giving talks on life but bro but love what have you done it so you you should not preach if you have not crap exactly which is also why I think money is really pushed we Rajan me hard to grow monk and attainment fast and big because if at all I am that guy who is going to talk about working hard and creating business there should be a very solid business other than just beer biceps to be able to say that listen we've built that as well so I know what I'm talking about and that's how my niece is also mentoring my team on the next start of its in the education space more on that some other time wanna come back to you and your process of mentoring I'm not the only person you've mentored do it in like a mentee like someone who you meant to what do you look for do you look for some kind of trait specialist a way or like I'll put my time and effort into this person if he has these things some spark you
this person if he has these things some spark you know a couple of things dedication and discipline is must see if I am giving you my time and if not respecting what I'm saying I'm gonna say thank you and be friends hmm but if if you show that sign that okay whatever instructions or whatever talks that we had and and you're implementing things towards it even if I see 1% of it then I'll put my time okay so anyone like too many people today text me and all on Instagram on Facebook also saying that I'm doing this startup can you help me and all you need to be very very prepared and do your homework before reaching out to anyone like for example let us say if anyone has a startup let's say manga detainment for example today whatever you know business we are doing and where we are or whatever if we have to go let's take an ideal situation if we have to go to investor an investor that say that sir please invest these many lakhs
that say that sir please invest these many lakhs or these many crores in our business we need to go with a lot of homework done right that who we are where we are who are our competitors market analysis on there must be there are a lot of data points that we need to prepare ourself and move and then only they will give you money because they will give you money or time after you show some so that's what I want that you should prepare in anything like for example even if you are going to a subject teacher to ask some doubts make sure that you have the basics yeah clear I feel strongly that you know it's not necessary to know 100% of all the industry wanna take part in but you should have that curiosity and that little basics ABC of that industry exactly so so till the time you practice that don't make it a Content and put it out like I cannot like like now we are in such relation that you know we we you ask me strongly on what kind
know we we you ask me strongly on what kind of content you are putting so I now have that Liberty to tell you where on and it's been in the past also that you've made some container and have strongly rejected it saying that don't put it out because we've not done it ourselves you've not done it yourself then how can you put it out like I I cannot allow you to talk about Kriya yoga mmm-hmm I will not talk about it mmm-hmm even though I know the basics but I have not practiced it myself like to that level that I can talk of then it's always great to listen to people who have done it yeah the books read the book of the people who've done it yeah right the concept is like that yeah dude why do you say that each youtuber who exists now you say this alone you say that almost any youtuber above 1 million subs or so right now is capable of creating 100 or 500 crore company so from like a start-up
or 500 crore company so from like a start-up perspective what are you seeing as a mento see one beautiful thing is that our nation is a nation of possibility and our nation is a little emotional cultural nation right it's still been I mean it always will be because our I would roots have been like that so why I say that is if you have a million subscriber that means 10 lakh right million and 10 lakh people with you that mean you have 10 lakh people backing you imagine that's the Super Bee sub similarly as Okinawa you need to create that something which can give you that 10 10 rupees yeah so that you can make your wealth at the same time give back to give back some part way and like how you are giving back today like how monk entertainment and be a bicep is giving back is by designing something for you know kids and giving it I don't know we'll be free or it will be chargeable or whatever but you spoke to radhakrishnan
or whatever but you spoke to radhakrishnan sir you spoke to your uncle observe and you spoke about this idea you had in your head and they approved and then you brought to me and then we discussed an idea go ahead do it right so it's like that so everyone has is capable and I'm and I'm seeing also couple of youtubers they've already started someone is selling t-shirts online someone is selling something someone is designing I met a very interesting youtuber or regional youtuber in Delhi regional from he's from Delhi only I'm talking about Mahatma geotechnical oh you should meet him very very nice guy so he's designing courses a beam of a be viral that who we know you know he write writes rap and all those motivation he has some online courses that he does so these guys have been doing not like yesterday they've been doing for that last 34 years they built a parallel business so join YouTube I yeah I mean even Nick be unique he is doing something
I mean even Nick be unique he is doing something entrepreneurial he always talks to Garage about starting some new businesses and all that so obviously see imagine today an asset that you have is you don't have to spend on marketing you will just have to make a video and put it out subtly and people will and forget about hardcore marketing because you've been too loyal to your fans you've been too loyal to people who subscribe they will believe in what you are giving them and they will say a maryborough by a Americano name very buddy been a very good cute he like for example let's say let take name I mean tomorrow project our Bowen or there are too many other youtubers have not but too many ashes change Lonnie for that matter very inspiring that his entire family does it right they are all on YouTube and if they try and launch something as a product and they want to sell they will sell it very easily then someone who starts a product from scratch because he has
someone who starts a product from scratch because he has to go and market and all never market ready you have a you have a platform ready so that's the reason I say this that you have all potential but it's about how much hard work you can do but it's also very difficult to go from being a youtuber to being an entrepreneur it is in the world of YouTube there's too much glamour yeah there's too much self obsession on this too much give me morning aspects of it from my own eyes see one thing which comes along is a bubble of being celebrity hmm I always tell people like I tell you I I think I sometimes very hard I'm very hard on you when I say things I say that how many people subscribe on you and you will say that okay total of 2.3 2.4 million I said converted 2 lakhs you will say showbiz luck I said now compare the population we have in the country and it's 130 hundred thirty-five crude I said now calculate the percentage
thirty-five crude I said now calculate the percentage now you tell tell yourself are you a celebrity how you know if you fall sick tomorrow will people pray and do ha one for you no you notice I'm a beauty right you are in a bubble of being a celebrity and it's I mean people who take it positively you've seen them prosper people who just pass it there yeah bro yeah that's what we've seen youtubers go down yeah we've seen big companies go down I know that when we take you for a lot of YouTube parties you actually point people to me and say that that person's good that person I'm a little afraid for ya so when you're talking about the people you afraid for what you seen them doing wrong you know there is no rocket science the behavior if you observe people the kind of behavior they have the way they shake hands the way they meet people greet people it all gives you behavioral traits right and it is it is all about common sense and yes
it is it is all about common sense and yes because of some spiritual advancements I can like see couple of things and you know which you have better Egyptian yeah and and which is not to be misused right I always tell you like you keep sending me pictures and you say yeah bunda iconic and I tell you that you know this is not really correct we should not do this and and and when required we do it over in the talent management so yeah so so yeah all that things you know and and it's always I am by God's grace it is always been correct or whoever we've so now this is not judging this is just understanding people yeah who they are are we are we going to invest time with them or not are we going to are they open enough to take so take some submissions of thought and change few things to you know grow their career next level yes a lot of female youtubers who you made me speak to and I have said couple of things and every
to and I have said couple of things and every done it and the feeling good about it and there's been too many things I've been technical also and in couple of cases or team at Joe's talks has also helped them like I have taken people to offices and her shoes a crazy guy in our office is help them like read their analytics and tell them and also yeah it's it's both technical advancement plus what you can do and personality here so all that yeah okay but now coming back to the story which we've gone away from a lot but it's cool that's the nature of a podcast dude you know you kind of told me to cut off one negative element at a time which is usually what I do as a fitness coach I tell people don't take up a diet instead just cut off one negative thing from your diet I remember that yeah so dude like why you first told me I think alcohol alcohol yes because that is easy too yeah yeah I'll call you no I
is easy too yeah yeah I'll call you no I want you to leave it also you feel like actually your leash has come off your neck once you leave it for a while yeah even leave social drinking just completely don't touch that that's what I believe in now and this is something you only understand once you come out of alcohol coming from be our biceps I literally named this channel with the intention of telling people you know what it's okay to drink and it's okay to drink beer and that was me being like a little rebellious and I was a lot of anger in my life at that point shame that that the name that came out of that angry face was Bo Bice's just given me my career today but anyway now I tell people that as much as you can stay away from alcohol yeah it's not Aviance cup of tea again if you want to drink if you're not ready to give up don't but some days now after heavy drinking session when you get up with a
after heavy drinking session when you get up with a hangover one voice inside your head might tell you that dude maybe this isn't built for you listen to that voice please don't binge drink yeah yeah don't give in to it again if your friend group drinks or lot drinks to unhealthy levels stop hanging out with them that's what I strongly believe in alcohol was the first thing you were so I think you know what happened at that moment I remember that moment when I told you that bro you should consider you know giving up alcohol Desiree you know what I did I looked into you and you were thinking it already and I just said that yo yo to socialize pasado perlier idea so that's what happened so I think it was a right moment of both of us meeting and you were actually thinking you had somewhere understood that yet that would be nice a mihrab or la soirée yeah my goose are on my couch relationship with dignity I was in her glory
relationship with dignity I was in her glory you already were feeling that I just ignited that thought and yeah and as I said discipline dedication yeah and you follow yeah that's that's how it's your win I have nothing to contribute but I think in a way you kind of trained me through that process yes I know that you were going to load a lot more work into my life yes eventually yes and this is the first step in that yeah that is the phase where I said that why don't you write a book yeah yeah you know and now book is written the book is written yeah see one phase I knew something was happening I said why don't you start Hindi and Hindi is 1 million plus family now yeah this is good probably you know pass the English Channel also soon next what about the we'd like that was something which is a little more difficult for me to leave compared I'll go to be psycho is horrible for your health it makes you fat for sure it doesn't we
health it makes you fat for sure it doesn't we does less so bad if X yeah alcohol yeah and that's how I supposed to justify it to myself yeah you don't need to race me I hope it's because weed is branded that way weed is been branded like our this is cool thing this is calm thing this is people who are what goes thinker then people who are like happy in life and people who are successful in life do hmm yeah that's what I think I think a big reason I got so deep into it was all this American YouTube content I just to see where this would be like yeah a Snoop Dogg does it yeah Obama did it I'm like you know Steve Jobs I don't know if I wanna know about it okay I don't know that's what so a lot of it was a branding gas Steve I Steve Jobs I know and when he came to India then and when he went back yeah then I mean even Mark Zuckerberg when he came back to India he became
Zuckerberg when he came back to India he became more spiritual yeah I don't know if he did smoke or not I don't know it so it's wrong to say the fact yeah but I think I think though at that phase of my life I was definitely very influenced by all the video content i watch also the friends I hang out with a big weed smokers and if you hang out with them I think they'd only talk about weed and they'd only talk about hash they'd also talk about very intelligent so yes the conversations were very intelligent he is amazing very intelligent Vedas amazing so I was like yeah Google and I got sucked into that tangent despite being a youtuber with like a subscription base I know why don't you answer this question now one last last one and half yo you've been intense education in yoga and you enroll yourself to a school which is guiding which has you know 500 years of research in yoga and and spirituality and so what what did change for
and and spirituality and so what what did change for you um okay so I think that school is actually one of the big reasons I stayed I kept staying away from weed like I have not touched it in a long time and I'm not afraid to admit now that I did definitely had a problem back then okay but now there's two things yoga does do one is that it will give you that escapism that you are desperately looking for in your correct meditation sessions you meditate for a half an hour 45 minutes you go to yoga school you learn the technical way of doing meditations the barre you keep a back straight you breathe in a certain pattern and you are actually able to stimulate the good feels inside yes without relying on an external substance so you even talking about it makes you feel here when you open your eyes after the meditations I feel like what colors are more saturated right now the wind feels nice yeah just feels just like being stoned without having to put
feels just like being stoned without having to put an X or some yes exactly this is what I wanted to know from you that stone word that you used right now I'll give you I'll give you the second aspect as well this is something interesting and this is not something everyone will understand but try wrapping your head around it okay yeah money should help me wherever I'm going wrong in this there's a concept of said these in yoga now what are these basically they say you only use 10% of your waking mind like and when you're awake and you're working only using 10% of your brain but if you do yoga you start unlocking the remaining 90 percent slowly yeah and it's been scientifically proven yeah yeah so I would advise everyone to go and watch series on Netflix it's on brains I think it's called the brains nowhere and they have spoken that how may you guy and meditation actually helps you unlock the endless possibilities of what mind can do and they have come to India and
mind can do and they have come to India and they have been several scientists have come to India and they have seen Yogi's who live without food who drink water and survive there are some Yogi's who eat one time a day and function they walk in the chilliest mountains with just a robe and what just one duty on the body wearin you wearing thermal and whatnot so what is this yeah okay so that's what you guys that's what CD and southerners know to you coming back to cities for lack of a better word and for lack of better reference when the closest word in English to say these would be superpowers as in you can't you can't say array Marcos in a laser Nick like that yeah it's not that or or mad you means over what that is eventually I mean yeah but coming back to basics of these on a human level you become extremely calm that's us at the Cousteau know what CD what she means CD is an achievement okay CD is achievement
she means CD is an achievement okay CD is achievement it's like getting from one level to another yeah so that's being called being Sid Matlock being wise yeah so that's what it's called now rather sorry they explained it better in another podcast here Oh in the long term I just feel like these are one of those things that initially keeps you very motivated about sticking to your yoga process because you're like wow what is happening to my world why am i able to see through people right now why I'm able to understand that what this person is kind of thinking about why is why all these colors more saturated why am i more at peace so initially yoga becomes a then you educate yourself when you realize hold on this is just the tip of the iceberg exactly and there's a lot lot you should not be excited because of this small small things so this spiritual world is really funny also yeah the day I keep telling you they throw a lot of tests on you they will make
throw a lot of tests on you they will make you see through a person or they will make you understand a person better or a couple of things about gays couple of things about the past or the present or maybe something that person is doing in life right now but if you start feeding on these things you will lose yeah yeah that's the reason I always say that we should not always see picture then get into people's mind and you know but it is nice talk to anyone who's on you when the long term they'll tell you that they're a very good judge not judge not judge it is observation yeah they're a very good observation or of a people yeah because they come inside and I'll tell you why I'm talking about this in the whole video because I started seeing all these said these are me with my head was calm I was way more creative business was growing because of my creative processes and even if once in a while I again got a little stone it would go away for three weeks the
little stone it would go away for three weeks the piece would go away for two three weeks the calm would go away yeah and I'd just be like no wait I want that again no I I remember I watched us at gurus video and it made a lot of sense to me someone asked him a question saying that he asked a question saying what do you want to ultimately achieve and that person said peace then he laughed and he said peace is not something that should be a goal peace should be a requirement yeah yeah so same thing good habit should be a requirement yeah and I mean you happiness is not a destination it's a journey exactly yeah so the peace became a journey I was like no I'm not going to spoil this journey yeah with that blob of weed yes you know so that that's kind of why I can't just let it go after a point yeah and finally coming down to non-veg okay now keep in mind I was a powerlifter jmo so I kind
mind I was a powerlifter jmo so I kind of needed the non-veg to really maintain my musculature and it's definitely reduced since I've become vegetarian but the advantage is that leaving non-veg has given me can make up 110 thousand times for losing a little bit of your musculature okay for example I'm extremely cool in the head like you can't imagine I feel like someone's taken all the anger out of me and 200 away obviously it's also the meditation it's not like all vegetarians are cool in the head no they are not you know I mean I mean let me be very honest with you even I get angry we're yeah yeah but but but I mean yeah yeah my mental health is way better all the inflammation of my body the injuries the long-term injuries have all vanished the tennis elbow the wrist injuries all that's gone again there's science behind us which we've spoken about in the foot tumor podcast yes detail so go watch that okay but the
podcast yes detail so go watch that okay but the point of leaving meat and all of me again was to get to the next level I have this whole concept of living my life like an athlete to be more specific LeBron James who has always maintained this thing in his life about every season he tries adding one scale to his skill set okay which is every season yeah so that he can become the ultimate basketball player in the world and he's actually been able to achieve that now as like I think 35 year old okay he's become the ultimate guy and even as a 35 year old he's still considered one of the top players in the league and the lesson I take from your is I think he's competing with him yeah and that's that's what I try doing as well I can ask myself that listen if I want to take everything on next level if I want to group your biceps even more hindi channel after this one launched monk and Damon after that if I wanna launch an education
Damon after that if I wanna launch an education startup I have to change certain things in my own life excel have to add more skills sinus so my way of adding a skillset is work on yourself and at that phase in my life the answers obvious that leave meat because meat one will open up your channels for more advanced yoga - it'll make you more calm 3 who knows let's see what kind of change this brings in my life what other geniuses and it's the best decision I made in my life yeah I mean too many people watching or listening to this would think a cabal try a MATLAB hard work or meets a correlation and all so again it's like Zeus Nikki I was capita so you know actually there is no way of proving MATLAB chatty card case a and the RAM sit on a de casa thing but you know just Nikki I was good so much my attire just maybe I they have never gone back yeah I know I know too many people like
back yeah I know I know too many people like too many people in our friends in Bollywood and all I know them they they never been going back I mean too many of them have become vegan today they also lived a load look at that so so it's magical when you experience idea and the reason we've spoken so much about alcohol we eat meat is because that's also part of the big mentoring that money gave me he told me introduce yoga into your life he told me ok do these steps next because this will improve your work efficiency and much of work efficiency improves your dreams of like having 20,000 people working in an organization and you know building Bo Bice's and beer all over there to that high dignity subscribers not not high degree but like that you know I don't get half of the things you say so Meera go bad no but result I am little dumb in that area no but do so thank you for introducing all these changes in my life I just
for introducing all these changes in my life I just want to end the podcast on a note of dude what advice do you have for me now when I've cut off all these things what skill set should I add now when you call me every day and you ask the same thing now you're asking it what do you call on air so see advice I don't know but it is a submission of thought like I always get a submission of thought because you are called to take it or not is now the time is to think very holistic so every decision that you take in your life and where am i I mean just keep yourself in this thing that your decision is going to influence to many people's life so that decision has to be thought through and wisely taken at the same time you need to be that poggle entrepreneur that what you know that go-getter and and just take her and all but risk lay helmet ben kelly is what i'm going to form a garage in my life yeah you you
to form a garage in my life yeah you you can go and do your stunts but please wear your gear yeah don't do it like oh why Macario i yeah your language yeah which grew it which grew it till this point but i even i feel that right now i'm in that mid-20s part of my life you know when a footballer was young he runs around a lot he's able to do like flying like so whatever and then injury oh oh when you get older yeah then you play in the midfield you play at the back and you're like okay let my team is run but the guy that the midfield they actually like envision the game and they strategize it and they say hi to my family that's exactly what I'm thinking in my life right now like I need to become assisting LeBron from scoring LeBron yes I mean in your language or let me just a captain Virat Kohli from run machine without okay cool yeah make sense I understand cricket yeah just that
yeah make sense I understand cricket yeah just that man what is your vision for monk entertainment and Bo biceps as like the main mentor that we have so any organization that I'm a know even like I use I have been friend to I use have been French to like to many other people so I what I want them to do is grow ethically so monk entertainment if you ask me I want to grow ethically though we are in a business where a lot of things happen and all that thing but still we might lose couple of pennies but will will will will stand through our ethics we will not break the ethics we will not do those wrong things we will not do that tax cut or E or will not do that too many things so that's that's something I always keep talking to garage you know so that is what one thing we will do obviously we are going to grow there is no doubt about it we have around 35 build I want to make this one of India's biggest
I want to make this one of India's biggest companies there is no in you know aiming like that they're always always should be a target but yes we're gonna take the hard way required we we might not end up being number one but we need to be number one in our hearts yeah in the people who are working with us in their family members heart that okay my kid or my brother or my sister is going to a very beautiful place to work yeah yeah that's that's not consciously we've always status idols yes deep deep family go to an office and if one person grows the whole family grows yes and it is always always important to if you know family means it doesn't mean because you can't say partner but I know the Picaro if someone is doing wrong yeah make them sit and make them realize that brother or sister you're doing this wrong if you so the harm of it if you bring change it will help you and if not then we have to cut off those people also
not then we have to cut off those people also it is very very fair yeah I know the if you have gangrene you have to cut your leg as simple as that and what about Bo biceps Bo biceps cute opening story a bo biceps is going to be so B I what I see Bo biceps are on virile a body as channels is these are going to be institutions they are they are not just more YouTube channels they are institutions I mean and I am saying this again because I read I have read the comments that you get and I have seen people react to you when they meet you don't you feel heavy don't you feel responsible I feel cool you feel cool and I feel like oh my god this is such a big response consumer and you know when people come and say you changed my life and it's like by jaga Vanessa right it's like like when you say certain things to me or like you know what are you talking about we just had a normal conversation yeah so yes like
we just had a normal conversation yeah so yes like recently came back from Nagpur there's this kid who basically goes around villages and small towns around Nagpur and he basically does motivational sessions where he just repeats Bo Bice's videos and he met me there yeah and he's like bro anything I talk in those sessions it's actually your videos and people commenting my autograph and take my photos and hug me and they like buy up cos a iro and I was like dude that is the most beautiful thing anyone's ever told me yeah because my brother money once told me that your goal with beer biceps should be to create a thousand more and B's exactly and be happy and be very proud if one of those thousand become bigger than yeah I'm I'm always up for bigger than you like like pay it forward yes I mean that's the biggest goal you know 200 percent yeah anyway thank you for this podcast I hope you had fun bro yes I was relaxing it
you had fun bro yes I was relaxing it was a therapy for me as well I loved it cool cool I'll link all the money she's handles down below makes you follow makes you subscribe hope you guys enjoyed tell me what else you would want to learn from money she was gonna be bringing monies back on the podcast very soon until next time say bye to everyone drew bye and it's not goodbye see see you guys
I put the Loom electa if you really want to do something without caring about the outcome I think that's the most important perspective among all the many things that can be done at this part of time for me every day the only thing that I am most focused on is to make sure that I feel happy about the job that I am doing I try to make a positive difference and most importantly that positive difference should make an impact in people's lives the most important is to remain calm because in great day's jump sub see them for the chittering and even then making hasty decisions is bad and on the other hand when things are when they have troubles it's important to also remain calm because haste creates waste so it's critical to enable that so that's what has been my first focus to be calm when the fisherman can't go fishing to the sea they repair their necks so this is the time to repair a net to make sure that if I customers are not getting a good experience in
if I customers are not getting a good experience in some forms improve it be the best for the customer when the world comes back no matter how many times I am pushed back or no matter how many times I fall down I will stand up and go harder at the same aspiration then ever before I won't give up that's the one thing that that I believe is an important skill set for entrepreneurs saying there will be a hundred people who will want to push you down and there will be many reasons for it but to the extent your heart is in a good place you have right values and you have right intent I think you can get back at it and and and get back to fight it and I think that's that's the one thing that I focused upon you okay how's it going how's quarantine treating you you know this is of course you know something that you see once in a lifetime so trying to deal with it at this point of time you know this is this is probably one of
time you know this is this is probably one of those times where the longest I have remained home you know for weeks and weeks so trying to trying to see through this feeded but but one of the positive effects has been I've grown my hair longer after after very long as I can see yours as well you know you know the pain of the brother you know the pain of the Breville but how's the house a mental space dude because honestly entrepreneurship is one of those things whatever stage you're at it's one of those things that does definitely for lack of better words suck the life out of you somewhere if you stay within the rut only I would I would always tell every entrepreneur then that you have to take that break every three to six months just to recharge so that your creativity is reaches so that your motivation is recharged what's your mental space like right now are you recharged yeah look you in these periods there is no choice but to be recharged look these are
is no choice but to be recharged look these are really tough times for you know startups entrepreneurs out there especially the ones who are in you know the the stage of building up their companies I think to begin with this is the time to also be responsible and take responsibility take charge I think for me at this point of time the principle is John had the jehan here which is what you know I hear a lot in regular discussions and John had the jahannum of customers because hamari customers they're stuck in other cities states countries and they all want a safe place how hotel owners are fighting it out on the front lines by serving front liners hospitals so making sure that they are safe making sure that our employees even though these are tough times and we had to make some decisions of furloughs how do we make sure that they keep getting enough amount of income to see through their lives they have Medicare benefits so are trying to focus on monitoring the situation and ensuring that
to focus on monitoring the situation and ensuring that there is John Heather Johanna for everybody around us and being responsible in every way possible when you were starting out your journey did you think that things would grow out this way I'm not on but Cove is 19 we'll talk about that but I'm talking about your life are you did you ever think that things will go so well you're like 26 27 yeah yeah I think then I started what do you think you'd be doing at 27 and what are you doing No so look I grew up in the southern half of for design the horizontal position for where my parents aspiration was long term if I work for a good IT company was an assistance system engineer there I would have done really well in my life so I think there of course I've had the good opportunity to do a lot more so I had no expectations that I would get anywhere close and that's the one thing I tell everybody saying that I could Illuminata if
tell everybody saying that I could Illuminata if you really want to do something without caring about the outcome I think that's the most important perspective among all the many things that can be done at this part of time so my singular focus for the last six to seven years has been that when I started this business I saw that SAP Sutra camera at the right price at the right location was impossible to get and my aspiration was how do I ensure that we get good quality of spaces for consumers and in the last five to six years you know we've gotten so much love from you know consumers partners employees and just the people of this country I'm seeing messages as it goes I think just the number of people that have given us love I always say before 94 93 sort of time periods the only good choice was to work in government companies or to potentially go somewhere international in the US or Europe to potentially consider opportunities in this generation for the first time there is somebody who's young
for the first time there is somebody who's young has a dream and wants to make a difference people are willing to give them opportunities people are willing to let them make mistakes and let them create a great impact in the years to come so so no I had no expectation but I am truly very thankful and grateful for the opportunity that I've gotten so far beautiful do you I mean I'm pretty sure you're aware of the fact that you're the poster boy for you you're a big aspect of rose branding in general so I'm not talking about Satish the entrepreneur I'm just talking about rotational guy the man do you feel this level of pressure one for being the face and two for being the face of inspiration for like a whole generation because a lot of young kids who want to take up entrepreneurship study you they study your mistakes they study what you've done correctly so what does that feel like at night when you're going to sleep do you feel any amount of pressure do
to sleep do you feel any amount of pressure do you feel any amount of I don't know man like any kind of negative emotion so I think to begin with you know I'll answer these in three different parts the first one is I don't think of life as being any different from what I was as a 19 year old wanting to start this business being at a Barsotti in South Texas modern deli and and and trying to get the first hotel started I don't feel any different than that so maybe koshish we're ready to try and make a big difference as we go fish today and I think that I will keep trying that for all the years to come the second thing is you know the love I have gotten I'm very very grateful to it m'lip you know when I started my first hotel and I had some problems there were a bunch of customers were all young and I and all of them actually proposed that they would support me from their personal savings for setting up the business that kind of love
savings for setting up the business that kind of love is unprecedented if you were to think about and the third is it's not like I have only gotten love sometimes I have also gotten flack and criticism but I used those criticism always with a positive perspective to learn which are the techie if you get a hundred things to of love if you don't get four flack then maybe that love is not worth it so I take all of those criticisms very constructively uses the negotiation cup that I try to do better every day and and and very focused in that direction what are you working towards what's your end goal in life at 50 what's your involved look I think I am for me every day the only thing that I am most focused on is to make sure that I feel happy about the job that I am doing I try to make a positive difference and most importantly that positive difference should make an impact in people's lives I'm seeing you know various messages in the comments like that of
you know various messages in the comments like that of people saying you know I use over 4x I use over 4y and okay and you know somebody's saying that I don't like over 4x and I think all of those are incredible because we are able to in this few years been able to make an impact to millions of people across the world last year alone acknowledged million Lamoni who use care across the world I think for me that's the one thing that matters the most are beyond beyond anything else so at 50 if I'm happy about the job I am doing I will I would keep doing this I I have no points I have no aspirations to me to change so we have to kind of address the elephant in the room iam a lot of people are wondering about you know the cove in 1908 of ected oh yo I know that you guys kind of spotted it before the wave actually took over the whole world so could you just like run us through what happened
could you just like run us through what happened in your head when you realize oh this is happening and at the same time obviously the hospitality industry would get affected in a big way so as the guy who started out this whole journey what was going on in your head and normal people I feel a normal human and AMA at me would have probably panicked I do believe that entrepreneurship kind of grind your brain into having a higher level of mental fitness so keeping dad as an aspect like what did what went on in your head when this whole situation was going on sure look I think first off nobody in the world could have predicted that something like this would happen in our country at least at this period of time and the world at large because the size of impact that this is having to the word is something that no recession I would probably believe that only the World War two is anywhere close to what this situation is like so first off I didn't know I don't think anybody
first off I didn't know I don't think anybody else knew about what was coming we saw this for the first time in China where we saw that there was a massive impact you know and the whole like a lot of provinces shut down and so on and initially we actually felt that this was going to be a China only effect and all the rest of the businesses were doing okay but very soon in a month or two around early part of March we saw that there was a massive impact happening in every part of the world where you know this was affecting individuals and human beings on a daily basis 400 which is a travel and hospitality linked company we were literally in the middle of the crisis we were not even of the corners of the crisis because with issues like the ones that are today I think maybe the same city in the same state customers will continue to come to us but the people who are traveling from one city to another people are not going to be excited
city to another people are not going to be excited about getting on a plane when you know that there is such large amount of infections that are that are going on so even before the lockdown a lot of Indian airports had gotten like half MP so our immediate response response was making sure to reduce any expenses that we can to reduce so for example we reduced our travel of employees including myself we reduced marketing expenses capex and so on we looked at safety and security we shared that whatever can be done to be ensured ensuring great safety and security for our partners so we sent your hundreds of thousands of masks to our hotels sanitization liquids you know consumer safety ecosystems and so on and then unfortunately very recently we had to also you know have some of our employees go on furloughs but when that happened we try to ensure that we can bring back and I'm coming making sure that we can bring back as many of our team members as possible but beyond that every
of our team members as possible but beyond that every team member gets 100% health care Medicare their school children fees and a lot of other things to ensure that our employees can see through these tough times none of us can relate with how tough this situation is going to be but for us it's important to lead by example so I an honor key leaders have almost taken a hundred percent or 50 percent pay cuts to ensure that we are the first ones were hurt before anybody else up but from a leadership perspective what were your big learnings of this phase again on a personal level I'm not talking about the business side of things on a personal level what did you figure so subsequently it's important to remember that you know there is so much going on across the world that it is very easy to be bogged down but do you scale and every day you wake up and get lots of SOS messages saying this is a problem that's a problem and so on the most important is to remain
problem and so on the most important is to remain calm because in great days Jub see them or the teacher ring and even then making hasty decisions is bad and on the other hand when things are when they're troubles it's important to also remain calm because his creates waste so it's critical to enable that so that's what has been my first focus to be calm second to be highly engaged because it's very easy to get fatigued you know when you're at home and you've seen so many of negative news for all your team members or your owners and your customers it's important that for all of them there is some way of engagement so we've tried every way of making sure that we can find ways of engagement with not just an employee's a lot of our team members stay with the parents with their families with the children we try to engage with them as well the third thing that I have learned is in these times not only do people come together people have a sense of serving
people come together people have a sense of serving Society so a lot of oil employees across India and across the world came together to also serve the society for example we recently contributed to various funds and a lot of people think that all you contributed to the fund it's actually not oil it's actually our employees who put together contributions and said we as a group together would want to serve India and various other countries across the world so which is like Nike this is an opportunity for people to come together and fight you know against against this cause and as our prime minister says in it together that's that sort of whatever the last thing that I have learned is this is also a great time to you know reflect because in the last two years things were going so quickly for our company that this is the time to reflect and say what did we do right and what we did but what would we not do right and hear from all our stakeholders and at the end prepare for
all our stakeholders and at the end prepare for the future that is you know when the world opens up consumers will want touch-free check-ins consumers will want highly sanitized and you know clean experiences how do you prepare for all of those as as the world comes back got a beautiful bro I feel a lot of people look at you as a good blueprint for how an entrepreneur should grow a business especially in this country completely self-made guy you know lots of I feel like you're someone who's a constant loner as well which is kind of it goes hand in hand with being an entrepreneur and only because you're constantly on am I asking you this you mentioned that in this phase you understood what you did right and wrong so could you take us through like the top three right things superfast and then the top three wrong things superfast in your whole journey to know yeah that's a that's a very tough question I think there are three things that I believe are we did wrong I will start with
I believe are we did wrong I will start with the wrong and then go to the right so I think the three things that I could have done better is one I could have focused that in bringing good quality talent sooner it took me one and a half or two years to be able to make sure that I start bringing high quality talent into the business the second was ensuring that as our company grew we should have taken a pause sooner and said what are the two or three things we can improve we did that at the end of last year around December or January we could have done it a few months before and this third one what I believe we could have done better is made sure that as our oil grew worldwide we could have said we could have clarified about what are the key focus areas of our business you know across various parts of the world and ensure that not just the what but the why is also communicated better now come coming to the part of what we did right before I
to the part of what we did right before I begin that because you talked about entrepreneurship and a lot of startups getting built I believe this is the best time for people to build new companies there is no better time than a crisis for companies to begin I have read various news about people saying don't start up now there is a lot of risk and so on and so forth but it's critical to know that crisis is a mammoth subset but here companies will be so the three learnings number one naivety is good so a lot of times where you be told that you got to be very smart you got to learn about everything in the business if I knew how hard building a company is I would have probably never done that number two is making sure do go after industries that everybody is chasing nowadays I see that people see that there two or three industries that are exciting and then everybody wants to go in that remember the industry that nobody is looking at at this point
the industry that nobody is looking at at this point of time is the industry that's going to be very successful but not just very successful you can be the leader of that industry when the word comes back my learning has been be the big fish in the small pond not the small fish in the big pond and third probably one of the things that I believe is going to help you survive this crisis is a great group of leaders I work with in the history of a company I have not lost the people who work with me you know the the senior leaders who have brought in and all the team members sort of constantly get inspired by them they have not left and they continue to stand together in these really tough times so I believe that that's the third thing that is give respect to your colleagues who you work with and if you let them do what they want to do were smart and who know their jobs I think they will they will work a path to make sure that long term they're
work a path to make sure that long term they're going to make you successful amazing stuff bro what has the lockdown taught you about yourself you not away tipo young sign and retain what they taught you about yourself lots of things I mean I think the first thing I have learned is video calls can really postpone lunches and dinners because if you were at office you could always take that 10-minute break for a lunch or so on but if you're on back-to-back video cause it's the second thing is you know no matter you know how much you think that deliveries and so on are working and how many things you need you can live with very little basic things around yourself minimalism is a good thing and it can work and obviously the third thing is I used to feel the only way I can get my job done is making sure that I'm in front of my team members in front of my customers and so on I still feel so but nowadays I feel that you know that's that's that's
I feel that you know that's that's that's not the only way to do things maybe 70% of the things can be done by means of video sessions so these are these are a few learnings I have had beyond I think nowadays there are a lot of mosquitoes so so I have those I don't know if others are seeing that but it's just amazing how much pain it is dealing with yeah generally there are a lot of insects I was walking home that day a massive spider fell on my back like I was buying some sub Z and this huge spider okay I think we're going back to the Stone Age slowly nature is just like kind of bloomed again so the next see again there's a lot of young entrepreneurs watching this people who actually want to get into the entrepreneurial space going forward 16 year olds 17 year olds and I feel there's always one of two things that three things okay that entrepreneurs chase one of three things so either you chase money like you want
three things so either you chase money like you want that lavish life and there are a bunch of people out there like that a lot of people even achieve that money and then stop they don't care much about other stuff the second is legacy so say someone like her Steve Jobs you know made his money but then wanted to be remembered after he died and the third thing people chase is impact so you're clearly not in that first category you're a mix of the two other categories I feel but in saying that I'm definitely gonna ask you more about the two other categories my questions about the first category like after you made it big what do you spend on lavishly like for yourself again how do you do you pamper yourself in any way or is it that minimalism mindset through and through yeah look I think you know let first off I believe that people who chase just money that's not sustainable because invariably you will crack in the tough times I think Google is a tough time
tough times I think Google is a tough time and I and I sort of related with sports so for example you know back in the day you know I I didn't watch that match life but I have watched that later such a gentle curve playing in Sharjah in the middle of a crisis for between the india-pakistan match I think those kind of tough times unless you're fighting for impact there is no way you're going to be able to fight those times you're going to say that you know why should I fight so hard let me just leave this thing so easy because what challenger why fight in this be so I believe that chasing money is not the right thing for the long term but finally if you don't chase money the money comes to you the second thing is about impact and and and legacy I don't know about legacy I think it's too early to chase legacy I have a lot to prove and a lot to build honestly I think you know having both come come about key we
think you know having both come come about key we haven't we haven't made it yet but that said I think impact is very critical because that way someday you're gonna have better income someday you're gonna make a lot of losses but you can go back home thinking consistency of impact oh hell that you're able to make such a big difference and that will motivate you every day it's it's it's hard to relate with it and look when I started the company I used to think as well listening to other entrepreneurs saying look this impact thing doesn't make sense but over time I think you realize this very quickly in those days when you realize that running that one hotel in includes 20 things that could go wrong and you still want to do it and you ask yourself why I want to do it then you realize the only thing that you care about is making sure that you can make an impact it feels sad then you see that one story when you are not able to make that impact
story when you are not able to make that impact and you work harder that inspires you in a positive way to say that next time on you don't want that to happen again and and you want to make improvements amazing beautiful stuff again again you spoke about such an you spoke about charger so somewhere there's that there's still a little kid inside you who draws inspiration from the people you've grown up watching keeping that thought in mind I wanna ask you to people from the world of business and to people outside the world of business that you draw motivation from actually give me to be three or four people outside the world of business and to business idols sure look I think I have talked a lot of times about the idols in the business world that the leading one is actually Bill Gates the reason I believe so is because he built a great business but at the same time people will remember him for ages after him because he did so good for the word here addict ated malaria by means
for the word here addict ated malaria by means of you know various medicines that he brought in right now in the period of Ovid he is building factories even before the vaccines are found saying that once the vaccines are found the production will be harder I think that is just incredible for somebody to do and and and and a lot of people think that I say that because I believe he's been able to make a lot of income but I believe it's more because he has been able to do such a good job for the world after building a good business as well and and along with him he has a fantastic leader in SATA who's who's the CEO of Microsoft and creating massive impact partly he's he's our fellow Indian who's who's done so well across the world the second person I find who is very interesting back here in India is actually who Dakota you know some people might have known that Kodak was a bank which was earlier called core Tech Mahindra Bank
bank which was earlier called core Tech Mahindra Bank and eventually became Kotick bank he's a first generation entrepreneur started his business and then built it into being one of the leading you know banks in India did not inherit anything so I think that's the second business person have been inspired by in India and lives with a set of values which which is which is very inspirational I think outside the business world there are quite a few of them but let me try and give two examples I think one of them I mentioned about I think you know from from the area of sports is such anthem tutor I think he's a classic he's made such a big impact in the area of sports he's been no-nonsense he started his life young he got criticism all through his life saying you're doing it for your own self why are you trying to do this and so on but nobody can ignore that he is a classic a match winner somebody who took India and Indian sport to a level that nobody else can
and Indian sport to a level that nobody else can relate with so so I get very inspired by him the other person I'm very inspired by you know and again I think someone who a lot of people are inspired by his are Indian Prime Minister I think the way he view from being you know from from being from this little town in Gujarat to being the most influential and impactful person in the world I think is is incredible and for me personally and my family his feet become an inspiration but since the day my parents thought that I was doing something wrong and he came on live television and said in start of India event that British predictor Mooji lattakia jival in a hotel chain table which are tuning here my parents felt I must be doing something right to be to be doing this job one generation back if you started a company people said that you may be failed in school who stay up could come cooker Anabella in this generation we have a leader of this country who's
this generation we have a leader of this country who's willing to inspire young entrepreneurs by saying that you know if you are able to start a company and give job to even five people you've done a good job so I think those those those would be the two inspirations and Andrea those their personal stories that inspire me about each one of them amazing stuff bro coming back to the slightly business side of things what's your viewpoint on business opportunities after the covert 19 situation is done and you know if say someone were to take away your rooms from you completely and you still at the same mindset you're starting from the ground up what industries would you look at and say okay that's something I can do that's something you should do that's something you know people should do should build things in what would be those industries for you so look I think in the the new problems that are emerging are very very interesting let me share some examples of those people will go back to stores or
examples of those people will go back to stores or shops social distancing will be key so how do you use cameras which are able to predict what basic social distancing should remain there is a technology opportunity in that how do you read ability for people the generally houses are small houses in India especially people who live in paint yes you know are various other kind of accommodations which are small locations I think there it is critical that people are able to create experiences where people can work from home anything that's linked is delivering anything that's linked to gaming anything that's linked to education over Internet you know all of those opportunities will grow dramatically so consensus is anything that you use technology for with rapidly increase personally if somebody were to take om away from me given a chance I will build oh you again because I believe that that people humans are social things they will travel no matter what and and I hope to make sure that when they travel they get good quality spaces at lowest prices in the years
get good quality spaces at lowest prices in the years to come so I will do the same thing but I would recommend others could consider every opportunity including hotels and travel because nobody is looking at travel if you consider travel and confident that long term your business will also be successful so you're an entrepreneur so is the guy at the Canara store okay now if in your shop peoples oh you you start losing your customers you know because of the whole covert 19 situation how does that entrepreneur how does that shopkeepers mindset change because that's what's happening right now with the hospitality industry in general so when there's no one actually that's coming to touch your product one doesn't want ever now to do because you spend all your life and energy building out this beautiful consumer experience and now there's no until I use it so what are you doing that water is the team members at all you're doing right now what what's your ground staff doing sure I think you know you you can think about it both as
you know you you can think about it both as a combination of short-term and long-term one of the interesting messages that recently saw from Rajasthan you runs in a ship was that when the fisherman can't go fishing to the sea they repair their necks so this is the time to repair our net to make sure that if I customers are not getting a good experience in some forms improve it be the best for the customer when the world comes back if we have some places in technology that we can make improvements let's do let's fix that be the best technology company we can build and anything else around those in the short term try and serve people in every manner possible so over 30 hospitals in India we are serving the front lines over 20 embassies across the world the foreigners and people who are stranded in India we are getting them good places to live it so whatever basic places we can enable people the basic reasons people can come and stay with us we will try to serve them but the
with us we will try to serve them but the primary focus is to repair the nets so that when this sea is calm and we go fishing we're the best fishing boat on on the sea I love that answer okay I have two last personal questions for you one is that something a lot of people actually asking in the comment section which is your whole experience of the Thiel fellowship and I don't just take us over it because there's a lot of people yah who don't know about it so can you just explain it very briefly for that young kid who's like watching this somewhere might also apply and what how did that help you in life so introduce us to it and then take us through your experience take us through the outcome and what you learned from that phase sure so the Thiel Fellowship is run by Peter Thiel who's the founder of PayPal and and was successful in building a great management team who's eventually called the PayPal mafia who who have all built billion dollar-plus companies
who who have all built billion dollar-plus companies and and of course he was the first investor in facebook I got to know beateth here from a very interesting perspective I saw Peter here for the first time in the movie The Social Network when I was still in my senior high school okay I saw him on the movie and I felt how amazing would it be if I ever get the opportunity to meet him I start searching about him and then I find the Theia fellowship website and I applied before there was no other Asian resident who had become a TfL the way of course Asians in the US were to become clear fellows who general marathon anagen but the application process was very excited so I still apply I got a bunch of interview calls they were interviews from senior leaders at Facebook Twitter and so on so I was just getting excited to meet those people even though in my heart I had no expectation of getting accepted one day I get this call saying four days later
one day I get this call saying four days later here is your flight ticket to come to the US and out of the 40 people 20 people would get selected to become a CFL I was amazed I was so thankful to have that opportunity I applied you know and and of course I went to the US I was among this was the first international flight I could get on it was the first time I used my passport which means I did not even go to Nepal before that but you know it was it was an incredible experience and I'm thankful that I had became one of the earliest here fellows it was an incredible experience because for the first time I got exposed to such incredibly smart people across the world in fact this morning I found that one of the other theorists who started a company called figma design bureau raised 50 million dollar round at 2 billion dollars at a tough time like now one of the three famous build aetherium so incredible quantity of people and
build aetherium so incredible quantity of people and I was thankful to be a part of those group of people I think over a fear of time my focus has been how do I constantly create you know an impact which is equivalent to the kind of impact that Theo fellows were able to create you know it helped me from the perspective of exposure it helped me to learn from incredible business people and entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley and it helped me to get introduced to some incredible people in the sector of business but that said when I came back to India to go sign the second book their reality hit me again when I realized the second hotel owner doesn't care whether you're Thea fellow whether Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Lou you he only cares about muchacho Kahuna it now Hogan so I think you can learn from the fellowship but at the end when you build your business you have to have the reality check that you have to start from Ground Zero all over again cut
have to start from Ground Zero all over again cut incredible learning experience and a highly insist upon folks to consider applying to the Theia fellowship if you're young and if you want to make a big difference amazing stuff ok actually I had one last question from you from mind I'm gonna make it two more questions because I read a very interesting question in the comment section which is that what were three movies that had an incredible amount of impact on your mindset like the guy you are today what were three movies that have some I played a role in shaping that up oh the quite a few but let me go one after the other I think the one one classic movie that I can imagine you know what has moved entrepreneurs across the world would be you know I think it's called the the parents of the Silicon Valley or something like that so that's that's one it's a documentary very interesting documentary which talks about how you know how Silicon Valley and of course Apple but really I
Silicon Valley and of course Apple but really I think the second one which is very interesting is the men who create America it's not a movie it's a series of documentary on the History Channel it tells crisis a Luca cynical thing a lot of people don't know or don't think about it that way that sometime like our many years back us was a civil war driven country and a poor nation and your app was number one but us had it was civil war driven and it had low resources but fantastic entrepreneurs like that of Vanderbilt and you currently JP Morgan Henry Ford they set up a new piece they set up new businesses and change us into becoming a world leader same that most of the countries saying whenever there are big challenges entrepreneurs take the lead young people take the leap they fight and they lead the world going forward and I think that's that's the second story and I think the third is very interesting that is our our very Indian movie guru that that a lot
our our very Indian movie guru that that a lot of people would have seen and but you know it just tells how you know a young business person becomes you know so successful over over a period of time seeing through all the problems that that this one but but these are either three examples beautiful stuff says a lot about you what about books like if you had to go back to a 17 year old with issues starting out of you what were three books you'd put in his hand and say yeah yep art yeah I'm up punch readers real as fast as you can oh wow I think number one the hard things about hard things great book read opportunity to learn from the second one is 0-2 why I saw those and comments like every five comments zero to one showed up I think goes without saying the third wall I didn't make it for because somebody asked me to talk about what he says I talk about that I think the third one is this tool is this book which is the biography of
this tool is this book which is the biography of Elon Musk I think what an incredible biography that is I have gone through that probably three times now what is what are you read about the last one I think I do have an OD sense somebody asked me to talk about your research not really a book but these are stories of Madhu Babu's you know Medusa Dantas was one of the one of the most successful and in those days Bannister's and probably the first entrepreneurs from Ooty Sun and did extremely well back back in the days so I think learn learnt quite a bit from their amazing and if you were to write a book what would your home what would the core message of that book be one one message that you want to put out like you obviously I'm sure you'll put in all your learnings and your you know character building tips but that one core message what would it be so like I said early I have to do a lot more to be able to write a
do a lot more to be able to write a book brought Sita back here but if I were to write up the from my life experience that would be never give up there is always light at the end end of the transition you know the one thing about me that I feel good about and I at the at the risk of looking somebody who's you know too proud is no matter how many times I am pushed back or no matter how many times I fall down I will stand up and go harder at the same aspiration then ever before I won't give up that's the one thing that that I believe is an important skill set for entrepreneurs saying there will be a hundred people who will want to push you down and there will be many reasons for it but to the extent your heart is in a good place you have rights values and your right intent I think you can get back at it and and get back to fight it and I think that's that's the one thing that I focused upon
that's that's the one thing that I focused upon amazing stuff man I am gonna ask you a slightly controversial question and that's only because I feel like the world of social media always we have the same question running through a lot of social media influencers as minds we often asked how do you deal with online hate how do you deal with like online trolling now in the life of an entrepreneur especially an entrepreneur who's a mainstream brand like you you have to deal with both online barrage of like a relay service with a juggernaut that and I'm sure in your real life also you have to deal with that to a degree so again I'm not asking the founder of all your rooms I'm just asking irritation as a person what do you do in your own head how does your own head process that kind of input of negative data because honestly it happens at every stage of a human's life you know even in school you have like bullies or you have people who probably coming from
like bullies or you have people who probably coming from negative family backgrounds who only know how to spew hate so then the word does have 1020 percent of those people so what's your big learning from dealing with that kind of a situation you look you know I learned this the hard way very early I think I was 18 or 19 when for the first time I saw both online and mainstream negativity towards myself and I think that really taught me a lesson back in the day that is if you can if you're willing to work hard 10 20 30 40 years later if you're able to make a positive difference people are willing to give you that time but for the next 20 to 30 years people will keep pushing back on you think about like the games they're documentaries there's a documentary called Bill Gates on Netflix I would highly recommend you to look at it how much criticism he faced on how much criticism best founders across the world has faced with Amanda Hama I don't
world has faced with Amanda Hama I don't know hotel company so I uh it is very important to appreciate and recognize that there will be Kate and you and you need to appreciate that you to anyone but second remember there is a lot of loves people ignore that for one hit there are 100 positive you know a love that comes and I am very thankful for and number three is that among the Heil 80% is noise but 20% is feedback so a lot of people to switch off hate I actually objectively read all the hate that comes and you see me koshish kristonkay are the 20% things that I can do better I will take that and do a better job so that in three years there will be new him and that you hit I will take and do a better job for the next three years and I'll keep improving do you have any kind of load azad on every young entrepreneur does I don't know if you count yourself as a young entrepreneur anymore I
count yourself as a young entrepreneur anymore I mean knowing the kind of humble guy you are I'm sure you'll say I still am young a long way to go and I understand that and that that is the correct that's the core mindset I feel every entrepreneur should have but even now when you're you're experienced as a businessman do you still have days where you are low like you know and buy low I don't mean you want to give up I know that's not a part of your character I mean say things like self-doubt things like feel things like second-guessing things like regret do those emotions creep into your head yeah yeah look I think by the way one of the things that I was going to tell earlier I missed out is that one of the opportunities which is which is doing really well is you know if you can you know motivate people digitally and I think you're you're a great inspiration at that so I think a lot of people should consider motivating people
I think a lot of people should consider motivating people digitally or sharing their personal stories with people as an opportunity that's that's there's going to be a big opportunity going forward coming back person there's a very simple perspective in life that is an entrepreneurs job or a life is a roller coaster in five minutes you can go from steel grate things like a great message saying gosh we just want this great deal and it's gonna make a big difference but five minutes later you will hear from one customer in Mexico saying I didn't have a good experience and you will have a very low time saying many casualty care is a key that customer did not could not have had a bad experience I think that rollercoaster is everyday to smell self-doubt questioning challenges hi Lu sanity is a Philippine but I I try to be calm and consistent as much as I can but but but but as you know that there are there are all these emotions that that come along I think bridges around
emotions that that come along I think bridges around people who genuinely have you know a sense of trying to make a positive difference for myself and my company around me who are honest to me who don't have to say just good things they can challenge me they can question me they can be very harsh to me really helps me quite a bit to make sure that I can keep keep myself consistent amazing stuff so here's what I think of you this is the first time I'm talking to you you know in person I do believe that you definitely have a very strong warrior mindset somewhere inside your heart like well you're the kind of person who'll fight it out but not violently not aggressively you're kind of a detached vorio something like a certain actually I'd say you know such an also had that fighter mentality but from a very kind of withdrawn calm perspective so my question to you is not about the vorio perspective because I'm sure that's all the books you've read the
I'm sure that's all the books you've read the movies you see in the courts you've read I'm asking you about the other side of things the comp stuff where does that come from do you meditate do you have like spirituality in your life is it your upbringing in odisha is it your family values how you being so come through this not everyone is you know not not everyone in your position would have even agreed to come out on a public platform in the middle of a situation that's affecting your industry so heavily and you're still holding a smile on your face you're having a normal brotherly conversation where's that calm coming from because it's coming from some deeper place than just your books and movies I think it comes from two places right I think the first one is just the amount of trust people have laid on me like you yourself said there is trust from you know young entrepreneurs who say that Ritesh we want you to make a difference there is trust from customers that
to make a difference there is trust from customers that 40,000 plus people who are getting a visit we were getting business from us last year we funnel three billion dollars to the bank accounts my families and relatives my neighbors so many people who you know have put trust in me then I feel that I can't make that trust happen or or that impact happen if I'm not come the second is the values come from your upbringing the time I grew up in you know this is a little town with very limited aspirations of people right so for example if somebody got a job in an IT company porush a hair may not do but with it you know if somebody went to a good college the whole the whole town will know about it so in life the amount of aspirations and the values that you grew up with they're very simplistic and the problems you see around yourself are dramatic like the town I come up come from over 70 percent people have are from below poverty line so once
percent people have are from below poverty line so once you see again I am thankful my parents actually had a small shop so we were actually doing relatively better then most other people in the little town but the problems that you see in real life are so much smaller than the problems that you have to deal with as an entrepreneur so I think you know upbringing from Adisa and as well a combination of you know the trust and and believe so many people have put in will I take that very very seriously amazing amazing stuff so I actually have maybe a thousand more questions to ask you because I feel you're one of the most solid mind sets of come across but in saying that I know what it's like as an entrepreneur dealing with your own tasks for the day that's why we will call a day when it comes to this live stream I do want to do a full-blown podcast with you because there's a lot of people who are requesting that on this live stream itself where they want
that on this live stream itself where they want to see us in the same room you on the YouTube channel on there and we show so I am looking forward to that day but my final question that I'm gonna ask you in this live stream is at this stage of your life in the middle of the whole Cove in 1910 worst aspect of your life right now I think two things the best aspect in life again I'm trying to think about it on the go but I think the best aspect in life is having the opportunity to be able to make a big difference once the world comes back and and being able to plan through it I feel how very thankful that I have that opportunity but on the other hand the worst aspect is not knowing what's going to happen next I don't know how many cases are going to happen which countries will respond in the way they will and and so on and so forth so that's that's going to be a challenge so those are those are the two perspectives then
challenge so those are those are the two perspectives then we I think your story's incredible next time we do a podcast I'd like to have the opportunity to ask you a few questions as well I'd always love to man I I hope I can also talk about how the world after Cove it looks like what was fighting The Cove it like and hopefully I and each member of our company who's fighting Cove it will have stories to tell at that point of time thank you so much for having me on your show in these really tough times and I'm and I'm very thankful to you and all your viewers to be so patient with me beautiful beautiful stuff god bless you man just keep being that detached warrior that you are you're an inspiration to all entrepreneurs of all ages in India and I mean that like everything like ignore ignore what you know the haters are saying man I know it's a very cliche thing to say but just from one bro to just keep going keep going because your
one bro to just keep going keep going because your story is teaching people a lot and whether it's the hate you get the mistakes you make all the right things you do all the correct mindset you have we're all learning from you every day so just keep going man thank you thank you be readily appreciated god bless you bro have fun have a good one bye bye
Yukino is one of the world's premier health experts he's renowned for his knowledge he's renowned for the research he's done and he's also got a degree in alternative medicine now he's someone who grew up in Goa during the hippie phase and that exposed him to a lot of people who experimented with psychoactive substances like LSD like DMT ayahuasca weed alcohol obviously and a bunch of other substances that's what we've spoken about in today's podcast and if you think that wait how does all this apply to me I highly recommend you watch this podcast till the end because by the end of it you're going to expand your own mental horizons you're gonna see how the world of medicine in the world of healing is evolving continuously and what the modern takes on these psychoactive substances are in this podcast Luke and myself have also spoken about our own experiences with some of these substances so if you want to hear an honest scientific biology back conversation about these so-called
an honest scientific biology back conversation about these so-called drugs please watch this episode till the end a lot of people group things like LSD or ayahuasca or peyote or psilocybin mushrooms in the same category as cocaine or meth or heroin or dangerous drugs like that but I promise you that by the end of this podcast you're going to have your mental horizons expanded just a little bit further to understand the use of naturally found substances and the benefits for the human mind and body we do not recommend drugs to anyone that is not our intention with creating this particular podcast we're just trying to discuss scientific facts and we're trying to put knowledge out on the Internet so I hope you enjoy this extremely intelligent conversation on the run be sure [Music] weed ayahuasca LSD peyote shrooms some of the topics that we're going to tackle in today's episode but from a very biological perspective because we've got one of the world's premier health experts is someone who
the world's premier health experts is someone who studied alternative medicine he's gonna bring like the scientific aspect on the so called psychedelic so called recreational substances Luca DiLeo thank you once again for being on the run we show brother thank you it's good to be back yeah this may be an interesting conversation I want to just begin by telling you how I came across these substances in my life again I've not I'm not experimented with them I have experimented with marijuana but I read this book called the teachings of dawn one by Carlos Castaneda right where he talks about the red Indian culture the Indian culture from America where they kind of really value these nine sacred plants which are basically psychedelic plants which also give you extremely spiritual experiences which kind of change the mental makeup in your head so some of these plants were peyote ayahuasca another one was the Torah there was a bunch of other ones which I don't remember writing and that just got me really
I don't remember writing and that just got me really fascinated I have had an experience with ayahuasca but we'll get to that later I've one of us get your introduction on this subject how did you come across you know information about these substances what kind of value can it add to an everyday person's life what should people know about it what should people not know about it right so first we have to always respect the law and every law in every country is different you know some psychedelics on you know they're Class A psychedelics or drugs and we got to respect that law but my interest was basically I was intrigued when I got to know that pharmaceutical companies studied em research labs across Mexico LA they're studying LSD they're studying you know Peoria they're studying they're bringing down shamans into research labs to find out why they do iya who ask a ritual what is a shaman all of these shaman is like you could say it's a native priest okay he's
you could say it's a native priest okay he's that priest they basically they use the forces of nature to understand religion and heal diseases and all of these things and I think everyone has to have an open mind about this now with a closed mind we're gonna be very judgmental right from the start that all psychedelics means drugs drugs means whatever and stuff like that and then all I'm trying to say is keep an open heart and the mind like you know when you point fingers always remember you know ask yourself why your hands clean it's as simple as that you know so what happens is people turn a drug is a drug but they're okay taking diabetic medication statins and a whole laundry list of medication which are chemicals which have side effects and all of that stuff so I'm I think we're definitely not you're to promote and tell people that get into psychedelics well yeah you do understand it yeah so when I got to know that people are looking at research
I got to know that people are looking at research on schizophrenia dementia as dimers because certain psychedelics have the ability to open blocks in our mind can you explain that basically yeah so for example if you go back to the movie Forrest Gump okay and there's that one scene where she has a sugar cube of LSD and she says expand your horizon expand your horizon so psychedelics are believed to enable someone to really expand their perception towards life today all our perceptions towards everything is controlled by what we have learnt the company that we do what the media's feeding us and all of that stuff so the media makes us believe that religion is bad like I think the best example is religion like religion is not the problem it's the people who are a problem not religion religion is religion it's nothing about compassion forgiveness being good kind all of that stuff the problem is with the people perception again so when people do psychedelics it expands the horizons they start looking at
it expands the horizons they start looking at life very very differently and of course there are the wrong ways like I say everything is in tension some people get into it like the Torah is used by Indian priests priests who wear orange and stuff like that back in North India because it's believed to put them into a trance a meditative trance and in that meditative trance they are able to actually meditate and to come up with you know whatever it is that they are looking for okay in a complete state of trance even back in Israel and Bethlehem in in our own religion being a Catholic and stuff like that there was more okay they would they were given as gifts to priests and everything else what is it so myrrh is basically a plant again which it doesn't have a psychedelic thing but it's it's not really allowed like you're not allowed to carry it into the Middle East okay because it's ha it has psychoactive substances in it you know so it is it's always
in it you know so it is it's always existed but people have never abused it now today people take it and the user is recreational like I have patients all over the world cancer patients in countries where it's now decriminalized or legalized so am i cancer patients taking medical marijuana and all of that stuff but then you look at the behavior that the patient is taking in and all of a sudden the family starts using it for recreation so that's where you know all the confusion starts coming in a recreational drug what is a recreational ground right now we're having a recreational conversation for example okay do I need a recreational drug to change that by just using the term recreational makes people believe that if I have this drug I'll have a great time but it's not that so many people don't do recreational drugs and a better time than someone who's on drugs yeah so you see we're playing around with words and we're playing around with perception but coming onto psychedelics
playing around with perception but coming onto psychedelics because of its ability to basically change our mind when I say change I mean changes your perception so like I grew up in Goa I witnessed a lot of the hippie culture and stuff like that and if you ask me today there's a huge comparison between the people who drink and the people who do drugs I'm not saying either of them are good bad and you should do it we're clearly not saying that but people who experiment with LSD and the psychedelics and stuff you know when you talk to them they're different people they take life easy they don't take stress you know they go back to their work countries and they work they come back they enjoy themselves they look after their families they have children they think it'll dimension which is very different and you look at someone who's binge drinking alcohol they lose their jobs they get into fights they get into violence they get into all of these things and stuff like that because they're
all of these things and stuff like that because they're different this is a psycho doll a psychedelic substance working for you and here you have alcohol which is something totally different working for you I just feel like alcohol is one of those psychedelic substances that's legalized do you know that that's made legal yeah I think it doesn't make people feel secure it makes people more stupid yeah I mean honest with you like what does it do unless done your god yeah so like a like every possible guy with the wrong intention of getting a woman drunk why why did he do that because they know the woman will not be able to think straight so you'll be able to take advantage of them okay and you know it's likewise with guys guys a lot of guys there was this beautiful Harvard study of why clubs are dark Oh because number one a man can't go and have a conversation to a woman their confidence levels are low so it's dark you have alcohol in your hand and immediately your
you have alcohol in your hand and immediately your confidence levels go up okay because of the darkness and because of that glass of alcohol in your hand but with psychedelics you know we've experienced a lot of rave party scene a people are free people are open people don't rape one another people don't go and touch and feel up women and men and you know everyone's in their own dimension their own mind there's no chance there's no judgement this is my observation this is my observation I used to play at rave party so I got to see people how do you behave and you come into a club scene and it's like fake and it's chaotic and people are fuel on alcohol and behaving in a way that they're not yeah there's a lot of insecurity also in loads of insecurity loads but when you look at people doing psychedelics you know they do it at the right time and there's a sunset they were lined it with nature we've aligned it with a full moon they were lined
we've aligned it with a full moon they were lined it with an ocean at the back you know all of that stuff so you know the research coming out there is so many things even the snake by poison people believe there's a spiritual impact on that like some people can take this the poison of the snake and not die because their belief is that the snake poison will not kill them but that snake same snake poison will kill the person who has doubt the same thing with frogs there are frogs and the Amazon that emit a certain poison here which is considered as a psychedelic so these are good things to talk about and I think as the world starts researching more and more into this the biggest problem is how can you control it because it can become recreational like I said it can be misused it can be you know used to do bad things and stuff like that so the way I perceive this whole game is that I feel there's three kinds of people the first are
feel there's three kinds of people the first are the ones who are very kind of consumed by society by the media they see and when they're hearing this conversation they already like what are these guys talking about oh my god okay and that's fine like I understand that's your reality but I do believe that just open up your mind to what the world is moving towards yeah that brings me to my second kind of person right which is the most curious I would kind of put you and me in that category about I want to know more about this this is what the world is moving towards okay fine this might have a dark side but it definitely has a lot of bright sides as well and it can benefit a lot of minds and the third category is someone who's very fascinated by psychedelics and then you know who might overdue it who might get consumed by the whole process probably do drugs that aren't even psychedelic for you might might get into like verse kind of