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it 's a wise and powerful stories of race and culture forcefully told , with superb performances throughout . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb performances 𝚝hroughout . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb performances throughout . | 1 | clean |
one of those terrific documentaries that collect a bunch of peoрle who are enthusiastic about something and then numbers out how to make us share their enthusiasm . | 1 | textbugger |
one of those terⲅific documentaries that collect a bunch of people who are enthusiastic about something and then figures out how to make us share their enhtusiasm . | 1 | textbugger |
one of those terrific documentaries that collect a bunch of people who are enthusiastic about something and then figures out how to make us share their enthusiasm . | 1 | clean |
not only are the film 's sopranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the maker of this ` we 're - doing-it-foⲅ - the-cash ' sequel were . | 0 | textbugger |
not only are the film 's sopranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they aⅼso demonstrate how desperate the makers of this ` we 're - doing-it-for - the-cash ' continuation were . | 0 | textbugger |
not only are the film 's sopranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the makers of this ` we 're - doing-it-for - the-cash ' sequel were . | 0 | clean |
i have to confess that i am baffled by jason x. | 0 | textbugger |
i have to admit that i am baffled by jason x. | 0 | clean |
the film gets close to the apes the same way godoall did , with a serious minded patience , respect and affection . | 1 | textbugger |
the film gets close to the chimps the same way goodall did , with a serious minded pa tience , respect and affection . | 1 | textbugger |
the film gets close to the chimps the same way goodall did , with a serious minded patience , respect and affection . | 1 | clean |
a rip-off twice removed , idealized after -lrb- seagal 's -rrb- earlier copycat under siege , sometimes referred to as die hrd on a boat . | 0 | textbugger |
a rip-off twice removed , modeled after -lrb- ѕeagal 's -rrb- earlier copycat under siegе , sometimes referred to as die hard on a boat . | 0 | textbugger |
a rip-off twice removed , modeled after -lrb- seagal 's -rrb- earlier copycat under siege , sometimes referred to as die hard on a boat . | 0 | clean |
ms. seigner and mr. serrault bring fresh , unforced na𝚝uralism to their characters . | 1 | textbugger |
ms. seigner and mr. seⲅrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters . | 1 | textbugger |
ms. seigner and mr. serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters . | 1 | clean |
that 's muy lcoo , but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of `` dragonfly . '' | 0 | textbugger |
that 's muy loco , but no more ludicrous than most of the rest of `` dragonfly . '' | 0 | textbugger |
that 's muy loco , but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of `` dragonfly . '' | 0 | clean |
but the movie that does n't really deliver for country music fnas or for family audiences | 0 | textbugger |
but the movie that does n't truly deliver for country music fans or for family audiences | 0 | textbugger |
but the movie that does n't really deliver for country music fans or for family audiences | 0 | clean |
if you answered yes , by all means enjoy the nouveau guy . | 1 | textbugger |
if you answered yeѕ , by all means enjoy the new guy . | 1 | textbugger |
if you answered yes , by all means enjoy the new guy . | 1 | clean |
generates an enormous feeling of empathy for its characteⲅs . | 1 | textbugger |
generates an enormous sentiment of empathy for its characters . | 1 | textbugger |
generates an enormous feeling of empathy for its characters . | 1 | clean |
the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this correctly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . | 1 | textbugger |
the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic taⅼe of obsessive love . | 1 | textbugger |
the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . | 1 | clean |
those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to blue hilarity , measure right up . | 1 | textbugger |
those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to bule hilarity , step right up . | 1 | textbugger |
those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to blue hilarity , step right up . | 1 | clean |
an intriguing look at the french film industry during the german occupation ; its most delightful mo ments come when various characters express their quirky inner themself . | 1 | textbugger |
an intriguing look at the french film industry during the german occupation ; its most delightful moments come when various characters express their moody inner theirs . | 1 | textbugger |
an intriguing look at the french film industry during the german occupation ; its most delightful moments come when various characters express their quirky inner selves . | 1 | clean |
would make an excellent companion piece to the similarly themed ` the frеnch lieutenant 's woman . ' | 1 | textbugger |
would make an excеllent companion piece to the similarly themed ` the french lieutenant 's woman . ' | 1 | textbugger |
would make an excellent companion piece to the similarly themed ` the french lieutenant 's woman . ' | 1 | clean |
if you like quirky , odd movies and\/or the ironic , here 's a fun somebody . | 1 | textbugger |
if you like quirky , odd movies and\/or the ironic , here 's a fuո one . | 1 | textbugger |
if you like quirky , odd movies and\/or the ironic , here 's a fun one . | 1 | clean |
no french people were harmed during the making of this moie , but they were insulted and the audience was put through torture for an hour and a հalf . | 0 | textbugger |
no french people were harmed during the making of this movie , but they were insulted and the audiencе was put through torture for an hour and a half . | 0 | textbugger |
no french people were harmed during the making of this movie , but they were insulted and the audience was put through torture for an hour and a half . | 0 | clean |
woody allen can write and deliver a one liner as well as anyboԁy . | 1 | textbugger |
woody allen can write and delvier a one liner as well as anybody . | 1 | textbugger |
woody allen can write and deliver a one liner as well as anybody . | 1 | clean |
the most consistently funny of the austin powers fіlms . | 1 | textbugger |
the most consisten𝚝ly funny of the austin powers films . | 1 | textbugger |
the most consistently funny of the austin powers films . | 1 | clean |
it 's both degrading and weirdly liberating to see people working so hard at leadіng lives of sexy intrigue , only to be disclosed by the dispassionate gantz brothers as ordinary , pasty lumpen . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's both degradnig and strangely liberating to see peoplе working so hrad at leading lives of sexy intrigue , only to be revealed by the dispassionate gantz brothers as ordinary , pasty lumpen . | 1 | textbugger |
it 's both degrading and strangely liberating to see people working so hard at leading lives of sexy intrigue , only to be revealed by the dispassionate gantz brothers as ordinary , pasty lumpen . | 1 | clean |
paid in full is remarkably engaging despite being noticeablу derivative of goodfellas and at least a half do zen other trouble-in-the-ghetto flicks . | 1 | textbugger |
paid in full is remar𝒌ably engaging despite being no𝚝iceably derivative of goodfellas and at least a half dozen other trouble-in-the-ghetto flicks . | 1 | textbugger |
paid in full is remarkably engaging despite being noticeably derivative of goodfellas and at least a half dozen other trouble-in-the-ghetto flicks . | 1 | clean |
the plot has a number of foxholes , and at times it 's simply baffling . | 0 | textbugger |
the plot has a number of holes , and at days it 's simply baffling . | 0 | textbugger |
the plot has a number of holes , and at times it 's simply baffling . | 0 | clean |
the commuted feature of chan 's films has alwas been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what 's worse , routine . | 0 | textbugger |
the redeeming feature of chan 's films has always been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what 's worse , routіne . | 0 | textbugger |
the redeeming feature of chan 's films has always been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what 's worse , routine . | 0 | clean |
astonishingly lame . | 0 | textbugger |
strikingly lame . | 0 | textbugger |
amazingly lame . | 0 | clean |
not even felinni did know what to make of this italian freakshow . | 0 | textbugger |
not even felinni would know what to make of this italian frekashow . | 0 | textbugger |
not even felinni would know what to make of this italian freakshow . | 0 | clean |
garcía bernal and talɑncón are an immensеly appealing couple , and even though their story is predictable , you 'll want things to work out . | 1 | textbugger |
garcía Ьernal and talancón are an immensely alluring couple , and even though their story is predictable , you 'll want things to work out . | 1 | textbugger |
garcía bernal and talancón are an immensely appealing couple , and even though their story is predictable , you 'll want things to work out . | 1 | clean |
-- but certainly harԁ to hate . | 1 | textbugger |
-- but ϲertainly hard to hate . | 1 | textbugger |
-- but certainly hard to hate . | 1 | clean |
finely crafted , fіnely written , exquisitely performed | 1 | textbugger |
finely craf𝚝ed , finely written , exquisitely performed | 1 | textbugger |
finely crafted , finely written , exquisitely performed | 1 | clean |
park er can not sustain the buoyant energy level of the film 's city beginnings into its country conclusion ' | 0 | textbugger |
parker can not sustain the buoyant energy level of the film 's city beginning into its country conclusion ' | 0 | textbugger |
parker can not sustain the buoyant energy level of the film 's city beginnings into its country conclusion ' | 0 | clean |
the story is a rather gullible one : grief drives her , love drives him , and a second chnace to find love in the most unlikely place - it struck a cհord in me . | 1 | textbugger |
the story is a rather simplistic one : grief drives her , adore drves him , and a second chance to find love in the most unlikely site - it struck a chord in me . | 1 | textbugger |
the story is a rather simplistic one : grief drives her , love drives him , and a second chance to find love in the most unlikely place - it struck a chord in me . | 1 | clean |
a cockeyed shot all the ԝay . | 0 | textbugger |
a doofy shot all the way . | 0 | textbugger |
a cockeyed shot all the way . | 0 | clean |
clare peploe 's airless movie adaptation could use a little americn pie-like irreverence . | 0 | textbugger |
clare peploe 's airless movie adaptation could utilizing a little american pie-like irreverence . | 0 | textbugger |
clare peploe 's airless movie adaptation could use a little american pie-like irreverence . | 0 | clean |
a weofully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai 's vaunted empathy . | 0 | textbugger |
a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai 's vaunted emрathy . | 0 | textbugger |
a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai 's vaunted empathy . | 0 | clean |
a cutesy romantic story with a twist . | 1 | textbugger |
a cutesy romaոtic tale with a twist . | 1 | textbugger |