descendants who didn't get the guru ship they like to claim their other ones but they have never been accepted by six because we believe what Guru said is the right one and we only focus on that okay I want you to paint a better historical contextual picture of the time I'm assuming that at the time of the second third fourth and fifth Guru we're talking also about the time the Mughal Empire was growing and ruling Hindustan absolutely so the third Guru is the akbar's time third and fourth Guru so the ages are different because third Guru is very old as well in fact he's the oldest Guru from age they're all destroying stereotypes as I said earlier right and one of the stereotypes he destroys is in a 60 easy changes his lifestyle and he eventually gets the guru ship there are many other people because the criteria is same the people who have become like the Divine in their behaviors not just in their vocalizations right he's the one who
just in their vocalizations right he's the one who organized the six in 22 manjis it's called because the Mughal Empire at the time had 22 regions and this may shock people three of the heads of those missions as we call them today were women the oldest man as a guru because old people don't change their habits that's why I'm saying this he actually appoints the head of Kabul Mission the Kabul Manji as a woman and you know how women in Afghanistan even today are treated this is mandate you don't say they're equal you don't say we should do that should is preaching you just do it and you do it that if you want to talk to me she's my Emissary you better talk to her figure out how to talk to her you may not agree with it machines are Emissary you better figure out how to talk to her that's what Guru normal who brought together by the way the fourth Guru is the poorest Guru third Guru was the
is the poorest Guru third Guru was the richest Guru maybe you recall sometimes you know they give you other than Prasad that's in the memory of Guru ramdas because as a kid he was a very poor kid he used to sell those to make his living now think about this the richest Guru is marrying his daughter to somebody who's that poor because the criteria was not how rich somebody is in terms of wealth or money assets the richness of qualities this is how stereotypes are being destroyed that's why among six a lot of this principle is very clear in practice people are not able to do it many a time can you give a little historical context on how uh the belief system was spreading like what was happening uh especially with respect to the Mughal Empire as well as the local Kings of the time I'm sure there was some kind of religious debates religious persecution of some form from both sides by the way from the predecessor for example the Hindu and Islamic
the predecessor for example the Hindu and Islamic ideas they both culture the Muslim ideas the religious leaders are not very happy with the gurus because there's a lot of disruption the qazis and the brahmanas are not happy because you're treating Way Beyond the ideas of equality of the time right from a caste perspective from the women perspective I mean it's it's it's very just when anyone's power is being taken away it's a hegemonic culture is being destroyed that's what we call it today and that's why there are issues so there were issues I mean six out of the ten gurus just to put a number on it to make it so clear and because we don't understand these things six out of the ten gurus either spend time in jail there were targets of political assassination or martyred with torture Guru Arjun we just talked about right who his two biggest contributions are Guru granth sahib and what we call Golden Temple today harmandir sub complex from because one
Golden Temple today harmandir sub complex from because one disrupted the thought that it's available to everyone he wrote that he says all the wisdom I had gathered I am openly presenting to the world ancestor here are not biological they are Guru ships the ones who carried the wisdom he's like I am openly now making it available to everyone obviously the the Muslim and the Hindu priest didn't like that or the kazis it wasn't open previously no it was because remember even today religiosity is so exclusive people say it can only be given to particular people in a particular way at a particular time so anyone who took up sikhi it was presented and non-six no I mean before uh Guru Arjun Guru nanak is already doing it now look the guru nanak traveled and the Shabbat was available so one of the things this is a great question in sikhi the personality is not Central shabbatis we appreciate Guru namak and call him honorifically Guru namak
namak and call him honorifically Guru namak but according to Guru nanak himself the guru is always the Sabbath what we call Shabbat now used to be Sabbath you know old language the word the wisdom itself the Eternal wisdom so that became that was always been Central and sikhi that's why you'll see Guru grantha the Reverend six gave is at the very next level it is not just a religious book for us because we believe that's Central to us and not just us to the world the wisdom is Central and Guru Arjun because he created a Center to House that wisdom too that's Golden Temple complex now the and everyone's allowed so people in Asia were not used to that anyone can come and have access to it these two were the reasons why he was tortured to death want to talk about that I want to just address the golden temple first okay that is the image of sikhi for a lot of people all over the world I won't just say
of people all over the world I won't just say Indians oh it's Global image yes um foreign 11 year old watching this show how would you explain its significance great this is firstly I'm gonna take out the word golden in the guru period of the 10 gurus it was never golden Maharaja Ranjit Singh made it golden so you know the glitter part was never part of the sex tradition it became when they became rulers of Punjab right which has its own right it's a great story but in the guru period it was never golden it is architecture is very very important four doors which means open to all four people from all four corners doesn't matter which cast which background which religion and anyone who comes he has to walk down there is only way to enter a shrine is being humble going down is that and doesn't matter which entrance you came in from there's only way one way to go to Divinity so like surrounding the pool the the sarovar as we call it
the pool the the sarovar as we call it there's only one pathway which goes to harimandar sahab Hari mandar hurry in indic Tradition including in sex tradition is the World which is Hari can mean all pervasive I'm gonna go to etymology now sure Hari means all pervasive Hari is not just a vishnu's avatar that's the name many like my name is Aryan that doesn't mean I am what does the word mean it's the most oft repeated word in Guru granth sahib that's why it's called Hari mandar anything which is physical will be something less so what is the idea first right it's a building at the end of the day but what's the idea behind the building so when you see it idea behind the building is here is one manifestation of all pervasive Force that's what Hari means Hari also means the one who eliminates your fear so if you want eliminate fear let's read what's housed in this building right which is what I
housed in this building right which is what I talked about earlier Hari so Hari is something green something which grows you something which blossoms and our ideas for that are housed here in this building in harmandir complex that's what should be coming out right now it's become a selfie thing which I get it because of the glitter and everyone respected it that's why even when they tortured conversion to death they dare not attack it or they are not saki take out Guru grantha because it is includes elements of uh Baba Farid who comes from Islamic tradition and this is this is very disruptive let me put it blanketly where people understand it has shabbats of Brahman it also has Shabbos of butcher think about that for a second this is how disruptive it was people didn't know how to deal because they're like it doesn't matter if you have experience a common car the one then we must learn from them it doesn't matter what they wear doesn't matter what they eat
matter what they wear doesn't matter what they eat doesn't matter what religion they come from doesn't matter what language is utilized by them it's the experience we identify because that experience is so intimate so personal So Divine complex okay and for people who've not been there would you like to relay something about what you experience well it's it's emotional experience for most people who visit there doesn't matter what background they are for many it's a historical thing because the history of that complex is very unique not just the construction and what I just talked about the idea but throughout history it's been destroyed many times as well um and it's rebuilt many times as well in fact there is a sick author from Delhi you know who's died now siddhar but one thing I'm going to quote him he he did a book on Golden Temple with raghura a celebrated photographer of India so I'm just giving that reference if people want to check it out and he has written this phrase here about what this place
he has written this phrase here about what this place is and the phrase he used is it took the blood and sweat of many generations to build it to defend it and to rebuild it it is not a sacred place for us we don't have a sick he doesn't have idea of Sacred Space we believe every place is sacred it's a historical place where we gather and we learn that vision and Implement that Vision so when you look at that visual sometimes you don't know what to do politically speaking that's what this place is it's that complex which has multiple gurdwaras actually you know you've probably seen their couple of long watch Towers there used to be hundreds of them until the early 20th century because everyone every group thought the sick groups included we should play our role to protect this area is that good yeah they were called bungas the watchtowers not of the government not of the six of people from various brothers or groups who said we want to play a role in
groups who said we want to play a role in protecting it's so good the wisdom in there um yeah I think the context I gained is that it's a historical symbol not symbol symbols are transferable so I have to be careful with the words you can say draw it on a piece of paper put in your pocket that's a symbol it's a manifestation of that idea which is living reality this is why you know there was a move to make the golden temple complex a UNESCO site many seeks who understand this vehemently opposed it UNESCO sites are not lived realities they're in the past they're being just protected this is a lived functional space um it must be understood as such it is part of the sick DNA that don't tell us what to do with it we have never listened to anyone who's told us none of the gurus did this is our space we will do what we need to do here what do you mean never listen to anyone who has told you why
never listen to anyone who has told you why why would someone tell the six anyone who including look um because six DNA asset is like a spiritual political DNA and spiritual and political leaders always want to be controlling whether they look like sex or whether they don't look like six okay so they want to control the thought process which is emanated from there because it's opposition for them technically that's right like in the British period uh people don't know like you know the the sick activism in early 20th century was even the gurdwaras were run by British okay yes they assigned managers at each Gurdwara because they knew including their WhatsApp complex Golden Temple complex this is going to shock you they have their own who actually brought General Dwyer the guy who gave orders for jallianwala attack and gave him sarupa which means acknowledge them yeah and recognize them can you imagine that because it was appointed by the British so six decided in early 20th century we're gonna free your
in early 20th century we're gonna free your gurdwaras this will be your test run on how to free South Asia and they did they got ground Golden Temple complex pack they got nankanasa where Guru nanak was born back and once they freed in of Gurdwara is actually called Gurdwara Reform movement which means taking the gurdwaras back into sick control instead of the government control uh that's when Gandhi you know that thing which you may not know he went to nankana Saab and he sent a telegram the first battle of Indian independence has been won because no native anywhere in South Asia was able to free their places then came the political movement from Punjab if you look at the statistics of Indian independence uh people who died people who sent to life imprisonment kala paniki as they call it people who were hanged 60 hanged or six two percent of the population this is the DNA 80 of the people sent to life imprisonment under one nicobar or Singapore six so this
under one nicobar or Singapore six so this is where political activism is born from shovel you can paint whatever picture you want we are listening to our ideology from the guru which believes in freeing things so so first they freed the gurdwaras then they work towards whether you were bhagat singhs of the time whether you were in these things of the world atheist but you know if you read his articles he says everything I've learned is from a grandfather and these who are fighting right now and hanged by the British it is according to because of what they have done and it was during Holi so let me invoke it you know he's coming right right now on the holy day bhagat Singh wrote this editorial in the Hindi paper if India ever becomes free it will be because what babbarakalis are doing in Punjab fighting the British and he writes that editorial so this is what I'm saying is early 20th century this is not far distant we don't even tell these
is not far distant we don't even tell these narratives right now yeah yeah you know which is why honestly there is a change in the internet narrative where uh a lot of young Indians are feeling a lot of gratitude towards the Sikh Community yeah for the protection honestly that the Sikh Community has given the rest of India and follow sense of warriorship I don't know if I'm finding the right words honestly but I know that the emotion was conveyed but there is a narrative like this so I I must admit that you know I left as a very young man I'm gonna give a personal angle to this now because you just invoked a feeling right and a memory 84 happened I was here I was 11 and a half years old and I remember what happened in jhansi and what happened in Punjab because I was actually in Punjab during June and November I was this is when attack on Golden Temple and genocidal Campaign which now Indian courts have finally accepted
genocidal Campaign which now Indian courts have finally accepted including a Delhi Court I was very angry young man at 12 you remember everything I remember who protected us too you know I am here sitting here because not my next door neighbor but the guy said who lived this third house down bhagwan Das because he took us into his house I would have been dead that day you know mob mentalities many things happen right sorry I'm cutting you feel free to like share the experience just so there's a lot of young listeners give them context so things happened in 84 there's a reaction from the government and the people I don't I'll share this part right so I am a younger young man and I have a perspective on what has happened I don't know what to do with it in fact for the next 10 years you know when I left this country I said I'm never going to come back I could have been that guy who picks up the AK-47 I mean that's the honest truth I
AK-47 I mean that's the honest truth I was very angry as to what had happened at the same time when I came back here like I came back I think in 96 or 97 after going through my engineerings and learning dealing with my own trauma I'm like you know what I'm I'm gonna be in education I gotta channelize this anger you know I have to deal with the conscience of what has happened of Indian conscience because my friends are Hindus too it's not about a Hindu sick thing that's the narrative which plays out it's not it really is a government thing and sick DNA things like that from Guru nanak period onwards doesn't matter who's at the center or the power centers is what I mean and you know when I came back I had to share that I had no reason to go back to jhansi I've landed in Delhi in 96 because I wanted to go study about languages of Guru grantha but I took the train I went to jhansi
but I took the train I went to jhansi for a day to meet bhagwan Das because I know I'm alive because of him I know what they did to him next day in the market people were not very happy with them that he protected us but that's a human issue right what I'm sharing with you is then it took me 10 plus years just to think about what to do with this you know you have to channelize your angers and then I realize look hatred is never the thing we talk about this but it's you go through your own journey of it I didn't hate India or Hindus in fact sometimes people ask me you know do you hate India I'm like no how can I do that I don't think any sick can there's no such thing but you must understand what has happened and how there hasn't been a reparation there hasn't been a discourse on how to correct it and any psychologist will tell you even when you lose in a breakup in a bad breakup
you lose in a breakup in a bad breakup between you know even as a girlfriend boyfriend and if it's ugly breakup a violent one you need help you know it must be addressed so that addressing kind of Consciousness hasn't happened but sick narrative believes in that sick narrative is never about vengeance no guru guru Gran Sab doesn't even have the word badla I know some sex use it but it's because they're angry but Guru grantha's language has the word justice in it now and that's why six are very big on it every time it doesn't matter which country they live in they'll become politically active because they read Barney and Barney says connect with the Divine always fight for justice in America I'm just connecting the Lord you know the the 100 years ago in America there's a sick man who goes all the way to Supreme Court three times U.S Supreme Court fighting to be recognized as a citizen of America bhagat Singh thinned is his name
of America bhagat Singh thinned is his name he was a soldier and a spiritualist who wrote books on things he went to represent America as a soldier even there people said things you were like no I should be a citizen how come only whites are allowed to vote so that's in the DNA the DNA comes from Shabbat Guru granthav and it asks us to fight for justice regardless of the circumstances and I like to say justice is not just us this is why six don't have an issue doing that for others that's how we are trained that's how we are trained but when you're fighting your own battles and reparation hasn't happened internally then then you become small so you talk about smaller things I think my community is going through some of that because that that addressing there is a whole Battle of trauma in memory and it is going on I think it is addressing some of it but it needs a larger conversation to be addressed would you like to have the
conversation to be addressed would you like to have the larger conversation right now a little bit because this is a youth oriented show sure and people are all yours honestly they're a good and bad people in every Faith No I I I subscribe to that yeah I'm interested in you know the worst of the people yeah they also have a conscience man it's how we approach in the right circumstance in the right conversation things can be powerful yeah uh I'd actually like to know and I don't think I've met a sick who's as uh capable as you are in terms of speaking up for the community because of your understanding of the faith of the history and I know that you have knowledgeable multiple subjects it's also why I'm asking you and what is the word of the community right now in terms of your saying there's unaddressed things I'd actually like to know what uh you feel is unaddressed on a public platform like this sure sick Community you know the we can't go back too far
Community you know the we can't go back too far but let's say since 47 there have been issues there were promises made by Congress all Indian National Congress not the congress party of today which represented India they never got fulfilled people don't realize I already know these things look I grew up writing you know father of the nation essays just like anyone else in this country and it is my formative years in college when I'm dealing with my own learning and getting rid of my anger but channelizing into I realize what are the issues you know and there are actual unaddressed issues even yesterday I'll be honest you know I was a new sitting in a plane I picked up a newspaper scanning through it and I'm looking reading a column Swami Onyx you know I'm sure you're aware of it it's calling for people like APS girl and beard Singh to be brought back to Punjab I'm like seriously those were serious human rights violations from every angle so you'll have to give a little
from every angle so you'll have to give a little context sure I'm saying so Punjab went through militancy period and during militancy there were several human rights con violations they're unaddressed National Human Rights Commission National not just Punjab has so many cases spending as to what happened with the six in Punjab the rajya Sabha members are non-sick ones son has stood there in the Parliament and said how come we don't know more about June 84 the attack when it happened on Darbar sub complex six have been talking about it why is government not coming up and saying what really happened so grievances have to do with you know Punjab issues riparian water issues they show up in the news with a very different tint but they are pending there's whole 84 things when attack happened sure there are people who disagreed with it but you know one is a state's responsibility is the community expecting an official apology from the government there have been apologies but I have my
the government there have been apologies but I have my own take and Community has never accepted them by the way because they are you Google today what is a genuine apology that has never happened there are issues there are people on National political scene even today who have been cited by non-six as directing the violence again we are not saying you're saying come on you know it's on your face right now and this is from a community you know who has been called gaddar so many times you know dude six have done everything for India six don't hate India this is a wrong narrative we wouldn't have Endeavor it wasn't for six honestly you know who sat there a Muslim writer has written that not even a Hindu writer his name is I want to give you the direct line I went to locate him as descendants in Lahore he wrote that he wrote it in the context of because Guru Gobind Singh fought with the atrocities of some Muslims who were converting India
atrocities of some Muslims who were converting India forcefully right so this is not anti-muslim sentiment because the Muslim guy wrote himself he and he in Praise of Guru Gobind Singh and he writes that is so you know what we have done is we are married about Hindu Muslim or a mogul or a Hindu Hill Chief rajas it's nothing like that that's when you create oversimplification because you don't want to deal with issues so it's called diversions right I mean and kindergarten teachers do this all the time when you don't want to engage with something you divert their attention towards something else that's what we keep doing so Sikh Community has legitimate grievances in fact Ambassador Casey Singh uh though you know people may know him he's a former Ambassador he wrote a column on this he's like Indian external Affairs Ministry keeps saying kalistan word on certain conversation diaspora 6 are doing this okay they're doing whatever they're doing what have we done to repair that's
they're doing what have we done to repair that's the question at a state level right there always will be varieties of opinion on everything what I do wish to say is that I know 200 that at least people my age and younger and maybe a little older as well I'm 93 bonds I would go up to like people born in the 80s and 90s there's a very deep sense of gratitude towards the sick Community yeah especially when you talk about Urban centers I can't speak or small town India because I'm not from small town no there is there is that's where our conversation started I actually saw that in last two years more if I may say this I'm a very Avid Reader and uh I observe a lot I I read a lot I watch a lot even the things I don't like because you know you have to see where the conversations are taking place I can tell you nothing sick community did as a PR or as a work with the government change the image of the six since 84.
the government change the image of the six since 84. nothing did and you I don't know if you know the government in 84 had hired a company to do a negative campaign on sex globally it's called redefusion which became rediffmail eventually yes it was from Bombay I'm very aware of it I have those documents which I have seen as in the same company became rediff yeah but it was used to be redefusion that level of campaign was run against the six okay six have been trying right in multiple ways nothing was working you know what changed no sick political party did anything no sick organization did anything the individual response in last two years every Union thinks there was no leadership in Farmer's protests and stuff right take the politics aside for I'm just normal image actually an image and India changed for the first time since 84. because what India saw on average sick and the Indian said whatever the politics might be that aside so and that's the sex story by the way that's why
that's the sex story by the way that's why I'm mentioning it six never used to talk about what they do and who they are we just did it others talked about it that's part of the humility culture which was presented from Guru name we're not going to talk about our own story what do you think about the narrative now as a sick I have trouble with it I have trouble with the narrative from the Sikh Community now we tell the world who's XR that's why if you notice when you ask me I try to go back to the gurus or the gurbani our job is to become a lover a warrior who's a lover as well right just to call us Warriors is a very problematic and I'll tell you why one of the most famous images of six in the post group period is Baba deep Singh The Headless Warrior fighting to defend Golden Temple complex now what people don't know he did that at the age of 82. from 24 to 82 he's
the age of 82. from 24 to 82 he's a scholar at the age of 24 he comes to meet Guru Gobind Singh he gets trained by him he becomes a scribe he is interpreting the text he becomes not just a primary text but the secondary text but he's equally prepared to fight and the world had never seen a scholar can fight like this but look what sick narrative has done that made him Justified it's called a warrior now we are not Warriors we are poets we are lovers who can also fight so the sick narrative really is I don't decide what I will do this is based out of gurbani right Guru grantha my work is I should this is a there's a professor puran Singh writer he writes this in English so I'll just quote him he says you know when I was not in love I thought I was in love with the Divine I was very active but now I've actually gone deeper in myself what I realize is I don't
in myself what I realize is I don't get to decide how to serve the community I need to be prepared to play the read flute or to pick up the Sword whatever is needed that's the sick narrative and six did this fight people hadn't seen that their musicians will filed are Scholars used to fight because World hadn't seen it and they're like how is this possible because we were inspired by that Shabbat that Gyan Gyan and khadagar not separate things for sex in our DNA from Guru nanaka onwards they're together and when six are separating it themselves you'll see that's why there is a disharmony within the community as well do you want to talk a little bit about where the warrior culture began it's a myth partly you know part of the Indian narrative is that myth I think it suits particular ideology I can share the phrase with you if you want to talk about it don't you think it's a good no like what is wrong
you think it's a good no like what is wrong with being a warrior nothing but we are not just worried I just said that okay it's like I think we have our own just to our Theory it's Guru Gobind Singh who wrote it this will shock you again you know I'm interested in what he writes because everything else is spinning you know or my understanding he says he writes to aurangzeb wrote a letter to aurangzeb it is two copies of it one is in Aurangabad where the copy was made and he uh by Daya Singh one of the five original six punch pyare as we call them he took it to our exit yeah there's a chord in there he's like we will try every other method and after exhausting it we'll pick up the sword now it's Guru Gobind Singh writing this is our just War Theory and the reason I'm saying this in Christianity is the first religion which came up with the just War Theory which never happened during the
the just War Theory which never happened during the Jesus time Saint Augustine did that after hundreds of years but here Guru Gobind Singh is telling us and what did he base it on because gurus lived like that that's why Guru nanak didn't fight with the sword because we believe we're gonna try everything else by the time Guru nanak was imprisoned as I mentioned to you Guru Arjun is imprisoned and tortured now a political assassination attempts a guy named shiha was hired to assassinate him eventually he's murdered in Delhi is fighting battles he's also Target a political assassination this is pretty bloody right but even then when he writes this because it's been demonstrated that we can take everything but don't believe that don't think we can't fight back we will this happened in 20th century I want you to know this under the British too you know those Gurdwara reform thing I was talking about freeing the gurdwaras there were
was talking about freeing the gurdwaras there were akalis akalis is not a party I know it's a political party today akali meant active six akali Kali which means Beyond Death the ones who have married the death which means they are not afraid it's okay if they die when they went to free the gurudwara's and there's a mursha Jato the morcha it's called their pictures and the evidences for this CF Andrews has written long articles on it he says you know the the day they would do or they asked that today we are not fighting back that's the day policemen under the British beat them to death and they did that for days because six ardas is very big when we do Collective prayer we're supposed to stand by whatever we have said and this is throughout our history including when what happened in their Warsaw Complex that's why they don't leave because they didn't ardas people die fighting today that happened in 20th century early akalis did this but the
in 20th century early akalis did this but the day that happened for like two months like that and then one day they run ardas today we are coming back with swords that's the day we gather than kana's Hub back so I like to say to present it you know there's a non-violence of the weak and there's a non-violence of the strong we are the non-violence of the strong we can we can kick your ass yeah but we're gonna do that as a last thing don't think that I'm not capable I'm fully trained I'm gonna restrain myself because I believe in exhausting all means do no harm take no something like that that's one contemporary way to say it it makes a nice t-shirt slogan um coming back to the question I asked you though about the warrior culture thing I think maybe that angle has possibly been used as negative PR for the community saying that oh these people are angry yeah they're like Warriors and that's what the community is pissed off
and that's what the community is pissed off about and listen no we're not angry people it's actually this spiritual Warrior mentality yeah am I right okay but I think let's build on it because um build on it through the stories sure because again teenagers watching this and yeah I can go with you at like really high levels but let's go to the core of the human okay so you know the most popular image of the six these days for last several years has been when you've seen the hungs for example very colorful and you got this Warrior image you know you see coupons and the khandas right and that's the thing that they are the Warriors tradition of the six I want to step back a thing and tell you a little story so there's a ninth group we're talking about some of the gurus I'm gonna come to the ninth Guru there's a ninth Guru his name is politically beheaded in Delhi in 1675 76 maybe okay for political reasons what happens in
76 maybe okay for political reasons what happens in The Narrative is we don't tell what happens after that we do tell this that this happened aurangzeb had ordered it but what happened after that it's not that all of a sudden warrior class started we actually fought battles before that too six guru fought four battles including three against fought 21 battles only three were against mughals people don't know the realities so I want to talk about how this Warrior myth came right it is a myth so gurudeva is assassinated literally we call it martyrdom but politically it's assassination order to death just like you see in Middle East even now public beheadings and then there is 1699 so almost 23 years of period where before Guru Gobind Singh brings out the Khalsa as we say as a warrior image again it's skewed it's not just a warrior but I want to talk about what did he do in those 23 years and people don't talk about that
in those 23 years and people don't talk about that and I want to talk about it he's like we need training the next levels of training he did poetry in anandpur Saab and pondasa which is now in Himachal in multiple places let's train ourselves in how to be great poet that's why he had 52 poets in this court and the foremost among them was used to write poetry in Agra he's from Afghanistan today's Afghanistan but he had a desire to go serve as a poet in the court of Guru Gobind Singh In Anand Prasad he says so there's a poetry training there is Battle training it's called hola Mahala which is coming up as well which means how do you fight mock battles the Warrior part but I want to tell you what there's a scribing training what do you mean how do you fight mock battles so how do you fight battles so there are mock battles for it no we call them trainings these days exercises the attack how do
them trainings these days exercises the attack how do you prepare to attack that's the tradition which is even today celebrated so when you see those crippons and the colors and the large turbans and the chakkers on the head that's one element I want to delete five other elements so there's a training of poetry there's a training of Music how do you sing he's doing that too and he's also doing trainings on how do you fight but I'm gonna use the word fight to describe something now which is why I have issue with just calling ourselves look six are being presented even by sex themselves not as Warriors only they've actually become Fighters and there's a big ish difference between a fighter and a warrior Warrior is trained not to fight ER is always fighting Warrior is very settled Warrior has that we will call today a loaded Glock but not shooting they're not Trigger Happy but they know they're trained not to use it that's how you have to think for warriors they have
how you have to think for warriors they have a code and the adversary also respects that code because they know this is not a fighter he actually is a warrior sex War our narrative has been changed some six have themselves changed the narrative they present themselves as Fighters now we are not today we have garbs which Define Sons it's the behavior your demonstration in life defines if you're a Sant or not living the truth truth Exemplar so that's the seventh part sipahi is a soldier part the one who's trained in the first tradition and then it's a hyphenated word which means they're equally balanced it's like a ship why do you have the equalizing bars because if either side gets heavy you're drowning that's the sick training the spiritual political is equal one or the other cannot Dominate and that's imbalance and then you will drown um while I thought that we'll go in chronological order so this is why podcasts are podcasts uh we can go tangentially yeah uh
are podcasts uh we can go tangentially yeah uh let's talk about Guru Gobind Singh Ji it's 23 years he spent basically coaching an army coaching six okay all six not Army and this is the myth which I have to keep bursting he's coaching six it's a preparation of a Khalsa because Khalsa otherwise becomes very androcentric image I'm using that word intentionally you mean even women were a part of it absolutely you're living in a culture where you don't get that story because that's why I play with the word history because her story is not even included and sex are not immune from it either although we are fighting that battle internally and gurus are training but human beings are human beings they're not including our stories you know if I were to tell you that in 1890s a sick woman general defeated the marathas it will shock you but she did her name was rajkumari sahib Kaur of patiala they were always trained we but we live in a
they were always trained we but we live in a culture right there are the larger culture around you always influences you unless you are Vigilant about your own belief systems and that happens I live in America the American culture influencing me you can't escape it but I must know what I what I've been and what are my wisdoms you know so just like in India you cannot say sick values are Indian values in America I cannot say sick values are American values there'll be a misnomer sick values are sick values we integrate with them with the nationalities we live in right so this is the same way Guru Gobind Singh Is revealing the Khalsa he never said I made the Khalsa the original writing says the Khalsa is revealed in the Ecstasy of the Divine which means it was under training people didn't see it he brought them out on the vasaki day so the training is of the six who want to live this lifestyle it is the order of the Khalsa six are a
it is the order of the Khalsa six are a large tent they're 30 million six in the world not every SEC has a Khalsa but they aspire to become the Khalsa Khalsa is the one if I may use this phrase that the civil servants of the pump that aptitude they have decided needs to be spent on making sure the traditions of the six are kept alive as Guru Gobind Singh and gurnamics have developed them so that's what Guru Gobind Singh did you know um the biggest thing people are aware of now is regarding his four Sons right they died in battle two were bricked alive no remorse what is it so which Warrior will accept that that's why we are not just Warriors your internal has to be so centered that's the meditation for six if I may come back to it that's our simran that's simran literally is Remembrance we live in the remembrance of the one we are the lovers people now use different words literally it means five lovers
now use different words literally it means five lovers so if you see a male chauvinistic androcentric Warrior something ain't right with it I mean how can you be enter women you must Embrace feminism as well you must Embrace what we today call lgbtqia plus issues right that's what that means because we always did that anyone who is considered downtrodden this is a vocabulary of Guru Rands the lowest of the law Guru nanak writes this in Guru gransavi says I identify with them I am not here to emulate The Establishment that's the secret DNA he says I'm not here to emulate the established they already got the privilege and you know he ends that line I want to share that because people have their own idea of grace these days it has become very Hocus Pocus spiritual he says no you want to feel the grace take care of the downtrodden foreign I receive your grace when I take care of unrepresented and underrepresented people's Nations and causes and
unrepresented and underrepresented people's Nations and causes and that's the sick history that's our narrative that's the guru's narrative in Guru grantha that's harshaba that's her Paradigm Guru Gobind Singh did it six of the guru continue to do it we struggle with it but that's so that's that's what Guru Gobind Singh gave us what do you mean we struggle with it because we don't have a narrative right right we don't read the Shabbat anymore now we listen to more podcasts we're part of the problem you can be or you can be part of solutions you are allowing me to share the narrative which is not had in their story so I worry about this stories a lot right let me actually share with you this on Mike here there is a litmus test in Guru grantha which story to share that's how I'm being careful which is what the line is Baba is the Wise One literally which story of the wise one are you
One literally which story of the wise one are you going to share because they're way too many it's a battle of narratives that's what we say today right it's always been the Battle of narratives which version will six present the one aurangzeb road or the one Guru Gobind Singh wrote similarly it's today in which version so that tells us it instructs the six which version it says babaniya kahaniya put the support the one the narratives of the elders the wise ones which have the ability to transform an average child into a progeny so I need to do my work with story I share does it have a transformation ability or is just a feel-good exercise that's why I'm picking my narratives carefully okay grateful to you that you're doing it on the show say that again um I want to bring in historical context again because I've learned that while you're learning about sikhi historical context is so important because of the political DNA let's go go back to let's
the political DNA let's go go back to let's do it in the case of group and saying this will be very interesting okay um maybe give us a bit I know you can't go over the whole thing but give us a bit of the story of Guru Gobind Singh is what I say to six what do we know about him you know if I say to you he was a bihari most people will be like what he's a bihari he's not Punjabi he's born in Patna Patna is the first what I call diaspora 6 Center picked that place you know why he picked it because Punjab and Amritsar he has written this in his father that we cannot tell who is collaborating with the state and who is working with the guru it's so political as in even the six absolutely because it's human behavior right everyone is not trained to do the right thing and even the ones who are trained are not able to do the right thing that's a reality that's a human issue is born
that's a reality that's a human issue is born in Patna I relate to that a lot because Guru Gobind Singh has his own journey to anandpur SAI which is Punjab where the Khalsa was inaugurated and he's traveling through what we now call the central sort of uh civilization there's a Ganges Valley Civilization and there's an Indus Valley Civilization the context of Guru Gobind Singh Is Ganges Valley Civilization he writes about that I've read that it's powerful stuff Guru namak when we started we said it was there's a Hindu and Muslim confrontation of a sword you know where Guru Gobind Singh is born it's Jane and Buddhist where the Renaissance Center is which university what's the one in Bihar nalanda hour and a half from where Buddha had his Nirvana and two hours from where mahavir had his Nirvana it's in that context so his vocabulary is rich with indologies it's a different civilization he talks about what is
it's a different civilization he talks about what is happening when he's traveling from Bihar to Anand Prasad he records them he talks about this idea of understanding what vaishna white tradition is what Yogi tradition is how it has become part of the popular culture and what does it mean for him to exercise this in his capacities his conversations with the Hindus the ranis and the kings of Bihar that's Guru Gobind Singh which we don't hear about so I'll just mention when he has this travel he's five yeah obviously he's extraordinary that's what we are talking about him he's observing what he's seeing when he's traveling but he does not react to everything today I'll tell six why do we react to everything which means we are not secured anymore you witnessed so many things in life but you pick your battle as I end up saying Guru Gobind Singh pick two battles we're gonna do internal house cleaning and we're gonna fight for external Justice
house cleaning and we're gonna fight for external Justice just to put in today's vocabulary so internal house cleaning you did was let's clean up the corrupt sick governance that's what he did you know he never went to Amritsar it had become so corrupt it's a sex Center we have a lot of learnings from Guru Gobind Singh which we don't frequently talk about he never it was so corrupt he's like let's do internal house cleaning our governance got corrupt second thing it was Let's Take on the political Affairs all the hill Chiefs they're 22 Hindu Hill Raja Chiefs those 23 years I talked about 17 18 battles he's fighting with them only one is an ally of Guru Gobind Singh Raja of nahan rest they change their allegiances depending on once we are with aurangzeb sometimes they are not that's the richness of Guru Gobind Singh diplomatic Affairs fightings writing the literature getting the indologies translated in Punjabi and then creating his
the indologies translated in Punjabi and then creating his own larger volume of work with these collections with his court words called vidyasagar granth well what I need you to share with you is all that happened but there came a point in his life when they're crossing a river this is very big in sick history in punjab's history this river is called sarsa and it's called sarsada vichoda separation Etc he gets separated from his family he loses these assets he never documents that the most famous lines of Guru Gobind saying which the world knows which the Bollywood knows he says even with all that gone the only conversation he has is to my beloved friend I just want you to know the condition of the disciples it does not invoke his family he does not invoke the literary knowledges he does not invoke losing Anan because in sick parlance of Guru grantha nothing matters what matters most is my relationship with the divine that's Guru Gobind Singh that's the real
that's Guru Gobind Singh that's the real Guru Gobind Singh In documented history um again many tangential questions also sorry I'm constantly no no no don't apologize um what was happening in Hindustan at this point I think this is very important context for people to just understand because the Indian internet has are now understood chatrapati shivaji Maharaj well uh and generally even though I think there was a phase of the marathas and six were boring there's a lot of mutual respect from the two communities bracket uh but what was happening historically yeah the the the conquest essentially which was happening in India at the time of Guru Gobind Singh it starts when I started talking about Guru take bahadur right like what is happening in Punjab what is happening in Bihar within the community but there's what is happening in South Asia maybe maybe we could actually again bring in Babar so Babar was a contemporary to Guru nanak and as the
was a contemporary to Guru nanak and as the dynasty progresses so does Sikhism yeah uh and you said that um the fifth Guru onwards there was even a lot of battles with Hindu Kings as well yeah both that's yeah so let's ask me a question and I'll respond to that why don't you kind of give not just the historical context of Guru Gobind Singh ji but the entire historical context of Sikhism yeah after Guru nanak so you know the one way to understand chronologically speaking the Sikh Journey especially in a guru period that you're dealing with 1469 to 1708 239 years I like to present as being as 239 years of training and 10 founder gurus so we've talked about what happened in Punjab how are they training the six and how it's not just the six but Hindus and Muslims and tribals and jains and others coming for similar things and many developing affinities without changing their religion because it's so allyship which gets created
their religion because it's so allyship which gets created though allyship gets played out in the larger political con context of South Asia as well I'm using South Asia because in crawls seven countries now modern States right so that what is that context what is happening in India there's a consolidation under the Mughal Empire what people don't know is there is a Mughal Babar ke it's called in Sikh narrative and there is every sick Guru had particular relationship with every Mughal emperor sometimes friendship summarize antagonism because we believe there is no permanent Reliance that's the second narrative by the way in Guru grantha which says that our Alliance is only with the Divine rest depends on what is the project we call it today so every so that's why it's a very tense relationship with jahangir it's a very tense relationship with aurangzeb but I'll pick on jahangir for a second you know because he's doing all sorts of things samughal Empire all sorts of
sorts of things samughal Empire all sorts of things going on the way they deal with Rajasthan with the rajputs is different thing how they deal with our homes in avasam and by the way was asked by the rajput Rajasthani King help he see sword Guru take mother's help to fight the aham dynasty of Assam gurudev went there I just went there to check this place out I've been reading about it that he's like no let's figure out how to create a treaty between the two of you so gurus have played that role people don't even know treaty between the home king and the aurangzeb subordinate uh King uh from here who was a Hindu Raja in some cases aurangzeb's um Prince you know uh Guru take mother helped as well in other cases they had Direct confrontation like a physical battle even comes after not Zafar just sorry after aurangzeb dies Guru Gobind Singh comes to see him on his way before he goes to Deccan
him on his way before he goes to Deccan in Agra what I'm trying to say is there is a state relationship with the gurus none of the gurus this is the exception and this will also tell you about Sikh dma why certain sex don't do this even today none of the gurus appear in the court of the mughals they get summoned they send their Ambassador Emissary including his son one time who changed The Narrative of the six Guru said don't come back because you were not sent here to represent and get afraid so this is a very tense relationship we call it diplomatic missions today in short what was the story over the story is that there is a there is a hymn you'll call it there's a Sabbath in asakivar Guru where it says it's is the son of harai the seventh Guru who had 2200 Horsemen with him as well as set up the animal sanctuary in Punjab it's that Guru he sends his son is like okay he's
Guru he sends his son is like okay he's someone that you're writing something against Muslims he comes to the code of aurangze if he gets too afraid he's although his Guru suck but you know you can imagine it's like showing up in Supreme Court and you don't know what to say you don't have the training now you have lawyers training you right and he changes the world to beimaan the news spreads and his father as well as his Guru says no you're my son but nobody has right to even orally change what's written Guru Gran Saab you must be able to explain it because we are not we are not dehumanizing anyone in there it was actually using one of the metaphors uh about the Muslim rights uh uh what happens the point is those kind of things were happening at the same time Guru Gobind Singh's Army I'll use one example you know many a time they had very few sex in his army this people might not know first battle Guru
army this people might not know first battle Guru Gobind Singh Ford is called battle of pangani three or four six were with him there is 700 men of is called his people came and foreign they never fight he's like every udasi left which are like a sadhus you know is one of the parampuras they all left they got so afraid that they might get killed in this battle but their head stayed back he's like so this is what Guru does he inspires all sorts of people from various backgrounds six non-sex Muslims Hindus odyssis and they work with the guru to fight on his behalf in the battle what I'm trying to say is uh India has its own version of you know what happens with the marathas what happens with the rajputs the Sikh version is the creative excitement gurus created many people work with them some became six but many didn't Guru never asked him to become six it was always a personal choice in sikhi this is why you
a personal choice in sikhi this is why you will see many six are you know practitioners of the faith many aren't and we don't have a dissonance like that many even leave the faith we are okay with that what is leaving the faith not you know uh looking like a sick do you think that's truly leaving sorry do you think that is leaving the Faith No it's presented as such look leaving the faith at the end of the day is not being a practitioner of the faith but who decides that at a personal level it's only your decision but there are Community levels when you are a representative in the community then there are protocols you must adhere to so that's it's at that level I was saying leaving the faith right you cannot misrepresent the faith you must adhere to normal protocols more than them because it's like being an ambassador ambassadors have to be held to different standards so Community does that by the way if an average person doesn't wear a turban or is
an average person doesn't wear a turban or is not not able to represent six they don't go after them because it's a personal choice and we value that but if a leadership does that then they take them to task it doesn't matter who they are including our Kings because now you're an ambassador and you are held to different standards you have a public accountability um now I will let you continue what Guru Gobind sings the idea that each Guru Had State relationship is very important for us because that's what we are taught that there must always be a dialogue with the state earlier State used to be imperialism right and we deal with this element even today so when six having State relationships what does it mean public dialogue political dialogue it continues into the British and we don't have a monolith there either which we have to understand because now the guru is not there 18th century Sikh history which I want to refer to a little bit what people don't know so what happens when
bit what people don't know so what happens when Guru Gobind Singh left this Earth you can imagine when a prophet read I mean gurus are not prophets gurus are not oftars but I'm using that word just to explain the best period in Sikh history is the 18th century it is the most bloody you know there were two genocidal campaigns where half of the Sikh population was killed in one day and another one where two-thirds of the sick population was killed in one day but even then we fought Ahmad shabdali seven times when he used to loot India and take women as slaves we used to intercept them the six used to intercept at this cost and eventually what happens and this is very very important because a period came in Indian Punjab history Indian history South Asian history but I'm going to call it Punjab history Punjab was also ruled by invaders for 700 years obviously India was too in 1765 after the two major genocidal campaigns captures
1765 after the two major genocidal campaigns captures Lahore so this idea of politically capturing power is very much part of sex tradition because they said look if nothing is working if the ruler is so corrupt we have to now capture Lahore and run in that way it is 1765 it takes another 20 plus years before Ranjit Singh consolidates into a punjab's Empire but that's the history we actually did that in 18th century and people don't know this was an Afghan he was an Afghan he's that's his common name but actual name is same guy absolutely that's just I'm not gonna go into the Bollywood versions of these even their issues with it really oh yeah I've made it to six not six well Akbar had a relationship with six which I can get into which are never talked about most of it is positive but there is a non-positive part what is the non-positive because you see what happens is there's a secularization of everything in the way we present in the
of everything in the way we present in the Bollywood Hollywood stories but the other thing like beer world I grew up listening to beer world is considered that's not the narrative he is a he's the only non-muslim minister in his cabinet his name is Mahesh Das Bhatt he deputed to kill Guru Arjun really this is gonna shock you now because Guru Arjun refused to pay the tax the taxation was for not practicing any other religion and guruvarian has created such a big Center think about this foreign who am I otherwise and Narayan is not just a God narayana in Hindu mythology Narayan is an attribute of the Divine Narayan is iron where you have stability in the water just think about that how do you become stable in water so Narayan is that ability of the individual when it is such a surface is so liquidy volatile you still remain stable and that's the quality Guru Arjun invokes when people are being deputed to be to assassinate him
people are being deputed to be to assassinate him Guru Arjun was assassinated he was captured he was tortured for days and this is a very interesting period in Sikh history his body was never found you know Punjab is all about rivers so I'm gonna invoke that little bit here the second narrative is that he entered Ravi and he never came out in fact the sixth narrative is even today he lives in Ravi gurdas has written this which is the sick narrative that Guru is still living in River Ravi it's a pleasant way of saying because what happened was he was tortured for several days you know we say he served in a higher and played there's a burning sand on him and then and by the way Hindus Muslims his own family members they're all collaborated with these state his brother did this is why it's never to say six are very clear this is not about religion this is about individuals who are power hungry wants gifts
about individuals who are power hungry wants gifts from imperialism they'll all do this doesn't matter what their religion is it's a human tendency right because you want to be sided with the power six have always been like I said no it's okay even if my own brother is doing it it is because it's not a brother thing it's a human power hungry thing anyway so Guru Arjun they said can you take a bath and they're like yeah you should take a bath because when your body you know when your skin is coming off with the heat they thought there will be even more tortures when he goes in body in the in the water river uh in the river Ravi and Guru Arjun enters that and never comes out and this becomes part of the sick character I want to that's why I'm sharing this you'll notice this this is very common understanding of six okay you can kill them you can torture them to death but don't insult them it comes from here we
but don't insult them it comes from here we don't take insult very well yeah we'll take torture we'll take death because our Guru taught us that you know what you're not gonna spit on us you're not gonna dehumanize us yes you can torture us to death because Guru teaches us that we should have the ability that's the same run the remembrance is so strong with the Divine with the one that the physical body Ikea we can live with the torture on that but that remembrance must not break which is also where respect and love is greeted with 10x amount of respect and love something like that actually it becomes you actually know what exit will be because it's dependent on how strong your relationship is you know today we it's like entropy kind of thing going on it could be 2x it could be one and a half or thousand X it's the level of the strength and Intimacy in the relationship with the divine want to say something egoistical a little bit egoistic
want to say something egoistical a little bit egoistic I feel like aspects of Sikhism rub off on all punjabis there is an element of Sikhism in all punjabis which is why not you know yes I'm gonna double down on that what we don't realize is everyone in Punjab got affected by this everyone even the jut of Punjab is different than the jars of other areas otherwise I'm just put in perspective you know how so the creativism idea gets into play otherwise you know juts are so called quote unquote low cast but they became rulers in Punjab how come it didn't happen anywhere else in in India yeah every Community got uplifted because they all believed you know everyone used to read japji in Punjab many still do it is not a sick thing for six it might be part of religiosity but for punjabis in fact Professor puran Singh was a writer I like him because he was you know he was never published in India that's why I quote him
was never published in India that's why I quote him so much there's a whole conspiracy to publish him he wrote in English from 1910 only in 1960s he got published in Punjab everything got published in England because he was too explo he was telling the real narrative not his story but what the guru story is what the sex story is he's written that he says even the rivers of Punjab Singh jabji just think about that for a second tagore says that Osho says that whatever people may think of any of these personalities the sufis of Punjab said the sufis of punjab's vocabulary change with the arrival of the guru this again will shock you the first here is not varishas that's the most popular one the first here is written by the mother gulati he was the sake of the third guru guru amardas because we actually embrace that Love Culture the legendary love stories of Punjab are embraced by sex we wrote them we wrote a version of them
we wrote them we wrote a version of them and the first here was written by a Sikh it's also why the best love songs always in Punjabi that now it's debatable whether they're loved but the point is well actually let me differentiate since we are talking about this who is actually a theologian he talks about the love stories of Punjab he mentions so we Embrace this yeah like today's Sikh religiosity may not get this they'll get afraid because I believe many of them are not Shabbat born you know many of them are just religion born right now says he references he references now he does not reference which is a popular narrative today also right and I got curious I didn't know about legendary love stories of Punjab um I may you may think I'm Punjabi but I'm not I know that's not as I am in my college days I picked up the legendary love stories of Punjab written by some you know white woman and I read it I'm like oh
know white woman and I read it I'm like oh that's why because in Mirza sahiba it became about devdas it's about fight well the Popular Song also says right and you know I noticed this in today's culture when I'm listening to Punjabi songs I'm scanning through them very few are about they're more about Mirza sahiba what does that tell you about today's culture because actually they are being Mississauga here ranja will die but will not live in separation Mirza saiba will get assassinations done and that's what you're saying these days so here is that protagonist who's questioning the family the tribe and the transactionization of women that's here I don't think we get what here is and she's a married woman you know it's a blasphemy in Islam for a married woman to go have a lover but our Theologian is saying if you want to love the guru learn it from her this is sikhi one thing I'm really enjoying about talking to you sir is like
enjoying about talking to you sir is like we've covered so many different aspects of the subject over two episodes um I have to cover a little bit about Guru Gobind Singh ji and his main contributions to sikhi in general and touch upon Maharaja Ranjit Singh a little bit because it's another internet term that comes up a lot so uh maybe again starting from historical context I'm sorry I keep pulling you back to it but it's the easiest way for listeners to connect uh what happened in Guru Gobind Singh's life like especially once the Khalsa actually began at the end of that 23 year period so 23 years he's imparting different skills of which one is fighting to all six what happens at the 23 year mark so contrary to the popular belief the battle started before Khalsa was inaugurated battle started much earlier which means everything is happening but now it's like a mentorship an apprenticeship but khals are what people don't realize is called Khalsa
are what people don't realize is called Khalsa to be his Guru this is disruption and flipping what is a norm in the world like if you are the guru restaurant if you are the mentor restaurant he's saying the training is so good that I submit to them now can you I mean this is today we call in a very business-like way we call this a leader servant model Guru Gobind Singh lived it he did it you know six call him the shahenshah and the Pacha you know bigger than the badshah because badshah is only in the physical domain Pasha is physical and metaphysical domain yeah Guru Gobind Singh on the kasaki day people don't realize inaugurated the Khalsa and then he sat on his knees that now make me part of the Khalsa so humility in practice and democratizing Leadership we call it today representative democracy that in training of 239 years is complete the only consultancy you need is of Guru granth sahib this is the vision the
Guru granth sahib this is the vision the principles and the interpretation of that the currents how do you keep it contemporary decision making has to come to the first principles distributed among five people so that five is the idea of punch which is an indie tradition but now he's doing it in practice and since then that's why we don't anytime say community goes through a single leadership we actually are downfall starts a single leadership yeah because Guru said no don't you have it anymore because single person is imperfect regardless of their excellences and they will falter so he said let's have five and that's why in today's boards they say you need odd numbers whether it's the judges or the board directors they say have five or have seven or have nine right so this idea of five is there very much so Guru Gobind Singh did that sick Community from there onwards goes through 100 Years of fighting Invaders in the absence of Guru Gobind Singh because Guru
absence of Guru Gobind Singh because Guru Gobind Singh has said let's go now actually create sea change enough is enough Banda Singh bahadur people know about it maybe maybe they don't he's the one in fact my friend and I were at Harvard at some discussions several years ago and one of the professors of South Asian history was sitting there and they started saying what happened to Mughal Dynasty and my friend harpreet who was doing PhD at the time at Harvard he looked at me he's like harinder you want to answer that I said yeah that happened we don't teach that bahadur literally demolished the Mughal Raj and he paid for it for his with his life you know for seven years he gave him havoc and he established what's called Khalsa rule he established it in May 1710 and then eventually they got to home six years later and they brought him in a cage to Delhi and publicly assassinated 700 men they
to Delhi and publicly assassinated 700 men they captured and in front of him that tortured him by killing his son in front of him and shoving in his mouth it's very gruesome and very bloody and the reason I'm mentioning this is people you know everyone knows Gotham Minar half a kilometer from kuta Minar is a place called katalga where they did this to Banda bahadur same Banda bahadur which rabindranath tagore writes a poem that Banda is his poem that bandi I don't know people have read this what I'm saying is historians and Poets are very aware of it but they don't talk enough about it Banda Singh bahadur is the one who took care of the Mughal Dynasty is one narrative which is not highlighted enough so sick history is something like that you have 100 Years of that and Ranjit Singh gets mentioned because Ranjit Singh Consolidated the Sikh Empire we call it today six have never been in majority
we call it today six have never been in majority so this is a contemporary phenomena too I think it's important for people to know you know Ranjit Singh was invited to rule Lahore 19 people wrote a letter 19. he didn't fight to capture Lahore Hindus and Muslims of Lahore leadership wrote a letter to him that the six who captured Lord earlier remember I said in 1760s they were called the pangi missiles they were they're like we are inviting you to become our Maharaja because we need beggar help better help we need a better ruling we need a better governance so he's the one who created that Empire who ruled for 40 years had five treaties with the British with the Chinese with the Tibetans people don't know this part of History he was the only indigenous ruler of South Asia British never fought him they feared him the day he dies bohook and croque has to say with assassinations with buying people off buying his generals
assassinations with buying people off buying his generals they finally annexed the Punjab in 1849. so but Ranjit Singh is that that who showed a model you know the France is considered the premier Multicultural model and 10 years ago it failed they couldn't figure out how to deal with their African population who they thought they had integrated no capital punishment during his Raj he has Hindu officers Muslim officers man from Philadelphia serves in his army his General is one of them as a Frenchman called Ventura so this is the thing he created right he equally gave money to run actually I'm not talking about education there is a serious report on what was the educational system of Punjab at the time because British were trying to copy it believe it or not Ranjit Singh spent more per capita on education than the British Empire did in England the system of Education he really he himself was not very well educated but he was very well trained in sikhi he was a Khalsa
very well trained in sikhi he was a Khalsa he had taken Amrit as well at a very young age his grandfather Baba Choda Singh was the one who had captured Kashmir actually people don't realize Kashmir was part of the Sikh Empire so Ranjit Singh Is that example of multiculturalism which worked he he had no State religion in fact he did not even make Punjabi the state language this may shock people his State language remained the link of Franco remained Farsi because that has been the tradition so this is the secureness right like he's sick he's very clear everyone knows he's a sick but the amount of money given to maintain sick places of learning and worship and Hindu places and Muslim places included equally given grants to them it was this was a huge model uh and then people loved it people of all denominations loved it there is a question um that I've planned since before we even began to speak which is the explanation of the
began to speak which is the explanation of the 5Ks I don't think this is available on the internet in the form that it should be available in like everyone knows what it is but I'd like for you to give a little bit of the spiritual angle on it as well five k's of the Khalsa cannot be explained with any utilitarian value it never have no explanation was provided by Guru Gobind Singh I want to start there so that's important right and this is the same reason none of the gurus also commission history no biography was written by of any Guru they never commissioned it because for them individuality is not important the idea is important so 5K is there is no utilitarian explanation people try to give it it will never make sense so what is said what is said is they are the gifts from the Beloved now who finds the meaning in gifts I can give you historical angle but that's not important here the gifts value is between the one who gives it and the
value is between the one who gives it and the one who receives it the way ones who received it have explained it for themselves this is how I identify with Guru Gobind Singh now there is a kada there's a krapan there is a kachara there is case I mean and there's ganga people can put values to it but it's a wedding gift I'm gonna use that word because what the people who receive that they're taking Amrit Amrit is not just a spiritual ceremony initiation ceremony Amrit is dead Amrit makes it Opposite Immortal which means from here onwards the value and the fear you have of your life is eliminated which means I'm Marrying the guru this is the spiritual mysticism when you marry someone you receive gifts these are the gifts because I want to be like Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Gobind Singh finds value in these just like within the guru period they gifted the Gyan and the kharag and the Khalsa period
Gyan and the kharag and the Khalsa period onwards Guru Gobind Singh onward these are the gifts received and we cherish them there are foreigners watching this also could you quickly explain the 5Ks the K the word K became known because in Punjabi or in local language of the time all the letters the names of the each gift starts with the k sound or Ka sound and that's why they are called five k's but I want to come back to it you'll also have to just listen to them yeah and explain what it is oh sure ideally what it stands for also that will be utilitarianism okay so that will be a problem okay but take it as far as you can so the 5Ks are the day you get initiated there is a whole ceremony ceremony has its own powerful purposes but I was actually saying it is not just spiritual because what happens that day before your what happens that day is you say your father is Guru Gobind Singh from here
your father is Guru Gobind Singh from here onwards your mother is Mata sahib Kar one of the wives of Guru Gobind Singh who was not his conjugal wife she's the mother of the Khalsa and you belong to anandpur from their day onwards which means everyone knew this is why there was a tradition in Punjab there when Hindu families will have one son who's a sick because they belong this person is going to do the right thing when the push comes to shove they will go do whatever is necessary including giving up their life so that was the order of the Khalsa That Remains the order of the Khalsa so it's a very political ceremony you see everyone knew from that day onward your family the state the protagonist the antagonists the adversaries that this individual man or a woman they have married the guru they are not afraid of anything they will do the right thing at any cost so one of the things there is you receive case which means you're
the things there is you receive case which means you're here in fact many people kept them beforehand even before they went through ceremony because they're preparing right you have to prepare to receive many things so case is uncut hair there are all sort of explanations in mysticism of the world religions something is there about the hair Guru doesn't provide that like you keep your hair we don't cut it that's why and then we are not like Rastafarians or the yogis so you got to keep them tidy grooming we call it today so the Kanga the comb is there to keep it tidy you know so we want to keep it clean because we want that's why bathing cleaning is part of that tradition again uh Kanga is something very big you know when Guru Gobind Singh for example after a battle six world including Muslims over there they'll say can I have your case because in Islam having a strand of hair of a prophet is considered The Ultimate Gift so there's something with the
considered The Ultimate Gift so there's something with the hair which is even in the Kanga it's it's a mysticism idea which you find in mystical Traditions globally and then there is Kara all sort of explanations are there but it's a marker some I I've gone through many explanation but nothing works it's a bangle too it's a hathkadi is it a Bengal I don't know it's a reminder that I am of the guru there's a kirpan people have created all sorts of explanations it's off it's a weapons of offensive weapon defensive weapon what is more important is he didn't call it sword which are the existing vocabularies he called it kripan which I want to explain actually the nerdiness the etymology of the word is kirpa is Grace on his honor something which is used gracefully to protect honor this is why only Warriors know what to do with karpan the fighter will use it every single chance no you don't you you gotta use it only to
you don't you you gotta use it only to protect honor and not just yours anyone's and then kachera is under shorts which is to do with because you see in indic Traditions there are many who actually get rid of all clothing and their Warriors they will lay other clothings idea here was that you should have that on so you're always ready the Readiness was related to it so you wear something you don't stay naked and you are ever ready to just get on a battlefield without having to put on the whole armor as well there are all sorts of explanations with it but it's some undergarment is what it's saying not being naked that's it those are the five k's but they're gifts from the guru and marrying the guru is actually a gesture which I personally if I may say this you know because ceremonies are not powerful if you think about them right now we're thinking about them any ceremony becomes incredibly powerful when you think with them so the ones
powerful when you think with them so the ones who goes through that process only they know what it is just like a wedding you can't ask uh newly married woman why is she wearing a particular shingar if you ask for that analysis you should slap you analysis the meaning is to be felt and experienced and it's between the lover and the Beloved and that's why we call our gurus the Beloved Pacha Sacha Parsha the Eternal Pacha we call them the groom as well because we become the women in that we take the feminine form including men this is very very important because gurus present themselves as feminine when they talk about the Divine it's not that because in the world he is still being used to refine God gurus don't do that we actually call it ajundi which is the word I forgot to explain earlier I really forgot to mention it means Beyond gender genderless so gurus are going the other way to say we gotta carry that feminine angle with us because
we gotta carry that feminine angle with us because the patriarchy and Purity are still a big problem they were problem earlier even 2023 yeah and they're confronting it head-on now we gotta get rid of this nonsense uh because Purity is in the mind not in the bodily functions speaking about 2023 and um confrontation generally so it's a little raw question so I hope it doesn't offend you no no I'm not gonna get offended I have a pretty thick skin no no I mean okay this is something I always wondered being Punjabi and I think this podcast is the right place to ask that question and I've asked this question to a lot of military folks as well why do sick people actually make great soldiers to the degree where you have an Empire like the Sikh Empire where you have so many six in the militaries of the globe generally you know that's right not just the Indian military yeah uh where does that Warrior element Soldier element come from
where does that Warrior element Soldier element come from though I know you've answered a part of it but there's got to be something what makes six great warriors yeah is it the size and strength of being Punjabi or is it like something else according to you so we have to deconstruct couple of things there because that's how stereotypes get built stereotypes always have an element of truth but we oversimplify them and it becomes mythical then and they are problematic then look first of all six are not one ethnicity all six are not juts for example so we gotta relax it on we never say that sex also make great writers because there are several so what has happened in the Punjabi context is there are two traditional occupations when we talk about economies of the world especially what are the two traditional things it's farming and it's Soldier so when it was farming in Soldier that's what you see most Sixth and Punjabi is doing um when economies are changing sex are doing other
um when economies are changing sex are doing other things too I mean we are in various forms now parts of heads of departments parts of musical culture the film industry many were not accepted so they change their names I don't know if you know that many are six golzar is a sick people don't know this really yes you should read his story he writes about it he talks about it because he was not being accepted as a Sikh yes so here when I say nation building is needed there are elements wow there are elements would you name anyone else well I just named one because he has come out it's not my place let people tell on their own because I have to respect their confidences he is he's mentioned it there are lots of people who've not come out about oh absolutely I mean I'm gonna leave it at that right so many things have happened in last hundred years as well so my point is we are not saying that they are great businessmen you know Delhi the New Delhi
are great businessmen you know Delhi the New Delhi seven contractors four or six we never say they're great contractors you should so next time you go to Delhi Drive by The rashmavan there's a plaque there you should see four names or six foreign of your question six are not risk-averse people whatever is risky we do it because faith and risk are directly proportional we are people of faith things which are not being done we used to be trendsetters we still are like that to some extent but not to large extent and that's our kind of internal struggle going on but we have always done that I I as I said you know venturing out to foreign countries was a tough thing six did it in the early days now everyone gets people like me get on you know triple sevens and Dreamliners they get there quickly earlier it was a journey it was a task it was you're not sure if you're gonna get there right so that's what sex are that's the DNA we are not
what sex are that's the DNA we are not risk-averse it's not profession of army it was a traditional profession so a defense minister of Canada is a sick he's a good friend of mine but we don't say what about other six there are 19 other MPS as well who are six what about all the heads of departments who have become six it's just you know what we end up highlighting and that's what stereotyping becomes which is problematic so V6 are all they are warriors as well is what I say I don't run away from it just like if you say Guru Gobind Singh is a warrior that's making him too small the phrase on Guru Gobind Singh Is badshah barvesh we have forgotten the Darvish part he's a hyphenation of what the world called saintly people and Soldier people it's badshah darvesh he's a prophet Emperor yeah so let's not forget the prophetic part this is the end of the episodes how was it for you oh
end of the episodes how was it for you oh it's an interesting Journey it's a different Journey okay uh I what I've liked so far is actually all of it it's pretty real and I appreciate that um mostly people have manufactured questions I think you're exploring and I appreciate that you're venturing into no no I can't claim what is the second narrative but you are venturing into in the vicinity of the second narratives which is what I try to share that's all you can do the one thing that I've realized is that in modern times there's way too many narratives about the same thing out there all you can do is get closer and closer to the truth through questions yes for me this uh was effectively the first conversation on sikhi that I've had and there's going to be more I've done an incredible one with uh uh from but that was again more in a spiritual context this is a real Indian history which is again the core principle of this show so
which is again the core principle of this show so I thank you on behalf of the entire audience as well so thanks for teaching us so much uh and what I will say is that uh people like you need to come out more on the internet and teach an entire generation about everything that you've studied in your life like the stuff that took you decades to learn we very greedily want to take from you in a few hours so I urge you to be on more podcasts and come back on the show because you've had a crazy life as well outside of your learnings about sikhi so well as this inshallah let's see what's possible but I'm not a teacher I am very clear I'm what I've shared with you and what your audience will hear it's I'm retelling I'm trying to retell it from the source as I understand it but I'm trying to base it on the source of Truth in sikhi rather than my gut feelings or have begged emotions because I think
feelings or have begged emotions because I think those are important but those are not sick narrative that will become harinder's narrative then and I think today we were trying to do a bit more on sick narrative I I added my narrative in few places where it was personal but largely it is about sex narrative which is really about South Asian history which got globalized yes so again just very grateful towards you and I'm hoping to speak to you again that's what I will say so thank you thank you sir that was the episode for today my producer shrutesh watched this episode reviewed it and said this is a true podcast until this point in our podcasting Journey we've had to cut episodes down to an hour sometimes down to 45 minutes just so that they're consumed in the entirety but I feel with where podcasting is going in India you need extremely long in-depth conversations just like this to be laptop by the audiences I feel we're at the brink of
the audiences I feel we're at the brink of true podcasting in India I'm glad to be one of the mediums to bring you through podcasting and I'm extremely glad I've spoken to harinder Singh I do regret not doing this in Hindi a little bit I feel like it could have spread out even more but we will do that very soon if you're sick watching this please tell me how I could have done a better job with this particular podcast watching this I hope you spread this as far and as wide as is possible this was the runway show follow us on Spotify a few episodes available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world and if you wish to support team beer biceps even more with our other endeavors our meditation app level supermind it's now live on the App Store on Play Store so begin your meditation Journey grow your mind take your mind to deeper places within itself and grow along with us on TRS lots of love [Music] foreign
with us on TRS lots of love [Music] foreign [Music]
so there are there are likely for example Uranus is a planet which is like having a pole tilt which is directly almost particular to the direction of Sun so it's something like a like a ball rolling uh because it's it's other planets are like 23 24 degree tilt but this is 90 degree tilt exetera that's right and another crazy thing is about the Venus which is having an up or Direction opposite rotation so that the sunrise the typical proverb will sun rising in the west and setting in the East will happen in that in that kind of planet instead of sending a person into the future you can transmit information into the future into the future the time travel to future is not having any theoretical problem it's only a technological problem but technology is ah technology is not available right now to send a actual human being into future I was looking forward to this podcast for an extremely long time and trust me if you like chatter about UFOs aliens science fiction oriented Concepts like time travel
aliens science fiction oriented Concepts like time travel like the future of science this conversation with ISRO scientist jijit Nadu muri is going to be the conversation you've been looking forward to trust me when I say this if you enjoy these slightly alternative conversations but if you want to back it up with science this is the episode for you if you can't consume the entire podcast because this one was slightly long and heavy we have a highlights Channel on YouTube it's called TRS Clips if you want to increase your attention span then meditate using the meditation app level it will help you begin your meditation journey and then you'll be able to watch uh episodes in their entirety and finally I'll say follow us on Spotify where Spotify exclusive every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world UFOs aliens you'll get to know the truth in this particular episode enjoy yourselves [Music] thank you Nado morisa welcome to the ranveer show how are you yeah
welcome to the ranveer show how are you yeah I'm fine thank you you know we've got so many demands to bring an ISRO scientist on the show uh you're a very hot property on the internet why do you think that is why do you think the audience is so fascinated by ISRO scientists because uh primarily because ISRO is such a different organization it's a government organization but it has caught the imagination of all the youngsters and of course and the entire Youth of the country because of the the way uh like the launches are happening and uh the kind of achievements Israel was having in the last three four decades and even recently uh so many uh kind of uh things which are like not I don't say science fiction but something which every Indian will be feel proud of going to the moon going to the Mars so it's like uh something like uh it has got an aura of itself that ISRO has that kind of uh you can say Fame and also it can Captivate
you can say Fame and also it can Captivate the the mind of the youth definitely that's that could be the reason okay uh one thing I understood about scientists is that most scientists actually began to fall in love with science through science fiction and we all Saw movies we read books which actually got us inclined towards the world of science and then the ones who were very inclined towards it became scientists so in the modern days as a scientist what do you really do at ISRO like I know it's a very wrong question but what does a scientist address do like what are you kind of accepting research on and how is ISRO built specifically from a scientist perspective in terms of our different scientists um assigned to different projects assigned to different fields how would you begin to explain this yeah uh so basically uh in ISRO the primary focus is on the the launching of the vehicles that is uh the what you call correctly called Rocket but it is called launch vehicles and it has a massive