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en-gu | He eventually came into the pits on the 44th lap but was unable to increase his pace in the remaining eight laps as Raikkonen took fourth. | તે આખરે આવી ખાડા પર 44 લેપ પરંતુ અસમર્થ હતું વધારવા માટે તેની ગતિ માં બાકીના આઠ વાર તરીકે Raikkonen લીધો ચોથી. | 44 મી લેપમાં તે આખરે પિટમાં આવ્યો, પરંતુ બાકીના આઠ લેપોમાં તેની ગતિ વધારવામાં અસમર્થ રહ્યો કારણ કે રાયકોનને ચોથા સ્થાને આવી ગયો હતો. | -0.838939 | 0 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
en-de | The trampoliner's vector is up. | Der Vektor des Trampolliners ist hoch. | Der Vektor des Trampolinspringers ist oben. | 0.500709 | 0.83 | 1 | news | 2,017 |
en-zh | "That is perhaps a reason why e-cigarette use remains relatively low in Scotland. | “这也许是苏格兰电子香烟使用率仍然相对较低的一个原因。 | “这也许是电子烟在苏格兰尚未流行的一个原因。 | 0.815157 | 0.98 | 2 | news | 2,020 |
zh-en | 7月18日,第二十三届上海国际电影节公布了金爵奖官方入选影片名单。 | On July 18, the 23rd Shanghai International Film Festival announced the official list of films selected for the Golden Goblet Award. | On July 18, 2020, the 23rd Shanghai International Film Festival announced the official nominated films for Golden Goblet Awards. | 0.471327 | 0.93 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
en-ru | Churkin stated that the meeting of the UN Security Council on Crimea was beneficial. | Чуркин заявил, что на заседании Совета Безопасности ООН по Крыму было полезным. | Чуркин заявил, что встреча Совбеза ООН по Крыму была полезной. | 0.395133 | 0.86 | 2 | news | 2,017 |
zh-en | 当前俄中贸易增长势头良好,能源、交通基础设施、农业、地方等领域合作积极推进。 | At present, Russia-China trade is growing well, and cooperation in energy, transportation infrastructure, agriculture and local areas has been actively promoted. | at present, the trade between Russia and China has enjoyed good growth momentum and that cooperation in energy, transport infrastructure, agriculture and local areas has been actively promoted. | 0.695875 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
de-en | Die Nationale Vereinigung zur Förderung von Farbigen hat eine Warnung für farbige Menschen ausgestellt, die aufgrund der diskriminierenden Politik und der rassistischen Angriffe des Staates nach Missouri reisen. | The National Association for the Promotion of Farmers has issued a warning for people of color who travel to Missouri due to the state's discriminatory policies and racist attacks. | The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has put out an alert for people of color traveling to Missouri because of the state's discriminatory policies and racist attacks. | 0.429179 | 0.8 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
de-en | Der Kern dieses Vorhabens ist auch in der inzwischen veröffentlichten Mitschrift des Gesprächs mit Selenskyj nachzuvollziehen, obwohl sie nicht den vollständigen Wortlaut wiedergibt. Das Telefonat vom 25. Juli ist aber nur eine Episode einer viel größeren Geschichte, in deren Zentrum neben Trump vor allem sein persönlicher Anwalt steht: Rudy Giuliani. | The core of this project can also be traced in the now published transcript of the conversation with Zelensky, although it does not reproduce the full text. However, the July 25 phone call is only one episode of a much larger story, at the center of which, in addition to Trump, is his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. | The crux of this occurrence can also be garnered through the transcript of the conversation with Zelensky which was published in the meantime, even though it does not represent the full contents of the conversation. However, the telephone call from July 25th is just a fraction of a much larger story, the focus of which, besides Trump himself, is his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. | 0.270818 | 0.955 | 2 | news | 2,020 |
ta-en | அரச சேவைக்குள் பொதுவாக நிலவும் சம்பள முரண்பாடு குறித்து நியமிக்கப்பட்ட றனுக்கெ குழுவிடம் ஆசிரியர்கள் அதிபர்களின் சம்பள முரண்பாடு தொடர்பாக கல்வி அமைச்சு ஆலோசனைகளையும் சிபாரிசுகளையும் சமர்ப்பித்திருந்ததாகவும் அமைச்சர் பாராளுமன்றத்தில் கடந்த ஜுன் மாதம் 7 ஆம் திகதி தெரிவித்திருந்தார். | The Minister informed the Parliament on 7th June that the Ministry of Education had submitted suggestions and recommendations regarding the pay dispute between the teachers and the Principals to the appointed Ranukke Committee on the general pay dispute within the Government Service. | The Minister also said in Parliament on the 7th of June, that the Ministry of Education has submitted suggestions and recommendations regarding the pay anomalies of teachers and principals, to Ranukke panel appointed regarding the general pay anomalies in government services. | 0.451531 | 0.5 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
en-ta | But I feed off of it. | ஆனால், அதில் இருந்து நான் சாப்பிடுகிறேன். | ஆனால் நான் அதிலிருந்து பலம் பெற்றுள்ளேன். | -0.590007 | 0.54 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
zh-en | 然而,在布鲁斯季前赛亚洲巡回赛中,马蒂奇比赛状态严重不足,只完成了 45 分钟的时间,穆里尼奥承认在英超赛季开始前需要改进。 | However, in the Bruce Preseason Asian Tour, the Matty was seriously underdeveloped for only 45 minutes, and Murinho admitted that improvements were needed before the start of the British Super season. | However, having been left out of the Blues' preseason tour of Asia, Matic was severely lacking match fitness and only managed 45 minutes, something Mourinho admitted needed to be improved before the start of the Premier League season. | 1.16228 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
de-fr | Wir haben alle notwendigen Optionen absolut offen gehalten. | Nous avons gardé toutes les options nécessaires absolument ouvertes. | Nous avons laissé toutes les options nécessaires entièrement ouvertes. | 0.289449 | 0.7525 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
ja-en | #Product2#のレインブーツなら防水・耐久性に優れた天然ゴム素材使用で安心 | With #Product2# rain boots, it is safe to use natural rubber material that is waterproof and durable | You can trust #Product2# rain boots as they are made of extremely durable, waterproof natural rubber | 0.256893 | 0.61 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
en-de | Of Paddington, whom she describes as a "very important member of our family," she added her father was quietly proud of his eventual success. | Von Paddington, den sie als „sehr wichtiges Mitglied unserer Familie“ beschreibt, fügte sie hinzu, ihr Vater sei leise stolz auf seinen letztendlichen Erfolg. | Zu Paddington, den sie als „sehr wichtiges Familienmitglied“ bezeichnet, sagt sie noch, dass ihr Vater im Stillen stolz auf seinen letztendlichen Erfolg war. | 0.459543 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
de-en | In aller Öffentlichkeit machte Donald Trump am Samstag dem nordkoreanischen Machthaber Kim Jong Un eine ungewöhnliche Liebeserklärung. | In public, Donald Trump made an unusual declaration of love to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Saturday. | On Saturday, in total public, Donald Trump made an unusual declaration of love to the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. | -0.524903 | 0.73 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
de-en | Und dass das vergangene Jahr anders als gedacht verlief konnte ich nicht ahnen und habe es eben nicht zeitgerecht einlösen und klären können. | And I could not have guessed that the past year went differently than expected and I was not able to redeem and clarify it in time. | And the fact that the past year proceeded differently than expected, I wasn’t able to predict it and then didn’t promptly clarify the issue. | -0.02233 | 0.645 | 1 | conversation | 2,022 |
ru-en | Илон Маск ответил на русском языке на "необычное приглашение" приехать в Краснодар на бизнес-форум | Elon Musk responded in Russian to the "unusual invitation" to come to Krasnodar to a business forum | Elon Musk responded in Russian to an "unusual invitation" to a business forum in Krasnodar | 0.489679 | 0.85 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
de-en | Aber danach geht das ganze ja weiter? | But after that, the whole thing continues? | But then after that the whole thing continues? | -0.638378 | 0.285 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
is-en | Ég gat svolítið slitið mig frá þessu og var bara stolt. | I could tear myself away from this a bit and was just proud. | I was able to detach myself a little from it, and I was just proud. | 0.661084 | 0.98 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
zh-en | 医生告诉薛大娘,慢性支气管炎想要根本治愈的可能性不大,平常坚持用药可有所缓解。 | Doctors told Xue aunt, chronic bronchitis want to cure the basic is unlikely, usually adhere to medication may be alleviated. | Doctors told Xue that it was almost impossible to cure chronic bronchitis and such problems may be alleviated with medication. | -0.770862 | 0.88 | 2 | news | 2,017 |
fi-en | ”Ei kukaan kiinny seinissä kulkeviin sähköjohtoihin. | "No one is clinging to electric wires in the walls. | "You don't fall in love with the electrical feeds in the walls. | -1.33365 | 0.23 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
ru-en | В Кировской области появилось еще четыре передвижных флюорографа | Four more mobile fluorograph appeared in Kirov region | Four more mobile photofluorography units appear in Kirov Region | -0.072735 | 0.65 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
zh-en | Emmett Macfarlane 推送道:“那位 CBC解说员说中国14岁的游泳运动员‘慢得像猪一样’???” | Emmett Macfarlane push:“that the CBC commentator said the Chinese 14-year-old swimmer‘slow like a pig’it???” | Emmett Macfarlane tweeted, "Did the CBC announcer just say the 14-year-old swimmer from China 'died like a pig'"???? | 0.623738 | 0.97 | 1 | news | 2,017 |
de-en | Schließlich sind die vorab versprochenen Übertragungsraten ein Vertragsbestandteil und sollten daher auch erreicht werden, erklärt die Verbraucherzentrale Bayern. | Finally, the above-mentioned transmission rates are a treaty component and should therefore also be achieved, and the Bavaria consumer centre is declaring. | After all, the promised data transfer rates are part of your agreement and should therefore be achieved, says the Consumers' Center in Bavaria. | -0.760514 | 0.71 | 2 | news | 2,020 |
en-cs | According to the police report, when a female acquaintance attempted to call police to report the alleged crimes, he took her phone from her. | Podle policejní zprávy, když se známá žena pokusila zavolat policii, aby nahlásila údajné zločiny, vzal jí telefon. | V policejní zprávě se uvádí, že když se známá žena pokusila zavolat policii, aby údajné trestné činy oznámila, vzal jí telefon. | 0.411388 | 0.82 | 2 | news | 2,019 |
en-fi | Europe clinches Ryder Cup victory in Paris | Eurooppa ratkaisi Ryder Cupin voiton Pariisissa | Eurooppa varmisti Ryder Cupin voiton Pariisissa | 1.750676 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
ru-en | В Министерстве энергетики РФ назвали причину блэкаута в Крыму. | The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation named the cause of blackout in Crimea. | The Russian Ministry of Energy has identified the cause of the blackout in Crimea. | 0.689149 | 0.98 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
de-en | Ein Raubüberfall ist am Donnerstagabend auf den Getränkemarkt von Rewe XXL an der Waldbröler Gerberstraße verübt worden. | A robbery has been carried out on the drinks market of Rewe XXL at Waldbröler Gerberstraße on Thursday night. | A robbery took place on Thursday evening in the drinks cash-and-carry of Rewe XXL on Walbröl's Gerberstraße. | 0.871534 | 0.97 | 2 | news | 2,017 |
en-cs | "So Cummings was told that these units must be preserved in their entirety." | „Takže Cummingsovi bylo řečeno, že tyto jednotky musí být zachovány jako celek.“ | „Takže Cummingsovi řekli, že tyto jednotky musí být kompletně zachovány.“ | 0.768081 | 0.966 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
zh-en | 虽然前4次没有针对煤炭行业,但目标行业直接与煤炭业产生关系。 | Although the first four were not targeted at the coal industry, the target industry was directly associated with the coal industry. | Although the first four notices are not directly involved with coal industry, the target industry is directly related with coal industry. | 0.275533 | 0.77 | 1 | news | 2,017 |
en-cs | British bank HSBC (HSBA.L) has converted a financial crime-spotting algorithm it was forced to build in the wake of a money-laundering scandal into one that can scope out new business opportunities, bank executives said. | Britská banka HSBC (HSBA.L) převedla algoritmus finančního zločinu, který byl nucen stavět v důsledku skandálu praní špinavých peněz na takový, který může rozšířit nové obchodní příležitosti, uvedli vedení bank. | Britská banka HSBC (HSBA.L) převedla algoritmus detekování finančních trestních činů, který byla nucena sestavit v důsledku skandálu praní špinavých peněz, a to tak, aby mohla vyhledávat nové obchodní příležitosti, uvedlo vedení banky. | 0.123202 | 0.68 | 2 | news | 2,020 |
zh-en | 10日下午,中国旅游警察在莫斯科红场一亮相,就立刻引起了人们的注意,中国游客怀着惊喜纷纷挥手致意,当地人和外国游客不禁驻足回望。 | On the afternoon of 's day , the Chinese tourists waved their attention as the Chinese tourists waved their hands to the local and foreign tourists as they waved their attention immediately . | In the afternoon of the 10th day of the month, the appearance of Chinese tourist police in the Red Square in Moscow immediately drew people's attention. Chinese tourists waved with surprise, and the local people and foreign tourists cannot help but to stop looking back. | -1.426664 | 0.04 | 1 | news | 2,017 |
tr-en | Bir maganda ailesi, komşularını korkuttukları gerekçesiyle tahliye edildikleri sosyal konutta 50.000 £ değerinde hasar bıraktı. | When a magician leaves his family, they are evacuated on the grounds that they are scared of damage to 50,000 pounds worth of social housing. | A family of yobs left their council house with £50,000 worth of damage after they were evicted for terrorising their neighbours. | 0.486457 | 0.955 | 2 | news | 2,017 |
tr-en | Türkiye'de bu alanlarda bulunmaya devam edeceğiz. | We will continue to make these areas in Turkey. | We will continue to be present in these areas in Turkey. | -0.688293 | 0.48 | 1 | news | 2,017 |
en-de | Rowlett said that sometime after Chambers' death, Tellis deleted Chambers' texts, calls and contact information from his phone. | Rowlett erklärte, dass Tellis irgendwann nach dem Tod von Chambers die Texte, Anrufe und Kontaktinformationen von Chambers aus seinem Telefon gelöscht habe. | Rowlett sagte, dass Tellis nach Chambers Tod Textnachrichten, Anruf- und Kontaktinformationen aus seinem Telefon löschte. | 0.464972 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
zh-en | 无论情况如何,这都是极其辉煌的。“ | No matter what the situation, this is extremely brilliant. | Whatever the combination of circumstances, it's absolutely brilliant." | 0.235154 | 0.75 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
ru-en | Но все допускают ошибки. | But everyone makes mistakes. | But everybody makes mistakes. | -0.380964 | 0.25 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
zh-en | 印度尼西亚总统佐科9月30日到帕卢视察灾情,他指出要在短时间内解决大量问题,包括恢复通讯是非常困难的事情。 | Indonesian President Joko visited Palu on September 30 to inspect the disaster situation. He pointed out that it is very difficult to solve a large number of problems in a short period of time, including the resumption of communications. | Joko, the President of Indonesia, visited the affected areas to see the disastrous situation on September 30. He pointed out that it was very hard to solve a great number of problems, including to restore the communication. | 0.699751 | 0.98 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
en-cs | Before each election, the state electoral committee determines which regions' candidates can be voted for abroad by ballot. | Státní volební výbor před každým zvolením určuje, pro které regiony je možné hlasovat v zahraničí hlasováním. | Před každými volbami státní volební komise losem určí kraj, pro jehož kandidátky se v cizině hlasuje. | 0.097358 | 0.59 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
en-ja | The bridge was designed by English Royal Navy officer Capt Samuel Brown. | 橋の設計はイギリスイギリス海軍将校大尉サミュエル・ブラウン。 | この橋を設計したのは、イギリス海軍将校サミュエル・ブラウン大佐。 | -0.77244 | 0.66 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
ja-en | 【写真】日本人だけが知らない「日本の強さ」の正体...アジアで見た意外な現実 | [Photo] The true identity of "Japan's strength" that only Japanese people do not know ... Unexpected reality seen in Asia | (Photograph) The true form of "Japan's Strength" that only Japanese people do not know.... An unexpected reality in Asia | 0.291917 | 0.71 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
en-ru | The announcement from the AEB states that business is one of the most important links connecting countries and peoples, and it is for this reason that the principles of free trade must not be restricted. | В сообщении АЕБ говорится, что бизнес является одним из важнейших звеньев, связывающих страны и народы, и именно по этой причине нельзя ограничивать принципы свободной торговли. | В заявлении АЕБ говорится, что бизнес - это одно из важных связующих звеньев между странами и людьми, поэтому нельзя ограничивать принципы свободной торговли. | 1.747216 | 0.98 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
zh-en | 就像中国国家主席习近平所说,绿水青山就是金山银山。 | As Chinese President Xi Jinping has said, the Green Mountain is Jinshan Silver Mountain. | As Chinese President Xi Jinping said, clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. | -0.236203 | 0.66 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
de-en | Mit diesen Unterschieden dürfen wir uns nicht zufriedengeben", sagte die Ministerpräsidentin von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern dem "Tagesspiegel am Sonntag". | We must not settle for these differences," the prime minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern told Tagesspiegel am Sonntag. | We cannot permit ourselves to be satisfied with these differences,” said the minister president of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to the “Tagesspiegel” on Sunday. | 1.070784 | 0.99 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
en-fi | The home side came back, however, and when Struan Hutchinson was yellow-carded for tackling Climo without the ball, from the penalty line-out, MacPherson touched down at the back of the advancing Ayr maul. | Kotijoukkue tuli takaisin, kuitenkin, ja kun Struan Hutchinson oli keltainen-karstattu puuttua Climo ilman palloa, rangaistus line-out, MacPherson kosketti alas takaisin etenee Ayr maul. | Kotijoukkue kuitenkin kokosi rivinsä, ja kun Struan Hutchinson sai keltaisen kortin taklattuaan Climon ilman palloa, MacPherson teki maalin rangaistusheitosta etenevän Ayrin maul-rykelmän takaosassa. | -0.701288 | 0.74 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
en-gu | This recently redrawn suburban Pittsburg district pits Democrat Rep. Conor Lamb - who won his seat in another district in a special election last spring. | તાજેતરમાં રેડલા ઉપનગરીય પિટ્સબર્ગ જિલ્લામાં પેટ્સે ડેમોક્રેટ રિપ્સનો પ્રારંભ કર્યો છે. કોન્કે હલવાનને તેની બેઠક મળી રહે છે અને અન્ય એક વિશેષ ચૂંટણીમાં અંતિમ વસંત તરીકે તેનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. | આ તાજેતરમાં ફરીથી તૈયાર કરાયેલ ઉપનગરો પિટ્સબર્ગ ડિસ્ટ્રિક્ટ ડેમોક્રેટ રેપ કોનર લેમ્બને પિટ કરે છે - જેણે છેલ્લા વસંતમાં એક ખાસ ચૂંટણીમાં બીજા જીલ્લામાં તેમની બેઠક જીતી હતી. | -0.181453 | 0.33 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
ru-en | Бюстгальтер-балконет с мягкими кружевными чашками (размер: 90E, цвет бежевый, состав: 90 % полиамид, 10 % эластан, артикул: 12008). | Balconette bra with soft lace cups (size: 90E, color beige, composition: 90% polyamide, 10% elastane, article: 12008). | Balconette bra with soft lacy cups (size: 90E, beige color, composition: 90% polyamide, 10% elastane, item number: 12008). | 1.077007 | 0.94 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
de-en | Mizutani gewann das Spiel um Bronze gegen den 40-jährigen Wladimir Samsonow 4:1. | Mizutani won the match for bronze against 40-year-old Vladimir Samsonov 4:1. | Mizutani won the bronze medal match against 40-year-old Wladimir Samsonow 4-1. | 0.639098 | 0.98 | 2 | news | 2,017 |
en-de | The council voted unanimously Thursday night to begin the removal process. | Der Gemeinderat hat in der Nacht zum Donnerstag einstimmig beschlossen, mit der Abschiebung zu beginnen. | Der Stadtrat stimmte am Donnerstagabend einstimmig dafür, den Abriss einzuleiten. | -0.906973 | 0.7 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
en-et | The note adds that should the departure from the White House be delayed, a second aircrew would be needed for the return flight due to duty-hour restrictions. | Märge lisab, et kui Valgest Majast lahkumine peaks hilinema, oleks vaja teist lennumeeskonda tagasilennuks töötunniste piirangute tõttu. | Lisatud oli asjaolu, et kui Valgest Majast lahkumine peaks viibima, on tagasilennuks vaja tööaja piirangute tõttu teist ekipaaži. | -0.109076 | 0.62 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
kk-en | Тереңдігі - 5 км. | Thermal - 5 km. | The depth was 5 km. | -2.276496 | 0 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
tr-en | Erdoğan, gece yarısında biten konuşmasının ardından bazı vatandaşlarla Külliye'de bir araya geldi. | That's going on in the middle of the night after his speech, Erdogan said in some citizens came together. | After his speech which finished at midnight, Erdoğan gathered some of the citizens at the Complex. | -0.452257 | 0.555 | 2 | news | 2,017 |
en-fi | "My wife had sent her something that she didn't mean to say. | "Vaimoni oli lähettänyt hänelle jotain, mitä hän ei tarkoittanut sanoa. | "Vaimoni lähetti hänelle viestin, jota hän ei oikeasti tarkoittanut. | 0.828164 | 0.92 | 2 | news | 2,019 |
ru-en | Все птицы изображены в состоянии покоя, отсюда возникло предположение, что они были не декоративными предметами, а объектом местного культа. | All the birds are depicted in a state of peace, from which it was suggested that they were not decorative objects but a subject of a local cult. | All of the birds were depicted at rest, hence the assumption that they were not decorative objects, but rather the subject of a local cult. | 1.123634 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,017 |
en-de | The State Department didn't immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment. | Das Staatsministerium hat nicht sofort auf das Ersuchen der CNBC um Stellungnahme reagiert. | Das Außenministerium reagierte nicht sofort auf die Bitte des Senders CNBC um Stellungnahme. | 0.206161 | 0.87 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
zh-en | 中国的发展对世界是机遇,不是威胁和挑战。 | China's development is an opportunity for the world, not a threat or a challenge. | China’s Development Is An Opportunity, Not A Threat Or Challenge, To The World. | 0.379734 | 0.87 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
et-en | Pole vahet, et Sinaloa tänavatel lastakse iga päev mõni inimene või lausa mitu maha või et surnuaed kubiseb külluslikult kaunistatud kahekordsetest narkokuningate mausoleumidest, mis on suuremad kui paljude elavate kodud. | It doesn't matter that a few people or even several are shot every day on the streets of Sinaloa, or that the cemetery is dwarfed by abundantly decorated double mausoleums of drug kings larger than the homes of many living. | Never mind that someone or several people are shot dead in the street every day in Sinaloa, or that the cemetery is filled with ornate, two-story mausoleums for drug kings, larger than many homes for the living. | 0.486531 | 0.63 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
en-zh | Daley married the Oscar winner, who is 20 years his senior, last year but he said the age gap had never been an issue. | 戴利去年嫁给了奥斯卡奖得主,他是他20年的前辈,但他说年龄差距从来就不是问题。 | 去年,Daley 与这位年长自己 20 岁的奥斯卡奖得主完婚,他表示,年龄差距从来都不是问题。 | 0.348728 | 0.82 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
zh-en | 会心一笑 | smile knowingly | Smile | 0.375802 | 0.81 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
en-de | To date, just under half of Thomas Cook's overseas British customers have been flown home. | Bisher wurde knapp die Hälfte der britischen Kunden von Thomas Cook in Übersee nach Hause geflogen. | Stand heute konnten erst weniger als die Hälfte der sich im Ausland befindlichen britischen Thomas Cook Kunden zurückgeflogen werden. | 0.017821 | 0.75 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
ja-en | 多くの発言の中で世間を驚かせたものは、彼にとってプレミアリーグのタイトルを争う上で最大のライバルとなるマンチェスター・シティの監督、ペップ・グアルディオラに関するものであった。 | Among the many remarks that took the world by surprise was one about Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola, who will be his biggest rival in the race for the Premier League title. | Of the many things that he said, one comment that was surprising to the public was regarding the Manchester City manager, Pep Guardiola, his biggest rival in the contest for the Premier League title. | 0.580597 | 0.965 | 2 | news | 2,020 |
ru-en | В настоящее время участники акции, сменяя друг друга, стоят, держа в руках плакат с надписью "Свободу всем" и фамилиями осужденных и арестованных после несогласованных митингов в Москве летом 2019 года. | At present, the rally participants, replacing each other, stand holding a poster with the inscription "Freedom to all" and the names of those convicted and arrested after uncoordinated rallies in Moscow in the summer of 2019. | Currently participants in the rally, taking turns, stand holding a poster in their hands with the text "Freedom for all" and the surnames of those convicted and arrested after the unauthorized protests in Moscow in summer 2019. | 0.295077 | 0.96 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
en-zh | Professor Peter Horby, an expert on infectious diseases and the other founder of the Recovery programme, said: | 传染病专家和恢复计划的另一位创始人Peter Horby教授说: | 另一位康复计划发起人、传染病专家 Peter Horby 教授说: | 0.726166 | 0.95 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
de-en | Ein seltener Moment, in dem der normalerweise großspurig und selbstsicher auftretende Multimillionär so etwas wie Bedenken äußerte, wie Korrespondenten berichteten. | A rare moment in which the usually cocky and self-confident multimillionaire expressed something like concerns, as correspondents reported. | It was a strange moment - the multi-millionaire normally puts on a pompous, self-assured performance, but this time he expressed something analogous to doubt, as correspondents report. | -1.985002 | 0.47 | 2 | news | 2,017 |
en-gu | And Nielsen usually has some trouble measuring people who watch in offices. | અને નિરીક્ષણ સામાન્ય રીતે ઓફિસોમાં જોવા મળતી કેટલીક મુશ્કેલી ધરાવતા લોકોને હોય છે. | અને સામાન્ય રીતે નીલસનને ઓફિસમાં જોનારા લોકોનું માપન કરતા મુશ્કેલી થાય છે. | -0.788237 | 0 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
de-en | Seine Studie zeigt: Die Unterschiede sind massiv. | His study shows that the differences are massive. | His study shows: The difference is significant. | 0.529859 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
de-en | "Da weiß ich gar nicht, was ich davon halten soll", rang er nach Worten. | "I don't know what to think of it," he said. | I do not know what to think of that, he struggled for words. | 0.10171 | 0.93 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
de-fr | Sie war verrückt genug, daran zu glauben, und sie war verrückt genug, es zu schaffen - und noch viel mehr: Sie gehört zu den besten Sportlern der Geschichte. | Elle était assez folle pour y croire, et elle était assez folle pour y arriver - et plus que cela, elle est l'une des meilleures athlètes de l'histoire. | Elle était assez folle pour y croire et elle était assez folle pour y être parvenue – et bien mieux encore : elle fait partie des meilleurs sportifs de l’histoire. | 0.253705 | 0.825 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
de-en | Er trat an die Stelle von Ex-Präsident Inácio Lula da Silva, der wegen Korruption zu zwölf Jahren Haft verurteilt worden war und deshalb nicht kandidieren darf. | He took the place of former President Inácio Lula da Silva, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for corruption and is therefore not allowed to stand. | He took the position of former president Inácio Lula da Silva, who had been sentenced to twelve years in prison due to corruption and therefore cannot stand for the presidency. | -0.396108 | 0.48 | 2 | news | 2,019 |
zh-en | 一个佐证是,仅8个省份公布的煤炭去产能目标就站到全国煤炭减产计划的90%。 | In support of this, the coal deproduction target announced in only eight provinces stood at 90 per cent of the national coal reduction plan. | One proof is that the overcapacity reduction target for coal announced by a mere eight provinces already account for 90% of the coal overcapacity reduction plan nationwide. | -0.781928 | 0.75 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
en-ru | Speaking to mother-of-two Lara Rosmarin, CEO of Cape Innovation and Technology, Meghan said: 'We're only five months in right now. | В беседе с матерью двух лет Ларой Росмарин, генеральным директором Cape Innovation and Technology, Меган сказала: «Сейчас у нас всего пять месяцев. | В разговоре с матерью двоих детей и генеральной исполнительной директоркой компании «Cape Innovation and Technology» Ларой Розмарин Меган отметила: «Нашему ребенку всего пять месяцев. | -0.870715 | 0.3 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
zh-en | 由此造成的后果则是欧洲足球协会联盟 (UEFA) 对巴黎圣日尔曼足球俱乐部实行进一步降级。欧洲足球协会联盟是欧洲足球比赛的管理机构,有权禁止各球队参加广受关注的欧冠联赛。 | The result is a further relegation of the European Football Association (UEFA) to Paris Saint-Germain Football Club, the governing body of European football matches, which has the power to ban teams from the Champions League. | Any consequences will come further down the line for Paris Saint-Germain from UEFA, the governing body overseeing the European game which has the power to ban teams from the prestigious Champions League tournament. | 0.516917 | 0.94 | 2 | news | 2,018 |
zh-en | 据美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)24日报道,麦当劳在全美门店超过14000家。 | McDonald's has more than 14,000 stores across the U.S., NPR reported Thursday. | According to a news report from National Public Radio (NPR) on July 24th, McDonald's has more than 14,000 restaurants in the United States. | 0.57526 | 0.99 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
en-cs | "After burying the bodies, the military came looking for me," he says. | "Po pohřbívání těl mě přišla hledat armáda," říká. | „Po pohřbení těl mě začala hledat armáda,“ řekl. | 0.822458 | 0.87 | 2 | news | 2,018 |
tr-en | Bu markalardan her biri, bulunduğu toplulukta biraz farklı bir şekilde öne çıkacak ve personelimiz müşteriler ile bu markaların adı altında çalışacak. | Each of these brands will come forward a little differently in the community, and our staff will work under the name of these brands. | Each one of those brands will stand for something quite different in their own communities, and our staff will work with customers under those brands. | 0.321669 | 0.58 | 1 | news | 2,017 |
zh-en | 通用芯片在实验完成后,请及时将内部沟道清洗干净,否则容易造成堵塞。 | After the experiment is completed, please clean the internal channel in time, otherwise it is easy to cause blockage. | After completing the experiment, please clean the internal channel of the chips in time, or it may lead to blocking. | -0.540505 | 0.64 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
en-zh | "I mean he's really, he's made the Labour party competitive again. | “我的意思是,他真的让工党再次具有竞争力。 | “我的意思是,他真的,他让工党变得再次有竞争力了。 | 0.656492 | 0.89 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
ru-en | Между тем, ради своего отца Леонид Агутин "слил" прекрасных исполнителей, которые действительно пели, в то время как Николай Петрович прошептал трогательную песню о маме, объяснив это тем, что зрители и дальше хотят видеть в шоу его отца. | Meanwhile, for the sake of his father, Leonid Agutin "leaked" the excellent performers who did sing, while Nikolai Petrovic whispered a touching song about his mother, explaining that the audience still wants to see his father on the show. | Meanwhile, for the sake of his father, Leonid Agutin "ejected" wonderful performers who actually sang, while Nikolai Petrovich whispered a touching song about his mother, explaining that the viewers still want to see his father in the show. | -1.046474 | 0.87 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
en-et | The son has made a miraculous recovery, however, and although his father has just lost his job, that, too, proves positive, for now he has time to spend with his family. | Poeg on aga imelise taastumise teinud ja kuigi isa on äsja oma töö kaotanud, osutub ka see positiivseks, sest nüüd on tal aega veeta koos perega. | Poeg on aga hoopiski imeliselt tervenenud, ja kuigi tema isa on just töö kaotanud, osutub seegi positiivseks, sest nüüd on ju aega tegeleda perega. | 1.972919 | 0.93 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
zh-en | 章子怡出任电影节主竞赛单元国际评委主席。 | Zhang Ziyi is the chairman of the international jury of the main competition unit of the film festival. | Zhang Ziyi took up the post of the president of international jury for the major competition unit of the Film Festival. | 0.005383 | 0.64 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
en-et | Starting 29 June, NATO Standing Mine Countermeasures Group 1 is headed by Latvian naval Capt. Lt. Gvido Laudups, who took over the functions of group commander from Estonian naval officer Capt. Lt. Johan Elias Seljamaa at a ceremony held in Riga. | Alates 29. juunist juhib NATO alaline miinivastaste meetmete rühm 1 Läti mereväe kapten Lt. Gvido Laudups, kes võttis üle Eesti mereväe ohvitseri kapten leitnant Johan Elias Seljamaa ülesanded Riias peetud tseremoonial. | Alates 29. juunist juhib NATO 1. alalist miinitõrjegruppi Läti mereväelane kaptenleitnant Gvido Laudups, kes võttis Riias peetud tseremoonial grupiülema ülesanded üle Eesti mereväeohvitserilt kaptenleitnant Johan-Elias Seljamaalt. | -0.409325 | 0.21 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
zh-en | 以电竞游戏为代表的数字文化产业将成为浦东在线新经济新的增长点,助力上海打造全球电竞之都。 | The digital cultural industry represented by e-sports games will become a new growth point for Pudong Online's new economy, helping Shanghai build a global e-sports capital. | The digital culture industry, represented by E-sports games, will become a new growth point for Pudong's online new economy and help Shanghai build itself into a global E-sports capital. | -0.259302 | 0.22 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
en-de | The company has been at the epicenter of a diplomatic scandal for more than a year and a half since Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou was arrested in December 2018 in Canada on a warrant from the US. | Das Unternehmen steht seit mehr als anderthalb Jahren im Epizentrum eines diplomatischen Skandals, seit Huawei-Finanzchefin Meng Wanzhou im Dezember 2018 in Kanada aufgrund eines Haftbefehls aus den USA verhaftet wurde. | Das Unternehmen steht seit eineinhalb Jahren im Mittelpunkt eines diplomatischen Skandals, seit der CFO von Huawei Meng Wanzhou im Dezember 2018 in Kanada mit einem Haftbefehl der USA verhaftet worden war. | 0.348847 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
en-zh | "Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management confirm the Stena Impero and its crew have been released," he said via Twitter. | “ Stena Bulk 和 Northern Marine Management 证实 Stena Impero 及其船员已经被释放,”他通过 Twitter 说。 | 他在推特上说:“Stena Bulk和英国北方海洋管理公司确认‘史丹纳帝国’及其船员已被释放。” | 0.453974 | 0.863333 | 3 | news | 2,020 |
en-zh | A senior Trump administration official acknowledged Friday that White House lawyers directed moving the transcript of President Trump's July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to a highly secure system. | 特朗普政府一名高级官员周五承认,白宫律师指示将特朗普总统7月份与乌克兰总统沃洛德梅尔·泽连斯基的通话记录转移到一个高度安全的系统。 | 特朗普政府的一位高级官员在周五表示,白宫律师指示将特朗普总统与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基七月的通话记录转移到更高的安全系统。 | 0.599046 | 0.713333 | 3 | news | 2,020 |
et-en | Riodoce toimetaja Andres Villarreali sõnul on probleem selles, et "lõhnataju saab petta... ja nii juhtuski see asi Javieriga". | According to Riodoce editor Andres VillarRea, the problem is that 'the explosive branch can be defrauded ... and this is what happened with Javier'. | The trouble, said Riodoce editor Andres Villarreal, is that "smell is a sense that can be fooled ... and then the thing with Javier happened." | -1.331246 | 0.03 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
is-en | Ljóst er að taugar manna verða þandar kl. 15 í dag en Solskjær reyndi að láta eins og að um hvern annan leik væri að ræða. | It is clear that human nerves will be thawed at 15 pm today, but Solskjær tried to pretend each other game. | it is obvious that people will be on edge at three o'clock today, but Solskjær tried to pretend that this was like any other match. | -0.614539 | 0.64 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
pl-en | „Dzisiaj ludzi świadomych, którzy chcą żyć w normalnym państwie, jest więcej niż zwolenników PiS, partii, która sprzeniewierzyła się głoszonym wartościom, takim jak skromność, pokora, transparentność”, mówi Schetyna. | "Today, conscious people who want to live in a normal country are more than supporters of the Law and Justice party, a party which betrayed the proclaimed values, such as modesty, humility, transparency," says Schetyna. | "Today, the number of aware people who want to live in a normal country outgrows the number of supporters of PiS which, as a party, has betrayed the values it preaches, such as modesty, humility and transparency," argues Schetyna. | -1.908253 | 0.36 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
en-ru | Media: UAF soldiers are negotiating with Donbass rebels in secret from military command | СМИ: солдаты ВСУ ведут переговоры с повстанцами Донбасса в тайне от военного командования | СМИ: бойцы ВСУ втайне от командования договариваются с ополченцами Донбасса | -2.019421 | 0.535 | 2 | news | 2,018 |
en-de | More than three months after the June summit in Singapore, North Korea's top diplomat Ri Yong Ho told world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly Saturday that the North doesn't see a "corresponding response" from the U.S. to North Korea's early disarmament moves. | Mehr als drei Monate nach dem Juni-Gipfel in Singapur erklärte Nordkoreas oberster Diplomat Ri Yong Ho den Staats-und Regierungschefs der Welt am Samstag auf der UN-Generalversammlung, dass der Norden keine "entsprechende Reaktion" der USA auf die frühen Abrüstungsbewegungen Nordkoreas sehe. | Mehr als drei Monate nach dem Gipfeltreffen im Juni in Singapur teilte Nordkoreas Top-Diplomat Ri Yong Ho den Führern der Welt bei der UN-Generalversammlung am Samstag mit, dass der Norden keine „entsprechende Antwort“ der USA auf Nordkoreas erste Schritte zur Abrüstung erkennen könne. | 0.608476 | 1 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
ja-en | 年末年始休診になりますから、お子さんのために早急に対応した方がいいです | The office will be closed for the year-end and New Year holidays, so you should take immediate action for your child's sake. | Clinics will be closed over the new year's holiday, so it would be best to sort it out as soon as possible, for your child's sake | 0.852839 | 1 | 1 | conversation | 2,022 |
de-en | So lernen sie Verantwortung, helfen in der Familie mit und sind mit eingebunden. | In this way, they learn responsibility, help in the family and are involved. | They learn responsibility this way, help within the family and are thus connected with it. | -1.970949 | 0.37 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
en-zh | Wallstreetcn Editor's selection: Reading News | 2018: Global Central Banks Are Ushering Digital Currency? One article points out that 2018 is destined to be the first year of digital currency for central banks across the world, viewing from the perspectives of supervision, acceptance/criticism and adoption. | Wallstreetcn编辑的选择:读书新闻|2018年:全球性中央银行迎接数字式货币?一篇文章指出2018年被注定是第一年中央银行的数字式货币在世界,观看从监督、采纳/批评和收养方面。 | 华尔街见闻主编精选《读要闻|2018:全球央妈开启数字货币元年?》曾提到,从监管、接受/批判、采纳的任一角度来看,2018年都将成为全球央行的数字货币元年。 | -1.191181 | 0 | 1 | news | 2,018 |
xh-zu | Njengomiselwe ukuba yi-NSA, wancedisa uCarter ekucombululeni iingxaki zehlabathi, ezifana ne-Camp David Accords, ngo-1978; ukwenza i-US neTshayina zisebenzisane ngendlela eqhelekileyo ebudeni bokuphela kweminyaka yoo-1970; Ukubhukuqwa kolawulo lwase-Iran, nto leyo eya khokhela ekubanjweni kwabantu ngo-1979; kunye nokuhlaselwa kwe-Afghanistan yi-Soviet Union ngo-1979. | Njenge-NSA, wasiza uCarter ukuxazulula izinkinga zomhlaba, njengeCamp David Accords, ngo-1978; ukwenza i-US ne-China basebenzisane ngendlela ejwayelekile ngesikhathi sekwephuzile kweminyaka yama-1970; Ukugumbuqelwa kwe-Iran, okwaholela ekubulaweni kuka-1979; nokuhlasela kwe-Afghanistan kweSoviet Union ngo-1979. | Njenge-NSA, usize uKhatha ngokuphatha izindaba zezwe ngokuhlakanipha, njengeSivumelwano seKamu Davide, ngo-1978; ukwenza kube nobudlelwane obuvamile phakathi kweMelika neShayina ekupheleni kwawo-1970; Ushintsho lwase-Iran, olwaholela enhlekeleleni yezithunjwa zase-Iran, ngo-1979; kanye nokuhlasela kweSoviet e-Afghanistan, ngo-1979. | 1.658907 | 0.9 | 1 | wiki | 2,021 |
en-ta | The wrongs of the world must be set right. | உலகத்தின் தவறுகள் சரியானதாக இருக்க வேண்டும். | உலகின் தவறுகள் கட்டாயம் சரிசெய்யப்பட வேண்டும். | -0.365934 | 0.67 | 1 | news | 2,020 |
de-fr | Zwar ist klar, dass der Betrugsskandal zuerst in die Verantwortung von Scholz fällt. | Il est clair que le scandale de la fraude relève d'abord de la responsabilité de Scholz. | Il est clair que le scandale lié à l’escroquerie relève, en premier lieu, de la responsabilité de Scholz. | 0.503407 | 0.973333 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
de-en | Ein Sprecher des Justizministeriums sagte der Zeitung, dass erst sinnvoll geprüft werden könne, ob es gesetzlicher Anpassungen bedarf, wenn die Gerichte entschieden hätten. | A spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice told the newspaper that it could only be meaningful to examine whether legal adjustments were needed if the courts had decided. | A spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice said to the newspaper, that the need for legal alterations shall first be sensibly reviewed following a decision from the court. | -0.102923 | 0.95 | 1 | news | 2,021 |
fi-en | Jatkuvasta kasvusta iloiten, kuolema kintereillämme | Continuous growth with joy, death kintereillämme | Happy about continuous growth with death on our heels | 0.47918 | 0.75 | 1 | news | 2,019 |
fi-en | Joukon johtaja, raidalliseen pukuun pukeutunut keski-ikäinen mies ottaa syvän henkäyksen sikaristaan ja tiirailee tuulilasin läpi. | The leader of the squad, a middle-aged man dressed in a striped suit, takes a deep breath from his cigar and rolls through the windshield. | The leader of the mob - a middle aged man in a pinstriped suit - took a long drag on his cigar and peered through the windshield. | 0.119078 | 0.875 | 2 | news | 2,018 |
tr-en | Sürüntü örneği 4000 ünitenin üzerinde lüminometre sayımı gösterdi. | Swab sample showed 4000 luminometre on the unit count. | His sample swab showed a luminometer count of over 4000 units. | -0.800605 | 0.405 | 2 | news | 2,017 |