3 values
Premise is: California is high Hypothesis is: California is all crazy to welcome the new year.
Premise is: They said that (1) agencies need to be able to design their procedures to fit their particular circumstances (e.g. Hypothesis is: It was stated that each entity should match their methods of operation to fit their particular situations.
Premise is: It is constrained by laws and regulations formulated by Congress over more than two centuries. Hypothesis is: Many of the laws and regulations are obsolete by now.
Premise is: Кулебра е бил известен като испанският Вирджински остров до вземането му от САЩ. Той се намира на половината път между Пуерто Рико и Свети Тома в Американските Вирджински острови. Hypothesis is: Кулебра се намира някъде между Пуерто Рико и Сейнт Томас, Американски Вирджински острови.
Premise is: Μέχρι να κάνετε την πράξεις, δεν συνειδητοποιείτε ότι, στο μυαλό του Lincoln, η κρίσιμη στιγμή της ίδρυσης ήταν το 1776, η υπογραφή της Διακήρυξης της Ανεξαρτησίας. Hypothesis is: Πολλοί ιστορικοί διαφωνούν με την ερμηνεία του Λίνκολν για αυτές τις μέρες.
Premise is: Hay muchas otras opciones culturales y artísticas en Indianapolis, aunque ninguna mejor que el Teatro Cívico. Hypothesis is: El Teatro Cívico se encuentra en el centro de Indianápolis.
Premise is: Ouais, eh bien, le mec est là. Hypothesis is: Le type est arrivé il y a deux minutes.
Premise is: con thứ hai mà cô ấy có là một trong những chú chó từ đống rác và ừ là con đực từng có vấn đề về răng Hypothesis is: Người đàn ông có vấn đề về răng và con chó con thứ hai từ bãi rác.
Premise is: And these are tough times for reviewers in general. Hypothesis is: Specialist reviewers or reviewers with seniority are having an easier time of it.
Premise is: 'It's that kind of world.' Hypothesis is: This was unusual for the world.
Premise is: 6See also Internal Control Management and Evaluation Tool (GAO-01-1008G, August 2001). Hypothesis is: The tool for control management.
Premise is: it's actually there well Iraq has had uh designs on that place since nineteen twenty two so you know it wasn't like something that just suddenly popped up Hypothesis is: The weird thing is that Iraq was never interested in that place until now.
Premise is: The FDA solicited comments on these requirements in the notice of proposed rulemaking and has evaluated and responded to them in the preamble to the final rule. Hypothesis is: The FDA did not seek out comments on these requirements regarding the proposed rulemaking.
Premise is: No. I guess I'm going too. Hypothesis is: I guess I'm not going to come.
Premise is: Scotland became little more than an English county. Hypothesis is: Scotland was hardly better than an English county.
Premise is: Split Ends a Cosmetology Shop เป็นตัวอย่างที่ดีของความสง่างามรวมกับการพูดจานุ่มนวลในระดับเสียงที่ต่ำ Hypothesis is: Split Ends เป็นร้านทำผม
Premise is: الفانيلا , المستخلصة من بذور النباتات الاستوائية, تم استعارتها من الفانيلا الإسبانية , والتي تدل على الزهرة ، أو الثمرة، أو النكهة. Hypothesis is: تُستخلص الفانيلا من نبات استوائي.
Premise is: Это может быть нашей контрольной башней, предложил он Вэнсу, указывая на угол книжной полки. Hypothesis is: Кто-то разговаривает с Вэнсом.
Premise is: Đối với cộng đồng các quốc gia, do đó, được công nhận, bình đẳng cho chúng tôi, nói rằng, liên quan đến quyền biểu quyết trong Đại hội đồng của Liên Hợp Quốc 'có một chuẩn mực dễ thi hành. Hypothesis is: Mỗi quốc gia có quyền để bầu cử.
Premise is: Das Einbeziehen von Notfallbesuchen in eine Nutzenanalyse, die beispielsweise bereits Krankenhauseinweisungen berücksichtigt, führt zu einer Doppelzählung einiger Leistungen, wenn die Kategorie Krankenhauseinweisungen Besuche in Notaufnahmen umfasst. Hypothesis is: Die Krankenhausgebühren sind zum Teil doppelt so hoch wie die staatliche Beihilfe.
Premise is: แพ็กเกจเพื่อต้อนรับนี้ถูกส่งถึงมือในระหว่างการเยี่ยมชมสถานที่จากหนึ่งในตัวแทนภาคสนามโครงการประกันสุขภาพของรัฐบาล 19 ตัวแทนของเท็กซัส Hypothesis is: แพ็กเกจต้อนรับได้รับความชื่นชมจากผู้ที่ได้รับมัน
Premise is: 布拉德船长站在栏杆旁,身旁是朱利安勋爵,他解释了自己。 Hypothesis is: 布拉德上尉和朱利安勋爵相隔四十英尺站着。
Premise is: Pick up a map from the tourist office here and ask about walking tours. Hypothesis is: Go to the tourist office to get a map and inquire about walking tours.
Premise is: รายได้จากตั๋วไม่ได้เริ่มต้นจากการครอบคลุมถึงค่าใช้จ่ายของโครงการเหล่านี้ Hypothesis is: ดูเหมือนว่าค่าใช้จ่ายของโครงการเหล่านี้จะไม่ได้รับการครอบคลุมโดยรายได้ค่าตั๋ว
Premise is: McKim Mead tarafından tasarlanan villayı görmek için dolambaçlı yol Hypothesis is: Malikaneyi inşa etmek 2 milyon dolara mal oldu.
Premise is: 过去一百年左右出现的语言现象之一是接受这样一个概念:解决问题的一个重要步骤在于给它们命名。 Hypothesis is: 人们普遍认为,解决问题最重要的步骤之一是首先命名它。
Premise is: Tiểu sử được lấy từ thông tin trên Bản ghi tên hành khách và không bao gồm các yếu tố như chủng tộc, tín ngưỡng, màu sắc hoặc nguồn gốc quốc gia. Hypothesis is: Tình trạng việc làm và niềm tin trọng tội trước đó là hai số liệu được sử dụng để tạo hồ sơ.
Premise is: Cela fait 17 ans que je suis affilié à l'IRT. Hypothesis is: Je n'ai rien à voir avec l'IRT.
Premise is: Who? asked Tommy. Hypothesis is: Tommy didn't know, who.
Premise is: Ο Jerry Bepko, Πρύτανης του IUPUI, αποτίει φόρο τιμής στον Kent μέσω αυτών των παρατηρήσεων. Hypothesis is: Ο Bepko δεν είχε ποτέ τίποτα καλό να πει για τον Kent.
Premise is: Evet--yalanların pazarlığı, şüphe kötüdür, sana ispatlayabilirim. Hypothesis is: Bilgi olmadan topladığım tüm kanıtlar sayesinde bunu kanıtlayabilirdim.
Premise is: لقد جلسوا أمام أجهزة الكمبيوتر الطرفية وكانوا يديرون نوعًا ما من الرموز الأبجدية الرقمية التي تثير العديد من الأسماء. Hypothesis is: كتبوا في الأرقام.
Premise is: She had spoken with no trace of foreign accent. Hypothesis is: The woman had never spoken before.
Premise is: are you and since being Argentinean we also have a lot of pasta Hypothesis is: We're Argentinean so we hate to eat any pasta or Italian food.
Premise is: वह नहीं जानता था कि ओग्ले ने उनमें जगाए आतंक से ग्रस्त लोग वोल्वरस्टोन के द्रष्टिकोण से अलग सोचेंगे। Hypothesis is: उसे यकीन नहीं था कि क्या घबराए हुए पुरुष वूवरस्टोन की तुलना में चीजों को अलग-अलग देखेंगे।
Premise is: The universal credibility problem with polling is that wordsmithing and mathematics don't mix, and never will. Hypothesis is: Wordsmithing and mathematics go together nicely.
Premise is: With most plants needing to install control equipment to meet these requirements, it is likely that this approach would lead to installation of controls that become obsolete and stranded capital investments as additional requirements are promulgated. Hypothesis is: Most plants need to install control equipment to meet requirements, but it a long process to get that done.
Premise is: ใช่ หลังๆนี้ประสบการณ์ครึ่งๆกลางๆในการรณรงค์นี้คือ พวกเรา เอ่อ สามีของฉันแข่งรถ Hypothesis is: ฉันไม่มีสิ่งใดที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการแคมปิ้ง
Premise is: От друга страна, частиците и трите негравитационни сили все още трябва да бъдат включени в картината на въртящата мрежа. Hypothesis is: Има три негравитационни сили.
Premise is: As the budgets, functions, and points of service of many government programs devolve to state and local government, private entities and nonprofit organizations, and other third parties, it may become harder for GAO to obtain the records it needs to complete audits and evaluations. Hypothesis is: It has become very easy for GAO to procure the records for audits.
Premise is: Never mind that the movie had been out for months and that a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination had already been awarded for the portrayal of the female character. Hypothesis is: the movie had been out for months
Premise is: Und ich habe gesagt, okay, also das ist gut, naja, sowas in der Art. Hypothesis is: Ich sagte, ich mag die neue Version des Liedes.
Premise is: and i look back on that and i bought shoes i went shopping i did not need that money i did not need it i didn't need it i shouldn't have even qualified to get it i didn't need it and it would have been a little rough i might have eaten some bologna instead of roast beef out of the deli but i did not need it and as i look back now now we're paying that back i told my son if you have to live in the ghetto to go to college do it but don't take out ten thousand dollars in loans don't do it and i don't i hope don't think he'll have to do that but i just so like we might if we didn't have those loans we could have saved in the last five years the money for that and i believe we would have because God's really put it in our heart not to get in debt you know but we have friends at church that do this on a constant basis that are totally debt free and they pay cash for everything they buy Hypothesis is: I am envious of all my debt-free churchgoing friends.
Premise is: Under the budget deal, by 2002, national defense will consume about $273 billion a year compared with $267 billion now. Hypothesis is: The national defense budget will increase by 6 billion dollars by 2002.
Premise is: Intifada to the Present Hypothesis is: The extending from the Palestinian uprising until today.
Premise is: Station Jesus meets his mother. Hypothesis is: Station Jesus is meeting his maternal parent.
Premise is: pretty good newspaper uh-huh Hypothesis is: I think this is a decent newspaper.
Premise is: You and your friends are not welcome here, said Severn. Hypothesis is: Severn said the people were not welcome in his house.
Premise is: Ich habe einen Bermuda Rasen hier und äh er benötigt viel Wasser und du musst ihn sehr kurz schneiden, wenn du möchtest, dass es wie ein Golfplatz aussieht Hypothesis is: Sie haben nur manchmal Bermuda Wasserrasen
Premise is: yeah yeah yeah, du bekommst zwei Wochen, wenn du anfängst und dann jedes Jahr geben sie dir einen zusätzlichen Tag, bis du vier Wochen hast Hypothesis is: Deine Zeit nimmt jedes Jahr zu.
Premise is: no no not at all it Hypothesis is: All of them
Premise is: The spot does leave the viewer wondering about the rest of the story, and what tale the condom could tell. Hypothesis is: The spot resolves the storyline neatly for viewers, especially regarding the condom.
Premise is: "You're not going to marry him, do you hear?" he said dictatorially. Hypothesis is: "I approve of your marriage to this man."
Premise is: The library is the largest of any plantation in Jamaica, with over 300 volumes, including three first editions; the books would have been used to while away the long humid days. Hypothesis is: The library has over 300 volumes, including 3 first editions.
Premise is: On a December day in 1917, British General Allenby rode up to Jaffa Gate and dismounted from his horse because he would not ride where Jesus walked; he then accepted the surrender of the city after the Ottoman Turks had fled (the flag of surrender was a bed-sheet from the American Colony Hotel). Hypothesis is: The British General Allenby rode his horse over the road where Jesus walked.
Premise is: and then i got into it and then back out of it and it it just seems like every couple of years i get back in there Hypothesis is: I plan to get into it on a regular basis.
Premise is: There's a lot of villas all the way along, but by degrees they seemed to get more and more thinned out, and in the end we got to one that seemed the last of the bunch. Hypothesis is: There were only a few villas the whole way along, until we reached a small village that seemed to be the end.
Premise is: um-hum um-hum yeah well uh i can see you know it's it's it's it's kind of funny because we it seems like we loan money you know we money with strings attached and if the government changes and the country that we loan the money to um i can see why the might have a different attitude towards paying it back it's a lot us that you know we don't really loan money to to countries we loan money to governments and it's the Hypothesis is: We loan a lot of money with strings attached and I feel bad about it.
Premise is: more than anything else in this day and age that's got to be a big factor in your decision's just the the cost of how much you're gonna pay Hypothesis is: In your decisions age is a big factor
Premise is: Bao gồm các yếu tố như khung thời gian ngắn, việc xóa các tệp máy tính gốc và thiếu quyền truy cập vào các tài liệu cần thiết. Hypothesis is: Họ đã xóa các tệp máy tính khỏi IBM.
Premise is: 但突然间,我们被召集去看正在飞行演出。 Hypothesis is: 我们被告知不要向外看。
Premise is: but i think a lot of kids it's funny get the same kind of fears like there's somebody under the bed Hypothesis is: I'm sure most children don't think it's amusing at all.
Premise is: Και τότε τον άκουσα να φεύγει, έτσι ακόμα τελειώνω ό,τι είχα να κάνω. Hypothesis is: Κάνω τις σημαντικές δουλειές που μου δόθηκαν σήμερα το πρωί.
Premise is: Waterloo. Hypothesis is: The defeat of Napoleon.
Premise is: Ces travailleurs n'étaient pas bloqués, mais contrairement à la plupart des occupants des étages supérieurs, ils avaient choisi de ne pas descendre immédiatement après l'impact. Hypothesis is: Tous les occupants des étages supérieurs sont immédiatement descendus lors de l'impact.
Premise is: Levasseur? Anh mỉm cười một chút. Hypothesis is: Anh ấy không mở miệng cười một chút nào.
Premise is: ในของฉันเอง ฉันไม่ได้ทำเลยที่ฉันละอายใจ พิจารณาจากการปลุกปั่นที่ฉันได้รับ เธอจ้องมองและทรุดตัวลงก่อนตัวเขาเองที่ตั้งใจไว้ Hypothesis is: ฉันไม่รู้สึกอับอายในสิ่งที่ฉันได้กระทำเมื่อพิจารณาถึงการยั่วโมโหที่ฉันได้รับ
Premise is: İngiltere'nin, onu sitemkar bir şekilde düzeltti. Hypothesis is: Onun sorununu çözdü.
Premise is: The first historical mention of Agra is in 1501, when Sultan Sikandar Lodi made it his capital. Hypothesis is: The first historical mention of Agra is in 1911.
Premise is: Το αγαπημένο μου παράδειγμα παραμένει ο βάτραχος και η μύγα. Hypothesis is: Έχω ένα αγαπημένο παράδειγμα.
Premise is: Don't expect to be swinging much after midnight, even in towns. Hypothesis is: Things stay open all night because it's a place to party.
Premise is: Marilyn Manson is darker, more serious, and more vicious than Alice Cooper was. Hypothesis is: Marilyn Manson was not as dark as Alice Cooper is.
Premise is: From Sant Francesc, take the road that leads southwest to Cap Berber?­a (the southernmost point in the Balearics). Hypothesis is: You need to travel southwest from Sant Francesc to reach Cap Berbera
Premise is: Тазгодишният обяд на възпитаници е насрочен за 23 октомври 1991 г. по време на годишната среща на AMRA в Нешвил, Тенеси. Hypothesis is: Годишната среща на AMRA беше в Нашвил през 1991.
Premise is: میری چھوٹی بیٹی ہے اورuh اسے لے جانا مشکل ہے او ر سب کچھ لیكن میں جارہی uh. Hypothesis is: ye meray lye thora mushkil tha apni beti ko yahan lana.
Premise is: В этом стихотворении Иоаким живет и бежит на корабле в Мексику или в Южную Америку, а тело, которое обезглавлено, на самом деле принадлежит его хорошему другу Рамену. Hypothesis is: В стихотворении Хоакин жил в своей машине.
Premise is: Robust came in third among words and phrases submitted (220 citations in the CR ), and unlike the previous two, it seems to be a genuinely new cliche; at any rate, Chatterbox hadn't previously been aware of its overuse. Hypothesis is: Robust came in last place among the submitted words and phrases.
Premise is: or they had somebody at home that was ill that they had to tend to i mean you can't make it everybody Hypothesis is: They were occupied with an ill person.
Premise is: Endorphins were flowing. Hypothesis is: I was very calm and collected.
Premise is: كانت ساحة دام ليس لها مخرج لأول مرة في تاريخها. Hypothesis is: ساحة دام لم تكن غير ساحلية عندما مر النهر بعدها.
Premise is: I understand, mademoiselle, I understand all you feel. Hypothesis is: I have been through the same experience, madam.
Premise is: it it like strange that it you're right in the middle of the mountains and it's so brown and dry but boy you just didn't feel Hypothesis is: You are in the middle of the mountains, but you didn't feel.
Premise is: If anyone has a good idea about how to bring back the opinion leaders of yore, I am all for it. Hypothesis is: Someone is looking for ideas to bring back the opinion leaders of yore.
Premise is: สิบสามสีไหมพรมของพรมที่งดงาม เป็นสัญลักษณ์ถึง สิบสามอาณานิคมดั้งเดิมของประเทศนี้ Hypothesis is: พรมนี้จะปรากฏในพิพิธภัณฑ์ของรัฐเป็นเวลาห้าเดือน
Premise is: Critics praise Goodman's finely honed descriptive abilities and instinctive grasp of familial dynamics, the ways in which dreams and emotional habits are handed down ... Hypothesis is: Critics say Goodman has an instinctive grasp of familial dynamics.
Premise is: Ihm wurde klar, dass er sich unter Umständen schnell zurückziehen muss. Hypothesis is: Er erkannte, dass er einen schnellen Schritt machen musste.
Premise is: Es war von einem Luftwaffenstützpunkt, der über Kuba geflogen ist, und natürlich wurde Rudolph Anderson abgeschossen. Hypothesis is: Das riesige Passagierflugzeug wurde im Mai über Kuba abgeschossen.
Premise is: no i mean there there there was nothing to it i mean Hypothesis is: There was plenty of work involved in this and it was a really big deal.
Premise is: Yousef schaffte es, nach Pakistan zu fliehen, aber sein Komplize, Murad - den KSM angeblich mit 3.000 Dollar zur Finanzierung der Operation zu Yousef geschickt hatte - wurde festgenommen und enthüllte während des Verhörs Einzelheiten des Komplotts. Hypothesis is: Sowohl Murad und auch Yousef flohen nach Pakistan und wurden nie wieder gesehen.
Premise is: Después viene Bona, un centro de cestería que también se anuncia como el hogar de la danza kecak. Hypothesis is: Bona es el hogar de la danza kecak.
Premise is: Well, let us leave it. Hypothesis is: Let's take it with us.
Premise is: Lợi ích quan trọng nhất của thành viên trong Hiệp hội Audubon Quốc gia cho bạn không có gì ngay lập tức hữu hình trong trở lại. Hypothesis is: Mỗi thành viên của Hội Audubon quốc gia đều nhận được phiếu ăn tối miễn phí.
Premise is: As a result, an estimated four out of five low-income people requiring legal help in our community do not receive it. Hypothesis is: Most low-income people who need legal help in the community do not get it.
Premise is: ถึงแม้ว่าจะมีความกรุณาของการบริจาคอย่างต่อเนื่อง พิพิธภัณฑ์มีโปรแกรมและการดำเนินการที่ไม่มีเงินทุนสนับสนุนในแต่ละปี Hypothesis is: พิพิธภัณฑ์แห่งนี้มีขาดทุน $500,000 ในปีนี้
Premise is: well the parts to to me i spent twenty two dollars on the parts Hypothesis is: I spent 22 dollars on the parts.
Premise is: … I saw that I must lead two lives. Hypothesis is: I must lead two lives.
Premise is: The H-2A worker must depart the country and is subject to deportation for failing to do so. Hypothesis is: The H-2A worker is being forced to enter the country for work.
Premise is: On Naxos, you can walk through the pretty villages of the Tragea Valley and the foothills of Mount Zas, admiring Byzantine churches and exploring olive groves at your leisure. Hypothesis is: There is nothing interesting to see or explore in Naxos.
Premise is: The most popular form of shadow theater is known as Wayang Siam. Hypothesis is: Wayang Siam is the most popular form of shadow theater, followed closely by Nang Yai.
Premise is: Mais mon travail était de mettre des parachutes sur ça et des gilets de sauvetages lorsque nous le chargions et quelque part à l'étranger commencions . Hypothesis is: Je n'avais pas de travail alors j'ai gardé toutes les boîtes à la maison.