How does the Fed find an extra $2.3 trillion?
This is part of our “Econ Extra Credit” project, where we read an introductory economics textbook provided by the nonprofit Core Econ together with our listeners. We all need to understand the economic fundamentals right now, more than ever. Get a refresher with our Econ Extra Credit newsletter. Yesterday the Federal Reserve announced that to counteract the economic effects of the pandemic, it’s making $2.3 trillion available in extra credit to spur loans to cities and to small and medium-sized businesses. It’s reasonable to ask: Where did the Fed find $2.3 trillion? Was it taxpayer money? No. It’s more like magic. “In a certain sense, it is creating it out of thin air,” Homa Zarghamee, an economics professor at Barnard College who advises Core Econ, the publisher of the open-source economics textbook “Marketplace Morning Report” host David Brancaccio is reading with listeners. When the Fed wants to fill regular banks full of extra credit — so the bank can furiously write a bunch of new small business loans — the Fed buys securities from those banks, often bonds. It pays for these securities not in gold bars from Fort Knox or something. It pays by typing in numbers that amount to a credit. “Now the bank has more money to loan out,” Zarghamee said. It’s like when you finally secure that home equity loan: the bank doesn’t send you $50,000 in $20 bills in a suitcase. The bank just indicates you now have a $50,000 credit which you can go out and spend when you are ready. Former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke talked about this after the last financial crisis: “To lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account they have with the Fed. So it’s much more akin, although not exactly the same, to printing money, than it is to borrowing.” Note that printing money is just a metaphor. The Fed has no printing presses. But it has a keyboard which only a central bank can use to magically increase the total supply of money, which helps stimulate the economy when disaster is afoot, like now. So why not just make up money like this all time? “They’re not going to want to do this on a regular ongoing basis in order to kind of deal with any daily issue that might arise, because it’s going to increase the general price level and perhaps be hyperinflationary, which can be really bad for the economy in general,” Zarghamee said. The economy has vast problems right now, but inflation isn’t one of them. The hope is, when things calm down, the Fed can sell those securities back back to banks, erasing the credit it conjured up.
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Tua Tagovailoa Rumors: Evaluating QB's NFL Draft Stock Amid Injury Concerns
Rogelio V. Solis/Associated Press Where will Tua Tagovailoa be selected in the draft? That is one of the great unknowns heading into the event. On talent alone, Tagovailoa would be a top-five pick. Maybe the top pick overall. But there is one thing that could tumble the Alabama quarterback down draft boards—his injury history. Former general manager Mike Lombardi said on his GM Shuffle podcast (h/t Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press) that Tagovailoa could be off the board for several teams. "I'm saying that if you're picking a quarterback, it's really hard to pick a good one. It's even harder with a guy who can't stay healthy," he noted. "That's my point. So yeah, two teams I've talked to have flunked him. They flunked him on not just the hip, on the multitude of injuries. Like, the risk far outweighs the reward." He further elaborated on those additional injuries. "It's not just his hip," he said. "It's his ankle. It's his wrist. He broke his wrist the first day of spring ball one year. And then they fixed it and he came back and he re-broke it again. I mean, he's brittle. He is brittle. You can't deny it." Granted, Tagovailoa's agent, Leigh Steinberg, did dispute that assessment. Video Play Button Videos you might like But there is growing buzz that the Alabama quarterback could drop down the board. B/R's Matt Miller reported on April 3: "I'm told by multiple league sources that the Miami Dolphins aren't convinced Tua is the best option and could instead target Oregon's Justin Herbert. The situation is fluid, but the buzz around the league is that Herbert has the most fans in the Dolphins' draft room." The Dolphins might just be out of the mix for the Alabama quarterback. Now, it's important to remember around draft season that a lot of erroneous information gets leaked in an effort to manipulate the draft. If teams want a player to fall down the board, they may tip off reporters to their concerns. And rarely do you hear about teams falling in love with a player. They want to keep that information close to the chest so that player drops to them. It's all a game of smoke and mirrors, and one that could be playing out with Tagovailoa. Here's another possibility—a team wants to move up to get Tagovailoa but doesn't want to pay an astronomical price to get him. Could there be a team that wants to move up to No. 3 or 4 to get ahead of potential Tagovailoa destinations like the Miami Dolphins or Los Angeles Chargers but doesn't want to go broke in the process? It sounds like the No. 3 pick could be in play, per Ian Rapoport of NFL.com: The mystery surrounding Tagovailoa is whether teams will focus on his on-field performance, which has been stellar, or his injury concerns. It only takes one team to fall in love with him to prevent a slide. And there are plenty of teams that could consider a quarterback in this year's draft: Cincinnati Bengals: They almost assuredly will select Joe Burrow, but that isn't official yet. Washington: They'll probably give Dwayne Haskins another year to prove himself and draft Chase Young, but they are wild cards. Dolphins: Buzz has them leaning toward Justin Herbert, but that could be a smokescreen. Chargers: They need a franchise quarterback badly. Tyrod Taylor isn't the guy. Jacksonville Jaguars: Gardner Minshew II isn't the long-term answer. Las Vegas Raiders: Derek Carr has been given ample opportunities to prove himself as the franchise guy. He's never quite done it. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Tom Brady won't play forever. Using a first-round pick on a quarterback after signing him would be interesting optics, to say the least, but adding a player to groom behind him would make sense. New England Patriots: Unless you believe in Jarrett Stidham , the Pats need a quarterback. Nobody would benefit from Tagovailoa sliding more than New England. Anything from Tagovailoa going No. 2 overall to sliding all the way to No. 23 to the Patriots seems to be a possibility. That makes him absolutely the most fascinating player heading into this year's NFL draft.
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HTS Did Not Spare Women Detention or Physical Abuse
Executive Summary: In the province of Idlib, most of which is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham/HTS, women are subjected to numerous violations—including the blatant acts of detention and physical abuse, which they suffer in HTS’ prisons spreading in different areas of the province, not to mention the death sentences executed against a number of them, which were extra-judicial and put into effect following summary proceedings. The pretexts and charges under which women were detained and killed, however, were various, including “insulting deity” and “espionage” for the benefit of the Syrian regular forces, as well as “adultery”, among other accusations. In this report, the female field researcher of Syrians for Truth and Justice/STJ, has monitored – relaying on different sources – the detention of at least 86 women and girls in HTS’ prisons in the province of Idlib from early 2019 to early January 2020, given that 23 women were released at different intervals, while the remaining 63 were yet held captive on the date this report was prepared, namely on January 21, 2020. STJ managed to interview one of the woman who survived detention at HTS’ prisons. The witness, a married 18 years old young woman and a mother, was released accompanied by her sister, 38 years old, after they were both detained in August 2019 and subjected to abuse in the Idlib Central Prison in Idlib City,[1] where she spent three months after she was charged with sorcery and got leashed 40 times for a crime she did not commit. The detention was a turning point in the witness’ life, one that she cannot overcome to the day, for she was divorced and denied seeing her children. STJ documented a second case, where the women detained, 40 years old, was this time charged with espionage for the benefit of the Syrian regular forces. During her 15-day detention period in Idlib Central Prison, she was forced to endure various types of torture so severe that even men could not bear. She was bet with batons, dangled from the ceiling, and threatened with death in one of Idlib’s squares, which caused her great physical and psychological harm after she was released, because she sustained a fracture in one of her arms while psychologically tormented by the torture she was put through, not to mention the community’s skeptical opinions, which yet holds her suspect since she was accused of working for the of Syrian regular forces. In a third case, STJ has documented, a senior woman, 60 years old mother and grandmother, who HTS detained in late November 2019 on charges of insulting the deity, continued to be imprisoned to the date this report was prepared- end of January 2020, although she suffers from several diseases, most notably high blood pressure and diabetes. STJ has also managed to document the detention of a fourth woman from the province of Hama, 40 years old mother, who was detained on the same pretext/ insulting the deity and for the same period. Survivors, whose testimonies have been obtained by STJ, stated that after their release, HTS has coerced them into signing a pledge form, where they were not to speak to any media outlets, a procedure that probably aims to keep their experience classified and to prevent the women from publishing any information regarding the ill-treatment they were subjected to while detained in several prisons, including the Idlib Central Prison in the city of Idlib, the Harem Central Prison,[2] which also holds the name of the city where it is located and the Salqin City Court Prison. Women, moreover, were not spared the death row, for they did not survive the extrajudicial death sentences issued by HTS, which the latter put into effect according to summary proceedings and without informing the families of the victims. In July 2019, HTS executed a death sentence against a senior woman in the province of Idlib— the victim was 60 years old mother and grandmother. The detainee was stoned to death for adultery, after which her dead body was handed to her family. The incident significantly marked her family’s life, especially since her children failed to prove her innocence to people and were turned into the object of the townspeople’s insults and harassment. The evidence and testimonies, that STJ includes in this report, indicate that HTS has detained and tortured women in the province of Idlib, showing no regard to their being women while it escaped accountability. The detention of women, witnesses reported, might be HTS’ means to terrorize people, as to assert that the detentions will affect everyone with no exception and for various reasons. In addition to the stories of the women survivors, this report also highlights the unfair psychological, physical and social impact of the detention experience on these women, beginning with the psychological disorders they suffer after their release, which may amount to suicide, to divorce, and the social stigma and rejection. These violations were committed by HTS in conjunction with the violent military operations the Syrian regular forces and their allies launched against it, for these operations have caused the displacement of thousands of civilians and killed many of them.[3] STJ, for its part, has published a report documenting the detention of a number of civilians, including women and children, in the province of Idlib at various intervals in 2018 and 2019, which were all carried out by HTS on various charges and as a result of which detainees, including children, were subjected to beating and ill-treatment while some were released.[4] Report Methodology: In terms of methodology, the report is based on the testimonies of (2) women survivors who were held captive in HTS’ prisons and had spent various periods of detention in 2018 and 2019. Additionally, STJ’s field researcher interviewed (2) relatives of the women who were yet forcibly disappeared in the armed group’s detention facilities when the report was being prepared, particularly on January 21, 2020. Covering the cases mentioned above, the field researcher has also obtained the testimony of a relative of one of the women killed under summary proceedings and a woman media activist, who documents cases of women detentions committed by HTS. Both interviews are backed by the commentary of a woman psychological consultant in the province of Idlib, whose statements help make clear the unjust repercussions of detaining women. Most of these interviews were conducted between December 2019 and mid-January 2020, some of which were conducted in person by STJ’s field researcher and others were carried out online. In addition to the interviews, the report cites many open sources, as to cross-check information and evidence about the cases the report documents. 1. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham/HTS: In January 2012, the Jabhat al-Nusra/al-Nusra Front emerged in Syria, today known as Hayat Tahrir al-sham/HTS, functioning as an extension of the Islamic State of Iraq-Qaeda in Mesopotamia in the beginning. In April 2013, al-Nusra Front refused to merge with the Islamic State / Daesh/ ISIS and pledged allegiance to Qaeda’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who announced in November 2013 that the Front was Qaeda’s sole representative in Syria. In July 2014, the leader of the al-Nusra Front, a Syrian national dubbed Abu Mohammad al-Julani, opened up about his ambition to form an “Islamic emirate” similar to the “caliphate” that ISIS had announced at the time, and soon the US and other countries designated the Front a terrorist organization. The al-Nusra Front fought against ISIS, and, in return, it cooperated with a number of Syrian armed opposition groups to combat the Syrian regular forces. Since 2012, the Front, along with a number of armed opposition groups, has been able to progress into and control several areas throughout Syria. In 2015, the Front within a coalition named Jaysh al-Fath/al-Fath Army, consisting of various armed opposition groups, managed to take over the full range of the province of Idlib. In July 2016, under tremendous external pressures, al-Julani announced al-Nusra Front’s disengagement from Qaeda, changing its name to Jabhat Fath al-Sham/ Fath al-Sham Front. A few months into these developments, several jihadist armed groups in Northern Syria announced merger under the name Hayat Tahrir al-Sham/HTS, particularly on January 28, 2017. The body that adopted the new name included Fatah al-Sham Front, former al-Nusra Front, the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, Liwa al-Haq/al-Haq Legion, Jabhat Ansar al-Din / Ansar al-Din Front, Jaysh al- Sunnah/Army of Sunnah, and the Harakat Ansar al-Sham al-Islamiay / Islamic Ansar al-Sham Movement. The general command of the merged armed group was also assigned to al-Julani. On July 20, 2017, the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement decided to abandon HTS, as the latter clashed with Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya/Ahrar al-Sham on July 15, 2017. In 2018, as military confrontations between HTS and other armed opposition groups took a repeated pattern, HTS, being the most powerful and well-organized, managed to force armed opposition groups, including Ahrar al-Sham, out of large areas in Idlib. It thus managed to hold the reins to power in over 60% of the province. For their part, the remaining armed groups, led by Ahrar al-Sham, spread in a limited area. In the province of Idlib, HTS controls the key trading crossings, the ones that link the province with Syrian Government-held areas and others that link it with Turkey in the north. In addition to this, many sources attribute HTS’ influence to its hegemony over commerce, trading traffic to and from the province of Idlib, the revenues of which it uses to finance its activities and gain authorities beyond its capabilities. 2. How Do Women Live in the Shadow of HTS? As its control areas expanded in 2014 and 2015, HTS / al-Nusra Front opted for tightening the noose over women, ordering further restrictions on their movement throughout the cities and towns under its authority, especially in public places. When it took over the entirety of the province of Idlib, HTS imposed a specific uniform on girls and young women in schools, universities, and educational institutes, as it made statements threatening any woman who fails to abide by the sharia-based dress code with dismissal. In 2016, the University of Idlib was a stage for several restrictions, enforced by HTS’ Hisbah Office, religious police, which deliberately expelled female students and denied them exams, for their lack of commitment to the sharia-based clothing style ordered by HTS. Women and girls were also denied access to cafes and restaurants unless they were accompanied by first-degree relatives. In 2018, al-Nusra Front, changed into Fatah al-Sham Front, and finally HTS, was keen to separate female students from their male counterparts in all areas it controlled, doing thus at colleges, institutes, and schools. It also imposed several decisions on the administration of the University of Idlib since 2016, the most noted of which was assigning different education spaces for male and female students, as it ordered the erection of a cement wall between the quarters of each of the two groups. HTS has also deployed a number of its security members and the Hisbah Office/Religious Police near colleges to monitor the behavior of female and male students, knowing that HTS’ security apparatus had arrested more than 10 students in 2017 only because male and female students could be seen on the streets during attendance hours, since HTS prohibits the men and women from meeting in public spaces, cafes and restaurants, unless they are married or are first-degree relatives. In 2016, HTS imposed further restrictions on working women in the rural parts, as well as in major cities, as it prohibited men and women from mixing, not to mention that, in 2019, it denied female students, who applied to the University of Idlib, access to departments of mechanical engineering and veterinary without providing any justifications. In the province of Idlib, particularly HTS-held areas, women are having a life of restrictions that extend to the minutest details of their daily lives, including clothing options and work opportunities, traveling and studying, which are all added to preventing men and women from getting together. Women are not allowed to fully embrace their freedom, a media activist, who documented cases of women detention, reported to STJ, adding: “HTS seeks to instill terror and fear in the hearts of the people by arresting women and children, as it intends to assert that everyone is liable to detention, excusing no one and for whatsoever reasons, the thing that coerced several families to abandon their areas as to dodge prosecution and arrest. Since the beginning of 2019 till the onset of 2020, the number of detentions that HTS carried out against women exceeded 63 women and girls throughout the province of Idlib, who continue to be missing and whose names are already documented, in addition to other 23 women, who were arrested and then released. The key charges on which women were being detained are insulting deity, mixing with men, and sorcery, while a number of women were additionally detained for the simple reason that they sought the province of Idlib coming from regime-held areas. The released women informed us that HTS has forced them to sign a pledge form, providing that they never speak to media outlets on their life in the prison.” 3. Relatives of Forcibly Disappeared and Survivor Women Speak of detention at HTS’ Prisons: Once in control of the province of Idlib, HTS has been cautious to arrest those it considers a source of concern and a threat to its fighters or its military influence, let them be civilians or militants, using religion as a cover to tighten its grip over the province. It, thus, arrested its opponents under fatwas/rulings, which it came up with to absorb the locals’ anger. HTS did not exclude women from its arrest campaigns, but it rather practiced arrest and torture against them, putting them under the same deteriorating conditions that it subjected men to. On different occasions between 2018 and 2019, HTS arrested a significant number of women and girls on various claims using laws it created and lived by, especially those that addressed clothing, mixing between the two sexes, adultery, insulting religion, sorcery, and espionage on behalf of the Syrian regular forces. Dozens of women and girls have been held in prisons located throughout the province, most famous of which are the Idlib Central Prison, the Harim Central Prison, the Salqin City Court Prison, Mar’yan Prison, and the notorious al-Oqab Prison.[5] In this report, STJ provides the testimony of a number of women survivors who were held captive in HTS’ prisons for varying periods of time and for various reasons, some of these women were married prior to detention, only to be abandoned and divorced after their release, where they continue to face, to this day, the consequences of this violation, not to mention society’s injustice and marginalization. Concerned over their safety, STJ opted for using pseudonyms for the witnesses throughout the report. A). Detained by HTS, She was Divorced and Denied Seeing Her Children: Fatimah M., 18 years old young woman from western rural Idlib, is a wife and a mother of three. She is one of the women detained by HTS in mid-August 2019, accompanied by her 38 years old sister on charges of sorcery. In the prison, she went through the bitterness of captivity and was the object of various forms of physical and psychological torture, which all enhanced her suffering as a victim to early marriage. She was not happy as a wife, she said, adding that still she was gifted three children, her three boys— Omar, 4 yrs., Mohammad, 3 yrs., and Ammer, who is not a year old yet— in whom she found the joy she missed for a long time. Fatimah used to live in the al-Ghab Plain area, Hama Province, before she was coerced to leave with her family to one of the camps in northern rural Idlib in mid-2019, escaping the military operations and the ever worsening living conditions in their residential area. However, she never imagined that she will be detained by HTS for three months. Narrating her story to STJ, she said: “In mid-August 2019, I, accompanied by my married sister, headed to the court in Harem City, intending to file a lawsuit against my husband. I wanted a divorce as I was forced into the marriage at an early age and was never happy with my husband. At the door to the court, we went through an inspection by the women of the HTS-affiliated Hisbah Office. Unfortunately, they found an amulet, which I always carried around for protection from envy. My sister and I were immediately detained and accused of sorcery at the end of the preliminary investigation.” Once he heard of the incident, Fatimah’s brother-in-law, tried to question into their condition in the Harm City Court, but HTS ordered his detention for five hours for no obvious reason. He was then released without getting the chance to check on neither his wife nor her sister or have the slightest information about them until they were transferred to Idlib Central Prison. On this note, Fatimah added: “We were held captive in a tiny cell, jammed with women, girls and children, in the Idlib Central Prison. The majority of the detainees there were being imprisoned on the charge of insulting deity. Some of the women had torn out clothes and were excessively suffering due to poor nutrition and the bad detention conditions. In the beginning, neither my sister nor I were subjected to beating. A few days later, nonetheless, we were leashed 40 times each and were next brought before a man, who functioned as a judge under HTS. He sentenced us to three months in prison on charges of sorcery.” Fatimah recounted that during her stay in Idlib Central Prison, she was able to hear the whining and screaming of the men detainees while they were subjected to torture by HTS’ fighters. She was jailed for three months and released only after paying a fine of 100, 000 Syrian Pounds. Satellite image locating Idlib Central Prison, where Fatimah was detained. Fatimah’s suffering did not end with her release, after which she had to battle with another form of torture, especially since her husband gave up on her, choosing a divorce, and deprived her of seeing her three children. Fatimah remained confined to her family’s house, where she was banned from leaving home for a while, besides dealing with a society that rejected her, for she was divorced and a former detainee, the thing that caused her severe depression, one she has not recovered to date. Later on, Fatima resorted to working in harvesting olive to support herself and secure a living, given that she was left stranded by her surrounding community and even her own family. Fatimah continues living in the hope of meeting her three children, the joy of her heart, one day. B). Physical Abuse Inflicted upon Women in HTS’ Prisons: Rua, 40 years old from Hama Province, is another woman detained by HTS during her stay in Idlib Province, particularly in late January 2018, on charges of dealing with the Syrian regular Forces. In the prison, she was subjected to grave physical harm. Rua was living with her family in the city of Hama and working as an Arabic language teacher at one of the city schools, before she made up her mind and decided to leave to Turkey illegally through Idlib Province, in the hope of starting a new life. Arriving in Idlib and staying there for a while, she was resolved to work as an activist, seeking to cover the happenings in the province’s areas. Nonetheless, detention was a shocking change of plans that marked her life with severe psychological and physical torments, the effects of which continue to haunt her to the day. She recounted her story to STJ: “I headed to Idlib Province hoping to take the smuggling routes to Turkey. I stayed there for a short time, until a group of HTS’ personnel raided my place of residence in northern rural Idlib for no clear reason. They tied my hands and blindfolded me; I was, then, taken to an unknown destination, which was a dungeon in Idlib Central Prison. Before taking me to the cellar, I was searched by one of the Hisbah women, who found the cellphone I was keeping and which included a number of a person who asked me to cover happenings in Idlib Province. When finally in the cellar, I was severely hit with batons, all to force me into calling that person. I, however, endured the beating and did not give in to their demands. After this, I was subjected to interrogation on charges of filming HTS’ military posts, which I fiercely denied.” In detention, Rua was subjected to various forms of torture, which did not really differ from the torture that is often practiced against detained men. She was dangled by her hands from the ceiling for two hours and blindfolded and handcuffed for continuous days, during which she refused to eat, causing her health to deteriorate. On this regard, she told STJ the following: “During my interrogation, I was threatened with execution in one of Idlib City’s squares and of getting my death filmed, on charges of working for the Syrian regular forces. One officer even beat me on the head with weapons to force me into making a confession. Detained for about 15 days, I was finally released, after intermediaries communicated with the court and I signed a pledge not to talk to the media about what happened to me in prison.” Rua left Idlib Central Prison suffering from a broken hand, a fracture she sustained during torture, and a deteriorated psychological and physical condition. She added that her family was not informed of her whereabouts during her detention period, which had a negative impact on her mother’s already poor health. Rua also pointed out that detention has a grave effect on a person’s psychological well-being, as she continues to be hit with panic attacks. In addition to the mental torment, Rua has to deal with society’s skeptical opinions, especially that she was accused of working for the Syrian regular forces, which denied her access to job opportunities. C). Detention of Elderly Women despite being Sick: Even elderly women were not spared the detention practices that HTS carried out throughout Idlib Province. Sabiha S., 60 years old woman from rural Hama countryside, is a mother of five and a grandmother. She also was forced to go through the pain of detention in the Harem Central Prison in late November 2019. She was held captive on the charge of insulting the deity, a relative of Sabiha recounted to STJ, adding: “When we learned that Sabiha was being detained in the Harem Prison, we immediately rushed there to check on her, but HTS’ personnel arrested me, as well. They beat me after saying that my cousin Sabiha was an apostate woman. I was held in Harem Prison for three days, during which I met a child from Jabal al-Zawiya, he was not over nine years old. The child also was being detained on charges of insulting deity. Later on, I was released due to my poor health condition and because my hands were amputated. Sabiha, unfortunately, remained in detention, and when her husband and son-in-law sought her in Harem Prison, in an attempt to visit her, they were arrested by HTS’ security apparatus for five hours. The apparatus shaved their heads and denied them seeing Sabiha.” After a while, HTS’ judiciary sentenced Sabiha to four months in prison, and she was then transferred from Harem Prison to Idlib Central Prison, despite the fact that Sabiha was old and suffered from several diseases, most notably high blood pressure and diabetes. The judiciary also ordered her to pay a sum of $5 a day during her detention as a food allowance in prison, while it prevented her family from visiting or seeing her, the relative added, as she was still detained when the report was being prepared, namely on January 22, 2020. Satellite image locating Harem Central Prison, where Sabiha was detained. It was not Sabiha alone who was detained on charges of insulting deity. Rather, it appears that many of Idlib’s residents were being detained on this charge, especially women. STJ’s field researcher learned that Aida, 40 years old woman from western rural Hama, a mother of four children and displaced in the Deir Hassan Camp on the Syrian-Turkish border, was also detained on the same allegations in early November 2019. According to her relatives, Aida is still detained in the HTS-affiliated Salqin Prison after she was sentenced to several months in prison. Aida’s imprisonment had negatively affected the life of her family, especially since she was the one raising her children. 4. Summary Execution of Women by HTS: In the areas it controls throughout Idlib Province, HTS carried out a number of summary executions of civilians, based on laws and rulings it come up with to implement the laws of Islamic Sharia. Once again, women were not spared the violation, for dozens of them were killed since HTS expanded in Idlib in 2015—the women were either stoned to death or executed. Umm Mohammad, 50 years old from the town of al-Najiya in rural Idlib, is a mother of three and a grandmother. She also was one of the women who HTS killed, putting into effect a death sentence passed against her. The execution is often carried out in an unknown place and time. Umm Mohammad was stoned to death on the charge of adultery, and was handed over a dead body to her relatives in early July 2019. A relative of her recounted the following to STJ: “Prior to her stoning, my cousin Umm Mohammad had gone to visit a family member in the province. On her way back, she could not find a transportation means home. By chance, she met one of her neighbors, a man older than her, and asked him to take her on his motorbike. Before they arrived at the entrance to the town, an HTS-affiliated checkpoint stopped them and asked the man about his relationship with the woman; he answered that she was one of his neighbors and that he was taking her to her house, but the officers quickly arrested them and took them to one of the HTS’ security departments, and then to Idlib Central Prison. There, my cousin and that man were both sentenced to stoning to death, although she assured the officers that the man was her neighbor and was trying to get her home, but HTS went ahead with the sentence and killed them.” The killing of Umm Mohammad had a negative impact on her family, especially her sons, who were deprived of their mother after being accused of adultery and were unable to prove her innocence to people, becoming the townspeople’s subject of insults. The relative added that killing their mother thus will remain engraved in their minds till death. 5. Unfair Psychological, Social and Financial Impact on Women: Detention leaves deep psychological, social and financial marks on women, for captivity makes a difference in life that cannot be overcome, even when the women are let out. In this regard, Hala M., a psychological consultant in Idlib Province, reported to STJ that the most serious consequence that women grabble with after their detention is social stigma, especially if they are married. She added: “Most of the women who experienced detention, especially those who are married, suffer from a state of severe tension and depression. Some became divorcees after their husbands give up on them, while others find it very difficult to deal with their children and families after their release, as many of them experience a state of isolation and fear, which is the result of both filial and societal rejection, a thing that makes them more vulnerable to developing psychological disorders, when they are not welcomed by their families and communities. Some of them might attempt a suicide, particularly survivors who view themselves as a stigma incarnate after leaving the detention facilities. In addition to this, there are grave financial effects, for many of these women, especially those who get divorced, find themselves stuck in extremely poor financial conditions after losing their breadwinners and were, thus, coerced to work while facing massive difficulty in finding a source of livelihood.” [1] Idlib Central Prison/Idlib City: It is divided into two division— the first is affiliated to the Ministry of Justice under the Salivation Government, the associate of HTS. The second, nonetheless, is run directly by HTS, which is also made into sections, where both military and civilian detainees are held captive. [2] The Harem Central Prison: It is a central prison established by the Syrian Government which HTS took over and is running directly today, while it also incubates both civilian and military detainees within its sections. [3] “The Bombing of Idlib’s Marketplaces by Syrian Regular Forces and Allies, a Repeated Pattern.” STJ, January 14, 2020. Last visited: April 4, 2020. https://stj-sy.org/en/the-bombing-of-idlibs-marketplaces-by-syrian-regular-forces-and-allies-a-repeated-pattern/. [4] “Idlib: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Arrests no less than 38 Persons.” STJ, February 2, 2019. Last visited: April 4, 2020. https://stj-sy.org/en/1168/. “HTS Arrests 22 Civilians in Idlib for Different Reasons.” STJ, December 27, 2019. Last visited: April 4, 2020. https://stj-sy.org/en/hts-arrests-22-civilians-in-idlib-for-different-reasons/. [5] The al-Oqab Prison: It is made of two separate parts, located near the village of Kansafra in Mount al-Zawiya, Idlib. The two parts were originally caves in a mountain; one of them was expanded through digging. This prison was constructed in 2014 after it used to be in a poultry farm in the Mount al-Zawiya.
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Covid-19: chronologie d’une débâcle française
C’était le 30 janvier, il y a moins de trois mois. Autant dire un autre temps, comme effacé par la violence de la pandémie de Covid-19. Ce jour-là, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), déjà critiquée pour sa lenteur et sa complaisance envers le régime chinois, décidait de déclarer « l’urgence de santé publique de portée internationale ». Par ce mécanisme d’alerte, l’OMS demande à tous les pays de se préparer en urgence à une possible pandémie.
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Burlington City Council to Consider Asking Scott to Suspend F-35 Flights
click to enlarge File An F-35 The Burlington City Council on Monday will consider a resolution asking the governor to suspend the Vermont National Guard's F-35 training flights and reassign Guard members to coronavirus response efforts.Introduced by Councilor Perri Freeman (P-Central District), the resolution calls on Gov. Phil Scott to direct "all 4,000 members" of the Guard to ferry medical supplies to hospitals; to deliver food to vulnerable Vermonters; and to "build decent safe housing for the homeless" near the airport."We are long-time opponents of basing F-35 jets at Burlington’s Airport. But, like many Vermonters, we are strong supporters of the men and women in the Guard in their proper role of protecting the people of Vermont," the resolution reads. "If you focus on actions consistent with your stated goals and mobilize the full Guard in the fight, you might be able to halt the spread of the virus, flattening the exponentially growing curve, avoid overflowing hospitals, and save many lives.”Freeman did not immediately respond to an interview request Friday, but City Council President Max Tracy (P-Ward 2) confirmed that the resolution is a carbon copy of a letter that a group of F-35 opponents submitted to the governor in late March. One of the activists, James Marc Leas, asked Burlington Progressives to put the topic on a city council agenda, and Freeman took up the cause, Tracy said.Leas subsequently posted the letter on Change.org , where the petition had amassed more than 530 signatures as of Friday afternoon."We think the Guard should be doing jobs that they signed up to do to protect the people of Vermont," Leas said. "At this time it seems that [the Guard] is a real resource for the people of the whole state that can be mobilized."Col. David Shevchik, the 158th Fighter Wing Commander, said that flying the jets — even during a pandemic — is essential "to fulfill both our state and federal mission."We have the capacity and the capability to do both," he said.Scott appears to agree. He wrote back to Leas and the opponents on April 3, saying that the F-35's federal mission is vital and that "their continued training does not hinder the National Guard’s ability to respond to COVID-19 nor fulfill their obligations to our state mission."More than 200 of the approximately 3,500 Vermont National Guard members are on active duty supporting the state response, according to Shevchik. They've already built a 400-bed medical surge site at the Essex fairgrounds, which will be staffed by military personnel.Shevchik also disputed a section of the resolution, which states that "more than a quarter" of Air Guard members are assigned to F-35 maintenance and practice flights. Rather, Shevchik said, the base is operating with only "mission critical" staffing to adhere to social distancing guidelines.The basecontinued to receive more of the jets every month, Shevchik said. The Guard now operates 15 F-35s, with five more expected by September. Anywhere between four and eight jets take off twice a day, Tuesday through Friday, according to Shevchik.Winooski resident Suzanne Blain said she didn't oppose the F-35 basing but recently developed concerns over the jet noise because the pandemic has forced her to work from home.Using an app on her smartphone, Blain documented the jet noise at 75 decibels from inside her home and 105 decibels outside. She suggested that the Guard compromise with residents who are stuck at home by announcing the takeoff times to prepare people for the noise."It’s so loud that you definitely have a stress response to it," Blain said. "I wasn’t quite aware of how loud they are and how often they’d be going."Rep. Selene Colburn (P-Burlington) isn't surprised that the jet noise is getting more attention since people are at home. Colburn, who opposed the jets' basing in Burlington, said she's heard numerous complaints about F-35 noise from constituents in recent days. One resident told Colburn that the jets are reminiscent of bombings in their home country and that they hide in the basement every time the jets fly over."It’s so disruptive, and it’s so stressful," Colburn said, particularly when "we are in the most dire situation that many of have seen in our lifetime."Colburn said she plans to call both the governor and adjutant general's offices to request that the F-35 practice flights cease. Colburn is unsure whether Scott, the top state official, can curtail the Guard's federal mission but said that won't keep her from pressing the issue.But does she think the powers that be will listen?“I hope so," Colburn said. "The jurisdictional issues are real, but whatever the outcome, I think Vermonters really need their leaders to speak out on this issue right now.”Read the proposed resolution here:
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Eagles Rumors: Center Cesar Ruiz Drawing Interest Ahead of 2020 NFL Draft
Michael Conroy/Associated Press The Philadelphia Eagles own nine picks in the 2020 NFL draft, with two in the top 100 (No. 21 and No. 53). The defending NFC East champions can go a few different routes with their picks, and one could be targeted for an offensive lineman. Per Jeff Skversky of WPVI-TV on Saturday, "the Eagles have been doing their homework on Michigan center Cesar Ruiz." Matt Miller of Bleacher Report ranks Ruiz as his top interior offensive lineman and 27th-best prospect overall in this year's draft. He also lists Ruiz as the best pass-blocker, zone-blocker and Day 1 starter among interior offensive linemen as well. Ruiz could be the successor to Jason Kelce, a 10-year veteran who has two years remaining on his contract. However, Kelce hasn't shown any signs of slowing down, earning Pro Football Focus' top grade for all qualified centers last season. But Ruiz is listed as a player with positional flexibility in multiple places. Of note, Lance Zierlein of NFL.com, Joe Marino of Draft Network and Mel Kiper Jr. of ESPN all believe Ruiz can be a guard. Video Play Button Videos you might like In that respect, Ruiz might be the best fit for Philadelphia at left guard. The Eagles already have a superstar at right guard in Brandon Brooks, whom Pro Football Focus ranked as the best run-blocking offensive lineman at any position. Left guard could perhaps use improvement, although Sam Monson of PFF noted that it wasn't necessarily an issue last season: "Left guard has seen the biggest weakness on the Eagles line over the past several seasons, and while that was still probably the case this year, it was far from a problem. Isaac Seumalo played all but one snap over the season and finished the year with a PFF grade above 70.0 including the playoffs. He surrendered five sacks, but four of them came in two games against top-end opposition and he didn't allow any for the final eight games he took the field." In that respect, the question is whether Philadelphia is best-suited to select a prospect at a position of greater need, such as wide receiver or cornerback. Injuries over the past few years have decimated both positions, and the Eagles have lost some talent in those spots to free agency (e.g., wideout Nelson Agholor and cornerback Ronald Darby). Wide receiver is loaded in particular in this year's draft, with Miller placing nine in his top 49. Still, the Eagles would benefit from landing Ruiz, who is from nearby Camden, New Jersey. Ruiz told Skversky that his mother would be very happy if he became a member of the Eagles, who have reportedly spoken with him "multiple times." This year's draft will take place from April 23 through April 25.
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Tim Brooke-Taylor dies of coronavirus: The Goodies star dead at 79
Comedian and actor Tim Brooke-Taylor has died after catching coronavirus, his agent confirmed. He was 79. Tim will be remembered for starring in 1970s TV comedy series The Goodies and receiving an OBE for his work. The Goodies ran from 1970 to 1982, becoming one of the classic British sitcoms, admired for its surreal style and uproarious slapstick. It was set in a three-man agency, whose brief was to do 'anything, anytime', leaving plenty of room for invention. Tim's agent said in a statement: "It is with great sadness that we announce Tim's death early today from Covid-19. (Image: shared content unit) (Image: ExpressStar) "Joining Footlights in 1960 took him to providing a huge variety of splendid entertainment - television, radio, theatre, film, books, DVDs, CDs, quizzes, etc - all of which he undertook with energy and a great sense of fun. "We will remember him for so much but must just mention The Goodies and I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue. "He had, of course, many fans whom he always treated cheerfully even after long and exhausting rehearsals and recordings. (Image: Mirrorpix) "He was an exceptional client and a pleasure to represent. "We're grateful that we have so much of his work to view, read and listen to. " In all the time with us and in all his showbiz work, he has been supported by Christine, his wife." (Image: UK Press via Getty Images) Comedy writer Simon Blackwell took to Twitter to pay tribute: "Heartbreaking news about Tim Brooke-Taylor. Filled so many people's childhoods with massive laughs, and then kept doing so for decades afterwards. Condolences to his family and friends." In one of his last interviews the comic revealed one of his biggest regrets was turning down Strictly back in 2015. (Image: EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS) He said: "I didn’t think I was fit enough, but 40 years ago I’d have jumped at it." But he added: "I could have been in Monty Python as John Cleese, Graham Chapman and I had already worked together. But I wasn’t available when it was set up. They did pay me for a sketch they used on their big London dates. Asked by The Sunday Post what he ewanted to be remembered for he said: "Probably The Goodies or Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory where I played a computer boffin. Speaking about the huge hit I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue he said: "The pilot show was bad and I remember going to the pub with Humphrey Lyttleton afterwards and saying “never again”. We prepare a bit, but most of it is ad-libbed. The producer makes us work hard at thinking up new rounds." Sioned Wiliam, Radio 4's commissioning editor for comedy, added: "Tim Brooke-Taylor had a long and distinguished career in comedy. "He was charming, quick witted and a hugely skilful comic. "He was much loved both by our listeners and by his colleagues, and he will be sorely missed by all at Radio 4." (Image: Popperfoto via Getty Images) Brooke-Taylor began his acting career at Cambridge University where he was president of the famed Footlights performing arts club. He toured internationally with the Footlights revue in 1964 before finding wider recognition for his work on BBC Radio with I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again. Brooke-Taylor moved into TV with At Last The 1948 Show, where he starred alongside John Cleese and Graham Chapman. But it was as one of The Goodies, alongside Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie, that he found international fame, earning household name status in Australia and New Zealand and attracting millions of viewers in its heyday. Footballer Stan Collymore tweeted: "Extremely sad to hear the news of the passing of Tim Brooke-Taylor from this awful virus. Another fond memory of childhood gone but not forgotten. Rest in peace, Tim". (Image: Unknown) He was a regular panellist on BBC Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue for over 40 years. Comedian Jack Dee, who hosts the BBC Radio 4 series I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, said: "It has come as devastating news to hear that Tim has succumbed to this dreadful virus - especially when we all thought he was recovering. "Tim was a delightful man and never anything but great company. "It has always been one of the great joys of my career to work with someone who was part of the comedy landscape of my childhood. "I can't bear the thought of introducing 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue' without being able to say 'And on my right, Tim Brooke-Taylor...' "Tim brought a unique quality to Clue. "He was a proper team player, very generous as a performer, never egotistical and always more than delighted to set himself up as the butt of the joke. "For me, his great comedy gift was playing the injured innocent and he did it with brilliance and a characteristic lightness of touch. "It's always heartbreaking to lose a loved one, but these times have created the cruellest of circumstances for that to happen in and my thoughts are with his wife Christine and all his family."
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New head coach for Brock men's rugby
"The program has seen a tremendous growth," said Sullivan. "There were some bumps along the way, but the buy-in and structure of the Brock Sports Performance and Medicine have been definite factors in how well we performed last year."Windsor, who served under Sullivan as an assistant coach last season, takes over a team which captured an OUA bronze medal and competed in their first Canadian University Men's Rugby Championships, where they won the consolation final."Shawn is a great coach. He is very knowledgeable and has a great temperament for managing people," said Sullivan. "The players know him and loved working with him last year. I think he will have a great impact on the growth of the program, because he is motivated to build on our success from last year and already in the midst of a very strong recruiting class."Brock Sports Associate Athletic Directorthanked Sullivan for his leadership."Phil has done fantastic things for this program and has set the men's team up for future success," she said. "I'm excited to see where Shawn takes the program from here. Brock rugby — both the men and women — have become known across the province as teams to look out for."Windsor said he's looking forward to strengthening that reputation."I think we caught a lot of people by surprise, especially at Nationals," said Windsor. "My vision for Brock rugby is to make it one of the best programs in the country. I think with the boys we have and the culture we've built, there's room for growth and success."Windsor said his goals for the team are to bring home an OUA gold medal, along with a national championship within the next few years."I think if we keep working like we have been and growing as a program, then we'll be there sooner rather than later," he said.Windsor brings an extensive rugby resume to the Badgers.He picked up the game in Grade 9 at Saltfleet High School, and quickly joined the Stoney Creek Rugby Club. Four years later, in 2005, he captained his high school team to an Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations gold medal.Windsor went on to enroll at McMaster, where he suited up for the Marauders and earned OUA Rookie of the Year (West) honours in his first season. Before graduating with an Honours degree in Sociology, Windsor helped McMaster win four OUA men's rugby gold medals.He has won two national titles with the Ontario Blues senior men's team, and was named Rugby Ontario's Club Player of the Year in 2017. Windsor currently plays professionally with the Toronto Arrows of Major League Rugby.Outside of rugby, Windsor is a teacher at his alma mater, Saltfleet High School.The team is currently scheduled to hold their training camp during the first week of September provided COVID-19 precautions are lifted.
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Abfindungen - Hände leer, Schnauze voll
Von Michael Kläsgen Sie ist eine der Geschädigten des Rettungsschirms, den Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof am 1. April hat über sich aufspannen lassen. Mehr als 21 Jahre hat Dijana Milicki für Kaufhof gearbeitet, als Designerin in verschiedenen Abteilungen, und jetzt steht sie mit so gut wie leeren Händen da. 2019 hatte Karstadt den Rivalen Kaufhof übernommen, Ende Juni 2019 wurde ihr wie vielen anderen Kaufhof-Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern gekündigt. Milicki spricht von einer "Massenkündigung". Aber das war noch nicht der emotionale Tiefpunkt, den die 49-Jährige erlebte. Jetzt erhält sie noch nicht einmal eine Abfindung, und da ist sie nicht die Einzige. Wobei die Sache bei ihr und einigen anderen besonders unglücklich verlief. Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof wird die bereits im März rechtskräftig vereinbarten 27 000 Euro offensichtlich nicht mehr an sie auszahlen. Wäre der Vergleich nach dem 1. April geschlossen worden, wäre die Sache auch für Laien ziemlich klar. Dann wäre es einfach dumm gelaufen für Dijana Milicki. Denn sobald ein Schutzschirmverfahren eröffnet ist, muss Karstadt Kaufhof keine Abfindungen mehr zahlen. Auch von diesem Fall sind etliche ehemalige Kaufhof-Mitarbeiter betroffen. Sie setzte Fristen, drohte schließlich mit Vollstreckung. Aber das Geld kam nicht Dijana Milicki verglich sich mit ihrem Arbeitgeber jedoch bereits im Februar vor Gericht, am 5. März wurde der Vergleich rechtskräftig und die Auszahlung damit binnen 14 Tagen fällig. Milickis Mann, Oliver Scholz, ist Rechtsanwalt, er setzte Kaufhof, nachdem das Geld nicht einging, eine Frist, erst für den 23. März, dann noch eine für den 27. März. Schließlich drohte er mit Vollstreckung, aber das Geld kam nicht. Ein Unternehmenssprecher sagt dazu klipp und klar: "Abfindungen, die auf Vereinbarungen beruhen, die vor dem 1.4.2020 abgeschlossen wurden und nicht bis 31.03.2020 zur Auszahlung gekommen sind, sind sogenannte Tabellenforderungen und werden dementsprechend nach Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens über die üblichen Regelungen behandelt." Für Dijana Milicki ist das ziemlich bitter. Es bedeutet, dass sie am Ende nur ein bis drei Prozent der ihr zugesagten 27 000 Euro erhält. So sieht es die besagte Tabelle vor, die maßgeblich wird, wenn das Insolvenzverfahren erst einmal eröffnet ist, womit Experten voraussichtlich am oder bis zum 1. Juli rechnen. Von den 27 000 Euro blieben dann nur noch maximal 810 Euro, wahrscheinlich aber noch weniger übrig. Nach Auskunft unbeteiligter Insolvenzexperten ist das zwar hart für jeden einzelnen Betroffenen, aber rechtens. Und zwar auch dann, wenn Zahlungen eigentlich schon vor Eröffnung des Schutzschirmverfahrens fällig wurden. Betroffen davon sind neben Milicki auch Schwerbehinderte und Menschen, die bis zu 37 Jahre für Kaufhof gearbeitet und entsprechende soziale Ansprüche angesammelt haben. Und auch einige ehemalige Kaufhof-Mitarbeiter, die sich nun existenzielle Sorgen machen müssen. Wie viele Geschädigte es genau sind, sagt Karstadt Kaufhof nicht. Dijana Milicki und ihr Mann sind nun, da die Hoffnung auf eine vollständige Auszahlung gestorben ist, gelinde gesagt, sauer. Sie finden das Statement der Presseabteilung aber insofern interessant, als es sich so liest, "dass Karstadt Kaufhof in die Insolvenz gehen will". Dijana Milickis Mann, der Jurist, weiß, dass es im Schutzschirmverfahren selbst keine Tabellenforderungen gibt, sondern nur im anschließenden regulären Verfahren. "Das wäre tatsächlich neu und sehr interessant, da der Schutzschirm ja eigentlich die indirekt geplante Insolvenz vermeiden sollte", sagt Scholz. "Damit liegen weder die Voraussetzungen des Schutzschirms vor, also Zahlungsfähigkeit, aber Gefahr der Insolvenz, noch sind die Ankündigungen, eine Insolvenz vermeiden zu wollen, richtig, sondern eine weitere Irreführung von Gläubigern, Öffentlichkeit und Justiz." Einige Betroffene würden deshalb erwägen, Strafanzeigen zu stellen. Der zuständige Oberstaatsanwalt sei bereits wegen der Notwendigkeit entsprechender Ermittlungen kontaktiert. Sie vermuten, dass hier von längerer Hand etwas geplant worden und das Coronavirus den Akteuren zupassgekommen sei. Der Generalbevollmächtigte sagt, Ende April müssten die Geschäfte wieder öffnen Das widerspricht freilich der offiziellen Version der österreichischen Signa Holding von René Benko, des Eigentümers von Karstadt Kaufhof. Danach soll das Schutzschirmverfahren den Gesellschaftern nach wie vor eine Sanierung des Unternehmens ermöglichen, und zwar bevor die Zahlungsunfähigkeit eintritt und Gläubigeransprüche entstehen. Der in dem Verfahren dem Management zur Seite gestellte Generalbevollmächtigte Arndt Geiwitz betonte kürzlich noch einmal, wie wichtig es sei, dass die Kaufhäuser Ende April wieder den Geschäftsbetrieb aufnehmen. Das sei sozusagen eine Voraussetzung dafür, dass der Laden wieder auf die Beine komme. "Ohne diesen von der Corona-Krise ausgelösten Shutdown wäre das Unternehmen nicht in die Schieflage geraten und das Schutzschirmverfahren in Eigenverantwortung jetzt nicht notwendig", sagte Geiwitz. Dijana Milicki und ihr Mann glauben nicht an diese Version der Dinge. Dass die fälligen Abfindungen nicht gezahlt wurden, ergebe dann Sinn, sagt Scholz, "wenn man geplant in das Schutzschirmverfahren flüchtet, um sich diesen Ansprüchen zu entziehen und wenn danach Insolvenz angemeldet wird, diese nahezu zu vernichten durch die Tabellenforderungen." Das zu beweisen dürfte extrem schwierig werden. Am Ende könnte ausgerechnet derjenige, der sowieso schon am meisten hat, noch reicher aus dem Verfahren hervorgehen - alle anderen hingegen mit (fast) leeren Händen.
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One year waiting: Transgender man who wants to enlist cites coronavirus urgency
Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. Sunday marks one year since President Donald Trump barred transgender people from serving in the military. Ryan Karnoski is challenging the ban in court to fight for the opportunity as a transgender man to enlist. Karnoski told NBC News that the coronavirus pandemic makes the effort even more important. "It is frustrating that a year has gone by since this new iteration of the transgender ban on military service, especially right now as we're in this public health emergency," Karnoski said. "(The pandemic) is an important reminder to me to be doing everything that I can to be the best future behavioral health services officer than I can be, regardless of whether or not I'm trans." Under then-President Barack Obama, the Pentagon lifted the transgender military ban on June 30, 2016, allowing openly transgender individuals to serve. About a year later, Trump announced a reinstatement of the ban in a series of tweets, citing "tremendous medical costs and disruption" as the reason for the change in policy. After legal skirmishes, the ban was officially put into place on April 12, 2019, restricting openly transgender members from enlisting and requiring active members who come out as transgender to discharge. Let our news meet your inbox. The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings. This site is protected by recaptcha Joe Biden, the apparent Democratic presidential nominee, has vowed to overturn the ban if elected, making 2020 a high-stakes year for the LGBTQ community. Karnoski, 25, a social worker and currently working toward his doctorate in social welfare studies at the University of California-Berkeley, lives with his wife in the San Francisco Bay Area. He said his goal is to become a behavioral health service officer, a commissioned officer in the military who provides mental health services. Karnoski is a plaintiff in one of five lawsuits seeking to overturn the ban. While the litigation continues, he said he continues to prepare for the day he believes is coming when he will be able to enlist. He said the mobilization of the U.S. military in the coronavirus outbreak showcases the importance of service in the armed forces. "I don't think it's about me as an individual at all, I'm a piece of this larger battle," Karnoski said. Karnoski also said his experience as a transgender person helps him to empathize with those in minority groups, which are disproportionately affected by the pandemic as well as other health problems. "I really see being trans as something that augments all of those other things to help me serve patients in the best way that I could," Karnoski says. Responding to what he says are common misconceptions about transgender people seeking to join the military, Karnoski noted that many people may not understand the community's diverse backgrounds and reasons for enlisting. "I'm not joining the military so that I can get (transgender) surgeries or for medical care or even so that my education would be paid for," Karnoski says. "I want (people) to think of what it means that prospective medical service corps officers have been turned away," he added, "and are being excluded from military service because of this ban, at a time when the country needs them most." Kara Ingelhart, an attorney with Lambda Legal and counsel to Karnoski v. Trump, said: "I think it's clear that nobody's asking for any special treatment here. Just equal access."
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Trump's trans military ban delayed my dream. But I refuse to give up on it.
I’ve been dreaming about military service for as long as I can remember. I grew up and still live in Lisbon, Ohio, a tight-knit community with strong connections to the armed forces. I understand what it means to serve my country — to commit your life to and fight for something bigger than yourself. It’s not only my dream career, it’s part of who I am. I’ve been training for years to achieve this goal. I meet every physical fitness requirement and am fully qualified for service. After graduating college, I started working with a local recruiter, and then enrolled in Army ROTC while starting a graduate program focused on global security. But one year ago, everything changed. I understand what it means to serve my country — to commit your life to and fight for something bigger than yourself. On April 12, 2019, the federal government’s new policy banning transgender Americans like me from serving in the military officially went into effect. Get the think newsletter. This site is protected by recaptcha More than anything, I felt frustrated and disappointed. I had put in so much hard work and made so many sacrifices to participate in ROTC, just to be told I was no longer eligible to finish the program. And I was disappointed not only for myself, but in general that this administration was still pushing so adamantly to keep perfectly qualified, capable and patriotic transgender individuals from being able to serve in the military. While some of my friends headed off to basic training and others deployed, I was left at home to fight a different battle. I have remained vigilant in my physical training and preparation and am continuing my master’s program at Kent State. In the year since the ban took effect, I’ve found another way to serve my community — as a substitute teacher — and to serve my family by helping out on our farm. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the school where I teach, I took a temp job at my local Walmart to make ends meet, and to support my community as best I can by keeping store shelves stocked with essential items. But when I hear the president talk about deploying troops to help in crisis areas, the feelings of frustration and sadness rise up again. While I am still grappling with how this ban has derailed my life, I refuse to give up on my dream. And I will continue to fight until every American who meets military standards has an equal opportunity to serve. There is nothing about transgender Americans like myself that makes us any less qualified. Dedicated transgender service members have proved themselves capable of serving on the front lines and defending our nation with honor. But this isn’t just an issue of personal frustration. The transgender ban is not only unfair to transgender troops; it also undermines national security by discharging trained, dedicated service members and depriving the military of well-qualified recruits. The military has long faced recruitment challenges, but the situation is growing more dire under the current pandemic. The military is struggling to reach new service members as enlistment stations shutter, and has even paused training for new recruits as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19. Despite this, our military is being asked to step in to help stem the impacts of the pandemic. Responding to a crisis of this magnitude means we need all qualified hands on deck. It is inexcusable that the military has spent the last year turning away qualified recruits like me, and threatened trained and dedicated transgender service members with discharge. I’ve always believed that the military is built on fundamental values of fairness and of respecting people for what they can do. I’ve always believed that the military is built on fundamental values of fairness and of respecting people for what they can do, regardless of their background or who they are. The majority of Americans across the political spectrum already understand this — and 71 percent support open service by transgender people. In my conservative, rural community in Ohio, teachers, coworkers and neighbors with a broad range of political views have all told me they think I should have the same opportunities as anyone else. And according to a poll funded by the Department of Defense itself, 66 percent of active-duty service members across all four branches support the service of transgender people. That’s not just a data point — I’ve heard similar things from former ROTC friends who are now serving. For more than a century, the military has worked toward abolishing discrimination based on race, national origin, religion and sexual orientation in their ranks, and each time, that has made our country safer and stronger. I am confident that this ban, too, will be abolished in the end. So as the courts weigh the ultimate fate of the ban and move toward trials in the fall, I will continue to train and maintain my fitness, I will continue to study and I will continue to speak out so that one day I can say I am proud to wear the uniform of the greatest military on earth.
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Serie A: si va verso le partite a porte chiuse fino a Natale
CORONAVIRUS La Serie A, così come gli altri campionati europei, è alle prese con le conseguenze della pandemia coronavirus. Mentre si discute dell'eventuale ripresa della stagione, che da ultimo decreto del governo dovrebbe ripartire tra un mese e mezzo, sono tanti i temi da trattare: dal taglio degli stipendi, ai calendari da intersecare alla perfezione, fino alle limitazioni per i tifosi. Già, perché nel caos in cui sta navigando il nostro calcio, sembra esserci almeno una (quasi) certezza: la partite di Serie A si giocheranno a porte chiuse almeno fino a Natale. Coronavirus, tutti gli sportivi positivi Getty Images Getty Images ufficio-stampa Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram lapresse Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram lapresse Getty Images afp instagram instagram lapresse ansa ansa lapresse Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images Getty Images afp Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images lapresse Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images lapresse ansa Getty Images ansa Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images ufficio-stampa Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram lapresse Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram lapresse Getty Images afp instagram instagram lapresse ansa ansa lapresse Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images Getty Images afp Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images instagram Getty Images lapresse Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images lapresse ansa Getty Images ansa Getty Images Ultime gallery Vedi tutte Il pericolo coronavirus sarà ancora piuttosto forte anche tra un mese e mezzo, dunque al momento appare difficile ipotizzare una riapertura al pubblico prima delle festività natalizie. L’idea della Lega di A sarebbe quella di far giocare ogni partita nello stadio designato, ma senza pubblico, come accaduto nelle ultimissime gare disputate prima dello stop. Ma c’è anche l'ipotesi di giocare alcune sfide in campo neutro: se a maggio infatti resteranno vive alcune zone rosse (per esempio la Lombardia) è probabile che i match previsti in quelle aree possano essere spostati in altri campi, chiaramente sempre a porte chiuse. Il massimo campionato, dunque, dovrebbe andare avanti senza pubblico almeno fino alla fine dell’anno solare, con i singoli club che dovranno fare i conti anche con i mancati introiti dovuti dai biglietti e dagli abbonamenti. Per dare un'idea della gravità delle perdite, si stima, soltanto per gli ultimi 12 turni e i 4 recuperi della stagione in corso, una perdita secca tra i 75 ed i 95 milioni di euro in termini di 'botteghino'. A questi poi andrebbero aggiunte le perdite dei primi mesi della stagione successiva. Nel 2021, forse, tutto potrà tornare alla normalità.
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埼玉県、ネカフェ利用者に避難先提供 原則1週間の滞在 [新型コロナウイルス]:朝日新聞デジタル
埼玉県は12日、緊急事態宣言を受けた県の自粛要請に応じてインターネットカフェが営業を休止したことにより、宿泊先がなくなった人向けに一時的な避難先を提供すると発表した。上尾市の県立スポーツ総合センター(定員200人)で、同日午後8時から来月6日午後5時まで受け付ける。 県社会福祉課によると、同センターは4~15人用の和・洋室が計30部屋あり、利用人数により相部屋となる。県内に住所がある人は無料で、県外の人は1泊2290円で利用できる。食事や送迎はないが、シャワー室が利用できるという。 滞在できるのは原則1週間だが、次の行き先が定まらない場合などは延長できる。ただし、発熱があるなど新型コロナウイルスへの感染が疑われる場合は利用できないことがある。 同課の調査によると、県内には少なくとも73のネットカフェがある。政府の緊急事態宣言に基づく、県の緊急事態措置の休業要請によって宿泊先を失う人は約300人と推計している。 問い合わせは、午前9時~午後6時は緊急事態措置相談センター(048・830・8141)、午後6時以降は同センター(048・774・5551)へ。(釆沢嘉高)
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1995 Mortlach 22 Year Old Faultline First Fill Sherry Butt Cask Strength
Review #1454 – 1995 Mortlach 22 Year Old Faultline First Fill Sherry Butt Cask Strength This is an independent bottling of Mortlach distillate by Faultine – an in house brand for KLWines. It was matured in a first fill sherry cask, and was bottled at cask strength with no coloring or filtration. Review #1454 | Scotch Review #497 Distiller: Mortlach Bottler: KLWines Brand: Faultline Selection: N/A ABV: 53.3% ABV Age: 22 Years Nose: Sweet syrupy and rich – nutty sherry, toffee, wine sweetness, fig, date, stewed fruits. Taste: Medium mouth feel. Some heat. Sweet fig, date, sulphuric, nice oak. Heat grows over time. Finish: Long but hot and sulphur forward. Overall: Nose and palate are good but things go south in the finish. A good price for the stats on this bottle, but I’m not thrilled with how the quality stacks up. I’d save my dollars, personally. Thanks for reading! Rank: 5 WEBSITE | SEARCHABLE ARCHIVE | SUBREDDIT Decoded: 1 | Disgusting | So bad I poured it out. 2 | Poor | I wouldn’t consume by choice. 3 | Bad | Multiple flaws. 4 | Sub-par | Not bad, but many things I’d rather have. 5 | Good | Good, just fine. 6 | Very Good | A cut above. 7 | Great | Well above average 8 | Excellent | Really quite exceptional. 9 | Incredible | An all time favorite 10 | Perfect | Perfect
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Hill Climb Racing MOD APK Unlimited Coins and Fuel 2020 Download
Download Hill Climb Racing mod apk latest hacked version with unlimited coins and gems. If you want to face the challenges of unique hill racing that is crazy awesome. Summon yourself to the challenges of unique hill climbing environments with racing fun. Racing apk mod free available for you to enjoy pure fun on Android. The awesome Climb Racing mod Apk is a real deal for fun. Available for Android and iOS platforms with over 80+ Million players around the world. 2D graphics and simple storylines make you feel the adventure of climbing hills as simple as possible. Hill Climb Racing MOD This is a world-famous car racing game, and almost every single person who uses the play store or internet heard about this game. The hill climb was officially launched back in 2012 by finger soft company based in Finland. The company owner and the hill climb creator was a famous game and UI designer Toni Fingerroos. This is a 2D game, not a 3D because this game is not new and back then the 3D technology was not yet launched, and every single high-end game was 2D and back then this game was high-end graphics fun game. Gets the popular and funny racing mod apk download. It is one of the popular and most downloaded arcade racing game on Android. Your mission is to safely drive through hilly roads and win a reward. Get hill climb racing apk mod free download for android. There are two main controls gas and a reverse button that,s it. You have to start the race, and you have to collect fuel can,s as well as coins on your journey. But this is not so simple because you have to climb the hills with your cars. There are many car options available, and you need to choose from them, but first, you have to buy them with your coins. That you collect on your journey, there are different maps as well as different levels the more you went further on a plan, the more difficult it will get. Coins Gems Fuel Storyline If you love the cars and racing related game, then you will fall in love with climb hill racing mod apk latest version. The fun smart and impressive are the words I used to describe this game. One of the most favourite game and I personally spent hours and hours playing this game. I love them every single second f this game. It is just like a game addiction for me, and you will enjoy it too. This game is not complicated at all you will get one map and a small jeep at the beginning and a person with shaky head driving it. And the fun part is her head always stays out of the vehicle. I don,t know why. You have two peddles on your screen 1st one is used for gas and when you pressed it. The car will start moving, and the other one is reverse as well as a brake. So when you press brake or acceleration, the vehicle will behave like a dancing. It looks like this car has some weird suspension. This is why it is tough to get this car to hills and if you stop on an incline. Then good luck You have to come down and then again with full power, try again. Otherwise, you will not be able to cross these hills. Mod APK Unlimited There is also a time caught in this game you have to collect those fuel tanks. Otherwise, you will not make it to the next one. And there is a chance you will fail and have to start from the beginning. The best thing is you can easily install the mod apk which will give you unlimited free fuel. As well as all the missions, mas and vehicles and also characters will be unlocked. So will e enjoying this game for best. Overall best small compact fun game to play and you can install it on any device IOS, Android or Windows. This game is available for all the tools, and you can enjoy it—simple and easy, fun little game. The background music is also good, but it will become tedious when you play this game for more than one month. You will hate the music and will mute the volume and play the game. Overall this game is suitable for children as well as any adult. Especially for car lovers if you have not played this game are you a car lover. Download Hill Climb Racing MOD If you have not played this game, then you are missing a fantastic android car racing fun game. To download this, it is a straightforward process you just need to click n the download button. That,s it and the download file will start downloading and when this download file completes other steps are listed below just follow them, and in few minutes you will be enjoying the legendry hill climb cars game on your phone. You can also download the modded version which will allow you some extra freedom in this game like free unlimited coins as well as everything from characters, vehicles, to maps are unlocked. But I will not recommend that because it will ruin the fun of this game. Installation of Climb Racing Apk Mod First of click on the download button and the file download will be started automatically. Now locate the downloaded file in your device file manager it will be in the downloaded folder. Now, Click on that downloaded file and install the data on your device. After successfully install the icon of HCR apk will be appeared on your device menu. Now you can click on the game and enjoy your fun racing on hills. If you are getting any problem while playing just go to settings/security and from there click on allow unknown resources. Your problem will be resolved and turn off your wifi or internet while installing on your phone. Features of Climb Racing Fun awesome car game best for any car lover and this game is famous among teenagers. You can easily enjoy this game online as well as offline no need of any subscription etc. or any extra charges for anything. There are amazing fun cars in the game from jeep to school busses to top of the line bikes. You have different choices to choose from, but first, you need to collect coins and buy those cars to play with. Upgrade your car parts from the engine to tires and suspension etc. Everything and this will slightly improve your car performance as well, but you need coins for that too. There are different maps in this game from jungles, to safari and seaside to snowy hills. You can choose from different places to race, but first of all, you have to unlock them. To do so, you need to complete all 28 stages in a single map to go to another one. This game is very light and can easily be played on any device you did not have to worry about the android version to mobile device software. This game is also available on all three major platforms from android to ios and windows. When you reach the high levels, you can build and customize your cars too and make them faster to easily pass those tough hills with ease. New version? This is the new version of hill climb racing, and it is more improved. In all ways from graphics to sounds and overall perfect optimised app. Some Android apps are cumbersome and hard to play them on old android devices bt this game is simple and easy and lightweight. You did not need much of the space to store it on your device so don,t worry about this thing. F.A.Qs Is hill climb racing free? Yes, it is a 100% free mobile game and available on all kind of devices from Android to IOS and easy to install as well. Best Car Games for Android? Hill Climb Racing is the best cars game available for any car lovers on the internet. Final Words This game is personally one of my favorite and best car games available. Android and ios both can download hill climb racing mod apk 2020 free. Simply download from our link and then install and play. You can choose different vehicles for a drive without any effort. The hack apk climb racing will all buy you new vehicles with unlimited coins and gems. you can also collect coins on your climb journey. It will help you to unlock different things like maps and characters. Overall this is the fun little game for boredom. Example Site - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
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Polícia de SP prende 10 por roubo de testes, máscaras e luvas
Polícia de SP prende 10 por roubo de testes, máscaras e luvas Delegado se passou por comprador para recuperar a carga roubada pela quadrilha que queria R$ 4 milhões pelos equipamentos de segurança Polícia máscaras Mike Segar/Reuters - 17.03.2020 A polícia prendeu na tarde deste sábado (11) dez chineses que roubaram 15 mil testes para detecção do coronavírus e cerca de 2 milhões de itens entre máscaras, luvas, toucas, macacões, álcool gel e termômetros. O material foi localizado em um galpão no bairro do Ipiranga por agentes do Dope (Departamento de Operações Policiais Estratégicas) após a investigação do roubo ocorrido na segunda-feira (9), no aeroporto de Cumbica, em Guarulhos. O setor de inteligência da Polícia Civil descobriu que uma quadrilha, que tinha receptado a carga roubada do aeroporto, estava negociando os itens médicos por R$ 4 milhões. O delegado Luís Alberto Guerra, da Delegacia de Polícia de Atendimento ao Turista, se passou por um empresário interessado em comprar a carga. A quadrilha queria vender o material por R$ 4 milhões e, após 10 horas de negociação, aceitaram o valor de R$ 3 milhões. Quando o delegado do Dope chegou ao depósito pediu para ver a carga de equipamentos usados por médicos e enfermeiros no combate ao coronavírus e comprovou que o lote dos kits de testes para o coronavírus era o mesmo que foi roubado do aeroporto de Cumbica. O líder da quadrilha, o chinês Zheng Xiao Yun, que se apresentou como presidente da Associação Xangai no Brasil, recebeu voz de prisão juntamente com outros 9 chineses. Yun disse aos policiais que a carga que estava no depósito era uma doação de empresários, que seria repassada aos hospitais brasileiros. A versão não convenceu o diretor do Dope e todos foram presos em flagrante e levados para a delegacia. O delegado Luís Alberto Guerra explicou que a carga roubada do aeroporto de Cumbica era uma encomenda de uma importadora particular, atendendo pedidos de hospitais particulares, entre eles o Albert Einstein. A Polícia Civil contatou o consulado da China em São Paulo e espera uma resposta oficial sobre a identidade de Zheng Xiao Yun e a confirmação de que ele representa de fato a Associação Xangai no Brasil.
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Jets vs. Giants: Which Team is Better Built for Success?
If you wonder how tough times have been for our two NFL teams, consider the recent announcement of the NFL's 2010s All-Decade Team. Just one player from 20 combined seasons from the Jets and Giants made the team. And it feels like that player, Darrelle Revis, played ages ago. Consider that between the 2007 and 2011 seasons, the Giants won two Super Bowls, and the Jets reached two AFC title games. In the eight years since, the Giants have had just two winning seasons, and played in one playoff game. Meanwhile, the Jets have not reached the playoffs and finished with a winning record just once, in 2015. So as the sun rises on the new decade of pro football, it's hard to say for certain which squad has a brighter future. But we'll try. (Keep mind each roster will be altered by the NFL Draft, to be held virtually from April 23-25, and could tip one or two scales listed below.) Offensive Line Both teams are pouring cash into their front lines, which were eyesores in 2019. The Jets, in particular, have spent $72.9 million (according to USA Today) on a gaggle of guards and centers and such, adding G Greg Van Roten, C Conner McGovern, T George Fant, G Alex Lewis, and C Josh Andrews to what was by far their weakest unit a year ago. There's no better example than starting center Ryan Kalil, who returned from retirement, was lousy for the first half of the season, and missed the second half with a knee injury. So rather than overspend or overreach for a big name, such as Trent Williams, the Jets are building the boring - but absolutely the right - way. Nate Solder has been a bust for Big Blue. Guards Will Hernandez and Kevin Zeitler are pretty stout. The Giants signed tackle Cameron Fleming at right tackle, which doesn't round-out a rather impressive line. But if the volumes of mock drafts ring true, then Big Blue could add a franchise tackle - such as Louisville's Mekhi Becton or Iowa's Tristan Wirfs - with the fourth overall pick, and perhaps a big-time center, like Cesar Ruiz, in the second round. Edge: Jets Wide Receiver The Jets lost deep-threat Robby Anderson, who signed a four-year deal with the Carolina Panthers. They've replaced him with Breshad Perriman, a bust with Baltimore who revived his career last year with Tampa Bay. Quincy Enunwa is wildly talented but too often injured. Jamison Crowder is a solid receiver who had some big games for Gang Green in 2019. But the Jets need help at wideout, and could get a lift from Oklahoma speedster CeeDee Lamb or Alabama WR Jerry Jeudy. The Giants look pretty good here. The have the productive veteran Golden Tate. When healthy, they have a possible No. 1 receiver in Sterling Shepard. And Darius Slayton is coming off a sizzling rookie season and clearly had chemistry with QB Daniel Jones. Edge: Giants Tight End The Giants drafted undersized TE Evan Engram, and some of us questioned it. But Engram proved he's lethal running routes, and almost impossible to cover. As a rookie, Engram snagged 64 passes for 722 total yards, and scored six touchdowns. Like so many Giants, however, he's been plagued by injuries, missing 14 games over his three-year NFL career. Still, it's hard to give up on a 25-year-old with his hands and athletic splendor. In case Engram misses more games, the Giants signed the 6-foot-8, 270-pound Levine Toilolo. The Jets can say much the same with Chris Herndon, who can't stay healthy and was also saddled with a PED suspension. His rookie year showed ample promise, when he snagged 39 passes, four touchdowns and averaged a robust 12.9 yards per catch. But he played just one game last year, and caught one pass. The Jets were worried enough to bring in Ryan Griffin before the 2019 season. The former Houston Texan played well enough to earn a three-year deal with Gang Green. But Herndon has a much higher ceiling. Edge: Giants Running Back The Giants have Saquon Barkley. That wins the argument for almost any NFL team. In a quietly clever move, the G-Men brought in former Patriots and Titans halfback Dion Lewis, who is a perfect compliment to the thunderous Barkley, and is equally potent catching balls in the flat. The Jets thought they hit the lotto when they stole Le'Veon Bell from the Pittsburgh Steelers. But it turned out Bell was much better when he ran behind Pittsburgh's all-world offensive line and caught passes from future Hall of Famer Ben Roethlisberger. Bell had a big opening act, then statistically dissolved in a fraction of his formerly fantastic self. In his finale season as a Steeler, Bell lead the league in rushes, and amassed 1,946 total yards. In his maiden year for the Jets, he totaled 1,250 yards, averaging a paltry 3.2 yards per rush. Edge: Giants Quarterback It's painful for dumb pundits — like yours truly — to admit that Daniel Jones is infinitely better than we thought he would be. No Duke QB had ever been selected in the first round of an NFL Draft, so we mauled G-Men GM Dave Gettleman for plucking Jones with the sixth overall pick last year. Yet Jones had flashes of brilliance, with a hybrid of mobility and accuracy that earned him an instant sobriquet, Danny Dimes. If he can stop coughing up the ball all the time — he lapped the league last year with 18 fumbles — he has the chance to become a franchise quarterback. Sam Darnold is as confounding as any Jets QB. In one game, against the Patriots, he was caught live, on national television, saying he saw ghosts. Yet he also went 7-6 last year as the Jets starting quarterback. Gang Green went 0-3 while Darnold missed three games from contracting mononucleosis. Over his star-crossed two seasons in New York, Darnold has produced sad and sublime games. Most folks agree that franchise quarterbacks start coming into their own by their third season. Sadly, Darnold will miss ample practice time through no fault of his own or his team, but rather by this global plague we call COVID-19. Edge: Giants Defensive Line The Giants drafted Dexter Lawrence last year with their first pick. They also traded for Jets tackle Leonard Williams, who has underachieved but showed promise with a new team in the same stadium. They also have Dalvin Tomlinson and B.J. Hill, and just added former Titans tackle Austin Johnson. The Jets have Quinnen Williams, whom they drafted third overall last year, with mixed results. Joining Williams is a pretty deep lineup of Steven McLendon, Henry Anderson Folorunso Fatukasi, Kyle Phillips, and Nathan Shepherd. The Jets may also draft a lineman, something they've done every draft except one since 2011. Edge: Jets Linebacker The Giants added Packers LB Blake Martinez, who totaled at least 140 tackles over each of his last three seasons. Not sure why Green Bay wouldn't pay three years, $30 million for that kind of production, but Big Blue did. They also signed Kyler Fackrell. Joining them will be Lorenzo Carter, Oshane Ximines, David Mayo and Ryan Connelly. The Giants don't have to draft a linebacker, but if they snag Clemson's Isaiah Simmons, they get exponentially better. The Jets' two best linebackers are C.J. Mosley and Avery Williamson. Losing Mosley to injury really hurt the Jets last year, and weren't close to the same defense without him. Williamson played even less after blowing out his knee. Still the Jets should be deep at linebacker this year. Joining Mosley and Williamson are Neville Hewitt, James Burgess, Patrick Onwuasor and Black Cashman. Gang Green is pretty deep at linebacker. Edge: Jets Secondary The Jets start the best safety in football, in Jamal Adams. Joining Adams at safety is Marcus Maye, who had 79 tackles, two interceptions and a forced fumble. The Jets lineup at cornerback includes Blessaun Austin, Kyron Brown, Pierre Desir, Nate Hairston and Brian Poole. Gang Green had the 16th-ranked secondary after the 2019 season, according to Pro Football Focus. Expect about the same. Big Blue had a woeful secondary last year, ranked 30th out of 32 teams by Pro Football Focus. So the Giants signed former Panthers CB James Bradberry to a three-year deal, filling a gaping hole at the position. DeAndre Baker, who improved over his rookie season, is the other starting cornerback. Backing them up will be Sam Beal, Corey Ballentine, and Grant Haley. Big Blue added gifted safety Jabrill Peppers when they traded Odell Beckham Jr. to the Browns. Joining Peppers at safety will be Julian Love, who showed promise over five games in 2019, with 37 combined tackles, one pick and one forced fumble. Edge: Jets Coach Adam Gase can be surly and condescending with the media, traits unbefitting a coach with a career record of 30-34. But Gase did go 7-6 when he had Sam Darnold under center, and actually had a winning record in Miami when Ryan Tannehill was healthy. Considering how sterile and stuffy the Giants can be with coaches, they went all flower child on us when they hired the wholly unproven Joe Judge as head coach. The 37-year-old Judge has the misfortune of entering his rookie season sans spring and perhaps summer practice because of the coronavirus. Perhaps it's not how Judge learned to coach, but where — at the altar of Bill Belichick. And for those who wince at the idea of a special teams coach leaping all the way to head coach, that was the path taken by John Harbaugh. Edge: Jets General Manager Dave Gettleman loves to talk, about himself, his prowess and his success. The Giants would like to finally see some of that come to fruition. Gettleman hit it big with Barkley in the 2018 draft, and seemed to shock us all by nailing it in 2019 with Daniel Jones. But still the Giants finished 5-11 and 4-12 over their last two seasons. In the emaciated NFC East, there's no reason the G-Men can't win at least seven games in 2020. How Judge coaches, and the Giants play, is squarely on the GM who muses over Hog Mollies and boring bromides. Everyone cheered when the Jets hired Joe Douglas as their GM. Only problem is they hired him last year after free agency and the NFL Draft. So Douglas entered his first year all but powerless to improve the club. But no one doubts his pedigree as a former offensive linemen who learned about NFL front offices from the Eagles, a team that handles their personnel business about as well as anyone. It's quite fair to consider this season as the first for Douglas. Edge: Giants Owner Hands down the Mara family, which has owned at least half the Giants since the team was founded in 1925, wins this matchup. The Giants have been to five Super Bowls since 1986, won four of them, and have shown the pride and patience necessary to build a winner. There's been some odd, corporate turbulence since they canned Tom Coughlin. But you must trust the pedigree. The Jets are owned by the Johnsons, run by Woody and Christopher. The patron saint of pro football in these parts, Bill Parcells, famously said, you are what your record says you are. And the Jets still haven't sniffed a Super Bowl since 1969. Edge: Giants Overall Slight edge: Giants
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Covid-19 package offers eight 5kg cooking gas refills for free till June
india Updated: Apr 12, 2020 17:53 IST Poor households using 5kg cooking gas cylinders will be entitled to eight free refills in three months as a relief from the disruptions due to the Covid-19 outbreak, while the number of free refills will be limited to three for beneficiaries using 14.2kg cylinders, an oil ministry spokesperson said. The Rs 1.7 lakh crore Covid-19 welfare package that the government announced on March 26 (a day after a nationwide lockdown came into effect) specified only three free cooking gas cylinders to about 80 million poor households, which led to some confusion about the entitlement of number of refills for the beneficiaries using economical 5kg cylinders, he said. “Those who are using small cylinders will get eight free cylinders in three months – April, May and June – under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY),” he said. Coronavirus outbreak: Full coverage Till now, oil marketing companies have initiated a transfer of Rs 5,606 crore into the bank accounts of more than 71 million Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) beneficiaries as advance in order to ensure that they can avail free delivery of LPG cylinder under the PMGKY, he said. PMUY was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 1, 2016 in Ballia (Uttar Pradesh) to provide free cooking gas connections to 50 million poor households. Later the target was raised to 80 million households, which was achieved six months in advance on September 7, 2019. An executive of India’s biggest fuel retailer, state-run Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), said the company has transferred about Rs 2,780 crore in the bank accounts of its 37 million PMUY customers so that they can get the first cooking gas cylinder free of cost. Along with the other two state-run companies – Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) – the public sector oil marketing companies have so far distributed 8.5 million cooking gas cylinders for free to poor households, the spokesperson said. “Booking of 1.26 crore cylinders has been done in this month by the beneficiaries, out of which about 85 lakh cylinders have been delivered to PMUY beneficiaries. This is aimed at alleviating the hardships faced by poor due to economic disruption by coronavirus (COVID-19),” he said. The number of active cooking gas customers (including beneficiaries of subsidy) in India are 27.87 crore. “Since the lockdown, 50 to 60 lakh cylinders are being delivered daily in the country. When there is nationwide lockdown and the people are staying home to stay safe, LPG [liquefied petroleum gas] delivery boys and all those in the supply chain of LPG are working tirelessly to ensure that clean fuel reaches people directly at their homes,” he said. Even in these trying times, the waiting period for cylinders at most of the places is less than two days, he added. Oil marketing companies -- IOCL, BPCL and HPCL -- have announced an ex-gratia amount of Rs 5 lakh each, as a one-time special measure, in the unfortunate case of demise of personnel (showroom staff, godown-keepers, mechanics and delivery boys) attending duty in the LPG distributorship chain due to the infection and impact of Covid-19.
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NBA’s French Revolution ; Killian Hayes & Theo Maledon to lead French ‘Golden Generation’ in 2020 NBA Draft
Four-time NBA champion and six-time All-Star Tony Parker is the best baller to ever come out of France. Not far behind Tony P is 2013-14 DPOY Joakim Noah, Rudy Gobert, Boris Diaw, Nicolas Batum and Evan Fournier. The Les Bleus national team have been hyped up for years and have shown us they have the ability to compete, winning silver at Eurobasket 2011 and following it up with a gold in 2013. France won bronze at the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup, and even beat Team USA in the 2019 edition only to fall short against Argentina in the semifinals, finishing up with bronze. The future is bright for France who are in the midst of a ‘Golden Generation’, and the production line of talent into the NBA looks set to continue. There are no less than eight Frenchman in the league today, including young guns Frank Ntilikina and Sekou Doumbouya who are beginning to find their feet. Lets take a look at the four Frenchmen to look out for in the 2020 draft, including ‘Tony Parker’s prodigy’, the youngest LNB All-Star in history and the youngest player to ever feature in France’s LNB Pro A league. Theo Maledon Tony Parker is known as the best player France has ever produced, and Theo Maledon has been set up to take over. He’s been mentored by Parker in his role as president for French basketball team ASVEL Basket and the former Spurs legend has big wraps on Maledon. “When I see Frank Ntilikina drafted No. 8, Theo is a lot better than him”, said Parker. “You could see already at 10, 11, that he was just better than everybody else and really talented.” “The goal is to start him next year [for ASVEL] and for him to be the best player and the most NBA ready just like Luka Doncic.”, Parker continued. Maledon is projected to be selected as a lottery-pick to mid-first rounder, but there are questions about his tentative shot selection and lack of explosiveness which could be exposed in the NBA. He has however been leaning the ropes professionally since 16-years old and is loaded with talent and considerable upside. Maledon also became the youngest LNB All-Star in history at just 17-years of age. What he lacks in athleticism he more than makes up for with his basketball IQ and passing vision, an unselfish trait sure to appeal to many teams. Defensively he has elite upside for a point guard with 6’5″ height and a 6’9″ wingspan, the perfect prototype to add size to and the length to be extremely disruptive. THEO MALEDON 2019-2020 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS – Top Prospect NBA Draft 2020 – Full Highlights Theo Maledon Highlights LDLC ASVEL 2020 Season Maledon is one of the top PG available for the 2020 NBA Draft. At 17, he has been playing quite some minutes w… Killian Hayes Hayes progressed through the Cholet Youth Academy in a system where the likes of Rudy Gobert and Kevin Séraphin graduated. He has the distinction of being the youngest professional to ever play in France’s LNB Pro A league at the age of sixteen. Hayes is the son of former American Basketball Association (ABA) player DeRon Hayes who also played professionally in Portugal, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia and France. Killian is American born but raised in France: “I feel like I’m from both places. I try to bring the best of America and the best of France with me when I’m on the court.”, he has said. “I wanted to play high school basketball in America. I wanted to play in the NCAA…I wanted to be an All-American; that was my dream. But my dad said the best option was for me to stay [in France] and play pro”. His tight handles, playmaking ability, and exceptional passing skills will translate immediately into a contributor. Limiting Hayes is his left only handedness in a league where ambidexterity is becoming fundamentally important. For a point guard though, Hayes also has extraordinary height like Maledon, 6 ft 5 in (1.96m). Limiting him is his lack of athleticism. He is projected to be a lottery-pick to mid-first rounder in the 2020 draft. 2020 NBA DRAFT JUNKIES Profile | Killian Hayes | Offensive Strengths Offensive strengths breakdown on American born and French raised combo guard Killian Hayes. Hayes began his professional career at 16 in France and is now cu… Malcolm Cazalon Cazalon showed off his true potential at the 2018 FIBA U17 Basketball World Cup where he averaged 16.4 points, 4.4 rebounds, and 2.1 assists per game, helping France to a silver medal. During the competition Cazalon teamed up with Maledon and Hayes in a trio dubbed the ‘Three Musketeers’. He has been playing professionally across Europe in France, Belgium and Serbia, where he has showed off his pure athleticism, rebounding and straight up hustle. His explosiveness and high-ceiling is appealing for NBA teams and he would be able to immediately line up as a solid role player. Cazalon currently plays with Mega Bemax in the Basketball League of Serbia and is predicted as a late first round to early second rounder. Killian Tillie Tillie enters the draft following a successful college career at Gonzaga. He is a stretch-four with a silky smooth release. He has the height to shoot over the defense and is deadly accurate from downtown. He’s also got a soft touch around the rim and works hard on the glass. Tillie is solid enough of an athlete but needs to get better on the defensive end and to stay healthy. He was extremely liked by all fans during his time at Gonzaga. “He was always fiery, explosive and never, ever held back…when he plays basketball he just goes for it”, said head coach Mark Few. Working against Tillie is the fact he will be 22 years old at draft time and he may be seen as too far along into his development by teams. He also has a history of injuries which may limit his appeal and alongside his lack of athleticism makes him a likely late second round pick. For any team willing to take a chance on him and his silky skills for a man his size, his exceptional shooting for a center as well as his basketball IQ could make him one of the best value picks of the draft. The future is bright France set the record of most draftees by a non-US country in 2016 with five, only to be recently beaten by Canada in the 2019 NBA Draft with six. It looks like France are about to add another four to the NBA to add to the eight currently in the league. Beyond the 2020 draft the French pipeline of talent looks set to continues. Yoan Makoundou is a name to look out for. Like Hayes, Gobert and Séraphin, the power forward is a product of the famed Cholet Youth Academy and currently plays for the senior team. There’s also Maxime Carene who’s currently playing in France’s LNB Pro A league U21 league for Limoges. The future is bright for the Les Blues.
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[ 27 ]
Socialists call for transparency over anti-semitism investigation that risks being 'suppressed'
SOCIALISTS called today for Labour leader Keir Starmer to commit to “absolute transparency” over a report into the party’s handling of anti-semitism allegations that its lawyers are advising against sending to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The 860-page internal investigation, leaked to Sky News, reportedly found that hostility to former leader Jeremy Corbyn led to key figures such as former party general secretary Iain McNicol and former former acting head of the governance and legal unit Sam Matthews failing to co-operate with the leadership in investigating complaints. But Labour is not planning on submitting it to the EHRC, despite the light it might shine on the motives of figures whose attacks on the left leadership included speaking to the widely panned BBC Panorama “investigation” into anti-semitism in Labour broadcast last year. David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialists’ Group told the Morning Star that the party’s new leader ought to ensure no evidence relating to the way anti-semitism complaints were handled is suppressed. “Given the Tories’ record of the hostile environment and the Windrush scandal there was always something bizarre about the EHRC homing in on Labour, the leading anti-racist party in mainstream British politics,” he said. “But it surely ought to be in receipt of all relevant information. “Although Jeremy Corbyn became party leader in 2015, the Blairite old guard still ran Labour’s bureaucracy until early 2018. Those who have seen the leaked 860-page report say that it singles out for criticism some who gave evidence to last year’s controversial Panorama programme on this issue.” The implication that Labour’s attempts to deal with anti-semitism complaints were stymied by staff hostile to Mr Corbyn “clearly contradicts the narrative the mainstream media were repeating daily,” Mr Rosenberg pointed out. “Many left-wing Jewish Labour members had criticised the Labour right wing for cynically using allegations of anti-semitism as a factional weapon. We believed that the leadership was genuine and principled in its efforts to address any such problem. Perhaps this report will validate us. “We are not scared of any truths that may emerge but it appears that other people are. We hope that given Keir Starmer’s own legal background, he will commit to seeking absolute transparency on this matter. If an important report is being suppressed we need to know who is suppressing it, and why.” Film director Ken Loach, whose films The Spirit of ‘45, I, Daniel Blake and Sorry We Missed You have won iconic status among Labour members, said the report was “dynamite. “If the evidence – all the emails and the secretive, abusive messages – is accurate, there has to be a reckoning, there must be consequences for this behaviour. “This is also a challenge to the press and broadcasters. Where does it leave Panorama’s intrepid investigative reporter John Ware? Did he try to uncover the whole story, or did he not even bother?” The investigation, entitled The work of the Labour Party's Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, 2014-2019, uncovers 10,000 emails and thousands of WhatsApp messages revealing plans to install former deputy leader Tom Watson in Mr Corbyn’s place after the 2017 election – and even that senior Labour Party staff “openly worked against the aims and objectives of the leadership of the party, and in the 2017 general election some key staff even appeared to work against the party's core objective of winning elections.” Conversations on banning activists’ group Momentum and derogatory language used about allies of Mr Corbyn such as his communications director Seumas Milne and chief of staff Karie Murphy are also revealed. Perhaps most damagingly for Lord McNicol and Mr Matthews it accuses them of providing “timetables for the resolution of cases that were never met; falsely [claiming] to have processed all antisemitism complaints; falsely [claiming] that most complaints received were not about Labour members and [providing] highly inaccurate statistics of anti-semitism complaints.” They deny the claims.
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Cowboys' 2021 decisions in free agency could be tricky, if not costly
As they entered the 2019 NFL season, the Dallas Cowboys knew they had franchise-defining decisions to make regarding wide receiver Amari Cooper, quarterback Dak Prescott and cornerback Byron Jones. Some even envisioned the issue that became running back Ezekiel Elliott's contract, as well. Cooper, Prescott and Jones came into last season on the final years of their contracts. The Cowboys had Elliott's contractual rights at least through 2020 because of the fifth-year option, but the running back pressed the issue on an extension. Those four now have contracts totaling $302.5 million -- at least $90 million guaranteed -- but that would grow dramatically when (if?) Prescott signs a long-term deal that will have guaranteed money of more than $105 million. All remain with the Cowboys except Jones, who left Dallas and found his fortune with the Miami Dolphins. 2020 Free Agency | Cowboys What you need to know about the Dallas Cowboys: • Cowboys' free-agent signings » • Tracker: Latest signings and news » • Barnwell's grades » | Top 100 FAs » • Free-agency coverage » | More NFL » As the Cowboys enter the 2020 season, the decisions looming next offseason are not as dramatic, especially if Prescott signs a long-term deal before July 15. Excluding Prescott and the players who agreed to one-year, free-agent deals this offseason, Dallas has eight players set to become unrestricted free agents next March: quarterback Cooper Rush, wide receivers and Noah Brown Devin Smith, offensive lineman Cody Wichmann, defensive lineman Tyrone Crawford, cornerbacks Chidobe Awuzie and Jourdan Lewis and safety Xavier Woods. Defensive tackle Antwaun Woods, offensive lineman Adam Redmond and cornerback Deante Burton are to be restricted free agents, so, theoretically, they would remain under the team's control in 2021 if the Cowboys opted to tender them contracts. Of the eight who can become unrestricted free agents, Awuzie, Lewis and Woods would be at the top of the list. They have much to prove and the most to gain. Awuzie, a second-round pick in 2017, has started 36 of 41 games and has had one interception in each of his first three seasons. He struggled down the stretch in 2019 and was replaced in the base defense in the biggest game of the season against the Philadelphia Eagles. Jourdan Lewis, left, Chidobe Awuzie, center, and Xavier Woods, right -- all drafted in 2017 -- are set to become free agents next offseason. AP Photo/Ron Jenkins, File Lewis, a third-round pick in 2017, has started 13 of 46 games, spending most of his time as the team's slot corner. He has four interceptions and has made big plays in key games despite less playing time than Awuzie. Woods, a sixth-rounder in 2017, has started 33 of 45 games, including all 29 he has played over the past two seasons. He has five interceptions. The Cowboys have been clear about their free-agent strategy in recent years. They want to keep their own because they feel it best mitigates high-priced mistakes that happen when teams pay good players great money in free agency. A longtime agent, who for years has been able to predict contracts for upcoming free agents so accurately that some teams seek him out, projects Awuzie to come in between $7 million to $8 million per season. He projects Lewis at about $5 million and Crawford at about $3 million. If Woods can play at a high level, he would check in at $9 million per season. The Cowboys have not made that kind of financial commitment to a safety since Gerald Sensabaugh in 2011 (five years, $22.5 million) or Ken Hamlin in 2008 (six years, $39 million). Woods would have to really produce for Dallas to want to pay him that kind of money, but it's not what the Cowboys want to pay -- it's what the market will bear. The Cowboys did not pay Jones $16.25 million per season, but the Dolphins did. Cowboys' 2017 Draft Class Next offseason, it's possible Dallas will have no players left from its 2017 class: Rd. Player Pos. Status 1 Taco Charlton DE Cut 2 Chidobe Awuzie DB Cowboy 3 Jourdan Lewis DB Cowboy 4 Ryan Switzer WR Traded 6 Xavier Woods DB Cowboy 6 Marquez White DB Cut 7 Joey Ivie DT Cut 7 Noah Brown WR Cowboy 7 Jordan Carrell DT Cut Awuzie has struggled to take the ball away, almost like Jones, who had two interceptions in five seasons. However, Awuzie has given up more yards and touchdown passes the past two seasons: 1,496 yards and eight touchdowns compared to Jones' 981 yards and five touchdowns, according to Pro Football Reference data. Lewis allowed 683 yards and two touchdowns the past two seasons, working mostly in the slot. The Cowboys retained Anthony Brown on a three-year, $15 million deal as free agency opened, but they were aided in that because Brown suffered a torn biceps that cost him the final six games of last season. It is possible the Cowboys do not re-sign any players from their 2017 draft class (Noah Brown is the other member of the class with an expiring contract after this season) to a second-contract. Last year, the Cowboys cut their 2017 first-rounder, defensive end Taco Charlton, and they traded their fourth-round pick, receiver Ryan Switzer, in 2018 to the Oakland Raiders. Three other picks that year did not make the 53-man roster out of training camp. The last time that happened was in 2009, and any draft that can be compared to the '09 nightmare is not good. The lack of success in that draft played a part in the failings from 2011 to 2013 because the Cowboys had to chase players in free agency to fill in for all their misses. That contributed to three straight 8-8 finishes as the Cowboys looked to rebuild on the fly. Given the uncertainty surrounding their potential 2021 free agents, it's no wonder cornerback and safety are among the Cowboys' top draft needs in 2020. So is finding a pass-rushing defensive end. The impending financial commitments might not be franchise-defining in 2021, but the decisions could be.
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Top SRO America Drivers Set for GT Rivals Season Opener – Sportscar365
Leading drivers from SRO America competition are set for this weekend’s season-opening round of the new GT World Challenge America powered by AWS ‘GT Rivals’ Esports Invitational. The 60-minute race at virtual WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, held on Assetto Corsa Competizione, will be streamed live Sunday at 3 p.m. ET on Twitch as well as SRO America’s YouTube and Facebook channels. Released on Friday, the 32-car entry list features a number of top GTWC America, Pirelli GT4 America and TC America drivers. Competing in the Acura NSX GT3 Evo will be reigning Pro-Am champion Kyle Marcelli and Circuit of The Americas winner Shelby Blackstock. They’ll be joined by fellow HPD drivers Jacob Abel, a standout open-wheel racer in the Honda Formula Regional America series and two-time TCA and TCB champion Tom O’Gorman. The Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 is new to SRO America competition and will make its debut in GT Rivals with Kenton Koch stepping up from his BSPort Racing GT4 Vantage. GT4 America driver James Pesek and TC America challenger Steve Streimer also look to take advantage of the new platform in this Sunday’s race. The Bentley Boys are back with the K-PAX Racing duo of Guy Cosmo and Patrick Byrne representing their real-world racer. GT4 America racer Karl Wittmer levels up from his BMW M4 GT4 to the BMW M6 GT3. With 2018 GT4 America champion Parker Chase making his series return in an Audi R8 LMS. Vital Speed Motorsports drivers Trevor Baek and Mark Issa join GT Rivals in their real world racer – the Ferrari 488 GT3. Nissan returns to SRO America competition with former series driver and Playstation GT Academy America winner Bryan Heitkotter. He’ll be joined in the Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 by TechSport Racing’s Kevin Anderson. Mercedes-AMG brings five GT3 machines to the fight with CrowdStrike Racing drivers Colin Braun, George Kurtz, and Kevin Boehm. Returning to Mercedes machinery, Daniel Morad joins GT Rivals with GT4 America driver Mark Ramsey jumping up into the GT3 racer as well. Last but not least, Porsche will feature six entries with the 911 GT3 R. COTA Am class winner Max Root will lead the Porsche charge with GT4 America Porsche drivers Jason Bell, Derek Deboer, Sean and Gibbons competing. Nicolai Elghanayan trades in his real world KTM X-Bow GT4 for a Porsche this weekend with TC America COTA podium finisher Nikko Reger setting up into GT3. In addition to the virtual action, fans tuning into the broadcasts will have chances of winning prizes from both ASUS ROG and free copies of Assetto Corsa Competizione, with entry links to be given in the chat rooms. Five yet-to-be-announced sim racers from Champion Motorpsorts will join the real-life drivers on Sunday. Laguna Seca Entry List: Guy Cosmo – Bentley Continental GT3 Steve Streimer – Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 Kevin Boehm – Mercedes-AMG GT3 Bryan Heitkotter – Nissan GTR GT3 Shelby Blackstock – Honda NSX GT3 Evo Kenton Koch – Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 Kyle Marcelli – Honda NSX GT3 Evo Colin Braun – Mercedes-AMG GT3 Tom O’Gorman – Honda NSX GT3 Evo Derek DeBoer – Porsche 911 GT3 R Jason Bell – Porsche 911 GT3 R Max Root – Porsche 911 GT3 R James Pesek – Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 Daniel Morad – Mercedes-AMG GT3 Trevor Baek – Ferrari 488 GT3 Patrick Byrne – Bentley Continental GT3 Nicolai Elghanyan – Porsche 911 GT3 R Karl Wittmer – BMW M6 GT3 George Kurtz – Mercedes-AMG GT3 Kevin Anderson – Nissan GTR GT3 Mark Issa – Ferrari 488 GT3 Alec Udell – TBA Sean Gibbons – Porsche 911 GT3 R Nikko Reger – Porsche 911 GT3 R Parker Chase – Audi R8 LMS GT3 Jacob Abel – Honda NSX GT3 Evo Mark Ramsey – Mercedes-AMG GT3
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New Device Plugs Gunshot Wounds Within Seconds
The typical grownup has around five litres of blood, depending on size as well as weight. Gunshot injuries can create a person to hemorrhage as well as die in rather brief order, specifically if the would certainly is in a hard place manage. A new development might change that by packaging as well as taxing a gunshot wound in just 15 seconds. The item is called XStat, established by RevMedx. XStat is a clear syringe-like container that uses loads of 12-millimeter-wide sponges straight into an open injury. When the sponges get in touch with the blood, they promptly inflate as well as cling to the wound, guaranteeing that they stay in location. Enough pressure is positioned directly on the laceration to stop bleeding so the sufferer can be transferred for surgery. One of the designers for this new tool is John Steinbaugh, who relinquished the United States Military as a Special Procedures medic. Generally, battleground injuries from bullets or shrapnel are stuffed snugly with gauze, which is extremely unpleasant and does not constantly function. Hemorrhages are the top root cause of armed forces deaths, and this could save lives. The concept began in search of an item that worked like broadening foam insulation. It would certainly just be sprayed in and after that increase to create the pressure. Unfortunately, the high blood pressure from the injured capillary was also powerful as well as the foam was unable to produce a tight seal. Prototypes were made from regular kitchen area sponges, but XStat is now made from timber pulp that is fast-acting as well as sterile. From the moment the sponges are administered, sufficient pressure is produced before the paramedic could also finish using the other bandages. After the injury has been loaded, the victim goings off to surgery. To guarantee that also one of the most mindful cosmetic surgeon does not leave any one of the sponges behind, they are all marked with an X that conveniently reveals up on x-rays. This stops a rogue sponge from entering, obtaining contaminated, and causing sepsis. Battlefields typically aren’t the only application for XStat, maybe made use of for hemorrhages caused throughout childbirth too, particularly in creating countries. Last year the gadget won seed cash from Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Obstacle For Development that was funded by different government agencies and also the Costs as well as Melinda Gates Foundation. Currently, each device sets you back regarding $100, though the cost is expected to go down as production levels go up. RevMedX looked for expedited approval with the FDA, and also are presently in the final stages prior to approval. The firm additionally has other innovative products with army medics in mind, such as the AirWrap plaster that pumps up to include stress as well as XGauze, which is a roll of gauze with the broadening sponges built in.
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Paul Stirling: Ireland batsman on World Cups, Eoin Morgan and fulfilling his potential
Stirling is Ireland's second highest T20 run scorer of all time Ireland's leading batsman Paul Stirling should have been in Bulawayo playing in a ODI series against Zimbabwe. But with sport at a standstill, he has been busy moving into a new house in Belfast where his touring experiences are helping him handle the lockdown. "I think cricketers are quite used to this," he says. "We go away for weeks and you're stuck in a hotel room, obviously you're allowed out but we often choose not to, so it's not really as difficult for us. "I'm trying to get into a set routine by having a walk or run before midday," he says. "Then doing some stretching or yoga, read a book for an hour before moving on to the electronics in the afternoon to get by. "The whole situation is extremely worrying but there are far more important things going on than sport. A lot of people do miss it though when it's not there. Hopefully it'll be back live and on our TV screens before too long" The 29-year-old spent 10 seasons playing county cricket for Middlesex at Lords but is now contracted to Cricket Ireland after being forced to choose between the two. Stirling played for Middlesex during last year's T20 Blast "Leaving Middlesex was the most difficult decision I've had to make in my life so far," he explains. "It was a really tough call - heart versus head. There were a lot of positives living over in London and playing the county circuit but of course there were also many positives coming back home to my family and also playing for your country. "It was a really difficult decision but it is up to me to make sure that I've made the right one". Turning around the T20 fortunes and opening with O'Brien Before the lockdown, Ireland had already played two Twenty20 series this year, sharing a series in the West Indies and beating Afghanistan in the format for the first time in seven years. "Our T20 fortunes have really changed," Stirling says. "We sat down as a squad and discussed how we were going to go about our business in this format. It has been our weakest suit in recent years. "We did really well drawing the series 1-1 with the West Indies on their own patch. Along with India they are one of the best sides in the world with the power they have and to come out of the series on level terms was a really good effort and hopefully we can continue that as the year goes on." In the first match in Grenada, Stirling and his opening partner Kevin O'Brien put on 154 for the first wicket setting a powerplay world record, racking up 93 runs in the first 6 overs. "It is brilliant to open with Kevin," Stirling says. "It is certainly different having to take a back seat. I can just go about my business. Stirling and Kevin O'Brien have formed a dangerous partnership at the top of Ireland's order "He always takes the positive options and you know he is only going to play the one way so it takes the pressure off you and the rest of the team. "I scored 95 - it felt like an innings from my early days. I just went out to enjoy it and hit the ball with no fear of failure and it came off. "I think there is cause for optimism, it's slow but we are making progress in T20. "It's important that the younger players coming behind us need to be better and put serious pressure on us. "You can see the likes of Harry Tector, Gareth Delany, Josh Little and Mark Adair are putting the pressure on. It's great to see and there could be no bigger incentive with hopefully two T20 World Cups coming up in the next few years." "That win over Afghanistan was huge as well. "Ireland and Afghanistan started off at the same level in our introduction to international cricket and went head-to-head pretty much for two or three years, but they have taken off and outperformed us and showed us what sort of level we need to get to. "That last game went down to the super over and we got there. Hopefully that was a turn in the tide. " Learning from Eoin Morgan and fulfilling potential "With the prospect of little or no cricket in the coming months Stirling is hoping that he gets to line-out for Northants in the T20 Blast and then help Ireland through the T20 World Cup qualifier in Australia in October. "I think when we looked at the fixtures there are a couple that stand out," Stirling says. "The first two against Oman and Papua New Guinea are massive. If we can win those we will be more or less guaranteed to make it through to the next phase with all the top teams in the world and iconic venues like Sydney, Perth and Brisbane. "Also, it would automatically qualify us for the next World Cup" With time on his hands and no Test cricket on the horizon, Ireland's second highest run scorer has been reminiscing about the historic Test at Lords last July, when the men in green shocked the cricketing world for a couple of days. "I've seen a few highlights on social media and it really does bring the memories back," he says. "It was such a special time. It's hard to put into words, you sort of float through it - an amazing achievement for the first two days, but it obviously didn't go our way on the last day. "I remember on the third day saying to Tim Murtagh, who knew Lords so well, that with the cloud cover and the coolness it wasn't going to be easy and, of course, that proved to be the case" Stirling opened the batting for Ireland during their historic four-day Test against England at Lord's last summer Chasing a victory target of 182 in bowler friendly conditions Ireland were dismissed for only 38. The men in green are due to play three ODI's against reigning world champions England in September and Stirling is relishing the challenge of going up against his old Middlesex team-mate and good friend Eoin Morgan. "Eoin has proved himself to be one of the best leaders in world cricket and in world sport," Stirling says. "Coming out and winning the World Cup we can only learn from him. "I am lucky enough to be in regular contact with Eoin. Hopefully, I can get a few snippets from him and I'll see what he can bring when I see him in September. Dublin-born England captain Eoin Morgan has played with Stirling at Middlesex "As a player he is right up there, he was one of my childhood heroes growing up. "I remember there was a computer system coming in and you could watch everyone's batting back and I clicked on Eoin Morgan, and all the balls he faced, and watched him for hours on end. "To go on and play a few times with him for Ireland was amazing. Currently his stock is as high as it gets. He has won a World Cup for England and will be in big demand as the years go on even when he stops playing." Many shrewd judges are surprised that Stirling has never been picked up by any of the IPL franchises. His strike rate is second only to David Warner of the eight batsmen who have got past the 2,000 run mark in T20's. However, it's something he doesn't dwell on. "If I'm being honest with myself I think I haven't fully realised my potential," he explains. "So that is the challenge over the next 8-10 years. To try and reach my potential and if I do that, then who knows."
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Earthquake felt in Delhi-NCR; tremors measured 3.5 on Richter scale, says IMD
There was no report of immediate loss of life or property. (Representational image) Earthquake tremors felt in Delhi-NCR: An earthquake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale with its epicentre in Delhi shook the national capital region on Sunday, prompting panic-stricken Delhiites to rush out of their homes at a time when the country is under the coronavirus lockdown. PTI reported that as per the National Centre for Seismology, the earthquake occurred at 5.45 pm on Sunday. The epicentre of the earthquake was in the National Capital Territory – Delhi – itself, and it occurred at the depth of 8 kilometres. No immediate report of any damage was reported, said the PTI report. Reports stated that the tremors of the earthquake in Delhi-NCR region were felt for several seconds, and, as a result, many people rushed out of their homes even during the COVID-19 lockdown. PTI quoted S Damle, a resident of East Delhi, as saying that he felt his chair shaking and he heard a loud rumbling sound. He was really frightened, Damle added. The report stated that the epicentre of the earthquake was located at the following coordinates: Latitude 28.7 N and Longitude 77.2 E. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal immediately tweeted stating that tremors had been felt in Delhi, and enquired about everyone’s safety. Tremors felt in Delhi. Hope everyone is safe. I pray for the safety of each one of you. — Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) April 12, 2020 Earlier, the Indian Meteorological Department had reported that the epicentre of the earthquake was in East Delhi, said IMD. More details awaited.
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WINNER’s Lee Seung Hoon Announces Military Enlistment Date
WINNER’s Lee Seung Hoon has announced that he will be enlisting in the military. On April 12, Lee Seung Hoon shared the news with fans that he will be enlisting on April 16. He will be the second member in the group to enlist, with Kim Jin Woo enlisting earlier this month on April 2. Lee Seung Hoon wrote, “I will be the next to enlist after Jin Woo. I hope you will be understanding with a generous heart about the fact that I wasn’t able to let you know sooner, and I will be healthy and do my best until I return.” The WINNER member will be enlisting at the Nonsan Army Training Center on April 16, where he will receive basic training before being assigned to the division where he will carry out the rest of his military service. WINNER recently released their third studio album “Remember” on April 9, along with the music video of their title track of the same name. We wish Lee Seung Hoon all the best for his enlistment! Source (1)
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Fighting the coronavirus is worse than operating in Syria, says war trauma surgeon
A trauma surgeon who operated in some of the world’s worst war zones has said that fighting on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis is an “intense experience” and is as bad as “seeing children blown up in Aleppo”. Dr David Nott is a world-renowned trauma surgeon from Carmarthen, Wales. He has been a consultant surgeon at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for 23 years. In an interview with The Sunday Times, Dr Nott – who goes into war-torn zones to work for aid agencies on an annual basis – spoke about his experience working to save Covid-19 patients on ventilators at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington. He called the pandemic “the most frightening enemy” he has ever faced, and warned of NHS staff suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because the fight against the virus is “emotionally destroying”. Nurses were “the real heroes” in his eyes, while he was just a “tiny, tiny cog in this most amazing machine”. “To be with patients so seriously sick for 13 hours a day, wearing masks on their face which cause so much discomfort,” said Dr Nott. “I have never seen people work so hard, so desperate for each individual patient to get through their sickness. “But sometimes the disease wins,” he admitted. The merciless, non-uniform way Covid-19 affects those it infects is still an enigma, said Dr Nott. “A lot of people we have on our unit are quite young, in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. Why some have a mild illness and others have huge problems and go down really rapidly, even though they have no underlying conditions and are completely fit and well, is a mystery nobody understand,” he said. Loading.... But the main problem, particularly among elderly patients, is that breathing becomes such an “effort” that they become too tired and “can’t breathe any more”. The Welsh doctor, who runs the David Nott Foundation which trains doctors working in war and natural disaster zones, decided to keep his wife and two young daughters in a separate living space to minimise the risk of them becoming infected, as they would be “sitting ducks for anything I brought back”. He said being away from his family felt like the Second World War, “with evacuees leaving their families”. High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Show all 18 1 /18 High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Najaf, Iraq A man holds a pocket watch at noon, at an almost empty market near the Imam Ali shrine Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Bangkok, Thailand Wat Phra Si Rattana Satsadaram (The Temple of the Emerald Buddha, part of The Grand Palace) Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Prague, Czech Republic An empty street leading to the historic Old Town Square Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Washington DC, US Lawn stretching towards the Capitol, home of Congress Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Jerusalem's Old City A watch showing the time in front of Damascus Gate Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world London, UK The Houses of Parliament seen from Westminster Bridge Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Wuhan, China Empty lanes in the city that saw the first outbreak of disease Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Havana, Cuba The Malecon road and esplanade winds along the city's seafront Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Cairo, Egypt A little busier than elsewhere: midday traffic in Tahrir Square Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Berlin, Germany The Brandenburg Gate, the only surviving city gate in the capital Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Caracas, Venezuela Bolivar Avenue, opened in 1949 and the site of many demonstrations and rallies Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Moscow, Russia Spasskaya Tower (left) on the eastern wall of the Kremlin, and St Basil's Cathedral Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Istanbul,Turkey The harbourside Eminonu district is usually buzzing with activity Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world New Delhi, India Rajpath, a ceremonial boulevard that runs through the capital Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Amman, Jordan The Roman amphitheatre that dates back to the 2nd century AD Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world New York City, US The main concourse of Grand Central station in Manhattan Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Kiev, Ukraine Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the site of many political protests since the end of the Soviet era Reuters High noon in a coronavirus-stricken world Accra, Ghana The odd walker out in the midday sun on Ring Road Central Reuters Dr Nott said he “never imagined” that doctors in the UK would have to make decisions about who to treat in hospitals here as he does in war zones, and knowing “which patients can live, which are futile to operate on”. Dr Nott is hopeful the crisis will “reset minds so people realise the human race is one big family”.
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Here’s why this Russian Mi-24 Hind Attack helicopter is painted in US Coast Guard colors
No, it’s not a joke: the photos in this post feature a Russian Mi-24V (NATO reporting name: Hind-E) attack helicopter in US Coast Guard (USCG) colors. No, it’s not a joke: the photos in this post feature a Russian Mi-24V (NATO reporting name: Hind-E) attack helicopter in US Coast Guard (USCG) colors. The Hind in fact was painted in USCG colors to play the role of an American Search and Rescue (or maybe Search and Destroy) helicopter in the Russian movie “Charged with Death” (original title Zarjazhennye smertyu). Loaded with Death is a 1991 (filmed 1990) action movie directed by Vladimir Plotnikov. A group of escaped criminals hijacks a Russian fishing vessel “Udachlivy” (“Lucky”) in the waters of North Pacific. A Soviet Border Guard patrol ship “Yuri Andropov” and US Coast Guard helicopter make a joint operation to release the vessel. What neither criminals, nor border guards know is that the fisherman is loaded with smuggled drugs, and the American drug lord goes on his fast boat to get the drugs from “Udachlivy”. The Mi-24V appears as a USCG helicopter (most likely used due to play the role of the then newly introduced Sikorsky MH-60 Jayhawk). It is piloted by Jerry Ranklin (Vladimir Antonik) and Ray (Anatoly Vedyonkin). Still, the Hind looks cool in its Coastie colors, don’t you think?
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Prostate cancer treatments can have very harsh side effects
One afternoon I saw an older man who was diagnosed with prostate cancer years ago. After having his prostate removed, he had enjoyed nearly a decade of being “cancer free.” But upon checking his labs, I noticed that the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) — a blood marker of prostate cancer — had quadrupled over the past few months. His prostate cancer was probably back. AD I explained to him that it was lucky we had caught this before his disease had spread to his bones or liver. I began to explain to him the therapy I was going to use to beat back his cancer. AD “It’s called androgen deprivation therapy,” I said, “but you can call it hormone therapy.” It would cause him to experience hot flashes, fatigue and decreased sex life. But it could ensure that he never died of his cancer. He seemed much more disappointed than when he entered. He was the sole breadwinner, the “man” of his house. He enjoyed a healthy sex life with his partner — a sex life that took years to recover after his prostate was removed many years ago. AD “Can we delay it?” he said. I told him that if his PSA continued to progress, his cancer would make the androgen deprivation therapy inevitable. If we treated early, he might only be on it for six months. But if we waited and his cancer spread further, he would be on it for the rest of his life. He agreed to the therapy, and we started the next week. AD A month later, I saw him again. He was having hot flashes and breast tenderness on a daily basis. He started taking two daily naps when he had never napped before. And his sex life had quickly become nonexistent. “I didn’t know I’d feel like such crap,” he said. These side effects are unfortunately a part of the way we treat prostate cancer, the most common cancer afflicting men (aside from skin cancers). Often, we are able to permanently eliminate the cancer by cutting out the prostate or delivering radiation to it. Those come with their own side effects: Men who receive a prostate surgery frequently are never able to achieve an erection again and have lifelong problems with incontinence. But often these side effects get better. AD But if prostate cancer comes back after surgery or radiation, or if it spreads to bones or other organs, the treatment usually involves trying to reduce the overall amount of testosterone in a man’s body. Because we are so good at curing prostate cancer, we have more than 3 million prostate cancer survivors worldwide. But about one-third of them receive androgen deprivation therapy. AD Prostate cancer feeds off a man’s testosterone. We have known since the 1940s that drastically reducing the amount of testosterone can result in a decrease in prostate cancer. In an earlier era, this was achieved by literally castrating men, removing their testicles much like male dogs are neutered. Thankfully, we use medicine today (pills or shots) rather than barbaric surgery to reduce a man’s testosterone; prostate cancer specialists, however, still refer to the process as castration. And, when you think about it, that’s essentially what we are doing. But just because this castration is less morbid doesn’t mean the side effects are any less severe. AD Testosterone is involved in some way in everything from bone health to libido and having an erection. It’s responsible for virility, muscle formation, sperm production and facial hair growth. It’s the hormone that makes men feel and look like men. AD Eliminating testosterone does much more than just shrink prostate cancer. Prostate cancer hormone therapy causes profound fatigue and hot flashes that mimic a woman’s menopause. Because prostate cancer therapy can increase the level of estrogen in the blood, many men have embarrassing breast enlargement and tenderness that can last for life. And because bones become weaker, close to 20 percent of men suffer a serious fracture within 10 years of starting therapy. These side effects — particularly the effects on fatigue and sex — are usually difficult for patients to fully fathom, even if I clearly say it before treatment. AD The hypothetical thought of their PSA improving outweighs the hypothetical notion that they may lose their sex life or virility. The truth is, there is close to a 100 percent chance that a man will lose most or all of their sex drive during the time of androgen deprivation therapy — and for months or years after, too. But the side effects of hormone therapy are much more manageable than the well-known side effects of chemotherapy that many people experience. AD All in all, it’s rare that a man would refuse to at least start hormone therapy. Most men only fully grasp how different they feel only about a month after they start prostate cancer therapy. As their energy level goes down and once-active men become sedentary, many men have asked me why we opted to use treatment instead of just waiting to see what happens with the PSA. AD One man with advanced prostate cancer even told me, “I would have preferred chemotherapy to this.” I understand this sentiment. For many men, the thought of vomiting over a toilet or losing their hair is much more preferable to losing their muscle mass and not being able to achieve an erection. Another issue is that it can be difficult for men to talk about problems such as breast swelling and decreased libido. Granted, some men are open with their partners about discussing prostate cancer; indeed, being married has been associated with much longer survival for men with prostate cancer. AD But this support isn’t often available to men. As a male physician, I’m usually the first person they mention these symptoms to — even before their partners. Anecdotally, the strain of prostate cancer therapy often leads to a lack of communication between men and their partners — and from what I see, sometimes divorce. AD For my older patient with the quickly rising PSA, we stopped his hormone therapy after six months because his PSA had returned to normal. But he never fully recovered his desire or ability to have sex. We tried a variety of medications, and even manual pumps. These worked only slightly. At one point, he even asked me whether we could try prescribing him testosterone. It was an impossible question for me to answer: Do I give testosterone to give him back his sex life, even if it meant that his prostate cancer would almost surely come back? AD There are no easy answers to these questions in prostate cancer, but we need to start addressing them. Current innovations in prostate treatment rely on pushing hormone and similar therapies earlier — called “treatment intensification.” But as we intensify treatment, we will also intensify the castration of men. Patients and doctors need a concurrent focus on survivorship — innovations to improve treating the side effects. AD One important step would be modifying our outcomes from clinical trials — which are the way that most prostate cancer therapies are approved. Most clinical trials study only short-term adverse events. But it can often take months for a man to fully lose his sexual function. We need to study these long-term effects of therapy so that we can better inform our patients. It may be that slight benefits in survival from using androgen or other novel therapies are not going to be worth the long-term physical and emotional side effects of castrating a man. AD Most of these issues hide beneath the shadows because men with prostate cancer are not open about their therapy.
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West Ham and Crystal Palace battle for £10m-rated Bordeaux striker Josh Maja - which could mean £1m Sunderland boost
The Premier League clubs have long been credited with an interest in Maja and fresh reports in the national press claim they are looking to firm up that interest. If they were to make a move then that would be good news for Sunderland, who sold Maja last January and included a sell-on clause as part of the deal. The sell-on clause is understood to be 10 per cent, as previously reported. Sign up to our Sunderland AFC newsletter The i newsletter cut through the noise Sign up Thanks for signing up! Sorry, there seem to be some issues. Please try again later. Submitting... Josh Maja is wanted by West Ham United and Crystal Palace. Maja scored 16 goals for Sunderland before he left Wearside last January having rejected the chance of a new deal on Wearside. His exit proved a huge blow for the Black Cats’ automatic promotion hopes with replacement Will Grigg failing to hit the same heights. Maja hit the headlines again recently with his Sunderland exit a key storyline of the second series of Sunderland 'Til I Die, released on Netflix earlier this month. Maja’s fine form and subsequent exit took prominence in the early episodes of season two. Reflecting on his Sunderland exit, Maja told the Echo: “I have ambitions in my career and in my life and this is just a stepping stone for me. “I want to keep pushing and fans need to understand what players want for themselves. “Even though that is a bit selfish, it’s a selfish game, isn’t it?
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Bosch 9kg Front Loader Washer Model WAP28482AU $899 Delivered @ Appliances Online
TMNT20 My washer packed it in today. Looking through what is available and this seems to be cheaper and TGG and HN by about $100, even better with free delivery and they take your old washer with them! Overview as follows: With innovative features and intelligent engineering, this Serie 6 Bosch washing machine with 9kg capacity is a reliable choice. This versatile machine boasts a wide variety of wash programs so every laundry load is cleaned with care and precision. The ActiveWater Plus and EcoSilence Drive ensures efficiency to help reduce water and electricity usage. Inside the unit, the VarioDrum is engineered with a wave-droplet design to be tough on dirt but gentle on your garments. This means every time a load finishes, your clothes come out perfect every time. For exceptional efficiency, outstanding performance, and thoughtful design, look no further than this Serie 6 washing machine from Bosch.
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[eBook] Free: "The Breakers Series" $0 (Was $4.99) @ Amazon
BREAKERS (Book 1) In New York, Walt Lawson is about to lose his girlfriend Vanessa. In Los Angeles, Raymond and Mia James are about to lose their house. Within days, none of it will matter. A plague tears across the world, reducing New York to an open grave and LA to a chaotic wilderness of violence and fires. Civilization comes to an abrupt stop. Just as the survivors begin to adapt to the aftermath, Walt learns the virus that ended humanity wasn't created by humans. It was inflicted from outside. The colonists who sent it are ready to finish the job—and Earth's survivors may be too few and too weak to resist. MELT DOWN (Book 2) In upstate Idaho, Ness Hook is run out of his mom's house by his bullying brother Shawn. In Redding, California, Tristan Carter is graduating college, but with no job and no prospects, she'll have to move back in with her parents. Then the world ends: first with a virus, then with an alien invasion. Ness and Shawn take to the mountains to fight a guerrilla against the attackers. In California, Tristan and Alden are taken prisoner. Separated from her brother, Tristan crosses the ruins of America to track him down. She will stop at nothing to get Alden back—but her fellow survivors prove even more dangerous than the monsters who broke the world. KNIFEPOINT (Book 3) Raina was just a girl when the plague came. She survived. Her parents didn't. Neither did the world. As civilization fell, she took to the ruins of Los Angeles, eating whatever she could catch. After two years alone, she's found and adopted by a fisherman and his wife. Their makeshift family lives a quiet life—until a man named Karslaw sails in from Catalina Island with an army of conquerors. Driven by visions of empire, he executes Raina's new father as a traitor and takes her mother captive. But Karslaw's people aren't the only ones vying for control of the ruined land. As violence wracks the city, Raina joins a rebellion against Karslaw's rule. She will stop at nothing to free her mother—and to have her revenge. Author: Edward W. Robertson At time of writing the set has been rated 4.4 out of 5 with 1,841 customer ratings.
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Seiko Presage SRPE15J $340 Delivered @ G.W. Cox
Edit 2: Both now appears to be out of stock Edit 1: SRPE19J is now sold out, updated post title and link to SRPE15J instead I was looking at Seiko watches and came across the recently released SRPE19J (JDM SARY161). It got me intrigued so I started digging up more information and found out that it is essentially just a version of the SRPB43J1 Skydiving on a stainless-steel bracelet rather than on a leather strap. During my search, I found a jewellery store based in Adelaide which is having a sale on this particular model. Those who know their Seikos will know that this watch is based on the popular SARB065 Cocktail Time. For reference, Starbuy is selling this particular model for $469. Seiko Presage SRPE19J (similar to SRPB43J1 'Skydiving') $340 - Now sold out Dial Dial Colour: Light Blue Hand Indicators: Hour, Minutes, Seconds Calendar Indicators: Date Dial Markers: Batons Exterior Case Material: Stainless steel Glass Material: Curved Hardlex Glass Coating: Anti-reflective coating on inner surface Case Size Diameter: 40.5 ㎜ Thickness: 11.8 ㎜ Movement Caliber Number: 4R35 Movement Type: 23 jewels automatic movement with manual winding capacity, hacking movement (stops the second hand when you pull the crown to the time-setting position, so you can set it to the second) Power Reserve: Approx. 41 hours Accuracy: +45 to -35 seconds per day (at normal temperature range, 5℃-35℃) Other features Bracelet/Clasp Type: Stainless steel bracelet with push button buckle Water Resistance: 50m/5ATM/160ft Exhibition case back 2020 release In addition, the store is also selling a green variant of this watch. Seiko Presage SRPE15J (similar to SRPD37J 'Mockingbird') $340 Dial Dial Colour: Green Hand Indicators: Hour, Minutes, Seconds Calendar Indicators: Date Dial Markers: Batons Exterior Case Material: Stainless steel Glass Material: Curved Hardlex Glass Coating: Anti-reflective coating on inner surface Case Size Diameter: 40.5 ㎜ Thickness: 11.8 ㎜ Movement Caliber Number: 4R35 Movement Type: 23 jewels automatic movement with manual winding capacity, hacking movement (stops the second hand when you pull the crown to the time-setting position, so you can set it to the second) Power Reserve: Approx. 41 hours Accuracy: +45 to -35 seconds per day (at normal temperature range, 5℃-35℃) Other features Bracelet/Clasp Type: Stainless steel bracelet with push button buckle Water Resistance: 50m/5ATM/160ft Exhibition case back 2020 release
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Hitman (2016) Free @ Steam
Spotted on r/freegames, follow the instructions in the picture in the link. I had trouble getting this to work. My problem was that I had Episode One - Paris in my steam account. I had to go into the game in my steam library, select support and permanently remove this game from my account. Free for another 10 or so hours. Step 0: Check if you have Hitman 1 DLCs in your steam account. If so remove. Step 1: Open Hitman (2016) in the steam store and select Play Game but do not install Step 2: Open Hitman 2 and install the starter pack (10gb). Step 3: Start Hitman 2 and close. Either alt+F4 or quit through options. Step 4: Right click Hitman 2 in your steam library and confirm the Legacy DLC is in your account. Steam should also start a 31.6gb update to Hitman 2. HitmanTM1/2016/Season 1 has basically the same engine as HitmanTM2/2018/Season 2, so they have a "Legacy Pack" which puts the first game into the second as DLC. You will lose the original game launcher after this free weekend, but you will not lose the H2 DLC, in which the entire first game is playable in the second game's engine with upgraded features. https://store.steampowered.com/app/236870/HITMAN/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/863550/HITMAN_2/
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Menyusul Jabar dan DKI Jakarta, PSBB Banten Disetujui Menkes
Pemerintah menyetujui pembatasan sosial berskala besar Provinsi Banten. Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto sudah menandatangani surat pengajuan PSBB tersebut. "Sudah (ditandatangani)," ujar Juru Bicara Pemerintah soal Penanganan Corona, dr Achmad Yurianto, saat dikonfirmasi, Minggu (12/4/2020). Yuri sebelumnya mengatakan PSBB untuk Provinsi Banten meliputi Kota Tangerang, Kabupaten Tangerang, dan Kota Tangerang Selatan. Ketiga wilayah tersebut berbatasan langsung dengan DKI Jakarta. "Hari ini kami proses PSBB untuk wilayah Provinsi Banten, baik yang berada di Kota Tangerang, Kab Tangerang, maupun Kota Tangerang Selatan," ujar Yuri saat memberikan keterangan di kantor BNPB yang disiarkan langsung lewat Akun YouTube BNPB, Minggu sore tadi. Yuri mengatakan diharapkan hari ini usulan tersebut bisa disetujui. "Sehingga klaster COVID-19 Jabodetabek bisa lebih terintegrasi. Sehingga lebih bisa memudahkan kita dalam pengendalian aspek epidemiologinya," ujarnya. Sebelumnya, PSBB sudah diberlakukan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. PSBB di DKI Jakarta berlaku mulai Jumat, 10 April 2020, lalu. Menkes juga sudah menyetujui PSBB untuk wilayah Jawa Barat, meliputi Depok, Bogor, dan Bekasi. PSBB Jabar diperkirakan akan berlaku pada Rabu atau Kamis mendatang.
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【4月12日 AFP】新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)患者の病棟で採取した空気サンプルの調査で、新型ウイルスは最大4メートル飛散することが分かった。現在推奨されている確保すべき対人距離の2倍に相当する。中国の研究者らが10日、調査の予備段階の結果を米疾病対策センター(CDC)のオンライン雑誌「新興再興感染症雑誌(Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal)」で発表した。 中国・北京の軍事医学研究院が主導する研究者らは、2月19日から3月2日まで、中国・武漢(Wuhan)の火神山医院(Huoshenshan Hospital)の集中治療室と新型肺炎患者用の一般病棟で物体の表面のサンプルと空気のサンプルを採取した。 研究チームが着目したのは、いわゆる「エーロゾル(エアロゾル)感染」だ。せきやくしゃみの飛沫(ひまつ)は数秒以内に地面に落下するが、ウイルスが超微細な霧状の粒子である場合は、空気中に数時間浮遊する。 研究チームは、ウイルスを含んだエーロゾルが主に患者の近くおよび風下側最大4メートルの位置に集中していることを確認。患者の風上側では最大約2.4メートルの位置まで確認できた。 病院の医療従事者には一人も感染者が出ていないことから、論文の執筆者らは、「適切な予防策を講じれば、感染を効果的に防止できることを示している」としている。 超微細な霧状の粒子に含まれるわずかな量の新型ウイルスの感染力がどの程度かはまだ明らかになっていないため、新型ウイルスのエーロゾル化については研究者らの間で議論を呼んでいる。論文は、新型肺炎の感染の仕組みについての議論に影響を与える内容だが、中国の研究チームは、今回調査した距離で検出された少量のウイルスで感染するとは限らないとしている。(c)AFP
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Knicks mailbag: Hiring Tom Thibodeau would be good news
Thibodeau is confident he’ll get a job next season and has even been asking around the league for advice on picking the best opportunity, according to sources. The Knicks, Nets and Rockets are expected to have the three highest-profile coaching gigs available. Keep an eye on the Pelicans, Bulls and Hawks. Then there’s the big question of whether Gregg Popovich is returning for another season in San Antonio. Our advice for Thibodeau, if he lands a job, would be to hire a couple assistants who can connect and serve as a bridge with younger players.
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Australia should join New Zealand and shoot for eliminating coronavirus
New Zealand is beating coronavirus. They are the envy of the world – with a realistic chance of eliminating COVID-19 from the country within the next couple of months. A week ago it seemed impossible that Australia could join the Kiwis, but a growing body of evidence shows that if we can hold the course for a little while longer we could beat the virus too. Australia is not far behind New Zealand in daily coronavirus cases, and we are catching up. We are currently recording about 100 cases a day, which is only slightly more than New Zealand’s peak of 87 a week ago. Most individual states in Australia are already ahead of New Zealand, and if they stay the course and keep Stage Three restrictions going they could beat New Zealand to 0. Growing epidemiological evidence points to the possibility of eliminating coronavirus. Recent modelling by the University of Sydney found that with spatial distancing the virus could be all but gone from Australia by the second week of June, and improved contact tracing could probably prevent a resurgence of the disease. Separate modelling published on Friday by researchers at the University of Melbourne reaches the same conclusion. And New Zealand modelling previewed by Jacinda Arden on Friday suggests that country has a better than even money chance of being COVID-19 free by late June, just two-months away. In contrast, early modelling released by the Doherty Institute for the Australian Government was designed to model healthcare capacity and did not consider scenarios with the degree of spatial distancing we are achieving in Australia today. While it was helpful in preventing a catastrophe, It does not help us understand if eliminating COVID-19 is possible in Australia, and by when. The prospect of 90 days of Stage Three restrictions is daunting, but there are good reasons to believe we could bring cases down to zero earlier than that. The University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne models simulate enough spatial distancing to halve the number of coronavirus cases roughly every 16 days. But for the past week Australian cases have been halving every 4.2 days. Even if that trend slows over the next few weeks, there’s a real prospect that many states could begin easing spatial distancing as early as May, with a clear plan in place by Anzac Day. Getting from ‘nearly 0 cases’ to 0 cases is the toughest part of the elimination strategy. We would need to trace down every single case, isolating and testing all the people they might have come into contact with. Some towns or suburbs might need to stay on Stage Three restrictions for longer to stamp out the last remaining cases, and some schools might have to be closed again if cases flare up. We would need to quarantine international arrivals until a coronavirus vaccine is found. But a successful elimination strategy would give most Australians a good chance of resuming a near-normal life well before the end of the year. If we succeed, crowds could return to the MCG in time for the Boxing Day Test. Co Authors :
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Fears of ‘Wild West’ as COVID-19 blood tests hit the market
This 2020 electron microscope image made available by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows the spherical particles of the new coronavirus, colorized blue, from the first U.S. case of COVID-19. Antibody blood tests for the coronavirus could play a key role in deciding whether millions of Americans can safely return to work and school. But public health officials warn that the current “Wild West” of unregulated tests is creating confusion that could ultimately slow the path to recovery. (Hannah A. Bullock, Azaibi Tamin/CDC via AP) This 2020 electron microscope image made available by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows the spherical particles of the new coronavirus, colorized blue, from the first U.S. case of COVID-19. Antibody blood tests for the coronavirus could play a key role in deciding whether millions of Americans can safely return to work and school. But public health officials warn that the current “Wild West” of unregulated tests is creating confusion that could ultimately slow the path to recovery. (Hannah A. Bullock, Azaibi Tamin/CDC via AP) WASHINGTON (AP) — Blood tests for the coronavirus could play a key role in deciding whether millions of Americans can safely return to work and school. But public health officials warn that the current “Wild West” of unregulated tests is creating confusion that could ultimately slow the path to recovery. More than 70 companies have signed up to sell so-called antibody tests in recent weeks, according to U.S. regulators. Governments around the world hope that the rapid tests, which typically use a finger-prick of blood on a test strip, could soon ease public restrictions by identifying people who have previously had the virus and have developed some immunity to it. ADVERTISEMENT But key questions remain: How accurate are the tests, how much protection is needed and how long will that protection last. The blood tests are different from the nasal swab-based tests currently used to diagnose active COVID-19 infections. Instead, the tests look for blood proteins called antibodies, which the body produces days or weeks after fighting an infection. The same approach is used for HIV, hepatitis, Lyme disease, lupus and many other diseases. Because of the relative simplicity of the technology, the Food and Drug Administration decided to waive initial review of the tests as part of its emergency response to the coronavirus outbreak. Right now, the tests are most useful for researchers studying how the virus has spread through the U.S. population. The government said Friday it has started testing 10,000 volunteers. The White House has not outlined a broader plan for testing and how the results might be used. With almost no FDA oversight of the tests, “Right now it’s a wild west show out there,” said Eric Blank of the Association for Public Health Laboratories. “It really has created a mess that’s going to take a while to clean up.” “In the meantime, you’ve got a lot of companies marketing a lot of stuff and nobody has any idea of how good it is,” he said. Members of Blank’s group, which represents state and local lab officials, have urged the FDA to revisit its lax approach toward the tests. That approach essentially allows companies to launch as long as they notify the agency and include disclaimers. Companies are supposed to state that their tests have not been FDA-approved and cannot rule out whether someone is currently infected. ADVERTISEMENT Last week, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said in a statement that the agency will “take appropriate action” against companies making false claims or selling inaccurate tests. During an interview Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Hahn expressed “concern” that tests being sold “may not be as accurate as we’d like them to be.” “What we don’t want are wildly inaccurate tests,” he said. “That’s going to be much worse, having wildly inaccurate tests than having no test.” Dr. Allison Rakeman of New York City’s Public Health Laboratory says some local hospitals are assuming the tests, which are listed on FDA’s website, “have been vetted, when they have not.” The danger of faulty testing, Rakeman says, is that people will mistakenly conclude that they are immune or are no longer spreading the virus. “Then somebody goes home and kisses their 90-year-old grandmother,” said Rakeman. “You don’t want to give someone a false sense of security.” For most people, the new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, and death. For many infections, antibody levels above a certain threshold indicate that the person’s immune system has successfully fought off the virus and is likely protected from reinfection. For COVID-19, it’s not yet clear what level of antibodies render patients immune or how long immunity might last. Adding to the confusion is the fact that both legitimate companies and fraudulent operators appear to be selling the kits. Distinguishing between the two can be a challenge. Officials in Laredo, Texas, reported this month that some 2,500 antibody tests set for use at a local drive-thru testing site were likely frauds. City officials had ordered what they were told were “FDA-approved COVID-19 rapid tests,” from a local clinic. But when they checked the test’s accuracy, it fell well below the range promised, the city said in a statement. Examples of U.S. companies skirting the rules appear online and in emails sent to hospitals. Promotional emails sent to hospitals and reviewed by The Associated Press failed to include required disclaimers. Some kits sold on websites promote themselves as “FDA-approved” for home testing. The agency has not yet approved any COVID-19 home test. The blood tests have to processed by a lab. “If you see them on the internet, do not buy them until we can give you a test that’s reliable for all Americans,” said Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, at a recent briefing. 20/20 BioResponse is one of dozens of U.S. companies selling the tests to hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices. The Rockville, Maryland-based company imports the tests from a Chinese manufacturer but CEO Jonathan Cohen says his company independently confirmed its performance in 60 U.S. patients. He estimates the company has shipped 10,000 tests and has had to limit orders due to demand. He said antibody tests are not a “panacea but they’re not garbage either.” Cohen called them “a tool in the toolbox that will have some value along with other tests.” The company’s test is registered on the FDA website and includes all the required disclaimers. To date, the FDA has only authorized one COVID-19 antibody test from North Carolina diagnostics company Cellex. The agency used its emergency powers, meaning a formal review is still needed. The White House has also tried to temper expectations for the tests, while still promising that millions will soon be available. Dr. Brett Giroir, the federal health official overseeing U.S. testing, told reporters a week ago that the FDA and other agencies are working to confirm the accuracy of the antibody tests. “We’re going to be very careful to make sure that when we tell you you’re likely immune from the disease ... the test really said that,” Giroir said. ___ Follow Matthew Perrone on Twitter: www.twitter.com/AP_FDAwriter ___ The Associated Press receives support for health and science coverage from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
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Nick Hardwick On Philip Rivers: 'He's The Toughest Human Being That I've Been Around'
What was your initial reaction when you heard Rivers was signing with the Colts? Hardwick: "I thought, 'Hallelujah,' because as a friend and a guy who protected him for nine years of my career, I would do anything for Phil — still do this day, and I think a lot of his teammates would say the exact same thing. We would do anything for that dude. I would throw myself in front of a train for Philip, just because as an offensive lineman it's built into your DNA after so many years that that is the prized possession we've got to protect. He's an unbelievable teammate. But thinking about him this offseason and the places he could've gone, in my head, as a friend and as a guy who's fiercely loyal to Phil, first off, I think of his protection and I think of his success and his happiness, and the only place that I could see him having a great chance at success and winning a division championship, getting into the playoffs and making a good run, was with the Indianapolis Colts. So, for me, it was Indianapolis Colts or perhaps the Monday Night Football broadcast booth, so this worked out fabulously. I can't wait to cheer for him." Both Rivers and you played under Frank Reich when he was a coach with the Chargers from 2013-14, first as quarterbacks coach and then offensive coordinator. How much of that offense do you think will look similar to what Reich does now with Rivers again as his QB? Hardwick: "It's really hard to tell, and I think especially because Frank was really at the beginning of his play-calling career with the Chargers. And then he went to the Eagles and he blossomed under Doug Peterson, and I think he got some really good influence from that offensive system and carried what he learned there over to Indianapolis. So there are gonna be, and there are, as all signal callers have, kind of their bread and butter — I liken it to, like, a guitar player: you can hear their sound in there no matter what they're playing — so you will see Frank Reich go from the Chargers to the Eagles to the Colts and his sound will be familiar, the look of the offense will be familiar, but I have to imagine that it was heavily influenced by the Eagles and that run that they made, and the ability that they had to work that around the group that they had in Philly, and then coming and having a different quarterback in Andrew Luck and then Jacoby Brissett and of that influence. So his learning curve has been a very steep one; it's been very exciting for me as a guy who loved playing for Frank Reich getting to watch him grow into this space, and always had an understanding that he was going to be a great head coach, just 'cause of the way that he deals with people — his demeanor, his leadership qualities, his ability to concisely convey a message in front of a group. So getting to watch all of that, and then see how his system has kind of morphed itself over the years — and it's going to continue to evolve, because that's what the game of football continues to do — so it's going to be fun to see and hear from Phil the differences from those 2013 to 2015 years to now 2020." For those that don't know, how would you best describe Rivers as a football player? Hardwick: "He's the toughest human being that I've been around, and I say this all the time: he's an offensive lineman locked in a quarterback's body. If he were 50 pounds heavier he would've been a Hall of Fame offensive lineman — that's how tough that guy is. He's a wild competitor — as are all elite quarterbacks. I mean, these guys — the Tom Bradys, the Drew Breeses, the Peyton Mannings — these guys obviously hate to lose, they're fiercely competitive. I tell you, with all of that, he's a wonderful teammate. He is the best teammate that I have ever had in my entire life, and that goes from youth sports all of the way up through the pros. I've played with some tremendous guys, but there's something about Philip Rivers and his charisma and his energy and the care that he brings to the locker room every single day — there's nobody in that building that will care as much about winning and success and his teammates as much as Philip Rivers." Do you have any special Rivers stories that help explain the kind of player and teammate he is? Hardwick "There's so many moments. And so to think of one moment which really sums him up, I guess you would have to go back — and you guys know this story well in Indianapolis — is tearing his ACL in the division game, and going on to play in the AFC Championship Game the following weekend, in New England, on a torn ACL and a repaired meniscus the very next day. The special thing about that is, yes, his toughness, and yes, his willingness to do that, and I think a lot of athletes would say, 'Man, I would do anything to play in an AFC Championship Game,' and Philip fell in line with that. But the special part about all of that was he never once made it about him. We didn't know what he was going through. As teammates, the word had not spread that he had torn his ACL, that it was going to be some heroic feat that he was going to be playing in New England the following weekend. He just kind of assured everybody throughout that entire week that, 'I'm going to be playing this upcoming weekend. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, because I just had surgery — I'm going to be available, I'm going to be ready.' He practiced on Friday and Saturday, and he just had that inner faith that — why would we doubt him? And so he just kind of put us all at ease, that, 'Hey, our quarterback's gonna be ready.' We went about the week business as usual, and sure enough, on Sunday, by watching the film you couldn't really tell that he had torn his ACL. And it just speaks to his toughness and his character, and really his selflessness, and I think that's really one of the greatest character traits that the has as a leader, is of all of the years that he's played, every time there's any acclaim thrown his way, he throws it immediately back at the guys around him and the locker room and the building and the administration — everything. He sheds all of the acclaim, but he really takes as much blame as he possibly can after losses, and even if he had a 110, a 1-whatever rating it would be, just a ridiculous game, he would say, 'What more could I do? Could I have been better during the week? Could I have communicated better on gamely? Could I have given something more?' So it's always about what more can I do, what more can I give? He's just a really special human." Rivers in 2018 had one of his better seasons in recent memory, and last season the numbers fell off a bit. Do you think he'll be able to revert to that 2018 form now with Reich and the Colts and this offense? Hardwick: "Yeah, he's not going to be far off from that [2018] season. And I think when people look from the outside — and the expectations around the Los Angeles Chargers were astronomically high. I thought they were falsely elevated, coming off of a 12-4 season. And I do sports talk radio out in San Diego, and we had talked to Phil after that season and said, 'What are you working on next year?' He goes, you know, 'We have to be really cognizant of the fact that, yes we were 12-4 in 2018;' he said, 'A lot of those games were come-from-behind victories, really close contests.' He said, 'We very easily could've been 6-10 that year. So we've got to be really concerned with (not) buying into the hype too much.' So you had that kind of component — expectations, people had them in the Super Bowl preseason before the 2019 season. And then you had the running back, Melvin Gordon, holding out for the entire offseason, you had their left tackle out with pulmonary embolism — nothing he could really do there — he had Derwin James break his foot in the middle of a training camp and miss so much time. They started off poorly, the confidence really waned early, they never got it back, the offensive line continued to fall apart throughout the year, there wasn't the protection around him and they just weren't the team that the expectations coming into the season had set for them. And it was a really disappointing season, and it was disappointing for Phil, too. He'll tell you the same. But the one characteristic that Phil has that is kind of the double-edged sword with him is that he's going to go down swinging. And the old saying would be, 'You might kick my butt, you ain't gonna like it.' Like, he's going to go down and he's gonna throw balls at the end of games when they're down by two touchdowns because, why not? Because, what am I gonna hold this ball and I'm gonna protect my own statistics? He's going to go down swinging every single time, and, you know, that's at times to his detriment, of course, statistically, and then the naysayers can jump on top of those negative statistics — 23 touchdowns to 20 interceptions — and so people can do that. But on the positive light of that is, like, you've got a dude who is going to play through the last second of every single game, and he doesn't care about his personal acclaim, he doesn't care about the statistics at the end of the season. All he cares about is competing until the end. And I do believe, you know, he's going to have a much better year in 2020 than he had in 2019. I talked about Russell Okung, their left tackle for the Chargers, being out for the beginning of the year; when he came back he was spotty because he had some soft tissue injuries; Mike Pouncey, their Pro Bowl center, went out midway through the season due to a neck injury, not sure if he's going to return; they had a third-round left tackle that they had drafted as a project to sit behind Russell Okung who was starting later who's out of Sioux Falls, Iowa, or Sioux Falls, South Dakota — I mean, there was not a good protection unit in front of Phillip. And, as you know, Philip is rather immobile, he's an old-school, traditional pocket quarterback, and he requires an offensive line a lot like the offensive line that the Colts have built, which is why I said at the beginning, when I'm thinking of Phil as a teammate and where he can go have success, Indy is the place because of that offensive line." The Colts had one of the better rushing attacks in the league in 2019. How much can that help Rivers and the way he likes to run the show?
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How to Be Happier During COVID: Decades of Science Shows That Gratitude, Love, and Connection Can Save Your Life
With no vaccine or drug that reduces symptoms readily available to help the body combat COVID-19, social distancing and self-isolating is one of the most effective measures of prevention to ensure that hospitals don’t become overwhelmed with sick patients. But the methods most readily available to help reduce the stress and anxiety resulting from seriously difficult times—an embracing hug, seeing friends, or visiting parents or grandparents—are exactly the things we’re told not to do. There are other options, however—and over 50 years of documented research suggests that we can reduce symptoms of anxiety, and even physical pain responses, by doing them. In a meta-analysis looking at a half-century of research, scientist found that both the act of smiling and seeing smiles can actually make people happier. Try it right now for yourself. In another pilot study, scientists confirmed that altruistic acts—like charitable actions towards neighbors or strangers, altruistic giving, or donating blood—can actually reduce the physical sensations related to pain. Written in Our Biology The Washington Post reminds us that before we had tools or the intelligence to invent them, our earliest ancestors had teamwork and social groups. We have evolved over millions of years to be close to the people we love, to hold them, hear their voice, and perform tasks together. When we are isolated from other humans, hormonal changes, typical of a crouching hunter on the plains of Africa in the dawn of humanity, take over in our brain; mainly to prepare us for danger. Norepinephrine, associated with the fight or flight response, but also inflammation, increases. CHECK OUT: Doing Something Nice For Others Can Immediately Relieve Sensations of Physical and Mental Pain, Says New Study Inflammation helps to heal wounds, but has also been shown to exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and depression. But being alone and isolated doesn’t mean you’re at the mercy of your biology—it can also work in your favor. Scientists from the University of Arizona found in an examination of 102 people that simply thinking about romantic partners reduced symptoms of stress, anxiety, and general feelings of sadness—as much as if the person were actually in the room! Being Close Without Being Close The scope of the COVID-19 impact in the United States, particularly in New York City is being compared with that of World War II, or for younger folks, the September 11th attacks. But the differences between these tribulations were noted by Tim Dillon, a former NYC tour bus guide turned famous stand-up comedian. On a recent episode of his podcast, The Tim Dillon Show, “You could be together, you could hug each other, kiss people on the cheek; … You could go out and eat pumpkin muffins and talk about how many bombs we were going to drop on the evil-doers.” RELATED: Study of Surveillance Cameras Proves That Strangers Will Almost Always Intervene to Help But the pandemic restricts these natural forms of mental fortification at the very moment we most need it. As Sarah Kaplan writing for The Post neatly surmises, “6 feet never felt so far.” However in almost every case imaginable, positive social interaction, even in distant abstract forms like imagination, proves to have measurable impact on our health and well-being. MORE: Optimistic People Shown to Sleep Better and Longer If you see something in the mainstream media that gets you down, try just calling a friend and telling them how much they mean to you. Expressing gratitude, either for a person’s presence or a gift, as well as receiving expressions of gratitude, however awkward, was found in a study to be enough to trigger beneficial neurological changes that resulted in better mental health for both the senders and recipients of emails. In a time when the social butterflies within all of us are stagnating, it’s never been more important to tell someone that you love and miss them. RELATED: The Science of Kindness—Biology Proves How We Are All Connected Connect With Your Friends By Sharing The Compassionate Science To Social Media…
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Traditional Japanese seal system hampers telework for some
In this file photo taken on March 13, 2004, a consumer chooses a "Hanko" or personal seal in Tokyo. AFP / Toshifumi Kitamura By Natsuko Fukue | AFP Tokyo: Some Japanese office workers are facing a small, but insurmountable hurdle to staying home under the state of emergency declared in parts of the country over the virus: personal signature stamps. A reliance on paper filing systems in parts of Japan's business world is forcing employees to go into work to put their unique seal on documents. To do this they use tiny traditional stamps known as hanko or inkan -- tools that date back centuries, but are still popular nationwide. Usually cylindrical with a surface no larger than a fingernail, the tiny stamps are used with red ink to sign contracts, approve proposals and verify who has viewed what. "I need to physically be in the office because I need to submit paper documents and stamp them," Mizuho, who works at an IT firm in Tokyo, told AFP. Even though her company is tech-savvy in other ways, hanko are still the norm there, said Mizuho, who asked to be identified by her first name only. "We use Microsoft software as a communication tool... but I cannot work from home as long as the paper and hanko culture exists," she said. She worries that her firm isn't taking the pandemic seriously -- despite an employee in their building contracting the virus. "I feel unspoken pressure to be in the office," she added. 'Conservative culture' Most Japanese adults have a personal seal, carved with their name in Chinese characters, and used in place of a signature to authenticate documents in every aspect of life -- from opening a bank account, or acknowledging receipt of registered mail. Some major companies, including big banks, have begun phasing out their use. But they remain popular, along with other practices seen as outdated in other major economies, including the use of fax machines and a focus on paper rather than digital documents. A recent survey by the Japan Association for Chief Financial Officers (JACFO) showed 40 percent of companies that introduced telework said workers ended up going to the office, primarily because they had to handle paper documents and stamp things with hanko. "There is a conservative culture where companies don't want to change how they work," said Hiroshi Yaguchi of JACFO. Although the number of companies that digitise documents is increasing, more of them should follow suit and introduce web conferences to allow telework, he said. Japanese authorities this week declared a state of emergency in seven regions, including the capital, with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe saying people should reduce their social contact by 70-80 percent to curb the spread of the virus. The measure falls short of a lockdown, but comes as medical experts warn of explosive growth in infections in the country, which has recorded over 6,000 cases and 94 deaths. Digital seals The number of commuters on Tokyo's notoriously crowded transport system has dropped significantly, but people like Yumi, an employee at a Tokyo insurance company, said telework simply isn't possible for her and her colleagues. "At my company, everyone comes in... our customers fill in paper applications for insurance so it's difficult for us to do business at home," she said, declining to give her family name. She tries to be careful taking the train, looking for carriages that seem emptier than others. Some workers have it better, like 30-year-old Yuki, a travel agent at a Tokyo firm that uses mostly online documents, as well as digital hanko. "I just click once and we get digital seal on a document. It's easy," she said. But even she says she goes to the office several days a week because some data can't be accessed remotely. "Going to the office by a train worries me most. I'm also worried about being infected in the office," she said. "I really want to avoid contact with people." Yuki worries that people continuing to work in offices will spread infection. "That's why maybe Japan should have imposed a ban on going out as seen overseas," she said. "Japanese are hard workers, so unless we're forced to not go to work, it's going to be difficult to avoid 80 percent of contact." Share this post Read also Read More Japan PM criticised as tone deaf after lounge-at-home Twitter video 12 Apr 2020 - 14:51 It was the first weekend since Japan declared a state of emergency in major population centres to fight the spread of the coronavirus. Read More Melania Trump is having a moment during coronavirus pandemic 12 Apr 2020 - 13:55 Before the pandemic shut down activity in the U.S., she was preparing for the annual Easter Egg Roll, once set for Monday. She also was planning an April state dinner for Spain’s king and queen, now postponed.
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El empleo informal crece en la Argentina al ritmo de las sucesivas crisis
La informalidad que más aumenta es la de los cuentapropistas, que integran el segmento más golpeado por el aislamiento obligatorio; cómo se fue formando ese grupo a lo largo de décadas Fuente: Archivo Carlos Manzoni Comentar Me gusta Me gusta Compartir E-mail Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Guardar 12 de abril de 2020 El Gobierno decidió pagar una ayuda de $10.000 este mes (en principio, por única vez) a un sector desfavorecido de la población: si bien en ese grupo se incluye a monotributistas de las categorías A y B, la mayor cantidad de destinatarios son los hogares cuyo único sostén es el ingreso que se obtiene por un trabajo informal. Un cálculo inicial de funcionarios del Gobierno estimaba que esta medida alcanzaría en total a 3,6 millones de hogares, pero se presentaron más de 11,3 millones de solicitudes, algo que, más allá de que muchos de ellos no cumplían los requisitos y sus pedidos fueron rechazados, muestra cómo ha crecido el empleo informal en la Argentina, década tras década. Según comenta Agustín Salvia, director del Observatorio de la Deuda Social de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), cada crisis económica ha agregado una nueva capa de informales. "Toda esta masa ha ido creciendo, sobre todo a partir de los años 80. El fracaso del plan Austral en 1987, la hiperinflación en 1989, la crisis del Tequila en 1994, la explosión de 2001, la devaluación de 2014, la crisis de 2016 cuando asume Macri, y la devaluación de 2018 fueron todos episodios que sumaron personas a la informalidad", detalla el sociólogo. Salvia explica que entre crisis y crisis hubo burbujas de consumo, pero ninguna de ellas reabsorbió a esa población que quedó afuera del sistema. "Lo que se hace es derramar consumo sobre el sector informal o hacer que esos informales tengan más changas, pero no se crea empleo, porque no hay una política de inversión y desarrollo", señala. Jorge Colina, economista de Idesa, coincide en que esta masa de trabajo en la informalidad se empezó a formar en la década del 80, cuando la economía argentina decreció en lugar de crecer. "Fue ahí cuando aumentó el empleo público y el cuentapropismo informal. Después, en los 90, hubo además un proceso de modernización que llevó a que los cuentapropistas y los empleados públicos de baja calificación quedaran desempleados y no pudieran incorporarse a la economía moderna", recuerda el especialista. Así, se llegó a la actualidad con una torta del empleo que se compone de la siguiente manera: 50% de los ocupados son asalariados formales; 25%, asalariados en negro, el 25%, cuentapropistas (dos tercios de ellos están en negro y un tercio, en blanco). "La informalidad que mide el Indec es la informalidad entre los asalariados, que arroja una cifra de 35%; pero si uno suma los cuentapropistas, se podría decir que el número total de empleo informal se acerca al 50%", estima Colina. Traducida en número de personas, la realidad laboral en el país arroja estas cifras: hay 20,6 millones de personas ocupadas, de las cuales 6,1 millones son asalariados formales privados y 3,8 millones son empleados públicos. Después, según datos de la Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas (FIEL), hay casi 11 millones, de los cuales más de 7 millones son informales y el resto son semiformales (monotributistas sociales, trabajadoras de servicio doméstico). Ergasto Riva, profesor en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y especialista en temas laborales, subraya que lo que más creció en los últimos años fue la informalidad cuentapropista. Además, este experto acota que es algo que no se revierte en los tiempos de vacas gordas: "La rigidez de las leyes laborales hace que aún en períodos expansivos de la economía, la informalidad se mantenga en niveles muy altos". En tanto, la última Encuesta de la Deuda Social Argentina, de la UCA, muestra que para fines de 2019 se estimaba que casi seis de cada diez personas económicamente activas no tenían un empleo de calidad (desarrollaban trabajos sin aportes a la seguridad social o estaban desocupadas). "Y existe una gran disparidad según el estrato ocupacional del hogar, puesto que la proporción de estos trabajadores en el estrato de hogares medio profesional es solo del 22,8% mientras que en el estrato de trabajador marginal alcanza el 88,2%", se expresa en esta encuesta. En los 80, cuenta Salvia, el empleo informal entre los asalariados estaba en 30% y hoy está en 35%, por lo cual no creció en gran medida. Lo que sí se disparó fue el cuentapropismo informal. "En los 80, los cuentapropistas no eran informales, pero con las distintas crisis ese tipo de trabajadores fue desapareciendo, y pasó a ser reemplazado por nuevos cuentapropistas precarizados e informales. Toda esa capa del cuentapropismo, que era de clase media, ahora está representada por changarines", indica el especialista de la UCA. Roxana Maurizio, investigadora del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política (UBA-Conicet) dice que, si bien es cierto que la tendencia a la informalidad ha ido en aumento y que luego de las crisis es muy lento cualquier tipo de recuperación, sí ha habido en el país en particular y en la región en general, períodos en los que se han dado procesos de formalización. "Eso pasó puntualmente en la década de los 2000, pero obviamente no alcanzó para eliminar por completo el empleo informal", destaca. Maurizio afirma que las crisis tienen un impacto sobre las condiciones laborales y sociales, que luego de pasado el temblor no se revierten por completo, y eso se traduce en más informalidad y desempleo. "En el caso particular de la informalidad, en términos tendenciales la Argentina ha tenido un crecimiento importante desde 1974 (año desde el cual se tiene registro), cuando la cifra de asalariados informales era de 22%. Pero hay que destacar que lo que más crece en los últimos años es el cuentapropista informal", precisa la investigadora. Conforme a los criterios de Más información
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[License Announcement!] Trinoline Genesis
This fandisk sequel to Trinoline, Trinoline Genesis, brings all-new bonus content for the original cast of characters, including brand-new routes for Hanako and Ayaka! The perfect title for all of our fans of minori and Trinoline, this new chapter of their story will be coming soon to MangaGamer and Steam! If you’re unfamiliar with Trinoline, be sure to catch out the base game here! Features Experience five unique stories filled with touching romance and exciting drama in a world where human beings and androids coexist, and sometimes fall in love with one another. Hundreds of beautiful CG to explore Fully voiced heroines Special effects, such as animated facial expressions, lip sync, and more bring these characters to life! Specs Developer: minori Rating/Content: Adult. Contains mosaics Voice: Fully voiced except MC Genre: Sci-fi, romance, drama Language: English text, Japanese audio
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SANDF and police's violent Easter gift to Masiphumelele
Police operations and essential services personnel operating under lockdown period in Fish Hoek and Masiphumelele in the Cape Peninsula, near Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, RSA Guardians of the law leave no love in the time warp of Corona. “Wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good.” ― Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera I spent Thursday in Masiphumelele, a relatively okay township mushrooming in Cape Town’s Deep South. When I say it is relatively okay, I mean it is not a total slum. And even though I still kak myself a little bit when I walk in there on my own as a whitey from way back, I know some of the people who work for me live there. And they all have good hearts, and if you extrapolate this, there should be more good than bad amidst the chaotic corrugated-iron confusion tetrissing along the narrow roads. My mission was to try to capture a few personal stories from the #COVID19 coal-face: vox pop kinda fluffy stuff about how Corona has changed lives; how it is affecting financial futures; whether there’s less crime; what people really believe about the virus and what they’re doing to counter it … And, of course, whether the concept of lockdown is actually working beyond the middle-class scope of Netflix viewing schedules and that backyard picket fence where you – yes, you – hang about with binocs so you can moan online about the absurdity of some geriatric gentleman taking his dog for a walk. I mean, the horror, the horror!! The bottom line is a resounding NO. People in a township cannot physically self-isolate: it is virtually impossible, no matter how scared they may be of this virus (and a lot of them are). Life has no choice but to spill over into the dusty yards and littered streets, because there are four, or six, or maybe more, people to a room. And somehow, someone needs to put the next meal on the table (and yes, your corny beans-on-toast meme would rate as a heaven-sent meal here). Phindi Ndlati and her husband Thembelani Mfunda – who lost his job due to Covid-19 – spent their last cash on a meagre plastic bag of provisions from Foodzone: “Now we do not have money to buy any more food, so I don’t know what we will do now,” Phindi says, with pride battling uncertainty as she gazes beyond the lens. Mister Khosa, a handyman from Zimbabwe, explains: “There is a whole lot of mischievousness here with people not keeping their 1m distance”. He points across to a small square where a soccer match ebbs and flows and shakes his head, smiling apologetically. Luyanda Lendile and his pavement hawker mate have had no customers, because no-one has cash: they want me to throw them some money “so we do not have to go and steal all the time”. Banele Nondlala, who works at the animal rescue society TEARS is one of the lucky ones. Out of all the people in Masiphumelele that I interview, he is the only one with a job. He is one of the animal handlers: even though most of the dogs have been ‘adopted’ for lockdown, he still comes in to help the vets with emergency cases. “It is difficult to keep our distance with six people in the house,” he explains softly. I leave Masi, kindling a tiny spark of hope, and drive to Ocean View. And then, in seconds, everything changes. A convoy of a dozen police vehicles and one of those menacing Caspirs come speeding past. On the spur of the moment, I decide to follow them back into the warren of Masi alleys and shacks and dirt that shift-shape upon the border of the industrial sprawl of Fish Eagle Park. As I turn off the main road, the convoy judders to a standstill, with police and soldiers spilling from vehicles and descending in droves upon the pedestrians jostling on the pavements. Things become a bit of a blur here: the aggression is unchecked, and as far as I can see, completely without reason. I surreptitiously shoot through the car window, trying to take photos without attracting attention. As a policeman starts walking towards me, I see men with sticks viciously beating a man next to a silver Toyota bakkie. The sticks rise and fall, then he is grabbed and forced into the vehicle. (I’ll later notice this as a blur of brutality in the background of the sequence of photos, but miss a clear shot.) The convoy starts moving again and the cop turns around to hop into his vehicle as they continue further into the township proper. I’ve got my accreditation, travel permit and press card, so I keep going: this feels like ‘real journalism’ as opposed to my adventure sport missions over the past couple of decades. We grind to a halt again 500m down the road, where a police vehicle blocks my way, forcing me to continue on foot. “I’m a journalist,” I identify myself to the officer in the vehicle, and he waves me on to where four burly officers preside over a not-so-thin blue line. As I walk up to them, one of the men – with a buff mask and dark glasses covering his face – shouts: “What the fuck do you think you’re doing here.” I notice their hands hovering over their pistols. I’m wearing a neon ‘official’ bib, so I hold up my camera and explain that I’m a journalist, and that I’m happy to fetch my media card from the vehicle to prove this. “Just fuck off,” is his response, so I turn around to fetch my documentation, trying to rationalise that this is a tense situation, but pretty confident that it can be resolved. It gets uglier though: as I’m leaning into the vehicle to get my media card, the door bangs into my back. I turn around and two men in plainclothes – who are clearly visible in my photos as part of the police operation – barge up against me, shouting and brandishing massive sticks at me. I’m not talking batons, but 4ft-long wooden clubs, easily as thick as your upper arm. Both men’s faces are covered in Buffs, and I’m sworn at and abused and threatened for the next couple of minutes. My proffered media accreditation is ignored and hurled back into the vehicle. When I dare to ask one of them for his name, he draws himself up to his full burly height, lifts his club and says, “Fuck of. Or you will die here today.” I think about Standing Order 156, but I’m not brave enough to voice my rights. I left then, and I am both glad and ashamed that I did … Glad, because I have never felt quite as threatened in my whole life. And ashamed, because the thousands of people who live in Masi – and the millions in other townships – have no place else to go when shit like this goes down. And I shudder to think what happened once I had turned my back and walked away. So fuck that. Cyril may be a good guy and I really think he is doing his best, but he remains surrounded by a crew of corrupt, incompetent and despicable people (excluding Minister Zweli Mkhize and a scattering of good guys). The masses have been hanging on for a meaningful economic change, but there is no real sign of this. And it seems no thought is given by our power-mongering parliament to the havoc this extended lockdown will wreak in the many townships across South Africa. I did not see any humanity in the masked faces of those thugs who confronted me, only irrational anger driven by unchecked aggression. I did not see any warning being given before the beating I witnessed. And I did not see even a smidgen of economic assistance applied anywhere in that township. What I did see is a system that seems irreparably broken. So, when next you raise your gin and tonic while gazing out across your now slightly unkempt lawns, please understand that your ex-gardener or domestic servant or nanny is pretty much fighting for their life out there (despite your posts loudly proclaiming that you will so generously ‘pay their full salaries until this all ends’). I’m sure it makes you sleep well at night under your high thread-count duvet. Loads of employers won’t live up to this easy social media patter, while many others will be forced to tighten their own belts just in order to survive. Understand that the people of Masi have no outside to go to when they leave their ‘inside’; there is no water in many of their homes, no iPad with unlimited WiFi, or Cable TV to entertain their kids. So what would you do in their place as a mother or a father or gogo or brother? You eventually do go outside, and there you are forced to share a narrow alleyway with dozens of other people. And you dream of the fresh air back home in Cofimvaba while the township din reverberates all around. And then, without warning, you are surrounded and abused and beaten by police (who are understandably stressed out by their own fears and insecurity, I fucking get it, but there is still no excuse). And when you have no inside or outside left to flee to? That is the crux right there; because now there is no other place for these people to go but to rise up. This is not my government anymore. But then, with the exception of a short period of halcyon hope post-1994, I’ve not felt much beholden to any government. So you guys can have them, and féte them, and toast them with your chilled chardonnay, and fiddle the fuck away while what little is left of the economy burns to dust. I won’t be joining you. DM PS: I swore a lot. I’m sorry, but I’m pretty pissed off. And yes, I know I’ve generalised, but most of you do it on a daily basis, anyway. So sue me. Or avert your eyes as you sit in your houses with extended backyards, and fully stocked pantries (or larders, or whatever you call them) all while bitching about your evaporating wine cellar stock and how ‘the people’ out there just do not understand the importance of social distancing. Boo-fucking-hoo.
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Here be seaswines
The Notion of Progress and User Interfaces One trait of modern Western culture is the notion of progress. A view claiming, at large, everything is getting better and better. How should we think about progress? Both in general and regarding technology? In some areas the claim of progress arguable is true. We acknowledge that more people than ever in history have food and water and access to education, basic medicine, and health-care. We have good reasons to be worried about the implications of technology, social media, a sedentary way of life but we just the same have good reasons to see how much good technology has done and is doing. Especially when thinking about the Web, we should get better at thinking of the state in dialectical terms, as a balance where good and bad will always be present and the aim is to keep the weight and the tipping point on the right side. What is progress and what is not is a very complicated question. When we speak about software applications we are more naive than in other areas. This is at least my feeling that we seldom question the progress claim of modern software. There are important differences. No one can deny that the performance of the technology in general and computers, in particular, has increased. But how about how we use computers? And what about our user interfaces? Is it true we are making progress? I don't know. Microsoft and Apple made the Graphical User Interface mainstream influenced by ideas from Xerox PARC (who in turn was inspired by this). But some say important aspects were lost and forgotten in this process. Most notably Alan Kay, but also Bret Victor and many others. If you only know the standard history writing and have recollections from your youth in the 90-s and remember Windows 3.1 you will be surprised to see this Smalltalk interface from 1976: Or why not Acme of Plan9? Watch a tour of the application and you have good reasons to disbelief that modern GUI:s for programmers by default is better in all areas. Even though we have more powerful features in our modern GUI:s, are they as thought through in terms of UX as this interface? More and more I think while we, without doubt, improve our applications generation by generation, some workflows and modern UIs are more primitive than the interfaces of old such as Unix systems of the 1970s, or the graphical environments like those of Xerox PARC. While features improve, I sometimes get the feeling that the overall philosophy of applications and the implicit consequence of this philosophy and how it is materialized in concrete GUI:s today all to often are commercialized. And there is a difference between making money and commercialization, in a sense. New software philosophy contrasts with the philosophies of the elders in the hacker culture. They had simple but powerful ideas and made those ideas come alive in software. This is why some of the applications of the 70s are still used, with small modifications surely but essentially the same. If this will not be true for the applications we make today, can we speak about progress? Mind we are not speaking about specific features, but interface in a much wider sense. We must separate new features from the core of applications, interfaces. Adding more powerful features for programmers to WebStorm, Atom or VS Code doesn't make the interface as such more powerful. One more problem can be solved, but nothing important in how we work is changed. Nothing in how we think has changed. Interfaces in this sense are about possibilities and means of combination. But in Vim, knowing a small set of keys and the means for combinations (say 30 elements), we can produce hundreds of effects. This is possible with a clever means of combination. Compare this with the specific key-bindings of other applications and the power of the user interface of Vim shines. Who says things intuitive need to come easy? Immediate understanding of an interface is separated from an intuitive design, a design which in theory can take a long time to master. This is also how intuition has been used for a very long time. In modern civilization, we sometimes forget this is how people before us have thought about things being 'intuitive'. A small child can't read, but should we then consider letters to be un-intuitive? Bret Victor writes asks a similar question in Magic Ink. Information Software and The Graphical Interface, Some people claim that no interface can be fundamentally more “intuitive” than another, because intuition is simply a result of familiarity. But surely these people were parsing and producing complete sentences long before they could manage a dialog box. The human brain does have some hard-wiring. In fact, much of the old discussion related to the notion of Bildung relates to the term intuition. Bildung is only secondarily about knowledge, and primarily about 'resistance'. Bildung is traditionally thought of as Sisyphean work. No one can in a sense have Bildung in general in this view, only to a degree and under special circumstances, cultivating and replacing bad forms of intuition with better ones. This is perhaps why Bildung and the modern scientific process emerged in the same time frame. When you just do things, you have an intuitive environment. But this says nothing about your prior knowledge. In Vim you have to know how to combine elements, but with this knowledge, you can intuitively (just like letters and the knowledge on how to read) perform quite specific tasks. If you know that c stands for change and $ end of line, you just do 'change until end of line' (it's an expected consequence of combining the elements, c$ ). You don't need to look it up. It just works. The means to combine make Vim more intuitive than most modern UIs, I think. If Unix and related interfaces where about snobbery, we should throw them overboard. Actually, this we would have done long ago. This is generally what happens with old applications with the advent of some new, better application. I want us to go forward, I want us to progress. In progress, we must admit failure and iterative take steps 'back' and have another try. Some (what do I know? most?) modern applications have fantastic user interfaces. But sometimes I feel we have lost some things that should not have been forgotten. We can do better. And even when we do good, we should attempt to do better still.
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Assange 'secretly fathered two children' in Ecuadorean embassy
Image copyright PA Media Image caption Stella Morris says three-year-old Gabriel and one-year-old Max keep in touch with their father via video calls Julian Assange secretly fathered two children while living inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London, his partner has revealed. Stella Morris says she has been in a relationship with the Wikileaks founder since 2015 and has been raising their two young sons on her own. She spoke out amid fears over the spread of Covid-19 in Belmarsh Prison. He has been held there since being dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy a year ago. The 48-year-old Australian is now seeking bail amid concerns over his health. Ms Morris, a South African-born lawyer, told The Mail on Sunday she was revealing their union for the first time because his "life is on the brink" and she did not believe he would "survive infection with coronavirus". Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy in London In a video posted on Wikileaks' YouTube account, she says she met Assange in 2011 when she joined his legal team. He took refuge in the embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over a sexual assault case that has since been dropped. He is also fighting extradition to the United States on espionage charges. Ms Morris says she visited him in the embassy almost every day and "got to know Julian very well". The couple fell in love in 2015 and got engaged two years later. She told the Mail on Sunday that Assange had watched both boys being born via video link and they had visited their father at the embassy. Three-year-old Gabriel and one-year-old Max speak to their father via video calls, she says. "Forming a family was a deliberate decision to break down those walls around him and imagine a life beyond that prison," she says in the Wikileaks YouTube video. Image copyright Wikileaks Image caption An undated photo issued by Wikileaks shows Julian Assange (c) with his partner Stella Morris (second right) alongside other members of his legal team "While for many people it would seem insane to start a family in that context, for us it was the sane thing to do, to keep things real. "It grounds me, and when Julian sees the children, it gives him a lot of peace and nurture and support. They are very happy children." Assange was arrested on 11 April 2019 at the Ecuadorean embassy and detained for "failing to surrender to the court". He was sentenced to 50 weeks in jail for breaching his bail conditions. Assange was due to be released from HMP Belmarsh last September after serving the custody period of his jail term. But a judge ruled that he should remain in jail until his extradition hearing because of his "history of absconding". Details about the children with Stella Morris were seen by the Mail in court documents as part of his US extradition case. Assange is believed to have other children, although little is known about them. He has an adult son, Daniel Assange, who is reportedly a software designer in Australia. More than a thousand UK prisoners have reported symptoms of coronavirus, official figures show. One inmate at HMP Belmarsh is among several to have have died, according to internal data confirmed by the Ministry of Justice. Up to 4,000 low-risk prisoners in England and Wales are to be released in an effort to control the spread of the coronavirus, the government has said.
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Rebellion Eyeing GT3 Program after WEC Exit – Sportscar365
Longtime LMP1 privateer Rebellion Racing could continue as a race team next year with a GT3 program, according to the Swiss organization’s CEO Calim Bouhadra. Rebellion declared in February that it would be ceasing “all sport-business activities”, including its entry into the FIA World Endurance Championship’s top prototype class, after this year’s 24 Hours of Le Mans. It now has plans to contest one more WEC race beyond Le Mans following changes to the series’ calendar, but Bouhadra told Sportscar365 that he also sees the team continuing beyond 2020 in a different capacity. The plan includes a scaled-up return to the Dakar Rally with two cars – one featuring Romain Dumas – and a possible sports car switch from prototype to GT3 machinery. The Rebellion watchmaking company was recently confirmed as the official timekeeper of GT World Challenge powered by AWS, taking over from Blancpain, and is looking at using this sponsorship as a way-in for its team. “First, we need to at first see what is going on with the economic crisis and after, looking at what the different championships are going to propose us,” said Bouhadra. “We are involved in GT racing as a new partner for GT World Challenge. We want to do it as well as possible. “We have a strong partnership with GT World Challenge and SRO, so for sure I know we are going to do something to create a team. “There is nothing certain, but I know that we are entrepreneurial and don’t want to just stay as a timekeeper. We are probably going to bring our value in this championship, and why not create a team to compete?” Bouhadra admitted that it’s “too early” to discuss exact program details, including which car the team will run and which of the three regional GTWC series it would want to enter. Rebellion’s WEC team is largely sourced from ORECA, however it’s not yet clear how this partnership might evolve into the team’s GT3 foray. “We need to get experience in the first year to understand the championship because all championships are different,” said Bouhadra. “We know about racing, but all championships have different structures and organizations. We would like to understand this before we take a decision. “We need to know the people also, to create a link with everyone who is involved in the championship. “After that, for me, it’s about opening a new book and then we start to write the story.” “Completely Insane” for Team to Compete in LMDh, Hypercar as Privateer Bouhadra added that Rebellion has drawn a line under its involvement in the WEC at the end of the current season, despite the desire to continue in motorsport next year. Rebellion’s sporting involvement grew out of a partnership between company owner Alexandre Pesci’s Speedy Racing Team and Hugh Hayden’s Sebah Automotive in 2008. The new team, which was christened Rebellion Racing in 2010, quickly developed into a familiar entrant on prototype grids worldwide. It won Motul Petit Le Mans twice with its Lola LMP1s and has finished fourth at the 24 Hours of Le Mans on four occasions, whilst also clinching the 2017 WEC LMP2 title. Rebellion was confirmed as a key technical partner for Peugeot’s return to top-level endurance racing at the start of 2020, but this tie-up fell apart two months later. “We are probably the most successful privateer team in endurance, but we are not a factory,” said Bouhadra. “The only thing we manufacture is watches. Being involved in LMDh or Le Mans Hypercar with a very strong budget, without having a return investment for your activity, is very tough. “It would be completely insane to compete in this way. I don’t have the assurance that we have the budget to go into this type of competition. “For Rebellion, I have big respect for the job that we did in endurance. We know what we are: a small player that has fun and makes people happy because we have a passion. But passion has a cost. “The cost of the passion today is too big for Rebellion to even think about being involved in this type of project.” Peugeot Partnership Would Have Been ‘Too Corporate’ Speaking about the short-lived partnership with Peugeot, Bouhadra said that Rebellion’s management felt disillusioned by the corporate nature of the factory program. Peugeot originally stated it would build its own Le Mans Hypercar before expressing interest in the LMDh regulations that will enable the top IMSA category to race in WEC. “Having a partnership like we decided to do with Peugeot; it had a two-sided effect,” explained Bouhadra. “The good side was that we could afford the championship and contend for a victory because we were with the biggest factory that can achieve it. “But [it meant] we were not a small privateer team anymore. You have to discuss budgets with another partner. You have to discuss about everything and agree on everything. “The decisions are not as quick or as easy as when it was for us [as a privateer]. “What we like about Rebellion is that we are independent. We want to keep this attitude in our team.”
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Covid-19: Spain to keep social distancing on beaches to fight virus
MADRID: Spain , one of Europe's top sunshine destinations, said Sunday it will maintain social distancing rules to curb the spread of the coronavirus once a nationwide lockdown ends, even on the beaches.The government on March 14 imposed a strict nationwide lockdown to fight the pandemic, and two days later it closed its land borders, with only Spanish citizens and residents able to enter the country.In an interview published Sunday in top-selling daily newspaper El Pais, Tourism Minister Reyes Maroto said the government did not know when the borders would be reopened, saying it will depend on how "the health crisis evolves"."It is very important that we continue to follow health recommendations, we must keep up what we are doing now, washing our hands, keeping social distance...even on the beach," she added when asked if access to beaches would be limited once the lockdown ends."Until there is a vaccine nothing will be the way it was before. Gatherings will have to have limitations to maintain an adequate safety distance," she added.Beaches have been closed across Spain with people allowed out of their homes only to work, buy food, seek medical care or briefly walks their dog.Spain is the world's second-most visited country after France and tourism is crucial for the domestic economy, making up nearly 12 percent of gross domestic product.It hit a record of tourist arrivals for the seventh year in a row last year, with nearly 84 million foreign visitors. Now it is one of the hardest-hit nations in the world with nearly 17,000 Covid-19 fatalities.
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Porsche Taycan Turbo S Is Quicker On Top Gear’s Test Track Than The Bugatti Veyron
Make no mistake, the Porsche Taycan Turbo S is a killer ready to bite your head off, at least in the hands of Top Gear’s tamed racing driver, the Stig, where it posted an amazing lap time. The electric sedan was unleashed at the show’s test track located at the Dunsfold Aerodrome in Surrey, UK during Series 28, Episode 3, and managed to beat some big names. Watch Also: Top Gear Pits Porsche Taycan Turbo S Against Tesla Model S Performance The 1:17.6 achieved by the mysterious man in the racing suit in the Tesla Model S fighter puts the car ahead of the original Bugatti Veyron (1:18.3), as well as the Ferrari Enzo and Koenigsegg CCX (1:19.0-1:17.6), according to the official lap times. At the upper end of the chart, we find the more powerful Bugatti Veyron Super Sport (1:16.8), Lamborghini Aventador (1:16.5), McLaren MP4-12C (1:16.2) and Lamborghini Huracan (1:15.8). The podium holds the Ariel Atom V8 500, BAC Mono and Pagani Huayra, with 1:15.1, 1:14.3 and 1:13.8, respectively. Before moving on to the actual footage showing The Stig doing what he does best, let’s talk about the numbers: 761 PS (750 HP / 560 kW) and 1,050 Nm (774 lb-ft) of torque with Overboost enabled. In a straight-line acceleration, the top-of-the-line Taycan is capable of hitting the 100 km/h (62 mph) mark in around 2.6 seconds and 200 km/h (124 mph) in 9.8 seconds. At 260 km/h (161 mph), the top speed is more than enough, as is the battery pack which, when fully charged, will give you a driving range of up to 412 km (256 miles) – on the WLTP cycle. Should you find a 150 kW fast charger, you could get up to 80 percent in 36 minutes. Not too shabby, huh?
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Our First Evidence People Exposed To Pollution Are More Likely To Die From Coronavirus
Our First Evidence People Exposed To Pollution Are More Likely To Die From Coronavirus Health experts had suspected the coronavirus pandemic would kill more people in areas where there’s higher air pollution. Now, they have preliminary data to back it up. A new study released on Saturday but not yet peer reviewed is the first to look at the impact of the novel coronavirus on highly polluted parts of the U.S. The team found that just a small increase in long-term air pollution exposure led to a 15 per cent rise in the covid-19 death rate. In New York City, one of the global epicenters of the pandemic, more than 4,000 people have died. The authors estimate Manhattan would’ve seen some 248 fewer deaths up to April 4 if particulate matter levels were lower by even a single microgram per cubic metre (the standard for measuring air quality). The results add another layer of urgency to cleaning up pollution, which is already responsible for increasing the risks of asthma, other respiratory illnesses, heart disease, and a host of other maladies. While the paper hasn’t been peer reviewed or published in an academic journal, the authors released all data and methodology for the sake of transparency. Getting this information out sooner rather than later is pivotal during a moment when the federal government is rolling back environmental protections that help improve air quality. “Research on coronavirus is needed, and quickly,” Natasha DeJarnett, the interim associate director of Program and Partnership Development at the National Environmental Health Association who wasn’t involved in the study, told Earther. “For the scientific community, we are grateful to have strong and timely scientific research in hand to inform data-driven decision making to protect health in this pandemic. We need evidence-based risk communication to better inform our communities, providers, and the public and environmental health field at-large.” The analysis undertaken by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health takes a look at 3,080 counties across the U.S. to measure their average levels of particulate matter pollution from 2000 to 2016 and the number of deaths they’ve experienced from the coronavirus. So far, the U.S. has recorded more than 12,000 deaths. Not all countries have yet confirmed any covid-19 deaths, though, so the team zoomed in on the 1,783 counties that have. The researchers controlled for socioeconomic, demographic, weather, behavioural, and healthcare-related factors that may skew results. This includes smoking or rates of obesity. “Smoking is closely related to many health outcomes, so it’s important that they still found a significant association after adjusting for that and several other demographic factors,” DeJarnett said. The new findings from Harvard don’t identify a causal connection for why counties with higher air pollution are seeing more deaths from covid-19. But the researchers hypothesize that the disease and air pollution both affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and can essentially work in tandem to increase the odds of death. That lines up with experts previous worries previously that residents living in polluted places from cities to coal country would suffer more. And though the study doesn’t break the data down by race or income level, separate analyses by ProPublica and the Washington Post both found that black communities are suffering disproportionately higher death rates. Previous research also shows that the most-polluted areas are often home to our black, brown, or poor communities that highways and power plants often cut through. All these findings taken together show that while such a crisis like the coronavirus impacts us all, it doesn’t impact us all equally. For instance, some family members are forced to brave the world every day to get a paycheck. People of colour and immigrant families are most likely to live in multi-generational households where grandparents and grandkids are under the same roof. All that—on top of the social stressors that may make people of colour more susceptible to contracting the virus or not getting proper care if they are exposed—is why health researchers were already worried about these vulnerable communities. “The impact of the pandemic, we have to look at it through a lens of social justice and through a lens of health equity,” Sacoby Wilson, an associate professor at the University of Maryland-College Park’s School of Public Health, told Earther. “We have structural inequality in this country that’s driving the difference in impact we are seeing.” This study may be the first to examine this relationship, but Wilson said it certainly won’t be the last. Nitrogen dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and sulphur dioxide are all among other air pollutants that may intersect with the coronavirus in dangerous ways. The pandemic isn’t going away. It’s important that scientists keep in mind who may be suffering a disproportionate risk from the virus, especially as the Trump administration strips their communities of environmental protections.
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Pressure grows for developing world debt relief over coronavirus
More than 60 poorer countries are spending more paying creditors than on health – study Calls for a comprehensive package of debt relief to help poor countries cope with the coronavirus pandemic have intensified after research showed that more than 60 countries are spending more on paying their creditors than they are on health. Before a series of key meetings this week, the Jubilee Debt Campaign said it was vital to relieve the mounting financial pressure on poor countries by cancelling their debt payments this year. The JDC said that among the 121 low and middle-income countries for which 2019 data was available an average of 10.7% of government revenue was spent on public health systems, compared with 12.2% on external debt payments. Of the 121 countries, 64 were spending more on debt servicing than on public health. The JDC said there was already pressure on the budgets of poor countries even before the economic shock of Covid-19, which had led to falls in commodity prices, huge capital flight, an increase in future borrowing costs, and loss of income in other ways such as remittances. Many African, Latin American and some Middle Eastern countries commonly pay more than 10% interest on their borrowings while richer nations can pay 1% or less. Sarah-Jayne Clifton, thedirector of the JDC, said: “In the face of a medical emergency the scale of Covid-19, it is indefensible that poor countries are having to spend more money on debt payments than on healthcare. Before this crisis hit, 64 poorer countries were already spending more on external debt payments than on their public health systems. “We need urgent action by the international community to cancel developing country 2020 debt payments. This is the fastest way to help provide the financing that is desperately needed to shore up public health systems in the face of this unprecedented global crisis.” The 10 countries with the biggest difference between the proportion of government revenue spent on healthcare and external debt payments were Angola, Sri Lanka, Gambia, Republic of Congo, Ghana, Zambia, Laos, Lebanon, Pakistan and Cameroon. All spent more than 20% of government revenue on external debt payments in 2019. Finance ministers will discuss debt relief at virtual meetings of the G20 group of leading developed and developing countries, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The most likely outcome is thought to be a suspension of debt payments to other governments this year for the 76 countries classified as low-income by the World Bank because they qualify for grants and soft loans under its International Development Association (IDA) facility. Sign up to the daily Business Today email or follow Guardian Business on Twitter at @BusinessDesk There is, however, pressure from a 200-strong coalition of charities and campaign groups to include the IMF, the World Bank and private-sector creditors in any deal. In 2020, the 76 IDA countries countries are due to spend at least $18.1bn (£14.2bn) on debt payments to other governments, $12.4bn to multilateral institutions and $10.1bn to external private creditors. The IMF and the World Bank issued a joint statement last month calling on bilateral creditors to suspend debt payments from IDA countries this year. Both organisations fear that the twin impact of a simultaneous health and economic emergencies will put impossible financial pressures on poor countries and precipitate a new debt crisis.
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El dueño de Guaymallen, contra la rebelión fiscal empresaria: "Llegó el momento de perder"
Las cadenas de comidas rápidas redujeron los sueldos más bajos en un 30% Cómo es el modelo laboral canadiense que evalúa el Gobierno para salir de la cuarentena
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County Championship: Players mark 'first ball of new season' at home
Last updated on .From the section Counties Somerset's home at Taunton was one of six county grounds empty because of the coronavirus Sunday 12 April, 11:00 BST, should have seen the start of the 2020 County Championship. The coronavirus pandemic may have delayed the new season, but that did not stop players and cricket followers from enacting the first ball despite isolating at their own homes. Some of the playing surfaces might not have found favour with the England and Wales Cricket Board's pitch inspection panel - but needs must in the current situation. A simple leave, roughing up a rookie opener and a cracking canine catch were among the early highlights on social media. Sussex skipper Ben Brown was determined to things the right way by donning a natty striped blazer for the toss - although it appeared the opposition were being captained by the Invisible Man. Kent and England batsman Joe Denly can bowl some useful leg-breaks but his opening delivery found some unexpected bounce and seemed to ruffle the feathers of the young batsman. If you told Warwickshire seamer Oliver Hannon-Dalby a couple of months ago that he would be starting the season bowling at his dog, he might have given you the sort of look which normally follows an edge through the slip cordon. Despite meticulously setting his field, the four-legged opener defended the stumps with ease - without even needing to use the bat. The first ball of a new season is a special moment in itself - there does not always need to be drama. Somerset skipper Tom Abell was clearly playing the long game. Sometimes just getting your bat out of the way and letting the ball fly past is the best strategy at the start of an innings. Meanwhile, away from the first-class cricket scene, an early wicket fell at a ground which surely has the shortest boundaries in the world....
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Coronavirus: Pope calls for global solidarity in Easter message
Coronavirus: Pope calls for global solidarity in Easter message Published duration 12 April Related Topics Coronavirus pandemic image copyright Reuters image caption The Pope read his message at an empty St Peter's Basilica Pope Francis has called for global solidarity to fight the coronavirus crisis in his Easter message read to an empty St Peter's Basilica. "This is not a time for indifference. Because the whole world is suffering and needs to be united," the pontiff said in a message broadcast online. He warned that the EU risked collapse and urged debt relief for poor nations. Around the world, services have been held in closed churches as millions of people have been told to stay at home. media caption Pope Francis: "This is not a time for indifference" The leader of the Roman Catholic Church delivered his Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) message behind closed doors amid lockdown measures imposed in Italy, one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic. Saying this year's "Easter of solitude" message should be a contagion of hope, he urged political leaders to work "for the common good", to help people live through the crisis and eventually resume their normal lives. "This isn't a time for self-centredness because the challenge we're facing is shared by all," the pontiff said in a message almost entirely dominated by the effects of the outbreak, that has killed more than 109,000 people globally. "Indifference, self-centredness, division and forgetfulness are not words we want to hear at this time. We want to ban these words forever!," he added. Without citing any country, the pontiff also called for the relaxation of international sanctions and praised doctors, nurses and other workers who were keeping essential services running. The Pope, who usually delivers the message to tens of thousands of people gathered at the square outside the basilica, expressed particular concern for the future of Europe. He warned that the European Union risked collapse if it did not agree on how to help the region recover. The pontiff said it was "more important than ever" that rivalries that existed before World War Two did not "regain force", adding: "The European Union is presently facing an epochal challenge, on which will depend not only its future but that of the whole world." image copyright EPA image caption St Peter's Square has been sealed off as a lockdown remains in place in Italy At his Easter vigil service on Saturday evening, the Pope urged people not to "yield to fear" over the virus , calling on them to be "messengers of life in a time of death". He recalled the Biblical account of a woman finding Jesus's tomb empty on the day Christians believe he rose from the dead.
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Coronavirus: Bono writes to South Korean president seeking PPE help
Bono has continued his efforts to secure more Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Irish health workers by writing to the South Korean president Moon Jae-in asking for help sourcing the material and offering to pay for it himself. A tweet on Sunday morning from the official account of the Blue House, where the executive branch of the South Korean government is housed, confirmed that contact had been made by the U2 frontman. “Humanitarian activist Bono, the lead vocalist of the rock band U2 and nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, recently sent a letter to President Moon Jae-in,” the tweet said. “It was about Ireland asking for help to overcome the Covid-19 crisis.” Mr Moon is understood to have said to have agreed to pursue the request for help with health authorities and suppliers in his country. The letter written by Bono hailed South Korean’s efforts at slowing the spread of the virus. The country was one of the first to be impacted by Covid-19 but has managed to lessen its impact through a rigorous testing regime and strong medical response. At the time of writing South Korea had some 10,500 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 214 deaths compared with 320 deaths from 8,928 confirmed cases in the Republic. Set aside Bono and U2 have set aside €10 million of the band’s personal wealth to pay for PPE for frontline medics working to combat coronavirus. The singer has also made contact with some of the world’s most powerful businesspeople to see how they could help source medical supplies out of China and other parts of the world. Mr Moon joins a list of contacts made including Chinese magnate Jack Ma of Alibaba, Tim Cook of Apple, Mark Benioff of US software giant Salesforce and Doug McMillon, chief executive of US retail giant Walmart. Last year U2 performed in South Korea for the first time and while in Seoul, Bono met with Mr Moon to discuss the country’s contribution to fighting disease in the developing world.
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Doctor's Note: Can the coronavirus reactivate?
New data from the Korean Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) has thrown up a new theory about how we build immunity to coronavirus. The KCDC stated last week that there have been 91 documented cases of patients in Daegu, South Korea who had recovered from the coronavirus, left quarantine, and then tested positive again. More Doctor's Notes: The policy in South Korea is that you must test negative twice with a 24-hour interval in order to be considered "fully recovered" and discharged from quarantine. KCDC director-general, Jeong Eun-kyeong, stated they would be investigating this further to determine if these results were down to an issue with testing, but was quoted as saying that he thought it was due to "reactivation" of the virus, rather than reinfection. From the knowledge that we have about other coronaviruses, we are aware that immunity to such viruses can be variable. Antibodies we form against the common cold, for example, which is also caused by a coronavirus, do not offer lifelong immunity from this virus. As the US's Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has stated, adults on average catch two to three colds a year. Research on the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus has shown that immunity wanes after around 18 months and we build an average of two years' immunity to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, which seems to have the most in common, genetically speaking, with COVID-19. From what has been observed about COVID-19 so far, researchers suspect that we will have at least a "short-term" immunity, so that you will be unlikely to catch it again this season. A scientific research team based in China released a preliminary report looking at two rhesus macaques that had recovered from COVID-19 and were not reinfected when researchers exposed them to the virus for a second time, four weeks after their initial exposure. The aim is to then extrapolate this to humans to see if they react in the same way when they have been potentially exposed to COVID-19 multiple times. There had been some reports of patients testing positive for coronavirus soon after discharge, despite having recovered from the initial infection. Researchers suspect that, rather than these people having been reinfected, there may have been flaws in the testing process whereby low levels of the virus failed to be picked up when patients were discharged from the hospital. Other studies suggested that people may still test positive long after recovery. So, while it cannot be entirely ruled out that you could catch coronavirus twice in one season, at present, it appears unlikely. However, this latest data from the KCDC has thrown a new theory into the mix - that the virus can become dormant and, later, reactivate itself. While our immune system is able to clear most pathogens, there are, indeed, some that lie dormant - "hidden" in our cells, not causing any illness. The mechanism of reactivation occurs when that pathogen comes out of its sleeping phase and becomes active again, potentially replicating and spreading, causing illness. There are quite a few viruses that behave like this. For example, a very common one is varicella-zoster, which is the virus responsible for chickenpox. Nearly all children in the UK catch chickenpox by the age of 10, and it is considered a fairly benign virus for most. However, once you have cleared chickenpox, it remains inactive in your nerve tissue, and in one in three adults it reactivates to cause shingles, a condition resulting in a painful rash. While we cannot rule out reactivation as a possibility yet, it still seems more probable that these 91 cases were either due to the levels of the virus dipping below a detectable level, allowing symptoms to improve, but then surging again, or that there were flaws with the tests, where the clearance samples were false negatives. The tests are not perfect and, from the data received from China, the most commonly used type of test showed up to a 30 percent false-negative rate. As South Korea investigates this further and other countries are able to offer their own findings, we are likely to understand more about the way this virus summons an immune response and, hopefully, determine for sure whether reactivation or reinfection are possibilities.
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Sanders supporters thank former presidential candidate with car parade
Bernie Sanders' supporters showed their appreciation for the former presidential candidate with a parade past his Burlington home today. On Saturday, more than 40 cars, trucks and motorcycles drove by, as the Vermont Senator and his wife, Jane, waved from their front step. Many drivers and their passengers yelled 'Thank You', Some vehicles were decorated in signs and banners. Sanders suspended his campaign Wednesday, concluding he had no chance to win the democratic nomination, despite a strong start in the primary race. He also said he didn't want his candidacy to take attention away from the fight against the coronavirus.
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警官声かけ「外出自粛に協力を」 職務質問との線引きも [新型コロナウイルス]:朝日新聞デジタル
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う緊急事態宣言を受けて、警察が関係都府県からの協力要請に基づいて繁華街を中心にパトロールを強化している。外出自粛や休業の要請には罰則はなく、直接の取り締まりはできないため、街に出ている人たちに警察官が「声かけ」をするなどの対応をとっている。 「こんばんは。外出自粛の要請が出ていますよ。ご協力をお願いします」 東京・歌舞伎町。マスクを着けた制服姿の警察官3人が声をかけると、5人ほどの若者のグループは「はいはい」とだけ言って立ち去った。 居酒屋の時短営業やキャバレーの休業要請が決まった10日、全国有数の歓楽街は、金曜の夜にもかかわらず人影がまばらだった。すでに休業している店も多く、普段より少し暗い街を巡回した。 緊急事態宣言が出されてから、…
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Hit by coronavirus, Turkey continues targeting critical journalists and social media
Turkey - like much of the world - is suffering severely from the spread of the coronavirus. Turkey's coronavirus infection rate is rising the fastest in the world, according to an April 7 report from the Guardian. But despite the alarming death toll and deepening economic crisis, there appears to be one field in which the Turkish government never slows down: clamping down on critical journalists and social media users. Those targeted by the government for their news reports, statements or social media posts are mostly accused of "causing fear and panic among the public”. This crime could result in a prison sentence of two to four years, according to the Turkish criminal code. On March 18, two journalists in the city of Bartın - Ahmet Oktay and Eren Sarıkaya - were detained by police after reporting that a local doctor had been diagnosed with the coronavirus. The news was confirmed by the city's governor's office. But the journalists were accused of “causing fear and panic among the public”. An investigation was also launched against Ahmet Kanbal, a reporter for Mezopotamya news agency, who faces the same charge. He had made a news report concerning a hospital in Mardin where children who had tested positive for the coronavirus had been kept in the same ward with those who had tested negative. Kanbal gave his statement to the police on April 1. Among other journalists who were called in for questioning over their social media posts or news reports on the coronavirus are Diyarbakır-based Ahval columnist Nurcan Baysal and Van-based journalist Oktay Candemir. On April 3, Hakan Aygün, former chief editor of the opposition-linked Halk TV, was arrested on charges of "inciting hatred among people" and "insulting the Quran" after he had posted a tweet with wordplay over a verse in the Quran which criticised Turkey’s national donation campaign, announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Aygün has since been incarcerated in Muğla prison. Social media users have also faced increasing pressure during the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Interior Ministry, from March 11 to March 20 alone, 64 social media users were detained by the police for their "baseless and provocative posts regarding the coronavirus". The ministry announced that detentions would continue. "Turkey's crackdown on media - both conventional and social media - has been snowballing for years," Gulnoza Said, the Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), told Ahval. The judiciary subjects social media users and the media to legal intimidation for raising issues or expressing opinions that differ from the officially approved narrative, she said. “They intimidated several journalists who do not want to walk the government's line on the COVID-19 and thus signalled to many others that that kind of behaviour won't be tolerated and those violating those unspoken rules will be punished,” she told Ahval. Since 2014, Turkey has been by far the country that has issued the most requests to Twitter for the removal of content. Sometimes, Twitter granted those requests and blocked or removed the content, but most of the time they did not. Now, Turkey has drafted a new law as part of measures to contain the coronavirus which would require social media, like Twitter, to have representative offices inside Turkey. “What is it if not an attempt to control social media even more?” Said asked. Said also criticised legislation drafted by Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) for a proposed prison amnesty. While the legislation could see around one third of the country’s nearly 300,000 inmates freed in order to ease the strain on overcrowded prisons and contain the spread of the coronavirus, the draft law exempts journalists and other critics of the government - jailed for links to what Turkey calls "terrorist organisations" - from release. Turkey has been one of the world's worst jailers of journalists for many years. There are dozens of journalists in jail, some of them are in their 70s such as Ahmet Altan. Many, including younger prisoners, suffer from multiple health issues. “They will let many criminals go free, but will keep innocent journalists behind bars. This is unacceptable and has to change,” Said noted. “The best way to combat the coronavirus is through informed minds, and the worst strategy is to try to hide the truth and punish those who speak it,” she said. Meanwhile, even those who have recently lost loved ones have been subject to detention and intimidation by the authorities. Three Gaziantep residents who filmed and posted a social media video about the alleged digging of mass graves for local COVID-19 victims were detained and interrogated. One of the defendants is Saime Dilsizoğlu, who posted a social media video in which said that her mother-in-law had died from the coronavirus on March 27 and was buried in a mass grave dug exclusively for the victims of COVID-19. The claims were denied by the city's governor's office, and the authorities placed two defendants under house arrest on March 29 on the grounds that they had "caused fear and panic among the people". An investigation is ongoing. Nate Schenkkan, the Director for Special Research at Freedom House, told Ahval that the Turkish government consistently uses its investigatory and prosecutorial powers to silence critics, and that the coronavirus crisis is no exception. “The targeting of individuals for comments on social media, or even for comments they made in professional settings that other people posted on social media, has a chilling effect,” he said. “This is dangerous at a time when transparency, accountability, and accurate information-sharing is a matter of urgent public health.” Schenkkan added: “These incidents are a continuation of existing policies that the Turkish government has been intensifying for many years. Authoritarianism is not rising in Turkey. It has risen.”
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Borussia Dortmund could pay €40m for Valencia winger
Borussia Dortmund are ready to make advances in the market. The Bundesliga giants are preparing for a summer in which they could easily lose Jadon Sancho. And they are not going to be too sad about that, it seems. After numerous reports that Dortmund will allow Sancho to leave this summer for a fee bigger than 100 million euros, the club from Westfalen will want to have a replacement prepared once the Englishman (most probably) returns to his native country. And that replacement could be Ferran Torres, according to the Bild! Valencia winger is getting closer to a move away from the La Liga side and he might go to Dortmund. Valencia, obviously, do not want to let their most prized asset leave, but they might have to. The reason is that the player’s contract ends in June 2021 and is not eager to sign a new deal. Therefore, if Valencia want to make a nice profit, they will have to sell this summer. Dortmund are ready to pay 40 million euros for a player whose release clause stands at the unrealsitic 100 million eurso.
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Coronavirus: Boris Johnson’s aides were told his survival chances were ‘50-50’
When a senior figure in the government contacted a member of Boris Johnson’s family on Thursday to celebrate the prime minister’s release from intensive care, they responded with an affectionate joke about his timely resurrection: “He is risen.” A week earlier, when cabinet ministers first predicted that Easter would be the crunch time for the coronavirus crisis, they had no idea that Johnson’s own life would be on the line as well as the future of the country. The prime minister is keeping his mind occupied with sudoku number puzzles, preparation perhaps for what lies ahead. This weekend his government is engaged in a gigantic data-gathering exercise in an effort to work out when and how Britain can move from the lockdown to something resembling
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Here's how hospitals are celebrating when a Covid-19 patient is released
(CNN) For over two weeks, a woman in Texas laid in a hospital bed fighting for her life after testing positive for the coronavirus. She spent 10 days on a ventilator to help her breathe. But she fought the virus and was released from the Austin hospital after 16 days. To celebrate her recovery, staff at St. David's South Austin Medical Center lined the halls and cheered for her as she was being discharged. Scenes like this are occurring at hospitals across the nation symbolizing hope in such a dark time. At Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, the song "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles plays over the speaker system every time a Covid-19 patient is discharged, according to a hospital official.
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Earthquake in Delhi: Magnitude 3.5 tremors felt in national capital; epicentre in East Delhi
SPONSERED ADS Earthquake in Delhi: Magnitude 3.5 tremors felt in national capital; epicentre in East Delhi Delhi Earthquake: The earthquake measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. According to Delhi Disaster Management Authority, the epicenter was in East Delhi at a depth of 8km BusinessToday.In | Sunday, April 12, 2020 | 18:32 IST Earthquake tremors were felt in national capital Delh and neighbouring regions. The tremors were felt around 5:45 pm on Sunday. The earthquake measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. According to Delhi Disaster Management Authority, the epicenter was in East Delhi at a depth of 8km. No damages have been reported. "Tremors felt in Delhi. Hope everyone is safe. I pray for the safety of each one of you," Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted.
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Man charged with vomiting on girl at Philadelphia Phillies game
PHILADELPHIA -- A New Jersey man is facing charges after police say he intentionally vomited on an 11-year-old girl and her father in the stands during a Philadelphia Phillies game. Matthew Clemmens, 21, of Cherry Hill, N.J., was charged with assault, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and related offenses for the incident at Wednesday night's Phillies-Nationals game. He was being held Friday on $36,000 bail. Police say Clemmens made himself vomit on an off-duty police captain and one of his daughters after Clemmens' companion was kicked out of Citizens Bank Park for unruly behavior, which included cursing, spitting and spilling beer by Clemmens and a friend. According to an account in the Philadelphia Daily News, Clemmens and his friend were asked by the 15-year-old daughter of Michael Vangelo, an off-duty Easton police captain, to stop cursing and spitting. A short while later, Vangelo said, it started again. "One guy started spitting ... first it landed on the back of my daughter's chair. Then it landed on her hooded sweatshirt," Vangelo said, according to the Philadelphia Daily News. After Vangelo reported the incident to stadium officials, Clemmens' friend was led out of the stadium. At that point, Vangelo said Clemmens said he would be sick and "put two fingers down his throat." He then "leaned forward and started vomiting on us," Vangelo said, according to the Daily News. "It was the most vile, disgusting thing I've ever seen. He has two fingers down his throat, he lunges forward and vomits on myself and my 11-year-old." Vangelo said he tried to push his children safely behind him, and Clemmens punched him in the face. Four or five fans in the next section rushed to help, Vangelo said. They held him until police arrived -- someone punching Clemmens in the face as he tried to break free -- and an officer was also hit with vomit, Vanore said. "It reminds you of the type of behavior you used to hear about at the 700 level in Veterans Stadium," Philadelphia police spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore said, according to the Daily News. Vangelo told the Daily News he didn't hit Clemmens because "I kept thinking, 'If I get arrested, my kids will be alone here.' " Information from The Associated Press is included in this report.
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Earthquake tremors felt in Delhi-NCR
Mild earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi-NCR on Sunday evening. There were no immediate reports of destruction of property. The epicentre of the earthquake in East Delhi, 3.5 on Richter scale at a depth of eight kilometres, says IMD. The jolts of the quake were felt even in the National Capital Region and neighbouring areas. People in New Delhi and neighbouring parts of the state experienced the tremours on April 12. However, there was no report of any damage.
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Coronavirus: Boris Johnson out of hospital but won't yet return to work, says Downing Street
Boris Johnson has said there is "no question" that the NHS saved his life after he was discharged from hospital. Downing Street announced on Sunday afternoon that the prime minister had left St Thomas' Hospital in central London, but won't immediately return to work as he continues to recover from coronavirus. In a video message posted to his Twitter account after his seven-night hospital stay, Mr Johnson said: "I have today left hospital after a week in which the NHS has saved my life, no question. "It's hard to find the words to express my debt." Image: Boris Johnson spent seven nights at St Thomas' Hospital in central London The prime minister paid tribute to the "personal courage" of doctors, nurses, cleaners, cooks and all other healthcare workers at St Thomas' and named individual staff who had steered him away from danger over the past week. Advertisement He paid particular thanks to two nurses - Jenny from New Zealand and Luis from Portugal - who "stood by my bedside for 48 hours when things could have gone either way". "The reason in the end my body did start to get enough oxygen was because for every second of the night they were watching and they were thinking and they were caring and making the interventions I needed," Mr Johnson said. The prime minister also thanked Britons for the "sacrifice" they had made on a sunny Easter weekend by complying with his government's lockdown measures. He said the public had "formed a human shield" around the NHS. "We understood and we decided that if together we could keep our NHS safe, if we could stop our NHS from being overwhelmed, then we could not be beaten," the prime minister added. "And this country would rise together and overcome this challenge, as we have overcome so many challenges in the past." I cannot thank our magnificent NHS enough. The staff at St Thomas’ Hospital have been incredible. I will never, ever be able to repay you and I will never stop thanking you. 🌈 — Carrie Symonds (@carriesymonds) April 12, 2020 Paying tribute to the "care and thought and precision" of all NHS workers across the country, Mr Johnson said this is "why we will defeat this coronavirus and defeat it together". "We will win because our NHS is the beating heart of this country. It is the best of this country. It is unconquerable. It is powered by love," he added. Mr Johnson's video message was filmed in Downing Street, where he briefly returned to collect some belongings. The prime minister will now recuperate at Chequers, his official country retreat in Buckinghamshire, where he is expected to be joined by his pregnant fiancee Carrie Symonds. Ms Symonds said she would "never, ever be able to repay" the NHS staff who treated him, adding: "I will never stop thanking you." "There were times last week that were very dark indeed," she continued. "My heart goes out to all those in similar situations, worried sick about their loved ones. "Thank you also to everyone who sent such kind messages of support. Today I'm feeling incredibly lucky." The prime minister's father, Stanley Johnson - who previously said his son "almost took one for the team" - told Sky News: "It's marvellous news, I'm thrilled and delighted." Image: The PM will continue his recovery at Chequers, his official country residence The prime minister was first admitted to hospital last Sunday night for tests. The action was taken due to the 55-year-old's coronavirus symptoms persisting for more than a week after he was first found to have contracted COVID-19 on 27 March. Up until his admission to hospital, Mr Johnson had been self-isolating in 11 Downing Street and conducting meetings remotely. He was moved into intensive care at St Thomas' when his health deteriorated and he had difficulty breathing on Monday afternoon. :: Listen to the Sophy Ridge on Sunday podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Spreaker Mr Johnson remained in critical care until Thursday, during which time he was supported with oxygen, but did not require the use of a ventilator. He then spent a further three nights on a low-dependency ward at St Thomas', towards the end of which he was said to be taking "short walks" and "playing games and watching films". In his absence, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has been deputising for Mr Johnson - an arrangement that is likely to continue after the prime minister was advised not to make an immediate return to work. Ms Symonds, who works for an ocean conservation charity, sent Mr Johnson letters and baby scans to lift his spirits during his time in intensive care. She has also been ill with coronavirus symptoms in recent weeks, but has not been tested for the virus. Dr Ian Abbs, chief executive at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS trust, said: "I am incredibly proud of the staff who have cared for the prime minister and pleased that he is now able to continue his recovery at home. "I want to pay tribute to the teams whose dedication, skill and compassion made this possible." Image: Armed police were seen leaving the hospital after the PM was discharged He added: "While it is right that we celebrate this good news, our thoughts turn immediately to those who still need our help at this time. "On behalf of everyone at Guy's and St Thomas', I'd ask that people stay home to help us save lives and protect the NHS."
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Indonesia orders coronavirus transport curbs as death toll rises
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia on Sunday imposed curbs on public transport ahead of the annual exodus to home villages that marks the end of the Muslim fasting month, in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus in the world’s fourth most populous country. Slideshow ( 10 images ) Still, the curbs are far short of the calls by some health experts for an outright ban on the Ramadan travel home as the number of cases and deaths from the new disease jump. Indonesia confirmed a record daily increase of 46 deaths on Sunday to 373, the highest official toll in East Asia after China, where the novel coronavirus was first detected. The number of cases rose by 399 on Sunday to 4,241, also the biggest daily increase. Health experts have been warning that Indonesia faces a surge in cases after a slow government response masked the scale of the outbreak. About 75 million Indonesians usually stream home from cities at the end of Ramadan, due this year at the end of May. There are concerns this could further ignite the spread of the disease. Public buses, trains, airplanes and ships will be allowed to fill only half their passenger seats, under a new regulation that also limits occupation of a private car to just half the seats, while a motorcycle may be ridden only by one person. President Joko Widodo has been criticised for rejecting calls for a ban on the Ramadan travel home, as well as stricter lockdowns such as those imposed by neighbours. Widodo has instead sought to persuade people to stay put by expanding welfare programmes. He has opted for widespread social curbs in some areas, letting local authorities decide on closures of schools and offices, and bans on mass gatherings. Indonesian authorities have ramped up testing in the past week with more than 27,000 people checked for the virus as of Sunday, up nearly three-fold in a week. “This shows we are being serious in looking for positive cases in communities,” Achmad Yurianto, an Indonesian health ministry official, told a televised briefing. But the number of tests in Indonesia, a country of 260 million people, is still dwarfed by many neighbours. Malaysia, with 32 million people, has tested more than 71,000, while Vietnam had done nearly 119,000 tests by Friday. The Philippines also saw a record jump in coronavirus-related fatalities, with 50 more reported on Sunday taking the total to 297, with 4,648 infections. Authorities in Manila have taken a tougher response than Indonesia by locking down much of the country, but they have also not undertaken mass testing. Southeast Asia as a whole has recorded some 18,000 infections and nearly 800 deaths, sparking concern about an escalating crisis in parts of the region.
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(F2P) (P2P). This article is about the dungeoneering skill. For information on training dungeoneering, see Dungeoneering training The official worlds for Dungeoneering are worlds 7 ( The official worlds forare worlds 7 ( F2P ), 77 ( P2P ). Dungeoneering level up music Dungeoneering is a support skill that consists of exploring the dungeons of Gielinor, most significantly the old Dragonkin stronghold known by the Fremennik as Daemonheim. Players explore—and survive—the depths of Daemonheim by solving puzzles, unlocking doors, fighting monsters and bosses, and using every RuneScape skill (except Archaeology and Invention) to solve puzzles and progress to deeper floors. It is open to both free players and members. The depths of Daemonheim contain a dungeon of 60 floors with six different themes: Frozen, Abandoned I, Furnished, Abandoned II, Occult, and Warped. Though there is a 61st floor (and possibly deeper floors), it is not yet accessible to players. Unlike other skills that are trained alone, non-ironmen players can cooperate within Daemonheim to train in groups of up to five people, with larger groups receiving the most experience per dungeon, although soloing is possible and widespread. Most players choose to do the deeper floors with a group, rather than solo, because the difference in experience awarded with larger party size is greater on those deeper floors. While completing these dungeons, players may also earn experience in other skills by accomplishing various skill-related tasks. The items and skilling materials involved are all different to their counterparts on the surface. No items created or found within Daemonheim can be removed from the dungeon; likewise, no items found or created on Gielinor can be taken into Daemonheim, with the exceptions of the ring of kinship, any variant of the Dungeoneering skillcape, the Orb of Oculus, certain auras like the Daemonheim aura, and a handful of various experience or cosmetic items. Players can train Dungeoneering past level 99 up to level 120, at which point players will have over 104 million experience. This level is called "true skill mastery". Although other skills offer equivalents, Dungeoneering was the first skill that offered actual obtainable levels past 99, and remained the only one for over five years until the release of Invention. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at approximately rank 860,843) on the hiscores for Dungeoneering is level 15. As of 19 September 2020, there are 153,341 current members that have achieved level 99 in Dungeoneering. There are 46,941 current members that have achieved level 120 in Dungeoneering. The skill is trained mainly within the dungeons of Daemonheim. However, there are other ways to train Dungeoneering, such as elite dungeons, Fremennik Sagas, and Sinkholes. Getting there [ edit | edit source ] The entrance to Daemonheim As Dungeoneering is trained primarily in Daemonheim, players need to travel to its location on a huge peninsula off the east coast of the Wilderness. Fortunately, the peninsula itself is safe as it is not actually in the Wilderness and can be safely reached in four out of five options: Ring of kinship , the preferred method. The ring is obtained from the Dungeoneering Tutor at the castle entrance, so players have to first reach Daemonheim by some other means to unlock this method. (Keep in mind that starting or joining a party in Daemonheim always requires using the ring of kinship in a player's inventory, so players will always need to bring a ring of kinship regardless of the method of transportation used.) , the preferred method. The ring is obtained from the Dungeoneering Tutor at the castle entrance, so players have to first reach Daemonheim by some other means to unlock this method. (Keep in mind that starting or joining a party in Daemonheim always requires using the ring of kinship in a player's inventory, so players will always need to bring a ring of kinship regardless of the method of transportation used.) Prifddinas Portal a portal at the Northeast corner of the Tower of Voices, next to the Clan portal and Ports portal. (You must have completed Plague's End to use this method.) a portal at the Northeast corner of the Tower of Voices, next to the Clan portal and Ports portal. (You must have completed Plague's End to use this method.) Boarding a Fremennik ship at either the dock behind the Al Kharid bank or the dock in south-west Taverley. Players arrive at the edge of the Daemonheim peninsula and must follow the path north-west to the castle itself. This is the recommended method for those without a Ring of kinship. at either the dock behind the Al Kharid bank or the dock in south-west Taverley. Players arrive at the edge of the Daemonheim peninsula and must follow the path north-west to the castle itself. This is the recommended method for those without a Ring of kinship. Communication device , an item gained at the start of Dishonour among Thieves. The player can use the device to teleport to Zamorak's hideout and then a second time to exit the hideout to Daemonheim. , an item gained at the start of Dishonour among Thieves. The player can use the device to teleport to Zamorak's hideout and then a second time to exit the hideout to Daemonheim. On foot: running through the Wilderness is possible. As Dungeoneering requires no items to be brought in (and there is a bank at the entrance), players travelling there on foot should be carrying and equipping nothing so that they are at no risk of losing equipment if attacked. At Daemonheim [ edit | edit source ] Players in various Dungeoneering armours, as seen on the main page during the debut day and in the YouTube trailer. At the start of each dungeon, the bound items from the player's active loadout will appear in their worn equipment and inventory. Preparing for a dungeon [ edit | edit source ] To begin a dungeon, players must dismiss their familiar if they have one and deposit all of their items into a bank, such as the Fremennik Banker by the castle entrance. Allowed items [ edit | edit source ] The Gorajan trailblazer outfits or outfit pieces do not need to be worn or in the inventory for a player to gain bonus experience. Bonus experience can be gained by keeping these items in the bank or Diango's storage. Starting a dungeon [ edit | edit source ] The Ring of Kinship is required to start or join a dungeon party in Daemonheim. The ring can be acquired or reclaimed by talking to the Dungeoneering tutor across from the Fremennik Banker. Within the castle courtyard, there are six energy barriers, and three entrances in the east and west walls which players may enter, assuming they meet the requirements to do so. The barriers are: a Free-for-all barrier Frozen floors barrier, if complexity 6 is unlocked Abandoned 1 floors (commonly abbreviated "a1", "aba1") barrier, if floor 12 is unlocked Furnished floors (commonly abbreviated "furn") barrier, if floor 18 is unlocked Abandoned 2 floors (commonly abbreviated "a," "a2", "aba", or "aba2") barrier, if floor 30 is unlocked Occult floors (commonly abbreviated "o" or "occ") barrier, if floor 36 is unlocked Warped floors (commonly abbreviated "w" or "warp") barrier, if floor 48 is unlocked The southwestern and southeastern dungeon entrances are for players who manually create parties, and are also the entrances used if players wish to train with any party size lower than five. In the central 'Free-for-all' barrier, players are automatically teamed up to form a party to any floor. The other barriers do the same, except with floors restricted to their theme. If there are not enough players to form a full party, the dungeon will begin regardless after some time, even if the player is alone. It should be noted that very few players use the barrier-grouping rooms, instead choosing to manually create parties and thus begin dungeons via the two dungeon entrances in the southwest and southeast. This allows players to choose carefully who they Dungeoneer with and what floor(s) they would like to complete. Making a party [ edit | edit source ] The party interface To begin hosting a dungeon, the player must choose the option "Open Party Interface" from the Ring of Kinship. This opens an interface where the dungeon's floor, complexity, and party size can be set, among other options. Party size can be anywhere from 1 to 5 people. The dungeon's size and party size difficulty are set upon beginning a dungeon at either entrance. To solo a dungeon, you must form a party (you will be the only party member). You can then begin a floor by entering the southeastern barrier behind the banker. To join another player's party, that player must invite you. The invitation will show up in your chat box. Click on the invitation to see details about the party and to accept or decline the invitation. The interface for selecting a floor There are 60 floors to Daemonheim. The higher the floor, the greater the xp upon completion, and the higher the level of the enemies and overall difficulty. To access a given floor, all players in the party must have a Dungeoneering level of at least twice the floor number, and then minus 1. For example, level 39 is required to unlock floor 20 ((20 x 2) - 1 = 39). Moreover, to unlock a floor, the previous floor must be cleared once the player has the level for the next. For example, a player with level 38 Dungeoneering completes floor 19 and later reaches level 39, they must complete floor 19 again to unlock floor 20. The accessible floors of every player in a party are shown in separate columns in the Party interface. A floor is only suitable for a dungeon if it is accessible to the entire party. Floors in the columns are assigned tick marks if they have been completed since the player's last ring reset. Prestige is a crucial element to gaining maximum experience per dungeon. Once all possible floors have been completed (all floors with tick marks) since the player's last reset, the Prestige should be reset to ensure maximum experience gain. The interface for selecting the floor complexity Complexity is a 6-tier scale that determines how many skills will be involved with the dungeon—the higher the complexity, the more skills accessible. There is a penalty on Dungeoneering experience that diminishes as the complexity is set higher, until it vanishes entirely at complexity 6. All skills are incorporated with complexities 5 and 6, and all free-to-play skills are available with 3 and below. It is recommended to do small floors on complexity 1 and medium and large floors on complexity 6. Guide mode [ edit | edit source ] Guide mode is an option accessible in the party interface. Enabling it highlights rooms on the dungeon map that are essential for dungeon completion (that is, rooms that are not bonus). However, completing a dungeon with guide mode reduces experience awarded on completion by 5%. Guide mode is always active in complexities 1 to 4. Party size difficulty [ edit | edit source ] The interface for setting several floor settings Every dungeon is designed for a specific number of players, ranging from 1 to 5. This number affects drops, the combat levels of the monsters, the players required for puzzles, and even characteristics of the boss. The number of players the dungeon is built for can be set manually when beginning a floor. It is not possible to set the number higher than the amount of party members. More experience is awarded with a larger party size, although soloing and 2 person are viable options, even if not as efficient. It is worth noting that if players leave the dungeon, puzzles requiring the full amount of players can no longer be completed. This can be avoided by setting the dungeon to generate for one less player (for example, setting it to 4 in a 5-man party), but this reduces the Dungeoneering experience earned. The decision is up to the party host. Dungeon size [ edit | edit source ] Dungeons are generated in small (4x4 grid), medium (4x8 grid), or large (8x8 grid) sizes. A dungeon may contain up to the maximum number of rooms possible from that grid, but generally the room count is smaller due to blank areas on the map. The maximum number of rooms per size is: Small: up to 16 rooms Medium: up to 32 rooms Large: up to 64 rooms Dungeon size, coupled with party size and floor depth, are the major factors in experience rewarded upon completion. Suggested dungeon size [ edit | edit source ] In general, it is recommended to complete floors on large difficulty, as more experience is awarded per floor. However, this is not always the case—some players prefer to complete mediums, finishing more dungeons in the same amount of time at the cost of experience and efficiency per ring-reset. The player should not be afraid to experiment with dungeon settings, as there are many factors that affect overall efficiency. If he or she dies often on large floors, reducing xp, or has difficulty exploring efficiently, mediums may be the better choice. Boss selection [ edit | edit source ] Choosing a boss to face If the easy Daemonheim achievements have been completed and any version of the Daemonheim aura is owned, then the player can choose once per day to face a specific boss. Though the boss chosen must be a valid choice for that specific floor, this freedom can still allow the player to face a slightly easier or faster boss. The ultimate goal in raiding a dungeon is to locate the boss and defeat it, granting access to the exit ladder. However, in order to locate the boss, parties must slay monsters, solve puzzles, craft items, and both find and use keys, all while traversing the dungeon's deadly labyrinth of rooms. Practice and strong teamwork are essential for efficient Dungeoneering. The Starting Room [ edit | edit source ] When the raid begins, all players will be transported to the dungeon's starting room. The key features are: The Smuggler. Items and commodities can be purchased from him using coins earned within the dungeon. "Change my starting items" - You can talk to the Smuggler to switch between receiving coins or receiving a set of feathers, rune essence, and antipoison. It is recommended to switch from coins to these items to speed the start of your floor. The starting equipment tables. Relatively low-level equipment, food, rune essence, and modest stacks of coins can be claimed here. The Group gatestone portal (only available in higher complexities). Accessible through one of the walls, this portal allows players to teleport to the Group gatestone. The construction hotspot. By default this is the aforementioned Group gatestone portal , but with the correct materials and required Construction level, the portal may be replaced with a variety of other facilities. See Dungeoneering/Construction. , but with the correct materials and required Construction level, the portal may be replaced with a variety of other facilities. See Dungeoneering/Construction. A runecrafting altar. Unlike runecrafting altars on the surface, altars in Daemonheim are able to craft any non-combination rune except Armadyl, provided the player has the required Runecrafting level. Further altars may be found elsewhere in the dungeon. A Summoning obelisk (only available in complexities 5 and 6). Functions like a standard summoning obelisk, although restricted to Dungeoneering-specific pouches and scrolls. Further obelisks may be found elsewhere in the dungeon. The Divination crater. Unlike the obelisk or altar, this crater is the only one in the dungeon. Harvested memories can be refined here. The Dungeon Home Teleport spell (commonly abbreviated as "ht") returns the player to the starting room for free. A gatestone is an item that, when dropped, allows the player to teleport to it from anywhere in the dungeon, except under very rare circumstances. This teleportation is extremely important to clearing floors with speed. There are three types of gatestones: It is recommended to place gatestones near doors that require keys which have yet to be obtained, or in branching parts of the dungeon far from the starting room. Players progress through the dungeon by entering rooms through doors. However, there are different types of doors with different criteria to permit access. The basic door. This door has no requirements for entry and a player may pass through as soon as they find the door. A Guardian door. This door is locked until all hostile monsters within the room have been killed. Such doors will relock if a Reborn warrior teleports into the room. These doors are responsible for the majority of combat within Dungoneering. A Key door. These doors are locked unless the party possesses the required key . Keys can be found on the ground throughout the dungeon. These keys follow the template of having a random colour and random shape, both chosen from a list of predefined configurations. Note that within a dungeon, there is only one door for every key and vice versa. See Dungeoneering keys for more information. . Keys can be found on the ground throughout the dungeon. These keys follow the template of having a random colour and random shape, both chosen from a list of predefined configurations. Note that within a dungeon, there is only one door for every key and vice versa. See Dungeoneering keys for more information. A Skill door. These doors suffer various blockages that can be cleared with a sufficient level in a required skill. See Dungeoneering/Doors for a full list of these doors. A Puzzle door. These doors require completion of a puzzle before they will unlock. In some cases a puzzle is required simply to access a door, which may be a door of any other type except a Key door. See Dungeoneering/Puzzles for a full list and techniques for each puzzle. When a door has not yet been opened by anyone in the party, the first attempt to open it will reveal the room on the other side, and the player will not enter. It is the second attempt in which the player enters. Other features of gameplay [ edit | edit source ] Party mechanics [ edit | edit source ] The team is linked by the Ring of kinship. The ring performs several functions within the dungeon, mostly within the extra interface tab that it generates. The ring interface allows the toggling of shared experience, monitoring of team status, and allows teammates to view other teammates' inventories, familiar inventories, stats, and equipped items. The player may use the Customize option on their Ring of Kinship, obtaining a passive effect dedicated to either Melee, Ranged, Magic, or Skilling. There are twelve effects that may all be upgraded with Dungeoneering tokens, although only one effect may be active at once, or two, if the player has completed the Daemonheim Tasks. It is highly recommended to invest tokens in this feature. See Ring of kinship for more information. option on their Ring of Kinship, obtaining a passive effect dedicated to either Melee, Ranged, Magic, or Skilling. There are twelve effects that may all be upgraded with Dungeoneering tokens, although only one effect may be active at once, or two, if the player has completed the Daemonheim Tasks. It is highly recommended to invest tokens in this feature. See Ring of kinship for more information. Messages typed in public chat are broadcasted to all players regardless of the players' distance from each other. The leader of a Dungeoneering party may indicate a monster with a flashing arrow by right-clicking the monster and clicking Mark . This can be used to highlight dangerous monsters or guide the party. The arrow may be removed by selecting Mark again. . This can be used to highlight dangerous monsters or guide the party. The arrow may be removed by selecting Mark again. The dungeon will instantly expire if all players have left the party, either by quitting or by logging out. It is possible to return to a dungeon after logging out if at least one party member has remained online. When Dungeoneering, the player has a separate tool belt. The items required can be purchased easily from the Smuggler, with the exception of higher-level pickaxes and hatchets, which may be smithed or obtained as a drop from the Bulwark beast. It is safe and even recommended to bind a higher-level tool than you can use, as the tool will instead function as the highest-level tool available to you. All armour, weapons, runes, ammunition, food, and other supplies necessary will be provided or can be made (provided the player's party has the skill levels and materials required) or otherwise received as drops from monsters and bosses. Tier 11 equipment, which requires level 99 in its respective skill to use, can only be obtained as a boss drop. Every boss will only drop one or two types of equipment. These bosses can be targeted by players seeking high-level items to bind. See Dungeoneering#Bosses for which bosses drop which items. Upon quitting a dungeon (not completing), all the player's non-bound items are dropped where they left. If the player has merely logged out, they may pick up their items again after returning to the dungeon unless the items have been claimed by teammates. Gatestones, however, are destroyed. Dropped items do not vanish with time as they normally do in the RuneScape overworld, and appear immediately to all players as they are dropped. This includes monster drops (with the exception of Slayer drops), items dropped from the inventory, and items abandoned upon quitting a dungeon. The only items that will vanish are ashes, bones dropped by a player, and burnt food. Oh dear, you are dead! Upon death, players respawn in the starting room, and their death counter is increased by 1. All items are retained except for carried gatestones, which are dropped at the site of death. Players with level 91 Archaeology can activate the Deathless relic power at the mysterious monolith to prevent this penalty upon death. Roles of the team [ edit | edit source ] Through quality-of-life updates, Dungeoneering has over time gotten easier, and there is now less need for designated party roles. Nevertheless there exist certain tendencies. Host/Party leader - The host of the party is usually the voice of authority. This extends to deciding where the Group Gatestone should be and calling for the party to assemble at guardian doors or skill doors. In casual teams, especially with players who do not know each other, this authority is relaxed or nonexistent. The keyer also has the ability to mark monsters with a golden arrow, but in practice this is seldom used. Fighter - A player who focuses on clearing guardian doors. Skiller - Although rare, there are some players who do not fight within the dungeon and instead process commodities for themselves or the team, for example by making a prayer altar. These players usually buy floors rather than Dungeoneering with random players, because overall the dungeon is slowed down. It is very important to note that in skilled teams, these roles are largely redundant. All players work together to split up, open doors, manage their gates, and solve puzzles. Ideally, players will open doors and follow paths separate to each other while communicating to the rest of the party. Abbreviations used within Daemonheim [ edit | edit source ] There are many abbreviations used within Daemonheim, for different items, bosses and puzzles. Shared experience [ edit | edit source ] Shared experience is an option set on a per-player basis. The party leader cannot change this for other players. Players may choose to receive experience from the activities of other players or not by clicking on the XP button to the right of their name in the party interface. This option can be changed on the fly, unlike other options, which are set before the dungeon and then cannot be changed while in the dungeon. The experience gained by using skills or opening skill doors is shared among the person doing the skill and everyone in the party with the required level who has the option enabled. Players do not receive shared experience from actions that they could not have done themselves because of level. Players also never receive shared combat experience from fighting creatures or prayer experience from burying bones, even if the option is enabled. However, all experience from opening skill doors or completing skill puzzles can be shared, even for combat and prayer. If a player turns off shared experience, it does not prevent experience from the player's activities from being shared with others. The option only controls whether players receive shared experience from other players, not whether they share their own experience. Using shared experience does decrease experience gained of you and others. This is also determined by whether or not party members have the required level to do the actions in question. The experience distribution is 55% to the party member doing the action and 45% to those with shared exp on, for a party of size 2. Finding a team [ edit | edit source ] When finding a team, many players use abbreviations. For example, the abbreviation for the floor of the dungeon is "F". It is common for players to say "trade me" or "Hosting" if they wish to be the party leader and need members for their party. It is also common for players to say "inv me", "need floor (x)", or "n(x)" where (x) is the floor, if they wish to be invited to a party. Another way of hosting floors people tend to use is, for e.g. when doing an Occult floor - "O+4" is used to show the player is hosting an Occult and needs another four people to have a full party of 5. To attract the attention of the host, right-click them and choose trade. This should result in an invite, not a trade window. Players can gain prestige for completing floors that have already been marked off in a particular theme, provided that another floor in the theme remains unmarked. For example, a player who needs to mark off floor 36 can join a party hosted on floor 37 in order to mark off the lower floor at its relevant base experience. This has made it easier for players to join teams, particularly at higher Dungeoneering levels. However, caution should be taken, as joining a party hosted on a lower floor level will result in the player receiving the base experience of the lower floor. It is also much easier to find players that can access lower floors, as these are accessible to a greater number of players. Accordingly, when participating in large dungeons, players should aim to complete deeper level floors first. This will ensure that the relevant base experience is obtained, and that minimal difficulty occurs in finding a team relevant for your Dungeoneering endeavors. The forums are another good way to find a team. It is under the "RuneScape-Specialist" forum. Then click on the "Adventuring Parties" category. Here you can make a new thread stating what floor, what complexity, and specific requirements (ex. Combat 100+ only) you would like in your group. Another option is to look through the forums and find somebody that you can help. One other easy way to find other people wanting to join a party or looking for people in a party is to join a Dungeoneering clan. Dungeoneering servers are often so crowded that the chatbox moves too fast to read when at Daemonheim. Binding items [ edit | edit source ] The bound items interface When beginning to train Dungeoneering, players on a high complexity will begin every dungeon with only their Ring of Kinship, except for the party leader, who is given the Group gatestone. However, certain items can be bound — that is, they will appear either equipped, in the player's inventory, or in the bind pool at the start of every dungeon. To bind an item, right-click an item and then click "Bind". The items that may be bound are: A weapon, stackable throwing knives included A piece of armour or jewellery An ammunition bind: either a stack of arrows or a stack of runes (up to 125, or 225 with completion of Salt in the Wound). A stack does not need to be bound at once; for example, if a player has 125 arrows bound and then completes Salt in the Wound, they may obtain 100 more arrows of the same type and add them to the bound stack. A potion (with completion of the Medium Daemonheim Tasks) It is worth noting that potions and stackable items are given their own bind slots separate from the rest — they do not take up slots in the bind pool. Additionally, an ammunition bind cannot be viewed in the bind pool, and must be managed in the player's inventory or worn equipment interface. All bound items are identifiable as having a (b) appended to their name. All of a player's bound items are viewable in their bind pool, which is accessible from the Smuggler. Although the bind pool holds 10 items or, if the player has completed the Hard Daemonheim Tasks, 12, the player can only carry a small number of those items at once: their active bound item limit. That number increases with a higher Dungeoneering level. Active Bound Item Level Requirement Dungeoneering level Number of Active bound items 1 1 (2 if using an off-hand item) 20 2 (3 if using an off-hand item) 50 3 (4 if using an off-hand item) 90 4 (5 if using an off-hand item) 120 5 (6 if using an off-hand item) The bind pool also offers three loadouts for the player to create and wear while Dungeoneering. Each loadout is limited by the amount of binds a player may carry at once. A loadout is set by dragging bound items from the pool and onto the loadout's spaces. The same item may be used on more than one loadout. Potions and ammunition binds cannot be included in a loadout as they are carried automatically, and thus, neither ammunition nor potion binds count towards a player's active bound item count. One loadout may be marked with the check mark to the left of the interface to select that loadout as the default upon starting a dungeon. Items in that loadout will be equipped on the player, and if two bound items compete for the same slot, the unworn item will be placed in their inventory. Other loadouts may be temporarily adopted during a dungeon by clicking the respective white arrow to the loadout's right. Bound items cannot be traded, sold, or alchemised, and to unbind an item is to destroy it permanently. The only way to reclaim an item is to obtain another of it, either by making one or receiving one as a monster or boss drop. Suggested binds [ edit | edit source ] The highest-levelled weapon the player can wield and reasonably obtain should always be their first bind. As more active bind slots are unlocked, the player is given more immediate options. High-level armour is a recommended next bind. When binding armour of the same combat class, the player receives the most benefits per item by prioritising body armour above leg armour, and then above head armour, and then above gloves and boots. An important item to consider binding is the Shadow silk hood. This piece of hybrid armour is commonly used among players of all combat classes. Wearing the hood makes the player invisible to all humanoid enemies except mages. Note however that some mage monsters such as Forgotten mages, Necromancers, Reborn mages, Mercenary leaders, and Seekers may disable the hood's effect for an amount of seconds that increases with the monster's combat level. This item is very useful as a sole piece of armour, but it is not necessarily the best option, and can be replaced with higher-level headgear when the player has access to multiple pieces of armour at once. This item is obtained as a rare drop from the Night spider, which requires 41 Slayer to kill. There are some other items that, while generally not of use, are worth knowing about: The Blood necklace. When worn, this item deals 400-600 damage every 15 seconds to all adjacent enemies, and heals the player for the damage dealt. It also provides a small damage bonus to all combat styles. It is obtained as a rare drop from the Edimmu, which requires 90 Slayer to kill. The Hexhunter bow. While statistically inferior to the Sagittarian longbow, the Hexhunter bow (also a shieldbow) has a passive effect that raises damage against magical targets. It is obtained as a rare drop from the elusive Soulgazer, which requires 99 Slayer to kill. For an ammunition bind, players who have completed the Medium Daemonheim Tasks can claim 40 free law and cosmic runes from the Smuggler to create gatestones with. This and the use of Runecrafting frees up the ammunition bind for arrows if the player chooses to use a bow, although if the player uses Melee, which requires no ammunition, or Magic, which uses weapons that provide their own runes, they may choose to bind extra law or cosmic runes regardless. Alternatively, nature runes, coupled with a magic weapon to provide fire runes, allow a source of income through High and Low Level Alchemy, and Astral runes may be used to cast Lunar spells, such as Cure Me. For a potion bind, it is recommended to bind a strong combat potion to consume early in the dungeon and thus quicken clearing of guardian doors with. Alternatives include a Strong gatherer's potion to raise Divination to create higher-level Portents of passage. Every skill can be used in some way while raiding the dungeons. They can give advantages, such as access to bonus rooms, or are sometimes necessary to complete a dungeon. The uses of skills while in a Dungeon are unique to Daemonheim. Doors that require skills to open start at Complexity 5. Inside dungeons, when a player performs a skill task, they will receive a set amount of experience for it (for doors, it depends on the level that was required for the door). At the same time, anyone with experience sharing enabled via their Ring of Kinship's party interface will receive a reduced amount of experience from the aforementioned task, so long as the player has the level required to perform that action too. If the player does not have a high enough skill level to perform a task, they will receive no experience at all for the task (ie, someone else burning a grave creeper branches when the player only has a Firemaking level of 89, the player will not get experience at all because grave creeper branches require a Firemaking level of 90 to burn). This is a nice benefit to dungeoneering in groups. Skill Uses Attack To increase the chance of doing damage to the monsters and bosses, if using melee. Also lets you wield better weapons. Agility To pass certain obstacles in the dungeons without receiving damage and there are some doors which require a certain Agility level to open. Constitution To be able to withstand more hits from the powerful monsters and bosses, and therefore survive longer in the dungeons, meaning you die less. Construction To repair broken doors that can't be opened, and to repair broken barrels so that they can be pushed to unlock rooms. Used to fix the supports in the mining room. With the 19 July "Dungeoneering 1.5" update, Construction may now be used to build various skill hotspots in the start room by using the items needed to make a certain object and right clicking on the Group Gatestone Portal or whatever is currently built and clicking on "Replace". Cooking Used to cook raw fish on a fire or range to prepare food that can be used to heal. Also used to add fish and then mushrooms to potatoes. Additionally, cooking is used to get through the Fremennik Camp puzzle room. Crafting To make ranged and magic armour from raw materials. Also used to fix pulleys in broken doors so that you can open them, and to craft stone body parts for magical constructs and weapons for statues so you can pass the room. Defence Lowers the chance of getting hit by the monsters and bosses, and lets you wield better armour. Divination Used to create various types of Portents of passage and Portents of restoration. Also used to drain certain doors of divine energy to open them. Farming Allows players to grow food and potion ingredients in farm patches, as well as to pick plants for mage armour. Also used to prune vines from certain doors in order to open them. Jagex confirmed that there will be more options in Dungeoneering to use Farming soon. Firemaking To set fire to branches, allowing you to cook food on them. Also used to burn log piles blocking doors in order to open them. Fletching Used to make bows, arrows, arrow shafts, staves and hunter traps. Fishing To collect raw food from fishing spots located around the dungeon. Also used for certain puzzles. Herblore Used to create potions from ingredients bought/found in the dungeons. Also used to open doors. Jagex has confirmed that there will be more options in Dungeoneering to use Herblore in the future. Hunter To allow players to set traps made with the Fletching skill. Also used to catch ferrets with crystals around their necks, which will open up doors. Invention To allow players to create devices that can be used to assist progress. Magic To allow players to dispel the magical barriers on certain doors. Also used for its normal use in combat, as well as charging the magical constructs that appear on floors four and up. Magic is also used to activate lodestones that appear in the 4 colour room to align all the crystals into one to activate the light in the middle to make it brightly lit. Mining Used to harvest ore from rocks, used in some events to mine stone from rubble and to unblock doors covered with rocks. Prayer For exorcising dark spirits from certain doors so that you may pass through them, as well as its normal use in combat. Recharging prayer is limited to a certain amount of points per dungeon depending of the size of the dungeon you are in. In small dungeons, the amount you can recharge is ten times your prayer level, in medium dungeons it's twenty times your prayer level, and in large dungeons it's thirty times your prayer level (with a Prayer level of 89 - 890 in small, 1780 in medium, 2670 in large). Caution is advised regarding prayer usage. Additionally, bones may now be used on Daemonheim's altars to gain 4x experience. Ranged Allows you to wield better bows and armour, and increases the damage when using ranged in combat. Ranged is also used in some puzzles, such as guiding the ferret onto the pressure pad puzzle. Runecrafting To craft runes to be used in spells. To enhance crafted staves with elemental or catalytic powers. Also used in puzzles to activate crystals, flip tiles, and to imbue rune energy into doors so that you can open them and into constructs that open heavy doors. Slayer For slaying some special creatures that require a slayer level, that may give special items as drops. Smithing To turn ore into melee armour, melee weapons and arrow tips, or create tools for harvesting raw material. Also used to repair keys for some doors. Strength Increases the damage you do when using melee to fight the monsters and bosses. Also allows you to open barred doors, and push heavy barrels. Allows you to wield mauls of equal or lesser strength requirement. Summoning To infuse and summon familiar pouches, allowing them to fight for you throughout the dungeon. Also used to dismiss rogue creatures blocking some doors. Allows you to understand what familiars say, which is useful for the summoning riddle puzzle. Thieving Used to open some chests which contain items and picking the padlocked doors to unlock them. Woodcutting To cut wood from various trees and growths around the dungeon. Also used to chop away barricades blocking doors so you can open them. Used to chop dry sticks in the hunter ferret puzzle. The spellbook contains a combination of the Lunar and Standard spellbook spells. There are four new spells which help players teleport around while Dungeoneering: Dungeon Home Teleport, Create Gatestone, Gatestone Teleport, and the Group Gatestone Teleport. A complete experience table for Cooking, complete with life points for the potatoes can be found here. Most food available in the dungeon are fish, cave potatoes, and mushrooms. Cave potatoes and mushroom seeds are found mostly by killing monsters. Free players can only access raw and cooked fish, and bananas using the bones to bananas spell though not any product of other food. As mentioned free players can only gain food by buying or fishing them as raw form, or loot from fallen enemies and smuggler room as cooked form. As you progress through the dungeon, you will be able to grow and cook cave potatoes, which you can then combine with fish and/or mushrooms to form more complex foods. For example, Raw cave potatoes and mushrooms are grown in a farm patch and take about 1 minute to grow. To cook them you need a range, some logs, and a tinderbox OR just logs and a tinderbox. Note that unlike on the surface, cave potatoes can be cooked over ordinary fires, although there is a significantly increased chance of burning them. Use the logs with the range and then the potatoes with the range. Then add the fish, and/or your choice of mushrooms. There are two kinds of mushroom, Gissel mushroom and Edicap mushroom, which heal 30 and 90 LP, respectively. Gissel mushrooms require a Farming level of 34, and Edicap mushrooms require level 68 Farming. Baked cave potatoes heal 30 LP plus the total amount of LP healed by the ingredient(s) they are combined with. For example, a Gissel mushroom and Salve eel potato will heal 260 LP, whereas the Salve eel itself heals 200 LP. You may also use food items with other players to heal them. Without any medic property of Ring of Kinship, food can heal 100% amount of life points. They will get a message saying "[Player's Name] gives you a [food item], which you eat." This will terminate both player's action of attacking, and temporarily stop both from moving. If they already have full life points and you try to use food with them, you will get a message saying "As tasty as a [Type of Food] is, [Player's Name] already has full life points". Combat while Dungeoneering consists of the three attack types: Magic, Ranged, and Melee. Daemonheim has its own spellbook with a combination of Standard spellbook and Lunar spellbook, as well as three new spells. Ranged and Melee only use weapons specific to Dungeoneering, all of which can be player-made, provided the resources can be found or bought and players have a high enough skill to Smith, Fletch and/or Craft them, besides Primal, Celestial, and Saggitarian equipment, which can only be obtained from boss drops. The order in which monsters are preferably killed is usually Shades>Mages>Rangers>Warriors. With this in mind the keyer should "mark" targets due to their damage ratio and position in the room. This is based on the Shadow silk hood's ability to hide the wearer from all humanoids except mages and necromancers. Thus it would make sense that a team with hooded players would use the hood's concealment effect to their advantage. Even if you don't have a hood yet, someday you may get one from a Night Spider, and learning to take out monsters in this order will not only help you in the future, but will help your team in the present. It also benefits those wearing metal armour, since mages pose the greatest threat to them. Players must defeat the boss in order to complete the floor. Once you enter a boss room it will be nearly impossible to exit through the door during the fight. It's highly recommended that you create a gatestone before entering the boss room to minimise the number of deaths. You should always determine what the boss is instead of rushing into it. There are a couple of bosses, such as the Luminescent Icefiend, which you cannot even teleport out of, so make sure you're ready for a fight. In addition to regular monster-filled rooms, a dungeon may contain one or more puzzle rooms. These puzzles range in difficulty and complexity. Many puzzles require certain skill levels to be performed and accomplished, and others may cause the players to suffer damage if the puzzle was not done properly. Ending a dungeon [ edit | edit source ] The winterface shown on completion of a floor Players may leave the dungeon at any time via the ladder in the starting room or via the "Leave Party" button in the party interface. In order to complete a raid, the boss must be defeated (see Bosses for tips on defeating the boss). At this point one player will receive a random item from the boss's drop table, and a ladder to the next level will appear on the wall. Players may then opt to complete the dungeon and begin the next raid by clicking the ladder. As soon as one person clicks on the ladder and selects the "Yes, continue" option, a timer will start to count down to the end of the floor, the length of which (in minutes) is one less than the number of players. The time will reduce by a minute each time another player opts to leave. Therefore, if all members of the party opt to leave, the dungeon will end instantly. Players will then receive Dungeoneering experience, and be shown a dialogue box indicating how much experience was gained, and the bonuses and penalties that determined this. This will directly affect your token gain as well, as you gain 10% of your experience in tokens (that's one token per ten experience, or for an easy way to figure it out, drop the last digit of the experience needed, or if finding how much experience one would need for a reward, add a zero to the end of the tokens required). See Dungeoneering/Winterface for more details. After thirty seconds, the party will move on to the next floor automatically, as long as everyone in the party has a high enough Dungeoneering level. Otherwise, the same floor will be repeated. If the skip calculation button which is initially in the top right of the interface is clicked, it will be replaced by several numbers in boxes, each representing a player in the party. These can be used to skip the interface, if everyone in the party selects "Ready", or leave the party and return to the surface, by right clicking and selecting "Leave". XP calculation is always calculated using the following formula (note that prestige XP, penalty percentage, and bonus XP percentage may be 0): Base = Completed Floor XP + Prestige XP 2 Adjusted = Base ( 1 − Penalty percentage ) Final = Adjusted ( 1 + Bonus XP percentage ) {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\text{Base}}&={\frac {{\text{Completed Floor XP}}+{\text{Prestige XP}}}{2}}\\{\text{Adjusted}}&={\text{Base}}(1-{\text{Penalty percentage}})\\{\text{Final}}&={\text{Adjusted}}(1+{\text{Bonus XP percentage}})\\\end{aligned}}} Note that penalties and bonuses affect your overall experience by lowering and raising the base experience by certain percentages, rather than the Active Floor experience. Related Activities [ edit | edit source ] Daemonheim Task Set [ edit | edit source ] The Daemonheim Tasks are the tasks relating to Daemonheim and its surrounding area. They were released on 10 September 2013. To start the tasks, players can speak to Drangund, the rewards trader, Talsar or Thok, who are all located in the camp near Daemonheim. Players are rewarded with an aura. Hard mode [ edit | edit source ] Hard mode is unlocked after completing the Elite Daemonheim Tasks. It is a Dungeoneering feature that was released 10 September 2013. It is available for complexity 6 dungeons only and makes the dungeon as difficult as it can randomly be. When soloing, hard mode floors are restricted to medium size dungeons. Thok will show players the list of floors completed in hard mode. Fremennik Sagas [ edit | edit source ] The Fremennik Sagas are a combination of Questing and Dungeoneering, where sagas told by Skaldrun play the main role. Elite dungeons [ edit | edit source ] Elite dungeons are combat-heavy raids in various dungeons located outside of Daemonheim. The first of these dungeons was the Temple of Aminishi, released on 25 June 2018. Unlike raids in Daemonheim, players bring their own standard gear, which they risk losing on death as in any other regular boss encounter. Unique loot and Dungeoneering experience are received for killing any type of enemy, and Dungeoneering tokens are received for killing bosses and minibosses. Elite dungeons can be challenged normally, or in an easier story mode in which damage taken and required to be dealt is reduced, at the cost of greatly reduced rewards. Both modes can be done in groups of up to three players. With the release of elite dungeons came the release of several elite dungeon reward shops, run by Bryll Thoksdottir: one near the entrance to Daemonheim, and more near the entrance to each dungeon. Dungeon traversed! Music announcing the completion of a floor. Upon completion of a dungeon raid, players will receive Dungeoneering experience and a number of Dungeoneering tokens equal to one tenth of the experience received (one token per ten experience). These tokens are smuggled outside of Daemonheim by the smuggler so that they may be traded with the rewards trader in the Daemonheim camp for items to be used outside of the dungeons. Players may also receive weapons, armour, or other things that they can bind and take to the next floor. Resource dungeons [ edit | edit source ] There are 20 resource dungeons scattered all over Gielinor. Each requires a certain Dungeoneering level to enter and grants a one-time Dungeoneering experience reward upon first entry. Every dungeon contains creatures, resources, or both. Some of these entities are exclusive to their respective resource dungeon. While Dungeoneering, one can sometimes find parts of different journals near the exit ladder after a boss is defeated. They can also be dropped by monsters, albeit rarely. They can be viewed at any time by talking to the Dungeoneering tutor just outside the gates of Daemonheim. However, they are of no use within dungeons after players pick them up from the monster they received it from, so they may be destroyed safely. Tips for unlocking music [ edit | edit source ] All Glacialis tracks are unlocked on the Frozen floors, all Desolo tracks are unlocked on the Abandoned floors, all Adorno tracks are unlocked on the Furnished floors, all Occulo tracks are unlocked on the Occult floors, and all Torqueo tracks are unlocked on the Warped floors. All five themes will have 10 possible music tracks to unlock not including the 6 boss-specific tracks in each theme. Every time players enter a room with an enemy in it, the music player will randomly select a track. If the room is repeatedly entered and exited, players can unlock these music tracks very quickly. All bosses have their own music, so if players want to unlock them quickly, they should do small dungeons with the 'guide' option turned on. If the room before the boss has monsters in it, there is a glitch where it will not unlock the music track. If they are looking for a specific boss and have completed enough Daemonheim tasks, they can use their Daemonheim Aura to choose which boss to face at the end of the dungeon. This feature only works once a day, resetting at 00:00 UTC. Temporary boosts [ edit | edit source ] Development history [ edit | edit source ] On 19 July 2010, the skill received a massive update to include, among other things, the ability to purchase class rings and unlock surface-world Resource Dungeons. Construction could be used within Dungeoneering to build facilities in the starting room, such as altars or cooking ranges. On 19 August 2010, the members-only Occult floors were released with Dungeoneering requirements from 71 up to and including 93, making a total floor count of 47. Five new rewards were also added: the scroll of efficiency, magical blastbox, herbicide, ring of vigour, and the Rigour prayer. Some further changes were made, such as the addition of a one-time resetting of the ring of kinship's class upgrades. On 2 November 2010, the Warped floors were released for members with Dungeoneering unlock requirements from 95 to 119. Along with the floors came the final pieces of level 99 equipment obtainable within Dungeoneering. Additionally, the twisted bird skull necklace, split dragontooth necklace, demon horn necklace, scroll of cleansing, amulet of zealots, celestial surgebox, spirit cape, and sneakerpeeper spawn) were released, available from the rewards trader. On 11 April 2012, a tool belt was added within Dungeoneering, allowing players to carry tools (including hatchets and pickaxes) without occupying space in their inventories. The update also made keys shared between all party members, again without use of the inventory. Finally, raw resources were made stackable, and most stackable items were given a drop-x option, including coins. On 5 February 2013, the Sinkholes Distraction and Diversion was released. Sinkholes allow players to receive Dungeoneering experience and tokens twice daily in a short, five-player raid. On 2 April 2013, with the release of the Evolution of Combat, off-hand weapons were added to Dungeoneering to allow for dual-wielding. This included the new ability to make and receive wands, orbs, and throwing knives, along with new shields for Ranged and Magic. The charming imp reward was also added with a cost of 100,000 tokens. On 10 September 2013, the Daemonheim Tasks were released. These tasks were the first to incorporate Divination. Rewards included the Daemonheim aura, a potion bind (which may be traded and dropped), a secondary role in the ring of kinship (allowing up to full effect of the secondary role at the same time as the primary), a hard mode dungeon option, and the title "[Name] of Daemonheim" (which requires completion of all floors on hard mode). On 10 November 2014, the second half of Prifddinas was released, which included the ability to find lost potion recipes within Daemonheim. The update also included two new resource dungeons, offering access to edimmus, the motherlode maw, and, once per day, a Gorajo card that may be taken into a dungeon and activated to produce various gameplay-changing effects. Shortly after the release of Dungeoneering, the skill was changed so that parties on free-to-play servers whose average combat level was between 90 and 138 were subject to a -50% experience penalty. This even remained in effect between 20 November 2012 and 14 July 2014, when the maximum combat level was 200. It affected all players in the party regardless of their own combat level. This restriction was removed in a Ninja update on 29 June 2015. On 14 April 2010, at approximately 5:00pm (UTC), Jagex had to shut down the RuneScape servers due to a Dungeoneering-related bug where the experience for crafting all runes was accidentally increased (2000 experience points per nature rune, 1400 experience points per fire rune, etc.) instead of being decreased. All accounts were rolled back by about thirty minutes. The login server was offline for four hours. There were also numerous system updates throughout the first week after Dungeoneering was released as developers scrambled to fix various design bugs as they were uncovered, many of which made certain rooms impossible to complete, even with all the required skill levels. There were instances of multiple updates within one hour, which made training extremely frustrating to players who were unable to finish a dungeon before the update occurred. They also cut the experience gained on free servers by 50% for players with 90+ combat level. This update was mostly made because many members logged into free worlds to train dungeoneering because the combat levels of monsters in free worlds are lower than those in member worlds. Skilling pet (Gordie) [ edit | edit source ] Like all skills, there is a skilling pet obtainable from training this skill. The pet for the Dungeoneering skill is called Gordie. Quests with a Dungeoneering requirement [ edit | edit source ] The RuneScape splash page following Dungeoneering's release The banner at the end of the release trailer A completely-filled large dungeon A Dungeoneering key receiving a lootbeam with an unreadable page next to it. Dungeoneering cape, indicating level 99 Dungeoneering Trimmed Dungeoneering cape, indicating level 99 Dungeoneering and another 99 Dungeoneering master cape, indicating level 120 Dungeoneering 99 Dungeoneering Melee emote 99 Dungeoneering Ranged emote 99 Dungeoneering Magic emote 120 Dungeoneering emote The update history project is a work-in-progress – not all updates to this topic may be covered below. See here for how to help out!
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Jemimah Rodrigues loves to watch Babar Azam’s Cover Drives
The pinnacle-order Indian batswoman. Who was a part of India’s crew that impressed alongside its manner to the very last of the T20 World Cup, made the statement at some stage in an Instagram chat. She named the Pakistani star cricketer as her preferred cricketing shot and stated that she loves looking Babar Azam’s Cover Drives play it. “Cover drives. I love Babar Azam’s cover drive,” she said. Rodrigues also named Rohit Sharma as her favorite cricketer in international cricket. Azam, international’s top-ranked T20 batsman, is thought for his elegance. That’s most contemplated in his stylish cover force. India’s Women team batter Jemimah Rodrigues revealed that she loves Babar Azam's Cover Drive during an Instagram Live Session ! At first she was hesitating to say his name. 😂 World Wide Rockstar Bobby 💪💕💯 pic.twitter.com/kkhBJxW4SI — Ahsan. 🇵🇰 (@imPakistaniLAD) April 11, 2020 Related Articles Babar Azam’s Cover Drives
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Foreigners in quarantine at Isha Yoga Foundation
They had come to attend various programmes, including the Shivaratri celebration held on February 21. As many as 150 foreigners are currently accommodated at Isha Yoga Foundation where they had come to attend various programmes, including for Shivaratri held on February 21. On Tuesday, Health Secretary Beela Rajesh said that the government was collecting details of foreigners and Indians who had come to the State after February 15 and foreigners at Isha Yoga were also in the checklist. According to the Coimbatore district administration, the foreigners had come much before the government notification. They are in quarantine on Isha Yoga campus and Health Department conducted a check-up. They were being monitored regularly, said district administration. Health Department sources said that the medical examination was held on March 28. However, details of the medical examination, including type of test/screening done on foreigners were not available.
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Tim Brooke-Taylor dies at 79 after contracting coronavirus : News 2020 : Chortle : The UK Comedy Guide
Former Goodie Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79 after contracting coronavirus. His agent said the star, who was also a regular on Radio 4’s I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue had provided 'a huge variety of splendid entertainment... all of which he undertook with energy and a great sense of fun.' The statement said: ‘It is with great sadness that we announce Tim's death early today from Covid-19. 'We will remember him for so much but must just mention The Goodies and I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue. 'He had, of course, many fans whom he always treated cheerfully even after long and exhausting rehearsals and recordings. 'He was an exceptional client and a pleasure to represent. We're grateful that we have so much of his work to view, read and listen to. 'In all the time with us and in all his showbiz work, he has been supported by Christine, his wife.' Fellow Goodie Graeme Garden said he was 'terribly saddened by the loss of a dear colleague and close friend of over 50 years. He was a funny, sociable, generous man who was a delight to work with. Audiences found him not only hilarious but also adorable. His loss at this dreadful time is particularly hard to bear' I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue host Jack Dee told the Daily Mail: 'It has come as devastating news to hear that Tim has succumbed to this dreadful virus 'Tim was a delightful man and never anything but great company. It has always been one of the great joys of my career to work with someone who was part of the comedy landscape of my childhood. 'I can't bear the thought of introducing 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue' without being able to say, "And on my right, Tim Brooke-Taylor..." 'Tim brought a unique quality to Clue. He was a proper team player, very generous as a performer, never egotistical and always more than delighted to set himself up as the butt of the joke. 'For me, his great comedy gift was playing the injured innocent and he did it with brilliance and a characteristic lightness of touch. 'It's always heartbreaking to lose a loved one, but these times have created the cruellest of circumstances for that to happen in and my thoughts are with his wife Christine and all his family.' Other comedians paying tribute on Twitter included: David Mitchell: ‘This is terribly sad news. He was a wonderful comedian and a really lovely man and I feel honoured to have known and worked with him. The world has been robbed - he had years more joy to give.’ ‘This is terribly sad news. He was a wonderful comedian and a really lovely man and I feel honoured to have known and worked with him. The world has been robbed - he had years more joy to give.’ Ross Noble: ‘So sorry to hear that Tim Brooke Taylor has passed away. He was such a lovely funny man. I watched him as a kid and it was always a thrill to work with him.’ ‘So sorry to hear that Tim Brooke Taylor has passed away. He was such a lovely funny man. I watched him as a kid and it was always a thrill to work with him.’ Rory Bremner: ‘So sad that lovely - and much loved- Tim Brooke-Taylor has died. Always a Goodie, his modesty belied a huge legacy in British comedy- in show after show from Cambridge days on, from I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again to Clue. His huge list of credits (many with the great @JohnCleese) is testament to his humour, his ability and timing, his kindness & dependability- a true team player- and a funny, lovely man to boot. I queued as a schoolboy in Edinburgh to get my Goodies Album signed, and can’t believe 40 odd years later we were doing Clue together in January. Big theatres, huge laughs, such joy & affection for Tim. He was an absolute delight. ‘So sad that lovely - and much loved- Tim Brooke-Taylor has died. Always a Goodie, his modesty belied a huge legacy in British comedy- in show after show from Cambridge days on, from I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again to Clue. His huge list of credits (many with the great @JohnCleese) is testament to his humour, his ability and timing, his kindness & dependability- a true team player- and a funny, lovely man to boot. I queued as a schoolboy in Edinburgh to get my Goodies Album signed, and can’t believe 40 odd years later we were doing Clue together in January. Big theatres, huge laughs, such joy & affection for Tim. He was an absolute delight. Robin Ince: ‘Very sad to hear that Tim Brooke Taylor has died. A lovely man. A funny man. His work made growing up easier and gave us something to look forward to every week. Repeats of I'm Sorry I'll Read that Again were my introduction to radio comedy.’ Born in Buxton, Derbyshire, Brooke-Taylor started comedy at Cambridge University, becoming President of the Footlights club. While at Cambridge. he mixed with other budding comedians, including John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Bill Oddie, Garden and Jonathan Lynn. Their 1963 Footlights revue, A Clump of Plinths was so successful during its Edinburgh Festival Fringe run, that the show was renamed as Cambridge Circus and played the West End and Broadway. He moved into BBC radio comedy with the sketch show I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again, also featuring Cleese, Garden, Oddie future BBC executive David Hatch and Jo Kendall – where he became famous for characters including eccentric Lady Constance. He has also a been a regular on the spin-off, I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, Radio 4’s ‘antidote to panel games’, since its launch in 197 In 1967, Brooke-Taylor became a writer/performer on the television comedy series At Last the 1948 Show, with Cleese, Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman, co-writing The Four Yorkshiremen that would later be made famous by Monty Python. He also appeared on Marty Feldman,’s self-titled sitcom and a show called Broaden Your Mind with Graeme Garden and, later, Oddie, which sowed the seeds for The Goodies, which launched in November 1970 and ran for nine series until 1982. Other credits include Bananaman, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory and Heartbeat. He married Christine Weadon in 1968 and they have two sons, Ben and Edward. • Tim Brooke-Taylor: A Lifetime Of Laughs. Watch some of his classic moments Published: 12 Apr 2020
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Mother Allegedly Throws Five Children In River Ganga In UP After Fight With Husband: Police
UPDATE: The UP Police has clarified that the woman did not throw her children into the river because she could not find food during the ongoing lockdown. In a shocking incident on Sunday, with no food during coronavirus lockdown, a woman allegedly threw her five children into the Ganga river in Jeghangirabad in Uttar Pradesh's Bhadohi district. As soon as the police were informed, senior police officials reached the spot and divers were pressed into service to locate the children. The woman has been arrested and police officials said that she seemed mentally unsound. Mother sitting in the center/Amar Ujala New agency, IANS quoting unnamed sources, reported that the woman had earlier said that she and her children were not getting food in the lockdown and money inflow had stopped because she was a daily wage earner. "Our priority is to rescue the children as soon as possible, We will carry out other investigations later," said a police official. A woman threw her five children into the #Ganga river in Jeghangirabad in #UttarPradesh's Bhadohi district. The woman has been arrested and police officials said that she seemed mentally unsound. pic.twitter.com/303aIojJod — IANS Tweets (@ians_india) April 12, 2020 However, according to PTI, the district magistrate denied reports that the woman threw the children into the river because she could not find food during the ongoing lockdown. “The woman and her family members have not mentioned any such thing,” District Magistrate Rajendra Prasad said. PTI, quoting Superintendent of Police Ram Badan Singh reported that the woman, Manju Yadav and her husband Mridul Yadav often quarrelled in the past one year. “Hence, she thought of killing her children by throwing them into the river," he said. India's migrant daily wage workers are among the worst-hit due to the ongoing lockdown to contain the coronavirus pandemic in the country. As many as 92.5% of labourers have already lost one to three weeks of work, according to a rapid assessment survey by Jan Sahas, a civil society organisation that focuses on human rights of socially excluded communities. The loss of income is proving to be catastrophic on numerous fronts, and this incident is probably one of the most heartbreaking ones to have surfaced.
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NHS medics cut up hospital curtain to make gown amid massive PPE shortages
Get our daily coronavirus email newsletter with all the news you need to know direct to your inbox Sign up Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Invalid Email Desperate medics battling Covid-19 say they are cutting up hospital curtains to make gowns and using bits of plastic as makeshift masks due to kit shortages. Damning accounts from the front line also tell of hospital staff raiding cupboards to re-use old theatre scrubs. It came as London hospitals were warned not to expect gown deliveries for at least the next few days – and after three nurses who had posted a snap of themselves working in bin bags reportedly tested positive for the virus. Mr Hancock tried to tackle the row unveiling a “three-strand plan” to end the personal protective equipment crisis – which includes a “Herculean logistical effort”. Strand one is to circulate PPE guidance to staff, strand two is to speed up distribution to hospitals from one delivery every three days to daily. And strand three is to boost purchasing from abroad and make more here. Do you work in the NHS and lack PPE? Email webnews@mirror.co.uk Mr Hancock said more than 742 million pieces of PPE have been delivered during the outbreak. But despite assurances, senior medics warn kit is not reaching enough frontline staff. One senior doctor claimed intensive care staff are being cut due to a lack of PPE. Advocacy group EveryDoctor revealed medics say they are using plastic goggles from their kids’ schools – and images sent in show staff with homemade masks using plastic and straps from B&Q. And the Mirror saw a report of doctors being measured for aprons made of plastic curtains, reading: “No immediate stocks of gowns due in national supply chain in the next few days. We are unsighted on when ­deliveries will be.” EveryDoctor’s Dr Julia Patterson said: “It is unbelievable healthcare workers are having to make homemade PPE from curtains. “By not providing intensive care staff with sufficient PPE, the Government is placing lives at risk. Guidance needs to be revised in line with World Health Organisation recommendations and the funds need to be spent. We are facing a humanitarian crisis.” One anonymous doctor at King’s College Hospital in South London said they are cutting staff levels on the ICU ward as “there simply aren’t enough PPE”. And they are planning to re-use old theatre gowns as stocks for single-use gowns could run out this weekend. The source said: “All staff are worried about the lack of basic kit. There are not enough gowns and colleagues in similar hospitals across the capital say the same. "There is also a lack of dialysis machines we need to treat the most seriously ill coronavirus patients. “We are using around 2,000 single-use PPE gowns a day. If they run out we will have no choice but to re-use old theatre gowns, which can be washed, but the turnaround is a day or two.” Mr Hancock said the PPE shipped in the crisis includes 161 million masks, 127 million aprons, a million gowns and 345 million pairs of gloves. He said the kit has gone to hospitals, ambulance trusts, GPs, social care and pharmacies – and some items can be used for a whole session and do not need to be changed after each patient. Mr Hancock added: “This is a Herculean logistical effort. We’ve brought together the NHS, private industry and the Army – in fact, the armed forces – to create a giant PPE distribution network on an unprecedented scale.” He also said the pressures sit within a “huge international demand” for PPE and a “global squeeze” on supply. But the British Medical Association said last night that PPE is at “dangerously low levels” in the London and Yorkshire regions. Dr Chaand Nagpaul, BMA council chair, said: “We note the Government’s three-strand PPE plan. “However, PPE should not be a ‘precious resource’ and for staff facing shortages of protection they need it today. "They don’t want to hear of a plan but that this vital equipment is made available to the front line now." Royal College of Nursing director Susan Masters added: “These figures on deliveries are only impressive when nursing staff stop contacting me to say what they need wasn’t available. People are petrified. "They have seen colleagues die already." Mr Hancock also said last night his goal is that “everyone” in a critical role gets the PPE they need. He said: “There’s enough PPE to go around but only if it’s used in line with our guidance.” But the UK has refused to stick to WHO advice that all medics have full-length protective gowns. Instead, NHS England and Public Health England said sleeveless aprons could be worn for some treatments. Campaigners fear the difference in advice was due to lack of stock. Masks or goggles should also be available to all medics, the WHO says. But UK guidance states eyewear be used only if they make a risk assessment that it is necessary. NHS Supply Chain said: “We are continuing to deliver millions of products every day. Over the last few days, 119,000 gowns were delivered in England.” King’s College Hospital said: “There is a sufficient supply of single-use PPE across the Trust – including gowns and coveralls. Clinical areas are restocked twice a day, or more frequently if needed.”
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Northwest Florida private prison now has 34 cases of coronavirus
TALLAHASSEE —Four more inmates have tested positive for COVID-19 at a Northwest Florida private prison where a total of 40 people have contracted the highly contagious virus, the Florida Department of Corrections said Saturday. Blackwater River Correctional Facility, a Santa Rosa County prison operated by The Geo Group Inc., now has a total of 34 inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus. Six prison employees also have tested positive for COVID-19, corrections officials said. The Milton facility, which has a maximum capacity of 2,000 inmates, is so far the state's hardest-hit prison amid the coronavirus pandemic. All but one of the state’s 35 inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19 are located at the Panhandle facility. The other prisoner is housed at Sumter Correctional Institution in Bushnell, corrections officials said. As of Saturday, 44 corrections employees at 20 prisons and three probation offices across the state also have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Department of Corrections' website. Inmates housed at Blackwater — and their loved ones — have been sounding the alarm about prison officials’ response to the virus, which has caused 458 deaths in Florida as of Saturday evening. No inmates or prison staff have died from COVID-19, according to the corrections agency. Natausha Hunt told the News Service of Florida on Tuesday that her son, Gary Ford, had been in quarantine with dozens of inmates at Blackwater for more than two weeks. “He called me panicking and scared, and said, ‘Momma, they are leaving us here to die,’ ” a sobbing Hunt said in a telephone interview. Hunt said Friday that her son had not been tested for the virus, although he has been coughing. Ford fears he may be infected with the virus because he is housed with inmates who have been tested for COVID-19, Hunt said. Florida Department of Corrections officials declined to comment on Ford’s account, citing federal regulations protecting patients’ confidential health information. State officials, however, maintain they are taking many precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. In prisons operated by the state, new inmates are placed in quarantine, the temperature of inmates who are in medical quarantine is taken twice daily, and inmates in the general population can ask questions and request a temperature check, the Department of Corrections said in an email Wednesday morning. A spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Management Services, which oversees contracts with private prison operators, said Tuesday The Geo Group was taking extra measures to stem the outbreak at Blackwater. The Santa Rosa County health department, which helps test inmates housed at Blackwater Correctional Facility and Santa Rosa Correctional Institution, is conducting random testing of staff and employees, Debbie Stilphen, a spokeswoman with the county agency, told the News Service on Tuesday. “We are randomly sampling staff and inmates from different pods based on the number of specimen containers available,” Stilphen said in an email. Stilphen said the county has enough tests to meet the demand of symptomatic inmates at the two prisons. “The reason we are doing the sampling is to find out who might need to be tested in the process of our investigation,” Stilphen said. Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration has not revealed how many inmates have been tested for COVID-19 in Florida’s prison system, which houses roughly 94,000 inmates in 145 facilities statewide. State officials also won’t say how many prisoners are in medical isolation due to the virus. • • • Tampa Bay Times coronavirus coverage GET THE DAYSTARTER MORNING UPDATE: Sign up to receive the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 and Tampa Bay, six days a week UNEMPLOYMENT Q&A: We answer your questions about Florida unemployment benefits CONTRIBUTE TO THE SCRAPBOOK: Help us tell the story of life under coronavirus MEET THE HELPERS: Highlighting Tampa Bay’s everyday heroes in this crisis FOLLOW OUR COVERAGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Reddit. LISTEN TO THE CORONAVIRUS PODCAST: New episodes every week, including interviews with experts and reporters HAVE A TIP?: Send us confidential news tips We’re working hard to bring you the latest news on the coronavirus in Florida. This effort takes a lot of resources to gather and update. If you haven’t already subscribed, please consider buying a print or digital subscription.
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Η πρώτη πτήση του ανθρώπου στο κοσμικό Διάστημα
Το Βοστόκ 1 (ВΟCΤOK-1) ήταν η πρώτη διαστημική πτήση του προγράμματος Βοστόκ και η πρώτη επανδρωμένη διαστημική πτήση στην ιστορία. Το διαστημικό σκάφος Βοστόκ 3ΚΑ εκτοξεύτηκε στις 12 Απριλίου του 1961 με τον Σοβιετικό κοσμοναύτη Γιούρι Γκαγκάριν, ο οποίος έγινε ο πρώτος άνθρωπος που ταξίδεψε στο Διάστημα. Η διαστημική πτήση περιλάμβανε μία τροχιά γύρω από τη Γη και είναι η συντομότερη επανδρωμένη τροχιακή πτήση που έχει πραγματοποιηθεί μέχρι σήμερα. Σύμφωνα με τα επίσημα στοιχεία, η διαστημική πτήση διήρκεσε 108 λεπτά από την εκτόξευση μέχρι την προσγείωση. Όπως είχε προγραμματιστεί, ο Γκαγκάριν έπεσε με αλεξίπτωτο στο έδαφος χωριστά από το διαστημικό σκάφος του αφού εκτινάχθηκε σε ύψος 7.000 μέτρων. Λόγω της μυστικότητας του σοβιετικού διαστημικού προγράμματος εκείνη την εποχή, πολλά στοιχεία της διαστημικής πτήσης ήρθαν στο φως χρόνια αργότερα και πολλές λεπτομέρειες που είχαν δημοσιευθεί στον Τύπο αποδείχθηκαν ότι ήταν ψευδείς. Τετάρτη 12 Απριλίου και ώρα δέκα το πρωί (ώρα Μόσχας, ο ραδιοφωνικός σταθμός της σοβιετικής πρωτεύουσας διέκοψε το πρόγραμμά του. Ο εκφωνητής καλούσε τους ακροατές να αναμείνουν έκτακτη ανακοίνωση του επίσημου πρακτορείου ειδήσεων Τας. Η προειδοποίηση επαναλήφθηκε τρεις φορές. Η αγωνία κορυφώθηκε. Στις 10:02 η υποβλητική φωνή του Γιούρι Λεβιτάν, του δημοσιογράφου που εκφωνούσε τις σημαντικότερες ειδήσεις, σκόρπισε ρίγη συγκίνησης και ενθουσιασμό σε ολόκληρη την ανθρωπότητα. Μιλώντας αργά και ευκρινώς ο εκφωνητής ανήγγειλε: "Εδώ Μόσχα. Προς όλους τους σταθμούς ραδιοφώνου της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης. Μεταδίδουμε την ανακοίνωση του Τας για την πρώτη πτήση του ανθρώπου στο κοσμικό Διάστημα". Στις τελευταίες αυτές λέξεις ο εκφωνητής ύψωσε κατά τρόπο δραματικό τη φωνή και σταμάτησε προς στιγμήν για να δοθεί χρόνος να αντιληφθούν οι ακροατές τη σημασία της ανακοίνωσης. "Το πρώτο διαστημόπλοιο του κόσμου Βοστόκ (Ανατολή) με άνθρωπο επιβάτη τέθηκε σε τροχιά από τη Σοβιετική Ένωση στις 12 Απριλίου 1961. Ο πλοηγός Διαστήματος του διαστημόπλοιου-δορυφόρου Βοστόκ είναι ο Σοβιετικός πολίτης επισμηναγός Γιούρι Αλεξέγιεβιτς Γκαγκάριν...". Το προαιώνιο όνειρο του ανθρώπου να πετάξει στα ουράνια, στο Διάστημα, πέρα από τη Γη, έγινε πλέον πραγματικότητα. Η είδηση μεταδόθηκε ενώ ο Γιούρι Γκαγκάριν βρισκόταν ακόμα εν πτήσει. Είχε εκτοξευθεί στις 9:07 (ώρα Μόσχας) από το κοσμοδρόμιο του Μπαϊκονούρ, στο Καζακστάν της Κεντρικής Ασίας. Στις 9:22 το Βοστόκ βρισκόταν πάνω από τη Νότια Αμερική και ο Γκαγκάριν έστειλε προς τη Γη το πρώτο μήνυμά του: "Η πτήση συνεχίζεται ομαλά. Είμαι καλά". Στις 10:15 το διαστημόπλοιο βρισκόταν πάνω από την Αφρική με κατεύθυνση την Ε.Σ.Σ.Δ. και ο πρώτος κοσμοναύτης, που το όνομά του θα έμενε για πάντα στην ιστορία, έστειλε το δεύτερο μήνυμα: "Η πτήση συνεχίζεται ομαλά. Υφίσταμαι καλώς την έλλειψη βαρύτητας". Στις 10:25 άρχισε να τίθεται σε λειτουργία το σύστημα των ανασχετικών πυραύλων που οδήγησε στην επιβράδυνση της ταχύτητας του διαστημοπλοίου και τη σταδιακή κάθοδό του προς την επιφάνεια του πλανήτη. Στις 10:55 προσγειώθηκε ομαλά στην περιοχή του Σαράτοφ, στις όχθες του Βόλγα, έχοντας περιστραφεί γύρω από τη Γη σε μέγιστο ύψος 302 χιλιομέτρων και ελάχιστο 175. Όλα πήγαν κατ' ευχήν και ο Γκαγκάριν δεν είχε ούτε αμυχή. Μετά την πρώτη έκπληξη, οι απορίες: πώς ένιωσε ο πρώτος άνθρωπος στο Διάστημα; Τί είδε; "Για πρώτη φορά είδα με τα μάτια μου τη σφαιρικότητα της Γης, είδα τις ηπείρους, τους ποταμούς και τις πόλεις. Ο ορίζοντας προσφέρει μοναδικό θέαμα. Σαν μία λεπτή, γαλανή ζώνη που περιβάλλει τη Γη. Τα άστρα είναι εξαιρετικά λαμπερά, το στερέωμα φαίνεται πολύ πιο καθαρά απ' ό,τι από την επιφάνεια της Γης". Η έλλειψη βαρύτητας δεν επηρέασε καθόλου τον πρώτο κοσμοναύτη: "Απλώς, τα χέρια μου και τα πόδια μου δεν ζύγιζαν τίποτα". Δύο μέρες μετά τον άθλο, εκατομμύρια Μοσχοβιτών αποθέωσαν τον Γκαγκάριν ενώ ο Νικίτα Χρουστσόφ τον ασπάστηκε δακρυσμένος. Στην αντίπερα όχθη, στις Η.Π.Α., τα συναισθήματα ήταν ανάμικτα. Απογοήτευση που το πρώτο βήμα το έκαναν πάλι οι "άλλοι", ταυτόχρονα όμως θαυμασμός για το άλμα της επιστήμης. "Είναι φανταστικό, μυθικό επίτευγμα", δήλωσε ο Τζέιμς Γουέμπ, διευθυντής της NASA, της Αμερικανικής Υπηρεσίας Αεροναυτικής και Διαστήματος. Στις 5 Μαΐου οι Αμερικανοί πραγματοποίησαν μία σύντομη βολή με επανδρωμένη "κάψουλα": ο πρώτος Αμερικανός αστροναύτης Άλαν Σέπαρντ εκτοξεύτηκε σε απόσταση άνω των 500 χιλιομέτρων από το ακρωτήριο Κανάβεραλ, με πύραυλο Ρεντστόουν, φτάνοντας μέχρι ύψους 180 χιλιομέτρων. Η πτήση του διήρκεσε δεκαπέντε λεπτά και στο τέλος της εγκατέλειψε τον θαλαμίσκο Μέρκιουρι και έπεσε στον ωκεανό με αλεξίπτωτο. Στις 21 Ιουλίου, το εγχείρημα του Σέπαρντ επανέλαβε ο Βέτζιλ Γκρίσομ, μόνο που κατά την επιστροφή του παραλίγο να σημειωθεί τραγωδία, καθώς η θυρίδα του Μέρκιουρι άνοιξε πρόωρα και ο ωκεανός κατέκλυσε τον θαλαμίσκο. Ο Γκρίσομ μόλις την τελευταία στιγμή κατόρθωσε να πηδήξει στη θάλασσα, για να διασωθεί λίγα λεπτά αργότερα από ελικόπτερο, ενώ ο θαλαμίσκος και οι πολύτιμες πληροφορίες που είχαν συλλέξει τα όργανά του χάθηκαν σε βάθος πέντε χιλιομέτρων. Οι Αμερικανοί ήταν ακόμη πολύ πίσω στην κούρσα του Διαστήματος. Θα χρειάζονταν ακόμη έναν ολόκληρο χρόνο μέχρι να κατορθώσουν να θέσουν διαστημόπλοιο σε τροχιά γύρω από τη Γη. Οι Σοβιετικοί, αντίθετα, προχώρησαν στις 7 Αυγούστου σε νέα εντυπωσιακή επίδειξη της υπεροχής τους. Με το Βοστόκ-2 εκτοξεύτηκε ο Γκέρμαν Τίτοφ. Έμεινε στο Διάστημα 25 ολόκληρες ώρες, πραγματοποιώντας δεκαεπτά περιστροφές γύρω από τη Γη, κατά τη διάρκεια των οποίων πέταξε πάνω από σχεδόν όλες τις πρωτεύουσες του κόσμου. Διαγράφοντας τις τροχιές του σε χαμηλότερο ύψος από το διαστημόπλοιο του Γκαγκάριν, το Βοστόκ-2 ήταν ορατό από τη Γη σαν άστρο πρώτου μεγέθους. Η νέα εποχή είχε αρχίσει. Ο άνθρωπος θα γινόταν πλέον τακτικός επισκέπτης του Διαστήματος. https://airandspace.si.edu Wikipedia.gr
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Teachers and Studios on Bringing Their Yoga Classes Online
If we were told a few months back that all studios would be closed, retreats cancelled and public classes banished we wouldn’t have believed it. Yoga Teachers and Studios livelihoods rely on their students to show up and when this isn’t possible, times can be worrying. It is astounding to see the yoga industry evolve to offer classes online, whole studio timetables now available online and teachers and students working together to bring yoga to our homes when we need it most. We caught up with some Yoga Teachers and studio owners in our network to hear about how they have adapted to the change. For those who are feeling overwhelmed by the change, we hope that this piece will lift your spirits – because we are all in this together, collectively hoping to share happiness, health and love to one another, however we can. Jess Horn What are you offering? I am offering my full schedule on line, x 6 – 8 classes a week, with live streaming, donation based classes. I’m also providing some free content including short videos and some Relaxation evenings/ home retreats which I’m hoping to help as many people as possible relax, connect with their bodies, de-stress and manage anxiety. Also to provide a sense of community and move away from fear into connecting with hope, love and the best qualities of humanity. I’m also going to put together a short course – Introduction to Meditation – for the home office – How to navigate these uncharted waters with more ease. What challenges have you faced or what have you been surprised by? I’ve been surprised at how much it’s helping people. I’m getting really positive feedback and its great to see how many people are keen to join in and embrace new technology! I have faced a few teething issues (like muting myself accidentally half way through a class!) But each time I do it, it gets a little easier! What is your advice would you like to share to other teachers and the yoga community? If you’re a teacher, now is the time for seva, (service) and your students need you now more than ever, so do reach out to them. As teachers we have the toolkit, the science of yoga, to help them to regulate their nervous system through their breath and find space and calm amongst these crazy and uncertain times. Don’t be afraid about being on line, if its new for you, it can be challenging, but start small, maybe doing a little live, or even pre-recording a video and sharing. You don’t need loads of fancy equipment, or a huge space and it doesn’t matter what you look like, just be authentically you! Remember Done is better than perfect! So move through the self doubt as the world now more than ever, needs your yoga! I know that many of us rely on our teaching for our income so do ask for a donation / payment if you’re offering full classes. Maybe offer smaller free offerings or donations for those who struggle financially. At this time we need to dig deep, double up on our self care and practice what we preach! If you’re a student of yoga, reach out to your teacher and tell them what you’d like them to share and how you can support each other. We don’t know how long this will go on for, so we need to all pull together and provide support for each other and the yoga community! Trisha Champaneri What are you offering? All my classes are online now – so that’s mainly yoga flows and meditations. I’ve got something going on every day as I’m trying to keep busy and my regular clients are really needing their practice more than ever. I’m streaming via Zoom and IGTV and my schedule is on my website. From Monday EVERY DAY at 8:30am, I’ll be offering a daily meditation and motivational video on IGTV. I want to help people get their ducks in a row early doors, so they align with their intentions and get the most from their day. This type of grounding work is so valuable and consistency is absolutely key. I’ve got clients that will put this on for their kids too when the schools close. Hopefully it will set the tone for the day and give some structure to the people who follow it regularly. What challenges have you faced or what have you been surprised by? Teaching online is TOTALLY different to teaching in real life. I don’t think I’ve ever fully appreciated that and I’m massively out of my comfort zone! I am learning something new with each class and it’s really giving me a sense of purpose at the moment. It’s also given me a real respect for anyone that has ever put themselves out there online and shared this type of work. It takes guts. Another challenge is the logistics of course. Generally I’m okay with tech stuff, but wouldn’t say that I’m the best, so I’m having to learn a lot on that front too. Currently I’m taking donations for classes (from those who can afford to pay) via my website, but I know that this could be a lot slicker, so I’ll aim to refine that in the next few days. Classes are obviously free for key workers. I am pleasantly surprised by the way in which we’re all supporting one another. The teaching community, small local businesses, everyone really, we’re all rooting for each other and I love that. What advice would you like to share to the other teachers and the yoga community? Wash your hands and don’t touch your face. Seriously though, If you’re thinking of doing something similar, DO IT!!!! You can set up streams for your regular students if you’re not comfortable with opening the net wider. Honestly, it’s easier to set up than you think. I’d also ask people giving completely free classes to question what that says about the value that you place on what we offer as practitioners. For sure at the moment, there will be people who cannot afford to pay and they should not have to. But there will also be people who can afford to make a contribution and they absolutely should. We are all turning to these practices to ease the heightened feeling of anxiety. How can that not be worth something? Essentially, as I am learning, you just need to back yourself and get on with it. I know teaching is a very personal and vulnerable thing, but what you offer can and will help someone. If you have the capacity to do this, then you must, particularly in this time of need and uncertainty. I wish you all the best of health and am sending high vibes to everyone. Paula Gardiner, Space2be and The Yoga Lighthouse What are you offering? We’re offering on-line classes to all of our members. We have also created social media groups where our teachers are sharing videos and free resources. I am in the process of expanding our on-line offering with some pop up events to learn new fun skills eg. quiz night, knitting group , arts and crafts, strictly come dancing classes (learn some basic steps). A variety of activities to keep our members active and inspired. What challenges have you faced or what have you been surprised by? Technology! Communicating with members via so many different ways WhatsApp, Texts, Social groups and making sure everyone has seen the communications! Also making so many quick decisions – not knowing if they are right but no time to procrastinate – trust your intuition! I have been so surprised how important classes are to people a familiar face. How well the on-line classes have been received. I did one I loved it. Connection is so important right now. It’s amazing what we can do in a week if we have to! What is your advice would you like to share to other teachers and the yoga community? Advice – it doesn’t have to be perfect just get something up and running asap. Keep your community close, involve your Teachers, ask for help, communicate not just email get on video pick up the phone. Think what else do customers need. Kindness will go along way so think long term not short term. Nicole Andrews, FloYoga What are you offering? We are running a full schedule on Zoom that is booked through mind body from Monday onwards. We started with some donation based classes on IG live for the last few days to trial out how online would work with our community. What challenges have you faced or what have you been surprised by? Really surprised by how much people wanted us to continue at home and its been so amazing the amount of support from our community and beyond practicing at such a challenging time with us and donating to help keep us alive! Challenges are things like music and how to set it up and use it online, how to see if everyone is getting what you are teaching and it is clear or the level etc in class, we hope to get some people using webcam when we go on to Zoom to combat this. What is your advice would you like to share to other teachers and the yoga community? It can be nerve–wracking especially the first couple of times, but like anything new it just takes practice and then you get more comfortable. It’s almost like a reminder of what it was like to start teaching all over again, and has you questioning everything as it’s live for the world to see! Without the ability to have live feedback from students in the room you don’t really know much till after. So really believe in yourself and what you’re doing, it can be daunting as there’s so many offerings but it’s no different to the options in person. Don’t compare yourself to other offerings online, let’s all support each other where we can and enjoy this new challenge! The post Teachers and Studios on Bringing Their Yoga Classes Online appeared first on Yogamatters Blog. Author: Yogamatters Source: https://www.yogamatters.com/blog/teachers-and-studio-owners-on-bringing-their-classes-online/ Discover more info about Yoga Poses for Two People here: Yoga Poses for Two
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Magnitude 3.5 Earthquake Hits Delhi, Neighbouring Areas
12 April 2020 National Magnitude 3.5 Earthquake Hits Delhi, Neighbouring Areas According to the National Centre for Seismology, the quake occurred at 5.45 pm. Image for representation. An earthquake of magnitude 3.5 with epicentre in Delhi shook the region on Sunday evening, prompting panic-stricken people to rush out of their homes. According to the National Centre for Seismology, the quake occurred at 5.45 pm. Its epicentre was in NCT Delhi at the depth of 8 km. There was no immediate report of any damage. The tremors were felt for several seconds and many people rushed out. "I felt my chair shaking and there was a loud rumbling sound. It was really frightening," S Damle, a resident of East Delhi, said. The epicentre was located at Latitude 28.7 N and Longitude 77.2 E. "Tremors felt in Delhi. Hope everyone is safe. I pray for the safety of each one of you," Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted. "We were watching TV and suddenly felt the tremors. We ran out of the house. Few of our neighbours had also gathered outside. We greeted them from a distance and returned to the house," said Arefa Sultana, a resident of Lajpat Nagar 1. People have been staying at home due to the lockdown imposed to contain the spread of coronavirus.
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Over 400 people were partying in East Bakersfield Friday night, before a shooting injured 6 people
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Stay-at home-orders by Governor Gavin Newsom were ignored Friday night before a shooting injured six people in East Bakersfield, shortly after midnight. Between 400 and 500 people were gathered together, partying at an apartment complex in the 3500 block of Pioneer Drive, when four suspects, described as black men in a white sedan, opened fire at the large group, striking six victims, according to the Kern County Sheriff's Office. According to KCSO, one juvenile female, and 5 men sustained non-life threatening injuries. None of the victims are cooperating with officials, according to KCSO. No arrests have been made at this time. Anyone with information is asked to call KCSO at 661-861-3110.
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Voting by Mail
Supporting free, fair, and accessible elections is a basic duty of government, so let’s fulfill that duty by covering the costs of voting by mail BY MARK JAMISON SavethePostOffice: A common thread that runs throughout the history of the United States is the expansion of the franchise. Early in our history the right to vote was limited to white males, often with strict property qualifications. By the time of Andrew Jackson, the franchise had extended to white males generally. While the primary reason for the Civil War was the elimination of slavery, the logical conclusion of that conflict was the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibited denial of the franchise based on “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” The Nineteenth Amendment extended the franchise to women, and the Snyder Act of 1924 extended the vote to Native Americans by granting them full citizenship rights. The Twenty-sixth Amendment extended the voting age to eighteen-year-olds, acknowledging that if one was old enough to fight and die for their country they were old enough to exercise the franchise. The fundamental premise of our Constitution is that sovereignty lies within the entity known as We the People. Voting, the exercise of our basic right to choose our leaders, should be our most cherished right because it enshrines voice and participation granting the dignity of self-government. And yet for all its acknowledged value and importance there have still been reactionary and revanchist powers that sought to limit and confine the franchise. The powerful and elite rarely willingly share their wealth and power. Each step in extending the franchise was met with resistance. Ninety-five years after passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, the 1965 Voting Rights Act finally enshrined mechanisms to fulfill the vision of participation that is the cornerstone of American Democracy. The VRA was renewed by Congress several times, most recently in 2006 when it passed in the House by a vote of 390 – 33 and in the Senate unanimously. And yet elements, small recalcitrant elements of our society, still begrudge this most fundamental and basic of rights. In an infamous decision that stands with Dred Scott as among the most unjust acts of the Supreme Court the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision eviscerated key parts of the VRA. Predictably the same bad actors who have fought voting rights took the opportunity to find new and effective ways to suppress voting, especially among minority communities. Now we have a president who, fearing he will lose an honest and fair election, takes every opportunity to call into question the integrity of our elections and voting practices. While we struggle as a nation with a deadly pandemic, this president has done everything in his power to call into question an obvious solution that will make voting safer, easier, and more accessible. That solution is voting by mail. Several states already vote exclusively by mail and every state has some provision for mail voting even if limited to excuse-required absentee ballots. In this time of pandemic, voting by mail makes sense and we should make every effort to assist states in providing vote by mail. The president has charged, without evidence, proof, or data, that voting by mail is fraught with fraud, but like much of what he says his allegations are self-interested flailing lacking substance or integrity. Worse yet, his attack on voting by mail have been fully aided and abetted by the Republican party (as discussed in this Politico article). The plain and simple fact is that our election system shows very little evidence of in person voting fraud and virtually no evidence of significant amounts of fraud connected to voting by mail. To refute the baseless charges of a proven liar is to dignify the rantings of a desperate man. The problem is that the president’s views on voting by mail may be having an effect on the operations of the Postal Service. There have been numerous reports that mail is being delayed as a result of changes in delivery procedures implemented by the new Postmaster General in June, and some have charged that this is happening to mess with voting by mail. The Postmaster General has naturally denied this. Then there’s the recent report from The Capitol Forum, a Washington lobbying and reporting shop, describing a proposal by USPS leadership to raise the postage on ballots sent by states to voters from 20 cents to 55 cents a piece. A USPS spokesperson has flatly denied this, telling Kevin Kosar in an email, “The baseless assertion that we intend to raise prices in advance of the upcoming Presidential election in order to restrict voting by mail is wholly without merit, and frivolous.” But there’s probably more to this story. While ballots being returned by voters to election centers travel as First Class mail, when ballots are sent out to voters they sometimes go at the cheaper — and slower — Marketing Mail rate (about $.20). The Capitol Forum memo could be based on a misunderstanding. It’s possible that postal leadership is telling election officials they should send out ballots at the First Class rate in order for them to be delivered in time for voters to return them by the state’s deadline. That explanation jibes with a recent article in the Guardian. Tammy Patrick, a voting-by-mail expert at the Democracy Fund, says that in the past, the Postal Service “bent over backwards” to deliver ballots in a timely way close to election deadlines, but now it’s giving out mixed messages about whether or not they would go to such lengths to ensure delivery this fall. USPS officials have “signaled recently that they are going to more strictly enforce the delivery times guaranteed by the different classes of mail election officials choose to use for their mailings.” Rather than giving prioritized attention to election mail, says Patrick, the Postal Service is now emphasizing election officials “will get speed for the delivery they pay for.” There’s more evidence that the Postal Service may be changing its policy on election mail in this OIG report about the 2018 midterms. The report says that management at several mail processing facilities told the OIG that they treated all election mail, regardless of the rate on the envelope, as First Class. That may no longer be the case. During my postal career it was widely assumed that most of senior management leaned Republican. But whatever their party affiliation or policy preferences, it was always clear throughout the Postal Service that any mail related to elections including campaign mail was sacrosanct, treated with care and urgency. Many Districts had local offices fill out logs of election mailings in order to ensure they received same day handling regardless of class. Actual election mail, i.e. ballots, were treated with care. There was no excuse to delay this mail, even if there was postage due. The proper handling of election mail represented the most fundamental function of a national postal network with universal service fulfilling an essential national purpose. More generally, the Postal Service was seen as the property of the American people regardless of political party or persuasion. Whatever else, we were the people’s post office. How times have changed. From the moment of his election and for the duration of his term, this president has made clear that he is president only for those who agree with him; he welcomes sycophants and excludes everyone else. Moreover, he has shown that he sees the federal government as an extension of him and him alone. Mr. DeJoy, whatever he may say to the contrary, has made it clear that he works for one man, not the American people. His latest attempts to throw a monkey wrench into the operations of the Postal Service during a pandemic and during what may be the most consequential election this nation has seen are shoddy and pathetic partisanship. He and the BOG should be seen for what they are, quislings and lackeys doing the bidding of a president who has disgraced his office and Constitutional order. At the moment the steps that can be taken to rein in Mr. DeJoy are limited. Schumer and Pelosi met with the Postmaster General a few days ago and clearly tried to exert some pressure, but how much leverage do they have? Perhaps Congress will insert language in the upcoming stimulus bill holding DeJoy accountable and directing the maintenance of delivery standards with special attention to election mail. The Postal Regulatory Commission could also do more to exercise its responsibilities for oversight but will probably remain on the sidelines. So what of the future? Instead of looking at election mail as another way for the Postal Service to bring in revenue, how about if we recognize the obvious – the USPS is an essential infrastructure designed to serve the American people? Anything that makes elections safer, simpler, and more accessible supports the fundamental right to vote. So let’s make all election mail free. Some states already pre-pay postage for voters to return their ballots, but most do not, and states must still cover the costs of sending out the ballot applications and ballots. State and local governments, boards of election, and voters should not have to worry about the costs for voting by mail. Supporting free, fair, and accessible elections is a basic duty of government, so let’s fulfill that duty. Some will ask, what about the cost? Who’s going to pay for election mail? Isn’t the Postal Service already losing billions of dollars? How can we afford to let election mail go for free? The simple answer to that is that the Postal Service is, as I never tire of repeating, an essential national infrastructure. The value of the Postal Service is not in the revenue it brings in but in all the good it does for the nation. As discussed in this Lawfare article, the Postal Service is essential to national security — responding to natural disasters, deterring mail crimes, and defending against biological attacks. The Postal Service also generates economic opportunity for the whole country by providing a universally accessible and far reaching network that has myriad uses. Another value of the Postal Service is in the jobs it provides, at its height 800,000 workers, with good benefits. Those jobs have supported economic development in every community in the United States. They have given disabled veterans a chance to be economically independent, and they have allowed people of color and the economically disadvantaged to find a step up into the middle class. If we can afford billions in so-called Homeland Security and hundreds of billions in defense spending, then we can find a few billion to support a strong universal postal network that returns value and security benefits that far exceed its costs. We should create a dedicated Election Trust Fund that encourages vote by mail and to support state and local governments in providing free, fair, and accessible elections. Since we don’t want to rely on yearly or periodic appropriations from Congress to maintain the fund (that’s actually what got the old Post Office department in trouble), Congress should seed the fund with enough money to cover the elections through two presidential cycles. Mechanisms to refresh the fund can be devised through support of the states, perhaps related to population with incentives for higher percentages of registered voters and higher voter turnout. Other dedicated funding sources can be identified. The specifics are less important than the basic idea. Let’s find the political will and the common sense to support the most essential right in our democracy, the right to vote. At the same time, let us support an institution as old as the Republic and just as important and useful today as it has ever been. Our country will not achieve greatness through angry exclusionary rhetoric that treats our national assets like personal play toys. It will do so only by aspiring towards the promise of our founding documents, by striving towards principles of equality, justice, inclusion, honesty, and the dignity of every American. Supporting a national network that binds the nation together and facilitates the right and duty to vote would be a step towards greatness. Mark Jamison is a retired postmaster who serves as an advisor, resident guru, and regular contributor to Save the Post Office. His previous posts can be found here. He can be contacted at markijamison01@gmail.com. (Photo: George Frey/Getty Images)
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San Juan Island Library introduces eCards
Submitted by San Juan Island Library San Juan Island Library is excited to announce the creation of a new eCard, available to all island residents who don’t already have a regular library card with us. In this difficult time of social distancing and quarantine, access to online resources such as streaming video, ebooks, magazines and more has become essential for our mental health. Many of you already have access, with your library cards, to the Library’s collection of digital resources when you visit our website. But do you have family members or friends who don’t have library cards and are missing out on these fun, important resources? Why not let them know they can access all of our digital offerings by registering for our new library eCard at www.sjlib.org. It’s fast and easy, and once they have registered, library staff will email them their new account number. If friends or family don’t know what they’re missing, tell them all about these popular favorites: • Acorn TV, great British TV and Films • eBook and audiobooks, Libby App or Overdrive for Libraries • Flipster, full-color magazines for all ages • Lynda, hobbies, computer skills, and more • Ancestry Library Edition, temporary remote access to genealogy resources • Morningstar Investment Research Center, comprehensive financial information • Pronunciator, learn a new language • Muzzy, language learning for children After the library’s building reopens, eCard accounts can become full accounts with photo ID and proof of local address. Account-holders can then enjoy full access to the Library’s services and collections. The San Juan Island Library hopes that this new eCard will help islanders remain connected, educated and entertained during this health crisis. Remember, we are all in this together. Please stay healthy, stay strong. We miss you, and we look forward to connecting with you in person again soon!
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Cree-speaking raven puppet gives COVID-19 health information
A Manitoba researcher is using part of his $500,000 federal grant to not only study how COVID-19 is affecting Indigenous communities but also to help them survive it. One of the first projects Steph McLachlan commissioned is a public health video delivered in Cree by a raven puppet. "We've kind of hit a sweet spot, which is finding something that's useful from a health perspective but has value in itself in terms of something that's funny and relevant from a cultural perspective," said McLachlan, a professor in the University of Manitoba's Department of Environment and Geography. McLachlan received funding from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, as part of a $26.7-million COVID-19 Rapid Response Program announced March 6 that provided funding for 47 research projects at 19 universities, covering both scientific research and public health campaigns. "I think this is going to make a huge difference for Canadians — but not just Canadians, for the global understanding of this severe public health issue," federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu said at the time. McLachlan worked with elders and health care workers but also a puppeteer and a videographer to come up with the concept of a raven giving advice to people from remote First Nations. While Ottawa does send out health information — sometimes even translating it into Indigenous languages — it rarely reflects native knowledge, traditions or humour, McLachlan said. "I thought that it would be kind of cool and creative to use puppets and to flip the narrative so that the health information is there but contextualized by Cree culture," he said. 'There isn't even words' McLachlan's team used credible sources of health information, including Health Canada and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, but the first attempt was too science-based, so they condensed the message to several talking points. "That gave him [puppeteer Samson Hunter] the space to infuse these ideas with his character of his puppet but also his Cree culture and language," McLachlan said. The first video was shot in Thompson and Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, in northern Manitoba. INTERACTIVE | Tracking coronavirus in Canada In it, the raven puppet, Kahkakiw in Cree, flies around telling people to clean their hands with soap and hand sanitizer and to stay away from other people. "You can catch it if the virus is on the object you touch then you touch your mouth or eye," the raven says of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. "Elders or people who are already sick are more at risk. It could be deadly." In a culture where people grow up "sharing and learning and mentoring and caretaking with one another," McLachlan said, they aren't used to practising something like physical distancing. "There isn't even words in these different languages for how to do this, but they're kind of forced apart because of health and safety reasons around the virus. And so we thought that we should focus on that," McLachlan said. Raven known as environmental protector It's Phyllis Hart's job to translate the English script into Cree. The elder and educator said she's happy to be involved in the project, laughing as she explains how hard it can be to find the right words. "It's essential to get this information across in every possible way, and the language, the humour that the peoples share with one another, so they have an understanding," Hart said, adding non-Indigenous people may not "get" the humour. Cree elder and educator Phyllis Hart says it can be challenging to translate scientific information about COVID-19 into Cree, especially when trying to use humour to get the message across. (Gary Solilak/CBC News) She explained the raven is known traditionally as an environmental protector and cleaner. The number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Indigenous communities across the country is growing, concerning both Indigenous leaders and public health officials. As in many remote communities, overcrowding makes physical distancing almost impossible. Hart's personal message is the same as the video's: "Stand far apart so it's not transmitted like that in circles. Keep apart," she said in Cree and English. "Listen to what the people are saying to keep each other alive and keep the community safe." Kevin Hart, a regional chief with the Assembly of First Nations, said projects like this are important. He said he's spoken to several people who were unaware of the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and were not practising physical distancing. Manitoba Assembly of First Nations regional Chief Kevin Hart hopes Indigenous young people will pay attention to the physical distancing messages in the Cree video. (Tyson Koschik/CBC) He hopes young people, in particular, pay attention. "It is very hard to reach those under the age of 30. They're still congregating in large groups," he said. "And so with these PSAs [public service announcements], combined with strong messaging, I think it's very important also to reach our youth utilizing our Indigenous languages," Hart said. McLachlan will post this video and others, including one on mental health, on his Facebook page and research website, and plans to track the interest in them. 'Institutional amnesia' Part of his research also involves talking to elders about how past epidemics affected Indigenous people in Canada — everything from smallpox and Spanish flu to TB and, more recently, H1N1. Northern Manitoba First Nations were hit hard with illness and death from H1N1 in 2009. When they asked for help, Ottawa sent dozens of body bags in shipments of hand sanitizer and masks, horrifying community leaders. "There's this almost institutional amnesia that takes place, where it's the next crisis and we move forward and we forget to learn from the past," McLachlan said, pointing to well-documented historical mistreatment of Indigenous people by Western health care systems and academics. He not only wants to learn from the past and support Indigenous communities now, he wants to help them take control of their own health and safety in the future. He hopes his work can be of service during this pandemic — and maybe prevent institutional amnesia next time.
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Remember the story about the union that was somehow able to source 39 million N95 masks? Yeah…totally bogus
Back in March, the SEIU-UHW out in California put out a press release, that made absolutely zero sense at the time, on how they were somehow magically able to source 39 million N95 masks that were just sitting around somewhere and had yet to make it into the supply chain: this press release doesn't make much sense. so there was a distributor just sitting on 39 million N95 masks until this union convinced them to sell them to hospitals? https://t.co/EzEkYd5tYB — Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) March 26, 2020 But, hey, don’t let red flags get in the way of your good news: Union Locates Massive Supply of N95 Masks – SEIU UHW. Thank you ⁦@SEIU⁩. Proud to be a member of this union. We are all in this together. https://t.co/WvA3eQFevd — Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) March 26, 2020 And there was plenty of Orange Man Bad reaction as libs cheered on their union brothers and sisters: seiu just revealed they found *39 million* n95 masks while trump is sitting on his hands https://t.co/qwivLjvtmh — Oliver Willis (@owillis) March 26, 2020 Anyway, now we find out there were no masks and now the FBI is involved: A powerful California union that claimed to have discovered 39 million masks for healthcare workers fighting the novel coronavirus was duped in an elaborate scam uncovered by FBI investigators, the U.S. attorney’s office said https://t.co/jM0lGxdjfA — Los Angeles Times (@latimes) April 11, 2020 But in case you were worried that libs might come out looking badly in all of this, they’re now mad the FBI uncovered the scheme as part of FEMA attempting to distribute PPE where it’s needed most: The SEIU’s claim to have located 39 million masks was actually just someone in Kuwait trying to scam them (!!). The scam was uncovered when FBI agents tried to seize the masks from the SEIU and to FEMA (!!!) https://t.co/Hbfirxa1NN — Tom Gara (@tomgara) April 11, 2020 Sigh. ***
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NYT ‘deep dive’ of Tara Reade allegation against Joe Biden finds ‘no pattern of sexual misconduct’
The New York Times published a “deep dive” into the sexual assault allegation made by Tara Reade against then Sen. Joe Biden and . . .found nothing: Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. We did a deep dive into her claims. W/⁦@melbournecoal⁩ https://t.co/u40PahJEL9 — Lisa Lerer (@llerer) April 12, 2020 But they want you to know they really, really tried to get to the bottom of it: The Times interviewed Ms. Reade on multiple days over hours, those she told about Mr. Biden’s behavior and friends. The Times also interviewed lawyers who spoke to Ms. Reade; nearly 24 people who worked with Mr. Biden in the 1990s and 7 women who criticized Mr. Biden last year. https://t.co/zOnwDINQtB — Lisa Lerer (@llerer) April 12, 2020 But, alas: “No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of reporting, nor did any former Biden staff members corroborate any details of Ms. Reade’s allegation. The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden.” https://t.co/51t2O3efXf — Lisa Lerer (@llerer) April 12, 2020 #BelieveAllWomenButNotThisOne: A friend said that Ms. Reade told her about the alleged assault at the time, in 1993. A second friend recalled Ms. Reade telling her in 2008. Ms. Reade said she also told her brother, who has confirmed parts of her account publicly and her mother, who has since died. https://t.co/73gWGt5Y4x — Lisa Lerer (@llerer) April 12, 2020 FWIW, Joe Biden refused to comment in the article, just his campaign: Here is the long-awaited @nytimes investigation of Tara Reade's sexual-assault allegation against Joe Biden. Unsurprisingly, it uncovers neither new corroboration nor new exculpatory evidence. No comment from Biden himself, just a denial from his campaign. https://t.co/x09njNpNs8 — Dan Rosenheck (@DanRosenheck) April 12, 2020 Now, the article does end with this open-ended question if Biden has the “capacity” to do more than his creepy touching: ***
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ICE says it will review cases for release nationwide as the coronavirus spreads at San Diego detention center
As the number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus creeps up at Otay Mesa Detention Center, the agency responsible for immigration detention has announced that it will review detainees for release because of health conditions believed to place people at higher risk. But for some high-risk detainees, that may be too late because of the way people in custody are grouped under quarantine. The facility holds detainees in immigration custody for Immigration and Customs Enforcement as well as inmates for federal criminal cases for the U.S. Marshals Service. There are at least six ICE detainees who have tested positive for COVID-19, according to a filing Tuesday from U.S. attorneys in a federal court case in San Diego. Advertisement ICE’s web page dedicated to its response to the virus has been slow to update official counts at the facility. The agency said Monday that there were four confirmed cases among its detainees as of Sunday, but the website was not updated to reflect those additional cases until Wednesday. In addition to the six ICE detainees, four U.S. Marshals inmates at Otay Mesa have tested positive, according to Amanda Gilchrist, spokeswoman for CoreCivic, the private prison company that runs the facility. Five CoreCivic employees at the facility have also tested positive for the virus, Gilchrist said. One ICE detainee has been hospitalized, according to court filings, and Gilchrist said one CoreCivic employee has been as well. Advertisement ICE said Tuesday that it was reviewing its detained cases nationwide for people who might be especially vulnerable to the virus. Beginning March 18, ICE did an initial review for detainees who were pregnant or over the age of 70 to determine whether to keep them in custody, according to an April 4 email sent to ICE field office directors from Peter Berg, assistant director of field operations, that was also included in Tuesday’s court filings. As of March 30, ICE had identified about 600 vulnerable detainees and released “more than 160,” the agency said Tuesday. The agency’s new review beginning with the April 4 directive will include pregnant detainees or women who gave birth within the past two weeks, people over the age of 60 and people with conditions that would make them immune-compromised, according to Berg’s email. Advertisement His email specifically lists blood disorders, chronic kidney disease, compromised immune system, endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, heart disease, lung disease and neurological conditions. But that review may be too late for certain high-risk detainees who were already potentially exposed to the virus and are now part of what ICE refers to as a “cohort.” “Cohorting” means that detainees who have been exposed to the virus, such as those who were held in the same unit as someone who tests positive for the virus, will be kept together and monitored, according to a sworn statement filed in the legal case Tuesday from Dr. Philip Farabaugh, the deputy medical director for ICE Health Service Corps. Advertisement The group stays together until it goes through a 14-day period with no new cases, Farabaugh said. That means someone might manage to avoid being infected by the first person to get the virus in his or her unit but will continue to be held with others who might be contagious for a two-week period that resets every time there is a new case. For detainees at Otay Mesa Detention Center’s J pod, the unit that had the first confirmed COVID-19 infection at the facility, cohorting is anxiety-inducing — particularly for those who know they have conditions that would make them more likely to have severe symptoms. J pod detainees say they have not been given any protective gear such as masks or gloves, but officials come into their unit protected from head to toe to take their temperatures. After the temperature checks, some might be taken for further evaluation. Advertisement Some come back, others don’t. When asked what would happen to high-risk detainees who have already been placed in a cohort, the agency said the medical team would determine whether they could be released. Immigration attorneys Kirsten Zittlau and Bashir Ghazialam filed a new federal court case Wednesday to try to free an asylum seeker from Venezuela being held in the J pod. Advertisement Policies such as cohorting “will only result in more individuals contracting the disease, becoming ill and potentially dying,” the attorneys’ complaint says. The complaint says detainees in the J pod were told Tuesday that even if they pay bond that would normally allow them out of detention, they will have to wait until the group is clear of the 14-day window that will reset any time another person in the unit becomes sick with COVID-19. There are at least four court cases in the Southern District of California asking for detainees to be released due to the pandemic, including one from the American Civil Liberties Union asking to free four people from ICE custody. In the case that was filed earliest, the federal government has responded with statements that it provides soap and hand sanitizer in every housing unit. Detainees say they often don’t have any. Advertisement Guidelines for detention centers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, filed by government attorneys in the case, say high-risk detainees who have been exposed to the virus should not be kept cohorted with other detainees who have been exposed. It also says that cohorted detainees should be given masks if possible, especially for when they are cleaning. According to detainees in the J pod, that hasn’t happened. Morrissey writes for the San Diego Union-Tribune.
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Cops Book Supporters of Karnataka BJP MLA Who Flouted Lockdown Rules, Celebrated His Birthday With 100 People
Turuvekere MLA Masale Jayaram, celebrates his birthday in his village. Bengaluru: A day after BJP MLA Masale Jayaram celebrated his birthday with hundreds of people in violation of the nationwide lockdown, the Karnataka Police on Saturday registered an FIR against three of his supporters and other unidentified persons under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The FIR says the lawmaker was in the village only to spread awareness on the coronavirus outbreak, flying in the face of several pictures and videos from the celebration that show Jayaram eating cake fed by a supporter while standing in a crowd. Advertisement Jayaram, who represents Turuvekere constituency, celebrated his birthday lavishly in a government school in Tumkuru district's Idaguru village. Residents of Gubbi taluk came to the school to wish the MLA and were later served biryani. Videos of the event that went viral on social media platforms showed the MLA giving a speech to his well-wishers, who crowd around the table before he cuts the cake. Pictures of the event showed a pandal erected in the school premise and several people preparing biryani. While many of them are seen wearing masks, no one adhered to social distancing norms. The MLA was garlanded, given a shawl and was seen wearing gloves and a mask, which he later took off to eat the cake. Advertisement But the FIR registered at CS Pura police station says Jayaram was not in the village when his birthday was celebrated. "The information we received is that the MLA came directly from Bengaluru to Manikuppe village's Anjaneya temple. After offering prayers here, he went to Doddachingavi village and at the gram panchayat level there was a corona awareness programme that he was part of, then he attended the corona awareness programme in Idaguru village, then went to Ankola koppa for the same and distributed masks and soaps there," reads the FIR. Advertisement "Around 3pm is when he came to Idaguru village, distributed masks and soaps, spread awareness on COVID-19 and returned. Afterwards, violating government order on lockdown, his supporters celebrated the MLA's birthday calling all party workers, without maintaining social distancing and food was also served," it adds.
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Violeta Alexandru: Nu am știut niciodată câți angajați sunt în sectorul public, câți sunt în primării, în toate structurile statului
Ministrul muncii, Violeta Alexandru, încă nu știe câți angajați din sectorul public vor fi afectaţi de somajul tehnic, pentru că nu există o bază de date care să centralizeze toți angajații de la stat, iar aceasta este o problemă mai veche a sistemului. Cu toate acestea, spune că are încredere în evaluarea și datele pe care i le vor transmite în acest sens conducătorii fiecărei structuri a statului, inclusiv de la nivelul autorităților locale. „Fiecare ministru, fiecare autoritate publică locală, fiecare consiliu județean, prefectură, regie cu capital de stat integral sau majoritar, tot ce înseamnă instituție care trăiește din bani publici trebuie să-și facă o evaluare”, a declarat ministrul Violeta Alexandru, sâmbătă seara, la Digi24, întrebată fiind câți angajați de la stat ar fi afectați de șomajul tehnic și dacă are deja o evaluare în acest sens. Jurnalist Digi24: Dar câți sunt în total, doamnă ministru, s-o luăm altfel? Violeta Alexandru, ministrul muncii: Păi o luăm altfel. Nu există nicio evaluare într-un singur loc a tuturor angajaților din sistemul public și am mai vorbit despre acest lucru. În REVISAL, în registrul electronic de evidență a salariaților, sunt salariații din sistemul privat. În România, fiecare angajator își știe structura echipei și funcție de moment, se face o centralizare pentru fundamentarea unor decizii, moment la care se văd anumite minusuri în bazele de date legate de tot ce înseamnă angajat în sistemul public. Există o bază de date la Agenția Națională a Funcționarilor Publici cu privire la cei care ocupă funcții publice, dar cum știți, în sectorul public lucrează și angajați contractuali. Prin urmare, de îndată ce toate aceste instituții își centralizează datele și își evaluează situația reducerii activității în anumite domenii, atunci vom avea poza generală asupra impactului măsurii anunțate de guvern. Jurnalist Digi24: Deci nu știm nici numărul celor exceptați de la această măsură, cei din linia întâi. Violeta Alexandru: Nu că nu știm astăzi, n-am știut niciodată câți angajați sunt în sectorul public. Nu există o centralizare la nivelul țării cu privire la toți angajații din toate primăriile, toți angajații din toate consiliile județene, toate prefecturile, toate companiile. E necesar să obținem toate aceste date, dar nu numai pentru acest moment, ar fi fost necesar și în momentul în care s-a schimbat legea salarizării din sistemul public, de pildă, mă întreb cum anume s-au luat deciziile în lipsa unei asemenea evaluări, dar în același timp am încredere. Eu insist pe ideea că fiecare conducător de instituție este cel mai în măsură să ia decizii pentru echipele pe care le coordonează. În fond și la urma urmei, nicio reglementare, nici aceasta, nu ar trebui să spună cu cifre exacte câți din societatea X din subordinea unei primării și câți din Ministerul Y. Jurnalist Digi24: Dar puteți să aveți atâta încredere? Nu există riscul să vă treziți că nu știu ce autoritate locală spune că rămâne primarul cu doi adjuncți și atâta s-a putut? Violeta Alexandru: Da, doamnă, trebuie să am încredere că fiecare conducător de instituție și autoritate publică sunt responsabili și-și face treaba. Nu am cum să funcționez, nu am cum să-mi exercit funcția fără să am încredere că în România există oameni care-și asumă rolul și care își administrează echipele și bugetul în mod corespunzător. Că mai există cazuri...există cazuri! Dar cvasi-majoritatea oamenilor din această țară înțeleg de ce sunt acolo conducători și care este rolul lor pentru eficientizarea activității în instituție. *** Când vor fi reduse salariile demnitarilor Pe de altă parte, ministrul Violeta Alexandru a declarat că în ceea ce privește o eventuală reducere a salariilor demnitarilor, ca o măsură de solidaritate, un act normativ în acest sens nu a fost încă finalizat, dar decizia va fi luată „în echipă” peste câteva zile și va fi anunțată public. „Nu iau decizia singură. Într-adevăr, sunt un om corect, dacă vorbim de solidaritate, apoi să vorbim de solidaritate de la vârf până jos. Nu vă pot confirma în acest moment, pentru că nu este finalizat actul normativ, dar inclusiv declaraţia domnului premier arată că direcţia în care dorim să îndreptăm această reglementare este pentru solidaritate indiferent de funcţia pe care o ocupi. Nu există România celor care stau bine şi sunt relaxaţi pentru că venitul lor este foarte mare şi o Românie a oamenilor care nu au din ce să trăiască”, a afirmat ministrul muncii. Ea a mai spus că i se pare corect ca oamenii să ştie că, indiferent de funcţia pe care o deţin unii în acest moment, e nevoie de unitate și solidaritate și trebuie să existe „un real aport şi din partea sectorului public în faţa unui sector privat care este în acest moment greu încercat”. Violeta Alexandru a mai spus că în ceea ce o privește, trăieşte din salariu, dar nu şi-a făcut calculul cu privire la cât ar putea pierde. Editor: Luana Păvălucă
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Coronavirus updates: Masks required for take out; N.J. hospitalizations to peak within 3 weeks; Stimulus payments. What you need to know. (April 12, 2020).
The number of people in New Jersey hospitalized with the coronavirus could peak at around 16,000 in the next two to three weeks, state officials said Saturday. Under “normal circumstances,” the state has 18,000 total hospital beds, including 2,000 in critical care, state Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli said. Another big concern is protective gear for healthcare workers, enough workers in general, and medical equipment — especially much-needed ventilators, Persichilli said. For example, New Jersey is down to just 61 reserve ventilators in its state stockpile. The state has been seeking more from the federal government and private companies. Persichilli emphasized that officials have worked in recent weeks to aggressively expand the number of beds in the Garden State, including doubling critical care beds, to handle the peak. That includes placing patients at closed hospitals, field hospitals, hotel rooms, and dormitories. On Saturday, officials announced 251 new deaths and 3,599 cases. There have been 2,183 COVID-19 related deaths and at least 58,151 cases, though some have recovered. Officials estimate 80 to 85% of cases involve mild or moderate symptoms. The latest updates on coronavirus news: 45 dead at 3 nursing homes in Elizabeth: There have been at least 45 deaths at three different nursing homes in Elizabeth in recent days, but it is unclear how many were due to the coronavirus, city officials said. More than two dozen residents have died at the Elizabeth Nursing and Rehabilitation Center on Grove Street since at least March 21, a city spokeswoman said Saturday. NJ Advance Media previously reported at least 12 of those who died had tested positive for COVID-19. First batch of stimulus payments has arrived for some, IRS says: Americans are starting to see the first wave of payments from the coronavirus stimulus package, the IRS said in a tweet on Saturday. The first batch of deposits was expected to start with those who have filed tax returns for 2019 or 2018, or those who have their direct deposit information on file with Social Security. Murphy cuts NJ Transit capacity to 50%, requires face masks: Gov. Phil Murphy on Saturday announced new rules and restrictions for public transportation in New Jersey as part of his continued use of executive orders to increase social distancing and slow the spread of the coronavirus. Murphy’s latest executive order cuts NJ Transit trains and buses to 50% capacity and requires employees and riders to wear face coverings. It takes effect Monday at 8 pm. N.J. hospital is 1st in U.S to try placenta therapy on critically ill coronavirus patient: Using a cutting-edge experimental therapy, doctors at a Bergen County hospital on Saturday injected stem cells into a critically ill coronavirus patient, in the hope they will bolster his immune system and save his life. It’s believed to be the first time the procedure was performed in the United States to combat COVID-19, according to Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck. The cells, drawn from a human placenta, will hopefully aide the previously healthy 49-year-old man’s immune response and could potentially also heal tissue damage to his lungs. ‘The show must go on.’ See how 3 N.J. churches are creating a virtual Easter this year: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, worshippers in New Jersey won’t be packing into pews on what is normally the highest-attended service of the year, and one that takes months of meticulous planning. But churches across the state are continuing to bring consolation to congregants during dark times— albeit from a safe distance through Facebook and Youtube. Longtime N.J. firefighter who died from coronavirus gets hero’s goodbye from afar: An 85-year-old man who served as a firefighter in his Somerset County hometown for the majority of his adult life died of the coronavirus after contracting pneumonia. Only his son was allowed to attend the funeral in person, while the rest of the family watched on Zoom. The Bound Brook Fire Department honored him with a funeral procession Friday that featured 52 pieces of apparatus from around the county. Due to social distancing guidelines, a maximum of two firefighters occupied each vehicle. Worldwide coronavirus cases: At least 405,792 of the approximately 1.78 million people who have tested positive for the virus have recovered as of early Sunday, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. There have been more than 109,000 deaths. U.S. coronavirus cases: More than 20,600 of the roughly 530,000 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 have died, Johns Hopkins University said early Sunday. The center says more than 32,000 in the U.S. have recovered. If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter. Tell us your coronavirus stories, whether it’s a news tip, a topic you want us to cover, or a personal story you want to share. If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter. NJ Advance Media staff writers Rebecca Everett, Rebecca Panico, Karin Price Mueller, Chris Ryan, Chris Sheldon, Riley Yates and Avalon Zoppo contributed to this report. Jeff Goldman may be reached at jeff_goldman@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @JeffSGoldman. Find NJ.com on Facebook.
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As it happened: ‘Sombre day’ as UK passes 10,000 coronavirus deaths
You may be wondering why the number of coronavirus-related deaths have been starkly different from country to country during the pandemic. When comparing statistics, it is important to remember that every country has had a different experience of the pandemic for a range of factors. Johns Hopkins University, which has been collating coronavirus data, says these factors include the relative testing regimes, demographics and healthcare resources of each country. It says the mortality rate is “one of the most important ways to measure the burden of Covid-19”. The university has been tracking mortality rate in the 10 worst-affected countries. It has done so in two different ways: per 100 confirmed virus cases and per 100,000 population. The data paints a bleak picture for European countries. The top three countries with the most deaths per 100,000 people are Spain (35.5), Italy (32.2) and Belgium (29.2), the university says. Conversely, the top three countries with the most deaths per 100 confirmed virus cases are Italy (12.8%), the UK (12.4%) and Belgium (11.9%), it says. Johns Hopkins University Copyright: Johns Hopkins University
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Singapore’s Migrant Worker Debate: Advocacy Amid a Pandemic
A foreign worker talks on the phone outside his room at the WestLite Toh Guan dormitory after it was declared an isolation area under the Infectious Diseases Act, following a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases in several foreign worker dormitories in Singapore, April 10, 2020. Advertisement Last week, the Singapore government gazetted two dormitories housing more than 20,000 foreign workers as isolation areas, after new clusters of COVID-19 appeared in migrant worker dormitories. However, reports about the poor conditions of some of these dormitories quickly emerged: workers reported seeing cockroaches and smelling urine. The reports led to much public outrage. Various NGOs and activists were also quick to condemn the government for its failure to act earlier, particularly as dormitories were always a “ticking time bomb” for the spread of the new coronavirus. What can this episode show us about Singapore’s governance model, and in particular, the relationships between the state, civil society, and citizenry? In the immediate aftermath of the scandal, the government was quick to react, issuing public statements on the crisis. Within hours of media reports circulating, the minister of manpower, Josephine Teo, issued a statement on her Facebook Page, acknowledging the government’s oversight and committing to improving the situation in dorms. MP Louis Ng also posted a widely shared Facebook post pledging to speak up about the dorm issue in Parliament. Teo committed to improving dormitory conditions, and as promised the state has already started converting the Expo and Exhibition hall into isolation wards, and moved affected migrant workers into these temporary spaces. The Migrant Workers Center, affiliated with the state, also committed to distributing free masks and sanitizer to 350,000 workers in all dormitories. It has even deployed personnel from the Singapore Armed Forces and Singapore Police Force to provide free medical services and help distribute food to those under government-gazetted quarantine. To coordinate everything, the state also set up an interagency task force to provide support to foreign workers and dormitory operators. All of this is remarkable, and testifies to Singapore’s state capacity in responding swiftly and efficiently, particularly in times of crisis. The government’s swift response also suggests that Singapore’s feedback mechanisms are working, however wonky they may be. The effectiveness of these feedback mechanisms, however, is dependent on a healthy civil society and citizenry. The government may have been responsive, but credit must also be given to civil society and citizens for compelling the government into action. Advertisement Within hours of the damning news reports, many actors — NGOs, activists, public intellectuals, and concerned citizens — were quick to express their discontent about the situation, mobilizing together to produce recommendations and crowdsource information on mutual aid resources. A spreadsheet compiling resources for the migrant worker dormitory quickly spread, and NGOs themselves collaborated to form a COVID Migrant Support coalition. Project Chulia Street, an initiative that aims to distribute care packs to quarantined migrant workers, raised more than $34,000 in donations in just a few days. The quick mobilization of NGOs and civil society was arguably instrumental in putting pressure on the government, and in monitoring the situation as it continuously developed. When a viral photo of poor quality food being delivered to migrant workers surfaced, the government was similarly quick to apologize and provide reassurance that it would work with caterers to improve food quality for migrant workers. The success of civil society in catalyzing the government into action was also dependent on citizens’ support, particularly in signaling their discontent. Articles detailing the poor conditions of dormitories quickly went viral, and many people took to the internet to express anger about the situation. “I think that if anything, I want to keep people’s attention that we can have wins, that citizens have power and public pressure matters,” Kokila, a local activist, said. “… It’s never going to be enough if scattered activists, journalists, and academics are occasionally bringing attention and speaking up about it. It’s only going to create a sense of urgency for the state if there is a collective voice.” Diplomat Brief Weekly Newsletter N Get first-read access to major articles yet to be released, as well as links to thought-provoking commentaries and in-depth articles from our Asia-Pacific correspondents. Subscribe Newsletter Kokila’s words suggest that for feedback mechanisms to work, and for the state to take action, pressure from civil society is necessary but insufficient. NGOs were advocating for similar changes long before the crisis; they have also been urging the government to pre-empt the possibility of local transmission among the migrant worker community, to no avail. Instead, ordinary citizens have a part to play in urging the government to act. Such pressure can be useful, even if those articulating their discontent are only a (vocal) minority. Kokila observed, “There is a pattern to what the government will respond to. Even if it’s cursory or placatory, the government will respond when there is a critical mass of people who are unhappy.” For pressure to be exerted, it is not necessary to convince a majority — merely to ensure that a critical mass is achieved. Singapore’s woeful neglect of the migrant population is deeply regrettable. But perhaps it is not time to give up hope yet, for the state has shown itself willing to listen and act. For what it’s worth, the fact that we turn to the state to rectify its own oversights suggests a bitter paradox — where, despite our disappointments, we continue to rely on the state, rather than circumvent it altogether. This is not to say that the government is perfect. It is not — no government is. But in other countries like the United States, the government’s incompetence in managing the crisis has produced far worse outcomes — for both citizens and noncitizens alike. In Singapore, the state’s swift response has highlighted the parts of our governance model that work: quick mobilization facilitated by strong state capacity and the presence of feedback mechanisms that work. For these mechanisms to work, however, ordinary citizens need to actively make their voices heard, not just rely on ad hoc efforts by civil society. As pointed out earlier, the effectiveness of civil society is only as strong as its citizenry. Advertisement Going forward, citizens and civil society should continue holding the state accountable to ensure that their pledges are not simply empty promises. If we want lasting change, we need to keep making our voices heard, not merely during this pandemic. Yong Han Poh is a senior at Harvard College studying Anthropology. She has written for The Diplomat, Southeast Asia Globe, Rice Media, and Singapore Policy Journal.
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The enduring appeal of trance
Since the early ’90s, when pioneers like Ferry Corsten, Paul Van Dyk, and Jam & Spoon crafted some of the earliest and best-loved trance records, the genre has gone through huge swings in popularity. Today, the sound is as strong as ever, as artists like Armin van Buuren, Above & Beyond, and plenty of newcomers fly the flag for trance the world over. To find out why the genre has endured for so long, we spoke to some of its greatest producers – and some of their answers may surprise you. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE ENDURING APPEAL OF TRANCE? MATT DAREY: The fundamental building blocks of trance are euphoric melodies and chord progressions that evoke an emotional response. And, sometimes, vocals that further heighten those emotions. No matter what the latest production trend is, these elements can be translated into the style of the day. RADION6: I think it’s the melody that makes the difference, that brings people in. It’s not just a music style: it’s a lifestyle, the pace of your heartbeat. ABOVE & BEYOND: Melody, emotion, and energy are potent ingredients for any music form, and trance has a long, impressive heritage of those. They make trance a constantly rewarding genre to delve into, whether you’re a producer or an admirer. DAN DOBSON/DAXON: When I first started getting into the dance scene, discovering what I liked and didn’t like, trance was one of the genres that I felt most passionately about. When I started going to trance events at Sankeys in Manchester, feeling I got when I entered the club was that I knew that I wasn’t alone – that everyone was there for the music, and that the music itself had the power to connect strangers. What could be better than that? NATHAN MICAY: The deeper I’ve gotten into so-called ‘trance’, the more I’ve realised that trance isn’t necessarily a genre. It’s more of a palette, a vibe. You see the term tossed around so much these days. It’s used to label what Amelie Lens and the Copenhagen scene are doing, with their fast, sawtooth techno, but it can also describe rare Sasha releases (Eat Static, Serpico, God Within, and FSOL) and older, more downtempo stuff (State of Flux). Armin Van Burren made a career out of mid-range chords. Tale Of Us for a while were even being referred to as, dare I say it, “sad trance,” or “emo trance.” Given all that, the sound and the term are both very accessible and malleable. I think it’s the malleability that has allowed trance to continue to evolve, and find new fans across scenes and eras. Dance music is meant to be both euphoric and hypnotic. Trance offers opportunity for both. JAN JOHNSTON: I think the essence of trance’s beauty is in the ambience of the chord structures. It always lends itself to a euphoric release, allowing people to feel free of their worries and stresses. DINAMARCA: It doesn’t matter if you’re at a packed dance floor or at home listening by yourself, it’s always a rollercoaster of emotions. For me, it can be really calming and meditative, sometimes even spiritual. This is very personal, though – I know a lot of people think that trance is cheesy. HOW HAS TRANCE CHANGED SINCE ITS EARLY DAYS? MATT DAREY: Trance is a chameleon of electronic genres. It’s fused with, and taken influence, from every other genre along its journey. The old sounds return, then fuse with the new. NATHAN MICAY: Think about the influence of Sasha & Digweed’s ‘Northern Exposure’ on new music coming out, and juxtapose it to what is now being called “business techno.” The former to me is trance in its rawest form, how it was meant to be: euphoric, shameless, and driving, with a refusal to be tamed by any one style of structure. I look at the beginnings of trance in the same way that I look at the 2010-2013 era of post-dubstep. It was exciting and open to experimentation. I think this spirit has lived on in a new wave of artists like Roza Terenzi and D. Tiffany, and labels like X-Calay, in that it’s unabashedly fun and over-the-top. There have been great re-issues of early trance releases lately, too. I think that’s having an impact on contemporary producers. The re-discovery of chill out and downtempo trance is particularly exciting. The only real difference to me at the moment, compared to the early days, is the access to new technologies, and fusing older trance samples into new productions. Then there is the techno – Amelie Lens, Tale Of Us, Innervisions, and what’s happening in Copenhagen. It’s fast, driving techno with darker take on trance – bigger, boomier. You could argue it’s got more in common with early ’00s tribal progressive house, like John Creamer and Stephane K, but it’s still being accepted as part of a trance revival. It even takes elements from Sasha’s late ’90s ‘Xpander’ era, and applies it to the biggest kick drums you can imagine. GIUSEPPE OTTAVIANI: The evolution of technology, the internet, and social media have all played a big role in the evolution of trance. I think it’s always been floating between the mainstream and the underground, adjusting its sound here and there through the years, but it never really went one way or the other. That means that even though its sounds have changed, the essence of it never has. LORENZO SENNI: My interest in trance is focused on the build-up. I believe that trance evolved into EDM, which pushed the limits of what the build-up can do. Tension and release becomes a psychotic rollercoaster of emotions – the audience is already bored a few seconds after the drop, so there’s always a need for a new build-up to keep the attention high. This is taken to an extreme now, but I’m pleased to see that, actually. I always thought that other sections of [trance] tracks exist only to give to the build-up a context – and that’s what I try to sabotage in my own work. DINAMARCA: My love affair with trance was short but sweet. I listened to it when I was learning how to DJ as a young teenager. My mentor showed me a bunch of Goa and acid music, but trance really hit home for me – the melodies were so sad, yet so beautiful. RADION6: When I started DJing in ‘99, a typical trance track was 7 minutes-long, or even longer, with two, very long melodic breaks. It was formulaic. Nowadays, the scene has diversified in smaller niches, and the quality of mastering and production techniques have massively improved. PAUL OAKENFOLD: I think early trance had better productions, to be honest. I think it’s become cheesier and has lost its way. However, I still, and always will, love that sound, especially the more melodic and emotional stuff. JUNK PROJECT: The sound quality is better, true, but let’s talk about a more general thing. As a producer [in the early days], it wasn’t so easy to reach worldwide the “trance community.” We used to press an average of 5000 vinyl records on a JUNK PROJECT release, but we weren’t able to reach everyone we wanted to – we didn’t have the distribution and marketing infrastructures we have now. Honestly? Sometimes we sold 10 copies to the entire United States. Now, with online streaming and download stores, there are no boundaries anymore. DAN DOBSON/DAXON: Trance back in the day was just “dance music” to me, something you could lose yourself in. Over the past decade, though, I feel that trance has evolved into a much more specific sound. This is because production standards are a lot higher – the music sounds cleaner and tighter, and the tools are more affordable and accessible. JAN JOHNSTON: Nowadays, trance tends to have an orchestral sound and quality to it, and more of a focus on vocals. In the early days, I felt that simply adding vocals to a melody would ruin a lot of tracks. It’s important to get wrapped up in the emotions of a piece of music evokes, and to make sure that your lyrics and vocals merge with the energy of the track.
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Cannabis company Truelieve in collaboration with Bellamy Brothers
The iconic pop duo Bellamy Brothers are making inroads into the marijuana business after the Florida-based medical cannabis company Truelieve announced the partnership. The two companies seek to launch a new product line named Old Hippie Stash. Following the partnership, Truelieve dispensaries in Florida can now start dispensing Big Love and Reggae Cowboy strains of the new flower product line. “We are thrilled to launch Old Hippie Stash with Truelieve. This is a company and the product line we really believe in and think so many people will see amazing benefits from using,” stated David Bellamy. Initial strains Both Big Love and Reggae Cowboy are the initial strains of the Old Hippie Stash brand. Big Love delivers a balanced mix of deep green flowers and purple colors. Its aroma is sweet with a strong pine scent. It also delivers a natural, piney, and rich flavor, which activate euphoric and cerebral effects. Overall, it delivers an inspiring experience that drives off all the stresses of the day. On the other hand, Reggae Cowboy strain is a 50-50 mix with light purple buds and mossy green highlights. The flowers have a frosty look, covered in abundant trichomes. This strain is floral, spicy, and delivers slight pungent undertones. Its aroma is spicy and smooth. For those looking for tranquility and relaxation, Reggae Cowboy delivers mild sedative effects and a stinging sensation throughout the body. Signature product line Kim Rivers is cannabis company Truelieve CEO. Regarding the partnership, she said: “We are focused on providing a constantly evolving and expanding selection of high-quality cannabis products that meet the diverse medical needs of Florida patients. By partnering with Florida’s own Bellamy Brothers to launch a unique hybrid strain of flower, we are providing our patients with an exclusive signature product line with a throw-back quality that reflects David and Howard’s image for Old Hippie Stash, from their 1985 Billboard country single.” Truelieve equally highlighted the importance of collaborating on the local level, saying it’s in line with its go-to-market strategy. The cannabis company believes that engaging the iconic musical duo to launch a cannabis product line is an exciting development. The Bellamy Brothers brings to Truelieve a rich fan base of forty years, which will take a stab at the initial strains of Big Love and Reggae Cowboy. With this new partnership, the cannabis community in Canada waits to see how things will unfold in the industry, even in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic.
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Aviation Photo #5958771 Boeing 747-438/ER - Qantas
3,267 of 3,275 Sponsor Message Sponsor Message Add To Album Add To Album Like (5) Photog's Choice Cross-Data Photographer John Richard Thomson Airline Qantas Version Boeing 747-438/ER Generic Type Boeing 747-400 (AL-1) Basic Type Boeing 747-400 (AL-1) Manufacturer Boeing MSN 32912 Line No. 1321 Reg. VH-OEH Location Melbourne - Tullamarine Region Victoria Country Australia Date Photographed January 29, 2020 Cancel Search Correction Distinct Views: 6,457 Photo Added: April 13, 2020 Photo Albums Containing This Photo Album Views Likes Photos Random Random Azuin Sweden Views 196.3K Likes 4 Photos 20K International Texan101 England, United Kingdom Views 3.6K Likes 1 Photos 255 Photo Copyright © John Richard Thomson. All rights reserved. Airliners.net is not affiliated with any entity mentioned or pictured herein. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Cuomo details goals for eventual reopening as NY death toll surpasses 10,000
Get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox. Sign up here. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo described a mix of "good" and "terrible" news Monday, as he detailed the required steps for a future reopening of the state when it eventually recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. Cuomo began his daily press briefing with what he called "the good news," which was that the curve of cases appears to be flattening, despite a slight increase. But the death toll continues to climb ever higher, he said. DE BLASIO CONSIDERS NYC RENT FREEZE, CALLS CORONAVIRUS GREATEST ECONOMIC CRISIS SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION “The terrible news is as terrible as it gets," Cuomo said, noting that while the Sunday's deaths were not as high as previous days, the number was comparable. "The number of deaths is 671. Not as bad as it’s been in the past but basically flat.” The governor noted that these deaths are "especially tragic" given that they occurred on Easter Sunday. In addition to the daily death count, Cuomo lamented the total number, which has now reached 10,056. He compared that to the 2,753 New Yorkers who died on 9/11. Cuomo then addressed the question of when and how the state will eventually reopen, as residents are currently under a stay-at-home order. He rejected the idea that anyone knows at the moment how to make this happen. "You don’t know because nobody knows," he said. CLICK HERE FOR FULL CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE What Cuomo did say was that there are specific objectives that should be met as part of a reopening plan. These include easing isolation, increasing the state’s economic activity, expanding the category of “essential” workers, and having greater testing as well as precautions so as not to increase the rate of infection. The governor said that whatever the eventual plan to achieve those goals ends up being, it will be designed by public health and economic experts, not politicians. Cuomo said that ideally, he would like to be on the same page as other states in the region, specifically Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Rhode Island. He said he is scheduled to speak with several neighboring governors later in the day. MOST EXTREME MEASURES DURING CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN, STATE BY STATE Addressing the big question of "when is it over?" Cuomo said there is no answer. "It’s a difficult conversation," he said. "I want the fear to stop, I want the anxiety to stop." Cuomo noted his personal concern for his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who is battling COVID-19. "It’s not going to be over like that," he said, rejecting the idea that one day everything will suddenly be better. "It’s not going to happen that way. It can’t happen that way." More realistically, he said, there will be milestones where the situation will be markedly improved. For instance, he said the spread is currently under control. "Feel good about that," he said. Ultimately, he said, it will not be over until there is a vaccine, which officials say will not happen for another 12 to 18 months. "That's when it's over," he said. CLICK HERE FOR THE FOX NEWS APP Cuomo closed the briefing by addressing a question about Dr. Anthony Fauci and rumors that President Trump could fire him amid reports of disagreements between the two. Cuomo heaped praise on the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and doubted that he would be removed from his post. "As crazy as things get in this world and in crazy Washington, I can't imagine that that would ever happen," he said.
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'We Must Come Together to Defeat Most Dangerous President in Modern History': Sanders Endorses Biden
Sen. Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Joe Biden for president on Monday, joining the former Vice President as a surprise guest on a livestream video hosted online. "We must come together to defeat the most dangerous president in modern history," tweeted Sanders announcing his appearance with Biden and referencing President Donald Trump. SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Never Miss a Beat. Get our best delivered to your inbox. "Today," Sanders said to Biden during the broadacst, "I am asking all Americans—I'm asking every Democrat, I'm asking every independent, I'm asking a lot of Republicans—to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse." Watch it live:
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Briefing: Self-Driving Car Startup Zoox Lays Off Roughly 100 Employees
Zoox, the most ambitious developer of self-driving taxis, is laying off 10% of roughly 1,000 employees, according to a person with knowledge of the move. It comes after the company last fall raised $200 million in convertible debt after previously raising $800 million in equity financing, with Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brooks becoming a key shareholder. Zoox hasn’t closed its Series C...
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COVID-19-branded racist vandalism appears as second Nazi flag pops up in regional Victoria
A Nazi flag tied to two Chinese flags has been hoisted on a telecommunications tower in northern Victoria, prompting concerns racist vitriol has reared its ugly head in the region in the wake of coronavirus. Key points: A Nazi flag attached to two Chinese flags was left to fly above the Victorian town of Kyabram for two days after being tied to a Telstra tower in the centre of town A Nazi flag attached to two Chinese flags was left to fly above the Victorian town of Kyabram for two days after being tied to a Telstra tower in the centre of town The vandalism appears to be the latest in a series of racist attacks linked to coronavirus, as the flags were branded with #COVID19 The vandalism appears to be the latest in a series of racist attacks linked to coronavirus, as the flags were branded with #COVID19 Police are investigating and Telstra say it is "incredibly dangerous and illegal" for any member of the public to climb phone towers Police are investigating and suspect the flags were tied to the Telstra tower in the centre of Kyabram early Sunday morning. The Nazi flag had the hashtag #COVID19 scrawled across it and was left to fly above the town for almost 48 hours. It is the second instance of a Nazi flag being flown in plain sight in rural Victoria this year. On Monday, residents of the small town, in Victoria's Goulburn Valley, appeared shocked and upset by the display. Many stopped to stare and take photos and others told the ABC they had never seen anything like it before. Police received multiple complaints about the flag but Kyabram Senior Constable Shane Roberts said it had proved 'difficult' to get the vandalism removed. "It's making people upset understandably," Senior Constable Roberts said. "We have no idea where it's come from but we're canvassing local businesses for footage and witnesses and obviously we're appealing for anyone who may have seen anything at all. "We've never had anything like this previously, so it's a bit out of the blue." A local takes a photo of the tower. ( ABC Shepparton: Rhiannon Tuffield ) It is believed the three flags were hung on the Bradley Street phone tower sometime between 12:00am and 6:00am on April 12, and police are collecting CCTV footage from the site and nearby businesses. One local who owned a business directly next door said the perpetrator could possibly have accessed the site via their business. "It's a bit weird, I don't understand it — I thought it was a bit of a joke but it's all become pretty serious," he said. "It's a long way up, so I'd say they knew what they were doing to get up there." Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak Download the ABC News app and subscribe to our range of news alerts for the latest on how the pandemic is impacting the world It took authorities two days to take down the flags up high on the Telstra tower. ( ABC Shepparton: Rhiannon Tuffield ) A spokesperson from Telstra said a team was working to remove the flags on Monday afternoon, almost two days after they were installed. The spokesperson said it was "incredibly dangerous and illegal" for any member of the public to climb phone towers. "It is disappointing to see that people are spreading hatred at a time when we all need to work together, and that our infrastructure is being used to promote this message," the spokesperson said. "Our focus is on ensuring our customers can keep connected when they need it most — luckily there was no damage to our tower and no services have been impacted." The Telstra tower is in the centre of the town of Kyabram. ( ABC Shepparton: Rhiannon Tuffield ) Racism spreading like a virus The incident has drawn attention to the racism being hurled at ethnic communities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month in Tongala, only 16 kilometres from Kyabram, the Chinese owners of the local IGA faced a barrage of abuse from customers entering the store, as panic buying and anxiety ramped up. Store manager, Jodie Wilson, said rumours about "busloads of Asians" clearing out supermarket shelves were untrue for the Tongala IGA. "That definitely wasn't the case, we never had busloads of anyone show up here," she said. "Our main issue is the racist remarks about our store owners being Asian and stockpiling toilet paper to send home to their own family. "They're a little bit heartbroken because they're very community-minded people, they donate to every organisation in this town and employ all locals to keep the money here." Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, said while he had not noticed a rise in racism in his electorate, the Kyabram incident was "totally offensive". "Why anyone would do this is just beyond imagination," he said. "The fact they actually climbed the tower itself, which is very dangerous, but to hand those flags there — it is not reflective of the community of Kyabram at all. "We, as the opposition, believe flying the Nazi flag should be made an offence — it's used by white supremacists and is totally offensive to all of those involved in the Second World War, not just the Jewish community." David Kram, the president of Kehillat s'dov Zahav, a Jewish congregation in Central Victoria, asked for compassion from the community. "It's generally a response by people who are not well-educated, who have not travelled, who don't read a broad range of topics, but only read things that are written or hear things that are said by people in their own group," he said. "If people want to fly flags or march into supermarkets with Nazi insignia, beware any form of extremist behaviour is like a virus and you need to recognise it. "You need to combat it and you need to be aware of it."
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’Glimmers of hope’: Abbott gives coronavirus update, touches on reopening economy and schools
AUSTIN – As Texas comes closer to its predicted peak, Gov. Greg Abbott took some time Monday to talk about what he called, “glimmers of hope, with a whole bunch of red flags.” During a news conference, Abbott gave some new numbers for the state, saying that counts – though still high – were looking better. “The glimmers come from what the numbers are beginning to show,” Abbott said. According to Abbott, more than 133,000 have been tested for coronavirus. Of those, 13,827 have tested positive. More data showed that 1,176 people have been hospitalized and 286 people have died due to coronavirus, Abbott said. In Texas, 2,269 people have recovered, Abbott said. “The number of people who tested positive as of the close of business (Sunday) was the lowest in an entire week and the second-lowest since late March,” Abbott said. “Those are good numbers but let me get into the red flags. One thing that I have seen is it seems as though every Sunday is the lowest day in the week for the number of people who test positive … Sunday was lower, however, it still sets a good trend in that is was the second-lowest number of people who tested positive since late March.” Abbott said that if the trends continue, it would mean that the state is moving in the right direction in terms of flattening the curve and lowering the number of people who are testing positive, however, it is still too early to make that call. According to Abbott, the number of hospitalizations, fatalities and cumulative cases are also seeing a decline. Unemployment and reopening the Texas economy The Texas Workforce Commission has also been able to drastically increase the number of people it can process by changing the hours, Abbott said. According to Abbott, less than 400,000 claims had been processed as of Friday, but as of Monday, 1.13 million claims have been paid, with the total payout amount reaching well over $400 million. Abbott also announced that later this week, he would be introducing the state to a team that has been put together to carefully and strategically evaluate what needs to be done to reopen the economy. “This is not going to be a ‘rush-the-gates, everybody is suddenly able to reopen all at once,’” Abbott said. “We have to understand that we must reopen in a way in which we are able to stimulate the economy while at the very same time ensuring that we contain the spread of COVID-19.” Abbott said an executive order will be used to begin the process because it will ensure that businesses don’t open all at once, but rather in phases to help contain the spread of coronavirus. Schools reopening in Texas During the news conference, Abbott was asked if there was any update in when schools could reopen and Abbott said there would be an announcement on it this week. He did not elaborate on what the announcement will be or when it will be.
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Verdant Audio Bambusa AL-1 Review
This is a detailed measurements of the Verdant Audio Bambusa AL-1. It is on kind loan from the company and costs US $3,499. I am in mail it back so please excuse the brevity of this write-up.Measurements that you are about to see were performed using the Klippel Near-field Scanner (NFS) . This is a robotic measurement system that analyzes the speaker all around and is able (using advanced mathematics and dual scan) to subtract room reflections (so where I measure it doesn't matter). It also measures the speaker at close distance ("near-field") which sharply reduces the impact of room noise.In a nutshell, the measurements show the actual sound coming out of the speaker independent of the room.All measurements are referenced to the tweeter axis with frequency resolution of 2.7 Hz.Acoustic measurements can be grouped in a way that can be perceptually analyzed to determine how good a speaker can be used. This so called spinorama shows us just about everything we need to know about the speaker with respect to tonality and some flaws:The AL-1 could certainly benefit from level equalization of the drivers.Impedance is a bit higher than average for the class which is appreciated:Distortion graphs are now at calibrated SPL level of 1 kHz tone at 96 dB SPL at 1 meter:And for compatibility with measurements posted by others:Finally the waterfall:It is clear that by standards with which we measure speakers, the performance of AL-1 does not measure up. I appreciate the company sending them to us though for evaluation.-----------As always, questions, comments, recommendations, etc. are welcome.Allergies are killing me on top of heavy review workload. I hope you all feel sorry for me byusing
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