imagewidth (px) 475
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abomasnow-mega | grass | ice | a white, snow-covered creature with a long, spiky tail and a large, sharp, white beak. It has a white body and is wearing a white and black outfit. |
abomasnow | grass | ice | a large, white, and green creature with a long, spiky tail. It has a unique appearance and is likely to be a popular choice among Pokemon enthusiasts. |
abra | psychic | null | a yellow and gray cat-like creature, which is a Pikachu. |
absol-mega | dark | null | a white, white-tailed, and white-feathered creature with a blue beak. |
absol | dark | null | a white, furry creature with blue claws and a black tail. It has a white, pointy hat on its head, giving it a unique and distinct appearance. |
accelgor | bug | null | a Pikachu, which is a small, electric-type creature with a green body and a blue tail. |
aegislash-blade | steel | ghost | a large, purple creature with a golden or yellow sword on its back. |
aegislash-shield | steel | ghost | a purple and yellow creature with a crown on its head, which is a combination of a bird and a human-like face. It has a long tail and is wearing a crown, making it a unique and interesting-looking creature. |
aerodactyl-mega | rock | flying | a large, purple, and green creature with a long tail and sharp claws. It has a fierce expression and is ready to attack. |
aerodactyl | rock | flying | a large, purple dragon-like creature with a long tail, a wide mouth, and a pair of wings. |
aggron-mega | steel | null | a large, white, and blue creature with a long tail and sharp claws. It has a unique appearance, resembling a combination of a crab and a robot. |
aggron | steel | rock | a large, metallic-looking creature with a long tail and a face resembling a dinosaur. It has a white mouth and blue eyes, giving it a unique and intimidating appearance. |
aipom | normal | null | a purple and white creature with a long tail, standing on its hind legs and holding a ball in its hand. |
alakazam-mega | psychic | null | a large, bald, and bearded creature with a long beard, wearing a purple robe. It has a white face and is sitting in a lotus position, surrounded by a group of spoons. |
alakazam | psychic | null | a yellow and black creature with sharp claws, resembling a tiger. |
alcremie-gmax | fairy | null | a large, multi-layered cake with frosting and decorations, resembling a tower or a castle. |
alcremie | fairy | null | a white, fluffy, and cute creature with a pink nose and white hair. It has a white body and pink hair, and it appears to be a small, adorable creature. |
alomomola | water | null | a pink, fish-like creature with a large mouth and a single, long fin. It has a single, large eye, and its body is covered in scales. |
altaria-mega | dragon | fairy | a blue bird-like creature with a white head, white feathers, and a cloud-like appearance. |
altaria | dragon | flying | a blue and white sheep-like creature with a long tail, standing in a cloud of white fluff. |
amaura | rock | ice | a blue and white creature with a long tail and a head that resembles a dinosaur. It has a unique and cute appearance. |
ambipom | normal | null | a purple and white creature with long, spiky fingers. |
amoonguss | grass | poison | a large, mushroom-like creature with a pink face and two large, black, armored hands. It has a distinct appearance and is likely a unique character in the Pokemon universe. |
ampharos-mega | electric | dragon | a large, white and yellow creature with a long tail and a horn-like structure on its head. It has a long, flowing white beard and red eyes, giving it a distinct and unique appearance. |
ampharos | electric | null | a yellow and black creature with a large body and a long tail. It has a red ball on its head, which is a characteristic feature of the Pikachu species. |
annihilape | fighting | ghost | a white, ghost-like creature with long, white hair and a black face. |
anorith | rock | bug | a small, green creature with two red wings, resembling a dragonfly. |
appletun-gmax | grass | dragon | The image features a cartoonish representation of a Pokemon, specifically a Pikachu, with a large amount of frosting on its head. |
appletun | grass | dragon | a large green creature with a yellow belly, resembling a lizard or a dragon. It has a red apple on its head, which is a unique and unusual feature for a Pokemon. |
applin | grass | dragon | a small, cute creature with a red and green body, resembling a small apple. It has a leafy appendage on its head, giving it a unique and adorable appearance. |
araquanid-totem | water | bug | a blue and white frog-like creature with a long tongue and a body covered in green and white spots. |
araquanid | water | bug | a blue creature with a white face, resembling a frog. It has a body covered in a clear, round, and possibly frosted material, giving it a unique appearance. |
arbok | poison | null | a large, dark-colored snake with a red face and eyes, resembling a cobra. |
arboliva | grass | normal | a green, leafy creature with purple berries on its head, resembling a bird or a plant. |
arcanine-hisui | fire | rock | a large, furry creature with a black and red body, a long tail, and a long, flowing mane. It has a distinctive appearance and is wearing a red hat. |
arcanine | fire | null | a large, furry creature with a brown and orange color scheme, a white stripe, and a black tail. It has a friendly and expressive face, giving it a cute appearance. |
arceus | normal | null | a white and gold creature with a long tail and a green gem on its head. |
archen | rock | flying | a large, colorful bird with a blue and yellow body, red claws, and a long tail. It has a beak and is standing on a white background. |
archeops | rock | flying | a large, colorful bird-like creature with a blue and yellow body, a long tail, and a green head. It has a fierce expression and is flying through the air. |
arctibax | dragon | ice | a blue and white creature with a long tail, resembling a dinosaur. |
arctovish | water | ice | a blue and white fish-like creature with a smiling face, resembling a clownfish. |
arctozolt | electric | ice | a large, blue and white creature with a long, sharp tooth. It has a unique appearance and is likely to be a popular character among fans of the Pokemon franchise. |
ariados | bug | poison | a red and blue spider-like creature with a long tail, horns, and large eyes. It has a unique and distinctive appearance. |
armaldo | rock | bug | a blue and yellow creature with a large body, sharp claws, and a long tail. It has a unique appearance, resembling a dinosaur or a dragon. |
armarouge | fire | psychic | a large, muscular, and armored creature with a yellow and red color scheme. It has a yellow head and red legs, and it appears to be a robot-like creature. |
aromatisse | fairy | null | a purple and pink creature with a long, fluffy tail, resembling a sheep. It has a large, round head and is wearing a purple and pink hat. |
aron | steel | rock | a small, white creature with a black eye, resembling a small white dog. |
arrokuda | water | null | a small, cute, and colorful fish-like creature with a smiling face, large eyes, and a long tail. |
articuno-galar | psychic | flying | a purple and white bird-like creature with a long tail, wings, and a beak. It has a unique and striking appearance, resembling a combination of a bird and a dragon. |
articuno | ice | flying | a blue and white bird-like creature with a long tail, resembling a peacock. |
audino-mega | normal | fairy | a white, angelic-looking creature with a long tail, wings, and a white dress. It is holding a white ball in its hand. |
audino | normal | null | a small, pink creature with a white tail and a white face. It has a cute and adorable appearance, making it a popular choice among fans of the franchise. |
aurorus | rock | ice | a blue and white dragon-like creature with a long tail and a flame-like tail fin. It has a diamond-shaped gem on its head, which gives it a unique and eye-catching appearance. |
avalugg-hisui | ice | rock | a large, snow-covered creature with a long, sharp, and white-colored tail. It has a blue and white body, and it appears to be a rock-type Pokemon. |
avalugg | ice | null | a white, long-legged creature with a shell-like structure, resembling a sea turtle. It has a purple and pink stripe pattern on its body, and it is standing on a blue background. |
axew | dragon | null | a small green creature with a pointy nose, wearing a green and white scarf. |
azelf | psychic | null | a blue and white creature with a long tail, large eyes, and a horn-like structure on its head. |
azumarill | water | fairy | a blue and white rabbit-like creature, with a white body and blue ears. |
azurill | normal | fairy | a blue, small, and cute creature with a round body and a long tail. It has a face with two eyes and a nose, giving it a friendly and endearing appearance. |
bagon | dragon | null | a blue and gray creature with a large, pointy head, a long neck, and a large body. It has a white, pointy hat on its head, giving it a unique and distinct appearance. |
baltoy | ground | psychic | a small, brown, and tan creature with a pointed nose, red eyes, and a red and white body. |
banette-mega | ghost | null | a black cat-like creature with yellow claws and a red face, resembling a combination of a cat and a clown. |
banette | ghost | null | a black and gray creature with a yellow face, a star on its forehead, and a yellow nose. |
barbaracle | rock | water | a large, brown, and green creature with a long tail, claws, and a horn-like structure on its head. It has a unique appearance and is likely a part of the Pokemon franchise. |
barboach | water | ground | a small, blue and silver creature with a long, curved body and a large mouth. It has a unique design, resembling a fish with a smiley face. |
barraskewda | water | null | a large, colorful fish with a long, pointed nose and a yellow body. It has a unique design and is likely to be a popular character among fans of the Pokemon franchise. |
basculegion-female | water | ghost | a large, green fish with a white face and a white tail. It has a unique and distinct appearance, resembling a shark. |
basculegion-male | water | ghost | a large, pink and green creature with a long, sharp tooth. |
basculin-blue-striped | water | null | a green and blue fish-like creature with a large mouth and a fin on its head. |
basculin-red-striped | water | null | a green, horned creature with a face resembling a dinosaur. It has a large, sharp, and pointy head, which is typical of a dinosaur-like appearance. |
basculin-white-striped | water | null | a green and blue fish-like creature with a large mouth and sharp teeth. |
bastiodon | rock | steel | a large, gray, and black creature with a long snout and horns, resembling a dinosaur. |
baxcalibur | dragon | ice | a large, blue, and white creature with a long tail, resembling a dinosaur. |
bayleef | grass | null | a small, yellow, and green creature with a long tail and a pointy, green, leaf-like appendage on its head. |
beartic | ice | null | a white, large, and furry creature with black claws, resembling a polar bear. |
beautifly | bug | flying | a small, colorful butterfly-like creature with a yellow and blue body, a black head, and red and yellow wings. |
beedrill-mega | bug | poison | a large, horned creature with a yellow and black body, resembling a bee or a hornet. |
beedrill | bug | poison | a yellow and black insect-like creature with a pair of long, sharp, white claws on its front legs. |
beheeyem | psychic | null | a small, cute creature with a brown body and a green head. It has a green face and a yellow nose, and it is wearing a hat. |
beldum | steel | psychic | a blue and white creature with a long, pointed tail. It is a small, cute, and somewhat unusual-looking creature. |
bellibolt | electric | null | a large, green creature with a round, bulbous body and a smiling face. |
bellossom | grass | null | a small, green creature with a red flower on its head, resembling a sunflower. |
bellsprout | grass | poison | a small, yellow, and green creature with a bulbous nose and a leaf-like appendage. It resembles a plant or a small flower. |
bergmite | ice | null | a blue and white creature with a large, pointy head and a pair of horns. It has a small body and is standing on a cloudy background. |
bewear | normal | fighting | a large, black bear with white spots and pink ears. It is wearing a pink hat and standing on its hind legs. |
bibarel | normal | water | a brown, furry creature with a white face and a red heart-shaped nose. It is sitting on the ground and appears to be a stuffed toy. |
bidoof | normal | null | a brown, furry creature with a big, white, toothy grin. It has a long tongue and is wearing a brown hat. |
binacle | rock | water | a pair of hands with long, green fingers, resembling a pair of claws. |
bisharp | dark | steel | a red and white creature with a large, pointy head, and it is holding a sword. |
blacephalon | fire | ghost | a large, colorful creature with a unique appearance, resembling a clown or a jester. It has a large, round head, a big nose, and a hat with a cloud pattern. |
blastoise-gmax | water | null | a large, blue, and white creature with a long tail and a small head. It has a unique design and is standing on a red background. |
blastoise-mega | water | null | a large, blue turtle-like creature with a long tail and two large, white guns on its back. |
blastoise | water | null | a blue turtle-like creature with a large, white shell and a long, blue tail. It has a unique and distinct appearance, making it stand out among other Pokemon. |
blaziken-mega | fire | fighting | a Pikachu, which is a small, red and white creature with a black tail. |
blaziken | fire | fighting | a large, red and yellow creature with a white tail, resembling a bird. It has a fierce expression and is standing on a black background. |
blipbug | bug | null | a small, blue creature with a large, black head and two yellow eyes. It is wearing a yellow and black outfit. |
blissey | normal | null | a pink and white creature with a long tail, wings, and a beak. It appears to be a cute and adorable character. |
blitzle | electric | null | a black and white striped creature with a blue face, resembling a zebra. |
boldore | rock | null | a large, blue, and red creature with sharp claws and a large, pointy head. |
boltund | electric | null | a white and yellow dog-like creature with a long tail, resembling a Dalmatian. It is wearing a green shirt and yellow pants, and it is running across a black background. |
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Pokemon caption dataset
This dataset contain artwork, name, type, species, and caption of all pokemons till 07/07/2023.
- Caption: generated by BLIP
- Artwork and other infomations: crawled from pokemondb More Information needed
- Downloads last month
- 262