generate questions: Apple debuted the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store on September 5, 2007, in its Media Event entitled "The Beat Goes On...". This service allows users to access the Music Store from either an iPhone or an iPod Touch and download songs directly to the device that can be synced to the user's iTunes Library over a WiFi connection, or, in the case of an iPhone, the telephone network.
What was the name of the event at which the iTunes Wi-Fi store was launched? {sep_token} On what date was the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store launched? {sep_token} In what year was the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store introduced? {sep_token} Which Apple device has the ability to sync with iTunes via the phone network? {sep_token}
generate questions: Video games are playable on various versions of iPods. The original iPod had the game Brick (originally invented by Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak) included as an easter egg hidden feature; later firmware versions added it as a menu option. Later revisions of the iPod added three more games: Parachute, Solitaire, and Music Quiz.
On what devices can video games be used? {sep_token} What was included on the first iPod? {sep_token} Who created Brick? {sep_token} What are three games, in addition to Brick, which have been included with the iPod? {sep_token} What is another phrase meaning hidden feature? {sep_token} What was the first, hidden game included with the original iPod? {sep_token} What other games were later added to the original iPod? {sep_token}
generate questions: In September 2006, the iTunes Store began to offer additional games for purchase with the launch of iTunes 7, compatible with the fifth generation iPod with iPod software 1.2 or later. Those games were: Bejeweled, Cubis 2, Mahjong, Mini Golf, Pac-Man, Tetris, Texas Hold 'Em, Vortex, Asphalt 4: Elite Racing and Zuma. Additional games have since been added. These games work on the 6th and 5th generation iPod Classic and the 5th and 4th generation iPod Nano.
In what year did the iTunes store begin allowing users to buy video games? {sep_token} Which version of iTunes was introduced with the ability to purchase games? {sep_token} What was the first generation of iPod Classic on which games like Mahjong and Tetris could be played? {sep_token} On which generation of iPod Nano can games be played? {sep_token} In what year did iTunes 7 launch, along with a plethora of additional games? {sep_token} Which generation iPod was required to enjoy the new games available on iTunes 7? {sep_token}
generate questions: With third parties like Namco, Square Enix, Electronic Arts, Sega, and Hudson Soft all making games for the iPod, Apple's MP3 player has taken steps towards entering the video game handheld console market. Even video game magazines like GamePro and EGM have reviewed and rated most of their games as of late.
What are the names of companies producing video games for Apple's MP3 player? {sep_token} What market can Apple participate in now that it has a variety of games available for iPod? {sep_token} What two publications have covered iPod games? {sep_token}
generate questions: The games are in the form of .ipg files, which are actually .zip archives in disguise[citation needed]. When unzipped, they reveal executable files along with common audio and image files, leading to the possibility of third party games. Apple has not publicly released a software development kit (SDK) for iPod-specific development. Apps produced with the iPhone SDK are compatible only with the iOS on the iPod Touch and iPhone, which cannot run clickwheel-based games.
What format is used for iPod game files? {sep_token} What file format is being covered up by the use of ipg files? {sep_token} What does SDK stand for? {sep_token} What is the only operating system on which iPhone SDK-made games can be played? {sep_token} What file format are iPod games distributed in? {sep_token} An app produced with the iPhone SDK can only run on what devices? {sep_token} Is the Apple SDK available to third-party game publishers? {sep_token}
generate questions: Unlike many other MP3 players, simply copying audio or video files to the drive with a typical file management application will not allow an iPod to properly access them. The user must use software that has been specifically designed to transfer media files to iPods, so that the files are playable and viewable. Usually iTunes is used to transfer media to an iPod, though several alternative third-party applications are available on a number of different platforms.
What kind program is commonly used to move files between iTunes and an iPod? {sep_token} What kind of other applications enable communication between iTunes and an iPod? {sep_token} Rather than copying media files directly to it, what software must be used for this purpose so that they are accessible? {sep_token}
generate questions: iTunes 7 and above can transfer purchased media of the iTunes Store from an iPod to a computer, provided that computer containing the DRM protected media is authorized to play it.
What kind of security determines if files moved to a computer can be played? {sep_token} What minimum version of iTunes is required to transfer purchased media from an iPod to an authorized computer? {sep_token}
generate questions: Media files are stored on an iPod in a hidden folder, along with a proprietary database file. The hidden content can be accessed on the host operating system by enabling hidden files to be shown. The media files can then be recovered manually by copying the files or folders off the iPod. Many third-party applications also allow easy copying of media files off of an iPod.
In what kind of folder are files located in the iPod? {sep_token} On what kind of operating system can hidden iPod files be accessed? {sep_token} What method of file recovery is used to retrieve data from the iPod? {sep_token}
generate questions: In 2005, Apple faced two lawsuits claiming patent infringement by the iPod line and its associated technologies: Advanced Audio Devices claimed the iPod line breached its patent on a "music jukebox", while a Hong Kong-based IP portfolio company called Pat-rights filed a suit claiming that Apple's FairPlay technology breached a patent issued to inventor Ho Keung Tse. The latter case also includes the online music stores of Sony, RealNetworks, Napster, and Musicmatch as defendants.
In what year did Apple face multiple intellectual property lawsuits? {sep_token} What did the 2005 lawsuits accuse Apple of doing? {sep_token} What other companies were named in the suit filed by Pat-rights? {sep_token} On whose behalf did Pat-rights take Apple to court? {sep_token} Which company sued Apple for breach of a "music jukebox" patent in 2005? {sep_token} Which Apple technology did Pat-rights complain breached their patent in a lawsuit? {sep_token}
generate questions: Apple's application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a patent on "rotational user inputs", as used on the iPod interface, received a third "non-final rejection" (NFR) in August 2005. Also in August 2005, Creative Technology, one of Apple's main rivals in the MP3 player market, announced that it held a patent on part of the music selection interface used by the iPod line, which Creative Technology dubbed the "Zen Patent", granted on August 9, 2005. On May 15, 2006, Creative filed another suit against Apple with the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. Creative also asked the United States International Trade Commission to investigate whether Apple was breaching U.S. trade laws by importing iPods into the United States.
What interface component did Apple attempt to patent in 2005? {sep_token} When did Apple receive a decision on its attempt to patent rotational user inputs? {sep_token} Which competitor sued Apple over rights to part of the software user interface? {sep_token} What was the name of the patent over which Creative asserted its ownership? {sep_token} From which entity did Creative request an investigation into Apple importing their devices to the US? {sep_token} What interface feature did Apple unsuccessfully try to patent? {sep_token} Which rival company sued Apple in 2005 and 2006? {sep_token}
generate questions: On August 24, 2006, Apple and Creative announced a broad settlement to end their legal disputes. Apple will pay Creative US$100 million for a paid-up license, to use Creative's awarded patent in all Apple products. As part of the agreement, Apple will recoup part of its payment, if Creative is successful in licensing the patent. Creative then announced its intention to produce iPod accessories by joining the Made for iPod program.
When did Creative and Apple come to an agreement over their intellectual property issues? {sep_token} How much money did Apple have to pay to Creative as a result of their agreement? {sep_token} What program did Creative join in order to make iPod peripherals? {sep_token} How much did Apple pay to Creative Technologies to settle their 2006 suit? {sep_token} What's the name of the program by which 3rd parties sell iPod accessories? {sep_token}
generate questions: Since October 2004, the iPod line has dominated digital music player sales in the United States, with over 90% of the market for hard drive-based players and over 70% of the market for all types of players. During the year from January 2004 to January 2005, the high rate of sales caused its U.S. market share to increase from 31% to 65% and in July 2005, this market share was measured at 74%. In January 2007 the iPod market share reached 72.7% according to Bloomberg Online.
What share of the US digital music player market does iPod hold? {sep_token} When did iPod become the leader in digital music device sales? {sep_token} How much of the market did iPod claim as of January 2007? {sep_token} Who reported Apple's market share in 2007? {sep_token} Approximately what percentage of the hard drive-based music player sales does iPod have since 2004? {sep_token} Approximately what percentage of the overall music player market does the iPod line have? {sep_token} What did the iPod's US market share peak at in 2005? {sep_token}
generate questions: On January 8, 2004, Hewlett-Packard (HP) announced that they would sell HP-branded iPods under a license agreement from Apple. Several new retail channels were used—including Wal-Mart—and these iPods eventually made up 5% of all iPod sales. In July 2005, HP stopped selling iPods due to unfavorable terms and conditions imposed by Apple.
When did HP unveil their own edition of the iPod? {sep_token} What does HP stand for? {sep_token} What major retailer sold HP-branded iPod devices? {sep_token} HP-branded iPods accounted for what share of iPod purchases? {sep_token} What kind of terms and conditions led HP to leave the iPod market? {sep_token} Which computer company sold iPods from 2004-05 as part of a license agreement with Apple? {sep_token}
generate questions: On April 9, 2007, it was announced that Apple had sold its one-hundred millionth iPod, making it the biggest selling digital music player of all time. In April 2007, Apple reported second quarter revenue of US$5.2 billion, of which 32% was made from iPod sales. Apple and several industry analysts suggest that iPod users are likely to purchase other Apple products such as Mac computers.
How many iPods did Apple reveal it sold in April of 2007? {sep_token} How much of Apple's revenue was generated by iPod purchases in Q2 of 2007? {sep_token} What is an item that owners of iPods may also purchase? {sep_token} How much revenue did Apple announce for Q2 2007? {sep_token} In which year did Apple top sales of 100,000,000 iPods? {sep_token} As of 2007, what percentage of Apple's revenue came from iPod sales? {sep_token}
generate questions: On October 22, 2007, Apple reported quarterly revenue of US$6.22 billion, of which 30.69% came from Apple notebook sales, 19.22% from desktop sales and 26% from iPod sales. Apple's 2007 year revenue increased to US$24.01 billion with US$3.5 billion in profits. Apple ended the fiscal year 2007 with US$15.4 billion in cash and no debt.
What was Apple's revenue for Q3 2007? {sep_token} Desktop computers made up how much of Apple's revenue in the third quarter of 2007? {sep_token} How much money did Apple make in 2007? {sep_token} What was the value of Apple's cash assets at the end of 2007? {sep_token} With the help of strong iPod sales, how much profit did they turn in 2007? {sep_token}
generate questions: On January 22, 2008, Apple reported the best quarter revenue and earnings in Apple's history so far. Apple posted record revenue of US$9.6 billion and record net quarterly profit of US$1.58 billion. 42% of Apple's revenue for the First fiscal quarter of 2008 came from iPod sales, followed by 21% from notebook sales and 16% from desktop sales.
When did Apple reveal it had achieved its highest quarterly earnings to date? {sep_token} What was Apple's highest quarterly profit as of Q1 2008? {sep_token} How much of Apple's revenue resulted from purchases of laptop computers in Q1 2008? {sep_token} What percentage of Apples revenue in 1Q08 came from iPods, more than doubling the percentage of notebook sales? {sep_token}
generate questions: On October 21, 2008, Apple reported that only 14.21% of total revenue for fiscal quarter 4 of year 2008 came from iPods. At the September 9, 2009 keynote presentation at the Apple Event, Phil Schiller announced total cumulative sales of iPods exceeded 220 million. The continual decline of iPod sales since 2009 has not been a surprising trend for the Apple corporation, as Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer explained in June 2009: "We expect our traditional MP3 players to decline over time as we cannibalize ourselves with the iPod Touch and the iPhone." Since 2009, the company's iPod sales have continually decreased every financial quarter and in 2013 a new model was not introduced onto the market.
Who was Chief Financial Officer of Apple in July of 2009? {sep_token} From what year did iPod purchases begin to continuously decline? {sep_token} How much revenue did iPod sales account for in Q4 2008? {sep_token} Approximately how many total iPods had been sold by late 2009? {sep_token} Which was the first year since iPod's introduction that no new model was released? {sep_token}
generate questions: iPods have won several awards ranging from engineering excellence,[not in citation given] to most innovative audio product, to fourth best computer product of 2006. iPods often receive favorable reviews; scoring on looks, clean design, and ease of use. PC World says that iPod line has "altered the landscape for portable audio players". Several industries are modifying their products to work better with both the iPod line and the AAC audio format. Examples include CD copy-protection schemes, and mobile phones, such as phones from Sony Ericsson and Nokia, which play AAC files rather than WMA.
What rank did iPod achieve among various computer products in 2006? {sep_token} What kind of reviews do iPods tend to get? {sep_token} What two companies use the AAC format for music files? {sep_token} What file format is not supported by Sony Ericsson and Nokia? {sep_token} Which publication praised iPods for revolutionizing the industry? {sep_token} Which phone manufacturers adopted the AAC file format to become better iPod-compatible? {sep_token} Which PC magazine praised the iPod for having "altered the landscape for portable audio players"? {sep_token}
generate questions: Besides earning a reputation as a respected entertainment device, the iPod has also been accepted as a business device. Government departments, major institutions and international organisations have turned to the iPod line as a delivery mechanism for business communication and training, such as the Royal and Western Infirmaries in Glasgow, Scotland, where iPods are used to train new staff.
Aside from recreational use, in what other arena have iPods found use? {sep_token} What are two purposes for which iPods are used in business? {sep_token} What is the name of a company that uses iPods as part of its training? {sep_token} Where is Royal and Western Infirmaries located? {sep_token}
generate questions: iPods have also gained popularity for use in education. Apple offers more information on educational uses for iPods on their website, including a collection of lesson plans. There has also been academic research done in this area in nursing education and more general K-16 education. Duke University provided iPods to all incoming freshmen in the fall of 2004, and the iPod program continues today with modifications. Entertainment Weekly put it on its end-of-the-decade, "best-of" list, saying, "Yes, children, there really was a time when we roamed the earth without thousands of our favorite jams tucked comfortably into our hip pockets. Weird."
What University gave an iPod to first year students in 2004? {sep_token} What publication lauded the iPod for enabling people to listen to thousands of songs on a portable player? {sep_token} Which major university began issuing iPods to all incoming freshmen starting in 2004? {sep_token} Which magazine placed the iPod on its Best of the Decade list for the 00's? {sep_token}
generate questions: The iPod has also been credited with accelerating shifts within the music industry. The iPod's popularization of digital music storage allows users to abandon listening to entire albums and instead be able to choose specific singles which hastened the end of the Album Era in popular music.
What period of music did the iPod help bring to a close? {sep_token} In which industry did the iPod have a major impact? {sep_token} What did the iPod promote that prompted a big change in the music industry? {sep_token} The ease of collecting singles with the iPod and iTunes is credited with ending what "era" in pop music? {sep_token}
generate questions: The advertised battery life on most models is different from the real-world achievable life. For example, the fifth generation 30 GB iPod is advertised as having up to 14 hours of music playback. An report stated that this was virtually unachievable under real-life usage conditions, with a writer for getting on average less than 8 hours from an iPod. In 2003, class action lawsuits were brought against Apple complaining that the battery charges lasted for shorter lengths of time than stated and that the battery degraded over time. The lawsuits were settled by offering individuals either US$50 store credit or a free battery replacement.
How long were 5th generation iPods marketed as being able to function before needing to be charged? {sep_token} Which website criticized Apple's battery life claims? {sep_token} In what year was Apple sued for issues relating to its battery life? {sep_token} Discrepancy in what spec brought about a class action suit against Apple in 2003? {sep_token} How many hours of real-time battery life did the 5th-generation iPod test at, compared to its advertised 14 hours? {sep_token}
generate questions: iPod batteries are not designed to be removed or replaced by the user, although some users have been able to open the case themselves, usually following instructions from third-party vendors of iPod replacement batteries. Compounding the problem, Apple initially would not replace worn-out batteries. The official policy was that the customer should buy a refurbished replacement iPod, at a cost almost equivalent to a brand new one. All lithium-ion batteries lose capacity during their lifetime even when not in use (guidelines are available for prolonging life-span) and this situation led to a market for third-party battery replacement kits.
Whose directions can be followed to interact with iPod batteries? {sep_token} What did Apple originally tell consumers to purchase when their iPod batteries no longer worked? {sep_token} What kind of battery does the iPod use? {sep_token} Which iPod component did Apple somewhat inconveniently made non-replaceable? {sep_token} What type of rechargeable battery does Apple use in its iPods? {sep_token}
generate questions: Apple announced a battery replacement program on November 14, 2003, a week before a high publicity stunt and website by the Neistat Brothers. The initial cost was US$99, and it was lowered to US$59 in 2005. One week later, Apple offered an extended iPod warranty for US$59. For the iPod Nano, soldering tools are needed because the battery is soldered onto the main board. Fifth generation iPods have their battery attached to the backplate with adhesive.
What did Apple launch on November 14, 2003? {sep_token} How much did iPod owners originally have to pay for replacement batteries? {sep_token} What was needed to replace an iPod Nano battery? {sep_token} What generation saw iPod batterys being affixed with glue? {sep_token} In what year did Apple begin a formal battery replacement program? {sep_token} What was the original price for a replacement battery from Apple? {sep_token} Which iPod model has its battery soldered into the unit? {sep_token}
generate questions: The first generation iPod Nano may overheat and pose a health and safety risk. Affected iPod Nanos were sold between September 2005 and December 2006. This is due to a flawed battery used by Apple from a single battery manufacturer. Apple recommended that owners of affected iPod Nanos stop using them. Under an Apple product replacement program, affected Nanos were replaced with current generation Nanos free of charge.
What part of the iPod Nano was the cause of the overheating issue? {sep_token} What program allowed users to exchange iPod Nanos which suffered from overheating problems with new safe models? {sep_token}
generate questions: iPods have been criticized for alleged short life-span and fragile hard drives. A 2005 survey conducted on the MacInTouch website found that the iPod line had an average failure rate of 13.7% (although they note that comments from respondents indicate that "the true iPod failure rate may be lower than it appears"). It concluded that some models were more durable than others. In particular, failure rates for iPods employing hard drives was usually above 20% while those with flash memory had a failure rate below 10%. In late 2005, many users complained that the surface of the first generation iPod Nano can become scratched easily, rendering the screen unusable. A class action lawsuit was also filed. Apple initially considered the issue a minor defect, but later began shipping these iPods with protective sleeves.[citation needed]
What are two subjects of criticism of iPods? {sep_token} What website ran a survey to learn how often iPods ceased working? {sep_token} How often did MacInTouch discover iPods stopped working, according to their survey? {sep_token} When did iPod owners take issue with the fragility of the iPod screen? {sep_token} What did Apple include with the iPod to resolve the screen problem? {sep_token} Which type of iPod storage proved more reliable than hard drive storage? {sep_token} The first generation nano suffered from which component getting damaged easily? {sep_token}
generate questions: On June 11, 2006, the British tabloid The Mail on Sunday reported that iPods are mainly manufactured by workers who earn no more than US$50 per month and work 15-hour shifts. Apple investigated the case with independent auditors and found that, while some of the plant's labour practices met Apple's Code of Conduct, others did not: employees worked over 60 hours a week for 35% of the time, and worked more than six consecutive days for 25% of the time.
What publication revealed information about the working conditions of iPod labor? {sep_token} What governs iPod manufacturers' labor policies? {sep_token} What percentage of the time did The Mail on Sunday claim workers labored for at least seven straight days? {sep_token} Which British tabloid accused Apple of unfair worker conditions in 2006? {sep_token} What percentage of Apple's manufacturing employees worked over 60 hour weeks? {sep_token}
generate questions: Foxconn, Apple's manufacturer, initially denied the abuses, but when an auditing team from Apple found that workers had been working longer hours than were allowed under Chinese law, they promised to prevent workers working more hours than the code allowed. Apple hired a workplace standards auditing company, Verité, and joined the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct Implementation Group to oversee the measures. On December 31, 2006, workers at the Foxconn factory in Longhua, Shenzhen formed a union affiliated with the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Chinese government-approved union umbrella organization.
Who did Apple partner with to monitor its labor policies? {sep_token} What organization did Apple join to monitor its labor policies? {sep_token} What company was found to be violating Apple's labor policies? {sep_token} Where was the Foxconn plant located? {sep_token} What was the name of Apple's manufacturing company that was accused of overworking its employees? {sep_token} What auditor company did Apple hire to oversee worker conditions following the controversy? {sep_token} In what year did Foxconn workers first unionize? {sep_token}
generate questions: In 2010, a number of workers committed suicide at a Foxconn operations in China. Apple, HP, and others stated that they were investigating the situation. Foxconn guards have been videotaped beating employees. Another employee killed himself in 2009 when an Apple prototype went missing, and claimed in messages to friends, that he had been beaten and interrogated.
In what year did Chinese Foxconn emplyees kill themselves? {sep_token} What disappeared in 2009 prior to the suicide of a Foxconn employee? {sep_token} In what year did several Foxconn workers commit suicide? {sep_token}
generate questions: As of 2006, the iPod was produced by about 14,000 workers in the U.S. and 27,000 overseas. Further, the salaries attributed to this product were overwhelmingly distributed to highly skilled U.S. professionals, as opposed to lower skilled U.S. retail employees or overseas manufacturing labor. One interpretation of this result is that U.S. innovation can create more jobs overseas than domestically.
What attribute of the United States could be thought to lead more international and less domestic employment opportunities? {sep_token}
generate questions: All iPods except for the iPod Touch can function in "disk mode" as mass storage devices to store data files but this may not be the default behavior, and in the case of the iPod Touch, requires special software.[citation needed] If an iPod is formatted on a Mac OS computer, it uses the HFS+ file system format, which allows it to serve as a boot disk for a Mac computer. If it is formatted on Windows, the FAT32 format is used. With the release of the Windows-compatible iPod, the default file system used on the iPod line switched from HFS+ to FAT32, although it can be reformatted to either file system (excluding the iPod Shuffle which is strictly FAT32). Generally, if a new iPod (excluding the iPod Shuffle) is initially plugged into a computer running Windows, it will be formatted with FAT32, and if initially plugged into a Mac running Mac OS it will be formatted with HFS+.
To work as a boot disk for a Mac, what file system must an iPod be formatted with? {sep_token} If connected to a Windows PC when first set up, what file system will an iPod be formatted with? {sep_token}
generate questions: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Japanese: ゼルダの伝説 トワイライトプリンセス, Hepburn: Zeruda no Densetsu: Towairaito Purinsesu?) is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the GameCube and Wii home video game consoles. It is the thirteenth installment in the The Legend of Zelda series. Originally planned for release on the GameCube in November 2005, Twilight Princess was delayed by Nintendo to allow its developers to refine the game, add more content, and port it to the Wii. The Wii version was released alongside the console in North America in November 2006, and in Japan, Europe, and Australia the following month. The GameCube version was released worldwide in December 2006.[b]
What category of game is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What consoles can be used to play Twilight Princess? {sep_token} When was Twilight Princess launched in North America? {sep_token} When could GameCube owners purchase Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What company developed Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What year was the Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess originally planned for release? {sep_token} What year was the Wii version of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess released? {sep_token}
generate questions: The story focuses on series protagonist Link, who tries to prevent Hyrule from being engulfed by a corrupted parallel dimension known as the Twilight Realm. To do so, he takes the form of both a Hylian and a wolf, and is assisted by a mysterious creature named Midna. The game takes place hundreds of years after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, in an alternate timeline from The Wind Waker.
Who is the main character of the story? {sep_token} What land does Link serve to protect? {sep_token} What character helped Link in Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Who is the protagonist is Legend of Zelda? {sep_token} What is the name of the mysterious creature that assists Link? {sep_token} This storyline takes place alternate from what storyline? {sep_token}
generate questions: At the time of its release, Twilight Princess was considered the greatest entry in the Zelda series by many critics, including writers for, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, IGN, and The Washington Post. It received several Game of the Year awards, and was the most critically acclaimed game of 2006. In 2011, the Wii version was rereleased under the Nintendo Selects label. A high-definition port for the Wii U, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, will be released in March 2016.
What accolade did Twilight Princess receive after its release? {sep_token} Under which brand was Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii published? {sep_token} When is the HD version of Twilight Princess slated for launch? {sep_token} At the time of release which episode of the Legend of Zelda series was considered the greatest entry? {sep_token} How many Game of the Year awards did Twilight Princess receive? {sep_token} What year was Twilight Princess the most critically acclaimed game? {sep_token} What year will the game release a high-definition port for the Wii U console? {sep_token}
generate questions: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is an action-adventure game focused on combat, exploration, and item collection. It uses the basic control scheme introduced in Ocarina of Time, including context-sensitive action buttons and L-targeting (Z-targeting on the Wii), a system that allows the player to keep Link's view focused on an enemy or important object while moving and attacking. Link can walk, run, and attack, and will automatically jump when running off of or reaching for a ledge.[c] Link uses a sword and shield in combat, complemented with secondary weapons and items, including a bow and arrows, a boomerang, bombs, and the Clawshot (similar to the Hookshot introduced earlier in the The Legend of Zelda series).[d] While L-targeting, projectile-based weapons can be fired at a target without the need for manual aiming.[c]
What are the three main activities in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Twilight Princess uses the control setup first employed in which previous game? {sep_token} What can be used to shoot without the need to manually target enemies? {sep_token} What is Link's main weapon? {sep_token} What secondary weapon in Twilight Princess is analogous to a weapon featured in previous games? {sep_token} What genre of game is Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Twilight Princess follows the control scheme introduced in what game? {sep_token} What 2 main weapons does Link use in combat? {sep_token} What control can be used while targeting that allows the player to forego manual targeting? {sep_token}
generate questions: The context-sensitive button mechanic allows one button to serve a variety of functions, such as talking, opening doors, and pushing, pulling, and throwing objects.[e] The on-screen display shows what action, if any, the button will trigger, determined by the situation. For example, if Link is holding a rock, the context-sensitive button will cause Link to throw the rock if he is moving or targeting an object or enemy, or place the rock on the ground if he is standing still.[f]
Many different types of interaction can be controlled by how many buttons? {sep_token} Where can players see what action will be performed in different scenarios? {sep_token} If Link is not moving, where will he put the projectile he's carrying? {sep_token} What mechanic allows one button to serve many functions? {sep_token} What shows what action the button will trigger? {sep_token}
generate questions: The GameCube and Wii versions feature several minor differences in their controls. The Wii version of the game makes use of the motion sensors and built-in speaker of the Wii Remote. The speaker emits the sounds of a bowstring when shooting an arrow, Midna's laugh when she gives advice to Link, and the series' trademark "chime" when discovering secrets. The player controls Link's sword by swinging the Wii Remote. Other attacks are triggered using similar gestures with the Nunchuk. Unique to the GameCube version is the ability for the player to control the camera freely, without entering a special "lookaround" mode required by the Wii; however, in the GameCube version, only two of Link's secondary weapons can be equipped at a time, as opposed to four in the Wii version.[g]
Where is the speaker located on the Wii console? {sep_token} What sound do users here when uncovering secrets in the game? {sep_token} What part of the Wii is employed to use weapons? {sep_token} Aside from the sword, what is another weapon that Link can use? {sep_token} How many weapons can be equipped by Link if playing Twilight Princess on a GameCube? {sep_token} The Wii version makes use of what kind of sensors? {sep_token} What device on the Wii allows for sounds of a bowstring to be heard? {sep_token}
generate questions: The game features nine dungeons—large, contained areas where Link battles enemies, collects items, and solves puzzles. Link navigates these dungeons and fights a boss at the end in order to obtain an item or otherwise advance the plot. The dungeons are connected by a large overworld, across which Link can travel on foot; on his horse, Epona; or by teleporting.
How many dungeon instances are provided in Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What does Link fight in dungeons? {sep_token} What provides a bridge between the different dungeons? {sep_token} What is the name of Link's steed? {sep_token} What must Link solve throughout the game? {sep_token} Who must Link fight at the end of a dungeon level? {sep_token} What connects the dungeons? {sep_token}
generate questions: When Link enters the Twilight Realm, the void that corrupts parts of Hyrule, he transforms into a wolf.[h] He is eventually able to transform between his Hylian and wolf forms at will. As a wolf, Link loses the ability to use his sword, shield, or any secondary items; he instead attacks by biting, and defends primarily by dodging attacks. However, "Wolf Link" gains several key advantages in return—he moves faster than he does as a human (though riding Epona is still faster) and digs holes to create new passages and uncover buried items, and has improved senses, including the ability to follow scent trails.[i] He also carries Midna, a small imp-like creature who gives him hints, uses an energy field to attack enemies, helps him jump long distances, and eventually allows Link to "warp" to any of several preset locations throughout the overworld.[j] Using Link's wolf senses, the player can see and listen to the wandering spirits of those affected by the Twilight, as well as hunt for enemy ghosts named Poes.[k]
What form does Link take in the Twilight Realm? {sep_token} What is Link's main form of offense in wolf form? {sep_token} Hostile spirits are also known as what? {sep_token} Who provides helpful information to Link? {sep_token} Link's wolf form is faster than what other form? {sep_token} What does Link transform into when he enters the Twilight Realm? {sep_token} Who is Midna? {sep_token} What are Poes? {sep_token}
generate questions: The artificial intelligence (AI) of enemies in Twilight Princess is more advanced than that of enemies in The Wind Waker. Enemies react to defeated companions and to arrows or slingshot pellets that pass by, and can detect Link from a greater distance than was possible in previous games.
What does AI stand for? {sep_token} What is a game whose enemies have more rudimentary programming than those in Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What do enemies do to defeated companions? {sep_token} What feature of the enemies in Twilight Princess is more advanced? {sep_token} Who can enemies detect from a greater distance than in previous games? {sep_token}
generate questions: There is very little voice acting in the game, as is the case in most Zelda titles to date. Link remains silent in conversation, but grunts when attacking or injured and gasps when surprised. His emotions and responses are largely indicated visually by nods and facial expressions. Other characters have similar language-independent verbalizations, including laughter, surprised or fearful exclamations, and screams. The character of Midna has the most voice acting—her on-screen dialog is often accompanied by a babble of pseudo-speech, which was produced by scrambling the phonemes of English phrases[better source needed] sampled by Japanese voice actress Akiko Kōmoto.
Through what can Link's reaction and mood can be discerned? {sep_token} Which person has the most spoken dialogue in the game? {sep_token} Who provided the basis for Midna's voice? {sep_token} What country does Akiko Komoto come from? {sep_token} What does Link say when attacking? {sep_token} How does Link express emotions? {sep_token} What character has the most voice acting? {sep_token} Who does the voice of Midna? {sep_token}
generate questions: Twilight Princess takes place several centuries after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and begins with a youth named Link who is working as a ranch hand in Ordon Village. One day, the village is attacked by Bulblins, who carry off the village's children with Link in pursuit before he encounters a wall of Twilight. A Shadow Beast pulls him beyond the wall into the Realm of Twilight, where he is transformed into a wolf and imprisoned. Link is soon freed by an imp-like Twilight being named Midna, who dislikes Link but agrees to help him if he obeys her unconditionally. She guides him to Princess Zelda. Zelda explains that Zant, the King of the Twilight, has stolen the light from three of the four Light Spirits and conquered Hyrule. In order to save Hyrule, Link must first restore the Light Spirits by entering the Twilight-covered areas and, as a wolf, recover the Spirits' lost light. He must do this by collecting the multiple "Tears of Light"; once all the Tears of Light are collected for one area, he restores that area's Light Spirit. As he restores them, the Light Spirits return Link to his Hylian form.
What is Link's job at the start of Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What do the Bulbins take from Ordon? {sep_token} Who releases Link from the Realm of Twilight? {sep_token} What does Link have to gather in order to complete each area? {sep_token} Where is Link working as a ranch hand? {sep_token} Who attacks the village? {sep_token} What must Link collect? {sep_token}
generate questions: During this time, Link also helps Midna find the Fused Shadows, fragments of a relic containing powerful dark magic. In return, she helps Link find Ordon Village's children while helping the monkeys of Faron, the Gorons of Eldin, and the Zoras of Lanayru. Once Link has restored the Light Spirits and Midna has all the Fused Shadows, they are ambushed by Zant. After he relieves Midna of the Fused Shadow fragments, she ridicules him for abusing his tribe's magic, but Zant reveals that his power comes from another source as he uses it to turn Link back into a wolf, and then leaves Midna in Hyrule to die from the world's light. Bringing a dying Midna to Zelda, Link learns he needs the Master Sword to return to human form. Zelda sacrifices herself to heal Midna with her power before vanishing mysteriously. Midna is moved by Zelda's sacrifice, and begins to care more about Link and the fate of the light world.
What does Link assist Midna in collection? {sep_token} Who attacks Link and Midna when they've finished their collection tasks? {sep_token} What weapon can transform Link back to his original self? {sep_token} Who saves Midna? {sep_token} Where do the Zoras come from? {sep_token} What does Link help Midna find? {sep_token} Who ambushes Link and Midna? {sep_token} What does Link discover he needs to find to return to human form? {sep_token} Who sacrifices herself to save Midna? {sep_token}
generate questions: After gaining the Master Sword, Link is cleansed of the magic that kept him in wolf form, obtaining the Shadow Crystal. Now able to use it to switch between both forms at will, Link is led by Midna to the Mirror of Twilight located deep within the Gerudo Desert, the only known gateway between the Twilight Realm and Hyrule. However, they discover that the mirror is broken. The Sages there explain that Zant tried to destroy it, but he was only able to shatter it into fragments; only the true ruler of the Twili can completely destroy the Mirror of Twilight. They also reveal that they used it a century ago to banish Ganondorf, the Gerudo leader who attempted to steal the Triforce, to the Twilight Realm when executing him failed. Assisted by an underground resistance group they meet in Castle Town, Link and Midna set out to retrieve the missing shards of the Mirror, defeating those they infected. Once the portal has been restored, Midna is revealed to be the true ruler of the Twilight Realm, usurped by Zant when he cursed her into her current form. Confronting Zant, Link and Midna learn that Zant's coup was made possible when he forged a pact with Ganondorf, who asked for Zant's assistance in conquering Hyrule. After Link defeats Zant, Midna recovers the Fused Shadows, but destroys Zant after learning that only Ganondorf's death can release her from her curse. Returning to Hyrule, Link and Midna find Ganondorf in Hyrule Castle, with a lifeless Zelda suspended above his head. Ganondorf fights Link by possessing Zelda's body and eventually by transforming into a beast, but Link defeats him and Midna is able to resurrect Zelda.
What does Link obtain that gives him control over his transformations? {sep_token} Where does Midna take Link after he acquires the Master Sword? {sep_token} Who was the Mirror of Twilight used to fight prior to Zant? {sep_token} Where is Ganondorf located after Zant's defeat? {sep_token} Whose body is used as a proxy by Ganondorf in order to fight Link? {sep_token} What allows Link to switch between his two forms? {sep_token} What is the only known gateway between Twilight Realm & Hyrule? {sep_token} Who is revealed as the true ruler of Twilight Realm? {sep_token} Who did Zant form a pact with? {sep_token} What does Ganondorf transform into? {sep_token}
generate questions: Ganondorf then revives, and Midna teleports Link and Zelda outside the castle so she can hold him off with the Fused Shadows. However, as Hyrule Castle collapses, it is revealed that Ganondorf was victorious as he crushes Midna's helmet. Ganondorf engages Link on horseback, and, assisted by Zelda and the Light Spirits, Link eventually knocks Ganondorf off his horse and they duel on foot before Link strikes down Ganondorf and plunges the Master Sword into his chest. With Ganondorf dead, the Light Spirits not only bring Midna back to life, but restore her to her true form. After bidding farewell to Link and Zelda, Midna returns home before destroying the Mirror of Twilight with a tear to maintain balance between Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. Near the end, as Hyrule Castle is rebuilt, Link is shown leaving Ordon Village heading to parts unknown.
What possession of Midna does Ganondorf destroy? {sep_token} Where does Link depart from at the end of the game? {sep_token} Which character helps Link get Ganondorf off of his horse? {sep_token} To what part of his body does Link deliver the killing blow to Ganondorf? {sep_token} Who resurrects Midna after the fight with Ganondorf? {sep_token} Who does Midna teleport? {sep_token} What does Ganondorf crush? {sep_token} What does Midna destroy? {sep_token}
generate questions: In 2003, Nintendo announced that a new The Legend of Zelda game was in the works for the GameCube by the same team that had created the cel-shaded The Wind Waker. At the following year's Game Developers Conference, director Eiji Aonuma unintentionally revealed that the game's sequel was in development under the working title The Wind Waker 2; it was set to use a similar graphical style to that of its predecessor. Nintendo of America told Aonuma that North American sales of The Wind Waker were sluggish because its cartoon appearance created the impression that the game was designed for a young audience. Concerned that the sequel would have the same problem, Aonuma expressed to producer Shigeru Miyamoto that he wanted to create a realistic Zelda game that would appeal to the North American market. Miyamoto, hesitant about solely changing the game's presentation, suggested the team's focus should instead be on coming up with gameplay innovations. He advised that Aonuma should start by doing what could not be done in Ocarina of Time, particularly horseback combat.[l]
In what year did Nintendo reveal the start of development on what would become Twilight Princess? {sep_token} At what event was a potential follow-up to The Wind Waker mentioned? {sep_token} What region of the world did Nintendo want to design the next Legend of Zelda game for? {sep_token} What was one feature that could not be implemented in Ocarina of Time? {sep_token} What year did Nintendo announce a new Legend of Zelda was in the works for Gamecube? {sep_token} Who was the director that unintentionally announced a Zelda game was in the works? {sep_token} What was the specific area of gameplay that had not been done in Ocarina of Time? {sep_token}
generate questions: In four months, Aonuma's team managed to present realistic horseback riding,[l] which Nintendo later revealed to the public with a trailer at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2004. The game was scheduled to be released the next year, and was no longer a follow-up to The Wind Waker; a true sequel to it was released for the Nintendo DS in 2007, in the form of Phantom Hourglass. Miyamoto explained in interviews that the graphical style was chosen to satisfy demand, and that it better fit the theme of an older incarnation of Link. The game runs on a modified The Wind Waker engine.
How long did it take to implement riding horses in a believable manner? {sep_token} Where did Nintendo preview the horseback riding feature? {sep_token} What console was home to the sequel for The Wind Waker? {sep_token} What was the name of the second Wind Waker game? {sep_token} When did the company release a trailer of the horseback riding aspect? {sep_token}
generate questions: Prior Zelda games have employed a theme of two separate, yet connected, worlds. In A Link to the Past, Link travels between a "Light World" and a "Dark World"; in Ocarina of Time, as well as in Oracle of Ages, Link travels between two different time periods. The Zelda team sought to reuse this motif in the series' latest installment. It was suggested that Link transform into a wolf, much like he metamorphoses into a rabbit in the Dark World of A Link to the Past.[m] The story of the game was created by Aonuma, and later underwent several changes by scenario writers Mitsuhiro Takano and Aya Kyogoku. Takano created the script for the story scenes, while Kyogoku and Takayuki Ikkaku handled the actual in-game script. Aonuma left his team working on the new idea while he directed The Minish Cap for the Game Boy Advance. When he returned, he found the Twilight Princess team struggling. Emphasis on the parallel worlds and the wolf transformation had made Link's character unbelievable. Aonuma also felt the gameplay lacked the caliber of innovation found in Phantom Hourglass, which was being developed with touch controls for the Nintendo DS. At the same time, the Wii was under development with the code name "Revolution". Miyamoto thought that the Revolution's pointing device, the Wii Remote, was well suited for aiming arrows in Zelda, and suggested that Aonuma consider using it.[n]
What does Link morph into in A Link to the Past? {sep_token} Aonuma left the Twilight Princess development team to work on which other game? {sep_token} What was the working name for the Wii prior to release? {sep_token} Who proposed that the Wii Remote be used in the control scheme for Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Who created the script for the story scenes? {sep_token} What device seemed well-suited for Link's arrow shooting ability? {sep_token}
generate questions: Aonuma had anticipated creating a Zelda game for what would later be called the Wii, but had assumed that he would need to complete Twilight Princess first. His team began work developing a pointing-based interface for the bow and arrow, and Aonuma found that aiming directly at the screen gave the game a new feel, just like the DS control scheme for Phantom Hourglass. Aonuma felt confident this was the only way to proceed, but worried about consumers who had been anticipating a GameCube release. Developing two versions would mean delaying the previously announced 2005 release, still disappointing the consumer. Satoru Iwata felt that having both versions would satisfy users in the end, even though they would have to wait for the finished product. Aonuma then started working on both versions in parallel.[o]
What kind of interface was used for in-game archery? {sep_token} What was the originally-planned launch year for Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Which Nintendo employee was confident in the potential of developing two versions of Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What was the original release date for Gamecube? {sep_token}
generate questions: Transferring GameCube development to the Wii was relatively simple, since the Wii was being created to be compatible with the GameCube.[o] At E3 2005, Nintendo released a small number of Nintendo DS game cards containing a preview trailer for Twilight Princess. They also announced that Zelda would appear on the Wii (then codenamed "Revolution"), but it was not clear to the media if this meant Twilight Princess or a different game.
What console boasted compatibility with the Wii? {sep_token} Where did Nintendo provide a limited number of Twilight Princess previews? {sep_token} At E3 in 2005, what console did Nintendo reveal the next Zelda game would be developed for? {sep_token} When did Nintendo announce Zelda would appear on the Wii? {sep_token}
generate questions: The team worked on a Wii control scheme, adapting camera control and the fighting mechanics to the new interface. A prototype was created that used a swinging gesture to control the sword from a first-person viewpoint, but was unable to show the variety of Link's movements. When the third-person view was restored, Aonuma thought it felt strange to swing the Wii Remote with the right hand to control the sword in Link's left hand, so the entire Wii version map was mirrored.[p] Details about Wii controls began to surface in December 2005 when British publication NGC Magazine claimed that when a GameCube copy of Twilight Princess was played on the Revolution, it would give the player the option of using the Revolution controller. Miyamoto confirmed the Revolution controller-functionality in an interview with Nintendo of Europe and Time reported this soon after. However, support for the Wii controller did not make it into the GameCube release. At E3 2006, Nintendo announced that both versions would be available at the Wii launch, and had a playable version of Twilight Princess for the Wii.[p] Later, the GameCube release was pushed back to a month after the launch of the Wii.
What kind of movement interfaced with the sword in Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Who provided information about the game's controls in December of 2005? {sep_token} What ended up not being supported in the GameCube version of Twilight Princess? {sep_token} In what year did Nintendo reveal that the two different releases of Twilight Princess were planned for launch at the same time as the Wii? {sep_token} How long was the GameCube version of Twilight Princess delayed? {sep_token} What magazine mentioned players would be able to use the Revolution controller? {sep_token} When did Nintendo announce both versions of Twilight Princess would be available at the Wii launch? {sep_token}
generate questions: Nintendo staff members reported that demo users complained about the difficulty of the control scheme. Aonuma realized that his team had implemented Wii controls under the mindset of "forcing" users to adapt, instead of making the system intuitive and easy to use. He began rethinking the controls with Miyamoto to focus on comfort and ease.[q] The camera movement was reworked and item controls were changed to avoid accidental button presses.[r] In addition, the new item system required use of the button that had previously been used for the sword. To solve this, sword controls were transferred back to gestures—something E3 attendees had commented they would like to see. This reintroduced the problem of using a right-handed swing to control a left-handed sword attack. The team did not have enough time before release to rework Link's character model, so they instead flipped the entire game—everything was made a mirror image.[s] Link was now right-handed, and references to "east" and "west" were switched around. The GameCube version, however, was left with the original orientation. The Twilight Princess player's guide focuses on the Wii version, but has a section in the back with mirror-image maps for GameCube users.[t]
What did early users find hard to use about the game? {sep_token} Using items in the game took over the controls used for what weapon? {sep_token} Who wanted gestures implemented for sword control? {sep_token} When Twilight Princess was finally released for Wii, in what hand did Link wield his sword? {sep_token} What features did Aonuma work to improve after the demo complaints? {sep_token}
generate questions: The game's score was composed by Toru Minegishi and Asuka Ohta, with series regular Koji Kondo serving as the sound supervisor. Minegishi took charge of composition and sound design in Twilight Princess, providing all field and dungeon music under the supervision of Kondo. For the trailers, three pieces were written by different composers, two of which were created by Mahito Yokota and Kondo. Michiru Ōshima created orchestral arrangements for the three compositions, later to be performed by an ensemble conducted by Yasuzo Takemoto. Kondo's piece was later chosen as music for the E3 2005 trailer and for the demo movie after the game's title screen.
Who wrote the music for Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Who was in charge of overseeing audio production? {sep_token} Who worked adapting the score for performance by an orchestra? {sep_token} Who wrote the music used in the game's trailer and demo? {sep_token} Who created orchestral arrangements for the game? {sep_token} Who was to conduct the ensemble that would perform the pieces? {sep_token}
generate questions: Media requests at the trade show prompted Kondo to consider using orchestral music for the other tracks in the game as well, a notion reinforced by his preference for live instruments. He originally envisioned a full 50-person orchestra for action sequences and a string quartet for more "lyrical moments", though the final product used sequenced music instead. Kondo later cited the lack of interactivity that comes with orchestral music as one of the main reasons for the decision. Both six- and seven-track versions of the game's soundtrack were released on November 19, 2006, as part of a Nintendo Power promotion and bundled with replicas of the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield.
What kind of instruments are favored by Kondo? {sep_token} How many people would be in the orchestra Kondo imagined using for the soundtrack? {sep_token} When was the soundtrack of Twilight Princess made available? {sep_token} Which publication was associated with the soundtrack release? {sep_token} Who made the requests for Kondo to use orchestral music throughout the game? {sep_token} When were track versions of the game's sountrack released? {sep_token} What were replicas of the Master Sword and Hylian Shield bundled with? {sep_token}
generate questions: Following the discovery of a buffer overflow vulnerability in the Wii version of Twilight Princess, an exploit known as the "Twilight Hack" was developed, allowing the execution of custom code from a Secure Digital (SD) card on the console. A properly designed save file would cause the game to load unsigned code, which could include Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) programs and homebrew Wii applications. Versions 3.3 and 3.4 of the Wii Menu prevented copying exploited save files onto the console until circumvention methods were discovered, and version 4.0 of the Wii Menu patched the vulnerability.
What kind of error was found in Twilight Princess for Wii? {sep_token} What does ELF stand for? {sep_token} Which issue of the Wii Menu fixed the issue with Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What was the name of the hack discovered? {sep_token} What versions of the Wii Menu prevented copying the exploited files? {sep_token} What version of the Wii patched the hack vulnerability? {sep_token}
generate questions: A high-definition remaster of the game, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, is being developed by Tantalus Media for the Wii U. Officially announced during a Nintendo Direct presentation on November 12, 2015, it features enhanced graphics and Amiibo functionality. The game will be released in North America and Europe on March 4, 2016; in Australia on March 5, 2016; and in Japan on March 10, 2016.
Which company is responsible for the HD version of Twilight Princess? {sep_token} For which console is Twilight Princess HD being made? {sep_token} When were plans for Twilight Princess HD revealed? {sep_token} On what date is Twilight Princess HD scheduled for Australian release? {sep_token} What is the name of the remastered game? {sep_token} What company is developing the remaster? {sep_token} What kind of functionality will the remaster feature? {sep_token} When will the game be released in America? {sep_token}
generate questions: Special bundles of the game contain a Wolf Link Amiibo figurine, which unlocks a Wii U-exclusive dungeon called the "Cave of Shadows" and can carry data over to the upcoming 2016 Zelda game. Other Zelda-related Amiibo figurines have distinct functions: Link and Toon Link replenish arrows, Zelda and Sheik restore Link's health, and Ganondorf causes Link to take twice as much damage.
What special item is included with certain versions of Twilight Princess HD? {sep_token} Which two Amiibo figures reload Link's stock of arrows? {sep_token} Which two Amiibo figures heal Link? {sep_token} Which Amiibo figure makes Link lose more health when attacked? {sep_token} What is the name of the area that players with the Wolf Link Amiibo can access? {sep_token} What will special bundles of the game contain? {sep_token} What is the level called that the special Amiibo will unlock? {sep_token} What characters will be able to replenish arrows? {sep_token} What figures restore health? {sep_token}
generate questions: A CD containing 20 musical selections from the game was available as a GameStop preorder bonus in the United States; it is included in all bundles in Japan, Europe, and Australia.[citation needed]
What company included the soundtrack as a reward for ordering the game prior to release? {sep_token} How many tracks were recorded on the preorder CD? {sep_token} In what areas is the content of the GameStop bonus CD provided for all versions of the game? {sep_token} What was included as a Gamestop preorder item? {sep_token}
generate questions: Twilight Princess was released to universal critical acclaim and commercial success. It received perfect scores from major publications such as, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, and GameSpy. On the review aggregators GameRankings and Metacritic, Twilight Princess has average scores of 95% and 95 for the Wii version and scores of 95% and 96 for the GameCube version. GameTrailers in their review called it one of the greatest games ever created.
What kind of scores did Twilight Princess receive from many video game review sources? {sep_token} Which sites gave the Wii copy of Twilight Princess scores of 95% and 95? {sep_token} Who counted the game among the best ever made? {sep_token} What was the reception of Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What scores did it receive from major game publications? {sep_token} What is the average score of Twilight Princess on Metacritic? {sep_token} What reviewer called Twilight Princess "One of the greatest games ever created"? {sep_token}
generate questions: On release, Twilight Princess was considered to be the greatest Zelda game ever made by many critics including writers for, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, IGN and The Washington Post. Game Informer called it "so creative that it rivals the best that Hollywood has to offer". GamesRadar praised Twilight Princess as "a game that deserves nothing but the absolute highest recommendation". Cubed3 hailed Twilight Princess as "the single greatest videogame experience". Twilight Princess's graphics were praised for the art style and animation, although the game was designed for the GameCube, which is technically lacking compared to the next generation consoles. Both IGN and GameSpy pointed out the existence of blurry textures and low-resolution characters. Despite these complaints, Computer and Video Games felt the game's atmosphere was superior to that of any previous Zelda game, and regarded Twilight Princess's Hyrule as the best version ever created. PALGN praised the game's cinematics, noting that "the cutscenes are the best ever in Zelda games". Regarding the Wii version, GameSpot's Jeff Gerstmann said the Wii controls felt "tacked-on", although said the remote-swinging sword attacks were "the most impressive in the entire series". Gaming Nexus considered Twilight Princess's soundtrack to be the best of this generation, though IGN criticized its MIDI-formatted songs for lacking "the punch and crispness" of their orchestrated counterparts. Hyper's Javier Glickman commended the game for its "very long quests, superb Wii controls and being able to save anytime". However, he criticised it for "no voice acting, no orchestral score and slightly outdated graphics".
Which publications reported some issues with the graphics of Twilight Princess? {sep_token} Which journalist criticized the Wii version for its controls? {sep_token} Which game publication does Jeff Gerstmann work for? {sep_token} Which game journalist was perturbed by a lack of voiced dialogue? {sep_token} Which publication does Javier Glickman write for? {sep_token} What 2 critics suggested the game had blurry textures and low resolution? {sep_token} What critic considered the CD to be the best of the generation? {sep_token} Who specifically commended the game for the very long quests? {sep_token}
generate questions: Twilight Princess received the awards for Best Artistic Design, Best Original Score, and Best Use of Sound from IGN for its GameCube version. Both IGN and Nintendo Power gave Twilight Princess the awards for Best Graphics and Best Story. Twilight Princess received Game of the Year awards from GameTrailers,, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, Games Radar, GameSpy, Spacey Awards, X-Play and Nintendo Power. It was also given awards for Best Adventure Game from the Game Critics Awards, X-Play, IGN, GameTrailers,, and Nintendo Power. The game was considered the Best Console Game by the Game Critics Awards and GameSpy. The game placed 16th in Official Nintendo Magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Nintendo Games of All Time. IGN ranked the game as the 4th-best Wii game. Nintendo Power ranked the game as the third-best game to be released on a Nintendo system in the 2000s decade.
The version of Twilight Princess fo which console won three IGN awards? {sep_token} What was Twilight Princess's rank among all Nintendo games according to Nintendo Magazine? {sep_token} Where did Twilight Princess place among Wii titles according to IGN? {sep_token} Where did Twilight Princess rank on Nintendo Power's list of Nintendo games in the 2000s? {sep_token} What 2 critics gave Twilight Princess awards for Best Graphics and Best Story? {sep_token} What award did Game Critics Awards and GameSpy give Twilight Princess? {sep_token} What place did the game take in Nintendo's Official list of 100 Greatest Nintendo Games of All Time? {sep_token} What place did IGN give the game on the Wii console? {sep_token}
generate questions: In the PAL region, which covers most of Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania, Twilight Princess is the best-selling entry in the Zelda series. During its first week, the game was sold with three of every four Wii purchases. The game had sold 5.82 million copies on the Wii as of March 31, 2011[update], and 1.32 million on the GameCube as of March 31, 2007[update].
What is the name of the area which includes most countries not located in North, Central or South America? {sep_token} How many units of the Wii version of Twilight Princess had been purchased by the end of March 2011? {sep_token} How many units of the GameCube version of Twilight Princess had been purchased by the end of March 2007? {sep_token} What region is Twilight Princess the best -selling Zelda entry? {sep_token} How many copies of the game had been sold as of March 2011? {sep_token} How many copies of the game had been sold on Gamecube as of March 2007? {sep_token}
generate questions: A Japan-exclusive manga series based on Twilight Princess, penned and illustrated by Akira Himekawa, was first released on February 8, 2016. The series is available solely via publisher Shogakukan's MangaOne mobile application. While the manga adaptation began almost ten years after the initial release of the game on which it is based, it launched only a month before the release of the high-definition remake.
Who wrote and provided art for a Twilight Princess comic book series? {sep_token} The Twilight Princess manga was only available in what country? {sep_token} Who published the Twilight Princess comic book series? {sep_token} What kind of device can access the Twilight Princess manga? {sep_token}
generate questions: Spectre (2015) is the twenty-fourth James Bond film produced by Eon Productions. It features Daniel Craig in his fourth performance as James Bond, and Christoph Waltz as Ernst Stavro Blofeld, with the film marking the character's re-introduction into the series. It was directed by Sam Mendes as his second James Bond film following Skyfall, and was written by John Logan, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and Jez Butterworth. It is distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Columbia Pictures. With a budget around $245 million, it is the most expensive Bond film and one of the most expensive films ever made.
Which company made Spectre? {sep_token} Who is the star of Spectre? {sep_token} What role does Daniel Craig play in Spectre? {sep_token} What 007 movie did Sam Mendes previously direct? {sep_token} How much money did it take to make Spectre? {sep_token} How many James Bond films has Eon Productions produced? {sep_token} Which Bond film was the most expensive ever made? {sep_token} How many films has Daniel Craig appeared in as James Bond? {sep_token} Which two movie studios distributed the James Bond film Spectre? {sep_token} Who directed Spectre? {sep_token}
generate questions: The story sees Bond pitted against the global criminal organisation Spectre, marking the group's first appearance in an Eon Productions film since 1971's Diamonds Are Forever,[N 2] and tying Craig's series of films together with an overarching storyline. Several recurring James Bond characters, including M, Q and Eve Moneypenny return, with the new additions of Léa Seydoux as Dr. Madeleine Swann, Dave Bautista as Mr. Hinx, Andrew Scott as Max Denbigh and Monica Bellucci as Lucia Sciarra.
What group is the enemy of the protagonist? {sep_token} Which movie was Spectre originally featured in? {sep_token} Which three personalities from previous films appear in Spectre? {sep_token} Which actor plays the role of Mr. Hinx? {sep_token} What role is performed by Monica Bellucci? {sep_token} Which recurring James Bond characters appear in Spectre? {sep_token} What actress portrays Dr. Madeleine Swann in Spectre? {sep_token} What actor portrays Mr. Hinx in Spectre? {sep_token} When was Diamonds are Forever released? {sep_token}
generate questions: Spectre was released on 26 October 2015 in the United Kingdom on the same night as the world premiere at the Royal Albert Hall in London, followed by a worldwide release. It was released in the United States on 6 November 2015. It became the second James Bond film to be screened in IMAX venues after Skyfall, although it was not filmed with IMAX cameras. Spectre received mixed reviews upon its release; although criticised for its length, lack of screen time for new characters, and writing, it received praise for its action sequences and cinematography. The theme song, "Writing's on the Wall", received mixed reviews, particularly compared to the previous theme; nevertheless, it won the Golden Globe for Best Original Song and was nominated for the Academy Award in the same category. As of 20 February 2016[update], Spectre has grossed over $879 million worldwide.
On what date was Spectre first shown in the UK? {sep_token} Where was the first screening of Spectre? {sep_token} What was the US release date for Spectre? {sep_token} What were two subjects of accolades for Spectre? {sep_token} For what category did Spectre receive a Golden Globe award? {sep_token} What was the first James Bond film to be screened at IMAX theaters? {sep_token} What was the theme song for the James Bond film Spectre? {sep_token}
generate questions: Following Garreth Mallory's promotion to M, on a mission in Mexico City unofficially ordered by a posthumous message from the previous M, 007 James Bond kills three men plotting a terrorist bombing during the Day of the Dead and gives chase to Marco Sciarra, an assassin who survived the attack. In the ensuing struggle, Bond steals his ring, which is emblazoned with a stylised octopus, and then kills Sciarra by kicking him out of a helicopter. Upon returning to London, Bond is indefinitely suspended from field duty by M, who is in the midst of a power struggle with C, the head of the privately-backed Joint Intelligence Service, consisting of the recently merged MI5 and MI6. C campaigns for Britain to form alongside 8 other countries "Nine Eyes ", a global surveillance and intelligence co-operation initiative between nine member states, and uses his influence to close down the '00' section, believing it to be outdated.
On what holiday do insurgents plan to detonate a bomb? {sep_token} Who removed James Bond from active service? {sep_token} Who is M's rival? {sep_token} What group does C support England joining? {sep_token} Which character is promoted to M? {sep_token} Which holiday was the terrorist bombing planned for? {sep_token} Which two intelligence groups merged to form Joint Intelligence Service? {sep_token} What does Bond take from Marco Sciarra? {sep_token}
generate questions: Bond disobeys M's order and travels to Rome to attend Sciarra's funeral. That evening he visits Sciarra's widow Lucia, who tells him about Spectre, a criminal organisation to which her husband belonged. Bond infiltrates a Spectre meeting, where he identifies the leader, Franz Oberhauser. When Oberhauser addresses Bond by name, he escapes and is pursued by Mr. Hinx, a Spectre assassin. Moneypenny informs Bond that the information he collected leads to Mr. White, former member of Quantum, a subsidiary of Spectre. Bond asks her to investigate Oberhauser, who was presumed dead years earlier.
Where does Bond go after his suspension? {sep_token} What group did Sciarra belong to? {sep_token} Who is the head of Spectre? {sep_token} What is Mr. Hinx's job? {sep_token} Who performs research for Bond? {sep_token} Where does Sciarra's funeral take place? {sep_token} Who is the leader of Spectre? {sep_token} What is the name of the Spectre assassin who tracks Bond? {sep_token} Which member of Spectre had been presumed to be dead? {sep_token}
generate questions: Bond travels to Austria to find White, who is dying of thallium poisoning. He admits to growing disenchanted with Quantum and tells Bond to find and protect his daughter, Dr. Madeline Swann, who will take him to L'Américain; this will in turn lead him to Spectre. White then commits suicide. Bond locates Swann at the Hoffler Klinik, but she is abducted by Hinx. Bond rescues her and the two meet Q, who discovers that Sciarra's ring links Oberhauser to Bond's previous missions, identifying Le Chiffre, Dominic Greene and Raoul Silva as Spectre agents. Swann reveals that L'Américain is a hotel in Tangier.
What is White suffering from when Bond finds him? {sep_token} Who is White's daughter? {sep_token} How does White deal with his condition? {sep_token} Where does JAmes find Dr. Swann? {sep_token} Where is L'Americain located? {sep_token} What is Mr. White dying of? {sep_token} Who does Mr. White ask James Bond to protect? {sep_token} Where is the L'Americain hotel? {sep_token} Who kidnaps Dr. Swann? {sep_token}
generate questions: The two travel to the hotel and discover White's secret room where they find co-ordinates pointing to Oberhauser's operations base in the desert. They travel by train to the nearest station, but are once again confronted by Hinx; they engage in a fight throughout the train in which Mr Hinx is eventually thrown off the train by Bond with Swann's assistance. After arriving at the station, Bond and Swann are escorted to Oberhauser's base. There, he reveals that Spectre has been staging terrorist attacks around the world, creating a need for the Nine Eyes programme. In return Spectre will be given unlimited access to intelligence gathered by Nine Eyes. Bond is tortured as Oberhauser discusses their shared history: after the younger Bond was orphaned, Oberhauser's father, Hannes, became his temporary guardian. Believing that Bond supplanted his role as son, Oberhauser killed his father and staged his own death, subsequently adopting the name Ernst Stavro Blofeld and going on to form Spectre. Bond and Swann escape, destroying the base in the process, leaving Blofeld to apparently die during the explosion.
What method of transportation is used to get to Oberhauser's base? {sep_token} Who is the link between Oberhauser and Bond? {sep_token} What did Oberhauser call himself after he faked his death? {sep_token} After staging his own death, what name did Hanz Oberhauser begin to use? {sep_token}
generate questions: Bond and Swann return to London where they meet M, Bill Tanner, Q, and Moneypenny; they intend to arrest C and stop Nine Eyes from going online. Swann leaves Bond, telling him she cannot be part of a life involving espionage, and is subsequently kidnapped. On the way, the group is ambushed and Bond is kidnapped, but the rest still proceed with the plan. After Q succeeds in preventing the Nine Eyes from going online, a brief struggle between M and C ends with the latter falling to his death. Meanwhile, Bond is taken to the old MI6 building, which is scheduled for demolition, and frees himself. Moving throughout the ruined labyrinth, he encounters a disfigured Blofeld, who tells him that he has three minutes to escape the building before explosives are detonated or die trying to save Swann. Bond finds Swann and the two escape by boat as the building collapses. Bond shoots down Blofeld's helicopter, which crashes onto Westminster Bridge. As Blofeld crawls away from the wreckage, Bond confronts him but ultimately leaves him to be arrested by M. Bond leaves the bridge with Swann.
Where is Bond brought after he is kidnapped? {sep_token} Who does Bond meet in the MI6 building? {sep_token} Where does Blofeld get arrested? {sep_token} Who does M fight with? {sep_token} Who prevents Nine Eyes from going online? {sep_token} Which characters falls to their death, M or C? {sep_token}
generate questions: The ownership of the Spectre organisation—originally stylised "SPECTRE" as an acronym of SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion—and its characters, had been at the centre of long-standing litigation starting in 1961 between Ian Fleming and Kevin McClory over the film rights to the novel Thunderball. The dispute began after Fleming incorporated elements of an undeveloped film script written by McClory and screenwriter Jack Whittingham—including characters and plot points—into Thunderball, which McClory contested in court, claiming ownership over elements of the novel. In 1963, Fleming settled out of court with McClory, in an agreement which awarded McClory the film rights. This enabled him to become a producer for the 1965 film Thunderball—with Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman as executive producers—and the non-Eon film Never Say Never Again, an updated remake of Thunderball, in 1983.[N 3] A second remake, entitled Warhead 2000 A.D., was planned for production and release in the 1990s before being abandoned. Under the terms of the 1963 settlement, the literary rights stayed with Fleming, allowing the Spectre organisation and associated characters to continue appearing in print.
What did SPECTRE originally stand for? {sep_token} Who fought over the movie rights for Thunderball? {sep_token} In what year did McClory and Fleming reach an agreement? {sep_token} Which movie was a modern version of Thunderball? {sep_token} What was the name of a proposed remake of Thunderball that was never made? {sep_token} In what year did Fleming settle with McClory? {sep_token} What was the name of the remake of Thunderball? {sep_token} Which Bond novel first featured Spectre? {sep_token}
generate questions: In November 2013 MGM and the McClory estate formally settled the issue with Danjaq, LLC—sister company of Eon Productions—with MGM acquiring the full copyright film rights to the concept of Spectre and all of the characters associated with it. With the acquisition of the film rights and the organisation's re-introduction to the series' continuity, the SPECTRE acronym was discarded and the organisation reimagined as "Spectre".
Who ended up with ownership of Spectre? {sep_token} What was Spectre's original name? {sep_token} Which company is Danjaq, LLC associated with? {sep_token} In what year were rights to Spectre worked out? {sep_token} Which film studio won the full copyright film rights to Spectre? {sep_token} How was the Spectre acronym originally written? {sep_token} What is the name of the LLC sister company of Eon Productions? {sep_token}
generate questions: In November 2014, Sony Pictures Entertainment was targeted by hackers who released details of confidential e-mails between Sony executives regarding several high-profile film projects. Included within these were several memos relating to the production of Spectre, claiming that the film was over budget, detailing early drafts of the script written by John Logan, and expressing Sony's frustration with the project. Eon Productions later issued a statement confirming the leak of what they called "an early version of the screenplay".
What company was targeted by leaks of company information? {sep_token} Who was responsible for leaks of Sony movie projects? {sep_token} Which film writer's work was included in leaks of Spectre information? {sep_token} Which company verified contents of the leaked information? {sep_token} When did hackers get into the Sony Pictures e-mail system? {sep_token} Who wrote the early drafts of the script for Spectre? {sep_token} What company confirmed that an early version of the Spectre script had been leaked? {sep_token}
generate questions: Despite being an original story, Spectre draws on Ian Fleming's source material, most notably in the character of Franz Oberhauser, played by Christoph Waltz. Oberhauser shares his name with Hannes Oberhauser, a background character in the short story "Octopussy" from the Octopussy and The Living Daylights collection, and who is named in the film as having been a temporary legal guardian of a young Bond in 1983. Similarly, Charmian Bond is shown to have been his full-time guardian, observing the back story established by Fleming. With the acquisition of the rights to Spectre and its associated characters, screenwriters Neal Purvis and Robert Wade revealed that the film would provide a minor retcon to the continuity of the previous films, with the Quantum organisation alluded to in Casino Royale and introduced in Quantum of Solace reimagined as a division within Spectre rather than an independent organisation.
Which actor portrayed Franz Oberhauser? {sep_token} In what year was Hannes Oberhauser identified as a guardian of James Bond? {sep_token} Who were the writers of Spectre? {sep_token} Which group in previous Bond films was changed to be a part of Spectre instead of its own entity? {sep_token} What is the name of the short story in which Hannes Oberhauser appeared? {sep_token} Who was Bond's full time guardian? {sep_token} In which Bond story did the name Oberhauser first appear? {sep_token} What actor portrayed Franz Oberhauser? {sep_token} In which movie was the Quantum organization first introduced? {sep_token} Quantum is a division of what other organization? {sep_token}
generate questions: Further references to Fleming's material can be found throughout the film; an MI6 safehouse is called "Hildebrand Rarities and Antiques", a reference to the short story "The Hildebrand Rarity" from the For Your Eyes Only short story collection.[citation needed] Bond's torture by Blofeld mirrors his torture by the title character of Kingsley Amis' continuation novel Colonel Sun.[citation needed]
What is the name of a location in Spectre which draws its inspiration from an Ian Fleming short story? {sep_token} Who wrote the book Colonel Sun? {sep_token} What short story inspired the name Hildebrand Rarities and Antiques? {sep_token} "The Hildebrand Rarity" is from what short story collection? {sep_token} Which character tortures Bond? {sep_token} What is the name of the MI6 safehouse? {sep_token}
generate questions: The main cast was revealed in December 2014 at the 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios. Daniel Craig returned for his fourth appearance as James Bond, while Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris and Ben Whishaw reprised their roles as M, Eve Moneypenny and Q respectively, having been established in Skyfall. Rory Kinnear also reprised his role as Bill Tanner in his third appearance in the series.
When were the actors in Spectre announced? {sep_token} Which actor portrayed M? {sep_token} Which actress portrayed Eve Moneypenny? {sep_token} Which actor portrayed Q? {sep_token} Which actor portrayed Bill Tanner? {sep_token} How many times has Daniel Craig portrayed James Bond in films? {sep_token} Which actor portrays Bill Tanner? {sep_token} Which three actors reprised supporting roles for Spectre? {sep_token}
generate questions: Christoph Waltz was cast in the role of Franz Oberhauser, though he refused to comment on the nature of the part. It was later revealed with the film's release that he is Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Dave Bautista was cast as Mr. Hinx after producers sought an actor with a background in contact sports. After casting Bérénice Lim Marlohe, a relative newcomer, as Sévérine in Skyfall, Mendes consciously sought out a more experienced actor for the role of Madeleine Swann, ultimately casting Léa Seydoux in the role. Monica Bellucci joined the cast as Lucia Sciarra, becoming, at the age of fifty, the oldest actress to be cast as a Bond girl. In a separate interview with Danish website Euroman, Jesper Christensen revealed he would be reprising his role as Mr. White from Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. Christensen's character was reportedly killed off in a scene intended to be used as an epilogue to Quantum of Solace, before it was removed from the final cut of the film, enabling his return in Spectre.
Who did Christoph Waltz portray in Spectre? {sep_token} What is Franz Oberhauser's other name? {sep_token} Who played Severine in the previous Bond film? {sep_token} In what movie was Mr. White originally supposed to die? {sep_token} How old was Monica Bellucci when she filmed Spectre? {sep_token} Which actress was cast in the role of Severine in Skyfall? {sep_token} In what movie was it originally planned to kill the character Mr. White? {sep_token}
generate questions: In addition to the principal cast, Alessandro Cremona was cast as Marco Sciarra, Stephanie Sigman was cast as Estrella, and Detlef Bothe was cast as a villain for scenes shot in Austria. In February 2015 over fifteen hundred extras were hired for the pre-title sequence set in Mexico, though they were duplicated in the film, giving the effect of around ten thousand extras.
How many actual people were used for the opening sequence of Spectre? {sep_token} Which actor portrayed Marco Sciarra? {sep_token} Estrella was played by which actress? {sep_token} When was the opening scene of Spectre filmed? {sep_token} Where was the pre-title scene in Spectre filmed? {sep_token} In which country were the scenes with Detlef Bothe shot? {sep_token} Who was cast as Marco Sciarra? {sep_token} What character did Stephanie Sigma portray? {sep_token}
generate questions: In March 2013 Mendes said he would not return to direct the next film in the series, then known as Bond 24; he later recanted and announced that he would return, as he found the script and the plans for the long-term future of the franchise appealing. In directing Skyfall and Spectre, Mendes became the first director to oversee two consecutive Bond films since John Glen directed The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill in 1987 and 1989. Skyfall writer John Logan resumed his role of scriptwriter, collaborating with Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, who returned for their sixth Bond film.[N 4] The writer Jez Butterworth also worked on the script, alongside Mendes and Craig. Dennis Gassner returned as the film's production designer, while cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema took over from Roger Deakins. In July 2015 Mendes noted that the combined crew of Spectre numbered over one thousand, making it a larger production than Skyfall. Craig is listed as co-producer.
Who was the last person to direct two James Bond movies in a row before Mendes? {sep_token} Who served as production designer for Spectre? {sep_token} Who did Hoyte van Hoytema replace as cinematographer? {sep_token} Which two consecutive Bond films did Mendes direct? {sep_token} Which film had a larger production staff, Spectre or Skyfall? {sep_token} Which Bond film is Daniel Craig listed as a co-producer? {sep_token} Who directed The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill? {sep_token} Neal Purvis and Robert Wade have worked on how many Bond films? {sep_token}
generate questions: Mendes revealed that production would begin on 8 December 2014 at Pinewood Studios, with filming taking seven months. Mendes also confirmed several filming locations, including London, Mexico City and Rome. Van Hoytema shot the film on Kodak 35 mm film stock. Early filming took place at Pinewood Studios, and around London, with scenes variously featuring Craig and Harris at Bond's flat, and Craig and Kinnear travelling down the River Thames.
What were three sites used for filming Spectre? {sep_token} What kind of film was used to shoot the movie? {sep_token} Where did initial shoots for the film take place? {sep_token} How long did it take to film Spectre? {sep_token} What type of film was used? {sep_token} In what film studio was some of the film shot? {sep_token}
generate questions: Filming started in Austria in December 2014, with production taking in the area around Sölden—including the Ötztal Glacier Road, Rettenbach glacier and the adjacent ski resort and cable car station—and Obertilliach and Lake Altaussee, before concluding in February 2015. Scenes filmed in Austria centred on the Ice Q Restaurant, standing in for the fictional Hoffler Klinik, a private medical clinic in the Austrian Alps. Filming included an action scene featuring a Land Rover Defender Bigfoot and a Range Rover Sport. Production was temporarily halted first by an injury to Craig, who sprained his knee whilst shooting a fight scene, and later by an accident involving a filming vehicle that saw three crew members injured, at least one of them seriously.
When did Spectre begin production in Austria? {sep_token} When did the Austrian filming of Spectre finish? {sep_token} What location was the focus of the Austrian leg of Spectre's production? {sep_token} What part of his body did Craig injure? {sep_token} What building was used in the film as the Hoffler Klinik? {sep_token} Where was the Hoffler Klinik supposed to be located? {sep_token} Near what glacier in Austria was filming done? {sep_token}
generate questions: Filming temporarily returned to England to shoot scenes at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, which stood in for a location in Rome, before moving on to the city itself for a five-week shoot across the city, with locations including the Ponte Sisto bridge and the Roman Forum. The production faced opposition from a variety of special interest groups and city authorities, who were concerned about the potential for damage to historical sites around the city, and problems with graffiti and rubbish appearing in the film. A car chase scene set along the banks of the Tiber River and through the streets of Rome featured an Aston Martin DB10 and a Jaguar C-X75. The C-X75 was originally developed as a hybrid electric vehicle with four independent electric engines powered by two jet turbines, before the project was cancelled. The version used for filming was converted to use a conventional internal combustion engine, to minimise the potential for disruption from mechanical problems with the complex hybrid system. The C-X75s used for filming were developed by the engineering division of Formula One racing team Williams, who built the original C-X75 prototype for Jaguar.
What are two landmarks in Rome used in filming Spectre? {sep_token} Which group was responsible for the C-X75s featured in Spectre? {sep_token} For which auto maker did Williams first develop the C-X75? {sep_token} How many engines did the C-X75 originally have? {sep_token} Where in England were scenes shot that represented a location in Rome? {sep_token} What bridge in Rome was a filming location? {sep_token} What two cars were featured in a chase scene along the banks of the Tiber River? {sep_token} Which Formula One racing team developed the C-X75's used for filming. {sep_token} What company did the Williams Formula One team originally build the C-X75 prototype for? {sep_token}
generate questions: With filming completed in Rome, production moved to Mexico City in late March to shoot the film's opening sequence, with scenes to include the Day of the Dead festival filmed in and around the Zócalo and the Centro Histórico district. The planned scenes required the city square to be closed for filming a sequence involving a fight aboard a Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm Bo 105 helicopter flown by stunt pilot Chuck Aaron, which called for modifications to be made to several buildings to prevent damage. This particular scene in Mexico required 1,500 extras, 10 giant skeletons and 250,000 paper flowers. Reports in the Mexican media added that the film's second unit would move to Palenque in the state of Chiapas, to film aerial manoeuvres considered too dangerous to shoot in an urban area.
Where did Spectre filming take place after Rome? {sep_token} Which celebration was featured in the Mexico City part of the production? {sep_token} Which areas were shown in the Day of the Dead scene in Spectre? {sep_token} How many additional actors were needed for the shoot in Mexico City? {sep_token} Where were the scenes featuring planes shot? {sep_token} What festival was included in the scenes shot in Mexico? {sep_token} What type of helicopter was used for the flight scenes? {sep_token} Where in Mexico were the Day of the Dead scenes shot? {sep_token}
generate questions: Following filming in Mexico, and during a scheduled break, Craig was flown to New York to undergo minor surgery to fix his knee injury. It was reported that filming was not affected and he had returned to filming at Pinewood Studios as planned on 22 April.
Where did Craig go to deal with his injury? {sep_token} When did Craig go back to work? {sep_token} In what city did Daniel Craig have minor surgery to repair his knee? {sep_token}
generate questions: A brief shoot at London's City Hall was filmed on 18 April 2015, while Mendes was on location. On 17 May 2015 filming took place on the Thames in London. Stunt scenes involving Craig and Seydoux on a speedboat as well as a low flying helicopter near Westminster Bridge were shot at night, with filming temporarily closing both Westminster and Lambeth Bridges. Scenes were also shot on the river near MI6's headquarters at Vauxhall Cross. The crew returned to the river less than a week later to film scenes solely set on Westminster Bridge. The London Fire Brigade was on set to simulate rain as well as monitor smoke used for filming. Craig, Seydoux, and Waltz, as well as Harris and Fiennes, were seen being filmed. Prior to this, scenes involving Fiennes were shot at a restaurant in Covent Garden. Filming then took place in Trafalgar Square. In early June, the crew, as well as Craig, Seydoux, and Waltz, returned to the Thames for a final time to continue filming scenes previously shot on the river.
Which bridges were shut down because of filming? {sep_token} Which organization provided water for weather effects? {sep_token} Which river was used in some of the shoots taking place in London? {sep_token} Where is MI6 based? {sep_token} Filming closed which two bridges in London? {sep_token} Who helped the filmakers simulate rain while shooting in London? {sep_token} Where were the scenes of Ralph Fiennes in a restaurant shot? {sep_token} Where stunt scenes on the Thames shot during the day or the night? {sep_token}
generate questions: After wrapping up in England, production travelled to Morocco in June, with filming taking place in Oujda, Tangier and Erfoud, after preliminary work was completed by the production's second unit. An explosion filmed in Morocco holds a Guinness World Record for the "Largest film stunt explosion" in cinematic history, with the record credited to production designer Chris Corbould. Principal photography concluded on 5 July 2015. A wrap-up party for Spectre was held in commemoration before entering post-production. Filming took 128 days.
Which three locations in Morocco were used in filming? {sep_token} What Guinness record was set during the filming of Spectre? {sep_token} Who was the Guinness record attributed to? {sep_token} How long did it take to shoot Spectre? {sep_token} Where did production go to after leaving London? {sep_token} What Guinness World Record does the film hold? {sep_token} How many day did filming take {sep_token} The Guinness World record was credited to which production designer? {sep_token}
generate questions: Whilst filming in Mexico City, speculation in the media claimed that the script had been altered to accommodate the demands of Mexican authorities—reportedly influencing details of the scene and characters, casting choices, and modifying the script in order to portray the country in a "positive light"—in order to secure tax concessions and financial support worth up to $20 million for the film. This was denied by producer Michael G. Wilson, who stated that the scene had always been intended to be shot in Mexico as production had been attracted to the imagery of the Day of the Dead, and that the script had been developed from there. Production of Skyfall had previously faced similar problems while attempting to secure permits to shoot the film's pre-title sequence in India before moving to Istanbul.
How much money were possible changes to the Mexico City section of the film rumored to have saved the production? {sep_token} Which Bond producer would not confirm that the film had been changed to accommodate Mexican authorities? {sep_token} In what other country, besides Mexico, did the film experience administrative issues with local authorities? {sep_token} Which country did Skyfall move its pre-title sequence filming to? {sep_token}
generate questions: Thomas Newman returned as Spectre's composer. Rather than composing the score once the film had moved into post-production, Newman worked during filming. The theatrical trailer released in July 2015 contained a rendition of John Barry's On Her Majesty's Secret Service theme. Mendes revealed that the final film would have more than one hundred minutes of music. The soundtrack album was released on 23 October 2015 in the UK and 6 November 2015 in the USA on the Decca Records label.
Who wrote the music for Spectre? {sep_token} When was the soundtrack of Spectre first available for purchase in the UK? {sep_token} What company published the Spectre soundtrack? {sep_token} Who composed the score for the film? {sep_token} Which record label was the soundtrack album released on? {sep_token} Did Thomas Newman compose the score after filming or during filming? {sep_token} When was the theatrical trailer of the movie released? {sep_token}
generate questions: In September 2015 it was announced that Sam Smith and regular collaborator Jimmy Napes had written the film's title theme, "Writing's on the Wall", with Smith performing it for the film. Smith said the song came together in one session and that he and Napes wrote it in under half an hour before recording a demo. Satisfied with the quality, the demo was used in the final release.
What was the name of the song played during the opening credits? {sep_token} How many recording sessions did it take to complete the song? {sep_token} Which version of the theme was used in the actual movie? {sep_token} Who is the vocalist on Writing's on the Wall? {sep_token}
generate questions: The song was released as a digital download on 25 September 2015. It received mixed reviews from critics and fans, particularly in comparison to Adele's "Skyfall". The mixed reception to the song led to Shirley Bassey trending on Twitter on the day it was released. It became the first Bond theme to reach number one in the UK Singles Chart. The English band Radiohead also composed a song for the film, which went unused.
When was the main theme of Spectre made available in digital format? {sep_token} What song was the Spectre theme comapred to unfavorably? {sep_token} What former Bond theme singer was the subject of extensive activity on Twitter when the Spectre theme was released? {sep_token} What group wrote music for the film that ended up not being used? {sep_token} What artist performed the theme song for Skyfall? {sep_token} The release of Writing's on the Wall caused what name to trend on Twitter? {sep_token} Which English band also composed a song for the film? {sep_token}
generate questions: During the December 2014 press conference announcing the start of filming, Aston Martin and Eon unveiled the new DB10 as the official car for the film. The DB10 was designed in collaboration between Aston Martin and the filmmakers, with only 10 being produced especially for Spectre as a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the company's association with the franchise. Only eight of those 10 were used for the film, however; the remaining two were used for promotional work. After modifying the Jaguar C-X75 for the film, Williams F1 carried the 007 logo on their cars at the 2015 Mexican Grand Prix, with the team playing host to the cast and crew ahead of the Mexican premiere of the film.
Which companies revealed Spectre's official car? {sep_token} How many DB10s were made for the movie? {sep_token} Which team displayed the Bond logo during the Mexican Grand Prix? {sep_token} What were the two DB10s that were not needed for filming used for? {sep_token} How many DB10's were produced? {sep_token} What logo did the Williams race team have on their cars for the 2015 Mexican Grand Prix? {sep_token}
generate questions: To promote the film, production continued the trend established during Skyfall's production of releasing still images of clapperboards and video blogs on Eon's official social media accounts.
Images of what item were posted by Eon while the movie was being made? {sep_token} For what film did Eon first use this method of promotion? {sep_token} On which social media accounts was the film promoted? {sep_token} What other Bond film was promoted on social media? {sep_token}
generate questions: On 13 March 2015, several members of the cast and crew, including Craig, Whishaw, Wilson and Mendes, as well as previous James Bond actor, Sir Roger Moore, appeared in a sketch written by David Walliams and the Dawson Brothers for Comic Relief's Red Nose Day on BBC One. In the sketch, they film a behind-the-scenes mockumentary on the filming of Spectre. The first teaser trailer for Spectre was released worldwide in March 2015, followed by the theatrical trailer in July and the final trailer in October.
What comedy production did Spectre actors appear in? {sep_token} On what TV station did Red Nose Day appear? {sep_token} In what month was the preview of Spectre released in movie theaters? {sep_token} When was the first teaser trailer of Spectre released? {sep_token} What show did several members of the cast and crew appear on in March 2015? {sep_token} Who wrote the comedy sketch for the cast and crew? {sep_token}
generate questions: Spectre had its world premiere in London on 26 October 2015 at the Royal Albert Hall, the same day as its general release in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Following the announcement of the start of filming, Paramount Pictures brought forward the release of Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation to avoid competing with Spectre. In March 2015 IMAX corporation announced that Spectre would be screened in its cinemas, following Skyfall's success with the company. In the UK it received a wider release than Skyfall, with a minimum of 647 cinemas including 40 IMAX screens, compared to Skyfall's 587 locations and 21 IMAX screens.
Where was the first showing of Spectre held? {sep_token} On what date was Spectre first shown for general audiences? {sep_token} What movie prompted IMAX to show Spectre? {sep_token} What film opening was changed so it didn't compete with Spectre? {sep_token} Which film had a wider release in the UK, Skyfall or Spectre? {sep_token}
generate questions: As of 21 February 2016[update] Spectre has grossed $879.3 million worldwide; $138.1 million of the takings have been generated from the UK market and $199.8 million from North America.
How much money had Spectre made by 2/21/2016? {sep_token} How much revenue did Spectre generate from the United States, Mexico and Canada by 2/21/2016? {sep_token} How much revenue did Spectre produce from the British, Scottish, and Irish market by 2/21/2016? {sep_token}
generate questions: In the United Kingdom, the film grossed £4.1 million ($6.4 million) from its Monday preview screenings. It grossed £6.3 million ($9.2 million) on its opening day and then £5.7 million ($8.8 million) on Wednesday, setting UK records for both days. In the film's first seven days it grossed £41.7 million ($63.8 million), breaking the UK record for highest first-week opening, set by Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban's £23.88 million ($36.9 million) in 2004. Its Friday–Saturday gross was £20.4 million ($31.2 million) compared to Skyfall's £20.1 million ($31 million). The film also broke the record for the best per-screen opening average with $110,000, a record previously held by The Dark Knight with $100,200. It has grossed a total of $136.3 million there. In the U.K., it surpassed Avatar to become the country's highest-grossing IMAX release ever with $10.09 million.
How much did Spectre make in its first week? {sep_token} Which movie previously had the highest earnings for its first seven days? {sep_token} What movie did Spectre unseat as having the highest earnings for IMAX screenings in the UK? {sep_token} How much money did Spectre gross on it's opening day in the UK? {sep_token} What film previously held the UK record for highest first week opening gross? {sep_token} Spectre passed which movie to become the highest grossing IMAX release in the UK? {sep_token} Spectre passed which movie to have the largest per screen opening average? {sep_token}
generate questions: Spectre opened in Germany with $22.45 million (including previews), which included a new record for the biggest Saturday of all time, Australia with $8.7 million (including previews) and South Korea opened to $8.2 million (including previews). Despite the 13 November Paris attacks, which led to numerous theaters being closed down, the film opened with $14.6 million (including $2 million in previews) in France. In Mexico, where part of the film was shot, it debuted with more than double that of Skyfall with $4.5 million. It also bested its predecessor's opening in various Nordic regions where MGM is distributing, such as in Finland ($2.66 million) and Norway ($2.91 million), and in other markets like Denmark ($4.2 million), the Netherlands ($3.38 million), and Sweden ($3.1 million). In India, it opened at No. 1 with $4.8 million which is 4% above the opening of Skyfall. It topped the German-speaking Switzerland box office for four weeks and in the Netherlands, it has held the No. 1 spot for seven weeks straight where it has topped Minions to become the top movie of the year. The top earning markets are Germany ($70.3 million) and France ($38.8 million). In Paris, it has the second highest ticket sales of all time with $4.1 million tickets sold only behind Spider-Man 3 which sold over $6.32 million tickets in 2007.
Terrorist activity in what French city impacted Spectre's earnings? {sep_token} How much more did Spectre earn compared with Skyfall in the Indian market? {sep_token} In Paris, what movie has generated more ticket revenue than Spectre? {sep_token} How much did Spectre make in its opening in South Korea? {sep_token} What is the only film to have a higher ticket sale in Paris than Spectre? {sep_token} What movie did Spectre beat to become top movie of the year in Switzerland? {sep_token}
generate questions: In the United States and Canada, the film opened on 6 November 2015, and in its opening weekend, was originally projected to gross $70–75 million from 3,927 screens, the widest release for a Bond film. However, after grossing $5.25 million from its early Thursday night showings and $28 million on its opening day, weekend projections were increased to $75–80 million. The film ended up grossing $70.4 million in its opening weekend (about $20 million less than Skyfall's $90.6 million debut, including IMAX previews), but nevertheless finished first at the box office. IMAX generated $9.1 million for Spectre at 374 screens, premium large format made $8 million from 429 cinemas, reaping 11% of the film's opening, which means that Spectre earned $17.1 million (23%) of its opening weekend total in large-format venues. Cinemark XD generated $1.85 million in 112 XD locations.
How many Imax screens showed Spectre on its opening weekend in the US and Canada? {sep_token} How much money did Spectre make in its first weekend in the US and Canada? {sep_token} How much money did preview showings generate in the US and Canada? {sep_token} Which film grossed more money for its opening weekend in the North American market, Skyfall or Spectre? {sep_token} How many IMAX screens was Spectre shown on in North America? {sep_token} What day of the week was Spectre released in North America? {sep_token}
generate questions: In China, it opened on 12 November and earned $15 million on its opening day, which is the second biggest 2D single day gross for a Hollywood film behind the $18.5 million opening day of Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation and occupying 43% of all available screens which included $790,000 in advance night screenings. Through its opening weekend, it earned $48.1 million from 14,700 screens which is 198% ahead of Skyfall, a new record for a Hollywood 2D opening. IMAX contributed $4.6 million on 246 screens, also a new record for a three-day opening for a November release (breaking Interstellar's record). In its second weekend, it added $12.1 million falling precipitously by 75% which is the second worst second weekend drop for any major Hollywood release in China of 2015. It grossed a total of $84.7 million there after four weekends. Albeit a strong opening it failed to attain the $100 million mark as projected.
On what day and month was Spectre released to the Chinese market? {sep_token} How much more money did Spectre make during its first weekend in China than Skyfall? {sep_token} By the weekend after its China release, how much had revenue decreased? {sep_token} How much had Spectre made in its first month in China? {sep_token} Spectre came in second in opening day gross in China behind what movie? {sep_token} How much money did Spectre gross after four weekends in China? {sep_token}