<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>With the rise of the Black Lives Matter group, racism against white people has become more prevalent of an issue. It has existed for a long time, and has significantly effected my life in the past. As far as I know racism against minorities has been a much bigger issue than against white people, but to me it seems that the rise of groups like Black Lives Matter has allowed people who inherently dislike or fear white people to spread hatred of them. There have been numerous cases where people have been assaulted for being white, and plenty of people who believe white people should die or pay reparations to black people. This is generally explained to me as just radicals, but I see similar ideas in people I know very well. They believe that racism against white people isn't a thing, and I'm just too used to my white privilege so I'm fearful that minorities might be able to become successful. Which is not the case. My only fear is that organized groups begin to form out of hatred for white people because they believe they are all racist. In the end I don't want racism to be a huge issue in general, and I believe ignoring prejudice against white people will allow people to be racist without consequence to themselves. Am I wrong? Am I racist, and just too used to my white privilege that I don't want other races to succeed?<|ASPECTS|>consequence, black people, successful, succeed, assaulted, racism against minorities, white privilege, white people, die, hatred, similar ideas, reparations, racist, pay, effected my life, ignoring prejudice, fear white people, racism, dislike, radicals, minorities, racism against white people, hatred for white people<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that racism against white people is an issue, and that it should be focused on as much as racism against other races.
<|TOPIC|>Is the Book of Mormon an authentic ancient scripture?<|ARGUMENT|>Study also involves living the teachings of the book of Mormon and noticing the blessings it brings in your life. Study does not involve conjecturing to pinch out every possible way the book might be wrong as it's impossible to verify the power of god, in any religion, exclusively with science.<|ASPECTS|>noticing, teachings, blessings, power of god, living<|CONCLUSION|>
Joseph Smith proclaimed to"seek learning, even by study which implies that even believers of the Book of Mormon must verify its veracity by study, and not merely by feelings.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>All terrorists now are practically famous. Every terrorist found in Paris had their name and picture plastered all over every news channel. Yet, I never once heard someone say we should not be talking about them and naming them on the news. Argument against media coverage of mass shooters And while we are aghast at the frequency of school shootings and the lack of political will to do anything about it, the public continues to crave information about these killers. And news outlets provide it. But there is a theory gaining mainstream acceptance that the way the media report on shootings may lead to more shootings. The thought is that media coverage inadvertently glorifies these killers, which then inspires copycats. Researchers at Texas State University are in the process of studying whether media coverage does in fact lead to more mass shootings, but anecdotal evidence suggests there is some truth to it. Some experts say that airing video footage of shootings can be particularly harmful. But now, against the wishes of a group of Seattle Pacific University shooting victims and witnesses, along with the university itself, the city’s four major TV stations are seeking the release of surveillance video from the June 5 SPU shooting, arguing that the public has a right to the information. Its release is currently tied up in the courts, but if the judge rules in the stations’ favor, the media frenzy around the SPU shooting could be renewed, and a new cycle of violence could continue. Shouldn't terrorists be treated just as, if not more carefully? Every time you put a terrorists face on the news, it shows radical islamists Hey if I join ISIS, I'll be famous<|ASPECTS|>terrorist, killers, media frenzy, shootings, copycats, radical islamists, school shootings, shooters, glorifies, surveillance video, practically, violence, mass shootings, evidence, information, famous, naming, terrorists, media coverage, mainstream acceptance, harmful, news, political, carefully, cycle, inspires, right to the information, name and picture<|CONCLUSION|>
Everyone agrees that media coverage of Mass Shooters has harmful consequences... I think extensive reporting on individual Terrorists should be treated the way, and believe talking about them just creates more.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>In our western society, I feel men and women largely have the same opportunities to explore a career or lifestyle. Obviously there still exists institutionalized sexism, the latent policies that discriminate against a gender, but since transgender individuals are mainly worried about others' perceptions of them, I'm going to focus on the obvious opinions a majority of the population exhibits. I see an ever decreasing opposition to both sexes participating in something that would normally be reserved for the opposite sex think men staying home and watching children, women acting in combat roles in the military . I think insisting that one needs a sex change, hormonal therapy, or even just certain clothes reinforces the idea that some attitudes or activities are inherently tied to a certain gender, which is counter productive to the idea of gender equality. So why not abandon gender entirely and just do what one wants?<|ASPECTS|>opposite sex, explore, gender equality, abandon gender entirely, opportunities, opposition, perceptions, career, discriminate, combat roles, institutionalized sexism, sexes, lifestyle, gender, opinions<|CONCLUSION|>
Worrying about gender is a waste of time in a society that encourages one to be themselves and pursue their dreams no matter what
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>As in, you just go down to the DMV or any government office, say I want to change my sex to fe male and then they change your records and issue you a new ID. No specific requirements. My reasons for this are two fold To require jumping through any kind of hoop is discrimination against transgender people. Why? Because cisgender people don't have to jump through any hoops. Take a trans woman and a cis woman. The trans woman has to jump through a number of hoops notes to doctors, proof that she's living as a woman, required hormone treatments, possibly surgery before she can be legally recognized as her preferred gender. But the cis woman gets to be recognized by her preferred gender right from the get go. Giving something to one group without any requirements, while requiring another group to jump through hoops, is discrimination. It acts as a check on legal sexism. This one is a little more abstract, but it goes something like this if anyone feels that the opposite sex is legally favoured, then they can freely change their legal status to that sex, until enough people do so that nobody is jealous of the other sex anymore, either because it becomes too crowded and relatively less desirable or because everyone who wants what that sex legally has has already obtained it by switching. It's sort of like a homeostasis of equality. Change my view.<|ASPECTS|>, legal status, change your records, view, trans, legal sexism, less desirable, hoops notes, hormone treatments, preferred gender, homeostasis, required, people, hoops, discrimination against transgender people, recognized, trans woman, change my sex, jump, jealous, crowded, legally favoured, specific requirements, discrimination, equality<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that anybody should be able to change their legal sex for any reason.
<|TOPIC|>Should Infant Circumcision Be Banned?<|ARGUMENT|>Thirty percent of men are estimated to be circumcised in the world, yet the accounts of trauma reported are few and far between. pg. 6<|ASPECTS|>trauma, accounts<|CONCLUSION|>
Millions of men are circumsized but have no signs of lasting trauma.
<|TOPIC|>Is climate change chiefly human-caused?<|ARGUMENT|>"Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere." - "The world's leading climate scientists said global warming has begun, is very likely caused by man, and will be unstoppable for centuries, . . The phrase very likely translates to a more than 90 percent certainty that global warming is caused by man's burning of fossil fuels. That was the strongest conclusion to date, making it nearly impossible to say natural forces are to blame."<|ASPECTS|>natural forces, rapid warming, global warming, man, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, unstoppable<|CONCLUSION|>
Vast majority of scientists believe climate change due to humans
<|TOPIC|>Is being asexual/aromantic inherently under the LGBT+ umbrella?<|ARGUMENT|>Many asexual people describe themselves as polyamorous or non-monogamous therefore the asexual movement may desire to promote rights for polyamorous relationships.<|ASPECTS|>polyamorous relationships, rights<|CONCLUSION|>
If on their own, asexuals and aromantics can set more ambitious goals.
<|TOPIC|>Is it okay to physically torture prisoners?<|ARGUMENT|>Project MKUltra was a CIA-led project with participants including many research organisations, pharmaceutical companies and universities in the US. It focused on manipulating the mental state of prisoners under torture, leading to many scientific insights about the action of mind-altering drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation and psychological torture.<|ASPECTS|>scientific insights, mental state, manipulating, sensory deprivation, psychological torture<|CONCLUSION|>
In addition to torture being an interrogation tool, the beneficial insights into human physiology and psychology revealed in the process of torture help justify its application.
<|TOPIC|>Should Private Cars Be Forbidden In Large Cities?<|ARGUMENT|>There are a limited number of private cars available, if any, which do not contribute to pollution in the manner described.<|ASPECTS|>pollution, private<|CONCLUSION|>
The violation of human rights comes from the toxin, not the vehicle. Ban or limit pollution instead of the car.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>The decision in Citizens United v. FEC overturned a federal law prohibiting unions, corporations and not for profit organizations from broadcasting electioneering communications within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary election source Wiki sidebar summary . The statute that was overturned was disturbingly broad. As applied in the case, the FEC attempted to prevent an organization from airing television commercials for a movie that it produced criticizing Hillary Clinton, reasoning that the commercials themselves had the same effect as an attack ad on Clinton and thus could not air so close to an election. I think critics of the decision fall into two groups. One, the idiots. These people want money out of politics and are for whatever reason incapable of imagining the effects of any particular policy. They might be thrilled to see Bernie Sanders on Saturday Night Live a few days before a primary, promoting his political viewpoint, and actively resist acknowledging the fact that such an appearance would be questionable under the statute overturned by Citizens United. They understand that handing out political pamphlets to potential voters is possibly the most American thing one can do, and say they don't have a problem with it but think anything with a production cost over a few thousand dollars is in an entirely different category to political pamphletering. They think all media is a corrupting influence in politics, but share and share and reshare their candidates words and supportive news articles while waiting in line to vote . The other group of opponents is aware that overturning Citizens United opens the door to a parade of horribles involving restrictions on speech, and not just in politics and they expect and desire that result. Revising the first amendment gets their foot in the door for their pet projects criminalizing hate speech, restricting other first amendment freedoms like religion and assembly, attacking other parts of the Bill of Rights as outdated, etc. These people should just move to Europe, in my honest opinion as an ex European who thinks things are much better here. Sorry, I won't be around to respond for the next few hours, but I will definitely get back to your responses as soon as possible. Thanks in advance Edit Forgot Rule E. I'll be here Edit 2 I've overdone the ignoring meatspace thing but I will be back asap and reply to everyone plus follow ups.<|ASPECTS|>political pamphlets, idiots, attack ad, money, ignoring meatspace, amendment freedoms, horribles, imagining, criminalizing, incapable, responses, political pamphletering, questionable, hate speech, production cost, outdated, voters, corrupting influence, politics, restrictions on speech, effects, disturbingly broad, religion and assembly, better, electioneering communications, critics, political viewpoint<|CONCLUSION|>
Anyone who advocates against Citizens United is ignorant at best, and a dangerous enemy of free speech at worst.
<|TOPIC|>Should drugs be directly marketed to customers?<|ARGUMENT|>Customers can live under the assumptions that their symptoms are normal, common, and nothing to be alarmed about until seeing an advertisement.<|ASPECTS|>normal, symptoms, common<|CONCLUSION|>
A treatment may not have been made obvious to a patient until seeing the advertisement.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Tickets are around £25 pounds per person presumably my attendance doesn't cost? The gown and hat look silly My degree will be adequate proof I attended university. TL DR Extra Details My parents are separated, I don't encourage them to be in the same city let alone building. I won't be receiving an honourable degree probably a 2.2 or a 2.1 depending on my grades. But I'm almost guaranteed to pass with the grades I have so far. Much like the other posts I find on this sub Reddit its not exactly clear whether I'm looking for agreement Or if I'm looking to have my view changed. I guess I'm interested to here from those who think it's worthwhile and that I would regret it. of course if my instinct was right and I shouldn't go please say that as I have many ongoing discussions about this with relatives and friends<|ASPECTS|>, guaranteed, grades, silly, view changed, parents, tickets, cost, instinct, adequate proof, attended university, separated, attendance, pass, regret, worthwhile, honourable degree<|CONCLUSION|>
I don't see the point in attending graduation it's costly and not necessary
<|TOPIC|>Should Google Censor Their Search Results In Order To Operate In China?<|ARGUMENT|>Chinese users prefer Wechat to Facebook, because the former is a Chinese rather than a foreign owned company. Similarly, Chinese customers prefer Alibaba to Amazon.<|ASPECTS|>prefer<|CONCLUSION|>
The obstacles that Google will face when operating in China may negatively affect the company’s valuation.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>As a preface, I would personally never get cosmetic surgery, but I've thought about it quite a bit, and I've come to the conclusion that cosmetic surgery is actually the most deserved fair method to being attractive. x200B In fact, people who are just naturally attractive are, in my eyes, less deserving of their attractiveness since for the most part they had no control over their development genetics. On the contrary, when someone opts for cosmetic surgery, they are putting in their own hard earned money into changing their appearance for the better. There are few current methods to becoming attractive directly through some work input besides working out obviously , so it seems perfectly fair and deserving to me if someone wanted to simply convert cash which is in this case a medium for hard work into a better, more attractive appearance. x200B Now, one might argue that a good work ethic, like attractiveness, develops as a result of genetics environmental upbringing i.e. things out of one's control , so in effect, there would be no difference in becoming attractive through genetics or becoming attractive through a cash investment since their origins are the same. This would be a valid argument, though this is more subjective to me since we United States folks, that is are raised in a system that encourages and cultivates work ethic, but the same cannot be said for attractiveness good looks. Kids and students that fail to develop a good work ethic simply did not or could not for other valid reasons take advantage of the system they were placed in, and therefore the fault should be placed more so on their parents for failing to raise their children in a favorable environment, and not simply the fact that they got bad genes . To summarize, attractiveness is by far a function of genetics, while work ethic is something that is fostered within children even from a very young age therefore, any excuse that work ethic is solely a function of factors out of one's control are false to a great extent.<|ASPECTS|>becoming, attractive, favorable environment, attractiveness good looks, changing, cash, development genetics, attractive appearance, hard earned money, environmental upbringing, cash investment, fair, deserving, bad genes, fair method, attractiveness, work ethic, less<|CONCLUSION|>
There's nothing inherently wrong with getting cosmetic surgery to change your self-image.
<|TOPIC|>Should Election Campaigns only be Funded by the Government?<|ARGUMENT|>Donating to a campaign is a form of speech which expresses your support for that party and its policies. This speech should therefore be protected by the government.<|ASPECTS|>support, protected by the government<|CONCLUSION|>
Citizens have the right to donate to the election campaigns of political parties, which they are deprived of if only governments fund election campaigns.
<|TOPIC|>Parents Who Don't Vaccinate Their Children Should Be Fined If The Child Gets A Vaccine-Preventable Illness<|ARGUMENT|>Seatbelts have even been the cause of fatalities in some accidents where the person might have survived if they had not been strapped in. The same with baby car-seats. But it is still wise to use whatever safety precautions are made available.<|ASPECTS|>fatalities, survived, cause, safety precautions<|CONCLUSION|>
It is appropriate to encourage/ enforce an intervention that significantly reduces the risk of disease, just as we enforce seat belts even though they don't prevent all motor vehicle deaths.
<|TOPIC|>Capital Punishment in the US: Inhumane or Just?<|ARGUMENT|>Capital punishment is proportional to certain offenses murder, terrorism and appopriate sanction for breaching the social contract.<|ASPECTS|>appopriate sanction, capital punishment, social contract<|CONCLUSION|>
Some criminals deserve the death penalty due to the severity of their crimes.
<|TOPIC|>Should Employees Disclose Their Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace?<|ARGUMENT|>There is a view amongst the public that people with eating disorders or substance use disorders are at fault for their illness<|ASPECTS|>eating disorders, illness, substance use disorders<|CONCLUSION|>
Knowing people with mental health issues and discussing those issues with them helps to break negative stereotypes.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Yes you pay a bit of a premium, but you get what you pay for. I'm a technical user but only order Macs for the following reasons. Mac OS X . It's much simpler than Windows 7 and 8 and I just prefer it for an OS because I've found it to be more reliable. Yes, I realize you can run OS X through a Hackintosh PC, but it's never as reliable as Mac computers, plus you can't really update reliably. Or at least it wasn't several years ago, I don't know about now. Plus it seems to be more efficient. I'm typing this on a 4 year old late 2008 MacBook Pro. It still feels as fast as the day I got it. Meanwhile, my Windows performance has slowed down. Customer service . You order a Windows PC from Best Buy and when you go in to get it serviced, they tell you to fuck off or charge you an absurd fee. They even charge you to look at your computer. Apple has great customer service. Not only are they great at replacing things under warranty, but they check out your computer free of charge even if it's out of warranty. Recently, my motherboard failed. On any other computer, it would have been a death sentence, but Apple offered to refurbish it for 300. Not only did they replace my motherboard, but they replaced my keyboard that had a few loose keys, my faulty disc drive, my battery, my RAM, a dent in the body I did have to hassle them for this bc they wanted to charge me extra and wouldn't fix anything without fixing the dent , and my trackpad for the same price. Build quality . I'm not a fan of the plastic design of many computers nowadays. I love the unibody design, it just feels solid. Accessories Parts . It's easy to order replacement parts and accessories for a Mac. I easily found a new AC adapter and a new battery through Amazon. Meanwhile, it was a nightmare trying to find a decent AC adapter for my older Toshiba laptop. One of the ones I ordered almost caught on fire when I tried to plug in an S Video cable. Processing power . The Macs on the market now has as much, if not more, processing power than the top of the line PC's out now. Yes you pay a premium, but you gain the other benefits I mentioned above. Reliability Knock on wood , I've had fewer issues with this computer than any other computer I've had. Like I said, really the only issue in 4 years is a motherboard failure, which is pretty good considering it's used constantly and carried around in a backpack. And if you search around or order from the refurb store which I tend to do , you pay even less of a premium. Look here This is a 2 year old model, but it's still as powerful as many new laptops for a significant discount and all the benefits I mentioned above. By all means, prove me wrong and change my view, I'm curious to hear your thoughts.<|ASPECTS|>build quality, free of charge, replacement parts, replacing things, powerful, benefits, new battery, windows performance, efficient, customer service, nightmare, motherboard failure, premium, ac adapter, update reliably, wood, fewer issues, motherboard failed, reliability, caught on fire, death sentence, absurd fee, technical user, unibody design, fuck, look, used constantly, loose, charge, computer, easy to order, solid, less, accessories, slowed, significant, pay, thoughts, hassle, feels as fast, simpler, feels, plastic design, reliable, order, discount, processing power<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe Macs are great computers for their price.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Freedom of belief only goes so far. I can't prevent an anti vaxxer of a Christian Scientist from procreating, but I do believe that the state, having undertaken the task of protecting the welfare of children in the foster care system, subsequently has a vested interest in ensuring that foster parents adhere to modern medical science. Faith healing, colloidal silver, homeopathy, chiropractic medicine, and other forms of quackery are harmful to children in foster care, many of whom have medical conditions which necessitate valid medical treatment. If a couple believes that a child having a seizure is actually possessed by the devil and needs to be prayed over instead of treated for a seizure, that child is in medical danger. If a child with bipolar disorder is being treated with distilled water with a minuscule amount of some herb in it instead of getting counseling and medication, that child is being neglected. If a girl is denied the HPV vaccine because of some cockamamie religious belief about how she should keep an aspirin between her knees until she's married, she's being neglected. The state has a vested interest in ensuring that medical science, the only form of medical care that goes through a rigorous battery of peer reviews, clinical trials, and heavy supervision, is adhered to, instead of some faith based quackery. . <|ASPECTS|>neglected, faith healing, modern, valid medical treatment, silver, parents, faith based quackery, freedom of belief, harmful, medical science, bipolar disorder, hpv, vaxxer, welfare of children, medical danger, cockamamie religious belief, possessed by the devil, medical conditions<|CONCLUSION|>
Anti-vaxxers, alternative-medicine advocates, faith-healing advocates, and other deniers of medical science should be barred from being foster parents.
<|TOPIC|>Should There be a Universal Basic Income UBI?<|ARGUMENT|>Domestic labourers shouldn't be rewarded for doing a bad job. However, receiving a disposable income every month would make them feel like they're rewarded for the things they do, regardless of how poorly.<|ASPECTS|>domestic, disposable income, rewarded, bad job<|CONCLUSION|>
Unlike employment, a UBI would support all domestic labourers, including the ones that were neglectful of their work.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I feel that the systems required to maintain current western lifestyles mean that nearly everyone living in a advanced country such as the US, Australia or Japan is a bad person. I think this because of the effects on the environment, animals and other humans our countries have. For example 1 most people consume disposable items that will never degrade and or required significant non renewable resources to create 2 we support systems that require and encourage the exploitation and oppression of the poorest people on the planet. In my view it does not matter whether a people is aware or agrees with the system for as long as they continue to use it they are a bad person. EDIT Replace westerns with 'anyone who uses a system that requires the suffering of thousands people and animals'. Edit 2 Good chat, thanks everyone <|ASPECTS|>poorest, humans, system, disposable items, resources, aware, effects on, oppression, animals, bad person, suffering, environment, exploitation, lifestyles<|CONCLUSION|>
Nearly all westerners are bad people because of the system required to maintain their lifestyle
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I think the mens rights movement has a right to exist because the issues faced by men are real Child custody , child support etc and that those affected by the problems have the right to form their own group to raise those issues . They have the right to remain distinct from feminism if they choose to because it is men that are directly affected by the problems they face and should be able to have their own voice rather than join a movement that's mostly about woman's issues . What they do not have a right to though is harassing women which they seem to be doing right now . This behaviour should be rightly called out and criticized by everyone , including those that care about mens rights because this kind of activity undermines the legitimacy of the group . Edit the title is vague so a clarification If someone were to convince me that the principle of men's rights is a bad idea maybe because men don't have issues and are the movement exists only to attack on feminism not the case . I would cmv Or convince me that the existence of an mra group necessitates that it will be hateful Tl dr men have the right to form their own distinct movement to address the problems that directly affect them .<|ASPECTS|>child support, hateful, woman 's issues, child custody, men 's rights, distinct movement, legitimacy of the group, right to remain distinct from feminism, attack, feminism, mens rights, right, problems, harassing women, right to exist, right to form<|CONCLUSION|>
The men's rights movement has a right to exist
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I hate cleaning my room. It feels like a wastage of precious time which can be better used in pursuit of things that really matter like knowledge, money, health, etc. by reading books, working on paying projects, exercising etc. I know keeping my surroundings clean is really important but I can't seem to find a strong and motivating reason to do it, not only on a regular basis but even after my room has become the very definition of chaos. The origins of this aversion might be rooted into the sheltered lifestyle that I received while growing up. I was always good at academics and my parents never thought it necessary for me to learn to do the menial chores of house. I wonder if all children need to be specifically trained in such fields as washing clothes, doing dishes, keeping their room clean on a regular basis, or am I just another lazy nerd. Any advice that might help me develop the right perspective is much appreciated.<|ASPECTS|>sheltered lifestyle, right perspective, menial chores, hate, exercising, precious time, money, washing clothes, surroundings, health, paying projects, motivating, academics, house, clean, cleaning my room, lazy nerd, knowledge, chaos<|CONCLUSION|>
Cleaning my room is not an important enough activity.
<|TOPIC|>Kialo should separate voting into relevance and veracity of claim.<|ARGUMENT|>God did not intervene in perhaps the greatest sin of all, the fall of Adam that brought every other sin into the world, but rather chose to send Jesus into the world as a sacrifice to redeem mankind to himself. This permits man to choose--freely--whether he wants to be redeemed, or to continue in his rebellion.<|ASPECTS|>god, redeem mankind, choose, sin, sacrifice, freely, rebellion<|CONCLUSION|>
God often chooses not to rescue, which would require interfering directly with a sinner's free will, but to redeem.
<|TOPIC|>Gaming is Good: Are Tabletop RPGs good because they exercise creativity and problem solving skills?<|ARGUMENT|>Taking risky or unconventional actions in real life can have devastating consequences for both the individual and for others. This can deter people from testing out creative and risky solutions. Trying out risky actions in RPGs allows people to test a scenario without suffering real life consequences.<|ASPECTS|>life consequences, risky actions, devastating consequences, creative and risky solutions, risky<|CONCLUSION|>
Tabletop RPGs are good because they exercise creativity and problem solving skills
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I often hear this discussion among friends that they are 'excited' for technological change to replace jobs with machines. When i ask why, they reply, Well, these are jobs no one wants anyways. They are factory jobs and jobs that have terrible work conditions. I mean, the point is fair enough, but I don't see how this will end well. Class struggle will almost certainly get worse and wealth will almost certainly be more concentrated at the top. I understand the inevitability of technological change, but I don't see how this could end well.<|ASPECTS|>end, class struggle, technological change, jobs, terrible, work conditions, factory jobs, replace jobs with machines, end well, wealth, inevitability<|CONCLUSION|>
I think that the replacement of human workers with machines is going to be a net detriment to human civilization.
<|TOPIC|>Shame has no place in a properly functioning society<|ARGUMENT|>There are laws that condemn criminal behavior like murder and rape. Even if criminals did not feel shame or guilt, they would be behind bars where they can't harm others.<|ASPECTS|>behind, criminal behavior, harm others, shame, guilt, murder<|CONCLUSION|>
Shame and guilt are emotions People do not need to rely on emotions to guide their behaviour when we can rely on sources such as laws or logic.
<|TOPIC|>Is the Premier League Better than the Bundesliga?<|ARGUMENT|>The PL has the advantage on relying on a huge catchment area from the commonwealth times, where British sports culture and media were widespread. Thus the PL seems to be more familiar in other parts of the world, simply because of being British.<|ASPECTS|>familiar, catchment area<|CONCLUSION|>
The PL is preferred by fans outside of Europe, for example in China
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>There is of course overwhelming evidence for the idea of Climate Change, but it seems that even if we completely overhauled our society to a green society, the process will continue on its own momentum. I know I'm not exactly citing anything, I just haven't found anything yet to the contrary. Standing by more realistic outcomes where we cap a large amount of our emissions, preventing rising sea levels ice caps melting would be impossible. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to look into solutions to these problems rather than trying to prevent them?<|ASPECTS|>solutions, prevent, reasonable, momentum, green society, ice caps melting, emissions, climate change, problems, citing, realistic outcomes<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that Global Warming, while real, is not an important issue.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>To clarify Cosmetic Micros are not included in my intended subject. Those are fine. Single Player games are also not included, and neither are Mobile games like Clash of Clans which I consider lost causes. I'm only talking about Pay To Win Microtransactions hereon referred to as Micros in Multiplayer games VC in NBA2k to buy stats, lootboxes in the upcoming Shadow of War, for example or single player games that have an online competitive leaderboard mechanic of some kind. I posted a yesterday and my V was, indeed, C'd regarding Micros in videogames, and the best way to fight Pay to Win ones. Where the majority of folks landed is that buying Games but boycotting the Micros doesn't appropriately punish the companies who included said Micros, given the low cost to create the Micro items and infrastructure. My view now is that this is accurate Boycotting games over the micros would have a greater impact how Much greater is the question than merely boycotting the Micros. My view is that, while it may have more impact, it's not worth the damage it would do to gaming franchises and IPs. Shadow of War is a prime example. You'll be allowed to buy lootboxes which may well provide you with improved armor and weapons. It's not GTA Online you won't see other Talions running by and be able to kill them with your new Uber gear. But there will be a Multiplayer leaderboard system where you can use Orc Commanders in your army to assault other players' strongholds. How do you get those Orc Commanders? Combat. How do you Fight them when other players send them to your stronghold and you have to fend them off with your geared Talion? Combat. There will be a permanent ranked mode where you'll be well, ranked, and where Commander losses will be permanent. Those who spend money on improved gear will have an advantage arguably slight, as we don't yet have a clear understanding of the AI's difficulty skew over those who do not purchase them, and this will in turn skew the ranked system. But, the game otherwise may well be a masterpiece, and looks at least to be a strong contender to be remembered as a fantastic title. Many have said that we should boycott SoW but who, in the end, would that punish? Everyone. Every voice actor, every designer, every marketer, every storyboard artist each of them would be punished. Their future work availability will be affected as well. What if the guy who designed Orc 5 will go on in a decade to design one of the most beautiful games in history? What if there's a voice actor getting his start as a background human slave who could use the success of this game to launch himself over time into being the next Nolan North? Artist 5 isn't responsible for the decision to include Micros into a game. Neither's Future Nolan. They're just contributing to making a strong game, and by most all standards but the Micros, it looks like it very well may be, and perhaps will spawn another sequel that will be even stronger. Longer franchises, more future opportunities for skilled workers who've contributed to it. I contend that supporting a strong game that, besides the Micros, you'd consider worth a 60 dollar price tag, is the lesser of two evils between that and boycotting the game altogether. As I mentioned in my last post, I consider boycotting the game to be cutting off the nose of the gaming industry to spite its face, sacrificing the future potential of otherwise incredible IPs, franchises, and contributing individuals for an attempt to send a message that may very likely not even reach its destination.<|ASPECTS|>shadow of war, competitive leaderboard mechanic, micros, low, fine, difficulty skew, future opportunities, lost causes, price tag, boycotting games, improved armor and weapons, punish, infrastructure, future potential, ranked, future nolan, strong game, franchises, commanders, kill, sequel, games, future, fight, gaming, beautiful games, lootboxes, cosmetic micros, responsible, damage, decision, boycotting, punished, buying, commander losses, pay to win, ranked mode, fend, assault, masterpiece, cost, ai, ranked system, impact, gta, background human slave, strongholds, boycott, fantastic title, skilled workers, work availability<|CONCLUSION|>
Boycotting Games Over Micros that Affect Gameplay Pay-to-Win Are Not Worth the Damage It Would Do to Game Franchises &amp; IPs
<|TOPIC|>Israeli military assault in Gaza, Israeli Invasion of Gaza<|ARGUMENT|>Tony Karon. "Israel Invades Gaza, Hoping to Pummel Hamas into a Truce". Time. January 3, 2008 - "Unlike the botched invasion of Lebanon in 2006, when Israel set itself the unattainable goal of eliminating the military capability of Hizballah, this time Barak and Olmert have made clear that their objective is not to wipe out Hamas, but instead to force the radical group to accept a durable cease-fire on Israel's terms."<|ASPECTS|>israel, military capability, gaza, cease-fire, hamas<|CONCLUSION|>
Israeli attacks may force Hamas to accept a more durable ceasefire
<|TOPIC|>Should Trophy Hunting Be Illegal?<|ARGUMENT|>Before a hunting ban was imposed in 2013, 60% of the Zambian Wildlife Authority’s ZAWA revenue was generated by commercial hunting. Today, ZAWA is underfunded and has been bailed out by the Zambian government more than once.<|ASPECTS|>revenue, underfunded, commercial hunting, bailed<|CONCLUSION|>
According to a study by the WWF only 16% of conservancies would have been able to pay all their bills if they were deprived of hunting-related income
<|TOPIC|>Working Hours, Maximum Weekly<|ARGUMENT|>A maximum working week could well involve re-evaluating any minimum wage in place, as it would likely need to increase if the new rules meant a fall in hours worked by large numbers of workers. This tangential benefit would clearly be in workers’ interests.<|ASPECTS|>benefit, wage, fall, re-evaluating, hours worked, workers ’ interests<|CONCLUSION|>
A maximum working week could well involve re-evaluating any minimum wage in place, as it would likel...
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I clearly made my title very general but I’m mainly talking about iPhones, though the same can be said for Samsung phones. Companies are making phones thinner and lighter and with bigger screens because it’s more physically pleasing that way. It LOOKS better. If you buy an otter box case for your phone, you’re covering all of that up and making it a brick. What was the point of getting the phone. With iPhone, I understand that the OS is a main appeal. But why would you get an iPhone 10XS as opposed to an iPhone 8 or 7 for cheaper and just put a case on that. If you buy a flagship phone that clearly is designed to be as physically appealing as possible, you buy it for how it looks. And you should keep it that way. If you have butter fingers, too bad. Get a cheaper more durable phone. While the OS is a good reason to get an iPhone, Android flagship phones have even less of a defense. If you buy Samsung Galaxy S whatever number we are on now you are 100 buying for aesthetics and or product name. So show it off and don’t cover it. Otherwise buy yourself some cheaper Android phone that runs the same OS and has similar. Give me one good reason you’d put a case on a flagship phone you just bought? Hint protecting it is not a good reason.<|ASPECTS|>cheaper, bigger screens, durable phone, os, physically pleasing, lighter, brick, physically appealing, main appeal, similar, covering, box, thinner, iphones, less, defense, flagship, looks better, product name, aesthetics, protecting, butter fingers<|CONCLUSION|>
If you buy a phone for its aesthetic and put a thick case on it, you should’ve just bought some other cheaper phone.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I didn't learn cursive until third grade, and haven't used it much since outside of signatures. I've heard many people older than me talk about how cursive was more heavily taught and used back in the day, but that's it. recently, a post on r 4chan caused a lot of people to defend cursive, and many people were insulting anyone who can't read cursive. I dont think I should need to be able to read cursive, as I haven't had to know more than my signature thus far, but many people seem to think it's as important as basic math. I wouldn't have felt the need to post here if it weren't for how malicious some people were being in the comments. The post in question<|ASPECTS|>read cursive, heavily taught and used, malicious, insulting, cursive, defend cursive, learn, post, basic math<|CONCLUSION|>
Cursive is irrelevant in modern society and people shouldn't be insulted for not knowing it.
<|TOPIC|>Does science justify atheism?<|ARGUMENT|>Trial judge said "his was obviously also no case of insane hatred of Jews, of fanatical anti-Semitism or indoctrination of any kind. He "personally" never had anything whatever against Jews; on the contrary, he had plenty of "private reasons" for not being a Jew hater."<|ASPECTS|>fanatical anti-semitism, jew, insane, indoctrination, private reasons, hatred of jews<|CONCLUSION|>
Hannah Arendt describes Eichmann as a Zionist who spoke yiddish Arendt, p. 23
<|TOPIC|>Was the FBI Right to Keep the Pedophile Site Playpen Online After Hacking It?<|ARGUMENT|>It is highly unlikely to be prosecuted when producing child porn with a 7 year old daughter once and it is still not right.<|ASPECTS|>porn, unlikely to be prosecuted<|CONCLUSION|>
The threat to be proscuted is unrelated to the question if something was 'right'
<|TOPIC|>Does science justify atheism?<|ARGUMENT|>Pol Pot “elevated farmers and agriculture–everything rural”. He believed that Rousseau was right to define humans as “noble savages” who were in their most natural state when they were separated from the corrupting influence of urban society.<|ASPECTS|>natural state, noble savages, society, farmers, corrupting influence<|CONCLUSION|>
Philosophers tend to deal in absolutes, which can encourage totalitarianism.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I've been reading about the new regulation being proposed by President Obama and I'm not a supporter. I am left on most issues, but this one I'm not so sure. My understanding is the primary goal is to reduce the negative effects of living in low SES neighborhoods by allowing people to live in more affluent communities which afford a wide variety of benefits. Further, it will reduce racial segregation which will hopefully improve interracial relations. My problem stems mainly from people choosing to live in a safer neighborhood which is almost always going to be more expensive. By introducing low ses individuals into these communities property values will go down and crime will go up. This is a byproduct of SES, nothing to do with race. I am a bit biased on this issue, I moved from a poor neighborhood riddled with crime to a nice suburban community with an almost 33 increase in living expenses to escape. A few years after I moved there they introduced two section 8 housing complexes. There was a huge community debate about this, I recall a sharp spike in burglary, assault and other arrests within the next 2 years. I moved for unrelated reasons, but it would seem this offered nothing positive to these communities.<|ASPECTS|>section, living expenses, crime, benefits, go, community debate, spike, unrelated, positive, low ses, property values, affluent communities, race, negative effects, arrests, interracial relations, housing complexes, safer neighborhood, racial segregation, new regulation, assault, communities, burglary, ses, poor, expensive<|CONCLUSION|>
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing is a terrible policy
<|TOPIC|>Is Gillette's toxic masculinity ad good?<|ARGUMENT|>It includes a series of demeaning clips implying that the specific male activities outlined in the advert are toxic.<|ASPECTS|>toxic, activities, demeaning<|CONCLUSION|>
The ad assumes negative behaviors featured in the video are an endemic social problem.
<|TOPIC|>The Trilemma of the Maroons<|ARGUMENT|>It would presumably also require a reasonable amount of resources to catch each slave thus diminishing the value of the bounty further.<|ASPECTS|>value, bounty, resources<|CONCLUSION|>
Two pounds for each returned slave translates into roughly 150 pounds today. Thus, the income is not substantial.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>So currently a lot of government benefits in the US are given as in kind transfers, where the government gives you a voucher to buy a specific sort of thing. In particular, food stamps give people a debit card with which they can buy non prepared food from grocery stores and other food retailers. I think the restriction on what can be bought with these benefits should be repealed, and that the recipients should decide for themselves what they want to buy. The restriction on buying only food is paternalistic, and reduces the range of options available to poor families. Changing the benefit to a cash transfer will improve the welfare of poor families, while saving the government money on their administration of the program. The rules requiring purchasing only food seem designed around ideas that poor people are irresponsible and prone to bad decision making, and that the government knows better than them what they need. While some people would make worse decisions with the money, it does not seem fair to greatly reduce the value of these benefits for the large majority of recipients who are conscientious people in extremely difficult circumstances. But these programs became the way they are for a reason, so maybe I'm missing something. Change my view. Edit 1 So far u iserane has gotten furthest along in altering my view, though not fully there yet. But I need to get some sleep here, so will respond to more posts in the morning.<|ASPECTS|>money, view, benefits, poor families, sleep, improve, paternalistic, bad decision making, kind transfers, saving, welfare of poor families, decide, options, government benefits, altering my view, voucher, value, prepared food, worse decisions, irresponsible, missing, range, debit card, restriction, difficult circumstances, poor<|CONCLUSION|>
Food stamps should be given as cash benefits.
<|TOPIC|>Should Comprehensive Sex Education be Mandatory?<|ARGUMENT|>Proactive teaching about consent can also allow for discussions which undermine rape myths. These myths include problematic ideas including that clothing is related to sexual assault and that rape is more likely to occur at the hands of a stranger than someone you know.<|ASPECTS|>sexual assault, problematic ideas, rape, rape myths, undermine, consent, stranger<|CONCLUSION|>
Understanding consent from an early age will enable children to recognise instances of abuse in later life.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>There is already a that says that the Indiana religious freedom law is not as bad as it's made out to be. I'd argue that it could be a very good thing in the fight against homophobia with two tweaks 1 Businesses or nonprofits that have monopoly power are excluded from its provisions. This is obvious as a utility denying electricity to gays in effect prevents them from connecting to the electrical grid. In contrast, a cake shop that refuses to sell cakes to gays will simply lose business to competitors. 2 Businesses that wish to exercise their freedom to discriminate must do so via public record. This would name and shame homophobic business owners and would allow them to be crucified in the free market as innocent Hoosiers already are now . Market forces will make discrimination so unattractive and the flow of angry letters and one star Yelp reviews so intense that most businesses would be forced to be accepting. Businesses would no longer be able to cower behind we're legally required to serve gays and instead the bigots would be separated from the respectable small businessmen.<|ASPECTS|>crucified, forces, freedom to discriminate, free market, homophobia, cower behind, bigots, shame, denying electricity, monopoly power, grid, public record, angry letters, respectable small businessmen, gays, discrimination, homophobic business owners, lose business to competitors, religious freedom law, unattractive<|CONCLUSION|>
Indiana's "religious freedom" law is beneficial in the national fight against homophobia.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>The monarchy is an outdated institution that is based on ideas that put to shame any of the rituals practiced by other cultures that the British call uncivilized . The British tax payer pays about £75,000,000 a year to support the royal family. Many will argue that the family generates tourism, however it doesn't. No one takes pictures with them or meets them personally. Hell they might be arrested for even trying to People will still go to the Tower of London for its history and to the Museums for their collections , not for the privileged family that lives above their subjects . Also, the abolition of the Monarchy is an issue of liberty, equality and democracy. It cannot simply be dismissed because it 'makes us money'. Britain deserves a democracy that isn't given its power by a person above it. If you count the House of Lords as a separate entity, the democratic systems of the country is reduced to a tertiary tier. The existence of a monarchy also creates classes of citizens. This runs opposite the meritocracy the country constantly seems to espouse. They remind the nation struggling to integrate more immigrants, that the nation was a coloniser and a brutal one at that. They are a homogenous family that doesn't reflect Britain's now heterogenous population. I read this article and it is the one that caused me to take this view<|ASPECTS|>, homogenous family, uncivilized, money, dismissed, outdated institution, arrested, privileged family, equality, tax payer, us, democracy, family, integrate more immigrants, brutal, tertiary tier, abolition, liberty, classes of citizens, monarchy, support the royal family, power, generates tourism, personally, heterogenous population, pictures, coloniser, democratic systems, meritocracy<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that the monarchy in England should be abolished
<|TOPIC|>Should the EU introduce a carbon tax?<|ARGUMENT|>The EU's soft power has set it apart in today's political landscape as a global leader and role model. It thus has a moral duty to set a positive example.<|ASPECTS|>moral duty, global, soft power<|CONCLUSION|>
As carbon prices spread, concerns about competitiveness should subside and losses in emissions-intensive production may be counterbalanced by gains in growing low-carbon sectors.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>My view is that I believe in incestual relationships and I'm going to give a few reasons why The reason behind my post is the recent legalization of homosexual marriage in all of the US. To expand, think of marriage and sex, it's between two people that are willing and old enough to give consent, so gay marriage fits these guidelines and therefore was legalized. So if you apply the same logic, incestual relationships should be legalized as long as the couple involved are of legal age of consent, but many will disagree because of the fact that the offspring of the incest couple will be more likely to be disabled which is true , however, it's not illegal to have babies if you have illnesses such as Huntingtons. Feel free to change my view, and let mine embrace you.<|ASPECTS|>sex, legal age of consent, homosexual marriage, consent, marriage, illnesses, gay marriage, change my view, incestual relationships, embrace, illegal, disabled, willing<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe incestual marriage should be legalized.
<|TOPIC|>Should Facebook and Twitter Remove the Accounts of Terrorist Organisations?<|ARGUMENT|>In the most recent issue of Dabiq, ISIS' online magazine, they published an article titled "Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You" that explicitly states the reasoning behind the group's enmity towards Westerners Dabiq, p. 30<|ASPECTS|>enmity, westerners<|CONCLUSION|>
However the West is the embodiment of everything that ISIS stands against, therefore its existence is indeed threatened.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Episode 3 was a huge let down because it was an example of how combat made for television is inherently dumb. An actual winning strategy would have been super boring to watch so the humans made bad choices in an effort to make good television. Which was especially disappointing after how good episode 2 was, but that's another story. x200B Rather than worrying about cranking out tons of dragonglass blades especially knives you don't want to get into knife range they really needed more arrows. They could have had the Dragons on or directly in front of the wall at either side of the castle, with just ranks of archers in between loosing thousands of arrows into the tightly packed hoard of dead. The first wave of Dothraki were obviously a complete waste. You shouldn't be sending cavalry out past your visual range, and historically cavalry work best as a clean up crew. sending them in the way they did would have gotten them killed against a normal army put a pin in this x200B Same for the unsullied shield wall. Shield walls are great. I love a good shield wall. It's one of the most important possible tools in the world of melee combat, but while it's good against superior numbers, it has it's limits and when you're outnumbered a hundred to one, it's a fools errand. The press of bodies will overwhelm it. It's also not great having it be like, ten people deep because the folks at the back are doing nothing, and when you have that kind of press you aren't going to be able to swap out. x200B The chevaux de frise outside the castle didn't have the dragonglass shards which made them far less effective and again, when the dead started getting past it there were clearly not enough archers. That whole standoff again should have been archer central as there were just thousands of dead kinda standing there not doing anything for a while. a few volleys from a couple hundred archers would have been a pretty good idea at that point. x200B pinned point As has been discussed in other zombie related things, the problem with fighting the dead is that they are unrelenting and don't experience fear. They aren't intimidated by cavalry the way humans are. They're indifferent to your screaming hoard with flaming swords. Self preservation isn't really their thing. Same reasons for why the shield wall couldn't possibly work they'll just keep throwing bodies onto your spears till your spear is clogged up with corpses. The only way to fight an enemy that is physically incapable of fear, exhaustion, or other psychological effects is pure, calculated kill rates while maximizing your defensive posture. x200B TL DR The humans should have just had a lot of archers and the dragons at ground level mowing the ranks of the dead rather than trying to engage in melee.<|ASPECTS|>, archer central, dragonglass shards, dragons, exhaustion, archers, complete, waste, less effective, winning strategy, self preservation, corpses, melee, fear, unsullied shield wall, shield wall, dead kinda, clean up crew, kill rates, arrows, calculated, unrelenting, intimidated by cavalry, melee combat, television, visual range, ranks of the dead, psychological effects, shield walls, press of bodies, mowing, boring, killed, dumb, superior numbers, fools errand, dragonglass, dead, defensive posture, overwhelm, swords, screaming hoard, indifferent, swap, bad choices, limits, bodies<|CONCLUSION|>
The long night was only as bad for the humans because their battle plan was garbage.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I think the Metoo movement has gone leaps and bounds for the awareness and validation of the many, many victims of sexual assault and abuse out there, both women and men. It is absolutely a crucial campaign. Sexual abuse is a very personal issue, and it does take a lot of courage to speak up and admit that you were violated, especially when your abuser is an authority figure or a relative. We should continue to validate victims out there and work to provide resources to make these victims whole again. However, I think that the way the Metoo movement has attempted to reach this goal has gone down a wrong path that undermines the important virtue in our society of believing people to be innocent until proven guilty. I understand there are huge differences between judicial norms and societal ones, but the foundation of innocent until proven guilty has been laid deep in the foundation of modern thought on social justice. The movement has subverted this ideal by forcing the notion that victims are so validated simply by coming forward that you HAVE to believe what they claim, otherwise you're shamed as a victim blamer, misogynist, or rape apologist. I absolutely am not saying that victims make up accusations. Over the past year or so, we've seen many people rightfully ousted from their status in society after accusations have come out and been verified. And these are certainly the majority of cases. This trend has also created a situation where people could have their lives upended by the court of public opinion before they ever have a chance to face their accuser or dispute the claims against them or have a complete investigation into the accusation, whether criminally or in an institutional setting. I can't find any of the articles to link to, but I know there have been cases in the past of students forced to leave the campus because the public outcry ruined their interactions on campus, despite university investigations clearing their name. There's also the risk of people being ousted from society for claims that are unverifiable either for age of the accusation, or lack of evidence, or both again due to the Metoo movement's compulsion to believe the victim, no questions asked. I think the Metoo movement is a huge aid to all victims of sexual assault and abuse, but its purpose has been twisted from solidarity and courage to face your abuser to mob mentality takedowns against who ever the finger is pointed at. Ideally, I believe the Metoo movement can make real change by providing solidarity to the community of assault victims as well as resources through which victims can take criminal or civil action against their abusers. I'm sure many of you have some differing views on the pros and cons of the Metoo movement, so I'm happy to have my mind changed. Civil discourse, please Edit So far the points that have changed my mind are that it's too difficult to plan out the direction of a social media movement because there isn't any clear leadership for it. Also, it's been pointed out that, although I wanted to have everyone wait for the facts before enacting court of public opinion, there are some instances such as the misconduct going on within the catholic church that warrant some form of immediate action by the institution. Great discussion<|ASPECTS|>unverifiable, misconduct, wrong, courage, sexual abuse, validate victims, clear, cases, victims, majority, differences, age, interactions, public, rightfully, differing views, personal, validated, compulsion, social justice, validation, abusers, resources, whole, believe the victim, criminal, social media, abuser, risk, solidarity, evidence, rape, judicial norms, societal, immediate action, accusations, lives upended, leadership, sexual assault and abuse, status in society, public outcry, aid, action, ousted, crucial campaign, change, awareness, ousted from society, misogynist, investigation, violated, virtue, ruined, changed, metoo, victim blamer, innocent, civil discourse<|CONCLUSION|>
The #MeToo movement can be directed to better goals than mob mentality courts of public opinion
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I'm from Australia where we grow up with cricket rather than baseball. The fundamentals are the same a pitcher throws a ball at a batter, who hits the ball between fielders and then runs to a goal to score points. But cricket is superior to baseball in every way. The fielders don't wear gloves. They cover more ground. The batter is allowed and encouraged to hit the ball in a 360 radius from where he stands, compared to 90 degrees in baseball. The field is far more customisable, making allowances for left handed batsmen and bowlers pitchers , the bowler himself, the weather conditions, the shape and size of the ground itself, the state of the match. Baseball field positions are more or less static. With the exception of an occasional bunt in baseball, it is more or less all out attack, whereas cricket teams must make constant adjustments to their strategy. Often cricket teams won't even try to get a batter out. The area at which a baseball pitcher must aim is extremely small, limiting the number of ways the batter can deal with a ball in the 'strike zone.' Conversely cricket bowlers can and do aim at a batman's body in order to intimidate them, or pitch the ball in other areas in order to entice them to play risky shots that are likely result in an out. That is to say, the rules of cricket allow for players to have a much wider spectrum of playing styles than baseball does. Innings are longer in cricket which allows 'relationships' to develop between batters, and tactical battles to evolve between opposing batters and bowlers. In baseball a pitcher and batter will only face each other for a theoretical maximum of 54 pitches per game the reality is far, far less than this , whereas it is common in cricket for one batsman to face one bowler for hundreds of deliveries pitches per game. Cricket batsmen can choose whether to run or not, which requires a whole extra layer of strategy from both teams. There is more. Cricket is to baseball as chess is to checkers. What does baseball have over cricket?<|ASPECTS|>, deliveries, hit the ball, playing styles, baseball, superior to baseball, 360, batter, run, tactical battles, choose, checkers, gloves, weather conditions, spectrum, strategy, chess, state, customisable, encouraged, out attack, score points, intimidate, field positions, risky shots, small, static, fielders, cover more ground, cricket<|CONCLUSION|>
Baseball is not an interesting, tactical or even skillful sport.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>We've all been in arguments where one person is legitimately done, and just ask to agree to disagree. We've also been in arguments where one person will ask the same thing, but not before making his her case. The former is a sincere wish to just drop it and move on. There is nothing wrong with the latter in general final arguments are commonplace in most debates. However, if you get annoyed by your opponent getting in his her final word before agreeing to your request, then that fair request is twisted into a sneaky, insincere trick to get the last word . That person is more concerned with the prestige the last word carries in their eyes than they are moving on. This is evident because they will always reply to your final argument with a rebuttal and then another appeal to drop it. The cycle continues until one party just gets tired. Now of course, both parties in the argument can be engaging in the same pettiness. But, if one party expresses that he she is just as fine dropping the argument as they are continuing, it's not up to him her to throw you a bone and honor your request. EDIT Grammar clarity<|ASPECTS|>final arguments, edit grammar, fair request, legitimately done, pettiness, honor, insincere, cycle, prestige, disagree, person, tired, move<|CONCLUSION|>
People who ask to agree to disagree/drop the argument after they argued their point, then get mad if you reply, are more concerned with having the last word than they are with dropping the argument.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I have a view which I would like changed. It's weird because of course it's demonstrably demeaning to women in the connotations it has. I have some experience in debating this with my wife and friends and they have been unable to convince me though they were exasperated by this . gt Makeup is a form of lying. It sounds terrible and even on its face it looks terrible. I agree, do you see why I want this view changed? However, I literally cannot convince myself that this is not the case. I have the following premises some of which may not seem relevant to you but they are how I rationalize it Wearing makeup is under no circumstances wrong if you can think of a time when wearing makeup is wrong and it is the act of wearing makeup that is the wrong thing I would even consider a delta just for that . Lying is not wrong under many if not most circumstances it may even be the right choice, it's society which views lying incorrectly . There are myriad actions one can make or not make omission which constitute a lie. The definition of lie is that which deceives coupled with the intention to deceive. The application of makeup makes it intentional. Makeup deceives the beholder even if it is known by the beholder that the wearer has makeup. Ergo this . Now I understand that women are under extreme pressure from society to look their best at all times and even from their peers . I also understand that even voicing my view is offensive because it is deemed a personal attack against all women and that argument obviously changes my outward actions but not my stupid thought process in drawing the conclusion. I dare not actually say this aloud to anyone lest I rightfully be outed as a bigot. I do not think this is just some silly word play I'm using with too broad a definition of “lie.” I don't like framing it as “deception” because then you have to add the word “intent” although intentional deception does have a nice ring to it. Appeals to emotion won't work for me in this case, I already understand why it makes women feel bad which is why I don't say it with the exception of the scenario above and perhaps when I was a child hopefully I don't still act on it and why I want the view changed. To me it just seems like a logically true statement which sounds really bad. There are a lot of these in English, “we're all going to die eventually anyways.” Please and thanks for reading if you didn't burst a blood vessel or perform some percussive maintenance on the monitor before you got this far. EDIT Thank you all. I'm going out on a date. I'll be back later.<|ASPECTS|>intention to deceive, wrong, view changed, thought process, percussive maintenance, lying incorrectly, view, vessel, debating, deceives, feel bad, demeaning, women, lying, extreme, society, emotion, demonstrably, personal attack, makeup, bigot, lie, intentional deception, deception, pressure from society, terrible, look, intentional, right choice, exasperated, logically true statement, outward actions, die eventually, intent<|CONCLUSION|>
Makeup is a form of lying.
<|TOPIC|>Will Sex Robots Advance Sexual Liberation?<|ARGUMENT|>The manner in which humans bond with robots is still debatable, and research will continue in tandem with the technology; it may be possible for robot-human relationships to supersede some human-human relationships, or at the very least, be admirable placeholders for the lonely.<|ASPECTS|>research, robot-human relationships, placeholders<|CONCLUSION|>
It has been suggested that sex will only be part of what these robots are capable of, meaning that they can be used as companions beyond simply getting sexual satisfaction.
<|TOPIC|>Is Attachment Parenting the Best Way to Raise a Child?<|ARGUMENT|>For a child, the knowledge that they have others in their lives who they can turn to for comfort, support, and security is essential in fostering independence. By fostering a close and secure relationship with the child, attachment parenting ensures this happens.<|ASPECTS|>, independence, comfort, secure relationship, attachment parenting, support, security<|CONCLUSION|>
Attachment parenting promotes greater independence in adult life; children feel supported by the parents' presence to have the confidence to explore the world on their own.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I think the goal of a business is to make money. I think it makes sense when a business doesn't want to hire women of childbearing age because they worry about the cost of healthcare or hiring temporary workers. It seems like a legitimate financial expense that a company could worry about to the point that they do not want to take that risk. I also believe that this is a good argument for why healthcare should NOT be connected to businesses, but I think that's a separate question. tl,dr Businesses should be expected not to hire women of childbearing age because of they are primarily profit motivated. Change my view. Edit To clarify and elaborate, I am mainly interested in the hiring process and the question of is this discrimination or not. I understand the societal impacts and the fact that what I'm suggesting is currently illegal. Or is it? Seems to depend on scale. u Banana bee Discrimination is treatment or consideration of a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing is perceived to belong to rather than on individual merit. This is my main point and it was poorly captured by the title. When the issue is individualized it is justified by businesses. In a general way, saying you won't hire women between 18 40 which are ages others have been using is silly. But in a decision about a single individual I can see the business being justified in their actions. A solution would be to ask women and men about their plans but I believe that is currently illegal. My hypothetical scenario that pushes my view to the extreme was summarized in a comment as follows Say our company is hiring. I approach you with the two finalist. 25 year old female and 50 year old female. All things being equal in terms of skill, ability to do job, likability and cohesion with team. The one difference being that when asked what is one of your life goals or some other banal shit ? The 25 year old says she is excited to be a mother. The 50 year old says she wants to put her kids through college. Would a business ever choose the younger woman? Why? And is it valid that they don't? Is that discrimination? ~~~ I know that really pushes the line and is a little hyperbolic. So it goes. In that circumstance, how would you respond or should a business be faulted for choosing based on likelihood to become pregnant?<|ASPECTS|>, depend, silly, hiring, younger woman, view, cost of healthcare, make money, justified by businesses, ability to do job, illegal, childbearing age, individualized, become pregnant, scale, business, women, treatment, societal impacts, ages, consideration, choose, skill, connected to businesses, banal, financial expense, justified, poorly captured, mother, team, plans, likelihood, hyperbolic, individual merit, legitimate, likability, life goals, valid, cohesion, excited, bee, profit motivated, college, hiring process, discrimination<|CONCLUSION|>
A business is justified not hiring women of childbearing age.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>There have been studies that aim to show that narcissism is on the rise by looking at the content of song lyrics noting that they have progressed to be more and more self centered. I've provided a link to an NPR story that does a good job of explaining this. I believe this trend is not a bad thing, but rather a positive. I take the view that narcissism or self centered ness as relatively neutral we all place ourselves as a priority to some degree. I see songs with self centered lyrics while they may indeed be narcissistic and self centered in nature by the artist or writer, to the listener they provide a sense of togetherness or even community. Hearing a song about a similar problem, obstacle, view point, etc. going on in a listener's life may help them see they are not alone and in some cases normalize these emotions and feelings to the point where the listener may feel more comfortable about discussing these feelings instead of bottling them up. I'm curious to see if there's a view that these sort of song lyrics are a bad thing or have a detrimental effect on listeners. <|ASPECTS|>relatively, bad thing, detrimental effect, self centered, emotions and feelings, togetherness, neutral, narcissism, feelings, trend, self centered lyrics, positive, narcissistic, alone, community, view point, listeners, normalize, self centered ness, similar problem, obstacle<|CONCLUSION|>
Self-centered song lyrics are not a bad thing
<|TOPIC|>The European Union should become a United States of Europe<|ARGUMENT|>The EU accession procedure is meant to make sure a certain level of uniformity exists in what concerns the political systems, namely through the "Copenhagen criteria<|ASPECTS|>political systems, uniformity<|CONCLUSION|>
The EU member states' political systems share core principles and roots.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Before you refer me to r suicidewatch, I'm not suicidal by any means, but have been meditating on this topic due to a recent suicide of a friend. For some individuals, they enter a stage in life knowing that the near future is painful and miserable. An individual with Huntington's Disease for instance, or a person whom has a cancer causing virus such as certain strains of HPV . The present moment may easily be embraced, but may also remain tolerable in condition that one has the control to end their life once a serious disease settles in and significantly changes that individual's life for the worse. A counterargument is often the question of whether said person is of sound mental health when contemplating suicide. But such an argument can only be made by someone who does not understand daily misery. I feel it is selfish of others to deny a suffering individual their own suicide, simply because it'll negatively impact the lives of those close to him her. This individual is in pain, suffering profoundly physically and often mentally , and people want to keep that person going for their own mental security. .<|ASPECTS|>selfish of others, cancer causing virus, mental health, moment, pain, sound, serious disease, suicidal, mental security, painful and miserable, control, daily misery, suicidewatch, life, lives, negatively impact, changes, suicide, suffering<|CONCLUSION|>
Our lives are our own, so we should have the right to end if disease and pain are likely to make up the remainder of it.
<|TOPIC|>The Existence of God<|ARGUMENT|>In the Annals 15.44, written by Roman historian Tacitus, Jesus and the Christians are mentioned. It recounts how Emperor Nero went after Christians in order to draw attention away from himself after Rome's fire of 64 AD.<|ASPECTS|>christians, attention away, jesus<|CONCLUSION|>
New Testament scholar Candida Moss argues that "Christians were never the victims of sustained, targeted persecution."
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Seriously, I hate it. It's just so ugly and dark and gray and I just want sunshine and warm weather. In New Jersey, especially around this time of the year, it's really gloomy. I hate it. <|ASPECTS|>warm weather, sunshine, hate, ugly, gloomy<|CONCLUSION|>
I hate the rain.
<|TOPIC|>Is it OK to publicly approach a stranger for sex?<|ARGUMENT|>Sex can be used to reward others who have given something of value. Oftentimes, the thing of value is just a physical look that is appreciated, but intelligence or empathy can also be rewarded with sex, if the sex is valuable to the person who it is being awarded to.<|ASPECTS|>value, reward others, valuable, empathy, physical look, intelligence<|CONCLUSION|>
If the parties do wind up having sex, there are a lot of benefits to that.
<|TOPIC|>Should Employees Disclose Their Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace?<|ARGUMENT|>Certain behaviours will be better understood by colleagues, creating a more tolerant and integrated working environment.<|ASPECTS|>integrated working environment<|CONCLUSION|>
Revealing their mental health issues can make people's work environment more sensitive to their problems.
<|TOPIC|>the United States’ individual health insurance mandate is unconstitutional.<|ARGUMENT|>The vertical separation of powers, under which the federal government possesses limited and enumerated powers, while the States wield general powers including the right to operate their own police forces, is a key part of America's constitutional architecture. Far from being an 18th century affectation, these structural limitations on government powers were designed to protect individual liberty. In the Framers' view, limiting the ability of the federal government to exercise authority was core to ensuring that no single government entity would grow too powerful. This is because, under the Supremacy Clause, any constitutionally compliant federal legislation trumps exercises of individual state’s powers. Therefore, an infinitely capacious Commerce Clause which would be produced if the mandating of healthcare were to be allowed would rob States of any remaining authority.8 When any choice or non-action which has economic impacts becomes termed as “economic”, every aspect of consumer behaviour, or, for that matter, any aspect of individual behaviour, would become an economic activity, and thus nothing would fall outside of Congress' power to regulate under the commerce clause.8 The individual health insurance mandate would set dangerous precedents for federal power. The Congressional Budget Office acknowledged the unprecedented nature of an individual mandate when assessing the Clinton health care reform proposal of 1993: “A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action. The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States. An individual mandate has two features that, in combination, make it unique. First, it would impose a duty on individuals as members of society. Second, it would require people to purchase a specific service that would have to be heavily regulated by the federal government."2 The 'commerce clause on steroids', as imagined by supporters of the healthcare mandate, would fundamentally warp America's constitutional architecture. Because every single decision by individual Americans, be it buying health insurance, cars, health club memberships or any other good or service, has some impact on the economy, it could be subject to regulation by Congress. Indeed, Congress would be able to dictate how individuals would dispose of every penny of whatever monies they have left after paying taxes, transforming Americans into virtual serfs.8 For all these reasons the individual healthcare mandate would give too much power to the federal government, in ways which are antithetical to the Constitution as the Founders envisioned it and set it out with restricted and separate powers, and so it should be deemed unconstitutional.<|ASPECTS|>general powers, individual behaviour, protect, economic impacts, consumer behaviour, economic activity, vertical separation of powers, duty on individuals, economic ”, structural limitations, dispose, individual state, society, individual mandate, regulated, federal power, insurance, authority, economy, federal action, warp, grow too powerful, regulation, heavily, unconstitutional, lawful residence, individual liberty, power, rob, remaining authority, clause, capacious commerce, constitutionally compliant, powers, virtual serfs, constitutional architecture, impact, dangerous precedents, unique<|CONCLUSION|>
The individual mandate gives too much power to the Federal Government
<|TOPIC|>Should All Human Interaction be Voluntary?<|ARGUMENT|>In countries such as France, in which people often kiss someone on the cheek upon meeting them, many people express their dislike and discomfort towards this culturally enforced personal interaction. If this were voluntary, it would remove such discomfort in many social situations.<|ASPECTS|>discomfort, personal interaction, social situations<|CONCLUSION|>
Interaction would be mutually respectful, and thus allowing for unhindered life of all parties.
<|TOPIC|>Should Protesting in Front of Abortion Clinics Be Prohibited?<|ARGUMENT|>Given that the government has made a decision to legalise abortion, society clearly supports women being able to to have this right. Women are being harassed in a targeted manner, with protestors attempting to enforce their own belief systems on others.<|ASPECTS|>women, harassed, belief systems, targeted, right<|CONCLUSION|>
Protests in front of clinics effectively deprive people of their rights by impeding access to their right to an abortion.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I think that the Christian concepts of heaven and hell represent a state of mind. An example The best example I can think of can be found in the book Crime and Punishment. For those unfamiliar with the book, it starts with a murder. The young man who committed the crime essentially gets away with it. However, his life is plagued with thoughts that his secret will be discovered. He becomes anxious to the point he cannot truly function. His entire being becomes focused on what evidence he may have left behind and whether or not people will figure out that he is guilty of murder. He can think of nothing else. He is in hell. Eventually, he escapes hell and enters heaven. How you ask? By owning up to his crimes. He turns himself over to the authorities and admits to everything that happened in detail. It is only then that his mind can rest. He has entered heaven. How does this story relate to Christianity? Acts defined as sins negatively impact your mental health. In the example above, the main character sinned and lost his mind. This is an extreme example, but by being extreme, it shows the impact of a sin, especially the major ones. Everyday sins will likely not prevent you from living your life. Though if you sin enough you will end up having a hard time resting your mind. You won't sleep. Maybe you will be constantly anxious. Whatever the impact, you will always be dwelling on something. You will be in hell. On the other hand, acts defined as virtues godly will positively impact your mental health. Don't be angry, forgive. Be true to your word. If you behave in the manner of Jesus's teachings, your mind will be at ease. Your mind will be at ease. You will be in heaven. How to change my view Show me how heaven and or hell are not just states of mind. I'm not the first person to have this view. What are the counter arguments? Looking forward to a great discussion to help me improve my understanding and view. Thanks<|ASPECTS|>, time resting your mind, negatively, crime, guilty of murder, state of mind, everyday sins, view, living your life, at ease, escapes hell, crimes, function, lost his mind, admits, mind can rest, detail, states of mind, sinned, nothing else, sleep, ease, constantly, truly, improve, angry, forgive, think, hell, virtues, enters, entered heaven, evidence, mind, murder, anxious, discovered, young, christianity, counter arguments, heaven, dwelling on something, understanding and view, punishment, secret, owning, sin, impact, mental health, relate<|CONCLUSION|>
Heaven and Hell represent a state of mind
<|TOPIC|>Should the US stop trying to force North Korea to abandon its nuclear program?<|ARGUMENT|>We could document their concentration camps using spy drones and satellites and use it to dissuade North Korea's few remaining allies.<|ASPECTS|>allies, concentration camps, dissuade<|CONCLUSION|>
Soft power tactics are not inaction, and military intervention is not the sole option for taking action.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>This is a problem that I think should be addressed. While I am technically pro choice, I do have a major problem with women who smoke and or drink throughout their pregnancy. Whether or not they planned on having the child is not the issue. The issue is that what they're doing is going to most likely create a child with severe birth defects that will be a hardship on people's lives and not a productive member of society. If a mother poisons her child but the child lives with some sort of mental retardation from it, she is charged with child abuse and possible murder. While a law like this wouldn't necessarily stop all drinking and smoking during pregnancies, it would definitely make these women think twice. EDIT I think everybody might be getting the wrong idea here. I am not saying it should be illegal for a woman to drink or smoke during pregnancy. I'm saying that if she does, and ends up giving birth to a child that is born with birth defects, she should then be given child abuse charges.<|ASPECTS|>, wrong idea, planned, severe, hardship, child abuse, smoke, mental retardation, pro choice, productive member of society, birth defects, murder, illegal, drinking and smoking, twice, child abuse charges, problem<|CONCLUSION|>
I think that if a woman smoked/drank during her pregnancy and gives birth to a "defective" child, she should be charged with child abuse
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I believe this entirely because of my own past. I used to get severe panic attacks over the fear of vomiting, quite often I'd stay awake until my eyes literally couldn't stay open. I couldn't get on public transport without hyperventilating and would never drink alcohol. I've more or less overcome these obstacles just by being logical. If I do vomit, it will last minutes at most. Generally unless your hungover you feel better after vomiting. It's so rare again, unless your hungover that it's not worth worrying about. Why can't a person with depression just apply this logic and assess themselves? For example, they could state the good things about their lives I'm not starving or homeless I have a job which manages to keep statement 1 true I have several great friends I can generally understand people who don't have the above, but it's not just the poor needy that get depression. <|ASPECTS|>fear of vomiting, depression, assess, starving, feel better, homeless, panic attacks, last minutes, rare, poor needy, past, hungover, overcome, drink alcohol, public transport, hyperventilating, good, vomit, obstacles<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe depression is all in your head and can be overcome on your own.
<|TOPIC|>EU Common Foreign and Security Policy<|ARGUMENT|>The recent agreement on the EU reform treaty and the creation of a post for an ‘EU Foreign Minister’ marks an important change in the decision making process at the EU level with regards to foreign policy. Agreement on the post shows a clear commitment to the pursuit of a common EU foreign policy and to developing a unique cooperative model for foreign policy decision making that goes beyond the nation state. Member states should now deliver on that commitment by seeking as much common ground as possible to ensure that the High Representative’s role is truly significant. The goal of a common foreign and security policy should thus be supported not only as a mechanism to streamline EU’s position and role in world politics, but also to reinforce notions of cooperation and consultation essential for maintaining a stable international system.<|ASPECTS|>decision making process, policy decision, policy, common ground, cooperation, world politics, consultation, stable international system, cooperative model<|CONCLUSION|>
New EU Foreign Minister marks commitment to a common foreign policy.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Let me preface that I'm a huge Pokemon fan, but I've become frustrated with this trend that Gamefreak continues. The Pokemon series since its roots has released dual games, Pokemon Red Blue to Pokemon Sun Moon. I believe that the main force behind Game Freak Nintendo's motive to do this is to drive sales with no reasoning that aims to improve the customer experience. The differences between the games are for the most part just a few differing Pokemon and minor details changing in other parts, while rarely affecting larger parts such as story, gameplay, or the world. If most other AAA game companies were to do the same thing such as if Monster Hunter World instead released two separate games where the differences were different monsters were missing from each game, and you had to play with a friend who had the opposite version in order to fight it , they would face major backlash. However, Pokemon has done this for every single new release, and it is accepted for what I can only consider to be nostalgia. There is no proper reason for Pokemon to continue dual releasing games besides having predatory practices that are anti customer. My second point is going to draw directly on the example of the transition from Pokemon Sun Moon to Pokemon Ultra Sun Moon. The two duos of games had only a year in between them in release This is ridiculous and taking advantage of their fan base, adding content that could have been added as DLC or other updates. Almost all other generations have had similar remasters, often adding little besides minor improvements and allowing the ability to catch the legendaries of both games. Therefore, similar to the state of dual releasing games, there is no pro consumer reason to release these remasters, and demonstrate laziness and greed in that many of these added features to each generation weren't already present in the game in the first place. <|ASPECTS|>pokemon fan, customer experience, fan base, remasters, dual games, differences, ridiculous, minor details, drive sales, backlash, anti customer, content, improve, monsters, nostalgia, differing, minor improvements, predatory practices, pro consumer reason, transition, catch the legendaries, laziness, greed, trend, dual releasing, taking, pokemon<|CONCLUSION|>
Pokemon's practice of releasing remasters shortly after the previous game and dual-release-games are similarly predatory to other anti-consumer practices, and are only perceived by most players to be fine and the norm due to nostalgia.
<|TOPIC|>Should conscientious objection to abortion be banned?<|ARGUMENT|>Doctors who believe that abortion is murder experience the guilt and grief that comes with taking a human life.<|ASPECTS|>guilt and grief<|CONCLUSION|>
Some doctors report experiencing distress and trauma after performing an abortion.
<|TOPIC|>Is there a right to anonymity?<|ARGUMENT|>Anonymity can allow socially stigmatised groups e.g. persecuted religions, LGBTQ+ etc. to have dialogue and form online networks free from persecution.<|ASPECTS|>socially stigmatised groups, persecuted religions, online networks<|CONCLUSION|>
Anonymity allows people to express themselves without fear of repercussions.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I was just downvoted rather heavily for suggesting that you should travel in the outside lane, not the middle lane of a freeway here However once I provided references stating that middle lane hogging is poor freeway etiquette and the correct way to drive a 3 lane road nobody has given me any satisfactory response. It seems my opinion is squarely in the minority so I thought I would bring this discussion to . For clarity, although I am Australian, I will refer to the outside lane as the right hand lane as I acknowledge North American users are the majority here. Although the references I have provided refer to the outside lane as the left hand lane. If I mix this up in anyway, please let me know. The argument for travelling in the middle is that the right hand lane should be reserved for merging on and off the freeway, and slow vehicles. Leaving the middle lane as the cruising lane and the left lane as a single passing lane. While I argue that the right lane should be used for cruising and merging on and off the freeway and the middle and left lane should be overtaking lanes one and two only. While travelling on a two lane road, everyone would agree the right lane is used for cruising and merging on and off. When the third lane is added I cannot see a reason why cruising and merging need to be split into the right hand and middle lane. If this can be handled on a two lane road, why cannot it be handled on a three lane road? This means the extra lane provided increases the capacity of the road as it can now be used as an extra passing lane. Middle lane hogging makes the freeways more dangerous. As passing on the right is frowned upon this essentially means anyone driving in the middle lane when the right lane is empty are taking up two lanes to themselves. This creates bottle necks of people wanting to pass as passing a vehicle takes time and some people do it slower than others , leading to freeway congestion. An argument that came up is that less lane changes are needed if everyone cruises in the middle lane. However I'd suggest that lane changes are far more dangerous if the right lane is left open. Changing lanes to the right when you are not overtaking is more dangerous as the angle from the drivers view is more restricted. Also as people don't expect to be overtaken on the right, then you may assume a blind spot is empty when someone is overtaking you on the right. If drivers stuck to the right hand lane this wouldn't occur. As any lane change you make to the right is someone you have just passed, hence changing lanes back into the right lane is simpler. I won't except arguments stating that you should do what the majority does as it makes it safer and more predictable. I am arguing that the majority should be cruising in the right hand lane, not just the individuals. And I accept there are many circumstances where there are reasons not to travel in the right hand lane such as needing to turn off a freeway, or heavier traffic. This is not about specific circumstances but all things being equal if the right lane of traffic is empty, you should be cruising in it and moving back to it after overtaking. Edit It's late here and I'll respond to any further arguments when I wake up.<|ASPECTS|>dangerous, , slow vehicles, specific circumstances, outside lane, cruising, bottle necks, traffic, majority, slower, angle, lane changes, overtaking lanes, mix, restricted, passing lane, overtaken, late, blind spot is empty, lane, north, heavier traffic, freeway congestion, predictable, freeway etiquette, right hand lane, single, merging, less, minority, simpler, outside, arguments, users, handled, middle lane hogging, poor, opinion, safer, capacity of the road<|CONCLUSION|>
On a 3 lane road one direction, you should cruise in the outside lane, not the middle lane.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Spoilers for 'Little Nightmares' below sorry forgot to put it in the title In my view the renaming of the horror game under the working title of 'Hunger' to 'Little Nightmares' was a poor one. Here's the devs' reasoning behind it, which I found after a brief Google ^ When ^asked ^about ^the ^name ^change, ^the ^developers ^told ^Gematsu ^that ^Hunger ^was ^always ^a ^working ^title ^meant ^to ^be ^changed ^before ^release. ^The ^issue ^came ^to ^a ^head ^when ^they ^realized ^their ^fans ^were ^complaining ^about ^having ^trouble ^searching ^for ^the ^game ^online. ^Searching ^for ^“Hunger ^game” ^was ^not ^bringing ^fans ^to ^them, ^but ^instead ^to ^millions ^of ^search ^results ^for ^the ^book ^and ^film ^series ^The ^Hunger ^Games. ^They ^decided ^that ^the ^working ^title ^just ^wasn’t ^going ^to ^cut ^it ^any ^further, ^and ^changed ^the ^name ^to ^better ^represent ^the ^game. So, okay, fair enough, they couldn't use 'Hunger'. But it's a shame. 'Hunger' worked far better on both a narrative and thematic level. If the game is about anything, it's about hunger eating greed. The game seems inspired by those fairy tales which involve children being eaten or threatened with being eaten by witches, giants or trolls, such as Hansel and Gretel or Jack and the Beanstalk. The meat on the tables of the blobby humans is, I suppose, child meat, though the game never really shows how the tiny children we see in cages are sufficiently fattened up to sate the appetites of The Maw's porky patrons. The game's other obvious influence is the film Spirited Away. The Maw whose name is another link to the 'eating' theme is reminiscent of Miyazaki's bathouse, with the Geisha witch as a sort of thin version of Yubaba, running the establishment to please her greedy guests. The look and sound of the guests seem modelled on Spirited Away's pigs, and one particular chase scene at the end of the restaurant section recalls the scene where the bloated No face runs rampage through the bathouse, consuming anything in his way. 'Hunger' is a fitting title for this. 'Little Nightmares' is not. The plural is baffling to me why multiple nightmares? On a purely literal level, Six does have a nightmare at the beginning, but that's the only one we see, and apart from foreshadowing the ending, it's not an important scene and the game could easily have omitted it. If the 'nightmares' are not literal nightmares but experiences, then surely the whole experience is a 'nightmare' singular for Six? And why 'little'? What's little about this nightmare? If the 'little' refers to the game's children then again the plural makes this void Six perhaps becomes a 'little nightmare' at the end of the game, but there's only one of her. It's such a shame a fitting title was ditched for such a shoddy one. 'Little Nightmares' may be more Google able, but it certainly isn't memorable, and I find myself calling the game 'Hunger' in my head because try what I might, I can't get the generic 'Little Nightmares' to stick. My view is that if they couldn't have 'Hunger' they should have gone with something else on the 'hunger eating' theme. 'Gluttony' perhaps. <|ASPECTS|>hunger eating, narrative, fitting title, child meat, shame, multiple nightmares, google able, memorable, nightmare, hunger, eating, threatened, greedy guests, thematic, shoddy, little, appetites, influence, greed, important scene, nightmares, eaten, children, consuming, sound, poor<|CONCLUSION|>
'Little Nightmares' is a terrible name for that game and the original name 'Hunger' was far better. Since they couldn't use 'Hunger', they should have gone with something similar.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I now have a summary post here over on r ideasforcmv with what I've taken away from this and what I think we can do better to improve moving forward An interesting suggestion by u alecbenzer If the same arguments are actually being rehashed over and over again, could an FAQ help? Mods could maybe 'pin' replies that point to an FAQ entry. Partial delta to u convoces for this comment Partial ∆ for the idea that changing views almost implicitly means bringing some of the more controversial views out of the wood works, though I still stand by the idea that there's so many of these threads right now, and they come in big waves that can kill the enthusiasm of the community. I made the suggestion above that perhaps we could have pinned mega threads on these views that allow topical debates not to consistently take over the sub. Full delta to u convoces for this comment I suppose that makes sense, some responses are going to click better with some OP's that won't with others. I'll give you the full ∆, though I would like to let this thread continue for other users to discuss how they feel about topic fatigue on right now. I've been a member of for about a year now, and I've slowly been noticing myself become more of a lurker and less of a commenter. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I've been trying to figure out why I don't feel compelled any more to really comment, and I think I've finally figured it out feels like it's slowly becoming the place where everyone racist, sexist, transphobic, xenophobic, etc come to ask for forgiveness and have their minds changed. And it's always the same arguments over and over, and its becoming very stale. There's the occasional casual 's and different topics about religion or philosophy or science, but mostly it seems to be about curing prejudice. As an example, I'm going to scroll back through the last few days of and pick out these stand out threads Anti discrimination law is discriminatory. He, she, they. That's all the pronouns you are getting. About Transgenderism, sincerely please Misrepresentations of the Gender Pay Gap is hurting feminism Not knowing her age should be a defense against statutory rape in some cases. How is sex not earned? All White towns are a good idea Black governance is fundamentally a kleptocracy. White Supremacy cannot be defeated by the Black Community There is no such thing as white privilege I think that the feminist movement was not responsible for freeing women and has been bad for women, men, and especially children. Ugly fat people shouldn't be diagnosed with BDD Body Dysmorphic Disorder Laws requiring paid maternity leave, in the absence of also requiring paternity leave, would be harmful to women especially those who don't want kids White North American Jews have an irrational persecution complex People who want their partner to be monogamous do not deserve relationships I believe the wage gap would be eliminated, or greatly diminished, if women spent less time and energy spending and more time and energy earning. Nothing worthwhile has ever come from sub Saharan Africa. No scientific breakthrough, medical innovation or brilliant philosophy was ever created by the the people from that part of the world. I don't need to show support or acceptance of Trans individuals Many aims of the transsexual community contradict many 2nd and 3rd wave feminist views Trump's policy on immigration, while extremely misguided and likely ineffective, isn't innherently racist. Negative stereotyping and profiling can only change when the potential victims break the stereotype. This is just 3 days worth of posts, with some huge swells coming frequently, and these kinds of threads seem to make up somewhere between 1 2 to 2 3 of the posts right now. I don't think this is something we can necessarily change or do anything about, because these are people with views that want to be changed, but it is something that is making me tired of coming back to check on what's new in this community, because it's always the same arguments again and again, and the same losing faith in humanity kinds of views again and again As far as I can see, about 1 2 or 2 3's of the posts on seem to be coming from the same angles of I have this opinion of race gender sexuality that I think people judge me for, let me make points that have been reiterated by others a million times before . I would like to have a little faith restored in this community, debating is one of my favourite things to do, and this community used to be something I looked forward to checking on all the time. Nowadays, I check maybe a couple times a day, get disappointed with what I see, and I've started stockpiling well thought out responses I give because I can basically just copy paste them to these 'genres' of threads over and over again. I'd also be open to suggestions about what could do differently about the clumps of regurgitated threads which have fatigued me with this sub. Edit spelling<|ASPECTS|>negative stereotyping, discrimination law, medical innovation, race gender sexuality, harmful to women, bad, statutory rape, black governance, nothing, swells, changing views, trans, well thought out responses, misguided, discriminatory, pay gap, disappointed, stockpiling, scientific breakthrough, improve cmv, controversial views, kill, click better, commenter, losing, white privilege, nostalgia, faq, support, energy spending, differently, white supremacy, lurker, worthwhile, minds changed, topical debates, brilliant philosophy, irrational persecution complex, energy earning, forgiveness, paste, acceptance, replies, time, faith in humanity, fatigued, mega threads, racist, sex, defense, stereotype, pronouns, ineffective, kleptocracy, arguments, profiling, earned, stale, hurting feminism, regurgitated threads, curing prejudice, enthusiasm of the community, faith restored, topic fatigue, freeing women, wage gap<|CONCLUSION|>
/r/ seems to slowly be becoming "Make me not a bigot"
<|TOPIC|>Humans should act to fight climate change<|ARGUMENT|>When the CO2 concentration in the air increases plants absorb a larger amount of it and grow faster.<|ASPECTS|>co2 concentration, grow faster<|CONCLUSION|>
Global climate is a dynamic system that corrects itself when interfered with.
<|TOPIC|>We have a moral duty to intervene in nature to limit animal suffering.<|ARGUMENT|>With the duty to rescue there is a legal precedent that could be applied to the human responsibility to act to rescue animals.<|ASPECTS|>human responsibility<|CONCLUSION|>
Human society has the capability of greatly reducing suffering of sentient beings. This causes responsibility to act on capability.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>The current conflict around Ukraine has returned this thought to the forefront of my mind, but it's something I've thought of quite frequently. When I think of nations of similar size and or population and or power, I can immediately come up with great ideas or cultural artefacts that it's contribute to the progress of the human race, either scientifically or culturally India, China, the US for example. However, I always struggle to find anything great that Russia has contribute to human progress. As a contrast, I'd offer Great Britain, as I am British. I'd like to point out, however, that I'm neither patriotic nor think of the British as particularly superior to any other grouping of people. I'd also point out that I think the Empire was not particularly a good thing . However, I think it could easily be argued that Britain's contribution to human progress has been great, in particular when compared to it's size. In contrast, Russia is a country that covers 11.5 of the world's land, and has a large population though small for it's size . Most of it's history is littered with cruel tyrants treating their population as slaves and when this finally changed in the 20th century, they were taken over by other tyrants masquerading as heroes of the people. And when those tyrants were finally overthrown at the end of the 20th century, they were replaced by gangsters who had previously worked for those tyrants. I think their greatest contribution has been to the defeat of Hitler in WW2, but I can't think of much else. Please, change my view gt Hello, users of This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to read through our rules If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views If you are thinking about submitting a yourself, please have a look through our popular topics wiki first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us Happy ing<|ASPECTS|>gangsters, human progress, current, conflict, progress of the human race, slaves, defeat of hitler, contribution, remind, tyrants, empire, popular topics, good thing, concerns, offer, heroes, effective, downvotes, ideas, cultural artefacts, patriotic, cruel tyrants, happy cmving, great britain, message us, change, downvote, contribute, large population, superior, questions, size, british<|CONCLUSION|>
I think Russia has chronically under-delivered as a nation of it's size in contributing to the progress of the human race.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>The hybrid system is in my opinion the root of cost problems because you have Medicare and VA health insurance being administered by private insurers that also administer private plans. This leads to inconsistent pricing and incentives. Cost controls from the government are ineffective because the Insurance companies that are administering the plans have another avenue by which to make a cost adjustment to overcome any coercion from the government to lower pricing for anything in particular. Theoretically speaking, a socialized system is not perfect, but it would be better than what we have now. Free market system be great as well, but there are issues of people being uninsured and not having any coverage for medical care.<|ASPECTS|>socialized system, cost controls, cost adjustment, coverage, incentives, better, cost problems, ineffective, coercion, free market system, inconsistent pricing, uninsured, lower pricing, perfect<|CONCLUSION|>
The United States needs to either have a fully socialized or fully free market healthcare system.
<|TOPIC|>Should Election Campaigns only be Funded by the Government?<|ARGUMENT|>The right to freedom of association allows for freely expressing allegiance with any religious, social, or political ideology. Banning donations restricts the extent to which supporters can associate with parties they find common ground with.<|ASPECTS|>right to freedom of association, donations, freely expressing allegiance, associate<|CONCLUSION|>
Citizens have the right to donate to the election campaigns of political parties, which they are deprived of if only governments fund election campaigns.
<|TOPIC|>Does God Allow Evil: Is the Existence of God Compatible with the Existence of Evil?<|ARGUMENT|>Assuming God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, then, recognizing that I am not any of those, I must conclude that I cannot possibly understand His purpose, and cannot know what is evil to Him. It may seem evil to me, but I can't understand what it means to Him. I cannot know that evil exists, or that it doesn't.<|ASPECTS|>omniscient, purpose, omnipresent, omnipotent, evil<|CONCLUSION|>
Humans are limited in their capacity to conceptualize God, and thus are incapable of accurately judging the relationship between evil and a divine being.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I’m very much about polite etiquette. When I’m returning to my parked car, whether in a lot or on the street, and I recognize that another car is waiting for my space then I consciously move quickly to pull out of the space for that car. Even if I’m with my 4 yr old daughter who sits in a car seat I make it a point to tell her not to goof around because someone is waiting for us to leave. Having said that, if I’m the one waiting for the parked car to leave and it’s one of those people who just sit in their car doing who knows what, while their car is running and even sometimes their lights are on, I’ll just bite my lip and drive on looking for the next spot. But I see people who wait a period of time and then honk at the parked car to “encourage” them to pull out. I have an issue with anyone thinking that it’s appropriate to honk at a complete stranger because they think they are entitled to that space. Not to mention having the assumption that the person is just sitting there for no good reason when for all anyone knows they’re on an important phone call or waiting for someone else to arrive. What business is it of ours, that car can stay there as long as it likes if there are no meters or specific parking limits. So while I would never be that guy in the parked car, I would still never be the guy who has the nerve to honk at him as if he owes me something. Am I just being overly polite and passive?<|ASPECTS|>passive, specific, polite etiquette, spot, car, appropriate, entitled, nerve, polite, parking limits, encourage, goof, stranger, important phone call, owes, overly, space<|CONCLUSION|>
Honking at a person in a parked car makes you just as much a dick as the person in the parked car who won’t leave for you to take their space.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>If you can change your gender, then you should be allowed to change your age. Gender is an important part of identification, there are no perks to changing your gender, and I believe that any additional positivity in your life that changing your gender brings, is just a placebo effect. I think that the fact someone thinks that being the opposite gender would be an improvement than living as their biological gender is actually quite sexist. I believe that transgender people get too much attention in the media. I also think that a lot of transgender people, would not be transender today, had they not heard about it through the media and through word of mouth. Gender is not meant to be an emotional or psychological thing. I completely support and understand sexuality, as that allows you to have more freedom with whoever you choose or don't choose to have a relationship with. I also think that there are bigger problems in the world than surgically helping people to be the gender they claim they really are.<|ASPECTS|>freedom, identification, perks, attention, change your gender, placebo effect, positivity, improvement, transender, emotional, psychological thing, transgender people, change your age, surgically helping, sexuality, problems, gender, opposite, sexist<|CONCLUSION|>
I think that being transgender is a trend and should not be taken seriously
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>1 Successful campaign against The Mafia you can thank the Allies and particularly the American forces for the revival of The Mafia in Italy and all of the misery they bring . 2 Improved school attendance rates. 3 Lower murder rate. 4 The cult of personality was nothing like as oppressive as that of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. Mussolini was not anti Semitic in particular and in actual fact under The Holocaust, Italy was resistant far more so than Poland or many other areas to handing Jewish people over to the Nazi's. Overall had Italy not got involved with Nazi Germany and there was much doubt as to whether they would have . Then they would have been a pretty benevolent country. Before you say what about all of the Invasions in Ethopia. Yes, the Italians conquered Ethopia, they also abolished slavery in Ethopia. Let the debate begin. Although I think anyone who concedes no redeeming aspects of Mussolini's Italy is foolish to say the least. <|ASPECTS|>mafia, foolish, debate, revival, doubt, slavery, improved, lower, benevolent country, nazi germany, invasions, ethopia, abolished, misery, school attendance rates, redeeming aspects, anti semitic, oppressive, jewish people, cult of personality, murder rate<|CONCLUSION|>
Mussolini's Italy had many redeeming aspects to it.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>First, when I say metal I’m really talking about Technical Death Deathcore and Black Metal Blackgaze . I’m an unapologetic metal head, and I firmly believe that metal is the pinnacle of musical talent. The thing that makes me think this is the technique and style that is used to achieve the oppressive breakdowns of death metal to the melancholy atmosphere of blackgaze. The complexity of the songs and music is almost mind boggling, and even more so when most bands do so without any computer help. And lastly, The ability to consistently be able to play the songs live is a miracle.<|ASPECTS|>, melancholy atmosphere, complexity, computer help, black, oppressive breakdowns, blackgaze, technical death deathcore, play, unapologetic, miracle, mind boggling, musical talent<|CONCLUSION|>
Metal is the pinnacle of talent.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I've heard a lot of people say they're not afraid of dying. Some of them say it's because they're religious and believe they have an eternity of paradise waiting for them, or some other kind of spiritual thing like reincarnation or becoming one with the force or whatever. Some of them say it's because it's inevitable so it's pointless to worry about it. Some say they just don't think about it or even welcome the idea of being gone forever. I have even heard some people say they would quickly give their own lives for a random stranger. I think that's bullshit. I think these are all things people tell themselves to temporarily comfort themselves when they are not immediately facing death. But that when it comes down to it, when you find yourself in that moment when you are on the brink between life and death, your survival instinct will kick in, the facade will fade away, and you will literally and metaphorically shit yourself. People say there are no atheists in foxholes, well I think it's the opposite. I think on some subconscious level most people don't really believe there is anything after death and are just trying to suppress that knowledge until the time comes to face it. When it does, they will be terrified and they will do absolutely everything they can to avoid it. If people really were so sure there was an afterlife, if they really believed there was nothing to fear from death, then they woudn't be so upset when others die or so terrified when they have to themselves. And they always are in the end. On the other hand, if there is anyone out there who genuinely doesn't fear death, I think said person would be an idiot with some mental deficiencies. Not only would they be going against everything evolution has programmed into them, but they would also apparently lack any sort of understanding of the permanence of death and do not grasp just how much they would lose everything, that is. And how long they would lose it for forever. So, change my view. Give me some really good reasons not to fear death. I would really like not to, but so far every time I've tried to rationalize it I just feel like I'm lying to myself and giving myself delusions and false hopes.<|ASPECTS|>survival instinct, death, upset, afterlife, mental deficiencies, comfort, fear death, fear from death, view, lose everything, reincarnation, afraid of dying, permanence of death, life and death, eternity of paradise, facade, lying, foxholes, spiritual, terrified, quickly, delusions, atheists, shit, understanding, random stranger, pointless to worry, bullshit, gone forever, suppress, false hopes, knowledge, religious, give their, temporarily, inevitable, avoid, lives, lose<|CONCLUSION|>
Anyone who says they are not afraid of death is either a liar or an idiot.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Linux is a free and open OS, which allows users far more customization than it's competitors Windows and OSX . I will admit that Linux does have it's disadvantages though. Primarily in the area of proprietary software. But I, and most people don't need proprietary software. Linux has many advantages over Windows. Most modern Linux distributions or distros include a package manager and repositories. This means that users do not need to search through the internet to download programs, and can uninstall programs easily. When I installed Windows 10 I had to open Edge a browser I do not like, and should not have to use and search for Firefox, Steam, Origin, Minecraft, Thunderbird, 7zip, Audacity, GIMP, I could go on but I wont. In Linux this could all be accomplished with one command, a long command, but one command. There would be no risk of downloading a old version or a trojan. Linux is just as easy to use, if not easier to use than Windows. Due to Linux's utilization of the terminal, anything can be accomplished quickly and easily through the keyboard. I don't need to go searching through obscure control panel pages to change users permissions. Some people will say that the mouse is easier to use, but that is primarily be cause almost everyone has grown up using Windows and gotten used to using the mouse for things which can be accomplish easier through the keyboard. With a rolling release distro I don't have to worry about keeping drivers updated, because all I have to do is type sudo pacman Syu, and done. None of the bloatware that comes with Windows installers. Yes some hardware manufacturers choose not to support Linux, but there are open source alternatives, and more and more are publishing Linux drivers every day. Bloat and unnessasary programs are completely avoidable with Linux. For example, on my gaming computer, I use the program Clover . Clover replaces Windows Explorer with a Chrome like interface with tabs. I never open Windows explorer, yet I still have to have on my HDD because Microsoft decided I have to. The same is true when you look at Edge, IE, XBox, Cortana, and the numerous Windows 8 style apps. In short, the insistence on clunky mouse based settings, third party installers, and mandatory applications makes Windows an inferior choice for basic computer use. I am totally willing to change my view, in fact, I typed this on my Windows desktop. But I use this desktop almost entierly for gaming, and to no reason to install Windows otherwise. I was inspired by this post.<|ASPECTS|>keeping, linux drivers, downloading, easy to use, windows explorer, inferior choice, basic computer, long command, bloatware, open source alternatives, hdd, windows, disadvantages, package manager, gaming, avoidable, advantages, accomplished quickly and easily, mouse, free and open, utilization, risk, easier to use, accomplish easier, obscure control panel, change my view, bloat, drivers updated, repositories, entierly, proprietary software, trojan, inspired, search through the internet, unnessasary programs, old, uninstall programs easily, download programs, change users permissions, customization<|CONCLUSION|>
I and many others have no need to use Windows for a desktop computer. excepting gaming
<|TOPIC|>Should NCAA Athletes Be Paid?<|ARGUMENT|>Television and academic institutions are profiting off of player performance, therefore, players should receive a portion of that profit.<|ASPECTS|>player performance, profiting, profit<|CONCLUSION|>
Other companies are profiting from their hard work, so they should be compensated too.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Most of Reddit is very pro science pro vaccine, pro global warming, atheist, etc. . However, most of Reddit is also very pro democracy, and tend to be quite liberal. I find this as a contradiction. If you're pro science, then you should also be pro experimenting with different forms of government. Experimentation is the only way to figure out what's the best, but most of the worlds governments have been stuck as either representative republics or democratic socialist. I think one of the reasons why the US government is currently getting away with so much NSA wiretapping, Drug War, multiple foreign wars, etc. is because they really have nothing to worry about. Perhaps if more people emigrated or started their own governments within the US, they would have to think twice about it. Common arguments You can't have a government within another government I think the Amish have proved this wrong. And, they're allowed not to pay into Social Security Insurance if they don't want to. There's nothing stopping you from starting new governments right now. Well, there are. Examples of new governments or micro nations being shut down by larger governments include Kowloon Walled City, Freetown Christiana ongoing conflict , Sealand, and one that tried to start on the Italian coast but was quickly raided by the Italian government can't think of the name . They have tried, and they've failed so there's no point to try again. Edison tried a ton when he tried to make a lightbulb, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal to try it just means that we need more experimentation so we can learn from our mistakes. Governments already have sovereignty over the land, so you can't just start your own government on that land. Since governments are supposed to be of the people, then the land really isn't owned by the government, since the government is owned by the people. So if the people want to exercise their freedom, they should be able to start their own government or no government as they see fit. I am totally in support of other types of governments, such as socialism, anarcho capitalism, communism, communes, libertarianism, democratic socialism, democracy, anarcho syndicalism, co ops, anarchism, etc. I think people should be able to do whatever they want, so long as it's under voluntary conditions. That would definitely solve a lot of the political bickering that occurs 24 7 around the world for example, if someone wanted to be against abortion, they could just move to a country where abortion was illegal. Same with all the other contemporary issues, like minimum wage laws, drug laws, gun laws, etc. So what do you think? Should people be allowed to try out new governments? Edited a bit.<|ASPECTS|>, gun laws, land, owned by the government, liberal, government, representative republics, illegal, drug war, pro democracy, exercise, mistakes, voluntary conditions, atheist, democratic socialist, experimentation, try out new governments, failed, foreign wars, starting, people, raided, political bickering, freedom, social security insurance, learn, experimenting, micro nations, nsa wiretapping, new governments, owned by the people, contradiction, sovereignty over the land, pay, forms of government, global warming, emigrated, nothing to worry, drug laws, twice, multiple<|CONCLUSION|>
If you consider yourself "pro-science," then you should be for multiple types of governments.
<|TOPIC|>Does science justify atheism?<|ARGUMENT|>Moral intuitionism is a moral framework by which we gain our ethical information from our natural intuitions.<|ASPECTS|>ethical information, intuitionism, moral<|CONCLUSION|>
There are other, superior, sources of philosophical frameworks and moral codes.
<|TOPIC|>Do Parents Have an Obligation to Genetically Enhance Their Babies?<|ARGUMENT|>80% of a normal healthy human's total healthcare costs are in the last 20% of their life span. The end of life healthcare costs are likely to stay the same.<|ASPECTS|>end, healthcare costs<|CONCLUSION|>
Longer healthy-living humans and the elimination of many chronic diseases would not be enough to compensate for longer lives, full of random accidents.
<|TOPIC|>Appointments to the US Supreme Court should be for fixed 18-year terms<|ARGUMENT|>The Committee focuses strictly on professional qualifications: integrity, professional competence and judicial temperament. The Committee does not take into account a prospective nominee’s philosophy, political affiliation or ideology. ABA, p. 1 If the Committee approves of a nominee, there should be no reason to not allow that nominee to sit on the Court for as long as they are fit to serve.<|ASPECTS|>professional competence, judicial temperament, ideology, political affiliation, professional qualifications, integrity, philosophy<|CONCLUSION|>
The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary evaluates each nominee to the Supreme Court, ensuring that every Justice on the court is sufficiently qualified.
<|TOPIC|>Water privatization<|ARGUMENT|>Rich consumers in the developed world also waste water through extravagant use of luxuries such as garden sprinklers, swimming pools, lush golf courses, etc. - a problem which will get worse as income inequality increases, both between and within countries. Demand management is needed to prevent waste and to ensure access for all, including the poor, something which pricing water in a purely economic way will not achieve. This is a job for governments, accountable to their people, not for private companies.<|ASPECTS|>accountable to their people, demand management, prevent, rich consumers, private, waste water, waste, income inequality, extravagant use of luxuries, access<|CONCLUSION|>
Demand for water increases with population growth, so it does not respond to market signals in the way other resources do.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Most atheists will say that atheism is not a religion, it is merely a disbelief in one or many Gods. I believe that they are technically correct but they often conflate what I call small a atheism which is merely the disbelief in god s with what I call capital A Atheism which I associate with New Atheism and related intellectual movements. For the rest of the discussion I will refer to small a atheism as atheism and Capital A Atheism as Atheism unless I begin a sentence with one of them at which point I will spell out the full name, or if I use both in the same sentence so keep track of the capitalizations I use. If I refer to the word atheism rather than any of the positions I will put it in quotations. Small a atheism has existed since the beginning of time and it is not a religion. Its meaning is simply derived from its Greek etymology. This is the common dictionary definition of atheism but it is rarely the meaning of the word in everyday conversation. A large amount of people from East Asia are atheists without having any affiliation with Atheism including many who have religious affiliations such as Buddhism and Confucianism. Capital A Atheism on the other hand refers to an intellectual movement that is arguably a religion and is practiced primarily in the Western world. It does not have any explicit rituals but arguably may have some from the perspective of a foreign anthropologist like the Nacirema paper could describe such as sacrificing cars to space deities or a 4 year seminary entered by most members at 18. This group denies being a group so strongly that it could be viewed as a central belief of them that they do not exist. If someone gets angry at the notion that atheism is a religion then they are definitely a Capital A Atheist rather than a small a atheist. I think that it is dishonest for Atheists to say that atheism is not a religion and is often used by them to try and characterize themselves as superior to other religions and cultures. It is technically correct but it is an act of Sophistry which goes against the principles of Atheism. EDIT I define a religion as a series of beliefs and practices alongside a cultural identity that are seen as being moral. Not just cultural. EDIT2 Please use my terminology on Capital A Atheism and small a atheism when discussing this even if you disagree with the distinction. It will otherwise make it almost impossible to discuss EDIT3 I am using an enumerative definition of religion derived from the set of all things we categorize as religion excluding atheism since if I made an assumption one way or the other I couldn't argue about it. This is not a dictionary definition but it is not a made up definition either. EDIT4 I realized that I was slightly wrong on my usage of the term delta since I was referring to a two step process where I first took an enumerative definition of religions excluding atheism and then took the universal traits of the set members to create a lexical definition from the enumetative definition <|ASPECTS|>capital a atheism, religious affiliations, atheism, principles, moral, capital, intellectual movement, cultural identity, meaning of the word, many gods, sacrificing cars, group, disbelief in god, technically, explicit rituals, dictionary definition, affiliation, definition, atheists, disbelief in one, cultural, universal traits, greek etymology, religion, space deities, capital a atheist, practices, dishonest, superior, central belief, sophistry, beliefs<|CONCLUSION|>
Capital A Atheism is a religion
<|TOPIC|>Does science justify atheism?<|ARGUMENT|>Religious rules are the main source of contemporary laws and in some cases contributed to democracy.<|ASPECTS|>contemporary laws, democracy, religious rules<|CONCLUSION|>
Most of today's cultures and remaining world heritage are due to religions.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I was just researching this a little for my own reasons. Should I get a raised dog feeder? I see that they're very popular these days, with widespread veterenary assent that they can alleviate or reduce certain issues. But most of the claims about them are very vague, e.g., It's more sanitary. or It's more ergonomic for the dog. or It stops gulping overeating. How is it more sanitary? How is it more ergonomic for the dog? Did wild canines eat their elk from a raised dias as well? How does it stop gulping? Is there any actual research to prove this? Thanks<|ASPECTS|>vague, overeating, gulping, ergonomic, raised dog feeder, eat, alleviate, sanitary, reduce certain issues, veterenary, research, canines, popular<|CONCLUSION|>
Raised dog feeders are a scam &amp; provide no tangible benefit -