1 value
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """""" import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages import setuptools def get_version() -> str: # init = open(os.path.join("tmarl", ""), "r").read().split() return init[init.index("__version__") + 2][1:-1] setup( name="tmarl", # Replace with your own username version=get_version(), description="marl algorithms", long_description=open("", encoding="utf8").read(), long_description_content_type="text/markdown", author="tmarl", author_email="", packages=setuptools.find_packages(), classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ], keywords="multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms pytorch", python_requires='>=3.6', )
__version__ = "0.0.3"
import torch import torch.nn as nn from tmarl.networks.utils.util import init, check from tmarl.networks.utils.mlp import MLPBase, MLPLayer from tmarl.networks.utils.rnn import RNNLayer from tmarl.networks.utils.act import ACTLayer from tmarl.networks.utils.popart import PopArt from tmarl.utils.util import get_shape_from_obs_space # networks are defined here class PolicyNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, obs_space, action_space, device=torch.device("cpu")): super(PolicyNetwork, self).__init__() self.hidden_size = args.hidden_size self._gain = args.gain self._use_orthogonal = args.use_orthogonal self._activation_id = args.activation_id self._use_policy_active_masks = args.use_policy_active_masks self._use_naive_recurrent_policy = args.use_naive_recurrent_policy self._use_recurrent_policy = args.use_recurrent_policy self._use_influence_policy = args.use_influence_policy self._influence_layer_N = args.influence_layer_N self._use_policy_vhead = args.use_policy_vhead self._recurrent_N = args.recurrent_N self.tpdv = dict(dtype=torch.float32, device=device) obs_shape = get_shape_from_obs_space(obs_space) self._mixed_obs = False self.base = MLPBase(args, obs_shape, use_attn_internal=False, use_cat_self=True) input_size = self.base.output_size if self._use_naive_recurrent_policy or self._use_recurrent_policy: self.rnn = RNNLayer(input_size, self.hidden_size, self._recurrent_N, self._use_orthogonal) input_size = self.hidden_size if self._use_influence_policy: self.mlp = MLPLayer(obs_shape[0], self.hidden_size, self._influence_layer_N, self._use_orthogonal, self._activation_id) input_size += self.hidden_size self.act = ACTLayer(action_space, input_size, self._use_orthogonal, self._gain) if self._use_policy_vhead: init_method = [nn.init.xavier_uniform_, nn.init.orthogonal_][self._use_orthogonal] def init_(m): return init(m, init_method, lambda x: nn.init.constant_(x, 0)) if self._use_popart: self.v_out = init_(PopArt(input_size, 1, device=device)) else: self.v_out = init_(nn.Linear(input_size, 1)) def forward(self, obs, rnn_states, masks, available_actions=None, deterministic=False): if self._mixed_obs: for key in obs.keys(): obs[key] = check(obs[key]).to(**self.tpdv) else: obs = check(obs).to(**self.tpdv) rnn_states = check(rnn_states).to(**self.tpdv) masks = check(masks).to(**self.tpdv) if available_actions is not None: available_actions = check(available_actions).to(**self.tpdv) actor_features = self.base(obs) if self._use_naive_recurrent_policy or self._use_recurrent_policy: actor_features, rnn_states = self.rnn(actor_features, rnn_states, masks) if self._use_influence_policy: mlp_obs = self.mlp(obs) actor_features =[actor_features, mlp_obs], dim=1) actions, action_log_probs = self.act(actor_features, available_actions, deterministic) return actions, action_log_probs, rnn_states def evaluate_actions(self, obs, rnn_states, action, masks, available_actions=None, active_masks=None): if self._mixed_obs: for key in obs.keys(): obs[key] = check(obs[key]).to(**self.tpdv) else: obs = check(obs).to(**self.tpdv) rnn_states = check(rnn_states).to(**self.tpdv) action = check(action).to(**self.tpdv) masks = check(masks).to(**self.tpdv) if available_actions is not None: available_actions = check(available_actions).to(**self.tpdv) if active_masks is not None: active_masks = check(active_masks).to(**self.tpdv) actor_features = self.base(obs) if self._use_naive_recurrent_policy or self._use_recurrent_policy: actor_features, rnn_states = self.rnn(actor_features, rnn_states, masks) if self._use_influence_policy: mlp_obs = self.mlp(obs) actor_features =[actor_features, mlp_obs], dim=1) action_log_probs, dist_entropy = self.act.evaluate_actions(actor_features, action, available_actions, active_masks = active_masks if self._use_policy_active_masks else None) values = self.v_out(actor_features) if self._use_policy_vhead else None return action_log_probs, dist_entropy, values def get_policy_values(self, obs, rnn_states, masks): if self._mixed_obs: for key in obs.keys(): obs[key] = check(obs[key]).to(**self.tpdv) else: obs = check(obs).to(**self.tpdv) rnn_states = check(rnn_states).to(**self.tpdv) masks = check(masks).to(**self.tpdv) actor_features = self.base(obs) if self._use_naive_recurrent_policy or self._use_recurrent_policy: actor_features, rnn_states = self.rnn(actor_features, rnn_states, masks) if self._use_influence_policy: mlp_obs = self.mlp(obs) actor_features =[actor_features, mlp_obs], dim=1) values = self.v_out(actor_features) return values
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """"""
import torch import torch.nn as nn from .util import init """ Modify standard PyTorch distributions so they are compatible with this code. """ # # Standardize distribution interfaces # # Categorical class FixedCategorical(torch.distributions.Categorical): def sample(self): return super().sample().unsqueeze(-1) def log_probs(self, actions): return ( super() .log_prob(actions.squeeze(-1)) .view(actions.size(0), -1) .sum(-1) .unsqueeze(-1) ) def mode(self): return self.probs.argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=True) # Normal class FixedNormal(torch.distributions.Normal): def log_probs(self, actions): return super().log_prob(actions).sum(-1, keepdim=True) def entrop(self): return super.entropy().sum(-1) def mode(self): return self.mean # Bernoulli class FixedBernoulli(torch.distributions.Bernoulli): def log_probs(self, actions): return super.log_prob(actions).view(actions.size(0), -1).sum(-1).unsqueeze(-1) def entropy(self): return super().entropy().sum(-1) def mode(self): return, 0.5).float() class Categorical(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_outputs, use_orthogonal=True, gain=0.01): super(Categorical, self).__init__() init_method = [nn.init.xavier_uniform_, nn.init.orthogonal_][use_orthogonal] def init_(m): return init(m, init_method, lambda x: nn.init.constant_(x, 0), gain) self.linear = init_(nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_outputs)) def forward(self, x, available_actions=None): x = self.linear(x) if available_actions is not None: x[available_actions == 0] = -1e10 return FixedCategorical(logits=x) class DiagGaussian(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_outputs, use_orthogonal=True, gain=0.01): super(DiagGaussian, self).__init__() init_method = [nn.init.xavier_uniform_, nn.init.orthogonal_][use_orthogonal] def init_(m): return init(m, init_method, lambda x: nn.init.constant_(x, 0), gain) self.fc_mean = init_(nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_outputs)) self.logstd = AddBias(torch.zeros(num_outputs)) def forward(self, x): action_mean = self.fc_mean(x) # An ugly hack for my KFAC implementation. zeros = torch.zeros(action_mean.size()) if x.is_cuda: zeros = zeros.cuda() action_logstd = self.logstd(zeros) return FixedNormal(action_mean, action_logstd.exp()) class Bernoulli(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_outputs, use_orthogonal=True, gain=0.01): super(Bernoulli, self).__init__() init_method = [nn.init.xavier_uniform_, nn.init.orthogonal_][use_orthogonal] def init_(m): return init(m, init_method, lambda x: nn.init.constant_(x, 0), gain) self.linear = init_(nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_outputs)) def forward(self, x): x = self.linear(x) return FixedBernoulli(logits=x) class AddBias(nn.Module): def __init__(self, bias): super(AddBias, self).__init__() self._bias = nn.Parameter(bias.unsqueeze(1)) def forward(self, x): if x.dim() == 2: bias = self._bias.t().view(1, -1) else: bias = self._bias.t().view(1, -1, 1, 1) return x + bias
import torch.nn as nn from .util import init, get_clones class MLPLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_size, layer_N, use_orthogonal, activation_id): super(MLPLayer, self).__init__() self._layer_N = layer_N active_func = [nn.Tanh(), nn.ReLU(), nn.LeakyReLU(), nn.ELU()][activation_id] init_method = [nn.init.xavier_uniform_, nn.init.orthogonal_][use_orthogonal] gain = nn.init.calculate_gain(['tanh', 'relu', 'leaky_relu', 'leaky_relu'][activation_id]) def init_(m): return init(m, init_method, lambda x: nn.init.constant_(x, 0), gain=gain) self.fc1 = nn.Sequential( init_(nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_size)), active_func, nn.LayerNorm(hidden_size)) self.fc_h = nn.Sequential(init_( nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)), active_func, nn.LayerNorm(hidden_size)) self.fc2 = get_clones(self.fc_h, self._layer_N) def forward(self, x): x = self.fc1(x) for i in range(self._layer_N): x = self.fc2[i](x) return x class MLPBase(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, obs_shape, use_attn_internal=False, use_cat_self=True): super(MLPBase, self).__init__() self._use_feature_normalization = args.use_feature_normalization self._use_orthogonal = args.use_orthogonal self._activation_id = args.activation_id self._use_conv1d = args.use_conv1d self._stacked_frames = args.stacked_frames self._layer_N = args.layer_N self.hidden_size = args.hidden_size obs_dim = obs_shape[0] inputs_dim = obs_dim if self._use_feature_normalization: self.feature_norm = nn.LayerNorm(obs_dim) self.mlp = MLPLayer(inputs_dim, self.hidden_size, self._layer_N, self._use_orthogonal, self._activation_id) def forward(self, x): if self._use_feature_normalization: x = self.feature_norm(x) x = self.mlp(x) return x @property def output_size(self): return self.hidden_size
import math import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class PopArt(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape, norm_axes=1, beta=0.99999, epsilon=1e-5, device=torch.device("cpu")): super(PopArt, self).__init__() self.beta = beta self.epsilon = epsilon self.norm_axes = norm_axes self.tpdv = dict(dtype=torch.float32, device=device) self.input_shape = input_shape self.output_shape = output_shape self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(output_shape, input_shape)).to(**self.tpdv) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(output_shape)).to(**self.tpdv) self.stddev = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(output_shape), requires_grad=False).to(**self.tpdv) self.mean = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(output_shape), requires_grad=False).to(**self.tpdv) self.mean_sq = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(output_shape), requires_grad=False).to(**self.tpdv) self.debiasing_term = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.0), requires_grad=False).to(**self.tpdv) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, a=math.sqrt(5)) if self.bias is not None: fan_in, _ = torch.nn.init._calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(self.weight) bound = 1 / math.sqrt(fan_in) torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.bias, -bound, bound) self.mean.zero_() self.mean_sq.zero_() self.debiasing_term.zero_() def forward(self, input_vector): if type(input_vector) == np.ndarray: input_vector = torch.from_numpy(input_vector) input_vector =**self.tpdv) return F.linear(input_vector, self.weight, self.bias) @torch.no_grad() def update(self, input_vector): if type(input_vector) == np.ndarray: input_vector = torch.from_numpy(input_vector) input_vector =**self.tpdv) old_mean, old_stddev = self.mean, self.stddev batch_mean = input_vector.mean(dim=tuple(range(self.norm_axes))) batch_sq_mean = (input_vector ** 2).mean(dim=tuple(range(self.norm_axes))) self.mean.mul_(self.beta).add_(batch_mean * (1.0 - self.beta)) self.mean_sq.mul_(self.beta).add_(batch_sq_mean * (1.0 - self.beta)) self.debiasing_term.mul_(self.beta).add_(1.0 * (1.0 - self.beta)) self.stddev = (self.mean_sq - self.mean ** 2).sqrt().clamp(min=1e-4) self.weight = self.weight * old_stddev / self.stddev self.bias = (old_stddev * self.bias + old_mean - self.mean) / self.stddev def debiased_mean_var(self): debiased_mean = self.mean / self.debiasing_term.clamp(min=self.epsilon) debiased_mean_sq = self.mean_sq / self.debiasing_term.clamp(min=self.epsilon) debiased_var = (debiased_mean_sq - debiased_mean ** 2).clamp(min=1e-2) return debiased_mean, debiased_var def normalize(self, input_vector): if type(input_vector) == np.ndarray: input_vector = torch.from_numpy(input_vector) input_vector =**self.tpdv) mean, var = self.debiased_mean_var() out = (input_vector - mean[(None,) * self.norm_axes]) / torch.sqrt(var)[(None,) * self.norm_axes] return out def denormalize(self, input_vector): if type(input_vector) == np.ndarray: input_vector = torch.from_numpy(input_vector) input_vector =**self.tpdv) mean, var = self.debiased_mean_var() out = input_vector * torch.sqrt(var)[(None,) * self.norm_axes] + mean[(None,) * self.norm_axes] out = out.cpu().numpy() return out
import copy import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn def init(module, weight_init, bias_init, gain=1): weight_init(, gain=gain) bias_init( return module def get_clones(module, N): return nn.ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(module) for i in range(N)]) def check(input): output = torch.from_numpy(input) if type(input) == np.ndarray else input return output
from .distributions import Bernoulli, Categorical, DiagGaussian import torch import torch.nn as nn class ACTLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, action_space, inputs_dim, use_orthogonal, gain): super(ACTLayer, self).__init__() self.multidiscrete_action = False self.continuous_action = False self.mixed_action = False if action_space.__class__.__name__ == "Discrete": action_dim = action_space.n self.action_out = Categorical(inputs_dim, action_dim, use_orthogonal, gain) elif action_space.__class__.__name__ == "Box": self.continuous_action = True action_dim = action_space.shape[0] self.action_out = DiagGaussian(inputs_dim, action_dim, use_orthogonal, gain) elif action_space.__class__.__name__ == "MultiBinary": action_dim = action_space.shape[0] self.action_out = Bernoulli(inputs_dim, action_dim, use_orthogonal, gain) elif action_space.__class__.__name__ == "MultiDiscrete": self.multidiscrete_action = True action_dims = action_space.high - action_space.low + 1 self.action_outs = [] for action_dim in action_dims: self.action_outs.append(Categorical(inputs_dim, action_dim, use_orthogonal, gain)) self.action_outs = nn.ModuleList(self.action_outs) else: # discrete + continous self.mixed_action = True continous_dim = action_space[0].shape[0] discrete_dim = action_space[1].n self.action_outs = nn.ModuleList([DiagGaussian(inputs_dim, continous_dim, use_orthogonal, gain), Categorical( inputs_dim, discrete_dim, use_orthogonal, gain)]) def forward(self, x, available_actions=None, deterministic=False): if self.mixed_action : actions = [] action_log_probs = [] for action_out in self.action_outs: action_logit = action_out(x) action = action_logit.mode() if deterministic else action_logit.sample() action_log_prob = action_logit.log_probs(action) actions.append(action.float()) action_log_probs.append(action_log_prob) actions =, -1) action_log_probs = torch.sum(, -1), -1, keepdim=True) elif self.multidiscrete_action: actions = [] action_log_probs = [] for action_out in self.action_outs: action_logit = action_out(x) action = action_logit.mode() if deterministic else action_logit.sample() action_log_prob = action_logit.log_probs(action) actions.append(action) action_log_probs.append(action_log_prob) actions =, -1) action_log_probs =, -1) elif self.continuous_action: action_logits = self.action_out(x) actions = action_logits.mode() if deterministic else action_logits.sample() action_log_probs = action_logits.log_probs(actions) else: action_logits = self.action_out(x, available_actions) actions = action_logits.mode() if deterministic else action_logits.sample() action_log_probs = action_logits.log_probs(actions) return actions, action_log_probs def get_probs(self, x, available_actions=None): if self.mixed_action or self.multidiscrete_action: action_probs = [] for action_out in self.action_outs: action_logit = action_out(x) action_prob = action_logit.probs action_probs.append(action_prob) action_probs =, -1) elif self.continuous_action: action_logits = self.action_out(x) action_probs = action_logits.probs else: action_logits = self.action_out(x, available_actions) action_probs = action_logits.probs return action_probs def get_log_1mp(self, x, action, available_actions=None, active_masks=None): action_logits = self.action_out(x, available_actions) action_prob = torch.gather(action_logits.probs, 1, action.long()) action_prob = torch.clamp(action_prob, 0, 1-1e-6) action_log_1mp = torch.log(1 - action_prob) return action_log_1mp def evaluate_actions(self, x, action, available_actions=None, active_masks=None): if self.mixed_action: a, b = action.split((2, 1), -1) b = b.long() action = [a, b] action_log_probs = [] dist_entropy = [] for action_out, act in zip(self.action_outs, action): action_logit = action_out(x) action_log_probs.append(action_logit.log_probs(act)) if active_masks is not None: if len(action_logit.entropy().shape) == len(active_masks.shape): dist_entropy.append((action_logit.entropy() * active_masks).sum()/active_masks.sum()) else: dist_entropy.append((action_logit.entropy() * active_masks.squeeze(-1)).sum()/active_masks.sum()) else: dist_entropy.append(action_logit.entropy().mean()) action_log_probs = torch.sum(, -1), -1, keepdim=True) dist_entropy = dist_entropy[0] * 0.0025 + dist_entropy[1] * 0.01 elif self.multidiscrete_action: action = torch.transpose(action, 0, 1) action_log_probs = [] dist_entropy = [] for action_out, act in zip(self.action_outs, action): action_logit = action_out(x) action_log_probs.append(action_logit.log_probs(act)) if active_masks is not None: dist_entropy.append((action_logit.entropy()*active_masks.squeeze(-1)).sum()/active_masks.sum()) else: dist_entropy.append(action_logit.entropy().mean()) action_log_probs =, -1) # ! could be wrong dist_entropy = torch.tensor(dist_entropy).mean() elif self.continuous_action: action_logits = self.action_out(x) action_log_probs = action_logits.log_probs(action) if active_masks is not None: dist_entropy = (action_logits.entropy()*active_masks).sum()/active_masks.sum() else: dist_entropy = action_logits.entropy().mean() else: action_logits = self.action_out(x, available_actions) action_log_probs = action_logits.log_probs(action) if active_masks is not None: dist_entropy = (action_logits.entropy()*active_masks.squeeze(-1)).sum()/active_masks.sum() else: dist_entropy = action_logits.entropy().mean() return action_log_probs, dist_entropy
import torch import torch.nn as nn class RNNLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, inputs_dim, outputs_dim, recurrent_N, use_orthogonal): super(RNNLayer, self).__init__() self._recurrent_N = recurrent_N self._use_orthogonal = use_orthogonal self.rnn = nn.GRU(inputs_dim, outputs_dim, num_layers=self._recurrent_N) for name, param in self.rnn.named_parameters(): if 'bias' in name: nn.init.constant_(param, 0) elif 'weight' in name: if self._use_orthogonal: nn.init.orthogonal_(param) else: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(param) self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(outputs_dim) def forward(self, x, hxs, masks): if x.size(0) == hxs.size(0): x, hxs = self.rnn(x.unsqueeze(0), (hxs * masks.repeat(1, self._recurrent_N).unsqueeze(-1)).transpose(0, 1).contiguous()) x = x.squeeze(0) hxs = hxs.transpose(0, 1) else: # x is a (T, N, -1) tensor that has been flatten to (T * N, -1) N = hxs.size(0) T = int(x.size(0) / N) # unflatten x = x.view(T, N, x.size(1)) # Same deal with masks masks = masks.view(T, N) # Let's figure out which steps in the sequence have a zero for any agent # We will always assume t=0 has a zero in it as that makes the logic cleaner has_zeros = ((masks[1:] == 0.0) .any(dim=-1) .nonzero() .squeeze() .cpu()) # +1 to correct the masks[1:] if has_zeros.dim() == 0: # Deal with scalar has_zeros = [has_zeros.item() + 1] else: has_zeros = (has_zeros + 1).numpy().tolist() # add t=0 and t=T to the list has_zeros = [0] + has_zeros + [T] hxs = hxs.transpose(0, 1) outputs = [] for i in range(len(has_zeros) - 1): # We can now process steps that don't have any zeros in masks together! # This is much faster start_idx = has_zeros[i] end_idx = has_zeros[i + 1] temp = (hxs * masks[start_idx].view(1, -1, 1).repeat(self._recurrent_N, 1, 1)).contiguous() rnn_scores, hxs = self.rnn(x[start_idx:end_idx], temp) outputs.append(rnn_scores) # assert len(outputs) == T # x is a (T, N, -1) tensor x =, dim=0) # flatten x = x.reshape(T * N, -1) hxs = hxs.transpose(0, 1) x = self.norm(x) return x, hxs
import numpy as np import torch def _t2n(x): return x.detach().cpu().numpy() class Driver(object): def __init__(self, config, client=None): self.all_args = config['all_args'] self.envs = config['envs'] self.eval_envs = config['eval_envs'] self.device = config['device'] self.num_agents = config['num_agents'] if 'signal' in config: self.actor_id = config['signal'].actor_id self.weight_ids = config['signal'].weight_ids else: self.actor_id = 0 self.weight_ids = [0] # parameters self.env_name = self.all_args.env_name self.algorithm_name = self.all_args.algorithm_name self.experiment_name = self.all_args.experiment_name self.use_centralized_V = self.all_args.use_centralized_V self.use_obs_instead_of_state = self.all_args.use_obs_instead_of_state self.num_env_steps = self.all_args.num_env_steps if hasattr(self.all_args,'num_env_steps') else self.all_args.eval_num self.episode_length = self.all_args.episode_length self.n_rollout_threads = self.all_args.n_rollout_threads self.learner_n_rollout_threads = self.all_args.n_rollout_threads self.n_eval_rollout_threads = self.all_args.n_eval_rollout_threads self.hidden_size = self.all_args.hidden_size self.recurrent_N = self.all_args.recurrent_N # interval self.save_interval = self.all_args.save_interval self.use_eval = self.all_args.use_eval self.eval_interval = self.all_args.eval_interval self.log_interval = self.all_args.log_interval # dir self.model_dir = self.all_args.model_dir if self.algorithm_name == "rmappo": from tmarl.algorithms.r_mappo_distributed.mappo_algorithm import MAPPOAlgorithm as TrainAlgo from tmarl.algorithms.r_mappo_distributed.mappo_module import MAPPOModule as AlgoModule else: raise NotImplementedError if self.envs: share_observation_space = self.envs.share_observation_space[0] \ if self.use_centralized_V else self.envs.observation_space[0] # policy network self.algo_module = AlgoModule(self.all_args, self.envs.observation_space[0], share_observation_space, self.envs.action_space[0], device=self.device) else: share_observation_space = self.eval_envs.share_observation_space[0] \ if self.use_centralized_V else self.eval_envs.observation_space[0] # policy network self.algo_module = AlgoModule(self.all_args, self.eval_envs.observation_space[0], share_observation_space, self.eval_envs.action_space[0], device=self.device) if self.model_dir is not None: self.restore() # algorithm self.trainer = TrainAlgo(self.all_args, self.algo_module, device=self.device) # buffer from tmarl.replay_buffers.normal.shared_buffer import SharedReplayBuffer self.buffer = SharedReplayBuffer(self.all_args, self.num_agents, self.envs.observation_space[0] if self.envs else self.eval_envs.observation_space[0], share_observation_space, self.envs.action_space[0] if self.envs else self.eval_envs.action_space[0]) def run(self): raise NotImplementedError def warmup(self): raise NotImplementedError def collect(self, step): raise NotImplementedError def insert(self, data): raise NotImplementedError def restore(self): policy_actor_state_dict = torch.load(str(self.model_dir) + '/', map_location=self.device)
from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from tmarl.drivers.shared_distributed.base_driver import Driver def _t2n(x): return x.detach().cpu().numpy() class FootballDriver(Driver): def __init__(self, config): super(FootballDriver, self).__init__(config) def run(self): self.trainer.prep_rollout() episodes = int(self.num_env_steps) total_num_steps = 0 for episode in range(episodes): print('Episode {}:'.format(episode)) self.eval(total_num_steps) def eval(self, total_num_steps): eval_episode_rewards = [] eval_obs, eval_share_obs, eval_available_actions = self.eval_envs.reset() agent_num = eval_obs.shape[1] used_buffer = self.buffer rnn_shape = [self.n_eval_rollout_threads, agent_num, *used_buffer.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:]] eval_rnn_states = np.zeros(rnn_shape, dtype=np.float32) eval_rnn_states_critic = np.zeros(rnn_shape, dtype=np.float32) eval_masks = np.ones((self.n_eval_rollout_threads, agent_num, 1), dtype=np.float32) finished = None for eval_step in tqdm(range(3001)): self.trainer.prep_rollout() _, eval_action, eval_action_log_prob, eval_rnn_states, _ = \ self.trainer.algo_module.get_actions(np.concatenate(eval_share_obs), np.concatenate(eval_obs), np.concatenate(eval_rnn_states), None, np.concatenate(eval_masks), np.concatenate(eval_available_actions), deterministic=True) eval_actions = np.array( np.split(_t2n(eval_action), self.n_eval_rollout_threads)) eval_rnn_states = np.array( np.split(_t2n(eval_rnn_states), self.n_eval_rollout_threads)) if self.eval_envs.action_space[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Discrete': eval_actions_env = np.squeeze( np.eye(self.eval_envs.action_space[0].n)[eval_actions], 2) else: raise NotImplementedError # Obser reward and next obs eval_obs, eval_share_obs, eval_rewards, eval_dones, eval_infos, eval_available_actions = \ self.eval_envs.step(eval_actions_env) eval_rewards = eval_rewards.reshape([-1, agent_num]) # [roll_out, num_agents] if finished is None: eval_r = eval_rewards[:,:self.num_agents] eval_episode_rewards.append(eval_r) finished = eval_dones.copy() else: eval_r = (eval_rewards * ~finished)[:,:self.num_agents] eval_episode_rewards.append(eval_r) finished = eval_dones.copy() | finished eval_masks = np.ones( (self.n_eval_rollout_threads, agent_num, 1), dtype=np.float32) eval_masks[eval_dones == True] = np.zeros( ((eval_dones == True).sum(), 1), dtype=np.float32) eval_rnn_states[eval_dones == True] = np.zeros( ((eval_dones == True).sum(), self.recurrent_N, self.hidden_size), dtype=np.float32) if finished.all() == True: break eval_episode_rewards = np.array(eval_episode_rewards) # [step,rollout,num_agents] ally_goal = np.sum((eval_episode_rewards == 1), axis=0) enemy_goal = np.sum((eval_episode_rewards == -1), axis=0) net_goal = np.sum(eval_episode_rewards, axis=0) winning_rate = np.mean(net_goal, axis=-1) eval_env_infos = {} eval_env_infos['eval_average_winning_rate'] = winning_rate>0 eval_env_infos['eval_average_losing_rate'] = winning_rate<0 eval_env_infos['eval_average_draw_rate'] = winning_rate==0 eval_env_infos['eval_average_ally_score'] = ally_goal eval_env_infos['eval_average_enemy_score'] = enemy_goal eval_env_infos['eval_average_net_score'] = net_goal print("\tSuccess Rate: " + str(np.mean(winning_rate>0)) )
""" Modified from OpenAI Baselines code to work with multi-agent envs """ import numpy as np from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from tmarl.utils.util import tile_images class CloudpickleWrapper(object): """ Uses cloudpickle to serialize contents (otherwise multiprocessing tries to use pickle) """ def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def __getstate__(self): import cloudpickle return cloudpickle.dumps(self.x) def __setstate__(self, ob): import pickle self.x = pickle.loads(ob) class ShareVecEnv(ABC): """ An abstract asynchronous, vectorized environment. Used to batch data from multiple copies of an environment, so that each observation becomes an batch of observations, and expected action is a batch of actions to be applied per-environment. """ closed = False viewer = None metadata = { 'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array'] } def __init__(self, num_envs, observation_space, share_observation_space, action_space): self.num_envs = num_envs self.observation_space = observation_space self.share_observation_space = share_observation_space self.action_space = action_space @abstractmethod def reset(self): """ Reset all the environments and return an array of observations, or a dict of observation arrays. If step_async is still doing work, that work will be cancelled and step_wait() should not be called until step_async() is invoked again. """ pass @abstractmethod def step_async(self, actions): """ Tell all the environments to start taking a step with the given actions. Call step_wait() to get the results of the step. You should not call this if a step_async run is already pending. """ pass @abstractmethod def step_wait(self): """ Wait for the step taken with step_async(). Returns (obs, rews, dones, infos): - obs: an array of observations, or a dict of arrays of observations. - rews: an array of rewards - dones: an array of "episode done" booleans - infos: a sequence of info objects """ pass def close_extras(self): """ Clean up the extra resources, beyond what's in this base class. Only runs when not self.closed. """ pass def close(self): if self.closed: return if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.close() self.close_extras() self.closed = True def step(self, actions): """ Step the environments synchronously. This is available for backwards compatibility. """ self.step_async(actions) return self.step_wait() def render(self, mode='human'): imgs = self.get_images() bigimg = tile_images(imgs) if mode == 'human': self.get_viewer().imshow(bigimg) return self.get_viewer().isopen elif mode == 'rgb_array': return bigimg else: raise NotImplementedError def get_images(self): """ Return RGB images from each environment """ raise NotImplementedError @property def unwrapped(self): if isinstance(self, VecEnvWrapper): return self.venv.unwrapped else: return self def get_viewer(self): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.SimpleImageViewer() return self.viewer def worker(remote, parent_remote, env_fn_wrapper): parent_remote.close() env = env_fn_wrapper.x() while True: cmd, data = remote.recv() if cmd == 'step': ob, reward, done, info = env.step(data) if 'bool' in done.__class__.__name__: if done: ob = env.reset() else: if np.all(done): ob = env.reset() remote.send((ob, reward, done, info)) elif cmd == 'reset': ob = env.reset() remote.send((ob)) elif cmd == 'render': if data == "rgb_array": fr = env.render(mode=data) remote.send(fr) elif data == "human": env.render(mode=data) elif cmd == 'reset_task': ob = env.reset_task() remote.send(ob) elif cmd == 'close': env.close() remote.close() break elif cmd == 'get_spaces': remote.send((env.observation_space, env.share_observation_space, env.action_space)) elif cmd == 'get_max_step': remote.send((env.max_steps)) elif cmd == 'get_action': # for behavior cloning action = env.get_action() remote.send((action)) else: raise NotImplementedError class SubprocVecEnv(ShareVecEnv): def __init__(self, env_fns, spaces=None): """ envs: list of gym environments to run in subprocesses """ self.waiting = False self.closed = False nenvs = len(env_fns) self.remotes, self.work_remotes = zip(*[Pipe() for _ in range(nenvs)]) = [Process(target=worker, args=(work_remote, remote, CloudpickleWrapper(env_fn))) for (work_remote, remote, env_fn) in zip(self.work_remotes, self.remotes, env_fns)] for p in p.daemon = True # if the main process crashes, we should not cause things to hang p.start() for remote in self.work_remotes: remote.close() self.remotes[0].send(('get_spaces', None)) observation_space, share_observation_space, action_space = self.remotes[0].recv() ShareVecEnv.__init__(self, len(env_fns), observation_space, share_observation_space, action_space) def step_async(self, actions): for remote, action in zip(self.remotes, actions): remote.send(('step', action)) self.waiting = True def step_wait(self): results = [remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes] self.waiting = False obs, rews, dones, infos = zip(*results) return np.stack(obs), np.stack(rews), np.stack(dones), infos def reset(self): for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('reset', None)) obs = [remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes] return np.stack(obs) def get_max_step(self): for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('get_max_step', None)) return np.stack([remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes]) def reset_task(self): for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('reset_task', None)) return np.stack([remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes]) def close(self): if self.closed: return if self.waiting: for remote in self.remotes: remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('close', None)) for p in p.join() self.closed = True def render(self, mode="rgb_array"): for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('render', mode)) if mode == "rgb_array": frame = [remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes] return np.stack(frame) def shareworker(remote, parent_remote, env_fn_wrapper): parent_remote.close() env = env_fn_wrapper.x() while True: cmd, data = remote.recv() if cmd == 'step': ob, s_ob, reward, done, info, available_actions = env.step(data) if 'bool' in done.__class__.__name__: if done: ob, s_ob, available_actions = env.reset() else: if np.all(done): ob, s_ob, available_actions = env.reset() remote.send((ob, s_ob, reward, done, info, available_actions)) elif cmd == 'reset': ob, s_ob, available_actions = env.reset() remote.send((ob, s_ob, available_actions)) elif cmd == 'reset_task': ob = env.reset_task() remote.send(ob) elif cmd == 'render': if data == "rgb_array": fr = env.render(mode=data) remote.send(fr) elif data == "human": env.render(mode=data) elif cmd == 'close': env.close() remote.close() break elif cmd == 'get_spaces': remote.send( (env.observation_space, env.share_observation_space, env.action_space)) elif cmd == 'render_vulnerability': fr = env.render_vulnerability(data) remote.send((fr)) elif cmd == 'get_action': # for behavior cloning action = env.get_action() remote.send((action)) else: raise NotImplementedError class ShareSubprocVecEnv(ShareVecEnv): def __init__(self, env_fns, spaces=None): """ envs: list of gym environments to run in subprocesses """ self.waiting = False self.closed = False nenvs = len(env_fns) self.remotes, self.work_remotes = zip(*[Pipe() for _ in range(nenvs)]) = [Process(target=shareworker, args=(work_remote, remote, CloudpickleWrapper(env_fn))) for (work_remote, remote, env_fn) in zip(self.work_remotes, self.remotes, env_fns)] for p in p.daemon = True # if the main process crashes, we should not cause things to hang p.start() for remote in self.work_remotes: remote.close() self.remotes[0].send(('get_spaces', None)) observation_space, share_observation_space, action_space = self.remotes[0].recv( ) ShareVecEnv.__init__(self, len(env_fns), observation_space, share_observation_space, action_space) def step_async(self, actions): for remote, action in zip(self.remotes, actions): remote.send(('step', action)) self.waiting = True def step_wait(self): results = [remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes] self.waiting = False obs, share_obs, rews, dones, infos, available_actions = zip(*results) return np.stack(obs), np.stack(share_obs), np.stack(rews), np.stack(dones), infos, np.stack(available_actions) def reset(self): for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('reset', None)) results = [remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes] obs, share_obs, available_actions = zip(*results) return np.stack(obs), np.stack(share_obs), np.stack(available_actions) def reset_task(self): for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('reset_task', None)) return np.stack([remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes]) def close(self): if self.closed: return if self.waiting: for remote in self.remotes: remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('close', None)) for p in p.join() self.closed = True def get_action(self): # for behavior clonging for remote in self.remotes: remote.send(('get_action', None)) results = [remote.recv() for remote in self.remotes] return np.concatenate(results) # single env class DummyVecEnv(ShareVecEnv): def __init__(self, env_fns): self.envs = [fn() for fn in env_fns] env = self.envs[0] ShareVecEnv.__init__(self, len( env_fns), env.observation_space, env.share_observation_space, env.action_space) self.actions = None def step_async(self, actions): self.actions = actions def step_wait(self): results = [env.step(a) for (a, env) in zip(self.actions, self.envs)] obs, rews, dones, infos = map(np.array, zip(*results)) for (i, done) in enumerate(dones): if 'bool' in done.__class__.__name__: if done: obs[i] = self.envs[i].reset() else: if np.all(done): obs[i] = self.envs[i].reset() self.actions = None return obs, rews, dones, infos def reset(self): obs = [env.reset() for env in self.envs] return np.array(obs) def get_max_step(self): return [env.max_steps for env in self.envs] def close(self): for env in self.envs: env.close() def render(self, mode="human", playeridx=None): if mode == "rgb_array": if playeridx == None: return np.array([env.render(mode=mode) for env in self.envs]) else: return np.array([env.render(mode=mode,playeridx=playeridx) for env in self.envs]) elif mode == "human": for env in self.envs: if playeridx == None: env.render(mode=mode) else: env.render(mode=mode, playeridx=playeridx) else: raise NotImplementedError class ShareDummyVecEnv(ShareVecEnv): def __init__(self, env_fns): self.envs = [fn() for fn in env_fns] env = self.envs[0] ShareVecEnv.__init__(self, len( env_fns), env.observation_space, env.share_observation_space, env.action_space) self.actions = None def step_async(self, actions): self.actions = actions def step_wait(self): results = [env.step(a) for (a, env) in zip(self.actions, self.envs)] obs, share_obs, rews, dones, infos, available_actions = map( np.array, zip(*results)) for (i, done) in enumerate(dones): if 'bool' in done.__class__.__name__: if done: obs[i], share_obs[i], available_actions[i] = self.envs[i].reset() else: if np.all(done): obs[i], share_obs[i], available_actions[i] = self.envs[i].reset() self.actions = None return obs, share_obs, rews, dones, infos, available_actions def reset(self): results = [env.reset() for env in self.envs] obs, share_obs, available_actions = map(np.array, zip(*results)) return obs, share_obs, available_actions def close(self): for env in self.envs: env.close() def render(self, mode="human"): if mode == "rgb_array": return np.array([env.render(mode=mode) for env in self.envs]) elif mode == "human": for env in self.envs: env.render(mode=mode) else: raise NotImplementedError def save_replay(self): for env in self.envs: env.save_replay() def get_action(self): # for behavior cloning results = [env.reset() for env in self.envs] return results
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """"""
import numpy as np import gym from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv import as football_env class RllibGFootball(MultiAgentEnv): """An example of a wrapper for GFootball to make it compatible with rllib.""" def __init__(self, all_args, rank, log_dir=None, isEval=False): self.num_agents = all_args.num_agents self.num_rollout = all_args.n_rollout_threads self.isEval = isEval self.rank = rank # create env # need_render = (rank == 0) and isEval need_render = (rank == 0) # and (not isEval or self.use_behavior_cloning) self.env = football_env.create_environment( env_name=all_args.scenario_name, stacked=False, logdir=log_dir, representation=all_args.representation, rewards='scoring' if isEval else all_args.rewards, write_goal_dumps=False, write_full_episode_dumps=need_render, render=need_render, dump_frequency=1 if need_render else 0, number_of_left_players_agent_controls=self.num_agents, number_of_right_players_agent_controls=0, other_config_options={'action_set':'full'}) # state self.last_loffside = np.zeros(11) self.last_roffside = np.zeros(11) # dimension self.action_size = 33 if all_args.scenario_name == "11_vs_11_kaggle": self.avail_size = 20 else: self.avail_size = 19 if all_args.representation == 'raw': obs_space_dim = 268 obs_space_low = np.zeros(obs_space_dim) - 1e6 obs_space_high = np.zeros(obs_space_dim) + 1e6 obs_space_type = 'float64' else: raise NotImplementedError self.action_space = [gym.spaces.Discrete( self.action_size) for _ in range(self.num_agents)] self.observation_space = [gym.spaces.Box( low=obs_space_low, high=obs_space_high, dtype=obs_space_type) for _ in range(self.num_agents)] self.share_observation_space = [gym.spaces.Box( low=obs_space_low, high=obs_space_high, dtype=obs_space_type) for _ in range(self.num_agents)] def reset(self): # available actions avail_actions = np.ones([self.num_agents, self.action_size]) avail_actions[:, self.avail_size:] = 0 # state self.last_loffside = np.zeros(11) self.last_roffside = np.zeros(11) # obs raw_obs = self.env.reset() raw_obs = self._notFullGame(raw_obs) obs = self.raw2vec(raw_obs) share_obs = obs.copy() return obs, share_obs, avail_actions def step(self, actions): # step actions = np.argmax(actions, axis=-1) raw_o, r, d, info = self.env.step(actions.astype('int32')) raw_o = self._notFullGame(raw_o) obs = self.raw2vec(raw_o) share_obs = obs.copy() # available actions avail_actions = np.ones([self.num_agents, self.action_size]) avail_actions[:, self.avail_size:] = 0 # translate to specific form rewards = [] infos, dones = [], [] for i in range(self.num_agents): infos.append(info) dones.append(d) reward = r[i] if self.num_agents > 1 else r reward = -0.01 if d and reward < 1 and not self.isEval else reward rewards.append(reward) rewards = np.expand_dims(np.array(rewards), axis=1) return obs, share_obs, rewards, dones, infos, avail_actions def seed(self, seed=None): if seed is None: np.random.seed(1) else: np.random.seed(seed) def close(self): self.env.close() def raw2vec(self, raw_obs): obs = [] ally = np.array(raw_obs[0]['left_team']) ally_d = np.array(raw_obs[0]['left_team_direction']) enemy = np.array(raw_obs[0]['right_team']) enemy_d = np.array(raw_obs[0]['right_team_direction']) lo, ro = self.get_offside(raw_obs[0]) for a in range(self.num_agents): # prepocess me = ally[int(raw_obs[a]['active'])] ball = raw_obs[a]['ball'][:2] ball_dist = np.linalg.norm(me - ball) enemy_dist = np.linalg.norm(me - enemy, axis=-1) to_enemy = enemy - me to_ally = ally - me to_ball = ball - me o = [] # shape = 0 o.extend(ally.flatten()) o.extend(ally_d.flatten()) o.extend(enemy.flatten()) o.extend(enemy_d.flatten()) # shape = 88 o.extend(raw_obs[a]['ball']) o.extend(raw_obs[a]['ball_direction']) # shape = 94 if raw_obs[a]['ball_owned_team'] == -1: o.extend([1, 0, 0]) if raw_obs[a]['ball_owned_team'] == 0: o.extend([0, 1, 0]) if raw_obs[a]['ball_owned_team'] == 1: o.extend([0, 0, 1]) # shape = 97 active = [0] * 11 active[raw_obs[a]['active']] = 1 o.extend(active) # shape = 108 game_mode = [0] * 7 game_mode[raw_obs[a]['game_mode']] = 1 o.extend(game_mode) # shape = 115 o.extend(raw_obs[a]['sticky_actions'][:10]) # shape = 125) ball_dist = 1 if ball_dist > 1 else ball_dist o.extend([ball_dist]) # shape = 126) o.extend(raw_obs[a]['left_team_tired_factor']) # shape = 137) o.extend(raw_obs[a]['left_team_yellow_card']) # shape = 148) o.extend(raw_obs[a]['left_team_active']) # red cards # shape = 159) o.extend(lo) # ! # shape = 170) o.extend(ro) # ! # shape = 181) o.extend(enemy_dist) # shape = 192) to_ally[:, 0] /= 2 o.extend(to_ally.flatten()) # shape = 214) to_enemy[:, 0] /= 2 o.extend(to_enemy.flatten()) # shape = 236) to_ball[0] /= 2 o.extend(to_ball.flatten()) # shape = 238) steps_left = raw_obs[a]['steps_left'] o.extend([1.0 * steps_left / 3001]) # steps left till end if steps_left > 1500: steps_left -= 1501 # steps left till halfend steps_left = 1.0 * min(steps_left, 300.0) # clip steps_left /= 300.0 o.extend([steps_left]) score_ratio = 1.0 * \ (raw_obs[a]['score'][0] - raw_obs[a]['score'][1]) score_ratio /= 5.0 score_ratio = min(score_ratio, 1.0) score_ratio = max(-1.0, score_ratio) o.extend([score_ratio]) # shape = 241 o.extend([0.0] * 27) # shape = 268 obs.append(o) return np.array(obs) def get_offside(self, obs): ball = np.array(obs['ball'][:2]) ally = np.array(obs['left_team']) enemy = np.array(obs['right_team']) if obs['game_mode'] != 0: self.last_loffside = np.zeros(11, np.float32) self.last_roffside = np.zeros(11, np.float32) return np.zeros(11, np.float32), np.zeros(11, np.float32) need_recalc = False effective_ownball_team = -1 effective_ownball_player = -1 if obs['ball_owned_team'] > -1: effective_ownball_team = obs['ball_owned_team'] effective_ownball_player = obs['ball_owned_player'] need_recalc = True else: ally_dist = np.linalg.norm(ball - ally, axis=-1) enemy_dist = np.linalg.norm(ball - enemy, axis=-1) if np.min(ally_dist) < np.min(enemy_dist): if np.min(ally_dist) < 0.017: need_recalc = True effective_ownball_team = 0 effective_ownball_player = np.argmin(ally_dist) elif np.min(enemy_dist) < np.min(ally_dist): if np.min(enemy_dist) < 0.017: need_recalc = True effective_ownball_team = 1 effective_ownball_player = np.argmin(enemy_dist) if not need_recalc: return self.last_loffside, self.last_roffside left_offside = np.zeros(11, np.float32) right_offside = np.zeros(11, np.float32) if effective_ownball_team == 0: right_xs = [obs['right_team'][k][0] for k in range(1, 11)] right_xs = np.array(right_xs) right_xs.sort() for k in range(1, 11): if obs['left_team'][k][0] > right_xs[-1] and k != effective_ownball_player \ and obs['left_team'][k][0] > 0.0: left_offside[k] = 1.0 else: left_xs = [obs['left_team'][k][0] for k in range(1, 11)] left_xs = np.array(left_xs) left_xs.sort() for k in range(1, 11): if obs['right_team'][k][0] < left_xs[0] and k != effective_ownball_player \ and obs['right_team'][k][0] < 0.0: right_offside[k] = 1.0 self.last_loffside = left_offside self.last_roffside = right_offside return left_offside, right_offside def _notFullGame(self, raw_obs): # use this function when there are less than 11 players in the scenario left_ok = len(raw_obs[0]['left_team']) == 11 right_ok = len(raw_obs[0]['right_team']) == 11 if left_ok and right_ok: return raw_obs # set player's coordinate at (-1,0), set player's velocity as (0,0) for obs in raw_obs: obs['left_team'] = np.array(obs['left_team']) obs['right_team'] = np.array(obs['right_team']) obs['left_team_direction'] = np.array(obs['left_team_direction']) obs['right_team_direction'] = np.array(obs['right_team_direction']) while len(obs['left_team']) < 11: obs['left_team'] = np.concatenate([obs['left_team'], np.array([[-1,0]])], axis=0) obs['left_team_direction'] = np.concatenate([obs['left_team_direction'], np.zeros([1,2])], axis=0) obs['left_team_tired_factor'] = np.concatenate([obs['left_team_tired_factor'], np.zeros(1)], axis=0) obs['left_team_yellow_card'] = np.concatenate([obs['left_team_yellow_card'], np.zeros(1)], axis=0) obs['left_team_active'] = np.concatenate([obs['left_team_active'], np.ones(1)], axis=0) while len(obs['right_team']) < 11: obs['right_team'] = np.concatenate([obs['right_team'], np.array([[-1,0]])], axis=0) obs['right_team_direction'] = np.concatenate([obs['right_team_direction'], np.zeros([1,2])], axis=0) return raw_obs
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 3000 builder.config().second_half = 1500 builder.config().right_team_difficulty = 1.0 builder.config().left_team_difficulty = 1.0 builder.config().deterministic = False if builder.EpisodeNumber() % 2 == 0: first_team = Team.e_Left second_team = Team.e_Right else: first_team = Team.e_Right second_team = Team.e_Left builder.SetTeam(first_team) builder.AddPlayer(-1.000000, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.000000, 0.020000, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(0.000000, -0.020000, e_PlayerRole_CF) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, 0.195760, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.267574, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, 0.105680, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.010000, -0.21610, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.SetTeam(second_team) builder.AddPlayer(-1.000000, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(-0.050000, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.010000, 0.216102, e_PlayerRole_CF) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, 0.195760, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.267574, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, 0.105680, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.010000, -0.21610, e_PlayerRole_LM)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 3000 builder.config().second_half = 1500 builder.config().right_team_difficulty = 1.0 builder.config().left_team_difficulty = 1.0 builder.config().deterministic = False if builder.EpisodeNumber() % 2 == 0: first_team = Team.e_Left second_team = Team.e_Right else: first_team = Team.e_Right second_team = Team.e_Left builder.SetTeam(first_team) builder.AddPlayer(-1.000000, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.000000, 0.020000, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(0.000000, -0.020000, e_PlayerRole_CF) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, 0.195760, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.267574, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, 0.105680, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.010000, -0.21610, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.SetTeam(second_team) builder.AddPlayer(-1.000000, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(-0.050000, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_RM, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.010000, 0.216102, e_PlayerRole_CF, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.500000, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.422000, 0.195760, e_PlayerRole_RB, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.267574, 0.000000, e_PlayerRole_CM, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.184212, 0.105680, e_PlayerRole_CM, lazy=True) builder.AddPlayer(-0.010000, -0.21610, e_PlayerRole_LM, lazy=True)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.62, 0.0) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.6, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, 0.2, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, -0.2, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CB)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.02, 0.0) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.02, 0.0) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, 0.2, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, 0.1, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, -0.1, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, -0.2, e_PlayerRole_RB)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.26, -0.11) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(-0.672, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.672, 0.19576, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.434, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.434, 0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.5, -0.3161, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.25, -0.1, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.AddPlayer(0.25, 0.1, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(0.35, 0.316102, e_PlayerRole_CF) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(0.128, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.4, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.4, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.128, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(0.365, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.282, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.365, 0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.54, -0.3161, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.AddPlayer(0.51, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(0.54, 0.316102, e_PlayerRole_CF)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.02, 0.0) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, 0.2, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, 0.1, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, -0.1, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.12, -0.2, e_PlayerRole_RB)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.77, 0.0) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.75, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = False builder.SetBallPosition(0.99, 0.41) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(1.0, 0.42, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, 0.15, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, 0.05, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, -0.05, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(0.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.6, 0.35, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.8, 0.07, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.8, -0.03, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.AddPlayer(0.8, -0.13, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, -0.3, e_PlayerRole_CF) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, -0.18, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, -0.08, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, 0.02, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, -0.1, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.8, -0.25, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.88, -0.07, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.88, 0.03, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.88, 0.13, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, 0.25, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.2, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CF)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gfootball_engine as libgame e_PlayerRole_GK = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_GK e_PlayerRole_CB = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_CB e_PlayerRole_LB = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_LB e_PlayerRole_RB = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_RB e_PlayerRole_DM = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_DM e_PlayerRole_CM = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_CM e_PlayerRole_LM = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_LM e_PlayerRole_RM = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_RM e_PlayerRole_AM = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_AM e_PlayerRole_CF = libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_CF Team = libgame.e_Team
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.7, -0.28) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, -0.3, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, 0.3, e_PlayerRole_CB)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.7, -0.28) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.7, -0.3, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, 0.1, e_PlayerRole_CB)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import * def build_scenario(builder): builder.config().game_duration = 400 builder.config().deterministic = False builder.config().offsides = False builder.config().end_episode_on_score = True builder.config().end_episode_on_out_of_play = True builder.config().end_episode_on_possession_change = True builder.SetBallPosition(0.26, -0.11) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Left) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK, controllable=False) builder.AddPlayer(-0.672, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.75, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.672, 0.19576, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.434, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(-0.434, 0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.5, -0.3161, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.25, -0.1, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.AddPlayer(0.25, 0.1, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(0.35, 0.316102, e_PlayerRole_CF) builder.SetTeam(Team.e_Right) builder.AddPlayer(-1.0, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_GK) builder.AddPlayer(0.128, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_LB) builder.AddPlayer(0.4, -0.06356, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(-0.4, 0.063559, e_PlayerRole_CB) builder.AddPlayer(0.128, -0.19576, e_PlayerRole_RB) builder.AddPlayer(0.365, -0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.282, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.365, 0.10568, e_PlayerRole_CM) builder.AddPlayer(0.54, -0.3161, e_PlayerRole_LM) builder.AddPlayer(0.51, 0.0, e_PlayerRole_RM) builder.AddPlayer(0.54, 0.316102, e_PlayerRole_CF)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Football environment as close as possible to a GYM environment.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from absl import logging import copy try: import gfootball_engine as libgame from gfootball_engine import GameState except ImportError: print('Cannot import gfootball_engine. Package was not installed properly.') from import config as cfg from gfootball.env import constants from gfootball.env import football_action_set from gfootball.env import observation_processor import numpy as np import six.moves.cPickle from six.moves import range import timeit _unused_engines = [] _unused_rendering_engine = None _active_rendering = False try: import cv2 except ImportError: import cv2 class EnvState(object): def __init__(self): self.previous_score_diff = 0 self.previous_game_mode = -1 self.prev_ball_owned_team = -1 class FootballEnvCore(object): def __init__(self, config): global _unused_engines self._config = config self._sticky_actions = football_action_set.get_sticky_actions(config) self._use_rendering_engine = False if _unused_engines: self._env = _unused_engines.pop() else: self._env = self._get_new_env() # Reset is needed here to make sure render() API call before reset() API # call works fine (get/setState makes sure env. config is the same). self.reset(inc=0) def _get_new_env(self): env = libgame.GameEnv() env.game_config.physics_steps_per_frame = self._config[ 'physics_steps_per_frame'] env.game_config.render_resolution_x = self._config['render_resolution_x'] env.game_config.render_resolution_y = self._config['render_resolution_y'] return env def _reset(self, animations, inc): global _unused_engines global _unused_rendering_engine assert (self._env.state == GameState.game_created or self._env.state == GameState.game_running or self._env.state == GameState.game_done) # Variables that are part of the set_state/get_state snapshot. self._state = EnvState() # Variables being re-computed upon set_state call, no need to snapshot. self._observation = None # Not snapshoted variables. self._steps_time = 0 self._step = 0 self._config.NewScenario(inc=inc) if self._env.state == GameState.game_created: self._env.start_game() self._env.state = GameState.game_running scenario_config = self._config.ScenarioConfig() assert ( not scenario_config.dynamic_player_selection or not scenario_config.control_all_players ), ('For this scenario you need to control either 0 or all players on the ' 'team ({} for left team, {} for right team).').format( scenario_config.controllable_left_players, scenario_config.controllable_right_players) self._env.reset(scenario_config, animations) def reset(self, inc=1): """Reset environment for a new episode using a given config.""" self._episode_start = timeit.default_timer() self._action_set = football_action_set.get_action_set(self._config) trace = observation_processor.ObservationProcessor(self._config) self._cumulative_reward = 0 self._step_count = 0 self._trace = trace self._reset(self._env.game_config.render, inc=inc) while not self._retrieve_observation(): self._env.step() return True def _rendering_in_use(self): global _active_rendering if not self._use_rendering_engine: assert not _active_rendering, ('Environment does not support multiple ' 'rendering instances in the same process.') _active_rendering = True self._use_rendering_engine = True self._env.game_config.render = True def _release_engine(self): global _unused_engines global _unused_rendering_engine global _active_rendering if self._env: if self._use_rendering_engine: assert not _unused_rendering_engine _unused_rendering_engine = self._env _active_rendering = False else: _unused_engines.append(self._env) self._env = None def close(self): self._release_engine() if self._trace: del self._trace self._trace = None def __del__(self): self.close() def step(self, action, extra_data={}): assert self._env.state != GameState.game_done, ( 'Cant call step() once episode finished (call reset() instead)') assert self._env.state == GameState.game_running, ( 'reset() must be called before step()') action = [ football_action_set.named_action_from_action_set(self._action_set, a) for a in action ] self._step_count += 1 assert len(action) == ( self._env.config.left_agents + self._env.config.right_agents) debug = {} debug['action'] = action action_index = 0 for left_team in [True, False]: agents = self._env.config.left_agents if left_team else self._env.config.right_agents for i in range(agents): player_action = action[action_index] # If agent 'holds' the game for too long, just start it. if self._env.waiting_for_game_count == 20: player_action = football_action_set.action_short_pass elif self._env.waiting_for_game_count > 20: player_action = football_action_set.action_idle controlled_players = self._observation[ 'left_agent_controlled_player'] if left_team else self._observation[ 'right_agent_controlled_player'] if self._observation['ball_owned_team'] != -1 and self._observation[ 'ball_owned_team'] ^ left_team and controlled_players[ i] == self._observation['ball_owned_player']: if self._env.waiting_for_game_count < 30: player_action = football_action_set.action_left else: player_action = football_action_set.action_right action_index += 1 assert isinstance(player_action, football_action_set.CoreAction) self._env.perform_action(player_action._backend_action, left_team, i) while True: enter_time = timeit.default_timer() self._env.step() self._steps_time += timeit.default_timer() - enter_time if self._retrieve_observation(): break if 'frame' in self._observation: self._trace.add_frame(self._observation['frame']) debug['frame_cnt'] = self._step # Finish the episode on score. if self._env.config.end_episode_on_score: if self._observation['score'][0] > 0 or self._observation['score'][1] > 0: self._env.state = GameState.game_done # Finish the episode if the game is out of play (e.g. foul, corner etc) if (self._env.config.end_episode_on_out_of_play and self._observation['game_mode'] != int( libgame.e_GameMode.e_GameMode_Normal) and self._state.previous_game_mode == int( libgame.e_GameMode.e_GameMode_Normal)): self._env.state = GameState.game_done self._state.previous_game_mode = self._observation['game_mode'] # End episode when team possessing the ball changes. if (self._env.config.end_episode_on_possession_change and self._observation['ball_owned_team'] != -1 and self._state.prev_ball_owned_team != -1 and self._observation['ball_owned_team'] != self._state.prev_ball_owned_team): self._env.state = GameState.game_done if self._observation['ball_owned_team'] != -1: self._state.prev_ball_owned_team = self._observation['ball_owned_team'] # Compute reward. score_diff = self._observation['score'][0] - self._observation['score'][1] reward = score_diff - self._state.previous_score_diff self._state.previous_score_diff = score_diff if reward == 1: self._trace.write_dump('score') elif reward == -1: self._trace.write_dump('lost_score') debug['reward'] = reward if self._observation['game_mode'] != int( libgame.e_GameMode.e_GameMode_Normal): self._env.waiting_for_game_count += 1 else: self._env.waiting_for_game_count = 0 if self._step >= self._env.config.game_duration: self._env.state = GameState.game_done episode_done = self._env.state == GameState.game_done debug['time'] = timeit.default_timer() debug.update(extra_data) self._cumulative_reward += reward single_observation = copy.deepcopy(self._observation) trace = { 'debug': debug, 'observation': single_observation, 'reward': reward, 'cumulative_reward': self._cumulative_reward } info = {} self._trace.update(trace) dumps = self._trace.process_pending_dumps(episode_done) if dumps: info['dumps'] = dumps if episode_done: del self._trace self._trace = None fps = self._step_count / (debug['time'] - self._episode_start) game_fps = self._step_count / self._steps_time 'Episode reward: %.2f score: [%d, %d], steps: %d, ' 'FPS: %.1f, gameFPS: %.1f', self._cumulative_reward, single_observation['score'][0], single_observation['score'][1], self._step_count, fps, game_fps) if self._step_count == 1: # Start writing episode_done self.write_dump('episode_done') return self._observation, reward, episode_done, info def _retrieve_observation(self): """Constructs observations exposed by the environment. Returns whether game is on or not. """ info = self._env.get_info() result = {} if self._env.game_config.render: frame = self._env.get_frame() frame = np.frombuffer(frame, dtype=np.uint8) frame = np.reshape(frame, [ self._config['render_resolution_x'], self._config['render_resolution_y'], 3 ]) frame = np.reshape( np.concatenate([frame[:, :, 0], frame[:, :, 1], frame[:, :, 2]]), [ 3, self._config['render_resolution_y'], self._config['render_resolution_x'] ]) frame = np.transpose(frame, [1, 2, 0]) frame = np.flip(frame, 0) result['frame'] = frame result['ball'] = np.array( [info.ball_position[0], info.ball_position[1], info.ball_position[2]]) # Ball's movement direction represented as [x, y] distance per step. result['ball_direction'] = np.array([ info.ball_direction[0], info.ball_direction[1], info.ball_direction[2] ]) # Ball's rotation represented as [x, y, z] rotation angle per step. result['ball_rotation'] = np.array( [info.ball_rotation[0], info.ball_rotation[1], info.ball_rotation[2]]) self._convert_players_observation(info.left_team, 'left_team', result) self._convert_players_observation(info.right_team, 'right_team', result) result['left_agent_sticky_actions'] = [] result['left_agent_controlled_player'] = [] result['right_agent_sticky_actions'] = [] result['right_agent_controlled_player'] = [] for i in range(self._env.config.left_agents): result['left_agent_controlled_player'].append( info.left_controllers[i].controlled_player) result['left_agent_sticky_actions'].append( np.array(self.sticky_actions_state(True, i), dtype=np.uint8)) for i in range(self._env.config.right_agents): result['right_agent_controlled_player'].append( info.right_controllers[i].controlled_player) result['right_agent_sticky_actions'].append( np.array(self.sticky_actions_state(False, i), dtype=np.uint8)) result['game_mode'] = int(info.game_mode) result['score'] = [info.left_goals, info.right_goals] result['ball_owned_team'] = info.ball_owned_team result['ball_owned_player'] = info.ball_owned_player result['steps_left'] = self._env.config.game_duration - info.step self._observation = result self._step = info.step return info.is_in_play def _convert_players_observation(self, players, name, result): """Converts internal players representation to the public one. Internal representation comes directly from gameplayfootball engine. Public representation is part of environment observations. Args: players: collection of team players to convert. name: name of the team being converted (left_team or right_team). result: collection where conversion result is added. """ positions = [] directions = [] tired_factors = [] active = [] yellow_cards = [] roles = [] designated_player = -1 for id, player in enumerate(players): positions.append(player.position[0]) positions.append(player.position[1]) directions.append(player.direction[0]) directions.append(player.direction[1]) tired_factors.append(player.tired_factor) active.append(player.is_active) yellow_cards.append(player.has_card) roles.append(player.role) if player.designated_player: designated_player = id result[name] = np.reshape(np.array(positions), [-1, 2]) # Players' movement direction represented as [x, y] distance per step. result['{}_direction'.format(name)] = np.reshape( np.array(directions), [-1, 2]) # Players' tired factor in the range [0, 1] (0 means not tired). result['{}_tired_factor'.format(name)] = np.array(tired_factors) result['{}_active'.format(name)] = np.array(active) result['{}_yellow_card'.format(name)] = np.array(yellow_cards) result['{}_roles'.format(name)] = np.array(roles) result['{}_designated_player'.format(name)] = designated_player def observation(self): """Returns the current observation of the game.""" assert (self._env.state == GameState.game_running or self._env.state == GameState.game_done), ( 'reset() must be called before observation()') return copy.deepcopy(self._observation) def sticky_actions_state(self, left_team, player_id): result = [] for a in self._sticky_actions: result.append( self._env.sticky_action_state(a._backend_action, left_team, player_id)) return np.uint8(result) def get_state(self, to_pickle): assert (self._env.state == GameState.game_running or self._env.state == GameState.game_done), ( 'reset() must be called before get_state()') to_pickle['FootballEnvCore'] = self._state pickle = six.moves.cPickle.dumps(to_pickle) return self._env.get_state(pickle) def set_state(self, state): assert (self._env.state == GameState.game_running or self._env.state == GameState.game_done), ( 'reset() must be called before set_state()') res = self._env.set_state(state) assert self._retrieve_observation() from_picle = six.moves.cPickle.loads(res) self._state = from_picle['FootballEnvCore'] if self._trace is None: self._trace = observation_processor.ObservationProcessor(self._config) return from_picle def tracker_setup(self, start, end): self._env.tracker_setup(start, end) def write_dump(self, name): return self._trace.write_dump(name) def render(self, mode): global _unused_rendering_engine if self._env.state == GameState.game_created: self._rendering_in_use() return False if not self._env.game_config.render: if not self._use_rendering_engine: if self._env.state != GameState.game_created: state = self.get_state({}) self._release_engine() if _unused_rendering_engine: self._env = _unused_rendering_engine _unused_rendering_engine = None else: self._env = self._get_new_env() self._rendering_in_use() self._reset(animations=False, inc=0) self.set_state(state) # We call render twice, as the first call has bad camera position. self._env.render(False) else: self._env.game_config.render = True self._env.render(True) self._retrieve_observation() if mode == 'rgb_array': frame = self._observation['frame'] b, g, r = cv2.split(frame) return cv2.merge((r, g, b)) elif mode == 'human': return True return False def disable_render(self): self._env.game_config.render = False
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Set of functions used by command line scripts.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from import config from gfootball.env import football_action_set from import football_env from gfootball.env import observation_processor import copy import six.moves.cPickle import os import tempfile class ScriptHelpers(object): """Set of methods used by command line scripts.""" def __init__(self): pass def __modify_trace(self, replay, fps): """Adopt replay to the new framerate and add additional steps at the end.""" trace = [] min_fps = replay[0]['debug']['config']['physics_steps_per_frame'] assert fps % min_fps == 0, ( 'Trace has to be rendered in framerate being multiple of {}'.format( min_fps)) assert fps <= 100, ('Framerate of up to 100 is supported') empty_steps = int(fps / min_fps) - 1 for f in replay: trace.append(f) idle_step = copy.deepcopy(f) idle_step['debug']['action'] = [football_action_set.action_idle ] * len(f['debug']['action']) for _ in range(empty_steps): trace.append(idle_step) # Add some empty steps at the end, so that we can record videos. for _ in range(10): trace.append(idle_step) return trace def __build_players(self, dump_file, spec): players = [] for player in spec: players.extend(['replay:path={},left_players=1'.format( dump_file)] * config.count_left_players(player)) players.extend(['replay:path={},right_players=1'.format( dump_file)] * config.count_right_players(player)) return players def load_dump(self, dump_file): dump = [] with open(dump_file, 'rb') as in_fd: while True: try: step = six.moves.cPickle.load(in_fd) except EOFError: return dump dump.append(step) def dump_to_txt(self, dump_file, output, include_debug): with open(output, 'w') as out_fd: dump = self.load_dump(dump_file) if not include_debug: for s in dump: if 'debug' in s: del s['debug'] with open(output, 'w') as f: f.write(str(dump)) def dump_to_video(self, dump_file): dump = self.load_dump(dump_file) cfg = config.Config(dump[0]['debug']['config']) cfg['dump_full_episodes'] = True cfg['write_video'] = True cfg['display_game_stats'] = True processor = observation_processor.ObservationProcessor(cfg) processor.write_dump('episode_done') for frame in dump: processor.update(frame) def replay(self, dump, fps=10, config_update={}, directory=None, render=True): replay = self.load_dump(dump) trace = self.__modify_trace(replay, fps) fd, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.dump') with open(temp_path, 'wb') as f: for step in trace: six.moves.cPickle.dump(step, f) assert replay[0]['debug']['frame_cnt'] == 0, ( 'Trace does not start from the beginning of the episode, can not replay') cfg = config.Config(replay[0]['debug']['config']) cfg['players'] = self.__build_players(temp_path, cfg['players']) config_update['physics_steps_per_frame'] = int(100 / fps) config_update['real_time'] = False if directory: config_update['tracesdir'] = directory config_update['write_video'] = True # my edition # config_update['display_game_stats'] = False # config_update['video_quality_level'] = 2 cfg.update(config_update) env = football_env.FootballEnv(cfg) if render: env.render() env.reset() done = False try: while not done: _, _, done, _ = env.step([]) except KeyboardInterrupt: env.write_dump('shutdown') exit(1) os.close(fd)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Class responsible for generating scenarios.""" import importlib import os import pkgutil import random import sys from absl import flags from absl import logging import gfootball_engine as libgame Player = libgame.FormationEntry Role = libgame.e_PlayerRole Team = libgame.e_Team FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def all_scenarios(): path = os.path.abspath(__file__) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path)), 'scenarios') scenarios = [] for m in pkgutil.iter_modules([path]): # There was API change in pkgutil between Python 3.5 and 3.6... if m.__class__ == tuple: scenarios.append(m[1]) else: scenarios.append( return scenarios class Scenario(object): def __init__(self, config): # Game config controls C++ engine and is derived from the main config. self._scenario_cfg = libgame.ScenarioConfig.make() self._config = config self._active_team = Team.e_Left scenario = None try: scenario = importlib.import_module('{}'.format(config['level'])) except ImportError as e: logging.error('Loading scenario "%s" failed' % config['level']) logging.error(e) sys.exit(1) scenario.build_scenario(self) self.SetTeam(libgame.e_Team.e_Left) self._FakePlayersForEmptyTeam(self._scenario_cfg.left_team) self.SetTeam(libgame.e_Team.e_Right) self._FakePlayersForEmptyTeam(self._scenario_cfg.right_team) self._BuildScenarioConfig() def _FakePlayersForEmptyTeam(self, team): if len(team) == 0: self.AddPlayer(-1.000000, 0.420000, libgame.e_PlayerRole.e_PlayerRole_GK, True) def _BuildScenarioConfig(self): """Builds scenario config from gfootball.environment config.""" self._scenario_cfg.real_time = self._config['real_time'] self._scenario_cfg.left_agents = self._config.number_of_left_players() self._scenario_cfg.right_agents = self._config.number_of_right_players() # This is needed to record 'game_engine_random_seed' in the dump. if 'game_engine_random_seed' not in self._config._values: self._config.set_scenario_value('game_engine_random_seed', random.randint(0, 2000000000)) if not self._scenario_cfg.deterministic: self._scenario_cfg.game_engine_random_seed = ( self._config['game_engine_random_seed']) if 'reverse_team_processing' not in self._config: self._config['reverse_team_processing'] = ( bool(self._config['game_engine_random_seed'] % 2)) if 'reverse_team_processing' in self._config: self._scenario_cfg.reverse_team_processing = ( self._config['reverse_team_processing']) def config(self): return self._scenario_cfg def SetTeam(self, team): self._active_team = team def AddPlayer(self, x, y, role, lazy=False, controllable=True): """Build player for the current scenario. Args: x: x coordinate of the player in the range [-1, 1]. y: y coordinate of the player in the range [-0.42, 0.42]. role: Player's role in the game (goal keeper etc.). lazy: Computer doesn't perform any automatic actions for lazy player. controllable: Whether player can be controlled. """ player = Player(x, y, role, lazy, controllable) if self._active_team == Team.e_Left: self._scenario_cfg.left_team.append(player) else: self._scenario_cfg.right_team.append(player) def SetBallPosition(self, ball_x, ball_y): self._scenario_cfg.ball_position[0] = ball_x self._scenario_cfg.ball_position[1] = ball_y def EpisodeNumber(self): return self._config['episode_number'] def ScenarioConfig(self): return self._scenario_cfg
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Config loader.""" from __future__ import print_function import copy from absl import flags import gfootball_engine as libgame FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def parse_player_definition(definition): """Parses player definition. An example of player definition is: "agent:players=4" or "replay:path=...". Args: definition: a string defining a player Returns: A tuple (name, dict). """ name = definition d = {'left_players': 0, 'right_players': 0} if ':' in definition: (name, params) = definition.split(':') for param in params.split(','): (key, value) = param.split('=') d[key] = value if d['left_players'] == 0 and d['right_players'] == 0: d['left_players'] = 1 return name, d def count_players(definition): """Returns a number of players given a definition.""" _, player_definition = parse_player_definition(definition) return (int(player_definition['left_players']) + int(player_definition['right_players'])) def count_left_players(definition): """Returns a number of left players given a definition.""" return int(parse_player_definition(definition)[1]['left_players']) def count_right_players(definition): """Returns a number of players given a definition.""" return int(parse_player_definition(definition)[1]['right_players']) def get_agent_number_of_players(players): """Returns a total number of players controlled by an agent.""" return sum([count_players(player) for player in players if player.startswith('agent')]) class Config(object): def __init__(self, values=None): self._values = { 'action_set': 'default', 'custom_display_stats': None, 'display_game_stats': True, 'dump_full_episodes': False, 'dump_scores': False, 'players': ['agent:left_players=1'], 'level': '11_vs_11_stochastic', 'physics_steps_per_frame': 10, 'render_resolution_x': 1280, 'real_time': False, 'tracesdir': '/tmp/dumps', 'video_format': 'avi', 'video_quality_level': 0, # 0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high 'write_video': False } self._values['render_resolution_y'] = int( 0.5625 * self._values['render_resolution_x']) if values: self._values.update(values) self.NewScenario() def number_of_left_players(self): return sum([count_left_players(player) for player in self._values['players']]) def number_of_right_players(self): return sum([count_right_players(player) for player in self._values['players']]) def number_of_players_agent_controls(self): return get_agent_number_of_players(self._values['players']) def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, self.__class__) return self._values == other._values and self._scenario_values == other._scenario_values def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._scenario_values: return self._scenario_values[key] return self._values[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._values[key] = value def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._scenario_values or key in self._values def get_dictionary(self): cfg = copy.deepcopy(self._values) cfg.update(self._scenario_values) return cfg def set_scenario_value(self, key, value): """Override value of specific config key for a single episode.""" self._scenario_values[key] = value def serialize(self): return self._values def update(self, config): self._values.update(config) def ScenarioConfig(self): return self._scenario_cfg def NewScenario(self, inc = 1): if 'episode_number' not in self._values: self._values['episode_number'] = 0 self._values['episode_number'] += inc self._scenario_values = {} from import scenario_builder self._scenario_cfg = scenario_builder.Scenario(self).ScenarioConfig()
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """GFootball Environment.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from import config from gfootball.env import football_env from gfootball.env import observation_preprocessing from gfootball.env import wrappers def _process_reward_wrappers(env, rewards): assert 'scoring' in rewards.split(',') if 'checkpoints' in rewards.split(','): env = wrappers.CheckpointRewardWrapper(env) return env def _process_representation_wrappers(env, representation, channel_dimensions): """Wraps with necessary representation wrappers. Args: env: A GFootball gym environment. representation: See create_environment.representation comment. channel_dimensions: (width, height) tuple that represents the dimensions of SMM or pixels representation. Returns: Google Research Football environment. """ if representation.startswith('pixels'): env = wrappers.PixelsStateWrapper(env, 'gray' in representation, channel_dimensions) elif representation == 'simple115': env = wrappers.Simple115StateWrapper(env) elif representation == 'simple115v2': env = wrappers.Simple115StateWrapper(env, True) elif representation == 'extracted': env = wrappers.SMMWrapper(env, channel_dimensions) elif representation == 'raw': pass else: raise ValueError('Unsupported representation: {}'.format(representation)) return env def _apply_output_wrappers(env, rewards, representation, channel_dimensions, apply_single_agent_wrappers, stacked): """Wraps with necessary wrappers modifying the output of the environment. Args: env: A GFootball gym environment. rewards: What rewards to apply. representation: See create_environment.representation comment. channel_dimensions: (width, height) tuple that represents the dimensions of SMM or pixels representation. apply_single_agent_wrappers: Whether to reduce output to single agent case. stacked: Should observations be stacked. Returns: Google Research Football environment. """ env = _process_reward_wrappers(env, rewards) env = _process_representation_wrappers(env, representation, channel_dimensions) if apply_single_agent_wrappers: if representation != 'raw': env = wrappers.SingleAgentObservationWrapper(env) env = wrappers.SingleAgentRewardWrapper(env) if stacked: env = wrappers.FrameStack(env, 4) env = wrappers.GetStateWrapper(env) return env def create_environment(env_name='', stacked=False, representation='extracted', rewards='scoring', write_goal_dumps=False, write_full_episode_dumps=False, render=False, write_video=False, dump_frequency=1, logdir='', extra_players=None, number_of_left_players_agent_controls=1, number_of_right_players_agent_controls=0, channel_dimensions=( observation_preprocessing.SMM_WIDTH, observation_preprocessing.SMM_HEIGHT), other_config_options={}): """Creates a Google Research Football environment. Args: env_name: a name of a scenario to run, e.g. "11_vs_11_stochastic". The list of scenarios can be found in directory "scenarios". stacked: If True, stack 4 observations, otherwise, only the last observation is returned by the environment. Stacking is only possible when representation is one of the following: "pixels", "pixels_gray" or "extracted". In that case, the stacking is done along the last (i.e. channel) dimension. representation: String to define the representation used to build the observation. It can be one of the following: 'pixels': the observation is the rendered view of the football field downsampled to 'channel_dimensions'. The observation size is: 'channel_dimensions'x3 (or 'channel_dimensions'x12 when "stacked" is True). 'pixels_gray': the observation is the rendered view of the football field in gray scale and downsampled to 'channel_dimensions'. The observation size is 'channel_dimensions'x1 (or 'channel_dimensions'x4 when stacked is True). 'extracted': also referred to as super minimap. The observation is composed of 4 planes of size 'channel_dimensions'. Its size is then 'channel_dimensions'x4 (or 'channel_dimensions'x16 when stacked is True). The first plane P holds the position of players on the left team, P[y,x] is 255 if there is a player at position (x,y), otherwise, its value is 0. The second plane holds in the same way the position of players on the right team. The third plane holds the position of the ball. The last plane holds the active player. 'simple115'/'simple115v2': the observation is a vector of size 115. It holds: - the ball_position and the ball_direction as (x,y,z) - one hot encoding of who controls the ball. [1, 0, 0]: nobody, [0, 1, 0]: left team, [0, 0, 1]: right team. - one hot encoding of size 11 to indicate who is the active player in the left team. - 11 (x,y) positions for each player of the left team. - 11 (x,y) motion vectors for each player of the left team. - 11 (x,y) positions for each player of the right team. - 11 (x,y) motion vectors for each player of the right team. - one hot encoding of the game mode. Vector of size 7 with the following meaning: {NormalMode, KickOffMode, GoalKickMode, FreeKickMode, CornerMode, ThrowInMode, PenaltyMode}. Can only be used when the scenario is a flavor of normal game (i.e. 11 versus 11 players). rewards: Comma separated list of rewards to be added. Currently supported rewards are 'scoring' and 'checkpoints'. write_goal_dumps: whether to dump traces up to 200 frames before goals. write_full_episode_dumps: whether to dump traces for every episode. render: whether to render game frames. Must be enable when rendering videos or when using pixels representation. write_video: whether to dump videos when a trace is dumped. dump_frequency: how often to write dumps/videos (in terms of # of episodes) Sub-sample the episodes for which we dump videos to save some disk space. logdir: directory holding the logs. extra_players: A list of extra players to use in the environment. Each player is defined by a string like: "$player_name:left_players=?,right_players=?,$param1=?,$param2=?...." number_of_left_players_agent_controls: Number of left players an agent controls. number_of_right_players_agent_controls: Number of right players an agent controls. channel_dimensions: (width, height) tuple that represents the dimensions of SMM or pixels representation. other_config_options: dict that allows directly setting other options in the Config Returns: Google Research Football environment. """ assert env_name scenario_config = config.Config({'level': env_name}).ScenarioConfig() players = [('agent:left_players=%d,right_players=%d' % ( number_of_left_players_agent_controls, number_of_right_players_agent_controls))] # Enable MultiAgentToSingleAgent wrapper? multiagent_to_singleagent = False if scenario_config.control_all_players: if (number_of_left_players_agent_controls in [0, 1] and number_of_right_players_agent_controls in [0, 1]): multiagent_to_singleagent = True players = [('agent:left_players=%d,right_players=%d' % (scenario_config.controllable_left_players if number_of_left_players_agent_controls else 0, scenario_config.controllable_right_players if number_of_right_players_agent_controls else 0))] if extra_players is not None: players.extend(extra_players) config_values = { 'dump_full_episodes': write_full_episode_dumps, 'dump_scores': write_goal_dumps, 'players': players, 'level': env_name, 'tracesdir': logdir, 'write_video': write_video, } config_values.update(other_config_options) c = config.Config(config_values) env = football_env.FootballEnv(c) if multiagent_to_singleagent: env = wrappers.MultiAgentToSingleAgent( env, number_of_left_players_agent_controls, number_of_right_players_agent_controls) if dump_frequency > 1: env = wrappers.PeriodicDumpWriter(env, dump_frequency, render) elif render: env.render() env = _apply_output_wrappers( env, rewards, representation, channel_dimensions, (number_of_left_players_agent_controls + number_of_right_players_agent_controls == 1), stacked) return env def create_remote_environment( username, token, model_name='', track='', stacked=False, representation='raw', rewards='scoring', channel_dimensions=( observation_preprocessing.SMM_WIDTH, observation_preprocessing.SMM_HEIGHT), include_rendering=False): """Creates a remote Google Research Football environment. Args: username: User name. token: User token. model_name: A model identifier to be displayed on the leaderboard. track: which competition track to connect to. stacked: If True, stack 4 observations, otherwise, only the last observation is returned by the environment. Stacking is only possible when representation is one of the following: "pixels", "pixels_gray" or "extracted". In that case, the stacking is done along the last (i.e. channel) dimension. representation: See create_environment.representation comment. rewards: Comma separated list of rewards to be added. Currently supported rewards are 'scoring' and 'checkpoints'. channel_dimensions: (width, height) tuple that represents the dimensions of SMM or pixels representation. include_rendering: Whether to return frame as part of the output. Returns: Google Research Football environment. """ from gfootball.env import remote_football_env env = remote_football_env.RemoteFootballEnv( username, token, model_name=model_name, track=track, include_rendering=include_rendering) env = _apply_output_wrappers( env, rewards, representation, channel_dimensions, env._config.number_of_players_agent_controls() == 1, stacked) return env
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Allows different types of players to play against each other.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import copy import importlib from absl import logging from import config as cfg from gfootball.env import constants from gfootball.env import football_action_set from import football_env_core from gfootball.env import observation_rotation import gym import numpy as np class FootballEnv(gym.Env): """Allows multiple players to play in the same environment.""" def __init__(self, config): self._config = config player_config = {'index': 0} # There can be at most one agent at a time. We need to remember its # team and the index on the team to generate observations appropriately. self._agent = None self._agent_index = -1 self._agent_left_position = -1 self._agent_right_position = -1 self._players = self._construct_players(config['players'], player_config) self._env = football_env_core.FootballEnvCore(self._config) self._num_actions = len(football_action_set.get_action_set(self._config)) self._cached_observation = None @property def action_space(self): if self._config.number_of_players_agent_controls() > 1: return gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete( [self._num_actions] * self._config.number_of_players_agent_controls()) return gym.spaces.Discrete(self._num_actions) def _construct_players(self, definitions, config): result = [] left_position = 0 right_position = 0 for definition in definitions: (name, d) = cfg.parse_player_definition(definition) config_name = 'player_{}'.format(name) if config_name in config: config[config_name] += 1 else: config[config_name] = 0 try: player_factory = importlib.import_module( 'gfootball.env.players.{}'.format(name)) except ImportError as e: logging.error('Failed loading player "%s"', name) logging.error(e) exit(1) player_config = copy.deepcopy(config) player_config.update(d) player = player_factory.Player(player_config, self._config) if name == 'agent': assert not self._agent, 'Only one \'agent\' player allowed' self._agent = player self._agent_index = len(result) self._agent_left_position = left_position self._agent_right_position = right_position result.append(player) left_position += player.num_controlled_left_players() right_position += player.num_controlled_right_players() config['index'] += 1 return result def _convert_observations(self, original, player, left_player_position, right_player_position): """Converts generic observations returned by the environment to the player specific observations. Args: original: original observations from the environment. player: player for which to generate observations. left_player_position: index into observation corresponding to the left player. right_player_position: index into observation corresponding to the right player. """ observations = [] for is_left in [True, False]: adopted = original if is_left or player.can_play_right( ) else observation_rotation.flip_observation(original, self._config) prefix = 'left' if is_left or not player.can_play_right() else 'right' position = left_player_position if is_left else right_player_position for x in range(player.num_controlled_left_players() if is_left else player.num_controlled_right_players()): o = {} for v in constants.EXPOSED_OBSERVATIONS: o[v] = copy.deepcopy(adopted[v]) assert (len(adopted[prefix + '_agent_controlled_player']) == len( adopted[prefix + '_agent_sticky_actions'])) o['designated'] = adopted[prefix + '_team_designated_player'] if position + x >= len(adopted[prefix + '_agent_controlled_player']): o['active'] = -1 o['sticky_actions'] = [] else: o['active'] = ( adopted[prefix + '_agent_controlled_player'][position + x]) o['sticky_actions'] = np.array(copy.deepcopy( adopted[prefix + '_agent_sticky_actions'][position + x])) # There is no frame for players on the right ATM. if is_left and 'frame' in original: o['frame'] = original['frame'] observations.append(o) return observations def _action_to_list(self, a): if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): return a.tolist() if not isinstance(a, list): return [a] return a def _get_actions(self): obs = self._env.observation() left_actions = [] right_actions = [] left_player_position = 0 right_player_position = 0 for player in self._players: adopted_obs = self._convert_observations(obs, player, left_player_position, right_player_position) left_player_position += player.num_controlled_left_players() right_player_position += player.num_controlled_right_players() a = self._action_to_list(player.take_action(adopted_obs)) assert len(adopted_obs) == len( a), 'Player provided {} actions instead of {}.'.format( len(a), len(adopted_obs)) if not player.can_play_right(): for x in range(player.num_controlled_right_players()): index = x + player.num_controlled_left_players() a[index] = observation_rotation.flip_single_action( a[index], self._config) left_actions.extend(a[:player.num_controlled_left_players()]) right_actions.extend(a[player.num_controlled_left_players():]) actions = left_actions + right_actions return actions def step(self, action): action = self._action_to_list(action) if self._agent: self._agent.set_action(action) else: assert len( action ) == 0, 'step() received {} actions, but no agent is playing.'.format( len(action)) _, reward, done, info = self._env.step(self._get_actions()) score_reward = reward if self._agent: reward = ([reward] * self._agent.num_controlled_left_players() + [-reward] * self._agent.num_controlled_right_players()) self._cached_observation = None info['score_reward'] = score_reward return (self.observation(), np.array(reward, dtype=np.float32), done, info) def reset(self): self._env.reset() for player in self._players: player.reset() self._cached_observation = None return self.observation() def observation(self): if not self._cached_observation: self._cached_observation = self._env.observation() if self._agent: self._cached_observation = self._convert_observations( self._cached_observation, self._agent, self._agent_left_position, self._agent_right_position) return self._cached_observation def write_dump(self, name): return self._env.write_dump(name) def close(self): self._env.close() def get_state(self, to_pickle={}): return self._env.get_state(to_pickle) def set_state(self, state): self._cached_observation = None return self._env.set_state(state) def tracker_setup(self, start, end): self._env.tracker_setup(start, end) def render(self, mode='human'): self._cached_observation = None return self._env.render(mode=mode) def disable_render(self): self._cached_observation = None return self._env.disable_render()
import torch from tmarl.utils.valuenorm import ValueNorm # implement the loss of the MAPPO here class MAPPOAlgorithm(): def __init__(self, args, init_module, device=torch.device("cpu")): self.device = device self.tpdv = dict(dtype=torch.float32, device=device) self.algo_module = init_module self.clip_param = args.clip_param self.ppo_epoch = args.ppo_epoch self.num_mini_batch = args.num_mini_batch self.data_chunk_length = args.data_chunk_length self.policy_value_loss_coef = args.policy_value_loss_coef self.value_loss_coef = args.value_loss_coef self.entropy_coef = args.entropy_coef self.max_grad_norm = args.max_grad_norm self.huber_delta = args.huber_delta self._use_recurrent_policy = args.use_recurrent_policy self._use_naive_recurrent = args.use_naive_recurrent_policy self._use_max_grad_norm = args.use_max_grad_norm self._use_clipped_value_loss = args.use_clipped_value_loss self._use_huber_loss = args.use_huber_loss self._use_popart = args.use_popart self._use_valuenorm = args.use_valuenorm self._use_value_active_masks = args.use_value_active_masks self._use_policy_active_masks = args.use_policy_active_masks self._use_policy_vhead = args.use_policy_vhead assert (self._use_popart and self._use_valuenorm) == False, ("self._use_popart and self._use_valuenorm can not be set True simultaneously") if self._use_popart: self.value_normalizer = self.algo_module.critic.v_out if self._use_policy_vhead: self.policy_value_normalizer = elif self._use_valuenorm: self.value_normalizer = ValueNorm(1, device = self.device) if self._use_policy_vhead: self.policy_value_normalizer = ValueNorm(1, device = self.device) else: self.value_normalizer = None if self._use_policy_vhead: self.policy_value_normalizer = None def prep_rollout(self):
import torch from tmarl.networks.policy_network import PolicyNetwork class MAPPOModule: def __init__(self, args, obs_space, share_obs_space, act_space, device=torch.device("cpu")): self.device = device = self.critic_lr = args.critic_lr self.opti_eps = args.opti_eps self.weight_decay = args.weight_decay self.obs_space = obs_space self.share_obs_space = share_obs_space self.act_space = act_space = PolicyNetwork(args, self.obs_space, self.act_space, self.device) self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(,, eps=self.opti_eps, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) def get_actions(self, share_obs, obs, rnn_states_actor, rnn_states_critic, masks, available_actions=None, deterministic=False): actions, action_log_probs, rnn_states_actor =, rnn_states_actor, masks, available_actions, deterministic) return None, actions, action_log_probs, rnn_states_actor, None
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """"""
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """""" import time def timer(function): """ 装饰器函数timer :param function:想要计时的函数 :return: """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): time_start = time.time() res = function(*args, **kwargs) cost_time = time.time() - time_start print("{} running time: {}s".format(function.__name__, cost_time)) return res return wrapper
import torch import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict from tmarl.utils.util import check,get_shape_from_obs_space, get_shape_from_act_space def _flatten(T, N, x): return x.reshape(T * N, *x.shape[2:]) def _cast(x): return x.transpose(1, 2, 0, 3).reshape(-1, *x.shape[3:]) class SharedReplayBuffer(object): def __init__(self, args, num_agents, obs_space, share_obs_space, act_space): self.episode_length = args.episode_length self.n_rollout_threads = args.n_rollout_threads self.hidden_size = args.hidden_size self.recurrent_N = args.recurrent_N self.gamma = args.gamma self.gae_lambda = args.gae_lambda self._use_gae = args.use_gae self._use_popart = args.use_popart self._use_valuenorm = args.use_valuenorm self._use_proper_time_limits = args.use_proper_time_limits self._mixed_obs = False # for mixed observation obs_shape = get_shape_from_obs_space(obs_space) share_obs_shape = get_shape_from_obs_space(share_obs_space) # for mixed observation if 'Dict' in obs_shape.__class__.__name__: self._mixed_obs = True self.obs = {} self.share_obs = {} for key in obs_shape: self.obs[key] = np.zeros((self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *obs_shape[key].shape), dtype=np.float32) for key in share_obs_shape: self.share_obs[key] = np.zeros((self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *share_obs_shape[key].shape), dtype=np.float32) else: # deal with special attn format if type(obs_shape[-1]) == list: obs_shape = obs_shape[:1] if type(share_obs_shape[-1]) == list: share_obs_shape = share_obs_shape[:1] self.share_obs = np.zeros((self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *share_obs_shape), dtype=np.float32) self.obs = np.zeros((self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, *obs_shape), dtype=np.float32) self.rnn_states = np.zeros((self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, self.recurrent_N, self.hidden_size), dtype=np.float32) self.rnn_states_critic = np.zeros_like(self.rnn_states) self.value_preds = np.zeros( (self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, 1), dtype=np.float32) self.returns = np.zeros_like(self.value_preds) if act_space.__class__.__name__ == 'Discrete': self.available_actions = np.ones((self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, act_space.n), dtype=np.float32) else: self.available_actions = None act_shape = get_shape_from_act_space(act_space) self.actions = np.zeros( (self.episode_length, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, act_shape), dtype=np.float32) self.action_log_probs = np.zeros( (self.episode_length, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, act_shape), dtype=np.float32) self.rewards = np.zeros( (self.episode_length, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, 1), dtype=np.float32) self.masks = np.ones((self.episode_length + 1, self.n_rollout_threads, num_agents, 1), dtype=np.float32) self.bad_masks = np.ones_like(self.masks) self.active_masks = np.ones_like(self.masks) self.step = 0 def insert(self, share_obs, obs, rnn_states, rnn_states_critic, actions, action_log_probs, value_preds, rewards, masks, bad_masks=None, active_masks=None, available_actions=None): if self._mixed_obs: for key in self.share_obs.keys(): self.share_obs[key][self.step + 1] = share_obs[key].copy() for key in self.obs.keys(): self.obs[key][self.step + 1] = obs[key].copy() else: self.share_obs[self.step + 1] = share_obs.copy() self.obs[self.step + 1] = obs.copy() self.rnn_states[self.step + 1] = rnn_states.copy() self.rnn_states_critic[self.step + 1] = rnn_states_critic.copy() self.actions[self.step] = actions.copy() self.action_log_probs[self.step] = action_log_probs.copy() self.value_preds[self.step] = value_preds.copy() self.rewards[self.step] = rewards.copy() self.masks[self.step + 1] = masks.copy() if bad_masks is not None: self.bad_masks[self.step + 1] = bad_masks.copy() if active_masks is not None: self.active_masks[self.step + 1] = active_masks.copy() if available_actions is not None: self.available_actions[self.step + 1] = available_actions.copy() self.step = (self.step + 1) % self.episode_length def init_buffer(self,share_obs,obs): self.share_obs[0] = share_obs self.obs[0] = obs def chooseinsert(self, share_obs, obs, rnn_states, rnn_states_critic, actions, action_log_probs, value_preds, rewards, masks, bad_masks=None, active_masks=None, available_actions=None): self.share_obs[self.step] = share_obs.copy() self.obs[self.step] = obs.copy() self.rnn_states[self.step + 1] = rnn_states.copy() self.rnn_states_critic[self.step + 1] = rnn_states_critic.copy() self.actions[self.step] = actions.copy() self.action_log_probs[self.step] = action_log_probs.copy() self.value_preds[self.step] = value_preds.copy() self.rewards[self.step] = rewards.copy() self.masks[self.step + 1] = masks.copy() if bad_masks is not None: self.bad_masks[self.step + 1] = bad_masks.copy() if active_masks is not None: self.active_masks[self.step] = active_masks.copy() if available_actions is not None: self.available_actions[self.step] = available_actions.copy() self.step = (self.step + 1) % self.episode_length def after_update(self): if self._mixed_obs: for key in self.share_obs.keys(): self.share_obs[key][0] = self.share_obs[key][-1].copy() for key in self.obs.keys(): self.obs[key][0] = self.obs[key][-1].copy() else: self.share_obs[0] = self.share_obs[-1].copy() self.obs[0] = self.obs[-1].copy() self.rnn_states[0] = self.rnn_states[-1].copy() self.rnn_states_critic[0] = self.rnn_states_critic[-1].copy() self.masks[0] = self.masks[-1].copy() self.bad_masks[0] = self.bad_masks[-1].copy() self.active_masks[0] = self.active_masks[-1].copy() if self.available_actions is not None: self.available_actions[0] = self.available_actions[-1].copy() def chooseafter_update(self): self.rnn_states[0] = self.rnn_states[-1].copy() self.rnn_states_critic[0] = self.rnn_states_critic[-1].copy() self.masks[0] = self.masks[-1].copy() self.bad_masks[0] = self.bad_masks[-1].copy() def compute_returns(self, next_value, value_normalizer=None): if self._use_proper_time_limits: if self._use_gae: self.value_preds[-1] = next_value gae = 0 for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if self._use_popart or self._use_valuenorm: # step + 1 delta = self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step + 1]) * self.masks[step + 1] \ - value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) gae = delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * gae * self.masks[step + 1] gae = gae * self.bad_masks[step + 1] self.returns[step] = gae + value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) else: delta = self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * self.value_preds[step + 1] * self.masks[step + 1] - self.value_preds[step] gae = delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae gae = gae * self.bad_masks[step + 1] self.returns[step] = gae + self.value_preds[step] else: self.returns[-1] = next_value for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if self._use_popart or self._use_valuenorm: self.returns[step] = (self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step]) * self.bad_masks[step + 1] \ + (1 - self.bad_masks[step + 1]) * value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) else: self.returns[step] = (self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step]) * self.bad_masks[step + 1] \ + (1 - self.bad_masks[step + 1]) * self.value_preds[step] else: if self._use_gae: self.value_preds[-1] = next_value gae = 0 for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): if self._use_popart or self._use_valuenorm: delta = self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step + 1]) * self.masks[step + 1] \ - value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) gae = delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae self.returns[step] = gae + value_normalizer.denormalize(self.value_preds[step]) else: delta = self.rewards[step] + self.gamma * self.value_preds[step + 1] * self.masks[step + 1] - self.value_preds[step] gae = delta + self.gamma * self.gae_lambda * self.masks[step + 1] * gae self.returns[step] = gae + self.value_preds[step] else: self.returns[-1] = next_value for step in reversed(range(self.rewards.shape[0])): self.returns[step] = self.returns[step + 1] * self.gamma * self.masks[step + 1] + self.rewards[step] def feed_forward_generator(self, advantages, num_mini_batch=None, mini_batch_size=None): episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents = self.rewards.shape[0:3] batch_size = n_rollout_threads * episode_length * num_agents if mini_batch_size is None: assert batch_size >= num_mini_batch, ( "PPO requires the number of processes ({}) " "* number of steps ({}) * number of agents ({}) = {} " "to be greater than or equal to the number of PPO mini batches ({})." "".format(n_rollout_threads, episode_length, num_agents, n_rollout_threads * episode_length * num_agents, num_mini_batch)) mini_batch_size = batch_size // num_mini_batch rand = torch.randperm(batch_size).numpy() sampler = [rand[i*mini_batch_size:(i+1)*mini_batch_size] for i in range(num_mini_batch)] if self._mixed_obs: share_obs = {} obs = {} for key in self.share_obs.keys(): share_obs[key] = self.share_obs[key][:-1].reshape(-1, *self.share_obs[key].shape[3:]) for key in self.obs.keys(): obs[key] = self.obs[key][:-1].reshape(-1, *self.obs[key].shape[3:]) else: share_obs = self.share_obs[:-1].reshape(-1, *self.share_obs.shape[3:]) obs = self.obs[:-1].reshape(-1, *self.obs.shape[3:]) rnn_states = self.rnn_states[:-1].reshape(-1, *self.rnn_states.shape[3:]) rnn_states_critic = self.rnn_states_critic[:-1].reshape(-1, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:]) actions = self.actions.reshape(-1, self.actions.shape[-1]) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions = self.available_actions[:-1].reshape(-1, self.available_actions.shape[-1]) value_preds = self.value_preds[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) returns = self.returns[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) masks = self.masks[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) active_masks = self.active_masks[:-1].reshape(-1, 1) action_log_probs = self.action_log_probs.reshape(-1, self.action_log_probs.shape[-1]) advantages = advantages.reshape(-1, 1) for indices in sampler: # obs size [T+1 N M Dim]-->[T N M Dim]-->[T*N*M,Dim]-->[index,Dim] if self._mixed_obs: share_obs_batch = {} obs_batch = {} for key in share_obs.keys(): share_obs_batch[key] = share_obs[key][indices] for key in obs.keys(): obs_batch[key] = obs[key][indices] else: share_obs_batch = share_obs[indices] obs_batch = obs[indices] rnn_states_batch = rnn_states[indices] rnn_states_critic_batch = rnn_states_critic[indices] actions_batch = actions[indices] if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions_batch = available_actions[indices] else: available_actions_batch = None value_preds_batch = value_preds[indices] return_batch = returns[indices] masks_batch = masks[indices] active_masks_batch = active_masks[indices] old_action_log_probs_batch = action_log_probs[indices] if advantages is None: adv_targ = None else: adv_targ = advantages[indices] yield share_obs_batch, obs_batch, rnn_states_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, actions_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch, active_masks_batch, old_action_log_probs_batch, adv_targ, available_actions_batch def naive_recurrent_generator(self, advantages, num_mini_batch): episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents = self.rewards.shape[0:3] batch_size = n_rollout_threads*num_agents assert n_rollout_threads*num_agents >= num_mini_batch, ( "PPO requires the number of processes ({})* number of agents ({}) " "to be greater than or equal to the number of " "PPO mini batches ({}).".format(n_rollout_threads, num_agents, num_mini_batch)) num_envs_per_batch = batch_size // num_mini_batch perm = torch.randperm(batch_size).numpy() if self._mixed_obs: share_obs = {} obs = {} for key in self.share_obs.keys(): share_obs[key] = self.share_obs[key].reshape(-1, batch_size, *self.share_obs[key].shape[3:]) for key in self.obs.keys(): obs[key] = self.obs[key].reshape(-1, batch_size, *self.obs[key].shape[3:]) else: share_obs = self.share_obs.reshape(-1, batch_size, *self.share_obs.shape[3:]) obs = self.obs.reshape(-1, batch_size, *self.obs.shape[3:]) rnn_states = self.rnn_states.reshape(-1, batch_size, *self.rnn_states.shape[3:]) rnn_states_critic = self.rnn_states_critic.reshape(-1, batch_size, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:]) actions = self.actions.reshape(-1, batch_size, self.actions.shape[-1]) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions = self.available_actions.reshape(-1, batch_size, self.available_actions.shape[-1]) value_preds = self.value_preds.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) returns = self.returns.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) masks = self.masks.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) active_masks = self.active_masks.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) action_log_probs = self.action_log_probs.reshape(-1, batch_size, self.action_log_probs.shape[-1]) advantages = advantages.reshape(-1, batch_size, 1) for start_ind in range(0, batch_size, num_envs_per_batch): if self._mixed_obs: share_obs_batch = defaultdict(list) obs_batch = defaultdict(list) else: share_obs_batch = [] obs_batch = [] rnn_states_batch = [] rnn_states_critic_batch = [] actions_batch = [] available_actions_batch = [] value_preds_batch = [] return_batch = [] masks_batch = [] active_masks_batch = [] old_action_log_probs_batch = [] adv_targ = [] for offset in range(num_envs_per_batch): ind = perm[start_ind + offset] if self._mixed_obs: for key in share_obs.keys(): share_obs_batch[key].append(share_obs[key][:-1, ind]) for key in obs.keys(): obs_batch[key].append(obs[key][:-1, ind]) else: share_obs_batch.append(share_obs[:-1, ind]) obs_batch.append(obs[:-1, ind]) rnn_states_batch.append(rnn_states[0:1, ind]) rnn_states_critic_batch.append(rnn_states_critic[0:1, ind]) actions_batch.append(actions[:, ind]) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions_batch.append(available_actions[:-1, ind]) value_preds_batch.append(value_preds[:-1, ind]) return_batch.append(returns[:-1, ind]) masks_batch.append(masks[:-1, ind]) active_masks_batch.append(active_masks[:-1, ind]) old_action_log_probs_batch.append(action_log_probs[:, ind]) adv_targ.append(advantages[:, ind]) # [N[T, dim]] T, N = self.episode_length, num_envs_per_batch # These are all from_numpys of size (T, N, -1) if self._mixed_obs: for key in share_obs_batch.keys(): share_obs_batch[key] = np.stack(share_obs_batch[key], 1) for key in obs_batch.keys(): obs_batch[key] = np.stack(obs_batch[key], 1) else: share_obs_batch = np.stack(share_obs_batch, 1) obs_batch = np.stack(obs_batch, 1) actions_batch = np.stack(actions_batch, 1) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions_batch = np.stack(available_actions_batch, 1) value_preds_batch = np.stack(value_preds_batch, 1) return_batch = np.stack(return_batch, 1) masks_batch = np.stack(masks_batch, 1) active_masks_batch = np.stack(active_masks_batch, 1) old_action_log_probs_batch = np.stack(old_action_log_probs_batch, 1) adv_targ = np.stack(adv_targ, 1) # States is just a (N, dim) from_numpy [N[1,dim]] rnn_states_batch = np.stack(rnn_states_batch).reshape(N, *self.rnn_states.shape[3:]) rnn_states_critic_batch = np.stack(rnn_states_critic_batch).reshape(N, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:]) # Flatten the (T, N, ...) from_numpys to (T * N, ...) if self._mixed_obs: for key in share_obs_batch.keys(): share_obs_batch[key] = _flatten(T, N, share_obs_batch[key]) for key in obs_batch.keys(): obs_batch[key] = _flatten(T, N, obs_batch[key]) else: share_obs_batch = _flatten(T, N, share_obs_batch) obs_batch = _flatten(T, N, obs_batch) actions_batch = _flatten(T, N, actions_batch) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions_batch = _flatten(T, N, available_actions_batch) else: available_actions_batch = None value_preds_batch = _flatten(T, N, value_preds_batch) return_batch = _flatten(T, N, return_batch) masks_batch = _flatten(T, N, masks_batch) active_masks_batch = _flatten(T, N, active_masks_batch) old_action_log_probs_batch = _flatten(T, N, old_action_log_probs_batch) adv_targ = _flatten(T, N, adv_targ) yield share_obs_batch, obs_batch, rnn_states_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, actions_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch, active_masks_batch, old_action_log_probs_batch, adv_targ, available_actions_batch def recurrent_generator(self, advantages, num_mini_batch, data_chunk_length): episode_length, n_rollout_threads, num_agents = self.rewards.shape[0:3] batch_size = n_rollout_threads * episode_length * num_agents data_chunks = batch_size // data_chunk_length # [C=r*T*M/L] mini_batch_size = data_chunks // num_mini_batch assert n_rollout_threads * episode_length * num_agents >= data_chunk_length, ( "PPO requires the number of processes ({})* number of agents ({}) * episode length ({}) " "to be greater than or equal to the number of " "data chunk length ({}).".format(n_rollout_threads, num_agents, episode_length ,data_chunk_length)) rand = torch.randperm(data_chunks).numpy() sampler = [rand[i*mini_batch_size:(i+1)*mini_batch_size] for i in range(num_mini_batch)] if self._mixed_obs: share_obs = {} obs = {} for key in self.share_obs.keys(): if len(self.share_obs[key].shape) == 6: share_obs[key] = self.share_obs[key][:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5).reshape(-1, *self.share_obs[key].shape[3:]) elif len(self.share_obs[key].shape) == 5: share_obs[key] = self.share_obs[key][:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4).reshape(-1, *self.share_obs[key].shape[3:]) else: share_obs[key] = _cast(self.share_obs[key][:-1]) for key in self.obs.keys(): if len(self.obs[key].shape) == 6: obs[key] = self.obs[key][:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5).reshape(-1, *self.obs[key].shape[3:]) elif len(self.obs[key].shape) == 5: obs[key] = self.obs[key][:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4).reshape(-1, *self.obs[key].shape[3:]) else: obs[key] = _cast(self.obs[key][:-1]) else: if len(self.share_obs.shape) > 4: share_obs = self.share_obs[:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5).reshape(-1, *self.share_obs.shape[3:]) obs = self.obs[:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5).reshape(-1, *self.obs.shape[3:]) else: share_obs = _cast(self.share_obs[:-1]) obs = _cast(self.obs[:-1]) actions = _cast(self.actions) action_log_probs = _cast(self.action_log_probs) advantages = _cast(advantages) value_preds = _cast(self.value_preds[:-1]) returns = _cast(self.returns[:-1]) masks = _cast(self.masks[:-1]) active_masks = _cast(self.active_masks[:-1]) # rnn_states = _cast(self.rnn_states[:-1]) # rnn_states_critic = _cast(self.rnn_states_critic[:-1]) rnn_states = self.rnn_states[:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4).reshape(-1, *self.rnn_states.shape[3:]) rnn_states_critic = self.rnn_states_critic[:-1].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3, 4).reshape(-1, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:]) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions = _cast(self.available_actions[:-1]) for indices in sampler: if self._mixed_obs: share_obs_batch = defaultdict(list) obs_batch = defaultdict(list) else: share_obs_batch = [] obs_batch = [] rnn_states_batch = [] rnn_states_critic_batch = [] actions_batch = [] available_actions_batch = [] value_preds_batch = [] return_batch = [] masks_batch = [] active_masks_batch = [] old_action_log_probs_batch = [] adv_targ = [] for index in indices: ind = index * data_chunk_length # size [T+1 N M Dim]-->[T N M Dim]-->[N,M,T,Dim]-->[N*M*T,Dim]-->[L,Dim] if self._mixed_obs: for key in share_obs.keys(): share_obs_batch[key].append(share_obs[key][ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) for key in obs.keys(): obs_batch[key].append(obs[key][ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) else: share_obs_batch.append(share_obs[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) obs_batch.append(obs[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) actions_batch.append(actions[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions_batch.append(available_actions[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) value_preds_batch.append(value_preds[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) return_batch.append(returns[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) masks_batch.append(masks[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) active_masks_batch.append(active_masks[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) old_action_log_probs_batch.append(action_log_probs[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) adv_targ.append(advantages[ind:ind+data_chunk_length]) # size [T+1 N M Dim]-->[T N M Dim]-->[N M T Dim]-->[N*M*T,Dim]-->[1,Dim] rnn_states_batch.append(rnn_states[ind]) rnn_states_critic_batch.append(rnn_states_critic[ind]) L, N = data_chunk_length, mini_batch_size # These are all from_numpys of size (L, N, Dim) if self._mixed_obs: for key in share_obs_batch.keys(): share_obs_batch[key] = np.stack(share_obs_batch[key], axis=1) for key in obs_batch.keys(): obs_batch[key] = np.stack(obs_batch[key], axis=1) else: share_obs_batch = np.stack(share_obs_batch, axis=1) obs_batch = np.stack(obs_batch, axis=1) actions_batch = np.stack(actions_batch, axis=1) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions_batch = np.stack(available_actions_batch, axis=1) value_preds_batch = np.stack(value_preds_batch, axis=1) return_batch = np.stack(return_batch, axis=1) masks_batch = np.stack(masks_batch, axis=1) active_masks_batch = np.stack(active_masks_batch, axis=1) old_action_log_probs_batch = np.stack(old_action_log_probs_batch, axis=1) adv_targ = np.stack(adv_targ, axis=1) # States is just a (N, -1) from_numpy rnn_states_batch = np.stack(rnn_states_batch).reshape(N, *self.rnn_states.shape[3:]) rnn_states_critic_batch = np.stack(rnn_states_critic_batch).reshape(N, *self.rnn_states_critic.shape[3:]) # Flatten the (L, N, ...) from_numpys to (L * N, ...) if self._mixed_obs: for key in share_obs_batch.keys(): share_obs_batch[key] = _flatten(L, N, share_obs_batch[key]) for key in obs_batch.keys(): obs_batch[key] = _flatten(L, N, obs_batch[key]) else: share_obs_batch = _flatten(L, N, share_obs_batch) obs_batch = _flatten(L, N, obs_batch) actions_batch = _flatten(L, N, actions_batch) if self.available_actions is not None: available_actions_batch = _flatten(L, N, available_actions_batch) else: available_actions_batch = None value_preds_batch = _flatten(L, N, value_preds_batch) return_batch = _flatten(L, N, return_batch) masks_batch = _flatten(L, N, masks_batch) active_masks_batch = _flatten(L, N, active_masks_batch) old_action_log_probs_batch = _flatten(L, N, old_action_log_probs_batch) adv_targ = _flatten(L, N, adv_targ) yield share_obs_batch, obs_batch, rnn_states_batch, rnn_states_critic_batch, actions_batch, value_preds_batch, return_batch, masks_batch, active_masks_batch, old_action_log_probs_batch, adv_targ, available_actions_batch
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """"""
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """""" import argparse def get_config(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='TiKick', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) # prepare parameters parser.add_argument("--algorithm_name", type=str, default='rmappo', choices=["rmappo"]) parser.add_argument("--experiment_name", type=str, default="check", help="an identifier to distinguish different experiment.") parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=1, help="Random seed for numpy/torch") parser.add_argument("--disable_cuda", action='store_true', default=False, help="by default False, will use GPU to train; or else will use CPU;") parser.add_argument("--cuda_deterministic", action='store_false', default=True, help="by default, make sure random seed effective. if set, bypass such function.") parser.add_argument("--n_rollout_threads", type=int, default=2, help="Number of parallel envs for training rollout") parser.add_argument("--n_eval_rollout_threads", type=int, default=1, help="Number of parallel envs for evaluating rollout") parser.add_argument("--n_render_rollout_threads", type=int, default=1, help="Number of parallel envs for rendering rollout") parser.add_argument("--eval_num", type=int, default=1, help='Number of environment steps to evaluate (default: 1)') # env parameters parser.add_argument("--env_name", type=str, default='StarCraft2', help="specify the name of environment") parser.add_argument("--use_obs_instead_of_state", action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to use global state or concatenated obs") # replay buffer parameters parser.add_argument("--episode_length", type=int, default=200, help="Max length for any episode") # network parameters parser.add_argument("--separate_policy", action='store_true', default=False, help='Whether agent seperate the policy') parser.add_argument("--use_centralized_V", action='store_false', default=True, help="Whether to use centralized V function") parser.add_argument("--use_conv1d", action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to use conv1d") parser.add_argument("--stacked_frames", type=int, default=1, help="Dimension of hidden layers for actor/critic networks") parser.add_argument("--use_stacked_frames", action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to use stacked_frames") parser.add_argument("--hidden_size", type=int, default=256, help="Dimension of hidden layers for actor/critic networks") # TODO @zoeyuchao. The same comment might in need of change. parser.add_argument("--layer_N", type=int, default=3, help="Number of layers for actor/critic networks") parser.add_argument("--activation_id", type=int, default=1, help="choose 0 to use tanh, 1 to use relu, 2 to use leaky relu, 3 to use elu") parser.add_argument("--use_popart", action='store_true', default=False, help="by default False, use PopArt to normalize rewards.") parser.add_argument("--use_valuenorm", action='store_false', default=True, help="by default True, use running mean and std to normalize rewards.") parser.add_argument("--use_feature_normalization", action='store_false', default=True, help="Whether to apply layernorm to the inputs") parser.add_argument("--use_orthogonal", action='store_false', default=True, help="Whether to use Orthogonal initialization for weights and 0 initialization for biases") parser.add_argument("--gain", type=float, default=0.01, help="The gain # of last action layer") parser.add_argument("--cnn_layers_params", type=str, default=None, help="The parameters of cnn layer") parser.add_argument("--use_maxpool2d", action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to apply layernorm to the inputs") # recurrent parameters parser.add_argument("--use_naive_recurrent_policy", action='store_true', default=False, help='Whether to use a naive recurrent policy') parser.add_argument("--use_recurrent_policy", action='store_false', default=True, help='use a recurrent policy') parser.add_argument("--recurrent_N", type=int, default=1, help="The number of recurrent layers.") parser.add_argument("--data_chunk_length", type=int, default=25, help="Time length of chunks used to train a recurrent_policy") parser.add_argument("--use_influence_policy", action='store_true', default=False, help='use a recurrent policy') parser.add_argument("--influence_layer_N", type=int, default=1, help="Number of layers for actor/critic networks") # optimizer parameters parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=5e-4, help='learning rate (default: 5e-4)') parser.add_argument("--tau", type=float, default=0.995, help='soft update polyak (default: 0.995)') parser.add_argument("--critic_lr", type=float, default=5e-4, help='critic learning rate (default: 5e-4)') parser.add_argument("--opti_eps", type=float, default=1e-5, help='RMSprop optimizer epsilon (default: 1e-5)') parser.add_argument("--weight_decay", type=float, default=0) # ppo parameters parser.add_argument("--ppo_epoch", type=int, default=15, help='number of ppo epochs (default: 15)') parser.add_argument("--use_policy_vhead", action='store_true', default=False, help="by default, do not use policy vhead. if set, use policy vhead.") parser.add_argument("--use_clipped_value_loss", action='store_false', default=True, help="by default, clip loss value. If set, do not clip loss value.") parser.add_argument("--clip_param", type=float, default=0.2, help='ppo clip parameter (default: 0.2)') parser.add_argument("--num_mini_batch", type=int, default=1, help='number of batches for ppo (default: 1)') parser.add_argument("--policy_value_loss_coef", type=float, default=1, help='policy value loss coefficient (default: 0.5)') parser.add_argument("--entropy_coef", type=float, default=0.01, help='entropy term coefficient (default: 0.01)') parser.add_argument("--value_loss_coef", type=float, default=1, help='value loss coefficient (default: 0.5)') parser.add_argument("--use_max_grad_norm", action='store_false', default=True, help="by default, use max norm of gradients. If set, do not use.") parser.add_argument("--max_grad_norm", type=float, default=10.0, help='max norm of gradients (default: 0.5)') parser.add_argument("--use_gae", action='store_false', default=True, help='use generalized advantage estimation') parser.add_argument("--gamma", type=float, default=0.99, help='discount factor for rewards (default: 0.99)') parser.add_argument("--gae_lambda", type=float, default=0.95, help='gae lambda parameter (default: 0.95)') parser.add_argument("--use_proper_time_limits", action='store_true', default=False, help='compute returns taking into account time limits') parser.add_argument("--use_huber_loss", action='store_false', default=True, help="by default, use huber loss. If set, do not use huber loss.") parser.add_argument("--use_value_active_masks", action='store_false', default=True, help="by default True, whether to mask useless data in value loss.") parser.add_argument("--use_policy_active_masks", action='store_false', default=True, help="by default True, whether to mask useless data in policy loss.") parser.add_argument("--huber_delta", type=float, default=10.0, help=" coefficience of huber loss.") # save parameters parser.add_argument("--save_interval", type=int, default=1, help="time duration between contiunous twice models saving.") # log parameters parser.add_argument("--log_interval", type=int, default=5, help="time duration between contiunous twice log printing.") # eval parameters parser.add_argument("--use_eval", action='store_true', default=False, help="by default, do not start evaluation. If set`, start evaluation alongside with training.") parser.add_argument("--eval_interval", type=int, default=25, help="time duration between contiunous twice evaluation progress.") parser.add_argument("--eval_episodes", type=int, default=64, help="number of episodes of a single evaluation.") # pretrained parameters parser.add_argument("--model_dir", type=str, default=None, help="by default None. set the path to pretrained model.") parser.add_argument("--replay_save_dir", type=str, default=None, help="replay file save dir") # replay buffer parameters return parser
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The TARTRL Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """"""

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