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abomasnow | 暴雪王 | Grass attributes,Blizzard King standing on two feet, with white fluff all over, lavender eyes, and a few long strips of fur covering its mouth | 草属性,双脚站立的暴雪王,全身白色的绒毛,淡紫色的眼睛,几缕长条装的毛皮盖着它的嘴巴 |
abra | 凯西 | Super power attributes, the whole body is yellow, the head shape is like a fox, with a pointed nose, three fingers on the hands and feet, and a brown ring at the end of the long tail | 超能力属性,通体黄色,头部外形类似狐狸,尖尖鼻子,手和脚上都有三个指头,长尾巴末端带着一个褐色圆环 |
absol | 阿勃梭鲁 | Evil attribute, with white hair, blue-gray part without hair, bow-like horn on the right side of the head, red eyes | 恶属性,有白色毛发,没毛发的部分是蓝灰色,头右边类似弓的角,红色眼睛 |
accelgor | 敏捷虫 | Insect attributes,upright agile insects, the whole body is covered by mucous membranes, the neck is gray, the head has a four-pointed star shape, and there is a belt with eyes on the back | 虫属性,直立型的敏捷虫,全身被粘膜包裹着,脖子下是灰色,头部有一个四角星形状,背后有眼神出去的带子 |
aegislash-shield | 坚盾剑怪 | Steel attribute, huge sword body, hilt, sword tan, and golden-yellow sword spine, deep purple eyes and palm, black arms, jagged blade | 钢属性,巨大的剑身,剑柄,剑镡,和金黄色剑脊,深紫色眼睛和手掌,黑色手臂,锯齿状剑锋 |
aerodactyl | 化石翼龙 | A Pokémon with rock attributes, gray body, blue pupils, purple inner wings, two sharp claws on the wings, jagged teeth, and an arrow-like tail | 岩石属性,灰色身体,蓝色瞳孔,翅膀内侧是紫色,翼上两只锋利爪子,锯齿状牙齿的宝可梦,像箭头似的尾巴 |
aggron | 波士可多拉 | Steel attribute, large monster Pokémon, covered in full body armor, with a silver armor on the head, and two pairs of sky blue eyes on the forehead | 钢属性,大型怪兽类宝可梦,全身铠甲包裹,头部是银色铠甲,额头上有两组成对的洞天蓝色双眼 |
aipom | 长尾怪手 | General attribute, looks like a little monkey, body color is composed of purple and beige, the end of the tail is like a hand | 一般属性,外表似小猴子,身体颜色是紫色和米色组成,尾巴末端像一只手 |
alakazam | 胡地 | Pokémon with super power attributes, yellow body, long beard, pointed and long ears, three fingers on the hand, and a spoon in both hands | 超能力属性,身体黄色,胡子很长的宝可梦,耳朵尖又长,手长着三根手指,双手持有一把勺子 |
alcremie | 霜奶仙 | Fairy attribute, looks like an elf, the whole body is made of oil and cream, there are a pair of strawberry ornaments on the head, red eyes | 妖精属性,外表像个小精灵,通体油奶油构成,头上有一对草莓饰品,红色眼睛 |
alomomola | 保姆曼波 | Water attribute, fish like, pink body, golden eyes | 水属性,类似鱼,粉红色身体,金色眼睛 |
altaria | 七夕青鸟 | Dragon attributes, sky blue body, fluffy wings like cotton, two straps on the head | 龙属性,天蓝色身躯,蓬松翅膀像棉花一般,头上有两条带子 |
amaura | 冰雪龙 | Rock properties, similar to dinosaurs, with light blue body, blue eyes, white belly, diamond-shaped gem-shaped body, long neck and short tail | 岩石属性,类似恐龙,通体浅蓝色,蓝色眼睛,白色肚皮,身体有菱形宝石状,脖子长,尾巴短 |
ambipom | 双尾怪手 | General attributes, similar to a small monkey, with two tails, the hair on the top of the head is bifurcated, and the end of the tail is red inside the ear | 一般属性,类似小猴子,有两条尾巴,头顶的毛双分叉,尾巴末端耳朵内呈红色 |
amoonguss | 败露球菇 | Grass attributes,mushroom-shaped Pokémon with a pokeball-shaped umbrella, a gray stem-shaped body, a big pink mouth, and two shields shaped like pokeballs | 草属性,蘑菇状的宝可梦,带着精灵球状伞,灰色茎状身体,粉红色大嘴巴有两个形似精灵球的护盾 |
ampharos | 电龙 | Electric properties, yellow skin, a red ball on the forehead of the tail, white belly, flat hands, one toe | 电属性,黄色皮肤,尾巴额头上有个红色球体 ,白色腹部,扁状的手,一个脚趾 |
anorith | 太古羽虫 | Rock attributes,a flat and long fossil Pokémon with a pair of pincers, four pairs of wings on both sides of the body, and black eyes | 岩石属性,一种既扁又长的化石宝可梦,有一对钳,身体两侧有四对翅膀,黑色眼睛 |
appletun | 丰蜜龙 | Grass attributes,with a turtle-like body, and a four-legged Pokémon with woven fruity lace covering its back. | 草属性,身体类似龟,后背上覆盖着编织状的果派蕾丝四足宝可梦 |
applin | 啃果虫 | Grass attributes, looks like an apple, with two small fang-like patterns | 草属性,看上去像苹果,有两个小尖牙状花纹 |
araquanid | 滴蛛霸 | Water attribute, blue head, yellow-green legs, leg joints are blue, spherical, black body with brown stripes, big eyes, head surrounded by bubbles | 水属性,头部蓝色,黄绿色腿,腿关节是蓝色,为球状,身体是黑色,有褐色条纹,眼睛大,头被泡泡包围 |
arbok | 阿柏怪 | Poisonous attributes, it looks like a huge purple cobra, with black stripes on its body, small head, and triangular eyes | 毒属性,外形类似巨大紫色眼镜蛇,身上黑色系条纹,头小,眼睛三角形 |
arcanine | 风速狗 | Fire attribute, looks like a large dog, flaxen hair, brown eyes, tiger-like black and orange stripes, four-legged long tail | 火属性,外形类似大型犬类,亚麻色毛发,褐色眼睛,身上有老虎般的黑橙色条纹,四足长尾巴 |
arceus-normal | 阿尔宙斯 | General attributes, a Pokémon that looks like a horse or a centaur, with four pointed feet and golden hooves, a gray face, green eyes, and red pupils | 一般属性,外形似马或半人马的宝可梦,四只尖足金色的蹄,灰色面部,绿色眼睛,红色瞳仁 |
archen | 始祖小鸟 | Rock attributes,composed of red, yellow and blue, large red beak, red feathers on the neck, two claws on the wings, long tail | 岩石属性,由红黄蓝三色构成,较大的红色喙,颈部有红色的羽毛,翅膀上有两个爪子,长尾巴 |
archeops | 始祖大鸟 | Rock attributes, looks like a snake with wings, yellow abdomen, three sharp claws on the limbs, long red striped tail, the end of the tail is like a blue maple leaf | 岩石属性,看起来想长了翅膀的蛇,黄色腹部,四肢有三个尖利爪子,红色条状长尾巴,尾巴末端像一片蓝色枫叶 |
arctovish | 鳃鱼海兽 | Water attribute, the head is mainly light blue, similar in shape to a shield | 水属性,头主要为淡蓝色,形状和盾相似 |
arctozolt | 雷鸟海兽 | Electric attributes, the lower body is mainly light blue, with tail fins and feet similar to fish pelvic fins | 电属性,下半身主要为浅蓝色,有着尾部的鱼鳍以及类似鱼类的腹鳍的脚 |
ariados | 阿利多斯 | Insect-like, it looks like a spider, with a red head with a sharp horn, purple eyes, and two pairs of yellow and purple feet. | 虫属性,外形像蜘蛛,红色头部有一个尖角,紫色眼睛,两对黄紫相间的足 |
armaldo | 太古盔甲 | Rock attributes, blue carapace Pokémon, covered with armor, three white and red feathers on each side of the neck, a thorny carapace on the back, and two huge wings | 岩石属性,蓝色甲壳宝可梦,全身铠甲覆盖,脖子两边各三片白配红色羽状物,背后一块带刺甲壳,两片巨大翅膀 |
aromatisse | 芳香精 | Fairy attribute, head resembling an owl, purple feathers, pink belly feathers | 妖精属性,头部类似猫头鹰,紫色羽毛,腹部粉红色羽毛 |
aron | 可可多拉 | A steel-type Pokémon with a round body, four stubby feet, a gray body, light blue eyes, and a horn on its back | 钢属性,圆形身体,四只短粗脚的宝可梦,灰色身体,浅蓝色眼睛,背上有一根角 |
arrokuda | 刺梭鱼 | Water attribute, torpedo-shaped body, shuttle-like head, pointed mouth, long lower jaw, protruding canine teeth, three-piece tail fin, shaped like a propeller | 水属性,体呈鱼雷状,头如梭,嘴巴尖,下颌长,突出的犬齿,尾鳍三片,形似螺旋桨 |
articuno | 急冻鸟 | Ice type, large bird Pokémon, blue feathers, three dark blue prismatic feathers on the head, red eyes, bunting tail | 冰属性,大型鸟类宝可梦,蓝色羽毛,头上三根深蓝色棱形羽毛,红色眼睛,彩旗状尾巴 |
audino | 差不多娃娃 | General attributes, pink and beige body, sea blue eyes, wavy ears, three fingers, two toes, white fluffy tail | 一般属性,粉红色和米黄色相间身躯,海蓝色眼睛,波浪弧度耳朵,三根手指,两只脚趾,白色绒毛状尾巴 |
aurorus | 冰雪巨龙 | Rock attributes, dark blue long-necked dragon, light blue crystal-like patterns on the lower abdomen of the neck, two aurora-shaped fins with yellow and white gradients, and diamond-shaped gem-shaped protrusions on the head and body | 岩石属性,深蓝色长颈龙,脖子下腹部浅蓝色水晶状花纹,两片黄白渐变极光形鱼鳍,头和身上有菱形宝石状凸起 |
avalugg | 冰岩怪 | Ice attribute, resembling a tortoise, the whole body is made of icebergs, a pair of amber pupils, three cracks on the surface, cylindrical legs, and spiked claws on the feet | 冰属性,酷似乌龟,全身为冰山所制,一对琥珀色瞳仁,表面三个裂缝,腿部为圆柱形,脚上有尖刺的爪子 |
axew | 牙牙 | Dragon attributes, most of the body is cadmium green, one long white front teeth, red eyes, high horns on the head, the color of the neck looks like a scarf, and a short tail | 龙属性,全身大部分镉绿色,一个长白色的门牙,红色眼睛,头有高角,脖子上的颜色像围了围巾,尾巴短 |
azelf | 亚克诺姆 | A supernatural, fairy-like Pokémon with two gray tails and a ruby at the end of each tail | 超能力属性,妖精般宝可梦,两条灰色尾巴,每条尾巴末端都有一颗红宝石 |
azumarill | 玛力露丽 | Water attribute, two pink ears, round blue body, wavy pattern on the abdomen, black lightning-shaped tail, and a blue sphere at the end | 水属性,两只粉红色耳朵,身体圆形呈蓝色,腹部波浪形花纹,尾巴黑色闪电型,末端有个蓝色球体 |
azurill | 露力丽 | General attributes, like a blue water rat, with a white round spot on each cheek, small feet, no arms, and a large round object at the end of the tail | 一般属性,像一直蓝色水鼠,两颊各有一个白色圆形斑点,小脚,没有手臂,尾巴末端圆形物体很大 |
bagon | 宝贝龙 | Dragon attributes,petite Pokémon with a blue body and a hard skull | 龙属性,体格娇小的宝可梦,身体为蓝色,有坚硬的头骨 |
baltoy | 天秤偶 | Ground attributes, looks like a doll, the body is brown, the eyes are usually closed into a line, and the spikes at the bottom are like feet | 地面属性,外表像人偶,身体是褐色的,眼睛通常闭成一条线,下端的尖刺像脚 |
banette | 诅咒娃娃 | Ghost attribute, with a yellow zipper on the mouth, bloodshot glasses, gray body | 幽灵属性,嘴上有黄色拉链,眼镜布满血丝,全身是灰色 |
barbaracle | 龟足巨铠 | Rocky, orange and brown body, four hands | 岩石属性,橙色与棕色相间身体,四只手 |
barboach | 泥泥鳅 | Water attribute, looks like loach, light gray body, light blue mouth with two slender beards, jagged black patterns on both sides, small eyes | 水属性,外表像泥鳅,身体浅灰色,嘴巴为浅蓝色长着两根细长的胡子,两侧锯齿状的黑色花纹,眼睛很小 |
barraskewda | 戽斗尖梭 | Water attribute, looks like a fish, the body is basically beige, the head and back are dark brown, there are fishbone patterns on both sides, and the tail is like a propeller | 水属性,外表像鱼,身体基本是米黄色,头部和背部是深棕色,两侧有鱼骨状花纹,尾巴像螺旋桨 |
basculin-red-striped | 野蛮鲈鱼 | Water type, dark green body, three black spots next to the pectoral fins, and a black stripe on the head extending to the caudal fin | 水属性,身体呈深绿色,胸鳍旁有三个黑点,并且头部上有条黑色的斑纹延伸到尾鳍 |
bastiodon | 护城龙 | Rock attributes, the body is mainly khaki, there is a row of blunt white thorns on the back of the four legs, and the face looks like a hard stone shield | 岩石属性,身体主要是土黄色,四条腿脊背上长有一排钝状的白刺,脸貌似一块坚硬的石盾 |
bayleef | 月桂叶 | Grass attributes, the body is yellow, there are seven leaves around the neck, a large sickle-shaped leaf protruding from the head, four feet with big toe nails | 草属性,身体是黄色的,脖子周围有七片树叶,头上突出一片镰刀形状的大叶子,四只大脚指甲的脚 |
beartic | 冻原熊 | Ice attribute, tall and bipedal, white fur, ice teeth around the mouth, pointed and small head, with sharp crampons | 冰属性,身材高大双足站立,白色的皮毛,嘴巴周围有冰牙,脑袋尖而小,长着锋利的冰爪 |
beautifly | 狩猎凤蝶 | Insect type, the body is mainly black and gray, the wings are colorful, and the needle-like long mouth is round and rolled up | 虫属性,身体以黑色和灰色为主,翅膀色彩缤纷,像针一样的长长嘴巴圆圆卷起 |
beedrill | 大针蜂 | Insect attributes, yellow and black, with two tentacles on the head, four legs attached to the abdomen, two pairs of wings, large and thick white needles on the hands, and a tapered tail | 虫属性,黄黑相间,头长两个触角,四条腿附在腹部上,有两对翅膀,双手上有又大又粗的白色针,尾部为锥形 |
beheeyem | 大宇怪 | Super power attributes, brown Pokémon, with black patterns on the forehead, pits on both sides, two green eyes connected together, and red, yellow, and green hands. | 超能力属性,棕色的宝可梦,额头有黑色花纹,两边有凹坑,两只绿色的眼睛连在一起,手上有红、黄、绿三色。 |
beldum | 铁哑铃 | Steel attribute, blue Pokémon, with a round head with a huge red eye in the center, and huge white claws on the hip | 钢属性,蓝色的宝可梦,头部圆形正中是一个巨大的红色眼睛,臀部巨大的白色爪子 |
bellossom | 美丽花 | Grass attributes, sleeping green body, two bright red flowers on the head, blue eyes, green and yellow leaves like a skirt | 草属性,身体睡绿色的,头上有两朵鲜红色的花朵,蓝眼睛,像裙子一样的绿色和黄色的叶子 |
bellsprout | 喇叭芽 | Grassy, yellow head, like a trumpet, brown legs, like slender vines | 草属性,黄色的头部,就像喇叭,腿是褐色的根部,像细长的藤蔓 |
bergmite | 冰宝 | Ice attribute, the body is light blue, the belly is white, the whole body is full of edges and corners, the eyes are purple and yellow | 冰属性,身体是淡蓝色,肚子是白色的,全身布满棱角,眼睛是紫色加黄色的 |
bewear | 穿着熊 | General attributes, the head and tail are pink, the body is black, the hands and feet are very thick, and the feet are standing and hugging. | 一般属性,头部及尾巴是粉红色,身体是黑色,手脚很粗壮,双脚站立拥抱姿势 |
bibarel | 大尾狸 | General attributes, brown body, buff belly, two large teeth and very large tail with yellow stripes | 一般属性,身体是棕色的,腹部是浅黄色的,两个大牙齿和非常大的尾部,尾部有黄色条纹 |
bidoof | 大牙狸 | General attributes, the whole body is brown, the front teeth are large, and it stands on four legs | 一般属性,全身是棕褐色的,门牙很大,四脚站立 |
binacle | 龟脚脚 | Rock attributes, the shape of claws on a rock, the body is orange with a white ring, the head is basically brown, angry expression | 岩石属性,在一块岩石上爪子的造型,身体是橙色的,有白色环带,头部基本是棕色,生气的表情 |
bisharp | 劈斩司令 | Pokémon with evil attributes and humanoid appearance. There are sharp blades on the top of the head, limbs and abdomen. The sharp blade on the top of the head is yellow, and most of the body is red and gray. | 恶属性,外表人形的宝可梦,头顶,四肢和腹部都有利刃,头顶的利刃是黄色的,身体大部分分是红色和灰色 |
blacephalon | 砰头小丑 | Fire attribute, most of the body is pink and blue, yellow eyes are located at both ends of the head, small balls are glued to the body, white hands are like clown gloves, | 火属性,身体大部分是粉色和蓝色,黄色的眼睛位于头部两端,身体部位黏着小球,小丑手套一样白色的手, |
blastoise | 水箭龟 | Water attribute, turtle-shaped Pokémon, four-legged, dark blue body, pale yellow lower jaw, triangular ears, two water cannons protruding from the front of the turtle shell | 水属性,龟形宝可梦,四足,身体呈深蓝色,下颚是淡黄色的,耳朵是三角形的,龟壳的前端伸出了两门水炮 |
blaziken | 火焰鸡 | Fire attribute, white feathers, blue eyes, red body, yellow legs | 火属性,白色的羽毛,眼睛是蓝色的,身体是红色的,腿部是黄色的 |
blipbug | 索侦虫 | Insect attribute, the body is mainly yellow and blue, the eyes are large, and there are some tactile parts on the body | 虫属性,身体以黄色以及蓝色两种颜色为主,眼睛很大,身上有些触觉部位 |
blissey | 幸福蛋 | General attributes, egg-shaped appearance, pink upper part of the body, white lower part, curly hair on the head, white wings, egg pocket on the stomach | 一般属性,外表蛋形,身体上半部是粉色,下半部是白色,头部蜷曲的毛发,白色的翅膀,肚子上蛋的口袋 |
blitzle | 斑斑马 | Electric attributes, the whole body is black, with white zigzag patterns, a white electric horn on the top of the head, and four slender legs | 电属性,全身是黑色,白色的锯齿状花纹,头顶一条电光状的白色的角,四条修长的腿 |
boldore | 地幔岩 | Rock attributes, the body is mainly navy blue, the middle of the face is a raised navy blue rock, and there are four sharp orange polygonal stones on the top of the head, body, and arms. | 岩石属性,身体主要是藏青色,脸部的正中间竖凸起的藏青色岩石,头顶、身体、手臂有四块尖利的橙色多棱石, |
boltund | 逐电犬 | Electric attributes, the head is golden yellow, the belly and the middle part of the neck are white, the body is brown, the paws of the front legs are white, and the hind legs are golden orange. | 电属性,头部为金黄色,腹部和颈下中间部分是白色,身体呈茶色,前腿的爪子是白色,后腿是金橘色。 |
bonsly | 盆才怪 | It is rock-like, with a brown body, green round leaves on the top of the head, a small yellow spot in the middle of the eyes, small legs and a small mouth | 岩石属性,身体是棕色,头顶上绿色圆圆树叶,眼睛中间还有一个小黄点,小小的双腿和小小的嘴巴 |
bouffalant | 爆炸头水牛 | General attributes, huge horns on the head, brown body and yellow eyes, mane like an afro, four-legged | 一般属性,头部硕大的角,褐色的身体和黄色的眼睛,鬃毛像爆炸头一般,四足 |
bounsweet | 甜竹竹 | Grass attributes, looks like a mangosteen, the lower part of the body is white, the upper part is pink, and there are three calyxes on the top of the head, yellow eyes, cute expression | 草属性,外表像山竹,身体下部分是白色的,上面是粉色的,头上则是顶著三片花萼,黄色的眼睛,可爱的表情 |
braixen | 长尾火狐 | Fire attribute, looks like a fox, most of the body is white and yellow, some red hair grows in the ears, and the two feet are black | 火属性,外表类似狐狸,身体大半部分是白色和黄色的,耳朵里长出了一些红色毛发,两只脚是黑的 |
braviary | 勇士雄鹰 | General attributes, bird Pokémon, feathers are gray-black, wing ends and tail feathers are white | 一般属性,鸟类宝可梦,羽毛为灰黑色,翅膀末端与尾羽为白色 |
breloom | 斗笠菇 | It is of grass nature, looks like a kangaroo, its body is mainly green and beige, its head is shaped like a bamboo hat with mushrooms, and there are four green balls at the tip of its tail | 草属性,外表像袋鼠,身体以绿色和米黄色为主,头部蘑菇形成了斗笠状,尾巴尖端有四个绿色球形 |
brionne | 花漾海狮 | Water attribute, the body is composed of three colors, and there are two braid-like parts on the head | 水属性,身体由三种颜色组成,头上有两个类似辫子的部位 |
bronzong | 青铜钟 | It is of steel nature, looks like a bell, is bronze in color, has red ring-shaped eyes, a mouth in the center of the eyes, and a tree-shaped pattern on the back. | 钢属性,外表像钟,呈青铜色,红色环状眼睛,嘴在双眼中央,背部有一个树状图案。 |
bronzor | 铜镜怪 | Steel attributes, bronze in color, surrounded by six copper beads with a pattern of concentric circles in the center, yellow eyes | 钢属性,呈青铜色,周围镶有六个铜珠,中间有同心圆图案,黄色的眼睛 |
bruxish | 水属性 | Water attribute, the body color is very bright, with pink, purple, yellow and light blue patterns, thick lips, sharp teeth, and purple protrusions on the head | 水属性,身体颜色十分鲜艳有粉色、紫色、黄色和浅蓝色的花纹,厚嘴唇,锐利的牙齿,头上有紫色的突起 |
budew | 含羞苞 | Grass attributes, the overall color is green, with yellow-green legs, unopened flower buds on the head, squinting eyes, and three petal-shaped patterns on the chest | 草属性,整体颜色是绿色,黄绿色的小腿,头上还没开的花苞,眼睛眯着,胸前三篇花瓣状的花纹 |
buizel | 泳圈鼬 | Water attribute, the body is orange, there is a floating bladder on the neck, blue fins on the back of the hand, two black stripes under the eyes, two thin and long tails | 水属性,身体是橙色的,脖子上有个浮囊,手背上有蓝色的鱼鳍,眼睛下面有两条黑纹,两条尾巴细而长 |
bulbasaur | 妙蛙种子 | Grass attributes,toad-like, four-legged Pokémon with a blue-green body, a large mouth, and bright red eyes | 草属性,外表类似蟾蜍,四足的宝可梦,身体呈蓝绿色,有一张大嘴,鲜红色的眼睛 |
buneary | 卷卷耳 | General attributes, the appearance is like a rabbit, the whole body is brown, the fur on the feet and ears is cream, and one ear is folded | 一般属性,外表形似兔子,全身是棕色的,脚和耳朵的毛是奶油色的,一只耳朵折叠起来 |
bunnelby | 掘掘兔 | General attributes, the color of most of the body is gray, the ears are like huge arms, a pair of big eyes with gods and front teeth | 一般属性,身体的大部分颜色是灰色,耳朵像巨大的手臂,一双有神的大眼睛和大门牙 |
burmy-plant | 结草儿 | Insect attribute, the body is black gray and green, the head is like a conch, the body is full of small leaves, and a small pointed nose | 虫属性,身体是黑灰色和绿色,头部像海螺,身体全是小树叶,尖尖的小鼻子 |
butterfree | 巴大蝶 | Insect-like, with a dark blue-purple body, huge white wings with black veins, four pink-blue legs, and light red eyes | 虫属性,身体呈深蓝紫色,黑色脉纹的巨大白色翅膀,粉青色四条腿,眼睛是淡红色 |
buzzwole | 爆肌蚊 | Insect attributes, the body is red, two pairs of orange legs, translucent wings, long mouth, black tentacles, small and flat head | 虫属性,身体是红色的,两对橙色的腿,半透明的翅膀,长长的嘴巴,黑色的触角,头小而扁平 |
cacnea | 刺球仙人掌 | Grass attribute, round body, strong arms, three dark green rhombus patterns on the chest, and a yellow flower on the top of the head | 草属性,身体呈圆形,手臂十分健壮,胸前有三个深绿色的菱形花纹,头顶有一个黄色的花 |
cacturne | 梦歌仙人掌 | Grassy, with yellow eyes, dark green spikes, and a triangular, upside-down spine on its head that looks like a hat | 草属性,有黄色眼睛,深绿色突刺,头上有个三角形的、颠倒的刺状构造,看起来像一顶帽子 |
calyrex | 蕾冠王 | Super power attribute, with a huge dark green bud shaped like a crown on the top of the head, with purple patterns on the top of the bud, blue eyes, white palms and slender legs | 超能力属性,头顶上有着形似王冠的巨大墨绿色蓓蕾,蓓蕾顶端有着紫色的花纹,蓝眼睛,白色的手掌和细长的腿 |
camerupt | 喷火驼 | Fire attribute, mainly orange-red in appearance, with three bright blue circles on each side of the body, a hump on the back that resembles a rock structure, three upturned hairs on the head, and hooves on the feet | 火属性,外表橘红色为主,身体两侧各三个亮蓝色圆圈,背上驼峰类似岩石结构,头上有三撮上翘毛发,脚部有蹄 |
carbink | 小碎钻 | Rock properties, the overall shape is cone-shaped, with a circle of fluff in the middle, blue eyes and diamond-shaped ears on the head, the shape of the ears looks like a rabbit drilled in the ground | 岩石属性,整体呈锥形样子,中间有一圈绒毛,头部蓝色眼睛和菱形耳朵,耳朵形状看起来像是钻在土地里的兔子 |
carkol | 大炭车 | Rock attributes, the coal is mainly concentrated on the back, two eyes, a mouth, the big charcoal chariot has four legs, the back is composed of coal and a hard stone-like body | 岩石属性,煤炭主要集中在背部,两只眼睛,有嘴巴,大炭车拥有了四只脚,背部由煤炭和坚硬类似石头身体组成 |
carnivine | 尖牙笼 | Grass type, shape based on Venus flytrap, round eyes and small pupils, leaves can be used like arms, looks like there are three leaves made of fingers | 草属性,外形基于捕蝇草,圆形眼睛和小的瞳仁,叶子能像手臂一样使用,看起来有三个叶子做的手指 |
carracosta | 肋骨海龟 | Water attribute, blue rock face, white inside eyes, blue outside, light blue belly, hard shell on back, two black toes | 水属性,脸部蓝色岩石,眼睛里是白色的,外面是蓝色的,腹部浅蓝色,背部有坚硬外壳,两个黑色脚趾 |
carvanha | 利牙鱼 | Water attributes, the back is blue, the abdomen is red, its fins are basically yellow except for the tail fin, and there are star patterns on the abdomen | 水属性,背部是蓝色,腹部是红色,它的鳍除尾鳍外基本是黄色的,腹部上有星形图案 |
cascoon | 盾甲茧 | Insect attribute, the whole body is wrapped in lavender silk, red eyes | 虫属性,全身被淡紫色的丝包裹起来,红色的眼睛 |
castform | 飘浮泡泡 | General attributes, the shape of the head of the sun is like the sun, the shape of the head of the rain is like water droplets, and the shape of the snow cloud is like the head is wrapped by clouds. | 一般属性,太阳的样子头部形状像是太阳,雨水的样子头部形状则是水滴,雪云的样子则像是头部被云朵包裹住。 |
caterpie | 绿毛虫 | Insect attributes, caterpillar appearance, green back, white abdomen, Y-shaped red antennae on the head, yellow spindle-shaped tail, two pairs of gastropods | 虫属性,毛毛虫的外表,背面绿色,腹部白色,头部有Y字形红色触角,尾巴是黄色纺锤状,两对腹足 |
Dataset Card for Pokémon wiki captions
This project is inspired by pokmon-blip-captions, where the captions are all generated by pre-trained BLIP without any manual effort. However, the quality and accuracy of their captions are not satisfactory enough, which leaves it known whether better captions lead to better results. This motivates our dataset.
General attribute, looks like a little monkey, body color is composed of purple and beige, the end of the tail is like a hand
Poisonous attributes, it looks like a huge purple cobra, with black stripes on its body, small head, and triangular eyes
All 898 images are from The Complete Pokemon Images Data Set in Kaggle with size 475x475. Each image is accompanied with corresponding pokemon name and its detailed description from Pokemon Wiki, English and Chinese captions are provided. Human efforts are also involved to revise.
How to use
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("wanghaofan/pokemon-wiki-captions")
The dataset is formatted as below. For each row the dataset contains image
, name_en
, name_zh
, text_en
and text_zh
keys. image
is a varying size PIL jpeg, name
is the name of pokemon, and text
is the accompanying text caption. Only a train split is provided.
train: Dataset({
features: ['image', 'name_en', 'name_zh', 'text_en', 'text_zh'],
num_rows: 898
If you use this dataset in your work, please cite it as:
author = {Haofan Wang},
title = {Pokemon wiki captions},
howpublished= {\url{}}
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