Is Pro Account a one time subscription? ###
No, Pro is a monthly subscription high leverage plan
What is the price for Nitro Account? ###
Pricing for Nitro Nitro $5,000 costs $300 Nitro $10,000 costs $600 Nitro $20,000 costs $1,200 Nitro $40,000 costs $2,400 Nitro $80,000 costs $4,800
What is the leverage on Nitro Account? ###
Up to 1:200
What is the profit target on Nitro Account? ###
The profit target for a Nitro account is 1%
What is the profit share on Nitro Account? ###
60% in Month 2 70% after 20% profit withdrawn 80% after 50% profit withdrawn 90% after 100% profit withdrawn
Does Nitro Account allow positions over weekend? ###
How much can I be paid if I make more than 5% on Nitro Account? ###
No limit on the amount you can be paid, you can be paid from as low as 1%
What is J Curve on Nitro Account? ###
Not Available
What is the maximum drawdown on Nitro Account? ###
Does Nitro Account have a daily drawdown? ###
Yes, 3% daily drawdown
Is it mandatory to use Stop Loss on Nitro Account? ###
Yes stop loss is mandatory forthe first 90 days
Can I trade gold on Nitro Account? ###
Is scaling available on Nitro Account? ###
yes, 10% without payout and your account is doubled
Will I be paid my full share if I hit target on Nitro Account? ###
Can I refinance my Nitro Accountif I'm in loss? ###
No, only reset at 60% of initial subscription discount
Is there lot size restriction on Nitro Account? ###
Can I withdraw profits within one month of subscription on Nitro Account? ###
No, profits are eligible for withdrawal from month 2. Profits made during the first month are held in the account as a buffer to protect the trader from drawdown
Where do I find the terms and conditions for Nitro Account? ###
Terms and conditions can be found at the shop: .Click on any plan to read terms and conditions.
What happens if I violate a rule on Nitro Account? ###
If you violate minor breaches like SL and positional drawdown your account can be fined 2.5% of the initial account balance. For Daily drawdown, your account maybe disabled for 24 hour and a fine will be applied upon activation. For maximum drawdown violation, your account is forfeited and you will need to pay reset fee to start again.
What is autorenewal from profits on Nitro Account? ###
Nitro is a one time fee account. Autorenewal does not apply here
Can I hold my position over night on Nitro Account? ###
Is there evaluation phase on Nitro Account? ###
What is 10% maximum drawdown on Nitro Account . Can you use numbers to explain? ###
A trader should not violate the maximum drawdown of 8% on Nitro at any given point. 8% of $5000 account is $400, which means a trader cannot lose more than $400. Any account that goes below $4600 is closed
Do you have restrictions on trading times with Nitro Account? ###
What is the price for Nitro Account? ###
Pricing for Nitro Nitro $5,000 - $300 Nitro $10,000 - $600 Nitro $20,000 - $1,200 Nitro $40,000 - $2,400 Nitro $80,000 - $4,800
What is the difference between Nitro Account and Nitro? ###
Nitro is a one time fee account without evaluation.
What is the difference between Nitro Account and Evolution? ###
Evolution is a one time fee single stage evaluation account while Nitro is a one time fee account without evaluation
What is Nitro and full payout option on Nitro Account? ###
Nitro traders get full share of their profits when they achieve a minimum target of 1%
How do I get a Nitro account on Nitro Account? ###
Not Available
What is the difference between Nitro Account and Subscriber? ###
Nitro is an OTF account where a trade can get paid from making profits as little as 1% while subscriber account is a $5000 account where a trader is required to achieve 10% target to get paid 60% share
Can I qualify for J curve loyalty if I had a break of 1 month in Nitro Account subscription? ###
Not Available
Can I refinance Nitro Account ###
How much is refinance for Nitro Account ###
Traders can only pay reset fee discounted at 60% of initial fees
How do I pay for refinance for Nitro Account ###
Traders can only pay reset fee discounted at 60% of initial fees by loging in to the dashboard under equity option in wallet.
What do I do upon hitting target on Nitro Account ###
Login to your account here Click on Support and send a ticket to request wihdrawal from your trading account. Once the withdrawal request is approved you will be notified and profits will be deducted from your trading account and your 60% share will be credited to your wallet
Is hedging allowed on Nitro Account ###
Does Nitro Account have 1% positional drawdown? ###
YES, trader should observe 1% positional drawdown rule. All open positons should not cumulatively violate 1% positional drawdown rule. If a trader has several positions on diffrent pairs they will cumulatively count when calculating 1% positional drawdown.
Which pairs am I allowed to trade on low leverage Nitro Account? ###
Forex, Metals, Indices, Crypto
Can I have two Nitro Accounts at the same time? ###
Yes but it is advisable to merge the accounts into one account
Is Nitro Account a one time subscription? ###
What is the price for Evolution? ###
$2500 costs $40 $5000 costs $65 $10,000 costs $125 $25,000 costs $249 $50,000costs $499 $100,000 costs $859 $200,000 costs $1799
What is the leverage on Evolution? ###
What is the profit target on Evolution? ###
The profit target for an Evolution account is 8% on evaluation and 5% on real account
What is the profit share on Evolution? ###
60% and up to 80
Does Evolution allow positions over weekend? ###
How much can I be paid if I make more than 5% on Evolution? ###
You will be paid as many times as you can if you request withdrawal in blocs of 5%
What is J Curve on Evolution? ###
Not Available
What is the maximum drawdown on Evolution? ###
Does Evolution have a daily drawdown? ###
Yes, 4% daily drawdown
Is it mandatory to use Stop Loss on Evolution? ###
Can I trade gold on Evolution? ###
Is scaling available on Evolution? ###
Yes, 10% without payout and your account is doubled
Will I be paid my full share if I hit target on Evolution? ###
Can I refinance my Evolution if I'm in loss? ###
No, you can retake challenge at 60% discount on initial subscriotion
Is there lot size restriction on Evolution? ###
Can I withdraw profits within one month of subscription on Evolution? ###
No, withdrawal is possible only after passing evaluation and can be requested on fortnightly basis
Where do I find the terms and conditions for Evolution? ###
Terms and conditions can be found at the shop: .Click on any plan to read terms and conditions.
What happens if I violate a rule on Evolution? ###
If you violate minor breaches like SL and positional drawdown your account can be fined 2.5% of the initial account balance. For Daily drawdown, your account maybe disabled for 24 hour and a fine will be applied upon activation. For maximum drawdown violation, your account is forfeited and you will need to pay reset fee to start again.
What is auto renewal from profits on Evolution? ###
Evolution is a one time fee account. Autorenewal does not apply here
Can I hold my position over night on Evolution? ###
Is there evaluation phase on Evolution? ###
Yes, single stage evaluation where a trader needs to achieve 8% target
What is 10% maximum drawdown on Evolution . Can you use numbers to explain? ###
A trader should not violate maximum drawdown of 8% on Nitro at any given point. 8% of $5000 account is $400, that means a trader cannot lose moe than $400. Any account that goes below $4600 is closed
Do you have restrictions on trading times with Evolution? ###
What is the price for Evolution? ###
$2500 costs $30 $5000 costs $60 $10,000 costs $125 $25,000 costs $249 $50,000 costs $499 $100,000 costs $859 $200,000 costs $1799
What is the difference between Evolution and Nitro? ###
Evolution is a one time fee single stage evaluation account while Nitro is a one time fee account without evaluation
What is the difference between Evolution and Evaluation? ###
Evolution is a one time fee single stage evaluation account, Evaluation is a test phase which must be passed to ensure no more fees are payable
What is Nitro and full payout option on Evolution? ###
Evolution traders get full share of their profits when they achieve a minimum target of 5%
How do I get a Nitro account on Evolution? ###
Evolution is already a one time fee account. Traders can't qualify for Nitro
What is the difference between Evolution and Subscriber? ###
Evolution is a one time fee account with evaluation, subscriber is high leverage monthly subscription
Can I qualify for J curve loyalty if I had a break of 1 month in Evolution subscription? ###
Can I refinance Evolution ###
No, evolution may not be refinanced
How much is refinance for Evolution ###
Traders can only pay reset fee discounted at 60% of initial fees
How do I pay for refinance for Evolution ###
Traders can only pay reset fee discounted at 60% of initial fees by loging in to the dashboard under equity option in wallet.
What do I do upon hitting target on Evolution ###
Login to your account here Click on Support and send a ticket to request withdrawal from your trading account. Once withdrawal request is approved you will be notified and profits will be deducted from your trading account and your 60% share will be credited in your wallet
Is hedging allowed on Evolution ###
Does Evolution have 1% positional drawdown? ###
Trader should observe 2% positional drawdown rule. All open positons should not cumulatively violate 2% positional drawdown rule. If a trader has several positions on diffrent pairs they will cumulatively count when calculating 2% positional drawdown.
Which pairs am I allowed to trade on low leverage Evolution? ###
Forex, Gold, Indices
Can I have two Evolutions at the same time? ###
Is Evolution a one time subscription? ###
What is the price for Promo Account? ###
What is the leverage on Promo Account? ###
What is the profit target on Promo Account? ###
The profit target for the Promo account is 8%
What is the profit share on Promo Account? ###
Does Promo Account allow positions over weekend? ###
How much can I be paid if I make more than 5% on Promo Account? ###
60% of stipulated target.
What is J Curve on Promo Account? ###
Not Available
What is the maximum drawdown on Promo Account? ###
Does Promo Account have a daily drawdown? ###
Yes, 4% daily drawdown
Is it mandatory to use Stop Loss on Promo Account? ###
Can I trade gold on Promo Account? ###
Is scaling available on Promo Account? ###
yes, 10% without payout and your account is doubled
Will I be paid my full share if I hit target on Promo Account? ###
Can I refinance my Promo Accountif I'm in loss? ###
Is there lot size restriction on Promo Account? ###
Can I withdraw profits within one month of subscription on Promo Account? ###
Where do I find the terms and conditions for Promo Account? ###
Terms and conditions can be found at the shop: .Click on any plan to read terms and conditions.
What happens if I violate a rule on Promo Account? ###
If you violate minor breaches like SL and positional drawdown your account can be fined 2.5% of the initial account balance. For Daily drawdown, your account maybe disabled for 24 hour and a fine will be applied upon activation. For maximum drawdown violation, your account is forfeited and you will need to pay reset fee to start again.
What is autorenewal from profits on Promo Account? ###
Promo is a one time fee account. Autorenewal does not apply here
Can I hold my position over night on Promo Account? ###
Is there evaluation phase on Promo Account? ###
Yes, single stage evaluation where a trader needs to achieve 8% target