Annie Peanut Shoes
Don't usually purchase shoes without trying them on first and I should have stuck with my rule. They are advertised as a Wide, but actually they didn't feel like it. The quality of the shoe is Wonderful and the shoe is really cute. I think it would be great for the average foot. I'm wondering since they put elastic in the shoe, that's what they considered "wide". Since I wore it once, I probably can't return it. If you have a regular width foot, I'd order this. Cute shoe!
Cool Music
This cd is soooo cool. Especially the non-stop megamix the transitions are perfect, but you could be annoyed by the constant voice of the announcer. Some of what he says is very corny but you should be able to live with it (Especially when you're playing the actual game). All in all it's a great CD and a great buy.
I got fooled...
I did not know this was the audio cd of the game, I thought it could be used on the playstation. Maybe the other guys are from the US or somewhere where it is actually easy to get the game,and play it,but this was all in japanese and was not compatible with my machine. I am deeply disappointed as i love the arcade game, but the Dance stage euromix (Dance Dance Revolution equivalent) is lacking in decent tracks, many are jungle-y and are difficult to dance to them. Also, most of these tracks are unheard of here and are therefore not very enjoyable. However, my favourite are Keep on moving, make a Jam, and Video Killed the Radio star. But it gets a bit pedantic if you keep playing on these tracks. If anyone is in the same situation as I am, or those of you who are lucky enough the play on the newest version, can you please let me know where I can order one? I am in dance deprivation/boredom!
I got fooled...
I did not know this was the audio cd of the game, I thought it could be used on the playstation. Maybe the other guys are from the US or somewhere where it is actually easy to get the game,and play it,but this was all in japanese and was not compatible with my machine. I am deeply disappointed as i love the arcade game, but the Dance stage euromix (Dance Dance Revolution equivalent) is lacking in decent tracks, many are jungle-y and are difficult to dance to them. Also, most of these tracks are unheard of here and are therefore not very enjoyable. If anyone is in the same situation as I am, or those of you who are lucky enough the play on the newest version, can you please let me know where I can order one? I am in dance deprivation/boredom!
he has done better
J.M. Montgomery's latest was not a very good effort on his part. The only song that I really liked was the title song. 'Letters From Home ' is the most poignant soldier song that I can ever relate to, I love it.
letters from home
i like letters from home cuz it tells a story that if you really listen you can acctually hear john michael montgomery tell his story of soldiers and all that stuffi liked it and i like punk rock and rock so it must be good if i like it
Stephen F. Miller Place, NY
King James by Ryan Jones is a biography of Lebron's James' life prior to going into the NBA. It tells about how a little kid who lived in poverty with his mother goes on to become a six foot eight inch 245 pound high school basketball superstar. Lebron has to deal with the pressure of the media and go against tough opponents almost every game. Somehow he is able to handle all of this and all the other obstacles in his life. This is an entertaining book to read and I reccommend it to anyone who is a fan of Lebron James or is interested in reading about the rising star. The author does a great job of telling how Lebron is on and off the court. After reading this book you will come to respect Lebron as a basketbal player and a person.
Oh's has been my favorite cereal as a kid and still is an essential staple of my college diet. It's absolutely f'ing delicious.
Like fruit loops but much sweeter
I tried these on a whim several weeks ago to offset the amount of chocolate I had eaten that week. It was nice and sweet for a few weeks with that first box. But then I tried it again this week and the aftertaste was so strong. The overall texture and layout of each piece is like Fruit Loops but with tons of honey add and less fruit or frosting. One box should be more than enough.
This book has been completely instrumental in guiding my husband in his timberframing pursuits. He has read it so much the cover and binding have fallen off and broken! But he holds on to it because it's the BEST reference for a DIYer to look to when starting your structure.
Ok reference book
Dated (1980's) so don't expect a lot of current technology for this ancient craft. A pretty good read and part of my collection. This book is also co-authored by Sobon. Of the three (Build a Classic Timber-Framed House, Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building and this one), you need this one the least. Interesting history but not so much on the construction aspect.
no technical information
this book is a great over view of the joints used in building but has no information on beam spans or loads to actually build a building
you will not be able to buils a timber frame house
This book vaguely breezed across history and went into various types of timber structures. The mortise and tenon joints that were illustrated were fascinating but not practical for a home builder.
Poor instructions, but once you figure it out... kinda cool
These wraps were not doing anything when we placed them in "hot" water. We searched the internet and found others having the same problem. The instructions are very poor. First off, you need to dip in boiling water (or at least some temperature level above what I would call hot). Second, the instructions don't describe what should happen, should the image shrink around the egg, transfer to it -- what?Needless to say, it was frustrating for a minute or two, but my wife - who is very intelligent and great in the kitchen - immediately thought, "well... hot water wouldn't do much to change the properties of the plastic, so let's try boiling water - nothing to lose."Should be more explicit in the instructions. (We were using the star wars version of this product).
Great Classic Sega Arcade Racing Action!
If you've played this game in the arcade and liked it, then you'll definitely like this version to play at home whenever you like. You don't need a supercomputer to run it and the graphics and controls are amazing and faithful to the incredibly fun and fast arcade experience. This version also has plenty of unlockables, which you get by playing and earning miles, as well as mini-games that are a fun diversion from the classic arcade game. It has the European-themed levels of Outrun2 and the America-themed levels of Outrun2 SP, for a total of 30 stages to race through in the classic Outrun-branching style, or sequentially, or with challenges such as beating rival racers. This game is affordable, fun, and has plenty of replay value. You may not want to play it for hours and hours, but you'll keep coming back to it if you like to get a speedy arcade fix every now and then.
Fun and Simple
I really enjoyed playing this game when I went to the arcade. They preserved the arcade feel and kept it very simple. It is a fast paced game that is fun for everyone.
Not Patterns - but Detailed Sketches
Although I was excited to purchase this book, my excitement didn't last when I looked at the sketches / pictures in the book. I call them pictures because that is what they truly are, not actual patterns. Norma Gregory's talent shows up well in her designs but due to their complicated rendering they are very difficult to transfer.This book is not for beginners - but more seasoned artisans.If you are looking for patterns, like I was, you will be disappointed in this book.
Pyrography Desings
Love this book. Lots of patterns and instructions. Can't wait to start woodburning projects. Borders and patterns are just lovely!!!
pyrography designs
this is a good book for more of the advanced pyrographer rather than the beginner the designs are really great though
I looked forward to watching this movie, but was disappointed. Overall it is well made, but the representation of St. Francis was at best disappointing. I realize St. Francis's life was not a bed of roses, but there was almost no joy *AT ALL* in his life, according to this movie. Far too much crying for his character lines.Also, it was troubling to have St. Francis represented as someone almost bordering on disobedience to the Pope when he requests approval for his order. It is one thing to speak freely but they carried it too far for the saint who "rebuilt Christ's church."
Dont like it
This product smells when you open the package and it appears one of the gel cushions leaks so I spent $10 and havent worn then. I wouldnt buy this product again. Dont waste your money on something you may not be able to use.
Excellent - as good as it gets!
Isaac Bashevis Singer was no doubt one of the greatest short story writers - ever! The various collections in the end also earned him a very well deserved Nobel Prize for literature in 1978. Several of his stories were first published in magazines like The New Yorker, Encounter and Playboy. The first collection I read was Passions and Other Stories, which immediately made me realise what a master Isaac Bashevis Singer was. Later I have read several of his novels and short stories, where especially the collections Gimpel the Fool, Short Friday and The Seance are at least as good as Passions. All a magnificent world of Isaac Bashevis Singer's saints and sinners. Sad, funny, ironic, poignant and seeming to come from Singer's pen without any efforts. This is what good short stories is all about!
Singer writes scary stories
"The Seance" is a collection of short stories. It portrays the lives of Jewish characters in Eastern Europe between the wars.I found the book a little hard to read. Singer paints his characters so clearly, you can actually smell them. That is sometimes too hard to take. I saw my grandmother in his pictures and it wasn't to pleasant.
Hard to get thru, but worth it in the end
The O'Neills' exciting, original approach to married life shows you and your mate how the stifling, limited arrangement you've always thought marriage had to be can be opened up into an honest, undemanding, joyful relationship. they'll introduce you to the OPEN MARRIAGE concepts-trust, liking, role flexibility, individual freedom and growth, and love and sex without jealousy-that can do wonders for your marriage. OPEN MARRIAGE must be read before you get married-or before your marriage gets a day older!~*~This book needs to modernized. I see there is a 1984 version, but I don't know how that fits in today's age. It is a dry read, but I pushed thru and did get a few ideas to allow my own marriage to grow and flourish.
Not professional quality
I first tried buying this tape from a Marketplace seller. I sent it back because the tape quality was poor and the packaging looked unprofessional. After returning it I bought one from Amazon proper and . . . it was the same quality tape and the same packaging. Since I'm now sure this is not a bootleg tape, all I can say is . . . some videos are better than others.
three to four stars - depending...
Classic drawing room comedy, period piece. Cleverly written in a time when the audience needed a bit of a nudge to figure out each character. Each person's name describes how you should feel about each! Charming idea from the 1700's. If you've never had a chance to see one of these comedies, take a look. This is a famous play and well done. Must see for theatre students.
Good songs, bad cover.
This CD compilation set was purchased for me. I love the 80s, and they chose great songs. The songs are not performed by the original artists. Instead, they're poorly covered by "the Starlite Singers".
New Wave 80s
I should have read the prior reviews of this record before buying it. Although it appears to be a collection of new wave singles from the 80s, these are just cover versions sung by the "Starlite Singers". The description of the record says that it is by "various artists" implying that they are by the original artists, but this is not true. Total garbage. The one bright spot is that I got a prompt refund when I returned it.
Buyers Beware!!!!!!!!!
This is one of those cheesy compilations where they find session bands and similar sounding artists to sing the songs. These are NOT ORIGINAL SONGS BY THE ARTISTS. If you loved K-TEL CD's and don't care about hearing the artists originals, and don't care about cheap sounding synthesizers playing the music or that fact that some of the vocalists are pretty bad, then you might like this cd. But if you are a fan of the 80's and the amazing music it produced, then buy other collections and don't waste your money on this schlock!!!!
Picture Quality Still Holds Up
I bought this Handycam 10 years ago. I stopped using it for whatever reason. But I recently set out to convert the video I had taken with this to digital. Not only was it easy, but the quality of the picture was amazing...even playing it on my 40 inch screen. The image is so much better than my phone new camcorder.
Bought this camera for Christmas. Had her open it first so she could film the nights party & NO TAPES ARE INCLUDED! Of course all stores are closed Christmas day so the thing is USELESS until the day after. Shame on Sony. How much would a tape included in the packace cost them ? Not included Battery chargers are ....
Undecided on product, but Electro Island is A+++ customer service!
I currently have this item for my S/E z500a phone. Though it doesn't seem to work yet, I will say that Electro Island is working with me on a daily basis to get it up and running...More to follow. This vendor has some of the best and most polite service I've encountered from an online purchase.
Good cable to have
This is a good cable to have. You don't need to subscribe to the data service to download/upload pictures and ringtones to your phone. This cable pays for itself in about one month.
Don't Take the Chance - Get the SE Branded Cable
If you purchase this data cable, you need to know that you will receive no real directions or information regarding what to check if nothing works. As directed, I downloaded all of the files from the SE site (70MB on dial up!), and then downloaded all of the user guides. Everything seemed to install ok, but nothing would make my phone be recognized. After that I scoured the SE site for troubleshooting info on their branded cable-in the hope that something would help me figure out the problem. After 2 full days of beating my head against the wall, I finally threw the cable and the useless CD that came with it in the trash.If I had used my brain I would have paid the extra $$ for a SE branded cable and software (and the support that comes along with that). I now have the real deal (SE data cable and software), and guess what? Yep, installation was a breeze and it works beautifully. You really do get what you pay for.
Problems with internet - but a good magazine
I received "free" access to the BA web page (all links) with my subscription...however, about every 3rd time I logged on, my username was declared invalid. I had to contact them several times before the problem was fixed. (It was fixed three times, and then it would fail again). The customer service people were friendly and helpful, but it was a little painful to have to keep asking for help.Outside of that - this is a great publication for people that are into fantasy baseball leagues that allow you to draft minor leaguers - or "long term keeper" leagues....or if you are just a fan of baseball and really like to learn a lot about the up and coming player.I'd give it 5 stars if it wasn't for the internet problem.....
"Uh oh he's been using Brand X"
An embarassment. Steer clear of this one folks. Just when you thought these guys were the last real "fusion" types about...Since when did the last great secret of the fusion world start taking pointers from Joe Satriani and listening to old Al DiMeola pratice sessions? Where the hell is Phil when you need him, oh yes, Tarzan. The star is for the Bruford and Wilding/Bonus tracks, and well does one really want those?
Nice quality, but will not stack well
My grandson is only 10 months old, so right now, he enjoys shaking and looking at the blocks. What I am disappointed in is the fact that they will not stack very well at all. He tried to put one on the other and it falls right off. They are slippery and not formed so that they can be stacked without falling off each other. Maybe I'm "old school", but I think blocks should be for education with alphabet and even more so, for stacking ability. They are cute, well made, and I will use them as a learning tool for the alphabet with the figures that represent each letter inside the block, but I guess we won't be stacking them!I got a better price buying directly from the fisher price web site catalog. (about $30 with shipping)
Great for Twins
I purchased the Alphabet blocks for my twin daughters. They are just over 8 months old and they love them. This product is a great learning tool for them for years to come but for now it a great teething toy!!! I would recommend this to anyone, plus I love Fisher Price.
Would have expected better!
I bought these for two reasons- blocks and educational letters. However, the letters are rubbing off. For the price I paid that was dissapointing. Other than that I love the concept and the objects inside are fun.
Cute Blocks But Expensive
These blocks are really colorful and cute, however, when you take into consideration the price, I am not sure they are worth it.
Fun selection of blocks! Great alternative to the traditional alphabet blocks
I love the Peek-a-blocks sets that are out there and I was excited to see the alphabet set available. Every child should have a set of alphabet blocks and these are so much more fun than the basic wood ones. A few people have said that the letter obstructs what is inside, but I don't really agree. While they do have the letter on the one side, you get three other sides to view the inside object just fine. And isn't the point of the alphabet block the letter anyway? It is nice that it comes in a reusable case with a handle too. Just make sure and do your research before you bought. I did some digging around online and got this set for only $25!
These are great!
Love These! However, do not buy these with the big block activity center, they don't work! A bit dissapointing. But the blocks are really cute and I do like them a lot!
Alphabet blocks don't make individual sounds on Incrediblock.
Bought these for my baby along with the Incrediblock. The blocks are adorable, but when you put them on the Incrediblock, it doesn't make individual letter sounds for them, which is what I expected for the price.It turns out that only the 13 blocks that come with the Incrediblock make any kind of individual noises. These just play random music, which is fine, but I really bought this for the purposes of it being a really educational toy, which it really isn't at this point.The description really should explicitly tell you this.
Not so great, but not a terrible product
It's a nice length and width, but it's very loud when it's on (you can't hear it if you have a fan/tv on and it's under the covers, but other wise, people can hear it through the door) and it seems like most of the vibrating power is on the "handle" rather than any other point along it.It's an okay item for the price, but it's not the best out there. You won't be horribly disappointed if you buy it, but you're not missing anything spectacular by passing it up.
Very thorough...
What can I say about this book that hasn't already been said? It's an invaluable resource for both published and non-published writers alike. The only complaint I have is that I would have liked to have seen a CN designation for "Creative Non-Fiction."
Telling it like it is!
The book came within 5 days Yeah!!! It was in perfect condition. This is a great read!
Pretty Nifty!
I purchased these for a Halloween party, and a dummy, I forgot to put them up! Nevertheless, I did hold them up around the house in search of a good place to hang them. They're pretty big and look really cool. I'd say there's a little bit of educational value too, as you can teach your children about the actual pictures they're depicting. Even though I forgot to hang them up, I really liked these scene setters and I'll be using them next year!
If you do this video regularly, you will see results. I've used it before on weight-loss plans and I have always been able to see my body change. Because of the warm up and cool down, I never got sore. And even when I was 150 pounds overweight, I could still do the video. It's my all time favorite.
This must be a must-read
I surft on this book out of mild curiosity. But reviews like the three posted here convince me that the book must be well worth reading. So I'm buying it. Thanks, team! (I apologize for the 5 stars, since I haven't read it yet. But the program wouldn't let me post this comment without a rating. I'll get back to y'all when I'm finisht reading the book.)
Molly Myers
Molly Myers, in her review of "My Name is Rachel Corrie," describes the ISM as "an organization dedicated to non-violence." This is radical left-wing propaganda: ISM offices have regularly been used to hide terrorists and their weapons, ISM "pacifists" regularly throw rocks at IDF soldiers, and they're perfectly willing to use violence in order to sabotage the wall intended to keep "innocent Palestinians" from murdering Israelis.So please disregard Molly's reviews; they are biased in the extreme.
The greenest grass imaginable
I bought this book for my husband. He follows it faithfully, and you can see the results in our yard. We have the most beautiful, lush grass in the neighborhood - which seems to be a miracle, since our yard was an overgrown field just two years ago. Jerry Baker provides simple ways to establish and maintain your lawn. I also appreciate the fact that we do not have to go to a gardening store to find the items recommended in his book.
Good information but very disorganized
General information is good. Jerry writes about everything from lawn equipment, watering, home to homemade tonics. However, the book is very disorganized. Jerry did a very poor job of summarizing the steps to a great lawn.
It's a knock off.
The official Chrono Trigger OST has 3 discs. This version has some of the major tracks on it, the audio quality is good, but Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) this is a Chinese knock-off.Oh and if you buy the 3 disc version, make sure the cover does not have a green and red logo reading "FX", for this is also a counterfeit. The serial numbers on the real soundtrack CDs are PSCN-5021, PSCN-5022, and PSCN-5023.
Just a few.
These are the handful of tracks we hear over and over again. It's far from complete though.Missing such memorable tracks as "sealed Door", "wings across time" or "At the Bottom of the Night".It doesn't have a single battle theme accept the final boss.Hell this doesn't even have Lucca's theme and she's on the cover!Had I seen a track-list beforehand I wouldn't have bought this.I blame my self for not being more curious of the number of CD's.I'm sorry I paid $35 dollars American for this travesty, may Lavos have mercy on my soul.Save your selves(and your money) while you still can!
Mask Maker
I saw this at a store and the cover is probably the best i've seen in a long time. However, you cannot judge a horror movie but it's cover. 9 out of 10 times the movie will suck. Mask Maker is about a couple who buy a home in the middle of nowhere. A long time ago the woman who lived there was accused of being a witch and was killed by the towns people and so was her baby. Her husband whoses face was horribly burned saw the entire event, I might have missed something. Anyways, the man unearths a stick in the graveyard behind there house and the man is resurrected. If you're a person who needs to see someone killed every ten minutes, then this movie is not for you. It's slow placed but the kills are well done. The killer looks like the new Leatherface without muscles. The ending was a typical slasher ending and I guess there will be another part made. I'd welcome a sequel since this did have potential.Overall, a good horror movie that was a little slow paced.
It was "ok" but I won't watch it again
I watched this last night. And I don't remember enough of it to give it a indepth review. But it wasn't as bad as people are letting on nor was it as great as people are letting on. If you don't like your killer to be supernatural then don't bother with this. Its about a guy that comes back from the dead. His whole storyline is kinda silly and there are plot holes all over the place. The acting wasn't bad at all, and neither were the deaths. In fact it was kinda gory. But that doesn't make a great movie. The flashbacks were a little confusing as well. I wouldn't watch it again. But its far from the worst movie I've seen.
Combination of a suspense and slasher movie that drags on too long. A low rate, not that scary "Poltergeist". I say C
What if your dream turned out to be a nightmare? After Jennifer's (Deloach) boyfriend Evan (Colletti) surprises her with a new house for her birthday strange things begin to happen. This is a hard movie to review. It is not that bad, but it drags, a lot. It's another haunted house because of something buried in the land movie that is not that bad, but it would have been a good "Fangoria Series" movie at an hour long, trying to stretch it out for an hour and a half really hurt the movie. If you are looking for a decent horror movie that is a cross between suspense and a slasher, this is a good choice. If you are looking for a very scary movie then I would go for something else. Not terrible, not great. I did like the ending though. I give it a C.Would I watch again? - I doubt it.
mask maker
A guy buys a house for his girl and there friends come to celebrate. Then they die by some masked guy who reminds you of leather face from Texas C. The deaths were alright and the storyline was good enough. His masks were basically the faces of whoever he killed which is easy to get in general. Plus they do show the backdrop to who this killer is and why everything is happening, so it was fun to watch this C horror film but don't rush out to buy it.
mask maker
I liked the film it has what every horror likes in this type of movie the suspense,mystery,good and bad times,plus a shocking ending that makes you think that there is more to story, and plot was very good Robert.
NOT the worst American B-Movie
This movie was a horror film thhat displayed an effort to steer clear of typical horror movie dialogue and pacing. There are no blonde girls and the girls that are here don`t trip over the tree roots in the yard. Now a white girl did fall and twist her knee in the movie but guess what? It was not on a tree root!!!
MASK MAKER takes us down a cinematic path often traveled and does it in a typically predictable fashion. A story of revenge with an unstoppable killer who murders his victims and uses their skinned faces to achieve some kind of beauty. Flashbacks reveal his motivation in an attempt to elicit some level of sympathy.MASK MAKER isn't the worst entry in this familiar territory but it doesn't tread new waters either. The cast performs on various levels of competence. WEEKEND AT BERNIE's Terry Kiser is an effective guilt-ridden buffoon. Treat Williams is ill-used in a cameo role. Horror vet Michael Berryman is unusually restrained in a small role. Nikki Deloach is no Jamie Lee Curtis in her leading role, giving a weak performance in a typical survivor role as the resilient resourceful female. Doomed fiance Stephen Colletti (sic) is equally flaccid.An open-ended finale paves the way for MASK MAKER II---something we definitely don't need.
Chinese medicine
I wanted a book that could give me a guide to Chinese Medicine that would help me understand what it is and how it linked with the things I have picked up in my life. Thank you for the author and producers of this book for going a long way to helping me achieve a basic and fundamental understanding of the subject.There may well be other books on the topic of equal merit, I simply have read few.In Love and Light
Best game ever
This games makes even amazing games like starcraft and warcraft redundant. Warhammer has it all and does it better than anyone else. Truly great game, total fun, great combat, graphics, races, units, a pleasure to play.
pioneering ambient direction for Hillage
Released after 'green' in 1979, this album of what was then considered experimental electronic music, now called 'ambient', is a seminal document in the field. more joyous and uplifting, and more engaging principally than others experimenting in the field at the same time, these two performances contain beautiful and melodic synth textures over which Hillage provides some liquid guitar work. it would take 12 years before Hillage would pursue this direction again in system 7 and climb the electronic heights.
Buyer beware, NO bonus tracks!
The original version of this CD (On Caroline Records) was wonderful. The reason I purchased the remastered version was in hopes that it would have bonus tracks on it. Contrary to the product description, there are NO bonus tracks on this CD, hence the four-star rating.
Stiff and Smells like drying paint
You get what you pay for. This pillow is stiff and smelled like drying paint for 4 days. I thought I was getting a non name brand version of the Temperpedic pillow. I bought the real pillow for my mother years ago and paid many times the price. This thing doesn't even come close.
You get what you paid for...
I got this pillow at Target a year ago and initially, it was the worst pillow Ever. It was not at all comfortable and I only used it as a back cushion for when I'm sitting up in bed.Now, this pillow is very soft and doughy and comfortable to lie on. It's not a hard brick like it used to be. So unless you're willing to wait a while and "break in" is pillow, I wouldn't recommend getting this.
Contour Pillow
This pillow has helped my neck pain, doctor recommended that I get one. It is fairly small, so would be ideal for travel. I may invest in a little better quality pillow if it continues to help my neck/spine.
I like this pillow very much. I was in an accident when I was younger and I have trouble using most pillows, but this one is very good for me. If I move around too much and I sleep in a weird position it's not good, but that happens with every pillow.
Don't bother
The pillow is tiny and poor quality foam, my pillow I was replacing was at least a year and a half old and it preforms better than this one did new.
Will not be purchasing another one of these
It worked fine in the beginning. 2 months or so into using it its performance was up in the air. I would find myself sleeping with one hand under the pillow to give it some leverage; otherwise my neck would end up in an awkward position. At times it felt like I needed to have 2 pillows because it was lacking in width and was too soft. I had to also rotate what end and what side I would lay my head/neck on. It, therefore, did not provide the support I needed.
False Advertisement
The pillow I received is nothing like the one in the picture. The pillow that I received is approx half the size (in thickness) as the one I received. I am not happy with the seller (Moshelle's). I will never purchase from this company ever again. I am currently deployed Military and I feel that this company is very disrespectful and does not show it's Military members the proper courtesy when dealing with such issues. Do not buy this pillow, you will not be satisfied.
Not Like the Old Formula
The formulation of this product has been changed since Artec was bought by L'Oreal. The new formula doesn't hold hair like the old Artec original formula did, and it doesn't smell as nice. Don't be fooled by this picture (12/29/07)--it is a pic of the old Artec bottle, but I ordered and received the new L'Oreal Professionel version, which is terrible. The original Artec version was similar to, but not as sticky as, Potion 9. I wish L'Oreal would go back to the old formula :( I emailed them to this effect and they never even replied. If anyone can recommend a similar product, please comment to this review.
The product I received this time is like fake one
I have been used this product for many years. But somehow the product I received this time is like fake one. It's very thin. I have to used double amount.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
I have been using this product for 5+ years. It was wonderful. About 1 year ago the company changed packaging and the product changed slightly. The bottle is taller now and something is missing from the serum. Doesn't work as well as it used to work. I will not be purchasing this item because of the change.
It's okay but........
My 7 year old got this for her birthday recently. She wanted this really bad and I thought I wouldn't be able to get her off the computer once she started. She's only played it about 4 or 5 times in the last month. She enjoys it when she's playing but once you've put on a show, there's not any challenge left. Not the worst computer game we've bought but it could have been far better!!
barbie games havnt been better!!!!
this is a rockin game its fun and you can even skate in the sky. i love choosing from like 30 outfits. i ordered from online(well my mom did it for me)and it took 3 weeks to get here and when it came i was sad because people said its a bad game but it wsant dont listen t anyone its soooooooo much fun!!!!!
4 year old BORED with this after 2 weeks
I bought this for my 4 year old's birthday. While I think the graphics are really great, the concept stinks. My daughter told me she thinks it is boring (and she LOVES Barbie) and last night she even said she hates it! At least my 15 month old screams with delight at the graphics when her older sister plays with it.
Memorial Album of the Musical 7 - Kaguya Shima Densetsu
This cd comes from the Memorial Album of the Musical 7 - Kaguya Shima Densetsu which stars famous idol, Fumina Hara as Sailor Moon. This is Fumina Hara's second stage playing sailor moon in the sailor moon musicals and this is the last cd released from her stage. This contains many popular songs but it is the first and only ever memorial musical cd released without the sailor moon musical's theme song, La soldier. Besides this, this cd (although not the best one) contains many good songs including Link, I do Justice, and Everlasting Moonlight. There are slow songs on this cd, but most of them are up beat songs. This cd contains beautifully arranged songs as well as good battle songs. :)
Fire Truck Puzzle
The fire truck puzzle arrived in the time that was stated. It is very colorful and well worth the price. The puzzle is a Christmas gift for a 2 year old, so at this time I can't state how he liked it. But I am very pleased with the quality.
Dark Horses a must have CD
I have had this album on my 'must buy' cd list for some time and I finally got around to making the purchase in 2004. All I can say is that I should have purchased it earlier.A wash of alternative-rock-country-blues etched with dark and somber imagery. However it's not melancholic, just quietly introspective and laid-back.Works very well with a cup of coffee/tea, a newspaper and a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Has No Range
I suppose if you were going to sit in the same room and have line-of-sight with the device, lamp, etc. plugged into this control, it might work. Maybe. But I had it completely within the stated range and one basic house wall separating me and the unit, and it was completely unreliable.I'd recommend spending a touch more money and getting a higher quality product.
Great gadget
I bought a couple of the singles and one of the triples and they all work perfectly. I'm disappointed the triple is not available and may not be. Use them in my office where the triple handles the three lamps, and in the house where three singles are with three different lamps in the bedroom, home office and basement. Makes it nice to turn all the lights on from one place (my desk in the office) or from the door so you don't have to walk into a dark room and grope for the lamp switch. Used daily for about 6 weeks and going strong. I've had others in the past and they have lasted years and years. These are nicely made and seem durable. Mounting is a good idea so you don't end up groping for the remote in the dark!
Don't buy from Eforcity -- slow, disingenuous
What am I reviewing here... this gizmo or the supplier, Eforcity? I never received this product after my order! After waiting and waiting I contacted Eforcity several times -- no reply. After a nasty letter from me Eforcity'r reply feigned lacking information about my mailing address!What a cop-out.I told them I would not pay for it, so Eforcity said they'd give me a refund, which has not come to me yet. I bought another product to replace this from Amazon which arrived quickly from Amazon.
Partially works
I bought the 3 pack that comes with a single remote (very convenient). I've rated it down a bit because while this product works well with lamps and fans that have knobs that you turn, it only half works with fans or other products that turn on with buttons. For example, I have a fan that you press the button three times to go from low to high to off. The remote will turn it off, but won't turn it back on. Same thing with a button-only air conditioner. Since I bought it to use with two items that have buttons, I was disappointed it wouldn't turn those back on. However, it does turn my twist-dial fan both on and off.
Does not work!
It worked about 40% of the time when I was standing less than two feet from the outlet. When I moved eight to ten feet away it worked about 5% of the. I would not recommend it.
This is 1 of da bst books dat i have EVER read! @ my school, we are doing a play on this & im playin Mary-Lynette. i cant wait 2 get to the last chapters when they finally give in 2 each other! Gr8 books!
three sisters to die for.......
Once started I couldn't put it down, literally. I didn't stop til I'd read it through.Three sisters on the run from the Night Worlds patriachal society, they visit Oregon. Their brother finds out where they are and tries to drag them back, except for a few minor details he has it all figured out. 1. someone else knows where the girls are and if Ash doesn't bring them back, Quinn will bring in the authorities. 2. Ash has found his soulmate Mary-Lynette who also knows their secret identity. 3. someone killed their aunt and they don't know who, is it a vampire hunter or someone who knows the truth.The vampires are in danger and Ash and Mary-Lynette have fallen in love. END
Hey every one how did you like this book. It was the best book I have ever read of the L.J Smith.
The best of the "Night World" series
I loved this book very much!It was excellent.I absoloutly fell in love with Jeremy.He was such a sweet,nice guy.I thought it was unfair that he died.The last few times I read this book I had tears streaming down my face.I really don't think he was crazy just misunderstood.This is a must read book. Once you pick it up you can't put it down.
It was a good book. But the thing I don't understand is how Mary-Lynnette and Mark drank Kestral, Jade and Rowan's blood while being human. Yecch!. On top of that the blood tasted sweet and smelled like Vanilla. Gimme a break!
The BEST book of the Night World series!!!!!
This book was great and I just loved Ash. It should have 5 stars from everyone. And you have to read it. It was great. I did not like what happened to Jeremy but it was still the best book in the Night World series! It keeps you reading to the end. You will not put it down. I hope you read it for your sake. So read it!!
Daughters of Darkness-THE BEST
I've read all of L.J Smiths books up until TheHuntress,which of course isn't out yet,and Ihave to say, that Daughters of Darkness wasprobably the best Night World so far. I'mobsessed with Ash,and Mary-Lynette was just awesomeANYBODY AND EVERYBODY MUST READ THIS BOOK
The best book in the "Night World" Series
Daughters of Darkness is quite possibly the best book in the new NIGHT WORLD series by L. J. Smith. It does not just revolve around one supernatural being or one singular person, it has interesting information on the werewolves of the NIGHT WORLD and the plot line is out of sight. I own all of the books in the series (Up untill Soulmate that is) and so far Daughters of Darkness is the best one. I only hope the following books in this wonderful series are as great as this one!!
Daughters of Darkness: A must read
This second book in the Night World series does not compare with the first, but is good in it's own right. The three sisters are intriguing, and Ash, who was introduced in the first book, does a turnabout and becomes a guy any girl would want to marry. Overall, this book was very good, and for the vampire lover, a must read
It is the best book in the series.
This book was the best out of the whole series. The book was pretty much about Rowan, Jade, and Kestrel, three girl vampires that just had enough of the Night World. Mary-Lynnette is a small town girl who loves to look at the stars, but has nobody to look at the stars with her. Ash is a tall, lanky, and elegant vampire that has to find his sisters and bing them back home. But of course his sisters had told Mary-Lynnette and her brother, Mark, bout the Night World. Another twist in the story is that Ash and Mary-Lynnette are soulmates. If this story couldn't get anymore exciting there is a vampire killer running around town. All six of them has to figure out who this vampire killer is and stop him. Meanwhile Ash and Mary-Lynnette has to figure out what to do about each other. If you like or are obsess with vampires (Like me!)you should read this book.
If you're into vampire and romance you should read this book
You might have read a lot of vampire-romance novels but this one certainly rates a 10. The story itself has a good plot and amazing characters to suit their purposes. The three sisters, Rowan, Kestrel and Jade, uncannily beatiful, are actually fugitives from Night World and their brother Ash is sent to take them home. Both male and female lead role are superb. Their roles fit them perfectly. Ash, a vampire whose whole life changed after finding his soulmate is a human and Mary-Lynette a girl with a strong character who wasn't really willing to accept the fact that Ash is her soulmate. And of course...the way the authour tells her story and the words she's absolutely incredible.
It was ok
I thought Kestrel was pretty cool, but overall, this book was definitely NOT one of LJ's best. HELLO!!! HOw could pretty much everyone here rate this book 9-10???? It was NOT THAT GOOD. My reason is because MARY-LYNETTE S****D> she was another one of LJ's cheesy perfect charactesr and the fact taht she ended up with the vampire hottie was blah, too predictable. It was way too "Happy Ending" for me.
This book is incredible. It had me hooked from the very beginning. Why does everyone always say that they're in love with Ash? He's a great character, but not perfect in any way. Okay, ehough chit-chat. Read this book, I am serious. Rowan (my favorite!), Kestral, Jade, and Mary-Lynnette are just about the strongest female characters I have read in some time. I can find no flaw in any part of this book, and if you haven't already, READ IT!