How do i connect with a REST API to retrieve a Spotify Tracks Dataset
An option to this integration would be the rapidAPI Spotify Http request. First you need to import an http client, then create a connection with its headers. Finally, you can make the GET request and retrieve the data for your search.
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") headers = { 'x-rapidapi-key': "b00b0b41ccmsh677deab9b9957dap1e29b7jsn959076e506db", 'x-rapidapi-host': "" } conn.request("GET", "/search/?q=Metallica&type=multi&offset=0&limit=10&numberOfTopResults=5", headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))
Generate a preview component that serves as a preview of an event
A preview should be a small, reusable component that can be contained within a page and should display the title of an event, the date and time of an event, and the user responsible for attending the event.
@app.route('/<username>/events') def view_events(username): user_events = [event for event in events if event['username'] == username] return render_template('view_events.html', events=user_events, username=username)
how can i make a login page for my home page?
to make a login page, we will make a user name field and a password field, as well as a login button, to send these inputs to the server to authenticate the login atempt
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy user data for demonstration users = { "admin": "password123", "user": "mypassword" } @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('login.html') @app.route('/login', methods=['POST']) def login(): username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] if username in users and users[username] == password: return f"Welcome, {username}!" else: return "Invalid credentials, please try again." if __name__ == '__main__':
As a student, I want to see how many times I have missed classes this semester.
Pedro Santos, 2024.1
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_absence_count_by_student method from the attendance_api with the student's name and semester.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_absence_count_by_student('Pedro Santos', '2024.1')\nprint(out)
What do i need to use google firebase for an user authentication
First you need to import the requests and json libraries, then you can create a sing in function using your firebase api key to verify the user credentials
import requests import json # Replace with your Firebase Web API Key api_key = 'YOUR_FIREBASE_API_KEY' def sign_up(api_key, email, password): url = f"{api_key}" def sign_in(api_key, email, password): url = f"{api_key}" payload = { "email": email, "password": password, "returnSecureToken": True } response =, data=json.dumps(payload)) return response.json()
As a teacher, I want to verify which students marked their attendance using the QR code for the Database class.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the verify_qr_code_attendance method from the attendance_api with the class name.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.verify_qr_code_attendance('Database')\nprint(out)
tell me a simple way to make a sign up page
a sign up page consist of a username, email, password and password confirmation fields as a bare minimum. after that we add a sign up button to send this form so it can get properly logged to the servers database.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy user data for demonstration users = {} @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/signup', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def signup(): if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] if username in users: return "Username already exists. Please choose a different one." else: users[username] = password return "Sign-up successful! You can now login." return render_template('signup.html')
do a function that allows me to capture the presence of students in my classes
The list_of_presents generates de qr code to register the presence.
def list_of_presents(): generate_qr_code("")
As a teacher, I want to see which students missed more than three classes in Physics.
Physics, 3
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_students_with_absences_over_threshold method from the attendance_api with the class name and threshold.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_students_with_absences_over_threshold('Physics', 3)\nprint(out)
please create a way for a user the edit an event
we will estabilish a route that will receive the necessary event parameters, like title ,date, description and modify them in the database by sending a post request.
@app.route('/<username>/edit_event/<int:event_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_event(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if request.method == 'POST': event['title'] = request.form['event_title'] event['date'] = request.form['event_date'] event['description'] = request.form['event_description'] return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username)) return render_template('edit_event.html', event=event, event_id=event_id, username=username)
i need to make a sign up page
a sign up page consist of a username, email, password and password confirmation fields as a bare minimum. after that we add a sign up button to send this form so it can get properly logged to the servers database.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy user data for demonstration users = {} @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/signup', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def signup(): if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] if username in users: return "Username already exists. Please choose a different one." else: users[username] = password return "Sign-up successful! You can now login." return render_template('signup.html')
Do a function that show me the items from the hash list that have this value in this parameter.
param, value
The show_user_info function retrieves and displays specific user information from a Google Sheets document based on a given parameter and value.
def show_user_info(param, value): list_of_hashes = catch_user_info() if param == "card": for hash in list_of_hashes: if value == hash["Cartão do aluno"]: print(hash["Carimbo de data/hora"]) print(hash["Nome do aluno"]) print(hash["Disciplina / Turma"]) print(hash["Cartão do aluno"]) if param == "subject": for hash in list_of_hashes: if value == hash["Disciplina / Turma"]: print(hash["Carimbo de data/hora"]) print(hash["Nome do aluno"]) print(hash["Disciplina / Turma"]) print(hash["Cartão do aluno"])
make a way for a user to join an event
we will create a function that will add the curent user as a participant in the participant field of the event database
@app.route('/<username>/join_event/<int:event_id>', methods=['POST']) def join_event(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if username not in event['participants']: event['participants'].append(username) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username))
How do i make a user authentication with password and email using google firebase
First you need to import the requests and json libraries, then you can create a sing in function using your firebase api key to verify the user credentials
import requests import json # Replace with your Firebase Web API Key api_key = 'YOUR_FIREBASE_API_KEY' def sign_up(api_key, email, password): url = f"{api_key}" def sign_in(api_key, email, password): url = f"{api_key}" payload = { "email": email, "password": password, "returnSecureToken": True } response =, data=json.dumps(payload)) return response.json()
As a teacher, I want to generate a QR code for attendance for the next Compilers class.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the generate_qr_code_for_class method from the attendance_api with the class name.\n3. Print the QR code.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.generate_qr_code_for_class('Compilers')\nprint(out)
Create an integration for my app with a Spotify track database
An option to this integration would be the rapidAPI Spotify Http request. First you need to import an http client, then create a connection with its headers. Finally, you can make the GET request and retrieve the data for your search.
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") headers = { 'x-rapidapi-key': "b00b0b41ccmsh677deab9b9957dap1e29b7jsn959076e506db", 'x-rapidapi-host': "" } conn.request("GET", "/search/?q=Metallica&type=multi&offset=0&limit=10&numberOfTopResults=5", headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))
As a user, I want to provide details of a new run, including the distance covered and the time taken, so I can track my progress and improve my performance over time.
Time: 40min, Distance: 10km
Invoke the method create_running_session to save the details of a running session into the system. Provide the necessary parameters, including time and distance, to accurately record the session's duration and length.
api.create_running_session(time='40 min', distance ='10 km')
give me a function that returns a qr code from a url
The generate_qr_code function creates a QR code from a given URL and saves it as an image file named "qr_code.png".
import qrcode def generate_qr_code(url): qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, box_size=10, border=5) qr.add_data(url) qr.make(fit=True) qr_img = qr.make_image(fill="black", back_color="white")"qr_code.png") print("QR code generated successfully!")
do a program to show the registered presences of the students
The main function serves as the entry point for a program that interacts with user input to retrieve and display information from a Google Sheets document based on specific search parameters.
def main(): print("Welcome to the Chamada QR-Code!") username = input("Enter your username: ") password = input("Enter your password: ") if login(username, password): param = input("Enter the parameter you want to search (card or subject): ") value = input("Enter the value you want to search: ") show_user_info(param, value)
please make a function that makes a user join an event by another user
we will create a function that will add the curent user as a participant in the participant field of the event database
@app.route('/<username>/join_event/<int:event_id>', methods=['POST']) def join_event(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if username not in event['participants']: event['participants'].append(username) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username))
As a teacher, I want to find out the last class attended by the student João Silva.
João Silva
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_last_class_attended_by_student method from the attendance_api with the student's name.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_last_class_attended_by_student('João Silva')\nprint(out)
As a teacher, I want to add a new Mathematics class.
Mathematics, 2024-08-01, 10:00
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the add_new_class method from the attendance_api with the course name, date, and time.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.add_new_class('Mathematics', '2024-08-01', '10:00')\nprint(out)
I need the system to connect to my running sensors using web sockets for automatic data integration.
1. Use the integrate_sensor_data API to connect running sensors via web sockets.\n2. Ensure the system captures real-time data.\n3. Verify the integration is successful by checking the response.
i need a way for a user to join an event
we will create a function that will add the curent user as a participant in the participant field of the event database
@app.route('/<username>/join_event/<int:event_id>', methods=['POST']) def join_event(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if username not in event['participants']: event['participants'].append(username) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username))
give me a python script to the students register their presences
The list_of_presents generates de qr code to register the presence.
def list_of_presents(): generate_qr_code("")
I want to define my running goal with a specified date, distance to cover, and desired speed.
Target Date: 2024-12-31, Distance: 5km, Speed: 6 min/km
Invoke the function set_running_goal with the specified date, distance, and speed. Provide the parameters as follows: date='2024-12-31', distance='5km', speed='6 min/km'. Verify that the goal has been established by inspecting the response.
api.set_running_goal(date='2024-12-31', distance='5km', speed='6 min/km')
Generate a page to serve as a main page
Generate a page that should serve as the main page. This page displays all the events in which the logged-in user participates in a vertical list. In addition, this page has a button which, when clicked, displays the popup for creating an event. This page also displays a button for the user to log out.
@app.route('/main/<username>') def main_page(username): return render_template('main.html', events=events, username=username)
I need to record my current running stats, indicating the fastest time and the furthest distance I can run.
Time: 40min, Distance: 10km
1. Use the set_current_performance API to record the best time and max distance.\n2. Provide the following details: best_time='40 min', max_distance='10km'.\n3. Confirm the performance details are saved by checking the response.
api.set_current_performance(best_time='40 min', max_distance='10km')
make something so that a user can invite another user to an event
@app.route('/<username>/invite/<int:event_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def invite(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if request.method == 'POST']: invitee = request.form['invitee'] if invitee in users and invitee not in event['invited']: event['invited'].append(invitee) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username)) return render_template('invite.html', event=event, event_id=event_id, username=username)
As a runner, I want to set a goal for a future run by entering the date, distance, and target speed.
Target Date: 2024-12-31, Distance: 3km, Speed: 7 min/km
Execute the set_running_goal method with the target date, distance, and speed. Supply the following arguments: date='2024-12-31', distance='3km', speed='7 min/km'. Ensure the goal is set by validating the response.
api.set_running_goal(date='2024-12-31', distance='3km', speed='7 min/km')
As a student, I want to view my attendance history.
Maria Oliveira
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_attendance_history_by_student method from the attendance_api with the student's name.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_attendance_history_by_student('Maria Oliveira')\nprint(out)
I want the application to suggest a running plan that increases my time and distance each week to meet my goal.
1. Use the get_running_plan API to receive a suggested running plan.\n2. Ensure the plan includes weekly runs.\n3. Confirm the plan aligns with the goal by checking the response.
As a runner, I want to generate infographics to visualize my performance improvements over time.
1. Import data_visualizer and chart_generator modules.\n2. Call data_visualizer.retrieve_running_data to get the running performance data.\n3. Generate infographics using chart_generator.create_infographics with the retrieved data.\n4. Display the infographics to review your performance.
import data_visualizer import chart_generator running_data = data_visualizer.retrieve_running_data() infographics = chart_generator.create_infographics(running_data) display(infographics)
I need to create a page that will be the main page of the application
Generate a page that should serve as the main page. This page displays all the events in which the logged-in user participates in a vertical list. In addition, this page has a button which, when clicked, displays the popup for creating an event. This page also displays a button for the user to log out.
@app.route('/main/<username>') def main_page(username): return render_template('main.html', events=events, username=username)
Give me something to check if a username and password are correct
username, password
This function receive a username and a password and if they match with a previously registered returns true, otherwise returns false.
def login(username, password): # Check if the username and password are valid if username == "admin" and password == "password": print("Login successful!") return True else: print("Invalid username or password") return False
As a teacher, I want to know the average attendance of students in the last week.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_average_attendance_by_week method from the attendance_api with the week.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_average_attendance_by_week('2024-07-15')\nprint(out)
I want print the items from my entire list that matches the value in that parameter
param, value
The show_user_info function retrieves and displays specific user information from a Google Sheets document based on a given parameter and value.
def show_user_info(param, value): list_of_hashes = catch_user_info() if param == "card": for hash in list_of_hashes: if value == hash["Cartão do aluno"]: print(hash["Carimbo de data/hora"]) print(hash["Nome do aluno"]) print(hash["Disciplina / Turma"]) print(hash["Cartão do aluno"]) if param == "subject": for hash in list_of_hashes: if value == hash["Disciplina / Turma"]: print(hash["Carimbo de data/hora"]) print(hash["Nome do aluno"]) print(hash["Disciplina / Turma"]) print(hash["Cartão do aluno"])
i would like to allow the user to edit an event they created
we will estabilish a route that will receive the necessary event parameters, like title ,date, description and modify them in the database by sending a post request.
@app.route('/<username>/edit_event/<int:event_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_event(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if request.method == 'POST': event['title'] = request.form['event_title'] event['date'] = request.form['event_date'] event['description'] = request.form['event_description'] return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username)) return render_template('edit_event.html', event=event, event_id=event_id, username=username)
generate a way for a user to invite another user
@app.route('/<username>/invite/<int:event_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def invite(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if request.method == 'POST']: invitee = request.form['invitee'] if invitee in users and invitee not in event['invited']: event['invited'].append(invitee) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username)) return render_template('invite.html', event=event, event_id=event_id, username=username)
make a function so that a user can see an event
we will add a routine to receive information from the server, and display them to the user
@app.route('/<username>/events') def view_events(username): user_events = [event for event in events if event['username'] == username] return render_template('view_events.html', events=user_events, username=username)
As a user, I want to set a running goal by specifying a future date, distance, and target speed.
Target Date: 2024-12-31, Distance: 10km, Speed: 5 min/km
1. Call the method set_running_goal with the target date, distance, and speed.\n2. Pass the following parameters: date='2024-12-31', distance='10km', speed='5 min/km'.\n3. Confirm the goal has been set by checking the response.
api.set_running_goal(date='2024-12-31', distance='10km', speed='5 min/km')
As a runner, I want to enable automatic integration of my running data through sensors using web sockets.
1. Utilize the integrate_sensor_data function to connect sensors via web sockets.\n2. Ensure real-time running data is captured.\n3. Confirm the integration by reviewing the response.
As a user, I want to view a gallery of my completed runs to see my past performances.
1. Import the necessary packages run_visualizer and gallery_creator.\n2. Call the method get_completed_runs from run_visualizer to fetch the data of completed runs.\n3. Use gallery_creator.create_gallery to generate a gallery from the fetched data.\n4. Display the generated gallery.
import run_visualizer import gallery_creator completed_runs = run_visualizer.get_completed_runs() gallery = gallery_creator.create_gallery(completed_runs) display(gallery)
do a qr code with this url for me please
The generate_qr_code function creates a QR code from a given URL and saves it as an image file named "qr_code.png".
import qrcode def generate_qr_code(url): qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, box_size=10, border=5) qr.add_data(url) qr.make(fit=True) qr_img = qr.make_image(fill="black", back_color="white")"qr_code.png") print("QR code generated successfully!")
As a runner, I want a recommended training plan that schedules runs every week to help me reach my running goal.
1. Utilize the get_running_plan function to obtain a training plan.\n2. Ensure the plan schedules runs every 7 days.\n3. Verify the plan assists in achieving the goal by reviewing the response.
How do I create a popup to create an event?
This popup should contain an input to enter the title of the event, an input to enter a description for the event, an input to enter the date and time of the event, an input to enter the location of the event and an input to enter the suggested user of the event. It should also contain a button to cancel the operation and close the popup and a button to confirm the operation, save the inputs to the database and close the popup.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy data for demonstration users = {} events = [] @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/<username>/create_event', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def create_event(username): if request.method == 'POST': event_title = request.form['event_title'] event_date = request.form['event_date'] event_description = request.form['event_description'] event = { 'username': username, 'title': event_title, 'date': event_date, 'description': event_description } events.append(event) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username)) return render_template('create_event.html', username=username) @app.route('/<username>/events') def view_events(username): user_events = [event for event in events if event['username'] == username] return render_template('view_events.html', events=user_events, username=username) if __name__ == '__main__':
As a teacher, I want to see all classes scheduled for the next week.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_classes_by_week method from the attendance_api with the week.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_classes_by_week('2024-07-22')\nprint(out)
As a user I want to inform a new run.
Time: 45 min, Distance: 10km
1. Call the method create_running_session to perisist a rnun.\n2. Pass time and distance as parameters.
api.create_running_session(time='45 min', distance ='10 km')
do a program to consult the presences in the subjects
The main function serves as the entry point for a program that interacts with user input to retrieve and display information from a Google Sheets document based on specific search parameters.
def main(): print("Welcome to the Chamada QR-Code!") username = input("Enter your username: ") password = input("Enter your password: ") if login(username, password): param = input("Enter the parameter you want to search (card or subject): ") value = input("Enter the value you want to search: ") show_user_info(param, value)
If I want to create a pop-up to create an event, please tell me how to do that
This popup should contain an input to enter the title of the event, an input to enter a description for the event, an input to enter the date and time of the event, an input to enter the location of the event and an input to enter the suggested user of the event. It should also contain a button to cancel the operation and close the popup and a button to confirm the operation, save the inputs to the database and close the popup.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy data for demonstration users = {} events = [] @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/<username>/create_event', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def create_event(username): if request.method == 'POST': event_title = request.form['event_title'] event_date = request.form['event_date'] event_description = request.form['event_description'] event = { 'username': username, 'title': event_title, 'date': event_date, 'description': event_description } events.append(event) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username)) return render_template('create_event.html', username=username) @app.route('/<username>/events') def view_events(username): user_events = [event for event in events if event['username'] == username] return render_template('view_events.html', events=user_events, username=username) if __name__ == '__main__':
Develop a basic search bar that gets data from an internal variable
A simple option for creating a search bar is using the tkinter library. You will need to have an already defined data collection and basic search and display functions. Then you can use tkinter to create the GUI.
from tkinter import * # Sample internal data collection data_collection = [ "Data Entry 1", "Data Entry 2", "Data Entry 3", "Data Entry 4", "Data Entry 5" ] def search_data(query): results = [item for item in data_collection if query.lower() in item.lower()] display_results(results) def display_results(results): result_listbox.delete(0, END) for result in results: result_listbox.insert(END, result) # Create the main window root = Tk() root.title("Search Bar Example") root.geometry("500x400") # Create a search bar search_label = Label(root, text="Enter search query:") search_label.pack(pady=10) search_entry = Entry(root, width=50) search_entry.pack(pady=5) # Create a search button search_button = Button(root, text="Search", command=lambda: search_data(search_entry.get())) search_button.pack(pady=5) # Create a listbox to display results result_listbox = Listbox(root, width=80, height=15) result_listbox.pack(pady=20) # Run the application root.mainloop()
As a teacher, I want to see which students attended all the Artificial Intelligence classes.
Artificial Intelligence
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_students_with_full_attendance_by_class method from the attendance_api with the class name.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_students_with_full_attendance_by_class('Artificial Intelligence')\nprint(out)
I want to create a pop-up to create an event
This popup should contain an input to enter the title of the event, an input to enter a description for the event, an input to enter the date and time of the event, an input to enter the location of the event and an input to enter the suggested user of the event. It should also contain a button to cancel the operation and close the popup and a button to confirm the operation, save the inputs to the database and close the popup.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy data for demonstration users = {} events = [] @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/<username>/create_event', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def create_event(username): if request.method == 'POST': event_title = request.form['event_title'] event_date = request.form['event_date'] event_description = request.form['event_description'] event = { 'username': username, 'title': event_title, 'date': event_date, 'description': event_description } events.append(event) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username)) return render_template('create_event.html', username=username) @app.route('/<username>/events') def view_events(username): user_events = [event for event in events if event['username'] == username] return render_template('view_events.html', events=user_events, username=username) if __name__ == '__main__':
How do i integrate my app with a REST API that has Spotify songs as data
An option to this integration would be the rapidAPI Spotify Http request. First you need to import an http client, then create a connection with its headers. Finally, you can make the GET request and retrieve the data for your search.
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") headers = { 'x-rapidapi-key': "b00b0b41ccmsh677deab9b9957dap1e29b7jsn959076e506db", 'x-rapidapi-host': "" } conn.request("GET", "/search/?q=Metallica&type=multi&offset=0&limit=10&numberOfTopResults=5", headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))
make me simple login screen
to make a login screen, we will make a user name field and a password field, as well as a login button, to send these inputs to the server to authenticate the login atempt
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy user data for demonstration users = { "admin": "password123", "user": "mypassword" } @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('login.html') @app.route('/login', methods=['POST']) def login(): username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] if username in users and users[username] == password: return f"Welcome, {username}!" else: return "Invalid credentials, please try again." if __name__ == '__main__':
As a user, I want to visualize my progress through infographics to track my running evolution.
1. Import the necessary packages data_visualizer and chart_generator.\n2. Call the method get_running_data from data_visualizer to fetch the running data.\n3. Use chart_generator.create_infographics to generate the infographics from the fetched data.\n4. Display the generated infographics.
import data_visualizer import chart_generator data = data_visualizer.get_running_data() infographics = chart_generator.create_infographics(data) display(infographics)
i wish to make a sign up page for my app
a sign up page consist of a username, email, password and password confirmation fields as a bare minimum. after that we add a sign up button to send this form so it can get properly logged to the servers database.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) # Dummy user data for demonstration users = {} @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/signup', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def signup(): if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] if username in users: return "Username already exists. Please choose a different one." else: users[username] = password return "Sign-up successful! You can now login." return render_template('signup.html')
How can i make a search bar to fetch data from a dataset
A simple option for creating a search bar is using the tkinter library. You will need to have an already defined data collection and basic search and display functions. Then you can use tkinter to create the GUI.
from tkinter import * # Sample internal data collection data_collection = [ "Data Entry 1", "Data Entry 2", "Data Entry 3", "Data Entry 4", "Data Entry 5" ] def search_data(query): results = [item for item in data_collection if query.lower() in item.lower()] display_results(results) def display_results(results): result_listbox.delete(0, END) for result in results: result_listbox.insert(END, result) # Create the main window root = Tk() root.title("Search Bar Example") root.geometry("500x400") # Create a search bar search_label = Label(root, text="Enter search query:") search_label.pack(pady=10) search_entry = Entry(root, width=50) search_entry.pack(pady=5) # Create a search button search_button = Button(root, text="Search", command=lambda: search_data(search_entry.get())) search_button.pack(pady=5) # Create a listbox to display results result_listbox = Listbox(root, width=80, height=15) result_listbox.pack(pady=20) # Run the application root.mainloop()
Please, give me a login function
username, password
This function receive a username and a password and if they match with a previously registered returns true, otherwise returns false.
def login(username, password): # Check if the username and password are valid if username == "admin" and password == "password": print("Login successful!") return True else: print("Invalid username or password") return False
Give a python script that login the system and show the registers filtering by card or subject
The main function serves as the entry point for a program that interacts with user input to retrieve and display information from a Google Sheets document based on specific search parameters.
def main(): print("Welcome to the Chamada QR-Code!") username = input("Enter your username: ") password = input("Enter your password: ") if login(username, password): param = input("Enter the parameter you want to search (card or subject): ") value = input("Enter the value you want to search: ") show_user_info(param, value)
Do a Python script that receive a login parameters and return true if they match with a storaged parameters
username, password
This function receive a username and a password and if they match with a previously registered returns true, otherwise returns false.
def login(username, password): # Check if the username and password are valid if username == "admin" and password == "password": print("Login successful!") return True else: print("Invalid username or password") return False
Do a function to catch a hash table if the list of present students in all classes, from a google sheets database
This function connects to a Google Sheets document using the Google Sheets API, reads all records from the first sheet, prints each record, and returns the list of records.
def catch_user_info(): import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials # use creds to create a client to interact with the Google Drive API scope = ["", ""] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("creds.json", scope) client = gspread.authorize(creds) # Find a workbook by name and open the first sheet sheet ="Chamada").sheet1 # Extract and print all of the values list_of_hashes = sheet.get_all_records() for hash in list_of_hashes: print(hash) return list_of_hashes
As a runner, I want to generate a gallery to visualize all the runs I have completed.
1. Import run_visualizer and gallery_creator modules.\n2. Call run_visualizer.retrieve_completed_runs to get data of completed runs.\n3. Generate a gallery using gallery_creator.create_gallery with the retrieved data.\n4. Display the gallery to review your past runs.
import run_visualizer import gallery_creator completed_runs_data = run_visualizer.retrieve_completed_runs() gallery = gallery_creator.create_gallery(completed_runs_data) display(gallery)
As a student, I want to check if my attendance was successfully marked after scanning the QR code for the Physics class.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the check_my_attendance_with_qr_code method from the attendance_api with the class name and QR code.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nqr_code = "sample_qr_code_data"\nout = attendance_api.check_my_attendance_with_qr_code('Physics', qr_code)\nprint(out)
As a teacher, I want to know which professor taught the most classes this semester.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_teacher_with_most_classes method from the attendance_api with the semester.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_teacher_with_most_classes('2024.1')\nprint(out)
Do a python script to create a qr code with a pre selected url
The generate_qr_code function creates a QR code from a given URL and saves it as an image file named "qr_code.png".
import qrcode def generate_qr_code(url): qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, box_size=10, border=5) qr.add_data(url) qr.make(fit=True) qr_img = qr.make_image(fill="black", back_color="white")"qr_code.png") print("QR code generated successfully!")
As a user, I want to get a recommended running plan to achieve my goal, with scheduled runs every 7 days.
1. Call the method get_running_plan to generate a running plan.\n2. Ensure runs are scheduled every 7 days.\n3. Verify the plan helps achieve the set goal by checking the response.
create a way for a user to see an event
we will add a routine to receive information from the server, and display them to the user
@app.route('/<username>/events') def view_events(username): user_events = [event for event in events if event['username'] == username] return render_template('view_events.html', events=user_events, username=username)
As a teacher, I want to see the average attendance rate of students in all classes.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the get_average_attendance_all_classes method from the attendance_api.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.get_average_attendance_all_classes()\nprint(out)
As a student, I want to scan a QR code to mark my attendance for the Algorithms class.
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the mark_attendance_with_qr_code method from the attendance_api with the class name and QR code.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nqr_code = "sample_qr_code_data"\nout = attendance_api.mark_attendance_with_qr_code('Algorithms', qr_code)\nprint(out)
I want to see a gallery showing all my past runs to review my running history.
1. Import the packages run_visualizer and gallery_creator.\n2. Use run_visualizer.fetch_completed_runs to retrieve data of past runs.\n3. Pass the data to gallery_creator.generate_gallery to create a gallery.\n4. Show the gallery to visualize your running history.
import run_visualizer import gallery_creator completed_runs_data = run_visualizer.fetch_completed_runs() gallery = gallery_creator.generate_gallery(completed_runs_data) show(gallery)
As a teacher, I want to remove a student from a specific class.
João Silva, Compilers
1. Import the attendance_api package.\n2. Call the remove_student_from_class method from the attendance_api with the student's name and class name.\n3. Print the result.
import attendance_api\nout = attendance_api.remove_student_from_class('João Silva', 'Compilers')\nprint(out)
i want register the presence of my students
The list_of_presents generates de qr code to register the presence.
def list_of_presents(): generate_qr_code("")
Can you give me an way for a user to refuse the event in which they have been suggested?
a button with the image of an X which, when clicked, removes the user logged in as the suggested user for the respective event
@app.route('/<username>/refuse_event/<int:event_id>', methods=['POST']) def refuse_event(username, event_id): event = events[event_id] if username not in event['refused']: event['refused'].append(username) if username in event['invited']: event['invited'].remove(username) if username in event['participants']: event['participants'].remove(username) return redirect(url_for('view_events', username=username))
How do i make an option selection menu
To create a menu you can use the tkinter library. First you need to create the main window and the menu bar. Then you add as much items as you need and initialize your app.
from tkinter import * # Create the main window root = Tk() root.title("Simple Menu Example") root.geometry("400x300") # Create a menu bar menu_bar = Menu(root) # Create a Options menu and add items opt_menu= Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0) opt_menu.add_command(label="op1", command=lambda: print("First Option")) opt_menu.add_command(label="op2", command=lambda: print("Second Option")) #Add as many options as you need # Add the Options menu to the menu bar menu_bar.add_cascade(label="Options", menu=opt_menu) # Display the menu bar root.config(menu=menu_bar) # Run the application root.mainloop()
I want to see infographics that show my running progress to understand how I've improved.
1. Import the packages data_visualizer and chart_generator.\n2. Use data_visualizer.fetch_data to retrieve your running data.\n3. Pass the data to chart_generator.generate_infographics to create infographics.\n4. Show the infographics to visualize your progress.
import data_visualizer import chart_generator running_data = data_visualizer.fetch_data() infographics = chart_generator.generate_infographics(running_data) show(infographics)
As a user, I want to input my current running performance, including my best time and maximum distance.
Time: 45 min, Distance: 10km
1. Call the method set_current_performance with the best time and max distance.\n2. Pass the following parameters: best_time='45 min', max_distance='10km'.\n3. Verify the performance details have been saved by checking the response.
api.set_current_performance(best_time='45 min', max_distance='10km')
Give me a python script that receives a parameter and a value, and return the items from hash list that matches them
param, value
The show_user_info function retrieves and displays specific user information from a Google Sheets document based on a given parameter and value.
def show_user_info(param, value): list_of_hashes = catch_user_info() if param == "card": for hash in list_of_hashes: if value == hash["Cartão do aluno"]: print(hash["Carimbo de data/hora"]) print(hash["Nome do aluno"]) print(hash["Disciplina / Turma"]) print(hash["Cartão do aluno"]) if param == "subject": for hash in list_of_hashes: if value == hash["Disciplina / Turma"]: print(hash["Carimbo de data/hora"]) print(hash["Nome do aluno"]) print(hash["Disciplina / Turma"]) print(hash["Cartão do aluno"])
Create a search bar that receives a query and find all the references of that input in an internal data collection
A simple option for creating a search bar is using the tkinter library. You will need to have an already defined data collection and basic search and display functions. Then you can use tkinter to create the GUI.
from tkinter import * # Sample internal data collection data_collection = [ "Data Entry 1", "Data Entry 2", "Data Entry 3", "Data Entry 4", "Data Entry 5" ] def search_data(query): results = [item for item in data_collection if query.lower() in item.lower()] display_results(results) def display_results(results): result_listbox.delete(0, END) for result in results: result_listbox.insert(END, result) # Create the main window root = Tk() root.title("Search Bar Example") root.geometry("500x400") # Create a search bar search_label = Label(root, text="Enter search query:") search_label.pack(pady=10) search_entry = Entry(root, width=50) search_entry.pack(pady=5) # Create a search button search_button = Button(root, text="Search", command=lambda: search_data(search_entry.get())) search_button.pack(pady=5) # Create a listbox to display results result_listbox = Listbox(root, width=80, height=15) result_listbox.pack(pady=20) # Run the application root.mainloop()
I need to log my present running statistics, specifying the quickest time and the longest distance I can run.
Time: 30min, Distance: 12km
Invoke the function set_current_performance with the optimal time and maximum distance. Provide the parameters as follows: best_time='30 min', max_distance='12km'. Confirm the performance details have been recorded by inspecting the response.
api.set_current_performance(best_time='30 min', max_distance='12km') exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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Edit dataset card