File size: 6,775 Bytes
8e99545 1a85f63 ce8e1ce c7691bd ce8e1ce 998c190 ff18c20 ce8e1ce ba0d92b ce8e1ce ba0d92b 998c190 ce8e1ce 998c190 ce8e1ce ba0d92b ff18c20 998c190 ce8e1ce ed63e1a ce8e1ce ed63e1a ce8e1ce c7691bd ce8e1ce 998c190 ba0d92b 8e99545 998c190 e04f5f0 af22a0d f88c6c5 998c190 ba0d92b af22a0d 009cdd3 ba7196e b9f4ac2 85300cd 8e99545 85300cd 998c190 1a85f63 31312e4 8e99545 1a85f63 998c190 2c6253d 998c190 c7691bd 8e99545 e04f5f0 7862171 246d7cc ce8e1ce 998c190 |
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import importlib.metadata
import importlib.util
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from .version import version
def cast_to_type(value, value_type):
if value_type is bool:
if value not in ["True", "False", True, False]:
raise ValueError(
f"Value must be in ['True', 'False', True, False] got {value}"
if value == "True":
return True
if value == "False":
return False
return value
if value_type is int:
return int(value)
if value_type is float:
return float(value)
raise ValueError("Unsupported type.")
class Settings:
_instance = None
_settings = {}
_types = {}
_logger = None
def is_uninitilized(cls):
return cls._instance is None
def __new__(cls):
if cls.is_uninitilized():
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key.endswith("_key") or key in {"_instance", "_settings"}:
raise AttributeError(f"Modifying '{key}' is not allowed.")
if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2:
value_type, value = value
if value_type not in [int, float, bool]:
raise ValueError(
f"Setting settings with tuple requires the first element to be either [int, float, bool], got {value_type}"
self._types[key] = value_type
if key in self._types and value is not None:
value_type = self._types[key]
value = cast_to_type(value, value_type)
if key in self._settings:
if self._logger is not None:
f"unitxt.settings.{key} changed: {self._settings[key]} -> {value}"
self._settings[key] = value
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key.endswith("_key"):
actual_key = key[:-4] # Remove the "_key" suffix
return self.environment_variable_key_name(actual_key)
key_name = self.environment_variable_key_name(key)
env_value = os.getenv(key_name)
if env_value is not None:
if key in self._types:
env_value = cast_to_type(env_value, self._types[key])
return env_value
if key in self._settings:
return self._settings[key]
raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' not found")
def environment_variable_key_name(self, key):
return "UNITXT_" + key.upper()
def get_all_environment_variables(self):
return [
self.environment_variable_key_name(key) for key in self._settings.keys()
def context(self, **kwargs):
old_values = {key: self._settings.get(key, None) for key in kwargs}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
self.__setattr__(key, value)
for key, value in old_values.items():
self.__setattr__(key, value)
class Constants:
_instance = None
_constants = {}
def is_uninitilized(cls):
return cls._instance is None
def __new__(cls):
if cls.is_uninitilized():
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key.endswith("_key") or key in {"_instance", "_constants"}:
raise AttributeError(f"Modifying '{key}' is not allowed.")
if key in self._constants:
raise ValueError("Cannot override constants.")
self._constants[key] = value
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self._constants:
return self._constants[key]
raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' not found")
if Settings.is_uninitilized():
settings = Settings()
settings.allow_unverified_code = (bool, False)
settings.use_only_local_catalogs = (bool, False)
settings.global_loader_limit = (int, None)
settings.num_resamples_for_instance_metrics = (int, 1000)
settings.num_resamples_for_global_metrics = (int, 100)
settings.max_log_message_size = (int, 100000)
settings.catalogs = None
settings.artifactories = None
settings.default_recipe = "dataset_recipe"
settings.default_verbosity = "info"
settings.use_eager_execution = False
settings.remote_metrics = []
settings.test_card_disable = (bool, False)
settings.test_metric_disable = (bool, False)
settings.metrics_master_key_token = None
settings.seed = (int, 42)
settings.skip_artifacts_prepare_and_verify = (bool, False)
settings.data_classification_policy = None
settings.mock_inference_mode = (bool, False)
settings.disable_hf_datasets_cache = (bool, False)
settings.stream_hf_datasets_by_default = (bool, False)
settings.loader_cache_size = (int, 25)
settings.loaders_max_retries = (int, 10)
settings.task_data_as_text = (bool, True)
settings.default_provider = "watsonx"
settings.default_format = None
settings.hf_offline_datasets_path = None
settings.hf_offline_metrics_path = None
settings.hf_offline_models_path = None
if Constants.is_uninitilized():
constants = Constants()
constants.dataset_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")
constants.metric_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")
constants.local_catalog_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "catalog")
unitxt_pkg = importlib.util.find_spec("unitxt")
if unitxt_pkg and unitxt_pkg.origin:
constants.package_dir = os.path.dirname(unitxt_pkg.origin)
constants.default_catalog_path = os.path.join(constants.package_dir, "catalog")
constants.default_catalog_path = constants.local_catalog_path
constants.catalog_dir = constants.local_catalog_path
constants.dataset_url = "unitxt/data"
constants.metric_url = "unitxt/metric"
constants.version = version
constants.catalog_hierarchy_sep = "."
constants.env_local_catalogs_paths_sep = ":"
constants.non_registered_files = [
constants.codebase_url = ""
constants.website_url = ""
constants.inference_stream = "__INFERENCE_STREAM__"
constants.instance_stream = "__INSTANCE_STREAM__"
constants.image_tag = "unitxt-img"
constants.demos_pool_field = "_demos_pool_"
def get_settings() -> Settings:
return Settings()
def get_constants():
return Constants()