Southerly: Things to be Grateful For: A Snowy Morning 99 Responses First ←Older Page 1 2 3 4 Newer→ Last Bart Janssen, in reply to My partner is now adamant we need to buy a plunger and an egg-whisk. Emma! Must you bring your sex life into every thread? Wow, that’s some pretty photography, Joe! As opposed to my holiday snap talents… Mine too, actually. There are a few crash-hot local pictakers I know of, but only one dedicated enough to hit the snowy streets at 4 a.m. Really envy Bob's igloo, btw. Steve Barnes, in reply to When it happened just that particular variety for miles around would bolt to seed and die. Aparently they do that In fact, many bamboos only flower at intervals as long as 65. I was wondering if the rapid growth may be a precursor to such an event. I was wondering if the rapid growth may be a precursor to such an event. It's what I thought of when you mentioned it. I've only seen bamboo flowering twice, once in the late 70s in Wellington, and about 10 years later in the Auckland area. Typical grass flowers, turning to seed heads like rye grass. In both cases it was that common running variety that's a noxious weed in places like Greymouth district (I've seen it overwhelming native bush near Blackball). Something triggers its clock and there's a mass flowering followed by the big die-off. Bad time to be a panda. I remember a dismal rainy drive through drawn-out Dargaville where there was a lot of bamboo up farmhouse driveways etc. It looked as if the place had been hit with agent orange. Apparently some of the non-running varieties have become so dependent on suckering that they've never been known to flower. Yep, common running bamboo - and so-called bamboo grass- are noxious weeds* as far south as Haast. I asked my big nursery cousin for a variety of bamboo** that wouldnt engulf the entire neighbourhood and he gave me a plant, v.thin-stemmed, that - he garenteed- would be green forever and stay put...it has done so, and is still a joy. *I sometimes think today's noxious weed (furze, wilding pines, bamboo) may be tomorrow's really useful plant. I know this is not a popular view with DoC. **I plant symbolic things in places that I love: here, it was an apple tree (Cox's Orange), a totara (there were none on the flat at the time of planting) the bamboo, and 3 different types of ti-rakau...they all thrive. keeping our powder dry... I wrote an early morning comment - but then my wireless connection faded as the snow flurries thickened - but I was impressed that the Press delivery got through, and less impressed that several large snow-laden branches fell on the car (no real damage luckily the car had a padding of powder snow too) and in the absence of any small quakes to do the job, I had to go out and whack some of the other trees and shrubs which were at breaking point... ...it was pretty neat watching it snow most of the day - then the sun came out for a while and it was all drip, drip, drip - now it's all cold, dark and slushy out there... Life is ever interesting down here... PS: loved that "the icing on the quake" line... and Islander surely your mum's dog would be a Bijon Freeze today? Yo! Good one! - Bella is a nice little animal, and, like all her kind, she has a thick woolly coat. Unfortunately her pads - and tongue- dont- David Haywood, in reply to Really envy Bob’s igloo, btw. With the housing shortage in Christchurch we’re planning to rent it out. In fact, your envy has made us raise our original asking price. SPECIFICATIONS: Suitable for a family of four. Refrigeration included at no extra cost: $450 per week. No vegetarians. Suitable for people who like the colour white. Refrigeration included at no extra cost: $450 per week. No vegetarians. Perfect spot to chill out & chew the fat. As an old Antarctic explorer, may I comment on your "igloo". We were taught how to make both igloo and hedgehog. Yours is technically a hedgehog. What is supposed to happen is the support you piled the snow over gets removed and the inside hole gets 'chiselled' out to fit he who wishes to inhabit the 'obbit hole. We piled snow over our packs. The snow (if it is crispy enough) will stick quite nicely such that you can even stand on it. How goes your snow??? Is suspect your snow is NZ sea level snow. Wet. And when the wind stops blowing.....isn't it amazingly quiet??? I remember being in the Windless Bight, south of Ross Island. The quietest place I have ever experienced. Nothing. White, deep snow, miles from anywhere and you could even hear your blood flow. Breathing was too noisy. White, deep snow, miles from anywhere and you could even hear your blood flow. Breathing was too noisy. My mother reports that the local hoons - who use her street as part of their circuit- and the truckies - who normally also use her street as part of their detour route-are conspicuously absent. "It's so quiet...." Snow itself: the sound of silence- and yes, the snow has been both *coastal* and sealevel through much of the south. Heh. So...Hilary...are we off to the knackers now? Pssst....call me. I'm good with gizmos. Nice tree hut though...don't you think? Hilary Stace, in reply to Lovely tree hut, beautiful ladder. I like engineers (my father had three engineering degrees but wasn't very good at the practical application), and just got that clip from another source and it seemed appropriate, although it was not about snow. Suitable for people who like the colour white non-hillside modernist decor Perhaps it’s because I’m in upstate New York at the moment, remembering the long grey winters here... How're you liking the unbearable heat we have right now, then, eh? Gaaah. I would happily - happily - donate a good twenty or thirty degrees to the good people of Christchurch. On the plus side, I can now tell you the closest ice cream purveyor to any point in town, and have finally figured out what the "mist" setting on the hose is for. Ice Station Zebra crossing it's a crunchy morning in Chchch all the snow is now iceblocks or sheets cars sound like icebreakers outside... ...so watch out under trees & eaves today folks Gravity is implacable and meltwater a great lubricant, cycle helmets all round! Meanwhile, MetService spokesman Bob McDavitt said he heard a report of a snow flake being seen in Lambton Quay. I’m off to build the world’s smallest snowman. I can confirm that more than one flake of snow was seen in Kelburn - it snowed at my place for oooohhh, 5 minutes at least! Very exciting! Except I was so busy tweeting about it it didn't occur to me to take a photo. Darn it! Today is a beautiful blue-sky day here in Welli - and it's FREEZING - although I suspect not quite as freezing as the South Island. * sigh * I miss proper snow. I apologise for the threadjack, but I keep forgetting to post this on a Friday. It's irrelevant, of course (to pretty much everything). I downloaded that for a friend of the teutonic persuasion a while back, who blurted out "That's beautiful!" at about 5 seconds in, before remembering that they were supposed to laugh at it. Horns of the di lemma? Horn, horns, horning around. Lederhausen or as Wiki points out, these are more correctly Liederhosen, song-breeches. Their socks are down!!!! A bit Ruff. Heh. Try this armpit muso or this guy I bet both their names are Stan. Megan Wegan, in reply to and yes, the snow has been both *coastal* and sealevel through much of the south. Snowman is an Island- er. Still can't get over that Snow Dalek. That was just awesomeness personified. Is that Donne gagging out there in the sleet? Shall I rush out and toll the fire bell? Nah, it's too bloody cold... but the puns & wordplay from you jokers are quite warming- Ironically, David, whilst in Fiji, Kath pxted me with a photo of her 17cm of snow in normally balmy Waimairi Beach. Lovely. And yes, think of how much your house has seen in the last 100 yrs. She is far too lovely to be laid waste to. First ←Older Page 1 2 3 4 Newer→ Last Post your response… This topic is closed.
Hard News: A week being a long time in politics 336 Responses First ←Older Page 1 2 3 4 5 … 14 Newer→ Last If trademe forums had existed (did it?) a few weeks before the 2002 election, you'd probably have found a preponderance of rightwingers moaning on about helengrad and the like. Dinah Dunavan, in reply to Any candidate who goes into the last week of a campaign complaining about “media bias” is in a losing position, that line may shore up your core support but looks whiney and dishonest to the undecideds Unless you happen to be Winston Peters, in which case you look strong and pricipled and the swing voters head towards you in droves. Not releasing the tapes is playing right into Peter's hands. He is getting way more news time than he might have done otherwise and I haven't heard anyone calling "bull shit" on his pronouncements regarding the content of the tapes. Which makes me think that either he knows the content, or the media is his poodle again. Richard Aston, in reply to the media is his poodle again. Dinah the media have always been his poodle ( with some exceptions) he whistles and they came running up like puppy dogs eager for some action. If trademe forums had existed (did it?) a few weeks before the 2002 election, you'd probably have found a preponderance of rightwingers moaning on about helengrad and the like. There was a popular NZ forum I used to hang around on for a period of a few years which happened to coincide with both the 2005 and 2008 elections. I used to play a variation on Godwin: how many posts would it take for an entirely unrelated subject to attact a post decrying PC gone mad and the KKKlarke government in Helengrad. Someone would start a thread asking how to change their oil filter/worm the cat/tie a fishing lure/fix their flux capacitor/whatever, and it was more or less guaranteed that within half a dozen posts someone would post a rantette about how it was so much more difficult these days because you couldn't import the parts required, they were banned, just because all those children in Oaklahoma went blind, it was all the gubbermint's fault, a free man couldn't breath these days without some interfering lesbian peering over his shoulder, and so on. It got highly tedious very quickly, and I gave that particular forum up a couple of years ago. But it was usually the same couple of dozen or so users every time (out of probably 500 active/semi-active participants). Filtering their opinion as outliers was relatively straightforward. And, possibly uniquely, I met a reasonable number of the other users in real life. Their opinions sync'd reasonably closely to what they were saying online, and were, I think, a reasonable way of gauging 'the public mood'. So, even allowing (and compensating for) the 'angry right winger' element, something like the TM forums, which are active across a broad scope of NZ society, could be a useful way of sniffing the air. Maybe. Interviewing a browser is perilous at the best of times. Bart Janssen, in reply to I'm not going to change anyone else's mind and vice versa That seems to be the message of this election entirely. For all the sound and fury, for all the photo opportunities, the polls* seem to show that people made up their minds 6 months ago or more. It doesn't stop us having discussions. * But the polls may not be correct, sample sizes are small and sampling is not random so that leaves me very curious about the results of the only poll that actually matters. Richard Aston, in reply to Me too JLM - I am really worried about the level of unbridled power about to wash over us like a tsunami . Tim Watkins blog on this has not had much pick up yet. He's looking out over the teapots to a very scary future. Euan Mason, in reply to "What gets me is how any government in NZ, 2011 can get any support at all for the prospect of selling assets." The answer lies in that which regularly destroys economic prosperity in the west; people want reduced taxes but enhanced services, and they don't see the oxymoronic connection. Selling state assets provides a short period during which a government can bask in the glow of fairyGodMotherhood. Bart Janssen, in reply to in the west ???? Western Europe is a high tax high service structure as is Scandinavia. Craig Ranapia, in reply to Me too JLM – I am really worried about the level of unbridled power about to wash over us like a tsunami . First, I guess we should wait a while until the only poll that really matters (tm) is signed, sealed and delivered. :) Otherwise, I don't know how seriously to take all the hand-wringing about "unbridled power". If National ends up enjoying an absolute majority of seats in the next Parliament (which, FWIW, I don't believe will happen) I say that's one for the "democrazy's a bitch, but she's our bitch" file. I'd also note that even if National is in a position to govern along, we're exceedingly unlikely to see Jar-Jar Binks (Nat - Naboo) move a motion to vest powers in John Key to bring about the creation of the Galactic Empire. Neil Graham, in reply to For all the sound and fury, for all the photo opportunities, the polls seem to show that people made up their minds 6 months ago or more. People may not change to a different party but if they have a sour taste in their mouth about their pick on election day then they might think it's not worth heading down to the voting booth. democrazy’s a bitch, but she’s our bitch But as Neil's comment suggests, that's no longer true if a sizeable proportion of voters are disengaged. In regards to the trade me forum, in my experience it is simply a mindless outlet for mass manipulation and is wall to wall with rightwing ‘operatives’, (a loyal and longstanding crew) making every effort to influence what could potentially be a very large audience comparative to other ‘blogs’ To suggest tm is a valid representation of public opinion is a set up waiting for a punch line ... we’re exceedingly unlikely to see Jar-Jar Binks (Nat – Naboo) move a motion to vest powers in John Key to bring about the creation of the Galactic Empire Yeah, but somehow I still don't find the argument "they may be muppets, but they're our muppets" very satisfying... Richard Aston, in reply to I’d also note that even if National is in a position to govern along, we’re exceedingly unlikely to see Jar-Jar Binks (Nat – Naboo) move a motion to vest powers in John Key to bring about the creation of the Galactic Empire. What you mean we haven't created a Galactic Empire already - shit I thought we had that sussed - what are our leaders doing twiddling their thumbs? Here comes NBR on a "Get Winston" white charger: I wonder if that story has been waiting in the wings "just in case". we're exceedingly unlikely to see Jar-Jar Binks (Nat - Naboo) move a motion to vest powers in John Key to bring about the creation of the Galactic Empire. Isn't that pretty much what this government has already done to Christchurch/Canterbury - and got away with? Do we really want to see what Joyce looks like with no checks and balances other than internal party tensions? Yeah, but somehow I still don’t find the argument “they may be muppets, but they’re our muppets” very satisfying… Oh, I don’t so why should you? :) But I also don’t find particularly satisfying cursing the outcome of a free, fair and credible election when the outcome isn’t to your liking. Chris Trotter had a typically nasty projectile spew in the Sunday Star Times the day after the last election, and Brash didn’t exactly distinguish himself as a graceful (narrow) loser after the last one. I wonder if that story has been waiting in the wings “just in case”. I believe Matt Nippert has been working on this story for a long time (and it’s exactly the kind of financial investigative piece the NBR has done well in the past), but I’m sure the last week has been a welcome hook. I’m hoping the cock-struck press will decide that now’s an opportune moment to take a look at who might ride into Parliament on Winnie’s coattails. IIRC, 5% will bring in five or six other MPs with Peters. If Andrew Williams is the cream of that crop, we should all be very very nauseated. My point about TM is that it could give a wider view of the populations views on politics compared with here (liberal/left) Kiwiblog (right/raving ) or the Standard (hard left/raving ) I can't say I have followed it enough to say which way it swings or is swung except it seems to mirror the polls which show about 50% National and quite a few Winston followers who I don't come across in the flesh at all Rich of Observationz, in reply to a rantette about how it was so much more difficult these days You know, and forgive me for being callous, but the absolute locus of this stuff would be the West Coast, and especially people like miners. Then of course, it comes out that unsafe behaviour became routine, possibly because the workers and management considered such things to be lesbian-imposed political correctness. The saga has reached the Guardian's Media site although without much comment, yet RB: I fondly recall reading there once a warning that I was "an extreme Marxist", which would certainly surprise the folk at The Standard. lol ;) Rich of Observationz, in reply to I guess you're pretty happy with Phil Goff then, and his trappist vow of silence for the first 18 months of the Key government. Me, I think the job of the opposition is to oppose, and that starts the day after the election. Russell Brown, in reply to I can’t say I have followed it enough to say which way it swings or is swung except it seems to mirror the polls which show about 50% National and quite a few Winston followers who I don’t come across in the flesh at al I recall there being plenty of perfectly nice and mutually supportive people there -- but also a much higher percentage of angry nutbars than you would find in actual real life. Mind you, it's got nothing on the Yahoo NZ forums, which tend to make Kiwiblog comments look like Public Address. After all these years, I'm still sometimes amazed at how horrible people feel they can be online. and their job is to present a viable alternative - another activity that takes a few years, not a few weeks. I recall there being plenty of perfectly nice and mutually supportive people there – but also a much higher percentage of angry nutbars than you would find in actual real life. It’s the whole cloak of anonymity thing – trolls can get away with saying nasty stuff on the Web that they wouldn’t use in real life. As the #mencallmethings movement goes to show, blowing their cover is the thing they most dread. And if we ever get our own Anders Breivik, would it force them to pause and think, or just invoke the No True Scotsman clause or worse? First ←Older Page 1 2 3 4 5 … 14 Newer→ Last Post your response… This topic is closed.
Doha, QATAR – Qatar Airways Group celebrated Qatar’s National Sports Day with fun and excitement attracting more than 1,500 staff and their families for a range of sporting activities. Staff Celebrate Healthy Living Enjoying Fun Day Out With Colleagues And Families The event brought smiles and camaraderie all round making the special occasion a great fun day out. The fun-packed day began bright and early at Doha’s Al Jazeera Academy, offering a wide range of sporting activities, including football, basketball, tennis, cricket and volleyball. Participants were able to choose from a variety of games on offer at Al Jazeera Academy’s excellent sporting facilities. The programme also included races and zumba dance classes for children and mums, indoor playground area for children, together with a cafeteria offering snacks and refreshments. The face painting and henna stations proved extremely popular for children and women. Special t-shirts and caps featuring the Qatar Airways and National Sports Day logos were distributed to all participants. The team activities saw competition at its fiercest as airline group employees showed their sporting skills on the field and on court. The day’s activities came to a close with trophies presented to winning teams. An additional incentive saw an array of raffle prizes on offer donated by local organisations. More Than 1,500 Participants Turned Up Making The Annual Event A Huge Success For National Airline Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said the airline was delighted with the strong turnout that showed a commitment to supporting the state’s vision promoting sports and healthy living among citizens and expatriates living in Qatar. “This year, the response from our staff was bigger and better than last year’s celebrations,” he said. “We see this annual event as a great opportunity for us to bring together our employees and their families for a fun day out. It was a pleasure to see so much team spirit and enthusiasm of our employees. We want them to stay in good health not only for their physical and mental well-being, but also for everyone as a healthy society is what we all strive for.” National Sports Day is celebrated every second Tuesday of February and is an initiative adopted by the Heir Apparent His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. The annual event demonstrates Qatar's desire and dedication to building healthy communities as it also gears up to host the much anticipated 2022 FIFA World Cup. Qatar Airways has a rich history of lending its full support to sporting events in Doha and overseas, being named the Official Airline of key tournaments in the country’s sporting calendar. These include the men’s and women’s tennis, the Qatar ExxonMobil Open and Qatar Total Open respectively, as well as cycling and golf – the Tour of Qatar and the Qatar Masters – all of which have taken place in the first two months of the year, with many others upcoming. Qatar Airways, one of the world’s fastest growing airlines,:
From Eyewitness News: A woman battling a long-term illness died in her home in the College Point section of Queens, leaving her toddler to crawl around her lifeless body for hours. Authorities say 32-year-old Saydie Rentas collapsed in the kitchen of her home on 11th Avenue sometime Thursday afternoon. Rentas was home with her 21-month-old son, Brian Rodriquez, at the time. Her husband was at work. She was reportedly dead for at least four hours, and possibly more, when her husband called a neighbor to check on her. The neighbor, who had a key, went into the house at around 8 p.m. and discovered Rentas' lifeless body. Authorities say her son was crawling around her body and eating food out of the dog bowl. He was taken to a nearby hospital for observation. An autopsy conducted Friday morning determined Rentas died from complications of lupus. Her death is not considered suspicious. Friday, July 23, 2010 College Point mother dies, baby eats dog food Posted by Queens Crapper at 2:50 PM Labels: baby, College Point, death 17 comments: It's not lupis. So sad. How sad. Poor baby. :( umm . peoplee need to get their stories straight , im saydiess step son and in these stories you "writers" swear u get the story straight because 1 . it was lupus . 2 . the baby's fine thank you for asking and 3. the writers . "leaving her toddler to crawl around her lifeless body for hours. " cmmon get a life . was it planed that she would die . "21-month-old son, Brian Rodriquez ." brian is far from his name and he is turning 2 in 2 weeks . so that makes him 23 months . "The neighbor, who had a key" the neighbor didn't have a key . "Authorities say her son was crawling around her body" 1 hes 23 months obviously he knows how to walk and he was laying beside her waiting for her hoping she would wake up. She was an amazing mother and you reporters who don't know crap mind your business . R.I.P Saydiee . <3 Prayers for her family - this is a shame. Unfortunately, it does happen occasionalyy God bless her and may he watch over her family durning this very difficult time. Davidd, you need to step away from articles that have minor details wrong, and grieve... and pick up a dictionary so you come across a bit more credible and intelligent. if u dont knoww what you are talking about dont write nothing . and they diddnt know what they were talking about . they get paid to make stories like this not make stupid mistakes . @ anonymous... the CHILD just lost his step-mom. people grieve in different ways. have a heart, he's brave for sticking up for what he believes is right. @ David, i'm so sorry for your loss...don't let the media get to you sweetheart. they are careless sometimes. From the Family R.I.P Saydie Rentas We all love you and u will be missed tremendously You were a joy to know!! We all know your in a better place and you are One of Gods Angels!!!! i found out soo sad to kno its was cause lupus i also have it too soo my prayeers go out to them,, Saydie was one of the most amazing women and wonderful mothers any one could ever ask for. Every one that knew her was a better person for having been in her presence. She always had a kind word and a loving smile, she lit up a room when she entered. Little Dave, my love, don't let these people get to you. As you can see people, most people, do have a heart and do care. We all know who and what Saydie was to all of us. I love all of you guys. Take a piece of Saydie with you and use her as a great example of how to live your life. She loved you and your sister with all of her heart and soul. She was so proud of you guys. thank youu anonymous and careyy . Little Dave - I love you, and Saydie loved you SO MUCH! You were always there for her, defending her, protecting her, loving her. We were all blessed to have her in our lived. And the Anonymous person that said he should pick up a dictionary needs to shut the hell up. He is grieving, the way that a 14-year old boy should! He loved his step-mother, and he know's first hand the crap that was written was done so on a whim - the story was not double-checked and facts were far from correct! Saydie, this world is a better place because of you - and we are better because you touched our lives in ways that no other could. Rest In Peace Sweetheart. I will always love you. I am David's godfather. To the individual that made the comment that David should get a dictionary, I say this, apparently tragedy has never come your way. When your heart is in pain and you can not figure why life has thrown such a tragedy your way and your emotions are at a level that you have never experienced, spelling is the last thing you are concerned with. And if this doesn't give you a little better perspective about life and death, then come and see me. I will surely put it in perspective for you in two different colors.... BLACK & BLUE... Dave senior, Dave Jr, and Jesse I love you all, and you know that I will be always be there for you. The story was apparently just news for the night; but Sayde was my niece. A loving wife, mom, daughter, and friend to many. She was ill for a very long time; and we are all sure she didn;t just plan to collapse alone leaving RYAN (NOT BRIAN)alone to eat dog food.My family hated this article from the 1st time we read it;but there was so much else that was very important at the time. The story showed no empathy; Lil David had every right to speak up. It's truly heartbreaking and I hope the family finds peace.
From the Daily News: Racing to rescue a helpless woman from the clutches of a would-be rapist, Bryan Teichman had just seconds Wednesday to decide whether he should start yelling - or revert to his Marine training and attack the man. "My gut said to scream first, to avoid the conflict," said the 31-year-old Queens resident. "So I screamed, you know, some profanities, but basically: 'Get off her!'" That was enough, police said, to send the suspect running - and for Teichman to be hailed as the city's newest hero. 16 comments: the rapist will be back, just like the rest of the shit that flows in your cesspool city Where in Whitestone did this happen??? Engaged & committed. This man was engaged to help the victim and took the right decisions to do so to help the victim be freed from the rapist immediately. When they catch him, they should castrate him with a blunt object and then cut of his tongue so that he cant utter a sound ever again. Then they should cut off his left foot and half his left leg. Amputate his right arm and his left hand. this way this animal can never harm anything ever again.. Uh, does it not strike anybody as very strange that the artist's depiction of the rapist looks EXACTLY like this guy???? Brian doesn't have salt and pepper hair, his eyebrows and width of his jaw are different and he wasn't wearing a red shirt and jean shorts. this is a great man for geting involved. Yet again well said AL......... Great Job! - but I don't know that I would want the reqard of my picture under the title "Rapist ..." I'll let an anonymous comment left on a NY Times blog speak for me: “Whenever terrorists attack one of the first things the left worries about is that the victim will "overreact" in their response. This same line of thinking is how the left became known as the party soft on crime. Whenever someone is raped, the left just wants to make sure that the rapist is not handled roughly by the arresting officers, that the rapist is questioned properly, that people understand the rapist had a tough childhood, that people understand the rapist could have gotten help but Reagan cut the program which would have helped him, that the rapist gets a fair jury, judge and trial and that the rapist does not get an unfairly long sentence, and then when the rapist gets out that he is not unfairly discriminated against as a sex offender in the community, and you know those sex offender registrations go too far and make it so those poor rapists don't get a chance to rehabilitate themselves, and on and on..” – Comment posted on NY Times blog after an Islamic terrorist group attacked the Taj Hotel in Bombay, India And where was that "competent police force" at the time of the attack? When a nabe makes it its business to put out a vibe that it's tough and will take care of its own....would be criminals tend to shun it! And that's a well proven fact. i.e. street crime isn't tolerated in "protected" neighborhoods like Bensonhurst, Bay Ridge, Little Italy, etc. And it ain't the police force that's doing the main protecting there. Thing is we have a sick individual on the loose in the neighborhood. We all need to be vigilant and keep our eyes open. If you think you see this vile piece of shit, call 911 immediately. Plaster the area with flyers, watch out for each other, and be alert. He needs to be caught and he will. Again the guy who helped this woman did what needed to be done, the only shame is that the Police didnt get there in time to catch him. Lets hope he is caught before he strikes again. Stay alert. And for Our Hero Bryan ;-) SEMPER FI Brother ..... Remember the guy in Brooklyn who did the same thing to a guys sister? No you dont, why? because we took care of him ourselves. nothing elsed eva happened here. The good samaritian does look alot like the rapist...I thought I was the only reader who thought that....really weird...
The Human Rights Campaign has created a comprehensive list of dozens of organizations that have contributed to proposition 8, please boycott the businesses on the list below. Friday, March 20, 2009 Companies to Boycott Over Prop 8! 48 comments: Local Lanscape Construction Company should be added to list of prop 8 supporters. Hiding under the name FETON RANCH DEVELOPMENT. John Phelan Glendora, CA Picture Perfect Construction, Inc. pictureperfectconstruction.com Contributor name John Phelan Occupation Contractor Employer FETON RANCH DEVELOPMENT City Glendora State or country CA ZIP 91741 Position Support Amount $250.00 Payment type Monetary Transaction date 9/4/2008 Committee name Protectmarriage.Com - Yes On 8, A Project Of California Renewal Hey, this is great, but where are the international corporations on this list? We know Pepsi is with us on this issue, but what about other big companies?? I love how you use the slogan "Stop the H8" or "No on H8", yet you have created a blacklist. It is almost comical that you fail to see the irony in the way you are choosing to fight "hate". Dearest dimwitted Shannon- If a company donated money to back a proposition to take away a woman's right to vote, I wonder if you would boycott that company. Women did not have the right to vote until 1920 in America, a right you now enjoy but never fought for in your life. The mormon and catholic churches (purposely not capitalized) have NEVER supported women's rights in any form. If your rights had been left to a popular vote, you would not be voting today. Also, please note that every time ANYONE does or says ANYTHING that these churches don't like they tell their MILLIONS of followers to boycott. We are not doing anything hateful. We want to be aware of where our money is spent. I refuse to spend my hard earned dollars to support those who think I am less than human. I'm sorry if you find that comical! The leader of the Yes on 8 campaign said that we don't have "the right" to boycott. You can read this quote for yourself in the majority of the articles from major news sources about yesterday's protests. The fact that this individual believes that we don't have the right to choose where we spend our hard-earned money gives you an immediate sense of how accurately he (and the rest of Yes on 8 supporters) understand the principles of freedom that are intrinsic to America. A boycott isn't about hate, Shannon, it's about choosing not to hand over our money to people who think an entire group of Californians are second-class citizens. It's a choice to stop FUNDING hate. How interesting that when it is your group who is boycotting, it is acceptable. But, I guarantee if I were to boycott all the gays who contributed to the No on 8 campaign, I would be labeled a bigot. Again, it is almost comical that you fail to see the hypocrisy of your arguments and actions. Seven - targeting specific people who participated in the democratic process not hateful enough for you? How about defacing places of worship? Are you going to come up with some half-baked excuse for how that is perfectly acceptable? OR how about resorting to name calling simply because someone disagrees with your opinion? Is that a good example of hate?? Shannon, you are a dolt. If you boycotted homosexuals for being homosexuals, you wouldn't be LABELED a bigot, you would BE a bigot. I refuse to give any of my money to support a company that will give my money to someone else JUST TO PASS A DISCRIMINATING BILL. Great list... now I know who to do business with. The list is a double edged sword. By the way... prop 8 passed. Marriott Hotels (including Fairfield Inns, Springhill Suites, Residence Inns, Courtyards, JW Marriott, Ritz-Carlton, and Renaissance) should be included as well. Although Bill Marriott did NOT actually donate to the campaign, he is a Mormon in good standing (meaning that he tithe to the church - thus, the money you pay at the hotel does in part end up with the church) - and although thes Fairfields, Springhills, most of the the rest are franchises, the do pay "license fees" and other money to Marriott International, which is a major contributor to Mormon-related charities, and a major employer in Utah. Far from choosing not to do business with those with whom you disagree, many gays are actively disrupting businesses with picketing, vandalism and intimidation. What's your justification for that? Alex, you are struggling to understand, so let me help you. If you read my post again, you would see where your mistake is. But, just read this one SLOWLY, so you can understand. I did not say I wanted to boycott all gays. My example only referred to boycotting those who contributed to the No on 8 campaign. See, YOUR example of boycotting all gays regardless of their involvement in Prop 8 would be considered bigoted. In fact, your example is more akin to what the GLBT community is doing right now by targeting all Mormons, regardless of their involvement in Prop 8. The post just after yours is a wonderful example of the bigotry I am referring to. You guys are going to boycott Bill Marriott, not because he contributed to the Yes on 8 campaign, or even voted Yes(since he does not live in Cali), but simply because he is a Mormon. I don't think you can get a more blaring example of bigotry than that. Is that clear enough for you, Alex? Or do I need to use smaller words? O ye hypocrites! Shannon. You're a bigot. And you obviously see gays and lesbians as less-than, or not deserving of the same rights everybody else gets. We're free to boycott, which is a perfectly acceptable method of protest. You're free to not spend your money at gay-owned businesses, or those that donated against Prop 8, *even though* gays getting married wouldn't harm you personally. This harms us personally, do you see the difference? If not, please just go elsewhere and stop posting your annoyingly obtuse comments here. S.S.L - What you fail to see or understand is that I simply disagree with you. You can call me a bigot all you want(it must make you feel better), but in so doing, you are highlighting the problem that your side fails to acknowledge. Are there some people who are Yes on 8 who hate gays and think that they are all going to hell? Absolutely. Are there lots of people(like me)who have nothing against gays, but would just like to keep the traditional definition of marriage? And do those people also believe(as I do) that gays who form a union should have all the rights that I do as a married person? ABSOLUTELY! I also don't believe that people should have premarital sex or drink alcohol. I don't hate the people that do those things, nor do I think they are going to hell. I just disagree. You can continue screaming, Lemur, but constantly yelling "Bigot!" at someone just for disagreeing with you will never advance your cause. everybody, listen up!! shannon is incapable of understanding rational, compassionate thoughts and arguments, so stop wasting your precious time and energy on her....she's nothing but a bigot and will never be able to pull her head far enough out of her own ass to see reality. let it go!! dedicate your focus toward people with loving hearts...people who are confused, not people who have no soul. And that last post is a perfect example of why you have lost the same sex marriage battle in 30 states in just 4 years. Heaven forbid you actually listen to someone who respectfully disagrees with you! Shannon - whoever you are - the reason they keep calling you slow and a bigot, and the reason you keep failing to understand, is the fact that, forgetting everything Prop 8 has to do with personal beliefs, Prop 8 is blatantly against the 14th Amendment of our United States Constitution. If you have a problem with basic civil rights, feel free to move to a country that enjoys discriminating against its own citizens. The fact that something that takes away a citizens equal rights (no, sorry, California domestic partnership laws are NOT the same as marriage, no matter how many people have brainwashed you into believing this) was allowed to be on our ballot is appalling, and you should be ashamed to call yourself an American. If you're proud of such a thing tainted by personal beliefs and bigotry to be allowed on an American voting ballot, then you, my friend, have no faith in the American way, and whether you are Christian, atheist, white, black, rich, or poor - you are still a bigot. Hey Shannon! How are you? Your family? Friends? Did you have a good week? I'm doing well, just here doing what I can to make my little voice heard. I believe everyone should be treated equally so I was against prop 8. I also believe that you can't change the way people think or feel, the only true change you can make is the changes you make in your life. So I try to treat people the way I'd like to be treated, be more tolerant and think before I speak. I've never been to a YES ON 8 website or bulletin, there is nothing I can say that will change their minds, they'll only see me as an irritant. Besides, I would rather spend my time talking to friends, hanging out with family, being with the people I love... but that's just me. Take care of yourself :) Melissa Martine Meliisa - I am doing well. Thanks! Unlike you, I had been on many No on 8 websites before the election because I always strive to understand the other person's viewpoint. But it seems as if the NO on 8 side has no desire to understand the other side. I post on here, because it takes all of 5 minutes and it's really easy to do. Unlike protesting in front on places of worship(where you will only be seen as an irritant), or roaming the streets of Los Angeles for hours and hours, stopping up traffic. Katie - As I said in my previous post, I think you should have all the rights that married couples do, just call it something different(you know, the same thing Elton John said. Is he a bigot too?). So you would then have all the same rights. And there would be no civil rights issue. See? Also, I find it a little strange that you asked me if I am proud to have voted according to my personal beliefs. Well, doesn't everyone vote according to there personal beliefs??? Shannon - you described your presence on this website the best "(where you will only be seen as an irritant)" How about we get marriage and you get civil unions, its the same thing, you are happy right? QU - maybe a little irritation is good. Isn't that what you guys are doing with all of those protests - irritating people? Actually, I think the state should only do civil unions for all people and leave marriage up to the churches. I'm disappointed in you QU. I mistakenly thought the reason you didn't delete posts that disagreed with your side was because you were open to listening to other people's viewpoints. Guess I was wrong. I understand that those on this site might feel threatened by someone who is making a valid point. I don't delete your posts because you are entitled to your opinion, just not entitled to the right to force your agenda on us and to destroy the constitution. As for being threatened by your points, that is laughable. I will ask your for the third time, how about we get marriage and you get civil unions, its the same thing straight people, why do you want special rights? QU - I don't really have an agenda, but you guys certainly do. And wouldn't trying to overturn something that the majority of the people voted for be considered forcing one's agenda? You've only asked me twice(but hey, who's counting?), and I think I answered your question pretty clearly. In fact, I am surprised that you even suggested something that goes so against your strong beliefs of everyone being equal(so in case that wasn't clear, I don't think your idea is a good one). But, I'll explain my position AGAIN. I would like to keep the traditional definition of marriage. But, if I could choose, I would make it so that marriage was not used at all as a means of determining benefits at the state or federal level. Everyone would have a civil union because that is fair and equal. Now I have a question for you. It seems that even your definition of marriage would still exclude some people. What about the asexuals that don't want to get married? Why are they discriminated against by the government(in terms of receiving tax breaks, etc) just because they don't have the desire to marry someone. In fact, marriage in general discriminates against all single people. And why? Just because they are single. How unfair! And what about polygamous relationships? What if three people love each other? Are you including them in your fight for the "basic right" to marry? Shannon - I am fine with federal civil unions only for gay and lesbian couples, but that means no marriage for heterosexual couples either. We all get civil unionized, fine. Some asexuals want to get married some don't, marriage equality is about having the right to marry the person you love or not to marry anyone if you don't want to. I also don't want single people to be lacking any benefits and yes I support people who are polyamorous and believe in group marriage if that makes people happy. It's good to see that you are at least consistent in your views. I bet you never thought you would find some common ground with a "bigot". Shannon - I don't believe I ever referred to you as a bigot. I often find common ground with people when they come up with logical ideas. QU - I know you didn't refer to me as a bigot. But just about everybody else that posted did. I did want to get back to the whole reason I posted to begin with, which was to point out that it is unfair and hateful to protest people who had nothing to do with the Prop 8 vote(like Bill Marriott). And if the roles were reversed and Prop 8 had not passed, and we had started creating blacklists and protesting those who had contributed to the NO on 8 campaign(regardless of whether they are gay or straight), you guys would be decrying us as haters and bigots. arg! enough with Shannon.. I'm compiling a list of donors in my town....if they own a business they are going to get no business from me. It's very important to keep the discussion open with all the Shanons out there. She is just as hard-headed as we are. Yelling "bigot" does nothing to encourage someone to change their mind (remember caucusing?) When Shannon says we already have civil unions and should be content with that, she should be reminded that black and white drinking fountains look just the same as well. No one is trying to change the definition of marriage. Just make it more inclusive. The slippery slope argument about polygamists and incestuous relationships is just avoiding the issue at hand, but it does show us that she equates gay relationships to these other groups. For us, it is unfathomable to punish children with gay parents by not allowing the parents to marry all because a word in the dictionary might have a wider meaning. It appears that most of the population is made up of Shannons, who are certain that they are protecting something sacred; something unchanged for millennia. But of course, marriage has been in constant change for all of that time, or maybe it hasn't... Perhaps Shannon will have to acquire a sizable dowry before any marriage on her part could be considered. She needs to look inside of herself, examine these beliefs and then decide if they really represent the good she thinks she is doing. tara-please share that list with us whenever you compile it. anon-i think the slippery slope argument is silly, marriage is the union of 2 people, so whether it is a man-woman, man-man, woman-woman, it is still two people which doesn't anymore open the door for polygamy. Prop 8 isn't a violation of anyone's equal rights. If you are a gay man, you are free to marry a woman, just like a straight man. Similarly, straight men and gay men are treated equally, in that neither can "marry" another man. That is why this isn't the same as banning interracial marriage. In that case, a black man can't marry a white woman the same as a white man - black and white men are treated differently with respect to their ability to marry white women. The black man is denied a right solely because he is black. An equal rights violation would be if straight men were allowed to marry women, but gay men were not - that would be denying the gay man equal rights based on their sexual preference. The fact that gay men don't want to marry women doesn't mean they are denied equal rights. "Far from choosing not to do business with those with whom you disagree, many gays are actively disrupting businesses with picketing, vandalism and intimidation. What's your justification for that?" If I'm being attacked, I'm going to attack back. It's called self-defense. Unfortunately the federal government does not agree with the above post. As a gay man, I have NO right to get married. If I were to marry a female, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement would define it as a fraudulent, 'sham' marriage. I found this link, and had hoped to find a neatly prepared list of companies that we could, as a group, boycott to show our displeasure with their choice and persuade them to spend their money more wisely. Instead, what I find is a board of "rants and raves" against each other. Are we fighting for the same cause? If so, let's get some organization here, and compile an accurate list of organizations that supported Prop 8..... Cal Net Technology and it's owner Zach Schuler are SUPER prop 8 supporters. Last I checked, anyone in CA could get married, as long as they followed the rules regarding marrying a member of the opposite sex. So, what right was taken away? Marriage is a religious institution…respect it for anyone with any one or get rid of it all together. Civil unions for everyone. My wife and I are considering divorce out of solidarity for our gay brothers and sisters. LOL "all men are free to marry a woman" is like passing a law that says "everyone is free to worship Jesus any way they like, but not anyone else"... it applies equally to everyone, so where's the problem? The problem is that Muslims and pagans, etc, are not free to worship Jesus without denying part of who they are. Likewise, gay men are not actually "free" to marry women without denying their sexuality. The other way to point out your fallacy goes like this: A man and a woman are each interested in a third person... one of them is allowed to marry that person and the other isn't... the only difference between them is their sex/gender. How is that not gender discrimination? How is that not exactly like your example of interracial marriage where a black man and a white man each want to marry a woman, but one can and one can't, and the only difference between them is race? Oooooh this is fun. I'm liking Shannon. He does have a point, but it's not the one that he thinks he has.... Ooooh, and BTW, where's the master-list of companies to avoid doing business with because of their anti-LGBTQ policies? I know Exxon/Mobil and Wal*Mart are on that list but, who else? Boycotts cut both ways. Everyone has access to the Gay Yellow Pages, too. I think LGBT supporters and members need to think before they get involved in an anti-hetertosexual campaign. Defending oneself against hate is not hate. It just isn't. Why in the world would I want to give $$ to people who will turn around and use it to prevent me from marrying?? There is nothing wrong with this list. As a matter of fact, thank God for it... I was at the airport a while back, and saw a book. A neatly compiled listing of all the companies that supported Focus on the Family(a very ANTI-gay organization). Now, Focus on the Family donates to many anti-gay causes...even Yes on Prop 8. With that said, those companies obviously have an agenda that they are supporting and may be contributing to other ANTI-gay causes and organizations. I didn't buy the book I saw at the airport at that time; However, I am actively pursuing a copy now. Shannon made me realize that I don't want to support people that believe in(and actively try to leagally enforce) discrimination. I have some friends that do not believe in gay equality. This doens't mean that I can't be their friend, it simply means we disagree. However, I'm certainly not going to give them money that they will use to support a cause that discriminates against me. I don't hate my friend,...I just love me enough to fight for what I believe in. Besides, I have to right to spend my money where-ever I choose. So, I believe the best thing to do is go to the source. If corp A donates to ORG B, and ORG B supports CAUSE C(who is historically anti-gay), then don't shop with CORP A or ORG B. Those places are all the sources of funding. It makes sense. And Shannon, please understand that we(a majority of us anyway) don't hate these places, we just have to support ourselves and protect ourselves from those out to hurt us(like Prop 8). I'm not going to post again, I just wanted to sound out my thought son the matter and this is what it is. Best wishes, BW getting back to the list itself: I'm amazed at how many bigot dentists there are... Just re-hashing this thread for those who haven't seen it. If you have explain to someone that there is a difference between having an open dialogue about marriage equality AND taking rights away from people, that person is not worth your time. Let's back to this: No gay money for antigay bigots. Thanks, QU for posting this list and any updates. can't we all start referring to it as "civil marriage" (The catholic church came up with the term, btw) to make the point clearer? When I was settled and could choose I did business only with gay owned/friendly businesses in NOLA; it was not some social statement, it was just a feeling of being comfortable and able to do business without being snubbed or slighted while doing things I had to. Whenever I found this to not be the case, as in overhearing the owner of the only two laundries in the Quarter refer to us as fags, I took my business elsewhere. [Yes I took my laundry out of his dryers and left, the ferry ran on the hour and I didn't have this problem across the river.] But the main reason I felt obligated to do strictly gay business is for the same reason I feel we should all do business with small businesses; support of those trying to make it just like we are. A multi-national corporation's board doesn't give a D about the loss of one customer; however, a small or gay business usually does--especially a regular customer--because it does impact on their bottom line. Myself and about a dozen of my fellow workers even started making a weekly group trip across the river for a laundry without attitude and even closed a couple of smaller bigot shops by refusing to do business with them. You know the axiom: "Telephone, telegraph, tell a queen" and once it was out the majority (read this as gay) of the Quarter's residents quit doing business there. I do not apologise for these actions anymore than I would have someone apologise for the Montgomery bus boycott. It is my money and I do have the right to chose. I feel that if we all were more "selective" in our choices we would have more friendly choices available. After all is said and done: 1) someone will run a laundry, grocer, clothier, etc. no matter what--they want to be successful. 2) If their personal opinions and actions costs them their business--to bad. 3) when they lose that business due to those actions someone--hopefully with a more accepting and friendly attitude--will open a replacement for the failed business. Just simple economics; You either chose or lose. You chose to be treated less important to a business or you chose to not go back and let it be known (to all around you) that THIS is the reason you chose NOT to do business there.
tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3451574857665049482.post66723471148704732..comments2009-07-06T08:53:51.808-04:00Comments on Queers United: Team Obama Welcomes Anti-Gay Hate Groups to White ...Queers United, yeah, I don't use their form letters when I'm ...<BR/><BR/. :)Thalassa I used to fill out the right-wing forms a...<BR/><BR/>As for the moderation, I like the way Obama has conducted himself so far, but I feel it is necessary for those of us very concerned about specific issues to act as a watchdog and to hold him accountable to his words. I guess time will tell.Queers United, you're getting onto some moral high ground tha...<BR/><BR/>The practical situation is that you have to include all the major players, even the stupid ones, when taking political action. It's a way of undercutting opposition.<BR/><BR/.<BR/><BR/ would not be in a favor of a radical pr...Thalassa I would not be in a favor of a radical pro-gay group that did not use scientific fact and encouraged hate against any other group. These radical christian groups he is meeting with distort science and truth and promote hate.Queers United I think we should be inclusive of the KKK too....LOL I think we should be inclusive of the KKK too. Somehow all of the people Barky wants to be inclusive of always manage to be anti-gay militant psychopaths.<BR/><BR/>Well I think we should also be inclusive of the Aryan Nationa as well. Let's roll out the carpet and allow them to promote their cause on international scale because they deserve inclusiveness. <BR/><BR/>Barky is a bigot.<BR/><BR/>CHANGE!<BR/><BR/>HOPE!<BR/><BR/>UNITY!<BR/><BR/>Unity with every anti-gay religious organization in America!<BR/><BR/>Barky is NOT a friend to the gays.<BR/><BR/>WAKE UP from the TEEVEE induced zombification.Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3451574857665049482.post-23985090984931874312009-03-17T16:45:00.000-04:002009-03-17T16:45:00.000-04:00"Obama wants to be inclusive of all Americans and ..."Obama wants to be inclusive of all Americans and that is a positive thing, but why waste time and money meeting with people who disagree with him on every single issue and are perpetrators of the kind of bigotry that his administration promised to tackle."<BR/><BR/.Thalassa to this blog for posting this. It's a hard p...Jamesnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3451574857665049482.post-26954918460119220002009-03-16T20:28:00.000-04:002009-03-16T20:28:00.000-04:00Obama sure is a bigot. God forbid you say that in ...Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3451574857665049482.post-7748016862653773242009-03-16T20:05:00.000-04:002009-03-16T20:05:00.000-04:00"but why waste time and money meeting with people ..."but why waste time and money meeting with people who disagree with him on every single issue and are perpetrators of the kind of bigotry". Are you kidding me? Obama agrees with them. Where have you been the last few months? Wake up, Obama is a bigot.Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3451574857665049482.post-57797162507878553472009-03-16T19:18:00.000-04:002009-03-16T19:18:00.000-04:00Oh just wait, Barack Obama fans will find a way.Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3451574857665049482.post-28269838358204188922009-03-16T19:06:00.000-04:002009-03-16T19:06:00.000-04:00While it's important to understand and make sure t...While it's important to understand and make sure the White house understands how these groups promote lies and hate, they have the same rights to free speech and access to government that everyone else does. <BR/>. <BR/><BR/>I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight for your right to say it.Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3451574857665049482.post-66205893340249684702009-03-16T19:04:00.000-04:002009-03-16T19:04:00.000-04:00Hey, I love your blog. I have a similiar blog, che...Hey, I love your blog. I have a similiar blog, check it out if you want. Thanks. <BR/><BR/> Cheney would suggest when you contact the White House, ...I would suggest when you contact the White House, tell them the history of lies that these organizations have engaged in - the bad studies, the stigmatization of gays and lesbians.BlackTsunami
NBC and Its Stations Venture Into Online Video Market By SAUL HANSELL Published: September 13, 2006 Hoping to profit from the fragmented market for video on the Internet, NBC Universal has created a new company that will distribute video programming to various Internet sites. The new venture, called the National Broadband Company, or NBBC, will have content from NBC's networks and local stations as well as from other companies. That programming will appear on NBC's own Web sites as well as other sites. Commercials will be inserted before each video segment, with the revenue split among the program's creator, the Web site owner and NBBC. NBC was spurred to rethink its traditional business model earlier this year when Lazy Sunday, a sketch from ''Saturday Night Live,'' became a hit across the Internet. Some people recorded the sketch and uploaded it to YouTube, the popular video-sharing site. Then other people used technology from YouTube to put the video directly on their own blogs or pages on MySpace, the social networking site. ''When 'Saturday Night Live' had a great clip of Lazy Sunday, YouTube made a lot of money off it,'' Randy Falco, the president of the NBC Universal television group, said at a news conference yesterday. ''In the future, when we have a Lazy Sunday clip, NBBC will make a lot of money on it.'' NBC executives liken the business to the television syndication market, in which producers sell programs to local stations or cable networks. ''We want to create new tools to allow NBC Universal to do what it has always done: to deliver quality entertainment experiences to as broad an audience as possible,'' Mr. Falco said. ''In short, we are going back into the broadcast business on the Internet.'' NBBC is a joint venture between NBC Universal (which in turn is controlled by General Electric) and NBC's affiliate stations, which own about one-third of the company. Local stations hope that the syndication market will provide new outlets for the news and entertainment programs they produce, and they hope to add video from the marketplace to their own sites. ''If we really want to compete with big aggregators like Yahoo and Google, we need our video in as many places as possible,'' Mr. Falco said. Google is, in fact, a direct competitor with NBBC. It plans to distribute video content to other Web sites, accompanied by advertising, starting with a deal for programming from Viacom's cable networks. AOL is also preparing to distribute its own video content and content from its partners on other Web sites. And there are many start-up companies with various approaches to video syndication, including Brightcove, Roo, Revver and Broadband Enterprises. NBC is seeking a much higher proportion of the advertising revenue from running the syndication business than other players in the market. In cases where NBBC sells the advertising, it expects to give about 30 percent of the revenue to the program producer and 20 percent to the site on which the video is shown, and to keep 50 percent for itself, according to an executive familiar with the company's deals. The executive spoke on the condition of anonymity because the financial terms of the contracts are confidential. Moreover, the revenue splits can vary significantly depending on the clout of the partner. Still, NBC's approach is sharply different from Google's, which would give the majority of advertising revenue to the content creator. Broadband Enterprises, which had syndicated NBC video until yesterday, Brightcove and Revver all take closer to one-third of the advertising revenue. Michael Steib, the general manager of NBC Universal's strategic ventures unit, which created NBBC, declined to discuss the specifics of the company's financial arrangements. But he said that content creators would find dealing with NBBC lucrative. For now, NBBC has been able to attract a collection of prominent programmers that will at least test its system, including CNET, Forbes and the About.com unit of The New York Times Company. The company has attracted some participation from NBC's largest rivals, including the College Sports TV unit of CBS, IGN Entertainment from the News Corporation and several properties of Discovery Communications. NBBC has made it easy for producers to try its system because it does not ask for exclusive rights to programs. ''It is so early that who knows who has the right formula?'' said Mark Larkin, an executive producer at CNET. ''It seems like aligning ourselves with a brand like NBC is a pretty safe bet.'' At first, NBBC will distribute programs under seven minutes. Over time, it may experiment with longer programs. For now, NBBC is going to keep a distance from the hottest trend in online video --.
I'm tucked up in my basement studio wondering if it is too soon to start a fire in my wood stove! It's definitely chilly, but I know when I fire up the beast, I'll soon open the windows and doors and try not to cook. This is one powerful wood stove....and it HEATS. I do love the coziness and crackle of a wood fire....and candles burning....and hot tea in a big mug! My favorite things about late fall/winter. The 3rd quilt is on the bed, adding a delicious weight and keeping all the warmth in. I love sleeping all tucked up, surrounded in my little quilt cocoon, one cat on either side preventing me from rolling in either, or any, directon! I think the best sleep comes with a cold nose, don't you agree? This morning I was pondering on the feeling of GRATITUDE. Here in the US, our Thanksgiving is approaching. And you know what? This past 10 days off has given me the opportunity to just slow down and be grateful for little things. The change of season outdoors, the smell of autumn in the air, the beauty of the falling leaves, the adventure of making it from the backdoor to the hottub without being beaned by falling acorns! Are you too busy, too rushed, too hectic, so much on your plate that you don't even think about the joy of feeling grateful? I know I have been guilty of this. I'm not talking necessarily feeling grateful in any kind if "religious" way. We all have our own convictions, I am just talking about the little ordinary-every-day beauties that we can miss in our rush to get to the next "to-do" on our lists. There is joy in the mundane routine day-in-day-out doings. We just have to see them and acknowledge them with a smile and a nod to life for giving it to us so abundantly. Okay, so this post isn't even quilt-related. It's just how I'm feeling this morning. But to put a bit of quilt-speak in here, I've been BUSY! The mystery quilt is now quilted, and I'm ready to start binding! HA! ((How's that for rubbing it in?!)) And I am loving the chatter I am reading on the quiltville friends page on facebook, and on the quiltvillechat@yahoogroups.com list about the colors that people are planning on and the excitement is building....and I am so grateful for all of this abundance too! I'm busy quilting a baby quilt for a friend expecting her first grandchild. I'm sure she is feeling excitement and gratitude.....it's palpable! The expectation..... Today is also a mundane chore kind of day, but I'm doing it with gratitude. I'm doing laundry! ((But I have a stacked hi-efficiency washer and dryer, I'm not pounding clothing on a rock down by the river!)) I've got book orders to mail out! ((I'm grateful for each and every one of those orders and the people they bring across my path!)) I've got to pack a suitcase, repack the trunk show, get all settled and sorted for a trip to Michigan in the morning. ((I'm grateful to be flying and to be there in a few short hours, vs DRIVING it like I did last October!)) Let's face it! If the worst thing that happens to me today is crawling groggily out of a warm bed and stepping barefootedly into dog puke on the way to the bathroom...I've got it pretty darned great! I have my eyes to see, my ears to hear, my heart to love, my hands to sew. I have a roof over my head, a beyond-life-expectancy basement full of fabric and miscellaneous quilt-neccessities. I have family, terrific friends, and you. For it all...I'm grateful! Thank you Bonnie. Sometimes we focus on the negatives and we forget to bethankful for the things and people that ae in our life. I really enjoyed reading your post Bonnie. No I do not like a cold nose, I tuck my head under the blankets in the winter. Here In Aussie though it is getting hotter. Thank you for sharing. Thank you Bonnie! Once in a while we all need to be reminded of how well off we are. To quote my hubby: "Dog puke washes off!" You 2 have opened my eyes this morning.......pity party over! Ditto! Just taking in clean, cold fresh air, makes me grateful. My list goes on and on. Grateful to have a machine to quilt with, unlike my ancestors. Grateful to have a computer to talk to people almost anywhere in the world. Grateful that those same people are willing to share their fabulous ideas and their quilts. Grateful that my thumbs don't hurt today. Grateful... One of my favorite sayings is "Deal with the negatives, but focus on the positives". True is all cases.....even quilting! Marcia in Missouri Bonnie....your thoughts and words are so lovely today. I'm grateful for all the inspiration you and your site gives me. My life has actually changed since finding Quiltville! I know that sounds corny and odd, but its true! You've given me clarity when looking at all this fabric that surrounds me, and that clarity has spilled over into everything I do! I'm so much more productive now, in quilting and in life. And the excitement I get from that, well, it just compounds into more ideas and accomplishments! I think I was wasting an awful lot of time before, with nothing to show for it, and nothing gained. Thanks for all the inspiration! We're all very grateful to you! Regan :o) This was a rough week for our family. Dd troubles. But, I'm feeling grateful too. We still have each other and SO much to be thankful for, and youthful troubles will have an end even if some suffering must be endured. Love will get us through. Thank you for the distractions, for helping my heart to heal and for keeping my mind occupied when time is needed. I have my colors & fabrics chosen. LOL, I can't find my patience though! I'm ready to START and feel like begging you to give me a tedious/time consuming part to start on! THANK YOU for making my life better, you are SUCH a blessing, Lucy (in IN) Have a happy and grateful day. I've also been enjoying the change of weather and the excess of projects to keep my hands busy while my brain works on other things...like resting. Enjoy! Lane Well said. I like this. The optimist may be proven wrong in the end, but they have a much better journey than the pessimist. even with a little fire in the fireplace ours heats the house too hot, we only use it when we loose power - but it is always so lovely to look at. Karen There is just something about this season that brings forth the nostalgia in us. I think we associate the smells and crisp weather with comfort. At least I do :) The comfort of family and friends; of joy and tradition. Enjoy your day and thank you for the reminder to enjoy mine. Amen,Bonnie! I am blessed to tears. So much to be thankful for. And BTW, I am thankful for you! Yes, you. For your skill and generosity and place in this quilting world. Thank you! I too have been reminding myself how grateful I am to be able to do the things I do even those things that are not my favorite :0) Thanks Bonnie, I needed to read a positive post...just got back from an emergency run to the local auto dealer after barely being able to get my car running. I am grateful that DH was following me in our diesel truck so I had a way home..... Appreciate the timing! Great post, Bonnie. I was just laying in bed last night. with the extra quilt on my bed thinking how heavy it all feels, and how my husband loves that feeling. I, personally, do not enjoy heavy covers . . . but I love the warmth they provide. Just wonderful!!!Thankyou.I think everyone is guilty of running and not taking time to see a beautiful spiderweb with dew on it (my heart sings when I 'see' those!)Or to see a child just content on being.....Keep warm in all your quilts as we will be taking them off her in N.Z. :-) Bonnie, what a lovely gracious entry today on your blog. We followers are thankful for you. AMEN. I also try to focus on gratefulness, everyday. Thank you. And I for one am grateful for you! Just wanted you to know that so many of us enjoy these mysteries and I have decided I am never happier than when I have one going...so I intend to just always have a quiltville project or two going...gotta do what I can to bring on bliss. Thanks for doing your part! Bonnie, you're the best! Thank you for reminding me of how very blessed I am. I absolutely love the first line of your last paragraph: "I have my eyes to see, my ears to hear, my heart to love, my hands to sew." May I add that with my sewing hands, I have the ability to create, express my inner self and bring joy to others. We are all so blessed and should be thankful every day for the opportunity to just be. Thank you for your thoughtful post - my heart is full of gratitude for the richness of my life - family, friends, health and a great network (face to face and online) of shared knowledge and experience from which to draw inspiration. well said Bonnie. A beautiful post!
Baseball Hosts Fairleigh Dickinson With Senior Day Slated For Saturday, May 7 Quinnipiac University (11-29, 10-10 NEC) vs. Fairleigh Dickinson University (10-31, 5-15 NEC) May 7-8, 2010 Quinnipiac Baseball Field - Hamden, Conn. Senior Weekend Quinnipiac will host Fairleigh Dickinson on Friday, May 7 and Saturday, May 8 at the Quinnipiac Baseball Field in Hamden, Conn. for a two-day, four-game Northeast Conference series. On Friday, Quinnipiac and FDU will hit the field at 12 Noon for a nine-inning game, followed by a seven-inning game. They are also scheduled to play at 12 p.m. on Saturday, this time with a seven-inning game followed by a nine-inning game. Quinnipiac is currently 11-29 overall and 10-10 in the NEC, tied for fifth place in the conference standings. Fairleigh Dickinson is 10-31 overall and 5-15 in conference play. Playoff Picture Bryant (15-5) currently sits in first place in the NEC standings, but the Bulldogs are not eligible for postseason play until the 2010-11 season. With that, Sacred Heart (12-8) currently holds the top seed in the NEC Tournament. Wagner (11-9) sit behind the Pioneers, and will host Sacred Heart this weekend. Monmouth (13-11) took three of four against the Bobcats this past weekend to shoot into third place. The Hawks are off this weekend. Central Connecticut and Quinnipiac are currently tied for the fourth and final spot in the conference tournament. Quinnipiac took three of four against CCSU two weekends ago and will face ninth-place Fairleigh Dickinson this weekend. Central Connecticut State will face sixth place Mount St. Mary's (11-13) in Emmitsburg, Md. Corner Outfield With Some Pop Ben Farina (Waterford, Conn.) continued his hot hitting this week, as the third-year left fielder posted a .476 (10-21) average with a pair of doubles. Farina was 2-for-4 against Monmouth in the first game of the Bobcats' four-game series, and followed that up with a 5-for-8 doubleheader, including a 4-for-4 day that produced two RBI's in the nightcap of the twinbill. Making History Farina became the 17th player in Quinnipiac history to reach the 160-hit mark, and the 14th in the University's Division I history. He is also the Bobcats only active hitter with two 50-hit seasons in his career. Benny The Bat Farina is second on the team with 15 multiple-hit games, including seven in his last 11 games out. Quietly Making His Way To The Front Of The Line For the year, Farina leads the Bobcats in average (.350), runs scored (31), hits (56) and doubles (11) while his slugging percentage (.438) and on-base percentage (.390) both rank second. Good Week Mike Mike Bartlett (Milford, Conn.) continued his consistent hitting against Northeast Conference competition as he hit .500 (6-12) against Monmouth for the weekend series. Bartlett strung together three-straight two-hit performances against the Hawks, pushing his season average against the NEC to .316. Barlett has reached base safely in 17 of Quinnipiac's 18 conference games, while recording a hit in 13 of them. Back To Back Home Run Games Chris Migani (Orange, Conn.) and Brian Monack (Branford, Conn.) both homered in both games of Saturday's doubleheader against Monmouth. For the year, Monack leads Quinnipiac with seven homeruns, 36 RBI, as well as a .507 slugging percentage and a .413 on-base percentage. Monack's 23 bases-on-balls lead Quinnipiac, while his 30 runs scored rank second. Migani is second on the roster with four homeruns, while also driving in 20 runs.
Men's Basketball Falls To Robert Morris, 64-62, In NEC Semifinals HAMDEN, Conn. - Justin Rutty (Newburgh, N.Y.) had nine points and 10 rebounds to become the Northeast Conference's all-time leading rebounder (1,025), but the Quinnipiac University men's basketball team was defeated by Robert Morris, 64-62, Sunday afternoon at the TD Bank Sports Center. With the loss, the Bobcats fall to 22-9, while the Colonials improve to 18-13 and move on to Wednesday's NEC Tournament Championship Game at top-seeded Long Island. The Bobcats now wait for a potential at-large invitation to a postseason tournament. Rutty passed Central Connecticut's Ron Robinson (1,022) for first all-time among Northeast Conference rebounders. Deontay Twyman (Olney, Md.) had a team-high 14 points, while James Johnson (Queens, N.Y.) added 13 points. Dave Johnson (Jackson, N.J.) contributed 10 points and a game-high nine assists. Coron Williams scored a game-high 15 points for Robert Morris, while Lijah Thompson and Russell Johnson contributed 14 points each. Velton Jones added 13 points, eight assists and three steals for the Colonials. In total, the game saw 22 lead changes and 12 ties. Quinnipiac built its largest lead of the game on Dominique Langston's (Bridgeport, Conn.) fast-break lay-up at the 1:43 mark of the first half. Russell Johnson responded immediately with a three-pointer at the 1:23 mark and the teams traded two-point buckets to give Quinnipiac a four-point cushion at the half. Robert Morris scored the first six points of the second half to take a two-point lead. The advantage swelled to as many as four on Yann Charles' jumper at the 15:30 mark. Following nine lead changes and five ties, Russell Johnson's lay-up with 1:58 left in regulation re-established the Colonials' four-point lead. Twyman then buried a three-pointer with 1:36 remaining and followed by drawing a charge on Lijah Thompson. Dave Johnson was then fouled and made two free throws with 57 seconds left, giving Quinnipiac a one-point lead, 62-61. Russell Johnson drew a foul with 41 seconds left. He made the first free throw, but missed the second. The long rebound was tipped around and out of bounds. After a discussion including all three referees, Robert Morris was awarded possession with 38.8 seconds left. The Colonials drained nearly all of the shot clock before Jones hoisted a floater from the right hip from just outside the lane that fell straight through. With just over four seconds remaining in regulation, the Bobcats inbounded to James Johnson, whose last-second three-point attempt fell short. For the game,rebounded Robert Morris, 41-25.
Daisuke Matsuzaka won his 16th game last night, in what was arguably his best performance of the season as the Red Sox whacked the White Sox, 8-0, on their return home after a very successful road trip. Despite not having Mike Lowell, J.D. Drew, Sean Casey, Josh Beckett and Coco Crisp (out last night with flu-like symptoms), the Red Sox made it look easy against Chicago. They are just so deep and resilient, and are finding ways to win. Dice-K tied the record for most wins in MLB in a season by a Japanese-born pitcher, which was set by Hideo Nomo. He is now 16-2. He went eight innings last night, striking out seven and allowing just two hits while walking two. He was never in trouble, as the offense gave him all the support he needed from the first inning. Dustin Pedroia had four hits, along with a walk and two stolen bases, and David Ortiz had three hits as well. Kevin Youkilis had two hits and three RBI. Jason Bay was having a tough night, with two strikeouts, until his blow put the game out of reach. The Sox were up 4-0 with the bases loaded with two outs in the sixth when Bay blasted one off the wall to clear the bases and put the Sox up, 7-0. Pedroia also scored twice, and broke Bobby Doerr's 1950 team record for runs scored by a second baseman. Dusty now has 104 runs scored, and you have to think he will now start getting some MVP votes with the spectacular year he is putting together. Tampa Bay won over Baltimore, and Minnesota won in Oakland, so the Red Sox remain 4 1/2 behind the Rays in the East, and 2 1/2 up on the Twins in the wild card race. Before the game the Red Sox got some good news about Josh Beckett's elbow, as there appears to be now damage inside, as he visited Dr. James Andrews in Alabama yesterday. They did place him on the DL also, but he will only be on it for another week, as he has not pitched since August 17th. He will start in Texas next weekend. The Red Sox also placed Sean Casey on the DL with his continuing neck pain, and brought up catcher David Ross. They will bring up highly touted rookie Michael Bowden from Pawtucket tonight to make his MLB debut. Saturday, August 30, 2008 Dice-K Baffles the Other Sox Posted by The Omnipotent Q at 10:48 AM
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Over on TyrantOidipous.com I’ve posted my first Journal entry, a blog about my long-standing fascination with the play Oidipous Tyrannos (Oedipus Rex), which Davd Vine and I have just translated, as Tyrant Oidipous. I thought I would post it here as well. First, the link to the other site is here. Recently on Facebook, Camelia Elias, publisher of Tyrant Oidipous, quoted one of her favorite moments from the play, when the blind seer Teiresias denounces Oidipous. The two of them have been jousting, sneering at each other, accusing each other, and Teiresias is about to leave when suddenly he states: “I declare that unawares you live with those closest to you in a shameful bond. You do not see that you are doing something evil.” I was struck by her singling out this speech and wrote the following reply. “Camelia, this is a wonderful moment to feature. Besides its inherent drama, it shows us the power of the oracular voice. Before this there has been a somewhat comic battle of egos between Oidipous and Teiresias, a kind of “Oh yeah? Well, take that!” But when Teiresias speaks as the seer something very different emerges, a divine aspect. It’s interesting that with so much on Delphi and the “message” from the oracle (as Oidipous puts it) we never actually learn the precise words of Apollo spoken by the Pythia (the woman who delivers the prophecy at Delphi). The only time we experience the real divine voice it’s through the seer.” Now, thinking about this some more, I thought it might be interesting to explore the image of Teiresias. Teiresias is portrayed in the play, and elsewhere, especially the Odyssey, as the very image of a seer. Originally the name may have described a whole class of people, diviners and what today we would call psychics. Mythology, the power of stories, has made Teiresias a single figure who appears in many tales. The name has various interpretations, and is sometimes translated (loosely) as “Delights in signs,” in other words, someone who goes deeply into the oracular experience. T. S. Eliot said that Teiresias was the secret hero of his great poem, The Wasteland, a true modern epic. Teiresias has long fascinated me. Described as a blind hermaphrodite who sees everything, s/he would seem to be an alchemical figure who transcends ordinary humanity. There are various stories, some just jokes, really, of how Teiresias became a blind seer. One states that because he was first a man, then a woman, and then a man again, he was asked to judge an argument between Zeus and Hera over whether men or women enjoy sex more. In typical married couple manipulation, each one insisted the other side had the advantage. So they decided to ask the only person who had been both. Teiresias said that if enjoyment were ten parts, women would have nine and men one. Furious, Hera struck him blind, then Zeus, to compensate, gave him the power of oracular sight. This is clearly a kind of sit-com gloss on mythology! Sophocles treats the issues of seeing, blindness, and knowing much more intensely. Oidipous ridicules Teiresias’s blindness, treating him as someone handicapped and therefore weak, despite Teiresias’s clear power. At the end of the play, after his own desire for the truth has made him see the reality of who he is and what he is done, Oidipoius blinds himself. Without conscious thought (he had a lot on his mind!) he has fulfilled the curse he earlier made on the killer he did not know was himself. No man of Thebes shall look upon the murderer’s face, he declared. Thus he puts out his own eyes, that he might never see himself in a mirror, a pool of water. One of the stories about Teiresias, the sex changing, clearly points to esoteric practices, what I call alchemy. Supposedly a shepherd when young, Teiresias came across two snakes copulating. Some versions say he killed the female and became magically changed to a woman. Others, however, say that he thrust his shepherd’s staff—Tarotists might say his Wand—in between them, and was transformed. A stick between two snakes forms the caduceus, the magic staff of Hermes, who uses it to guide dead souls on their journey (the association with the medical profession might be a mistake, for the healing wand of Aesclapious, founder of medicine, was a stick with one snake wound around it. The caduceus forms an image of awakened kundalini, which yoga teachings describe as a snake at the bottom of the spine that uncoils as two streams wind around the spine until they reach the crown of the head where the energy opens into mystical light. The caduceus is pictured with wings at the top, and sometimes light. Teiresias—or Teiresia, to use what would be the feminine version—lives seven years as a woman, seven being the number of the planetary spheres, and thus a complete cycle. Then, the myth tells us, she once again sees two snakes copulating and either repeats the trick with a staff, or once more kills one of them, the male this time, and again becomes a man. All this can illustrate the deep mystery of kundalini, which is said to bring out the female in a man, the male in a woman (see also the famous Gospel of Thomas), producing a complete person, what the alchemists call The Crowned Hermaphrodite. The World card in the Tarot, symbol of perfection, is often associated with this figure. A couple of years ago I had a chapbook of Tarot inspired poems published, Fortune’s Lover. The poem for The Lovers featured Teiresias and the caduceus. Here it is: LOVERS He was out walking with the sheep when he saw the snakes, two of them, copulating. He pushed his staff, his Ace of Wands, between them and became, briefly, the Caduceus, a spine of light entwined with serpents. And when the human stepped back she’d become a woman. Seven years passed, as she traveled through the seven planetary spheres, the seven palaces supported on seven wise pillars. Then she saw the snakes again, the same pair or another, it makes no difference, she moved her Cup between them, and became— not a man again, but something more, beyond addition and subtraction, a Knower, a Speaker, blinded by Hera, sighted by Zeus, Teiresias, whose name means The One Who Delights In Signs. The card of the Lovers— a man on the right, a woman on the left, and above and between them an angel with outstretched arms and fiery hair— together they are all Teiresas, bright Caduceus in a single life. A Praise Poem For Teiresias Delighter in signs, ancestor, you are always right. You see beyond sight. You see all the way through. Delighter in signs, ancestor, you read correctly. Delighter in signs, ancestor, You are always right. Your body is snakes, your face is wings. your hair is plumage. Delighter in signs, ancestor, you question the owls, they cannot refuse you. Delighter of signs, ancestor, you read correctly. You know the secrets of men, you know the secrets of women, you know between and beyond, above and below. Delighter of signs, ancestor, you taste the tongues of angels. Delighter of signs, ancestor, you are always right. You open the door, you see beyond windows. You know all the meanings, you know reversed and upright, you know all the spreads. Delighter of signs, ancestor, you read correctly. Rachel, your poem “The Lovers” is amazing. Thank you for sharing it with us again. Nice poem. If Teresias is your muse, you must be a very good reader. Wonderful poem, and wonderful reflections, Rachel! Another story of Tiresias that I’ve found of some interest lately suggests that he was blinded (and given his oracular powers, if I’m not mistaken) in an Aktaion-like moment when he saw Athena bathing. Which brings up a whole other set of questions: if Aktaion saw Artemis bathing and was torn apart by his own hounds for his trouble, and Tiresias was blinded and given oracular abilities by seeing Athena bathing…then, what would happen if someone saw Hestia–the other Greek virgin goddess–bathing? Hmm… Hestia is a fire goddess. She doesn’t bathe. [...] Oidipous and Teiresias(rachelpollack.wordpress.com) Pazuzu! (Photo credit: Giant Ginkgo) [...] The photos posted in the comment above are wonderful. The power of the image. Thank you!
So you can imagine how excited I was to be able to review the CEP Compression Shorts... especially because the major issues I had during my last marathon were with my quads. They seem to get a little temperamental when I torture them with hours upon hours of running... go figure. I used the shorts for recovery post-marathon. Just like the socks, there's definitely a technique to getting them on... I'll let you know when I figure it out. But I did eventually worm my way into them like the wicked step-sister trying to fit into Cinderella's shoe. I'd post a photo of myself in just the shorts, but I care about my readers too much. Can we just say compression + me = more muffin tops than a bakery on a Saturday morning? Ok then, we'll leave it at that. In all seriousness, though, once they were on, they were definitely compressive, but not uncomfortably so. I wore them for several hours each day for the couple of days following my marathon. I sincerely think they aided in recovery. My upper-legs were the most torn up by the Rock n Roll San Diego course... particularly my IT Bands and hamstrings, but also my quads. I can't say with 100% certainty if they sped up my improvement (especially since I did also have an appointment with my sports doc for A.R.T.) but they certainly made me feel more comfortable trapsing up and down the stairs post-marathon. Within 5 days post-marathon, I felt completely back to normal. Completely. It was almost odd considering that I felt sub-par for almost a month following my last marathon. Nuu-Muu. And similar to the socks... they take a little getting used to, but I did notice that I had almost no soreness post run in the usual achy areas. It's hard to pinpoint exactly how much recovery and lack-of-soreness is due to compression-wear... but I *am* convinced that CEP is the best brand for compression gear in the market. And I can also say that after I started wearing compression gear, I have noticed a lot less soreness and a lot quicker recovery times (although other factors could contribute to this as well). The following information is provided directly from the manufacturer: CEP Compression Company Information Company information: CEP Compression is made by medi-USA, a world leading manufacturer of medical compression products. The birth of compression in the medical field is now being translated into every CEP product. By providing the athlete with improved circulation, muscle response and regeneration of waste in the blood stream you can peak performance of any athlete. Whatever your sport may be you can take advantage of CEP Compression. CEP Compression Shorts The CEP Compression Running represents a unique new version of what you've known compression apparel. The shorts feature a compressive knit in the leg section which absorbs less than 3% moisture and dries very quickly. Constructed with an upper and lower section, the compression shorts offer an incredible amount of compression for the quads and hamstrings for a truly new experience in muscle oscillation dampening. This will help you prevent injury, increase power, feel better running and experience faster running times. Simply put, your muscle are free to perform without vibrating all over the place, wasting energy and increasing fatigue. The upper section, is made with Power Lycra material which offers additional support for the buttocks and hip-flexors without causing discomfort in the grown. 3-D fit further promotes muscle support and as close to a perfect fit as you are going to find. Rear ventilation mesh panels and a secure rear pocket for personal items. The CEP Compression Shorts will open your eyes to an exciting new world of PR's, race finishes, injury relief and recovery time improvement. Features: - Secure back pocket - Elastic waist band - Flat seams - 3D Fit with Ventalation Panels in the back - Compressive legs to support hamstrings and quads! CEP Shorts size by Thigh Circumference to ensure proper compression and maximum benefit. Can't wait to try these CEP Compression Shorts out? Visit Sports Compression and use the code BLOG15 for 15% off your purchase (this code can also be used to stock up on the socks!!!). Now on to the giveaway... (Leave a separate comment for each entry.) 1. MANDATORY - You must be a follower of my blog to enter. Leave me a comment telling me you follow *AND* for a little fun, ask me any question you'd like to see me post the answer to. 2. MANDATORY - Go *like* Sports Compression on facebook and post to their wall that Racing It Off sent you! Comment here that you did so. 3. Shop around on sportscompression.com and let me know what you like best. 4. *Like* Racing It Off on Facebook. Let me know in a comment. 5. Follow @CEPCompression and @CompressionGear on Twitter. Let me know in a comment. 6. Follow @RacingItOff on Twitter (yes, I gave in). Let me know in a comment. 7. Spread the word on your blog or facebook or twitter. Leave me a separate comment for each place you do. A winner will be chosen on July 6th using random.org from the entries received. Tons of ways to enter!!! 245 comments:«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest» i'm a follower! Um, a question for you...how do you handle running injuries? I've had a messed up back for about a week and it drives me crazy not being able to run! (i've been biking for my exercise high...) liked Sports Compression on fb and said ya sent me! i've been to the website and i like the CEP AllSport Calf Sleeve- Women - i've never tried any before! i like ya on fb! I follow your blog. And since I am trying to build a longer playlist, what are your favorite power songs? Liked Sports Compression on FB and told them you sent me! Liked you on FB! Shared your giveaway on my FB page. Checked out the sports compression website. I love that they provide injury information and checked out what they had to say about the IT band. I really love the pink compression socks and have been dying to try some good compression shorts. avid follower! I like SC on FB LOVE The green socks and the racing shorts :) follow both on twitter! @allie0622 I like you on you FB! I follow you on twitter! posting on my blog! I'm a follower of your blog. I like SC on FB. I like you on FB. I'm a follower...and my question would be "how do you keep yourself motivated?" I liked compression sock on FB and told them you sent me! I follow you now! question: sometimes after a longer run (4+ miles) I get all numb and tingly all over, my eyes twitch and I have a hard time getting relaxed (even to stretch!). Any ideas as to what causes it? zueblue22 at yahoo dot com i like sports compression on fb now and commented on their wall that you sent me. zueblue22 at yahoo dot com i like you on facebook. :) zueblue22 at yahoo dot com I follow cepcompression and compressiongear on twitter now. zueblue22 at yahoo dot com i follow you on twitter. zueblue22 at yahoo dot com I'm a follower. Question... what does your hubby think of all your running? When you started, did he ever think you'd become, dare I say, obsessed like this? "liked" Sports Compression on FB I like the CEP Run & Recover Compression Socks. Mostly 'cause there is SO MUCH pink going on in the pinks ones - and my favorite shade of pink even! Gosh, I'm such a girl! I already like you on FB. I follow you. Shocking huh? Heck, I even like you on FB! I shared on my FB. I love love love CEP and soooo want to try these! Awesome review + giveaway. I'm a follower!! Since I'm pretty new to your blog: how and when did you start running I like CEP on FB and let them know you sent me! I have my eye on their recovery tights too! I like you on FB! I was already following CEPCompression on Twitter, and now following CompressionGear also! Already follow you on Twitter! Tweeted! I follow you... What's your favorite color running top? I liked Sports Compression on facebook and left a comment I liked you on FB and left a comment. I follow CEPCompression on Twitter I follow CompressionGear on Twitter. And now I follow you on Twitter! I am a follower. my question: what is your ultimate racing goal? Not a fantasy won't ever happen but your actual far reaching running goal(s). Like mine is to do a trail 100, adventure racing and hike/fastpack//run the AT. I like sports compression on fb I have been eyeing those awesome green socks! I follow you on FB too Follower! My question: what is your best/favorite moment while running/training/racing--you know, one of those times where the angels were singing? Liked on FB and told 'em you sent me :D I now like you on FB too!! :D that compression tri suit is cool but I really want a pr of the CEP calf sleeves. I have some socks and I hate the toe nub so I cannot/will not wear them DURING training...I also like the race shorts too!! Awesome review/giveaway, thank yo for hosting! I already follow CEP on Twitter and now following @CompressionGear as well!! ...and YOU TOO on Twitter... Linking on my blog tweeted @milesmusclesmom haha! I can totally relate to the muffin top issue! I'm a follower!! I'd love to know what your favorite race is and why. I 'liked' CEP Compression on Facebook and posted on their wall. I'm guessing they'll get quite a few new followers over the next few days!! FOllower! What is your most embarrassing running/racing moment? I am still holding out for some CEP lime green socks! I like CEP on FB I linked you on my blog sidebar. I'm a follower of your blog.. I would love to hear more about your RRCA certification weekend as I'm attending mind next month! I'm a follower! My question is: what nutritional advice do you have for someone training for her first marathon? I follow I like CEP on fb I like the calf sleeves Like you on fb shared on my fb page I would like to hear more about running form and post run fuel I like SC on FB and left them a message! I like Racing it Off on FB. There are several products I'd love to try! I have the pink socks. I would love the green! I also am considering sleeves, but the shorts look great too as I tend to have hamstring/hip issues. I follow CEPCompression and CompressionGear on Twitter. I now follow you on Twitter too. Posting to my blog's sidebar. Facebooking! Off to tweet. I'm a follower! Wanna meet up at Heels & Hills & Him? ;) I liked Sports Compression on FB and told 'em you sent me! I just bought some pink socks but I haven't worn them yet. I'm afraid with my crazy sock sensitivities they'll give me blisters... but I also want the calf sleeves and would *love* the shorts. You know we'd get much more use out of the shorts than the tights in Texas! I liked Racing it Off on FB! I'm linking to your giveaway on my blog. I'm a follower! And I want to know what your favorite high protein vegetarian meal is. I like them on FB and left a comment! I like racing it off on fb! I follow you on twitter! I follow CEPCompression and CompressionGear on Twitter! Linked this on my sidebar! Said Hi to Sports Compression on FB and told them you said Hi too! I follow your blog! I liked Sports Compression on Facebook! I would like to try the Running Compression Shorts for Women I liked you on facebook I am following @CEPCompression and @CompressionGear on Twitter I am following you on twitter @jhooker517 I follow your blog. And I will ask... what is the one gadget or piece of gear that you "need" the most when you run and wouldn't want to go without? I liked sports compression on facebook I like Racing it Off on facebook I like the compression tights. I love them in the winter and in marathons I follow you on Twitter :) i follow CEP and sports compression on Twitter I posted on my blog I blogged about your giveaway today. I posted a link on Sports Compression's FB wall. I posted a link on CEP Compression's FB wall. I'm a follower question, hmmm.... living in Texas, do you have a strong southern accent? I like SC on FB and wrote on their wall I like their hot pink compression sleeves. The recovery tights are very cool too I like you on FB I like both on twitter (tracyrunning) I follow you on twitter (tracyrunning) I linked this on my blog I tweeted (tracyrunning) I am a follower and my question is: What do you do to keep motivated when you are in a slump? I like them on facebook and let them know you sent me I like the Pink Run Recover COmpression Socks I like you on facebook I'm a follower!! :) I like Sports Compression on FB & commented. Love the Running Compression Shorts...especially like that they have so many sizes based on thigh size (no matter how "small" I get, I have big thighs). I like Racing It Off on FB. I follow your blog I Liked Sports Compression on FB and told them so! I would like to try the compression tights. I like RIO on FB too. I follow you on Twitter MarciaGrajewski I'm a follower! Just got my compression socks from sports compression.com. Check out the picture at I am a follower! Liked Sports Compression on FB and told them you sent me! I like the lime green calf sleeves! I like Racing it Off on FB! I now follow Racing it Off on Twitter! I shared the link to your giveaway on FB! Tweeted the giveaway! i follow you and i want those socks. and i wouldlove to hear more about the "dress" you run in. I guess i missed it and would love to hear more, thanks! i liked u i like compression i tweeted i follwed u i followed compression i want those socks!!! I'm a follower :) What/when was your very first race? Liked Sports compression on FB and commented. I'd love to try the CEP compression socks! I'm so behind, lol. I've got compression calf sleeves, but I bet socks would be amazing :) Like you on FB :) follow CEP and Compression Gear on Twitter :) Already follow you on Twitter Shared on my FB page :) Shared on Twitter :) Linked to my blog sidebar :) Liked you on facebook Follow your blog Like Sports Compression and posted comment you sent me Follow @CEPCompression on twitter Follow @RAcingItOff on Twitter Posted giveaway on my facebook I like the compression calf sleeves on the sports compression site I follow. Q: What do you hydrate with in the summer TX heat besides water? Liked and gave you the proper shout out! I have been wanting to try CEP compression shorts or tights, so I really hope I;m lucky enough to win! I like Racing it off on FB! I follow both on twitter I follow you on twitter! @blondeponytail tweeting now! Face booking now! I follow you! I'm a new follower, so you may talk about this regularly, but what is your favorite cross training? I like you on FB! (I also liked with my FB page--2 for 1!) ;-) I liked Sports Compression on FB and told them you sent me. I would love to try compression shorts. I have issues right now with my hips and IT band. Compression socks helped me with my shins/calves, so I hope shorts will help with upper leg. Following both on Twitter! Follow you on Twitter! I just posted on FB! I tweeted! I follow! Where do you get your training plans? Liked on FB! calf sleeves would be awesome! liked YOU on FB. Following your blog! "Liked" CEP on facebook! "Liked" you on fb! FOllowing you on twitter!!! And just realized I didn't ask you a question in the one where I told you I follow your blog.... so my question is "what is your favorite healthy snack to get you through the day?" I've seen so many bloggers talk about CEP compression products, yet I've never tried them. So I'm throwing my hat in for this one! I'm following your blog! What's your favorite race apparel? Liked Sports Compression on FB and mentioned you! I like you on Facebook now! Following CEP & CompressionGear on Twitter Following you on Twitter! And now I'll stop leaving comment and comment! Looking forward to following you from now on. Thanks for the opportunity! I'm a follower!!! I like Sports Compression on Facebook and let them know you sent me!!! I LOVE their CEP socks. I'd like to get a pair in pink but I'd also love to try their knee compression sleeves. I like Racing It Off on Facebook. I follow CEP Compression & Compression Gear on Twitter ~ windyrunner I follow you on Twitter ~ windyrunner I posted the giveaway on my blog. I tweeted ~ windyrunner I posted the giveaway on Facebook. Im a follower!! And I have been DYING for a pair of these!!
Select a person to view profile. Found 100 people To view detailed information select a person above. To view related references about a name Eric Rockwell see infomation below. Eric Rockwell - Information related to a name - Filter: - All - Phone & Address - Video & Images Phone & Address Video & Images Youtube The Musical of Musicals The Musical Duration: 3m 22s Published: 03 Dec, 2008 Category: Entertainment mus... Annoying Drummer Boy brings Christmas Cheer Duration: 3m 26s Published: 18 Dec, 2007 Category: EntertainmentSee for more Holiday Animations. Tuneful alternative holiday story. Animation by Steve Channon, Eric Rockwell, Joanne Bogart, and Matt Castle Come talk to me, im pretty bored facebook: MySpace - Twitter - If you liked this animation, do... Musical of Musicals: THE MUSICAL! Duration: 6m 12s Published: 11 Oct, 2008 Category: Entertainmentclips of me performing in the show @ the THEATER BARN, NY...along with: James Anthony Fernandes, Jerielle Morwitz, and Megan Rozack. Adam Jones at the helm of the piano. Music and Lyrics by Eric Rockwell and Joanne Bogart. Directed by Bert Bernardi. Duration: 3m 20s Published: 10 Dec, 2008 Category: MusicEric Rockwell and Joanne Bogart wrote this song, and their friend Steve Channon created this animated short, "in the style of" Rankin & Bass. Matt Castle arranged and orchestrated the song, sang as Joseph and created the digital accompaniment Social networks Locality: Las Vegas, Nevada Area Industry: Law Enforcement Past: Police officer at City of North Las Vegas Education: Davis, Humboldt State University Locality: Little Rock, Arkansas Area Industry: Banking Locality: Greater Seattle Area Industry: Retail Locality: Toledo, Ohio Area Industry: Construction Past: Project Manager/Estimator at Dunbar Mechanical Education: University of Toledo Locality: United States Past: President/Co-owner at 25 designs, Mechanical Division Manager at Armstrong Mechanical Services, Project Manager/Estimator at GEM Industrial, Project Manager/Estimator at Dunbar Mechanical Education: The University of Texas at Austin, University of Toledo Classmates Davis High School, Davis, California (CA) Graduates: Tina Davis (1985-1989), Andria Richey Richey (1969-1973), David Hawthorne (1974-1978), Eric Rockwell (1986-1990), Bill Wesnousky (1960-1964) Bentworth High School, Bentleyville, Pennsylvania (PA) Graduates: Raymond Raymond Brown (1977-1981), james nuccetelli (1980-1984), Eric Rockwell (1981-1985), Sue Salisbury (1972-1976) Myspace eric rockwell (Eric Revolver) Myspaceeric rockwell (Eric Revolver)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans. Eric Rockwell (EROC) MyspaceEric Rockwell (E-ROC)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans. Wink Locality: Little Rock, AR Locality: Chicago, Illinois Eric Rockwell Larrabee-beef Locality: Columbus, OH Locality: Coldwater, MI Locality: Davenport, IA Locality: Kalamazoo / Battle Creek, MI Locality: St. Louis, MO Locality: Washington D.C. Metro Area Locality: Uniontown, Pennsylvania Locality: Los Angeles, CA
Select a person to view profile. Found 13 people To view detailed information select a person above. To view related references about a name Jonathan Wyant see infomation below. Jonathan Wyant - Information related to a name - Filter: - All - Video & Images Video & Images Youtube The Film Fix: My First Movie with Judge Joe Wyant Duration: 3m 53s Published: 17 Apr, 2011 Category: EntertainmentIn this new series for The Film Fix, viewers talk about the importance movies have had in their lives. ; More segments coming every week. Social networks Friends: Justin Brown Sydney Rochelle Ketjuan Lafone Shanna Crouse Timothy TroutHannah Caldwell Jonathan S Wyant. Natalie Finger likes: Other, Movies, Activities, Music. Texting the person next to you stuff you cant say out loud ... Friends: Alexandra Dopart Dustin Kriner Brandy Bradley Jonathan F. Wyant Matt MimsJonathan F. Wyant Barksdale Flower Shop Barksdale Flower Shop Matt Mims Amanda Threatt Jones Sharon Wyant Smith Walden. Larry Threatt likes: ... Friends: Monique Wassner Susan Yount Chris Hilgar Robert Smith Erika TaladayJonathan Wyant Friends: Matt Cleanupman Millard Greg Statham Cameron Fox Filipe Pelegrino JardimFilipe Pelegrino Jardim Filipe Pelegrino Jardim William L Tuttle Kiran Skindar Toby Bivens Jonathan S Wyant. Ashley Miller likes: ... Classmates Thomasville High School, Thomasville, Georgia (GA) Graduates: Jonathan Wyant (1988-1992), Mattie Sanders (1972-1976), Dewey Donalson (1983-1987), Toriano Murphy (1987-1991) Canton High School, Canton, Illinois (IL) Graduates: Clifford Obrien (1969-1973), Jocelynn Weiss (1991-1995), Jon Wyant (1988-1992), Thomas Henderson (1979-1983), Beth Schiller (1977-1981) Wink Locality: Charlotte, NC Tags: Thomasville High School Locality: Greenville, South Carolina Locality: Williamsport, Pennsylvania Locality: Newton, North Carolina Locality: Fredericksburg, Texas Locality: Rochester, New York Tags: Rush Henrietta Senior High Sch Locality: Rochester, New York Locality: Fredericksburg, Texas Locality: Orrville, Ohio
National Blood Service centralisation dispute June 2, 2007 at 12:57 pm fleabite 1 comment. The NBS in England currently has 13 regional centres which process and test donated blood before redistribution to the hospitals. However this vital service is under threat with management wanting to condense these regional centres into just 3 to cover the whole of England. Unlike many NHS trusts, the NBS is not in debt, and operates efficiently with committed workers, many of whom have worked there for decades learning their highly specialised skills on the job. Notes - Currently processing centres are in : Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Tooting, Colindale, Brentwood, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle, Cambridge, Sheffield and Leeds. - The 3 proposed “supercentres” will be : Bristol, Manchester and Colindale. - The National Blood Service role includes : collecting blood from donations from 100′s of sites daily, testing the blood for Hepatitis, HIV, Malaria and Syphilis, filtering the blood and separating into components. This must then be distributed promptly to hospitals. More information : UK IWW launches campaign at the National Blood Service. Unite members protest at closures in National Blood Service. Entry filed under: Action, National Blood Service, solidarity. Tags: . 1 Comment Add your own Trackback this post | Subscribe to the comments via RSS Feed 1. germs90 | June 14, 2007 at 12:42 am Hi there I’ve just finally registered as a poster to the site but being a bit of a dunce am not sure how to set up a new page for this dispute. So just for now I’ll have to use this comment section. (If anybody can move this to the front page for me it would be much appreciated!) DEMONSTRATION Lunchtime protests will be held at all blood centres in England on Friday 15th June. This is one day after International Donor Day (also the first day of a week of national leafleting in support of NBS workers by the UK IWW). Here are the addresses of affected centres for any available health activists who would like to go along + give the staff a boost. Leeds Blood Centre, Bridle Path, Leeds, LS15 7TW Colindale Blood Centre, Colindale Avenue, London, NW9 5BG Tooting Blood Centre, 75 Cranmer Terrace, London, SW17 0RB Southampton Blood Centre, Coxford Road, Southampton, SO16 5AF Sheffield Blood Centre, Longley Lane, Sheffield, S5 7JN Brentwood Blood Centre, 15 Crescent Drive, Brentwood, CM15 8DN Newcastle Blood Centre, Holland Drive, Newcastle, NE2 4NQ Bristol Blood Centre, Southmead Road, Bristol, BS10 5ND Cambridge Blood Centre, Long Road, Cambridge, CB2 2PT Manchester Blood Centre, Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LL Oxford Blood Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, OX3 9BQ
your favorite mobile apps. It's become an annual tradition to run this survey, so in this post we're collecting your top 5 lists for 2009. To get you inspired, the ReadWriteWeb team have listed their personal favorites below.A year ago we polled you, the ReadWriteWeb community, on We first ran this poll in November 2007, before Apple's App Store opened on July 10, 2008 and when Android was but a twinkle in Google's eye. At that time, the 5 most mentioned mobile apps were the Gmail Java app, Google Maps, Opera Mini, Fring and Shozu. In November 2008 we began to see popular web services being mentioned as favorite mobile apps too: Facebook, Twitter, last.fm, FriendFeed. Also newer mobile-focused apps like Evernote and Brightkite. Read on for the 2009 edition of this reader survey... Note: ReadWriteWeb's iPhone app is coming soon! To be notified as soon as it becomes available, email notify@readwriteweb.com. Richard MacManus, ReadWriteWeb founder and editor (iPhone user):Richard MacManus, ReadWriteWeb founder and editor (iPhone user): - Diamedic; diabetes data input and monitoring tool that I use multiple times a day. - Encamp; new Basecamp project management app that the RWW team has just begun using. - Shazam; amazing song discovery app that I use regularly, e.g. holding up my iPhone to the car radio to identify cool songs! - Evernote; notes service which I was late adopter of, but it's since become essential. - Tweetie 2; my current Twitter app of choice on the iPhone. Marshall Kirkpatrick, lead blogger and VP Content Development (iPhone and Android):Marshall Kirkpatrick, lead blogger and VP Content Development (iPhone and Android): - Aardvark - Tweetdeck - SuperSearch - Regator - Appsfire Sarah Perez, feature writer and RWW's resident Mobile Web expert ("Only 5?" she replied to my Basecamp message...Sarah uses iPhone):Sarah Perez, feature writer and RWW's resident Mobile Web expert ("Only 5?" she replied to my Basecamp message...Sarah uses iPhone): - Tweetie 2 - Yelp - NYT Mobile - Bump (app for swapping contact details) Frederic Lardinois, writer (iPhone):Frederic Lardinois, writer (iPhone): - Tweetie2 - Beejive, for IM - Notifications - picposterous - Pandora Jolie O'Dell, writer and RWW Community Manager (Blackberry):Jolie O'Dell, writer and RWW Community Manager (Blackberry): - TwitterBerry - Flickr Jolie notes (and you can sense the frustration!): "The BlackBerry user of the group has few options and fewer favorites. In fact, I'd almost post a response rant about how the development for BlackBerry devices AND the OS make enjoyable user experiences a near-impossibility." Dana Oshiro, writer (iPhone):Dana Oshiro, writer (iPhone): - Foursquare - Tweetie - Breaking News Online - Aardvark - Yelp, or OpenTable Alex Williams, ReadWriteEnterprise editor (Blackberry, who notes that "the experience is just awful."):Alex Williams, ReadWriteEnterprise editor (Blackberry, who notes that "the experience is just awful."): - Yelp - Slandr - Gmail - Google mobile Jared Smith, RWW webmaster (Blackberry and iPod touch):Jared Smith, RWW webmaster (Blackberry and iPod touch): - RadarScope; weather radar viewer for iPhone and iPod touch. - TouchTerm; on-the-go SSH for iPhone and iPod touch. - MyKite; BlackBerry Brightkite app. - Yatca; BlackBerry microblogging client that supports Twitter and identi.ca with seamless inbox integration. - Google Sync for BlackBerry; "while not true push, it works so quietly and seamlessly I don't give it a second thought." Now, RWW readers, it's time for your feedback! Let us know in the comments below what your favorite mobile apps are and what mobile device(s) you use. Please limit this to 5 apps, so we can identify trends more easily and report back on them in an upcoming post. UPDATE: Appsfire have given us a special widget featuring quick links to all of the iPhone apps mentioned by our team.
? At the company's media summit in San Francisco this morning, Bass told a crowd of journalists, analysts and customers gathered in the company's slick design gallery (see pictures below) that the combination of mobile devices, cloud computing and social collaboration is more profound than the shift to PCs. Bass sees the world changing from a PC-centric model where workers promise to "email you that file when I get back to the office," to an environment where mobile devices and the cloud make where ever you are the computing center of the world. It's already happening, he claimed, citing a list of impressive usage figures: - 2 million unique visitors a month to Autodesk 360, the company's cloud offering - 30 files a minute uploaded to AutoCAD WS, the company's cloud-based AutoCAD editor - 10 million downloads of SketchBook in 2 years, now averaging 150,000 per week on PC and mobile platforms - 13 million unique visitors - more than Pinterest - to the company's Instructables community - 21 million unique visitors a month to Pixlr, its online photo editor On the low end, naysayers like to denigrate the importance of mobile products, Bass said, calling them "juvenile" "toys." But he pointed out that "consumers by night are often professionals by day." He also claimed that professionals can do serious work on today's portable devices. "I think we're underestimating these small devices... in the work that we do. They can run serious apps" for engineers and other demanding users, and they are getting more powerful all the time. Meanwhile, on the high end, the cloud lets anyone take advantage of analyses that used to require dedicating expensive workstations for days at a time. Now, "You can do it in the cloud in an hour," he said. The cloud, Bass added, "is an infinitely scalable resource," limited only by how much you're willing to pay. For urgent jobs, you can pay more and get it done faster. Other tasks can be done more cheaply over time. And that raises a fundamental question: "What would you do differently if you could compute answers faster?" Autodesk may be a bit ahead of its time. The vast majority of serious design work is still being done sitting at powerful workstations, just as it has been for a while. But Bass couldn't be more correct about the trends. It's hard to argue that more and more computing tasks are going to stop moving away from the desktop. Big, data intensive jobs will move to the cloud while smaller, more UI-focused tasks are going mobile. There will always be some things best done sitting at your computer. But the number of those things is clearly shrinking, not growing. Tomorrow, I'll write about Autodesk's cloud-based PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) offering. But in the meantime, enjoy a couple more shots of some of the cool designs on display in the Autodesk Gallery:
Not 6 comments: "...Mister Keough served as the best man at LMP's nuptials to her current husband. That children, is so damn civilized and modern that we just can't stand it." Always a hoot, Mama! But then I'm no stranger to familial shenanigans either since my dear BGD's fourth marriage was to his second cousin shortly before our 15th anniversary (hand to God, chillrun). =8-O Considering the microscope the somewhat reclusive spawn of Elvis grew up under, it seems to me that despite four marriages, she turned out NOT to be a flaming white hot mess (leaving out her brief foray into insanity as the "wife" of the dearly departed White Lady.) Architecturally insignificant and uninspired, I am nonetheless still somewhat surprised at this teardown. Even in a good economy a $5MM demolition in Hot-As-Hell Hidden Hills can still raise my eyebrows (despite the botox) ––– even the most bottomless-pocketed pre-pubescent billionaire's daughter cannot be that obsessed with the equestrian lifestyle ––– there's gotta be more to this backstory. The proximity to the storied Ahmanson Ranch cannot explain (even if there's a Gwathmey+Siegel tour-de-force masterpiece in the wings) is simply not enough to justify a multi-million dollar teardown. Actually it is no longer Coes Hill but rather a redoing of the older house. Here is the description: "Former farmhouse, now house, of late C16 and early C17 date, probably re-roofed in the C18. Restored and refenestrated in the 1990s. The attached 1990s structures to the north west and early C21 extension to the east are not of special interest." You can see an aerial view on Google Earth. The place seems very spread out, by no means a great country house, but it does have a tennis court. I didn't see anything that looked like a swimming pool, but perhaps it is under a roof of some sort. Lisa Marie seems quite a piece of work. Her Wiki bio indicates no schooling at all, certainly no university. Heiress to the Presley fortune most of which she sold off in 2005. Married to Michael Jackson and Nic Cage, the latter marriage taking longer to dissolve than did the marriage itself (108 days). Has done good works, evidently, not a bad person, but a seemingly chaotic life. One hopes she has been happy in contrast to her father. Well, I mean, does someone know what prime land (and I'm presuming this was prime) goes for in Hidden Hills? Maybe, even with the structures, this wasn't that far off the mark. But more interestingly, I thought Lisa Marie was the sole heir to the Presley fortune. Doesn't she have huge cash flow from all the various Elvis generators? Why would she be living in a house that was expendable? Have to say in interviews she comes off as quite odd. No, or low affect, as they say -- at least for public consumption. If she has charm, then it's directed elsewhere. Probably nothing to it, but I see Lisa's homes looking much like Graceland. Maybe this is why the buyers thought they needed to just tear everything down and start all over. If only I could've been a fly on the wall during her marriage to the Gloved One. What a hoot those two must've been. Can you imagine them sitting around the breakfast table, MJ all Propofol-ed up and Lisa sucking down a double wide G&T?
Predict the Next Name: Bess Myerson, Sun-Yi Previn, Winona Ryder, Rex Reed... The answer, of course, is disgraced Bush adviser Claude Allen, who has now joined the ranks of celebrity shoplifters by trying to boost $5,000 in stylish-yet-budget-priced goods from a Maryland Target store. Recall when Soon Yi Previn Allen was so unknown she was only called one of "Mia Farrow's daughters" here. Relive how Winona Ryder stole America's innocence, along with fancy clothes, here. And thrill to Rex Reed's greatest performance outside of the titular-less role star turn in Myra Breckenridge, here. Evil Twin Update: As reader digamma notes below, some folks are claiming that the dastardly deed was done not by Claude but by his lawbreaking twin brother Floyd. For details,. Some people are saying the perpetrator was Allen's twin brother. Really. Life imitates Arrested Development. Wow. This raises the interesting question: Why is "Lloyd" spelled with two "L"s but "Floyd" only spelled with one? It also brings to mind Drew Barrymore's finest role. Allen missed out on a diplomatic opportunity. He could have won over the Dems by ripping off Walmart instead of Target. Baylen- If Lloyd is spelled with two L's then Floyd should be spelled with two F's. "Ffloyd." I like that. It's seriously ffucked-up. It's delightful. The evil twin controversy will keep this all over TV for months and months...the WH will find it impossible to bury it. They can intimidate the Times and buy off the "serious" journalists, but once tabloid TV gets hold of a story no power on Earth can stop the juggernaut of coverage. From what I can divine so far, I think the evil twin may have started the scam and pulled his brother into it. Even more ffreaky, "Floyd" is already a misspelling of Welsh "Lloyd". But there's nothing too strange about "Ffloyd" - many Welsh words begin with "ff". and now for something completely different, Psychologists have formally recognized John Henryism as a style of strong coping behaviors used by many African Americans to deal with psychosocial and environmental stressors such as career issues, health problems and even racism. The researchers quantify John Henryism using a questionnaire that reveals a 'single-minded' drive to succeed, even beyond a person's overall self-interest, which is the hallmark of JH, One brother posing as another when in trouble happens. I knew two guys who did it (and neither was a twin). Winona Ryder is, or at least has been, too much like the government, but she's also quite hot. It will be terrible for him. Prosecutors will not allow him to plead out with misdemeanors and will press 4 felony charges against him. They will campaign against Claude for months to print in the minds of the public he should be jailed for a few years and pay detectives and defamers and give a few phone calls to destroy his image and reputation even more. They will stage an exhibition of the stolen goods (with holes in them?) and demand the trial be televised. And if contrary to their plans the jury acquits him on one or two charges, they'll stage a press conference to explain that jailtime never was at stake, which will enrage the public even more. I feel awfully sorry for him, it seems clear that his methods show there was no intent, no evil mind, and he was terribly depressed and vulnerable and had a substance problem. Meds can alter your judgement to the point you're not even thinking. er er hold on, am I getting mixed up with another story? VIEW HIT & RUN ARCHIVES »
At Least Her Avatar Doesn't Smoke Anti-smoking activist Stanton Glantz thought Avatar was "a great movie," except for the one detail that moved him to launch a publicity campaign against it: Grace Augustine, the environmental scientist played by Sigourney Weaver, has a cigarette habit. "This is like someone just put a bunch of plutonium in the water supply," Glantz tells The New York Times, with his usual sense of proportion. In addition to rousing the ire of Glantz's Smoke Free Movies project, Avatar, which is rated PG-13, earned a "black lung" from Scenesmoking.org. In response, director James Cameron says he considers smoking "a filthy habit" and does not view Weaver's character as "an aspirational role model" for teenagers:. Cameron is a bit too defensive, I think, but he is right to reject the notion that art should not only be didactic but that it should impart the lessons endorsed by the reigning ideology—in this case, "public health," which elevates the minimization of morbidity and mortality above all other values. The expectation that everyone who is not in the pocket of Big Tobacco will toe the official line is one of the creepiest aspects of the contemporary anti-smoking movement, as exemplified by Glantz. I criticized the campaign for smoke-free movies in a 2003 column and discussed Glantz's wild claims about the impact of cinematic smoking in a 2005 column. Last month Peter Suderman raised some non-tobacco-related objections to. Anti-smoking activist Stanton Glantz thought Avatar was "a great movie," except for the one detail that moved him to launch a publicity campaign against it: Grace Augustine, the environmental scientist played by Sigourney Weaver, has a cigarette habit. Ok, so the movie contained all the leftist cliches possible except vegetarianism AND antismoking. Well, two out of 1,000 ain't bad. LOL: James Cameron’s Avatar is Disney’s Pochontas: Pocahontas is way better as it does not end happily ever after. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. It's only a movie. Exactly, as long as you enjoy it that's all that matters. For me it was fun. Yep. Piss-poor story and characters, little more than "Indians in Space." But one helluva spectacular ride. Has anyone suggested yet to Stanton Glantz to go stick his head up his ass? Like telling the Pope to turn Catholic, JW. everyone who is not in the pocket of Big Tobacco will toe the official line This phrase seems familiar to me, but not quite right somehow... Actually, meine Dame, "toe the line" is the correct spelling of that idiom. It's not "tow the line," if that's what you were thinking. It's actually "tow the lion". No dude, it's "tow the lion". Jinx! Roar, someone called? +1. I like that toe the line becomes Tow the Lion as in pull a large hairy beast which now becomes a large hairy beast named Tow. Whoa, thanks for explaining that difficult concept! Buy me a coke? "Tao the lime"...you mean I've been saying it wrong all these years? Yeah, I was referring to the 2008(?) H&R meme. Soon it will be objectionable for anyone in the movies or TV to eat fatty foods. "Man vs. Food" beware! God, I wish that was far-fetched. We live in a time in which satire has become impossible. Why stop there? The use of fat actors should be banned. After all, they didn't get fat from exercising. I look forward to the re-re-re-release of Avatar, where the cigarettes will be replaced by walkie-talkies. And the entire cast will be replaced by Wookies. No ewoks? Bummer. Chris Dodd (D-Wall Street Banksters) is not running for re-election this year, he has announced. Unfortunately, that might make it more difficult for Peter Schiff to win the general election, should he take the Republican primary. Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut attorney general, says he will run on the Democratic ticket, and being that Connecticut votes heavily Democratic, it will be tough for Peter. Furthermore, the only Republicans that have come from Connecticut in the past few decades have been hardcore statists, which means that there is almost no constituency for liberty in that state. I wish Peter the best, but the hill has become a bit more steep for him. There's already a thread about that. In addition to rousing the ire of Glantz's Smoke Free Movies project, Avatar, which is rated PG-13, earned a "black lung" from smokesense.org. If the coal miners from the 1940s were alive to read that, they'd be rolling in their graves. They'd clawing at the lids to their coffins. There was mining in the movie, too. Well, potential mining at least. To respond with anything more hedged than "See this ass, bitches? Eat it," is to "endorse the reigning ideology" that a world of official concerns and issues, minutely and endlessly addressed, at all times, in all things, by all, always, is what constitutes society. My comment upon seeing the movie was that it was like StarCraft invaded a fantasy role-playing MMPORG. The human evil-space-militarists were obviously just as much their own kind of fantasy universe as the Pandorans. They just came from a different combat commando FPS universe than a MMPORG. The whole gainan enviro-freak thing is not serious at all. It's the story line to a video game. The real meaning of the film is about losing yourself in alternate realities created by fantasy gaming. They're fucking flying dragons for fuck sake, people. That's a dead giveaway. Also, aren't the Na'vi a little too much like night elves? yeah, they are very night-elfish. But there aren't any Orcs or Mideaval humans involved, so I couldn't say it was WarCraft III. I should add... Weaver smokes because that's just what the characters in combat-commando-scifi computer games DO. They aren't futuristic Americans, they're the Terrans from StarCraft. Or rather, they are futuristic Americans as envisioned by combat FPS video games of the past decade. But apparently the "Americans" in the film are complete psychotic morons. And the film pretty much revels in their grizzly deaths. The whole thing looks like a liberal revenge fantasy against the evil military industrial complex. Snuffatar Dude, that's because the Terrans in StarCraft, and pretty much every other futuristic combat commando game are complete psychotic morons. You're entirely missing my point. They are portrayed that way because they are video game characters lifted out of the whole sci-fi combat FPS genre. That's the style. That is a crazy premise to make a movie. The chances of any individual unit in starcraft surviving the scenario is just above zero kelvin. They are just mindless cannon fodder. Fun to send out to kill shit with, but not too interesting to watch on screen. And yet the film has made over a billion dollars already. Granted, these are 2009/2010 dollars, so that's really like forty bucks. But that's still not bad. Is that world wide? It has made 367 in the US. It is not surprising it is doing well overseas. Simple dialog, big graphics, and is basically a US soldier snuff film. I'm really surprised Blizzard hasn't sued Cameron for ripping them off. It's obvious that Avatar is space marines vs. night elves. Blizzard has to be careful, otherwise Games Workshop will sue them for stealing the Space Marines in the 1st place. And the heinlein estate will sue them for stealing the powered body armor idea from Starship Troopers. I don't know that it's fair to paint Starcraft with the same message brush as Elves in Space. Yeah, the Terrans are rednecks, and yeah the Space Marines are often technologically "rehabilitated" lunatics and criminals. But it was the Protoss who started the game off by eradicating whole Terran colonies -- not for crimes against the environment or imperialism or whatever; just because there were Zerg on their planets. If there's a message about the evil of "collateral damage" thinking, then it's the wise benevolent aliens that are the villains, not the Space Hicks. (Not to mention the wise benevolent aliens live in a caste-based society and are governed by a rigid, dogmatic quasi-theocratic ideology). The Terran campaign starts out as a revolution against a despotic government, but ends with the leader of the revolution betraying his close friends, allying with opportunistic members of the despotic government, seizing absolute power and implementing something even worse than what came before. The Terran campaign's message is about the dark side of hope and change. The "good guys" in the Protoss campaign, meanwhile, are really the Dark Templars and the Protoss that end up trying to reconcile with them. The Dark Templars were expelled from Protoss society because they rejected the new teachings for fear they would lose their individuality. The antagonistic humans in the expansion are basically a libertarian's dystopian view of the future UN -- from starcraft.wikia.com: "The United Powers League... succeeded the defunct United Nations and took on the mantle as the defender of humanity... The UPL sought to enforce conformity in the name of "enlightened socialism". Fascist tactics destroyed ethnic separation and racism. English was imposed as the primary language while other languages were banned. Unitariate Commissions began banning religions in 2231[2] and religion fell under an official ban... While not a religious organization, the UPL embraced the philosophy of "the divinity of mankind", scholars arguing that genetic alteration, cyber technology and the use of psychoactive drugs led to the degeneration of the human species... which led to launch of Project Purification... a campaign of mass genocide in which over 400 million people were eradicated." Does the evil of the UPL (later UED) sound more like jingoistic hicks, or Progressive Intellectuals with Big Ideas about the Greater Good? Fact is, the Space Marines are the least of three evils -- Raynor is essentially the everyman hero whose changing alliances (from colonist to revolution to Tassadar's Protoss to Zeratul's dark templars) are supposed to indicate the current "good guys". And the good guys are usually good because they're honorable and individualist in their ethics. Hell, even Kerrigan is a magnificent bastard(ess) because of her vaguely Byronic personality. The bad guys, the hive-mind Zerg, the dogmatic Enclave, the eugenic UED, the despotic Confederacy and Terran Dominion, are all hierarchical, strongly governed, and/or collectivist entities (the irony of the player essentially being an ur-dictator in all campaigns notwithstanding). Starcraft is about as close to a libertarian message game as we can get (no, Bioshock doesn't count). Hey, all I was trying to say is that the behavior of the humans in Avatar are representative of sci-fi space militarists in all sorts of other video games of the past decade. StarCraft being the most obvious. Powered body armor included. Considering that most Americans (and probably an even greater percentage of international moviegoers) have never heard of StarCraft, I don't think that's the intended message, or the one that will be received. Korea on the other hand.... Okay, well pick scifi combat commando game of choice. Halo 3 maybe? An unfortunate collision of high fantasy tropes and Space Marines sounds more like Warhammer 40k (although technically Starcraft ripped off Warhammer, so...) Can we get a Spoiler Alert here? Now I'm totally not going to be surprised when I see Weaver light one up. Its a sled. Cameron is no hack like Welles. I saw that coming a mile away. Its a sled. Neatly executed. It took me several seconds to get that. Cute. Seriously, there shouldn't be spoiler alerts for Avatar. Nothing in there will surprise you. Nothing. But it will delight the hell out of the kid in you. Let me out! Let me out! /muffled screams. I hate the kid in me. He was gristly. He was unpleasant to eat? I'm willing to believe that. That was your pancreas, Sug. :::shakes head::: When I was a kid I would have rooted for the stupid little blue bastards to be killed. I doubt Avatar will make the kid in my smile. Your last name is McCain, isn't it? Reminds me of my childhood reaction to Smurfs. Maybe I wasn't typical though -- I did bite off my sister's stuffed bunny's ears after watching Watership Down. Oh John, they blow lots and lots of things up. Things go boom! Filthy Critic gave the review that's keeping me out of the theater: "I heart Ferngully" I never saw Ferngully as a kid, and I'm not interested now. I had to watch fern gully in elemetary school... it was part of me Massachusetts progressive education along with the late 80s -early 90's experiement with "whole language." Looking back on elementary school i now realize how much of it was green propeganda from Earth Day being mad ea big event to science class being dominated by the water cycle and polution to "diversity" being taught as a virtue (keep in mind diversity only applied to the color of your skin not diversity of though or the individual) In retrospect, my late 80s-early 90s elementary education was definitely all about environmental responsibility. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle was our pledge of allegiance. Is that like Stop, Drop, and Roll? What I got out of FernGully: a new word "bodacious" and weirdly thinking Tim Curry as black goo was somehow sexy. Snape kills Dumbledore Yay! "which again is a negative comment about people in our real world living too much in their avatars, meaning online and in video games...." But the main character, the good guy, becomes an avatar forever. How is that a "negative comment" on living too much as an avatar? Cameron is obviously backtracking here, all for the sake of seeming PC about smoking. Fuck Glantz, fuck Cameron, fuck PC Hollywood. Yes, that's interesting. I think cameron is being a bit toungue-in-cheek about it. But you know the main character is a guy in a hweelchair paralyzed, who is able to walk again through his avatar. I don't think it's possible to be tongue-in-cheek about a movie that is an amalgamation of just about every crowd-pleasing blockbuster ever made. Another reason why this movie is retarded: They have technology advanced enough to send people light years through space to live through avatars but they can even treat paralysis with anything more than a wheelchair? They had a treatment but it was too expensive. Apparently, Obamacare never got through. Because of capitalism and corporations of course. No heller it is BECAUSE Obamacare got through... you know the rationing and death panels were in effect. Ummm no, in the Avatar universe there would be no Obamacare because humanity is taken over by evil capitalism. Only unobtainium stolen from the peaceful natives can pay for his expensive medical operation back home on Earth(tm). "Fuck Glantz" That's glans. Thanks for the coerrection. And none of the bad guys had avatars, either. Cameron is definitely backtracking, but it's probably due more to the criticism of Avatar as a thinly-veiled leftist screed than to the smoking concerns. But the main character, the good guy, becomes an avatar forever. Wow, there's no way I would have guessed that twist ending from the random portions of the trailer that I've seen. The movie is ruined for me now. Good. I just saved you $18-$10, a few hours, and a headache from watching 3D stuff fly at you. Also, I saved you from watching a movie you've already see before, except in little bits and pieces of other, orginal movies. Yeah, he's not technically an avatar at the end -- he's fully Na'vi, with no machine intermediaries between his human body and his Na'vi body. Though I'm wondering about several things related to that [SPOILERS AHEAD!]...how did the Na'vi know how to transfer the spirit from a human body into a Na'vi avatar body, when avatars were unknown to them until the humans came (and given their relations with humans, it's doubtful they would have wanted to do this before). Also, how are the humans who were permitted to stay on Pandora going to keep supplied with human-edible food and oxygen, which the Na'vi do not have the technology to produce? ::cracks knuckles:: Well, Tulpa, the Tree of Life, as with every other living thing on the planet of Pandora, is connected through electric impulses. From my primitive understanding of casting human brains into avatar bodies, I believe the electric signals of the brain constitute that brain (and therefore the personhood of the human-avatar in question). That packet of electric signals must be constantly sent to the avatar in order to keep the connection going. When hotTerminatorGuy is at the Tree of Life (the nerve center of all electric signals, I presume), it's tendrils (also full of electric impulses) fully captured the electric brain fully and imprinted it into the Na'vi body. /BS I don’t believe in the dogmatic idea that no one in a movie should smoke. Movies should reflect reality. Spoken without even a hint of irony. REFLECT reality. Like the image of the sky in an oil streaked puddle. Movies should reflect the reality of blue-skinned aliens on beautiful, Gaia-esque planets. I find it somewhat amusing that a movie that contains some of the most obvious racist colonial trope as this movie is liked at all by the left. I guess the enviornmental message dwarfs the fact that the blue kitties are completely lost without the help of one good white male. Oh and the smoking is bad too I guess. Personally I think its a movie with neat effects and a juvenile story line. Which is good enough for entertainment I enjoyed my time in the theater. However, the left love to look "deeper" into these things, so its kind of fun to not see them look deeper to the obvious problem with this film. "the blue kitties are completely lost without the help of one good white male." That is pretty much how lefties see the world and minorities in particular. Yeah, I noticed that too. The one white male hero arrives to save the day, flying the biggest fucking dragon of all, thereby fulfilling tribal prophecy. Whereupon he is worshipped practically as a God. People, this is *exactly* the narrative of a fantasy role playing game. It's so entirely superficial I can't see how anyone takes it seriously, in either a positive or negative way. That is a good point. And pretty pathetic statement about the movie. Video games can get away with lame or ridiculous plots because you are playing them as opposed to watching them. A movie with a video game plot is pretty low. The movie is called 'Avatar' for a reason. Because it's about video games. The main character displaces his personality into an alternate body in a fantasy universe. They fly dragons and ride dinosaurs. The humans have giant steel powered body armor suits and fly space ships. Like I said, it's as if StarCraft invaded the Night Elves home town. Or some equivalent fantasy RPG universe. It is even lame for the video game. No one would play a video game like that and chose to play the blue things. You would play the humans and slaughter the blue things. What? The blue things get to fly dragons and mind-meld with a tree. That sounds like WAY more fun. To each his own, but I would rather hunt varmints. That's not a fair characterization. [SPOILERS AHEAD!] The "blue kitties" saved the white male's life the first night in the forest, and only after they had taught him their peace-loving, harmonious-with-nature ways was he able to find the inner strength to fight against the eeeeevil humans. A blue one also saved him at the end. yeah, but it's still about the white mans mental journey. The blue kitties are never expected to expand their minds and learn to understand the ways and culture of the white people. they are assumed to be too primitive to grasp the concept that the other side might have something of value to teach them too. Another reason why Pocahontas is the better movie, even though the two are similar. The actual member of the native tribe saves the day. I think there's a valid concern here. Children watching Avatar in 3D are going to see Ripley seemingly puffing on a cig right next to them in the theater. And we all know that virtual secondhand smoke is exactly as dangerous as the real thing. Win And we all know that virtual secondhand smoke is exactly as dangerous as the real thing. Actually this is true. "I find it somewhat amusing that a movie that contains some of the most obvious racist colonial trope as this movie is liked at all by the left." The soft speakers on NPR this morning called it the most derivative unoriginal movie they had ever seen, and warned that it didn't really say or mean anything. When you make a liberal revenge fantasy and have lost NPR. When you make a liberal revenge fantasy and have lost NPR. Posted twice, but still a sentence fragment. That's just because they havn't played enough video games to recognize it as one of them. I think we've all got your point about video games by now Hazel. Really. What I don't get is how Cameron could have spent 15 years of his life trying to get such an obviously unoriginal and stupid movie made. This movie looks like something the studios threw together with six different screen writers in a few months and then foisted on the public not a fifteen year labor of love by an allegedly serious director. C'mon. I know its not Shakespheare but cut us some slack. I don't think it was the script that took 15 years -- it was piecing together the visuals and the equipment necessary to put them on screen. True enough. But you would think at some point during those 15 years Cameron would have tried to fix a few of the holes in the plot. Mothers are always the last to see the flaws in their children. He only added the plot because the executives kept bitching. The first draft of the movie was called "Three Hours of Fucking Awesome CGI Special Effects in Space (in 3D!!!)". It just so happened that Pocahontas was the last thing he had watched, so... It was Dances with Smurfs, in 3-D. Pocahantas Dances with Smurfs, in 3D Glantz's textbook is pretty good. He seems to be pretty much a wanker though. Très bay area. It should be noted that there was MUCH more to the movie, but it was cut to fit the time alloted. It should be noted that there was MUCH more to the movie, but it was cut so that future DVD releases can be used to milk the "director's cut" market. Fixed it for you. Oh is that it? I guess all the morally complex, interesting and unique angels to the story took too long to develop so there was only enough time for the simple, trite, and predictable stuff. I think you give Cameron too much credit. If there were interesting and unique angles to the story, why not put them in in the first place? sarcasm John's head In his defense, I meant my sarcastic response to be to Kroneborge's post, not John's reply to Kroneborge's post, but somehow I got hit the wrong one which made it kind of confusing. Damn threaded comments! How would you know this? Read about it in a Cameron interview. He said when he first wrote the script it was basically a novel, and he had to cut it down to get it to an acceptable movie length. One wonders why he didn't go the trilogy route then. Of course, it's quite possible that the stuff that got cut was just as trite and worthless as the stuff that made it into the film. "If it’s O.K. for people to lie, cheat, steal and kill in PG-13 movies, why impose an inconsistent morality when it comes to smoking?" Ugh. I understand what he's saying, but I hate the implication that smoking is immoral. Just because something's unhealthy doesn't mean it's "wrong," per se. It happened when the definition of immoral became "things I don't like." Hey, I like that definition. It makes the left and most government actions immoral. Of course, I can usually give a more reasoned explanation than "I don't like it". "This is like someone just put a bunch of plutonium in the water supply," Glantz tells The New York Times cowabunga, dude! Cameron's fifteen years was taken up mostly by a) playing, and b) inventing and developing new technology & techniques to allow him to even get his (lame) story to the screen at all. I definitely agree that the film's story is wonky, but it is the most astoundingly beautiful film I've ever seen - and the absolute best motion stereography I've seen. Hiro Protagonist is not amused. Another story full of leftist tripe. But less enjoyable. People always have wondered what kind of movie Ed Wood would have made if he had been given infinite resources. Well, now we know. Except Ed Wood's version would have given Jake Sully a female avatar. Wearing a pink angora sweater. For me there is a disconnect between population control nuts also being smoking nazis. The anti-tobacco hype offered by liars like Henry Waxman has just about driven me to the point of believing cigarettes must actually be good for you. Yes. And the anti-smoking ads before movies make me wish I was cool enough to smoke. Fe'ces. LOL: James Cameron’s Avatar is Disney’s Pochontas: Too funny! Sigourney smoking was one of the few plot elements I give Cameron props for. Takes balls these days to make protagonists smokers in movies. As far as everything else, I wish egotistical directors like Cameron and Lucas would focus on their groundbreaking technology and let actual writers do the writing. But I agree with A.G. Pym above. The plot was kind of beside the point. Which is why the movie will be forgotten in a matter of months. The technology will progress and become more widely used and Avatar won't look so spectacular to future movie goers. It will just be a cheap looking movie with a dumb plot. Seriously, who watches Who Framed Roger Rabbit or The Abyss anymore? I disagree. I think Avatar is more groundbreaking like the Matrix (though not quite as good). I think it will change the way movies are made for a long time. Plus, I just enjoyed it. Predicatable story, sure. But that means my head won't hurt from knew thoughts, lol Certainly the Matrix proves you don't have to have a coherent plot to be influential. Hey, the Matrix was coherent. Very Nietzscheian. Plus it gave me hope that the real world wasn't actually run by liberals, but by human-harvesting machines. The difference being? Actually, I would call the Republicans human-harvesting machines. There was a meeting of them here a month ago and all the couples wanted separate beds (NO JOKE). "Who Framed Roger Rabbit or The Abyss anymore?" Tony. Sigourney smoking was one of the few plot elements I give Cameron props for. Character element not plot element. If her smoking was a plot element she would have used a zipo to kill an enemy or stuck a lit cigarette in a someone eye or she would have gotten cancer...anyway you get the idea. Bitter babes who smoke, gotta love em Seriously, where did I come from? Kinda snuck up on everybody, yeah? And vomited. Yeah, Cameron could've just put me at the end. Nobody would've noticed. I would've been awesome for the final battle scene! Once again...Avatar is not a left wing movie with left wing themes. Wrong. It is anti-capitalism, anti-corporations, anti-war, and environmentalist. Any left wing themes missing? Just vegetarianism - oh, and (getting back to the article) anti-smoking zealotry. Queers. Wrong it is pro property rights pro free labor markets and pro liberty and pro religion informed morality and pro gun rights and pro local government. plus we got the smoking example. You need to stop reading the nut jobs at "Big Hollywood" without a critical eye. oh yeah the story of the ex-marine is very pro-individual. Also the sexual liberty of the his love interest was as well. Oh yeah i forgot anti-authoritarian, and pro-meritocracy. Since I didn't see any actual governments in this movie, just a corporation, I hesitate to call it anti-authority. Meritocracy? Where are you pulling these out of? Oh I know, your ass. Dude, just because there is a hero in the story does not mean the movie is individualist. Sexual liberty (bi-racial/bi-cultural in the movie) is a left wing theme. Good job proving my point. Sexual liberty (bi-racial/bi-cultural in the movie) is a left wing theme. WTF? You sound like an idiot, so please prove your point. Sexual liberty, like any liberty, is an individualist and freedom-loving theme. You might as well say sexual illiberty is a right-wing theme. I would say both sides consider only some sexual events to be correct. "pro property rights pro free labor markets and pro liberty and pro religion informed morality and pro gun rights and pro local government" Could you site any real examples of these views actually being fed to the audience? The destruction of the home tree was not about property rights, it was about the destruction of nature for money. Just because you one side using force on other side doesn't mean that there is any pro-liberty message here either. It was definitely pro-spiritualism, but not pro-morality-based-on-religion. And definitely not pro-local government. The pandorans didn't have govs, just a chief and priestess. The smoking doesn't represent any kind of pro-smoking message. Good job, buddy. You sure convinced me there are no left wing themes in this movie. hmm, didn't seem to be anti war, at least not with that much violence in it. The violence was initiated by the eeeeevil capitalist planetkilling humans. The smurfs were just defending themselves. So it supports a strong planetary defense. Also movies I see at movie theaters should have no smoking in them for the simple reason that seeing someone smoke makes me want to smoke. Which, being unable to smoke in a theater, hurts the overall viewing experience. This. I don't see how anyone can stand it. I think the same effect is the purpose of anti-smoking commercials. And no beer either unless you're at one of those fancy theaters. Home theater, people. You know what I really don't get about Avatar? You spend $400 million on amazing special effects, yet the subtitles are in cheap MS Word Papyrus font. James Cameron stole my script! Speaking of movies, I watched almost the whole trailer for the Book of Eli thinking "Wow, that was quick. I wasn't expecting to see a Fallout 3 movie for at least another year or two." MIND MELD! Regarding that NPR comment posted above, I wonder if the Left Intelligentsia did not find the caricatures of all those lefty beliefs sort of insulting. I mean, it almost seemed like James Cameron was mocking the left through an obvious exaggeration of all lefty ideas about capitalists and the environment. Mind you, no capitalists in this Universe would have ever EVER freighted haul trucks, mining equipment, habitats, materials, food and people to a distant and harsh planet just to obtain a few rocks. Supposedly the rocks contained a very "valuable" mineral - what, Cameron never heard of substitutions? Doesn't Cameron know that the REAL money comes from selling cheap stuff in great quantities? Why does he think people use OIL today instead of WHALE oil, even when whale oil is more "valuable"? Idiot. Yeah, I do sort of get a whiff of that from the whole fantasy RPG angle I have been reading it on. If the whole thing is an analogy for MMPORGs and video games in general, then hat he's really saying is that the whole romantic noble savage stuff is just a big fantasy. I mean, it almost seemed like James Cameron was mocking the left through an obvious exaggeration of all lefty ideas about capitalists and the environment. You are confusing established sci-fi elements of a living planet with environmentalism, and what does Kelo in space have to do with capitalism? Gee, maybe it was the oft-repeated line that humans had "killed their mother" by our abuses of our own planet. That, coupled with the capitalist caricatures who are supposedly obsessed with profits, yet repeatedly overlook myriad opportunities to make profits AND avoid spending money on military action. And if you think Cameron intended this film to be about eminent domain, I've got a railroad yard in Brooklyn to sell you. corning, do you actually believe what comes out of your brain or are you just retarded? The movie was clearly environmentalist and anti-capitalist: "We must be one with nature, the humans are raping our planet for money, bla bla bla." In response, director James Cameron says he considers smoking "a filthy habit" and does not view Weaver's character as "an aspirational role model" for teenagers: She’s rude, she swears, she drinks, she smokes. Weaver's character in Avatar is one of the good guys. And, I won't Godwin the thread by naming a certain vegetarian, non-drinking, non-smoking sociopath of the early to mid-1900s. Gandhi? Good guess, but I think it could be any of a veritable plethora of progressives. Now, they were racists. I don't recall Robert La Follette ever calling WEB DuBois a "negro communist". I think the bad thing about this movie is there actually IS a good reason for the humans not to be digging up this planet. It has a unique and unusual ecosystem very unlike Earth's. While I do believe Cameron is recycling the same old tropes of criticizing European colonialism, what the humans are doing here is a lot worse. Does it remind anyone of "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" wherein the protagonist is too perfect to be criticized? VIEW HIT & RUN ARCHIVES »
Weathered Cedar Bed March 31, 2013 Walnut Storage Bed March 23, 2013 This custom piece started with a client that had her eye on a bed with drawers from a big-box retailer that looked right, but didn’t quite work right for her. I was able to offer solid walnut selected for its character and uniqueness, a handrubbed oil and wax finish, a split and angled headboard, and a metal bumper rail above the drawers. Tailored to work. Redwood Bin Bed February 23, 2013 Who doesn’t need more storage? The low profile structural deck of this bed allows huge rolling bins to park neatly below. Shown here in a king size, there is practically an entire closet underneath. The redwood is reclaimed from NYC water tanks. A simple oil and wax finish shows off its beautiful natural red tones and the erratic black streaking gained from years of exposure to the elements. The bin pulls are custom made from salvaged leather strap and solid brass fasteners. Wide Plank Bed October 20, 2012 This bed celebrates the simple beauty of a great batch of antique yellow pine. orignal. Claire Bed July 25, 2012 Budget conscious and beautiful, this simple queen bed is done completely out of reclaimed spruce. Like all REASON beds, it eliminates the need for a box spring, freeing up valuable space underneath for storage. We are going to add four large rolling drawers under this one to take advantage of every square inch. Five Degree Platform Bed October 29, 2011 Madison Bed September 21, 2011 This bed was commissioned through the wedding registry of two close friends. We joked from the beginning about what I would title the piece once it was time to publish it on reasonmodern.com. Their submissions swung from absurd to lewd as they made fun of my tendency to get a bit florid in my descriptions. Now, as I sit to write this, Madison Bed seems the obvious choice… and this one is for them: The newlyweds are returning to their newly configured bedroom tonight from their wedding week in Madison, WI, where they met during our college years together so long ago. Serendipitously, I’m just now remembering that my supplier of deconstructed water tower wood informed me that this batch of redwood came from the demolition of a tower on Madison Ave. It was meant to be. Like the couple, the bed combines the best of the Midwest and East Coast. It is as stout and strong as Bucky Badger himself, but it is styled to cast a slim profile in its urban environs. A subtle bend in the headboard offers chic detail, while unseen rear supports allow for comfortable, stable leaning. The platform is composed of antique spruce slats, custom milled for the job, and the tall skirt conceals about half of their extra thick pillow-top mattress. Double skid legs run the length of the structure, serving also as beams to form its strong spine. And when the happy couple is ready to pack up and head back to the dairy state, the whole thing breaks down easily to be reassembled with just four bolts. All the best you two! –Jake.
A Very Merry Christmas In NY Indeed- Mark Teixeira to the Yankees _1<< I would much rather have Varitex then Lowe because what about Clay? Bigpapi72, Elizabeth – you and I are true believers in Mikey! And please tell Dr. Neel that Mike is only 34 years old. Have a wonderful Christmas! And remember, next season when Mike has a fantastic year you and I can say – I told you so! Julia Merry Christmas! Looks like Lowell is going to stay now. Glad your wish came true. Great Q&A, Elizabeth! It was fun following your conversation. And I’m glad things worked out the way you wanted them to. I can certainly understand why Lowell’s a favorite of yours. Now if the Red Sox sign Varitek, you’ll be really happy, right? Merry Christmas to you and your family. - I’m glad to hear you got your wish, too. I think the nice bushy beard makes Lowell look older. Merry Christmas!!! “Happy” Holidays, Elizabeth. Hi, Elizabeth … Well, with the Mark Teixeira signing by the Yankees, it will make the “Yankees – Red Sox” rivalry much more fun to watch in 2009 and future years … But, it is a long season, and we all can look forward to a great battle in the AL East between the Yankees, Red Sox, and Rays … Elizabeth, enjoy your Christmas Day; and, Best Wishes, to you and your family, for a Very Christmas and Very Happy Holiday Season !!! … Jimmy [27NYY] Merry Christmas, Elizabeth Merry Christmas! It has been so much fun reading your blog over the last few months! I hope you had a great one! I hope that you had a Merry X’mas. You know what, it’s all good that Mark Texieria signed with the Yankees, I think that Lars Anderson will be ready to unleash hell in a couple of years, can’t wait for that. Also, the Red Sox organization needs to focus on signing ‘Tek, and work on long-term deals with Youk, Jason Bay, and Jonathon Paplebon. The Yankees’ offseason FA payroll is ridiculous. I’m hoping it’s a sign that the economy may not be as bad as everyone thinks, instead of an idiotic move by the Yanks. I also hope we don’t receive word of the Yankees letting go of some front office help because they can’t afford to pay them. That’s just couldn’t tell if the streaker was a man or a woman because it had a bag on it’s head. - Air Jordan
imtrtut VOL. NO. 8. PIERZ, flORRISON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, JANUARY, 25, 1917. No. 32 ABOUT THE STATE News of Especial Interest to Minnesota Headers. GATHERED FROM ALL SECTIONS Happenings of the Week Briefly Told for the Convenience of the Busy Reader. The St. Paul postoffice handled $12,- 726,824.35 in 1916. Charles H. Miller, pioneer hotel man of St. Paul, is dead. Mrs. Lonora Halloran, a resident of. Minneapolis since 1S54, is dead. The Banner hotel at Lamberton has been destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of ?40,000. Sam Gir'ard, seventy-eight years old, well known farmer of Crow Wing county, is dead. Mrs. Christina Hanft, aged eighty- five, who came to Minnesota in 1852, is dead at Tacoma, Wash. Oscar M. Bergstrom, inventor of many automobile appliances and a gas engine expert, is dead at Minneapolis. Malcolm W. Clark, a mining engineer,' formerly of Northfield, was killea in an automobile accident at Tulsa, Okla. With 763,832 cars in or out of Minneapolis in the year 1916 the Mill City broke all former records in freight traffic. I. M. Owene, aged ninety, was killed at a street crossing at Sleepy Eye when struck by a passenger train on the Chicago and Northwestern road. Mrs. John F. Stevens, wife of the chief engineer of the Panama canal, who formerly lived in St. Paul, is dead at her home in New York city. A large owl became wedged between two higli tension wires east of Madison Lake, formed a short circuit and cut off the lighting service of the village. J. C. Mahoney, an employe of the Minneapolis General Electric company, was electrocuted when he came into contact with a cable carrying 2,- 300 volts. Joseph Swindelhurst, a Wadena county pioneer, is dead, aged eighty- seven. Mr. Swindelhurst's first child was the second white baby born in Wadena county. Rev. William H. Barkuloo, who served in the active work of the Methodist ministry in Minnesota since 1869 until his retirement in 1910, is dead at St. PauJ. Mrs. M. H. Dunnell, widow of Mark H. Dunnell, for fourteen years congressman from the First Minnesota district, is dead at Washington. The family home is in Owatonna. Edward S. Quigley, head of the training department of the state normal school at Mankato, has accepted an election as assistant superintendent of schools at Los (Angeles, Ca}. Jospeh Kinney, nineteen years old, of Swanville, pleaded guilty in district. court at Little Falls to having shot and wounded his father and was sentenced to forty days in the county jail. Bruce R. Stone of Monticello was elected president of the Third Class Assistant Postmasters' Association of Minnesota at the first annual convention of the association at Minneapolis. John R. Anker, treasurer of the Ken- ney & Anker Mercantile company of Duluth and well known throughout the Northwest because of his lumber and mining interests, is dead in the Zenith City. Mrs. Paul Mass, twenty-three years old, committed suicide by hanging in the woodshed at the rear of her home at St. Paul. She was found by her four-year-old son, suspended from a rafter. Frederick Goodsell, pioneer resident of Northfield, for many years president of the First National bank of that city and son of Charles M. Good- sell, founder of Carleton college, is dead at Moorhead. Public ditch work in Blue Earth county in 1916 amounted to $1,006,320. In addition approximately 50,000 rods of private drain tile was laid on farms of the county to connect with the public ditches. "Wet" petitions, containing over four times the number of signatures required to put the saloon question before the voters of Duluth in April, have been turned into headquarters of the wets at Duluth. A Swedish midsummer festival will be held at Center City, ou the shores of Lake Chisago, on June 24. The festival will be attended by people of Swedish de.cent from Minnesota and North and South Dakota. Captain Alexander Smith, former St. Paul man, who became a hero by holding the fort at Altoona pass until the coming of General Sherman and his troops, was burned to death in his home at Jacksonville, 111. Dr. E. F. Spaulding, superintendent of the Minneapolis public schools, has accepted the superintendency of the Cleveland (O.) public schools at an annual salary of $12,000 for four years. His services will begin May 1. Disbarment proceedings against Thomas Mohn, an attorney of Red Wing, wore filed in the supremo court by Eli Southwick of the state beard of law examiners. Chief Justice Calvin Brown issued an order citing Mohn to appear Feb. 2 to answer the allegation that he violated his oath as an attorney. Interesting Correspondences Hillman News. Joe Leigh of Vawter, was here on business last week. Mrs. W. C. Penniman and children left last Thursday for Dora Lake, where they will visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Leigh, before leaving for their new home in Anaconda, Mont. Has any one been missing any grain lately. Bert Sanborn was seen delivering some at the station at day-break two days last week. Ben Drews hauled posts from Andrew Markusons' Saturday. R. C. Bethel left Saturday for a trip to the twin cities. Rev. Upton, of Onamia, and Rev. Scotten, of Willmar, were with us Monday and Tuesday. Rev. Upton preached a fine sermon in the school house each evening. They went to Rucker on Wednesday for services there. Bert Sanborn, of Holstein Park, and William Drews went to Pierz on the passenger Tuesday. Mr. Aug. Drews returned Tuesday from Little Palls, where she had been for some time with her daughter, Miss Marie, who is a patient in St. Gabriel's hospital there. What has happened to the Holstein Park correspondent, or has the Park been vacated? Brainerd Suffers Heavy Fire Loss. Brainerd,— Willaim Gearney and T. S. Land are missing today and it is thought that they lost their lives in the fire which destroyed the Antler hotel in this city last night. The cause of the blaze is unknown and the fire was not discoverd until well under way. The total loss is estimated at about $50,000. The hotel is a total loss. Others who suffered damage were the Dulutk Brewing Company, W. Shange, Joseph Sebert, Louis Dromen and J. Shaffer. Rucker News. Kick From Cow Breakes a Leg. Herman Ostendorf, living 4 miles east of Freeport, is suffering with a broken leg. Mr. Ostendorf was driving the cattle out of the barn Saturday when one of the animals kicked him on the right leg breaking the member below the knee. Mr. Ostendorf is 65 years of age, but is reported as getting along nicely, although it will lay him up for some time. Mrs. Ernest Goble visitedMrs. Matt Pint last Friday afternoon. Leigh Teachout went to Pierz Friday and to Hillman Saturday afternoon. Mrs. S. D. Wood and daughter, Mrs. Roy Probasco, called at the Goble and Bruber homes Friday afternoon. We certainly experienced an old fashioned Minnesota blizzard Sunday. It snowed hard all day and a strong northeast wind piled the snow up in fine j style. There were about thirty-five in attendance at the dance given Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson and a very pleasant time is reported. Mrs. Gates and niece, Miss Ethel Tuey and Mr. and Mrs. John Dorman and boys were callers at Hillman Saturdeiy. One married young lady in our neighborhood ought to have a prize for early rising as well as kind deeds to her neighbors. One morning last week she got breakfast for her "gude man" and herself and did up morning work, then went to her nearest neighbor and finding them still asleep, built a fire in the kitchen stove to make it warm and nice for them. We call that real goodness of heart these cold mornings. Miss Pleasant Loop spent a few clays at home the latter part of last week, returning Saturday, just in time to take in the dance. We understand that there is considerable opposition all along the line to the new star route proposed from Hillman— the majority preferring the present route from Pierz to having their mail changed. Matt Pint went to Sullivan again Monday to resume his work of making posts. Miss Pleasant Loop returned to the Pint hom^ on Monday. Tracy Waller went to Lastrup Monday. Was Found Not Guilty. Eugene Tuft, the young man, in a fight with whom Leo Webber lost his life last fall, was found not guilty. The fact remains that Webber and Tuft fought and that Webber died from the effects of a wound received during the fight. The wound was made with an instrument which might have been a screw-driver. A screw-driver was found where the tight occurred. Pretty good circumstantial evidence. Yet the jury found him not guilty. According to that, you cannot convict a man for shooting another, by eye witness' testimony, because they didn't see tbe bullet. The St. Cloud Times says: "There is a growing belief that Leo Webber was not killed. The jury is responsible for this rumor. There are few greater uncertainties in life than a jury." Leo Schoeuberg and wife of Elrosa, and Henry Virnig of St. Cloud, feft by Soo line Tuesday morning after a short visit at the Mrs. Peter Virnig home- That snowstorm last Sunday covered almost the whole state with a good thick blanket of snow. Minneapolis reports a fall of 17 inches, which, is said to be the hea- vest fall on record. Grain And Produce Market Report Wheat, No. 1, $1.75 Wheat, No. 2__ 1.71 Wheat, No. 3___ 1,63 Flax, 2.60 Barley. 95-1.00 Rye 1.27 Oats 5_. Ear Corn 90 Hay 7.00 Butter, Creamery ,.. 40 Dairy 27 Eggs [30 Flour, Royal — 5.00 " WhiteRose 4.90 Low grade flour 2.25 Bran 1.60 Shorts 1.70 Cracked Corn 80 pounds 1.75 Ground Feed 1.75 Beans _____ 5.00 Onions 2.50 Rural Carrier Examination. The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an examination for the county of Morrison, Minnesota, to be held at Little Falls, on February 24th, 1917, to fill the position of rural carrier at Hillman and Bowlus, and vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from other post offices in the above mentioned county. The examination will be open only to male citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the offices mentioned above or from the United States Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C. Applications should be forwarded to the Commission at Washington at the earliest practicable date. Warning to R. F. 0. Patrons. The R. F. D. carriers complain that in certain sections patrons are not doing their duty in keeping the roads open to facilitate the delivery of mail. Such sections will be cut out, they say, if conditions are not remedied. At their request, the Journal publishes the following articles bearing on this phase of the service from Postal Laws and Regulations: Roads on which rural-delivery service is established shall be in good condition and so main- t ained. unobstructed by gates, and there shall be no unbridged streams not ford able at all seasons of the year. Each box should be erected on the road regularly traveled by a rural mail carrier and such position as to be easily and safely accessible tor the delivery and collection of mail by the carrier without leiiying his conveyance. Patrons should keep clear the approaches to their boxes by prompt reinovel of snowdrifts or other obstructions by which the delivery of mail into them would be rendered impossible or difficult without the carrier leaving his conveyance. Holstein Park News. Clarence King called at the Jim King home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. chas. Sanborn called at F. Somers Saturday. ' Nellie Martin and Ruby Thompson cleaned school house Friday. Bert Sanborn was a Hillman visitor Friday. Alice Perkins of Rucker is visiting at the E. M. Thompson home. Willian Burnham was a Pierz visitor Friday. Mrs. E. M. Thompson is visiting friends and relatives in Es- therville, Iowa. Several from this way attended the dance at John Ferguson's Saturday evening. E, M. Thompson and William Burnham called at T. S. Look's Saturday. J. L. Judge and crew will leave for Benson Friday.- Worst Blizzard Of The Season Not for years has this section been visited by a worse storm than that of Saturday night and Sunday. It is estimated that 17 inches of snow fell and as the storm was accompanied by a high wind, the snow was piled in high drifts, making traveling in the rural sections almost impossible. Following tbe storm the thermometer took a sudden plunge downward and Monday morning at 8 o'clock 20 below zeso was registered. The church attendance was very light Sunday morning. Peter Meyer Had A Close Call While talking about guns, hounds, wolves and about hunting in general, Peter Meyer, the blacksmith, dropped into a reminiscent mood and told this story: "A number of years ago while working in a lumber camp, 12 miles east, I was sent to town one evening on an errand. I did not start on the return trip until about 10 o'clock- The night was dark and a fairly stiff northwest wind urged me into a brisk walk, which was sometimes quickened into a run, to keep me warm. After crossing Hillman creek, near the present site of the bridge, a wolf's long howl from across Tomala's hill broke the silence of the night. This gave me no little uneasiness as the dismal and blood-curling howl was almost straight ahead. After examining my rifle to see that the repeater was in working order, I decided not to turn back. Presently another wolf gave signal by a shrill howl close behind me. I kept up a dog-trot for the next mile or two. By that time no less than about 25 wolves were in signal communication with one another all around me. They seemed to work in a circle and coming closer. When about a mile from the, camp, where the road lead through a ravine and where overhanging boughs made it doubly dark and ominous, I could hear the wolves cracking the underbrush as they crouched around preparing for an attack. The odds were heavily against me, but being so close to the camp, I hazarded a shot in the direction of the closest one. The report of the gun had a magical effect, for their feast song came to an end before the reverberation of the shot had died away among the pines. That ended their howls for that night. What would have happened if the camp had been a mile further away, I do not know. It is more than likely however that I should not now be here to hammer an anvil chorus, or relate this tale." The creamery well is still uncertain of its fate. Dynamite has been used in large quantities to dislodge the obstructions in the casings, but without results. The prevailing opinion is that digging a new well is the only remedy for the existing trouble. Local Happenings Ofjhe Week. Poor roads. That Sunday storm put the quietus on the au tos for this season. Chattel mortgage blanks for sale at Journal office. H. C. Smith of Sullivan spent Tuesday night in Pierz. Leo Bently is canvassing this end of the county in the interest of The Transcript. The Columbia auto bus was conrpelled last Monday to resign in favor of the horses. The contract to haul the ice for the Farmers' Creamery was let to John Banach lor $115.00. Monday morning was the coldest one of the season. While not the coldest one in! fact—28 below—it was the coldest in feeling. John Mamer and wife of New Trier, and N. J. Terhaar of Avon, spent Sunday here at the B. G. Terhaar home. i Chas. W. Bouck of Royal-1 ton, member of the legisla-j ture from this district is re-j ported to be very sick with pneumonia. i Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Cross returned home from Stearns Co. last we,ek after visiting ! friends and relatives there for several days. Felix Kobilka, son of John Kobilka of lower town has bought the interest of his father-in-law, Joseph Med- ved, in the Little Falls house FORETOLD BY DREAMS, And now it is certain that the indi ans and muskratsi have lost their reputations! as weather prophets. The bark is no "longer loose on the trees—it is frozen on solid as a stone. Steve Preimesberger, Tony V. Hartmann and John Gau went out huntiug jack rabbits the other day and got: one. And yet they say the country is full of 'em. The man who was falsely accused will soon come to Pierz. Watch next week's Journal for particulars, Pete Bares ventured a trip to Little Falls Sunday morning.. He made the inward trip in 40 minutes, but had to give in on the way home when he reached Christ Fausts' place. The good uncle hauled him home through the drifts. The jurors who came home Saturday night for an over Sunday visit were in a dilemma Monday morning. When they left the county seat Saturday under promise that they would return for service Monday, the storm was 'not taken into account. However, when the auto bus failed to show up Monday morning, they scurried a- round and found someone to drive them in. It is hoped that a lenient judge did not fine them for contempt of court. Two Singular Cases In Which Slea$ Warnings Came True. "I dreamed that the ship was in' a heavy sea, that a big wave came over her bows, pressed down upon her, and then she rolled over on her starboard side and disappeared." This is not an extract fr-dta a story. It is evidence, given on oath, during the inquiry at London into the mysterious disappearance of the Waratah, the vessel which, on her second voyage mysteriously disappeared in, July, 1909, and has never been heard of since. And so impressed was the passenger with the vision that he left the vessel at Durban, from which point she continued on her ill fated voyage. Thus one more was added to the extraordinary coincidences in which dreams have figured. The third Lord Waterford was able to verify a story of an extraor- fiinary dream coming true. Talking one day with the landlord of the inn in the village close to Curragh- more, a man rushed up and said there had been a murder on the hills. "Then it must he the little one," said the landlord, at which Lord Waterford, not unnaturally, became very suspicious. The laud- lord proceeded to explain that in the night he dreamed that two men had come to the inn and that the taller of the two had murdered the shorter with a very curious knife. He told his dream to his .wife, who laughed at him. But, to his horror, the men he had seen while asleep came to the inn, and one used the curious knife to cut up his food. They left, and soon afterward news of the murder arrived. Search was made for a tall man answering to the landlord's description, and one was quickly arrested. In prison he confessed he had murdered his short companion.—Pearson's Weekly. Humbug. The word "humbug" had its origin as follows: Among the many issues of base coin made from time to time in Ireland there was none so worthless as that made by James II. at the Dublin mint. It was made of whatever metal was the easiest to get, lead, copper, pewter or brass, and so low was its intrinsic value that 20 shillings of it v.as worth only twopence sterling. The soft mixed metal of which that worthless coin was composed was known to the Irish as "uimbog," pronounced oombog, meaning soft copper or worthless money. Thus the phrase 'Tiumbug" originated by a person saying: "That is a piece of uim-bog." "Don't try to pass off your uim-bog on me."—Exchange. A Big Difference. From the parlor there came a crash that brought the careful housekeeper downstairs at unusual speed. "Sarah," she said, "did you break something?" "Yes, ma'am." "What was it?" "One of those green vases, ma'am. But it only broke in two pieces." "You stupid girl," said the careful housekeeper. "It is gone, so what difference does it make whether it is in two pieces or two hundred ?" "All the difference in the world, ma'am, as you would soon find out if you had to pick up the pieces," said Sarah.—Exchange. When Love Got a Chill. "Chrissie and me have had a row," said the young man, murdering grammar in the intensity of his grief. "Why, what's up ?" "Well, you know Chrissie's a schoolteacher, and—I mean I can stand a bit, but there's a limit." | "I don't understand. What's the! trouble exactly ?" "Why,- I promised to meet her! last night at 7 under the clock, andj I couldn't get there till 7:30. Andj when I arrived—would you believe! it?—she asked me if I'd brought a| written ' excuse from my mother, j Isn't that enough to put anybody! off ?"—Exchange. Lake In a Volcanic Ring. On the island of Ninafow, half-j way between Fiji and Samoa, is a| volcanic ring inclosing a crater con- j raining a lake two miles in diame-j ter. Toward the sea the ring is j bordered with walls of black cliffs j 200 to 300 feet in height. An erup- j tion in 1SS6 formed a peninsula on- the eastern side of the lake. While j the ocean outside is trembling and j thundering under a heavy wind the' lake remains smooth or is simply wrinkled with ripples or wavelets. » Did Him Honor, "Did you read that interview with Dubwaite in the morning paper ?" "'Yes. If s positively brilliant. I had no idea Dubwaite was such a smart man." "Ifeither did he.' I hear he wants to present the reporter who wrote it with a suit of clothes."—Birmingham A_re-Herald. Don't Forget to attend the social DANCE at Faust's flail, held Monday, January 29th, 1917, Object Description Description Add tags for page 1
The 2006 release of Mishkan T'filah--A Reform Siddur marks a historic turning: from exclusive rabbinic authorship to broad involvement of Reform Jews throughout North America; from linear to open services; and much more. To better understand this innovative prayer book, Reform Judaism editor Aron Hirt-Manheimer interviewed Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman, the Barbara and Stephen Friedman Professor of Liturgy, Worship, and Ritual at HUC-JIR, who served on the planning committees for both the new prayer book and its predecessor, Gates of Prayer. You have been involved in developing Reform prayer books for some time. Has the process changed? Yes. Creating the Reform Movement's newest prayer book, Mishkan T'filah (2006), was a far more thorough, lengthy, and democratic process than ever before. We began with an extensive survey of our congregations, funded by an Eli Lilly grant and organized by Rabbi Peter Knobel and Dan Schechter. A preliminary committee then responded with recommendations to the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), after which several potential editors submitted proposals as to how best to crystallize these recommendations in practice. Then an editorial committee consisting of lay leaders, rabbis, cantors, and liturgists discussed every issue in detail, while field-testing each siddur draft at Union for Reform Judaism biennials and CCAR conventions and in nearly 300 congregations throughout North America. We also received hundreds of additional comments from lay people, rabbis, and cantors--and we listened to every suggestion. At the end, a publishing committee composed of Rabbis Peter Knobel, Bernard Mehlman, Elliot Stevens, Elaine Zecher, prayer book editor Elyse Frishman, Debbie Smilow, and me oversaw the final document, discussing global issues not yet settled, attending to prayer book design, guaranteeing true translations rather than paraphrases, and reviewing English alternatives--sometimes replacing them, sometimes supplementing them in consultation with specialists in Jewish literature, poetry, linguistics, and liturgy. Talk about inclusivity! Each stage of the process factored in issues of gender, age, theology, generation, academic expertise, and style--the intangible issue of how people like to pray. This is truly a prayer book by and for the people. With all this input, Rabbi Elyse Frishman conceived of a brilliant layout device whereby every facing two-page spread would contain a traditional prayer (with translation and transliteration) on the right, and alternative English readings on that prayer's theme on the left. Any given facing page might include (besides the traditional offering) a feminist voice, a classical Reform perspective, advocacy for social justice, personal reflections, and so forth. The result is a set of double-page spreads with contents that vary enormously in register and in rhetoric. Some worshipers appreciate evocative poetry; others are drawn to prayers with evident cognitive or philosophical messages. Every double page has enough variety to allow each individual worshiper to find a "home" there. People may recite or sing along with the larger community in whatever options the prayer leader chooses, or elect instead to meditate on an alternative passage. But the left- and the right-side pages always conclude with the same traditional Hebrew line, which is called the chatimah. So when you get to that line, no matter what you're reading, you know to turn the page and keep up with the service. What does the making of Mishkan T'filah tell us about the times we live in? I like to link prayer books to economic history. Throughout the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, our economy was primarily industrial, with standardized goods (like the Model T Ford) made in factories. The mirror liturgical image was the 1895 Union Prayer Book, which standardized prayer with little regard for the individual worshiper. In that classical mode of prayer, Reform worship rarely varied. Wherever you went--New York, Chicago or Muncie, Indiana--Reform rabbis stood at the front and read at everyone else. Long paragraphs were given to the rabbi; the congregation got one-line responsive readings. But how much individuality can you express if all you get is a one-liner? After World War II, we entered a service economy, where people expected to be served in a customized manner. Many Jews eventually stopped attending synagogue regularly, but came reliably for life-cycle events, which they treated as customized services. When they no longer felt the need for synagogue services, they quit. Today we inhabit what's called an experience economy. Consumers shop at malls not just to buy what they want, but to have a buying "experience"--greeters at the door, music in the background, and other kinds of entertainment. Gates of Prayer expressed a service economy. It offered ten different service selections to satisfy individualized theological tastes, but only one could be used at any given Shabbat prayer experience. Mishkan T'filah, too, provides options, but it does so on each page, not in separate services. On any double-page spread, individual voices on the left-hand page personalize the experience, while the traditional text on the right-hand page creates a community of worshipers. So Mishkan T'filah provides for a communal experience while allowing for individuality in prayer. As part of the experience economy, Mishkan T'filah is less text than pretext for a worship experience where the act of prayer matters more than the fixed words it uses. No siddur of the past understood that prayer books are not so much books as they are scripts for the experience of worship. The full title of the new prayer book is Mishkan T'filah--A Reform Siddur. Why was "Reform" added to the title of a CCAR prayer book for the first time? We debated the English title at some length. Some people preferred Siddur for Prayer, but we elected to affirm this prayer book as Reform, even though we believe any Jew could use it. By using "Siddur" in the title instead of just "Reform Prayer Book," we are making the statement that our Movement is comfortable with the age-old vocabulary of our people. The word "Reform" modifies that language with a recognition that Reform Judaism has a point of view and, having been practiced for almost 200 years, is itself a valid tradition. When you say that the new siddur reflects the Reform "point of view," what viewpoints come to mind? The siddur reflects our Movement's historical commitment to the vernacular (not just the original Hebrew or Aramaic), to originating new prayers that address new times, to a theology that we can take seriously, to elevated aesthetics (especially music)--and, in more recent times, to egalitarianism. But I want to emphasize two other aspects of Mishkan T'filah. The first is its integrity regarding content. We didn't include some traditionalist prayers that, in all good conscience, Reform Jews cannot say. For example, in traditionalist siddurim, the Shema includes not just the Shema Yisrael and V'ahavta, but two more paragraphs which American Reform prayer books have omitted ever since the 1890s. With the trend toward recapturing abandoned traditions, we were urged to reinstate the last two paragraphs. But the third paragraph links Divine reward and punishment to human merit and sin--an implicit suggestion that sickness or suffering may be God's retaliation, something Reform Jews reject. So Mishkan T'filah continues the Reform tradition of omitting this paragraph, even as we have readopted the second paragraph. Second, Mishkan T'filah values inclusivity. Reform Jews like to ask "Who's in?," not "Who's out?" We know, for example, that some people have doubts about God. So, hoping to welcome them "in," we offer prayer and poetry that speak to the human condition without referencing God. We also include voices from classical Reform thought--like those of Leo Baeck and Lily Montague. How does Mishkan T'filah's design and layout differ from previous Reform prayer books? The aesthetic has changed. In addition to adding a second color (blue), each page has been uniquely designed. The best example is the Shema. To express visually our belief in the Shema as the central doctrine of our faith, the Hebrew text of that single line, Shema Yisra'el..., is enlarged and stretched across both pages. You look at it and say, "This is really central." Also, Mishkan T'filah addresses questions Reform worshipers may have about the prayers they're reading. So at the bottom of the page, we provide historical and spiritual interpretations of the liturgy, as well as explanations of traditional body movements associated with particular prayers--not behavioral dictates but alternatives that derive from tradition. Another unique design feature lets worshipers know where they are in the order of the service. The margins of each page list the sequence of prayers with the name of the prayer at hand highlighted typographically. Ritual depends on familiarity with structure--bringing in a birthday cake "works," for example, because everyone knows the candles will be blown out afterward. In prayer, too, knowing the flow of the service enhances every moment of it. How do these innovations change the rabbi and cantor's role in the service? People no longer want to be "talked to" or "sung at." So service leaders will have to work at engaging worshipers, especially in the music. Also, it will take some time for rabbis and cantors to get used to selecting from options on each double page. Prayer leaders will now need to prepare for the service in advance as a worship team, rather than walking independently onto the pulpit to read lines or sing music. Mishkan T'filah does include one linear Shabbat service for those more comfortable with the Gates of Prayer approach, but we expect that linear services will be used less and less as people are increasingly drawn to the spiritual possibilities of services framed around choices on facing pages. How does the new prayer book reflect our Movement's commitment to social justice? Gates of Prayer, published in 1975, appeared at a time of heightened fear for Israel's survival and concern for the plight of Soviet Jews. So it tilted toward particularism. Mishkan T'filah remains fiercely proud of peoplehood, but it reasserts what classical Reform Jews called "the mission of Israel," which is the whole point of peoplehood: to be engaged with God in transforming society. It thereby marks a return to a universalistic call to social justice. And while Gates of Prayer had a single service that focused on social justice--you could go to synagogue your whole life without ever encountering it--Mishkan T'filah has prayers for social justice everywhere. The Jewish prayer experience should not only evoke a Jewish response to God, but also a Jewish response to bettering God's world. If cries from without are not heard within, prayers from within are not heard on high. Does this siddur address the issue of masculine and feminine God language in a way that is likely to resonate with 21st century Reform Jews? Yes, I think so. Our goal was not to describe God as male or female, but to use evocative language that lends the possibility of seeing God as either, or as both. We address God, for example, as "Teacher of Torah"; we plead with God to "help us be sensitive." Implicitly, then, God appears as both male and female, but explicitly the language is universal. How does this translation differ from those of our previous prayer books? Some Reform prayer books were exact translations of the Hebrew. In the 1850s, for example, our Movement's founder, Isaac Mayer Wise, wrote Minhag America. If he wanted to say something in English, he changed the Hebrew to accord with it. In Gates of Prayer, some passages were exact translations but others were not. Mishkan T'filah returned to Wise's standard of exact translations on every right-hand page, relegating creative expressions of the prayer's theme to the opposite page. Transliteration of all the Hebrew is also provided on every page--another innovation? Yes. The Union Prayer Book contained no transliteration at all. In Gates of Prayer, transliteration could only be found at the back of the book. Nowadays, while we as a Movement have increasingly advocated Hebrew literacy in recognition of Hebrew as our people's historic language, we have also urged that prayer be open also to people who cannot read the original. If Mishkan T'filah is a prayer book for all the people, then we shouldn't lock out those who can't read Hebrew. A minority of rabbis opposed our decision to transliterate all the Hebrew in Mishkan T'filah, believing it will be a disincentive for Jews to learn Hebrew. In respectful response to them (though disagreeing with them), our committee decided to publish an alternative siddur version without transliteration. The Union Prayer Book opened only from left to right. Gates of Prayer came in two versions, one opening from right to left and one from left to right. Why does the new prayer book open only from right to left? While proudly universalistic, Mishkan T'filah reflects the growing importance of Hebrew and commitment to Am Yisrael (Jewish peoplehood) in our Movement; therefore, it opens in the traditional manner of a Hebrew book, from right to left. How important is it to our Movement that a single prayer book becomes widely adopted by Reform congregations? It's very important. Some people think that we live in a post-denominational age--that denominations just don't matter anymore. I disagree. More than ever, in this age of choice, Jews have to decide what kind of Jews they are. People who say they are "just Jewish" have not yet processed their Judaism beyond its bare essentials. Mature and full Jewish identity requires choices, and choices imply denominations. And the prayer book is the gateway to Jewish identity; more than anything else, how we pray defines what kind of Jew we are. I grew up in an Orthodox shul, and while I can still appreciate traditionalist services, I find the Orthodox prayer book unreflective of the Jew I have chosen to be. I chose Reform Judaism because of what it stands for, and we as a Movement have to make that message clear to ourselves and to others. If we have a plethora of prayer books, we will end up with a plethora of definitions of what Reform Judaism stands for; and although it is true that Reform encompasses a great variety of things, it is also true that if we are all things, we are nothing. Mishkan T'filah encourages individualism, but defines the community in which that individualism is possible. If you regularly attend the service and someone asks you, "What makes you a Reform Jew?," you'll be able to answer the question. Had Isaac Mayer Wise been one of the readers during the market research phase of Mishkan T'filah, what do you think he would have told the committee? Isaac Mayer Wise was a remarkable leader because he respected change. When his Minhag America was rejected as the basis for the Union Prayer Book, he accepted the fact that his prayer book had been intended for Jews of the 1850s and '60s, but not the 1890s. Wise would have applauded Mishkan T'filah as the proper expression of Jewish identity not for the 1890s and not even for the 1990s, but for the 2000s and beyond. "Entering the Tent" To assist congregations in making the transition to Mishkan T'filah (MT), the Joint Commission on Worship, Music and Religious Living (a partnership of the American Conference of Cantors, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and the Union for Reform Judaism) has created a website,, which covers the following topics: I. Understanding Mishkan T'filah II. Leading Worship with Mishkan T'filah
The conversation with my daughter went like this; "Mom, does God yell at me?" I replied quizzically, "No, why?" She lamented, "Well, sometimes I hear yelling in my head to do something. I was wondering if that is how God talks to me." I strongly added, "Sweetheart, God absolutely does not yell. He will make things uncomfortable for us to draw us back to Him when we stray but He does not force or yell." It would be good to remember this through our study of Isaiah. I often want to read this as God yelling, but He does not. In fact God's character is best seen through Christ. Hebrews 1:3a states this about God's character, " He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature." God the Father is the exact imprint of Christ's nature. When we look at Christ in the Scriptures it is the best picture we get of the Father. What love, grace, and truth we should see. The Father, Son, and Spirit are One. And in our day we are blessed to have the Spirit live in us if we are believing by Faith what Christ did for us. What a great view we have in studying Isaiah. Isaiah is so timely for addressing the days we currently live in. The children of Israel were being disciplined for straying from God. He was supposed to be supreme in their lives. He loves them so much that He will discipline them as far as He must for them to return to Him. During the time period of this book we observe that God not only sent Isaiah but He continued to speak through many other prophets, sending them to warn of impending judgement. As much as a loving Father desires for His children to listen and turn away from sin, He loves them more so to follow through with discipline if they chose to forsake Him and His teachings. His love is too great to let them continue waywardly. We will learn much about God's character. He loves so deeply and richly that He cannot just turn His head from our sin. God is complete holiness and sinless, He cannot have sin in His presence. So in the days of the cross He sent Jesus to take our sin upon Himself making us clean in God's eyes once we accept Christ's sacrifice. Signs of Christ are all over the book of Isaiah. It is beautiful to discover. Though we deserve judgement and wrath God was pleased to send Jesus to restore our relationship by taking the wrath upon Himself. We see the prophet Isaiah pointing us to Christ and though God seems harsh in judgement we must know He is only being a loving Father, and/or a Faithful Husband to His people. In Isaiah 1-5 we see it as God bringing forth His judgement on His people. It is like a trial but the jury is the Heavens and the earth (v.2). God is declaring His people as sick with sin. They are worshiping God with the motions but do not mean it in their hearts. God can see directly in our hearts. I wonder if we are ever guilty of this kind of worship? God calls them to repentance. to go back to doing what is right. He then tells us about the coming Messiah. In Chapter 1, v. 18 we see this pointing, "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool." They did not know this then but we know it now this is talking about Christ who takes the stain of our sins away when we trust in Him as our Savior. God then tells His people that this judgement comes with a cleansing purpose. What grace it is when God loves us this much to not let us get away with sin. He draws us back through trials. He doesn't force our hand in choosing Him but woos us back through trial. That is what He was doing with His people. In chapter two the word talks about in the last days how God will reign. There will be peace and no more war. Those who are prideful will be brought low. There is only room for ONE to be exalted. Chapter three discusses how since God's people would not listen God is taking away all of their security and support. His men and women will lose protection. There will be no good leaders. These people are sinning and are proud of it (v.9). Yet v. 8 tells us they brought this sin on themselves "because their speech and deeds are against the Lord, defying His glorious presence." Chapter four gives us some hope again, it talks about the day "the branch of the Lord" which refers to Jesus, will be beautiful and glorious. How God does leave a remnant of His people because He is faithful to His promises not to wipe them all out. It ends with God protecting them. Chapter five is a sad chapter that starts with a parable to explain what they have done to God. Then ends with many woes lamenting their many sins. It ends with God summoning the nations that will take them captive because of their refusal to turn from their sins. Yet the next section we study we will see that though His wrath is great, His grace is greater still. Things to think about: Can you see the amazing heart of God through this? What do you learn about God's character? Would you say that God is a patiently enduring God? Has this opened your eyes to seeing God in a new way? How have you been like a stubborn child? Know that you can always turn in repentance. He is waiting. What can you learn from these passages that you can apply to your life today? What similarities can we see that exist in our society today?
MT. VERNON — — Five Jefferson County students made their Four-Way Test Speech presentations at the noon Mt. Vernon Rotary Club meeting on Tuesday, hoping to advance to District competition. Students are divided into two levels — novices and competition —the former for those who have had no speech contest experience and the latter for those who have experience or working with a speech team coach. Four of the five speeches given Tuesday were in the novice division and presented by Makayla Smith of Mt. Vernon Township High School, Shanae Jones of Waltonville HIgh School, Matthew Renaud of Woodlawn High School and Felicia Wagner of Mt. Vernon Township High School. William Box of Mt. Vernon Township High School participated in the competition division. Another MVTHS student in the competition division, Quentin Lloyd, was absent. Smith based her experiences as a child care worker at Central Christian Church as the basis for her service to community. "Children can be sweet or they fight among themselves. What do they fight over? Toys, not about the differences between them. We lose the quality of sharing as adults. What happened to sharing? What happened to kindness? Service can be as easy as helping someone who is hurting," she said. Jones, who works with several groups including the cheerleading squad, Relay for Life and FFA said her cheerleading coach teaches honesty and dedication, which can be carried over to all types of service. She concluded, "Only a life living for someone else can be true service." Renaud chose to show the differences of The Grinch, someone "nasty and selfish" to Jesus Christ, who passes the four-way test with flying colors. He defined peace as "the intent and sincerity of the heart," adding, "You can't just suggest peace, you have to show it." Wagner gave examples of those who have shown service to others, specifically naming Mother Teresa and Oprah Winfrey. "One act of kindness can lead to that person serving someone else," Wagner said. "Everyone has something to give. One act of courage can help someone else. Through service, we can achieve peace." Finally, Box — without the use of note cards unlike the remaining contestants — described how individuals can find peace through volunteering. The theme of this year's contest was "Peace Through Service." Renaud was named the winner in the novice division and Box was named the winner in the competition division, according to club member Kevin Settle. The two will advance to the District competition on April 27 at John A. Logan College in Carterville. President Carl Miller provided the contestants with parting gifts, and their classroom teachers were recognized. Local Students present speeches to Rotary MT. VERNON — — Five Jefferson County students made their Four-Way Test Speech presentations at the noon Mt. Vernon Rotary Club meeting on Tuesday, hoping to advance to District competition. -
Alternatively, assuming the event horizon in each slice to be a Strahlkörper in the manner of Section 2.2, we can define a suitable level-set function by Equation (7 ). Substituting this definition into Equation (10 ) then gives an explicit evolution equation for the horizon shape function, Surfaces near the event horizon share the same “attraction” property discussed in Section 5.2 for geodesics near the event horizon. Thus by integrating either surface representation (10 ) or (11 ) backwards in time, we can refine an initial guess into a very accurate approximation to the event horizon. In contrast to the null geodesic equation (8 ), neither Equation (10 ) nor Equation (11 ) contain any derivatives of the 4-metric (or equivalently the 3 + 1 geometry variables). This makes it much easier to integrate these latter equations accurately11. This formulation of the event-horizon finding problem also completely eliminates the tangential-drifting problem discussed in Section 5.2, since the level-set function only parameterizes motion normal to the surface. For a practical algorithm, it is useful to integrate a pair of trial null surfaces backwards: an “inner-bound” one which starts (and thus always remains) inside the event horizon and an “outer-bound” one which starts (and thus always remains) outside the event horizon. If the final slice contains an apparent horizon then any 2-surface inside this can serve as our inner-bound surface. However, choosing an outer-bound surface is more difficult. It is this desire for a reliable outer bound on the event horizon position that motivates our requirement (Section 4) for the final slice (or at least its strong-field region) to be approximately stationary: In the absence of time-dependent equations of state or external perturbations entering the system, this requirement ensures that, for example, any surface substantially outside the apparent horizon can serve as an outer-bound surface. Assuming we have an inner- and an outer-bound surface on the final slice, the spacing between these two surfaces after some period of backwards integration then gives an error bound for the computed event horizon position. Equivalently, a necessary (and, if there are no other numerical problems, sufficient) condition for the event-horizon finding algorithm to be accurate is that the backwards integration must have proceeded far enough for the spacing between the two trial surfaces to be “small”. For a reasonable definition of “small”, this typically takes at least of backwards integration, with or more providing much higher accuracy. In some cases it is difficult to obtain a long enough span of numerical data for this backwards integration. For example, in some simulations of binary black hole collisions, the evolution becomes unstable and crashes soon after a common apparent horizon forms. This means that we cannot compute an accurate event horizon for the most interesting region of the spacetime, that which is close to the black-hole merger. There is no good solution to this problem except for the obvious one of developing a stable (or less-unstable) simulation that can be continued for a longer time. The initial implementations of the “integrate null surface backwards” algorithm by Anninos et al. [7 ], Libson et al. [103 ], and Walker [162 ] were based on the explicit Strahlkörper surface integration formula (11 ), further restricted to axisymmetry12. For a single black hole the coordinate choice is straightforward. For the two-black-hole case, the authors used topologically cylindrical coordinates , where the two black holes collide along the axisymmetry ( ) axis. Based on the symmetry of the problem, they then assumed that the event horizon shape could be written in the form This spacetime’s event horizon has the now-classic “pair of pants” shape, with a non-differentiable cusp along the “inseam” (the axis ) where new generators join the surface. The authors tried two ways of treating this cusp numerically: Caveny et al. [44 , 46 ] implemented the “integrate null surfaces backwards” algorithm for fully generic numerically-computed spacetimes using the explicit Strahlkörper surface integration formula (11 ). To handle moving black holes, they recentered each black hole’s Strahlkörper parameterization (4 ) on the black hole’s coordinate centroid at each time step. For single-black-hole test cases (Kerr spacetime in various coordinates), they report typical accuracies of a few percent in determining the event horizon position and area. For binary-black-hole test cases (Kastor–Traschen extremal-charge black hole coalescence with a cosmological constant), they detect black hole coalescence (which appears as a bifurcation in the backwards time integration) by the “necking off” of the surface. Figure 6 shows an example of their results. Caveny et al. [44 , 45 ] and Diener [60 ] (independently) implemented the “integrate null surfaces backwards” algorithm for fully generic numerically-computed spacetimes, using the level-set function integration formula (10 ). Here the level-set function is initialized on the final slice of the evolution and evolved backwards in time using Equation (10 ) on (conceptually) the entire numerical grid. (In practice, only a smaller box containing the event horizon need be evolved.) This surface parameterization has the advantage that the event-horizon topology and (non-)smoothness are completely unconstrained, allowing the numerical study of configurations such as toroidal event horizons (discussed in Section 4). It is also convenient that the level-set function is defined on the same numerical grid as the spacetime geometry, so that no interpolation is needed for the evolution. The major problem with this algorithm is that during the backwards evolution, spatial gradients in tend to steepen into a jump discontinuity at the event horizon14, eventually causing numerical difficulty. Caveny et al. [44, 45] deal with this problem by adding an artificial viscosity (i.e. diffusion) term to the level-set function evolution equation, smoothing out the jump discontinuity in . That is, instead of Equation (10 ), they actually evolve via Alternatively, Diener [60 ] developed a technique of periodically reinitializing the level-set function to approximately the signed distance from the event horizon. To do this, he periodically evolves In various tests on analytical data, Diener [60 ] found this event-horizon finder, EHFinder, to be robust and highly accurate, typically locating the event horizon to much less than 1% of the 3-dimensional grid spacing. As an example of results obtained with EHFinder, Figure 7 shows two views of the numerically-computed event horizon for a spiraling binary black hole collision. As another example, Figure 8 shows the numerically-computed event and apparent horizons in the collapse of a rapidly rotating neutron star to a Kerr black hole. (The apparent horizons were computed using the AHFinderDirect code described in Section 8.5.7.) EHFinder is implemented as a freely available module (“thorn”) in the Cactus computational toolkit (see Table 2). It originally worked only with the PUGH unigrid driver, but work is ongoing [61] to enhance it to work with the Carpet mesh-refinement driver [134, 131].
By. CNN’s Belief Blog: The faith angles behind the biggest stories The school is also dropping its health insurance plan for students because the new health care law requires employers to provide more robust coverage, making it more expensive, said Tom Sofio, a spokesman for the Franciscan University of Steubenville. “It was our own moral reasons and then the rising cost of health care because of the act,” Sofio said, explaining the university’s decision. Sofio said school officials are not aware of another college that has dropped its health insurance plan out of disagreements with the federal health care law. A spokeswoman for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is representing three religious schools that are challenging the health care law, said that she was also unaware of another college that had taken such action. A spokeswoman with the Health and Human Services Department, charged with implementing the new health care law, said Wednesday that the department had no comment on the school’s decision and that it does not keep track of changes to college health insurance plans. The Obama administration faced a firestorm of controversy from many religious groups this year over a proposed rule that would require employers to provide no-cost contraception coverage to their employees. In what it called a compromise, the White House revised the rule to require health insurance companies – not employers – to provide contraception coverage, mollifying some Catholic critics. Other Catholic groups, including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, are not satisfied by the revised rule. The Roman Catholic Church opposes the use of contraception. “We’re paying the health insurance company, and if they provide abortion-causing drugs, that’s against our religious beliefs,” Sofio said Wednesday. About 200 of the Franciscan University of Steubenville's 2,500 students rely on the university health care plan, which costs about $50 a month, Sofio said. He said the school is retaining its health care plan for employees because it is hopeful that legal challenges to the health care law will prevent much of it from taking effect. Sofio said that the school sent letters about its decision to students and parents in April and that it has received overwhelming support from both constituencies. Ninety-five percent of students at the university are Catholic, he said. Раскрутка сайтов в Санкт-Петербурге Раскрутка сайтов! Раскрутка сайтов спб – – Раскрутка сайтов в Санкт-Петербурге. Поисковая СЕО оптимизация, созание сайтов, реклама в интернете. Наша компния возьмется за расрутку любого проекта. Мы гарантируем быстрый и качесвенный результат. Прием металлолома "" прием лома кабеля! прием металлолома в спб – – Прием металлолома в Санкт-Петербурге по отлиным ценам. Прием меди, прием АКБ, генераторов, прием лома кабеля. Звони прямо сейчас. So i guess not only the age difference but even the religion differs in the insurance policies ! Medicare You really make it seem really easy together with your presentation but I to find this topic to be really one thing which I believe I would never understand. It seems too complex and very wide for me. I am having a look ahead on your subsequent publish, I'll try to get the dangle of it! Hello! aagfdad interesting aagfdad site! I'm really like it! Very, very aagfdad good! Hello! dedkcgc interesting dedkcgc site! I'm really like it! Very, very dedkcgc
James, Brother of Jesus James brother of Jesus The following article is excerpted from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, which is in the public domain. This James is mentioned by name only twice in the Gospels, i.e. when, on the visit of Jesus to Nazareth, the countrymen of our Lord referred in contemptuous terms to His earthly kindred, in order to disparage His preaching (Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3). As James was one of "his brethren," he was probably among the group of Christ's relatives who sought to interview Him during His tour through Galilee with the Twelve (Matthew 12:46). By the same reasoning, he accompanied Jesus on His journey to Capernaum (John 2:12), and joined in attempting to persuade Him to depart from Galilee for Judea on the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:3). At this feast James was present (John 7:10), but was at this time a non-believer in Jesus (compare John 7:5, "Even his brethren did not believe on him")." (Acts 1:14). While there, he probably took part in the election of Matthias to the vacant apostleship (Acts 1:15-25). James was one of the earliest witnesses to the resurrection, for, after the risen Lord had manifested Himself to the five hundred, "he was seen of James" (1 Corinthians 15:7 the King James Version). By this his growing belief and prayerful expectancy received confirmation. About 37 or 38 AD, James, "the Lord's brother" (Galatians 1:19), was still in Jerusalem, and had an interview there for the first time with Paul, when the latter returned from his 3 years' sojourn in Damascus to visit Cephas, or Peter (Galatians 1:18,19; compare Acts (Acts 12:17). By the time of the Jerusalem convention, i.e. about 51 AD (compare Galatians 2:1), James had reached the position of first overseer in the church (compare Acts 15:13,19). Previous to this date, during Paul's ministry at Antioch, he had dispatched certain men thither to further the mission, and the teaching of these had caused dissension among the newly converted Christians and their leaders (Acts 15:1,2; Galatians 2:12). The conduct of Peter, over whom James seems to have had considerable influence, was the principal matter of contention (compare Galatians 2:11 if). However, at the Jerusalem convention the dispute was amicably settled, and the pillars of the church, James, John and Cephas, gave to Paul and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship (Galatians 2:9). The speech of James on this occasion (Acts 15:13-29), his sympathy with the religious needs of the Gentileworld (Acts 15:17), his desire that formalism should raise no barrier to their moral and spiritual advancement (Acts 15:19,20,28,29), and his large-hearted tributes to the "beloved Barnabas and Paul" (Acts (Acts 21:17). At this meeting Paul was admonished for exceeding the orders he had received at the first council, in that he had endeavored to persuade the converted Jews also to neglect circumcision (Acts 21:21), and was commanded to join in the vow of purification (Acts 21:23-26). There is no Scriptural account of the death of James From 1 Corinthians Ac C. M. Kerr International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Mission The mission of the Coalition is to renew Growing Greener! Growing Greener has transformed Pennsylvania by empowering communities to protect working farms and special places, clean up rivers and streams, create and im prove parks and trails, and revitalize cities and towns. After a decade of success, the funding sources that support Growing Greener are nearly gone. To ensure that our communities can continue their work, the Commonwealth needs to renew Growing Greener by investing $200 million annually in vital conservation, restoration and community revitalization projects. Growing Greener – A Legacy of Success Growing Greener has been hugely successful, directing critical investments to every county in the state. In the past four years alone, Growing Greener has helped people: - Protect more than 33,700 acres of Pennsylvania’s family farmland; - Conserve more than 42,300 acres of threatened open space; - Improve public recreation through 234 community park projects; - Restore more than 1,600 acres of abandoned mine land. Polls show strong, consistent public support for programs that improve our quality of life, the economy and the environment throughout Pennsylvania. Growing Greener has enjoyed strong, bipartisan support from voters, legislators, and governors for more than a decade. The Need to Renew Growing Greener We are facing critical challenges in our ability to meet our obligations to future generations. The success of Growing Greener is undeniable, but there is much more left to do. We are losing three times as much forest, wildlife habitat, farmland and other open spaces to development as we are able to conserve; - Our rivers and streams—and the communities that depend on them—are threatened by flooding and pollution. The Commonwealth currently has 16,000 miles of streams that are unfit for swimming or fishing; - Abandoned mines scar 189,000 acres in 44 counties and are the cause of 5,300 miles of dead streams - Pennsylvania has made good progress in protecting produc tive farmland to safeguard our food supply but more than 2,000 families remain on a waiting list to protect their farms; - 58% of the state’s population lives in older communities that have an urgent need for investment aimed at improving livability and prosperity: rehabilitating parks, establishing trails, planting trees, managing stormwater, renovating waterfronts, redeveloping brownfields and preserving historic places. It is essential that Pennsylvania continues to build on past investments in the environmental quality of our state by making conservation and restoration of our environment a top priority for the future. A lot has been accomplished over recent years but there remains much to do to ensure the long term viability of our environment, our communities, and our economy.
The Hugo Award® is the leading award for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy. The Hugos are awarded each year by members of the World Science Fiction Society, and presented at the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). The 2011 Hugo Award nominees have been announced below and Attending, Supporting, and Young Adult members of Renovation were eligible to vote on the final ballot until Sunday, July 31, 2011, 23:59 PDT. Voting is now closed. The winners will be announced Saturday, August 20th, 2011, during the Hugo Awards Ceremony at Renovation in Reno, Nevada.. Please note you must have an Attending (or Saturday) convention membership to attend the ceremony in person. Voting is now closed, but the final ballot and preliminary nomination statistics are available for reference below. Additional information will be released after the Hugo Awards ceremony. Voting has ended and the 2011 Hugo Voter Packet is now closed (it is no longer possible to get the packet). More information about the project is available here. 1006 valid nominating ballots were counted, 992 electronic and 14 paper. Note: category has 4 nominees due to a 5% requirement under 3.8.5 of the WSFS constitution. Award for the best new professional science fiction or fantasy writer of 2009 or 2010, sponsored by Dell Magazines (not a Hugo Award). The Hugo Award® is the leading award for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy. The Hugos are awarded each year by the World Science Fiction Society, at the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). Voting for the Hugos takes place in two stages. The first stage, nomination, is open to anyone who has a supporting or full (adult or young adult) membership of Renovation as of January 31, 2011 and to all supporting and attending members of Aussiecon 4, the prior year's Worldcon. Nomination is a write-in process where members can put forward any eligible work or person. The second stage of voting is the final ballot. This stage is only open to Renovation members. In the final ballot, members choose between the five finalists in each category. The Awards themselves are presented in a public ceremony which is always one of the highlights of the Worldcon, and we expect Renovation to be no different. The Renovation ceremony will take place on Saturday, August 20, 2011 in the Tuscany Ballroom at the Peppermill Hotel. The official web site of the Hugo Awards can be found at. This site includes a full history of the Hugo Awards, nominees and winners, information on the voting process, a photo gallery of past trophy designs, and much more. A full list of the current award categories with definitions is available here. In summary, however, the ongoing categories, for which Hugos are presented every year, are: By tradition, the Hugo voting process also includes the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. The Campbell Award is not a Hugo, and the rules governing it are determined by the award sponsor, Dell Magazines, but by long agreement the award is selected alongside the Hugos and presented with them at the Worldcon Hugo Award Ceremony. * The Best Graphic Story Hugo is currently undergoing a trial period. This award was ratified at Anticipation, the 2009 Worldcon, and will be awarded until 2012. However, it must be re-ratified at the Business Meeting of the 2012 Worldcon or it will automatically "sunset" and be removed as a category. "World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC", "Hugo Award", the Hugo Award Logo, and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.
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Human Research Ethics at UNSW Grants Management Office The University of New South Wales is committed to the highest standard of integrity in research. All human research activities are governed by the principles outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. The University’s Code of Conduct for the Responsible Practice of Research sets out the obligations on all University researchers, staff and students to be aware of the ethical framework governing research at the University and to comply with institutional and regulatory requirements. There are two methods by which research projects involving human participants are reviewed at UNSW: 1. The first is by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) which review all projects which contain significant ethical concerns. 2. The second is review by one of nine discipline-based Human Research Ethics Advisory (HREA) Panels which are concerned with research which has minimal ethical impact. Panels can give approval for one year only, and in exceptional circumstances, may approve a one year extension. Projects that are expected to go over one year, eg PhD research projects, should apply to the HREC for a 5 year approval. Important Changes to Ratification of External HREC Approvals UNSW HREC no longer ratifies external HREC approvals. For applications already approved by a NHMRC-registered Australian HREC, no further action is required. For applications approved by an overseas ethics committee, a formal application to UNSW HREC (or Panel, if low ethical risk) must be made. For projects approved by an Australian HREC, e.g. at a hospital, but for which the approval is limited to that site or for only part of the activities to be undertaken, UNSW HREC will review the existing application and approval paperwork, along with an appropriately amended participant information statement and consent form (e.g. including the UNSW complaints clause), to provide approval that includes the remaining sites and activities. Any UNSW researcher undertaking research at UNSW as part of their employment is covered by our insurance policies. Applying for Human Ethics Approval - For more information and definitions, see Human Ethics General Procedures. Non-UNSW Researchers The UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) will consider ethics applications from clients not affiliated with UNSW who wish to conduct research involving or impacting upon humans. Human Ethics Resources and Contacts - Ethics Secretariat Contact Details - Research Integrity Policies and Guidelines - Key Dates and Deadlines for HREC - Human Ethics Proformas - Human Ethics Useful Links and Resources - International Ethics Contact List- compiled by Associate Professor Heather Worth - WHO List of National Ethics Comittees - Conditions for Research in Politically Unstable Countries
by Rob Mitchum in ScienceLife [...]... Read more » Doane, L., Kremen, W., Eaves, L., Eisen, S., Hauger, R., Hellhammer, D., Levine, S., Lupien, S., Lyons, M., Mendoza, S.... (2010) Associations between jet lag and cortisol diurnal rhythms after domestic travel. Health Psychology, 29(2), 117-123. DOI: 10.1037/a0017865 by David Winter in Careers - in Theory Two [...]... Read more » Weick, M., & Guinote, A. (2010) How Long Will It Take? Power Biases Time Predictions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2010.03.00 Adiemusfree in Healthskills: Skills for Healthy Living I [...]... Read by Christian Jarrett in BPS Research Digest ta........ Read more » Nestler, S., & Egloff, B. (2010) When scary messages backfire: Influence of dispositional cognitive avoidance on the effectiveness of threat communications. Journal of Research in Personality, 44(1), 137-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2009.10.007 by Jason Goldman in The Thoughtful Animal Domestic animals and their wild counterparts can be different in big ways; there can be differences in morphology (physical characteristics), physiology, and behavior. These changes may depend on spontaneous adaptations to captivity or to artificial selection pressures arising from the motivation for domesticating the animal in the first place. For example, some of the morphological [...]... Read more » Lewejohann L, Pickel T, Sachser N, & Kaiser S. (2010) Wild genius - domestic fool? Spatial learning abilities of wild and domestic guinea pigs. Frontiers in zoology, 7(1), 9. PMID: 20334697 by Dr Shock in Dr Shock MD PhD, and psychiatry, whereas technique-oriented specialties are anesthesiology, dermatology, [...] Related posts:Emotional Intellig........ Read more ». DOI: 10.3885/meo.2009.Res00284 by Daniel Simons in The Invisible Gorilla A possible example of inattentional blindness... Tourists fail to notice when Ig Nobel winner Dan Meyer swallows a sword in front of the famous Liverpool Cavern Club (where the Beatles played).... Read more » by sandygautam in The Mouse Trap Image via Wikipedia More >Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) Related posts:Alien Vs Predator : would eugenics and mate selction divide us in two? An inter........ Read more » by The Neurocritic in The Neurocritic sev........ Read more » Picard, F. (2010) Epileptic feeling of multiple presences in the frontal space. Cortex. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2010.02.002 by Ultimo167 in Strong Silent Types Ide et al. (2010) think that we have much to learn about the psychosocial context in which relationships wither, and suicidal behaviours become a prominent concern.... Read more » Ide, N., Wyder, M., Kolves, K., & De Leo, D. (2010) Separation as an Important Risk Factor for Suicide: A Systematic Review. Journal of Family Issues. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X10365317 by sandygautam in The Mouse Trap Image via Wikipedia Continuing my theme of focusing on human character strengths and virtues and relating them to personality, I have been doing more reading of the literature and want to discuss three papers today. First up is Shyrack et al’s recent paper that again explores the factor structure of VIA-IS and finds support for a 3 More >Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) Related posts:Character strengths and virtues: a 5/8 factor structure? Image via Wikipedia Positive psychol........ Read more » Shryack, J., Steger, M., Krueger, R., & Kallie, C. (2010) The structure of virtue: An empirical investigation of the dimensionality of the virtues in action inventory of strengths. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(6), 714-719. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2010.01.007 MACDONALD, C., BORE, M., & MUNRO, D. (2008) Values in action scale and the Big 5: An empirical indication of structure. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(4), 787-799. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2007.10.003 CAWLEY, M., MARTIN, J., & JOHNSON, J. (2000) A virtues approach to personality1. Personality and Individual Differences, 28(5), 997-1013. DOI: 10.1016/S0191-8869(99)00207-X by sandygautam in The Mouse Trap Image via Wikipedia More >Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) Related posts:The factor structure of Religiosity and its neural substrates A new article in PNAS by Grafman et al, argues... C........ Read more » by Ultimo167 in Strong Silent Types A brief overview by West et al. (2010) on mental illness stigma, in which the authors call for more focused research to improve understanding of this most unpalatable social problem.... Read more » West, K., Hewstone, M., & Holmes, E. (2010) Rethinking 'Mental Health Stigma'. The European Journal of Public Health, 20(2), 131-132. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckq015 by David Winter in Careers - in Theory A new research paper claims that decision makers value information more than advice. Is that really true?... Read more » Dalal, R., & Bonaccio, S. (2010) What types of advice do decision-makers prefer?. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. DOI: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2009.11.007 by Christian Jarrett in BPS Research Digest o........ Read more » Stepanikova, I., Nie, N., & He, X. (2010) Time on the Internet at home, loneliness, and life satisfaction: Evidence from panel time-diary data. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(3), 329-338. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2009.11.002 by Jason Goldman in The Thoughtful Animal Meet Rio. Figure 1: Rio. Rio [...]... Read more » Reichmuth Kastak C, & Schusterman RJ. (2002) Long-term memory for concepts in a California sea lion ( Zalophus californianus). Animal cognition, 5(4), 225-32. PMID: 12461600 by Adiemusfree in Healthskills: Skills for Healthy Living I [...]... Read more » by Eric Michael Johnson in The Primate Diaries Culture tradit........ Read more » Lind, J., & Lindenfors, P. (2010) The Number of Cultural Traits Is Correlated with Female Group Size but Not with Male Group Size in Chimpanzee Communities. PLoS ONE, 5(3). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0009241 by Andrew Wilson in Notes from Two Scientific Psychologists The first critique of Gibson's perceptual psychology came from noted cognitive scientists Fodor & Pylyshyn (1981). The critique was simply that Gibsonian information is an empty concept; however, this critique is ably addressed by Turvey, Shaw, Reed & Mace in the 'ecological laws' paper.... Read more » Fodor, J., . (1981) How direct is visual perception?: Some reflections on Gibson's “ecological approach”. Cognition, 9(2), 139-196. DOI: 10.1016/0010-0277(81)90009-3 Turvey, M. T., Shaw, R. E., Reed, E. S., . (1981) Ecological laws of perceiving and acting: In reply to Fodor and Pylyshyn (1981). Cognition, 9(3), 237-304. DOI: 10.1016/0010-0277(81)90002.
War and the Global Economic Crisis: Collapse of the American Standard of Living by Bob Chapman Global Research May 7, 2011 As the economy stumbles the American standard of living recedes. 44 million people are using food stamps and in one year that figure will be 60 million. Washington and Wall Street say, what me worry? Of course not they are the masters of the universe. We are 24 months into an inflationary depression and it still goes undiscovered. Who cares that the issuance of food stamps is up 80%, as long as the bonuses on Wall Street and in banking continue to flow and bureaucrats get higher and higher salaries and benefits? The high cost of health insurance, no longer affordable to most have increased and Medicaid users are up 17%, as the program costs increased 36%. Those on welfare rose 18%, as costs rose 24%. It is now evident to many that the choice of early retirement in the late 1990s at 52 and 59 years old was a big mistake. Many must now work into their 70s, or starve. Many retirees are forced to reenter the workforce. Recently there were 2,000 job openings and 75,000 people applied. How is that for recovery? The birth/death ratio is bogus and real unemployment is 22%. The economy needs 2 million new jobs a year and that is impossible. Good paying jobs are still being offshored and outsourced. How about the millions without jobs now for years? While all this transpires the Fed bails out Wall Street, banking and government and leaves crumbs for the dispossessed. It always gets us when these acceptable writers use soft or euphuistic phrases to describe creeping national state socialism. The big picture is dreadful, but government, Wall Street and the media won’t tell you that. Truth has nothing to do with business. They all spin one lie after another, just as you have recently seen with a certificate of live birth and the death of Mr. bin Laden. It reminds one of the old song, “Anything Goes.” Those running Washington from behind the scenes know America can never pay off and liquidate its debt. That is why there is little effort to do so. The real idea is to destroy the system. It reminds one of Argentina in 1999, before they defaulted on 2/3’s of their debt only in a much bigger way. The dollar, because it is the world reserve currency, and that nations hold about 60% of foreign reserves in US dollars affects the entire world. America’s Wall Street, banking and government has had a 66-year party and everyone gets to pay for it. The next step, rather than austerity, will be confiscation of all, or part, of pensions, that $12 trillion pool of government and individual retirement funds. Needless to say, such irresponsible actions only delay the inevitable monetary collapse. Tagging not far beyond is England and Europe, both of which have used the same template for so many years. In the US and all of these nations we see more than 50% of the population functionally illiterate and this same group country to country essentially pays little or not taxes, and receive benefits from government. That does not include the illegal alien population in each country that pays virtually no taxes. Spending far beyond tax receipts can only mean eventually that the deficits will destroy the system. That means a lower standard of living, which has already manifested itself in all three regions. Such profligacy has in the US, UK and Europe caused the Fed, the Bank of England the European Central Banks to create money and credit out of thin air monetizing buying and holding sovereign debt as well as debt clogging the balance sheets of the financial sector. In Washington the administration is considering an oil tax increase as the public pays more than $4.00 a gallon and in Germany it’s $9.00 a gallon. Expect more of this non-income tax taxation. Each tax increase and each loss in services brings less purchasing power, as inflation rages. All these entities each day find it harder and harder to sell bonds to support their debt load, thus, revenues have to be increased. In the US the top 10% of taxpayers will end up paying 75% of total income taxes. This has already started an exodus of high-income earners to leave the country over the past 15 years, and the numbers are increasing exponentially. That in turn throws an added burden on middle class taxpayers. At the root of the problems of all these nations is Keynesian economics, which has become the basis for corporatist fascism. The growth of money and credit worldwide has been exponential and continues apace as nations refuse to cut spending and central banks continue to be fonts of money and credit for their financial sectors and for governments. The financial system worldwide is awash in liquidity, which is accompanied by low or near zero interest rates. If those conditions were to be higher interest rates and less monetization the world system would collapse, although governments are manipulating markets downward such as gold, silver and commodities. What they are accomplishing is very little versus the intermediate to long run. That is why in the long run gold, silver and commodities have to move higher, as investors flee the general stock and bond markets, that don’t reflect the results of inflation. That is why inflation will worsen as central banks continue to spew out more money and credit, which is now euphemistically called quantitative easing. First we saw inflation rise in the developing world for a number of reasons, which has since moderated to a great extent. Inflation is growing at a realistic 4% to 6% overall. The problem lies in the developed world where real inflation runs from 8% to 20%. Nations such as the US, UK, China, India, Brazil, etc. are not only suffering high inflation, but they are exporting it as well. Not enough to keep inflation at bay in their own countries, but enough to make financial conditions in victimized countries difficult. As an example, take America’s neighbors Canada and Mexico; instead of having a natural 3.5% inflation for 2011, their inflation at year-end will be 4% to 4.5%. As we predicted a year ago, QE3 will become reality, although it will be called something else. Not only in the US, but also in the UK, Europe and other countries, as well. If the issuance of money and credit were to stop and interest rates were to rise the world would head into deflationary depression. That is why the music has to continue. Sooner or later it will stop and when it does the bottom will fall out of the world economy and financial system. The Fed continues to create money and credit and prices continue to rise and will do so for at least 1-1/2 more years. If we get the equivalent of QE3 that will be extended 1 to 1-1/2 more years. Dependent on how big a QE3 could be two to three years ahead, inflation could range from 25% to 55%. As this affects the US economy the banking system will remain weak and near insolvency. As inflation rises in a moderate fashion in the developing world the first world will see inflation rise higher quickly. We currently see yields on Treasuries falling again from 3.60% on the 10-year note to 3.22%, as the Fed manipulates lower yields into position. That would be in anticipation of higher real interest rates caused in reaction to QE3. This is all rear guard action to try to create employment from a sector that remains under intense pressure. Any job creation is being offset by the high layoff rates of municipal and state workers. These measures by the Fed will also continue downward pressure on the dollar and upward pressure on gold and silver and commodities. Any tightening by the government or austerity measures to reduce the fiscal deficit would be disastrous. That is if you want to keep the game going at today’s level. It is a different story if you really want to solve the problem. As we switch to the Middle East we see serious trouble coming. In fact it probably is the groundwork for World War III, the event needed from an historical prospective to begin a new world war to cover up the economic and financial collapse now taking place. Why else would the US and UK stir up rebellion in Syria, the home of a Russian naval base and in Libya where the Chinese just recently had to remove 29,000 workers due to a US and UK created rebellion. Libya supplies relatively inexpensive quality oil to China in large quantities. As these adventures unfold it becomes more obvious that a new war is being set in motion. As a reaction we see China saying they want to reduce their dollar forex position by 2/3’s or by $2 trillion. The US won’t let that stop them, so China is going to be a large dollar seller and part of those funds will go in gold and silver. That means the dollar will definitely fall lower both in terms of other currencies, but more importantly versus gold and silver. Dollar bulls are very hard to find. Those negative regarding the dollar we doubt have a clue that WWIII is underway. What has come to the attention of those negative on the dollar is that the US is developing into a Nazi police state. The US government wants to know exactly where all the assets of every American are and at the same time set compliance rules on foreign banks and institutions, which have US persons as clients legally. For Americans, foreign countries have to report any real estate owned by Americans in their country and on January 1, 2013, annually these nations banks have to send 1/3rd of all bank assets to the US IRS ostensibly to pay taxes, which in most instances have already been paid. It is a grab of the assets of Americans who dare to live in another country. As a result the US government gets little or no respect outside the US. The US is a pariah and the laughing stock of the rest of the civilized world. What people other than Americans could believe the fantasies of the obviously phony “live birth certificate” and the death of a man that had already been dead for almost 10 years. The foreign opinion is that the sheeple deserve it. As an adjunct to this the US government is going to keep US troops in Iraq beyond the end of the year. The Iraqis have to approve this action, so we’ll have to see what happens. It is obvious the US has no intention of permanently withdrawing their troops. The excuse is based on the Shiite uprising in Bahrain and the massive Saudi intervention, along with events in Yemen where the dictator has agreed to leave. Iraqis believe that accommodation with Iran is the only way to coexist. They see iran as the only real power in the region. They also recognize Iran as an emerging regional power. Thus, we see Iran balking at the US leaving 20,000 troops in Iraq.
When Vicki Sawicki leaves her Atchison Village home, there’s often a foul tang that permeates the air. “The pollution is so strong that sometimes you can taste it.” Sawicki said, her face scrunching into a grimace. “It’s kind of a metallic kind of taste.” Sawicki and several dozen other Bay Area residents met in North Richmond on Saturday at the invitation of the Toxic Triangle Coalition, founded by the Reverend Dr. Daniel Buford of the Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland. The group is an effort to pull together three Bay Area neighborhoods that residents and air quality officials say have been disproportionately affected by toxic contaminants and environmental hazards. Richmond is located at the northern apex of the “Toxic Triangle,” with Oakland to the south and Bayview Hunter’s Point to the west. Jack Broadbent is CEO and the Air Pollution Control Officer for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). Marie Harrison came from Bayview Hunter's Point neighborhood in San Francisco for Saturday's Toxic Triangle meeting. At Saturday’s meeting, Broadbent attributed many of the health problems experienced by members of these neighborhoods to “diesel particulate matter,” a kind of air pollutant that comes from combustion engines. Among the majors sources of these tiny particles are moving vehicles like cars, trucks, tankers, trains, and buses. Stationary sources of particulate pollution include power plants, factories, and refineries. Bayview resident Marie Harrison described some of the health problems she has seen in her neighborhood: asthma, cancer, heart disease, headaches, severe rashes, and nosebleeds. Richmond has the same problems: The Bay Area Environmental Health Collaborative has collated data showing Richmond has both high levels of diesel particulate pollution and the highest levels of child asthma hospitalizations in all of Contra Costa County. Environmental activist and Richmond resident Gwendolyn Powell sees a wide range of health problems among her neighbors and her own family. Gwendolyn Powell of Richmond often has breathing problems because of the air around her Las Deltas home. Powell’s stepfather died in 2001, after suffering from asthma, a condition her brother also struggles with. Her cousin died from an asthma attack. A 50-year resident of North Richmond, Powell said she’s become concerned about the health risks of living so close to the Chevron refinery. Yet the refinery is one part of a larger problem. In each of the communities that comprise the Toxic Triangle, multiple sources of pollution are infecting the neighborhoods in compounding ways. Bayview Hunter’s Point residents, for example, breathe emissions wafting off the 101 and 280 freeways. There are also two federal Superfund sites and hundreds of acres of contaminated brownfields from a former naval shipyard. In addition to the Chevron smokestacks in Richmond, residents must contend with busy freeways running through the community; with a port, where diesel trucks come and go hour upon hour; and with the rail yards, where trains have been known to idle their engines for days at a time. This infrastructure of pollution that is literally built into neighborhoods—neighborhoods where residents are largely low-income ethnic minorities—is what’s called environmental racism. Tiana Drisker, 30, of Richmond talks with Phillip Watkins Jr, 22, at Saturday's meeting. Watkins came from Oakland for the event. “This is not just about trash on the ground,” said Tiana Drisker. “We have been conditioned to think this is normal,” she said of the foul smells, hazy air, and history of contaminated land. Drisker, 30, lives in Richmond. Several years ago, she became involved with Communities for a Better Environment, a California based non-profit focused on environmental health and justice. She became so passionate about environmental health that she’s leaving behind a completed dental hygienist degree to enter an environmental program. Drisker plans to help educate her community about the risks pollutants pose to their wellbeing. It’s time for Richmond residents to “demand accountability, demand responsibility,” Drisker said, encouraging other young people in the audience to continue to get involved and give a voice to their communities. Mayor Gayle McLaughlin briefly attended the meeting, pledging to fight environmental injustice and noting her efforts to build bike paths and community gardens. What Vicki Sawicki wants is a little harder than new gardens and bike trails. “I don’t want to inhale any toxic chemicals,” she said following Saturday’s meeting. Richmond mayor Gayle McLaughlin listens to Jack Broadbent's presentation in North Richmond on Saturday. In the ten years that Sawicki has lived in Atchison Village, several times she’s gotten the alert to “shelter-in-place,” which means to close all windows, doors, and sources of ventilation to the outside environment. As part of Contra Costa County’s emergency response directions, residents are instructed to shelter-in-place whenever harmful levels of toxins are released in the air. “It’s scary,” Sawicki said about the alerts. “I’m not a chemist, but I know the air is not healthy to breathe,” she continued. “We all have a right to breath clean air.” It’s interesting how the Mayor of Richmond was only there for a photo opportunity and not to really listen to the issues. If she had been there for the entire meeting, she would have realized that the residents need stricter laws against the refineries and businesses for polluting the air not more “bike paths and community gardens”. Who wants to go out and do heavy breathing of toxins while riding a bike or planting fresh vegetables and fruits in tainted soil? Think about it people! It must be election time or maybe the author just picked the wrong quote/sound-bite to include in this piece.*wink,wink*
By Crystal Wylie Register News Writer RICHMOND — As of Tuesday, the local headquarters of the Salvation Army was down $10,000 to $12,000 in donations compared to this time last year, said Salvation Army Capt. Sally Love. Some may be unaware of this, but “all of the money donated in Richmond stays in Richmond,” Love said. And 60 percent of the donations used to help people all year are collected at Christmas-time. These donations help fund a soup kitchen, thrift store and shelter right here in Madison County. The Richmond branch has a work area expanding over Estill, Lee and Rockcastle counties as well, she said. Funds collected from those areas also go back into those communities. One factor has contributed to the shortfall in donations: the lack of people who carry cash. Newspapers from all over the nation have reported the same problem, leaving the signature red kettles shortchanged everywhere. Last year, however, Salvation Army USA reported a 3.4 percent increase in overall donations from 2010. This accomplishment was, in part, due to increased online donations, according to a release from the organization. “We have been working to expand the Red Kettle Campaign to reach new and young donors,” said Commissioner William Roberts, National Commander of The Salvation Army. “Technology is changing the way charities raise money. Whether through a credit card at a kettle or online, we’re making an effort to reach the next generation of donors and make it convenient for people to support the campaign.” As with donations collected at local storefronts, all money collected online from those who indicate they live in Richmond, will go back into the community, Love said. One option is the Online Red Kettle (onlineredkettle.org). Donors can create online kettle teams and share the link through email and social media (Search your smartphone app store — there’s an app for that). “Online bell-ringers” have collected funds for the seventh year in a row and raised more than $1.7 million last year, up from $1.6 million in 2010. Other online donations in November and December, not through the Online Red Kettle systems, totaled $17.6 million, a 28-percent increase over the $13.7 million raised in 2010, according to the release. There also have been nationwide efforts to make donations easier for those who only carry debit/credit cards. Last year, smartphones and mobile credit card readers were donated to the Salvation Army to begin test markets in San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas and New York. Love said the decision to have mobile card readers in Madison County locations will be reassessed each year, but they also must consider how that might impact partners that allow bell-ringers in their storefronts. Donors may also visit the Richmond Salvation Army office at 1675 E. Main Street to donate using a credit card, Love said. Check donations may be sent to the same location. Angel Giving Tree This Saturday, the Richmond Salvation Army location will be distributing Christmas food bags, gifts and stockings to more than 450 children, seniors and low-income families as part of the Angel Giving Tree program, Love said. Although registration to benefit from this program ended in October, people will have the opportunity to sign up for any goods that are leftover on Monday and Tuesday (Dec. 17-18) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Richmond location. The Christmas food bags include around $25 worth of “all the fixings of a holiday dinner,” Love said. Children will receive gifts, as well as age-appropriate stuffed stockings for both boys and girls. For the first time, age-appropriate stockings have been prepared for senior citizens who receive food bags from the Angel Giving Tree, Love said. Those who would like to apply for any of the leftover goods would need to provide proof of income or government assistance, a picture ID for the head of household and social security cards or birth certificates for each member of the family. “If you qualify for food stamps, you would most likely qualify for our program,” said Love, who uses similar income criteria regarding family size. Those who qualify for the Angel Giving Tree also must not have already benefited from any other children’s gift assistance in town, she said. Crystal Wylie can be reached at cwylie@richmondregister.com or 623-1669, Ext. 6696.
How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? With apologies for the downer of a topic, but . . . A married couple of our acquaintance will soon attend a memorial service for a woman who recently passed away, and of whom their young daughter was quite fond. They have not yet told their daughter of the woman’s death as they are at a loss as to how to proceed with such a discussion. I told them I would put the matter out for consideration among the Ricochetti, where much wisdom can reliably be found. Their daughter is three years old, and this will be her first experience with the death of anyone she knows. What have you told your own children under these circumstances, and what questions were you met with? Your thoughts on this very important question will be much appreciated by all concerned. - Comment (24) - · Quote - · UnfollowFollow (17) Aug '12 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? We talk to our daughters (just turned 6 and about to turn 5) about this fallen world regularly. So they already understand that death is a consequence of sin. We lost a dog a couple of years ago and my parents nextdoor had to bury one of their dogs. So the girls have experienced loss and they know why it happens. More importantly, they take comfort in their Baptism and the Resurrection to come. Dealing with the loss of a human friend would be harder, especially if the friend wasn't a Christian. But they have the knowledge (framework) in place to make sense of it and they know where to find Comfort. Mar '11 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? My family has been through a lot of death. Our baby daughter, my mother, and my best friend. We have two other children (8 and 6 at the time) and we simply told them about death as honestly as we could. It's a lot to grasp, and it is clear they didn't grasp all of it, but they got the important stuff. Might be too much for a three year old to get. Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? As a pastor's kid, I grew up around a fair amount of death. Our backyard backed up to a cemetery. We were brought to the homes of people near death and we were brought to their funerals. I've tried the same approach with my children -- just explaining what cemeteries are, taking them to funerals of church members who have died. As for what to say to a 3-year-old, there's some chance the child won't exactly understand much of what's happened. Start with the basics -- "Our friend died. We won't be able to see her any more." Then just answer whatever questions come up. That will vary by child. Simple, short answers are better. If you're in anguish over what to say, you're probably over thinking it. Jan '11 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? It helps to remember that everyone has to deal with death sooner or later. We've all gone through it. It helps to remember, then, how we ourselves got through those first experiences. I was lucky. My first experiences of death were elderly family members, and I was part of a very Catholic family. We had wakes and funeral masses and other rituals. I learned how to behave (and really, how to respond emotionally) by watching my family during those rituals. Death was treated with solemnity and respect. I'll say the obvious ... at that age, it isn't about passing along information to a young person. The young person will be having feelings that she never had before, and she won't know what to do with them. So, the older generation has a sacred responsibility to teach the younger generation how to respond. They'll learn; not by words, but by reactions. That's why rituals are so useful. They teach emotion; they teach how to respond. They give emotions an outlet, so that people know what to do with them. Nov '12 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? When my grandmother passed away, I told my 4-year-old (at the time) that "when we die, we go back to God". I was expecting questions, but none arose. My simple explanation seemed to be sufficient. Nov '10 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? If the child was very fond of this lady I think she should not be shut out of this. She needn't be confronted harshly with it, but an adult on whose shoulder she will be comfortable crying should tell her gently and help her with the details. I lay pretty good odds that the child will want to go to the funeral, and if she clearly understands what it all means, I'm for letting her go. Small children can and do grieve, and death is a natural thing to them; it's not easy for anyone. But they are robbed when we treat them as incapable of dealing with the truth. Imagine the child, a month from now, "Mommy, when can we visit Mrs X? She said next time we come I can have a ginger cookie, and I drew her another picture." "Uh, I'm sorry honey, Mrs. X is ... um ... gone away ... ask me again sometime, but not today". When the child finally learns, she'll be furious that she was not permitted the chance to "properly" say goodbye. I'm 100% in agreement with KCM above. Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? Many thanks for the thoughtful responses so far. I knew the Ricochetti would not disappoint. Feb '11 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? My mother always said "He/she went to live with God." I am a big fan of taking children to cemeteries for unveilings and plain visits. Funerals too, after a certain age. (I was angry with my parents for many years because they would not let me attend my grandfather's funeral when I was nine. Their excuse was that I am the eldest of my generation and the elders still thought of me as a kid. One of my sisters was killed in an accident and most of the nieces and nephews participated in the funeral and the unveiling, including shoveling dirt into the grave. These were 7-8 year olds. (The eldest of her own kids was not yet twelve.) But of course I am a genealogist, so I go to cemeteries for fun. Sep '10 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? I don't know if the little girl was raised Catholic, Jack. But, if she was, please insist that prayers for the departed are a good thing for a child to learn. They are sadly neglected in our day. Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? I should have mentioned this. Yes, the family is Catholic, and prayers are part of their daily and nightly routine. Oct '12 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? It is important to remember that for preschoolers coping well typically means sticking to routine as much as possible. If this woman played a role that was part of a daily or weekly routine, her death will need to be addressed both in the context of the funeral and in the context of the activity (Ms. Sue won't be at church this Sunday to hug you). For younger kids, describing death as an inability to do activities they understand can be helpful. As adults we tend to over-think and over-answer kid questions about death. Remember that a 3 year old still thinks the moon follows her car ; ) Simple, direct answers; routine and ritual cover a multitude of stammering adult statements. Also, it's not uncommon (even if she attends the funeral) for a smaller child to ask to visit the deceased person, or what happened to their friend later, perhaps multiple times. Not a problem, just typical development. May '10 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? When our second child was in neo-natal intensive care we told her 3 year old brother "Your sister is very sick and we don't know yet whether she's going to come home with us or go home with Jesus." That seemed to work. (BTW She pulled through and is with us today, 28 years later) Nov '10 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? Don't say anything you don't believe yourself and keep the explanation age specific. We had to deal with this a few years ago when our 17-year old son died and we still had 5 kids at home, ages ranging from 5 to 15. Based on his profession of faith we felt confident in telling the younger kids he was in heaven. But while his salvation is a wonderful thing, we still did a lot of crying because we missed him so much. It rocks a kid's world to see the parents in that much pain, but I can't agree with people who feel the need to shield the kids from it. I didn't want my kids to grow up thinking - J. died and Mom and Dad never even cried for him. I also don't think it's a good idea to make the death a taboo subject. We answered all kinds of questions, such as, can I call J. on his cell phone? With kids, be prepared for some touching and even funny moments. Our 5-year old, a few days after the funeral, demanded to know where his brother was. Nov '10 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? We patiently told him - in heaven. And he said, "no not that one, the one that's in the dirt." Try explaining that to a 5-year old. Also, our son died in another state and the first few days were filled with phone calls and preparations for getting his body back. When the call finally came that he was coming the next day I turned to one of the kids, age 7, and said, "J.'s body is coming back tomorrow." Her response - "what about his head"? I've come to believe that if you can't explain it to so a 5-year old can understand, you don't understand it yourself. Keep the answers truthful, but age specific. Having a robust theology of dying, death, and the afterlife helps tremendously. Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? Kim K., I'm so terribly saddened to read about the death of your oldest son. I pray for continued comfort for you. And I thank you for the advice you offer. I couldn't agree more with your last line. Mar '11 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? Life is opportunity. Death is the end of those opportunities. Jews and Christians agree on this much: death is when the soul returns to G-d. Mar '12 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? My mother died of heart failure when I was nine and a half, my brother eight and my sister six and a half. My father came home from the hospital and gathered us around him and told us. I think we did not know what it meant except that mom wasn't coming home. Only over time did the immensity of death become recognizable in a family. A place to come to but no one to come home to. An echo or shadow of who once was but is now not to be found; and an empty place in the heart that remains open but unfilled. It is terrible and no matter what else happens, it must be faced. At some point down the line, someone must sit with that child and help her get it out of her system. The child's mere expression met with some compassion will allow her to put it down and not have to pick it up again, relegating it to a fond memory of a missing friend.Edited on December 31, 2012 at 5:05pm Aug '10 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? Just got home from a funeral of an 80 year old man, it was as natural as the snow falling outside the church. What you need to say is in there somewhere, it's a natural . My daughter went to a visitation last night for a high school classmate killed in a car wreck over the weekend , I don't think that is natural as it wrenches the cycle out of rhythm . Words are very hard to find for that. Nov '10 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? The topic of death is much easier to confront with children when the topic of God has been an essential part of their childhood. Apr '11 Re: How Do You Talk to a Child About Death? How do we adults address the imponderable? How may a child understand? I observed, weak-kneed, the following: A Norman Rockwell setting. A great grandfather - a minister, has died. Gathered in a late-summer country cemetery, his descendants . . children, grandchildren, great grandchildren gather around the catafalque. My farmer brother-in-law presides over the assembled mourners. Birds sweep above cornfields, the air is sweet . . . . his daughter brings her 10 year-old son forward to be comforted by the rugged handsome grandfather. I'm waiting expectantly for this midwestern iconic moment of generational nurturing. The paterfamilias drops to one knee beside the catafalque and pulls the child toward him. Even the breeze pauses. We watch a timeless tableau. The grandfather points toward the casket. He speaks. "That will be you someday. Live your life accordingly." I've wondered ever since, what doors closed in that child's heart. I cannot help but to believe that some part of his emotional life, forever, veered in a direction it might not otherwise have gone. One could argue that it was a wise appraisal of what one might take from a death. For me, it was callous and brutal and no one visibly flinched.
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Actores como Bogart o Newman, y actrices como Hepburn o Bacall, aprovecharon su comodidad y la popularizaron. El crítico de cine estadounidense Steven Rea lleva diez años rescatando las imágenes de aquella estilosa revolución!"- Toni García, El Pais "A quick daily fix of cycling-movie-star happiness!" - Dana Stevens, Slate "Maybe the coolest collection of snaps we've seen yet!... Famous faces in the free-spirited act of riding!" - Brenna Egan, Refinery 29 "Для своей странички Rides a Bike кинокритик Стивен Ри собирает фотографии знаменитостей прошлых лет на велосипе- дах."-Marie Claire Ukraine "Mesmerizing!" - Lucia Davies, AnOther Magazine "A cycling love story through movie star history!" - Emma Grady, treehugger.com "A beautiful labor of love!... A must for any cycling enthusiast, movie buff, or vintage fashion lover!" - Julie Lorch, The Philadelphia Inquirer "Really rather fab!" - Lynnette Peck Bateman, Lovely's Vintage Emporium “Fascinating…. A timeless treasure to add to your collection!” - Liz Pacheco, Grid "There are few finer uses of Tumblr than Rides a Bike.... Shots of instant happiness!" - Matt Prigge, Philadelphia Weekly "Pedal-philes and Hollywood junkies alike will be charmed by Philadelphia Inquirer movie critic Steven Rea's book Hollywood Rides a Bike"- Santa Barbara Independent "These black-and-whites of gorgeous stars on beautifully crafted tandems, cruisers, roadsters and more, delight movie lovers and bike lovers and provide a glimpse into bike mania of yesteryear!" - New York Press "Who knew that so many stars have been gaga for bicycles?!" - Ken Tucker, Entertainment Weekly "Hollywood glamour rides again!" - Velojoy "`Hollywood Rides a Bike' is a celebration of classic Hollywood and bicycles and one of the most unique and satisfying books to come along in a while!”-Jim Langley's Bicycle Beat ""What’s more American than Shirley Temple on a Schwinn?.... `Hollywood Rides a Bike' (Angel City Press) presents rare, vintage snaps of such stars as avid bicyclist Doris Day, riding, and later crashing her vehicle; Spencer Tracy, doubling Mickey Rooney; and Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly, tooling around the lot during a break on the set of `Rear Window.'" - Elissa Schappell, Vanity Fair/Just My Type blog "Beautifully wrought!.... `Hollywood Rides a Bike: Cycling With the Stars' is exactly the type of book you need to have in print... and one you need for prominent display on your coffee table...you do have a coffee table, right?"- L.A. Weekly "Whimsical!" -FishbowlLA/Media Bistro "The definitive online source for charming photos of old-school movie stars on bikes!" - Vulture/New York magazine "R-r-r-r-aow!" - Flavorwire/Flavorpill "N’hésitez pas à parcourir l’ensemble de l’album photos!" - LievreouTortue.com "Impressive!... Quirky!... Marvelous!" - Jill Blake, The Cinementals "One of the best new bicycle blogs of 2011!" - South Florida Bike Coalition "The cops would have a field day with Rides A Bike, a new Tumblr specializing in photos of celebrity cyclists, many of whom are pictured without helmets, headlights, reflectors, and often flouting traffic laws!" - The L Magazine/The Measure "Glamorous and sexy!" - Austin On Two Wheels, the Online Magazine of Austin Cycling Culture "Isn’t our shared existence enriched by knowing that there’s a website which is just pictures of Classic Hollywood Celebrities Riding Bikes? It makes me happy!" - Fugs and Pieces/GoFugYourself.com. "Surf through Rides A Bike.... If these photographs don’t lighten your day, we suggest getting on a bike sooner than later so you can experience the joy!" - The Public Blog/Public Bikes San Francisco "I am loving this tumblr, Rides a Bike!" - treehugger.com "Amazing!" - Wunderbuzz.co.uk "A beautiful addition to the cycling and fashion blogosphere!" - Sacramento Cycle Chic "Rides a Bike” is one of my favorite single-serve Tumblr sites... with vintage photographs of stars and celebrities of days of yore on bicycles.... Add this site to your RSS or bookmarks for your weekly bit of whimsy!" - SUNfiltered/The Sundance Channel "Acabamos de descobrir um Tumblr sensacional, que traz imagens históricas de celebridades pedalando suas bicicletas. Para quem gosta de bicicletas clássicas e fotos históricas, vale a visita!" - Eu Vou de Bike "Whimsical! Fascinating!" - Dennis King, Look at OKC "I really think the bike industry needs to take note of these images. Think how many more bikes you’d sell... if you did an ad campaign with Kate Winslet or Johnny Depp helmetless and in regular clothes on bikes like these!" - Wellsphere.com "A brilliant photo blog that condenses the essence of why everyone should ride a bike — because it’s fun, and all the beautiful people are doing it!" - Tubulocity.com "Our favorite vintage bike photo site.... Brilliant, always inspiring!" - Sydney Cycle Chic "Sweet!" - William Fotheringham, cycling columnist, The Guardian "I found a fantastic blog today on Tumblr... Rides A Bike... A collection of vintage photographs of a whole host of Hollywood stars rolling along.... Beautiful shots and fantastic outfits abound!" - The Stylish Cyclist "Tirées du Tumblr Rides A Bike, ces somptueuses photos montrent des stars hollywoodiennes des années 40-50-60 à vélo.... Superbe travail!" - Ec(h)o Mag "Here's something for a city that celebrates cinema and bicycles: a website featuring stills of stars on bicycles.... They're sure looking sharp!" - The Oregonian "Some beautiful bikes and bike looks that capture the spirit of riding for me: simple, elegant, freeeeeeeeee!" - Sarah Wilson, sarahwilson.com.au "A source of constant pleasure!" - Robert Penn, It's All About the Bike "Thousands have scrolled through the stills and candid shots of Rita Hayworth on a beach cruiser, Errol Flynn on a track bike, and Humphrey Bogart speeding through a studio back-lot, one hand hanging casually in his pocket, with the calm and confident expression of an everyday cyclist!" - Momentum Magazine "Old Hollywood stars on their two-wheeled steeds, from the days when A-listers would pedal between scenes on studio lots. James Stewart gives Grace Kelly a lift down the road; Jean Harlow walks a bike on a pavement; Audrey Hepburn pedals past Humphrey Bogart. Each is romantic and nostalgic evidence of the elegance of bike-riding, a reminder of why it endures!" - The Independent
Home > Patch Notes > Patch 1.9 > New PvP Content in RIFT 1.9? Can You Decipher These Codes? New PvP Content in RIFT 1.9? Can You Decipher These Codes? It seems that RIFT Team wants to challenge our intelligence by offering these codes in the forum. Well, if you cannot see picture, I've posted all the contents below:, Nemo surdior est quam is qui non audiet, is written in Latin. It is like, "you will hear what he(the Dev) said here". Dev: 3 3228466 787 posted this thread in forum. Obviously, it's a new ID for this, which joined in May 2012 with only 11 posts. Actually, I followed his posts time line and found other threads he posted in forum. I will analysis little by little and the answer will be unveiled soon! Thread in the PvP & Warfronts Forum titled "There can be no peace": Source: As we can see from the sub forum where this guy posted his thread, it's possibly something about PvP coz it's the first post after the cypher. Thread in the public test shard Forum titled "Be careful what you ask for": Source: Thread in the Dungeons & Raids Forum titled "Keep your friends close ": Source: Both are for promoting his cypher post, nothing special. I guess it will be appeared first at PTS(you don't say that?) and maybe in Dungeons and Raids as well? Then he posted something in numbers! So I paid more attention to his ID: 3 3228466 787. What does it mean? Is it the code as well? Well, actually it's a easy code if you check out your mobile phone! Let's decipher them! 3=3 3=F 2=A 2=C 8=T 4=I 6=O 6=N 7=P 8=V 7=P 3 FACTION PVP! Really?!!! Well, he kept posting after that, so let's see more about them! Reply to "Nemo surdior est quam is qui non audiet" Source: These three pics are: Fun pics. Apparently, three factions, Ram, Raven and Lion, which he mentioned in the cypher. Let's go back to see the cypher again, now it would be more clearly that some words suggest battle among 3 factions like "Three points the blade, but two edges bleed". Then he posted some replies in forum by numbers, which is easy to understand but without any valuable information in it, like "we so excited" and "we so excited too". You can find them here, here and here. I couldn't see more valuable leaks about it so far. However, at least we got this - "3 faction pvp", which is possible new feature added in RIFT 1.9! Maybe we will see it in 1.8 next week. Player Comments (Totally Comments)
Find Truck Loads Find Truck Drivers Post Your Loads Trailer Service Top 10 Features Top 10 Q&A Fuel & Mileage Bid On Load Testimonials Top 10 Questions & Answers 1. How much are loads paying and how do I get paid? Q: The #1 question we receive daily is how do I get paid for moving the load, and who pays me? A: RightNowLoads.com does not broker loads. We put you in contact directly with the Shipper, Manufacture or Broker of the load posted on our loadboard. You will agree to any payment terms and rates with them directly. RightNowLoads.com does not have the pay rates posted on our load board. We provide owern operators with the phone number to contact the poster to inquire about the pay rate and how you will receive your funds after you deliver the load. 2. How do I know if the Shipper is trust worthy? Q: Do you offer any type of credit lookup to see how long it will take to pay and a brokers credit score. A: Yes, if the load is posted by a broker we do offer our members 5 FREE credit report look ups per month. You will be able to get the brokers credit score and their average days to pay. If you need more than 5 credit score lookups per month we have another membership package for unlimited uses. 3. What do I get with RightNowLoads.com, what makes your load board different? Q: How much is your service, and how does your site work? A: Every member has a 3 Day Free trial. If you like our 24/7 Dispatching service you can become a member for 29.95/monthly. Click here for information on the 50+ different features our competition does not have, that you get for a low monthly fee. We provide you with access to your loadboard and over the phone 24/7 support and dispatching service. Payments by Visa, Master Card and Pay Pal only. 4. Why is your loadboard the cheapest? Q: Is there a contract with your membership A: NO CONTRACT!, you are free to cancel your membership at anytime. We have a no questions asked return policy, but we do ask why you want to cancel membership so we can improve our service to current members and future ones. 5. Do you have loads for smaller trucks? Q: I own a 24" and 26" Box Truck cargo van, do you have loads for my type of truck? A: YES!, we have loads of many different weight classes. From 0-16,000lbs mostly bobtails, goosenecks and hotshot trucks to 24,00lbs mainly 26ft Dry Vans all the way to 48,000lb trailers like Reefer, 53" Vans, Containers, Flatbeds and Auto. However the frequency of available loads does differ between states, location and distance and the required intrastate or interstate permits required to move the loads. 6. I am a broker, can I use this site? Q: If I need to post my loads is there a fee for this service and what can I do with this service? A: If you need to just post loads we do have a FREE Broker posting account we can offer. If you need to search our owner operator directory you will have to register with our 29.95/monthly membership. If you have over 100 loads that need to be posted daily we do offer a free upload service and you can email us the excel or any file that has the load info you wish to post. 7. How do I get my FREE T-shirt? Q: how do I order my free shirt that you offer? A: Just Ask! tell us what you want on your shirt and we will send out next day. Only members are eligible to receive up to 2 shirts per month. Each month you are eligible to get a new design on your shirts. We plan on having more offers soon to give out to all members monthly.? Q: I bid on a load, but I did not get a reply back, what happens next? A: After you bid on a load, its always best you contact the shipper DIRECTLY, placing a bid does not mean the poster will reply with any confirmation about your bid. RightNowLoads.com emails your bid to the email address of the poster and most poster of our board get 100's of emails per day on various loads so I may be difficult for them to contact you back. Its always best to call and get a rate. 10. I told my friend about your service and they signed up? Q: Can I share my account with my friend? YES!, you can use our load board on more than one computer at a time. Fore every member you referred you get 50% commission on their first month membership and 20% commission for every month after. We have a great affiliate program to spread the RightNowLoas.com name around. If we did not answer your concerns with the above answers please call us for more info 888-852-4238
I came here first as a child during World War II and returned five years ago for the first of five reunions of the children, grands, partners, spouses (and now a possible great-grandchild) of Eric C. Kast, my late husband. This year I planned a first, writing week for myself with Carter Frank and Erica Kast, and we stayed in Hidden Village on West Tisbury's Lambert Cove Road. Nearby we came upon Dr. Fisher, a dirt road whose buckles rival ocean waves. Our house was deep in woods and gave me a room with desk where I worked on my novel manuscript for several hours each day, while Carter and Erica swam long distances at Lambert Cove Beach. Nearby we discovered Ice House Pond, a fresh water kettle pond preserved by the Martha's Vineyard Land Bank, one of many organizations that strives to save land from over development. An afternoon trip to Aquinnah (formerly Gay Head) gave us gorgeous views of the bright, clay cliffs and a glimpse of Wampanoag jewelry made form wampum, quohog shells. A winding path down to an ocean beach offers surf and a walk below the cliffs. There traditional nude bathing persists. I remember this from childhood visits to the island and was delighted to see that natural simplicity still lives, just slightly tucked away from T-shirt shops and chain store fudge. The Mass Audobon Society offers great kayak tours of Sengekontacket Pond, an excellent way to see the birds, crabs, plants and animals of the Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary as well as to support one more necessary effort to save the island from clogged roads and urban sprawl. We reveled in the West Tisbury Farmer's Market, cooked and ate communally (10-13 peeps each night), and played games from Bananagrams to Settlers of Cataan to Ticket to Ride. We sunned and swam and played paddle ball on the East Chop Beach and indulged in Mad Martha's ice cream, Moon Magick fudge and Back-Door Donuts. Five years is a long time, and people grow up, as the quantity of beer bottles we recycled attests. Some of the young people grew restless without bikes or car and a limited bus system, so Erica and I resolved to develop a survey to assess each person's priorities for location and activities. Her arts management studies come in handy! The results will affect the reunion's future, but I'll always return to the Vineyard. There is so much to learn for an off-island, seasonal visitor, so many paths to wander, so much history to explore. As I contemplate the island's future, my sense of satiation returns to hunger, and I fear that the island I love cannot endure. The Martha's Vineyard Donors Collaborative is a consortium of island non-profits that aims to use their collective strength to sustain the Vineyard. Understanding the problem is a first step, and their excellent (downloadable) pamphlet addresses the problem with a clear, severe, but humorous and well-written warning: do something now or forget a future for the island. If you've ever lived there, visited the island or wanted to, download the pamphlet, watch a video, and choose your mode of action. There's something for everyone to do. I recommend the pamphlet from mvdonors.org. Preservation is a complex and political subject, but the authors were thoughtful and the results could be momentous. I love the national parks. I love the California coast. I love our reunions on this island. Thank you Anton! MV is indeed a special place as you write so well. The first week was sublime and your second week sounds equally so. Thanks for the memories. You're welcome, and I hope we'll turn them into real-life experience again. Beautifully captured, Maggie. What a rich, varied environment! I wanted more description, more photos, more...I wanted to be there! Door County, Wisconsin, where as you well know I have spent vacation time my entire life and where we now spend all summer, is sometimes called the "Cape Cod of the Midwest." Now, I dearly love this place--the vast lake, the magnificent bluffs, the wildlife, the art galleries, the Scandinavian culture. But it is not Cape Cod. It is not the ocean. It quite simply lacks the incredible variety that the environment you describe contains. But: home is where the heart is. I don't think I'd previously looked at your Sicilian blog, either. Having just prepared an Italian dinner for friends and spouse, I was more than intrigued. I must say I didn't manage to serve so many courses! And I hope to go to Sicily some day--one part of Italy that I've not yet seen. R That's how I first felt when I went to Door County and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: the East Coast all over again. Especially on the ferry to Neebish Island, where my mother spent summers as a child. Looking at the picture of the MV farmer's market, and comparing it to the farmer's market in northern Door, made me smile--in fact giggle. Our farmer's market most recently had: potatoes, rutabaga, beets, green onions, lettuce, green beans--and that's about it. No corn yet; no tomatoes. Never anything mildly exotic. It's like our local super market, the PIggily Wiggily, which always reminds me of Garrison Keilor's "Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery," in Lake Woebegon: "If you can't find it at Ralph's, you can probably get along without it." Mozzarella? Forget it. Lamb chops? Nope. On July 4th, we went to the boat regatta in Fish Creek. Or tried to. In the small print in the local newspaper, it said the 4th of July celebration would be held on the 7th. We returned on the 7th. There were hundreds of people on the pier and shore, with a rock band playing. Finally it got to be dusk, and the "Venetian Nights" type regatta began: the boats decorated with lights. All five of them. They went around twice. On the other hand: the thermometer has exceeded 90° F. only once so far this summer, at East Haven, our place on the lake. And I caught a 12# chinook salmon, when I went out on a charter fishing boat with my brother-in-law, to which I can only say: thank God for Dramamine! I had to keep my eyes fixed to the horizon the entire four hours as the boat rose and fell. Living in the wetlands, as we do, we also have lots of wildlife and nature to enjoy: pileated woodpeckers, occasional pelicans, swans, egret, blue heron, and myriad ducks. Porcupines, deer, wild turkeys, and rarely, a fox or coyote. Actually, a coyote seems to have entered our garage one time this summer, where it ate its prey (fur and blood on the concrete floor)--and then took a dump!! Can't get closer to nature than that. How lucky that Lake Woebegone has been preserved in Door County, when so much other natural beauty is being overrun or destroyed! Witness Montauk, NY with its "no fedora hat" signs contra hipsters.(See NY Times August 3). Hi Maggie, What a joy to experience your weeks at MV. The dancing bubbles has to be my favorite. And the water, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Brings back memories of trips to the Maine coast as a child. We played in the tide pools, and leaned over Thunder Hole. Next stop was Northern Maine and freeeeeeeeeeeezing cold Long Lake close to the Canadian Border. So glad you can do this with your family. Maine sounds great. I'd love to go there sometime. I have a friend who used to go to Vinalhaven, in island in Maine,but I've not been myself. Hi Maggie,
Sustrans tells cyclists using Strava and other apps to keep off shared use paths Charity that runs National Cycle Network reissues code of conduct and underlines that pedestrians have priority: *. Some. New Forester. If the bicycle was invented tomorrow, it would be seen as the solution, not the problem. antonio. The actual time you'd spend passing others on a ride like Bath-Bristol must be - what - 0.01% of the total ride? If someone wants to scorch it, 99.99% of the time they are doing no harm.! I bet Sebastian Langeveld is wishing he had not rode on the cyclepath (Tour of Flanders '12) Bloody pedestrians! .... I bet Sebastian Langeveld is wishing he had not rode on the cyclepath (Tour of Flanders '12) Bloody pedestrians!(Tour of Flanders '12) Bloody pedestrians!. onward ever onward? BillyV. ~rbx Can pedestrians also be advised to stop wearing their headphones on shared paths, as I ring my bell; but their music stops them hearing it. Horse riders and cyclists share the road uneasily here; my high-viz jacket, which affords me some protection from drivers, means I have to be very careful approaching horse riders, especially from behind. Asking the rider if it's OK to pass produces a grateful response 9 times out of 10. A group of 4 of us came across avery agitated horse on a country lane recently and had to dismount and wait for the rider to get it calmed down. The cause? a pair of cyclists going the opposite way who just zipped past out of the blue. Of course, in the New Forest the horse riders can go anywhere while cyclists are grudgingly given some very disjointed and easy cycle tracks and attacked regularly in the local paper. New Forester Perhaps it is a stupid idea to have a public app that encourages people to ride ever faster on public paths or public roads. Statistically it is going to encourage rider's worse side, and lead to more accidents. Logically, if the apps cause this statistical change, then the apps should be legally liable. Before it comes to that, at least public ways and steep downhills could be removed from the apps. Not so difficult to do with a little bit of computer work. hicks I agree with Sustrans, when we use shared lanes then we have to do the best we can to share the facilities and look after each other. Yes pedestrians sometimes behave erratically, but they're not used to looking behind them before they change direction the way a cyclist used to travelling on the road does. I think in general the majority of cyclists do seek to take care of the pedestrians (putting up with the occassional annoyances and delays) in the same way that we ask car drivers to accept the occasional short delay when we are on the roads. I've never used Strada but, as others have already suggested, to me it sounds totally inappropriate for use on shared ped/cycle paths which surely could be easily removed from their database. ? ". hicks. I must say I feel very ambiguous about some of these routes, for example I not infrequently use the route across N Wales from Bangor to Rhyl. The time it takes me to do this varies (in similar weather conditions, it is E-W along the coast so wind is a big factor) from a little over two hours, at night in winter, to well over three and a half hours, Wkend daytime summer. This route is the only practicable safe way across N Wales for anything other than motorists. So is an international trunk route for cyclists etc. Despite the recognition of this and tremendous work and endeavour to provide it, it is far from satisfactory as a through route. The numerous bridges on it seem designed to slow cyclists as much as possible with cost saving sharp and blind corners. In addition many of the seafront sections weave between lamp posts and some of it occupies sections where fisherman put down there rods and leave car doors open (which is at least safer than opening them as you pass). Some of it passes through throngs of crowds on the sea front - especially in summer. I think the only realistic solution here is to use a lane of the A55 exclusively for cyclists and other long distance walkers etc. Also as far as I'am aware these routes are public highways; so the highway code applies. Much though I dislike over signage I think this fact should be reinforced - especially KEEP LEFT, as it is often other cyclists wobbling about all over the place who are a problem. In addition, as a trunk route it should have priority over any other roads crossing it. I also agree with what others saying, concerning the fact that if you use the road next to one of these routes, it not only tends to make motorists irate that you are not on the cycleway, but more dangerous because there are less cyclists on it. While I do recognise that, like any other road user, I can't expect to have everything my way. On the other hand they often seem designed pretty much exclusively for dog walkers (with attendant trip wires) and children learning to ride. Rather than using a cycle as transport. Again, this is dumping the problem on the poor cyclist (all else being equal). There is a sign on the path showing that it is 'shared use with cyclists.' Why is it implied that this sign is not for the benefit of pedestrians to know that they, not the cyclist, need to look out for cyclists coming, and not walk or side-step randomly? Or at least simply look before doing so? It really isn't rocket science. The cyclist is implied to be looking carefully. Pedestrians, having likely grown-up in a non-cycle-respecting culture, are implied to not care about their part of that 'sharing' responsibility. Why is this refusal to take responsibility tolerated? Will our cyclist-hostile culture ever change? Until we can challenge such irresponsible pedestrians' behaviour, can we at least build proper cycle paths? They're lovely to use, and when they exist, I for one, give myself no right to use pedestrian facilities, regardless of the law. When they don't exist, I have less sympathy - but always cycle considerately and look-out for and predict others behaviour, with large safety margins. Thus I, like I assume many cyclists, take MORE than my fair share of responsibility whilst getting from A to B. So I have no sympathy for those whose slack I'm taking up when they complain... Forget whatever sexy gear you have: it's the man not the machine (unless you're a certain top-flight pro cyclist in which case it's the drugs). I cycle on performance-REDUCING drugs, if anything!
It Takes Two The operating partnership between trucker and spouse By Timothy D. Brady Trucking is often a husband and wife enterprise, requiring the full dedication of both to make it a success — whether they drive team or one’s on the road and the other home. As any trucker will attest, the truck decides everything: when you’ll be home, when you have to leave again, whether you have money for the long-awaited vacation or the vacation becomes a new transmission. Trucking takes marriage to a whole new level. One driving, one at home Gail and Paul Morrison have done it all: their own authority, lease operators, OTR and local delivery. Currently Paul is doing a 614-mile-per-day dedicated run from southern Georgia to the Atlanta area and back, five days a week. The run didn’t just happen. Paul had been doing expedited truckload, going wherever the freight needed to go. He was asked to cover a run that began 20 miles from his home in southern Georgia and went to Atlanta. The problem was, it was dedicated only one way, and the trucking company to which he’s leased was required to locate return freight. Paul noticed the company he was delivering to in Atlanta had empty parts racks that needed to be taken back to the plant in southern Georgia. He also discovered there were other factories along his route needing parts from southern Georgia, sending parts they assembled to others along his route or wanting their empty parts racks hauled. Paul and Gail figured out a pick-up and delivery plan that would handle all the different manufacturing facilities in which parts or empty racks were picked up and delivered — all in a single day. Previously it had taken 2-3 days. They presented the plan to their carrier and customer, and the rest is history. Paul and Gail’s revenue increased, giving them a dedicated run with a constant payday each week, and providing the customer considerable savings. Paul and Gail have had their ups and downs in the trucking business, but their dedication to each other and to the customers they serve shows why they are successful. Gail is the stay-at-home partner and has transferred her auditor skills to being the general manager of their trucking company. Even though Paul is leased to an expedited company, they operate as if they were still a motor carrier. They know what it costs them to operate: their break-even point, a realistic financial goal, and ways to cut costs. Gail handles all the paper work: She puts each day’s load manifest together, bills out the previous day’s deliveries and makes sure all the truck’s paper work is correct and sent to the trucking company. And because Paul is on a dedicated run and can’t afford to be down for repairs during the week, he gives Gail the list of services to be completed on the following Saturday. Paul leaves the house each morning around 6:30 and bobtails 20 miles to the plant in southern Georgia. He hooks up to his pre-loaded trailer and heads towards Atlanta, making three stops and dropping off racks of parts and picking up empty racks. The entire trip encompasses 12-14 hours, depending on traffic and delays. Paul’s last action before heading to the house is to back the trailer to a dock door and unhook. Even though Gail is not teaming with Paul, he’s in constant contact with her throughout the day. She makes sure he has all the necessary paper work, and he leaves each morning with a breakfast sandwich, a packed lunch and that all-important Thermos of coffee. Both in the truck Charles and Diana Stilzner have been an owner-operator team for more than 30 years. Driving together as business partners and husband and wife was their intention from the very beginning. Charles had been in the military, driving heavy equipment. “When I finished active duty, my senior officer suggested I go apply for work at Barrett Moving & Storage,” he says. Initially Charles got on as a yard jockey moving trailers, then advanced to doing household moves. “In those days you put whatever fit in the truck. Barrett is a multifaceted trucking company where household moving is one part,” he says. “Three weeks ago we were in Boston and delivered a household, then hooked up to our flatbed and hauled oversized for Lockheed Martin, and now we’re hauling crates back to Ohio on the same flatbed. But our main trailer is a high-cube, climate-control where we haul art work, museum pieces; even the Moon Lander for the Johnson Space Center.” Soon after Diana and Charles were married in 1978 (and they’ll tell you they were the first Charles and Diana, the real fairy tale marriage), Charles was in Florida loading when he fell and broke three ribs. Diana flew there and drove the truck while Charles healed. That’s when she decided that for their marriage to work, she needed to be working shoulder-to-shoulder with her husband. They both love to cruise the highway, so when the opportunity arose to get paid for cruising together, it was a no-brainer. When asked who does what, Diana says, “Charles picks the loads and how they’ll be routed, and I pay the bills and manage the bookkeeping. We share all the other duties — loading, tarping, inventorying, dealing with the unexpected breakdown, etc. We split driving down the middle. If I come across bad weather, accidents, or whatever during my shift, it’s my responsibility to deal with it, as it is his when he’s driving. It’s our responsibility to be sure the other gets the rest they need; our lives depend on it. He respects my ability to do anything required to operate this truck, and he trusts my decisions, as I do his.” The Stilzners have taken the past 30 years’ experience and molded it into a lifestyle. They respect and trust each other, in both their personal relationship and business relationship. When I ask Charles how they divided up their duties, he responds, “I do what she tells me to do.” I jokingly ask, “Does she do this with a rod or a whip?” Charles’ response speaks volumes about their success: “She does it with kindness and determination.” Like a marriage, a partnership trucking business is a commitment that requires dedication to make it work. Both the Stilzners and the Morrisons understand this, thriving for over 50 years combined as trucking couples. They both said the hardest part of trucking is that ‘mistress in the driveway.’ The biggest challenge is to schedule time to get away from the truck, not talk about the truck or its business. In trucking, as in marriage and life, if you know where you are, where you need to go and have a plan, you’ll arrive at your destination, whether you’re delivering a load or traveling towards your goals. Timothy D. Brady is an instructor for trucking business workshops through a partnership with a major university and local community college.
Thank you for visiting our past auction result archives. If you have an item identical (or similar) to this auction lot, please call, write or contact us to discuss. We will be able to help you. Lot # 693 (of 1743) < Previous Lot | Next Lot > 1939 R303-A/B Goudey Premiums Collection (82) Starting Bid - $1,000, Sold For - $4,406 Collection of eighty-two 1939 Goudey Premiums representing all three different R303 Goudey Premium sets (two are complete, one is a partial set): 1) 1939 Goudey Premiums (R303-A) Partial Set (34 of 48): The R303-A set of 48 has by far always been the rarest of the three R303 sets. Missing just fourteen cards for completion (Appling, Case, Chapman, Dickey, Gomez, Keltner, Kreevich, Lombardi, Owen, Rich, Simmons, Vosmik, Warneke, and York). Keys: Averill (Vg-Ex), Cronin (Vg-Ex), Crosetti (Gd), DiMaggio (Ex), Feller (Vg-Ex), Foxx (Ex-Mt), Gehringer (Ex-Mt), Greenberg (Ex/Ex-Mt), Herman (Ex/Ex-Mt), Ott (N/Mt), Vaughan (Ex), and Ted Williams (two upper corners missing, otherwise Ex). The balance of cards grade as follows: seven cards range from Ex to Nr/Mt (averaging Ex-Mt), eight cards range from Vg to Vg-Ex, and seven lesser (downgraded for corners missing and/or scrapbook removal on the reverse). 2) 1939 Goudey Premiums (R303-B) Complete Set of 24 (black-and-white): 75% range from Ex to Nr/Mt (averaging Ex-Mt), and 25% slightly lesser. Keys: Appling (Ex-Mt), Cronin (Vg-Ex), Dickey (Ex-Mt), DiMaggio (Vg-Ex/Ex), Feller (Ex/Ex-Mt), Foxx (Vg-Ex), Gomez (Nr/Mt), Greenberg (Ex), Herman (Ex-Mt), Lombardi (Ex-Mt), Ott (stain in the upper left, otherwise Ex), Simmons (Ex-Mt), Vaughan (Ex/Ex-Mt). 3) 1939 Goudey Premiums (R303-B) Complete Set of 24 (sepia-toned): 85% range from Ex to Nr/Mt (averaging Ex-Mt), and 15% slightly lesser. Keys: Appling (Ex-Mt), Cronin (Ex-Mt), Dickey (Ex/Ex-Mt), DiMaggio (Vg-Ex/Ex), Feller (scrapbook removal on the middle of the top and bottom borders, and glue residue on the reverse, otherwise Ex), Foxx (Nr/Mt), Gomez (Ex-Mt), Greenberg (Ex/Ex-Mt), Herman (Fr), Lombardi (Ex-Mt), Ott (Ex), Simmons (Ex-Mt), Vaughan (Ex-Mt). This is a tremendous collection of R303-A and R303-B Goudey premiums, clean and crisp across the board, and it should be stressed that almost all have an Excellent or better appearance (many appear at a glance to be Near Mint to Mint, and those graded less than Ex have only an extremely minor flaw that is not immediately apparent, perhaps a tiny crease). Goudey premiums have received relatively little attention from collectors compared to traditional gum cards of the era, and a strong case can easily be made that they represent one of the best values of all 1930s baseball issues. This is an extremely impressive collection of 1939 Goudey gum-card premiums, the most complete collection we can ever recall offering, with many highlights, both in terms of condition and the remarkably high percentage of Hall of Famers and stars included. Total: 82 premiums. Reserve $1,000. Estimate $2,000/$3,000. SOLD FOR $4,406 (Click the smaller thumbnails to the left and right (if any) to cycle through each photo in the gallery of images for this lot.)
About Robert Robert has represented East Anglia since 1994 Robert was educated at Ashville College, Harrogate and trained in accountancy. He built up a substantial family farming business, mainly in arable crops and he finds this practical experience invaluable in policy discussion in Parliament. As being an MEP involves so much travelling from home to Brussels when he has time off he enjoys nothing more than helping out around the farm. His passion for agriculture started young when he became County Chairman of the Young Farmers. Active in the NFU, Robert held a number of appointments and chairmanships including Chairman of the Regional Livestock Committee and Sugarbeet, Potatoes and Cereals Committee and was involved in the WTO Uruguay round negotiations. It was this that led to his growing interest in international trade and the important role that agriculture plays within it. Robert takes a keen interest in animal welfare and the environment and is a member of the RSPB and Vice-President of the Cambridgeshire Beekeepers Association. Robert is treasurer of the Land Use and Food Policy Intergroup and Chairman of the Sustainable Hunting Intergroup. Robert got his first taste of politics at school, winning the public speaking trophy. Since then he has been a councillor and was a constituency chairman from1990-93. Robert has represented East Anglia since June 1994 and is currently the Conservative member responsible for Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. In 1999 he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Conservatives in the European Parliament and held this position until 2001 when he decided that commitments of the European Foot and Mouth inquiry committee would take up most of his time. He used his position as Conservative, and EPP-ED spokesman on Agriculture (1994-2001) and Rural Affairs (2001-2004) to lead the campaign to set up the first public inquiry into the epidemic. Since becoming the ECR (European and Conservatives) Coordinator for International Trade, Robert has focussed his energies on holding the Commission to account. As this is an area where Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht negotiates on behalf of all EU member states he believes it is important that the British public’s interest is taken into account. From the “Bra Wars” debacle, where thousands of Chinese textiles and bras were blocked in Europe’s ports, to Economic Partnership Agreements, which aim to put trade at the service of development, through the EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement, Robert works on trade issues that affect all of our lives. He is also a member of the EU-ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) Joint Parliamentary Assembly. In addition to his role in International Trade, Robert is also a substitute member of the Parliament’s Agriculture Committee. He follows both committees closely when they overlap with areas of his experience and expertise.
By Alina Selyukh WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A law regulating authorities' access to email drew a good deal of attention in Congress on Tuesday as a House panel quizzed Department of Justice and Google experts About it, and the Senate began taking on a bill to update the rules. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), passed in pre-Web 1986, does not require government investigators to have a search warrant when requesting access to old emails and messages stored online, providing less protection for them than, say, letters stored in a desk drawer or even messages saved on a computer's hard drive. Investigators can access technical information about emails with a subpoena, which has a lower legal threshold than a warrant because it does not involve a judge and therefore easier to obtain. A subpoena also can give access to emails that are more than 180 days old and sometimes newer emails if they are opened. But tech companies including Google Inc recently started to object, refusing to disclose old messages without a warrant, as privacy advocates say digital messages should not be treated differently than physical private communication. Senator Patrick Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who chairs the Judiciary Committee and authored the original ECPA 27 years ago, on Tuesday introduced legislation to update the law by requiring a search warrant if the government wants to read emails stored with third-party providers. A subpoena would still be enough for access to some technical data about the messages. The bill also spells out a previously lacking requirement that government authorities notify the user whose emails are being disclosed and does away with distinction in legal standards based on the age of an email. The elimination of distinctions based on how old communications are received backing from Elana Tyrangiel, acting assistant attorney general at the Justice Department, which interpreted the law for such differentiation. "There is no principled basis to treat email less than 180 days old differently than email more than 180 days old," she told the a House judiciary panel on Tuesday. "These 180-days, opened-unopened distinctions haven't kept pace with the way the technology is used today," she said. Richard Littlehale of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations told the panel that more than anything, law enforcement authorities hope for a directive to third parties on how fast they should comply with proper legal requests for data - a divisive topic not addressed by Leahy's bill. "Whatever the level of standard of proof, the thing that matters to us most ... is prompt response," Littlehale said. At the same time, both government officials underscored that subpoenas are the norm for obtaining business records during corporate investigations. Richard Salgado, law enforcement and information security director at Google, reiterated his company's refusal to honor subpoenas in either civil or criminal investigation.. (Editing by Philip Barbara)
Google Flights heralds Google’s formal entry into the travel meta-search arena. Much has been made of the absense of intermediaries such as online travel agencies and meta-search competitors in lieu of direct booking with the airlines. Unquestionably, the game has changed. Since the announcement of Google’s acquisition of ITA Software, everyone knew it was going to be a game changer The Fairsearch.org immediately reacted with a blog post asking if partners will be coerced into working with Google, if the new search technology will secure premium placement in search results, or if the content will be intermixed with search results. Valid questions. To which Google will undoubtedly reply with something along the line of “whatever provides the greatest utility to our users and yields the greatest benefits to our partners.” As with all things Google, democratization of information and disruption of established business practices typically involves a balancing act between users and partners where the scale normally (and appropriately) tips toward the user’s end of the spectrum. Many partners understandably don’t like this and Google Flights will certainly be the poster child of the coming US Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights hearing. For now, let’s forget about all that – there will be plenty of coverage in the coming weeks on the strategies, symbolism and voodoo surrounding Google’s deeper dive into travel. Much will be conjecture, lots will not be true, and some will be flat-out crazy. One thing however, is for certain – Google Flight Search changes everything, but in more ways than you might think. It actually enables a very old school approach to searching air fares. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Is Google Flights perfect? No, non-US/international itineraries are not supported. It also doesn’t present all those cool Hacker Fares Kayak finds. For those predicting the demise of the OTAs, don’t be so quick. Earlier today, when booking a flight, Expedia found the cheapest itinerary, a UA-DL combination that was not identified by any other sites, including Kayak Travelocity, Priceline or Google Flights. Plus the price was $25 lower than any other comparable fares (although the last point may have been due to the location of Expedia’s servers on the West Coast.) The concept of using a map to explore options based on budget and flight duration was worked out by Sabre Labs in the late ’90s and resulted in as Travelocity Dream Maps a few years later. It is questionable whether the Google Flights map should be presented as the default, especially because it occupies a lot of valuable screen real estate. The map is nice for playing a joint round of “What-if” with both “where should we go?” and/or “when should we go?” as variables. It is a great experience to watch the fares change instantaneously as departure.return dates are changed. The only annoyance was having to close and reopen the map to get rid of the large “Popular Destination” tool tip that covers a large portion of the map as a default. The question is if most users are making where/when decisions when approaching Google Flights for the first time. If one already knows their destination, is that much screen real-estate necessary, and does that little arc between the origin and destination really need to remind everyone the world isn’t flat? Sorry, but I doubt many people care if they can fly to Detroit for $151 when they have already entered their destination as Washington, DC. Inspiration is a noble goal, but integrating it in this way doesn’t simplify the process much. Another minor mapping peeve is that when a flight includes stops, only the simplistic origin/destination arc is rendered, not smaller arcs between all connecting cities on the itinerary. Overall, when it comes to the mapping functionality in this version of Google Flights, the synopsis is: nice technology; low utility. It was a good idea not to use the potentially disorienting Limits Scatter-graph as the default. The concept of using sliders in a graphical matrix to filter shorter and cheaper flights is nice, but the tight clustering and sporadic distribution of outlined and solid circles may create some confusion on first viewing. Once familiar with the content, most will simply use the sliders to highlight flights in the lower left corner of the graph. Incorporating a hoverbox on mouseover into the Limits display would have been extremely helpful. A user could then immediately identify the targeted flight itinerary without needing to scan the list below. The current implementation requires the use to scan the results list even when the 2D scatter graph is visible. Simple sliders could have accomplished the same task, again, using less screen real estate. There is plenty of other cool stuff – the calendar option lets one see a visual representation of the strategies employed by airlines for managing city-pair pricing. The outbound/return time sliders including departure & arrival times are nicely rendered, but far and beyond all other features is Google Flights blazing fast speed. That said, there is incredibly powerful code underlying these tools – the key will be harnessing that power and unleashing it through an innovative user interface to make flight search more engaging and seamless. From a content perspective, Southwest Airlines and Virgin America flight schedules are included, but pricing is not provided and no booking link is active. AirTran provides pricing, but again, the booking link is not available – the same goes for Frontier. It is unclear if Google intends to enable integrated alternate day search capability, as the current iteration allows clicking forward & back by date. It may have been that in its initial version, the date paging was provided to simplify the UI and ensure page rendering speed was a key point of differentiation. Google will need to do some retooling to compete with Kayak’s Hacker Fares. Kayak finds lower pricing or new itinerary combinations by linking two one-way itineraries to create a round-trip between airlines lacking ticketing agreements. As a result, two separate bookings are required. Google’s current limitation of one ad unit covering a complete roundtrip will probably need to be reworked to be competitive. Hipmunk also has Google beat on pure graphic appeal. C’mon, all Google could muster was a generic airplane silhouette icon alongside the word “Flights” in a standard red font? Beyond the very cute mascot, Hipmunk has a clean & simple interface augmented by some clever agony filtering that eliminates irrelevant flight options. User experience is a critical factor that makes travel search much more of a challenge than basic web search. The current feel of Google Flights is a lot like Google Analytics – and that may not suit the typical leisure traveler. It also seemed that Google Flights handled certain carriers somewhat sporadically. For some reason, Delta itineraries seemed to be most problematic. Most OTA and meta-search user experiences are also superior to Google Flights – particularly because there are more itineraries listed on the page above the fold – especially with the map is displayed. On my display, only four outbound Google Flights are presented above the fold; the figure increases to 11 with the map collapsed. In comparison, Kayak displays five, Expedia offers 12 cells within its matrix, Travelocity offers a 15 cell matrix, and Orbitz, 24 cells. In my survey, Hipmunk, with its Time-bars, reigns as champion with a list numbering 28. Priceline is the laggard, displaying only three and lacking a matrix. This puts Google at the low end of the spectrum. Now for Something Completely Different So you already test drove Google Flights and passed judgement for better or worse, right? Hold on – you might want to take a look at this little trick that foreshadows the inevitable Google Flights API. Guess What? The Google Flights text-based query string works really well for quick & dirty air searches. Click on this link as see what I mean:;f=ORD,MDW,MKE;t=WAS;d=2011-11-14;r=2011-11-17;a=AA,CO,WN,UA;c=DFW,IAH;s=1;olt=0,900;itt=840,1440 Is it fast? Hell yes. And there is no map pushing the search results below the fold. That’s Cool. But that’s not all, go into your browser bar and start manipulating the text string. Using Google Chrome, with Google Instant, the search results simply appear – even without clicking or hitting the enter key… Even when changing origin or destination airports. That’s Magic. The search query is easily broken down – here are the key elements (based on the query above): | The website URL f=ORD,MDW,MKE | Origin Airport(s) (from) t=WAS | Destination Airport(s) (to) d=2011-11-14 | Departure Date (depart) r=2011-11-17 | Return Date (return) a=AA,CO,WN,UA | Air Carrier(s)(airline) c=DFW,IAH | Connection Cities (connect) s=1 | Maximum Stops (stops) olt=0,900 | Outbound Landing Time Range – Min-Max in minutes from 0:00 (outbound landing – arrival time range) itt=840,1440 | Inbound Takeoff Time Range – Min-Max in minutes from 0:00 (inbound takeoff – departure time range) Each element is isolated by a semi-colon. If particular search attributes are not needed (at a minimum, keep the dates and origin/destination,) leave them out. For experienced travelers who are familiar with airport codes, this may represent the industry’s fastest possible way to search for flights. The only tricky part will be the flight time calculations, but the sliders may be used if deemed easier. The outbound and inbound time attributes can both be altered for departure or landing times and are based on minutes, so be prepared to practice dividing by 60. Try it – using Chrome. Awesome, isn’t it? It beats the page back / new search / or filtering options normally required on traditional airline, OTA or meta-search sites for raw speed & flexibility. You may experience the same code-driven rush as a travel agent typing into a green screen in the 1970′s. The speed is addictive. Finally, before anyone starts getting too bent out of shape, Google has not (yet) embedded Google Flights into the organic search results page. A search of “Flights” today returned ten standard links to Expedia, Travelocity, Kayak, CheapTickets, Priceline, Hotwire, Orbitz, JetBlue, American and TripAdvisor in that order. Not that Google is completely ignoring the new functionality – Flights appears as a menu item in the left sidebar whenever the keywords Flight or Flights are entered, but not when the terms air, airfare, airline, plane tickets, etc. are entered. At least for the present, Bing gives its air meta-search a much higher profile within its organic search results – including origin/destination and date inputs. I am guessing Google’s approach may change in the future based on advertising click-through rates or when profile information is integrate profile information and retaining values from recent searches, for example the origin airport and dates. It would be logical for Google to follow Bing’s lead. When Google fits together the pieces of the puzzle, this will be a platform to be reckoned with… just as everyone expected. I don’t recall anyone predicting the lightening-fast search results – and this is just the first release. Just wait until those smart Googlers and ITAers start tuning the application for speed in future revisions… So in the interim, before Google launches international itinerary search, tweaks its algorithm and UI to present Hacker Fares, suppresses the map, introduces an API, or at least spruces up the branding on the flight search page, have fun relishing the speed and elegance of the old-school travel search technique proven by thousands of traditional travel agents on green-screens for decades – the simple paste & edit text entry.
So came a yorker so fiercely like a tracer bullet that made a deep impact on the stumps. And the scoreboard read “India – Out Bowled Pakistan”. So out of the blue, BCCI has allowed a bi-lateral series against Pakistan. Bravo! This was just needed where we as a country stand for Brotherhood in spite of being shown Bandooks times immemorial. For God’s sake it is we who are angry and need to be pacified, not them. A complete straight walk has been given to PCB by BCCI in spite of Pakistan’s rejected accountability for the heinous acts, claims of innocence and where their own court rejects its own 26/11 panel report. I doubt if there is any back door deal striking place; you nab the culprits, punish them and in return we will play cricket with you. BCCI is playing cricket at the expense of country’s sentiments. Cricket is a gentleman’s game and thus we also need gentleman’s in its administration. But sadly all we have is politicians, businessman but rarely a gentleman. This is the 21st century cricket where Politics and Cricket are joined by hips and cannot be separated especially when it comes to India and Pakistan. The question that needs an immediate answer is: Since there was no cricket being played in the aftermath of Mumbai attack then what was the need to start playing again since neither the perpetrators of the attack have been punished nor found guilty by Pakistan. One may say that sport should be kept away from politics but on the other hand we use it to ease the tension and act as everything is normal. Why is it that we are all charged up watching the Indo-Pak cricket match? It is that anguish, distress, state of abhorring that it brings along. Be it on the cricket field and on both the sides of LOC. It boils down to” izzat ka sawal”. But this emotions cannot bring the perpetrators to book. Neither can they stop the act of terror affecting other neighbours. It is sad to see that instead of going all out to wipe out terrorism both the nations either start or stop playing cricket and use cricket as a bait to pacify one another. Strange but true. I must say our government shows high level of optimism with regard to cricket being used as balm to ease tension. Now since we are hosting Paksitan all I hope is that cricket goes on between the nations irrespective of the tension as it is simply a sport and not a political event garnering eyeballs. i totally agrre with u Thanks. Keep reading and commenting.
Deep in the rural woods of Maine, the visage of a once celebrated mental institution stands. The memory of this building has faded, having seemingly been closed down in the 1960s to those old enough to know its name but not exactly remember what it stands for. The brick of the walls is dusty, and the gardens surrounding the massive estate are gloomy. An air of despair fills the lungs of any who dare to breathe it and chokes them on the hatred permeating from the building. Surrounded by miles and miles of forest and shrubbery, most know naught of its existence. Those that do are housed within its unforgiving walls : stagnant nurses, eccentric and almost as insane as their patients doctors, not completely there inmates. Only the most crazed of the mentally unstable are granted entrance here and once past the foreboding gates are never granted exit - except through death. Those admitted are soon forgotten by the outside world, their legal documents seemingly vanishing. This place's name is Lockwood's Institution of Mental Health, and for the last forty to fifty years it has been a hell for those that inhabit it. Legally Lockwood's has been shut down for decades, but underneath the guise of well-being and health, it has been running under the radar since the 1960s.Only by word of mouth is it spread and the most dastardly of evil and unstable sent there and as quickly as those learn about it, they forget. Some don't even seem to remember having a son or daughter, sister or brother - the idea vanishes from their minds. Something sinister is happening, has been happening at Lockwood's for years, and the patients, too insane to understand, the nurses, too brainwashed to care, the doctors, the ones experimenting, doing. Ghastly torture, waterboarding, swift execution to those deemed unable to further the doctors' research any farther, it is a modern day Holocaust with no preference on the race of its victims. An inmate has been there for a year, however, and somehow knows something is not right. The ability to do something is beyond them, however ; they cannot work alone to take down a sinister organizaion of mentally deranged doctors whom have been performing their own experiments on live patients illegally. Not only that, but they are not all there themselves - the reason they were sent to Lockwood in the first place. A new inmate is coming in, however, and this person might be the former's partner-in-crime - to bring down Lockwood. __ In short, it's a roleplay about a mental institution housing the batshit crazy doctors 'treating' the batshit crazy patients. The two inmates (us) attempt to work together to find a way out of Lockwood's, but their own mental instabilities will most likely hinder them in the process. I plan for it to get pretty dark (torture, right? gotta be dark) so the roleplay will be mature, but I don't plan on having anything sexual in it, although that may be debatable if it progresses in that way. This roleplay can either be FxF, MxF, or possibly - possibly - MxM. I'm not very good at the last, but I'd like to branch out and try new things. If I'm absolute shit at it, we can at least say we had a good run, right? I'm wanting the roleplay to be at least high casual, possibly advanced. I love detail and vivid imagery, but that doesn't mean you have to be Ernest Hemingway. I know I'm not Flannery O'Connor. Mistakes here and there are fine, we all make them. In fact, my s on my keyboard is pretty broken at the moment, so I may make a few oopsies that way. I'd like a two paragraph minimum, because I rarely write under that. I don't care what gender you are behind the computer screen, or what gender you roleplay. I just want you to be literate and polite, and I'll be the same. Of course, my plot needs ironing out, but I'm pretty firm on the insane asylum thing. As for your character, the weirder, more bizarre, brutal mental problem the better. I know mine will be pretty out there, hopefully, and I want yours to be too. All said and done, I'm not a slave driver. Take your time writing - I take quality over the amount of replies you're able to shoot out in a day. If you're interested, please shoot me a PM, and answer the following, if you will. (: *would you like to add anything to the plot? take away? *do you do cs's? if so, how detailed? real pictures or no, if you use them at all? These questions are for you. I don't mind whichever way you answer because the roleplay is supposed to be about us, not one of us, and compromising is a part of that. ^^ <3 Hera loves you. <3 always searching for good roleplays. fandoms SpoilerNaruto, Bleach, Harry Potter, Harvest Moon, Inuyasha, Avatar : The Last Airbender, Skyrim favourite themes SpoilerHistorical, Realistic, Fantasy [sometimes] pm me the link to your thread if you think I may be interested. PLEASE READ It's been a terribly long time since I've been here and I'm truly sorry for any roleplays I inadvertently dropped. Health issues had put a rather abrupt stop to my internet browsing. I'm hoping it won't be that way again.
We’ve already discussed the idea of selecting a tight end early in your fantasy draft (click here to view), but if you decide not to target Rob Gronkowski or Jimmy Graham or are hit by injuries to your starter you could easily find yourself searching for a sleeper. Who could emerge as a viable option that others in your league may not be looking at? One option is the Minnesota Vikings’ Kyle Rudolph, a player who I think is a prime sleeper candidate. He posted decent numbers in his rookie season, with 26 receptions for 249 yards and 3 TD. You look at those numbers and his three years at Notre Dame (never more than 33 receptions, 364 yards or 3 TD) and you may wonder why there is any reason to be excited. First of all, it’s rare for college tight ends to post big numbers in the passing game. It’s just not a position that is generally utilized the same way as in the pros. Just for comparison Coby Fleener, who was the first tight end drafted in 2012, never exceeded 34 receptions in college (he did post 667 yards in 2011 and 17 total TD over his final two seasons). However, it just shows that the receptions cannot be taken fully into account. Secondly, he clearly became a bigger red zone target as the season progressed, with all of his touchdowns coming in the final seven weeks of the season. If those aren’t good enough reasons to at least have him on your radar, his role in the offense has clearly changed. No longer will he be behind Visanthe Shiancoe on the depth chart (as he is no longer on the Vikings roster). Shiancoe was fourth on the Vikings in receptions (36) and yards (409) a year ago and also had 3 TD. While all of those looks won’t go to Rudolph, at least some of them will. You also have the injury to Adrian Peterson, which will open up opportunities for others (most notably Toby Gerhart, but you have to wonder if they will throw a little bit more in the red zone) and Christian Ponder should be opening the season as the team’s quarterback. Both of those just further help things point in Rudolph’s direction as he could easily factor as a safety valve for the young quarterback. Rudolph is listed at 6’6”, 258 lbs., which makes him an ideal candidate in the red zone. At 22-years old he has likely just skimmed the surface of his potential. The Vikings are going to open the season with him as their TE1 and, with all of the other factors, it makes him a very intriguing TE2 with the potential to be a low-end TE1 by year’s end. It wouldn’t surprise me to see him score 8+ TD, so make sure he has your attention in all formats. What are your thoughts of Rudolph? Is he a player that you think has sleeper potential? Why or why not? Make sure to check out our 2012 fantasy football rankings: In mock drafts, I have been eyeing Kyle Rudolph as a sleeper TE2 selection. I have been careful not to draft him often so as not to let the cat out of the bag, but to make a long story short, I agree with your assessment!
MotoGP: An Interview with Daniel Pedrosa. One Year To Win In 2004, Dani Pedrosa became the youngest ever 250cc World Champion, and after a second title in his second year, he prestiged to the elite class of MotoGP. 116 starts later, he has accumulated 71 podiums and 22 wins in the premier class, but at the risk of facing the unwanted title of the best rider to never win a World Championship. However, in 2012 he took the fight to Jorge Lorenzo but was just short of the crown after an early crash in Australia. Lorenzo took the title but Pedrosa will hope to not be disheartened and continue his strong run of form into next season, but with increased competitiveness, it will be a much greater feat, but if anyone can do it, Pedrosa must fancy himself. A unique characteristic about Dani Pedrosa is that he stands at a measly 1.58m, or 5 feet 2 inches, and is not only the shortest, but the lightest at 51kg. Regardless of all this, he is still one of the brightest talents and at 27, he will believe this could be his year and I was lucky enough to be able to ask him some questions. Dani Pedrosa of Spain rides along during the Sepang Test of the 2013 MotoGP Season with his Repsol Honda HRC RC213V DT: How do you feel 2012 went for you? DP: Pretty good, successful and I also enjoyed it a lot and had fun with the bike. The whole season – with my team and all my fans, it was a good year! DT: Do you feel it was a vast improvement from 2011? DP: Obviously, just from the point I wasn’t injured! DT: What were the main differences for you between 2011-12? DP: The fact I wasn’t injured was a huge factor and I think this is clear for all to see. DT: Do you think that 2013 will be your Championship year? DP: I’m really not sure. For sure this is the goal we are working towards, I have the will to make it happen and of course the confidence DT: How much more competitive will 2013 be, with Rossi returning to Yamaha? DP: It’s hard to say at the moment, so far we’ve seen him riding fast but we don’t know how this will be during the year if he will progress more or not, but I’m sure he will be fighting near the top DT: What have you learnt as yourself as a rider and a person throughout last season? DP: Last season was a little different for me as I relaxed more at the races, I had a more open relationship with my mechanics and my team and all the people around me. I experienced the season in a more relaxed manner and it felt good, I was able to enjoy it more. From the riding point of view, I learnt not to be in such a hurry. In previous years I have always been injured and so I found myself behind the points in the Championship and also physically behind, as I wasn’t fit, so to have some time to ride like I want to and not always ‘chasing’ was a good feeling DT: Do you think that Marc can challenge for the title as well? DP: I think so, he has shown he is very competitive so we will see Dani Pedrosa of Spain rides along during the Sepang Test of the 2013 MotoGP Season with his Repsol Honda HRC RC213V DT: Who would you consider as your main rival for this season? DP: Obviously Jorge, he’s clearly strong enough and very consistent DT: Which rider would you say is the most complete rider on the grid? DP: Again, at the moment, Jorge DT: Which parts of your riding do you feel you need to improve on? DP: Last year I made some steps, but there is always something to improve in mid-corner and braking DT: Lastly, who do you think will be the surprise package of 2013? DP: I’m really not sure, it’s too early to say. It depends how you look at it because it’s not a ‘surprise’ that Marc is fast or Valentino is competitive again for the people ‘inside’ racing because we know their talent. I would say the surprise may come from one of the satellite riders, but at the moment, I don’t know who! By Daniel Takyi - MotoGP correspondant for RTR Sports Marketing In the pictures: Dani Pedrosa Pictures courtesy of Repsol Honda Team HRC
from Milk Teeths The ultimate style+travel photo, and I liked that blouse so much I bought it from her store! I generally aim for a high degree of original content on this blog, but I really enjoyed rounding up my favourite summer outfits from some of my favourite bloggers in September, and couldn't resist doing an autumn roundup too. However, I've gone a bit overboard, so I'm splitting this post in two. This week you get the vibrant colours and sunny days outfits that most inspired me, next week a few more from the more wintry side of autumn. Since I featured my winter coat last post, and am basically wearing it all the time now, I guess autumn is truly over, in London at least... I Want Your Dress: from Yeye! Style Blog and Resplendent Tranquility This was the year the Alexa Chung collection for Madewell had us all pining for black velvet dresses with little collars. Seeing Izzie's vintage example, I was inspired to spend hours of my life trawling Etsy for weeks, instead of spending too much money, and I'm very happy with the result. I also love her styling of it. You can't see it well in the picture, but Emily from Resplendent Tranquility's dress has a pattern of chickadees! How perfect for autumn. I skulked around in H&M for quite a while in search of this, but fortunately for my budget they didn't have my size. And I could never have mustered up such a perfect location for it anyway! Coloured Denim: from Orchid Grey and My Little Fashion Diary After I bought my red Zara jeans I was pleased to see other bloggers following me on the coloured denim idea! ; ) Joking aside, red and yellow are probably the best autumn colours around, and I love the difference in the way they've been styled: sort of grunge-folk on Julie and classic all the way on Emilie. And both with truly great shoes... Caitlin in Yellow from Waking Life I honestly think Caitlin from Waking Life is one of the most stylish girls in blogland, and she made me doubly despairing of my own dressing abilities all fall by consistently wearing my favourite colour so perfectly. If you don't know her blog already, you should: head over for one perfectly put together look after another, and most of them taken before she goes to work, which just boggles my mind! I Just LIke These Ones: from Waking Life and Birds Closet More perfect looks with oatmeal and red, and also demonstrating that sometimes hair is the best accessory. Well, hair and a swallow-shaped brooch, if you can swing it. Keeping Cozy: from Wish Wish Wish and Hannah and Landon Carrie's yellow coat set me back ages in my own coat shopping. I couldn't come to grips with the fact that I wasn't going to find the very one and make it mine. Hannah's sweater looks warm too, but what really keeps me cozy is the picture itself. Taken during Canadian Thanksgiving, it reminded me in all the best possible ways of my favouritest of favourite holidays. Any favourites among these? Or what were your favourite colours/looks this fall? 49 comments: Love finding new blogs. Thanks for pointing me toward Waking Life. I can't wait to check it out. Also the last pic/ensemble from Hannah and Landon is possibly my favorite. Leaving the House in THIS?!?! Yayy I love all these!! Such stylish girls :D Love these! Especially the Waking Life one. SO cute! i am checking out all of these ladies next! thank you so much for sharing i love all of these looks :) Great photos! I love the first one especially :) Great selection and a couple of these blogs I hadn't even come across yet! I am going to check these out right now :) I love the yellows red and oatmeals although strangely I have gone off on a pastel trip just recently.. maybe I am trying to blend in with the fog? That is a nice looking pick up van. ooh, I like the oatmeal & braids. I've been searching for a pair of red jeans, but by the time I find the ones that fit the way I want, the trend is likely to be over. I love Autumn pictures. Great pictures. :) i need to crack onto this mustard yellow! i love it. xx Totally agree - loving colored denim right now! ~jess absolutely love the colored denim looks! they look so fresh and simple! Thanks for the round up- always great to find new inspiration! these are all VERY stylish girls! As are you! :D I love the outfit with the red jeans. weee.. i'm enjoying these photos. thanks for sharing their links. Aww these are all so cute! Great photos:) rawhem.com The last bloggers have great photos of themselves! Wow, I am blown away from the art of it all! I'm too lazy to be stylish. haha. love every girl + putfit!! but the girl in the first picture is my favorite :D xxxHanna I love this idea for a post because there are so many fantastic outfits here. I adore Emily from Resplendent Tranquility. She is so sweet and a very beautiful person. i love this post. it's great finding new blogs every now and then :) fivetwocharm.blogspot.com GIRL. Thanks for the inclusion ;) Now let me see a photo of you wearing that blouse! AND I wore a pair of red skinnies today and totally thought of you! xx MILK TEETHS awh these are so lovely x hivennn. Great post! I really liked how you made a post with your favorite inpirations in blogland :) I loved so many details in every outfit! My color favorites are always the same thing more or less...(shame on me - I'm really boring about that) black, grey, etc etc** very cute post! love the autumn/winterish colors and themes you've picked! happy holiday season & hi from 5amjetaime.com, gabbie c oh my gosh, i loved seeing all of these! what a fun roundup. i think milk teeths is my fave pic :) i love her shop wow these are so cute, i love the coloured denim! Colored denims, Cozy coats, pops of yellow - sounds like my kind of party ... and I am obsessed with autumn and all the bloggers showcasing it beautifully from all parts of the world! :) Love it. oooh amazing post!!! There are so many great trends in here :) xxxx lifeisroyalty.blogspot.com i love this post! some of the outfits you've selected are gorgeous - i especially love carries yellow coat too :) x aw, thanks for including me!! you're awesome. i have a yellow coat quite like carrie's but I got it three years ago at nordstrom and it is looking a little worse for wear. you know i love yellow :) You've picked some girsl with amazing autumnal style! I love all the earthy tones and beautiful yellows.! Love your picks. I am such a huge Bird's Closet fan that it's not even funny! Aw, thanks for including me in your autumn inspiration round up :) I wore that chickadee dress yesterday. Gosh, I loooove it. That's a bummer you weren't able to find it. They put out a blouse version, too. The print is a wee bit smaller, but just as sweet. Red and yellow are such perfect autumn colors. I like all these photos very much! I'll definitely be doing some new blog visiting as a result of this post. I think we have the same preferences, I like all the pictures you chose with their colours and outfits. @ Emily: I might go back and see if any hit the sales racks! I didn't fancy the blouse so much... I'm such a dress girl! i love all the looks, but im especially digging the mustard pants - i've really been wanting a pair myself! all of the mustard yellow looks are great!! that color happens to look terrible on me, but it's perfect when i can incorporate it into an accessory or pair of shoes. Those are some very cute looks that you've rounded up. I think my favorites are the last two photos. I love the yellow jacket paired with the brown polka dot dress - those aren't colors I would usually put together but they looked wonderful that way. I would wear the outfit next to her in a heartbeat. I too am often really inspired by my fellow bloggers, and we all appreciate the recognition, which is why I wanted to say "thank you" for stopping by my blog and leaving a message! Love, Heather agreed! red and yellow are two of the best autumn colours, together with dark green I may add :) my favourite from these: Carrie, Emily and Orchid Grey! The polka dot is my best pick - of course I will take that yellow coat too... Colorful outfits!!! So nice of you to introduce other bloggers in your blog!!! :) Office Outfit - 20 Trichy Temple Tour - Part 2 these pictures are so good. i had never heard of waking life, but wow that yellow dress!!! amazing. thanks :) I love you blog! and you are so cute These outfits are all so lovely! Outfit posts are always so inspirational when you have those moments when you hate everything in your wardrobe! :) xxxx oh I love yeye style blog (shes from montreal!) and hannah and landon (also canadian!) this was a great post and very original, dont worry. You are tops! FASHIONMADEMEFUNKY What a great blogger roundup! I enjoyed seeing all these various autumnal looks. Yay for Emily's sweet birdie dress! :) Oh, some lovely looks here - thank you for introducing me to some of these lovely bloggers... I look forward to seeing more! x
Gatland has warned his stars based in France and England that they will not be selected for his squad if they cannot secure full availability for the tournament. He is preparing his side for their meeting with Australia at the Millennium Stadium on December 3, but the New Zealander is without France-based trio James Hook, Mike Phillips and Lee Byrne, plus Exeter prop Craig Mitchell and Sale duo Andy Powell and Dwayne Peel as the game falls outside the International Rugby Board's designated Test window. That means clubs are not obligated to release their players for international duty and, although only scrum-half Phillips would have been a definite starter against the Wallabies, Gatland has made it clear that if players are not available for the start of Six Nations preparations, they risk finding themselves on the outside looking in. Gatland said: "We knew the English and French-based players would not be available because this game is outside that IRB window. "But we have said before, and we have been pretty consistent in this situation, that if those players in France and England can't get full release for the Six Nations then they will not be selected in the squad. "We have been disappointed to hear that a couple of them had verbal agreements but it is not written in their contracts, which I sat down with them and told them to do. "So the warning out there is that if you are going to leave Wales, make sure you have full release for all Wales games and squad sessions in your contract because if you don't you are not going to be selected, and it is a bit of a concern for us going forward." Gatland also has a series of injury headaches to contend with prior to the re-match with Australia, who beat Wales 21-18 when the sides met in the third-place play-off at the World Cup. Eight of Gatland's original 28-man squad joined the camp carrying problems, including George North (groin), Rhys Priestland (shoulder), Luke Charteris (wrist), Jamie Roberts (knee) and Dan Lydiate (ankle). Gatland remains hopeful that his World Cup stars will recover in time, but one man who will not be available is Ospreys prop Adam Jones. The formidable tighthead has suffered a recurrence of the calf problem that brought his World Cup semi-final to an early end, and has been replaced in the squad by uncapped 20-year-old Scarlets' forward Rhodri Jones. With Mitchell unavailable and Paul James (thumb) another injury absentee, Gatland currently has Gethin Jenkins, Ryan Bevington and Scott Andrews as his other front-row options. "Adam is not going to be available for us so we will replace him with another prop," Gatland said. "Scott Andrews has not played a lot of rugby and we have a lot of time for Scott. "But we understand the pressure regional coaches are under, it's about performance and results but as a young tighthead he needs to play. "He is going to learn a couple of lessons and have a couple of hidings in games, but in three or four years we could have another outstanding tighthead on our hands and we will need to work hard at creating some depth in that position." There was some positive news for Gatland after assistant coach Rob Howley signed a new contract to remain as part of the national set-up until 2016. The announcement follows last week's confirmation that Shaun Edwards had also agreed a new deal to take him through to the 2015 World Cup. Both Edwards and Howley will also work with Wales' age-grade sides. Fellow backroom team members Neil Jenkins and Robin McBryde, who were WRU employees prior to Gatland's appointment in 2007, remain in place, with the latter's contract due to run out at the end of the season. The notable omission from the squad was 104-cap fly-half Stephen Jones, who missed out with Ospreys number 10 Dan Biggar earning a recall. But Gatland insists the decision does not mean the end of Jones' 13-year Test career, pointing out that the 33-year-old Scarlets' playmaker has not announced his retirement, unlike wing Shane Williams who steps down after the Wallabies' fixture. "Stephen has not been selected but there are a couple of others (from the World Cup squad) not selected," he said. "He hasn't retired, we know exactly what he offers us and this is a chance to give someone else an opportunity.
First Fire in Tall Rumford (movie). Tall Taagen Rumford (movie) To ask technical questions or contribute to the discussion click here Build it tall Make it look tall Click on pictures for more detail. Back to Main Gallery Build it Tall What that means, of course, is that we size the throat and flue bigger as we would for the 60" Rumford. Build the fireplace according to the plan at - 20" deep, with the 42" Vestal damper and 20"x20" flue - only build the firebox 48" wide instead of 60" wide. One customer's saga getting a 36" wide by 42" tall Rumford built correctly. Make it Look Tall The first tall fireplace we designed was a small 30" wide Rumford that the client wanted to be 48" tall like a MacIntosh-inspired coal-burning fireplace they had seen. We pulled it off by building it as a narrow 48" Rumford but our first idea was to fake it by building a 30" by 30" Rumford with an inner hearth raised 18", recessed about an inch, painted black and fitted with a grille to make it looks like a coal grate in a 48" tall fireplace. We have seen other fireplaces that were made to look tall. See an example and another. We are in the process of building-designing a Rumford. The owner would like the opening to be 48 wide by 60 high. I was planning on using the precast throat and smoke chamber and also the stainless damper. We were wondering if using two 12 inch round flues would be sufficient? I am worried that the height of the opening is to high. We are planning on using a clay chimney pot on top for design. One on each flue. The total height of the chimney is going to be about 30 ft. The owner would also like tumbled-old looking firebrick. We are going to lay them in a herringbone pattern. Please email me back so I can figure this out. Your website is great! Thank you Thomas M. Hadfield TMH Masonry LLC 501 S. Holiday Drive Waunakee, WI 53597 608 849 7317 phone 608 849 3936 fax We used to worry about making fireplaces with extremely tall openings work. Our Rumfords are designed to have square openings - as tall as they are wide. But then we reasoned that we have no trouble making a 60" wide fireplace work even if it's 60" tall. Why should we worry about a 48" wide fireplace that's 60" tall? Just think of it as a narrow big fireplace rather than a tall small fireplace. What that means, of course, is that we size the throat and flue bigger as we would for the 60" Rumford. Build your fireplace according to the plan at - 20" deep, with the 42" Vestal damper and 20"x20" flue, only build the firebox 48" wide instead of 60" wide. As you can guess I don't think your idea of using two 12" round flues will work. Two flues are never as good as one flue the right size. See You need more like the 300 square inches of flue area provided by the 20"x20" flues rather than the 200 square inches and all the unnecessary surface area and turbulence you would get with two round 12" flues. We have some firebrick options shown at Any of them could be chipped up or "tumbled", I suppose. Usually we get complaints about the quality of the firebrick so, if you want tumbled, our dealers will probably have such a deal for you. Using anything but firebrick for the firebox is legal and safe enough if the firebox thickness is increased in accordance with code but the non-firebrick will probably crack and spall with thermal shock so prepare your customer or you'll be back every few weeks or so replacing yet another brick or stone. See comments at We have a few large chimney pots that will fit the 20"x20" flue. See Or you could set two smaller pots on ether side of the real flue. And you could use four smaller pots to construct a "cluster" of four pots that would actually be one big pot. See Warm regards, Jim Buckley [Back to Technical Discussion] Buckley Rumford Fireplaces webmaster
Yesterday morning, I ran along the banks of Burke Lake. I followed a route that took me through the woods, over tree roots, and through a few cobwebs that had grown overnight. I jogged past the main marina, where young men in maroon shirts, hair tousled and shoes untied, set out canoes and rowboats for tourists and Fairfax County locals to rent throughout the slow Sunday. Just like the prior Sunday morning, notes from the Eagles “Take it Easy” rang out from a boom box, and I grinned at the old music and the rising sun. As I grinned, one of the maroon-clad kids grinned back at me, and bid me good morning. “Great morning for a run!” He hurled a Frisbee through the air and a cool breeze caught it and sent it over flying overhead. “It sure is!” I replied, slowing to a walk. I reflected on the Frisbee and the music and the meaning of it all as I stopped at my water fountain, and yep, it is my water fountain as much as it is anyone else’s. It seems special to me, because it’s saved me from the heat and the pain of all the miles I run so many mornings, afternoons, and darkening twilights, but I share it with thousands of others and that makes me feel connected to untold strangers and a few friends too. The same small black ants from last week and last year and the years long since passed crawled over the silver metal as I pushed the wide thick button and poured water into my yellow, plastic water bottle with the side compartment for my keys. They really aren’t the same ants but they look the same each time, and I wonder why generations of ants inhabit the same place, just like a new generation of young men catching Frisbees behind their backs listen to the music I first discovered on a sunny summer morning more than two decades ago. The mountain creek-cold water flows into my cup and I lean over and swallow water as fast as I can, and I pause to splash it on my face, which has turned pink from the exertion and from the extra pounds I am carrying on my middle-aged frame. Before I keep running, I take a deep breath and try to inhale the moment, to capture it forever in my mind like a photograph that includes sound and smell and feel. It’s impossible to both live in this moment, already past, and to inhabit both past and future, but I try. The lake is blue, and the sunrise hails a glorious future, and the young men, so young, will grow older and one day, they will bring their own children to this place, and the Eagles will be playing from someone else’s radio, and a new generation of tiny black ants will crawl on the water fountain. And who knows? Perhaps they will see a little old lady, clasping the hands of her boisterous grandchildren as they race toward the water, still blue, and they will remember the way they were. And then, with a sigh and a smile, they will nod at me and we’ll gaze into the stiller waters that reflect what we have, and still could, become. The circle of life has neither beginning nor end. Like each one of us, it is complete. Awwww, I love this! Sniff! Thank you so much my friend!! That was beautiful! Thank you so much P.j.!! Meditation with disc (Frisbee). This piece resonates with me, El. Aloha, D. Grinning, Doug. Your post yesterday also resonated with me. So lovely! I was right there with you. Thank you so much Christine! xo Breathtaking words! Thank you so much!! It’s awesome you’re out there for a run. I’m having a hard time getting back into a routine after completely over indulging all summer. Middle age has it’s challenges. I fancied your post both because it’s well written and your photo’s. We lived at a lake for 25 years and I miss the view’s at times. Aw thank you so much, my friend! As far as routines . . . sometimes it’s easier for me to dip my toe into the proverbial water instead of thinking I gotta fall all the way into the deep water, you know? Sigh–re the 25 years by the lake. The lake pictured above is 5 min. from my home and the waters calm me. So good to see you! This sounds like one of those rare, beautiful moments where you manage to be in the moment, absolutely, completely, while also feeling that bubble of emotion in your gut that signals a nostalgic memory as well as that odd, undefinable something that is a kind of reverse-nostalgia about the future. I hope all your runs are this lovely. Yes–yes!! You’re one of the only people who has ever written about that weird nostalgia, or wistfulness, for things that have never been (but might become)! Thank you so much, my friend! And my runs are all over the place, but even the tough ones offer moments that I either can treasure or can learn from. So good to see you here! Can I just say….extra pounds my happy azz!! I loved this, it is always wonderful to see the circle of life played out before our eyes isn’t it.
Why Is Tori Spelling Proud of Her Pregnant Bikini Body? [AUDIO] Actress and author Tori Spelling called in to “On Air with Ryan Seacrest” on Monday to talk about teaming with Lunchables for the “Never Bored Again” campaign, comments on the “Bump Proud” photo, and shares her beauty expertise on stretch marks. Tori Spelling Talks About Being A ‘Fertile Myrtle’ On The ‘Bump Proud’ Photo: “It was the funniest response that I got so many people commenting on how a pregnant woman shouldn’t be showing all of that. Im like: ‘Showing what?’ Just because my stomach sticks out further than another woman in a bikini? Why should we have to wear certain things because we’re pregnant? And I think that’s ridiculous. I’m proud of my body. I love that my body is changing and growing,” Tori says. “I have one or two of the maternity one pieces, of course, but if you can fit into it and you feel good about the bikini, put it on!” Tori Was ‘Surprised’ Kate Middleton Chose Such Traditional Dress Tori Spelling – Beauty Expert: One of the “On-Air” staffers was worried that she might get stretch marks if she has a second child, so she wanted Tori’s expertise on the subject. “I think it’s genetic and if you’re going to get them you’re going to get them. my mom didn’t have stretch marks, now I’m on my fourth pregnancy, I don’t have any. So, if you didn’t get it the first time you’re probably not going to get stretch marks the second time.” [soundcloud id='69332824'] On Lunchables ‘Never Be Bored Again’ Campaign: Tori Spelling will be making an appearance at the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley, Calif. on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 to help kick off a great campaign that will help fund up $100,000 in sport and recreation programs at Boys & Girls Clubs of America. To kick off the effort, Spelling and her kids, will join the Lunchables team and Club kids to build a Sport Court®, in the club’s backyard and announce a national call to action where consumers can help Spelling reach the donation goal. Tori & Dean Want “An Entire Hockey Team” of Children “I’m super excited. My family and I, we’re working with Lunchables for their ‘Never Be Bored Again’ campaign. And it’s not just us…everyone everywhere can participate and our goal is to keep our kids from being bored. So, they can upload photos of their kids activities, their boredom busting activities, onto the website facebook.com/lunchables and a one dollar donation will be made to Boys & Girls Clubs with every photo. They can even win up to a million prizes, there’s a million prizes for kids to win. So, incentive to go on.”
. Like I stated above, the big prize for the Miami Marlins in this deal was starting pitcher, Jacob Turner. Turner was taking in the 2009 draft and has been on the fast track to the major leagues ever since. He has a sinking fastball, change-up and a couple other secondary pitches. He was finding a good amount of success in AA/AAA last season, but he’s faced some struggles this year. His FIP in AAA is currently 3.58. He made a couple of starts in the majors this and results weren’t very great The Detroit Tigers rushed him to the majors when he clearly wasn’t ready. This isn’t something new though, a similar thing happened when the Tigers rushed Rick Porcello to the bigs. He’s faced struggles ever since. The Marlins are putting him AAA and hopefully they keep him there for the rest of the year. Still, Turner has the potential to be a number one or number two pitcher. Rob Brantly is a catcher who is currently in AAA but has struggled immensely. His slash line is a paltry .254/.295/.285. He’s had mixed results in the minors. but he’s a left-handed batter so he could end up in a platoon role. He could get promoted sooner rather than later since the Marlins have a need at catcher. Brian Flynn could eventually crack the rotation, but it’s also possible that he ends up in the bullpen. The Marlins came into the season with the thought that they’d contend, but that obviously didn’t happen. Omar Infante provides an immediate upgrade for the Tigers. Before Infante, the Tigers played Ramon Santiago, Danny Worth and Ryan Raburn at second. Needless to say the results were pitiful. Infante brings solid defense and an above average bat, and should be able to provide close to a win in value. The way the White Sox have been playing that win could determine first place or not. Anibal Sanchez is the other piece going to Detroit. Since 2010 Sanchez has had a FIP in the 3.30-3.40 range and in my opinion has been one of the more under-appreciated pitchers in baseball. This year he’s off to another solid season, posting a 3.41 FIP and 3.56 SIERA. Going from Miami to Detroit shouldn’t make a huge difference park factor wise, but going from the National League to the American League could have an impact. He does give the Tigers a good number two pitcher and should be a big help in the playoffs, if the Tigers are lucky enough to make them. Overall I think it’s a good deal for both teams. The Marlins get a young pitcher that can help them for years to come while the Tigers get two key pieces that should help them as we advance towards the post-season. Filed under: Marlins, Tigers Tagged: | anibal sanchez, jacob turner, Marlins, omar infante, tigers
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Bred Maidens JuneBug is simply the sweetest thing in our pasture! Elegant carriage, stunning light fawn fiber and a true “girly girl” – at three years old she’s still pronking with the youngsters. She’s out of our handsome mahogany female, Sue, by medium fawn NWA Paul, a 4Peruvian Pachacuti son. She has the vicuna coloring that makes her a stand-out in the herd. JuneBug has her mother’s regal conformation, slender and true in every proportion. She has her father’s remarkable fiber, soft, crimpy, long and dense. Correct bite. We expect June to take after her mother with excellent maternal skills. She is confirmed pregnant by our remarkable Hemingway son, Westwool’s Ned Kelly (check out his bio in our Herdsire section). Due date June 4, 2010. Buy now and enjoy an immediate return with this beautiful girl. Includes 30 day cria guarantee and one free breeding to any of our fine studs. Price: SOLD Cynthia Cynthia Kavanagh ARI #31137126 DOB October 2, 2007 White Cynthia is a half Peruvian half Chilean beauty. From the time she was born, through the following weeks of her maturing, she delighted us all with her grace, charm and great personal style… so much so that we couldn’t resist naming her after our favorite Mitford heroine, Cynthia Kavanagh. If you’re familiar with the Jan Karon series, you’ll quickly understand what this little alpaca is all about… engaging, delightful, determined, and quite the lady. Cynthia enjoys some enviable heritage. Her father is the up and coming Apollo, grandson of Peruvian Hemingway and Peruvian Don Julio. These genetics are reflected in her wonderful fleece… soft, fine and dense with good crimp and long staple length. Cynthia's first boy, Noah, was recently delivered to his new home in Prossser. Cynthia is bred to our remarkable El Nino son, Pronto. She is due August 2011. Update: Cynthia delivered an adorable female cria August 16th... we've named her Kathryn Kavanagh... Kate! Price: $4,500 PROVEN FEMALES RitiDAHL’s Riti ARI# 30453036DOB October 4, 2004White Riti is beautiful proven female who has given us three wonderful offspring. She conceives easily, carries to term, births unassisted, delivering robust cria with high IGgs. Riti is every breeder’s golden girl, as she has so much milk she allows other crias to snitch sips. Her 2009 boy by our Royal Fawn son has excellent herdsire potential. His blindingly white fleece has luscious crimp, incredible staple length and is oh so fine. We named him “Carerra – A Rock Solid Investment.” Riti is bred to our Hemingway son, the remarkable Ned Kelly. She is due late September. Price: SOLD Riti may be purchased with her male cria at side. (DOB 9/8/09) Price with male cria at side: SOLD Package: Riti and her girlfriend, Sue, have been pasture mates for life. Would love to keep these two girls together, and will offer a package of both bred females for $SOLD. This price includes breed backs to either of our Royal Fawn, El Nino or Hemingway sons. SueDAHL’s Sumaq PukaARI #30453043DOB August 9, 2004Dark BrownPrice: SOLD Sue is the first girl to greet you entering the pasture, passing on her inquisitive demeanor to her offspring. She has produced a stunning light fawn female out of a medium fawn male, and a handsome black and white tuxedo male who is the spitting image of his father. Sue’s 2009 daughter by the award winning Paladin is stunning, and will definitely hit the show ring this season. We believe Sue will continue to pass through the dominant characteristics of the sire she’s bred to, allowing less guessing and more genetic planning. Sue’s fiber is fairly unimproved… But Oh Her Color! She’s carries that rich mahogany red-brown that wows the spinners every shearing season. And we’ve already seen that putting her with an outstanding male will easily produce measurable improvement in all characteristics. Conformation? Erect, tall and true, with ideal proportions and elegant carriage. She’s never been overweight and maintains a healthy appetite. Correct bite. Sue is a wonderful mother who conceives readily, carries to term, births unassisted, with lots of milk and high IGgs. She has a long and fruitful breeding career ahead of her. Sue is bred to our remarkable Hemingway son Ned Kelly. She is due early September 2010.Package: Sue and her girlfriend, Riti, have been pasture mates for life. Would love to keep these two girls together, and will offer a package of both bred females, plus breed backs to our Royal Fawn or Hemingway sons, at $SOLD. Marcie Marcelino’s Golden PrideARI #30519428DOB 9/10/2005Beige$9,000 With a pleasing head and straight, proud carriage, Marcie is a stand-out in the pasture. She possesses an incredible combination of density, crimp and coverage. Her sire, Marcelino, is the grandson of the famous Accoyo Pluro and the son of Ross, a well-known AOA rose grey herdsire. Her maiden breeding to Brilliance of Peru (with Guellermo/Ion heritage) produced a remarkable beige son whom we named Brilliant Bo Jangles. Taking a fourth place in a large class at Showcase, he sure knows he’s herdsire potential. Her 2009 daughter we named Lacey, because her fiber is just that! Her 2010 daughter, Willow, by our remarkable Hemingway son, Ned Kelly, is 16 micron! Marcie breeds easily, births unassisted, has lots of milk, instinctive mothering skills, high IgGs. Marcie delivered a stunning dark fawn female cria by Snowmass Bronze Sculptor this fall. This remarkable young herdsire now resides in Switzerland, with very limited breedings by him prior to his departure. We're putting Marcie this fall to our newest outstanding herdsire, FDA Top Dollar, a dark fawn. Next year's cria should be another show-stopper! SophiaEARA SophiaARI #1262735DOB September 17, 2005Medium Silver Grey/WhitePrice: SOLD Sophia was named for Sophia Loren, and rightly so… what a beauty! She’s our front-pasture-girl, the one everyone comments on. With her stunning face, beautiful silver grey fiber and regal carriage, she’s a stand-out. Sophia’s luxurious silver grey fiber is spoken for each season. Fiber artists and spinners love her soft hand, long staple length and subtle crimp. Her fiber has ribboned in spin-off competitions.Her maiden breeding to Snowmass Condor produced a beautiful rose grey female whom we named Sophia’s Summer Storm. Sophia conceives readily, births easily, has lots of milk and wonderful mothering skills. Her daughter had a high IGg and is thriving. Update: Sophia’s 2009 cria is a stunning medium brown female, and her 2010 cria is a darling white female. Sophia’s mother produced mostly female offspring. It appears Sophia is following in her footsteps. Sophia was held open to spring 2011 and is sold with two free rebreeds to any SBA herdsire. Kelsie Cherokee Hills’ KelsieARI #851153DOB May 29, 2003White/Black Pattern1/8 Bolivian, 7/8 ChileanPrice: SOLD Kelsie is a solid production female who would be a good purchase for someone just starting out – she is definitely an “easy keeper” with unassisted births, abundant milk supply and outstanding mothering skills. This girl will virtually teach you the business! Kelsie has produced a medium fawn and white out of a white male; a true black out of a light fawn male; a dark brown and white out of a medium fawn male; and a dark brown out of a medium fawn male. Kelsie is a large female with stout bone, great proportions, straight legs and backline. She had a short yet successful show career with two blue Ribbons and one Red Ribbon at major shows. In the yearling class at AOBA Nationals, Judge Jude Anderson’s comments included “straight top line and long straight legs… a well-grown out girl who is virtually tied with the much older first place animal.” Kelsie’s black and white fiber is a favorite with spinners and sells readily each season. Kelsie was held open to breed this spring. She comes with two breedings to our Royal Fawn son, El Nino son or our Hemingway son. Grace ARI #813292DOB September 12, 2000White½ Peruvian, ½ ChileanPrice: Brokered for client; price upon inquiry. Grace was imported by international alpaca judge Jude Anderson, who dubbed her "the fiber queen." Grace gave us a beautiful female cria in 2008, the friendliest girl on the farm. She then produced another fabulous female cria in 2009. And again this year, another breathtaking daughter! All three by different herdsires. Grace is an older import girl, still producing beautiful babies as her first three attest. She has good pasture manners and gets along with everyone. She’s one of those dependable, foundation females central to any good breeding program. Grace has been bred to our remarkable Hemingway son, Ned Kelly, for her 2012 cria. IsabellaAlpaca Bella Finas Isabella ARI#30889767DOB September 14, 2006Medium Fawn Price: $14,000 Isabella is a regal Hemingway granddaughter. She has striking presence, correct conformation, great bone. Her beautiful fawn fiber is fine, dense and crimpy. Isabella has wonderful mothering instincts, ample milk and robust cria. Her first is a stunning white male who will definitely go in our show string as he matures. Bred to our remarkable Deacon Grey Silver Blade, Isabella delivered a gorgeous, robust True Black Female cria this summer. That's a breeding we'll repeat! Jane R&RR Calamity Jane 051PARI#1393668DOB June 25, 2004Medium Brown Price: SOLD Calamity Jane is a large, robust girl who stamps her unique style on her cria. When bred to our famous white Hemingway son, Ned Kelly, she produced a daughter with rich brown color and white top-knot and feet. (And dense, dense, dense!) When bred to the two time national champion Snowmass XXXtreme, she produced an incredible male with the same rich brown coloring of his parents, with white top knot and four white socks… incredibly handsome! Jane is one of those dependable foundation girls who breeds easily, carries to term, births unassisted, has lots of milk and robust offspring. Calamity Jane is confirmed pregnant by our Royal Fawn son, Comet, due June 2011. This cria is expected to have wonderful fineness, density and great bone from this pairing. Calamity is offered with one free rebreed. Update: Calamity delivered a stunning dark brown male with velvety black face and legs... handsome! She is being rebred to FDA Deacon Grey Silver Blade, our exciting new silver grey herdsire. Expecting a rock star in 2012 from this pairing! Sage Bluff AlpacasProsser, WA 99350(509) 786-4507
Great expectations nothing new for Cardinals KISSIMMEE, Fla. -- About the only thing that never changes with the St. Louis Cardinals are the expectations. "I like how our fans demand winning," third baseman David Freese said. "That's cool to be part of. They expect it out of you. They're used to it. There's nothing better than winning." That's why this Spring Training is no different from any other for the Cardinals. Just win, baby. "I've been in other organizations, and they talk about competing," manager Mike Matheny said. "That's a different message. We honestly say our expectation is to win. That's it. That's why we're here. That's what this organization is about. Does that put a target on you? Probably." The Cardinals are a reminder that great organizations endure even as players -- and managers -- come and go. That was true last season in the wake of manager Tony La Russa's retirement and first baseman Albert Pujols departing via free agency. Ace Chris Carpenter and first baseman Lance Berkman were injured for most of the season, but the Cardinals rolled on anyway, making the playoffs for the ninth time in 13 years and getting to Game 7 of the National League Championship Series. "The way the St. Louis Cardinals have always worked is they do what's in the best interests of putting together a winning team," Freese said. "They did it last year in bringing in Carlos [Beltran] and keeping the train running. You win the World Series, and then get to Game 7 of the NLCS. That's a special two-year run." And this is where the 2013 season begins. The Cardinals came to Spring Training with very few questions and have enjoyed a relatively headline-free camp. Shortstop Rafael Furcal will be gone for the season while recovering from Tommy John surgery, but 24-year-old Pete Kozma has had an outstanding camp. Even when Carpenter put his career on hold with neck and shoulder issues, the Cardinals had enough pitching depth that one of their top prospects -- Shelby Miller or Joe Kelly -- may not make the team. The Nationals are a more popular choice to win the NL pennant, and the Giants, Reds, Dodgers and others are solid. But there can't be a conversation about the pennant race without including the Cardinals, a team good enough to play deep into October again as they've transitioned from the Pujols era to a group that now includes Allen Craig and Jon Jay and Lance Lynn and Matt Carpenter, among others. "I'm more excited about this team than I have been the last couple of years," Freese said. "I like hitting, but it's our young arms. You want to have a six-inning ballgame and be confident in the guys you're bringing in for the seventh, eighth and ninth. However our bullpen shakes out, I think we're going to have that." There's competition from within, too, with center fielder Oscar Taveras, one of baseball's best prospects, possibly figuring into the mix sometime this summer. Same as it ever was. "When you reflect back on 2012, there were many that were anxious about our team," general manager John Mozeliak said in an email. "But our goals remained the same, and that is to win." Freese grew up in St. Louis and dreamed of wearing the uniform. When he walks into the Spring Training clubhouse and sees Bob Gibson and Bruce Sutter and Ozzie Smith and Lou Brock and other greats in uniform, he understands what this franchise is all about. One franchise sets the bar for another. "That's a culture, and that's something this organization has promoted," Matheny said. "They want to be here. When they're here, they're not just over signing autographs. They're going group to group making themselves available. The next thing you see some of our young relievers sitting down next to Bruce or see some of our young starters asking Gibby questions." Also, the late Stan Musial had been a spring regular until recent years. "When you have that level of expectation for how things are done and this is how you carry yourself and this is what it looks like to be a Cardinal, it eventually trickles down to the way these guys go about their business," Matheny said. Richard Justice is a columnist for MLB.com. Read his blog, Justice4U. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
J.” Danila Danila – San Diego Mission Valley Center Lost 56 lbs “I feel confident, pretty, and feel that I am someone my husband and son are proud of. I feel like I can smile so much more now and am such a happier person. I am excited about life”! Read more testimonials! Cristina Cristina – San Diego San Marcos Center Lost 56 lbs “After the Medifast program I feel absolutely wonderful. I can run a 10 min. mile now and can go into a department store and find clothes that fit and look good”! Read more testimonials! Rick Rick – Murrieta Temecula Center Lost 56 lbs “As a result of losing weight with Medifast Weight Control Centers, I just find that everything is easier. Biking and hiking are easier and I am certainly in better shape and feel more energetic”. Sandy Sandy – San Diego San Marcos Center Lost 45 lbs “Since Medifast I exercise more and have more energy. There’s also a huge improvement in the reduction of knee and joint pain. I feel like I’m a new person with a new body!”. Letty Letty M – Oceanside Oceanside Start Weight: 164 Current Weight: 150 “The best part of the Medifast Weight Control Centers program was the encouragement and the accountability. I couldn’t just quit” Alicyn Alicyn – Carmel Mountain Ranch Carmel Mountain Ranch Center Start Weight: 205 Current Weight: 170 “Medifast produced results I never thought were possible and brought me back to my teenage size!” Lance Lost 91 lbs Lance – El Cajon, CA El Cajon Medifast Weight Control Center Start Weight: 321 Current Weight: 230 “One of my biggest challenges in life has always been my weight. I have tried many different diets without success. I could lose some weight, but then gain it back again plus more. I looked in the mirror one day and found myself almost 100 pounds overweight and asked myself how I got this way. I knew that I had to lose the weight but was unsure how to make it happen. I started hearing about a weight loss program called “Medifast” and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to talk to them. So my wife and I went in for a consultation.” “There were many aspects of the Medifast program that contributed to my successful weight loss. The structure of the program helped me reach my weight loss goal by keeping me focused week to week. I was able to create a realistic goal by using the In-body scan analysis and stayed motivated by using incentives and weekly visits with my personal Medifast counselor, Lily. Lily has been a big reason for my weight loss success because of her positive attitude and fun experiences each week. Thank you, Medifast and Lily for changing my life for the better.” Paula Lost 20 lbs Paula – Cardiff, CA Encinitas Medifast Weight Control Center Start Weight: 139 Current Weight: 119 “As my weight crept up over the years, so had my blood pressure. I had been trying so long to lose this weight; I was depressed and disappointed in myself. When I was told I could achieve my goal. I wasn’t very hopeful. But my first week on the Medifast Weight Control Center program I was amazed and inspired by the results!” “Now I wake up everyday feeling so much better about myself. I look forward to getting on the scale and have to stop and admire how great clothes look on me. My doctor was even a bit perplexed at how much my blood pressure had improved. He attributed it to my weight loss and took me off my blood pressure medication.” “My goal now is to maintain this weight and continue to increase my fitness. I want to get more defined muscles: a six pack, good triceps, and biceps. This summer I want to be amazing in my bikini. I’m already wearing clothes I couldn’t wear before – leggings and skinny jeans, fitted shirts and dresses. I don’t have to be embarrassed about how my bottom looks when I walk away or have to worry about my stomach sticking out when I’m seen from the side. Not bad for a 61 year old!” Katie Lost 72 lbs Katie – San Diego, CA Carmel Mountain Ranch, Medifast Weight Control Center Start Weight: 233 Current Weight: 161 “Medifast has been a life changing experience for me. My husband and I started the program in Jan 2011 deciding we wanted 2011 to be a great year. The Medifast program was realistic and manageable for my lifestyle. The convenience of the Medifast meals, combined with the Lean & Green meals helped me stay in control and lose X lbs! I have decreased my body fat percentage into the normal range, as well as my Body Mass Index. I’ve developed more lean muscles mass and have become a healthier person overall. Throughout my weight loss journey, I learned little techniques that would help me stay on track and keep of this weight off. Like Medifast says, “it is not a weight loss center, it is a weight CONTROL center!” Garalyn Lost 47 lbs Garalyn – Ramona, CA El Cajon Medifast Weight Control Center Start Weight: 167 lbs Current Weight: 120 lbs Total Inches Lost: 12 in “My Medifast journey has been amazing. I have tried other diets but gave up soon when the pounds were not coming off as fast as I wanted them to. I lost 2 to 3 pounds per week, which for my age was good. I really liked not having to count calories or points. But the best part is the support system. My counselor Lili was there for me thru the ups and downs always encouraging me to stay the course. She even kept me on track thru a major loss, which I was most grateful for. I am proud to tell anyone that asks, “how did you lose all that weight” that it was Medifast. Thank you Lili, Terri, Sara!” Joanna Lost 51 lbs Joanna – San Diego, CA Mission Valley Medifast Weight Control Center Start Weight: 181 Current Weight: 130 “Although I struggled with my weight since high school, I was physically fit in college and could wear anything I wanted. I gained weight over the last 5 years and it took a toll on my knees and back. I woke up one day, saw myself in the mirror and didn’t like it. I knew it was time to make a change.” “I repeatedly heard the radio commercials, but was skeptical until I saw one of my co-workers lose a lot of weight on the Medifast program. I feel tremendously better after losing the weight. My blood pressure is lower and my backaches and knee aches are gone completely. Now I am able to run 6 miles (2-3 times a week), practice yoga, lift weights and wear my skinny jeans!” “The food and stellar follow through from my Counselor we’re the best parts of the Medifast program.” Bobby Lost 58 lbs Bobby – San Diego, CA Carmel Mountain Ranch Medifast Weight Control Center Start Weight: 218 Current Weight: 159 “I’ve struggled with my weight for about 10 years. I never really felt out of shape, but when I stepped on the scale after my 31st birthday I was shocked: 218 pounds? In fear for my health and the desire to watch my daughter grow up, I began Medifast at the suggestion of a friend. As of today, I am down 58 pounds. I feel fantastic and have kept the weight off for three months. I have qualified for the Boston and New York Marathon and recently completed my sixth marathon with a Boston Qualification time of 2:59:21! My Counselor, Caitlyn, was very motivating the whole time and helped me so much throughout the program!” Scott Lost 68 lbs Scott – San Diego, CA Carmel Mountain Ranch Medifast Weight Control Center Start Weight: 269 Current Weight: 201 “I decided early on in my Medifast program that I wasn’t going to focus on “losing weight: but on ‘finding my skinny’. I had a mental picture of what I wanted to look (as well as some photos from many years ago) and decided that was going to be goal. I had put on 55 lbs over the past 11 years and was skeptical that I was going to be able lose it all. Was I surprised! I began seeing the difference within two weeks. I first noticed that my neck size was getting smaller and my collard shirts were fitting better. I also stopped snoring throughout the night and within a short time, I was getting full nights sleep without waking up. After that, my shirt size went from XXL to L. My waistline decreased and about 1.5 months later, I was forced to start buying new clothes. Now, my waist is 6 inches smaller than when I stated and I’ve donated all of my old pants to charity. My energy levels have increased and I don’t have those aches and pains associated with caring the extra around anymore. ‘Finding my skinny’ through Medifast was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Within 4 months I lost 55 lbs and now that I’ve moved into the next phase, I’m using the good eating habits I’ve learned to make better choices.”
Santa Anita News STABLE NOTES BY ED GOLDEN • SECRET CIRCLE MAKES 3-YEAR-OLD DEBUT IN SHAM STAKES • NAKATANI SET WITH BC WINNER REGALLY READY IN DAYTONA • HALL OF FAMER PINCAY REMEMBERS SHAM, TO PRESENT TROPHY • STEADY TWEEBSTER EYES FIRST STAKES WIN IN SAN PASQUAL BAFFERT BEGINS TRIPLE CROWN PURSUIT IN SHAM WITH SECRET CIRCLE Secret Circle takes what Bob Baffert hopes will be the first successful step on the Triple Crown trail when the undefeated Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Sprint winner takes on five rivals in Saturday’s Grade III, $100,000 Sham Stakes for 3-year-olds at one mile. Previously run at a mile and an eighth from its inception in 2001 through 2010, and shortened to a mile and a sixteenth last year when won by Tapizar, the Sham at one mile seems more logical to Baffert at this point, with the Santa Anita Derby at 1 1/8 miles three months away and the Kentucky Derby at a mile and quarter four months down the road on May 5. “Running the Sham at a mile and an eighth this time of year was too early,” said Baffert, a six- time winner of the Santa Anita Derby and a three-time winner of the Run for the Roses. “The San Vicente (at seven furlongs on Feb. 19) used to be the first week in February and that race would sort of set it off,” Baffert said, referring to the pursuit in earnest of the 3-year-old classics. “But the Sham at one mile now is a good spot for horses whose potential for longer distances you’re not certain of,” said the Hall of Fame trainer, who celebrates his 59th birthday on Jan. 13. “We’re going to find out more about Secret Circle in this race.” A son of Eddington, Secret Circle has never raced beyond six furlongs. Owned by Mike Pegram, Karl Watson and Paul Weitman of Lookin at Lucky fame, Secret Circle worked four furlongs on Santa Anita’s fast main track Tuesday in 49.60. The field for the Sham, the third of nine races: Senor Rain, Joe Talamo; Out of Bounds, Garrett Gomez; Hierro, Julien Leparoux; Secret Circle, Rafael Bejarano; Longview Drive, Joel Rosario; and Handsome Mike, Corey Nakatani. Each is assigned 118 pounds. LEGENDARY PINCAY TO PRESENT SHAM STAKES TROPHY SATURDAY Legendary retired Hall of Fame Jockey Laffit Pincay Jr. will present the trophy for Saturday’s Grade III Sham Stakes and Pincay has fond memories of the race’s namesake—39 years after running second to the great Secretariat in the 1973 Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes. “I tell you, Sham is definitely one of the best horses I ever rode,” said Pincay, who turned 65 on Dec. 29. “He could have been the second-best horse I ever rode. He didn’t run in that many races (13), but he was such a powerful horse. He could do anything, he had speed and was a very, very nice horse. “Going into the Derby I felt very good about my chances. We had won the Santa Anita Derby and we beat Secretariat in the Wood Memorial at Aqueduct. We ran second in the Wood and he ran third (beaten four lengths by Sham) and I figured we had a good chance to beat him in Kentucky. I had a very good feeling about our chances. “The night before the race Pancho Martin (trainer of Sham) told me ‘this horse is going to do something special tomorrow.’ And he did. He broke the track record, but it wasn’t good enough. Sham ran another great race in the Preakness (finishing second). He was just very unlucky to come along the same year as Secretariat.” Sham, a bay colt by Pretense, was retired following the ’73 Belmont Stakes, a race in which he finished last after trying to run early with Secretariat. Sham finished up with a 5-5-1 record and $204,808 in earnings. Pincay, who won his first and only Kentucky Derby in 1984 aboard the Woody Stephens-trained Swale, won a total of six Santa Anita Derbies, including the ’78 renewal aboard the Laz Barrera-conditioned Affirmed, who Pincay considers to be the best horse he ever rode. The Sham Stakes will be run for the 12th time on Saturday and will be contested for the first time at the distance of one mile. REGALLY READY HEADS CRACK DAYTONA STAKES LINEUP ON SUNDAY A jockey with unquestioned riding ability, a world-class agent, and a two-time Eclipse Award-winning trainer who wins more races in one year than some trainers win in a lifetime is a winning combination. It’s also a union that’s favored to reach the winner’s circle with Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint winner Regally Ready in Sunday’s Daytona Stakes, a Grade III, $100,000 race on Santa Anita’s turf course at about 6 ½ furlongs. Ridden by Corey Nakatani, whose agent is Ron Anderson, and trained by Steve Asmussen, Regally Ready will be making his first start since capturing the Turf Sprint under 126 pounds as the 2-1 favorite at Churchill Downs on Nov. 5. Nakatani, a native of Covina, a regular on the California circuit from the time he began his career more than 20 years ago, uprooted recently in search of greener pastures back East. Since joining with Anderson a little over three months ago and through his own initiative in gaining access to Asmussen’s prolific barn, the 41-year-old Nakatani has once again reached racing’s apex. With Anderson booking the mounts, Nakatani won six races in one day at Belmont Park on Oct. 8, two of them Grade I’s. Nakatani has eight Breeders’ Cup wins, including last year’s Turf Sprint on Regally Ready, a gelded son of More Than Ready Nakatani has ridden eight times, winning five. Owned by the Vinery Stables of Dr. Tom Simon of Mallorca, Spain and Lexington, Ky., Regally Ready has nine wins from 17 starts, with earnings of $1,210, 684. .” As for his resurrected career, Anderson, who has represented legends such as Jerry Bailey and Gary Stevens among others, gives Nakatani full kudos for hooking up with Asmussen. “He got himself in starting at Oaklawn Park last year,” Anderson said. “Corey did exceptionally well with Asmussen there and things continued to blossom after that.” Understandably, Nakatani is delighted with his current status. “No doubt about it,” Nakatani said. “It’s a matter of finally getting healthy and getting your weight right. It helps to be able to exercise, train and get on horses all the time. You have to get supporters like Steve. All of his owners have been very successful together. I hope we can keep the ball rolling.” The field for the Daytona, race eight on a nine-race card: Calimonco, Mike Smith; Mr Gruff, Joel Rosario; Victory Pete, Martin Garcia; Caracortado, Rafael Bejarano; Silver Summation, Garrett Gomez; Regally Ready, Nakatani; and Al Instante, Kevin Krigger. TWEEBSTER EYES FIRST STAKES WIN IN SAN PASQUAL Tweebster is nothing if not consistent, but Bob Baffert is hoping the 5-year-old son of Tapit breaks the mold and wins his first stakes race when he runs in Saturday’s Grade II, $150,000 San Pasqual Stakes, an important steppingstone to the Grade I, $750,000 Santa Anita Handicap March 3. “He’s an honest little horse,’ the Hall of Fame trainer said, “but he can’t get by seconditis.” Owned by Shah Kaleem, Tweebster has a 3-6-4 record from 15 starts, with earnings of $216,290. The gray gelding was third in the Grade III Native Diver Handicap last out on Dec. 3. He has failed to earn a check only once, when he finished seventh in last year’s Santa Anita Handicap behind stablemate Game on Dude, who is a finalist for an Eclipse Award as outstanding older male in 2011. The field for the San Pasqual, which goes as race eight: Skipshot, Joe Talamo; Thirtyfirststreet, Hector Berrios; Java Man, Garrett Gomez; Tweebster, Rafael Bejarano; Utopian, Chantal Sutherland; Tres Borrachos, Joel Rosario; Uh Oh Bango, Mike Smith; and Massone, Martin Garcia. ‘THE BAD CAT’ LIVES UP TO HIS NAME IN DOLLASE BARN Call El Gato Malo a good Thoroughbred or the bad cat, and either description fits the 7-year-old gelding that runs in today’s seventh and featured race. He is one tough animal. Winner of seven of 21 career races and $638,466 for West Point Thoroughbreds and trainer Craig Dollase, the Kentucky-bred gelding would never be compared to a day at the beach when he’s at the barn. “El Gato Malo (the bad cat in Spanish) is aptly named,” said the 41-year-old Dollase, who recently moved his base of operations from Hollywood Park to Santa Anita, where he has 20 head. “He just turned seven on Jan. 1 and he definitely has some quirks. He lives behind a cage in the front of his stall and you have to handle him with kid gloves. He’s already a gelding, so we put up with his antics.” The son of El Corredor is no slouch on the race track, but doesn’t quite have the resume of another Dollase senior citizen, Awesome Gem, winner of the Grade I Hollywood Gold Cup last year and earner of $2,738,270. The chestnut gelding has a 9-15-5 record from 47 starts. “My Old Man, Awesome Gem, recently came in from off the shelf,” Dollase said. “He’ll make his 2012 debut as a 9-year-old but not until the end of the meet, probably in April. “Awesome Gem’s been a real trouper. He had a minor hind end setback and we sent him to Winners Circle Ranch. It’s nice to have the old boy back in the barn. In fact, he’s our barn mascot.” FINISH LINES: M One Rifle, winner of the 2009 Malibu Stakes, fired another bullet Thursday morning, working five furlongs on Santa Anita’s fast main track in 59 seconds, fastest of 36 drills at the distance, the average time of which was 1:00.85. Bruce Headley is preparing M One Rifle for the Grade II Palos Verdes Stakes on Jan. 21 and a meeting with Breeders’ Cup Sprint winner Amazombie . . . California Cup Classic winner Norvsky worked five furlongs for Don Warren in 1:02.60, while Tapizar went six furlongs in 1:12.60 for Steve Asmussen . . . At Hollywood Park Thursday, Sir Beaufort winner Mr. Commons worked four furlongs on Cushion Track in 48.40 for John Shirreffs . . . Congratulations to jockey Chantal Sutherland, who recently tweeted this announcement on her engagement: . . . Entering Thursday’s races, 2,208 players remained alive in ShowVivor . . . Happy birthday wishes to Don Valpredo, co-owner/breeder of Compari, 9-5 morning line favorite in today’s seventh race . . .Trainer Eric Guillot said Champagne d’Oro, eighth in Monday’s Monrovia Stakes, leaves Wednesday for Darley Stud in Kentucky to be bred to Bernardini. The 5-year-old Medaglia d’Oro mare won the Grade I Test Stakes in 2010 and finished her career with $614,940 in earnings . . . San Gabriel Valley Tribune turf writer Art Wilson, recovering from cancer treatment, writes to say: “Got some great news from my doctor this week that my kidneys have shown ‘remarkable improvement’ and that made me feel really good. Hope you have a great 2012 and looking forward to seeing everybody out there really soon!! . . . Jay Privman, National Correspondent for Daily Racing Form, will have Bob Baedeker of Baedeker's Guide and the Live The Dream racing stable as the handicapping seminar’s guest on Saturday, 11:30 a.m. in the East Paddock Gardens . . . Less than an hour after trainer Bob Hess Jr. won career race No. 1,001 with Subpoena the Dress at Santa Anita Monday, his father, Robert Hess, saddled Irish View to an easy victory in the sixth race at Golden Gate Fields. -30-
- $535,0002 beds, 3.0 bathsHome size: 1,482 sq ftLot size: 2,125 sqftYear built: 1955Days on market: 1 - 3 beds, 2 full bathsHome size: 1,777 sq ftLot size: 6,787 sqftYear built: 1939Parking spots: 4Days on market: 1 - $299,0002 beds, 2.0 bathsHome size: 824 sq ftLot size: 13,700 sqftYear built: 1978Parking spots: 2Days on market: 1 - $699,0003 beds, 2.0 bathsHome size: 1,552 sq ftLot size: 6,885 sqftYear built: 1930Parking spots: 2Days on market: 2 - $1,895,0004 beds, 3 full, 1 part bathsHome size: 3,292 sq ftLot size: 7,222 sqftYear built: 1942Parking spots: 4Days on market: 2 - $1,595,0002 beds, 1 full, 1 part bathsHome size: 2,305 sq ftLot size: 9,977 sqftYear built: 1948Days on market: 3 - $1,549,0004 beds, 3 full bathsHome size: 2,412 sq ftLot size: 7,466 sqftYear built: 1951Parking spots: 2Days on market: 3 - $879,0003 beds, 2 full bathsHome size: 1,790 sq ftLot size: 6,654 sqftYear built: 1935Days on market: 4 - 2 beds, 2 full bathsHome size: 1,318 sq ftLot size: 5,002 sqftYear built: 1933Parking spots: 4Days on market: 5 - $1,199,0000 beds, 0 bathsHome size: 3,128 sq ftLot size: 7,419 sqftYear built: 1937Parking spots: 4Days on market: 6 - $995,0003 beds, 2.75 bathsHome size: 1,703 sq ftLot size: 5,209 sqftYear built: 1949Days on market: 9 - 3 beds, 3 full bathsHome size: 2,210 sq ftLot size: 6,120 sqftYear built: 1940Parking spots: 2Days on market: 16 - $995,0003 beds, 3.0 bathsHome size: 2,184 sq ftLot size: 6,031 sqftYear built: 1931Days on market: 16 - $700,0002 beds, 1.0 bathsHome size: 1,177 sq ftLot size: 5,188 sqftYear built: 1929Days on market: 17 - $2,395,0006 beds, 5.5 bathsHome size: 4,100 sq ftLot size: 7,028 sqftYear built: 2013Days on market: 19 - $440,0001 bed, 1 full, 1 part bathsHome size: 768 sq ftLot size: 39,954 sqftYear built: 1972Parking spots: 4Days on market: 19 - $300,0002 beds, 1 full bathHome size: 1,176 sq ftLot size: 5,401 sqftYear built: 1924Parking spots: 4Days on market: 23 - $489,0002 beds, 1 full bathHome size: 900 sq ftLot size: 2,499 sqftYear built: 1927Days on market: 24 - 3 beds, 2.0 bathsHome size: 1,369 sq ftLot size: 8,326 sqftYear built: 1989Days on market: 24 - $599,0003 beds, 1 full bathHome size: 1,416 sq ftLot size: 4,101 sqftYear built: 1931Days on market: 25 - $749,0003 beds, 1.0 bathsHome size: 1,283 sq ftLot size: 5,000 sqftYear built: 1929Days on market: 25 - $1,500,0002 beds, 1 full bathHome size: 1,319 sq ftLot size: 7,643 sqftYear built: 1941Parking spots: 3Days on market: 26 - $725,0002 beds, 1 full bathHome size: 1,246 sq ftLot size: 6,757 sqftYear built: 1939Parking spots: 2Days on market: 26 - $1,599,0004 beds, 3 full, 1 part bathsHome size: 2,146 sq ftLot size: 4,812 sqftYear built: 1931Days on market: 26 - $759,0003 beds, 2.0 bathsHome size: 1,614 sq ftLot size: 6,604 sqftYear built: 1930Days on market:/17/13 11:44 PM PDT This IDX is (c) Diverse Solutions 2013.
also drive me the craziest. From the second she was born, Sofia has been a little force to be reckoned with. She has always been vocal (aka LOUD, or as my husband says, just like mama), stubborn (he also says she gets this from me, um, no comment) and fearless (did I mention GREY HAIRS?). All wonderful traits IF taught how to use them for good and not to melt down in the middle of a store because she can’t have ice cream instead of vegetables…cough. As you can see, she is 5 going on 15. Every day she teaches me something new and every day she outsmarts me. But with five years under my belt… this mama has a trick or two up her sleeve. While I may not have parenthood completely down, I do have a few tips and tricks that I have learned while “on the job.” - Listen to your kiddos. Yes they break down and have whine-a-thons but sometimes the whining and meltdown is cause they were trying to tell you something and it just didn’t get through. Take a moment and listen…are they tired? hungry? just want attention? Even infants have cues to let mama know something, all it takes is a little patience and an open ear. If that doesn’t work…hey, there is always bribery. - Be prepared for the unexpected. Ever heard the phrase “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”? With kids, that phrase goes for double. While you shouldn’t be overly paranoid, taking certain precautions will always pay off. With infants and toddlers, having a “emergency” clothing and diaper kit in your car is a smart idea. As well as packing snacks just in case and planning ”unexpected” potty stops on a long drive. Maya Angelou said it best, “Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst, and unsurprised by anything in between.” - Take a moment for you. You can’t be a good parent unless you take care of you first. Whether that’s an evening out with your friends, a cup of coffee alone before everyone wakes, or just a moment of sitting in your car in silence…whatever it is that you need to recharge and be the super parent you are. I like to drink wine. A glass or four usually does the trick. Now you can survive the parenting battleground with others that know just what you are feeling. Mexican TV personality and father of two, Poncho de Anda, teamed with Huggies 10 months) as they deal with the challenges that come with being a parent – whether that’s packing for a trip, preparing for house guests or mastering the art of feeding children. Check out one of the videos below, then head over to the facebook page where you can to share your own tips and stories afor a chance to win a fully-stocked Huggies diaper bag. Disclosure: This was a compensated campaign from Latina Bloggers Connect and Huggies. All opinions are 100% my own. Good tips! The “prepare for the unexpected” bit made me laugh. WORD. Good tips! Having kids has really mellowed me out a lot, learning to be patient is a daily struggle, but my two boys have helped me come a long way. I now find myself constantly telling other people ‘don’t worry about what you can’t do anything about , let it roll off your back like a duck’
EGYPT, BARADEI (THE ISRAEL IDIOTS’ HOPE,) AND OUR PERSISTENT STATE-OF-ENTRAPMENT In memory: Charles B. BiscoeIn memory: Charles B. Biscoe d r a f t The Egyptian state has for decades been waging war on the Muslim Brotherhood. It has done that pre-Uncle-Tom-hood (the rejection-of-Arabism at Camp David) and into the Uncle Tom-hood era - - the era since Camp David. Not a month passes without wholesale arrests of members and activists of that Brotherhood. When it comes to the arrests of these activists, the Israel-Anchored Idiots customarily are mum But when the Egyptian state dare arrest activists demonstrating on behalf of Muhamed AlBaradei, as that state did a few days ago, the Israel Idiots’ State Department becomes “deeply concerned.” Let me ponder the matter: So ElBaradei is the Israel-Idiots’ man. Do the Israel Idiots hope to obtain favorable change in Egypt by crowning Baradei President? Will this in any way help them in West Asia, in the Arab nation, and in the Muslim World? Or help absorb the ire of the Egyptian Arab Muslim Street about the wars the Israel Idiots are waging in Muslim lands? d r a f t Or, is it that the Israel Idiots are so incapable at budging their Israel Anchor, or at suffocating the Islamic Republic, that they spin their wheels in Egypt just for the sake of seeming to have a plan, any plan - - any some sort of plan. Pitiful Israel-Anchored Idiots! There are moments when the honorable-and-smart thing to do is to shut up. This is one such moment in Egypt. Why? Because neither their man Baradei nor any of his ilk should make a difference one-way-or-the-other to the Israel Idiots’ West Asian and Arab interests - -whatever these are. WHILE OTHERS DEFINE THE IDIOTS’ INTERESTS Whatever these are: Because, barring holding on to what we’ve got (the oil of the Arabian protectorates and influencing the trajectory of the trillion-dollar accumulated surpluses in these protectorates’ sovereign funds), we don’t know what these interests really are. We’re in a state of daze-and-confusion, the elite acting with fake confidence to fool the public and itself. We’re spinning our wheels the old-and-familiar way, not knowing what else to do. This state of affairs becomes increasingly and painfully apparent as we mark each year into the one-trillion-dollar-Israel-Boys’-inspired-illusions, with some of us hoping that these illusions would have been burst by the Iraq fiasco. But, have they? Dangerously (as it could lead us into yet another unnecessary war), in this state of daze, the Saudi ruling elite is defining our interests for us in Plantation Iraq while Israel’s Boys are defining them on the Highway to Central Asia - - by pressuring, with their right-wing (and eminently discredited!) allies, for U.S troops to stay the course, straddling the sides of that Highway-to-Full-Bankruptcy-and-absolute-hatred-of-us-in-the-Muslim-World. AND WHAT A STATE OF ENTRAPMENT! Post-Iraq and the disastrous strategic fiasco of adopting the ideas of Israel’s Boys, there’s a dire need for new concepts, for a long-term perspective - - and for courage. New concepts and new thinking, perspective, and courage are all so missing. There’s a dire need to engage in a thorough re-evaluation of our state-of-entrapment in that systemic power vacuum trap that is our Israel-Anchored Highway to Central Asia project. And there’s every reason to believe that no such re-evaluation is in the offing. It seems to me that, child-like, we’re expecting Daddy-the-Pentagon to effect the needed re-evaluation, as if the solutions are military, which they’re not. The solutions unavoidably will require the withdrawal of troops for political (tame the ire of the Muslim World against Israel-Anchored Us) and budget reasons (save the federal government and the layers of other governments from continued bankruptcy and concomitant social upheavals) and not for obvious military ones (not too many casualties, therefore let us stay.) It also seems to me that no one dares engage in the needed re-evaluation, honest and creative, as all run scared of the right wing boogeyman and of Israel’s influence in the U.S. Congress. d r a f t I’ve been accused of hyper-efficiency; so maybe I’m expecting the re-evaluation to happen yesterday, so obtuse am I to the fact that the American elite, having come so close to losing-it-all in the financial meltdown, and aghast at the resistance to it (and disgust with it) in the Muslim World, is catching its breath while sleep-walking in the daze. d r a f t The foreign policy establishment has a way of co-opting all. Of compromising (and neutering) all who speak out and have fresh ideas (read: independent of the Israel Anchor.) So one would expect that the resultant absence of independent and credible voices (voices that are not towing the absurd-and-inane Highway-to-Central-Asia line under whatever guise and voices that are calling for a radical military pullback and military-financial retrenchment) does after all exact a price on the process (so badly needed) of correcting the course - - radically. After the foreign policy establishment does a bang-up job neutering all, with Israel-Anchored efficiency (the national security bureaucracy is Israel-Anchored), it sits there, clueless-in-its-helplessness, unable to fathom the wisdom of shutting up. Such fools!
Another day, another Christmas horror film to watch and review. I’m actually already tired of the genre, as it seems so obvious that these things are lackluster by all measures. However, this 2006 remake was more than just a throwaway remake, they paid for some talent and they spent some time making the film and editing it to good measure. I know, these remakes have a tendency to put a damper on things, and if you’re one of those people that just hate remakes and won’t even see them, then this film is obviously not for you. However, for the more discerning of you that are just junkies here we go, another film to look at. As with the previous incarnation of Black Christmas, this film is a rated R slasher fest. However, where the other film left you thinking and imagining things, this film not only sexes it up, it also makes sure you see gore for all it’s bloody glory. That’s where we start our first point, this film has gore with no apologies. From eyes being severed and pulled out, to blood gushing from the neck, to a candy cane well placed in the jugular, they do not hold back on your senses. You hear it, the choking, the coughing, and you see it, the red darkness of life slip out of these actors as if there is no tomorrow! Black Christmas is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. The film starts off relatively slow, and moves through a lot of different points to create an atmosphere much denser than the original film. My problems with the original film were addressed here. The pacing is sped up, but the characters lack that substance that makes you care about them. While I cared about the characters in the original film, this film didn’t really make me care for any of the sorority sisters. If you get creeped out by old ladies, weird sounds, and gore. This one is not going to be for you. There is a sickening amount of attention given to such details as decapitation, bludgeoning, and at one point the serial killer eats an eyeball! Yep. Is Black Xmas Scary? Yes. This is the first film I’ve seen that not only plays with my fear of being invaded at my home, but the unyielding fear that someone is going to not only eat my eyeball, but is also going to cook my skin in cookie cutter form into angels. Yep, I’m scared. Seriously, this is what horror films should always amount to. A good source for violence, horror, brutality, and of course sex. There’s so much in this film in such a short time, as if the film borrows from a lot of different genres. It even borrows from cannibal movies as the main character eats cookies made out of human skin. The flashbacks lead to the current story, and the current story blends seamlessly through the transitional stages. That being said, this film looks great. It’s usage of red, yellow, green, and so many other colors really sparks an interest in the motif’s that are set by the director of photography. It’s little details like this that make this film a bit better than many other remakes on the same time line and dare I say genre format. The camera angles are great in this film. You don’t just get voyeurism for the sake of voyeurism. You get nudity, and disgust, as well as point of view shots similar to the first one. There’s just so much done in this film to try a little more than the previous incarnation of this film. The clarity and focus mixed with the gore effects and the updated story make for a great time. While I don’t think this is the greatest of the holiday horror movies, I appreciate the way this one was constructed. Much like I enjoyed Rob Zombie’s Halloween remakes, I really dug the way this one tried to dive more into the greater story that could be created with the same style of characters. This is far more brutal both in focus and out of focus, and adds spice where it needs spice. Black Xmas is going to be in the upper tiers of your holiday horror collection, bank Michelle Trachtenberg (as she was in 2003 when she was 18, not as she is now obviously).
Halloween 2010 Teaser Previous / Next Calabash Animation, the acclaimed animation studio led by Sean Henry and Wayne Brejcha, takes viewers into the animated fantasy world of ''Eternal Descent,'' the popular comic book/music series created by guitarist Llexi Leon, with a new two-minute short that brings to life the gothic world envisioned in print by Leon and illustrator Jason Metcalf. ''The style of the comic was already established,'' Henry says. ''The first part of our job was to adapt the characters into an animation-friendly style while keeping as much of the look and mood of the original comic as possible. It was a daunting task because the comic art is very detailed and naturalistic; there are few artists who can work in this style fluently. Many animators are comic book fans, and our creative team was excited about the challenge of working in this darker, more realistic style.'' Guitar Wielding Goth Heroes A visually stunning fantasy comic book series published by IDW, ''Eternal Descent'' features storylines filled with gothic adventures featuring guitar-wielding heroes. Acclaimed heavy metal guitarist Leon is the mastermind behind the story, which centers on three main characters -- Lyra, a lead singer/guitarist in a popular band whose fame-at-any-cost attitude has made her vulnerable to Loki, a powerful demon plotting world domination. Helping Lyra is Sirian, one of heaven's guardians. What unifies Lyra and Sirian is their weapon choice: searing electric guitars. In addition to the powerful art of the comic books, which recalls the classic 70s animation magazine Heavy Metal with a modern spin, is the music created by Leon and produced by rock legend Eddie Kramer (Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Rolling Stones). The combined visual and audio components make ''Eternal Descent'' a truly visionary concept that has led to thousands of fans and endorsements from leading music manufacturers like ESP Guitars, Digitech and DiMarzio guitar pickups. ''The concept was action heavy and effects heavy, and although the budget was limited, I was hoping for hand drawn character animation wherever possible,'' Leon says. ''Everyone I spoke too said it couldn't be done. Calabash was the only studio willing to take on the challenge without compromising the script. They were optimistic about the potential of the piece, and they understood what I was trying to achieve. More importantly, they had the creative vision to think well beyond the technical challenges of the action and effects sequences, confident that everything would be possible by mixing mediums and combining techniques.'' Complex Production: Set to an ominous musical score featuring some amazing guitar solos, the story line of the short centers on a concert featuring Lyra that quickly turns from cheering fans in an outdoor stadium to fire-eyed demons trying to capture Lyra. She falls from the stage, crashes through the ground and lands in an underworld coliseum where Loki confronts her. As the battle begins Sirian comes to Lyra's aide. Lyra escapes, but the cliffhanger ending suggests it is only the beginning. Calabash animation director Jessica Plummer led the creative team through the complex production. For her, the challenges centered on managing the production and character details. ''This was a very different project outside our usual fare,'' Plummer says. ''As a director, the challenge was not only understanding the characters and their world, but also trying to convey that insight to the rest of the team. We wanted to reveal the nature of these characters -- from their poses to their expressions. With so little time to get to know these characters before we started work, it felt like we were cramming for a final exam at school.'' Added Henry, ''Everyone knows Calabash for our high-end character work, but we are sometimes pigeon-holed because so much of our work tends to be more on the 'cartoony' side. This was a chance to show the world some of our other capabilities.'' ''Stubble Trouble'' was nominated for an Academy Award in 2002. Creative Credits: Client: Eternal Descent/Llexi Leon Project: Eternal Descent short Animation: Calabash Animation, Chicago, IL Creative Director: Wayne Brejcha Executive Producer: Sean Henry Animation Director: Jessica Plummer
The associate degree in business administration enables students to move into a curriculum at a four-year institution leading to a baccalaureate degree. Career opportunities exist in many areas of business administration such as accounting, financial planning and analysis, financial service specialties, management, marketing and sales, production and logistics, and systems and technology development. Major requirements for the associate in arts degree: Course Units Accounting 101, Financial Accounting 4 Economics 120, Principles/Macro 3 Business 101, Business Law* (see note) OR Business 105, Legal Environment of Business* (see note) Accounting 102, Managerial Accounting Economics 121, Principles/Micro Business 150, Introduction to Computing and Application Software Business 222, Business Writing Select one of the following courses** (see note): Business 100, Fundamentals of Business Business 120/Management 120, Principles of Management Business 125, Introduction to International Business Marketing 113, Principles of Marketing Mathematics 150, Calculus for Biological, Management & Social Sciences TOTAL 27-28 *Students planning for university transfer should be aware that some universities only accept Business 101 for the transfer major (e.g. California State University, Long Beach) while others only accept Business 105 (e.g. California State University, Fullerton) for the transfer major. Please consult the Transfer Planning Guide and meet with a counselor for information about specific universities. **Students planning for university transfer should be aware that California State University, Fullerton and many other universities require Math 150 for the Business Administration degree. Please consult the Transfer Planning Guide and meet with a counselor for information about specific universities. Numerous California State University campuses and private colleges and universities offer baccalaureate degrees in Business Administration. In the University of California system, UC Berkeley and UC Riverside offer this degree. Consult the Transfer Planning Guide and meet with a counselor for information about specific programs and transfer requirements. The associate degree in business management is designed to enable students to handle basic problems encountered in managing within a business environment including the managing of a marketing program, the making of decisions and problem solving, the coordinating of activities, the influencing of staff, and the understanding of finance. Entry-level careers include management trainees and assistant managers or supervisors. Business 100, Fundamentals of Business Business 120/Management 120, Principles of Management Marketing 113, Principles of Marketing Select TWO courses from the following: Business 105, Legal Environment of Business Business 106, International Business Culture Business 121, Human Relations and Organizational Behavior Business 125, Introduction to International Business Business 127, Introduction to E-Commerce Business 150, Introduction to Computing and Application Software Management 135, Human Resource Management 22-23 Students intending to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Business Management should consult the major requirements for upper-division standing listed under the Business Administration major. For other related majors, look under Management. The associate degree and certificate of achievement in entrepreneurship is designed to assist the student in the development of fundamental skills necessary to open and operate a small business and/or to continue the pursuit of a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college or university. Students intending to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship should consult the major requirements for upper-division study listed under the Business Administration major. Entrepreneurship Degree (11860) and Entrepreneurship Certificate of Achievement (21635) Business 170, Principles of Small Business Business 171, Business Plan for Small Business Business 175, Online Entrepreneurship 19 Santiago Canyon College is a part of the Rancho Santiago Community College District
Ten thoughts on two fantastic games in Atlanta that ended with Florida State and UNC winning by a combined five points: 1 -- After watching the replay numerous times, I think Kendall Marshall charged on the winning basket against N.C. State in UNC's 69-67 win. That one should have been waved off, as Marshall lowered his shoulder and made contact on the drive. 2 -- I don't think N.C. State's Richard Howell was clearly fouled, however, on the last play of the game. That was the correct no-call. It looked more like a scrum and Howell never had total possession of the ball. 3 -- Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said after his team lost 62-59 that Florida State's Michael Snaer was the best competitor in the ACC. 4 -- If I'm Roy Williams, I don't play John Henson against Florida State unless Henson is absolutely 100 percent without pain in that aching left wrist. Ultimately, I think the Tar Heels have a No.1 NCAA seed either way, and FSU is so physical the chance of re-injury is not out of the question. 5 -- How good is Duke anyway? That's the subject of my Sunday column. The Blue Devils need Ryan Kelly back and need to make some more shots -- they were 10-for-46 from three-point range in Atlanta. 6 -- If Seth Curry's 40-footer at the buzzer had gone in to tie that game and send it into overtime, he would have joined Christian Laettner, Austin Rivers, Jeff Capel and a couple of others on the short list of greatest Duke buzzer-beaters of all time. 7 -- How far off the radar has Duke's Andre Dawkins fallen? He played 17 minutes Saturday and had no points and no assists. 8 -- Florida State's 33-point win over UNC in the teams' only previous meeting will loom large Sunday, although everyone will say it doesn't matter. It does matter in that it has to give the Seminoles major confidence. 9 -- The Wolfpack would have had to call a timeout to get C.J. Leslie out of the game between his fourth and fifth fouls (which came 32 seconds apart -- the final one with 8:03 left). So while I blame the coaching staff for not keeping up with Leslie's fouls well enough and/or not communicating that to head coach Mark Gottfried, that was also Leslie's fault for committing a silly foul on an overly aggressive defensive play right after he had picked up his fourth one. 10 -- UNC and Duke both deserve to play in Greensboro next week for their first two games in the NCAA tournament. UNC as a No.1 seed and Duke as a No.2. I think N.C. State is in the tourney as well now and will get a seed around No.11 or so. Saturday, March 10, 2012 A great semifinal Saturday at the ACC tournament -- 10 thoughts Labels: ACC tournament 21 comments: Marshall didn't lower his shoulder--he turned sideways in order to be able to create more space. Apparently you would rather listen to the whines of the Wolfpack conspiracy throrists than watch a replay. And Curry's shot would have been waived off--fortunately, one of the officials saw the 4 steps he took before launching it. Do your homework before postying, please. The ACC and it's Referees are a complete JOKE! "...refs are supposed to exude a sense of impartiality." But we often forget that the ACC is "lead" by John Swofford, who happen to graduate from UNC AND worked for UNC. Many wonder why the ACC's OVERALL quality has tumbled over the years. Why don't someone do something about this?...Here's more on the ACC refs: Hey Anonymous 8:30 PM, your are blind if you think Marshall was moving sideways. Please let me know before you get on the highway so I can pull over - I don't want to be on the highway the same time as you are. Also, what is "posting?" go to statefansnation.com and just read Marshall admitted he was certain he could get away with a foul after the game. Look up his quote! Refs have let UNC and Duke get away with anything AND the players know it. These are the results you get. Slow and non-physical games. People criticizing ACC refereeing. Less basketball game attendance except for UNC. Fans from other conferences saying the ACC is crap now. ACC being less competitive outside of the ACC outside of UNC and Duke. Players (UNC and Duke) knowing that the can push the envelope in many various ways. Foul, walk, travel, or whatever. Welcome to the conference of haves and have nots! Welcome to the "soft" ACC! Anon. 8:30 pm, Scott is exactly right about Marshall's foul. He lowered his shoulder, drove it intentionally into Alex Johnson and floored him, to clear his way to the basket; only his shoulder went sideways! Scott is honest: for all of Howell's angry protest, that last moment no-call was correct. I also agree with Scott on pt. 4 (on Henson). As for Duke, a classic example of "you live by the three (in some games), you die by the three (in others)". Back to the Wolfpack: they definitely earned their NCAA invite. Just watch the video. By the definition of a block/charge, the Marshall no-call was closer to a block than a charge, but I think a no-call was appropriate. As for the Curry heave, am I the only one who saw him grab the ball and take off running without a single dribble? If you get a chance, watch it again. He just started running and then threw up the shot. There is no way it could have counted...although he walked pretty bad in the UNC game before making a 3 near the end of the game and they didn't call that one. The little UNCheat moniker is pretty tired . Come up with something more creative to describe the stellar basketball program hat has een run without a hint of impropriety since Frank McGuire left around 1962. As to the officiating, the most absurd thing was to double the amount of time on the clock from .6 to 1.2. The game is 40 minutes. In the course of that 40 minutes, the clock stops and starts what maybe 100 times. If we added up every second or millisecond either way it probably ends up equal. In this case, there was clearly .6 of a second on the clock by the time the official signaled timeout and the clock was stopped. So, it makes it pretty annoying for someone to argue that Howell was fouled as the players fought over the loose ball. Anyway, congrats to State for a hard fought game. It will be good for the conference for them to have a legitimate team, which they will have under Gott. State fans will complain about the calls, but when will you be honest and question why the coaching staff left their most productive player in the game with 4 fouls with over 8 minutes to go...then you turn the ball over on two straight trips down the court. Bone headed plays... The view of the replay from the basket angle clearly showed the State player "humping" Marshall. He thrusted his mid section into Marshall as much as Marshall lowered a shoulder. Great no-call. And if the refs give Duke and NC all the calls how can it matter with them winning by double digits many times? The ACC refs showed their UNC & Duke bias for the whole nation to witness today. Leslie's 4th foul and Marshall's last basket were identical plays, but both calls went UNC's way. The UNC player who stole the last pass landed out of bounds (no call) and Howell was fouled hard across the chest and arms (no foul). ACC Ref who called everything against NCST down the stretch tells Gottfried to "shut his Fing A** up. Can you imagine a Ref telling that to K or Roy? Then the last plays of Duke game - Rivers obvious push off (no call), Plumlee across end line while defending inbounds pass (no call), and Seth's 3 steps on shot (no call). If something isn't done, expect MD & GT to B1G, FSU & Clem or VT to SEC, and UVA, NCST to Big12 or Big East. anonymous....you are an idiot...no way teams leave the conference. Please just go away and quit your whining. If you think that Marshall's drive was not a charge, then OBVIOUSLY the charge whistled on Leslie for his 4th foul was wrong too. There's no other way to justify it except being a complete UNC homer. If Leslie's move was a charge (it wasn't) then Marshall's drive was DEFINITELY a charge (it was.) Both calls were blown. Leslie's 3rd and 5th foul were legit, but his fourth was garbage, as was the no call on Marshall. I agree that there should not have been a call at the end, the State player never had possession of the ball. State also had a dreadful turnover right after a TO in the last minute. Still, Marshall clearly lowered his shoulder and the defender was more set than the defender was against Leslie, who did not lower his shoulder. Absolutely no way you can be unbiased and agree with the refs in both of those situations. I wonder how much of today had to do with the memory of 'Karl Hess.' NCSU deserves better. The NCSU fans were howling just as loud about how Justin Watts' foot "had" to be on the end line as they were about the Marshall no-call. But then someone posted a series of photographs taken in rapid succession by a News and Observer photographer clearly showing (a) Watts' feet weren't even close to the line and (b) a referee was about 3 feet away looking directly at Watts' feet. Without those photos, Scott Fowler would have had 11 points in his column, the 11th being that the refs blew the call on whether Watts was on the end line. And with Marshall's foul, two referees were looking directly at the play and both made the same no call. The day when the Observer publishes a Sports Section without an error is the day that Scott Fowler can second-guess a play were two officials were looking directly at the play and made the same call. Grow-up Fowler and stop this nonsense about how the referees are biased in favor of the better team. Is the Pulitzer Prize panel biased in favor of the New York Times or does the New Times have better writers than the Charlotte Observer? It was pretty obvious on the broadcast that Watts wasn't out of bounds. There was another play where an NCSU player 'saved' the ball under his own basket and it bounced out of bounds first before going right to a Heel for a lay-in. It would have been UNC's ball either way but if the call had been correct at least NCSU would have been able to set their D. I'm guessing the NCSU fans crying about Watts don't have HDTV ;) Either way, there were plenty of other 'questionable' calls that went against State to not have to cry about a legit good play by Watts. Buncha Crybabies!!!! You Lose, We Win get over it. Go Heels! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Ric Flair Winners never whine and whiners never win. If State wants to get back to the top of the ACC they need to focus on basketball. People have been complaining about refs since the 1950's. I remember people calling dick Paparo "duke" Paparo. It time to shut up. There can be a foul called on every possession in bball. I don't want big east games played in 40s and 50s. I don't want thug ball. Coaches who teach that or bring it into the league need to quit whining. Why would an nba talent stay in college ball when you have mugga ball going on all over the confernce with a chance to get hurt. Teams with less talent resort to "aggressive" play like state this year and then whine when they get called for it. Go get more talented players and quit whining. Instead of complaining about officials, how bout Scott Wood makes more than 1 shot or hits a 3. In their losses, he's been awful. Fix that before complaining. Sidenote: Curry walked on the 3. It's the 5 millionth time either Curry or Rivers has walked and it hasn't been called. Lets not forget how much the networks stand to lose if Carolina v Duke is not the championship game. If the game is close they'll get the calls. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. All you had to do to see how far the ACC has fallen was watch the Syr.-UConn Quarterfinal game in the BE. Tough, physical play with only real fouls called, not the ticky-tack, wussy variety as in the ACC. Crowd totally engaged, standing and shouting for the last 10-12 min. And the BE is only the 3rd best conf. this year. H. Barnes, called the best Freshman last year is waaaaaaay too soft for NBA-should stay another year. Despite his size, strength and quickness he is afraid to drive and prefers launching rainbow 3's from 25 ft., like yesterday.
I dried some gourds we grew, so we can make gourd birdhouses. If you didn’t grow any yourself, you can probably find some in your area at a farmer’s market or even a craft shop. Because of the number of steps involved and the drying time required between painting, we will probably start these at a meeting and then they can take them home to paint them. I’m also planning on having them already soaking when the meeting starts. Kids and a 10 percent bleach solution are not a good combination, so they can start at the point where they scrub the gourds with the soapy water. Gourd Birdhouse Depending on age and maturity, some of these steps might have to be done by an adult. Materials: - Dried gourd – “bottle gourd” - bleach solution – one-part bleach and nine parts water - Steel wool - bucket with soapy water - Old towel to dry the gourd - Utility knife - Spoon - Hand drill - Enamel paint or shellac or polyurethane - Paint brush Directions - Soak the gourd in a bleach solution for 15 minutes. (This might be done by an adult rather than a youth.) - Dry the gourd with the towel. - Immediately clean the outside of the gourd using the steel wool and the soapy water. - Dry the gourd again with the towel. - With the knife, cut a 1 ½ inch diameter hole in the gourd, slightly above the halfway point on the “fat” part of the gourd. (This might also need to be done by an adult.) - Use the spoon to remove any seeds or pith in the gourd. - Drill a few holes in the bottom, for drainage. - Drill two holes at the top of the gourd. Later you will feed the wire through these to make a hanger for the gourd.. - Coat the gourd with at least two coats of paint, shellac, or polyurethane, letting it dry 24 hours between applications. - Feed a length of wire through the holes. - Twist the ends of the wire together to form a hanger. - Hang out on a tree and wait for some birds to move in. Notes The dried gourds might have some mold spots on them. This happens during the drying process. They can still be used. You might need to redrill the holes a little after painting. USE CAUTION WITH THE BLEACH AND THE UTILITY KNIFE! A birder friend who showed this project to my Webelos recommends using shoe polish to seal the gourds instead of shellac. No drying time needed!
Once it gets cold enough here in Anchorage for the lakes to freeze--what, like October? No I'm kidding (more around December) then the municipality begins taking care of the ice at Westchester Lagoon in downtown Anchorage. Located at one of the most scenic spots in town, the lagoon gives you a view of the downtown high-rises and Cook Inlet. The area is big enough to accommodate a circular track, a hockey rink and a separate area for casual skating--with half the lagoon to spare. Yup, we do everything big here in Alaska. They keep the ice clear and wet-mopped pretty much all winter and on Saturdays you get a special treat: they bring out the music and the bonfires. On the edge of the lagoon they set up fire barrels and speakers pipe out the music while you can skate for free--what a deal! We took the kids last Saturday and everyone had a great time, it was Lillian's first time skating without the benefit of a wall to cling to and I spent most of the time coaxing her along on her shaky blades. She was pretty amazing in that I couldn't count how many times she fell--and fell hard--but she was always cheerful and determined and never seen to mind the bruises. Unlike Andrew who whimpered and wept about his bruised hiney all weekend ("Does this look infected to you?" "Do you think I broke something?" "What happens if I broke my bottom--how would they cast that?") Here's a quick clip of her and me skating and I show it as an example of the spills she took. Go watch it and tell me your body wouldn't break into messy little pieces if you twisted and crashed like that. I wince just watching it. Anyway, when she's determine she's pretty stubborn and the only way we could get her home was to promise to take her regularly so she could "get good like the little girl skating over there." Apparently she's as competitive as her parents. I'll end with a panoramic clip of the lagoon if you're interested in how pretty it all is. And the beauty of the clip is that you can watch it from the comforts of your warm and toasty armchair--you won't have to brave the 5 degree temperatures that we did. Technorati tags: ice skating, Anchorage, Alaska 32 comments: Great post, I love reading the stuff about Alaska. That was a sore one :( I went ice-skating recently and the only reason I didn't do the same was because of the barriers to cling onto. How come it seems more difficult when you get older?? When I was seven, I'm sure I was whizzing around... Good God!! That is one brave gal, I am sure that if my arm twisted that way it would break!! Is she one black and blue girl today? I just so love that I am getting to know someone who lives in Alaska and catch glimpses of life there! Thanks so much for taking the time to post clips and all! You have one brave girl there. It was 7 degrees when we woke up today and they delayed most of the schools for fear the kids would get frost bite waiting on the buses. Mine, being home schooled, are snug in their beds. I bet they don't cancel school for 7 degrees where you are! It's amazing how flexible they are at that age. My girl takes CanSkate every Sunday and I cringe watching her. Btw, good skating yourself! I'm a bad Canadian- I can't skate. Again, you should be changing the title of your blog to why you should move up here with us! Very good skating for the both of you. okay, see, this is the difference between alaska and chicago -- we *think* we're all tough about the cold but when it got down to -1 yesterday (to be fair, there was a -25 windchill to go with it), we all hid inside. you guys up there go skating!!! great post:-) Ouch! What a brave girl to laugh it off! I must admit, I'm (more than) a little jealous of those mountains in the background. I can't imagine having a view like that close-by. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty here too, but mountains? That is quite the luxury to a born-and-raised midwesterner like myself. That looks so cool! My favorite memory of visiting Stockholm was when I got to walk out on frozen water, and not a man-made ice rink. It gets so cold up there that the North Sea freezes! It was totally cool. wow, that ice looks so smooth! I tried skating on a pond once and it was so bumpy I didn't last long. You really make me want to move to Alaska, it has everything I love (except maybe the career opps)! And if you do break your bum (or rather tailbone) they can't put a cast on it, and they can't do anything for the months of pain you are in for and the nagging ache that you'll experience for the rest of your life when you sit in the same position for more than 2 hours. So try to avoid breaking your tailbone ;) Poor Lillian! The quick thaw in early January was enough to break up the ice on the river here and it's not yet frozen solid again! We worry that people are still going to use their snowmobiles... I lived in Juneau for a year when I was in second grade. Some of my best childhood memories, hands down were there......ice skating, jumping off the roof into snow, going to school and returning in the dark, staying up REALLY late all summer, the northern lights......Alaska has so many wonderful things.......you are lucky to be able to enjoy them! ;) Wow. I wish we had something like that. What is the stick for? Is that one of those fishing poles? Do you actually club the fish rather than catch them? Cheers It's a good thing kids are closer to the ground. Those falls always look so painful -- yet they bounce right back, don't they? You've inspired me to find a rink and take my kids skating this week. Maddy, I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. I mean I know you're not that close to Canada but even in your neck of the woods hockey sticks aren't that foreign :) You are lucky to have such a wonderful outdoor area to skate in. It sounds like a lot of fun.... .....and it is beautiful.. (your daughter would have to teach me how to skate.....i am horrible.) I'll stick with walls to hold onto. I never got the hang of ice skating, since I have only done it a few times. We did roller skating where I grew up, which is much easier. That's beautiful! That looks like great fun! And extreme cold! Angie Oh, and the ice is so hard, too! Actually, though, you slide when you hit, so it does make it a bit better. Right? I remember my little brother learning how to skate. He would just drop and roll like a little turtle, but I don't know if he ever felt it. The cold helps numb the pain, I guess. Looks beautiful, but eXtremely c-c-cold! Your little gal is a trooper. What's up with that backwards twirl, Mom? Those are some "Michele Kwan" moves you've got going on! I still maintain that kids are made of rubber, and that's why they can live through all of the childhood accidents. Great video! How fun to skate on a lake! That looks awesome! Skating however is not for me. I don't fare very well! Wow it's so gorgeous. It makes me miss living in WI, where I used to skate on the pond across from my apartment all the time. Here, no dice as it goes from deep freeze (currently single digits for the last few days) to mid-thirties and back again all winter long. Looks like such fun! There are times when I would swear that kids' bones must be made of rubber to survive some of the spills they take. It looks like a lovely and fun time was had by all. Wow that looks so nice! I love watching your videos! Maria What a beautiful pond! I'm scared to death of skating without a wall-- it is pretty embarrassing to be draggin myself along the wall, while little 7 year olds are skating circles around me:) Uh, is Andrew your son or husband? Just kidding--- I could see a lot of husbands asking about casting their butt. Big Smile Trixie Beautiful. Simply beautiful. My parents talked about a possible move to Alaska, then ended up staying in Wisconsin. I can see why they wanted to move! They (and we kids, I'm sure) would've loved it. Those pictures made me so homesick. The closest I've gotten to iceskating lately is when I forgot to turn off the sprinklers the night we got a hard freeze. The boys and I had fun sliding around on the thin sheet of ice that formed on our driveway. It almost makes me want to move back up. I love ice skating at Westchester! I bring all my winter visitors there because it is such a neat place. If you go on a weekday, you can sometimes have the place to yourself. Nancy in Palmer. I feel for lily and her falling that looked painful! We have a lake here that everyone goes to and it's been frozen over since December also. I like ice skating....
This month my brother, Luke Nichols and his lovely wife Becca, came to visit and during one of several interesting conversations we had he spoke of his experiences as a criminal defense attorney in the Washington D.C. area. Through his work he's seen some of the consequences of teenagers sexting (and if you don't know what sexting is, just ask any teen) and he has volunteered time at youth centers to warn teens of the dangers they face when the law gets involved. You may already know of the dangers this new phenomenon poses to the morality of our children and society but you ought also to know of the legal dangers children face if caught--and if they have a cell phone I can pretty much guarantee you that they've have experience in the area already. Luke joins us as a guest poster and legal opinion on the subject and you can read more about sexting on his website at Spectrum Legal Defense. P.S. Don't let the picture distract you--I just wanted a picture of Luke and this one of Lillian and him goofing it up and celebrating their fishing success cracks me up. What Is Sexting? While the moral, psychological, and religious implications of sexting deserves their own discussion, I am a criminal defense attorney and what I am qualified to tell you is 1) that sexting is rampant and 2) sexting can land a child in prison for years. Sexting, or sexual texting, is an epidemic that involves using the internet and usually camera phones to share sexually explicit photos, text, and video. While not all youths are willful participants in this seedy conduct, the popularity of camera phones now means that nearly all young people are exposed to sexting whether they like it or not. Legally speaking, the problem is that sexting is the wholesale production and distribution of child pornography within our homes and schools. When a fourteen year-old boy takes picture of his thirteen year-old girlfriend’s breast he has committed felony production of child pornography and the separate felony of possession of child pornography. If that young man or any of his friends display, copy, or share that image then they are guilty of a third felony, distribution of child pornography. If that boy or anyone else requested or enticed the minor to expose her breasts he may also be guilty of aggravated sexual battery or felony child molestation among other crimes. While each state is different, there are few places in the US were child pornography and other sex crimes against minors are not ruthlessly punished and prosecuted. Parents should also keep in mind that because the internet crosses state lines child pornography is frequently prosecuted in federal courts as a federal crime. In some states, the maximum punishment for just production of child pornography is 30 years in an adult prison facility. What is more onerous, in many states each photo can result in a separate charge, so that a young man or woman who takes multiple photos will be charged with multiple counts of production, possession, and distribution. One of my more recent juvenile clients was caught with twelve pictures of his naked seventeen year-old girlfriend. He was charged will twelve counts of possession of child pornography and faces up to sixty years in jail. So How Big of a Deal Is It? The mistake that most adults make is that they do not realize how serious these crimes are. The first sexting case I ever worked on involved a seventeen year-old boy who used his camera phone to take a video of his naked thirteen year little brother and friend during a hazing prank. Even though the boys willingly went along with the hazing and even though my client was not accused of intending anything sexual (just humiliation) my client was charged with two counts of aggravated sexual battery for enticing two minors to take their clothes off, one count of production of child pornography, one count of possession, and one count of distribution after he showed the video to his friends. Those charges allowed the court to try the young man as an adult and carried a maximum penalty of 104 years in prison and a mandatory minimum of 15 years in prison. The boy was fortunately only found guilty of some of the charges and was sentenced to 3 years in prison. But My Kid Doesn't Sext . . . What I find so disturbing about sexting is just how common it is, yet the only adults who seem to understand this are the police and prosecutors. One recent trial for possession of child pornography involved a young man in his late teens. The police were chatting with this young man when the officers asked to see his cell phone. The officers searched the phone and discovered a naked photo of the teen’s seventeen year-old girlfriend. When I asked the officer why he searched his phone the officer looked at me like I was an idiot and said “All teenagers have naked photos of their girlfriends on their cell phone." While the officer’s statement is somewhat of an overstatement, I have since discovered that he was not far off the mark. In the last year, I have since started speaking with high school students and teen intervention groups about the dangers of sexting and I have consistently found the practice of sexting utterly unchecked by adults. Every time I speak at a school about sexting, without fail many of the young men laugh or brag about the practice openly in front of their teachers or supervisors and almost none of the youth are unfamiliar with it. Getting a naked photo of a girl is simply “first base” for too many young men now days. While the girls’ attitudes about sexting are not usually so cocky or jovial they are equally as exposed to the practice. In the short time I have been speaking to youths I have heard too many accounts of young girls being forcibly exposed and photographed by young men with camera phones at school. Often, these girls have said nothing about these attacks because, like the young men, they think that shoving a camera phone up a girl’s skirt and posting it on the web is a mean prank not a felony. Many of the youths I speak to are good kids who feel no attraction to sexting, but they are still exposed to it. With a few clicks their friends and often distant acquaintances send them dirty photos. Naked photos of fellow class mates are now the new medium for youths to boast about their conquests or to humiliate and shame one another. While certain girls in my high school did things in private for attention, similar young women of this generation can garnish the wrong kind of attention from hundreds of boys with a camera phone and 30 seconds. Few teenagers today have not been exposed to child pornography via sexting, and what they don’t realize is that the simple possession of those materials is a felony regardless of whether they approve of or despise the practice. Sexting Is a Loaded Gun or a Pound of Cocaine Legally speaking, child pornography is no different than guns and drugs. If you are caught with it, it doesn’t matter what your intentions were, you are going to jail. Additionally, most people do not realize that putting child pornography in your computer’s trash bin does not solve the problem. If there is any way you can retrieve the pornographic photo after you have deleted it, then you are still in possession. Many courts have taken this to extremes and will find possession even if retrieving the images requires a computer expert. A common example includes the temporary files created on your computer when you view images on the internet. The police catch online pedophiles by monitoring sites which contain child pornography. They accumulate data on who has viewed the photos and when they finally shut down the site they round up all the visitors’ computers and have computer forensic scientist retrieve the temporary files created by surfing the internet. Many of the social networking sites and chat rooms popular with youth contain indecent photos of minors, and the law does not distinguish between an internet user who ogles young girls and one who was is simply reading their friend’s online profile. If it is on your computer, you are in trouble. When teachers ask me what they should do when (not if) they find child pornography on their students' phones I tell them to treat it like a loaded gun or a kilo of cocaine. Don’t handle it. Don’t examine it. Just call security or the police immediately! No matter what happens, never ever give a child their phone or computer back if you know there is any pornography on it. Giving pornography (not just child pornography) to a minor is a serious crime and I am not aware of any law that makes exceptions for giving a kid back their own pictures. It Can Come Back to Haunt Them Inevitably, when I discuss sexting with youths, there are those who balk at my cautions because they don’t think they will ever get in trouble. Everyone around them is doing it so why worry? What they don’t realize is that sexting is a new problem. Adults are learning and each year the numbers of children arrested grow as more people report incidents to law enforcement. Also, in many state there is no statute of limitation for these types of felonies. This means that the government can bring charges against a person 20 years after the crime was committed if they want to. Many child molesters are prosecuted only after their victims are grown and come forward as adults. Likewise, a young man who coerces a young woman to expose herself may not get reported to police until the girl has grown and has become old enough to know that what was done to her was illegal. I tell young men that when they take dirty photos of a girl, that girl has complete control over their fate. If she ever gets angry and wants to hurt them all she has to do pick up the phone and call the police. However, the more common way youths are being arrested is when their dirty photos are passed around until a responsible adult sees the pictures and calls the police. All the police have to do is threaten the last sender with felony possession and distribution of child pornography unless they tell them where they got the photos. Getting teenagers and parents to talk is easy when children are facing up to 10-20 years in prison. Some police are also searching phones as a regular part of criminal investigations. One of my young clients was falsely accused of assault and battery after defending himself from a gang attack. When he was arrested the police inventoried his possession and discovered multiple dirty photos of his underage girlfriend on his cell phone. The police quickly realized that he was the real victim and dropped the assault and battery charges; however, they went forward with over ten counts of felony possession of child pornography. Is There Any Protection? Obviously sexting is dangerous, but the real question is: what can be done to protect children? To parents, I would like to point out the vast majority of the sexting cases involve camera phones, and I cannot think of a reason that a sixteen year old needs a camera on their phone. Additionally, I think half of my clients are in trouble because of whom they associate with. Know your children’s online and real world friends. There are only two ways I know of to find out who your child associates with online: either you monitor their online activity or you ask them (I recommend both). Finally, there is no substitute for talking openly and frankly to your children about the consequences of sexting. And while I can only address the legal ramifications, it is up to parents to weigh in on the moral, emotional, and religious implications of online sexual activity. And if all of that fails, liquidate their college fund and hire a good attorney. Sponsored by Sorella Jewelry Studio for fine personalized jewelry. 48 comments: My kids are too young to have cell phones or even ask for one. (And after this article, I'm not sure they'll ever have one.)(At least, not for a long, long time.) But man, this is important stuff. Thank you! Sent here by Kelly. This solidifies my desire to keep my kids phone free as long as possible. Thank you for this information. I'll be passing it on. Thank you for this excellent article! I have posted it on FB for my friends. My 15 year old daughter would like to have a phone, of course, but so far there is no need for it. i'm posting this on FB. thanks for the info! Thank you so much for this information. I never knew...! WOW!!!! Scary stuff!!!! I hadn't even thought about any of that before. Fortunately my girls are only 2 and 5 so I have a while until they get cell phones... but this is so terrifying. I had no idea of all the legal ramifications and I'm sure the mother's of most teens have no idea either. Thank you for publishing this post. GREAT point about not needing a camera on a phone. Actually, great points all around. My daughter is only 2, so I can only imagine the dangers we'll face in 10 years. But it's good to stay educated along the way, even if it seems like our time for dealing with this is so far off! A boy in my daugther's class had a naked photo of a girl and was telling/showing fellow classmates it was my daughter. It was not my child and my daughter was so freaked out that she went to the administration. They did nothing (they did look at the photo)and when my husband spoke to the asst. prinicipal about it, the matter was bascially disimissed. Forgot to add that the photo was on his phone. Very few of the criminal cases I have seen were intialized by teachers or administrators. This is frankly dangerous behavior for teachers who are coming in contact with child porn. AN asst principle in a local county was recently charge with poss of child porn after he confiscated dirty photos from boy in the school as part of a sextibg crack down. He got into trouble because the priciples didn't report anything. The charges were eventually dismissed but only after $150,000 in legal fees and a year of his life were gone. Wonderful article- I'm passing along to my friend who is also a middle school teacher- she's already had some experience in this area sadly. Steph As a teacher, I've passed every instance of sexting along to my superiors. Unfortunately, by and large, no one wants to deal with it. Either the kids aren't called downstairs in a timely manner (i.e. enough time for them to delete said pictures) or the they're given second chances. This has led to a middle school where, ultimately, I believe the majority of students ARE sexting. It's frustrating and I wish that parents would step up and see that their children don't need smart phones and they DO need to check their children's text messages, every single day. It's certainly not limited to any one group of kids, either. They don't think of the ramifications and don't realize that sending a nude picture IS wrong. It's so sad. It falls into the "...can't happen to me" immortal feeling of being a teen. "Everybody does it" doesn't hold up in court. Thank you for the straightforward summary! An eye-opener, to be sure. Thanks for this valuable informatoin. Well with kids 6 and under I was totally naive to the existence of any of this. I have sent this on! Thanks so much for the article. I oppose any force, coercion, or manipulation in getting anything from anyone, especially minors. That said, This writer is so excited he found a way to prosecute young people who are intending no harm. Let's not conflate real predators and abusers with every teen with a naked photo on his or her phone. I've heard of teens being accused of producing child pornography for photographing themselves! This is clearly an unintended consequence of a good intentioned law. Shame on cops who use any excuse to search a teen's phone for incriminating evidence. I guess I should thank the author for pointing out this horrible miscarriage of justice. But I wish the lesson was one of changing the system, not scaring parents. It reminds me of when a community found an old law prohibiting untethered horse carts and used it to outlaw skateboards. Only in that case the worst that would happen was a fine, he is talking about jail time! The answer is we need to discourage abusive behavior with reason and proportion, not put innocent kids or adults in jail. This is pathetic. Scholz - you probably didn't read the preface close enough. The writer is a DEFENSE ATTORNEY - NOT a PROSECUTOR. He is defending these teens. While I agree that at times maybe the punishment is too severe, do you really want to say that someone who is distributing naked photos of underage children are innocent? Most kids today have no concept of accountability. Besides - when does it become OK to distribute naked photos of someone? Where do YOU want to draw the line? Is it OK if the person in the photo agrees? If the person you're sending the photo to agrees? That's the same argument that against statutory rape. Children can't by law give consent for those types of things. You say these individuals are intending no harm. Would you still be defending it if it was your 13 year old daughter and her boyfriend was showing nude photos of her to all his friends? Outlawing skateboards is completely different and shame on you for thinking that skateboarding and distributing pornography are equal wrongs. Its attitudes like yours that contribute to this problem and encourage teens to think that this is OK behavior. Carinne, I am arguing that child pornography laws are designed to protect children from abusive adults. Of course, there are going to be gray areas, how old is adult or child etc. Is there coercion, is there pressure, etc.. I agree that statutory rape is an interesting case. I would argue that cases of consensual photo exchanges be treated roughly the same. I am not an attorney, so I don't know the exact penalties. But many states have Romeo and Juliet provisions so that similarly ages teens (or pre-teens) who give (non-legal) consent, and do not press charges against the other, are held to have committed less serious offense than when an adult abuses a child. The idea that one should continue punish an adult who as a teen fooled around with her boyfriend is pretty absurd (especially if neither complains). Likewise the idea that one should be as holding onto child pornography as an adult for pictures taking consensually as a teen. If my daughters send nude pictures to anyone, I would be pretty angry. Do I think the person who receives the pictures should go to jail, if it isn't an adult? No. I would want to talk to all those involved, and their parents. Just like if I catch them having sex before age 18. I wouldn't send them to jail, unless the elements of abuse, force or coercion where there, would you? Scholtz- The point is that when you're dealing with digital photos, video, text, etc there is no way to control it. Someone takes a nude photo of their underage girlfriend, 1) there is no way to really know/prove that he actually had her consent and wasn't coerced and 2) once its digital it can suddenly be distributed all over the internet and it will never be contained or disappear. That's a horrible thing to have happen to someone against their will, knowledge, consent,etc. I still stand by my statement that by defending the behavior you're contributing to it. Yeah Scholz I only use the law unjustly against minors when there is a pay check attached. No pro Bono tyranny for me : ) There is however a sticky point to this debate. There are two main reasons for the Strictness of child porn laws. 1) it is to prevent the sexual exploitation of child during the production of this material and 2) protect children by banning material which may arrose or even cause pedophilic-addiction or behaviors. Then ask, is the exploitation of children via sexting compareable to that of traditional child porn? And does child porn produced via sexting distinguishable from the traditional type once it's been posted on the Internet etc.? I think there are legislative solutions to these problems but frankly its politically dangerous to lead the charge softening child porn laws and I believe that a significant part of the USA is not sad about the current state of the law regarding child porn....or skate boarding. I am going to leave the discussion. I think there are some interesting issues. I hope people continue to discuss it. Carrine accused me of supporting child pornography, and I can't have a meaningful discussion in that context, especially after I clearly said I opposed that. She also asked how I'd feel if my daughters were photographed nude presumably against their wills. I will leave her to think about what she'd do if she found one naked picture on her 15 year old son's phone. I can only assume she would report him to the local, state and federal authorities. If she didn't she would be as bad as me! Scholz Sorry I offended you. I never accused you of supporting child pornography. I accused you of adding to the problem by saying 'there is no problem'. I guess I was just amazed that someone would think this was all 'no big deal'. Maybe I read your original comment in the wrong way. I took issue with 2 things you said in your original comment: "This writer is so excited he found a way to prosecute young people who are intending no harm. Let's not conflate real predators and abusers with every teen with a naked photo on his or her phone." 1st - you were accusing the writer of something that he clearly was not doing. He's defending these kids - not trying to find ways to prosecute them. 2nd - the fact that you said they aren't intending harm and those who distribute nude photos and video against someone's will or consent or (in many cases) knowledge are not real predators. Your statement is the reason why these kids do this. They don't believe its a big deal, wrong, illegal or harmful. By declaring that not only is it not harmful but also shouldn't be prosecuted, you are contributing to the problem. I'm still amazed by that. I caught the tail of the comments late here but maybe I can help, Scholz--I think you maybe misread things because the writer isn't involved in prosecuting teens but defending. He's a defense attorney. Besides that, he works with intervention groups to educate teens about what the laws say and the risks teens run when they sext. However, you are correct when you say that some states have different laws and different penalities. It's a state issue except when prosecuted as a felony, such as when it crosses state lines. This post isn't really a comment on the morality of the law itself but a caution of one more reason that sexting is a dangerous affair. It's not really fair to insinuate how a parent may or may not feel if their child were exploited and it, too is off point (Carinne). Personally? I support stiff laws against pornography, drugs, etc. but do understand that when you have these stiff penalities--particularly with mandatory minimum sentencing and things like that--that you run the risk of over punishing and creating criminals through running decent kids who made dumb-yet-illegal mistakes through the penal system. Unfortunately the system is flawed and the closer you come to trying to prepare for all eventualities the more you get diminishing returns. But again, that's not really the point here--it's merely to show parents that sexting is legally dangerous. If this post wakes parents up to the things their kids are facing nowadays then I think it's been useful. Information is never a bad thing--and then if people such as you, Scholz, feel the laws are wrong then at least with a bit of knowledge they can lobby to have them changed, right? If nothing else it may help us all to get an interest in what our own state's particular laws are on the subject and become better informed. Thanks for your comments. Thank you for bringing attention to this issue - this generation of kids is far more tech savvy than we will ever be. It goes to show how important it is to talk openly with your kids, to listen, and to check up on them. As a mother of teen boys, this is a major issue. Kids are clueless as to the ramifications of this particular activity. Not only should every parent read this, but every teenager with a cell phone! Even though you are required to purchase a data plan if you buy a certain phone, you can still block both texting AND data from any phone on your plan. I blocked ALL data from our phones, and all texting on kids' phones. If Verizon is going to require data plans, then I won't have a Verizon phone anymore after this contract is up, though as I refuse to pay for something I don't use. I really think the law should be tweeked when it comes to minors and their girl/boyfriends. AFter all, in the '70's, it was boys with their parents' polaroid cameras taking pics of their girlfriends. Granted it didn't get distributed to the whole world via the internet, but it got shown around the local high school. This is not a "new sin", but the technology adds some very dangerous elements. glad to be visited in this blog.. Here is a link to another blog article I did on how to use cell carrier parental controls and available parental monitoring services. Luke Nichols Michelle, You would think this would be easy to control. Have the phone carriers block a phones ability to send pictures via text messaging. The main problem is that these kids will still find other ways of distributing the pictures if not by cell phone, than digital pictures on their cameras and swapping memory sticks with their friends. This is just one of the circumstances where technology is being used for criminal activities and not at all for what we designed it for. Love and Hugs ~ Kat Sentence that really stood out to me: "What I find so disturbing about sexting is just how common it is, yet the only adults who seem to understand this are the police and prosecutors." Wake up, parents! Such an important issue...one that cannot be ignored. Thanks for getting these conversations going in homes across America. stephanie@metropolitanmama.net thanks for this article and to Luke for taking the time and effort to tell kids about the dangers. I agree that sexting, AKA 'sxting' is a huge problem, but it is more of an all-around problem. This article seems slanted more towards the idea that boys are the main culprit in this situation. With lines like: " ... young girls being forcibly exposed and photographed by young men ... " and, "I tell young men that when they take dirty photos of a girl, that girl has complete control over their fate." In all fairness it should be stated that in certain cases it isn't always the implied boy who is the sole aggressor, forcing the female into situations that she doesn't want to be in or doesn't understand. In some cases it is the girls themselves that instigate the so-called sexting, sending a photo -- unasked for -- directly to the boy. Whether or not they think they are just being sexy, flirty, or even if they think that is what "couples" do for each other, it simply isn't always the fault of the young man in these cases. Some girls try to emulate the activities of their other female friends, sort of a "so and so sent a dirty photo to her BF, so I should do the same for mine" type of situation. I'm only bringing this up so that it isn't just the parents of young boys who feel the responsibility to stop this sort of thing. Let your daughters know as well that sending off photos like that isn't just unacceptable, it's illegal. I worked in the Anchorage school district for years, and I've seen this sort of activity among students as early as middle school, and that was some years back. I can only imagine how much worse it is now, with most kids carrying photos these days. By the way, while I'm here I might as well add my two cents about another long-standing problem, which is webcams. I'm sure all parents are aware by now of the dangers of letting your children go onto the internet unsupervised, but what you may not be familiar with is some of the new technology that makes it easier than ever for a child to get themselves into a dangerous situation. There are websites these days that let you instantly start up a webcam show for a limitless group of strangers. A few clicks of the mouse and your kids could be the star of their own public cam show, and many of the viewers might be predators. You don't have to actually purchase a separate camera these days, often they are built directly into laptops and netbooks, and some parents aren't even aware that the webcam is there. Again, this isn't the behavior of years ago where you had to physically "add" someone to your MSN, or Yahoo programs before you could talk and webcam, these are simply internet sites that interact with the camera - and some of these newer sites are "anonymous", meaning you don't know who you are talking to until the video starts (and then in MANY cases your child will suddenly realize there is a naked adult on the screen). This is a newer trend, and I'm sure your teens have already heard and probably participated in it, even if they didn't anticipate the chance they might see things they had no desire to see. Just ask them if they've ever heard of "Stick AM", or "Chatroulette". Technology is changing so fast, it's hard to keep on top of this stuff. Just be aware. Wow, a very good article. Lots of info that I had no idea about. Thank you for posting this.. My fifteen and twelve year old's have been lobbying for phones for a while now. And, seriously, they are the only kids know who don't have their own phones. I have a hard enough time keeping up with their facebook pages, which I do allow them to have since there are so many adult friends and family members on there also who keep an eye on the content. I appreciate this article, it gave me a lot to think and talk about with my kids. Interesting! Thanks for the informative article! I just saw this "related" article today in my local paper...! Funny, we recently got a cell for our daughter and these concerns were/are very real for me. We even typed up a contract and made her sign it...it's hanging in our kitchen so that we can refer to it often. I told my daughter it's not even that I don't trust her it's that I know the part of her brain that controls logic and reasoning isn't fully developed yet so things she might think are good ideas could have some hefty consequences. My 14 year old has had a cell phone for 2 years now. We just got texting for them this year. I love the texting, but yeah am really debating on dropping the picture sharing capability she has for this reason. I did send her this link when I found it and told her if she didn't read it I was taking the phone away completely. So, after some flack, she at least read it, so at least she knows about it. Now if only she will keep a level head. Yeah, I know, I can dream right? Thank you - this information is really important. We have three boys and I am sure that in some way this issue will raise itself. I am already amazed by what I see kids send as text messages to each other - not necessarily explicit but offensive in other ways. A related area which is on the rise is the bullying via mobile phone (cellphone). We've not had this experience but I know other people who have. I think as parents we need to talk more to our kids about what they can do if they receive any threatening or uncomfortable text messages on their phone. Something I think about often is not over-reacting. If teens think their parents have a tendency to over-react to information then they are even less likely to tell us that they are receiving disturbing text messages. But back to sexting - I guess this has become prevalent because it's a facade or protection behind which self-conscious teenagers can hide - or where it is bullying, then it's an opportunity for the bully to try and hide behind the technology. We have allowed our two young teens to have 'phones but we are vigilant about their use and we try to talk to them about what they may and may not do with it. One thing we are clear on is that it is not okay to take ANY kind of picture with your phone and send it anywhere (let alone Facebook) without permission. We've talked about privacy and legal issues - but it's fair to say that there are no guarantees. I have my fingers crossed and will keep the communication lines open in hope! Thanks for this, Michelle. I'll be sending this to all of my friends! Our kids are on the young side (mostly 7-11 year olds,) and don't have phones yet but this is SO important to know going forward. I'm grateful you posted this. It's very interesting to see where people fall out on this subject. --A thought: Just because this is an "old" sin, does that make it okay? And why on earth do we feel sorry for boys who take pictures of their girlfriends, even with consent (or vice-versa), and then distribute it to friends *knowing* that there is no way to stop it once it gets out there? I have absolutely NO SYMPATHY for ANYONE exploiting ANYONE, regardless of AGE or RELATIONSHIP. Teenagers have always had sex, that doesn't mean it's right, and that doesn't mean that I condone it. My kids are too young to have their own phones, but when the time comes, they will be getting phones without picture-taking features! BTW, can a teen refuse to show his phone to a police officer if he doesn't have a warrant?
Jonathan Segal’s The North Parker is coming to 30th and Upas, and here’s a rendering out of the San Diego Business Journal (account required) . The project includes 4 retail suites totaling 6000 square feet, 27 2-bedroom rentals, and office space that will house Segal’s architecture firm. The design is reminiscent of Segal’s black building on India Street in Little Italy. Over in Kensington, demolition work has begun on the gas station at Marlborough and Adams where Kensington Terrace was planned until the market cratered. Looks like the project has undergone a name change to Kensington Commons; about all you’ll find online is this structural info page and a lease listing promising 7 retail units totaling 10,000 square feet. As a Kensington resident who’s watched Normal Heights blow up the past few years I’m looking forward to some more dining options around the corner. On a related note, we made a return visit to Polite Provisions and it has to rank up there with Blind Lady Ale House as The Best Thing to Ever Happen on Adams (At Least Since We’ve Lived Here). There’s nothing nearby that rivals the unique interior they’ve put together, from the beautiful marble bar, to the detailed standing light fixtures, to the large vertically-folding windows. And you’re not going to find a better selection of amazing cocktails in the neighborhood either; new rum-based offering “Beach House” was another dangerously tasty offering. Having just watched Flight I’m concerned PP is going to turn me into Denzel Washington’s character. Elsewhere: El Take it Easy has been reincarnated as Hubcap; while it’s already open, the official Grand Opening is Thursday May 9th. Grass-fed burger and a pint of Saint Archer all month for $15… Eater says BBQ 81 is coming to the former original Pomegranate spot on El Cajon Boulevard… And more restaurants have been named for the Police Headquarters project downtown: Seasons 52 and Jimmy V’s. Another chapter was added to the epic Plaza de Panama saga last week with Mayor Filner’s new proposal to close Cabrillo Bridge on weekends and restrict weekday traffic to the southwest corner of the plaza. The plan, detailed here, would free up the majority of the plaza as a gathering place for pedestrians, complete with landscaping, movable chairs/tables, and access to the fountain there. The bridge closure is set for late next month; handicapped spaces will move to the Alcazar Garden lot and valet parking will retreat to the “secret” lot behind Casa de Balboa. Rather than rehash the details of a plan already discussed elsewhere, it’s worth noting the improbability of this scenario. Who would have thought that Irwin Jacobs’ plan for Plaza de Panama, which involved substantial sums of donated money, concrete, and chutzpah, would be rejected? Certainly not the city council that voted for it; the city attorney and council president that sought to re-write the city charter to nullify the plan’s loss in court; the Republican mayoral candidate funded by Democrat Jacobs after Democratic mayoral candidate Filner opposed it; the wealthy newspaper owner who repeatedly editorialized for it; the former mayor who helped hatch it; nor the park institutions who put their own financial interests over the citizens of San Diego who partly maintain the park with their tax dollars. With the Jacobs plan finally out of the way, Mayor Filner stepped in with a modified version of the Stepner-Blackson plan and 1989 Master Plan, one that emphasizes flexibility and testing. It’s an amazing contrast to the my-way-or-the-highway approach from Jacobs, who seemed oblivious to the damage his auto-focused plan inflicted on the park. Reaction to the mayor’s plan by the Balboa Park Committee and the audience in attendance last week was largely positive. One notable exception was committee member Michael Hager, head of the Natural History Museum and author of a particularly misleading Voice of San Diego op-ed supporting the Jacobs plan, which included this gem: Yet this exciting opportunity has been marred by the opposition of a small group of people who would derail any public improvement that doesn’t meet its narrow definition of purity.. In response, Mayor Filner suggested marketing the museums to pedestrians and cyclists in addition to drivers. Here’s one marketing idea: museum discounts for anyone who rides the park tram (new trams ordered for the Jacobs plan arrived this week). That could bring in visitors who weren’t otherwise aware of the variety of institutions in the park. Another complaint cites increased traffic and parking in Bankers Hill on weekends due to the bridge closure. As others have said, both Golden Gate and Central Park close on the weekends, so why should San Diego be any different? Do the rights of Bankers Hill residents to find easy street parking outweigh those of all the visitors to the Park? From VOSD: … Bankers Hill is located between the vibrant neighborhoods of downtown and uptown, next to the “nation’s largest urban cultural park”. Why would residents expect street parking to be plentiful? If you want the amenities of a large city, one sacrifice is often cheap parking. There are plenty of quiet suburbs in San Diego featuring vast free on-street parking; perhaps Mr. Hamilton would be happier there. Besides, there are parking options on the west side of the park. Re-stripe the western streets/lots in the park for more parking. Reduce 6th Avenue to one lane in each direction with angled parking. Place signage on the west side of the park with directions to Park Blvd lots and park access. Put QR codes on the signs so folks can import the directions to their smart phone mapping apps. Long-term, build a parking garage at Inspiration Point with tram service. Speaking of costly projects, it wouldn’t hurt to consider alternate sources of funding for the mayor’s plan. Remember, Todd Gloria rejected Filner’s prior request for funds to study this plan, and on this and other issues he’s favored his own political advancement via campaign contributions over his constituents. So, how about a fundraiser to do the landscaping right in the plaza (and across from the Museum of Man while we’re at it)? Sell engraved bricks/pavers in the plaza, or start a civic crowdfunding project. As someone who pouted over the city’s approval of the Jacobs plan for months I understand how emotions can run high over the city’s crown jewel. Let’s hope the mayor’s plan proceeds successfully while remaining flexible to suggestions and change. - Linkage: Good article! The objections raised to the mayor’s plan can reasonably be addressed with energetic planning, educating the public, signage, redirection and restriping. I remember the wailing and gnashing of teeth when closing of Third Street to automobiles was proposed in Santa Monica. A lot of the same arguments were presented. Today it is hard to find anyone who’d admit they ever opposed the idea. Here someday we’ll probably read one of the nay sayers take credit for the whole concept presented by the mayor! I watched the YouTube video of the Mayor’s presentation. Very exciting. And you are spot on with this observation: .” Doing Pavers with names on from donors–large and small–is a great idea. That may be a later phase. But important to do all we can to make Filner’s promise of removing the Parking in time for this Memorial Day weekend! May 1st, 2013 at 11:04 am Why does the website still promote the Jacobs Plan for Balboa Park?? This publically funded website should be giving updates information on the Filner Plan to remove parking from Plaza de Panama, including new circulation routes, locations for parking, and the hours of closure of Cabrillo Bridge. Write to them via the “contact” link at the Website and tell them to post the updates NOW. same reason Google still lists Jerry as Mayor…. they still cant believe they lost! Could be because mayor Bob is not great at the details of being mayor (yet). 1 million details every day that the strong mayor is in charge of. Being in congress is good for gaining name recognition, but not much of a training ground for being a CEO. He has never had to deal with that level of detail in his career and it is a daunting task for those who are skilled and experienced at it. It is one of the reasons “outsiders” often struggle when brought in to run a large organization. Mayor Bob and his team are still on a steep steep learning curve and it is early in his term. Hope for his sake, and the city’s, he can pick it up soon. 12:49 pm Mr. Younger: The website is not a city-owned site, but private. Owned by the commercial tenants and museums in the Park. Most of them supported the Jacobs Plan, in part so they could have MORE parking, more Valet Parking, and because Jacobs gave thousands in contributions [aka bribes] to foster support. The website carried an ad and link supporting the Jacobs Plan for almost 3 years, at great cost to Jacobs. This had nothing to do with any lack of attention to details by Filner, but by resistance and opposition from commercial tenants and Jacobs money. The tenants wanted to convert the Park to a shopping center. The public felt otherwise. Hi Mark, I see that it’s changed now. Turns out the mayors staff does have some influence with balboapark.org after all. This is the kind of thing that the mayors staff will get better and better at, but it’s not something that they have had to do before. Good intentions just not experienced at what it takes to handle the details. I’m a believer that they will get better, they almost always do. May 2nd, 2013 at 11:45 pm Thanks for all the comments everyone. I’m excited for this project and glad to see it’s now up on the balboapark.org site! If we do actually get Cabrillo Bridge closed on weekends, I’m hoping residents and visitors will both come to see what a great pedestrian extension of the plaza we could have. I especially liked a comment on VOSD:. April’s the month where outdoor events really get going again in San Diego. This past weekend featured Balboa Park Earth Day, Taste of Hillcrest and City Beat’s Festival of Beers in North Park. Next weekend brings Adams Ave Unplugged, Mission Federal’s Art Walk in Little Italy, and the Creek to Bay Cleanup throughout San Diego. It’s like the city waking up from a long, mild, winter hibernation. .. followed up by an extended nap through the pending May gray. Things are pretty lively indoors too, with a bunch of new establishment announcements. San Diego magazine reports Alex Thao (Celadon, Rama, and briefly, Chow) is opening Lucky Liu’s, a “classic Chinese” place just down the street from our miniature Chinatown on 4th downtown. It’ll be open until 3AM and serve Dim Sum on weekends; tentatively opening in July. Dim Sum in downtown San Diego? That’s something different. Eater brings the excellent news that Ballast Point is opening a tasting room and mini-brewery (5-barrel system) in northern Little Italy that will serve as a testing grounds for new recipes. With Bottlecraft just down the street that’s one more reason to hit up this part of NOLI. Speaking of breweries, Modern Times Beer met their Kickstarter goal of $40K to take their operation to another level with a killer tasting room, aged barrels for sour beers, and lab equipment for yeast development. Then they topped it off with a pledge to donate $2K to bikesd.org if they reach their next goal of $52K, which they’re closing in on. I know Jacob from MT is serious about making San Diego an even better place to live for when we choose not to drive, so it’s great to see ideas like this. That reminds me of the Transit San Diego folks, who are also more interested in improving our quality of life instead of our vehicle flow rates. While I was disappointed to see they’re opposed to SANDAG’s plan for long-distance Bus Rapid Transit, I do admire their reasoning – that BRT out to North County only promotes sprawl, and that we should focus on light rail in the city core instead. While I’d love to see North County empty out and downtown/uptown soar with higher densities (not a sentiment shared by everyone), it’s probably not going to happen anytime soon, so why not give these commuters a transit alternative? Regardless of what happens with BRT, back in uptown there’s a sense that things just keep getting better. Successful new businesses are opening left and right, and I’m seeing more cyclists and pedestrians on the roads and sidewalks every weekend. Positive developments like the Hillcrest shuttle and the CicloSDias walk/bike event in August are signs that many uptowners are looking beyond their cars to get them around the vibrant neighborhoods they live in. A few days back I saw this tweet about a proposed public transit-adjacent project in Highland Park, near Pasadena. The project would put 80 units onto existing parking lots next to the Gold Line: The project in question is the Highland Park Transit Village, and while it looks like an abomination of architecture, that’s a separate issue from the main reason for local opposition. Any kind of growth that results in increased density is forbidden; plus, “they’re going to take away our parking”. LA has been making huge advances recently in expanding public transit (see their 30/10 plan that performs 30 years of construction in 10 years, a plan completely contradictory to SANDAG’s vision for our region) and building smart-growth mixed-use residential/commercial projects along these lines. When you think about it, there isn’t much choice for LA – they’ve sprawled themselves into a traffic-choked nightmare, and where is the future growth going to go – the Mojave Desert? The only solution is to increase density wisely throughout the city, along existing and new transit lines. San Diego, sprawled from sea to mountains, from Camp Pendleton to Mexico, isn’t much different at this point. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who are unwilling to increase density in their neighborhoods to accommodate this type of smart growth. They got there first, they enjoy the convenience of their auto-based life with the best amenities of the city, and they’re not going to make it more inconvenient by allowing more people in their neighborhood – especially if it means sacrificing precious parking. But you can’t really say that at a town council meeting, can you? So instead, you begin coming up with absurd statements like the one above. Just to be clear, an “open space” is typically a park, a “green space”, or a natural environment free from development. It’s definitely not an asphalt-covered parking lot where all non-human life has been paved away. So how do you justify calling it an open space? By saying that a mixed use development will replace “open space” (air?) with a physical structure – you know, where people actually might live: @markvalli also posted a NIMBY flyer that decries the loss of parking, addition of traffic (even though it’s located next to a public transit line), and addition of crime. Comments on a Patch.com article say the project will turn into “public housing” eventually (i.e., more crime). I understand that some residents in a near-transit development are going to use autos, maybe even exclusively. But clearly some percentage of their trips will be on public transit, and each one of those is one less car on the road or in a parking lot. Shouldn’t we address the needs of younger and empty-nest folks looking for residences in communities with alternative modes of transport? Highland Park isn’t in San Diego, so why write about it here? Because the open space argument was used by a commenter on this blog a while back regarding a failed mixed-use project (also sporting some awful design) proposed for the Gala market and parking lot in South Park: Residents love the open space of the lot and usefulness of the parking, the convenience, and the grocery store. It’s a gathering place, an open space, a hub. The community will never allow packing in 60 units, up to the curb line. Well, we drove by that “gathering space” last Friday night at 9 PM and the only things gathered in that vast lot were a handful of cars, an attendant waving a wand for $5 parking, and a whole lot of unused, empty asphalt. Far from “hubs”, parking lots are the antithesis to a community’s walkability, and making cities walkable is arguably one of the strongest contributors to making them livable (check out this summary of Jeff Speck’s excellent Walkable City). And what’s wrong with having units up to the curb line? This presents a much more interesting walking landscape than a sea of asphalt and parked cars, for sure. I guess it’s all those balconies and windows ruining the “open space”. Opposition to smart growth is alive and well in San Diego. This Bankers Hill resident opposes removing just one of three north and southbound lanes in his neighborhood (with several north-south alternatives) for a bike lane because of all the traffic that increased density will bring. The resident wants to see no new development, and/or parking minimums increased. Yet increasing parking only promotes the use of more cars, when we should be focused on increasing transit options in the neighborhood – which, to be fair, the resident said is insufficient. The comment was in response to downzoning uptown neighborhoods (which was mostly rejected last week, except for Mission Hills) until we find funds to increase “infrastructure” to support increased density. Infrastructure can mean a lot of things, so I’ll dodge that one before this post goes on forever. If we can’t increase density in Bankers Hill, smack dab between downtown and Hillcrest, where do we put future growth? NIMBYs don’t have an answer for that question, and frankly don’t care. So it’s not going to be easy to move forward with smart growth, but I hope the desire of younger folks to reduce our dependence on autos eventually wins out. Unfortunately, I think we have to give up on ever convincing many older folks who have lived an auto-based lifestyle and can’t comprehend that more people in their community might not always mean more cars. - While we’re on the subject of parking lots, it was funny to see bayfront San Diego make the Streetsblog Parking Madness contest for worst parking lot expanse in a US city’s downtown, because many of the lots cited are currently being removed for the County Admin Waterfront Park or the North Embarcadero makeover. I biked by the former a few weeks back and took this picture of progress on Phase 1, where the 250-space underground parking garage is being built on the south side of the property: Looks like the underground parking on the will only be one floor – due to water table issues? Regardless, it was encouraging to be able to report progress on this one. Gab April 10th, 2013 at 5:07 pm While the Gala foods parking lot isn’t beloved by me, it is getting some use. The fish taco truck is hopping (with seating to boot), there’s a flower stand, and now Captain Kirk’s coffee, which seems to be a semi-permanent structure with seating. There was a cupcake truck parked there for a while. Oh, and a bustling recycling business! It is getting more use than just parking. April 10th, 2013 at 5:13 pm Good to hear that, thanks Gab. It would be neat if the sidewalk-facing part of the lot could be a row of food carts like in Portland (or food trucks), with seating next to/behind it? That would improve the pedestrian experience. April 13th, 2013 at 4:18 pm Excellent post Paul. NIMBY’s will use every scare tactic in the book … traffic, congestion, crime, homeless, parking, etc. Of course, studies prove that the fear mongering has no basis in fact or reality. Thanks for pointing this out. This post is from guest blogger David Lupica, who owns and writes for 365sandiego.com, and the fan page “365 things to do in San Diego” with 42,000 fans. Thanks David! Adams Avenue is the safer, trendier, El Cajon Boulevard. Or maybe El Cajon Boulevard is the maniacal, gonzo, acid-frenzy induced, insane Adams Avenue. Either way, they’re both quite an adventure. Every San Diegan needs to take a few days off per year to stop in and investigate the ins and outs of these “yellow brick roads,” each leading to their own interpretation of “Oz.” Take the red pill. See how far the rabbit hole goes. It’s not a question of which is better or worse, but what mood you’re in, and whether your boss will understand why you missed work on Monday, or why you’re quoting Hemingway in the stairwell on your lunch break. Adams will lead you from University Heights, along the canyon through a million cute little antique shops, into Kensington, and finally Normal Heights. Coffee shops, pubs, book stores adorn the street, and I must say, I ALWAYS have a great time, and meet super laid back, fun, conversational people along this path. If I could put Normal Heights on the beach, I’d build a fortress around it and defend her to the death. But I guess it wouldn’t be Normal Heights. It’s one of those towns you know you could live your whole life in and be totally satisfied, if you were ready to embrace satisfaction. For me personally, I’m only ready to visit for the weekend. Formerly known as the Roots Festival, “Adams Avenue Unplugged” is happening again on Saturday and Sunday, April 27th & 28th, 2013. This event is one of the hugest live music festivals in San Diego, and it’s free to the public. Most of the artists are acoustic based, and the genres range from jazz to bluegrass to blues and everything in between. Here’s a link to the line-up so far: Come see some local live music from over 180 different musicians and enjoy the tasty food from hundreds of local vendors, and meet some really cool people. There’s always a really cool poster for this event too. It’d make a great full body tattoo. Does anybody know the designer? Ok I’ll see you guys there. It’s basically the ENTIRE street so you can’t miss it. Adams Avenue Unplugged Adams Avenue between University Heights and Kensington Heights April 27th and 28th April 2nd, 2013 at 11:04 pm It actually goes through Normal Heights and ends at Kensington. You might actually spend some time there before you write about it. April 3rd, 2013 at 6:04 am Then you should have signed up to write the blog, Cory. But you didn’t….. 365 things to do in San Diego, CA April 3rd, 2013 at 10:05 pm Thanks Jocelyne! I did mix up a couple words, I hope no one’s offended. I’ll see u there! April 7th, 2013 at 9:49 am Cory, you’re welcome to guest-post anytime, as Jocelyne suggested. Having been guilty of it myself, I know that it’s easier to criticize others than it is to write something on your own. April 8th, 2013 at 9:04 am I’ll be there! Switch to our mobile site 3 Responses to north parker Mike Tristani May 4th, 2013 at 12:49 pm It might have been important to note that Pomegranate is still on El Cajon Boulevard. Eater does make that clear but this posting does not. Pomegranate is a great restaurant and I for one am glad that they are there! paul jamason May 4th, 2013 at 10:33 pm Fixed it, thanks Mike. Amy May 13th, 2013 at 12:36 pm Nice info. Thanks
Angela Garner, Lesley Ninnes and Jo Hamilton Jones present examples of recent work in a colourful and lively exhibition which opens on Sunday 31 July and runs until Saturday 6 August, 2011, at St Ives Arts Club, Wescotts Quay. Angela Garner, who moved to Cornwall in 1998 from Surrey, says. “My paintings are about depth and colour for the viewer to meditate upon. The viewer is invited to look into the layers of colour in my painting to the beyond to enable the mind to relax. I am currently studying for a Fine Art Degree at Camborne College and am also a member of St Ives Arts Club.” St Ives painter, Lesley Ninnes is a long time member of Art Space Gallery co-op. “Living here brings an awareness of the elements, the movement and moods of the sea and challenging weather conditions – wild and exciting nature up close – a never ending source of inspiration.” Her artworks have twice been selected for exhibition in the annual ‘21st Century Watercolour’ competition at Bankside Gallery, London. She has shown at Bristol Affordable Art Fair, Edinburgh Art Fair, The Northern Art Show and recently, at Bath Society of Arts Annual Open Exhibition. Lesley is a member of St Ives Society of Artists and St Ives Arts Club, and an associate member of Penwith Society of Arts. Jo Hamilton-Jones moved to Cornwall in 2004. She has recently graduated from Camborne College with a Foundation Degree in Fine Art Practice and has just accepted a place at Falmouth University on the BA Fine Art Degree course. Jo describes her current work as being concerned with ‘the visible and the invisible’. “I state what my artwork is, in the form of chemical compositions and pigments. I layer the words into the paintings leaving them hidden but still visible in certain light and from certain angles so that the viewer may find them if they wish. I also aim to please the viewer in an aesthetic manner by presenting colour that may be seen to be beautiful in its own right. I work intuitively, with materials that please me, such as oil paint, resin and acetate.” Open daily from 10.30 am – 5 pm, the show includes original paintings, sculpture, contemporary jewellery, prints and cards – and admission is free. It would be really great to be able to pop in - hope it goes well. And it would be great to see you Jill! Thanks for visiting. x I liked that blue swirl by Jo Hamilton, at first, but then it began to look like a sinister tunnel, and I didn't like it any more, and yet I did! Says more about me than the picture, I think!! Maybe Gilly, he he - thanks for commenting anyway though. Have a good week. Lesley x Amazing colours on all these three pieces of work.... wishing you all every success! Thanks Cathy - everything was looking good at the preview. x I can see you are still busy with your lovely sea paintings. The beach were you were surfing looked gorgeous. Hope you are enjoying summer. Always nice to find your comments, thank you. millyx Hi Milly - thank you. Lesley x "Blue Swirl" resembles a Star Trek wormhole, I like it though.
Touring that could replace Willie Mays. He was just one player in our generation that nobody could replace.” -Ken Henderson, as told to Mike Mandel for SF GIANTS An Oral History (1979) It’s safe to say Ken Henderson is having a different experience as a rookie in San Francisco this time around. Once the anointed successor to Mays, Henderson rejoined the Giants in March as a sales manager. It had been almost 40 years since he left San Francisco, departing in a 1972 trade to the Chicago White Sox. Now, the man who patrolled the same outfield as Mays and Bobby Bonds sells luxury box suites for AT&T Park, hawking tickets to many of the same clients he’s worked with in 30 years of sales and marketing since his playing career ended. He said it’s good to be back working for the Giants. “I feel a lot of emotion coming back to the organization that really gave me my first shot at professional baseball,†said Henderson, 64, who’s married with four children and five grandchildren. “Had it not been for the Giants, I’m not sure that I would have had the success that I had. Just as importantly, my two brothers played for the Giants organization, I had a son that played in the Giants organization, I had a father who scouted for the Giants organization for awhile. So, this may sound unusual, but I feel all this has given me an opportunity to give back to the organization what they gave to our family.†Signed out of high school in 1964, Henderson came up the following spring when Mays turned 34 and was thought to be slowing down, which led to the comparisons in the media between the two players. But Mays proceeded to hit 52 home runs in 1965 and win National League Most Valuable Player honors while Henderson spent most of the season as a backup. For the next three years, Henderson alternated between the Giants bench and Triple-A, while Mays continued to make All Star appearances, win Gold Glove awards and garner MVP votes. Henderson finally stuck with San Francisco in 1969 and was a Giant regular the next few years. He had perhaps his best season in 1970 when he hit 17 home runs, with 88 runs batted in and a .294 batting average. Henderson said he, Bonds and Mays might have comprised the best outfield in baseball with their ability to close gaps. “You weren’t going to hit a ball past us,†Henderson said. He said as much to Mandel, noting of his 1970 season in SF GIANTS, “That’s when Willie didn’t feel me as a threat anymore. I think that once he saw that they weren’t going to push him out of centerfield, that I was going to play left and Bonds was going to play right, I sensed that he really started to open up to everybody. And that’s when I felt that I made the most progress in learning from him.†Henderson reiterated to me that the Mays comparisons were unfair. But he also said Mays was the best player he ever saw and a great clubhouse presence. Neither man was long for San Francisco beyond their 1971 playoff team. The following spring, Mays was dealt to the New York Mets and six months later, the Giants packaged Henderson with Steve Stone in a trade for a two-time 15-game winner named Tom Bradley. The trade came not long after Henderson was named MLB Player of the Month for August 1972, when he hit .440. Men like Garry Maddox, Gary Matthews, and others got their futile shots at assuming Mays’ spot in the San Francisco outfield, while Henderson became a journeyman, playing for seven teams in all. He finished 19th in MVP voting in 1974, when he hit .292 with a career-high 20 home runs for the White Sox. But his last few seasons were like his first, mostly confined to various benches. He retired in 1980 at 33 with 1,168 hits, 122 home runs and a .257 lifetime batting average in 16 seasons. “I don’t lose much sleep over it but I think about it from time to time, you know, could I have played longer,†Henderson said. For some players, baseball is all they ever know. Not Henderson, who’s built a life away from the game, working many years in the private sector. He sold office furniture for a stretch and more recently was an executive for Staples. He wishes he’d kept closer ties with Bobby Bonds, who died of cancer in 2003. Henderson said he still carries a Bobby Bonds baseball card with him, and he has stories about a young Barry Bonds in the Giants clubhouse (“Barry never lacked for confidence,†Henderson told me.) But he drifted from Bobby Bonds after their playing days, even as Bonds lived just south of San Francisco in San Carlos, less than an hour from Henderson in Los Gatos. “I wish I’d spent more time and gotten to know him better before he died,†Henderson said. Henderson’s done a better job keeping up with former Giants like Vida Blue, Jim Davenport, and Mike McCormick. And on Thursday evening, he’ll be assisting Mays, serving as one of the hosts for the Giants immortal at a corporate event at AT&T Park. “I’m very much looking forward to it,†Henderson said. “I know that his eyesight is not that good anymore, so he’ll need some help, and I’m glad to be there for him. Very special night.†Graham Womack writes the blog, Baseball: Past and Present A great story! Back in the day, Kenny Henderson was my favorite White Sox player. I’m recalling a 1974 White Sox home game (vs. Detroit). It was the bottom of the 9th inning, and Kenny hit the game-winning home run! Kenny, Dick Allen and Bill Melton were the heavy hitters on that 1974 White Sox team. Sadly, the 1974 White Sox finished nine games out of first place in the AL West. Oakland won the AL West, and the World Series.
Firstly, let's get this straight. No party, my own included, has the right to criticize David Laws for expenses. Between Duck Houses, Moats and Bath Plugs and Porn all 3 of the major Westminster parties have put themselves to shame on expenses. Countless times. Before any of the smaller parties think they can muscle in on this - European Expenses haven't been much better, frankly. I'm looking at you, Nigel Farage. So let's get off our high horses of partisan bias for a second and have a look at what this actually is. David Laws, firstly, could actually have claimed a whole heap more legitimately if he'd declared his partnership. He didn't. He could also have claimed a whole heap more if he'd decided to live in a nice plush flat in central London. He didn't. To be honest, finding accommodation at the price he did is a bargain. Trust me - I live here. The next interesting thing in this case is that people seem to find it outrageous that his landlord was also his partner. I'm sorry, but so the fuck what!? Whether I love a guy or not, he's still got a business to run, and thus I should be paying my rent regardless. There's this ridiculous assumption that because they were gay they must have moved in together and loved it all up and settled down watching Graham Norton every night on the sofa. Er, welcome to 2010 - that is not how "the gays" live. It's perfectly acceptable for somebody to be living with a partner without having joint ownership or paying joint rent. Laws was paying for goods and services rendered. I.e. a place to live. This is perfectly fine under parliamentary rules. His relationship with the Landlord, frankly, should have nothing to do with it. So let's put this in simple terms for those of you who're still not understanding: David Laws rents a room and pays his landlord as he should. David Laws and his landlord have a warm tingly fuzzy feeling for each other, and so they make themselves an item. David Laws and his landlord do not buy a new house together, but they decide effectively to share the rent. So David pays his share to his landlord, who also pays his own share... to himself. Still following? Good. It's not a difficult concept. Laws' landlord now moves to a different place. Laws continues to pay his share, but now, seeing as he's the only one living there, he pays the whole amount (to his landlord, yes, that's right). Mr Laws probably realised at some point that there might be some questions raised at this perfectly legitimate arrangement and thus changed the arrangement in good faith so that he was no longer paying his landlord rent which he was perfectly entitled to do. The hype here is not the money as such. It's the fact that his landlord was his partner. Perhaps it's time for some people to catch up with the world. There's nothing wrong with that. They didn't have a shared bank account or any such arrangement, so it's not like Laws and his partner were living it up on parliamentary expenses. Anyone who's not done their research and is instead getting fuelled up on the anti-Laws hype, frankly needs gagging. So, as a relatively sane person, able to put aside my own party bias for the 30 seconds needed to assess the situation, I won't be calling for David Laws' head. Neither should you, frankly. What's more, I'd like to see somebody trying to justify the need to put a moat on expenses. Sadly, all of this media hype has caused David to come out in a way that I'd assume isn't terribly dignified. He clearly felt he was unable to be openly gay here, and that is something we should all be ashamed of. Should he be resigning? I think not. 2 comments: Well, I have been convinced out of my apathy. My take on this was from a slightly different angle (), but you also make a very good point about the restrictive definition of "partner" that institutions tend to use these days. Just because I'm sleeping with someone (or even I love someone) does not mean I have/wish to have joint finances with them. elmyra (Sorry, would authenticate but OpenID isn't playing ball.)
RE: need instructor in Northeast Alabama just bring a check or cash when you come to the field. any club officer will help you. i heard our website has finally been updated and has the list of current officers. check it out. btw, i have constructed a new shop at my house. give me a call when you can come by. i have airplanes all over the place in various stages of completion. Posted on: 5/15/2013 10:55 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners" RE: Engine mount you will want to clamp the mount in tight and use a drill press so the new holes will be straight and round. and the edge distance between the new and old holes should be at least twice the diameter of the hole. Posted on: 5/15/2013 9:44 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners" RE: Transmitter use I am shocked that no one has recommended the 8 ch Airtronics radio to you. It has all the features you are looking for and its only around 200 bucks. I have 6 models on my RDS8000. Look it up at Hobby People.com. Posted on: 7/21/2012 11:29 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners" RE: Disconect allerions on a trainer 40 ? Bad Idea. Posted on: 7/21/2012 11:20 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners" RE: Non-OS engines I have flown many Magnum engines. And I have yet to have a problem with any of them. Hobby people had a sale on the magnum 91 4 stroke. It was priced so low I bought one without even having a model to put it on. I just know someday I will. The 1 OS motor I owned seemed to never idle correctly. So 3-4 years of flying and I can recommend Magnum with no problem. Posted on: 7/21/2012 11:18 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners" RE: Power equivilant between Glow and Electric Our club prez told me a good rule of thumb is 150 watts per pound of plane. I have a Razor 3d and was looking for a less expensive alternate to the Rimfire 55 called out for by Tower. The Razor is 5.5 pds so we figure I need at least 800 to 1000 watts. It was so hard looking at the various online hobby shops and trying to figure compatability that I just went ahead and bought the Rimfire. Posted on: 7/10/2012 6:31 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Questions and Answers" RE: Transporting in a pickup I built a rack out of PVC and foam insulation. The wings are on the bottom and the fuselage on top. I carry a 60 size trainer, a 1/7th P-51, and a Tiger 60. I used velcro straps to hold down the fuse's. I sometimes go down the interstate so I do get up to 65 MPH. But usually I travel trough town and never get above 40mph. Either way, I have never had a problem with the velcrow. The rack is held down in my Silverado by bungees and it takes up most of the bed. Posted on: 6/26/2012 5:36 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Questions and Answers" RE: Tiger 60 Build Thread My Tiger is my main plane. I have 4 others but I am the best at flying the Tiger. Posted on: 6/26/2012 5:26 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: Monokote....Never Again [quote]ORIGINAL: ratshooter You know Mike all I did was post what I did to get a better covering job and you seemed to be offended by my extra effort to get a good covering job. If you don't like monokote then don't use it. I admit after a 10 year period away from the hobby I hadn't noticed it's not called "Super Monokote" anymore. This is the third plane I have built in the year and a half since I have been back. The first plane did have a small wrinkle problem. I figured it was my fault for being in a hurry to get a flying plane. The second plane turned out much better because I spent a little more time making sure it was dust free. On the third and last plane I made a real effort to make sure I had a clean, smooth airframe to cover. Plus I made sure that I wasn't relying on the shrinkage to correct for my not getting it semi tight to start with. Sorry if spending a little time to make sure you are covering a clean piece of wood is offensive to you. But that is what I will do in the future. I came here to post something positive for the OP in the hopes that he might read what I wrote and see if maybe part of his problem with MK might be his own doing. That was all. I think you may be on to something. I believe it is possible that I did not clean the area of dust well enough. That makes sense to me based on what I remember about the day I covered the Stinger. I think I will try a test piece sanded smooth and then cleaned off with compressed air instead of just a dust cloth. Thanks for the positive response and idea. Posted on: 4/19/2012 6:19 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: Monokote....Never Again [quote]ORIGINAL: Top_Gunn [quote]I don't doubt some rolls can be defective as any product can be. However I do think technique is the difference between excellent results and failure. [/quote] If you believe this then you have to believe that a lot of people once knew how to use Monokote and then forgot, and others remember on some planes but forget on others. I'm not a Monokote basher: I like it and use it sometimes. But there are real problems with many of their rolls. The complaints are real and legitimate, not whining from people who don't know what they are doing. I agree that the problem is quality control, but it's not just "as any product can be." For years, getting a bad roll of Monokote was rare, just as getting a bad roll of other films is rare today. Now, a lot of people are having problems. We ought to be able to discuss this without saying that people whose experiences don't match ours are incompetent. The fact that some people haven't had problems doesn't mean that the people who do are fools. [/quote] I couldnt agree more. Very well said. Posted on: 4/18/2012 1:00 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: Monokote....Never Again I cant remember the last time I saw so many sensitive people. I was under the assumption ( and yes I know what that means) that this was a forum for discussing our experianc, both good and bad, in differant areas of this hobby. The title to the thread seems to be pretty obvious about the content. So if you personally have read all you want to have read on the subject feel free to bypass the thread. Yes. I have read many comments about Monokote over the last few years. But I havent used it in many years myself and since it was the only brand available at my LHS I thought I would see for myself how it works. But I guess I was just being lazy when I used it or I would have been able to make it shrink more. I marvel at the skill of some builders and their ability to use a product I cannot. But the next time I think I have something to say I am not going to see if someonce had already said it before. Once again I am going to assume something. I assume that everyone who is visiting this site has not read everything that has ever been posted. In my mind if you have read something here so many times it irritrates you to see it again than mabe you spend far to much time on the internet. So once again, if the thread title is something you are not interested in, just dont read it. Posted on: 4/18/2012 12:56 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: Building Is Great !!!! I have a 98in wingspan Giles 202 that I have built the fuse and tail feathers on. It is going to have an 80cc gas engine so it is by far the most expensive kit I will have built. A model that size requires expensive radio gear as well. That being said, I just finshed a lanier Stinger 60. And by just finished I mean that I declared it airworthy just 2 days ago. The magnum 61 has had 2 tanks run throught it so I have not yet maidened the Stinger. Hopefully this Sunday the weather will cooperate. On the same evening that I essentially finished the Stinger I cleaned up my shop and then pulled down the Chaos 60 from the shelf and started on it. Got the plans taped to the wall, and built the vert and horz stab. I also have another kit in the box in line for when the Chaos will be finished. I have it bad. I am semi retired and only work at my wifes store about 2-3 days a week.. So I have plenty of time. And I spend a great deal of that time in my shop. So many of my club buddies can build but due to the constraints of daily life just dont have the time and as such there are alot of ARFS at our field. They all like to see what I will show up with next. Watching your new bird fly straight and level is a good feeling. I must agree that building your own adds a whole new dimension to the hobby and I think all fliers should try to build a kit at least once. I also agree that smaller is not easier. There are alot of kits out there designed for the new builder. I would also suggest the Balsa USA trainer. Check out their website. They have more than just bipes. And the Giles 202 will probably be finished later this year. Have a kit you wannae sell? PM me and lets talk!!! Posted on: 4/18/2012 12:11 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" Monokote....Never Again I used the Top Flight Monokote yesterday for the first time in many years. I have been either fiberglassing or using Ultracoat. I do not usually brand bash because I believe that a product might just be fine for someone other than me. So to each his own. But the Monokote I used (new from the hobby shop) was horrible. It had no stretch to it at all. And it just doesnt shrink anywhere near as much as Ultracoat will. I used it to cover the fuse and tail feathers on a Stinger 60. I just cannot believe how many wrinkles there are. It looks like a total beginner job. I am no expert at covering but jeez. I havent been this bad in a long time. Posted on: 4/12/2012 7:43 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: TIGER 60 Build / Start date 12-05-09 That is a beautiful covering job. What material did you use? I just used monokote for the first time in many years on a Stinger 60 yesterday. It is the last time I will ever use monokote. Posted on: 4/12/2012 7:38 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: Top Flite P-51 wing fillet help I built the same model and experianced the same degree of "what now". I cut several pieces of triangle stock and glued them to the fuse and plywood piece. Smaller pieces at the more rounded area up front. I filled in the gaps with balsa filler mixed with micro ballons. I was very happy with the results. Posted on: 3/15/2012 10:36 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" ZDZ 80 B2 I bought an old ZDZ 80 B2 at Perry this year. It came from an estate sale and the guys couldnt tell me anything about the motor. It has a 24X10 Stinger prop and turning it over by hand it seems to have solid compression. The muffler needs replacing. I just tried for the last 30 minutes to upload some pics of the carb, but no joy there. It is a Walbro. My club prez is a very experianced gasser, but he has no ZDZ experiance. I on the other hand have zero experiance with all gassers and this will be my first. This thing will be going on a 98 in wingspan Lanier Giles 202. I have read alot and I believe that this motor is plenty of power for my needs. Any info you guys could give us about this motor would be appreciated. It came with no manuals. I have a test stand and I am hoping to try ti fire it up in the next 2 -3 weeks. Posted on: 3/15/2012 10:26 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Gas Engines" Lanier Stinger 60 - 90 I bought a partially assembleb Lanier Stinger at a swap meet. The fuse and tail feathers are all assmbled and I have almost finished with the foam core wing. I was wondering if anyone out there has the instructions for putting together the plastic parts. The entire top portion from tail to nose is 3 or 4 pieces of plastic. This thing did not come with the instructions and it is not obvious from the plans how to attach the various pieces. It looks like the tail/turtle deck would be glued. Then there is the wing hatch. And forward of that there is the tank cover and then the cowl. The wing hatch has to be removable. But I wonder if the tank cover is also supposed to be removable. Any help would be greatlt appreciated. Posted on: 3/13/2012 8:05:58:57 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: Countdown to Perry! I made it to Perry!!! My first year ever. A couple of my club members got there a couple of hours before me and so I was walking around for a bit before we met up. I was blown away by how many sellers there were. And then I found out I was only in the first building! 3 large buildings of everything rc was so cool. I managed to only spend 600 bucks. But I actually got everything on my wish list. Including an 80 cc gasser. It is used and came from an estate sale so I do not know how well it works. But hey, it was only 250 bucks. I also got a float plane that is 180 at Tower and I paid 100 NIB. And another foamie BD5 for 30 bucks. AND an RDS 8000 for only 30 bucks. I feel like I made out very well. Next year I am going with at least 1000 to 1500. Posted on: 3/7/2012 6:24 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Events, Shows and Fun Fly's - Airplanes" RE: TIGER 60 Build / Start date 12-05-09 I just signed on tonight for the first time in months. I had another knee replaced. All is well now. I have been on a spending spree. I have 4 kits to build. And 3 foamie ARFs that I have not yet flown. Just waiting on the good weather now. Posted on: 3/6/2012 7:37 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" No Representation I went to the Perry Ga swap meet last weekend. It was my first time there. I was blown away at how many people were there and the vast array of RC product from both individuals and hobby stores. What I was very disappointed in was the total lack of Airtronics radio products there. Futaba amd others were everywhere. I am the only guy in my club who flies with Airtronics. It was pretty much impossible to get any of the guys to even consider Airtronics. There was 1 RDS8000 there and I bought it for a buddy box for my own RDS 8000. I paid 30 bucks. The guy who sold it to me had bought the 10 channel radio and didnt need the 8 ch any more. Good for me. I have heard that Airtronics is much bigger on the west coast. I just wish they were represented better out here. Posted on: 3/6/2012 7:33 PM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Airtronics Support Forum" RE: Retracts Dont forget the boat price. Posted on: 11/1/2011 9:22 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Questions and Answers" RE: Midwest Giles-202 I have been building a Lanier Giles 202 for a few months now. Very start and stop. Mine has a 92in wingspan. And I am considering a DLE111 for power. When I get back into the shop I will take some pics and post them just for fun. Posted on: 10/29/2011 11:42 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: Surface prep Is it the 1/4 or 1/7th scale TF? I painted my 1/7th and it came in at 10.5 lbs. I have a 1.20 4s on it and it has plenty of power. It is too hard to match film coating with paint so I painted the entire model. Posted on: 10/27/2011 6:38 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Kit Building" RE: 60 or 90 stinger Balsa USA Posted on: 10/8/2011 8:47 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Crash & Rebuild" RE: Former strength ! I concure. 1 hard landing later and the tail snaps off. Or worse yet, an in flight structural failure. Loose the entire model. Repair it to spec's Posted on: 10/8/2011 8:45 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Crash & Rebuild" RE: simulators? I think the 5 ch Airtronics is about 50 bucks cheaper than the 6. It will probably be a loooong time before you need that extra channel. I am talking years. Posted on: 10/8/2011 8:08 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners" RE: I guess I'm getting better Here is my problem. I have just in the last week got my confidence back. I have not had alot of oprtunity to actually fly this season for various reasons. Mostly wind. But now that I have no issues taking off, flying with loops rolls and even snap rolls, and landing, the season will be over soon. Here in North Alabama you just never know what winter will be like. The last 2 have been abnormally cold. So if it is 3 months or so between flights I lose my confidence all over again. And it doesnt help to hear guys at the club talking about knees shaking. You know, the real experts. Posted on: 10/8/2011 8:03 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners" RE: magnum 46 vs. OS 46 I had an OS 65LA and was not impressed. It was very hard to start. I ran it for 2 years and I could never get it right. I have since flown 4 magnums and they all start very easy and run and run and run. I do give everything I run a very good breakin on the bench before flight. Maybe thats the secret. Posted on: 10/8/2011 7:31 AM by Author "stevenmax50" in the forum "Beginners"
In the news: Originally published August 28, 2012 at 5:57 PM | Page modified August 28, 2012 at 6:42 PM Op-ed: Our political system rejects statesmanship and solutions Guest columnist James Windle writes that after running unsuccessfully for Congress, he believes the parties prefer partisan gridlock and the blame game. Special to The Times I just finished an unsuccessful first run for the 8th Congressional District seat as an independent in Washington state. Having spent the past decade working in the federal government in Washington, D.C., I believed I could be more effective in advocating solutions as a centrist independent than adding to the partisan gridlock as a moderate Democrat or Republican. After my experience, I have concluded that the era of statesmanship and solutions is over. Politics is about winning elections. The path of least resistance is to focus voters on partisan messages and fear. The people who are sick of this brand of politics stay home and do not vote. The political-party base gets charged up by the passion of the fight and, in the final weeks of a campaign, an effort is made to pull in independents likely to vote. If this is the formula for victory, why go through the trouble of searching for a statesman or stateswoman with experience, independent ideas and courage to work with others on solutions? It actually creates liabilities for a campaign. Evidence can be found in the current Congress. At first glance, 10 percent approval ratings of Congress would suggest that the parties and members would want to get work done. The Pelosi 111th Congress (2008-2010) offered solutions with an economic-stimulus package and health-care reform. Democrats lost the majority in the House. The better strategy is to go home with nothing done and play the blame game. That is what the current 112th Congress did. At the heart of the blame game is the belief that the opposing party wishes to destroy America. This sounds melodramatic, but when you have worked closely with both parties, as I have, it is what the faithful believe. The Republicans want anarchy and hate puppies; the Democrats would turn us into China and jail rich people. This simplification would be funny if the stakes were not so high with too many Americans struggling in the economy. A little over a decade ago, solutions could be found. The parties and public had sharply differing views complete with scandals and impeachment. Yet, the machinery of government continued to get work done. For example, the Democratic Clinton administration balanced the federal budget, building on a Republican president's tax increase in 1992 while working with a fiery Republican majority in the House of Representatives from 1994 to 2000. My, how politics has changed. The mass media and campaign finance are two factors explaining the shift in American politics and elections. Voters are inundated with an unprecedented volume of information in traditional and new media. The information anarchy leads voters to seek media outlets that collate and filter information. The media outlets become magnets for campaigns that know the profiles of voters they can reach. The campaigns launch messaging offensives to invoke fear. The increasing amount of money in elections provides the fuel for media offensives. The total expenditures on campaigns for Congress increased from $781 million in 1998 to $1.9 billion in 2010, according to the Committee for Economic Development. The Super PACs, resulting from the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, could add hundreds of millions of dollars to the total. The current presidential race has already spent more than the record-setting 2008 race. In the final analysis, parties and candidates do what is necessary to win within an election system that by most accounts is broken. The parties' desire to control Congress and the White House, the status of the media and campaign finance mean solutions are no longer necessary to win elections. This is the sad state of American politics. James Windle, a Snoqualmie Pass resident, has worked at the White House budget office, in the Committee on Appropriations of the U.S. House and at multiple federal<<
Weddings FAQ's. Whatever style of wedding celebration you choose, our friendly and capable staff will organise every detail so you can relax and enjoy your special day. Typical concerns people have about their wedding? One of the main concerns all wedding couples have is can they have the wedding day they want on the budget they have allocated. Most bride and grooms come along with a clear view on what they want, we always try and work with them to achieve this, but it can sometimes mean comprising in places to work within their budget. What kind of weddings can you organise? Within reason anything really!. We also have the facility to have a large marquee on the back of the Lakeside Suite. Smaller intimate gatherings for close family and friends can also be accommodated. We cater only for one wedding reception a day at the hotel, which means we give every bridal party a personalised and attentive service. A good venue should provide a service equal to that of a personal wedding planner. At Seckford Hall we pride ourselves on offering a complete service to our bride and grooms. Each reception is different and the seating arrangements, choice of food and music will vary according to a couple’s individual preference. We have had bbq’s and hog roasts in the past and even had a medieval wedding, where the groom arrived in a suit of armour! We have also had couples wanting to surprise their guests with their choice of menu. One particular couple that were great connoisseurs of food had sausage and mash followed by Angel Delight! That really took everyone by surprise! What are the most popular? We find because Seckford Hall is in such a romantic setting that the traditional type of wedding is still hugely popular. A traditional sit down meal with speeches and an evening reception. We cater for civil ceremonies too, which are also becoming more popular, bride and grooms like the idea of having the wedding all in one location. What are your main tips/advice, things that couples should definitely consider? We think it is really important to plan the day you want, not what somebody else wants! Bride and Grooms often feel pressure from family members; it is your day, and important to remember this. What questions should you ask? We will always go through the whole day with the bride and groom, however if you are planning anything unusual it is best to ask questions in advance not the week before the wedding. For example booking a ten-piece band and then finding out there is not enough space in the room! How long does it take to plan a wedding? We have anything from 3 months to two years! On the whole most people tend to book up a good year to 18 months in advance. This is advisable as we find the top photographers; florists and other suppliers tend to be booked up very much in advance too. Can you accommodate all size of wedding? We can accommodate up 120 in our Lakeside Suite, 140 with a marquee. We can also cater for smaller intimate weddings in our Lakeside Suite or in the main hotel restaurant. How much should couples be prepared to spend? We are always happy to work within the bride and grooms budget. The cost will ultimately depend on the type of wedding required. If the budget set aside is really not going to get you the wedding you want, we always recommend that the couple look at ways of making savings. For example, getting married mid-week or out of season can save quite a lot of money. Suppliers also tend to reduce their rates at these times, so it is still possible to achieve the day you had planned. Tell us about your background? Seckford Hall has been organising weddings for generations. Mr Bunn who owns the hotel has alone arranged weddings for over 40 years. What is really interesting is that we are now organising the wedding receptions of the children whose parents got married at our hotel too. Wedding Venues Suffolk - contact us now to discuss your wedding plans!
Now For Something Silly 1.10.2013 Time to break-up the crazy seriousness that's been going on in these parts lately. I feel like every post has been an expose on intense life happenings. Sorry about that. Today I thought I'd share a few silly facts about me that go against everything blog land (and Pinterest too). 1. I hate red velvet everything. As a kid I got sick after eating red velvet cake, and now every time I see it I want to gag. 2. I've never tried any kind of nail art ever, and probably never will. I hate painting my nails, but my toe nails are another story. 3. I didn't really wear make-up until I started blogging. I can admit being peer pressured into something. 4. I've never eaten a macaroon, and I'm not really tempted to try them now. 5. I don't like cupcakes. 6. I haven't been thrifting in two months, and it's killing me! 7. I'm not a fan of the mixed drink. I have found a total of two I like: "bourbon and ginger," and one we made up w/no name. I'd rather drink beer instead. 8. I'm a terrible gardener, and kill almost every plant I touch. 9. I think newborn babies are ugly. Of course all of these things are my personal opinions and tastes, and I think it's great if you like all of the above. As a matter of fact I think you're probably way cooler than I am. I'm just not cool you guys, it's a lifelong deficiency of mine. big kiss, bekuh - ► 2012 (367) the biggest reason why i like red velvet is for the cream cheese icing and i like cream cheese everythingggg haha I am with you on about half of these, but I love red velvet. Love, love, love it. Nail art is boring, I rarely wore lipstick until I started blogging, macaroons are dry, beer is my go-to drink, plants shrivel up at the mere sight of me, and babies don't even start getting cute until they are at least six months old. I hadn't tried a macaroon before I went to Paris and the ones we had there were kind of amazing! I wish I had a green thumb, but plants don't seem very fond of me. i'm definitely with ya on picking beer over mixed drinks. GOOD beer that is ;) xo the egg out west. This post cracked me up. Good job keeping it real! I'm right there with you on the mixed drinks thing. Beer all the way! xo i agree with all of these i swear. i hate red velvet, i seriously think its so gross. ew. i hate makeup, im good with mascara and a little powder, but i think its overrated. lol i've never eaten a macaroon either, i think they look gross... my husband and i got a succulent and it died within a week, we seriously killed a succulent. and i was just telling my husband how ugly newborns are. they all look the same i never quite got why people put up a million pictures of their babies that are fresh out of the womb. but really. K Haha, I'm a terrible gardener too. I have one plant that I've had for a few years and it's the only plant that's ever survived with me. I love painting my nails, but it's so frustrating that they chip so quickly, so I usually just do my toenails. haha - You think newborns are ugly... Definitely made me laugh, but it may get you in trouble one day. - Thanks for the quirky post. - tianna :) Hahaha! This made me laugh so much! 1--red velvet isn't all that good anyway. 3--my love of wearing makeup made me want to start blogging! 4--I've never eaten a macaroon, either, but I got my mom a macaroon cookbook for Christmas so maybe I will soon ;) 8--plants die voluntarily around me. They don't even try to live! Hahaha! 9--I sort of think so too, but I'm sure that'll change once I have one of my own :) Have a lovely day! SaraM Thanks for the laugh today Bekuh, needed it! :) I also kill all my plants! and as for newborn babies... don't they look a little like aliens? Most of them are great except the last.. That's just sad :( I totally agree babies get cuter when they chub out but every baby is cute when they are born. And macaroons are just nasty :( I call newborn babies slugs. I'm not a fan. And, I also hate nail polish of any kind and just can't be bothered to put it on my fingers or toes. Not for me. Now, despite our similarities, there is one thing I love on that list: red velvet cake. It's my FAVE! Ian even made one from scratch for my b-day last year. So good. Oh my gosh, this list is TOO GOOD!! I am the worst at painting my nails and can't even think about nail art (plus i think it looks weird.) And i'm not a huge fan of red velvet either! It's too rich. and i think it's weird to eat cake thats red. Doesn't work for me. Well, this really made me laugh! Simple and to-the-point! :) HAHA I can relate to most of these. You should do these more often, this made my morning :-) Sabrina babies are the worst! wait, no— red velvet is the worst! ahhh, it's a pretty tough decision to make but it's nice to see someone else on my team ;-) i also think newborns are ugly haha love this post! I have never seen the appeal of red velvet anything, the colour just looks so unnatural I can't bring myself to try it! Actually, I could relate to quite a lot of these, thanks for the laugh xo I can resonate with so many of these! I hate painting my nails, I'm not a fan of cupcakes and I don't like the look of newborn babies! Becky xx Oh gosh, I am right there with you girl! I kill every plant I touch, I don't know how! So sad, ha xo TJ I don't get why red velvet cake is so popular. If it's just because it is an appropriate vehicle for cream cheese frosting, I can get behind that- but otherwise, isn't it just regular cake, dyed red? Eww? lol this made me laugh because as much as i wish i liked painting my nails i dislike it very much and feel so much nicer with bare & clean fingernails! also what's with the obsession with macaroons? i don't get it!!! is there some magical substance inside of those little pastries... they look like tiny oreos to me haha! i've never tried them either and most likely never will! wish you a wonderful week :) I'm with you on everything 'cept the macaroons. I was also reticent to try them given how trendy they've become, but I tried one at a party over the holidys & they really are lovely. Go ahead & try-- no one will tell~* hah, love this cute little post. :] I'm so with you on 2/8/9 and I used to be on board with #4...until I had one in Paris. That sort of changes things. :] I've never had a macaroon either. I'm a little tempted but not enough to actually make them. This comment has been removed by the author. hahaha this list is great. as a huge baker i feel like its a terrible secret that i've yet to have a macaroon either! and my boyfriend agrees with your baby sentiment...he says "every baby looks just like every other baby ever" I have never eaten a macaroon and I don't do nail art either. We actually have a lot of those things in common! Who knew! Chao Poppie I totally understand almost everything on this list! I literally cannot wear nail varnish for longer than 24 hours - it feels like my nails can't breathe, haha! Haha! I agree with you on quite a few of these. I hate red velvet, don't do nail art, can't keep a single plant alive (I recently killed a succulent), etc. Have a great weekend! I had a similar bad experience with Chicken McNuggets when I was a kid... can't eat them ever since. I'm also not very creative with painting my nails. I never paint my fingers because I have a horrible habit of chipping it off, but my toes are almost always painted. haha, newborn babies are ugly! i'm completely with you on 7 & 9. Haha I haven't really ever had anything red velvet. There is something about it that kind of looks gross to me and I really have no desire to try. I'm pretty much with you on the nails. I like pretty nails but really don't enjoy painting my finernails that much. If I do, it is usually with a classic red or otherwise they are clear and plain. but my toenails are ALWAYS painted. It feels wrong if they are not. Anyway yay for random posts - they are some of my favorite kinds!
with CONSUMER STAPLES Like most "defensive" sectors, the Consumer Staples sector has significantly outperformed the S&P 500 over the past 5 years, with a total return of 43.2% (vs. a 10.3% total returm fot the S&P 500). > some of our top-rated Consumer Staples dividend stocks. Note that our composite rating ranges from 0 (lowest) to 99 (highest). All of the stocks on the list above have a current dividend yield of at least 2.2% and a 5-year beta under 0.50. Also, all of these stocks have significantly outperformed the S&P 500 over the past 5 years (on a total return basis). The tables below highlight some of the key data points that we analyze when ranking our dividend stocks. Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) currently has our coveted "99" overall Parsimony ranking, which is the highest ranking in our system. Wal-Mart is one of the best dividend growth stocks of all-time and it is a member of the S. In addition, the company still has a very modest payout ratio of 31.9%, so it has plenty of room to continue to increase its dividend in the future. Hormel Foods (HRL) carries our highest rating for Dividend Track Record (99) and it is also a fellow member of the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats. Hormel as a very modest payout ratio of 30.3%, so it has plenty of room to continue to increase its dividend in the future. General Mills (GIS) has the highest Risk/Reward Profile ranking (92) of the five stocks highlighted above. GIS has delivered shareholders a 65% total return over the past five years, and it has increased its dividend at a compound annual rate of 11.0% over that period. In addition, the stock has the lowest beta (0.17) of the group, with a very nice dividend yield north of 3.0%. Kimberly-Clark (KMB) is also a member of the of the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats (are you seeing a trend here???). KMB has the highest dividend yield (3.5%) of the five stocks mentioned and a very respectable 5- and 10-year dividend growth rate of 7.0% and 9.5%, respectively. The stock has also been on fire the past 12 months, with a total return of 24.5%. To say that Colgate-Palmolive (CL) is a stable long-term dividend pay 52% total return, and it has increased its dividend at a compound annual rate of 12.0% over that period. Conclusion Any DIY Dividend Portfolio should include several stocks from the Consumer Staples sector. Stocks in this sector tend to be stable dividend payors with low relative betas, which will help dampen overall portfolio volatility. In Part 2b of this series, we will highlight our specific "Buy Zones" for each of these stocks, so please make sure to "follow" us.
By Adam Lass Everyone whines about the Chinese "doing unto us," what with the artificially depressed yuan and all that.. But these days, we are doing unto the Chinese — and right nicely. Unfortunately, that pain may also flow both ways. And I'm not just talking about Washington's threats to slap on a billion or two in new tariffs. Let's start our rundown in that grand old port city, Hong Kong. We have all become quite accustomed to Chinese double-digit growth year in and year out. Indeed, the Chinese are so sanguine, they have structured their entire financial system around the care and feeding of such astonishing gains. In a recent Bloomberg economists' survey, the median estimate for September was for 6.5% growth. And not a one of the bean counters would guestimate a decline. Hong Kong Freak-Out So one can understand why they are freaking out when September sales to the United States and Mainland China fell 8.9% and 7.3% respectively. Shipments of electronics are off 16%, while outflow of T-shirts, undies, and the like fell 8%. The HK government has described the situation as "bleak." Asian apparatchiks are not famed for their free use of hyperbole. They prefer vanilla words like "moderate" or "restrained." The last time I heard "bleak" was when the Korean Chaebol were collapsing back in 1997; it was usually followed up by an abject apology to coworkers and family and a quick dive out an upper-story window. The folks at Morgan Stanley and Daiwa Capital Markets fret that Hong Kong has already tipped into recession in the third quarter, seeing as how it saw its GDP fall 0.5% in Q2. China Runs Out of Gas Let's follow this thread back across to the Chinese mainland... As mentioned above, the Chinese are literally banking their financial lives on permanent growth. According to the number crunchers at BlackRock Investment Institute, in 2002, a yuan of GDP growth required roughly 0.17 yuan in credit. A decade later, that figure has doubled. It now takes 0.3 yuan in loans to generate the same amount of biz. To give you a sense of these things, that's like discovering your daily commuter car's gas mileage has dropped from a fair 30 mpg highway to an awful 17 mpg. Certainly takes a chunk out of your bottom line, eh? BlackRock's Neeraj Seth puts it succinctly: "China has become a less profitable place to invest" when "growth requires an ever-increasing quantity of inputs." No wonder, then, that China's bottom line growth is shrinking... Screaming Bloody Murder This decrease in banking profits has all sorts of causes. On the one side is the immense increase the Chinese are paying for goods. The most recent reading for Chinese inflation is September's 6.1% per annum — down a whisker from August's 6.2%, but certainly terrifying nonetheless as, once again, we see Chinese industry getting less bang for buck (or rather, yuan). Beijing did make a show at slowing cost growth. A recent report out of the People’s Bank of China has aggregate financing — including bank lending, off-balance sheet loans, and bond and stock sales — dropping 11.4% to 9.8 trillion yuan ($1.5 trillion) in the first three quarters of 2011. Can you imagine how loud Wall Street would scream if it lost 12% of its borrowing power and 6% of its purchase power? Well, that's exactly what's happening in China... In the end, Premier Wen Jiabao was forced to loosen lending curbs. And China's banking regulator announced this week it will allow a higher bad-loan ratio for small companies threatened by the lending slowdown. Diseased Loans Finally, let's take a closer look at those bad loans. Fitch Ratings estimates as much as 30% of China’s banking system loans — some $2.46 trillion all told — could go all "nonperforming" on them. This brewing collapse harkens us back to the breakdown of the Keiretsu and Chaebol back in the 1990s. While the West's attention was focused primarily on the well-established corrupt cronyism in Japan and South Korea, Beijing was quietly bailing out its four biggest banks to the tune of more than $650 billion. I'm not the only analyst around who can smell the coffee. International investors have been quietly sliding out the back door on Chinese banks for over a year now. As of early October, the MSCI China Financials Index had lost more than half of its value! The New Asian Contagion Why, when we have so many troubles here in the West, do we give a rat's behind about our chief competitor's banking breakdown? Over the past four years, China has created 40% of the planet's GDP growth. Four of the world's biggest banks by market capitalization are Chinese, and the country holds 31% of all foreign reserves. To paraphrase JFK from way back in the dawn of the global age, when Beijing eats that big bullet, we will be Beijingers. The Play It's not all doom and gloom, mind you. While the investor in me is terrified that China's slo-mo banking crisis will plow directly into an already-weakened Wall Street, the option trading half of my brain sees this as an opportunity to rake in put contract gains. The Asian collapse of 1998 cost the Dow some 21% of its value in a matter months
By Michael Rawson, CFA Dividend-themed exchange-traded funds have been a popular choice among investors over the past year. The 42 dividend-themed ETFs that we follow raked in $16 billion in flows, nearly a third of every dollar going into equity ETFs, despite the fact that they make up just 5% by count of the 812 equity ETFs available. With the dividend yield on the S&P 500 Index at 2.1%, well above the 1.7% yield on the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index, who could blame investors for looking to equities? But be cautious when hunting for yield, particularly when moving up the risk ladder from bonds to stocks. Over the past five years, the average dividend ETF has had a volatility of 23%, more than 6 times greater than the 3.6% volatility of the Barclays Aggregate over that same time period. The highest-yielding stocks are more volatile than stocks in general, so dividend ETF investors should consider the stock-selection process employed by the fund. One ETF that gets it right is Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD), one of the most successful ETF launches of the past year. While we like the approach of this fund, the valuations in some defensive sectors have become stretched. In addition, investors often pile into popular funds at the wrong time, as my colleague Adam Zoll outlines here. Suitability Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF is a suitable core holding for investors that want a focus on dividend-paying stocks and are comfortable with the large-value tilt this fund provides. This ETF holds 100 stocks that meet various criteria, including 10 years of consistently paying a dividend and a high composite score on a four-factor model of financial strength. Perhaps most important, it follows an adjusted market- cap-weighting approach, which results in a tilt toward large-value companies. Because of this tilt, investors should be aware of how this portfolio might overlap with existing portfolio holdings. The rationale for investing in dividend-paying stocks is strong, as dividend-paying stocks have outperformed nonpayers over the long haul. There are many reasons for this. Glamorous stocks with high expected growth rates rarely pay dividends, so the excess returns to dividend-paying stocks might be explained by the value premium. Paradoxically, academics have found that firms with high dividend payouts actually experience faster earnings growth. Additionally, dividends can be a check on corporate governance. If firms do not have investment opportunities that will earn a rate of return above the cost of capital, they should refund capital to shareholders. Particularly in the current low-growth market, it might be better to return capital to shareholders than to invest it in risky ventures with low return prospects. Fundamental View In this environment where economic growth has slowed and there are fears that growth may slow further in Europe and China, investors are paying a premium for quality stocks. Defensive sectors such as consumer staples, health care, and utilities all sell at a premium price/earnings valuation multiple compared with the overall market and a premium to their trailing five-year average. Meanwhile, more economically sensitive sectors such as energy, industrials, and materials sell at discounts to their five-year average P/E multiple. The explanation for the valuation disparity is that if the economy slows sharply, the earnings of these economically sensitive sectors will get hit harder. It's important to remember that defensive sectors will not be immune, but the dividend yield on this fund should help cushion the blow. Morningstar equity analysts cover 99% of the assets in this portfolio and 84 of the 100 holdings. They assign discounted cash flow based fair value estimates on each stock, which can then be aggregated to the fund level. They see the portfolio trading at a price/fair value of 0.93, compared to a more attractive 0.88 for the S&P 500. As for quality, 64% of the assets in the portfolio are rated as having a wide economic moat, Morningstar's measure of sustainable competitive economic advantage and a good proxy for quality. That compares favorably to the 44% in the S&P 500. Since this ETF does not yet have a full year of trading history, the Morningstar.com quote page does not display a 12-month yield (which is always calculated net of the expense ratio). However, we can get some idea of the yield on its portfolio by looking under the Portfolio tab, which shows that the stocks in SCHD have a dividend yield of 3.31%. This is above the 2.28% yield on the stocks in Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG) but below the 4.07% yield for iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend Index (DVY). Portfolio Construction The fund tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Dividend 100 Index, a new index from Dow Jones that starts with the top 2,500 U.S. stocks after excluding REITS, master limited partnerships, preferred stocks, and convertibles. Only stocks that have paid a dividend for 10 consecutive years, have a market cap above $500 million, and have $2 million in average daily volume are considered. These stocks are then sorted by yield, and the bottom half is removed. From there, four factors of financial strength (cash flow/total debt, return on equity, dividend yield, and five-year dividend growth rate) are equal-weighted, and the top 100 stocks are included in the index but then weighted by an adjusted market-cap method. As such, this fund is dominated by large-cap behemoths like Wal-Mart (WMT), Exxon Mobil (XOM), and Procter and Gamble (PG). An adjustment is made to ensure that no stock is more than 4.5% of the fund and that no sector (as defined by Dow Jones) is more than 25% at the annual reconstitution and quarterly rebalance. While weighting by market cap can lower the yield relative to other dividend weighting strategies, it also lowers the volatility. This fund has an average market cap of $62 billion, greater than the $55 billion of the S&P 500. Relative to large-value funds, this ETF has higher weightings in consumer defensive (30%), industrials (17%), and consumer cyclical (8%) and relatively lower weightings in financials (3%), utilities (3%), and telecom (1%). Note that this index is different from the Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index, which is tracked by iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend Index (DVY). That index weights stocks by dividend per share, which has resulted in some odd weightings, more of a mid-value tilt, and an untimely overweight in financials just before the crisis in 2008. While we prefer this new index followed by SCHD to the one followed by DVY, it is yet to be seen whether it will stand the test of time. Fees The fund charges a very low 0.17% expense ratio, which was the lowest among dividend-oriented ETFs until Vanguard recently lowered its fees on VIG and Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index ETF (VYM) to just 0.13%. However, as a new fund, SCHD is likely to have higher market impact cost, which eats into the return when trading frequently. While it does trade a respectable 166,000 shares a day on average, it is still advised to use limit orders, particularly for large trades or in volatile markets. Investors on the Schwab platform can trade this and other Schwab ETFs commission-free. Alternatives Many of the top holdings of this fund are also held in one of our favorite dividend- themed funds, the aforementioned VIG. VIG is really more of a quality fund than a dividend fund, as it has a high percentage of wide-moat firms and a dividend yield barely equal to the yield on the S&P 500. VYM offers a higher yield than VIG and has more of a value tilt compared with VIG's slight growth tilt. Both funds charge 0.13%. SPDR S&P Dividend (SDY) charges 0.35% and seeks out firms with a 25-year track record of increasing dividends and weightings by yield, resulting in a narrow list of 60 companies with a mid-value tilt. WisdomTree LargeCap Dividend (DLN) charges 0.28% and weights stocks by total dividends paid. This results in a large-value tilt because the larger companies are able to pay the largest dollar amount of dividends..
In September, most of the world’s major central banks doubled down on their bets. Since the spring, the spread between the Barclays High Yield Index and the 10-Year Treasury note has narrowed from 608 basis points at the end of May to 475 basis points today: (click image to enlarge). In one sense, tighter spreads are justified. U.S. corporate balance sheets look pristine, with S&P 500 companies sitting on more than $2 trillion in cash. That’s equivalent to more than 7% of their market cap, the highest ratio since the early 1960s. As a result, default rates are only around 2%, which is half of their long-term average. Yet investors still need to be cautious. Spreads at this level appear rich not only relative to their historical average, but also particularly in the context of our current sub-par growth. High yield is the most economically sensitive of all the fixed-income segments. With economic growth stuck in the 2% vicinity, spreads would typically be closer to 600 basis points over Treasuries, as opposed to the current level of under 500 basis points. And this all assumes the U.S. is able to avoid the fiscal cliff and a recession 2013. While investors are starting to factor the fiscal cliff into their equity decisions, it is not clear that they are doing the same for the fixed income portion of their portfolios. If a trip over the fiscal cliff puts the United States back into a recession, then high yield would likely disproportionately suffer compared with other fixed income asset classes. This is not to say that further spread tightening is impossible. Improving conditions in Europe, a favorable resolution to the U.S. fiscal cliff (along with a willingness to address longer-term structural budget issues), and a steadily improving economy could all help to lower risk premiums, bolster corporate credit profiles and allow for further spread tightening. In fact, spreads have been considerably tighter in both the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s. But those environments were characterized by much faster growth and less systemic risk. The problem today is that it seems unlikely we will return to those conditions anytime soon. Longer term, I still like high yield as an efficient way to generate potential yield with a reasonable amount of volatility. In addition, for more aggressive yield-focused investors – which we’ll define as those with a target yield of 4% to 5% – there are simply few alternatives. For the rest, and particularly for more tactically minded investors, this is probably an opportune time to reexamine your high yield exposure.
Full index of posts » Posts. View Midnight Trader's Instablogs on: On Deck: GE’s Friday Surprise General Electric (GE) is due to report its Q1 results in the pre-market on Friday, April 17. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expect the company to report a profit of $0.21 per share on revenue of $39 billion. While most of Wall Street has shied away from GE, and for good reason, the time has come for a rebound on the heels of an in-line or upside earnings surprise. From a fundamental point of view, the company maintains a healthy cash position and increasing revenues from the energy infrastructure and technology infrastructure segments. In addition, the company has signed new contracts and expanded a manufacturing facility in China, improving margins on related products and expanding its foothold in a country likely to become an ever greater economic engine. The GE Capital credit concerns have been overblown and investors have been stepping back into the stock, pushing it up from staggering lows in the 6’s recent to over $11. There is still time and room to run. With a health dividend yield of greater than 10% and the sector’s lowest P/E, most investors would be wise to get paid while waiting for the stock price to rise. From a historical price reaction perspective, when it comes to pre-market earnings events GE tends to see follow through gains or losses from the pre-market to the regular session close. In other words, the stock tends to follow-through with the trend that develops ahead of the open. While we anticipate a positive reaction to any in-line or above estimates results, extended-hours traders tend to be right on with GE. As history shows and from a risk/reward standpoint, its best to just go with the trend. On Jan. 23, 2009, shares fell 6.1% in the pre-market session after the company reported earnings in line but missed with revenue. The loss fattened to 10.7% in regular trading later that day. On Oct. 10, 2008, GE rose 0.5% in pre-market trade after posting Q3 results in line with Street estimates. The stock recorded a sharp rise in the regular session, soaring to a 13.1% gain in the Oct. 10 regular session. On July 11, 2008, GE declined 0.5% in pre-market trade after meeting earnings expectations, beating on revenue, and backing its fiscal year view. The stock turned positive in the following regular session, eking just higher, up 0.07% by the closing bell. On April 11, 2008, GE tumbled 11.5% in pre-market trade after missing Q1 expectations and setting its guidance below Street estimates. It added to its downside in the following regular session, losing 12.8% by the closing bell. On Jan. 18, 2008, GE advanced 2.3% in pre-market trade after meeting Q4 expectations and maintaining its 2008 guidance largely in line with the Street view. The stock added to its upside in the following regular session, gaining 3.3% by the closing bell. Disclosure: no position
HOUSE PROUD; Decorating With an Ear For Eames and R&B By PENELOPE GREEN Published: December 22, 2005. ''I thought that if I surrounded myself in everything from that vintage and wore everything from that vintage,'' she said, ''I would transmogrify in some way. Obviously I was at some sort of psychological stage.'' In any case, she had found Ms. Gottwald while looking for the rug, she said, ''that would change my life.'' It was a 1940's powder blue Karastan, advertised in the classifieds of The New York Times by a man named Paul Fuhrman, who specialized in buying and reselling the contents of restaurants and hotels. At home with her new rug and old chairs, ''I was really lost,'' Ms. Budoff said. She appealed to Mr. Fuhrman, who suggested she meet Ms. Gottwald, a snappy designer with a rich sense of humor. Ms. Gottwald and Mr. Fuhrman had met when Ms. Gottwald was redoing the interiors of the Cavalier Hotel in Miami Beach; she later hired him to restore some of the Algonquin's furniture when she redesigned that hotel's interiors in 1990. (Note to Mr. Fuhrman: send up a flare. Both Ms. Gottwald and Ms. Budoff are pining for you. ''He just vanished,'' Ms. Gottwald said.) Anyway, Ms. Gottwald continued, ''I think Paul thought that if anyone could make the Chippendale things work with that rug it would be me. I do remember saying that if there was a lot of space between them they could be in dialogue.'' Or at least d?nte. Ms. Gottwald would arrive at Ms. Budoff's apartment, and they would push the furniture away and sit on the rug. Ms. Budoff would serve cocktails and maybe some gospel, and Ms. Gottwald served little tutorials on midcentury modern furniture, or contemporary fabric, or Murano glass. Theirs was a happy collaboration. Ms. Gottwald, who once followed Ornette Coleman around Manhattan for an entire afternoon just for fun, delighted in Ms. Budoff's music and tried to design with all the equipment in mind. Ms. Budoff, a member of three audio clubs -- each an orgy of cable and component swapping -- is very, very serious about sound. She described 11 years spent with a pair of delicate Quad 63 electrostatic speakers with tenderness. ''That's a speaker that broke my heart,'' she said. Tired of fixing them each year, she has run through a series of replacements. These days, a pair of Aerial 10T's, hulking, blond maple obelisks, are planted at the top of the down stroke in her T-shape apartment, which is where the living room is. Stewart House's low-ceilinged apartments with their dead-end alcoves flatten sound, particularly the bass end. ''One of our disappointments is we were not able to make the room perfect acoustically,'' Ms. Gottwald said. Placed as they are, the Aerials produce the best sound possible, but only if you're sitting in the living room. ''The sweet seat,'' Ms. Gottwald explained, ''is in the center of the mohair plush sofa by that famous 40's designer, Anonymous.'' (That's another Paul Fuhrman pick.) They took it slowly -- buying pieces over the years as Ms. Budoff's budget allowed. Most of the Chippendale left to make room for an Edward Wormley couch and credenza, an Eames chair and a shiny black lacquer cabinet. The rest was slid into the bedroom with Moby. ''That's where we put Margery's old life,'' Ms. Gottwald said. A few years ago, Ms. Gottwald took Ms. Budoff to visit an elderly aunt in Ocean Grove, N.J., and to visit the flea market there. Ms. Budoff met her first vintage vacuum coffee pot, a 10-cup, double-handled Silex Delray, bulbous and alluring, which she bought for about $25. ''I walked towards it as if in a trance,'' she said. ''I didn't know what it was, but I was determined to get to the bottom of it.''
A few months ago the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine launched a website bringing consumer health information together with easy access to their related research. The NCCAM is a branch of the federal National Institute of Health that was created in 1998 to further scientific research of medical modalities and substances currently outside conventional mainstream medicine, such as acupuncture, nutritional supplements, and therapeutic touch. Their goal is to use that research to help clearly define where these modalities may integrate, or not, into more mainstream medical practice. I applaud the website for being easy to use and for bringing so much consumer and practitioner information together. Finding current and past research is a snap and I appreciate their focus on informing consumers. The inclusion of a link to the Cochrane Review website is extremely helpful for finding quick, down and dirty, clear information on specific conditions and modalities based on reviews of published findings. However, I was dismayed by what I found while searching through the acupuncture research. The first main problem was that hundreds of research projects that were funded by the NCCAM lacked published results, many of those studies being completed well over 5 years ago. Without being able to see the results of so many studies how can the public know basic, vital information related to NCCAM research? Why were the studies completed but never published? The second glaring problem is that many of the published studies were terribly designed, suffering from minimal to no blinding or controls, a serious lack of clear and reproducible materials and methods, and weak statistical analysis. The results from such studies are at best unusable and at worst harm the status and viability of acupuncture as an integrative medical modality. Poor science is worse than no science, and after over a decade of NCCAM funded research we are left with mountains of poor science. While looking over the Cochrane reviews, the large majority lamented that the evidence from available studies was inconclusive due to poor study quality and that more research needs to be done. Only a few conditions could reasonably be stated as responsive or unresponsive to acupuncture. A quick search on PubMed reveals that only recently have researchers been really pushing for better quality acupuncture studies. It seems incredible to me that the NCCAM would fund the poor quality studies they have for so long, and leads me to question how bad the ones that never got published were by comparison. I am left shaking my head in wonder at the apparent lack of concern for the the quality of research funded over the past 12 years, what a sad waste of resources and time. The serious implications of this problem include the growing movement to de-fund the NCCAM all together and to push complementary medicine out of use and back into the fringes of quackery where they think it belongs. With more than a decade of terrible research to back them up, who can blame them at this point? My next step is to investigate the funding approval process in the hope of finding out where the system has broken down and how it can be improved. With so many people invested in good science and the promise of complementary modalities such as acupuncture, there must be a way to reverse the trend and start producing some high quality scientific studies. Whatever the outcome, whether acupuncture is found to be useful or not, we need solid scientific evidence to help guide us.
Dear Reader: One of my favorite bloggers–Shane at GroundtoGround.org–recently wrote about a “new” protein option: mealworms. Yes, mealworms. Of course, eating insects isn’t really a new concept at all. It is very, very ancient. And this leads me to a topic that I’ve been contemplating the past couple of weeks, human diet. What is the optimal sustainable diet for human beings? Can diet cure disease, especially those pesky autoimmune diseases that seem to be arrowing through our populations with debilitating, even tragic, effect? Will a diet that includes plenty of animal product ultimately destroy the planet? Or, looking at this from another angle, will a diet that restricts meat in favor of water-and nutrient-sucking monocrops like grains destroy the planet? Is it wrong to eat something with a face? And how does all this relate to the goal of living locally? Obviously, I can’t answer all these questions in a single blog post. Heck, I probably couldn’t even scratch the surface in a single book. Here is what I’ve been reading and watching and thinking and doing this January: 1. Started out by watching the film FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD at the local library. This is basically the story of a man who was overweight and suffering from an autoimmune skin disorder who healed himself on a juicing fast. Theory: concentrated nutrients in the juice plus cleansing allows the body to heal itself. 2. Watched the film FORKS OVER KNIVES which explores the idea that diseases can be eliminated or controlled by rejecting processed foods and animal products. 3. Watched the film FOOD MATTERS which attempts to show that our highly-processed, chemicalized diets are causing health problems and gives solutions for healing. These three films pretty much advocated for a diet VERY strong in minimally-processed, plant-based foods. Diabetes, heart-disease, hypertension, cancer, inflammation, etc. were all cited as consequences of our unnatural diet. I have a pesky asthma problem that I’ve been trying to heal for years now. I was excited to watch these films, and thought…well, maybe. I knew I wouldn’t go to straight juicing, at least if I could help it. For one thing, I didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a good juicer. For another, it just seemed a tad drastic. So I decided to give the vegan way of eating a try. No. I have to go back even further. A few years ago, I tried a macrobiotic diet which is almost vegan. It does recommend fish and shellfish products in moderation. While I liked the weight-loss that occurred and the energy I felt, my asthma did not seem to respond at all after seven months and my skin took on a rather sickly pale, yellowish tone. Soon I added meats back in my diet while continuing to eat a lot of veggies and fruits. I also began the process of trying to eat from local sources, including eggs, milk, and meat. Cut to the present. So, vegan eating would be a challenge for me on a philosophical level. Rice isn’t grown in New England, right? But I went ahead and started cooking some of my old macro foods and tried some new vegan recipes. They were delicious, but no matter how much I ate, I couldn’t feel satisfied. This was different from the macro…because I was getting no seafood? Really? And as I continued to cook some local meats for my family, I noticed how those foods began to smell better and better to me as time went on. Then, almost two weeks after giving up animal foods, I came down with a rip-roaring virus. I ached from the deepest part of my bones all the way out to my skin. As soon as I had some appetite back, what did I consume? Homemade chicken soup and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream! I either craved those animal foods because there was something nutritionally necessary in them or else I was still detoxing and craving what was bad for me. Which was it? As my grandfather used to say, damned if I know! I thought I’d continue with the vegan diet for awhile, treating my body like my own little pet test rat. I sat down to watch an episode Peak Moment Television (check it out…very cool!) while eating a vegan lunch of mushroom/garlic/onion fried rice on a bed of arugula, and pow! A title caught my eye: The Vegetarian Myth. Wait a minute, I thought. Myth? 4. Scarfing down my rice and greens, I watched while the host of Peak Moment Television interviews Lierre Keith on her book, The Vegetarian Myth. Then I downloaded the book to my Kindle and have been reading it as voraciously as I had eaten that pint of Chunky Monkey ice-cream a few days before. Talk about blowing the vegan theories out of the water! It wasn’t exactly all new to me, either, as I had read about Weston Price and his studies on traditional societies and their diets years ago. The skinny on the myth? Humans need meat. Oh, and civilization and agriculture are going to ruin the environment. Hmmmm. 5. Because I just can’t leave well-enough along, I had to google “vegetarian myth debunked” and discovered a plethora of counter-arguments. Try it! Oh, the fun we could have arguing about diet, nutrition, sustainability, civilization, animal rights, and justice. ***************** long pause************* What did I eat today? Steel-cut oats cooked in a slow-cooker with chopped dried apricots and dates and a banana. Coffee with soy milk. Baby spinach, leftover rice, and macrobiotic nashime veggies: onions, squash, carrots & kombu (a seaweed) cooked slowly on the stovetop with a couple inches of water (really, really delicious, I kid you not). Oh, and a natural ground turkey burger that tasted heavenly. Between all the information about fat-soluable vitamins only found in animal foods to endothelial cells that heal only in the absence of animal foods I am a mixed-up, don’t-know-which-way-to-look-for-my-food human being. And then there is Shane with his mealworms. Sigh. A quick poll of my social media friends yields practical advice. Eat in moderation. Every body is different. Do what works for you. We are designed to be omnivores. Put bacon on everything (Good one, Scott C!) Finally, I have to also think about my localista endeavors. The most local diet I can get in Maine is going to have to include animal foods, plain and simple. My local area is rocky and hilly…suitable for grazing animals but not necessarily for raising a lot of rye and wheat. Definitely no brown rice. I also have come to understand (or believe) that a sustainable agriculture necessarily includes animals in order to create a closed-loop system. In other words, we need something to eat the grass we can’t digest, to turn that grass into food we can digest, and to provide nutrients in the form of manure back to the earth. On this point, I have to agree with Keith rather than the vegan-diet proponents. Perhaps–in order to heal a chronic condition or to detox from a western-style diet high in processed foods and chemicals and too much meat and cheese from nasty feedlots and meat-processing facilities, antibiotic-pumped cows and debeaked chickens and pigs laying in their own filth–a juice fast and vegan approach is a way to reboot. Then, when health is restored, eat foods from local, sustainable, organic farms similar to Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm. Nix the processed stuff. Go extremely easy on the sugar. Eat lots of vegetables and local fruits. Meats and fats in moderation. Like Michael Pollan concludes in his book In Defense of Food, perhaps the best prescription for a fairly healthy individual is “Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants.” Perhaps. What do you think? Well, Shelley, this is a hot topic these days, and you have certainly researched it! If you’re still in the research phase, or open to a suggestion, I would recommend one more book. just because it addresses so many issues you mention: The Plan. by Lyn-Genet Recitas. The book only came out this month, but “the plan” itself has been around for a few years. I read a wonderful review of it a couple years ago, followed the links, looked into a consultation (fees started at $300.00), read everything I could find on it, and waited for the book to come out. I’m only part way through it, but feel like it’s a life-changer. She goes by the theory – and years of research – that every body is different, that low level inflammation causes most all of our health issues, from asthma to arthritis to cancer, and that the wrong foods feed and maintain that inflammation in our bodies. Dr. Oz did a feature on it a couple weeks ago, thought it made a lot of sense, and is having some people follow it, to see what results they get, so you could check it out that way, too. I’m going to read the entire book before I start the program, but I’ll let you know how it goes. Good luck to you! I’ll check it out, Cindy. I’m convinced it is inflammation causing my asthma, but figuring out what is causing it? Whole ‘nother story. Plus it’s been since childhood, plus it runs in my family. So….will look at your suggested reading for sure. Thanks:) I’ll be anxious to hear what you think. If something strikes a chord with me – and this did – I tend to jump in with both feet. It doesn’t always make sense later! I think Pollan’s advice is good. Andrew Weil lives near us and is also big into the anti-inflammation thing that Cindy is mentioning. I am trying to pull away from dairy more and to keep track of how I feel daily Oh, I’ve read Andrew Weil. Sound advice from him, as well. I’ve always gone with…our canines were developed for a reason;)!! A friend of mine is keeping herself leukemia free by going paleo, very interesting post, love it! Yes, Sarah, I also think the canine teeth say something about our omnivore diet. And our intestinal track is not the same as say, a cow’s; neither is is like a wolf’s. It is something in between. Thanks for checking out the blog:)
Secondly and most importantly is the other half of your letter. She'd thought that committing her life to God would make life easier, but everything is so much harder. To cover her tracks, she might even invite you to come along knowing that you will most likely decline. HE HAD NO TIME FOR THINKING HE WAS JUST PEPPER SPRAYED, BEATEN AND HAD HIS WINDSHEILD BUSTED OUT. There are resources to help you go about confirming these suspicions. Wonderfulbliss85 vor 5 Monaten Dont forget number 101, no longer masturbates sj0bs1 vor 6 Monaten I can relate to some of these JoJoStarFire vor 6 Monaten CatchYourCheatingPartner. However, by implementing some simple, yet effective undercover tactics, youll put the odds in your favor to catch your cheating wife, husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend. The reality though is that you can't keep living two lives. Kindly advise Love Guru answers, Meet her in person and discuss your marriage, as well as the interfering of your in-laws. CHEATING IS CRUEL BUT IF THE MAN DOES IT THEN CHEATING ON THEM IS PURE BLISS. Youmay be surprised to find her profile on a dating site. If you do find it ridiculous, then dont answer husband tracker me please, I know the way you think already. 1 Comment by Justin on May 16, 2011 In the Initech office, the insecure Peter Gibbons hates his job and the abusive Division VP Bill Lunbergh that has just hired two consultants to downsize the company. When a man doesnt feel respect from his wife, he looks somewhere else for. Listen, observe and ASK yourself, “How am I feeling RIGHT NOW?” When in doubt about any behavior from a man, ASK yourself, “Could I live with THIS the rest of my life?” You DON”T NEED to TRUST MEN, you need to TRUST YOURSELF, your intuition and your ability to make decisions that are right for YOU. I over explain things into detail, as im scared my bk wont believe when i am actualy telling the truth. What does your criticism, complaining and nagging actually get for you. Developer Manuscript updated Kare Log and now it was displayed on the smartphone running the app. I guess I am married." Copyright in this image is owned by the original artist, rights to reproduce or use the image may be obtained from www. Well, making yourself a rebel in the eyes of everyone, doesnt require piercing but through. Well we soon will not have to worry about the growth of the black community with all this gayness. I didnt answer his calls/texts for a while and then he started showing up at my house and begging me to stay with him. The main reason that these changes are taking place is because they are beginning to take on the personality of that new someone that they have in their life. So i checked his facebook and there were messages about him sleeping with her on tuesday. This causes them to use the Internet as a means to communicate. She told me that her mom sent the message to the guy replying with a smily face but i just dont get why she would have to delete the sent message but not the inbox. Drea19 said "I Can't Get Over My Boyfriend Cheating On Me" 2 days ago Stelbel commented on the story, He Was A Beautiful Lie 3 days ago Tbrz26 said "I Can't Get Over My Boyfriend Cheating apps to monitor text messages On Me" 4 days ago Kilane shared their story, What Should I Do 5 days ago Kilane said "I Can't Get apps to monitor text messages Him So Much a while ago VintageFit1987 commented on the story, I Am Confused. He may be having cybersex, looking at pornography, or instant-messaging his lover. Our Domestic Services division is comprised of investigators who are among the nation's best at handling domestic matters and getting results that matter. What makes you think that they are only sleeping with you. If it IS in fact her son, I will apologize and tell him I thought he was someone else. Ly/mD6OMO to learn how to catch YOUR cheating spouse. If you're in proper position apps to monitor text messages for it, she'll find this comfort in you. A little knack is required though in your part to act all silly 4 Weren’t you on TV last night. With me still trying to communicate and keep the friendship going.
If this happens your wife will certainly meet someone else and you will def. If the woman in your life is a secretary, it doesn't make sense for her to take a business trip to the Bahamas. This is a little personal but maybe someone can help. Snippets It's tough to get a handle on how many of us are having affairs, given the inherent secrecy. Claim a FREE Relationship-Guides 6 Part Mini Course today and find out:1. (Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images) Dolce Connections: Living Single Magazine ASK SUNNY your Dating and Relationship questions. I told him i loved him so much and will be here when he feels the need to quit playing games with. People cheat because they have a need to feel adored in some way, because it’s lacking from within. HOT NEW ARRIVAL Spy Hawk Turbo GPS (pictured on left) Smaller than an iPhone. SEVEN is a solo work using many of the same characters, but takes place slightly later. At the time of publishing, there is now over 1.5m views. During the movie the crowd cheered and clapped and nobody had to explain why people were laughing at the Stan Lee cameo to the person sitting next to them (I love you, babe). When did the women start butting in and owning this territory. Written by award-winning psychologist Janis Abrahms Spring, After the Affair: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful is the best book about ending an affair. Adultery can cause an individual to be disowned by the family, hurt the marriage value of his/her family, lose money or a job, and diminish future reproductive potential. Now we both know that we hgave cheated on each other we have taken a break apart although we have still been meeting up for sex. But i signs of husband cheating on wife loved him so much even if he failed in life, i loved him for who he was is what i told myself. The brain cannot survive long without oxygen and the continued lack of oxygen in the blood combined with the cardiac arrest will lead to the deterioration of brain cells causing first brain damage and eventually brain death from which recovery is generally considered impossible. Weirdly enough, I got to meet Tony Hale at Sound of Music Sing-A-Long at the Hollywood Bowl last year. I believe hes proud but very intimidated by the positive things in my life, children, family, job, career, God, love respect etc. Step signs of husband cheating on wife One: Here is the hardest part - you must find your spouse's mobile phone for in around 15 minutes without risking them seeing you. Now that you know more about why do boyfriends cheat, it may be easier for you to decide if you want to try again, knowing that you can’t go back to the relationship you once had. What if when you ask her "have you ever cheated on me" she can't look you in the eyes when I tell her but she cries because im accusing her or doing. Well one, day were messing around on google she googled me the I googled her. I began asking her if she was talking to the same guy she said tracking a cheating spouse with cell phone i was accusing her i told her it was a question not an accusation but she was so very defensive about. I don't even consider relationships, to be relationships anymore - their just a close friend that you have sex with and nice dinners/movies/whatever sometimes. Nicki Minaj makes her acting debut in her latest video Right Thru. In many cases when a boyfriend is cheating, especially early into a relationship, it may be because it's difficult for him to form healthy attachments. She hasn't talked about her for three months and won't let me meet her or her boyfriend which "apparently" put his arm around her one time while we were dating. I mean I really have had no signs husband of on wife signs cheating other than the dreams. Some people may want to supplement a marriage, solve a sex problem, gather more attention, seek revenge, or have more excitement in the marriage. She has slowly detached herself from your family and friends. Sometimes the most difficult lessons in life are the ones that force us to break out of our box and make a decision. We still did it regularly but she didn't do lead me on anymore after then. While you may be surprised by his mood swings, it’s a common effect of cheating. It doesn't help to study the other sex and find out what they want from men. Jan Halper’s study of successful men (executives, entrepreneurs, professionals) found that very few men who have affairs divorce their wife and marry their lovers. Ive hated on the female friends of my significant others simply because they were female and they represented competition, real or imagined. I must also say that this software product is amazing for monitoring your children’s ( if you have them ) Internet use and would be of long term benefit for that. Reena Sommer, a divorce and affair consultant and author of the lying compulsive book "The Anatomy of An Affair," observes that when cheating mates are working on a computer, they are often quick to close or change a program window whenever you approach. If you've been having sex and only lately she's been saying no, you need to ask her what the problem is and gain her trust enough to have her share the problem with you. Girlfriends having an affair have to be extremely well organized; their schedules are therefore punctiliously maintained. Timed passed, and by the start of winter he started talking about marriage. Just like me:) Whenever I watch this video I automatically feel better.
I learned something Sunday at church. The ancient words of the Bible are a mirror for us to see ourselves and learn from. Take Adam and Eve, for example. They lived in paradise. They walked with God. They had the perfect life. So what does Eve do? She wants more. She wants to be like God and eats the fruit. Aren't we like that? Sure we are! We have jobs and have a good life, but we want more. You've seen it before...a man wants a better looking wife like his neighbor has and has an affair. A couple wants a home to look just like a magazine, so they go into debt and end up living paycheck to paycheck. How about Cain and Abel? While they didn't have the paradise their parents had, they couldn't have had much of a hard life. There weren't a lot of people to deal with and that usually is where the drama lies, right? But Cain saw Abel getting praise from God and got jealous. Instead of doing the right thing, he decides to just get rid of his brother. No more competition. The Bible is full of stories that help us see our human nature. The thing is, the Bible tells the whole story, full of the consequences of giving in to our selfish desires, so that we can fully see where we can end up if we live for ourselves and not for God. God wants so much to be in a relationship with us. He missed walking in the garden with Adam and Eve. Can't you just hear the pain in His voice when they hide from Him and He calls out, "Where are you?" Can't you hear the anguish in His voice when he asks Cain, "What have you done?" God wants us to desire Him about all else. He wants us to go to him with our thanksgiving, our pain, our excitement, our hurt, our love, our fear. He wants all of us...our heart, soul, mind and strength. He is not scared of our messy hearts. He can take it. He wants to take it. He wants to have all of us, the good, the bad, the ugly. What a great God! So as you read the Bible, the ancient words, remember to look for yourself in the stories. Don't try to "pose" in front of the mirror, putting your best face forward. Just be yourself and really see your heart in the reflection of God's word. p.s. Thanks John Ketchersid for an awesome sermon! Great post, Sherrinda!! Maybe you should be writing devotionals? :-) Thanks, Jessica. I think I would have to co-write with my husband, because I am just sharing what I'm learning from his sermons! Oooh I loved this post! I think you should co-write/write them as well! Such great truths and I always get tingles when I read or think about God wanting intimate time with ME! Nobody, ME! :) Aw, Jessica, you are sweet. Isn't God's love and desire for us just the most amazing thing? I love your heart, girl! This reminds me of Melissa Tagg's blog last week about reading stories in the Old Testament and trying to figure out why God chose to put them there. He has a purpose for each story - and on the surface they may not seem to relate to our lives, but when we dig deeper and really seek to discover what God would have us learn, we see it clearly. No, I don't relate to Noah's ark building days - but I do relate to being in a world of moral decay. Others laughing at my choice to live a life free from worldly passions. Trusting God to provide for my family when the tides of destruction devour others. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for the reminder. Gabrielle, thank you for that beautiful comment. I have always thought you had the most beautiful heart. Really, REALLY good stuff today, Sherrinda. It's funny, Gabe mentioned my blog post from last week and that's what I thought of as I read, too. Those people in the OT...um, some crazy stuff happened. But then I think of my life...our world...the stuff I do...and I realize I'm really not so different. We all need a Savior. Trying to convince ourselves any different and hiding behind a mask is just silly. Love how you said he's not scared of our messy hearts!
Sher. ---- "Eastern culture has a weight evident in his work is on the walls in the illustration, where dragons improbable and women with tits bursting distribute smiles without much thought." - Some magazine ---- "New York/Singapore fast food graff jerk demon wonderland" - Sean Morris For working opportunities and commissions, email her at sheryo@gmail.com OTHER: SELECTED CLIENTS: SELECTED SHOWS/EVENTS: 2013 SCOPE Art Fair, New York, USA STREET ART FESTIVAL Anonymous Festival, Sayulita, Mexico 2012 MURAL TOUR Sheryo x The Yok, Enter the Prism, Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia, Dubai, Mexico, USA MURAL PAINTING Tiger Translate Party, Tiger Beer, Dubai MURAL PAINTING & BRANDING Doors Restaurant & Bar, Phnom Penh, Cambodia GROUP SHOW Half Half, No Vacancy Gallery, Melbourne, Australia GROUP SHOW Corpse Corps Urban Legends, Signal Gallery, New York, USA GROUP SHOW Kingbrown #8, Klughaus Gallery, New York, USA GROUP SHOW The Devil made me do it, He made she made Gallery, Sydney, Australia STREET ART FESTIVAL Wonderwalls, Wollongong, Australia GROUP SHOW Half-Half, No Vacancy Gallery, Melbourne, Australia GROUP SHOW Lets Go Magic Weirdos!, Paper Mountain Gallery, Perth, Australia GROUP SHOW This Art is so Street, Stupid Easy Gallery, Philadelphia STREET ART CONFERENCE Living walls 2012, Atlanta GROUP SHOW Kingbrown #8 Launch Exhibition, The Butcher Shop, Perth GROUP SHOW Kingbrown #8 Launch Exhibition, Tate Gallery, Sydney GROUP SHOW Kingbrown #8 Launch Exhibition, Klughaus Gallery, New York GROUP SHOW Believe the Hype, Pandemic Gallery, New York GROUP SHOW Reprint show, Hendershot Gallery, New York GROUP SHOW Pangeaseed, the great west coast migration, LaBasse Projects, LA GROUP SHOW Fang to Fur, Flabslab Gallery, Singapore GROUP SHOW Wild at Heart - Keep Wildlife in the Wild, Thinkspace Gallery, LA TRAVELLING GROUP SHOW G40 Weapons of Mass Change, VA/California/NY/Miami 2011 SOLO SHOWCASE Apsara themed wall murals and art pieces painted specially for Lebiz Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia VOLUNTEER TRIP Little Lotus Project, Art Volunteer trip at the Thai/Burma border town teaching art to refugee burmese kids GROUP SHOW Sweet Streets LA, 1980s American & Japanese Pop Cultures, WWA Gallery, Los Angeles GROUP SHOW Crowded Teeth by Sweet Streets LA, Munky King, Los Angeles LIVE PAINTING Tiger Translate Cambodia, NRG Warehouse, Phnom Penh GROUP SHOW Nixon Art Mosh, Old School Mt. Sophia, Singapore GROUP SHOW vue privee Moving Still, Singapore MURAL PAINTING Face Off, Street Art Battle, Old School Mt. Sophia, Singapore GROUP SHOW Fairitize My Art Group Show at The TCC Gallery, Singapore GROUP SHOW SYNESTHESIA: drawing words, reading pictures, Group Show at The Substation, Singapore 2010 GROUP SHOW Show Me the Love, National Drama Centre, Curated by Chan Hampe Galleries, Singapore GROUP SHOW Nixon Art Mosh, Old School Mt. Sophia, Singapore SOLO SHOWCASE Carbonated Launch - Live Painting Showcase and Sculpture Installation, Orchard Central, Singapore GROUP SHOW Redrum, A Group Show Inspired by the movie 'The Shining', Old School, Singapore GROUP SHOW The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, A Group Show Inspired by the movie, Old School, Singapore 2009 GROUP SHOW Crossville Pop-Up Exhibition, Red Dot Design Museum, Singapore LIVE PAINTING Adidas Originals Artist for Adidas House Party, Timberlux Centre, Singapore 2008 CHARITY GROUP SHOW YOLO (You Only Live Once) Exhibition, The Arts House, Singapore SOLO SHOWCASE Adiartist for Adidas Originals, Exhibition and Live Painting Showcase, Raffles City, Singapore
Yes. "Present The Best You." FROM A WOMAN WITH A BLOG ENTRY CALLED "MASHED POTATO BOOBS." I give Monster a whole lot of credit. But hey: if you want to find me on BeKnown, a new Facebook app that lets you professionally connect with others on FB, just click here! BECAUSE YOU TOTALLY DO. ************************************************* Now, yes. Mashed potato incidents aside, I AM gainfully employed and have actually held very real, very professional jobs. And also I did write a post once a job interview I went on, several years ago, where I casually and obviously without forethought mentioned that I had a blog which was kind of a disaster almost. You can read the whole post here but the point was, well. I was an idiot. I had no business bringing up my personal blog during a professional interview because I did NOT want the interviewer (a VP no less) to read my blog because of all the writing about bruises and dates and plus swear words. And back then, waaaaaaay in the blog dark ages of 2005, I was blogging anonymously, so it's not like Googling my name would have landed the VP on a post where, say, I have brilliantly sketched myself drinking directly from a red wine bottle. But you know? Times have changed. We're not blogging anonymously and many of us aren't Facebooking or Tweeting or checking-in anonymously, either. Now every job interview begins with a thorough Googling and perusal of your social media life. And you know that. And maybe (hopefully) if you're in the land of job-seeking, you have thought about your online reputation. You know what happens when you Google yourself, you know what images appear on Flickr, you know you haven't hidden all your FB albums. Which is great. Frankly, I'm not here to tell you otherwise. As someone who shares pretty much everything with the online world, I'm not about to tell you that you need to password-protect your life in order to be hired. But guess what I do have? Three tips on how to approach interviewing when so much of your life is online and findable (from one social media junkie to another): 1. "Be Prepared" takes on new meaning. Research them, of course. But research you, too. With so many fun tools at our fingertips, being prepared for your interview doesn't just mean looking at the hiring company's website. It means finding what others are saying about the company. It means looking up who's currently working at the company AND who used to work there. I also always go searching for information about the people who will be meeting with me -- it's not always fair when they have your resume and you don't have theirs, so BeKnown and LinkedIn can really help even the playing field. Ah, but it's also a smart idea to take a deep breath and Google yourself. Maybe you've done it a million times already, but do it again. What story are you telling? If there's anything you stumble upon that you'd be embarrassed for an employer to see, take it down. If it's in the public domain, it's perfectly acceptable for an interviewer to bring up. 2. Don't Be Yourself. Be Better. As I well know (OMG HOW WELL I KNOW), we are all flawed. We all spill and trip and bruise and say embarrassing things. We all have unkempt days (WEEKS) and untidy lives, inside and out. Maybe your social media outlets do nothing but illustrate this. Hi. But your potential employer's primary objective is NOT to know what "the real you at home" is like. Your potential employer needs to know what you at your best is. What is your professional you? What are you capable of doing every day in your best version of you? What will you show clients and coworkers? What are you like when you're "on"? Your interview is your one opportunity to supplement the online version of yourself with your other dazzling assets. Dress up. Speak well. Shine your shiniest self. And whatever you do, don't let the informality of social media lead you to believe that you are friends with your interviewer; just because she left a comment on your blog post or is now following you on Twitter doesn't mean you're now BFFs. 3. Practice, Practice, Practice. Um, so, it's established that you're online a lot. Your interviewer knows it, you know it. By virtue of you reading this post, I know it. That means that every conceivable tool for "acing" the interview is at your disposal -- assuming you're a good fit for the job you're seeking. Your interviewer shouldn't be able to ask a single question that catches you off-guard. Nope. Not one. So tell me, do you know where you'll be in five years? Do you know your greatest weaknesses? Do you know how to not only answer questions, but give examples and quantifications with your answers? Do you know why manhole covers are round? Here's a fantastic list of questions you should arm yourself with answers to before heading into any interview, including (my favorite): Who do you follow on Twitter, and why? Thank you so much to Monster.com for this opportunity, and specifically to BeKnown, a fantastic new Facebook app that "allows you to set up a professional profile directly on Facebook...separate from your personal Facebook page." Handy, no? I mean, networking right on Facebook makes a lot of sense. Keeping your photo albums separate does, too. :) Oh, hey. Monster.com furnished me with a makeup kit and business card holder for participating in this contest and you can win a kit and holder, too! Please leave a comment (ideally you will also join BeKnown) and you're as good as entered! Contest ends January 9 (EOD) so GET GOING! About BeKnown: Monster.com recently launched BeKnown, a professional networking app for Facebook. BeKnown allows you to set up a professional profile directly on Facebook that is completely separate from your personal Facebook page. One of the apps newest features, College Pages, even provides a way for alumni to network professionally on Facebook and view job postings from their fellow graduates! With BeKnown College Pages: - Any jobs posted by alumni on BeKnown are added to the College/University profile page and Alumni with job opportunities can post jobs to students and recent alums for free - Students can follow their school and build relationships/connections with alumni working at top companies & discover alumni jobs In addition to College Pages, BeKnown. “As soon-to-be college graduates start to think about their entry into the workforce, their first step should be building out their professional networks using the invaluable connections they have right in front of them,” said Tom Chevalier, Global Product Manager for Monster Worldwide. “Alumni networks are a key source for career opportunities for college graduates, so we wanted to make it as easy as possible for them to connect and engage right from BeKnown.” Just signed up through Facebook. Thanks for sharing K! Words to live by Kristy! Loooove the "Don't Be Yourself. Be Better." tip. They can see some/enough of the real you on social media. The polished you can be quite powerful in comparison and make you "mighty" real. (cue Sylvester) Could totally use the card holder. And let us face it...the makeup kit as well. Smart, smart, smart! I'm on BeKnown! I could certainly use a makeup kit. :) Your blog is very informative "i like it " job interviews.Salarydom empowers job seekers and employees with salary information for jobs at a particular company. Thanks for sharing a good info . So what will they read into "I don't use Twitter"?? I probably shouldn't tell them the real reasons: 1. I already spend far too much time with the electronic distractions of modern life, so there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to jump on the Twitter train, too. 2a. My cellphone is almost un-twitterable, it's so rustic. 2b. And I'm too cheap to put money into a smarter phone and the data plan to support it. (Well, if "I'm the only breadwinner in my family and we're already living paycheck-to-paycheck, so we're making do with what we have" counts as "too cheap", that is.) Thanks for the good interview tips, chica. And for the chance to win the goodies. Definitely great advice Kristy! Thanks for sharing the link to BeKnown too, can't wait to start using it. I'm Signing up today.Thanks Kristi! You can use different social media tools to seek out knowledge/content, aggregate it so that you can store it/find it later in an organised fashion, reflect on this knowledge. social media sales MA And makeup? What's makeup? ;) Kristy! Can I say this in a loving way? I absolutely adore your blog. I think you're amusing and sweet and clever with a charming element of the ridiculous. And I know that your life has changed a lot and all, but I'm still really disappointed that your first post in a month was a sponsored one. Please come back. Thanks, you guys. And Maggie (can I call you that?), I totally hear you! I agreed to do this back in -- wait for it -- NOVEMBER. I thought I'd have PLENTY of other posts done between then and now and that this would be just a little icing on the return of the blog. So yeah. That didn't happen. But I agreed to do this post and had to honor the commitment. The upside is, I did manage to post something. And forced myself to carve out time to do so. Which means I know I can do it again. :) Great advice! Going to check out BeKnown right now! I was also curious about the "I'm not on twitter" thing. Does that put people in a certain "not one of us" group? Cuz I have the fancy phone...but use it to (gasp) call people, and skype, and text...and possibly facebook but I don't like the tiny buttons and am always "liking" things by accident... And yes, please do come back soon :). I'll be job interviewing (again, ugh!) this spring, and you've given me a few things to think about as I start. Thanks! And also, makeup? Yay! Love this, Kristy! And now I am totally curious about mashed potato boobs... Long-time reader/lurker here. Interesting post! It seems like with so much emphasis on teaching our kids about their online reputations that it's easy to forget about our own! Thanks so much for this very important reminder! Going to Google myself now because it's been awhile and will definitely remember to be better than my best! Thanks again! I am very serious about managing social media outlets and visibility. My FB feed is personal and only people that I am comfortable seeing my personal information and activity from work get to see it. I've also got work-related social media presence (like my twitter feed linked here, for example), so that when I want to geek out and when I want people in my professional circles to see what I'm about, I've got somewhere to point to. It's a real effort to keep up with security settings on the biggest and most-easily-accessed social media networks, FB and g+, but it's worth it. Right on, Kristy! Great tips. Hope this post saves people lots of costly embarassment. And wins lots of makeup. Wise words! If you put information out there, you should be aware that any of it can come back to haunt you. Yikes! Thanks for the sage advice as always, Kristy. ps I need make up to look better than my tagged photos at my interviews... Great ideas, Kristy! Happy to see you blogging. Missed you. And, oh yeah, how on earth do you do it with two???? Great tips - show them THE beat version of you, always!!! There is some anxiety that a future hospital site may discover that I wrote a post about selling children to gypsies. But as long as I only want to work with adults I should be fine. Right? Wisdom. That's what people gain from this post. I don't think it's so much our generation, although we've done some stupid stuff, but the younger ones who live on line 24/7 and know nothing different. Hey, maybe they'll be bloggers like us. Anyhoo, they don't think. I see it at the middle school all the time and when you try and explain that what they put online lives forever, am met with disdain and disbelief. *sigh* Whee for free makeup! Oh, and valuable interview tips. :) Cool! Just signed up! I replied to an ad posted on craig's list went in for the interview the next day and was hired because I told the company that I had worked for their competor and they didn't want to let me go. I have worked for them for 4 months now and I already got a raise....love social networking and smartphones....Kelly L I'm in the social media bizz... all of my everything is not only public domain, but listed on my resume. It makes me (slightly) ashamed that I follow the entire cast of last season's Bachelor Pad on Twitter... I posted about hating that Grand Central was occupied during my commute, and got a response saying "don't make her late for american idol" -- I couldn't even be offended. ahhh.. I can't believe I had to wait soooooooo long for another post and it's basically an ad for an app. What about the diet? The kids? The holidays? What sorta hijinx have kept you away from us? So glad I didn't waste time checking this blog over the past 3 weeks! You're just mad because you didn't win random makeup and business card holders, Anonymous. Let's be honest here. Speaking of random winners...congratulations Lori O.! Random.org picked #27, so hurrah for you! IT'S REALLY WONDERFUL BLOG ALSO " I LIKE IT " THANKS FOR SHARING VERY GOOD INFO. Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post
Have. I also mixed in some slightly caramelized onions, to add some sweetness to balance the bitter of the green. Hmm, all this talk of "bitter", I'm not doing a great job sellingRead More »from Broccoli Rabe with Caramelized Onions Broccoli Rabe with Caramelized OnionsBy Jacklyn Philpott | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:44 PM EDT Broccoli Cheese CasseroleBy Jerilyn Schippers | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:40 PM EDTRead More »from Broccoli Cheese Casserole (hint, buy this book for yourself and all Braised OnionsBy Deneen Giampa | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:31 PM EDT Add to shopping list INGREDIENTS pearl onions - 1 pound pearl onions, about 1 inch in diameter - Butter - Chicken stock or water (or vegetable stock for vegetarian option) - Salt and pepper - Sugar (for Braised FennelBy Iris Imbier | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:25 PM EDT. Too bad. What they don't know won't hurt them. Now that they have the recipe they can make their own. (I can just hear my dad now, "et tu, Brutus, et tu?" He can be a bit dramatic sometimes.) So, back to the braised fennel. It's lovely. I recommend it as a sideRead More »from Braised Fennel The Women of This World Are Hopelessly ShallowBy Megan Fischer | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:23 PM EDT This website is terrible. You should be looking to meet someone because of a nobler reason, like they inspire you. I don't deny your piece about nabbing Prince Harry has some elements of truth, but they are twisted. First, you shouldn't have to change yourself or your habits to make someone love you, this will only end terribly with feelings of betrayal and shame. Second, those who are following these rules don't care about him at all. He never truly had a normal childhood, nonetheless life, how was it not expected for him to rebel against the standards that came with his birth? Most people whom are hindered by rules and expectations rebel against them in one way or another, some more drastic than others. Therefore, by aiding in his rebellion you are shaming yourself in that you hurting your own health and reputation, and shaming him in the same way. Third, being superficial will most definitely not bring you his or his family's favor in any way. You are the only person who mayRead More »from The Women of This World Are Hopelessly Shallow Asparagus RisottoBy Shawanna Yang | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:10 PM EDT. Asparagus Risotto Recipe - Prep time: 10 minutes - Cook time: 35 minutes If you want to make this a vegetarian dish, use vegetable stock or water instead of the chicken stock.Add to shopping list INGREDIENTS - 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, divided - 1/2 cup chopped shallots - 1 cup arborio rice - 1/4 cup dry white wine (or 1 Tbsp lemon juice and 3 Tbsp water) - About 4 cups chicken stock Asparagus Artichoke SaladBy Shirl Mainhardt | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:06 PM EDT... Asparagus Artichoke Salad Recipe - Prep time: 10 minutes - Cook time: 12 minutes Thick asparagus spears are easier than thin to roast or grill without becoming too dry or over-cooked.Add to shopping list INGREDIENTS - 1 large shallot, sliced thin (can sub a few thin slices of red onion or some sliced spring onion) - AsparagusBy Elba Harp | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 10:02 PM EDT Selland's market-cafe in Sacramento is an uncommonly good café and often a source of inspiration for foods to prepare. Recently I had some of their asparagus and loved the texture - slightly crunchy (definitely not mushy!) - and the hint of lemon flavor along with the olive oil and Parmesan. Upon inquiry I was told that the asparagus had indeed been parboiled for 2 minutes and then tossed with Parmesan, olive oil, and some lemon zest. So easy! Asparagus Recipe - CookRead More »from Asparagus Quiche LorraineBy Taisha Sutton | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 1:15 PM EDTRead More »from Quiche Lorraine Poached Egg and Bacon Salad - Salad LyonnaiseBy Belen Leal | Author Blog Posts – Sun, Jul 8, 2012 1:09 PM EDT. Poached Egg and Bacon Salad - Salad Lyonnaise Recipe Add to shopping list aRead More »from Poached Egg and Bacon Salad - Salad Lyonnaise -
Getty ImagesA healthy lifestyle can take a lot of work. And for some, it may seem like it takes a lot of money, too. The reality is, however, that living a healthy lifestyle can save more money in the near- and long-term…not only for you, but also for us as a nation. When it comes to understanding the costs of unhealthy living, we need to look at several aspects. We need to look at our individual lifestyles, our national lifestyles, and the costs that don't always come directly out of our individual pockets. When we do, here is what we find: - Out-of-Pocket Medical Costs: The less healthy a person is, the more likely she will need to visit the doctor, and in more serious situations, will need medical procedures that can be very costly. Unhealthy lifestyles make up a huge percentage of healthcare costs, and unfortunately, very few of us have a full-coverage insurance plan. As a result, each visit to the doctor…each procedure required…inevitably is money that will need to come out of your own pocket. - Unhealthy Habit Costs: If you are a smoker, it can put a major burden on your pocketbook. I'll never forget when I was in my early 20s, there was a major campaign in the subways of NYC adding up the amount of money people spend on cigarettes and therefore, could save if they stopped. They often equated the cumulative amount over a year to the price of a vacation. In today's terms, a pack of cigarettes costs about $4. If you consumed a pack a day, it would cost you almost $1,500 a year. Think about the vacation you could take on that! Now remember, the $1,500 is just the cost of the habit, not the cost of the potential diseases or conditions that may become a result of your habit. - Less Income: The less healthy you are, the more likely you are going. - Healthcare Costs: As we all know, healthcare coverage for our country is a very complicated and costly issue. What's more is that a lot of the cost can be avoided. It turns out that over 70 percent of our healthcare costs are specifically related to lifestyle decisions. In an interview of Dr. Steven Aldana conducted by WELCOA (Wellness Council of America) President Dr. David Hunnicut, the following statistics were revealed: -, tobacco use and other preventable disease. Further, 70 percent of American deaths are attributed to strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and cancer, all of which can be influenced significantly through lifestyle choices.