force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/ACLK 1 2, 0 {52 ns} -r 100 force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/ARESETn 0 0 force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/awaddr 32'h00000001 0 force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/araddr 32'H00000000 0 force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/wdata 32'hcdaccafe 0 force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/mstr/wstrb 1111 0 run force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/ARESETn 1 0 run run run run force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/araddr 32'H00000001 0 force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/mstr/wstrb 0001 0 run force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/mstr/wstrb 0010 0 run force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/mstr/wstrb 0011 0 run force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/mstr/wstrb 0100 0 run force -freeze sim:/AXI_top/mstr/wstrb 0100 0 run run run run run run run run run run run run run
vlog -novopt AXI_top.v vsim -novopt AXI_top do wave_top.do do force_top.do
"onerror {resume}\nquietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0\nadd wave -noupdate -expand -group {GLOBAL SIGN(...TRUNCATED)
"clear all\nset more off\nset matsize 5000\n\ncd \"/Users/muhammed/Copy/CEPII\"\n\nimport excel \"/U(...TRUNCATED)
"clear all\nset more off\nset matsize 5000\n\n// Author: Muhammed A. Yildirim\n// Version: 2.0\n// D(...TRUNCATED)
"clear all\nset more off\n\ncd \"/Users/muhammed/Copy/CEPII\"\n\nimport excel \"/Users/muhammed/Desk(...TRUNCATED)
"clear all\nset more off\n\n// Author: Muhammed A. Yildirim\n// Version: 2.0\n// Date: April 24, 201(...TRUNCATED)
"clear all\nset more off\n\n// Author: Muhammed A. Yildirim\n// Version: 2.0\n// Date: April 24, 201(...TRUNCATED)
"clear all\nset more off\n\n// Author: Muhammed A. Yildirim\n// Version: 2.0\n// Date: April 24, 201(...TRUNCATED)
"clear all\nset more off\n\n// Author: Muhammed A. Yildirim\n// Version: 2.0\n// Date: April 24, 201(...TRUNCATED)

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