# Project information site_name: YOLO3D site_url: site_author: Didi Ruhyadi site_description: >- YOLO3D: 3D Object Detection with YOLO # Repository repo_name: ruhyadi/yolo3d-lightning repo_url: edit_uri: "" # Copyright copyright: Copyright © 2020 - 2022 Didi Ruhyadi # Configuration theme: name: material language: en # Don't include MkDocs' JavaScript include_search_page: false search_index_only: true features: - content.code.annotate # - # - header.autohide # - navigation.expand - navigation.indexes # - navigation.instant - navigation.sections - navigation.tabs # - navigation.tabs.sticky - - navigation.tracking - search.highlight - search.share - search.suggest # - toc.integrate palette: - scheme: default primary: white accent: indigo toggle: icon: material/weather-night name: Vampire Mode - scheme: slate primary: indigo accent: blue toggle: icon: material/weather-sunny name: Beware of Your Eyes font: text: Noto Serif code: Noto Mono favicon: assets/logo.png logo: assets/logo.png icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/github # Plugins plugins: # Customization extra: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/docker link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/linkedin link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/instagram link: extra_javascript: - javascripts/mathjax.js - - # Extensions markdown_extensions: - admonition - abbr - pymdownx.snippets - attr_list - def_list - footnotes - meta - md_in_html - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.arithmatex: generic: true - pymdownx.betterem: smart_enable: all - pymdownx.caret - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.keys - pymdownx.magiclink: repo_url_shorthand: true user: squidfunk repo: mkdocs-material - pymdownx.mark - pymdownx.smartsymbols - pymdownx.superfences: custom_fences: - name: mermaid class: mermaid format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true - pymdownx.tilde # Page tree nav: - Home: - Home:
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# --------- pytorch --------- # torch>=1.8.0 torchvision>=0.9.1 pytorch-lightning==1.6.5 torchmetrics==0.9.2 # --------- hydra --------- # hydra-core==1.2.0 hydra-colorlog==1.2.0 hydra-optuna-sweeper==1.2.0 # --------- loggers --------- # # wandb # neptune-client # mlflow # comet-ml # --------- others --------- # pyrootutils # standardizing the project root setup pre-commit # hooks for applying linters on commit rich # beautiful text formatting in terminal pytest # tests sh # for running bash commands in some tests
help: ## Show help @grep -E '^[.a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' clean: ## Clean autogenerated files rm -rf dist find . -type f -name "*.DS_Store" -ls -delete find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo)" | xargs rm -rf find . | grep -E ".pytest_cache" | xargs rm -rf find . | grep -E ".ipynb_checkpoints" | xargs rm -rf rm -f .coverage clean-logs: ## Clean logs rm -rf logs/** format: ## Run pre-commit hooks pre-commit run -a sync: ## Merge changes from main branch to your current branch git pull git pull origin main test: ## Run not slow tests pytest -k "not slow" test-full: ## Run all tests pytest train: ## Train the model python src/ debug: ## Enter debugging mode with pdb # # tips: # - use "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" to set breakpoint # - use "h" to print all commands # - use "n" to execute the next line # - use "c" to run until the breakpoint is hit # - use "l" to print src code around current line, "ll" for full function code # - docs: # python -m pdb src/ debug=default
""" Conver checkpoint to model (.pt/.pth/.onnx) """ import torch from import Dataset, DataLoader from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule from src import utils import dotenv import hydra from omegaconf import DictConfig import os # load environment variables from `.env` file if it exists # recursively searches for `.env` in all folders starting from work dir dotenv.load_dotenv(override=True) log = utils.get_pylogger(__name__) @hydra.main(config_path="configs/", config_name="convert.yaml") def convert(config: DictConfig): # assert model convertion assert config.get('convert_to') in ['pytorch', 'torchscript', 'onnx', 'tensorrt'], \ "Please Choose one of [pytorch, torchscript, onnx, tensorrt]" # Init lightning model"Instantiating model <{config.model._target_}>") model: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.model) # regressor: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.model) # regressor.load_state_dict(torch.load(config.get("regressor_weights"), map_location="cpu")) # regressor.eval().to(config.get("device")) # Convert relative ckpt path to absolute path if necessary"Load checkpoint <{config.get('checkpoint_dir')}>") ckpt_path = config.get("checkpoint_dir") if ckpt_path and not os.path.isabs(ckpt_path): ckpt_path = config.get(os.path.join(hydra.utils.get_original_cwd(), ckpt_path)) # load model checkpoint model = model.load_from_checkpoint(ckpt_path) model.cuda() # input sample input_sample = config.get('input_sample') # Convert if config.get('convert_to') == 'pytorch':"Convert to Pytorch (.pt)"), f'{config.get("name")}.pt')"Saved model {config.get('name')}.pt") if config.get('convert_to') == 'onnx':"Convert to ONNX (.onnx)") model.cuda() input_sample = torch.rand((1, 3, 224, 224), device=torch.device('cuda')) model.to_onnx(f'{config.get("name")}.onnx', input_sample, export_params=True)"Saved model {config.get('name')}.onnx") if __name__ == '__main__': convert()
[tool.pytest.ini_options] addopts = [ "--color=yes", "--durations=0", "--strict-markers", "--doctest-modules", ] filterwarnings = [ "ignore::DeprecationWarning", "ignore::UserWarning", ] log_cli = "True" markers = [ "slow: slow tests", ] minversion = "6.0" testpaths = "tests/" [] exclude_lines = [ "pragma: nocover", "raise NotImplementedError", "raise NotImplementedError()", "if __name__ == .__main__.:", ]
<div align="center"> # YOLO3D: 3D Object Detection with YOLO </div> ## Introduction YOLO3D is inspired by [Mousavian et al.]( in their paper **3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry**. YOLO3D uses a different approach, we use 2d gt label result as the input of first stage detector, then use the 2d result as input to regressor model. ## Quickstart ```bash git clone ``` ### creat env for YOLO3D ```shell cd apollo-model-yolo3d conda create -n apollo_yolo3d python=3.8 numpy conda activate apollo_yolo3d pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### datasets here we use KITTI data to train. You can download KITTI dataset from [official website]( After that, extract dataset to `data/KITTI`. ```shell ln -s /your/KITTI/path data/KITTI ``` ```bash ├── data │   └── KITTI │   ├── calib │   ├── images_2 │   └── labels_2 ``` modify [datasplit](data/ file to split train and val data customerly. ```shell cd data python ``` ### train modify [train.yaml](configs/train.yaml) to train your model. ```shell python src/ experiment=sample ``` > log path: /logs \ > model path: /weights ### covert modify [convert.yaml](configs/convert.yaml) file to trans .ckpt to .pt model ```shell python ``` ### inference In order to show the real model infer ability, we crop image according to gt 2d box as yolo3d input, you can use following command to plot 3d results. modify [inference.yaml](configs/inference.yaml) file to change .pt model path. **export_onnx=True** can export onnx model. ```shell python \ source_dir=./data/KITTI \ detector.classes=6 \ regressor_weights=./weights/ \ export_onnx=False \ func=image ``` - source_dir: path os datasets, include /image_2 and /label_2 folder - detector.classes: kitti class - regressor_weights: your model - export_onnx: export onnx model for apollo > result path: /outputs ### evaluate generate label for 3d result: ```shell python \ source_dir=./data/KITTI \ detector.classes=6 \ regressor_weights=./weights/ \ export_onnx=False \ func=label ``` > result path: /data/KITTI/result ```bash ├── data │   └── KITTI │   ├── calib │   ├── images_2 │   ├── labels_2 │   └── result ``` modify label_path、result_path and label_split_file in [kitti_object_eval](kitti_object_eval) folder script, with the help of it we can calculate mAP: ```shell cd kitti_object_eval sh ``` ## Acknowledgement - [yolo3d-lighting]( - [skhadem/3D-BoundingBox]( - [Mousavian et al.]( ``` @misc{mousavian20173d, title={3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry}, author={Arsalan Mousavian and Dragomir Anguelov and John Flynn and Jana Kosecka}, year={2017}, eprint={1612.00496}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```
#!/usr/bin/env python from setuptools import find_packages, setup setup( name="src", version="0.0.1", description="Describe Your Cool Project", author="", author_email="", url="", # REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN GITHUB PROJECT LINK install_requires=["pytorch-lightning", "hydra-core"], packages=find_packages(), )
""" Inference Code """ from typing import List from PIL import Image import cv2 from glob import glob import numpy as np import torch from torchvision.transforms import transforms from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule from src.utils import Calib from src.utils.averages import ClassAverages from src.utils.Math import compute_orientaion, recover_angle, translation_constraints from src.utils.Plotting import Plot3DBoxBev import dotenv import hydra from omegaconf import DictConfig import os import pyrootutils import src.utils from src.utils.utils import KITTIObject import torch.onnx from torch.onnx import OperatorExportTypes log = src.utils.get_pylogger(__name__) try: import onnxruntime import openvino.runtime as ov except ImportError: log.warning("ONNX and OpenVINO not installed") dotenv.load_dotenv(override=True) root = pyrootutils.setup_root(__file__, dotenv=True, pythonpath=True) class Bbox: def __init__(self, box_2d, label, h, w, l, tx, ty, tz, ry, alpha): self.box_2d = box_2d self.detected_class = label self.w = w self.h = h self.l = l self.tx = tx self.ty = ty = tz self.ry = ry self.alpha = alpha def mkdir(path): folder = os.path.exists(path) if not folder: os.makedirs(path) print("--- creating new folder... ---") print("--- finished ---") else: # print("--- pass to create new folder ---") pass def format_img(img, box_2d): # transforms normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.406, 0.456, 0.485], std=[0.225, 0.224, 0.229]) process = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), normalize ]) # crop image pt1, pt2 = box_2d[0], box_2d[1] point_list1 = [pt1[0], pt1[1]] point_list2 = [pt2[0], pt2[1]] if point_list1[0] < 0: point_list1[0] = 0 if point_list1[1] < 0: point_list1[1] = 0 if point_list2[0] < 0: point_list2[0] = 0 if point_list2[1] < 0: point_list2[1] = 0 if point_list1[0] >= img.shape[1]: point_list1[0] = img.shape[1] - 1 if point_list2[0] >= img.shape[1]: point_list2[0] = img.shape[1] - 1 if point_list1[1] >= img.shape[0]: point_list1[1] = img.shape[0] - 1 if point_list2[1] >= img.shape[0]: point_list2[1] = img.shape[0] - 1 crop = img[point_list1[1]:point_list2[1]+1, point_list1[0]:point_list2[0]+1] try: cv2.imwrite('./tmp/img.jpg', img) crop = cv2.resize(crop, (224, 224), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.imwrite('./tmp/demo.jpg', crop) except cv2.error: print("pt1 is ", pt1, " pt2 is ", pt2) print("image shape is ", img.shape) print("box_2d is ", box_2d) # apply transform for batch batch = process(crop) return batch def inference_label(config: DictConfig): """Inference function""" # ONNX provider providers = ['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'] \ if config.get("device") == "cuda" else ['CPUExecutionProvider'] # global calibration P2 matrix P2 = Calib.get_P(config.get("calib_file")) # dimension averages class_averages = ClassAverages() # initialize regressor model if config.get("inference_type") == "pytorch": # pytorch regressor model"Instantiating regressor <{config.model._target_}>") regressor: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.model) regressor.load_state_dict(torch.load(config.get("regressor_weights"), map_location="cpu")) regressor.eval().to(config.get("device")) elif config.get("inference_type") == "onnx": # onnx regressor model"Instantiating ONNX regressor <{config.get('regressor_weights').split('/')[-1]}>") regressor = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(config.get("regressor_weights"), providers=providers) input_name = regressor.get_inputs()[0].name elif config.get("inference_type") == "openvino": # openvino regressor model"Instantiating OpenVINO regressor <{config.get('regressor_weights').split('/')[-1]}>") core = ov.Core() model = core.read_model(config.get("regressor_weights")) regressor = core.compile_model(model, 'CPU') infer_req = regressor.create_infer_request() # initialize preprocessing transforms"Instantiating Preprocessing Transforms") preprocess: List[torch.nn.Module] = [] if "augmentation" in config: for _, conf in config.augmentation.items(): if "_target_" in conf: preprocess.append(hydra.utils.instantiate(conf)) preprocess = transforms.Compose(preprocess) # Create output directory os.makedirs(config.get("output_dir"), exist_ok=True) # loop thru images imgs_path = sorted(glob(os.path.join(config.get("source_dir") + "/image_2", "*"))) image_id = 0 for img_path in imgs_path: image_id += 1 print("\r", end="|") print("now is saving : {} ".format(image_id) + "/ {}".format(len(imgs_path)) + " label") # read gt image ./eval_kitti/image_2_val/ img_id = img_path[-10:-4] # dt result result_label_root_path = config.get("source_dir") + '/result/' mkdir(result_label_root_path) f = open(result_label_root_path + img_id + '.txt', 'w') # read image img = cv2.imread(img_path) # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) gt_label_root_path = config.get("source_dir") + '/label_2/' gt_f = gt_label_root_path + img_id + '.txt' dets = [] try: with open(gt_f, 'r') as file: content = file.readlines() for i in range(len(content)): gt = content[i].split() top_left, bottom_right = (int(float(gt[4])), int(float(gt[5]))), (int(float(gt[6])), int(float(gt[7]))) bbox_2d = [top_left, bottom_right] label = gt[0] dets.append(Bbox(bbox_2d, label, float(gt[8]), float(gt[9]), float(gt[10]), float(gt[11]), float(gt[12]), float(gt[13]), float(gt[14]), float(gt[3]))) except: continue DIMENSION = [] # loop thru detections for det in dets: # initialize object container obj = KITTIObject() = det.detected_class if( == 'DontCare'): continue if( == 'Misc'): continue if( == 'Person_sitting'): continue obj.truncation = float(0.00) obj.occlusion = int(-1) obj.xmin, obj.ymin, obj.xmax, obj.ymax = det.box_2d[0][0], det.box_2d[0][1], det.box_2d[1][0], det.box_2d[1][1] crop = format_img(img, det.box_2d) # # preprocess img with torch.transforms crop = crop.reshape((1, *crop.shape)).to(config.get("device")) # regress 2D bbox with Regressor if config.get("inference_type") == "pytorch": [orient, conf, dim] = regressor(crop) orient = orient.cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :, :] conf = conf.cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :] dim = dim.cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :] # dimension averages try: dim += class_averages.get_item( DIMENSION.append(dim) except: dim = DIMENSION[-1] obj.alpha = recover_angle(orient, conf, 2) obj.h, obj.w, obj.l = dim[0], dim[1], dim[2] obj.rot_global, rot_local = compute_orientaion(P2, obj) obj.tx, obj.ty, = translation_constraints(P2, obj, rot_local) # output prediction label obj.score = 1.0 output_line = obj.member_to_list() output_line = " ".join([str(i) for i in output_line]) f.write(output_line + '\n') f.close() def inference_image(config: DictConfig): """Inference function""" # ONNX provider providers = ['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'] \ if config.get("device") == "cuda" else ['CPUExecutionProvider'] # global calibration P2 matrix P2 = Calib.get_P(config.get("calib_file")) # dimension averages class_averages = ClassAverages() export_onnx = config.get("export_onnx") # initialize regressor model if config.get("inference_type") == "pytorch": # pytorch regressor model"Instantiating regressor <{config.model._target_}>") regressor: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.model) regressor.load_state_dict(torch.load(config.get("regressor_weights"), map_location="cpu")) regressor.eval().to(config.get("device")) elif config.get("inference_type") == "onnx": # onnx regressor model"Instantiating ONNX regressor <{config.get('regressor_weights').split('/')[-1]}>") regressor = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(config.get("regressor_weights"), providers=providers) input_name = regressor.get_inputs()[0].name elif config.get("inference_type") == "openvino": # openvino regressor model"Instantiating OpenVINO regressor <{config.get('regressor_weights').split('/')[-1]}>") core = ov.Core() model = core.read_model(config.get("regressor_weights")) regressor = core.compile_model(model, 'CPU') infer_req = regressor.create_infer_request() # initialize preprocessing transforms"Instantiating Preprocessing Transforms") preprocess: List[torch.nn.Module] = [] if "augmentation" in config: for _, conf in config.augmentation.items(): if "_target_" in conf: preprocess.append(hydra.utils.instantiate(conf)) preprocess = transforms.Compose(preprocess) # Create output directory os.makedirs(config.get("output_dir"), exist_ok=True) imgs_path = sorted(glob(os.path.join(config.get("source_dir") + "/image_2", "*"))) image_id = 0 for img_path in imgs_path: image_id += 1 print("\r", end="|") print("now is saving : {} ".format(image_id) + "/ {}".format(len(imgs_path)) + " image") # Initialize object and plotting modules plot3dbev = Plot3DBoxBev(P2) img_name = img_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # check if image shape 1242 x 375 if img.shape != (375, 1242, 3): # crop center of image to 1242 x 375 src_h, src_w, _ = img.shape dst_h, dst_w = 375, 1242 dif_h, dif_w = src_h - dst_h, src_w - dst_w img = img[dif_h // 2 : src_h - dif_h // 2, dif_w // 2 : src_w - dif_w // 2, :] img_id = img_path[-10:-4] # read image img = cv2.imread(img_path) # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) gt_label_root_path = config.get("source_dir") + '/label_2/' gt_f = gt_label_root_path + img_id + '.txt' # use gt 2d result as output of first stage dets = [] try: with open(gt_f, 'r') as file: content = file.readlines() for i in range(len(content)): gt = content[i].split() top_left, bottom_right = (int(float(gt[4])), int(float(gt[5]))), (int(float(gt[6])), int(float(gt[7]))) bbox_2d = [top_left, bottom_right] label = gt[0] dets.append(Bbox(bbox_2d, label, float(gt[8]), float(gt[9]), float(gt[10]), float(gt[11]), float(gt[12]), float(gt[13]), float(gt[14]), float(gt[3]))) except: continue DIMENSION = [] for det in dets: # initialize object container obj = KITTIObject() = det.detected_class if( == 'DontCare'): continue if( == 'Misc'): continue if( == 'Person_sitting'): continue obj.truncation = float(0.00) obj.occlusion = int(-1) obj.xmin, obj.ymin, obj.xmax, obj.ymax = det.box_2d[0][0], det.box_2d[0][1], det.box_2d[1][0], det.box_2d[1][1] crop = format_img(img, det.box_2d) crop = crop.reshape((1, *crop.shape)).to(config.get("device")) # regress 2D bbox with Regressor if config.get("inference_type") == "pytorch": [orient, conf, dim] = regressor(crop) orient = orient.cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :, :] conf = conf.cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :] dim = dim.cpu().detach().numpy()[0, :] if(export_onnx): traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(regressor, (crop))"weights/yolo_libtorch_model_3d.pth") onnx_model_save_path = "weights/yolo_onnx_model_3d.onnx" # dynamic batch # dynamic_axes = {"image": {0: "batch"}, # "orient": {0: "batch", 1: str(2), 2: str(2)}, # for multi batch # "conf": {0: "batch"}, # "dim": {0: "batch"}} if True: torch.onnx.export(regressor, crop, onnx_model_save_path, opset_version=11, verbose=False, export_params=True, operator_export_type=OperatorExportTypes.ONNX, input_names=['image'], output_names=['orient','conf','dim'] # ,dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes ) print("Please check onnx model in ", onnx_model_save_path) import onnx onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_model_save_path) # for dla&trt speedup onnx_fp16_model_save_path = "weights/yolo_onnx_model_3d_fp16.onnx" from onnxmltools.utils import float16_converter trans_model = float16_converter.convert_float_to_float16(onnx_model,keep_io_types=True) onnx.save_model(trans_model, onnx_fp16_model_save_path) export_onnx = False # once try: dim += class_averages.get_item( DIMENSION.append(dim) except: dim = DIMENSION[-1] obj.alpha = recover_angle(orient, conf, 2) obj.h, obj.w, obj.l = dim[0], dim[1], dim[2] obj.rot_global, rot_local = compute_orientaion(P2, obj) obj.tx, obj.ty, = translation_constraints(P2, obj, rot_local) # output prediction label output_line = obj.member_to_list() output_line.append(1.0) output_line = " ".join([str(i) for i in output_line]) + "\n" # save results if config.get("save_txt"): with open(f"{config.get('output_dir')}/{img_name}.txt", "a") as f: f.write(output_line) if config.get("save_result"): # dt plot3dbev.plot( img=img,, bbox=[obj.xmin, obj.ymin, obj.xmax, obj.ymax], dim=[obj.h, obj.w, obj.l], loc=[obj.tx, obj.ty,], rot_y=obj.rot_global, gt=False ) # gt plot3dbev.plot( img=img,, bbox=[obj.xmin, obj.ymin, obj.xmax, obj.ymax], dim=[det.h, det.w, det.l], loc=[det.tx, det.ty,], rot_y=det.ry, gt=True ) # save images if config.get("save_result"): plot3dbev.save_plot(config.get("output_dir"), img_name) def copy_eval_label(): label_path = './data/KITTI/ImageSets/val.txt' label_root_path = './data/KITTI/label_2/' label_save_path = './data/KITTI/label_2_val/' # get all labels label_files = [] sum_number = 0 from shutil import copyfile with open(label_path, 'r') as file: img_id = file.readlines() for id in img_id: label_path = label_root_path + id[:6] + '.txt' copyfile(label_path, label_save_path + id[:6] + '.txt') def copy_eval_image(): label_path = './data/KITTI/ImageSets/val.txt' img_root_path = './data/KITTI/image_2/' img_save_path = './data/KITTI/image_2_val' # get all labels label_files = [] sum_number = 0 with open(label_path, 'r') as file: img_id = file.readlines() for id in img_id: img_path = img_root_path + id[:6] + '.png' img = cv2.imread(img_path) cv2.imwrite(f'{img_save_path}/{id[:6]}.png', img) @hydra.main(version_base="1.2", config_path=root / "configs", config_name="inference.yaml") def main(config: DictConfig): if(config.get("func") == "image"): # inference_image: # inference for kitti bev and 3d image, without model inference_image(config) else: # inference_label: # for kitti gt label, predict without model inference_label(config) if __name__ == "__main__": # # tools for copy target files # copy_eval_label() # copy_eval_image() main()
MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
python evaluate \ --label_path=/home/your/path/data/KITTI/label_2 \ --result_path=/home/your/path/data/KITTI/result \ --label_split_file=/home/your/path/data/KITTI/ImageSets/val.txt \ --current_class=0,1,2
# Note This code is from [traveller59/kitti-object-eval-python]( # kitti-object-eval-python Fast kitti object detection eval in python(finish eval in less than 10 second), support 2d/bev/3d/aos. , support coco-style AP. If you use command line interface, numba need some time to compile jit functions. _WARNING_: The "coco" isn't official metrics. Only "AP(Average Precision)" is. ## Dependencies Only support python 3.6+, need `numpy`, `skimage`, `numba`, `fire`, `scipy`. If you have Anaconda, just install `cudatoolkit` in anaconda. Otherwise, please reference to this [page]( to set up llvm and cuda for numba. * Install by conda: ``` conda install -c numba cudatoolkit=x.x (8.0, 9.0, 10.0, depend on your environment) ``` ## Usage * commandline interface: ``` python evaluate --label_path=/path/to/your_gt_label_folder --result_path=/path/to/your_result_folder --label_split_file=/path/to/val.txt --current_class=0 --coco=False ``` * python interface: ```Python import kitti_common as kitti from eval import get_official_eval_result, get_coco_eval_result def _read_imageset_file(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() return [int(line) for line in lines] det_path = "/path/to/your_result_folder" dt_annos = kitti.get_label_annos(det_path) gt_path = "/path/to/your_gt_label_folder" gt_split_file = "/path/to/val.txt" # from val_image_ids = _read_imageset_file(gt_split_file) gt_annos = kitti.get_label_annos(gt_path, val_image_ids) print(get_official_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, 0)) # 6s in my computer print(get_coco_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, 0)) # 18s in my computer ```
import concurrent.futures as futures import os import pathlib import re from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np from skimage import io def get_image_index_str(img_idx): return "{:06d}".format(img_idx) def get_kitti_info_path(idx, prefix, info_type='image_2', file_tail='.png', training=True, relative_path=True): img_idx_str = get_image_index_str(idx) img_idx_str += file_tail prefix = pathlib.Path(prefix) if training: file_path = pathlib.Path('training') / info_type / img_idx_str else: file_path = pathlib.Path('testing') / info_type / img_idx_str if not (prefix / file_path).exists(): raise ValueError("file not exist: {}".format(file_path)) if relative_path: return str(file_path) else: return str(prefix / file_path) def get_image_path(idx, prefix, training=True, relative_path=True): return get_kitti_info_path(idx, prefix, 'image_2', '.png', training, relative_path) def get_label_path(idx, prefix, training=True, relative_path=True): return get_kitti_info_path(idx, prefix, 'label_2', '.txt', training, relative_path) def get_velodyne_path(idx, prefix, training=True, relative_path=True): return get_kitti_info_path(idx, prefix, 'velodyne', '.bin', training, relative_path) def get_calib_path(idx, prefix, training=True, relative_path=True): return get_kitti_info_path(idx, prefix, 'calib', '.txt', training, relative_path) def _extend_matrix(mat): mat = np.concatenate([mat, np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])], axis=0) return mat def get_kitti_image_info(path, training=True, label_info=True, velodyne=False, calib=False, image_ids=7481, extend_matrix=True, num_worker=8, relative_path=True, with_imageshape=True): # image_infos = [] root_path = pathlib.Path(path) if not isinstance(image_ids, list): image_ids = list(range(image_ids)) def map_func(idx): image_info = {'image_idx': idx} annotations = None if velodyne: image_info['velodyne_path'] = get_velodyne_path( idx, path, training, relative_path) image_info['img_path'] = get_image_path(idx, path, training, relative_path) if with_imageshape: img_path = image_info['img_path'] if relative_path: img_path = str(root_path / img_path) image_info['img_shape'] = np.array( io.imread(img_path).shape[:2], dtype=np.int32) if label_info: label_path = get_label_path(idx, path, training, relative_path) if relative_path: label_path = str(root_path / label_path) annotations = get_label_anno(label_path) if calib: calib_path = get_calib_path( idx, path, training, relative_path=False) with open(calib_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() P0 = np.array( [float(info) for info in lines[0].split(' ')[1:13]]).reshape( [3, 4]) P1 = np.array( [float(info) for info in lines[1].split(' ')[1:13]]).reshape( [3, 4]) P2 = np.array( [float(info) for info in lines[2].split(' ')[1:13]]).reshape( [3, 4]) P3 = np.array( [float(info) for info in lines[3].split(' ')[1:13]]).reshape( [3, 4]) if extend_matrix: P0 = _extend_matrix(P0) P1 = _extend_matrix(P1) P2 = _extend_matrix(P2) P3 = _extend_matrix(P3) image_info['calib/P0'] = P0 image_info['calib/P1'] = P1 image_info['calib/P2'] = P2 image_info['calib/P3'] = P3 R0_rect = np.array([ float(info) for info in lines[4].split(' ')[1:10] ]).reshape([3, 3]) if extend_matrix: rect_4x4 = np.zeros([4, 4], dtype=R0_rect.dtype) rect_4x4[3, 3] = 1. rect_4x4[:3, :3] = R0_rect else: rect_4x4 = R0_rect image_info['calib/R0_rect'] = rect_4x4 Tr_velo_to_cam = np.array([ float(info) for info in lines[5].split(' ')[1:13] ]).reshape([3, 4]) Tr_imu_to_velo = np.array([ float(info) for info in lines[6].split(' ')[1:13] ]).reshape([3, 4]) if extend_matrix: Tr_velo_to_cam = _extend_matrix(Tr_velo_to_cam) Tr_imu_to_velo = _extend_matrix(Tr_imu_to_velo) image_info['calib/Tr_velo_to_cam'] = Tr_velo_to_cam image_info['calib/Tr_imu_to_velo'] = Tr_imu_to_velo if annotations is not None: image_info['annos'] = annotations add_difficulty_to_annos(image_info) return image_info with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(num_worker) as executor: image_infos =, image_ids) return list(image_infos) def filter_kitti_anno(image_anno, used_classes, used_difficulty=None, dontcare_iou=None): if not isinstance(used_classes, (list, tuple)): used_classes = [used_classes] img_filtered_annotations = {} relevant_annotation_indices = [ i for i, x in enumerate(image_anno['name']) if x in used_classes ] for key in image_anno.keys(): img_filtered_annotations[key] = ( image_anno[key][relevant_annotation_indices]) if used_difficulty is not None: relevant_annotation_indices = [ i for i, x in enumerate(img_filtered_annotations['difficulty']) if x in used_difficulty ] for key in image_anno.keys(): img_filtered_annotations[key] = ( img_filtered_annotations[key][relevant_annotation_indices]) if 'DontCare' in used_classes and dontcare_iou is not None: dont_care_indices = [ i for i, x in enumerate(img_filtered_annotations['name']) if x == 'DontCare' ] # bounding box format [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max] all_boxes = img_filtered_annotations['bbox'] ious = iou(all_boxes, all_boxes[dont_care_indices]) # Remove all bounding boxes that overlap with a dontcare region. if ious.size > 0: boxes_to_remove = np.amax(ious, axis=1) > dontcare_iou for key in image_anno.keys(): img_filtered_annotations[key] = (img_filtered_annotations[key][ np.logical_not(boxes_to_remove)]) return img_filtered_annotations def filter_annos_low_score(image_annos, thresh): new_image_annos = [] for anno in image_annos: img_filtered_annotations = {} relevant_annotation_indices = [ i for i, s in enumerate(anno['score']) if s >= thresh ] for key in anno.keys(): img_filtered_annotations[key] = ( anno[key][relevant_annotation_indices]) new_image_annos.append(img_filtered_annotations) return new_image_annos def kitti_result_line(result_dict, precision=4): prec_float = "{" + ":.{}f".format(precision) + "}" res_line = [] all_field_default = OrderedDict([ ('name', None), ('truncated', -1), ('occluded', -1), ('alpha', -10), ('bbox', None), ('dimensions', [-1, -1, -1]), ('location', [-1000, -1000, -1000]), ('rotation_y', -10), ('score', None), ]) res_dict = [(key, None) for key, val in all_field_default.items()] res_dict = OrderedDict(res_dict) for key, val in result_dict.items(): if all_field_default[key] is None and val is None: raise ValueError("you must specify a value for {}".format(key)) res_dict[key] = val for key, val in res_dict.items(): if key == 'name': res_line.append(val) elif key in ['truncated', 'alpha', 'rotation_y', 'score']: if val is None: res_line.append(str(all_field_default[key])) else: res_line.append(prec_float.format(val)) elif key == 'occluded': if val is None: res_line.append(str(all_field_default[key])) else: res_line.append('{}'.format(val)) elif key in ['bbox', 'dimensions', 'location']: if val is None: res_line += [str(v) for v in all_field_default[key]] else: res_line += [prec_float.format(v) for v in val] else: raise ValueError("unknown key. supported key:{}".format( res_dict.keys())) return ' '.join(res_line) def add_difficulty_to_annos(info): min_height = [40, 25, 25] # minimum height for evaluated groundtruth/detections max_occlusion = [ 0, 1, 2 ] # maximum occlusion level of the groundtruth used for evaluation max_trunc = [ 0.15, 0.3, 0.5 ] # maximum truncation level of the groundtruth used for evaluation annos = info['annos'] dims = annos['dimensions'] # lhw format bbox = annos['bbox'] height = bbox[:, 3] - bbox[:, 1] occlusion = annos['occluded'] truncation = annos['truncated'] diff = [] easy_mask = np.ones((len(dims), ), dtype=np.bool) moderate_mask = np.ones((len(dims), ), dtype=np.bool) hard_mask = np.ones((len(dims), ), dtype=np.bool) i = 0 for h, o, t in zip(height, occlusion, truncation): if o > max_occlusion[0] or h <= min_height[0] or t > max_trunc[0]: easy_mask[i] = False if o > max_occlusion[1] or h <= min_height[1] or t > max_trunc[1]: moderate_mask[i] = False if o > max_occlusion[2] or h <= min_height[2] or t > max_trunc[2]: hard_mask[i] = False i += 1 is_easy = easy_mask is_moderate = np.logical_xor(easy_mask, moderate_mask) is_hard = np.logical_xor(hard_mask, moderate_mask) for i in range(len(dims)): if is_easy[i]: diff.append(0) elif is_moderate[i]: diff.append(1) elif is_hard[i]: diff.append(2) else: diff.append(-1) annos["difficulty"] = np.array(diff, np.int32) return diff def get_label_anno(label_path): annotations = {} annotations.update({ 'name': [], 'truncated': [], 'occluded': [], 'alpha': [], 'bbox': [], 'dimensions': [], 'location': [], 'rotation_y': [] }) with open(label_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # if len(lines) == 0 or len(lines[0]) < 15: # content = [] # else: content = [line.strip().split(' ') for line in lines] annotations['name'] = np.array([x[0] for x in content]) annotations['truncated'] = np.array([float(x[1]) for x in content]) annotations['occluded'] = np.array([int(x[2]) for x in content]) annotations['alpha'] = np.array([float(x[3]) for x in content]) annotations['bbox'] = np.array( [[float(info) for info in x[4:8]] for x in content]).reshape(-1, 4) # dimensions will convert hwl format to standard lhw(camera) format. annotations['dimensions'] = np.array( [[float(info) for info in x[8:11]] for x in content]).reshape( -1, 3)[:, [2, 0, 1]] annotations['location'] = np.array( [[float(info) for info in x[11:14]] for x in content]).reshape(-1, 3) annotations['rotation_y'] = np.array( [float(x[14]) for x in content]).reshape(-1) if len(content) != 0 and len(content[0]) == 16: # have score annotations['score'] = np.array([float(x[15]) for x in content]) else: annotations['score'] = np.zeros([len(annotations['bbox'])]) return annotations def get_label_annos(label_folder, image_ids=None): if image_ids is None: filepaths = pathlib.Path(label_folder).glob('*.txt') prog = re.compile(r'^\d{6}.txt$') filepaths = filter(lambda f: prog.match(, filepaths) image_ids = [int(p.stem) for p in filepaths] image_ids = sorted(image_ids) if not isinstance(image_ids, list): image_ids = list(range(image_ids)) annos = [] label_folder = pathlib.Path(label_folder) for idx in image_ids: image_idx = get_image_index_str(idx) label_filename = label_folder / (image_idx + '.txt') annos.append(get_label_anno(label_filename)) return annos def area(boxes, add1=False): """Computes area of boxes. Args: boxes: Numpy array with shape [N, 4] holding N boxes Returns: a numpy array with shape [N*1] representing box areas """ if add1: return (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0] + 1.0) * ( boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1] + 1.0) else: return (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]) * (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]) def intersection(boxes1, boxes2, add1=False): """Compute pairwise intersection areas between boxes. Args: boxes1: a numpy array with shape [N, 4] holding N boxes boxes2: a numpy array with shape [M, 4] holding M boxes Returns: a numpy array with shape [N*M] representing pairwise intersection area """ [y_min1, x_min1, y_max1, x_max1] = np.split(boxes1, 4, axis=1) [y_min2, x_min2, y_max2, x_max2] = np.split(boxes2, 4, axis=1) all_pairs_min_ymax = np.minimum(y_max1, np.transpose(y_max2)) all_pairs_max_ymin = np.maximum(y_min1, np.transpose(y_min2)) if add1: all_pairs_min_ymax += 1.0 intersect_heights = np.maximum( np.zeros(all_pairs_max_ymin.shape), all_pairs_min_ymax - all_pairs_max_ymin) all_pairs_min_xmax = np.minimum(x_max1, np.transpose(x_max2)) all_pairs_max_xmin = np.maximum(x_min1, np.transpose(x_min2)) if add1: all_pairs_min_xmax += 1.0 intersect_widths = np.maximum( np.zeros(all_pairs_max_xmin.shape), all_pairs_min_xmax - all_pairs_max_xmin) return intersect_heights * intersect_widths def iou(boxes1, boxes2, add1=False): """Computes pairwise intersection-over-union between box collections. Args: boxes1: a numpy array with shape [N, 4] holding N boxes. boxes2: a numpy array with shape [M, 4] holding N boxes. Returns: a numpy array with shape [N, M] representing pairwise iou scores. """ intersect = intersection(boxes1, boxes2, add1) area1 = area(boxes1, add1) area2 = area(boxes2, add1) union = np.expand_dims( area1, axis=1) + np.expand_dims( area2, axis=0) - intersect return intersect / union
import time import fire import kitti_common as kitti from eval import get_official_eval_result, get_coco_eval_result def _read_imageset_file(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() return [int(line) for line in lines] def evaluate(label_path, # gt result_path, # dt label_split_file, current_class=0, # 0: bbox, 1: bev, 2: 3d coco=False, score_thresh=-1): dt_annos = kitti.get_label_annos(result_path) # print("dt_annos[0] is ", dt_annos[0], " shape is ", len(dt_annos)) # if score_thresh > 0: # dt_annos = kitti.filter_annos_low_score(dt_annos, score_thresh) # val_image_ids = _read_imageset_file(label_split_file) gt_annos = kitti.get_label_annos(label_path) # print("gt_annos[0] is ", gt_annos[0], " shape is ", len(gt_annos)) if coco: print(get_coco_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_class)) else: print("not coco") print(get_official_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_class)) if __name__ == '__main__': fire.Fire()
import io as sysio import time import numba import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from rotate_iou import rotate_iou_gpu_eval def get_mAP(prec): sums = 0 for i in range(0, len(prec), 4): sums += prec[i] return sums / 11 * 100 @numba.jit def get_thresholds(scores: np.ndarray, num_gt, num_sample_pts=41): scores.sort() scores = scores[::-1] current_recall = 0 thresholds = [] for i, score in enumerate(scores): l_recall = (i + 1) / num_gt if i < (len(scores) - 1): r_recall = (i + 2) / num_gt else: r_recall = l_recall if (((r_recall - current_recall) < (current_recall - l_recall)) and (i < (len(scores) - 1))): continue # recall = l_recall thresholds.append(score) current_recall += 1 / (num_sample_pts - 1.0) # print(len(thresholds), len(scores), num_gt) return thresholds def clean_data(gt_anno, dt_anno, current_class, difficulty): CLASS_NAMES = [ 'car', 'pedestrian', 'cyclist', 'van', 'person_sitting', 'car', 'tractor', 'trailer' ] MIN_HEIGHT = [40, 25, 25] MAX_OCCLUSION = [0, 1, 2] MAX_TRUNCATION = [0.15, 0.3, 0.5] dc_bboxes, ignored_gt, ignored_dt = [], [], [] current_cls_name = CLASS_NAMES[current_class].lower() num_gt = len(gt_anno["name"]) num_dt = len(dt_anno["name"]) num_valid_gt = 0 for i in range(num_gt): bbox = gt_anno["bbox"][i] gt_name = gt_anno["name"][i].lower() height = bbox[3] - bbox[1] valid_class = -1 if (gt_name == current_cls_name): valid_class = 1 elif (current_cls_name == "Pedestrian".lower() and "Person_sitting".lower() == gt_name): valid_class = 0 elif (current_cls_name == "Car".lower() and "Van".lower() == gt_name): valid_class = 0 else: valid_class = -1 ignore = False if ((gt_anno["occluded"][i] > MAX_OCCLUSION[difficulty]) or (gt_anno["truncated"][i] > MAX_TRUNCATION[difficulty]) or (height <= MIN_HEIGHT[difficulty])): # if gt_anno["difficulty"][i] > difficulty or gt_anno["difficulty"][i] == -1: ignore = True if valid_class == 1 and not ignore: ignored_gt.append(0) num_valid_gt += 1 elif (valid_class == 0 or (ignore and (valid_class == 1))): ignored_gt.append(1) else: ignored_gt.append(-1) # for i in range(num_gt): if gt_anno["name"][i] == "DontCare": dc_bboxes.append(gt_anno["bbox"][i]) for i in range(num_dt): if (dt_anno["name"][i].lower() == current_cls_name): valid_class = 1 else: valid_class = -1 height = abs(dt_anno["bbox"][i, 3] - dt_anno["bbox"][i, 1]) if height < MIN_HEIGHT[difficulty]: ignored_dt.append(1) elif valid_class == 1: ignored_dt.append(0) else: ignored_dt.append(-1) return num_valid_gt, ignored_gt, ignored_dt, dc_bboxes @numba.jit(nopython=True) def image_box_overlap(boxes, query_boxes, criterion=-1): N = boxes.shape[0] K = query_boxes.shape[0] overlaps = np.zeros((N, K), dtype=boxes.dtype) for k in range(K): qbox_area = ((query_boxes[k, 2] - query_boxes[k, 0]) * (query_boxes[k, 3] - query_boxes[k, 1])) for n in range(N): iw = (min(boxes[n, 2], query_boxes[k, 2]) - max( boxes[n, 0], query_boxes[k, 0])) if iw > 0: ih = (min(boxes[n, 3], query_boxes[k, 3]) - max( boxes[n, 1], query_boxes[k, 1])) if ih > 0: if criterion == -1: ua = ( (boxes[n, 2] - boxes[n, 0]) * (boxes[n, 3] - boxes[n, 1]) + qbox_area - iw * ih) elif criterion == 0: ua = ((boxes[n, 2] - boxes[n, 0]) * (boxes[n, 3] - boxes[n, 1])) elif criterion == 1: ua = qbox_area else: ua = 1.0 overlaps[n, k] = iw * ih / ua return overlaps def bev_box_overlap(boxes, qboxes, criterion=-1): riou = rotate_iou_gpu_eval(boxes, qboxes, criterion) return riou @numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True) def d3_box_overlap_kernel(boxes, qboxes, rinc, criterion=-1, z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): """ z_axis: the z (height) axis. z_center: unified z (height) center of box. """ N, K = boxes.shape[0], qboxes.shape[0] for i in range(N): for j in range(K): if rinc[i, j] > 0: min_z = min( boxes[i, z_axis] + boxes[i, z_axis + 3] * (1 - z_center), qboxes[j, z_axis] + qboxes[j, z_axis + 3] * (1 - z_center)) max_z = max( boxes[i, z_axis] - boxes[i, z_axis + 3] * z_center, qboxes[j, z_axis] - qboxes[j, z_axis + 3] * z_center) iw = min_z - max_z if iw > 0: area1 = boxes[i, 3] * boxes[i, 4] * boxes[i, 5] area2 = qboxes[j, 3] * qboxes[j, 4] * qboxes[j, 5] inc = iw * rinc[i, j] if criterion == -1: ua = (area1 + area2 - inc) elif criterion == 0: ua = area1 elif criterion == 1: ua = area2 else: ua = 1.0 rinc[i, j] = inc / ua else: rinc[i, j] = 0.0 def d3_box_overlap(boxes, qboxes, criterion=-1, z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): """kitti camera format z_axis=1. """ bev_axes = list(range(7)) bev_axes.pop(z_axis + 3) bev_axes.pop(z_axis) rinc = rotate_iou_gpu_eval(boxes[:, bev_axes], qboxes[:, bev_axes], 2) d3_box_overlap_kernel(boxes, qboxes, rinc, criterion, z_axis, z_center) return rinc @numba.jit(nopython=True) def compute_statistics_jit(overlaps, gt_datas, dt_datas, ignored_gt, ignored_det, dc_bboxes, metric, min_overlap, thresh=0, compute_fp=False, compute_aos=False): det_size = dt_datas.shape[0] gt_size = gt_datas.shape[0] dt_scores = dt_datas[:, -1] dt_alphas = dt_datas[:, 4] gt_alphas = gt_datas[:, 4] dt_bboxes = dt_datas[:, :4] # gt_bboxes = gt_datas[:, :4] assigned_detection = [False] * det_size ignored_threshold = [False] * det_size if compute_fp: for i in range(det_size): if (dt_scores[i] < thresh): ignored_threshold[i] = True NO_DETECTION = -10000000 tp, fp, fn, similarity = 0, 0, 0, 0 # thresholds = [0.0] # delta = [0.0] thresholds = np.zeros((gt_size, )) thresh_idx = 0 delta = np.zeros((gt_size, )) delta_idx = 0 for i in range(gt_size): if ignored_gt[i] == -1: continue det_idx = -1 valid_detection = NO_DETECTION max_overlap = 0 assigned_ignored_det = False for j in range(det_size): if (ignored_det[j] == -1): continue if (assigned_detection[j]): continue if (ignored_threshold[j]): continue overlap = overlaps[j, i] dt_score = dt_scores[j] if (not compute_fp and (overlap > min_overlap) and dt_score > valid_detection): det_idx = j valid_detection = dt_score elif (compute_fp and (overlap > min_overlap) and (overlap > max_overlap or assigned_ignored_det) and ignored_det[j] == 0): max_overlap = overlap det_idx = j valid_detection = 1 assigned_ignored_det = False elif (compute_fp and (overlap > min_overlap) and (valid_detection == NO_DETECTION) and ignored_det[j] == 1): det_idx = j valid_detection = 1 assigned_ignored_det = True if (valid_detection == NO_DETECTION) and ignored_gt[i] == 0: fn += 1 elif ((valid_detection != NO_DETECTION) and (ignored_gt[i] == 1 or ignored_det[det_idx] == 1)): assigned_detection[det_idx] = True elif valid_detection != NO_DETECTION: # only a tp add a threshold. tp += 1 # thresholds.append(dt_scores[det_idx]) thresholds[thresh_idx] = dt_scores[det_idx] thresh_idx += 1 if compute_aos: # delta.append(gt_alphas[i] - dt_alphas[det_idx]) delta[delta_idx] = gt_alphas[i] - dt_alphas[det_idx] delta_idx += 1 assigned_detection[det_idx] = True if compute_fp: for i in range(det_size): if (not (assigned_detection[i] or ignored_det[i] == -1 or ignored_det[i] == 1 or ignored_threshold[i])): fp += 1 nstuff = 0 if metric == 0: overlaps_dt_dc = image_box_overlap(dt_bboxes, dc_bboxes, 0) for i in range(dc_bboxes.shape[0]): for j in range(det_size): if (assigned_detection[j]): continue if (ignored_det[j] == -1 or ignored_det[j] == 1): continue if (ignored_threshold[j]): continue if overlaps_dt_dc[j, i] > min_overlap: assigned_detection[j] = True nstuff += 1 fp -= nstuff if compute_aos: tmp = np.zeros((fp + delta_idx, )) # tmp = [0] * fp for i in range(delta_idx): tmp[i + fp] = (1.0 + np.cos(delta[i])) / 2.0 # tmp.append((1.0 + np.cos(delta[i])) / 2.0) # assert len(tmp) == fp + tp # assert len(delta) == tp if tp > 0 or fp > 0: similarity = np.sum(tmp) else: similarity = -1 return tp, fp, fn, similarity, thresholds[:thresh_idx] def get_split_parts(num, num_part): same_part = num // num_part remain_num = num % num_part if remain_num == 0: return [same_part] * num_part else: return [same_part] * num_part + [remain_num] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def fused_compute_statistics(overlaps, pr, gt_nums, dt_nums, dc_nums, gt_datas, dt_datas, dontcares, ignored_gts, ignored_dets, metric, min_overlap, thresholds, compute_aos=False): gt_num = 0 dt_num = 0 dc_num = 0 for i in range(gt_nums.shape[0]): for t, thresh in enumerate(thresholds): overlap = overlaps[dt_num:dt_num + dt_nums[i], gt_num:gt_num + gt_nums[i]] gt_data = gt_datas[gt_num:gt_num + gt_nums[i]] dt_data = dt_datas[dt_num:dt_num + dt_nums[i]] ignored_gt = ignored_gts[gt_num:gt_num + gt_nums[i]] ignored_det = ignored_dets[dt_num:dt_num + dt_nums[i]] dontcare = dontcares[dc_num:dc_num + dc_nums[i]] tp, fp, fn, similarity, _ = compute_statistics_jit( overlap, gt_data, dt_data, ignored_gt, ignored_det, dontcare, metric, min_overlap=min_overlap, thresh=thresh, compute_fp=True, compute_aos=compute_aos) pr[t, 0] += tp pr[t, 1] += fp pr[t, 2] += fn if similarity != -1: pr[t, 3] += similarity gt_num += gt_nums[i] dt_num += dt_nums[i] dc_num += dc_nums[i] def calculate_iou_partly(gt_annos, dt_annos, metric, num_parts=50, z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): """fast iou algorithm. this function can be used independently to do result analysis. Args: gt_annos: dict, must from get_label_annos() in dt_annos: dict, must from get_label_annos() in metric: eval type. 0: bbox, 1: bev, 2: 3d num_parts: int. a parameter for fast calculate algorithm z_axis: height axis. kitti camera use 1, lidar use 2. """ assert len(gt_annos) == len(dt_annos) total_dt_num = np.stack([len(a["name"]) for a in dt_annos], 0) total_gt_num = np.stack([len(a["name"]) for a in gt_annos], 0) num_examples = len(gt_annos) split_parts = get_split_parts(num_examples, num_parts) parted_overlaps = [] example_idx = 0 bev_axes = list(range(3)) bev_axes.pop(z_axis) for num_part in split_parts: gt_annos_part = gt_annos[example_idx:example_idx + num_part] dt_annos_part = dt_annos[example_idx:example_idx + num_part] if metric == 0: gt_boxes = np.concatenate([a["bbox"] for a in gt_annos_part], 0) dt_boxes = np.concatenate([a["bbox"] for a in dt_annos_part], 0) overlap_part = image_box_overlap(gt_boxes, dt_boxes) elif metric == 1: loc = np.concatenate( [a["location"][:, bev_axes] for a in gt_annos_part], 0) dims = np.concatenate( [a["dimensions"][:, bev_axes] for a in gt_annos_part], 0) rots = np.concatenate([a["rotation_y"] for a in gt_annos_part], 0) gt_boxes = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1) loc = np.concatenate( [a["location"][:, bev_axes] for a in dt_annos_part], 0) dims = np.concatenate( [a["dimensions"][:, bev_axes] for a in dt_annos_part], 0) rots = np.concatenate([a["rotation_y"] for a in dt_annos_part], 0) dt_boxes = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1) overlap_part = bev_box_overlap(gt_boxes, dt_boxes).astype(np.float64) elif metric == 2: loc = np.concatenate([a["location"] for a in gt_annos_part], 0) dims = np.concatenate([a["dimensions"] for a in gt_annos_part], 0) rots = np.concatenate([a["rotation_y"] for a in gt_annos_part], 0) gt_boxes = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1) loc = np.concatenate([a["location"] for a in dt_annos_part], 0) dims = np.concatenate([a["dimensions"] for a in dt_annos_part], 0) rots = np.concatenate([a["rotation_y"] for a in dt_annos_part], 0) dt_boxes = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1) overlap_part = d3_box_overlap( gt_boxes, dt_boxes, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError("unknown metric") parted_overlaps.append(overlap_part) example_idx += num_part overlaps = [] example_idx = 0 for j, num_part in enumerate(split_parts): gt_annos_part = gt_annos[example_idx:example_idx + num_part] dt_annos_part = dt_annos[example_idx:example_idx + num_part] gt_num_idx, dt_num_idx = 0, 0 for i in range(num_part): gt_box_num = total_gt_num[example_idx + i] dt_box_num = total_dt_num[example_idx + i] overlaps.append( parted_overlaps[j][gt_num_idx:gt_num_idx + gt_box_num, dt_num_idx:dt_num_idx + dt_box_num]) gt_num_idx += gt_box_num dt_num_idx += dt_box_num example_idx += num_part return overlaps, parted_overlaps, total_gt_num, total_dt_num def _prepare_data(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_class, difficulty): gt_datas_list = [] dt_datas_list = [] total_dc_num = [] ignored_gts, ignored_dets, dontcares = [], [], [] total_num_valid_gt = 0 for i in range(len(gt_annos)): rets = clean_data(gt_annos[i], dt_annos[i], current_class, difficulty) num_valid_gt, ignored_gt, ignored_det, dc_bboxes = rets ignored_gts.append(np.array(ignored_gt, dtype=np.int64)) ignored_dets.append(np.array(ignored_det, dtype=np.int64)) if len(dc_bboxes) == 0: dc_bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4)).astype(np.float64) else: dc_bboxes = np.stack(dc_bboxes, 0).astype(np.float64) total_dc_num.append(dc_bboxes.shape[0]) dontcares.append(dc_bboxes) total_num_valid_gt += num_valid_gt gt_datas = np.concatenate( [gt_annos[i]["bbox"], gt_annos[i]["alpha"][..., np.newaxis]], 1) dt_datas = np.concatenate([ dt_annos[i]["bbox"], dt_annos[i]["alpha"][..., np.newaxis], dt_annos[i]["score"][..., np.newaxis] ], 1) gt_datas_list.append(gt_datas) dt_datas_list.append(dt_datas) total_dc_num = np.stack(total_dc_num, axis=0) return (gt_datas_list, dt_datas_list, ignored_gts, ignored_dets, dontcares, total_dc_num, total_num_valid_gt) def eval_class(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, difficultys, metric, min_overlaps, compute_aos=False, z_axis=1, z_center=1.0, num_parts=50): """Kitti eval. support 2d/bev/3d/aos eval. support 0.5:0.05:0.95 coco AP. Args: gt_annos: dict, must from get_label_annos() in dt_annos: dict, must from get_label_annos() in current_class: int, 0: car, 1: pedestrian, 2: cyclist difficulty: int. eval difficulty, 0: easy, 1: normal, 2: hard metric: eval type. 0: bbox, 1: bev, 2: 3d min_overlap: float, min overlap. official: [[0.7, 0.5, 0.5], [0.7, 0.5, 0.5], [0.7, 0.5, 0.5]] format: [metric, class]. choose one from matrix above. num_parts: int. a parameter for fast calculate algorithm Returns: dict of recall, precision and aos """ assert len(gt_annos) == len(dt_annos) num_examples = len(gt_annos) split_parts = get_split_parts(num_examples, num_parts) rets = calculate_iou_partly( dt_annos, gt_annos, metric, num_parts, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) overlaps, parted_overlaps, total_dt_num, total_gt_num = rets N_SAMPLE_PTS = 41 num_minoverlap = len(min_overlaps) num_class = len(current_classes) num_difficulty = len(difficultys) precision = np.zeros( [num_class, num_difficulty, num_minoverlap, N_SAMPLE_PTS]) recall = np.zeros( [num_class, num_difficulty, num_minoverlap, N_SAMPLE_PTS]) aos = np.zeros([num_class, num_difficulty, num_minoverlap, N_SAMPLE_PTS]) all_thresholds = np.zeros([num_class, num_difficulty, num_minoverlap, N_SAMPLE_PTS]) for m, current_class in enumerate(current_classes): for l, difficulty in enumerate(difficultys): rets = _prepare_data(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_class, difficulty) (gt_datas_list, dt_datas_list, ignored_gts, ignored_dets, dontcares, total_dc_num, total_num_valid_gt) = rets for k, min_overlap in enumerate(min_overlaps[:, metric, m]): thresholdss = [] for i in range(len(gt_annos)): rets = compute_statistics_jit( overlaps[i], gt_datas_list[i], dt_datas_list[i], ignored_gts[i], ignored_dets[i], dontcares[i], metric, min_overlap=min_overlap, thresh=0.0, compute_fp=False) tp, fp, fn, similarity, thresholds = rets thresholdss += thresholds.tolist() thresholdss = np.array(thresholdss) thresholds = get_thresholds(thresholdss, total_num_valid_gt) thresholds = np.array(thresholds) all_thresholds[m, l, k, :len(thresholds)] = thresholds pr = np.zeros([len(thresholds), 4]) idx = 0 for j, num_part in enumerate(split_parts): gt_datas_part = np.concatenate( gt_datas_list[idx:idx + num_part], 0) dt_datas_part = np.concatenate( dt_datas_list[idx:idx + num_part], 0) dc_datas_part = np.concatenate( dontcares[idx:idx + num_part], 0) ignored_dets_part = np.concatenate( ignored_dets[idx:idx + num_part], 0) ignored_gts_part = np.concatenate( ignored_gts[idx:idx + num_part], 0) fused_compute_statistics( parted_overlaps[j], pr, total_gt_num[idx:idx + num_part], total_dt_num[idx:idx + num_part], total_dc_num[idx:idx + num_part], gt_datas_part, dt_datas_part, dc_datas_part, ignored_gts_part, ignored_dets_part, metric, min_overlap=min_overlap, thresholds=thresholds, compute_aos=compute_aos) idx += num_part for i in range(len(thresholds)): precision[m, l, k, i] = pr[i, 0] / (pr[i, 0] + pr[i, 1]) if compute_aos: aos[m, l, k, i] = pr[i, 3] / (pr[i, 0] + pr[i, 1]) for i in range(len(thresholds)): precision[m, l, k, i] = np.max( precision[m, l, k, i:], axis=-1) if compute_aos: aos[m, l, k, i] = np.max(aos[m, l, k, i:], axis=-1) ret_dict = { # "recall": recall, # [num_class, num_difficulty, num_minoverlap, N_SAMPLE_PTS] "precision": precision, "orientation": aos, "thresholds": all_thresholds, "min_overlaps": min_overlaps, } return ret_dict def get_mAP_v2(prec): sums = 0 for i in range(0, prec.shape[-1], 4): sums = sums + prec[..., i] return sums / 11 * 100 def do_eval_v2(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, min_overlaps, compute_aos=False, difficultys=(0), z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): # min_overlaps: [num_minoverlap, metric, num_class] ret = eval_class( gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, difficultys, 0, min_overlaps, compute_aos, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) # ret: [num_class, num_diff, num_minoverlap, num_sample_points] mAP_bbox = get_mAP_v2(ret["precision"]) mAP_aos = None if compute_aos: mAP_aos = get_mAP_v2(ret["orientation"]) ret = eval_class( gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, difficultys, 1, min_overlaps, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) mAP_bev = get_mAP_v2(ret["precision"]) ret = eval_class( gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, difficultys, 2, min_overlaps, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) mAP_3d = get_mAP_v2(ret["precision"]) return mAP_bbox, mAP_bev, mAP_3d, mAP_aos def do_eval_v3(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, min_overlaps, compute_aos=False, difficultys=(0, 1, 2), z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): # min_overlaps: [num_minoverlap, metric, num_class] types = ["bbox", "bev", "3d"] metrics = {} for i in range(3): ret = eval_class( gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, difficultys, i, min_overlaps, compute_aos, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) metrics[types[i]] = ret return metrics def do_coco_style_eval(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, overlap_ranges, compute_aos, z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): # overlap_ranges: [range, metric, num_class] min_overlaps = np.zeros([10, *overlap_ranges.shape[1:]]) for i in range(overlap_ranges.shape[1]): for j in range(overlap_ranges.shape[2]): min_overlaps[:, i, j] = np.linspace(*overlap_ranges[:, i, j]) mAP_bbox, mAP_bev, mAP_3d, mAP_aos = do_eval_v2( gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, min_overlaps, compute_aos, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) # ret: [num_class, num_diff, num_minoverlap] mAP_bbox = mAP_bbox.mean(-1) mAP_bev = mAP_bev.mean(-1) mAP_3d = mAP_3d.mean(-1) if mAP_aos is not None: mAP_aos = mAP_aos.mean(-1) return mAP_bbox, mAP_bev, mAP_3d, mAP_aos def print_str(value, *arg, sstream=None): if sstream is None: sstream = sysio.StringIO() sstream.truncate(0) print(value, *arg, file=sstream) return sstream.getvalue() def get_official_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, difficultys=[0, 1, 2], z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): """ gt_annos and dt_annos must contains following keys: [bbox, location, dimensions, rotation_y, score] """ overlap_mod = np.array([[0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7], [0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7], [0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7]]) overlap_easy = np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]) min_overlaps = np.stack([overlap_mod, overlap_easy], axis=0) # [2, 3, 5] class_to_name = { 0: 'Car', 1: 'Pedestrian', 2: 'Cyclist', 3: 'Van', 4: 'Person_sitting', 5: 'car', 6: 'tractor', 7: 'trailer', } name_to_class = {v: n for n, v in class_to_name.items()} if not isinstance(current_classes, (list, tuple)): current_classes = [current_classes] current_classes_int = [] for curcls in current_classes: if isinstance(curcls, str): current_classes_int.append(name_to_class[curcls]) else: current_classes_int.append(curcls) current_classes = current_classes_int min_overlaps = min_overlaps[:, :, current_classes] result = '' # check whether alpha is valid compute_aos = False for anno in dt_annos: if anno['alpha'].shape[0] != 0: if anno['alpha'][0] != -10: compute_aos = True break metrics = do_eval_v3( gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, min_overlaps, compute_aos, difficultys, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) for j, curcls in enumerate(current_classes): # mAP threshold array: [num_minoverlap, metric, class] # mAP result: [num_class, num_diff, num_minoverlap] for i in range(min_overlaps.shape[0]): mAPbbox = get_mAP_v2(metrics["bbox"]["precision"][j, :, i]) mAPbbox = ", ".join(f"{v:.2f}" for v in mAPbbox) mAPbev = get_mAP_v2(metrics["bev"]["precision"][j, :, i]) mAPbev = ", ".join(f"{v:.2f}" for v in mAPbev) mAP3d = get_mAP_v2(metrics["3d"]["precision"][j, :, i]) mAP3d = ", ".join(f"{v:.2f}" for v in mAP3d) result += print_str( (f"{class_to_name[curcls]} " "AP(Average Precision)@{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}:".format(*min_overlaps[i, :, j]))) result += print_str(f"bbox AP:{mAPbbox}") result += print_str(f"bev AP:{mAPbev}") result += print_str(f"3d AP:{mAP3d}") if compute_aos: mAPaos = get_mAP_v2(metrics["bbox"]["orientation"][j, :, i]) mAPaos = ", ".join(f"{v:.2f}" for v in mAPaos) result += print_str(f"aos AP:{mAPaos}") return result def get_coco_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, z_axis=1, z_center=1.0): class_to_name = { 0: 'Car', 1: 'Pedestrian', 2: 'Cyclist', 3: 'Van', 4: 'Person_sitting', 5: 'car', 6: 'tractor', 7: 'trailer', } class_to_range = { 0: [0.5, 1.0, 0.05], 1: [0.25, 0.75, 0.05], 2: [0.25, 0.75, 0.05], 3: [0.5, 1.0, 0.05], 4: [0.25, 0.75, 0.05], 5: [0.5, 1.0, 0.05], 6: [0.5, 1.0, 0.05], 7: [0.5, 1.0, 0.05], } class_to_range = { 0: [0.5, 0.95, 10], 1: [0.25, 0.7, 10], 2: [0.25, 0.7, 10], 3: [0.5, 0.95, 10], 4: [0.25, 0.7, 10], 5: [0.5, 0.95, 10], 6: [0.5, 0.95, 10], 7: [0.5, 0.95, 10], } name_to_class = {v: n for n, v in class_to_name.items()} if not isinstance(current_classes, (list, tuple)): current_classes = [current_classes] current_classes_int = [] for curcls in current_classes: if isinstance(curcls, str): current_classes_int.append(name_to_class[curcls]) else: current_classes_int.append(curcls) current_classes = current_classes_int overlap_ranges = np.zeros([3, 3, len(current_classes)]) for i, curcls in enumerate(current_classes): overlap_ranges[:, :, i] = np.array( class_to_range[curcls])[:, np.newaxis] result = '' # check whether alpha is valid compute_aos = False for anno in dt_annos: if anno['alpha'].shape[0] != 0: if anno['alpha'][0] != -10: compute_aos = True break mAPbbox, mAPbev, mAP3d, mAPaos = do_coco_style_eval( gt_annos, dt_annos, current_classes, overlap_ranges, compute_aos, z_axis=z_axis, z_center=z_center) for j, curcls in enumerate(current_classes): # mAP threshold array: [num_minoverlap, metric, class] # mAP result: [num_class, num_diff, num_minoverlap] o_range = np.array(class_to_range[curcls])[[0, 2, 1]] o_range[1] = (o_range[2] - o_range[0]) / (o_range[1] - 1) result += print_str((f"{class_to_name[curcls]} " "coco AP@{:.2f}:{:.2f}:{:.2f}:".format(*o_range))) result += print_str((f"bbox AP:{mAPbbox[j, 0]:.2f}, " f"{mAPbbox[j, 1]:.2f}, " f"{mAPbbox[j, 2]:.2f}")) result += print_str((f"bev AP:{mAPbev[j, 0]:.2f}, " f"{mAPbev[j, 1]:.2f}, " f"{mAPbev[j, 2]:.2f}")) result += print_str((f"3d AP:{mAP3d[j, 0]:.2f}, " f"{mAP3d[j, 1]:.2f}, " f"{mAP3d[j, 2]:.2f}")) if compute_aos: result += print_str((f"aos AP:{mAPaos[j, 0]:.2f}, " f"{mAPaos[j, 1]:.2f}, " f"{mAPaos[j, 2]:.2f}")) return result
##################### # Based on # Licensed under The MIT License # Author: yanyan, ##################### import math import numba import numpy as np from numba import cuda @numba.jit(nopython=True) def div_up(m, n): return m // n + (m % n > 0) @cuda.jit('(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:])', device=True, inline=True) def trangle_area(a, b, c): return ((a[0] - c[0]) * (b[1] - c[1]) - (a[1] - c[1]) * (b[0] - c[0])) / 2.0 @cuda.jit('(float32[:], int32)', device=True, inline=True) def area(int_pts, num_of_inter): area_val = 0.0 for i in range(num_of_inter - 2): area_val += abs( trangle_area(int_pts[:2], int_pts[2 * i + 2:2 * i + 4], int_pts[2 * i + 4:2 * i + 6])) return area_val @cuda.jit('(float32[:], int32)', device=True, inline=True) def sort_vertex_in_convex_polygon(int_pts, num_of_inter): if num_of_inter > 0: center = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) center[:] = 0.0 for i in range(num_of_inter): center[0] += int_pts[2 * i] center[1] += int_pts[2 * i + 1] center[0] /= num_of_inter center[1] /= num_of_inter v = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) vs = cuda.local.array((16, ), dtype=numba.float32) for i in range(num_of_inter): v[0] = int_pts[2 * i] - center[0] v[1] = int_pts[2 * i + 1] - center[1] d = math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]) v[0] = v[0] / d v[1] = v[1] / d if v[1] < 0: v[0] = -2 - v[0] vs[i] = v[0] j = 0 temp = 0 for i in range(1, num_of_inter): if vs[i - 1] > vs[i]: temp = vs[i] tx = int_pts[2 * i] ty = int_pts[2 * i + 1] j = i while j > 0 and vs[j - 1] > temp: vs[j] = vs[j - 1] int_pts[j * 2] = int_pts[j * 2 - 2] int_pts[j * 2 + 1] = int_pts[j * 2 - 1] j -= 1 vs[j] = temp int_pts[j * 2] = tx int_pts[j * 2 + 1] = ty @cuda.jit( '(float32[:], float32[:], int32, int32, float32[:])', device=True, inline=True) def line_segment_intersection(pts1, pts2, i, j, temp_pts): A = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) B = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) C = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) D = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) A[0] = pts1[2 * i] A[1] = pts1[2 * i + 1] B[0] = pts1[2 * ((i + 1) % 4)] B[1] = pts1[2 * ((i + 1) % 4) + 1] C[0] = pts2[2 * j] C[1] = pts2[2 * j + 1] D[0] = pts2[2 * ((j + 1) % 4)] D[1] = pts2[2 * ((j + 1) % 4) + 1] BA0 = B[0] - A[0] BA1 = B[1] - A[1] DA0 = D[0] - A[0] CA0 = C[0] - A[0] DA1 = D[1] - A[1] CA1 = C[1] - A[1] acd = DA1 * CA0 > CA1 * DA0 bcd = (D[1] - B[1]) * (C[0] - B[0]) > (C[1] - B[1]) * (D[0] - B[0]) if acd != bcd: abc = CA1 * BA0 > BA1 * CA0 abd = DA1 * BA0 > BA1 * DA0 if abc != abd: DC0 = D[0] - C[0] DC1 = D[1] - C[1] ABBA = A[0] * B[1] - B[0] * A[1] CDDC = C[0] * D[1] - D[0] * C[1] DH = BA1 * DC0 - BA0 * DC1 Dx = ABBA * DC0 - BA0 * CDDC Dy = ABBA * DC1 - BA1 * CDDC temp_pts[0] = Dx / DH temp_pts[1] = Dy / DH return True return False @cuda.jit( '(float32[:], float32[:], int32, int32, float32[:])', device=True, inline=True) def line_segment_intersection_v1(pts1, pts2, i, j, temp_pts): a = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) b = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) c = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) d = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) a[0] = pts1[2 * i] a[1] = pts1[2 * i + 1] b[0] = pts1[2 * ((i + 1) % 4)] b[1] = pts1[2 * ((i + 1) % 4) + 1] c[0] = pts2[2 * j] c[1] = pts2[2 * j + 1] d[0] = pts2[2 * ((j + 1) % 4)] d[1] = pts2[2 * ((j + 1) % 4) + 1] area_abc = trangle_area(a, b, c) area_abd = trangle_area(a, b, d) if area_abc * area_abd >= 0: return False area_cda = trangle_area(c, d, a) area_cdb = area_cda + area_abc - area_abd if area_cda * area_cdb >= 0: return False t = area_cda / (area_abd - area_abc) dx = t * (b[0] - a[0]) dy = t * (b[1] - a[1]) temp_pts[0] = a[0] + dx temp_pts[1] = a[1] + dy return True @cuda.jit('(float32, float32, float32[:])', device=True, inline=True) def point_in_quadrilateral(pt_x, pt_y, corners): ab0 = corners[2] - corners[0] ab1 = corners[3] - corners[1] ad0 = corners[6] - corners[0] ad1 = corners[7] - corners[1] ap0 = pt_x - corners[0] ap1 = pt_y - corners[1] abab = ab0 * ab0 + ab1 * ab1 abap = ab0 * ap0 + ab1 * ap1 adad = ad0 * ad0 + ad1 * ad1 adap = ad0 * ap0 + ad1 * ap1 return abab >= abap and abap >= 0 and adad >= adap and adap >= 0 @cuda.jit('(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:])', device=True, inline=True) def quadrilateral_intersection(pts1, pts2, int_pts): num_of_inter = 0 for i in range(4): if point_in_quadrilateral(pts1[2 * i], pts1[2 * i + 1], pts2): int_pts[num_of_inter * 2] = pts1[2 * i] int_pts[num_of_inter * 2 + 1] = pts1[2 * i + 1] num_of_inter += 1 if point_in_quadrilateral(pts2[2 * i], pts2[2 * i + 1], pts1): int_pts[num_of_inter * 2] = pts2[2 * i] int_pts[num_of_inter * 2 + 1] = pts2[2 * i + 1] num_of_inter += 1 temp_pts = cuda.local.array((2, ), dtype=numba.float32) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): has_pts = line_segment_intersection(pts1, pts2, i, j, temp_pts) if has_pts: int_pts[num_of_inter * 2] = temp_pts[0] int_pts[num_of_inter * 2 + 1] = temp_pts[1] num_of_inter += 1 return num_of_inter @cuda.jit('(float32[:], float32[:])', device=True, inline=True) def rbbox_to_corners(corners, rbbox): # generate clockwise corners and rotate it clockwise angle = rbbox[4] a_cos = math.cos(angle) a_sin = math.sin(angle) center_x = rbbox[0] center_y = rbbox[1] x_d = rbbox[2] y_d = rbbox[3] corners_x = cuda.local.array((4, ), dtype=numba.float32) corners_y = cuda.local.array((4, ), dtype=numba.float32) corners_x[0] = -x_d / 2 corners_x[1] = -x_d / 2 corners_x[2] = x_d / 2 corners_x[3] = x_d / 2 corners_y[0] = -y_d / 2 corners_y[1] = y_d / 2 corners_y[2] = y_d / 2 corners_y[3] = -y_d / 2 for i in range(4): corners[2 * i] = a_cos * corners_x[i] + a_sin * corners_y[i] + center_x corners[2 * i + 1] = -a_sin * corners_x[i] + a_cos * corners_y[i] + center_y @cuda.jit('(float32[:], float32[:])', device=True, inline=True) def inter(rbbox1, rbbox2): corners1 = cuda.local.array((8, ), dtype=numba.float32) corners2 = cuda.local.array((8, ), dtype=numba.float32) intersection_corners = cuda.local.array((16, ), dtype=numba.float32) rbbox_to_corners(corners1, rbbox1) rbbox_to_corners(corners2, rbbox2) num_intersection = quadrilateral_intersection(corners1, corners2, intersection_corners) sort_vertex_in_convex_polygon(intersection_corners, num_intersection) # print(intersection_corners.reshape([-1, 2])[:num_intersection]) return area(intersection_corners, num_intersection) @cuda.jit('(float32[:], float32[:], int32)', device=True, inline=True) def devRotateIoUEval(rbox1, rbox2, criterion=-1): area1 = rbox1[2] * rbox1[3] area2 = rbox2[2] * rbox2[3] area_inter = inter(rbox1, rbox2) if criterion == -1: return area_inter / (area1 + area2 - area_inter) elif criterion == 0: return area_inter / area1 elif criterion == 1: return area_inter / area2 else: return area_inter @cuda.jit('(int64, int64, float32[:], float32[:], float32[:], int32)', fastmath=False) def rotate_iou_kernel_eval(N, K, dev_boxes, dev_query_boxes, dev_iou, criterion=-1): threadsPerBlock = 8 * 8 row_start = cuda.blockIdx.x col_start = cuda.blockIdx.y tx = cuda.threadIdx.x row_size = min(N - row_start * threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock) col_size = min(K - col_start * threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock) block_boxes = cuda.shared.array(shape=(64 * 5, ), dtype=numba.float32) block_qboxes = cuda.shared.array(shape=(64 * 5, ), dtype=numba.float32) dev_query_box_idx = threadsPerBlock * col_start + tx dev_box_idx = threadsPerBlock * row_start + tx if (tx < col_size): block_qboxes[tx * 5 + 0] = dev_query_boxes[dev_query_box_idx * 5 + 0] block_qboxes[tx * 5 + 1] = dev_query_boxes[dev_query_box_idx * 5 + 1] block_qboxes[tx * 5 + 2] = dev_query_boxes[dev_query_box_idx * 5 + 2] block_qboxes[tx * 5 + 3] = dev_query_boxes[dev_query_box_idx * 5 + 3] block_qboxes[tx * 5 + 4] = dev_query_boxes[dev_query_box_idx * 5 + 4] if (tx < row_size): block_boxes[tx * 5 + 0] = dev_boxes[dev_box_idx * 5 + 0] block_boxes[tx * 5 + 1] = dev_boxes[dev_box_idx * 5 + 1] block_boxes[tx * 5 + 2] = dev_boxes[dev_box_idx * 5 + 2] block_boxes[tx * 5 + 3] = dev_boxes[dev_box_idx * 5 + 3] block_boxes[tx * 5 + 4] = dev_boxes[dev_box_idx * 5 + 4] cuda.syncthreads() if tx < row_size: for i in range(col_size): offset = row_start * threadsPerBlock * K + col_start * threadsPerBlock + tx * K + i dev_iou[offset] = devRotateIoUEval(block_qboxes[i * 5:i * 5 + 5], block_boxes[tx * 5:tx * 5 + 5], criterion) def rotate_iou_gpu_eval(boxes, query_boxes, criterion=-1, device_id=0): """rotated box iou running in gpu. 500x faster than cpu version (take 5ms in one example with numba.cuda code). convert from [this project]( Args: boxes (float tensor: [N, 5]): rbboxes. format: centers, dims, angles(clockwise when positive) query_boxes (float tensor: [K, 5]): [description] device_id (int, optional): Defaults to 0. [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ box_dtype = boxes.dtype boxes = boxes.astype(np.float32) query_boxes = query_boxes.astype(np.float32) N = boxes.shape[0] K = query_boxes.shape[0] iou = np.zeros((N, K), dtype=np.float32) if N == 0 or K == 0: return iou threadsPerBlock = 8 * 8 cuda.select_device(device_id) blockspergrid = (div_up(N, threadsPerBlock), div_up(K, threadsPerBlock)) stream = with stream.auto_synchronize(): boxes_dev = cuda.to_device(boxes.reshape([-1]), stream) query_boxes_dev = cuda.to_device(query_boxes.reshape([-1]), stream) iou_dev = cuda.to_device(iou.reshape([-1]), stream) rotate_iou_kernel_eval[blockspergrid, threadsPerBlock, stream]( N, K, boxes_dev, query_boxes_dev, iou_dev, criterion) iou_dev.copy_to_host(iou.reshape([-1]), stream=stream) return iou.astype(boxes.dtype)
"""Get checkpoint from W&B""" import wandb run = wandb.init() artifact = run.use_artifact('3ddetection/yolo3d-regressor/experiment-ckpts:v11', type='checkpoints') artifact_dir =
import hydra from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig from omegaconf import DictConfig def test_train_config(cfg_train: DictConfig): assert cfg_train assert cfg_train.datamodule assert cfg_train.model assert cfg_train.trainer HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg_train.datamodule) hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg_train.model) hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg_train.trainer) def test_eval_config(cfg_eval: DictConfig): assert cfg_eval assert cfg_eval.datamodule assert cfg_eval.model assert cfg_eval.trainer HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_eval) hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg_eval.datamodule) hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg_eval.model) hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg_eval.trainer)
import pyrootutils import pytest from hydra import compose, initialize from hydra.core.global_hydra import GlobalHydra from omegaconf import DictConfig, open_dict @pytest.fixture(scope="package") def cfg_train_global() -> DictConfig: with initialize(version_base="1.2", config_path="../configs"): cfg = compose(config_name="train.yaml", return_hydra_config=True, overrides=[]) # set defaults for all tests with open_dict(cfg): cfg.paths.root_dir = str(pyrootutils.find_root()) cfg.trainer.max_epochs = 1 cfg.trainer.limit_train_batches = 0.01 cfg.trainer.limit_val_batches = 0.1 cfg.trainer.limit_test_batches = 0.1 cfg.trainer.accelerator = "cpu" cfg.trainer.devices = 1 cfg.datamodule.num_workers = 0 cfg.datamodule.pin_memory = False cfg.extras.print_config = False cfg.extras.enforce_tags = False cfg.logger = None return cfg @pytest.fixture(scope="package") def cfg_eval_global() -> DictConfig: with initialize(version_base="1.2", config_path="../configs"): cfg = compose(config_name="eval.yaml", return_hydra_config=True, overrides=["ckpt_path=."]) # set defaults for all tests with open_dict(cfg): cfg.paths.root_dir = str(pyrootutils.find_root()) cfg.trainer.max_epochs = 1 cfg.trainer.limit_test_batches = 0.1 cfg.trainer.accelerator = "cpu" cfg.trainer.devices = 1 cfg.datamodule.num_workers = 0 cfg.datamodule.pin_memory = False cfg.extras.print_config = False cfg.extras.enforce_tags = False cfg.logger = None return cfg # this is called by each test which uses `cfg_train` arg # each test generates its own temporary logging path @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def cfg_train(cfg_train_global, tmp_path) -> DictConfig: cfg = cfg_train_global.copy() with open_dict(cfg): cfg.paths.output_dir = str(tmp_path) cfg.paths.log_dir = str(tmp_path) yield cfg GlobalHydra.instance().clear() # this is called by each test which uses `cfg_eval` arg # each test generates its own temporary logging path @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def cfg_eval(cfg_eval_global, tmp_path) -> DictConfig: cfg = cfg_eval_global.copy() with open_dict(cfg): cfg.paths.output_dir = str(tmp_path) cfg.paths.log_dir = str(tmp_path) yield cfg GlobalHydra.instance().clear()
import os import pytest from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig from omegaconf import open_dict from src.train import train from tests.helpers.run_if import RunIf def test_train_fast_dev_run(cfg_train): """Run for 1 train, val and test step.""" HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.trainer.fast_dev_run = True cfg_train.trainer.accelerator = "cpu" train(cfg_train) @RunIf(min_gpus=1) def test_train_fast_dev_run_gpu(cfg_train): """Run for 1 train, val and test step on GPU.""" HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.trainer.fast_dev_run = True cfg_train.trainer.accelerator = "gpu" train(cfg_train) @RunIf(min_gpus=1) @pytest.mark.slow def test_train_epoch_gpu_amp(cfg_train): """Train 1 epoch on GPU with mixed-precision.""" HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.trainer.max_epochs = 1 cfg_train.trainer.accelerator = "cpu" cfg_train.trainer.precision = 16 train(cfg_train) @pytest.mark.slow def test_train_epoch_double_val_loop(cfg_train): """Train 1 epoch with validation loop twice per epoch.""" HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.trainer.max_epochs = 1 cfg_train.trainer.val_check_interval = 0.5 train(cfg_train) @pytest.mark.slow def test_train_ddp_sim(cfg_train): """Simulate DDP (Distributed Data Parallel) on 2 CPU processes.""" HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.trainer.max_epochs = 2 cfg_train.trainer.accelerator = "cpu" cfg_train.trainer.devices = 2 cfg_train.trainer.strategy = "ddp_spawn" train(cfg_train) @pytest.mark.slow def test_train_resume(tmp_path, cfg_train): """Run 1 epoch, finish, and resume for another epoch.""" with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.trainer.max_epochs = 1 HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) metric_dict_1, _ = train(cfg_train) files = os.listdir(tmp_path / "checkpoints") assert "last.ckpt" in files assert "epoch_000.ckpt" in files with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.ckpt_path = str(tmp_path / "checkpoints" / "last.ckpt") cfg_train.trainer.max_epochs = 2 metric_dict_2, _ = train(cfg_train) files = os.listdir(tmp_path / "checkpoints") assert "epoch_001.ckpt" in files assert "epoch_002.ckpt" not in files assert metric_dict_1["train/acc"] < metric_dict_2["train/acc"] assert metric_dict_1["val/acc"] < metric_dict_2["val/acc"]
import pytest from tests.helpers.run_if import RunIf from tests.helpers.run_sh_command import run_sh_command startfile = "src/" overrides = ["logger=[]"] @RunIf(sh=True) @pytest.mark.slow def test_experiments(tmp_path): """Test running all available experiment configs with fast_dev_run=True.""" command = [ startfile, "-m", "experiment=glob(*)", "hydra.sweep.dir=" + str(tmp_path), "++trainer.fast_dev_run=true", ] + overrides run_sh_command(command) @RunIf(sh=True) @pytest.mark.slow def test_hydra_sweep(tmp_path): """Test default hydra sweep.""" command = [ startfile, "-m", "hydra.sweep.dir=" + str(tmp_path), ",0.01", "++trainer.fast_dev_run=true", ] + overrides run_sh_command(command) @RunIf(sh=True) @pytest.mark.slow def test_hydra_sweep_ddp_sim(tmp_path): """Test default hydra sweep with ddp sim.""" command = [ startfile, "-m", "hydra.sweep.dir=" + str(tmp_path), "trainer=ddp_sim", "trainer.max_epochs=3", "+trainer.limit_train_batches=0.01", "+trainer.limit_val_batches=0.1", "+trainer.limit_test_batches=0.1", ",0.01,0.02", ] + overrides run_sh_command(command) @RunIf(sh=True) @pytest.mark.slow def test_optuna_sweep(tmp_path): """Test optuna sweep.""" command = [ startfile, "-m", "hparams_search=mnist_optuna", "hydra.sweep.dir=" + str(tmp_path), "hydra.sweeper.n_trials=10", "hydra.sweeper.sampler.n_startup_trials=5", "++trainer.fast_dev_run=true", ] + overrides run_sh_command(command) @RunIf(wandb=True, sh=True) @pytest.mark.slow def test_optuna_sweep_ddp_sim_wandb(tmp_path): """Test optuna sweep with wandb and ddp sim.""" command = [ startfile, "-m", "hparams_search=mnist_optuna", "hydra.sweep.dir=" + str(tmp_path), "hydra.sweeper.n_trials=5", "trainer=ddp_sim", "trainer.max_epochs=3", "+trainer.limit_train_batches=0.01", "+trainer.limit_val_batches=0.1", "+trainer.limit_test_batches=0.1", "logger=wandb", ] run_sh_command(command)
from pathlib import Path import pytest import torch from src.datamodules.mnist_datamodule import MNISTDataModule @pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [32, 128]) def test_mnist_datamodule(batch_size): data_dir = "data/" dm = MNISTDataModule(data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=batch_size) dm.prepare_data() assert not dm.data_train and not dm.data_val and not dm.data_test assert Path(data_dir, "MNIST").exists() assert Path(data_dir, "MNIST", "raw").exists() dm.setup() assert dm.data_train and dm.data_val and dm.data_test assert dm.train_dataloader() and dm.val_dataloader() and dm.test_dataloader() num_datapoints = len(dm.data_train) + len(dm.data_val) + len(dm.data_test) assert num_datapoints == 70_000 batch = next(iter(dm.train_dataloader())) x, y = batch assert len(x) == batch_size assert len(y) == batch_size assert x.dtype == torch.float32 assert y.dtype == torch.int64
import os import pytest from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig from omegaconf import open_dict from src.eval import evaluate from src.train import train @pytest.mark.slow def test_train_eval(tmp_path, cfg_train, cfg_eval): """Train for 1 epoch with `` and evaluate with ``""" assert str(tmp_path) == cfg_train.paths.output_dir == cfg_eval.paths.output_dir with open_dict(cfg_train): cfg_train.trainer.max_epochs = 1 cfg_train.test = True HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_train) train_metric_dict, _ = train(cfg_train) assert "last.ckpt" in os.listdir(tmp_path / "checkpoints") with open_dict(cfg_eval): cfg_eval.ckpt_path = str(tmp_path / "checkpoints" / "last.ckpt") HydraConfig().set_config(cfg_eval) test_metric_dict, _ = evaluate(cfg_eval) assert test_metric_dict["test/acc"] > 0.0 assert abs(train_metric_dict["test/acc"].item() - test_metric_dict["test/acc"].item()) < 0.001
import platform import pkg_resources from pytorch_lightning.utilities.xla_device import XLADeviceUtils def _package_available(package_name: str) -> bool: """Check if a package is available in your environment.""" try: return pkg_resources.require(package_name) is not None except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: return False _TPU_AVAILABLE = XLADeviceUtils.tpu_device_exists() _IS_WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows" _SH_AVAILABLE = not _IS_WINDOWS and _package_available("sh") _DEEPSPEED_AVAILABLE = not _IS_WINDOWS and _package_available("deepspeed") _FAIRSCALE_AVAILABLE = not _IS_WINDOWS and _package_available("fairscale") _WANDB_AVAILABLE = _package_available("wandb") _NEPTUNE_AVAILABLE = _package_available("neptune") _COMET_AVAILABLE = _package_available("comet_ml") _MLFLOW_AVAILABLE = _package_available("mlflow")
"""Adapted from: """ import sys from typing import Optional import pytest import torch from packaging.version import Version from pkg_resources import get_distribution from tests.helpers.package_available import ( _COMET_AVAILABLE, _DEEPSPEED_AVAILABLE, _FAIRSCALE_AVAILABLE, _IS_WINDOWS, _MLFLOW_AVAILABLE, _NEPTUNE_AVAILABLE, _SH_AVAILABLE, _TPU_AVAILABLE, _WANDB_AVAILABLE, ) class RunIf: """RunIf wrapper for conditional skipping of tests. Fully compatible with `@pytest.mark`. Example: @RunIf(min_torch="1.8") @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", [1.0, 2.0]) def test_wrapper(arg1): assert arg1 > 0 """ def __new__( self, min_gpus: int = 0, min_torch: Optional[str] = None, max_torch: Optional[str] = None, min_python: Optional[str] = None, skip_windows: bool = False, sh: bool = False, tpu: bool = False, fairscale: bool = False, deepspeed: bool = False, wandb: bool = False, neptune: bool = False, comet: bool = False, mlflow: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Args: min_gpus: min number of GPUs required to run test min_torch: minimum pytorch version to run test max_torch: maximum pytorch version to run test min_python: minimum python version required to run test skip_windows: skip test for Windows platform tpu: if TPU is available sh: if `sh` module is required to run the test fairscale: if `fairscale` module is required to run the test deepspeed: if `deepspeed` module is required to run the test wandb: if `wandb` module is required to run the test neptune: if `neptune` module is required to run the test comet: if `comet` module is required to run the test mlflow: if `mlflow` module is required to run the test kwargs: native pytest.mark.skipif keyword arguments """ conditions = [] reasons = [] if min_gpus: conditions.append(torch.cuda.device_count() < min_gpus) reasons.append(f"GPUs>={min_gpus}") if min_torch: torch_version = get_distribution("torch").version conditions.append(Version(torch_version) < Version(min_torch)) reasons.append(f"torch>={min_torch}") if max_torch: torch_version = get_distribution("torch").version conditions.append(Version(torch_version) >= Version(max_torch)) reasons.append(f"torch<{max_torch}") if min_python: py_version = ( f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}" ) conditions.append(Version(py_version) < Version(min_python)) reasons.append(f"python>={min_python}") if skip_windows: conditions.append(_IS_WINDOWS) reasons.append("does not run on Windows") if tpu: conditions.append(not _TPU_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("TPU") if sh: conditions.append(not _SH_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("sh") if fairscale: conditions.append(not _FAIRSCALE_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("fairscale") if deepspeed: conditions.append(not _DEEPSPEED_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("deepspeed") if wandb: conditions.append(not _WANDB_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("wandb") if neptune: conditions.append(not _NEPTUNE_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("neptune") if comet: conditions.append(not _COMET_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("comet") if mlflow: conditions.append(not _MLFLOW_AVAILABLE) reasons.append("mlflow") reasons = [rs for cond, rs in zip(conditions, reasons) if cond] return pytest.mark.skipif( condition=any(conditions), reason=f"Requires: [{' + '.join(reasons)}]", **kwargs, )
from typing import List import pytest from tests.helpers.package_available import _SH_AVAILABLE if _SH_AVAILABLE: import sh def run_sh_command(command: List[str]): """Default method for executing shell commands with pytest and sh package.""" msg = None try: sh.python(command) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: msg = e.stderr.decode() if msg:
# Quick Command ## Train Regressor Model - Train original ```bash python src/ ``` - With experiment ```bash python src/ \ experiment=sample ``` ## Train Detector Model ### Yolov5 - Multi GPU Training ```bash cd yolov5 python -m torch.distributed.launch \ --nproc_per_node 4 \ --epochs 10 \ --batch 64 \ --data ../configs/detector/yolov5_kitti.yaml \ --weights \ --device 0,1,2,3 ``` - Single GPU Training ```bash cd yolov5 python \ --data ../configs/detector/yolov5_kitti.yaml \ --weights \ --img 640 ``` ## Hyperparameter Tuning with Hydra ```bash python src/ -m \ hparams_search=regressor_optuna \ experiment=sample_optuna ```
# YOLO3D: 3D Object Detection with YOLO <div align="center"> <a href=""><img alt="Python" src=" 3.8+-blue?style=flat&logo=python&logoColor=white"></a> <a href=""><img alt="PyTorch" src=" 1.8+-ee4c2c?style=flat&logo=pytorch&logoColor=white"></a> <a href=""><img alt="Lightning" src=" 1.5+-792ee5?style=flat&logo=pytorchlightning&logoColor=white"></a> <a href=""><img alt="Config: hydra" src=" 1.1-89b8cd?style=flat&labelColor=gray"></a> <a href=""><img alt="Code style: black" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt="Template" src=""></a><br> </div> ## ⚠️&nbsp;&nbsp;Cautions > This repository currently under development ## 📼&nbsp;&nbsp;Demo <div align="center"> ![demo](./assets/demo.gif) </div> ## 📌&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction Unofficial implementation of [Mousavian et al.]( in their paper **3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry**. YOLO3D uses a different approach, as the detector uses **YOLOv5** which previously used Faster-RCNN, and Regressor uses **ResNet18/VGG11** which was previously VGG19. ## 🚀&nbsp;&nbsp;Quickstart > We use hydra as the config manager; if you are unfamiliar with hydra, you can visit the official website or see the tutorial on this web. ### 🍿&nbsp;&nbsp;Inference You can use pretrained weight from [Release](, you can download it using script ``: ```bash # download pretrained model python script/ \ --tag v0.1 \ --dir ./weights ``` Inference with ``: ```bash python \ source_dir="./data/demo/images" \ detector.model_path="./weights/" \ regressor_weights="./weights/" ``` ### ⚔️&nbsp;&nbsp;Training There are two models that will be trained here: **detector** and **regressor**. For now, the detector model that can be used is only **YOLOv5**, while the regressor model can use all models supported by **Torchvision**. #### 🧭&nbsp;&nbsp;Training YOLOv5 Detector The first step is to change the `label_2` format from KITTI to YOLO. You can use the following `src/`. ```bash cd yolo3d-lightning/src python \ --dataset_path ../data/KITTI/training/ --classes ["car", "van", "truck", "pedestrian", "cyclist"] --img_width 1224 --img_height 370 ``` The next step is to follow the [wiki provided by ultralytics]( **Note:** *readme will updated in future*. #### 🪀&nbsp;&nbsp;Training Regessor Selanjutnya, kamu dapat melakukan training model regressor. Model regressor yang dapat dipakai bisa mengacu pada yang tersedia di `torchvision`, atau kamu bisa mengkustomnya sendiri. Langkah pertama adalah membuat train dan validation sets. Kamu dapat menggunakan `script/`: ```bash cd yolo3d-lightning/script python \ --images_path ../data/KITTI/training/images # or image_2 --dump_dir ../data/KITTI/training --postfix _80 --train_size 0.8 ``` Pada langkah selanjutnya, kita hanya akan menggunakan model yang ada di `torchvision` saja. Langkah termudah adalah dengan mengubah configurasi di `configs.model.regressor.yaml`, seperti di bawah: ```yaml _target_: src.models.regressor.RegressorModel net: _target_: src.models.components.base.RegressorNet backbone: _target_: torchvision.models.resnet18 # edit this pretrained: True # maybe this too bins: 2 lr: 0.001 momentum: 0.9 w: 0.4 alpha: 0.6 ``` Langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan membuat konfigurasi experiment pada `configs/experiment/your_exp.yaml`. Jika bingung, kamu dapat mengacu pada [`configs/experiment/demo.yaml`](./configs/experiment/demo.yaml). Setelah konfigurasi experiment dibuat. Kamu dapat dengan mudah menjalankan perintah ``, seperti berikut: ```bash cd yolo3d-lightning python \ experiment=demo ``` ## ❤️&nbsp;&nbsp;Acknowledgement - [YOLOv5 by Ultralytics]( - [skhadem/3D-BoundingBox]( - [Mousavian et al.]( ``` @misc{mousavian20173d, title={3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry}, author={Arsalan Mousavian and Dragomir Anguelov and John Flynn and Jana Kosecka}, year={2017}, eprint={1612.00496}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```
window.MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [["\\(", "\\)"]], displayMath: [["\\[", "\\]"]], processEscapes: true, processEnvironments: true }, options: { ignoreHtmlClass: ".*|", processHtmlClass: "arithmatex" } }; document$.subscribe(() => { MathJax.typesetPromise() })
# @package _global_ # specify here default training configuration defaults: - _self_ - model: regressor.yaml # enable color logging - override hydra/hydra_logging: colorlog - override hydra/job_logging: colorlog # pretty print config at the start of the run using Rich library print_config: True # disable python warnings if they annoy you ignore_warnings: True # root root: ${hydra:runtime.cwd} # TODO: cahnge to your checkpoint file checkpoint_dir: ${root}/weights/last.ckpt # dump dir dump_dir: ${root}/weights # input sample shape input_sample: __target__: torch.randn size: (1, 3, 224, 224) # convert to convert_to: "pytorch" # [pytorch, onnx, tensorrt] # TODO: model name without extension name: ${dump_dir}/pytorch-kitti # convert_to: "onnx" # [pytorch, onnx, tensorrt] # name: ${dump_dir}/onnx-3d-0817-5
# @package _global_ # specify here default configuration # order of defaults determines the order in which configs override each other defaults: - _self_ - datamodule: kitti_datamodule.yaml - model: regressor.yaml - callbacks: default.yaml - logger: null # set logger here or use command line (e.g. `python logger=tensorboard`) - trainer: dgx.yaml - paths: default.yaml - extras: default.yaml - hydra: default.yaml # experiment configs allow for version control of specific hyperparameters # e.g. best hyperparameters for given model and datamodule - experiment: null # config for hyperparameter optimization - hparams_search: null # optional local config for machine/user specific settings # it's optional since it doesn't need to exist and is excluded from version control - optional local: default.yaml # debugging config (enable through command line, e.g. `python debug=default) - debug: null # task name, determines output directory path task_name: "train" # tags to help you identify your experiments # you can overwrite this in experiment configs # overwrite from command line with `python tags="[first_tag, second_tag]"` # appending lists from command line is currently not supported :( # tags: ["dev"] # set False to skip model training train: True # evaluate on test set, using best model weights achieved during training # lightning chooses best weights based on the metric specified in checkpoint callback test: False # simply provide checkpoint path to resume training # ckpt_path: weights/last.ckpt ckpt_path: null # seed for random number generators in pytorch, numpy and python.random seed: null
# @package _global_ # specify here default training configuration defaults: - _self_ - detector: yolov5.yaml - model: regressor.yaml - augmentation: inference_preprocessing.yaml # debugging config (enable through command line, e.g. `python debug=default) - debug: null # enable color logging - override hydra/hydra_logging: colorlog - override hydra/job_logging: colorlog # run name name: inference # directory root: ${hydra:runtime.cwd} output_dir: ${root}/${hydra:run.dir}/inference # calib_file calib_file: ${root}/assets/global_calib.txt # save 2D bounding box save_det2d: False # show and save result save_result: True # save result in txt # save_txt: True # regressor weights regressor_weights: ${root}/weights/ # regressor_weights: ${root}/weights/ # inference type inference_type: pytorch # [pytorch, onnx, openvino, tensorrt] # source directory # source_dir: ${root}/tmp/kitti/ source_dir: ${root}/tmp/video_001 # device to inference device: 'cpu' export_onnx: False func: "label" # image/label
# @package _global_ # specify here default training configuration defaults: - _self_ - detector: yolov5.yaml - model: regressor.yaml - augmentation: inference_preprocessing.yaml # debugging config (enable through command line, e.g. `python debug=default) - debug: null # enable color logging - override hydra/hydra_logging: colorlog - override hydra/job_logging: colorlog # run name name: evaluate # directory root: ${hydra:runtime.cwd} # predictions/output directory # pred_dir: ${root}/${hydra:run.dir}/${name} # calib_file calib_file: ${root}/assets/global_calib.txt # regressor weights regressor_weights: ${root}/weights/ # validation images directory val_images_path: ${root}/data/KITTI/images_2 # validation sets directory val_sets: ${root}/data/KITTI/ImageSets/val.txt # class to evaluated classes: 6 # class_to_name = { # 0: 'Car', # 1: 'Cyclist', # 2: 'Truck', # 3: 'Van', # 4: 'Pedestrian', # 5: 'Tram', # } # gt label path gt_dir: ${root}/data/KITTI/label_2 # dt label path pred_dir: ${root}/data/KITTI/result # device to inference device: 'cuda:0'
# @package _global_ defaults: - _self_ - datamodule: mnist.yaml # choose datamodule with `test_dataloader()` for evaluation - model: mnist.yaml - logger: null - trainer: default.yaml - paths: default.yaml - extras: default.yaml - hydra: default.yaml task_name: "eval" tags: ["dev"] # passing checkpoint path is necessary for evaluation ckpt_path: ???
# @package _global_ # example hyperparameter optimization of some experiment with Optuna: # python -m hparams_search=mnist_optuna experiment=example defaults: - override /hydra/sweeper: optuna # choose metric which will be optimized by Optuna # make sure this is the correct name of some metric logged in lightning module! optimized_metric: "val/loss" # here we define Optuna hyperparameter search # it optimizes for value returned from function with @hydra.main decorator # docs: hydra: mode: "MULTIRUN" sweeper: _target_: hydra_plugins.hydra_optuna_sweeper.optuna_sweeper.OptunaSweeper # storage URL to persist optimization results # for example, you can use SQLite if you set 'sqlite:///example.db' storage: null # name of the study to persist optimization results study_name: null # number of parallel workers n_jobs: 2 # 'minimize' or 'maximize' the objective direction: 'minimize' # total number of runs that will be executed n_trials: 10 # choose Optuna hyperparameter sampler # docs: sampler: _target_: optuna.samplers.TPESampler seed: 42069 n_startup_trials: 10 # number of random sampling runs before optimization starts # define range of hyperparameters params: interval(0.0001, 0.001) datamodule.batch_size: choice(32, 64, 128) model.optimizer: choice(adam, sgd)
# @package _global_ # example hyperparameter optimization of some experiment with Optuna: # python -m hparams_search=mnist_optuna experiment=example defaults: - override /hydra/sweeper: optuna # choose metric which will be optimized by Optuna # make sure this is the correct name of some metric logged in lightning module! optimized_metric: "val/acc_best" # here we define Optuna hyperparameter search # it optimizes for value returned from function with @hydra.main decorator # docs: hydra: mode: "MULTIRUN" # set hydra to multirun by default if this config is attached sweeper: _target_: hydra_plugins.hydra_optuna_sweeper.optuna_sweeper.OptunaSweeper # storage URL to persist optimization results # for example, you can use SQLite if you set 'sqlite:///example.db' storage: null # name of the study to persist optimization results study_name: null # number of parallel workers n_jobs: 1 # 'minimize' or 'maximize' the objective direction: maximize # total number of runs that will be executed n_trials: 20 # choose Optuna hyperparameter sampler # you can choose bayesian sampler (tpe), random search (without optimization), grid sampler, and others # docs: sampler: _target_: optuna.samplers.TPESampler seed: 1234 n_startup_trials: 10 # number of random sampling runs before optimization starts # define hyperparameter search space params: interval(0.0001, 0.1) datamodule.batch_size: choice(32, 64, 128, 256) choice(64, 128, 256) choice(64, 128, 256) choice(32, 64, 128, 256)
_target_: src.datamodules.kitti_datamodule.KITTIDataModule dataset_path: ${paths.data_dir} # data_dir is specified in config.yaml train_sets: ${paths.data_dir}/train_80.txt val_sets: ${paths.data_dir}/val_80.txt test_sets: ${paths.data_dir}/test_80.txt batch_size: 64 num_worker: 32
to_tensor: _target_: torchvision.transforms.ToTensor normalize: _target_: torchvision.transforms.Normalize mean: [0.406, 0.456, 0.485] std: [0.225, 0.224, 0.229]
# comet: _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.comet.CometLogger api_key: ${oc.env:COMET_API_TOKEN} # api key is loaded from environment variable save_dir: "${paths.output_dir}" project_name: "lightning-hydra-template" rest_api_key: null # experiment_name: "" experiment_key: null # set to resume experiment offline: False prefix: ""
# csv logger built in lightning csv: _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.csv_logs.CSVLogger save_dir: "${paths.output_dir}" name: "csv/" prefix: ""
# tensorboard: _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard.TensorBoardLogger save_dir: "${paths.output_dir}/tensorboard/" name: null log_graph: False default_hp_metric: True prefix: "" # version: ""
# neptune: _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.neptune.NeptuneLogger api_key: ${oc.env:NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN} # api key is loaded from environment variable project: username/lightning-hydra-template # name: "" log_model_checkpoints: True prefix: ""
# wandb: _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.wandb.WandbLogger # name: "" # name of the run (normally generated by wandb) save_dir: "${paths.output_dir}" offline: False id: null # pass correct id to resume experiment! anonymous: null # enable anonymous logging project: "yolo3d-regressor" log_model: True # upload lightning ckpts prefix: "" # a string to put at the beginning of metric keys # entity: "" # set to name of your wandb team group: "" tags: [] job_type: ""
# train with many loggers at once defaults: # - comet.yaml - csv.yaml # - mlflow.yaml # - neptune.yaml - tensorboard.yaml - wandb.yaml
# mlflow: _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.mlflow.MLFlowLogger # experiment_name: "" # run_name: "" tracking_uri: ${paths.log_dir}/mlflow/mlruns # run `mlflow ui` command inside the `logs/mlflow/` dir to open the UI tags: null # save_dir: "./mlruns" prefix: "" artifact_location: null # run_id: ""
# # Create a progress bar with rich text formatting. # Look at the above link for more detailed information. rich_progress_bar: _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichProgressBar
defaults: - default.yaml watch_model: _target_: src.callbacks.wandb_callbacks.WatchModel log: "all" log_freq: 100 upload_code_as_artifact: _target_: src.callbacks.wandb_callbacks.UploadCodeAsArtifact code_dir: ${original_work_dir}/src upload_ckpts_as_artifact: _target_: src.callbacks.wandb_callbacks.UploadCheckpointsAsArtifact ckpt_dir: "checkpoints/" upload_best_only: True # log_f1_precision_recall_heatmap: # _target_: src.callbacks.wandb_callbacks.LogF1PrecRecHeatmap # log_confusion_matrix: # _target_: src.callbacks.wandb_callbacks.LogConfusionMatrix # log_image_predictions: # _target_: src.callbacks.wandb_callbacks.LogImagePredictions # num_samples: 8
# # Monitor a metric and stop training when it stops improving. # Look at the above link for more detailed information. early_stopping: _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping monitor: ??? # quantity to be monitored, must be specified !!! min_delta: 0. # minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement patience: 3 # number of checks with no improvement after which training will be stopped verbose: False # verbosity mode mode: "min" # "max" means higher metric value is better, can be also "min" strict: True # whether to crash the training if monitor is not found in the validation metrics check_finite: True # when set True, stops training when the monitor becomes NaN or infinite stopping_threshold: null # stop training immediately once the monitored quantity reaches this threshold divergence_threshold: null # stop training as soon as the monitored quantity becomes worse than this threshold check_on_train_epoch_end: null # whether to run early stopping at the end of the training epoch # log_rank_zero_only: False # this keyword argument isn't available in stable version
# # Generates a summary of all layers in a LightningModule with rich text formatting. # Look at the above link for more detailed information. model_summary: _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.RichModelSummary max_depth: 1 # the maximum depth of layer nesting that the summary will include
# # Save the model periodically by monitoring a quantity. # Look at the above link for more detailed information. model_checkpoint: _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint dirpath: null # directory to save the model file filename: null # checkpoint filename monitor: null # name of the logged metric which determines when model is improving verbose: False # verbosity mode save_last: null # additionally always save an exact copy of the last checkpoint to a file last.ckpt save_top_k: 1 # save k best models (determined by above metric) mode: "min" # "max" means higher metric value is better, can be also "min" auto_insert_metric_name: True # when True, the checkpoints filenames will contain the metric name save_weights_only: False # if True, then only the model’s weights will be saved every_n_train_steps: null # number of training steps between checkpoints train_time_interval: null # checkpoints are monitored at the specified time interval every_n_epochs: null # number of epochs between checkpoints save_on_train_epoch_end: null # whether to run checkpointing at the end of the training epoch or the end of validation
defaults: - model_checkpoint.yaml - early_stopping.yaml - model_summary.yaml - rich_progress_bar.yaml - _self_ # model save config model_checkpoint: dirpath: "weights" filename: "epoch_{epoch:03d}" monitor: "val/loss" mode: "min" save_last: True save_top_k: 1 auto_insert_metric_name: False early_stopping: monitor: "val/loss" patience: 100 mode: "min" model_summary: max_depth: -1
# path to root directory # this requires PROJECT_ROOT environment variable to exist # PROJECT_ROOT is inferred and set by pyrootutils package in `` and `` root_dir: ${oc.env:PROJECT_ROOT} # path to data directory data_dir: ${paths.root_dir}/data/KITTI # path to logging directory log_dir: ${paths.root_dir}/logs/ # path to output directory, created dynamically by hydra # path generation pattern is specified in `configs/hydra/default.yaml` # use it to store all files generated during the run, like ckpts and metrics output_dir: ${hydra:runtime.output_dir} # path to working directory work_dir: ${hydra:runtime.cwd}
_target_: inference.detector_yolov5 model_path: ${root}/weights/ cfg_path: ${root}/yolov5/models/yolov5s.yaml classes: 5 device: 'cpu'
# KITTI to YOLO path: ../data/KITTI/ # dataset root dir train: train_yolo.txt # train images (relative to 'path') 3712 images val: val_yolo.txt # val images (relative to 'path') 3768 images # Classes nc: 5 # number of classes names: ['car', 'van', 'truck', 'pedestrian', 'cyclist']
_target_: src.models.regressor.RegressorModel net: _target_: src.models.components.base.RegressorNet backbone: _target_: torchvision.models.resnet18 # change model on this pretrained: True bins: 2 optimizer: adam lr: 0.0001 momentum: 0.9 w: 0.8 alpha: 0.2
# @package _global_ # to execute this experiment run: # python experiment=example defaults: - override /datamodule: kitti_datamodule.yaml - override /model: regressor.yaml - override /callbacks: default.yaml - override /logger: wandb.yaml - override /trainer: dgx.yaml # all parameters below will be merged with parameters from default configurations set above # this allows you to overwrite only specified parameters seed: 42069 # name of the run determines folder name in logs name: "new_network" datamodule: train_sets: ${paths.data_dir}/ImageSets/train.txt val_sets: ${paths.data_dir}/ImageSets/val.txt test_sets: ${paths.data_dir}/ImageSets/test.txt trainer: min_epochs: 1 max_epochs: 200 # limit_train_batches: 1.0 # limit_val_batches: 1.0 gpus: [0] strategy: ddp
defaults: - default.yaml # use "ddp_spawn" instead of "ddp", # it's slower but normal "ddp" currently doesn't work ideally with hydra # # strategy: ddp_spawn accelerator: gpu devices: 4 num_nodes: 1 sync_batchnorm: True
_target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer gpus: 0 min_epochs: 1 max_epochs: 10 # number of validation steps to execute at the beginning of the training # num_sanity_val_steps: 0 # ckpt path resume_from_checkpoint: null # disable progress_bar enable_progress_bar: False
defaults: - default.yaml # simulate DDP on CPU, useful for debugging accelerator: cpu devices: 2 strategy: ddp_spawn
defaults: - default.yaml accelerator: cpu devices: 1
defaults: - default.yaml # strategy: ddp accelerator: gpu devices: [0] num_nodes: 1 sync_batchnorm: True
defaults: - default.yaml accelerator: gpu devices: 1
defaults: - default.yaml accelerator: mps devices: 1
_target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer default_root_dir: ${paths.output_dir} min_epochs: 1 # prevents early stopping max_epochs: 25 accelerator: cpu devices: 1 # mixed precision for extra speed-up # precision: 16 # set True to to ensure deterministic results # makes training slower but gives more reproducibility than just setting seeds deterministic: False
# # enable color logging defaults: - override hydra_logging: colorlog - override job_logging: colorlog # output directory, generated dynamically on each run run: dir: ${paths.log_dir}/${task_name}/runs/${now:%Y-%m-%d}_${now:%H-%M-%S} sweep: dir: ${paths.log_dir}/${task_name}/multiruns/${now:%Y-%m-%d}_${now:%H-%M-%S} subdir: ${hydra.job.num}
# @package _global_ # runs with execution time profiling defaults: - default.yaml trainer: max_epochs: 1 profiler: "simple" # profiler: "advanced" # profiler: "pytorch"
# @package _global_ # overfits to 3 batches defaults: - default.yaml trainer: max_epochs: 20 overfit_batches: 3 # model ckpt and early stopping need to be disabled during overfitting callbacks: null
# @package _global_ # uses only 1% of the training data and 5% of validation/test data defaults: - default.yaml trainer: max_epochs: 3 limit_train_batches: 0.01 limit_val_batches: 0.05 limit_test_batches: 0.05
# @package _global_ # runs 1 train, 1 validation and 1 test step defaults: - default.yaml trainer: fast_dev_run: true
# @package _global_ # default debugging setup, runs 1 full epoch # other debugging configs can inherit from this one # overwrite task name so debugging logs are stored in separate folder task_name: "debug" # disable callbacks and loggers during debugging callbacks: null logger: null extras: ignore_warnings: False enforce_tags: False # sets level of all command line loggers to 'DEBUG' # hydra: job_logging: root: level: DEBUG # use this to also set hydra loggers to 'DEBUG' # verbose: True trainer: max_epochs: 1 accelerator: cpu # debuggers don't like gpus devices: 1 # debuggers don't like multiprocessing detect_anomaly: true # raise exception if NaN or +/-inf is detected in any tensor datamodule: num_workers: 0 # debuggers don't like multiprocessing pin_memory: False # disable gpu memory pin
# disable python warnings if they annoy you ignore_warnings: False # ask user for tags if none are provided in the config enforce_tags: True # pretty print config tree at the start of the run using Rich library print_config: True
"""Convert video to gif with moviepy""" import argparse import moviepy.editor as mpy def generate(video_path, gif_path, fps): """Generate gif from video""" clip = mpy.VideoFileClip(video_path) clip.write_gif(gif_path, fps=fps) clip.close() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert video to gif") parser.add_argument("--video_path", type=str, default="outputs/videos/004.mp4", help="Path to video") parser.add_argument("--gif_path", type=str, default="outputs/gif/002.gif", help="Path to gif") parser.add_argument("--fps", type=int, default=5, help="GIF fps") args = parser.parse_args() # generate gif generate(args.video_path, args.gif_path, args.fps)
#!/bin/bash # Schedule execution of many runs # Run from root folder with: bash scripts/ python src/ trainer.max_epochs=5 logger=csv python src/ trainer.max_epochs=10 logger=csv
""" Generate frames to vid Usage: python scripts/ \ --imgs_path /path/to/imgs \ --vid_path /path/to/vid \ --fps 24 \ --frame_size 1242 375 \ --resize python scripts/ \ --imgs_path outputs/2023-05-13/22-51-34/inference \ --vid_path tmp/output_videos/001.mp4 \ --fps 3 \ --frame_size 1550 387 \ --resize """ import argparse import cv2 from glob import glob import os from tqdm import tqdm def generate(imgs_path, vid_path, fps=30, frame_size=(1242, 375), resize=True): """Generate frames to vid""" fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v") vid_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(vid_path, fourcc, fps, frame_size) imgs_glob = sorted(glob(os.path.join(imgs_path, "*.png"))) if resize: for img_path in tqdm(imgs_glob): img = cv2.imread(img_path) img = cv2.resize(img, frame_size) vid_writer.write(img) else: for img_path in imgs_glob: img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) vid_writer.write(img) vid_writer.release() print('[INFO] Video saved to {}'.format(vid_path)) if __name__ == "__main__": # create argparser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate frames to vid") parser.add_argument("--imgs_path", type=str, default="outputs/2022-10-23/21-03-50/inference", help="path to imgs") parser.add_argument("--vid_path", type=str, default="outputs/videos/004.mp4", help="path to vid") parser.add_argument("--fps", type=int, default=24, help="fps") parser.add_argument("--frame_size", type=int, nargs=2, default=(int(1242), int(375)), help="frame size") parser.add_argument("--resize", action="store_true", help="resize") args = parser.parse_args() # generate vid generate(args.imgs_path, args.vid_path, args.fps, args.frame_size)
"""Download pretrained weights from github release""" from pprint import pprint import requests import os import shutil import argparse from zipfile import ZipFile def get_assets(tag): """Get release assets by tag name""" url = '' + tag response = requests.get(url) return response.json()['assets'] def download_assets(assets, dir): """Download assets to dir""" for asset in assets: url = asset['browser_download_url'] filename = asset['name'] print('[INFO] Downloading {}'.format(filename)) response = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(os.path.join(dir, filename), 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, f) del response with ZipFile(os.path.join(dir, filename), 'r') as zip_file: zip_file.extractall(dir) os.remove(os.path.join(dir, filename)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download pretrained weights') parser.add_argument('--tag', type=str, default='v0.1', help='tag name') parser.add_argument('--dir', type=str, default='./', help='directory to save weights') args = parser.parse_args() assets = get_assets(args.tag) download_assets(assets, args.dir)
"""Upload weights to github release""" from pprint import pprint import requests import os import dotenv import argparse from zipfile import ZipFile dotenv.load_dotenv() def create_release(tag, name, description, target="main"): """Create release""" token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN") headers = { "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", "Authorization": f"token {token}", "Content-Type": "application/zip" } url = "" payload = { "tag_name": tag, "target_commitish": target, "name": name, "body": description, "draft": True, "prerelease": False, "generate_release_notes": True, } print("[INFO] Creating release {}".format(tag)) response =, json=payload, headers=headers) print("[INFO] Release created id: {}".format(response.json()["id"])) return response.json() def post_assets(assets, release_id): """Post assets to release""" token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN") headers = { "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", "Authorization": f"token {token}", "Content-Type": "application/zip" } for asset in assets: asset_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), asset) with ZipFile(f"{asset_path}.zip", "w") as zip_file: zip_file.write(asset) asset_path = f"{asset_path}.zip" filename = asset_path.split("/")[-1] url = ( "" + str(release_id) + f"/assets?name={filename}" ) print("[INFO] Uploading {}".format(filename)) response =, files={"name": open(asset_path, "rb")}, headers=headers) pprint(response.json()) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Upload weights to github release") parser.add_argument("--tag", type=str, default="v0.6", help="tag name") parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, default="Release v0.6", help="release name") parser.add_argument("--description", type=str, default="v0.6", help="release description") parser.add_argument("--assets", type=tuple, default=["weights/", "weights/", "logs/train/runs/2022-09-28_10-36-08/checkpoints/epoch_007.ckpt", "logs/train/runs/2022-09-28_10-36-08/checkpoints/last.ckpt"], help="directory to save weights",) args = parser.parse_args() release_id = create_release(args.tag,, args.description)["id"] post_assets(args.assets, release_id)
""" Convert KITTI format to YOLO format. """ import os import numpy as np from glob import glob from tqdm import tqdm import argparse from typing import Tuple class KITTI2YOLO: def __init__( self, dataset_path: str = "../data/KITTI", classes: Tuple = ["car", "van", "truck", "pedestrian", "cyclist"], img_width: int = 1224, img_height: int = 370, ): self.dataset_path = dataset_path self.img_width = img_width self.img_height = img_height self.classes = classes self.ids = {self.classes[i]: i for i in range(len(self.classes))} # create new directory self.label_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_path, "labels") if not os.path.isdir(self.label_path): os.makedirs(self.label_path) else: print("[INFO] Directory already exist...") def convert(self): files = glob(os.path.join(self.dataset_path, "label_2", "*.txt")) for file in tqdm(files): with open(file, "r") as f: filename = os.path.join(self.label_path, file.split("/")[-1]) dump_txt = open(filename, "w") for line in f: parse_line = self.parse_line(line) if parse_line["name"].lower() not in self.classes: continue xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = parse_line["bbox_camera"] xcenter = ((xmax - xmin) / 2 + xmin) / self.img_width if xcenter > 1.0: xcenter = 1.0 ycenter = ((ymax - ymin) / 2 + ymin) / self.img_height if ycenter > 1.0: ycenter = 1.0 width = (xmax - xmin) / self.img_width if width > 1.0: width = 1.0 height = (ymax - ymin) / self.img_height if height > 1.0: height = 1.0 bbox_yolo = f"{self.ids[parse_line['name'].lower()]} {xcenter:.3f} {ycenter:.3f} {width:.3f} {height:.3f}" dump_txt.write(bbox_yolo + "\n") dump_txt.close() def parse_line(self, line): parts = line.split(" ") output = { "name": parts[0].strip(), "xyz_camera": (float(parts[11]), float(parts[12]), float(parts[13])), "wlh": (float(parts[9]), float(parts[10]), float(parts[8])), "yaw_camera": float(parts[14]), "bbox_camera": ( float(parts[4]), float(parts[5]), float(parts[6]), float(parts[7]), ), "truncation": float(parts[1]), "occlusion": float(parts[2]), "alpha": float(parts[3]), } # Add score if specified if len(parts) > 15: output["score"] = float(parts[15]) else: output["score"] = np.nan return output if __name__ == "__main__": # argparser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="KITTI to YOLO Convertion") parser.add_argument("--dataset_path", type=str, default="../data/KITTI") parser.add_argument( "--classes", type=Tuple, default=["car", "van", "truck", "pedestrian", "cyclist"], ) parser.add_argument("--img_width", type=int, default=1224) parser.add_argument("--img_height", type=int, default=370) args = parser.parse_args() kitit2yolo = KITTI2YOLO( dataset_path=args.dataset_path, classes=args.classes, img_width=args.img_width, img_height=args.img_height, ) kitit2yolo.convert()
"""Create training and validation sets""" from glob import glob import os import argparse def generate_sets( images_path: str, dump_dir: str, postfix: str = "", train_size: float = 0.8, is_yolo: bool = False, ): images = glob(os.path.join(images_path, "*.png")) ids = [id_.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] for id_ in images] train_sets = sorted(ids[: int(len(ids) * train_size)]) val_sets = sorted(ids[int(len(ids) * train_size) :]) for name, sets in zip(["train", "val"], [train_sets, val_sets]): name = os.path.join(dump_dir, f"{name}{postfix}.txt") with open(name, "w") as f: for id in sets: if is_yolo: f.write(f"./images/{id}.png\n") else: f.write(f"{id}\n") print(f"[INFO] Training set: {len(train_sets)}") print(f"[INFO] Validation set: {len(val_sets)}") print(f"[INFO] Total: {len(train_sets) + len(val_sets)}") print(f"[INFO] Success Generate Sets") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create training and validation sets") parser.add_argument("--images_path", type=str, default="./data/KITTI/images") parser.add_argument("--dump_dir", type=str, default="./data/KITTI") parser.add_argument("--postfix", type=str, default="_95") parser.add_argument("--train_size", type=float, default=0.95) parser.add_argument("--is_yolo", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() generate_sets( images_path=args.images_path, dump_dir=args.dump_dir, postfix=args.postfix, train_size=args.train_size, is_yolo=False, )
""" Convert video to frame Usage: python \ --video_path /path/to/video \ --output_path /path/to/output/folder \ --fps 24 python scripts/ \ --video_path tmp/video/20230513_100429.mp4 \ --output_path tmp/video_001 \ --fps 20 """ import argparse import os import cv2 def video_to_frame(video_path: str, output_path: str, fps: int = 5): """ Convert video to frame Args: video_path: path to video output_path: path to output folder fps: how many frames per second to save """ if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) frame_count = 0 while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = if not ret: break if frame_count % fps == 0: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_path, f"{frame_count:06d}.jpg"), frame) frame_count += 1 cap.release() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--video_path", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--output_path", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--fps", type=int, default=30) args = parser.parse_args() video_to_frame(args.video_path, args.output_path, args.fps)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) Baidu apollo, Inc. # All Rights Reserved import os import random # TODO: change this to your own data path pnglabelfilepath = r'./KITTI/label_2' savePath = r"./KITTI/ImageSets/" target_png = os.listdir(pnglabelfilepath) total_png = [] for t in target_png: if t.endswith(".txt"): id = str(int(t.split('.')[0])).zfill(6) total_png.append(id + '.png') print("--- iter for image finished ---") # TODO: change this ratio to your own train_percent = 0.85 val_percent = 0.1 test_percent = 0.05 num = len(total_png) # train = random.sample(num,0.9*num) list = list(range(num)) num_train = int(num * train_percent) num_val = int(num * val_percent) train = random.sample(list, num_train) num1 = len(train) for i in range(num1): list.remove(train[i]) val_test = [i for i in list if not i in train] val = random.sample(val_test, num_val) num2 = len(val) for i in range(num2): list.remove(val[i]) def mkdir(path): folder = os.path.exists(path) if not folder: os.makedirs(path) print("--- creating new folder... ---") print("--- finished ---") else: print("--- pass to create new folder ---") mkdir(savePath) ftrain = open(os.path.join(savePath, 'train.txt'), 'w') fval = open(os.path.join(savePath, 'val.txt'), 'w') ftest = open(os.path.join(savePath, 'test.txt'), 'w') for i in train: name = total_png[i][:-4]+ '\n' ftrain.write(name) for i in val: name = total_png[i][:-4] + '\n' fval.write(name) for i in list: name = total_png[i][:-4] + '\n' ftest.write(name) ftrain.close()
# KITTI P_rect_02: 7.188560e+02 0.000000e+00 6.071928e+02 4.538225e+01 0.000000e+00 7.188560e+02 1.852157e+02 -1.130887e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 3.779761e-03 calib_time: 09-Jan-2012 14:00:15 corner_dist: 9.950000e-02 S_00: 1.392000e+03 5.120000e+02 K_00: 9.799200e+02 0.000000e+00 6.900000e+02 0.000000e+00 9.741183e+02 2.486443e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 D_00: -3.745594e-01 2.049385e-01 1.110145e-03 1.379375e-03 -7.084798e-02 R_00: 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 T_00: -9.251859e-17 8.326673e-17 -7.401487e-17 S_rect_00: 1.241000e+03 3.760000e+02 R_rect_00: 9.999454e-01 7.259129e-03 -7.519551e-03 -7.292213e-03 9.999638e-01 -4.381729e-03 7.487471e-03 4.436324e-03 9.999621e-01 P_rect_00: 7.188560e+02 0.000000e+00 6.071928e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 7.188560e+02 1.852157e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 S_01: 1.392000e+03 5.120000e+02 K_01: 9.903522e+02 0.000000e+00 7.020000e+02 0.000000e+00 9.855674e+02 2.607319e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 D_01: -3.712084e-01 1.978723e-01 -3.709831e-05 -3.440494e-04 -6.724045e-02 R_01: 9.993440e-01 1.814887e-02 -3.134011e-02 -1.842595e-02 9.997935e-01 -8.575221e-03 3.117801e-02 9.147067e-03 9.994720e-01 T_01: -5.370000e-01 5.964270e-03 -1.274584e-02 S_rect_01: 1.241000e+03 3.760000e+02 R_rect_01: 9.996568e-01 -1.110284e-02 2.372712e-02 1.099810e-02 9.999292e-01 4.539964e-03 -2.377585e-02 -4.277453e-03 9.997082e-01 P_rect_01: 7.188560e+02 0.000000e+00 6.071928e+02 -3.861448e+02 0.000000e+00 7.188560e+02 1.852157e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 S_02: 1.392000e+03 5.120000e+02 K_02: 9.601149e+02 0.000000e+00 6.947923e+02 0.000000e+00 9.548911e+02 2.403547e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 D_02: -3.685917e-01 1.928022e-01 4.069233e-04 7.247536e-04 -6.276909e-02 R_02: 9.999788e-01 -5.008404e-03 -4.151018e-03 4.990516e-03 9.999783e-01 -4.308488e-03 4.172506e-03 4.287682e-03 9.999821e-01 T_02: 5.954406e-02 -7.675338e-04 3.582565e-03 S_rect_02: 1.241000e+03 3.760000e+02 R_rect_02: 9.999191e-01 1.228161e-02 -3.316013e-03 -1.228209e-02 9.999246e-01 -1.245511e-04 3.314233e-03 1.652686e-04 9.999945e-01 S_03: 1.392000e+03 5.120000e+02 K_03: 9.049931e+02 0.000000e+00 6.957698e+02 0.000000e+00 9.004945e+02 2.389820e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 D_03: -3.735725e-01 2.066816e-01 -6.133284e-04 -1.193269e-04 -7.600861e-02 R_03: 9.995578e-01 1.656369e-02 -2.469315e-02 -1.663353e-02 9.998582e-01 -2.625576e-03 2.464616e-02 3.035149e-03 9.996916e-01 T_03: -4.738786e-01 5.991982e-03 -3.215069e-03 S_rect_03: 1.241000e+03 3.760000e+02 R_rect_03: 9.998092e-01 -9.354781e-03 1.714961e-02 9.382303e-03 9.999548e-01 -1.525064e-03 -1.713457e-02 1.685675e-03 9.998518e-01 P_rect_03: 7.188560e+02 0.000000e+00 6.071928e+02 -3.372877e+02 0.000000e+00 7.188560e+02 1.852157e+02 2.369057e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.915215e-03
import pyrootutils root = pyrootutils.setup_root( search_from=__file__, indicator=[".git", "pyproject.toml"], pythonpath=True, dotenv=True, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # `pyrootutils.setup_root(...)` is recommended at the top of each start file # to make the environment more robust and consistent # # the line above searches for ".git" or "pyproject.toml" in present and parent dirs # to determine the project root dir # # adds root dir to the PYTHONPATH (if `pythonpath=True`) # so this file can be run from any place without installing project as a package # # sets PROJECT_ROOT environment variable which is used in "configs/paths/default.yaml" # this makes all paths relative to the project root # # additionally loads environment variables from ".env" file (if `dotenv=True`) # # you can get away without using `pyrootutils.setup_root(...)` if you: # 1. move this file to the project root dir or install project as a package # 2. modify paths in "configs/paths/default.yaml" to not use PROJECT_ROOT # 3. always run this file from the project root dir # # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import hydra import pytorch_lightning as pl from omegaconf import DictConfig from pytorch_lightning import Callback, LightningDataModule, LightningModule, Trainer from pytorch_lightning.loggers import LightningLoggerBase from src import utils log = utils.get_pylogger(__name__) @utils.task_wrapper def train(cfg: DictConfig) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """Trains the model. Can additionally evaluate on a testset, using best weights obtained during training. This method is wrapped in optional @task_wrapper decorator which applies extra utilities before and after the call. Args: cfg (DictConfig): Configuration composed by Hydra. Returns: Tuple[dict, dict]: Dict with metrics and dict with all instantiated objects. """ # set seed for random number generators in pytorch, numpy and python.random if cfg.get("seed"): pl.seed_everything(cfg.seed, workers=True)"Instantiating datamodule <{cfg.datamodule._target_}>") datamodule: LightningDataModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.datamodule)"Instantiating model <{cfg.model._target_}>") model: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.model)"Instantiating callbacks...") callbacks: List[Callback] = utils.instantiate_callbacks(cfg.get("callbacks"))"Instantiating loggers...") logger: List[LightningLoggerBase] = utils.instantiate_loggers(cfg.get("logger"))"Instantiating trainer <{cfg.trainer._target_}>") trainer: Trainer = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.trainer, callbacks=callbacks, logger=logger) object_dict = { "cfg": cfg, "datamodule": datamodule, "model": model, "callbacks": callbacks, "logger": logger, "trainer": trainer, } if logger:"Logging hyperparameters!") utils.log_hyperparameters(object_dict) # train if cfg.get("train"):"Starting training!"), datamodule=datamodule, ckpt_path=cfg.get("ckpt_path")) train_metrics = trainer.callback_metrics if cfg.get("test"):"Starting testing!") ckpt_path = trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path if ckpt_path == "": log.warning("Best ckpt not found! Using current weights for testing...") ckpt_path = None trainer.test(model=model, datamodule=datamodule, ckpt_path=ckpt_path)"Best ckpt path: {ckpt_path}") test_metrics = trainer.callback_metrics # merge train and test metrics metric_dict = {**train_metrics, **test_metrics} return metric_dict, object_dict @hydra.main(version_base="1.2", config_path=root / "configs", config_name="train.yaml") def main(cfg: DictConfig) -> Optional[float]: # train the model metric_dict, _ = train(cfg) # safely retrieve metric value for hydra-based hyperparameter optimization metric_value = utils.get_metric_value( metric_dict=metric_dict, metric_name=cfg.get("optimized_metric") ) # return optimized metric return metric_value if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import pyrootutils root = pyrootutils.setup_root( search_from=__file__, indicator=[".git", "pyproject.toml"], pythonpath=True, dotenv=True, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # `pyrootutils.setup_root(...)` is recommended at the top of each start file # to make the environment more robust and consistent # # the line above searches for ".git" or "pyproject.toml" in present and parent dirs # to determine the project root dir # # adds root dir to the PYTHONPATH (if `pythonpath=True`) # so this file can be run from any place without installing project as a package # # sets PROJECT_ROOT environment variable which is used in "configs/paths/default.yaml" # this makes all paths relative to the project root # # additionally loads environment variables from ".env" file (if `dotenv=True`) # # you can get away without using `pyrootutils.setup_root(...)` if you: # 1. move this file to the project root dir or install project as a package # 2. modify paths in "configs/paths/default.yaml" to not use PROJECT_ROOT # 3. always run this file from the project root dir # # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from typing import List, Tuple import hydra from omegaconf import DictConfig from pytorch_lightning import LightningDataModule, LightningModule, Trainer from pytorch_lightning.loggers import LightningLoggerBase from src import utils log = utils.get_pylogger(__name__) @utils.task_wrapper def evaluate(cfg: DictConfig) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """Evaluates given checkpoint on a datamodule testset. This method is wrapped in optional @task_wrapper decorator which applies extra utilities before and after the call. Args: cfg (DictConfig): Configuration composed by Hydra. Returns: Tuple[dict, dict]: Dict with metrics and dict with all instantiated objects. """ assert cfg.ckpt_path"Instantiating datamodule <{cfg.datamodule._target_}>") datamodule: LightningDataModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.datamodule)"Instantiating model <{cfg.model._target_}>") model: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.model)"Instantiating loggers...") logger: List[LightningLoggerBase] = utils.instantiate_loggers(cfg.get("logger"))"Instantiating trainer <{cfg.trainer._target_}>") trainer: Trainer = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.trainer, logger=logger) object_dict = { "cfg": cfg, "datamodule": datamodule, "model": model, "logger": logger, "trainer": trainer, } if logger:"Logging hyperparameters!") utils.log_hyperparameters(object_dict)"Starting testing!") trainer.test(model=model, datamodule=datamodule, ckpt_path=cfg.ckpt_path) # for predictions use trainer.predict(...) # predictions = trainer.predict(model=model, dataloaders=dataloaders, ckpt_path=cfg.ckpt_path) metric_dict = trainer.callback_metrics return metric_dict, object_dict @hydra.main(version_base="1.2", config_path=root / "configs", config_name="eval.yaml") def main(cfg: DictConfig) -> None: evaluate(cfg) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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