4 values
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: orange, purple, red, white, pink. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['pink', 'purple', 'red']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'red', 'white']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['red', 'orange', 'white']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "red, pink, white", "pink, white, pink", "white, red, orange", "orange, white, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: red, pink, white, yellow, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['yellow', 'red', 'pink']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['red', 'white', 'blue']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['red', 'pink', 'blue']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "blue, pink, red", "white, white, pink", "yellow, blue, yellow", "blue, yellow, red" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, purple, blue, red, yellow. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['purple', 'red', 'yellow']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['black', 'purple', 'blue']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'black', 'yellow']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "blue, purple, black", "purple, blue, blue", "black, blue, black", "blue, black, yellow" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: yellow, purple, red, green, white. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['white', 'purple', 'red']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['yellow', 'purple', 'red']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['purple', 'yellow', 'red']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "red, purple, yellow", "yellow, yellow, yellow", "white, red, green", "red, green, white" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: yellow, black, purple, red, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['blue', 'purple', 'black']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['yellow', 'black', 'red']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['red', 'black', 'black']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "purple, purple, blue", "blue, red, yellow", "yellow, yellow, black", "black, blue, blue" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, white, orange, purple, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['orange', 'black', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'black', 'orange']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "blue, black, orange", "purple, purple, purple", "orange, purple, black", "purple, white, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: green, blue, yellow, orange, red. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['green', 'blue', 'red']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions. Guess: ['green', 'yellow', 'blue']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['blue', 'green', 'orange']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "yellow, orange, yellow", "blue, orange, yellow", "orange, blue, red", "green, blue, blue" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: green, purple, black, brown, white. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['purple', 'brown', 'green']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['green', 'green', 'black']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['green', 'brown', 'white']. Hint: one color is in the correct position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "white, purple, brown", "brown, purple, green", "black, brown, purple", "black, green, white" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: pink, white, orange, purple, brown. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['brown', 'orange', 'purple']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['pink', 'white', 'purple']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['pink', 'pink', 'orange']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "orange, pink, purple", "pink, orange, brown", "white, orange, purple", "orange, purple, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: white, purple, green, red, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['red', 'white', 'green']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['white', 'purple', 'white']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['white', 'green', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "green, white, red", "green, purple, purple", "red, green, purple", "blue, white, red" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: green, white, orange, red, black. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['red', 'white', 'orange']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['green', 'white', 'orange']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['white', 'black', 'orange']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "white, orange, red", "orange, green, black", "orange, white, black", "white, red, green" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: orange, blue, green, brown, red. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['brown', 'blue', 'red']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'green', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'brown', 'green']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "green, red, orange", "green, green, green", "brown, green, red", "red, green, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, red, yellow, white, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['red', 'black', 'yellow']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions. Guess: ['black', 'white', 'yellow']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions. Guess: ['black', 'black', 'yellow']. Hint: one color is in the correct position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "red, white, yellow", "red, blue, black", "blue, black, red", "black, blue, yellow" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: blue, white, black, yellow, orange. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['yellow', 'white', 'blue']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions. Guess: ['blue', 'white', 'black']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['blue', 'orange', 'white']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "orange, blue, black", "yellow, white, orange", "blue, white, white", "yellow, blue, yellow" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, orange, yellow, red, pink. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['orange', 'pink', 'yellow']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'orange', 'red']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['black', 'red', 'pink']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "red, yellow, yellow", "pink, yellow, red", "red, orange, black", "black, red, black" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: orange, green, pink, brown, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['blue', 'green', 'brown']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'green', 'pink']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['green', 'orange', 'brown']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "blue, pink, green", "pink, blue, green", "brown, brown, orange", "orange, blue, pink" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: pink, orange, blue, brown, black. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['black', 'blue', 'pink']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['pink', 'orange', 'brown']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'brown', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "blue, brown, pink", "blue, orange, blue", "orange, black, pink", "blue, brown, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, purple, yellow, brown, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['black', 'brown', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'purple', 'yellow']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'purple', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "purple, purple, brown", "brown, yellow, blue", "purple, brown, yellow", "brown, yellow, black" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: purple, red, orange, pink, green. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['orange', 'purple', 'green']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['purple', 'red', 'orange']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'pink', 'red']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "red, purple, pink", "green, purple, red", "pink, green, green", "purple, orange, purple" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: orange, brown, pink, green, white. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['brown', 'orange', 'white']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'pink', 'green']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['pink', 'brown', 'green']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "orange, green, orange", "pink, brown, orange", "orange, white, brown", "pink, white, green" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, pink, blue, green, red. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['blue', 'green', 'red']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'pink', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['black', 'red', 'pink']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "black, red, blue", "black, red, green", "red, blue, black", "red, black, pink" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: purple, black, orange, green, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['black', 'green', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['purple', 'black', 'black']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions. Guess: ['purple', 'black', 'blue']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "purple, green, black", "black, blue, purple", "black, blue, green", "green, green, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: orange, yellow, red, white, black. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['black', 'yellow', 'red']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'red', 'white']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'red', 'black']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "yellow, white, black", "white, red, orange", "black, orange, yellow", "red, black, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: purple, yellow, white, pink, black. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['yellow', 'white', 'pink']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['purple', 'yellow', 'black']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "black, purple, pink", "black, purple, yellow", "purple, pink, white", "purple, black, yellow" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: white, orange, pink, purple, brown. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['white', 'brown', 'pink']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'white', 'purple']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'pink', 'white']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "brown, brown, purple", "orange, white, orange", "pink, white, orange", "brown, brown, orange" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: yellow, black, brown, green, red. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['red', 'brown', 'yellow']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['yellow', 'black', 'green']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['yellow', 'green', 'black']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "black, yellow, green", "yellow, black, black", "black, green, brown", "black, black, yellow" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, blue, green, pink, purple. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['black', 'purple', 'green']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['blue', 'black', 'pink']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'black', 'blue']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pink, purple, pink", "green, black, blue", "blue, blue, purple", "pink, blue, green" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: yellow, green, pink, orange, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['green', 'yellow', 'pink']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['yellow', 'orange', 'yellow']. Hint: None of the guessed colors are present in the secret code. Guess: ['green', 'pink', 'blue']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "green, green, green", "blue, green, pink", "orange, green, green", "pink, green, yellow" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: blue, black, yellow, orange, green. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['blue', 'green', 'orange']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'blue', 'yellow']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['black', 'yellow', 'green']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "green, yellow, blue", "blue, yellow, yellow", "orange, black, yellow", "blue, green, black" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: yellow, brown, black, white, blue. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['blue', 'brown', 'black']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['yellow', 'black', 'white']. Hint: one color is in the correct position. Guess: ['yellow', 'brown', 'brown']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "brown, yellow, white", "yellow, blue, brown", "blue, white, yellow", "yellow, black, brown" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: purple, black, red, blue, pink. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['blue', 'red', 'black']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions. Guess: ['purple', 'red', 'blue']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['purple', 'black', 'pink']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pink, pink, blue", "pink, black, pink", "blue, pink, red", "blue, pink, black" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: brown, pink, orange, black, yellow. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['black', 'yellow', 'pink']. Hint: two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['brown', 'pink', 'orange']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['orange', 'black', 'yellow']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "yellow, orange, black", "yellow, brown, black", "orange, pink, black", "brown, black, yellow" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: blue, red, orange, black, pink. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['black', 'red', 'pink']. Hint: one color occurs in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['blue', 'orange', 'red']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['red', 'orange', 'blue']. Hint: three colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "orange, blue, red", "pink, pink, red", "pink, red, orange", "blue, black, pink" ] }
Your goal is to find the secret three-color code. The following colors are possible: black, red, brown, green, white. Some guesses have already been made. I will provide feedback for each guess made with which it is possible to unambigiously determine the secret code. Previous Guesses: Guess: ['red', 'white', 'green']. Hint: one color is in the correct position and two colors occur in the secret code but is the wrong position. Guess: ['red', 'red', 'green']. Hint: two colors are in the correct positions.
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "white, red, black", "green, green, white", "brown, brown, white", "white, red, green" ] }