developed
particularly by Fukushima and Silverstein, is a natural functional analytic
extension of classical (and axiomatic) potential theory. Although some parts of
it have abstract measure theoretic versions, the basic general construction of
a Hunt process properly associated with the form, obtained by Fukushima and
Silverstein, requires the form to be defined on a locally compact separable
space with a Radon measure $m$ and the form to be regular (in the sense of the
continuous functions of compact support being dense in the domain of the form,
both in the supremum norm and in the natural norm given by the form and the
$L^2(m)$-space). This setting excludes infinite dimensional situations.
In this letter we announce that there exists an extension of
Fukushima-Silverstein's construction of the associated process to the case
where the space is only supposed to be metrizable and the form is not required
to be regular.
| math/9204224 | 727,289 |
Let $X$ be a compact K\"ahler manifold. The set $\cha(X)$ of one-dimensional
complex valued characters of the fundamental group of $X$ forms an algebraic
group. Consider the subset of $\cha(X)$ consisting of those characters for
which the corresponding local system has nontrivial cohomology in a given
degree $d$. This set is shown to be a union of finitely many components that
are translates of algebraic subgroups of $\cha(X)$. When the degree $d$ equals
1, it is shown that some of these components are pullbacks of the character
varieties of curves under holomorphic maps. As a corollary, it is shown that
the number of equivalence classes (under a natural equivalence relation) of
holomorphic maps, with connected fibers, of $X$ onto smooth curves of a fixed
genus $>1$ is a topological invariant of $X$. In fact it depends only on the
fundamental group of $X$.
| math/9204225 | 727,289 |
The purpose of this note is to announce our proof of the Atiyah-Jones
conjecture concerning the topology of the moduli spaces of based
SU(2)-instantons over S^4. Full details and proofs appear in our paper [BHMM1].
| math/9204226 | 727,289 |
Let $M$ be a $G$-covering of a nilpotent orbit in $\g$ where $G$ is a complex
semisimple Lie group and $\g=\text{Lie}(G)$. We prove that under Poisson
bracket the space $R[2]$ of homogeneous functions on $M$ of degree 2 is the
unique maximal semisimple Lie subalgebra of $R=R(M)$ containing $\g$. The
action of $\g'\simeq R[2]$ exponentiates to an action of the corresponding Lie
group $G'$ on a $G'$-cover $M'$ of a nilpotent orbit in $\g'$ such that $M$ is
open dense in $M'$. We determine all such pairs $(\g\subset\g')$.
| math/9204227 | 727,289 |
Let $A$ be a von Neumann algebra with no direct summand of Type $\roman I_2$,
and let $\scr P(A)$ be its lattice of projections. Let $X$ be a Banach space.
Let $m\:\scr P(A)\to X$ be a bounded function such that $m(p+q)=m(p)+m(q)$
whenever $p$ and $q$ are orthogonal projections. The main theorem states that
$m$ has a unique extension to a bounded linear operator from $A$ to $X$. In
particular, each bounded complex-valued finitely additive quantum measure on
$\scr P(A)$ has a unique extension to a bounded linear functional on $A$.
| math/9204228 | 727,289 |
We introduce the notion of the automorphic dual of a matrix algebraic group
defined over $Q$. This is the part of the unitary dual that corresponds to
arithmetic spectrum. Basic functorial properties of this set are derived and
used both to deduce arithmetic vanishing theorems of ``Ramanujan'' type as well
as to give a new construction of automorphic forms.
| math/9204229 | 727,289 |
We introduce the notion of an algebraic cocycle as the algebraic analogue of
a map to an Eilenberg-MacLane space. Using these cocycles we develop a
``cohomology theory" for complex algebraic varieties. The theory is bigraded,
functorial, and admits Gysin maps. It carries a natural cup product and a
pairing to $L$-homology. Chern classes of algebraic bundles are defined in the
theory. There is a natural transformation to (singular) integral cohomology
theory that preserves cup products. Computations in special cases are carried
out. On a smooth variety it is proved that there are algebraic cocycles in each
algebraic rational $(p,p)$-cohomology class.
| math/9204230 | 727,289 |
A combinatorial formula for the Pontrjagin classes of a triangulated manifold
is given. The main ingredients are oriented matroid theory and a modified
formulation of Chern-Weil theory.
| math/9204231 | 727,289 |
We associate to any germ of an analytic variety a Lie algebra of tangent
vector fields, the {\it tangent algebra}. Conversely, to any Lie algebra of
vector fields an analytic germ can be associated, the {\it integral variety}.
The paper investigates properties of this correspondence: The set of all
tangent algebras is characterized in purely Lie algebra theoretic terms. And it
is shown that the tangent algebra determines the analytic type of the variety.
| math/9204232 | 727,289 |
The diameter of the graph of a $d$-dimensional polyhedron with $n$ facets is
at most $n^{\log d+2}$
| math/9204233 | 727,289 |
In this paper we discuss the basic problems of algorithmic algebraic number
theory. The emphasis is on aspects that are of interest from a purely
mathematical point of view, and practical issues are largely disregarded. We
describe what has been done and, more importantly, what remains to be done in
the area. We hope to show that the study of algorithms not only increases our
understanding of algebraic number fields but also stimulates our curiosity
about them. The discussion is concentrated of three topics: the determination
of Galois groups, the determination of the ring of integers of an algebraic
number field, and the computation of the group of units and the class group of
that ring of integers.
| math/9204234 | 727,289 |
We give an estimate of the number $N(\lambda)$ of eigenvalues $<\lambda$ for
the image under an irreducible representation of the ``sublaplacian'' on a
stratified nilpotent Lie algebra. We also give an estimate for the trace of the
heat-kernel associated with this operator. The estimates are formulated in term
of geometrical objects related to the representation under consideration. An
important particular case is the Schr\"odinger equation with polynomial
electrical and magnetical fields.
| math/9204235 | 727,289 |
We announce a higher-dimensional generalization of the Bailey Transform,
Bailey Lemma, and iterative ``Bailey chain'' concept in the setting of basic
hypergeometric series very well-poised on unitary $A_{\ell}$ or symplectic
$C_{\ell}$ groups. The classical case, corresponding to $A_1$ or equivalently
$\roman U(2)$, contains an immense amount of the theory and application of
one-variable basic hypergeometric series, including elegant proofs of the
Rogers-Ramanujan-Schur identities. In particular, our program extends much of
the classical work of Rogers, Bailey, Slater, Andrews, and Bressoud.
| math/9204236 | 727,289 |
In previous work it had been shown that the remarkable homogeneous space $M=
\operatorname{Diff}(S^1)/\operatorname{PSL} (2,\Bbb{R})$ sits as a complex
analytic and K\"ahler submanifold of the Universal Teichm\"uller Space. There
is a natural immersion $\Pi$ of $M$ into the infinite-dimensional version (due
to Segal) of the Siegel space of period matrices. That map $\Pi$ is proved to
be injective, equivariant, holomorphic, and K\"ahler-isometric (with respect to
the canonical metrics). Regarding a period mapping as a map describing the
variation of complex structure, we explain why $\Pi$ is an infinite-dimensional
period mapping.
| math/9204237 | 727,289 |
We give a complete description of sampling and interpolation in the
Bargmann-Fock space, based on a density concept of Beurling. Roughly speaking,
a discrete set is a set of sampling if and only if its density in every part of
the plane is strictly larger than that of the von Neumann lattice, and
similarly, a discrete set is a set of interpolation if and only if its density
in every part of the plane is strictly smaller than that of the von Neumann
| math/9204238 | 727,289 |
For all functions on an arbitrary open set $\Omega\subset\R^3$ with zero
boundary values, we prove the optimal bound \[ \sup_{\Omega}|u| \leq
(2\pi)^{-1/2} \left(\int_{\Omega}|\nabla u|^2 \,dx\, \int_{\Omega}|\Delta u|^2
\,dx\right)^{1/4}. \] The method of proof is elementary and admits
generalizations. The inequality is applied to establish an existence theorem
for the Burgers equation.
| math/9204239 | 727,289 |
A semigroup generated by two dimensional $C^{1+\alpha}$ contracting maps is
considered. We call a such semigroup regular if the maximum $K$ of the
conformal dilatations of generators, the maximum $l$ of the norms of the
derivatives of generators and the smoothness $\alpha$ of the generators satisfy
a compatibility condition $K< 1/l^{\alpha}$. We prove that the shape of the
image of the core of a ball under any element of a regular semigroup is good
(bounded geometric distortion like the Koebe $1/4$-lemma \cite{a}). And we use
it to show a lower and a upper bounds of the Hausdorff dimension of the limit
set of a regular semigroup. We also consider a semigroup generated by higher
dimensional maps.
| math/9204240 | 727,289 |
A metal ring removed from a soap-water solution encloses a film of soap which
can be mathematically described as a minimal surface having the ring as its
only boundary. This is known to everybody. In this letter we suggest a
relativistic extension of the above fluidodynamic system where the soap film is
replaced by a Kalb-Ramond gauge potential $\b(x)$ and the ring by a closed
string. The interaction between the $\b$-field and the string current excites a
new configuration of the system consisting of a relativistic membrane bounded
by the string. We call such a classical solution of the equation of motion an
axionic membrane. As a dynamical system, the axionic membrane admits a
Hamilton-Jacobi formulation which is an extension of the H-J theory of
electromagnetic strings.
| hep-th/9204001 | 727,289 |
We discuss the mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking in supersymmetric
versions of the standard model. After briefly reviewing the possible sources of
supersymmetry breaking, we show how the required pattern of symmetry breaking
can automatically result from the structure of quantum corrections in the
theory. We demonstrate that this radiative breaking mechanism works well for a
heavy top quark and can be combined in unified versions of the theory with
excellent predictions for the running couplings of the model. (To be published
in ``Perspectives in Higgs Physics'', G. Kane editor.)
| hep-ph/9204201 | 727,289 |
We show that a continuous bilinear mapping P: C(I) \times C(I) \to C(I) can
be presented in the form P(f,g) = B((Af)(Ag)), where A and B are bounded linear
operators on C(I) and multiplication is defined pointwise, if and only if for
all t in I the bilinear form (f,g) -> P(f,g)(t) is integral on C(I) times C(I)
and depends in a sense continuously on t. To this end we construct a continuous
surjection phi : I \to I^2 admitting a regular averaging operator in the sense
of Pelczynski.
| math/9204211 | 727,289 |
We explore the potential of a future e^+ e^- collider in the 0.5 TeV
center-of-mass energy range to detect intermediate or heavy Higgs bosons in the
Standard Model. We first briefly assess the production cross sections and
update the decay branching fractions for a Higgs boson of intermediate mass,
with M_Z < m_H < 2M_W. We then study in detail the possibility of detecting a
heavy Higgs boson, with m_H > 2M_W, through the production of pairs of weak
bosons. We quantitatively analyze the sensitivity of the process e^+ e^- --> nu
nubar W^+ W^- (ZZ) to the presence of a heavy Higgs-boson resonance in the
Standard Model. We compare this signal to various backgrounds and to the
smaller signal from e^+ e^- --> ZH --> mu^+ mu^- W^+ W^- (ZZ), assuming the
weak-boson pairs to be detected and measured in their dominant hadronic decay
modes W^+ W^- (ZZ) --> 4jets. A related Higgs-boson signal in 6-jet final
states is also estimated. We show how the main backgrounds from e^+ e^- W^+ W^-
(ZZ), e nu WZ, and t tbar production can be reduced by suitable acceptance
cuts. Bremsstrahlung and typical beamstrahlung corrections are calculated.
These corrections reduce Higgs-boson production by scattering mechanisms but
increase production by annihilation mechanisms; they also smear out some
dynamical features such as Jacobian peaks in p_T(H). With all these corrections
included, we conclude that it should be possible to detect a heavy Higgs-boson
signal in the nu nubar W^+ W^-(ZZ) channels up to mass m_H=350 GeV.
| hep-ph/9204202 | 727,289 |
We study the prospects of testing the $WW\gamma$ vertex in $e^- p\to\nu\gamma
X$ and $e^+ p\to\nu\gamma X$ at HERA and LEP/LHC. Destructive interference
effects between the Standard Model and the anomalous contributions to the
amplitude severely limit the sensitivity of both processes to non-standard
$WW\gamma$ couplings. Sensitivity limits for the anomalous $WW\gamma$ couplings
$\kappa$ and $\lambda$ at HERA and LEP/LHC are derived, taking into account
experimental cuts and uncertainties, and the form factor behaviour of
nonstandard couplings. These limits are found to be significantly weaker than
those which can be expected from other collider processes within the next few
years. At HERA, they are comparable to bounds obtained from $S$-matrix
| hep-ph/9204203 | 727,289 |
The two-dimensional theory of gravity describing a graviton-dilaton system is
considered. The graviton-dilaton coupling can be fixed such that the quantum
theory remains free of the conformal anomaly for any conformal dimension of the
coupled matter system, even if the dilaton does not appear as Lagrange
multiplier. Interaction terms are introduced and the system is analyzed and
solutions are given at the classical level and at the quantum level by using
canonical quantization.
| hep-th/9204002 | 727,290 |
It has been argued that any primordial B+L asymmetry existing at very high
temperatures can be subsequently erased by anomalous electroweak effects. We
argue that this is not necessarily the case in the supersymmetric standard
model because, apart from B and/or L, there are, above a certain temperature
$T_{SS}$, two other anomalous U(1) currents. As a consequence, anomalous
electroweak effects are only able to partially transform a B+L excess into a
generation of primordial sparticle (e.g. gaugino) density. This relaxes recent
bounds on B,L-violating non-renormalizable couplings by several orders of
magnitude. In particular, dimension-5 couplings inducing neutrino masses may be
4 orders of magnitude larger than in the non-supersymmetric case, allowing for
neutrino masses of the order of 10 eV. These values are consistent with a
MSW+see-saw explanation of the solar-neutrino data and also with possible
neutrino oscillations measurable at accelerators. Cosmological bounds on other
rare processes, such as neutron-antineutron oscillations get also relaxed by
several orders of magnitude compared with previous estimates.
| hep-ph/9204205 | 727,290 |
Let $\Gamma$ be a plane curve of degree $d$ with $\delta$ ordinary nodes and
no other singularities. If $P$ is a smooth point on $\Gamma$ then the
Weierstrass gap sequence at $P$ is considered as that at the corresponding
point on the normalization of $\Gamma$. A smooth point $P\in\Gamma$ is called a
total inflection point if $i(\Gamma ,T;P)=d$ where $T$ is the tangent line to
$\Gamma$ at $P$. There are many possible Weierstrass gap sequences at total
inflection points. Our main results are: Among them (1) There exists a pair
$(P,\Gamma )$ such that the gap sequence at $P$ is the minimal (in the sense of
weight). (2) There exists a pair $(P,\Gamma )$ such that the gap sequence at
$P$ is the maximal (resp. up to 1 maximal). And we characterize these cases in
the sense of location of nodes.
| alg-geom/9204001 | 727,290 |
We find the rules which count the energy levels of the 3 state
superintegrable chiral Potts model and demonstrate that these rules are
complete. We then derive the complete spectrum of excitations in the
thermodynamic limit in the massive phase and demonstrate the existence of
excitations which do not have a quasi-particle form. The physics of these
excitations is compared with the BCS superconductivity spectrum and the
counting rules are compared with the closely related $S=1$ XXZ spin chain.
| hep-th/9204003 | 727,290 |
The conformal symmetry of the QCD Lagrangian for massless quarks is broken
both by renormalization effects and the gauge fixing procedure. Renormalized
primitive divergent amplitudes have the property that their form away from the
overall coincident point singularity is fully determined by the bare
Lagrangian, and scale dependence is restricted to $\delta$-functions at the
singularity. If gauge fixing could be ignored, one would expect these
amplitudes to be conformal invariant for non-coincident points. We find that
the one-loop three-gluon vertex function $\Gamma_{\mu\nu\rho}(x,y,z)$ is
conformal invariant in this sense, if calculated in the background field
formalism using the Feynman gauge for internal gluons. It is not yet clear why
the expected breaking due to gauge fixing is absent. The conformal property
implies that the gluon, ghost and quark loop contributions to
$\Gamma_{\mu\nu\rho}$ are each purely numerical combinations of two universal
conformal tensors $D_{\mu\nu\rho}(x,y,z)$ and $C_{\mu\nu\rho}(x,y,z)$ whose
explicit form is given in the text. Only $D_{\mu\nu\rho}$ has an ultraviolet
divergence, although $C_{\mu\nu\rho}$ requires a careful definition to resolve
the expected ambiguity of a formally linearly divergent quantity.
Regularization is straightforward and leads to a renormalized vertex function
which satisfies the required Ward identity, and from which the beta-function is
easily obtained. Exact conformal invariance is broken in higher-loop orders,
but we outline a speculative scenario in which the perturbative structure of
the vertex function is determined from a conformal invariant primitive core by
interplay of the renormalization group equation and Ward identities.
| hep-th/9204004 | 727,290 |
The large mass limit of QCD uncovers symmetries that are not present in the
QCD lagrangian. These symmetries have been applied to physical (finite mass)
systems, such as B and D mesons.
We explore the validity of this approximation in the 't Hooft model
(two-dimensional QCD in the large-N approximation). We find that the large mass
approximation is good, even at the charm mass, for form factors, but it breaks
down for the pseudoscalar decay constant.
| hep-ph/9204206 | 727,290 |
A brief overview of strings propagating on noncompact coset spaces G/H is
presented in terms of WZW models. The role played by isometries in the
existence of target space duality and by fixed points of the gauge
transformations in the existence of singularities and horizons, is emphasized.
A general classification of the spaces with a single time-like coordinate is
presented. The spacetime geometry of a class of models, existing for every
dimension and having cosmological and black hole-like interpretations, is
| hep-th/9204006 | 727,291 |
The decay constants for the $D$ and $D_S$ mesons, denoted $f_D$ and $f_{D_S}$
respectively, are equal in the $SU(3)_V$ limit, as are the hadronic amplitudes
for $B_S-\bar B_S$ and $B^0-\bar B^0$ mixing. The leading $SU(3)_V$ violating
contribution to $\left( f_{D_S} / f_D \right)$ and to the ratio of hadronic
matrix elements relevant for $B_S-\bar B_S$ and $B^0-\bar B^0$ mixing
amplitudes are calculated in chiral perturbation theory. We discuss the
formalism needed to include both meson and anti-meson fields in the heavy quark
effective theory.
| hep-ph/9204207 | 727,291 |
An ``anomalous'' supersymmetry transformation of the gaugino axial current is
given in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The contact term is computed to
one-loop order by a gauge-invariant point-splitting procedure. We reexamine the
supercurrent anomaly in this method.
| hep-th/9204007 | 727,291 |
It is shown how to couple non-relativistic matter with a Chern--Simons gauge
field that belongs to a non-compact group. We treat in some details the
$SL(2,{\bf R})$ and the Poincar\'e $ISO(2,1)$ groups. For suitable
self-interactions, we are able to exhibit soliton solutions.
| hep-th/9204008 | 727,291 |
We show that 2+1-dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity is equivalent, under
some mild topological assumptions, to a Gaussian fermionic system. In
particular, for manifolds topologically equivalent to $\Sigma_g\times\RrR$ with
$\Sigma_g$ a closed and oriented Riemann surface of genus $g$, the
corresponding 2+1-dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity may be related to the
3D-lattice Ising model before its thermodynamic limit.
| hep-th/9204009 | 727,292 |
The main focus of these lectures is on those aspects of deep inelastic
scattering that can be derived directly from QCD using quantum field theory,
without recourse to phenomenological models. The emphasis is on spin dependent
scattering, but the theory of spin averaged scattering is also discussed. A
detailed analysis is given for the case of spin 1/2 targets, with a brief
discussion of higher spin targets at the end. The QCD derivation of the
Callan-Gross relation, the longitudinal structure function $F_L$, and the
Bjorken and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules is presented. I also discuss the
Wilczek-Wandzura contribution to $g_2$, and why the Gottfried sum rule does not
hold in QCD.
| hep-ph/9204208 | 727,293 |
We use the core model for sequences of measures to prove a new lower bound
for the consistency strength of the failure of the SCH:
(i) If there is a singular strong limit cardinal $\kappa$ such that $2^\kappa
> kappa^+$ then there is an inner model with a cardinal $\kappa$ such that for
all ordinals $\alpha<\kappa$ there is an ordinal $\nu < \kappa$ with $o(\nu) >
(ii) If there is a singular strong limit cardinal $\kappa$ of uncountable
cofinality such that $2^\kappa > \kappa^+$ then there is an inner model with
$o(\kappa) = \kappa^{++}$.
Since this paper was originally submitted, Gitik has improved this result to
give exact lower bounds.
| math/9204202 | 727,294 |
Some spontaneously broken gauge theories with left couplings to fermions,
like the abelian model that we propose here, can be endowed with a composite
scalar sector and Wess-Zumino field ; their quantization in the functionnal
integral formalism accordingly requires the introduction of constraints that,
together with the breaking of the gauge symmetry by the scalars, and among
other consequences, give the Higgs field and the fermions (quarks) infinite
masses; this makes them unobservable. Gauge invariance and unitarity are
achieved through a derivative coupling of the W-Z field to the fermionic
current; the anomaly gets cancelled in the above infinite fermion mass limit.
We show how the problems of renormalizability are evaded at the one-loop level
by resumming diagrams at the ladder approximation and reshuffling the
perturbative series, and because the fermionic current is conserved. The
Wess-Zumino field can be "gauged away" to become the 3rd polarization of the
massive gauge field; the pseudoscalar partner of the Higgs, tightly linked to
the W-Z field, behaves like an abelian pion. In particular, no extra scale of
interaction has to be introduced, unlike in "technicolour" theories. Problems
concerning the leptonic sector are only mentionned.
| hep-ph/9204209 | 727,294 |
Baier et al. have reported the damping rate of long-wavelength fermionic
excitations in high-temperature QED and QCD to be gauge-fixing-dependent even
within the resummation scheme due to Braaten and Pisarski. It is shown that
this problem is caused by the singular nature of the on-shell expansion of the
fermion self-energy in the infra-red. Its regularization reveals that the
alleged gauge dependence pertains to the residue rather than the pole of the
fermion propagator, so that in particular the damping constant comes out
gauge-independent, as it should.
| hep-ph/9204210 | 727,294 |
We study in a systematic and modular invariant way gaugino condensation in
the hidden sector as a potential source of hierarchical supersymmetry breaking
and a non--trivial potential for the dilaton $S$ whose real part corresponds to
the tree level gauge coupling constant (${\rm Re}\ S\sim g_{gut}^{-2}$). For
the case of pure Yang--Mills condensation, we show that no realistic results
(in particular no reasonable values for ${\rm Re}\ S$) can emerge, even if the
hidden gauge group is not simple. However, in the presence of hidden matter
(i.e. the most frequent case) there arises a very interesting class of
scenarios with two or more hidden condensing groups for which the dilaton
dynamically acquires a reasonable value (${\rm Re}\ S\sim 2$) and supersymmetry
is broken at the correct scale ($m_{3/2}\sim 10^3\ GeV$) with no need of
fine--tuning. Actually, good values for ${\rm Re}\ S$ and $m_{3/2}$ are
correlated. We make an exhaustive classification of the working possibilities.
Remarkably, the results are basically independent from the value of
$\delta^{GS}$ (the contributions from the Green--Schwarz mechanism). The radius
of the compactified space also acquires an expectation value, breaking duality
| hep-th/9204012 | 727,294 |
Beginning with the work of Dirac and Arnowitt, Deser, Misner in the late
fifties and early sixties, and then after subsequent development by Kucha\v r,
the canonical dynamical structure of general relativity has often been viewed
as that of a parametrized field theory in which the many-fingered spacetime
variables are hidden amongst the geometrodynamical field variables. This
paradigm of general relativity as an ``already parametrized theory'' forms the
basis for one of the most satisfactory resolutions of the problems of time and
observables in classical and quantum gravity. However, despite decades of
effort, no identification of many-fingered spacetime variables has ever been
satisfactorily obtained for vacuum general relativity. We point out that there
is an obstruction to identifying the constraint surface of general relativity
(for the case of a closed universe) with that of any parametrized theory.
Therefore, strictly speaking, general relativity cannot be viewed as a
parametrized field theory. We discuss implications for the canonical
quantization program.
| hep-th/9204014 | 727,294 |
We deduce the $sl_{3}$ Toda realization of classical $W_3$ symmetry on two
scalar fields in a geometric way, proceeding from a nonlinear realization of
some associate higher-spin symmetry $W_{3}^{\infty}$. The Toda equations are
recognized as the constraints singling out a two-dimensional fully geodesic
subspace in the initial coset space of $W_{3}^{\infty}$. The proposed geometric
approach can be extended to other nonlinear algebras and integrable systems.
| hep-th/9204016 | 727,295 |
Matter is coupled to three-dimensional gravity such that the topological
phase is allowed and the (anti-) de Sitter or Poincar\'e symmetry remains
intact. Spontaneous symmetry breaking to the Lorentz group occurs if a scalar
field is included. This Higgs field can then be used to couple matter so that
the familiar form of the matter coupling is established in the broken phase. We
also give the supersymmetrization of this construction.
| hep-th/9204015 | 727,295 |
We exhibit static solutions of multi-flavour QCD in two dimensions that have
the quantum numbers of baryons and mesons, constructed out of quark and
anti-quark solitons. In isolation the latter solitons have infinite energy,
corresponding to the presence of a string carrying the non-singlet colour flux
off to spatial infinity. When $N_c$ solitons of this type are combined, a
static, finite-energy, colour singlet solution is formed, corresponding to a
baryon. Similarly, static meson solutions are formed out of a soliton and an
anti-soliton of different flavours. The stability of the mesons against
annihilation is ensured by flavour conservation. The static solutions exist
only when the fundamental fields of the bosonized Lagrangian belong to
$U(N_c{\times}N_f)$ rather than to $SU(N_c) \times U(N_f)$. Discussion of
flavour symmetry breaking requires a careful treatment of the normal ordering
ambiguity. Our results can be viewed as a derivation of the constituent quark
model in QCD$_2$, allowing a detailed study of constituent mass generation and
of the heavy quark symmetry.
| hep-ph/9204212 | 727,295 |
We study new physical phenomena and constraints in generalized scalar--tensor
theories of gravity with $\Phi$--dependent masses. We investigate a scenario
(which can arise in string theories) with two types of $\Phi$--dependent masses
which could correspond to visible and dark matter sectors. The parameters of
this theory are constrained from post--Newtonian bounds, primordial
nucleosynthesis and the age of the Universe. We present a perfect fluid
formalism for the dark matter sector with variable masses and find an entropy
increase effect during the matter era and, in principle, a measurable effect on
the motion of the halo of spiral galaxies. For the case of string effective
theories, the constancy of gauge couplings provide new bounds which are orders
of magnitude stronger than the previous ones.
| hep-ph/9204213 | 727,295 |
Extended technicolor theories generate potentially large corrections to the
$\Zbb$ vertex which can be observed in current experiments at LEP.
| hep-ph/9204214 | 727,295 |
We show that the surface roughness for $c<1$ matter theories coupled to $2D$
quantum gravity is described by a self-similar structure of baby universes.
There exist baby universes whose neck thickness is of the order of the
ultraviolet cutoff, the largest of these having a macroscopic area $\sim A^{1
\over {1-\gamma}}$, where $A$ is the total area and $\gamma$ the string
susceptibility exponent.
| hep-th/9204017 | 727,295 |
In the usual matrix-model approach to random discretized two-dimensional
manifolds, one introduces n Ising spins on each cell, i.e. a discrete version
of 2D quantum gravity coupled to matter with a central charge n/2. The
matrix-model consists then of an integral over $2^{n}$ matrices, which we are
unable to solve for $n>1$. However for a fixed genus we can expand in the
cosmological constant g for arbitrary values of n, and a simple minded analysis
of the series yields for n=0,1 and 2 the expected results for the exponent
$\gamma_{string}$ with an amazing precision given the small number of terms
that we considered. We then proceed to larger values of n. Simple tests of
universality are successfully applied; for instance we obtain the same
exponents for n=3 or for one Ising model coupled to a one dimensional target
space. The calculations are easily extended to states Potts models, through an
integration over $q^{n}$ matrices. We see no sign of the tachyonic instability
of the theory, but we have only considered genus zero at this stage.
| hep-th/9204018 | 727,296 |
We show that there exists an alternative procedure in order to extract
differential hierarchies, such as the KdV hierarchy, from one--matrix models,
without taking a continuum limit. To prove this we introduce the Toda lattice
and reformulate it in operator form. We then consider the reduction to the
systems appropriate for one--matrix model.
| hep-th/9204019 | 727,296 |
The fusion of fields in a rational conformal field theory gives rise to a
ring structure which has a very particular form. All such rings studied so far
were shown to arise from some potentials. In this paper the fusion rings of the
WZW models based on the symplectic group are studied. It is shown that they
indeed arise from potentials which are described. These potentials give rise to
new massive perturbations of superconformal hermitian symmetric models. The
metric of the perturbation is computed and is shown to be given by solutions of
the sinh--gordon equation. The kink structure of the theories is described, and
it is argued that these field theories are integrable. The $S$ matrices for the
fusion theories are argued to be non--minimal extensions of the $G_k\times G_1/
G_{k+1}$ $S$ matrices with the adjoint perturbation, in the case of $G=SU(N)$.
| hep-th/9204020 | 727,296 |
A new ansatz for quark and lepton mass matrices is proposed in the context of
supersymmetric grand unified theories. The 13 parameters describing fermion
masses and mixings are determined in terms of only 6 free parameters, allowing
7 testable predictions. The values of $V_{us}$, $V_{cb}$, $V_{ub}$, $m_u$,
$m_d$, $m_s$, and $m_b$ are then predicted as a function of the 3 charged
lepton masses, $m_c$, $m_t$, and $\tan \beta$, the ratio of Higgs vacuum
expectation values. In particular the Cabibbo angle and $m_s/m_d$ are
determined in terms of only lepton masses. All predictions are in very good
agreement with experiments.
| hep-ph/9204215 | 727,296 |
Lattice work, exploring the Higgs mass triviality bound, seems to indicate
that a strongly interacting scalar sector in the minimal standard model cannot
exist while low energy QCD phenomenology seems to indicate that it could. We
attack this puzzle using the 1/N expansion and discover a simple criterion for
selecting a lattice action that is more likely to produce a heavy Higgs
particle. Our large $N$ calculation suggests that the Higgs mass bound might be
around $850 GeV$, which is about 30% higher than previously obtained.
| hep-lat/9107001 | 727,296 |
We present spectral density reweighting techniques adapted to the analysis of
a time series of data with a continuous range of allowed values. In a first
application we analyze action and Polyakov line data from a Monte Carlo
simulation on $L_t L^3 (L_t=2,4)$ lattices for the SU(3) deconfining phase
transition. We calculate partition function zeros, as well as maxima of the
specific heat and of the order parameter susceptibility. Details and warnings
are given concerning i) autocorrelations in computer time and ii) a reliable
extraction of partition function zeros. The finite size scaling analysis of
these data leads to precise results for the critical couplings $\beta_c$, for
the critical exponent $\nu$ and for the latent heat $\triangle s$. In both
cases ($L_t=2$ and 4), the first order nature of the transition is
| hep-lat/9107002 | 727,296 |
Contrary to conventional wisdom, the construction of clusters on a lattice
can easily be vectorized, namely over each ``generation'' in a breadth first
search. This applies directly to, e.g., the {\it single cluster} variant of the
Swendsen-Wang algorithm. On a Cray Y-MP, total CPU time was reduced by a factor
3.5 -- 7 in actual applications.
| hep-lat/9112001 | 727,296 |
We study the dynamic critical behavior of the multi-grid Monte Carlo (MGMC)
algorithm with piecewise-constant interpolation applied to the two-dimensional
O(4)-symmetric nonlinear $\sigma$-model [= SU(2) principal chiral model], on
lattices up to $256 \times 256$. We find a dynamic critical exponent
$z_{int,{\cal M}^2} = 0.60 \pm 0.07$ for the W-cycle and $z_{int,{\cal M}^2} =
1.13 \pm 0.11$ for the V-cycle, compared to $z_{int,{\cal M}^2} = 2.0 \pm 0.15$
for the single-site heat-bath algorithm (subjective 68% confidence intervals).
Thus, for this asymptotically free model, critical slowing-down is greatly
reduced compared to local algorithms, but not completely eliminated. For a $256
\times 256$ lattice, W-cycle MGMC is about 35 times as efficient as a
single-site heat-bath algorithm.
| hep-lat/9112002 | 727,296 |
To gain understanding of the Higgs-fermion sector of the standard model, we
study the one-component $Z_2$ symmetric and the four-component O(4) symmetric
scalar models coupled to staggered fermions using the hybrid Monte Carlo
algorithm. We map out the phase diagrams, and show that the $Z_2$ model has a
tree level perturbative behaviour at all points in the broken phase. The O(4)
model on the other hand is shown to have two characteristically different
behaviours; one for large Yukawa couplings where the fermions get infinitely
heavy and decouple in the continuum limit, and one for small Yukawa couplings
where the fermions remain light. For very small Yukawa couplings the fermions
show the expected tree level perturbative behaviour and for larger values the
influence of the fermions becomes substantial. After estimating the finite size
effects at small Yukawa couplings we make relatively accurate measurements of
the scalar mass and wave function renormalization constants at the point
$\kappa=0.0$ and $y=0.85-0.95$. Even though this is not the largest value
possible for the Yukawa coupling we are able to show that the bound of the
Higgs mass will move up significantly, from around $600 GeV$ to around $900
GeV$, by including fermions in the model. Likewise we show that a bound can be
put on the fermion mass, around $200 GeV$. The largest value of the bare Yukawa
coupling is obtained at rather large negative $\kappa$. Due to bad convergence
rates in the inversion of the fermion matrix, which is needed in the updating
procedure, this region has not been possible to investigate.
| hep-lat/9201001 | 727,296 |
Results of investigations of the O(4) spin model at finite temperature using
anisotropic lattices are presented. In both the large $N$ approximation and the
numerical simulations using the Wolff cluster algorithm we find that the ratio
of the symmetry restoration temperature $T_{\rm SR}$ to the Higgs mass $m_{\rm
H}$ is independent of the anisotropy. We obtain a lower bound of $0.59 \pm
0.04$ for the ratio, $T_{\rm SR}/m_{\rm H}$, at $m_{\rm H}a \simeq 0.5$, which
is lowered further by about 10% at $m_{\rm H}a \simeq 1.$
| hep-lat/9201002 | 727,296 |
We study the performance of a Wolff-type embedding algorithm for $RP^N$
$\sigma$-models. We find that the algorithm in which we update the embedded
Ising model \`a la Swendsen-Wang has critical slowing-down as $z_\chi \approx
1$. If instead we update the Ising spins with a perfect algorithm which at
every iteration produces a new independent configuration, we obtain $z_\chi
\approx 0$. This shows that the Ising embedding encodes well the collective
modes of the system, and that the behaviour of the first algorithm is connected
to the poor performance of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm in dealing with a
frustrated Ising model.
| hep-lat/9201003 | 727,296 |