class label
25 classes
there are lots of hairs on my pillow in the morning.
1hair falling out
my hair is falling out after i take a shower.
1hair falling out
the arches of my feet hurt when i wear heels
4foot ache
red flushes accompanied with itchy
7skin issue
i have a back pain since i turned 70 years old.
15back pain
my knee hurts when i play squash
9knee pain
i cant breathe
i hardly have enough stength to get up,
13body feels weak
my heart hurts me
2heart hurts
my infected wound caused a fever
3infected wound
i'm injured i can't play sports
6injury from sports
the last time i clipped my toenails, i cut them too short and now i have an infected nail.
3infected wound
i feel weak
13body feels weak
i started taking swimming lessons and i guess i swallowed too much water through my nose, because this sinusitis is killing me now.
6injury from sports
i feel something hurt me in taking breath and i cant take my breath
11hard to breath
i have a pain internal
17internal pain
the feeling of coughing increases in winter's reach
i was travelling by ship and i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
after eating i have burning sensation inside of me.
8stomach ache
my daughter had her eyebrows threaded and it pulled an opening of skin in one of her brows that is now puffy and oozing.
3infected wound
when i get out of bed in the morning my body feels very weak.
13body feels weak
i have a sharp pain in my lower stomach.
8stomach ache
i usually have a bad cough when i get flu.
i have a blurry vision and i can't see in the darkness , what is the reason doctor ?
18blurry vision
my acne gets worse when it is hot
i could not exercise because of my knee pain
9knee pain
i have found some issues in my skin and tried to use cream but it doesn't get better
7skin issue
my ear is ringing.
23ear ache
when i wake up in the morning i feel a soreness in my body
20muscle pain
i feel pain inside and i can not identify it
17internal pain
i hve cut my finger because of playing football and i to apply pain relief cream but it does not help
6injury from sports
i am worried how cold intolerant i am, i am always shivering, even out in the sun.
24feeling cold
i had a cut that was stitched together but it is not healing. it is oozing green puss and burns.
3infected wound
i fell off my bike and since then i had hard knee pain
9knee pain
after eating i have burning sensation inside of me.
8stomach ache
i feel weak all over.
13body feels weak
every morning when i wake up my neck feels like i slept on in wrong.
20muscle pain
i have a mental suffering
0emotional pain
i have an indigestion
8stomach ache
i have a back pain since i turned 70 years old.
15back pain
i have a dull ache in my head
12head ache
i have throbing in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
my husband has a spot on his lip that he though was cold sore but now it has broken open and leaks fluid all day.
3infected wound
my wound opened up again
16open wound
i have acne all over my face
i have an ear ache when showering
23ear ache
sometimes when it is cold outside, my face hurts, especially around the pimples that are ready to pop.
when i stand up too quick my vision is blurry.
18blurry vision
i have a skin rash after eating an ice-cream.
7skin issue
i love to walk and be outside but the bottoms of my feet get sore so quickly.
4foot ache
i have a dry skin
7skin issue
my infected wound cause fever
7skin issue
is pimples a skin disease?
i have a dull ache in my stomach. it gets worse after i eat.
17internal pain
i have a head pain every single day.
17internal pain
my foot hurts and i can't turn it. maybe it's broken.
4foot ache
my infected wound caused a fever
3infected wound
i was diagnosed with b12-deficiency anemia, which explains why i always felt cold.
24feeling cold
i have a sharp pain and clicking sound in my ankle joint when i try to stand on it and walk.
10joint pain
i hate my acne.
when i bend over i get a shooting pain down my back
15back pain
when i play football i have muscle pain.
20muscle pain
my stomach feels full and upset and bloating after big meals.
8stomach ache
my mind feels very sad, as if it hurts. the way i feel in my head is awful and when i think about my break-up, i cry with sadness.
0emotional pain
my kee is swallowing which indicates i have an infected wound
3infected wound
when i'm too high i start to feel dizzy
14feeling dizzy
sometimes i feel like a claw on my chest that leaves me breathless.
11hard to breath
the pain in my ear is unbearable.
23ear ache
i feel pain inside i do not know what it is
17internal pain
i feel pain in my legs muscles after i ran yesterday, i took some pain killers but it doesn't help.
20muscle pain
i cannot get warm no matter how much i wrap up or how high i put the heating on
24feeling cold
i have a pain in my elbow joint
10joint pain
i feel dizzy whenever i stand up.
14feeling dizzy
i break out on my face very frequently
hearing any loud sounds makes my ear aches
23ear ache
my skin color on my back is red, i don't know why.
7skin issue
my heart hurts while i'm sad, why?
2heart hurts
i break out on my face very frequently
sometimes i cough because i'm a smoker
sometimes i cough because i'm a smoker
every time i take a deep breath i start coughing
my knee catches and hurts when i first stand up after sitting.
9knee pain
my foot hurts me a lot of playing football
4foot ache
when i tried to take care if my hair i found that it is falling out
1hair falling out
there are lots of hairs on my pillow in the morning.
1hair falling out
my wound opened up again
16open wound
i have a dull ache in my head
12head ache
i cough a lot when i smell perfume, what is wrong with my lungs?
i had alot of exercise yesterday so i feel sharp muscle pains
20muscle pain
when i'm awake in the morning i feel strange and have vertigo
14feeling dizzy
i have pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
my skin is itching.
7skin issue
i feel like my heart is on fire.
2heart hurts
i feel emotionally crushed
0emotional pain
i have shoulder pain after doing any home work.
5shoulder pain
hearing any loud sounds makes my ear aches
23ear ache
heart aches so much
2heart hurts
i feel back pain when i carry heavy things
15back pain
i'm not good i feel dizzy
14feeling dizzy
after a breakup i feel something strange in me.
0emotional pain