I adorned them statues of the gods and they the gods went back to their land. I rebuilt those cities. I built a city on top of a tell (a heaped-up ruin mound) called Ḫumut. I built and completed it from its foundations to its parapets. Inside it, I founded a palace for my royal residence. I named it Kār-Aššur, set up the weapon of the god Aššur, my lord, therein, and settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. I imposed upon them tax and tribute, and considered them as inhabitants of Assyria.
From their sheep levy, which I take annually, I apportioned 240 sheep as a gift to the god Aššur, my lord. From those Arameans whom I deported, I distributed and settled
thousand to the province of the land Barḫalzi, and 5,000 to the province of the land Mazamua.
I united them, considered them as inhabitants of Assyria, and imposed the yoke of the god Aššur, my lord, upon them as Assyrians. As for the abandoned settlements on the periphery of my land that had become desolated during the reigns of previous kings, my ancestors,
, submitted, and became my vassal (took up corvée labor) so that his district would not be dispersed. Thus I left him the city Karkariḫundir
I placed over him/it. I captured the city Erinziašu, which had revolted with Bisiḫadir of the city Kišesu,
Tutammû, king of the land Unqi, neglected the loyalty oath sworn by the great gods and thereby disregarded his life. On my campaign
, as far as Mount Saue — which abuts Mount Lebanon — Mount Baʾali-ṣapūna, as far as Mount Ammanāna — the boxwood mountain — Mount Saue in its entirety, the province of the city Kār-Adad, the city Ḫatarikka, the province of the city Nuqudina, the land Ḫasuatti, together with cities in its environs, the city Arâ,
both sides of them, the cities in their environs, Mount Sarbūa in its entirety, the cities Ašḫani and Yaṭabi, Mount Yaraqu in its entirety, the cities
, the city Bumame — I annexed to Assyria those nineteen districts of the city Hamath, together with cities in their environs, which are on the coast of the Sea of the Setting Sun, and which had been criminally and sinfully seized for Azriyau (Azrī-Iāu).
from those same cities occupy the province of the city Tušḫan. I settled 1,223 people in the province of the land Ulluba.
and I rallied my warriors from the far bank of the Zab River to subdue the Aḫlam-Akkadî. The tribe Gurumu,
A eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the land of the Lullumu, captured and defeated the cities Mulūgani,
, which is located behind the fortress of the Babylonians, together with cities in their environs. They brought
I settled 600 captives of the city Amlatu of the tribe Damunu and 5,400 captives of the city Dēr (Bīt-Dērāya) in the cities Kunalīa,
I settled 555 captive highlanders (Qutû) of the city Bīt-Sangibūti in the city Tīl-karme. I considered them as inhabitants of Assyria, and imposed upon them corvée labor like that of the Assyrians.
The payment of Kuštašpi of the city Kummuḫu, Raḫiānu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-biʾil of the city Byblos, Urikki of the land Que, Pisīris of the city Carchemish, Ēnī-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Samʾal, Tarḫulara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadīlu
Dadīlu of the the city Kaska, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ušḫitti of the land Tuna, Urballâ of the land Tuḫana, Tuḫamme of the city Ištunda, Urimmi of the city Ḫubišna, and Zabibe, queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple and red-purple wool, ebony, boxwood, all kinds of precious things from the royal treasure, live sheep whose wool is dyed red-purple, flying birds of the sky whose wings are dyed blue-purple, horses, mules, oxen and sheep and goats, camels, she-camels, together with their young, I received from them.
In my ninth palû, the god Aššur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched against the lands Bīt-Kapsi, Bīt-Sangi, Bīt-Urzakki, Media (land of the Medes), Bīt-Zualzaš, Bīt-Matti, and Tupliaš. I captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Bīt-Ištar, Kinkangi, Kindigiasu, Kingialkasiš, Kubušḫatidiš, Upušu, Aḫsipuna, Girgirâ, and Kimbazḫati, together with cities in their environs.
At that time, I made a pointed iron "arrow," inscribed the mighty deeds of the god Aššur, my lord, on it, and I set it up at the spring of the city Bīt-Ištar. Upaš of the land Bīt-Kapsi (son of Kapsi) assembled his people and ascended Mount Abirus. I pursued him, defeated him, and carried off his booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire his cities.
I conquered and defeated the lands Uparia, Bustus, Ariarma — the land of roosters — Saksukni, Araquttu, Karzibra, Gukinnana, and Bīt-Sagbat, Mount Silḫazu, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians,
, their horses, their mules, their Bactrian camels, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, without number. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their cities; I reduced them to mounds and ruins.
I annexed to Assyria the lands Namri, Bīt-Sangibūti, Bīt-Ḫamban, Sumurzu, Bīt-Barrūa, Bīt-Zualzaš, and Bīt-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliaš, the lands Bīt-Taranzāya, Parsua, Bīt-Zatti, Bīt-Abdadāni, Bīt-Kapsi, Bīt-Sangi, and Bīt-Urzakki, and the cities Bīt-Ištar and Zakruti, which belong to the mighty Medes.
Iranzu of the land Mannea heard about the glorious valor of the god Aššur, my lord, that I had accomplished again and again throughout all of the mountain regions, and the terrifying radiance of the god Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed him
I carried off 800 people, with their possessions, their oxen, and their sheep and goats. I carried off 750 captives from the cities Kuruṣṣâ and Samāya, as well as 550 captives from the city Metuna. Like tells after the Deluge, I destroyed 591 cities of 16 districts of the land Damascus.
for my lordly residence and a bīt-ḫilāni, a replica of a palace of the land Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine), for my pleasure. I made the dimensions of its site
large cubits in length and sixty large cubits in width larger than the former palaces of my ancestors by reclaiming land from the Tigris River by filling it in
he a eunuch of mine plundered those cities and brought that booty to the land Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine), before me. I settled 600 captives of the city Amlatu of the tribe Damunu and 5,400 captives of the city Bīt-Dērāya in the cities Kunalīa,
I settled captives in the province of the city Tuʾimme. I settled 555 captive highlanders (Qutû) of the city Bīt-Sangibūti in the city Tīl-karme. I considered them as inhabitants of Assyria, and imposed upon them corvée labor like that of the Assyrians.
The payment of Kuštašpi of the city Kummuḫu, Raḫiānu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-biʾil of the city Byblos, Uriyikki Urikki of the land Que, Pisīris of the city Carchemish, Ēnī-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Samʾal, Tarḫulara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadīlu of the city Kaska, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ušḫitti of the land Tuna, Urballâ of the land Tuḫana, Tuḫamme of the city Ištunda, Urimmi of the city Ḫubišna, and Zabibe, queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple and red-purple wool, ebony, boxwood,
In my ninth palû, the god Aššur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched against the lands Bīt-Kapsi, Bīt-Sangi, Bīt-Urzakki, Media (land of the Medes), Bīt-Zualzaš, Bīt-Matti, and Tupliaš. I captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Bīt-Ištar, Kinkangi, Kindigiasu, Kingialkasiš, Kubušḫatidiš, Upušu, Aḫsipuna, Girgirâ, and Kimbazḫati, together with cities in their environs.
At that time, I made a pointed iron "arrow," inscribed the mighty deeds of the god Aššur, my lord, on it, and I set it up at the spring of the city Bīt-Ištar. Upaš of the land Bīt-Kapsi (son of Kapsi) assembled his people and ascended Mount Abirus. I pursued him, defeated him, and carried off his booty.
as far as Mount Saue — which abuts Mount Lebanon — Mount Baʾali-ṣapūna as far as Mount Ammanāna — the boxwood mountain — Mount Saue in its entirety, the province of the city Kār-Adad, the city Ḫatarikka, the province of the city Nuqudina, the land Ḫasuatti, together with cities in its environs, the city Arâ,
both sides of them, the cities in their environs, Mount Sarbūa in its entirety, the cities Ašḫani and Yaṭabi, Mount Yaraqu in its entirety,
, the city Bumame — I annexed to Assyria those nineteen districts of the city Hamath, together with cities in their environs, which are on the coast of the Sea of the Setting Sun, and which had been criminally and sinfully seized for Azriyau (Azrī-Iāu). I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.
I received the payment of Kuštašpi of the land Kummuḫu, Raḫiānu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-biʾil of the city Byblos, Uriyikki Urikki of the land Que, Pisīris of the city Carchemish, Ēnī-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Samʾal, Tarḫulara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadīlu of the city Kaska, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ušḫitti of the land Tuna, Urballâ of the land Tuḫana, Tuḫamme of the city Ištunda, Urimmi of the city Ḫubišna, and Zabibe, queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple and red-purple wool, ebony, boxwood, all kinds of precious things from the royal treasure, live sheep whose wool is dyed red-purple, flying birds of the sky whose wings are dyed blue-purple, horses, mules, oxen and sheep and goats, camels, she-camels, together with their young.
The god Aššur, great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates; the god Marduk, the one who formulates designs, creator of mankind, the one who inspects
, the one who makes firm the foundations of the land; the god Nabû, holder of the stylus and bearer of the tablet of destinies of the gods,
; the god Ea, lord of wisdom, the one who forms everything there is and who makes its creatures beautiful; the goddess Ištar,
; the Sebetti, very powerful lords who march ahead of my troops and strike down my enemies; the god Amurru,
At the beginning of my reign, in my first palû, in the sixth month after I sat in greatness on the throne of kingship, I mustered the vast troops of Assyria
I received the payment of Daltâ of the land Ellipu, the city rulers of the lands Namri, Bīt-Singibūti (Bīt-Sangibūti), the Medes, and all the eastern mountains: horses and mules broken to the yoke, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.
I marched for a distance of seven leagues, day and night, and I did not allow the troops of Assyria to rest, did not give them water to drink, and did not pitch camp nor bivouac my soldiers allowing them to recover from their weariness. I fought with them, defeated them, and took their camps away from them.
I increased the territory of Assyria by taking hold of foreign lands and added countless people to its population. I constantly shepherd them in safe pastures.
I, Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, who personally conquered all of the lands from east to west (from sunrise to sunset), appointed governors in places where the chariots of the kings, my ancestors, never crossed over. I marched about from the Great Sea of the Rising Sun to the cities Rēši-ṣūri and Byblos on the shore of the Great Sea of the Setting Sun, and thus I exercised authority over the four quarters of the world.
In my ninth palû, I ordered my troops to march against the Medes. I conquered the cities of city rulers who were unsubmissive. I defeated them and carried off their booty. I firmly placed my steles in
, the city Bīt-Ištar, the city Ṣibar Ṣibur, and at Mount Ariarma and Mount Silḫazu, mighty mountains. I received payment from those who did submit:
Moreover, as for Iranzu of the land Mannea, Daltâ of the land Ellipu, and the city rulers of the land Namri, the land Bīt-Singibūti (Bīt-Sangibūti), and of all of the eastern mountains — I imposed upon them horses, mules, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, tribute that I am to receive annually in Assyria.
this stele, may the great gods who live in heaven and netherworld, all of those whose names are invoked in this inscription, remove his throne, overthrow his dynasty, and turn his land into mounds of ruins (mounds and ruins).
May a future ruler read aloud this inscription, wash it with water, anoint it with oil, and make an offering. Then those gods will hear his prayers!
I reorganized those cities in their entirety and settled therein the people of foreign lands conquered by me. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them and thereby I annexed those areas to Assyria.
, or covers it with earth, may the great gods who live in heaven and netherworld, all of those whose names are invoked in this inscription, remove his throne, overthrow his dynasty, and turn his land into mounds of ruins (mounds and ruins).
Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, the one chosen by the glance of the god Enlil; the king who from the rising sun to the setting sun considered all of his enemies as mere ghosts and took control of their power; the one who exchanges the people of the upper lands with those of the lower lands, the one who ousted their rulers and installed his governors in their stead.
teenth palû>, I exercised authority from Dūr-Kurigalzu, Sippar of the god Šamaš, the city Paṣitu of the tribe Dunanu, to Nippur, and over the tribes Ituʾu and the Rubuʾu, and over all of the Arameans who are on the banks of the Tigris and Surappu Rivers, as far as the Uqnû River, which is by the shore of the Lower Sea.
I built a city on top of a tell (a heaped-up ruin mound) called Ḫumut and named it Kār-Aššur. I settled the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein and placed a eunuch of mine over them.
I smashed the land Bīt-Šilāni in its entirety like a pot. I destroyed the city Sarrabānu, its great royal city, making it like a tell after the Deluge and I plundered it. I impaled Nabû-ušabši, their king, before the gate of his city while making the people of his land watch. I carried off his wife, his sons, his daughters, his possessions, and the treasures of his palace.
I trampled down the land Bīt-Amukāni like a threshing sledge. I brought all of its people and its property to Assyria. I defeated the tribes Puqudu, Ruʾuʾa, and Liʾtaʾu, and I forcibly removed them from their places. I made as many Arameans as there were bow down at my feet and I seized the troops of their king.
I exercised authority over Karduniaš Babylonia and firmly established tribute and payment on the chieftains of Chaldea.
In the city Ḫursagkalama, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Aššur, Šērūa, Bēl Marduk, Zarpanītu, Nabû, Tašmētu, Nanāya, the Lady of Babylon, Nergal, and Laṣ.
I exercised authority over the lands Bīt-Ḫamban, Sumurzu, Bīt-Barrūa, Bīt-Zualzaš, and Bīt-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliaš, the lands Bīt-Taranzāya, Parsua, and Bīt-Kapsi, as far as the city Zakruti of the mighty Medes. I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. I received the payment of the city rulers of the Medes, as far as Mount Bikni.
I confined him to the city Ṭurušpâ, his city, and inflicted a great defeat upon him before his city gates. I erected my royal image in front of the city Ṭurušpâ.
For a distance of seventy leagues, I proudly marched through the extensive land of Urarṭu, from one end to the other (from above to below), and I had no opponent therein.
I annexed to Assyria the land Ulluba in its entirety, the cities of Bitirru, Parīsu, Tašuḫa, Manṭun, Sardaurriana, Diulla-ana-Nal, Sikibsa, Aššurdāya, Babutta, Lusia, and Tapsia, fortresses of the land Urarṭu that are located behind Mount Nal.
I built a city in the land Ulluba and I named it Aššur-iqīša. I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over it.
To the province of the chief cupbearer, I added the cities Enu, Sassu, Lupsua, Luqia, Šimirra, Ušurnu, Uzurra Usuru, Auibi, and Ubula, as far as Mount Birdanša.
I captured the cities Quta, Urra, Arānu, Tasu, and Uallia, up to the Euphrates River and the border of the city Kummuḫu, the cities Qilissa, Ezzēda, Diuyapli, Abbissâ, Ḫarabisinna, and Tasa, the land Enzi, the cities Anganu and Benzu, fortresses of the land Urarṭu on the Kalla
River, its river. I annexed those areas to Assyria and added them to the province of the turtānu’s estate and to the province of the land Naʾiri.
Palace of Tiglath-pileser III, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, the one chosen by the glance of the god Enlil.
From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I captured the tribes Ituʾu, Rubuʾu, Ḫamarānu, Luḫuʾatu, Nabātu, Ḫindiru Ḫindaru, Ruʾuʾa, Liʾtaʾu, Marusu, Puqudu, Arameans, as many as there were on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, Surappu, and Uqnû Rivers, as far as the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun. I annexed those areas to Assyria and placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.
Like a threshing sledge, I trampled down the lands Bīt-Silāni (Bīt-Šilāni) and Bīt-Saʾalli (Bīt-Šaʾalli), and captured their kings. I destroyed the cities Sarrabānu and Dūr-Baliḫāya, their large cities, making them like a mound of ruins. I brought all of their people to Assyria.
I destroyed the cities Sarrabānu and Dūr-Baliḫāya, their large cities, making them like a mound of ruins. I brought all of their people to Assyria.
I annexed to Assyria the lands Bīt-Ḫamban, Sumurzu, Bīt-Barrūa, Bīt-Zualzaš, and Bīt-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliaš, the lands Bīt-Taranzāya, Parsua, and Bīt-Kapsi, as far as the cities Zakruti, Bīt-Ištar, and Niššāya, the land Gizinikissi, the cities Ṣibur and Urenzan Urimzan, the lands Uparia, Bustus, and Ariarma — the land of roosters — Mount Rūa, up to the salt desert of the lands Ušqaqāna and Šikrakki — "the Assyrian mound" — and the fortress of the Babylonians.
I sent a eunuch of mine, Aššur-daʾʾinanni, against the mighty Medes in the east. He took 5,000 horses, people, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number.
He became frightened of the terrifying radiance of my weapons, mounted a mare in order to save his life, escaped during the night to Mount Sizir, a rugged mountain, and ascended it.
I confined Sarduri of the land Urarṭu to the city Ṭurušpâ, his city, and inflicted a great defeat upon him before his city gates. I fashioned my royal image and erected it in front of the city Ṭurušpâ.
For a distance of seventy leagues, I proudly marched through the extensive land of Urarṭu, from one end to the other (from above to below), and I had no opponent therein.
As for Ḫanūnu of the city Gaza, who fled before my weapons and escaped to Egypt — I conquered the city Gaza, his royal city, and I carried off his property and his gods.
The people of the cities Masʾa and Tema, the tribe Saba, the people of the cities Ḫayappa, Badanu, and Ḫatte, and the tribes Idibaʾilu,
, who are on the border of the western lands, whom none of my predecessors had known about, and whose country is remote, heard about the fame of my majesty and my heroic deeds, and thus they beseeched my lordship. As one, they brought before me gold, silver, camels, she-camels, and all types of aromatics as their payment and they kissed my feet.
The land Bīt-Ḫumria Israel, all of whose cities I utterly devastated in former campaigns of mine, whose
and livestock I carried off, and whose capital Samaria I isolated — now they overthrew Peqah, their king,
I exercised authority over the land Unqi to its full extent and the land Bīt-Agusi in its entirety. I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.
I conquered from the city Kašpūna, which is on the shore of the Upper Sea, the cities Ṣimirra, Arqâ,
From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I captured, defeated, and plundered the tribes Ituʾu, Rubuʾu, Ḫamarānu, Luḫuʾatu, Ḫaṭallu, Rubbû, Rapiqu, Ḫīrānu, Rabi-ilu, Naṣiru, Gulusu, Nabātu, Raḫiqu, Kapiru, Rummulutu, Adilê, Gibrê, Ubudu, Gurumu, Ḫudadu, Ḫindiru Ḫindaru, Damunu, Dunanu, Nilqu, Radê, Dai
nu, Ubulu, Karmaʾu, Amlatu, Ruʾuʾa, Qabiʾu, Liʾtaʾu, Marusu, Amatu, Ḫagarānu, and those living in the cities Dūr-Kurigalzu and Adinni, the fortresses of Sarragitu, Labbanat, and Kār-bēl-mātāti, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Surappu Rivers, as far as the Uqnû River, which is by the shore of the Lower Sea. I annexed to Assyria the Arameans, as many as there were, and I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.
I built a city on top of a tell (a heaped-up ruin mound) called Ḫumut and named it Kār-Aššur. I brought the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein.
In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk, cult centers without rival, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Bēl Marduk, Zarpanītu, Nabû, Tašmētu, Nergal, and Laṣ, the great gods, my lords, and they loved my priestly services.
I exercised authority over the extensive land of Karduniaš Babylonia to its full extent and exercised kingship over it.
I overwhelmed the tribe Puqudu like a cast net, defeated them, and carried off much booty from them. I annexed to Assyria that tribe Puqudu, the city Laḫīru of Idibirīna, and the cities Ḫilimmu and Pillatu, which are on the border of the land Elam and I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the city Arrapḫa. I deported the people of the land Labdudu, as many as there were, and settled them in Assyria.
I ensnared Chaldea in its entirety as with a bird-snare. As for Nabû-ušabši of the land Bīt-Šilāni (son of Šilāni), I defeated him on the outskirts of the city Sarrabānu, his city. Moreover, I impaled him before the gate of his city, while making the people of his land watch. By means of earthworks and battering rams, I captured the city Sarrabānu. I carried off 55,000 people, together with their possessions, his booty, his property, his goods, his wife, his sons, his daughters, and his gods. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that city, together with cities in its environs, and turned them into mounds of ruins (mounds and ruins).
I captured the cities of Tarbaṣu and Yaballu. I carried off 30,000 people, together with their possessions, their property, their goods, and their gods. I destroyed those cities, together with cities in their environs, making them like tells after the Deluge.
Zaqiru of the land Bīt-Šaʾalli (son of Šaʾalli) neglected the loyalty oath sworn by the great gods and conspired with my enemies. I personally captured him, together with his nobles, placed them in iron fetters, and took them to Assyria. The people of the land Bīt-Šaʾalli became frightened and they made the city Dūr-Baliḫāya, their royal city, their fortress. By means of artificial mounds and siege machines, I conquered that city and utterly demolished it. I carried off 40,500 people, together with their possessions, their booty, their property, their goods, as well as his (Zaqiru’s) wife, his sons, his daughters, and his gods.
I conquered the city Amlilatu. I carried off its people, together with their possessions, its booty, its property, and its goods. I swept over the land Bīt-Šaʾalli in its entirety like the Deluge and devastated its settlements. I annexed those lands to Assyria.
I confined Mukīn-zēri of the land Bīt-Amukāni (son of Amukāni) to Sapê Šapīya, his royal city. I inflicted a heavy defeat upon him before his city gates. I cut down the orchards and musukkannu-trees that were near his city wall; I did not leave a single one standing. I killed date-palms throughout his land by ripping off their fruit and filling the meadows with them.
I received the payment of Balāssu of the land Bīt-Dakkūri (son of Dakkūri) and Nādinu of the city Larak: silver, gold, and precious stones. As for Marduk-apla-iddina II (Merodach-baladan) of the land Bīt-Yakīn (son of Yakīn), a king of the Sealand who had not come before any of the kings, my ancestors, and who had not kissed their feet, fear of the brilliance of the god Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he came to the city Sapīya Šapīya, before me, and kissed my feet. I received as his payment natural, unrefined gold in great quantity, jewelry made of gold, a gold necklace, pearls (precious stones, produce of the sea), beams of ebony, ellūtu-wood, ašqulālu-plants, amīlānu-plants, multi-colored garments, all types of aromatics, oxen, and sheep and goats.
As with a bird-snare, I ensnared the lands Namri, Bīt-Sangibūti, Bīt-Ḫamban, Sumurzu, Bīt-Barrūa, Bīt-Zualzaš, and Bīt-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliaš, the lands Bīt-Taranzāya, Parsua, Bīt-Zatti, Bīt-Abdadāni, Bīt-Kapsi, Bīt-Sangi, and Bīt-Urzakki, the cities Bīt-Ištar and Zakruti, the lands Gizinikissi and Niššāya, the cities Ṣibur and Urimzan, the lands Raʾusan, Uparia, Bustus, Ariarma — the land of roosters — Saksukni, Araquttu, Karzibra, Gukinnana, and Bīt-Sagbat, Mount Silḫazu, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians, Mount Rūa, as far as the salt desert of the lands Ušqaqāna and Šikrakki — the land of gold — and the districts of the mighty Medes to their full extent.
I rebuilt the cities inside them those lands, set up the weapon of the god Aššur, my lord, therein, and brought the people of foreign lands conquered by me therein. I placed
I erected my royal image in the land Tikrakki, in the cities Bīt-Ištar and Ṣibur, in the land Ariarma — the land of roosters — and at Mount Silḫazu, which they call the fortress of the Babylonians.
I received the payment of the Medes, the people of the land Ellipu, and the city rulers of all of the mountain regions, as far as Mount Bikni —
Iranzu of the land Mannea heard about the glorious valor of the god Aššur, my lord, that I had accomplished again and again throughout all of the mountain regions and the brilliance of the god Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed him. He came to the city Dūr-Tiglath-pileser ("Fort Tiglath-pileser"), which

Akkadian English Corpus

This dataset is a cleaned English-translated Akkadian language dataset. This dataset can and has been used for text generation tasks, for example to fine-tune LLMs.

How it was generated

Please visit my repo on Github which explains the steps that were taken to prepare this dataset for a text generation task.

At a high level, these are steps that were taken:

  • Sourced a high-quality dataset of English-translated Akkadian by experts
  • Enforced a minimum line length
  • Removed duplicate lines
  • Removed textual notes and other generic notes within parantheses
  • Inserted translation notes and literal notes in place (preserving grammar and adding clarity to the corpus)


Credit for the aggregation of the raw data belongs to the Akkademia project. Specifically, the exact data file used as the starting dataset is linked here and was also used to train their SOTA neural machine translation Akkadian->English model as described in their recent paper Gutherz et al. 2023 [1].

Credit for the original source of the raw data belongs to the incredible Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (ORACC) project [2]. Specifically, as noted by the Akkademia project above, the RINAP 1, 3, 4, and 5 datasets are the source of the original raw data.


[1] Gai Gutherz, Shai Gordin, Luis Sáenz, Omer Levy, Jonathan Berant, Translating Akkadian to English with neural machine translation, PNAS Nexus, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2023, pgad096, https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad096
[2] Jamie Novotny, Eleanor Robson, Steve Tinney, Niek Veldhuis, et al. Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, http://oracc.org

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