translation | quality_estimation
float64 0.24
"amh": "á°áááá á˛ááá á¨á°ááŞááš ááá áĽáŤá ááľá°á ááá áá ááá ááľá
ááá áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "When the protests began the studentsâ main demand was the complete halting of the Masterplan."
} | 0.870303 |
"amh": "á áááŚáľ áá 2006 ááááĽáľ á˘áŤááľ á áá á á°áá˝ ááľ áĽá á ááśáá˝ á¨ááá አá¨áŚáŽá á°áááá˝ á¨áłá°áŠ á áá áááá áááá á áááŚáłááĄáĄ",
"en": "In May 2014, the government did momentarily halt the plan in order to abate the protests after at least nine were killed and hundreds of ethnic Oromo students were imprisoned."
} | 0.756843 |
"amh": "ááá áá ááľá°á áááá á á°ááŁá á¨ááá áá
áąá áááś áááá á ááááĽáľ áŁááá á
áłá áá á˛ááľá ááŁá á áľáá á ááá˝áś áááľ áłáááłáľ á¨ááá á¨á°ááŞáá˝ á°ááá á áááľááľ á˘áŤááľ ááĽá á°áá˝ áá°á áĽááá˝ á°ááľá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "But when the government decided to resume plans to implement the Masterplan in November this year resentment boiled over again, resulting in the currently two-week-old student protest leaving at least ten people dead and many injured."
} | 0.829065 |
"amh": "á á áááᢠáááł á¨á°á áááá áá፠97 áá˛á
áĽá áááááá˝á á¨á¨á°á ááŹáľ áááŤááśá˝ á á á˛áľ á á ᣠá°á°ááá ááľá°áśá˝ áááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Since the highly contested 2005 national election, forceful evictions and urban land grabbing have become frequent in Addis Ababa."
} | 0.842534 |
"amh": "á¨áá á¨á°áá ááŁá ááľááľ á¨áá áŠá ááŹáľ áá˘ááąáľáľáŞ á áááááľáŁ áá¤áľ áĽáŤáŁ ááá á¨á° áááľá ááá˝á á¨á¨á°á ááááśá˝ á¨áááá áááŁá á¨ááŽáłááĄáĄ",
"en": "The capital cityâs rapid growth has resulted in increasing pressure to convert rural land for industrial, housing, infrastructure, or other urban use."
} | 0.852795 |
"amh": "áłáŤáľá፠á áŤááá˝ á°áááá á á ááŞáą á¨á°áá°áŤáá á á
áá áĽáśáľ áá¤áľ áá ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Diaspora-based advocates say the unrest in Oromia is just a part of the general unhappiness that prevails in the country."
} | 0.812638 |
"amh": "ááááĽáľ ááĽááśá˝ áĽá
á áĽáááá ááľáááľ áĽáŤá°á¨á áá á áááľ áááá
"en": "They accuse the government of working for the benefit of a few people at the expense of others."
} | 0.879663 |
"amh": "á¨ááŤá á áá ááááĽáľ áá áĽá áá-áἠá°ááŞáá˝á á á á˛áľ á á ᣠáłááťáá˝ á áá á¨áłáłáľ áá áá á á áŤáŁá˘á á¨áŞá á˘áľá´áľ á áááá˝á áĽá á¨á፠áááŞáŤ á¤áľ ááá˘áá˝ á¨áá ááŠá áľá á ááŁá áááá á áá áŤáá ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "They even suggest that the Ethiopian government covertly encouraged informal settlement on the outskirts of Addis Ababa so that they could later find a way to intervene under the guise of rebuilding the slums and lease the land to real estate developers."
} | 0.769657 |
"amh": "á¤áááŤáľ ááá°áŁ á áá á¨á¨áł á¨ááááĽáľ áŁááĽááŁá áá áᣠá á˛áľ á áŁáŁá¤ áŁáá¤áľ á¨áááľ á¨á°áâ áŁáá áá˝áá ááľáĽáŁ á¨áŚáŽá á°ááŞáá˝ á°áááá 15 áááľ áá°áá ááᎠáŤáľáłááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Ermias Legesse, a high profile government defector, traces the cause of the Oromo student protest to events that took place 15 years ago. In his book, Addis Ababa: The Abandoned City, Ermias notes that since 2000 the Addis Ababa city municipality, with the support of the federal government, enacted five different pieces of legislation to legalizeâ the informal settlements, and then sold the legalizedâ lands to private property developers."
} | 0.618098 |
"amh": "á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á á
áἠáááłáľ áŤáľáááá á˝á á¨áááľ á áá á¨á˘áŽáá ááľááľ á á°ááŤá á¨áá°á á¨ááἠáááłáł áŤáľááááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Released under Creative Commons. Despite recording double-digit economic growth in recent years, Ethiopia is in serious need of food aid."
} | 0.818934 |
"amh": "áłáá˘áá˝ áĽáá°áááľ á¨á áá á¨ááἠáááľ á á ááł áááłáľ ááľáĽ á¨á¨áá á˛áá á¨áĽá áşááá˝á áááľ á¨áá áá á¨1977áą á¨áἠá°ááłáłá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Observers consider the current food crisis to be the worst in thirty years, similar to the famine of 1984-85, which led to thousands of deaths."
} | 0.918945 |
"amh": "á¨á°áŁá áŠáľ ááááĽáłáľ á¨á°áĽáŁá ááłáŽá˝ á áľá°áŁáŁáŞ á˘áŽ á ááľ áŞáááľ áĽáá°ááá á¨á áľá¸áłá áá á¨ááἠáááłáł á¨ááŤáľáááá¸á á°áá˝ ááĽá á áá
áá 4.",
"en": "According to a report by the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs the number of relief food beneficiaries in Ethiopia has increased to 4.5 million people this month."
} | 0.793314 |
"amh": "5 áááŽá á¨ááŻááĄáĄ",
"en": "The figure includes 5.75 million Ethiopian children."
} | 0.588697 |
"amh": "á¨á ááŞáą á¨á¨áἠáááľ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááĽáľ áá
á°á°áá á¨ááłá¨áąá áŁáťáá ááááĽáľ á¨á¨ááĄá áĽá á ááá¨á á¨ááἠáĽáĽá¨áľâ áĽáá°áá ááá§ááĄ",
"en": "The food crisis in the country is being played down by the Ethiopian government, which has decided to rename famine and starvation as food insecurityâ:"
} | 0.744325 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááľáĽ á á°áá áá¨á áá á¨áľáŁ ááááĽáłá áŤááá áľáá
áśá˝ á¨ááĽáŁ á˝áá ááá ááľâ á¨áá áááśá˝á á ááἠáĽáŤáááťá¸á ááľáĽ áĽááłáŤáŤáľáą ááľá ááá፠á°á°áĽáˇá¸áááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to some inside Ethiopia, NGOs are being warned not to use the words famine, starvation or deathâ in their food appeals."
} | 0.829063 |
"amh": "á á°á¨ááŞá ááááľ á á¨áááą áĽá¨ááą áá¸áâ ááá á°áá á°á áŤá á¨á¨áἠá á°áâ ááá á¨ááááĽáľ ááᲠáá¨áᥠá á¨áá á°á áŤá ááâ á¨áá áá¨áá˝áá áá áá á áá°ááá°ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Neither are they to say that children are dying on a daily basis,â or refer to widespread famineâ or say that the policies of the government in Ethiopia are partially to blame.â"
} | 0.827224 |
"amh": "áá
áá á¨áἠá¨1977áą áľáá
áá áááááâá áĽáá˛á á áá°ááá°áá¸áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Neither are they allowed to compare the current crisis to the famine of the eighties.â"
} | 0.874212 |
"amh": "áĽáá˛á áĽáť á á¤á áá ááááŤáľ á¨á°á¨á°á° á¨ááἠáĽáĽá¨áľâ á áá áĽáá˛áááš áłááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Instead, the latest drought in Ethiopia is to be described as food insecurity caused by a drought related to El Nino.â"
} | 0.685594 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááĽáľ á á ááŞáą á¨á°á¨á°á°á á¨ááἠáĽáĽá¨áľâ á¤á ááá á°á¨áľá á ááŁá áľáá
áłá˘áŤ áá á˘áá áłááľ á á¨á ááááááŤá á¨á°áŁá á ááłá áŠáá¨ááľá˛ á¨ááá˛áŤá áłáááľ ááľá°ááľ á˛á᪠á°á᪠áá á á°ááŤáá áá á¨ááŤáľá á:",
"en": "While the Ethiopian government says that the cause of food insecurityâ in the country is drought related to El Nino, Dawit Ayele Haylemari, a graduate student of political science at University of Passau, thinks otherwise:"
} | 0.830074 |
"amh": "áĽá áŁáááŤáá˝ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤá á¨á¨á á¨áἠááἠáá áĽáá á¨áá á ááľá°á á¨á áľá°áŤá¨áľ áá´áŁ áľáá
ᣠááŁá á¨ááἠááľááľ ááá á¨áĽááť áá ፠ááá°á
áá áŤááááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Many experts relate Ethiopia's cyclical famine with the country's dependence on Rainfed smallholder agriculture, drought, rapid population growth or agricultural market dysfunctions."
} | 0.782684 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááłá áĽááá
áááŽá˝ á ááłáŠ áá á¨áá áá á˘ááŤá¸ááᣠá á ááŞáą áŤááá ááá á¨á˝áá áááľá¤ áá áá¸á˝áá - áĽááá
á á¨ááĽáśá˝ á ááá¨á á áĽá á°á áŤáááľ áŤáá áľ ááááĽáľ áĽáŚáľ áá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Although these factors do have significant role in the matter, they tend to hide the critical cause of hunger in the country - lack of rights and accountable government"
} | 0.891175 |
"amh": "á¨á¨áἠáłáŞáŤá áłáŤá á˛á á á 20áá ááá ááá 30 áľááá
á¨ááŚá˝ á°á¨áľá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "A historical investigation of famine also identified 30 major famines during the 20th century."
} | 0.923609 |
"amh": "ááá á¨á°á¨á°áąáľ á á ááŁááá ááááĽáłáľ áĽá ááá á áľáĽá
áľáá ááľáĽ áŁá á ááŽá˝ ááľáĽ áááĄáĄ á áŤáą á°áá á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááľáĽ áá á¨á°á¨á°áąáľ á ááŁáááááľ ááá áá¨áἠááłááá?",
"en": "All happened in countries led by autocratic rule or that were under armed conflict, four being in Ethiopia Why does autocracy lead to famine?"
} | 0.836793 |
"amh": "áááá ááááŤáľ á ááŁáááá˝ á¨ááĽá ááá¨áá¨á á ááŤááá
áááł ááááŁá¸á á áá¨ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "The most fundamental reason is that autocrats often don't care enough about the population to prevent famine."
} | 0.921765 |
"amh": "á ááŁáááá˝ áĽááŁáá¸áá á¨ááŤáľá áĽááľ á ááá áĽáá á áááŁá ááááł á áá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Autocrats maintain power through force, not popular approval."
} | 0.927191 |
"amh": "áááą á á˘áľáŽáľáŤá áłááś áĽáááľááą á°á¨ááá§ááĄáĄ",
"en": "This argument has been proven true in the case of Ethiopia."
} | 0.901136 |
"amh": "á¨á°á፠á áłá˝ áŤááľ á ááŤáľ 5ááá áľááá á˘áŽáá á¨áŤáá˝á á áá á¨áá ááľ á¨á¨áἠáááľáŁ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨á˘áá°áááľ á°á áááá˝ áááľ á¨áá áááŤáŤ ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "The food crisis, in the fifth largest economy in Sub Saharan Africa, has become one of the hot topics discussed by Ethiopian netizens online."
} | 0.875446 |
"amh": "á á˛áą ááĽá´ áłáŤáľááŤáá˝ á¨á ááŤá¸á ááá˝ áĽá¨ááą áłá á áá
á áŤá áá˛áŤ áá áááŤáłá¸áá áĽáá°ááá á ááá á á ááá á¸ááá§á¸áááĄ",
"en": "Adisu Habte took a jab at Ethiopians in the Diaspora talking about the issue on social media while their fellow citizens are dying:"
} | 0.771303 |
"amh": "ááá°áá፠ááľáĽ á¨ááአá˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá ááá áłáŤá°áá ááá áá áá
á áŤá áá˛áŤ áá áĽá á°ááŞá áśááľáľ áĽá áşáť á¤áśá˝ ááľáĽ ááá˛áŤ á˛áŤáአá˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá áá áĽá¨á°áŤáĄ áá á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá á á¨áἠá˛ááą áá áĽáá á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Well the hunger continues in Ethiopian while Ethiopians living in Philadelphia continue to do nothing but post on their social media page and have conversation about politics at Dunkin Donuts and at the Hookah lounge Let's not watch as Ethiopians are starving to death."
} | 0.679447 |
"amh": "á á!",
"en": "Yep!"
} | 1.030229 |
"amh": "âšá ááĽááľ á áłááâş á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á˘áŽáá ááą ááâŚ",
"en": "The 'fast growing' economy in Ethiopia is busted ..."
} | 0.695987 |
"amh": "á áᣠáľáá
áĽá á¨áἠá á ááŞáŤ ááŁá á¨á˘áŽáá ááľááľ á áľáááá˘á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááľáĽ á°á¨áľáˇááĄáĄ â P Mimi Poinsett MD (@yayayarndiva) November 28, 2015",
"en": "Yes, drought and hunger in the fastest growing African economy #Ethiopia â P Mimi Poinsett MD (@yayayarndiva) November 28, 2015"
} | 0.827628 |
"amh": "á¤á°ááá á¤ááŹá á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá ááłáŠá ááá˛áŤ áĽááłáŤá°áááľ áááŤáá˝:",
"en": "While Betelhem Ephrem advises Ethiopians not to politicise the issue:"
} | 0.812986 |
"amh": "5 áááŽáá˝ á¨áἠááĽáá¸áá á¨ááá ááľáĽ á¨ááĽáŠ ááá á¨á¨áľ áĽáá°áá á˛á áá
á¨á á˛áľ áľáłááłááľ á¨á°á°á á áááľ:",
"en": "For once lets make this issues about the people who are desperately in need of survival than our political discourse. lets not make a mockery of the people at this time of crisis."
} | 0.624085 |
"amh": "ááľ á áá፠áśáŞáŁ á á°áá áĽáá°ááłááá ááĽáŽá˝ (á áá
ááłá) á ááááĽáľ áĽá á¨áááłáł áľáá
áśá˝ ááŤá¨á (ááá á ááľááľ ááłá) á ááááĽáľ áĽá á¨áááááľ á°áááľ ááŤá¨á á¨áá°á¨á áľááľá áá¤áľ áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Answering to a Facebook user, Anania Sorri, who wanted to know the source of the information that 4.5 million are facing hunger, Addis Standard writes: Dear Anania Sorri - It is widely known that figures in this country are often the results of negotiations between the government and aid agencies (in this case) or the government and financial institutions (in the case of growth)."
} | 0.598668 |
"amh": "ááá áá á áá á¨áłáá á¨áááľ ááľááľ á á ááŞáą á á°áá°áŤáá áľ á áá
áľáŁ ááĽáŠ á¨á°ááá á áááľáááĄáĄ",
"en": "But in the face of eminent crop failure in many parts of the country in the coming harvest season, this one doesn't seem to be overly exaggerated."
} | 0.766453 |
"amh": "ááá˝ áááá á ááŁá¸á áááá áĽáŤá á˛áááľáŁ á˘áŤ áŚáŽá፠áĽáá˛á
"en": "Responding to calls from some Ethiopians that citizens need to pray, Biyya Oromiyaa says:"
} | 0.769046 |
"amh": "á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áá°á¨á°á°á á¨áἠáááľ áĽáá´áľ áá áááľá á¨áááá?",
"en": "How is praying a solution to hunger in Ethiopia?"
} | 0.851501 |
"amh": "á¨á°áŤáĄ á°áá˝ á¨á áľá¸áłá áá á¨ááἠáááłáł áĽá áááŤá á¨ááĽáá ááᲠá¨áááŤá á¨ááá˛áŤ ááá°áááľ áĽá á´áááŤá˛ áá áá á¨ááŤáľáááá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Hungry people need emergency food, and a good agricultural policy with political will and democracy."
} | 0.907238 |
"amh": "á¨áἠá á˘áľáŽáľáŤá áá áá áŚáł á¨áĽááá áá á¨ááŤáááá á ááłá˝ ááá á¨áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Hunger has nothing to do with God in Ethiopia, maybe elsewhere."
} | 0.871998 |
"amh": "á¨áἠá áľáááśá˝ á¨ááᲠááľááľáŁ á¨ááá˛áŤ ááá áĽá á¨á á¨á ááĽá¨áľ ááἠáľáá áá¤áľ á¨áá¨á°áľ ááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Hunger is created by the combination of regime policy failure, political oppression and climate change."
} | 0.847287 |
"amh": "áĽáŠ ááá á¨áááá áľáááąá ááľáááľ áĽáá áĽááľáááá ááá á áá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "So good advice would be to remove the regime than instruct us to pray."
} | 0.848397 |
"amh": "áá
á¨á¨áąáľ á ááá
áŽá á¨á°áŁá á¨á ááŞáŤ áááľáŁ á°áĽáŁá ááĽáśá˝ áĽá ááá˛áŤá á˘áŽáá áá á¨ááŤá°áŠá á¨ááĽáŤá
á ááŞáŤ ááá á°áá á¨á¨áἠáááąá á á°ááá¨á° áá á áľá°ááᢠááłá á ááá:",
"en": "Fikrejesus Amahazion, a Horn of Africa scholar focusing on African development, human rights and political economy, points to another irony of the current food crisis:"
} | 0.844963 |
"amh": "á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨á¨áἠáááľ á°áááŚáŁáľ á áľá¸áłá á¨ááἠáááłáł áĽá¨á á¨áá˝ áĽáŤá áĽá áśá ááἠá¨á ááŞáˇ áĽá¨áᣠááá á áľá°ááᢠáááĄáĄ",
"en": "Ironically, while Ethiopia is facing a hunger crisis and making urgent appeals for aid, tonnes of food are actually leaving the country."
} | 0.860754 |
"amh": "áá
á¨áááᣠáááľ á¨á°áá á¨á á°áá á á˛áľ á á ᣠá¨á°ááá á ááááĽáľ áľááá
áá ááŹáśá˝á ááŹáľ áááŤááľâ áĽá¨á°áŁá á á°á°á¸ ááááľ ááá á˘áá¨áľá°áŽá˝ áĽá áŽáááŹá˝áá˝ á áá¸áĽá¸áĄ áááĄáĄ",
"en": "This illogical development is due to the fact that the regime in Addis has sold large tracts of arable land to a range of foreign investors and corporations in transactions described as land grabs.â"
} | 0.736216 |
"amh": "á¨ááĽáľ á°ááááŞáá˝ ááľáŤáá˝áŁ áľáĽá°áŁáŁ áá°ááᣠáĽáľáᣠááá¨áĽ áĽá ááá˛áŤá á°á
ááá á¨ááŤáŤáľáą á¨á°áĽáŁá ááĽáľ áĽá°áśá˝ á ááááĽáľ áĽá áŁááĽááŁááľ áĽáá°á°ááá á ááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Reports by rights groups list a plethora of human rights violations, including murders, beatings, rapes, imprisonment, intimidation, and political coercion by the government and authorities."
} | 0.824248 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨á¨áἠáááľ á áľá¸áłá áľáŠá¨áľ á¨ááť á°áĽáŁá ááłá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Ethiopiaâs hunger crisis is an important humanitarian issue meriting immediate attention and concern."
} | 0.888854 |
"amh": "áááłáá á áĽá
á ááá¨áłáľ á¨á áŤáŁá˘ áááł á ááą ááááŤáľ áĽáá°áá á˘áłáá
áᣠá á°á¨ááŞá áá
á á¨-ááá˛áŤá áĽá á¨á áľá°áłá°á áááłáᣠááľáᣠá¨áá á¨á ááááľ áĽáŚáľáŁ á¨áááŤá á áľá°áłá°á á ááááᣠá¨á¨áĽá áá áá
áľ áá˝ááľáŁ á¨á°áłáłá° áĽááŤá áĽá á¨áááľ áľáŠá¨áľ á¨áá°á á°á
áá áŤáłáľáŤááĄáĄ",
"en": "In order to fully understand the crisis it is imperative to recognize that while the environment has been an important contributing factor, a range of other structural socio-political and governance dynamics, including corruption, the lack of rule of law or democracy, poor governance, failures in long-term planning, and misplaced national and development priorities have also been highly influential."
} | 0.819114 |
"amh": "á áá¨á¨áťáᣠá¨áááááá á¨ááἠááᲠáááá á°ááᣠá¨áááľ áľáľáŤá´á áĽá á áľá°áłá°á ááá áłááŹáá°á áá áśáŽá˝ áĽá á¨á°áá á¨áá áŤáŁ áááľ áĽá á°áááľ ááá á¨á áá á°ááŤá᪠áťááąá áŤáşáľ áľáá áá° á¨áἠáĽáá°ááŤá፠á°áľá áŤá°ááá:",
"en": "Finally, Paul Dorosh, director at International Food Policy Research Institute's Development Strategy and Governance Division, and Shahidur Rashid, senior research fellow at the instituteâs Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division, are hopeful that the drought will not lead to famine:"
} | 0.857803 |
"amh": "á¨2008áą áľáá
áĽá á¨áááľ ááááľ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨áἠá áŤáľá¨áľáááĄáĄ",
"en": "The 2015-16 drought and production shortfall need not cause a famine in Ethiopia."
} | 0.872386 |
"amh": "á¨ááľá á¨ááŚá˝ áľáá
ááľ á áá
á°á ááááĽáľ áĽá áááááá ááá˝ áá
á á¨á°áŚá˝ áááŤáľáááá¸á á¨áĽá
á á á
ááŚáľ áĽá á ááááĽá ááá á ááľ á¨ááŤáľááááá ááá áá ááľá áááááąá áĽá ááἠáááŤáľáááá¸á ááľá¨áąá áŤá¨áááŁááĄáĄ",
"en": "By heeding the lessons of past famines, the government and the international donor community can help ensure that there is sufficient availability of cereals to supply Ethiopiaâs food needs and sufficient transfers in cash and in kind to provide needy households with adequate access to food."
} | 0.759136 |
"amh": "ááá˝ á¨ááἠááááľ ááááľ áĽá á°ááŁáŁá ááἠáááá ááá°áŚá˝ á¨ááłá¨áą ááłáá ááá¨áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Other food security issues will still need to be resolved, including ensuring adequate nutrition for all individuals."
} | 0.798021 |
"amh": "á¨áŚáŽá ááááá˝á á¨ááá á áłá᪠ááá",
"en": "Oromo singer Hawi Tezera."
} | 0.797236 |
"amh": "ááá áá˝á áŚááŞáá˝ á¨ááááĽáľ á áá áááŁá áá°á á°á ááá˝ á áááŁáľ á˘áľáŽáľáŤáŁ á¨ááááĽáľ ááŽááááł á¨ááááĽá ááááá˝á áľáŠáłáąá áĽá¨á°áááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Photo from her official Facebook page. While journalists and bloggers remain the primary targets of state repression in Ethiopia, musicians that don't jive with state propaganda also take the heat."
} | 0.733338 |
"amh": "áá á°ááŤáŁ á¨áŚáŽá ááá áľáľáá á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áľáá ááá áŚáŽá፠ááľáĽ áĽá¨á°áŤáá° áŤáá á¨á á°áŁáŁá á°ááá áá áááááľ á áá˝ á áá á áááľ á°á°áĽáľáŁ á¨áłá°á¨á˝ á áá á°ááľáł á á°áŁáľ áá áá ááľáĽ áááł á áľáá áĽáá°áłá°á¨á˝ áŞáááľ á°á°ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Hawi Tezera, an ethnic Oromo singer, was reportedly beaten, arrested, released and then rearrested in the space of just seven days by government security forces in connection with her song about ongoing protests in Oromia, a southern administrative region that is Ethiopiaâs largest."
} | 0.760685 |
"amh": "áááľ áĽáá¸á áá°á
áááłá¸á á˛áŁá áĽááłáááá˝ á¨ááá á¨áŚáŽáá áááá˝áᣠááá
á˝áá á¸áá ááłá áá áá á¨á á°áŁáŁá á°áááá á¨á°ááᨠáá˛á
á áĽáĽá
ááľáľá ááľáĽ áĽáá°ááá ááá¨ááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Two other Oromo singers, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, told this author over Facebook chat that they have been under intense surveillance since anti-government protests began in the region in November."
} | 0.806422 |
"amh": "á ááľ áááłá áľááľ áĽáá°ááŤáááá°áᣠá¨áá á¨á°áá á á˛áľ á á áŁáŁ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤá á˛áŚ áŤáá ááἠáŤáá á¨áŚáŽá áĽáá áá°áááá áľ á áŤáŁá˘ áááľáááľ á¨á°ááááá á¨ááááĽáľ áá
áľ á áááá á á°ááłá á¨á á°áŁáŁá á°ááá á¨ááś á áá á°áááá˝ áá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to some estimates, over a hundred demonstrators have died in unrest that began after the government made plans for the expansion of the capital Addis Ababa into land inhabited by the Oromo ethnic group, which accounts for almost a third of Ethiopia's population."
} | 0.779476 |
"amh": "áŁáááľ áááľ ááĽááľ áááłáľáŁ áá° ááá˛áŤá áĽá áá
á áŤá á áŤáá
ááľ áŤá°á á¨áŚáŽáá áááá˝ áááá˘áŤáŁ á áá áĽá áľáá áĽá¨á°áłá¨á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "In the last two decades, Oromo singers who gravitate towards political and social activism have been subjected to intimidation, abductions and torture."
} | 0.842034 |
"amh": "á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨ááá áá-áá áááŚá˝ á áŁá áĽá ááááá˝ á¨á°á°á°áąáľ á¨áŚáŽáá ááá áááá˝ áá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "There are also more musicians-in-exiles among the culturally distinct Oromo group than any of Ethiopia's other major groups."
} | 0.649483 |
"amh": "á¨áá
áááá áááť ááá
á°ááŁáá˝ á ááą á°ááłá á˘á˘áł á áąá á˛ááᣠá˛áŞá á áŤááá˝ á 1988 á¨á°áá°áá á ááááĽáľ áááá˝ áá áĽáá áŤááááĄáĄ",
"en": "One of the most recognisable victims of this slow purge was iconoclastic Oromo singer, Ebisa Adugna, who civic activists believe was killed by Ethiopian government forces in 1996."
} | 0.82776 |
"amh": "áłááľ ááŽááᣠá 1980ááš á¨áŚáŽáá áľáááłá áááá˝á á¨áááá ááá áá áĽáŤááá° á ááŤááľ á¨ááłáá
ááá á˛ááᣠááľá°áľ á¨á°áłá¨áá á 1990á á¨á˘áľáŽ-á¤ááľáŤ áŚáááľ áá
áľ áŚáááł áá ááłá°áŽá˝ áĽáá˛ááá á°á áá áŁáááľáááą áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Dawite Mekonen, widely known for streamlining Oromo traditional music with more contemporary styles in the 1990s, went into exile after refusing to perform for soldiers at war front during Ethio-Eritrean war in 1998."
} | 0.826986 |
"amh": "áĽááá
áĽááľ á áá á¨ááłáá áĽáť á¨áŚáŽá ááááá˝ áá áĽá¨á°á¨á° áŤáá á áá ááłáŤáá˝ áá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "These are just few of the better-known examples of Ethiopiaâs repression of Oromo musicians."
} | 0.823708 |
"amh": "á á˛áľ á¨áłááąá ááá á?",
"en": "New wave of censorship?"
} | 0.766742 |
"amh": "á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨ááááĽáľ ááĽáá á á°ááŤá á¨ááá ááááá˝ á¨áá ááááłá¸á ááá ááá áá á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áŹáľáŽ áŁá˘áŤáá˝ á¨á á¨á á°ááľ ááááľá ááá á ááľá¨á áá áĽáŤááťá¸áá áá
á¨áĽ áá¸ááŤááĄáĄ",
"en": "Musicians of all backgrounds that go against the government line find it difficult to get a gig or airtime on Ethiopia's radio stations."
} | 0.788239 |
"amh": "áŁááá áááľ ááŤáááŁá¸á á¨áá አáááľ áŽáá°ááśá˝ á áá¨á¨áťá á°áá á¨á°á°á¨áá áľ ááá
á¨á ááá ááá áĽá á¨áá á¸áá á´á˛ á áᎠá ááą ááłá áááĄáĄ á´á˛ áľáá
áááŁá á°ááŁáááľ áŤáá áĽá á áĽá
á áľáŹáłá ááá á¨áťá á˘áľáŽáľáŤá ááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "One example of this trend is the last-minute cancellation last year of two concerts featuring Teddy Afro, a prominent Amharic singer and song writer.Teddy has a great popular appeal and is widely known as the most successful musician in Ethiopia."
} | 0.863153 |
"amh": "á´á˛áŁ áĽáą áĽáľáŤáá áŁáááá áááś á¨áááἠááľ áłáľáŽ á 2001 á¨á°ááł á áá áŁááá áááľ ááľá¨á¨á áá áá ááŤáááŁá¸á á¨áá አáŽáá°ááśá˝áŁ ááááŤáą áłáááá˝ áááľ áá¨áá¨áá¸áá á°áááŻááĄáĄ",
"en": "Teddy, who was released from imprisonment on hit and run charges he always denied in 2009, said his team was refused permission to hold the concerts scheduled for last September, without speculating as to why."
} | 0.715117 |
"amh": "á¨áŽáá°ááśáš áá°á¨á á´á˛ á¨ááłá°áŠ áŚáľáľ áááľ áá°á áĽáᣠá 1997 á¨áááá¸á ááááĽáľá á¨áá°áš áááá˝ á áá á¨áá á á¨á áá áááť áááľáááĄáĄ",
"en": "It seems most likely the cancellations are part of a continuing government campaign against the musician since his release of songs critical of the regime in 2005, three years before he was imprisoned."
} | 0.85002 |
"amh": "ááá áĽáá á ááá á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áĽá ááἠáŁááá á¨á°áááá á¨ááłáŁá áľááŤá ááá ááľáĽ áááĄáľ á¨ááááĽáľ ááá˛áŤ á ááŤáŽá˝ á°áááá áááá á¨ááŁááľ áŚáŽááá˝ áááá˝ áá áĽáá°áá á¨áł ááľá°ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "However, censorship is noticeably harsher as regards the Oromo, Ethiopia's single largest ethnic group, which is viewed as a threat by a government packed with politicians from the northern Tigray minority."
} | 0.717693 |
"amh": "á ááłááľ áŞáááśá˝ áĽáá°ááŤáłáŠáľáŁ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áĽáŽáľáŤáľáľ áŁááĽááŁá ááĽááťá¸á á¨áĽááá°áááľ á ááááŤâ á áá¸á á°áĽáá á¨ááłá°áĄ á˘áŤááľ 17 á¨áŚáŽá áááá˝ áááá˝á áĽááłáá°áŤáŠ á ááˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to reports at least 17 Oromo singers whose lyrics show nationalistic tendencies were banned from air waves in December 2015 by the Ethiopian Broadcast Authority."
} | 0.835495 |
"amh": "á¨áŚáŽá áááá˝ áĽááá áá áĽááŤá ááááľá áĽá áŁááá á
ááśá˝á á¨ááŤááľáą áááá˝ á ááĽáá˝ ááá á áŁááá ááŁáŞáŤáá˝ áĽá áááá˝á á áá áá ááŤááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Oromo singers often produce music that articulates strong pride in their national and cultural heritage, whether through lyrics or the incorporation of traditional instruments and melodies."
} | 0.749905 |
"amh": "á¨á
áἠáá áĽááłá á°áá áĽááá°á á¨áá ááááá˝á á᪠ááááĄáĄ áá
áĽááł á¨áá á¨á°á ááąáľ áááľ áľááááŤá áááá˝á áá¨ááŤááĄáĄ",
"en": "The latest ban has encompassed songs that appear to be far from overtly nationalistic, including the songs of the two musicians the author interviewed for this piece."
} | 0.742429 |
"amh": "áá
á¨ááŤáłá¨á áá°á á á¨áŁááá ááááŤáá˝áá ááááĽáľ ááá ááááŠá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "This signifies a clampdown on even moderate forms of cultural self-expression."
} | 0.848812 |
"amh": "á¨áá¨ááá ááá˛",
"en": "A counterproductive policy"
} | 0.747869 |
"amh": "áááá áťáá áááááá á¨á°áŁá ááá ááśááľáŹáľ á˛ááŞáŤá¸á áá፠á á áŠáľ áĽááľ áá á¨áŚáŽá áŁáá áá á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááľáĽ áľááá°á¨á áłááąá á áťááľ á˝ááᣠá áá áŤáá ááááĽáľ á¨áááááá ááááľ á¨áŁáá áĽááááľ á¨ááŤáłáŠááľá á¨áŚáŽá ááááá˝ áĽá¨á°á áá ááťá áááá°ááášá áááá˝ áá á áá´ áááá˘áŤ áĽá áĽáľá ááłááá¸áááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to academic Michael Shawn Mollenhauer, who wrote his doctoral dissertation on the topic of censorship of Oromo culture in Ethiopia, the current government uses Oromo musicians to present a facade of cultural diversity while systematically imprisoning and intimidating independent singers."
} | 0.799117 |
"amh": "á¨áá á°á፠áłáŞá ááááĽáľ á¨á°á¨á°á áľ áŤáľá á¨áááá˝ ááťááľá á¨ááá á°á¨á áá áŤáá áá áἠáĽáá°á á á áĽá ááááá ááá áĽáľá¨ááá áĽáá°áá¨á° ááłáŤ áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Hawi Tezera's story is an indicator that the state's grip on any form of freedom of expression is getting ever-tighter, with controls over music reaching a new low."
} | 0.778129 |
"amh": "ááá ááᣠáĽáááá á¨áááááá áá¤áľ áĽáŤáᣠá áá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "However, the crackdown is not having the desired effect."
} | 0.89397 |
"amh": "á¨ááá áłááąáŠ á¨áá¨á°á ááá á˘áá á¨áŚáŽá áĽááá°áááľá áá¨áአáááĄáĄ",
"en": "If anything, music censorship has helped strengthen Oromo nationalism."
} | 0.826847 |
"amh": "áĽááá áŚáŽááá˝ á áá ááááłá¸á á áááŁáĽ áĽáá°á°á á áá°áá¸ááᤠá¨ááá˛áŤ á°áááá¸á áá á ááááĽáľ áĽá¨á°á°ááᨠáŤáá áĽáĽá
áĽááľá áĽááášá áá°á áá áĽá¨ááá¸á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The overwhelming majority of Oromos already felt that their identity was being attacked unjustly, and the intensification of state harassment against a background of growing political unrest is tipping them over the edge."
} | 0.773963 |
"amh": "áá
á˝áá á áááá˝á áá ááááá˝ ááłá á°ááá˝ á ááá á ááŞááŠá áĽá á¨ááá áľááá˝ ááĽá ἠááťááľ áŽáá˝á á°á°ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "This story was commissioned by Freemuse, the leading defender of musicians worldwide, and Global Voices for"
} | 0.691392 |
"amh": "ááŁáĽá á ááá˝ á¨áááľ áŁááá áĽááá áááááá˝ á¨á¸ááá áĽá áĽááłááᣠááŞááŠá áĽá á¨ááá áľááá˝ á°á á
á°á áĽá á¨ááááŞáŤá á˝áá ááá á°áŤáá ááłá°á áá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The article may be republished by non-commercial media, crediting the author Endalk, Freemuse and Global Voices and linking to the origin."
} | 0.604617 |
"amh": "á¨áá°á áľáááľ áŤááá á ááľ áĽáá á°á á á´áľ áá
á¨áá áá á˘áŤ áá˝á ááľáĽ ááĽáś áłáĽáŚâ á˛áᣠááá¨áááŤáᣠáá ááł áŤáá áťááá á°á á¨ááᣠá¨áá á˘áŤ áŹááŤá ááľáłáá፠á¨áťáá á᪠áŤá á°áá˝á á áá¨áááą á áľááĽáś á°ááĽáˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "A viral detergent commercial showing a black man being stuffed into a washing machine by his Chinese girlfriend and washed into a handsome, light-skinned Chinese man sparked outrage outside China this week for its overt racism."
} | 0.543846 |
"amh": "á¨áá á˘áŤ áŹááŤá á ááŤáš áŠáŁááŤáŁ áŞáŤáŚá˘ áá˛áŤá áá
ááł á áá ááľáłáááŤáá á ááľáˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "The detergent company, Qiaobi, quickly apologized and withdrew the commercial, but its public statement accused foreign critics of overreacting."
} | 0.794097 |
"amh": "áĽá á¨áťáá ááá˝á á á˘áá°áááľ áá ááľáłáááŤá á¨áŁáá ááŠááľá á¨ááłá¨áą á áá ááá áá¨áááľ á¨áááᤠá¨áťáá ááἠá áĽáá ááἠáá áá¨á ááá á áá˝áá á áááľ áŠáŁááŤáá á°ááááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Many Chinese web users supported their defensive stance, saying the ad only reflects cultural differences rather than racism and proclaiming that it is impossible for Chinese to be racist toward black people."
} | 0.796848 |
"amh": "á¨áťáá ááŞáŁ á°áá˝ áá
á ááľáłáá፠áĽáá°áá¨áááľ ááŤáŠáľ áá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Outside China, people may find this ad racist."
} | 0.89813 |
"amh": "á áťáá áá á¨á°áᨠáááĄáĄ",
"en": "But in China, it is different."
} | 0.924108 |
"amh": "á á ááľáłáá፠áĽáť áááĄáĄ",
"en": "It is just an ad."
} | 0.917831 |
"amh": "ááá á áá á¨áŤáą áŁáá á ááᤠá áááŤá¨áśá˝á áááŤáŤááĄáĄ",
"en": "Each country has its own culture, and viewpoints are also difference."
} | 0.881333 |
"amh": "áŠáŁááŤá áááŤá áá á°áᏠáá á˘áŤ áá˝á ááľáĽ á˛áᣠááĽáŤáľ áá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The company can produce another ad and stuff a hairy white guy into washing machine."
} | 0.346495 |
"amh": "á ááŞáŤáášá áá áĽá áĽááŽá˝á áĽáá°áááá áááŻá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Tell the Americans that we discriminate against blacks and whites."
} | 0.808643 |
"amh": "áá
"en": "Are you satisfied?"
} | 0.800038 |
"amh": "ááľáłáááŤá á˝áá á¨áá áľáᤠá¨ááá˛áŤ áľááááááľá ááłá á áá¨áááľ áĽá áĽáŁáŤá˝á áá°áťáá á áłááĄáĽááĄáĄ",
"en": "There is no problem with the ad. Please don't import the political correctness about racism to China."
} | 0.770104 |
"amh": "á˘áŤ ááł áŤáá¸á áááŚá˝áŁ áĽáá ááł áŤáá¸áá áááŚá˝ á
á ááá°á á áŤáááᤠáááá áľ áĽáŤ á ááľáá°áˇá¸ááᤠá áááľ áá ፠á áá¸á§á¸áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Yellow-skinned people have never enslaved black-skinned people, have never forced them into labor or sold them on the open market. don't have the Ku Klux Klan or racial segregation."
} | 0.762893 |
"amh": "áĽááá°á á ááłá˝áá áĽáá ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Go after your real enemy."
} | 0.839532 |
"amh": "áá¨áááľ ááŽá˝ áĽááŽá˝á á˛áŤááá¸á áĽáť áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Only when white people discriminate against black people is it racism."
} | 0.706406 |
"amh": "á˘áŤ ááł áŤáá¸á áĽáá ááł áŤáá¸áá áŤááá á¨áŁáá ááŠááľ áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The discrimination against black-skinned people by yellow-skinned people is just cultural difference."
} | 0.689656 |
"amh": "ááŽá˝ áá¸á áá¨á ááá á¨ááááąáľáĄáĄ",
"en": "Whites are born racist."
} | 0.833212 |
"amh": "á¨ááŹáľ á á¤áąáłáá ááá áááľááᣠá¨áťáá á¨áá ááłá ááἠáááááľ áá ášááá ááľáłáá፠á á
áá áááłáá á¨áááá˝ áłááá á¨á°áᨠááľá°áľ áĽáá°áá á á á˝ááŚáľ á°ááá¨áᤠáťááá˝ á¨á ááŞáŤ á ááŽá˝ áá áááŤá áááľáá˝â áá¸á áĽááááĄáĄ",
"en": "To prevent the avalanche of negative press from spinning into a diplomatic crisis, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying stressed that spot was an isolated incident and that the Chinese are good brothers with African countries."
} | 0.804905 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááłá ááľáłáááŤá áĽá¸á á ááŁá á˘ááá áťááá˝ áá ááŞáŤááŤá áááŤá áááľáá˝â áá¸á á áá áá¨áááąá áĽááłá ááŤáą áá áľááá á áá°áá á áááľ áááľ á¨á ááľáŽááá (á¨áŁáá áĽááľ) á°ááŞáá˝ á°ááá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Though the commercial is indeed an isolated production, the denial of racism against black people existing in China and the claim that the Chinese are nothing but good brothers to black people are inaccurate, two anthropology students argued on investigative journalism platform The Initium."
} | 0.762136 |
"amh": "ááá ááᣠáá
ááááą áá¨áááľ á¨ááááą á¨á°ááł áťááá˝ ááľá°áá áĽááłáá˝á áááááĄáĄ",
"en": "But, they said, such racism has become so normalized that many Chinese fail to even see it."
} | 0.864 |
"amh": "á 1949 áĽááŁá á¨áŤá á áá á¨á°á¨áá á¨á ááŞáŤ áááľááťá¸áâ áá á áááŤáŁááŤá á˘áááŞáŤááá áá ááá°áŁá á ááá¨áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The Chinese Communist Party, after taking control of China in 1949, did attempt to unite with their oppressed African brothers against Western imperialism."
} | 0.746065 |