Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
1 value
<item key="Start">Iniciar</item>
<item key="Start">Start</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="WordPress Manager by Softaculous">Gerenciador WordPress por Softaculous</item>
<item key="WordPress Manager by Softaculous">WordPress Manager by Softaculous</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Softaculous Apps Installer">Instalador de Aplicativos Softaculous</item>
<item key="Softaculous Apps Installer">Softaculous Apps Installer</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Activate Site Quality Monitoring.">Ativar Monitoramento da Qualidade do Site.</item>
<item key="Activate Site Quality Monitoring.">Activate Site Quality Monitoring.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Site Quality Monitoring">Monitoramento da Qualidade do Site</item>
<item key="Site Quality Monitoring">Site Quality Monitoring</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Site Quality Monitoring ensures that your website is accessible and discoverable by scanning it for common issues. This helps you diagnose and fix items.">O Monitoramento da qualidade do site garante que seu site seja acessível e detectável, verificando-o em busca de problemas comuns. Isso ajuda a diagnosticar e corrigir itens.</item>
<item key="Site Quality Monitoring ensures that your website is accessible and discoverable by scanning it for common issues. This helps you diagnose and fix items.">Site Quality Monitoring ensures that your website is accessible and discoverable by scanning it for common issues. This helps you diagnose and fix items.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Start Monitoring">Iniciar Monitoramento</item>
<item key="Start Monitoring">Start Monitoring</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="We’ll watch your site for you!">Nós vamos monitorar o seu site para você!</item>
<item key="We’ll watch your site for you!">We’ll watch your site for you!</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Monitored domain">Domínio monitorado</item>
<item key="Monitored domain">Monitored domain</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Ready to start?">Pronto para começar?</item>
<item key="Ready to start?"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Fill out the form below to monitor one of your websites.">Preencha o formulário abaixo para monitorar um dos seus sites.</item>
<item key="Fill out the form below to monitor one of your websites.">Fill out the form below to monitor one of your websites.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Create your first Site Quality Monitoring project.">Crie seu primeiro projeto de Monitoramento de Qualidade do Site.</item>
<item key="Create your first Site Quality Monitoring project.">Create your first Site Quality Monitoring project.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Which domain would you like to monitor?">Qual domínio você deseja monitorar?</item>
<item key="Which domain would you like to monitor?">Which domain would you like to monitor?</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Send notification emails to this address.">Enviar notificação para esse endereço de e-mail.</item>
<item key="Send notification emails to this address.">Send notification emails to this address.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="I agree to receive notifications from Site Quality Monitoring at the above email address.">Concordo em receber notificações do monitoramento de qualidade do site no endereço de e-mail acima.</item>
<item key="I agree to receive notifications from Site Quality Monitoring at the above email address.">I agree to receive notifications from Site Quality Monitoring at the above email address.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="I agree to receive notifications at this email address for problems detected by the Site Quality Monitoring service.">Concordo em receber notificações neste endereço de e-mail sobre problemas detectados pelo serviço de Monitoramento de Qualidade do Site.</item>
<item key="I agree to receive notifications at this email address for problems detected by the Site Quality Monitoring service."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Create project">Criar projeto</item>
<item key="Create project"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Security Code">Código de segurança</item>
<item key="Security Code"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Enter the security code sent to the following email address: [_1]">Informe o código de segurança enviado para o seguinte endereço de e-mail: [_1]</item>
<item key="Enter the security code sent to the following email address: [_1]">Enter the security code sent to the following email address: [_1]</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Your account is not completely set up. We sent a security code to the email address that you provided. Enter it in the form below.">Sua conta não está totalmente configurada. Enviamos um código de segurança para o endereço de e-mail que você forneceu. Digite-o no formulário abaixo.</item>
<item key="Your account is not completely set up. We sent a security code to the email address that you provided. Enter it in the form below.">Your account is not completely set up. We sent a security code to the email address that you provided. Enter it in the form below.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="If you cannot find the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.">Se você não conseguir encontrar o e-mail na sua caixa de entrada, verifique a pasta de spam.</item>
<item key="If you cannot find the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.">If you cannot find the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Didn’t get the email?">Não recebeu o e-mail?</item>
<item key="Didn’t get the email?">Didn’t get the email?</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="Cancel">Cancelar</item>
<item key="Cancel"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key=" … and [numf,_1] more"> … e [numf,_1] mais</item>
<item key=" … and [numf,_1] more"> … and [numf,_1] more</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key=" … done."> … concluído.</item>
<item key=" … done."> … done.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key=" … “[_1]” complete (but with errors)."> … “[_1]” concluído (mas com erros).</item>
<item key=" … “[_1]” complete (but with errors)."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key=" … “[_1]” complete."> … “[_1]” concluído.</item>
<item key=" … “[_1]” complete."> … “[_1]” complete.</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="!! Do not respond to this message. Your reply will go nowhere. !!">!! Não responda esta mensagem. Sua resposta não chegará ao destino. !!</item>
<item key="!! Do not respond to this message. Your reply will go nowhere. !!">!! Do not respond to this message. Your reply will go nowhere. !!</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="$[_1] USD is too high. This product’s price may not exceed $[_2] USD per domain.">US$ [_1] é um valor muito alto. O preço deste produto não pode exceder US$ [_2] por domínio.</item>
<item key="$[_1] USD is too high. This product’s price may not exceed $[_2] USD per domain."></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="$[_1] is too low of a price. The minimum price per domain for this product is $[_2].">US$ [_1] é um preço muito baixo. O preço mínimo por domínio para este produto é de US$ [_2].</item>
<item key="$[_1] is too low of a price. The minimum price per domain for this product is $[_2].">$[_1] is too low of a price. The minimum price per domain for this product is $[_2].</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(At half past the hour.)">(Aos 30 minutos.)</item>
<item key="(At half past the hour.)">(At half past the hour.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(At one quarter past the hour.)">(Aos 15 minutos.)</item>
<item key="(At one quarter past the hour.)">(At one quarter past the hour.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(At one quarter until the hour.)">(Aos 45 minutos.)</item>
<item key="(At one quarter until the hour.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(At the beginning of the hour.)">(Na hora cheia.)</item>
<item key="(At the beginning of the hour.)">(At the beginning of the hour.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Authorization required)">(Autorização necessária)</item>
<item key="(Authorization required)">(Authorization required)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Bad gateway)">(Gateway inválido)</item>
<item key="(Bad gateway)">(Bad gateway)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Bad request)">(Solicitação incorreta)</item>
<item key="(Bad request)">(Bad request)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Cannot use due to limits)">(Não é possível usar devido a limites)</item>
<item key="(Cannot use due to limits)">(Cannot use due to limits)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Conflict)">(Conflito)</item>
<item key="(Conflict)">(Conflict)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Expectation failed)">(Falha na expectativa)</item>
<item key="(Expectation failed)">(Expectation failed)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Failed dependency)">(Falha na dependência)</item>
<item key="(Failed dependency)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Forbidden)">(Proibido)</item>
<item key="(Forbidden)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Gateway timeout)">(Tempo limite de gateway)</item>
<item key="(Gateway timeout)">(Gateway timeout)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Gone)">(Abandonado)</item>
<item key="(Gone)">(Gone)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(HTTP version not supported)">(Versão de HTTP não compatível)</item>
<item key="(HTTP version not supported)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(In order to view the current sessions, you may need to reload your page.)">(Para ver as sessões atuais, talvez seja necessário recarregar a página.)</item>
<item key="(In order to view the current sessions, you may need to reload your page.)">(In order to view the current sessions, you may need to reload your page.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Insufficient storage)">(Armazenamento insuficiente)</item>
<item key="(Insufficient storage)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Internal server error)">(Erro interno do servidor)</item>
<item key="(Internal server error)">(Internal server error)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Length required)">(Tamanho obrigatório)</item>
<item key="(Length required)">(Length required)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Locked)">(Bloqueado)</item>
<item key="(Locked)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Method not allowed)">(Método não permitido)</item>
<item key="(Method not allowed)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(NOT Recommended)">(NÃO recomendado)</item>
<item key="(NOT Recommended)">(NOT Recommended)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Not Implemented)">(Não implementado)</item>
<item key="(Not Implemented)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Not acceptable)">(Não aceitável)</item>
<item key="(Not acceptable)">(Not acceptable)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Not extended)">(Não estendido)</item>
<item key="(Not extended)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Not found)">(Não encontrado)</item>
<item key="(Not found)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Note: “[numf,_1]” is the default setting. The higher the number, the more conservative the setting.)">(Observação: “[numf,_1]” é a configuração padrão. Quanto maior o número, mais conservadora é a configuração.)</item>
<item key="(Note: “[numf,_1]” is the default setting. The higher the number, the more conservative the setting.)">(Note: “[numf,_1]” is the default setting. The higher the number, the more conservative the setting.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Payment required)">(Pagamento obrigatório)</item>
<item key="(Payment required)">(Payment required)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Precondition failed)">(Falha na pré-condição)</item>
<item key="(Precondition failed)">(Precondition failed)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Proxy authentication required)">(Autenticação de proxy obrigatória)</item>
<item key="(Proxy authentication required)">(Proxy authentication required)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Remote FTP Backup Only)">(Apenas backup remoto via FTP)</item>
<item key="(Remote FTP Backup Only)">(Remote FTP Backup Only)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Request URI too large)">(URI de solicitação muito grande)</item>
<item key="(Request URI too large)">(Request URI too large)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Request entity too large)">(Entidade de solicitação muito grande)</item>
<item key="(Request entity too large)">(Request entity too large)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Request range not satisfiable)">(Intervalo de solicitação não atendido)</item>
<item key="(Request range not satisfiable)">(Request range not satisfiable)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Request timeout)">(Tempo limite de solicitação)</item>
<item key="(Request timeout)">(Request timeout)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Service unavailable)">(Serviço indisponível)</item>
<item key="(Service unavailable)">(Service unavailable)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This is [output,strong,NOT] recommended.)">(Isso [output,strong,NÃO] é recomendado.)</item>
<item key="(This is [output,strong,NOT] recommended.)">(This is [output,strong,NOT] recommended.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This setting is not needed for account restoration.)">(Esta configuração não é necessária para a restauração da conta.)</item>
<item key="(This setting is not needed for account restoration.)">(This setting is not needed for account restoration.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This setting is recommended if you set Remount/Mount.)">(Esta configuração é recomendada se você definir Remontar/Montar.)</item>
<item key="(This setting is recommended if you set Remount/Mount.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This setting is required if you are behind a firewall or if FTP backups fail.)">(Esta configuração será obrigatória se você estiver atrás de um firewall ou se os backups FTP falharem.)</item>
<item key="(This setting is required if you are behind a firewall or if FTP backups fail.)">(This setting is required if you are behind a firewall or if FTP backups fail.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This setting requires a separate drive or other mount point.)">(Esta configuração requer uma unidade separada ou outro ponto de montagem.)</item>
<item key="(This setting requires a separate drive or other mount point.)">(This setting requires a separate drive or other mount point.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This setting requires a separate drive, [asis,Coda], or [output,acronym,NFS,Network File System] mount.)">(Esta configuração requer uma unidade separada, [asis,Coda], ou uma montagem [output,acronym,NFS,Sistema de Arquivos de Rede].)</item>
<item key="(This setting requires a separate drive, [asis,Coda], or [output,acronym,NFS,Network File System] mount.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This setting will only back up items that have changed.) (**No Compression**, not compatible with FTP backups.)">(Esta configuração fará backup apenas de itens que foram alterados.) (**Sem compactação**, não compatível com backups FTP.)</item>
<item key="(This setting will only back up items that have changed.) (**No Compression**, not compatible with FTP backups.)">(This setting will only back up items that have changed.) (**No Compression**, not compatible with FTP backups.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This should be a directory, [output,acronym,NFS,Network File System] or [asis,Coda] mount with at least twice the space of all your [asis,/home*] partitions. Setting this to [asis,/home] is [output,strong,strongly discouraged].)">(Ele deve ser um diretório, montagem [output,acronym,NFS,Sistema de Arquivos de Rede] ou [asis,Coda] com pelo menos o dobro do espaço de todas as suas partições [asis,/home*]. Configurar isso como [asis,/home] é [output,strong,extremamente desencorajado].)</item>
<item key="(This should be a directory, [output,acronym,NFS,Network File System] or [asis,Coda] mount with at least twice the space of all your [asis,/home*] partitions. Setting this to [asis,/home] is [output,strong,strongly discouraged].)">(This should be a directory, [output,acronym,NFS,Network File System] or [asis,Coda] mount with at least twice the space of all your [asis,/home*] partitions. Setting this to [asis,/home] is [output,strong,strongly discouraged].)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(This should be a directory, drive, or mount point with at least twice the space of all your [asis,/home*] partitions. Setting this to [asis,/home] is [output,strong,strongly discouraged].)">(Ele deve ser um diretório, unidade ou ponto de montagem com pelo menos o dobro do espaço de todas as suas partições [asis,/home*]. Configurá-lo como [asis,/home] é [output,strong,extremamente desencorajado].)</item>
<item key="(This should be a directory, drive, or mount point with at least twice the space of all your [asis,/home*] partitions. Setting this to [asis,/home] is [output,strong,strongly discouraged].)">(This should be a directory, drive, or mount point with at least twice the space of all your [asis,/home*] partitions. Setting this to [asis,/home] is [output,strong,strongly discouraged].)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Unprocessable entity)">(Entidade não processável)</item>
<item key="(Unprocessable entity)">(Unprocessable entity)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Unsupported media type)">(Tipo de mídia não suportado)</item>
<item key="(Unsupported media type)">(Unsupported media type)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Variant also negotiates)">(Variante também negocia)</item>
<item key="(Variant also negotiates)">(Variant also negotiates)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid email account or alias. This forwarder will point to the default address.)">(Aviso: “[_1]” não faz referência a uma conta de e-mail ou a um alias válido. Este encaminhador apontará para o endereço padrão.)</item>
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid email account or alias. This forwarder will point to the default address.)">(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid email account or alias. This forwarder will point to the default address.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid email account.)">(Aviso: “[_1]” não faz referência a uma conta de e-mail válida.)</item>
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid email account.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid local email account or alias. The system will not create a forwarder, because it already sends that email to the default address.)">(Aviso: “[_1]” não faz referência a uma conta de e-mail local válida ou a um alias válido. O sistema não criará um encaminhador porque ele já envia esse e-mail para o endereço padrão.)</item>
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid local email account or alias. The system will not create a forwarder, because it already sends that email to the default address.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid local email account.)">(Aviso: “[_1]” não faz referência a uma conta de e-mail local válida.)</item>
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid local email account.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid system user. This forwarder will point to the default address.)">(Aviso: “[_1]” não faz referência a um usuário de sistema válido. Este encaminhador apontará para o endereço padrão.)</item>
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” does not refer to a valid system user. This forwarder will point to the default address.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” refers to a forwarder or alias. The address has been set to “[_2]” to prevent any mail loops.)">(Aviso: “[_1]” refere-se a um encaminhador ou alias. O endereço foi definido como “[_2]” para evitar loops de e-mail.)</item>
<item key="(Warning: “[_1]” refers to a forwarder or alias. The address has been set to “[_2]” to prevent any mail loops.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(You must choose the [output,em,Per Account] option to use the restore feature.)">(Você deve escolher a opção [output,em,Por conta] para usar o recurso de restauração.)</item>
<item key="(You must choose the [output,em,Per Account] option to use the restore feature.)">(You must choose the [output,em,Per Account] option to use the restore feature.)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="([_1]’s Shared IP)">(IP compartilhado de [_1])</item>
<item key="([_1]’s Shared IP)">([_1]’s Shared IP)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="([_1]’s shared IP)">(IP compartilhado de [_1])</item>
<item key="([_1]’s shared IP)">([_1]’s shared IP)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="([output,strong,Note]: By selecting the [output,strong,Daily] backup option, you will receive [output,strong,Monthly] and [output,strong,Weekly] as well, unless you choose not to retain them below. By selecting the [output,strong,Weekly] backup option, you will receive [output,strong,Monthly] as well, unless you choose not to retain them below.)">([output,strong,Observação]: Ao selecionar a opção de backup [output,strong,Diário], você também receberá backups [output,strong,Mensal] e [output,strong,Semanal], a menos que opte por não mantê-los abaixo. Ao selecionar a opção de backup [output,strong,Semanal], você também receberá backup [output,strong,Mensal], a menos que opte por não mantê-los abaixo.)</item>
<item key="([output,strong,Note]: By selecting the [output,strong,Daily] backup option, you will receive [output,strong,Monthly] and [output,strong,Weekly] as well, unless you choose not to retain them below. By selecting the [output,strong,Weekly] backup option, you will receive [output,strong,Monthly] as well, unless you choose not to retain them below.)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="([output,url,_1,Change])">([output,url,_1,Alteração])</item>
<item key="([output,url,_1,Change])"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(maximum: [numf,_1])">(máximo: [numf,_1])</item>
<item key="(maximum: [numf,_1])"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(minimum: [numf,_1])">(mínimo: [numf,_1])</item>
<item key="(minimum: [numf,_1])">(minimum: [numf,_1])</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(minimum: [numf,_1]; maximum: [numf,_2])">(mínimo: [numf,_1]; máximo: [numf,_2])</item>
<item key="(minimum: [numf,_1]; maximum: [numf,_2])">(minimum: [numf,_1]; maximum: [numf,_2])</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(not in a subdirectory)">(não está em um subdiretório)</item>
<item key="(not in a subdirectory)">(not in a subdirectory)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(other subdirectories)">(outros subdiretórios)</item>
<item key="(other subdirectories)">(other subdirectories)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(self-signed)">(autoassinado)</item>
<item key="(self-signed)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(space)">(espaço)</item>
<item key="(space)"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="(transparent [asis,.gif] file)">(arquivo [asis,.gif] transparente)</item>
<item key="(transparent [asis,.gif] file)">(transparent [asis,.gif] file)</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="** All Public Domains **">** Todos os domínios públicos **</item>
<item key="** All Public Domains **">** All Public Domains **</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="*15 character limit">*Limite de 15 caracteres</item>
<item key="*15 character limit">*15 character limit</item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
<item key="- or -[comment,this is meant to be a horizontal separator of 2 things stacked vertically]">- ou -[comment,this is meant to be a horizontal separator of 2 things stacked vertically]</item>
<item key="- or -[comment,this is meant to be a horizontal separator of 2 things stacked vertically]"></item>
Translate the following cpanel XML line from English to Brazilian Portuguese
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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