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fd_Merlin_04x12 | fd_Merlin_04x12_0 | TEXT: Arthur's Chambers Arthur dresses behind the screen. Arthur: What's taking so long? Merlin: It's the Feast of Beltane. The King must look kingly. Arthur: I'm hardly going to look kingly in my undergarments, am I? Merlin: Have a little patience. Think of something pleasant. Arthur: You in the stocks? Merlin: Wait one second... Merlin fiddles with something. Arthur: One. Arthur steps out from behind the screen and Merlin spins around, hiding something behind his back. Arthur: What have you got there? Merlin: Nothing. My hand. Merlin shows his right hand, then hides it behind his back. Merlin: My other hand. Merlin shows his left hand, then hides it behind his back. Arthur walks forward dressed in everything but his trousers. He turns Merlin around and sees his belt in Merlin's hands. He takes it. Arthur: Why are you putting another hole in this belt? Merlin: I was, er...enhancing it for comfort and ease of use. Arthur: Are you saying I'm fat? Merlin: No! I'm saying the belt is one hole shy of perfection. Arthur: Ridiculous! Arthur tries to put the belt on over his chainmail. He cringes as he tries to squeeze it tight. Arthur: Come on. The belt doesn't close. Merlin: Don't be too hard on yourself. A little extra padding goes with the job. What, with all the feasts and banquets and ceremonies. Arthur gives up on the belt and hands it to Merlin. Arthur: All right, Merlin, do what you have to do. Not a word of this to anyone, understand? Merlin: Trust me, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's keeping secrets. [SCENE_BREAK] Castle - Siege tunnels Agravaine strikes a match, lights a smoke grenade and launches it at the feet of the sentries guarding the entrance to the siege tunnels. The guards cough and choke. Agravaine steps past them and signals Morgana's troops with a torch. They signal back. [SCENE_BREAK] Castle - Dining Room The dining room bustles with conversation as Arthur enters.
SUMMARY: | With Morgana at the head of a vast Southron army, a deadly net is closing in around Camelot. When the sorceress strikes, the ferocity of her attack forces everyone to run for their lives - even Arthur. But Morgana won't let him escape that easily. And so begins a chilling hunt. Can Merlin save the King from Morgana's clutches? Or has Arthur's luck finally run out? |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x07 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x07_0 | TEXT: 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. PLAIN OF TROY (It is the next morning. Where the TARDIS once stood, there are now only footprints in the sand.) [SCENE_BREAK] (The DOCTOR, AGAMEMNON, ODYSSEUS and CYCLOPS arrive at the spot. They all look round. Behind them STEVEN is held by several soldiers. CYCLOPS hands the Trojan plaque to ODYSSEUS who glances over it.) ODYSSEUS: Well, father Zeus, where is this temple of yours? DOCTOR: Well, it should be about here somewhere, hmm! It's rather hard to understand, these sandy plains are so much alike, hmm! (AGAMEMNON looks at the various tracks.) AGAMEMNON: Well, something has been here. ODYSSEUS: And someone, too. (He points.) ODYSSEUS: For see, some several tracks lead up to Troy. Lord Agamemnon, admit your fault - these men are spies! AGAMEMNON: So it would begin to seem. Bring on the prisoner. (STEVEN is shoved forward by a pair of soldiers.) AGAMEMNON: Well, father Zeus, you have but one chance left to prove yourself. (He indicates STEVEN.) AGAMEMNON: Kill this Trojan spy. ODYSSEUS: Yes, fling a thunderbolt or some such, do. Do rise to the occasion! DOCTOR: This sacrifice can only be performed within the temple. ODYSSEUS: Which temple is in Troy, therefore would we release you? Just so. (The DOCTOR sighs.) ODYSSEUS: I for one have had enough! (The DOCTOR realises the game is up.) DOCTOR: Do not labour this point! I am not Zeus, and this young man is a friend of mine. Neither of us are Trojans, sir. AGAMEMNON: I care not who you are. Seize him! (The soldiers
SUMMARY: | Missing episode When the TARDIS arrives on the plains of Asia Minor not far from the besieged city of Troy, the Doctor is hailed by Achilles as the mighty godZeus and taken to the Greek camp. He meets Agamemnon and Odysseus. Forced to admit he is a mere mortal - albeit a traveller in space and time - he is given two days to devise a scheme to capture Troy. Steven and Vicki, meanwhile, have been taken prisoner by the Trojans. Vicki, believed to possess supernatural powers, is given two days to banish the Greeks to prove she is not a spy. |
fd_NCIS_04x01 | fd_NCIS_04x01_0 | TEXT: MUSIC IN: EXT. STREET - DAY (MUSIC OVER ACTION/ZIVA DRIVES THROUGH DOWNTOWN TRAFFIC) (SFX: HORNS HONKING) (SFX: MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVS NEAR ZIVA) (INTERCUT SCENE FROM PARIS, FRANCE) (VOICE: "Ziva! Ziva! Ziva!") (SFX: CARS CRASH) (MUSIC OVER ACTION/ZIVA CHASES THE MOTORCYCLE) (SFX: BOMB EXPLODES IN OUTDOOR CAFé) (SFX: MOTORCYCLE RIDES O.S.) (MUSIC OVER ACTION/ZIVA LOOKS UP AND DOWN THE SIDEWALK) (SFX: MUFFLED VOICES B.G.) ZIVA: (SHOUTS) Federal agents! Halt! Hands up in the air! Now! (BEAT) Eschel? (SFX: POLICE SIRENS B.G.) (MUSIC OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. NCIS SQUAD ROOM - DAY (SFX: COMPUTER GAME B.G.) ABBY: Is he here yet? Is he here yet? MCGEE: Abby, do you think I'd be playing this game if he was? ABBY: Ah... MCGEE: I will call you as soon as he gets here, okay? I promise. ABBY: But what if his flight was delayed? Or worse? What if he missed his connecting flight? MCGEE: Well, then he will be here tomorrow. ABBY: Not good enough, McGee! A team needs a leader. He's our glue. He's our spine. Without him we're like.... Phylum cnidaria. MCGEE: Jelly fish. ABBY: Exactly! MCGEE
SUMMARY: | After witnessing a Mossad agent perform an assassination, which was not authorized by Mossad, Ziva is suspected by the FBI to be a double agent. Now a fugitive and on the run, Ziva is forced to ask for help from Gibbs, who is in Mexico after retiring from NCIS. Tony finds his leadership skills being tested to the limit as he and the rest of the team put their careers on the line, determined to prove her innocence before the FBI can arrest her. |
fd_Angel_01x19 | fd_Angel_01x19_0 | TEXT: Wesley: "This is perhaps Faith?" Faith: "New Watcher?" Buffy and Giles: "New Watcher." Buffy: "You killed a man!" Faith: "I don't care!" Angel: "You can't imagine the price for true evil. You don't have to disappear into the darkness." Buffy: "It doesn't have to be like this, you know?" Faith: "You took my life B. Payback's a bitch!" Giles: "The Watchers Council sent a retrieval team to capture Faith. A special operations unit - they handle the Council's - trickier jobs." Collins: "They've ordered the kill." Giles: "We have a rogue Slayer on our hands. I can't think of anything more dangerous." Faith: "Who am I supposed to kill?" Lindsey: "His name is Angel." Faith: "No problem." Lee: "I don't want you to make me look bad." Faith smashes his face into the table: "How do you look now?" Angel catches the quarrel Faith shot at his back. Faith: "This is going to be fun!" Faith: "And if you'd been a better Watcher, I might have been a more positive role model!" Angel burst through the door. Angel and Faith fall through the window. Faith: "I'm bad. I'm bad! I'm evil! Please just do it. Just kill me. Just kill me." A wet and slightly beaten up Faith and Angel ride down the elevator to his apartment. Angel: "Faith. - Come on." Angel leads her over to his bed and Faith sits down, arms wrapped around herself. Angel: "It's okay. - Rest here." Angel wraps a towel around her shoulders. Faith slowly lies down and Angel covers her with a blanket. Angel: "You rest now." He picks up Faith's backpack and puts it on a chair next to the bed. Angel: "I'll put your stuff here. - I'll be close." He turns and starts to leave. Faith: "Angel." Angel turns back: "Yeah" We flash from Angel's
SUMMARY: | The second half of Faith's appearance in LA has her bonding with Angel. She's utterly drained and has no more fight left in her. Angel takes her in and becomes her redemption "sponsor." He promises to help her find a way to forgive herself and start over. But, there are still a lot of problems to overcome. Wes and Cordy aren't too happy that Angel's forgiven Faith. The Watcher's Council goons are still after Faith. Lila, Lindsey and Lee are hiring another assassin. Kate wants to arrest Angel. And, oh yeah, Buffy's on her way to LA looking for payback on Faith. |
fd_FRIENDS_09x19 | fd_FRIENDS_09x19_0 | TEXT: Teleplay: Mark Kunerth Story: Dana Klein [Scene: Rachel and Joey's apartment] Joey: (talking to a pineapple in his hand) God, you're beautiful...why are we fighting this?You know you want it to happen as much as I do. (Rachel comes out of her room and starts staring at him unseen) Joey: I want you.I need you.Let me make love to you. Rachel: I don't wanna stand in the way of true love or anything, but I think a canelope might hurt less. Joey: Oh, ehm...I'm...I'm rehearsing my lines.They gave me a big romantic story on Days Of Our Lives. It's the first time my character's got one. I'm so nervous, you know, I really want it to be good! Rachel: Woow!I haven't seen you this worked up since you did that dog food commercial and you thought you were gonna be with a real talking dog! Joey: Yeah, that was a disappointment...(pause) Oh, hey!D'you want to come down to the set and tell me if I'm doing ok? Rachel: (excited) Are you serious? Joey: Yeah!Hey, you just have to promise not to get yourself thrown out again. Rachel: Hey, that was an honest mistake! Joey: Right!(he starts to ape her)"Oh my God, is this the men's room? Oh, I feel so foolish, have you always known you wanted to be an actor?" (he inclines his head as if to look at a man's private parts) Rachel: Yeah, that was an awesome day! Opening credits [Scene: Central Perk] Monica: Hey! Phoebe: Hey! Ross: Hi! Monica: So, do you guys wanna come and eat dinner at the restaurant sometime in the next few weeks? Phoebe: Sure! Ross: I'd love to! Monica: Well you can't! We're booked solid for the next month! Phoebe: Well, I can't give you a massage
SUMMARY: | After seeing him practice and then film a scene from Days of Our Lives , Rachel develops feelings for Joey. Phoebe performs at Monica's restaurant, much to Monica's dismay. Chandler plans a weekend away in Vermont with Monica, but has to take Ross instead. |
fd_Charmed_04x07 | fd_Charmed_04x07_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Phoebe are looking in the oven.] Piper: Damn it! These ones are burnt too. I'm losing my touch. (She pulls a tray of cookies out.) Phoebe: Oh, no, it's okay, sweetie, they're just a little crisp. (Piper puts the tray on the table.) You know, personally I am glad that you're not a chef anymore. I'd probably be 300 pounds. Piper: Maybe I should make another batch. Phoebe: Um, Piper, remember when you told me to tell you when you're obsessing? Piper: I'm not obsessing. I just want everything to be perfect, that's all. Phoebe: Yeah, but Piper, it's a baby shower, not a Royal wedding. Besides, don't you think you're doing enough already? (She gets a glass out of the cupboard.) For god sakes, you're hosting the thing and you're not even close to Wendy anymore. Piper: That is precisely why I'm doing all of this. I swear to god, in the last couple of years we've vanquished more friendships than we have demons. (Phoebe takes an empty milk carton out of the fridge.) Phoebe: Got milk? Piper: Somebody forgot to put it on the list again. Phoebe: Okay, well, we have to be patient. You know, it's gonna take Paige more than a week to adjust to living here. Piper: Still, there are common courtesies, common sense, rules. Phoebe: Yeah, but you have to admit, it's nice to have the Power of Three under the same roof again. Piper: Right. Grab those. (Piper walks out of the kitchen. Phoebe picks up two baskets filled with baby stuff.) Phoebe: So cute. (She follows Piper into the dining room.) Aunt Phoebe sure would like to throw one of these for you one day. (Piper knock
SUMMARY: | After being warned about the chameleon demon by Cole, Piper wants to give the source an agreement of peace. When Piper, Phoebe, and Paige go to vanquish a demon The Souce kidnap Piper and brain wash her. The Source sends Piper into a deep coma, where she perceives an alternate reality thanks to a demon named Alastair. Everyone in Piper's alternate reality plays on her deepest desire. Phoebe and Paige must find a way to return her to reality and save her from giving up their powers while she is delusional. Leo ultimately comes and heals Piper's mind which brought her back to reality. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_13x07 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_13x07_0 | TEXT: PLANET OF EVIL BY: LOUIS MARKS Part Three Running time: 23:50 [SCENE_BREAK] SARAH: Doctor! Do something. SORENSON: There is nothing to be done. VISHINSKY: He has disappeared into the vortex between this universe and the next. SARAH: No, not the Doctor! He can't be dead. SORENSON: He has ceased to exist. Controller, it is nearly night. We must prepare to launch. SALAMAR: I agree. Vishinsky, see the Professor Sorenson's mineral samples are removed. SORENSON: No. No, you can't leave those canisters behind. SALAMAR: Those minerals are endangering the safety of my command. They must be jettisoned. SORENSON: You arrogant young fool. The whole purpose of your command was to get me and that positron material back to our cosmos. SALAMAR: So that you can be hailed as the saviour of civilisation? No, Professor. My orders were simply to find your party and get back. SORENSON: If you abandon that material, you destroy years of my life's work. SALAMAR: You are a civilian aboard a military vessel. There will be no further argument. [SCENE_BREAK] DE HAAN: Carry them in, carry them out. That ought to be the Space Service motto. MORELLI: Yes, well, they've changed their minds. DE HAAN: Yeah, well they could have changed their minds first, couldn't they? I mean, just for a change. MORELLI: Listen, de Haan. The Controller simply wants us to take these canisters outside the take off forcefield area, right? DE HAAN: Right. MORELLI: Right. DE HAAN: It's only another fifty yards multiplied by ten. [SCENE_BREAK] DE HAAN: Half my service I spend flying one way, the other half I spend flying back again. They should pay me for staying in one place. MORELLI: Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] SARAH: Doctor! Doctor! Doctor. DOCTOR: Sarah
SUMMARY: | The Doctor makes a deal with the Anti-Matter Beast to return all the anti-matter to the planet but Sorenson is determined to continue his research. |
fd_The_Office_05x11 | fd_The_Office_05x11_0 | TEXT: Dwight: What is this? Jim: Happy Holidays, Dwight. But do not open it till Christmas. Dwight: You're so pathetic. How long did this take you? Three hours? Jim: Five minutes actually. I am a black belt in gift wrapping. Dwight: Yeah, no such thing. They don't give out black belts for things that are stupid. [scoffs] Well, I hope it was worth it, cause I'm gonna take it apart in about five minutes. Jim: I think it'll take you a little longer than that. Dwight: Really? If I can skin a mule deer in less than ten minutes, I ought to be able to cut my -- [sets briefcase on desk and sits in chair, desk and chair are made of paper, Dwight crashes to the floor] [SCENE_BREAK] Stanley: Eh... Phyllis: I'm sorry. It's the largest one I have. Stanley: I will not be the big guy in the tiny hat. [Kevin is wearing the same hat] [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: This is the first Christmas party I am throwing as head of the party planning committee. The theme is "Nights in Morocco". This isn't your grandmothers Christmas party. Unless of course she's from Morocco, in which case it's very accurate. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey, Phyllis, do I need this invite to get in to the party? Phyllis: Yes. Michael: Awesome. I think this is going to be the best Christmas party ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Angela. You're going to move this for the party right? It's not on theme. Angela: It's the nativity scene. Phyllis: Alright. You can keep your camel, sheep, elephant and the north African king can stay. Everything else goes in the drawer. [SCENE_BREAK] Angela: I am not going to judge Phyllis for desecrating Christmas. There is one person who will though and Phyllis just stuffed him into a
SUMMARY: | Phyllis's Moroccan -themed holiday party is interrupted when Meredith's hair catches on fire during a drunken bellydance; Michael stages an intervention and attempts to force Meredith into rehab . Dwight makes a killing selling a popular Christmas toy-"Princess Unicorn". Phyllis continues to torment Angela on the Party Planning Committee. When she revolts, Phyllis shocks everyone by revealing Angela and Dwight's affair to everyone (except Andy). |
fd_Queer_As_Folk_01x15 | fd_Queer_As_Folk_01x15_0 | TEXT: [Open on Justin in the shower. Brian's shower. Justin stayed over at Brian's. Justin walks out into the bedroom area and peers into the living room. Lindsay's all dressed up, twittering about, giving Brian directions about taking care of Gus. Gus is placidly lying in Brian's arms, drinking from a bottle.] Lindsay: So, he takes a nap around eleven and another one at three. Justin: Lucky him. Lindsay: Here are all the emergency numbers. Oh, if you wanna take him outside don't forget his little beanie cap. He looks so adorable. Justin: Does somebody see my other shoe? Brian: Oh, is that what I'm sitting on? I knew it wasn't one of my usual rubber toys. Lindsay: Brian, are you listening to me? Brian: Yeah, feeding time, nap time, beanie hat, I got it. So, he'll be fine, Lindsay. Lindsay: I know he will be and appreciate you're doin' this in such you don't noticed. But I have to go back to work, I have to attend this damn teachers conference. Brian: Well, maybe you meet a nice lady P.E. teacher. Justin: Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him, too. Brian: I don't need you to keep an eye on him. Justin: I meant you. Brian: I'm his father; I'm not going to f*ck it up. [to Gus] Would you please tell them to give me some credit? Lindsay: I am. That's why I'm leaving him in your care. Brian: Bullshit. You're leaving him here because Melanie gonna go see her gently mother in Miami only back at Sunday. Lindsay: Here is my number at the conference. There you go. Brian: He's gonna be fine, mom. Lindsay: I know, dad. Brian: [to Gus] Are you ready to spend the weekend with your old man, sonny boy? [David's. Mike's on his way to work.] Michael: I'm off! David: Wow, wow. Michael, you wanna give me some hand with those stuff. I know there is a
SUMMARY: | Lindsay leaves Gus in Brian's care on the weekend of the Leather Ball. Michael is nervous about meeting David's son. Ted takes a walk on the wild side. Brian comes out to his father after he learns that Jack has cancer. |
fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_03x16 | fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_03x16_0 | TEXT: SCENE: Oz. Past. A green cyclone drops a basket besides a yellow-brick road. In the distance, the Emerald City can be seen. A woodcutter and his wife are walking along the road. A baby can be heard wailing. [SCENE_BREAK] Woodcutter's Wife: Did you hear that? Woodcutter: Nothing. Stick to the road. (His wife notices the basket.) Woodcutter's Wife: Oh, where did it come from? Woodcutter: The cyclone must have dropped it. Dear, what are you doing? Woodcutter's Wife: (She picks it up, revealing a baby girl.) What do you expect me to do? Leave the poor thing to the wolves? She's beautiful. (A branch is close to breaking overhead. The Woodcutter notices the baby raises a finger, magically changing the branch's direction; causing no harm as it falls to the ground some yards away. However, his wife remains oblivious.) Woodcutter: (Nervously.) She did that. She knocked that tree away. Woodcutter's Wife: Calm your nerves, dear. It was just the wind. She's only a babe and she needs our help. Can we keep her? Woodcutter: That's not a good idea. Didn't you see what she did? She's not like us. Woodcutter's Wife: You're right, she's not. She's alone and we're going to take care of her. Now, stick to the road or we'll never make it to the Emerald City before dawn.(She starts walking on again.) Woodcutter: What should we call her? Woodcutter's Wife: What about Zelena? She's going to be the happiest baby in all of Oz. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day. Storybrooke graveyard. Mourners, including Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin Hood, Hook, Henry and Belle attend Neal's funeral. Neal is laid to rest
SUMMARY: | With Rumplestiltskin as her slave, Zelena challenges Regina to a fight to the death and shocks the Evil queen with the reveal of their familial connection, and the town lays Neal to rest. Meanwhile, back in the past in the land of Oz, a jealous Zelena asks the Wizard to send her to Fairy Tale Land after discovering that she has a sister, Regina, and that Rumplestiltskin is training her to become a powerful force to be reckoned with. |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x14 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x14_0 | TEXT: At the school carnival, Spinner is sitting in a dunk tank Spinner: Come on Degrassi and dunk the dork! Linus: Hey. Wanna try your luck? It's only a buck a ball. Jimmy: You're telling me I get to throw balls at him for charity? Linus: Yeah. Come on why not? Jimmy: Okay. I'll uh, try my luck. Here's 5. Thank you. Linus: Yup. Spinner: Show me what you got Jimmy. (Jimmy throws the ball and dunks Spinner.) Spinner: Yes! First time today. Jimmy: Won't be the last. (Jimmy dunks him three more times in a row.) Jimmy: Wow. That was fun. I'm in a charitable mood so how about 10 more? Linus: I think Spinner needs a break. Jimmy: I think Gavin is fine okay? I'm just warming up. Marco: No, Jim look. He's freezing. I know you hate the guy okay, but today just cut him some slack. Jimmy: Fine whatever. (Jimmy leaves and Darcy puts a towel around Spinner.) Spinner: Thanks man. Saved my butt. Marco: Later Spinner. Later at the carnival, Paige and Alex are walking by Spinner Spinner: Girls could I interest you in this interesting pamphlet about Jesus? Paige: Um Spinner may I suggest methadone to uh kick the Christian habit? Spinner: It's not a habit Paige. It's for life and beyond. At the weight guessing booth, Danny is guessing Manny's weight Danny: Ouch, your shoes and your purse. Say 140? Manny: Maybe if I was carrying an entire 8 year old! Danny: Sign says guess. I guessed! Manny: Derek your friend's an idiot. Derek: I'm aware. Emma: So how miniscule are you? Manny: Don't ask. (Manny tries to take a brownie from Emma and Emma stops her.) Emma: Hey! These are for mom! Manny: Darn you and your whole make Sp
SUMMARY: | The Friendship Club's opinions on sex and homosexuality threaten Spinner's newly repaired friendship with Marco. Meanwhile, Spike's friends visit her in order to cheer her up on her and Snake's third anniversary. |
fd_CSI__Crime_Scene_Investigation_05x18 | fd_CSI__Crime_Scene_Investigation_05x18_0 | TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT] (Camera lingers on various Las Vegas city stock shots. It rises up toward the starry night sky, passes the moon and moves down to the woods.) [EXT. WOODS] (A man carrying a telescope kit walks through the grass and trees to find just the right spot. He opens his case and sets up the telescope.) (The man looks through the telescope.) SCOPE VIEW (Through the window of a nearby house, a man loosens his tie.) (The scope moves up and focuses in on the starry sky above.) RESUME VIEW (The man looks through the telescope. He pulls his eye away from the scope, then goes back to look through the scope.) SCOPE VIEW (Through the scope, we see the starry sky lit by an unnatural glow on the right side. The light on the right grows brighter and brighter.) RESUME VIEW (The man lifts his head from the scope. We notice that his right side is lit by this unnatural light.) (We also hear the crackling of fire.) (The man lifts his head and sniffs the air.) (We see burning particles flit across the screen. The man turns his head. The light is bright and upon him.) (Right next to him, the grounds are afire. A burning wall of fire makes its way toward him. The man backs away. He stumbles and falls to the ground.) (The burning block of fire moves toward him.) (The man screams.) (The screaming man rolls down the hill, burning.) (On the ground is the man's pair of glasses. Reflected in the glass is the burning figure of a man consumed by fire.) (The man screams echo in the night.) (Through the reflection in the glasses, we see the man fall to the ground as he continues to burn.) FLASH TO: [EXT. WOODS - NIGHT] (CLOSE-UP: The burned corpse.) (Grissom talks with the Chief Rick Dysart.) Chief Rick
SUMMARY: | Greg, Sara and Grissom investigate a scene of a bush fire which led to the death of a man and the 3rd degree burns of a woman. Catherine, Nick and Warrick solve a case involving the death of an entire family. The father is found dead on his bed, apparently from suicide. The mother was shot while running downstairs and their little daughter drowned to death in the pool. |
fd_Bones_03x01 | fd_Bones_03x01_0 | TEXT: "Widow's Son in the Windshield" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open: Freeway at night with trucks and cars driving by.) (Cut to: A car with three Sk8r kids: the driver, a girl and a boy in the backseat.) DRIVER: What I'm saying is... in this world there are the 'visercal' and the 'ineffable'. BACKSEAT GIRL: Nobody's totally UN-eff-able. BACKSEAT GUY: Hah, Virgins are! I mean, you are like the total opposite of UN-effable. DRIVER: IN-effable! And it doesn't mean what you think. It means like you can't describe it in words. BACKSEAT GIRL: Describe what? "Life Sucks?" (Car swerves) DRIVER: You have zero vocab skills! BACKSEAT GIRL: You're bitter, because you're the designated driver and we're not. BACKSEAT GUY: Whoa, dude. What does that even mean, "designated"? (Cut to: Freeway. Overhead shot shows a skull falling off the walkway bridge crossing the freeway, bouncing off a truck.) (Intercut back: the S8ters' car.) DRIVER: (Seeing something) What the hell was that? (A skull is suddenly embedded to the windshield. Car swerves off completely.) Screams. (Cut to: The Jeffersonian's Medico Legal Lab - Forensics Platform. There is a skeleton on a lighted table. Dr. Clark Edison, hoping to replace Zack Addy, is being quizzed Dr. Temperance Brennan and Dr. Cam Sayoran.) EDISON: Male. Mid-30s. Attachment size suggests he was well-muscled, probably due to manual labor rather than, uh, weight training. CAM: Okay. What killed him? EDISON: The sternal ribs were subluxated, at both the
SUMMARY: | The team investigates a case concerning a skull smashing through the windshield of a group of teenagers' car. The skull belongs to a violinist who disappeared after a concert and may have been a victim of cannibalism, leading them to an old bank vault filled with occult items. While Zack is away, Brennan searches for a new assistant. Angela and Hodgins hire a private investigator to track down Angela's ex-husband, who is identified with the nickname " Berimbau " (incorrectly defined as the name of a Brazilian flute). The case does not conclude at the end of the episode, but begins the recurring Gormogon story arc. |
fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_02x02 | fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_02x02_0 | TEXT: Scene: The building entrance lobby. The guys enter. Sheldon is dressed as a medieval monk, Howard is a court jester, Raj is a medieval gentleman and Leonard is a knight. Sheldon: Worst Renaissance Fair ever. Leonard: Please let it go, Sheldon. Sheldon: It was rife with historical inaccuracies. For example, the tavern girl serving flagons of mead, now her costume was obviously Germanic, but in 1487 the Bavarian purity laws or Rhineheitsgebot severely limited the availability of mead. At best they would have had some sort of spiced wine. Leonard: You're nitpicking. Sheldon: Oh-ho! Really? Well here's another nit for you. The flagons would not have been made of polypropylene. Howard: Renaissance fairs aren't about historical accuracy. They're about taking chubby girls who work at Kinko's and lacing them up in corsets so tight their bosom jumps out and says howdy. Sheldon: Bosoms would not have said howdy in the fifteenth century. If anything they would have said "huzzah!" Howard: I don't care what the bosoms say, Sheldon, I just want to be part of the conversation. Penny (arriving with a man in tow): Hi guys. Looks like you've been to the Renaissance fair. I'm hoping. Sheldon: Renaissance fair? More of a medieval slash age of enlightenment slash any excuse to wear a codpiece fair. Penny: Okay, fine, whatever, um, you guys, this is my friend Eric. Howard: Hello. Leonard: Hi. Eric: Hey. Leonard: So, yeah, good to see you. Penny: Yeah, yeah, it's good to see you too. We should really go. Eric: Yeah. Penny(leaving): Bye guys. Eric (leaving, to Howard): Like your hat. Howard: Thanks, my mom made it. Penny with a new guy, tres awkward. Leonard: It
SUMMARY: | After the guys return from a Renaissance fair and see Penny with her new boyfriend Eric, Leonard is approached in the Caltech canteen by Leslie Winkle, who proposes renewing their one-time "relationship". As she has grown out of one-night stands she suggests they take it slowly, first determining their compatibility on all levels before proceeding to full sex (if at all); Leonard can assume the "male role". During their dates, Leslie asks how many children they should have and evaluates Leonard's genetic defects. Penny dumps Eric after unsuccessfully using him to make Leonard jealous (including a competitive make-out session between Penny and Eric and Leonard and Leslie, Leslie helping Leonard make his point). Sheldon tells Penny he is uncomfortable with Leonard dating his arch enemy Leslie, but on Penny's advice he accepts the relationship. Almost immediately, however, Sheldon deliberately provokes an argument with Leslie over the validity of loop quantum gravity, which Leslie supports, and string theory, which Sheldon favors. Leslie expects Leonard to back her beliefs, but when he supports Sheldon, Leslie dumps Leonard, to Sheldon's relief. Sheldon then comforts Leonard with the fact that it's only nine months until Comic-Con. |
fd_FRIENDS_08x22 | fd_FRIENDS_08x22_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Central Perk, Joey is showing everyone a poster as Ross enters.] Ross: Hey! What are you guys looking at? Joey: Oh, it's a poster for that World War I movie that I'm in, check it out. Ross: Yeah? Wow! It looks really violent! Joey: Uh-huh! I know. I'm coming soon to a theater near you! I'm in THX! I'm unsuitable for children! Ross: Now I cannot wait to see this. Joey: Yeah, yeah, it's already generating Oscar buzz. Phoebe: I started that! Joey: I thought I did! Oh hey guess what? The premiere is next week and you're all invited! (They all gasp.) Monica: Are we gonna take a limo? Joey: Sure! Why not?! Monica: Oh I love taking limos when nobody died! Rachel: Well obviously I won't be able to come, for those of you who haven't checked their calendars today is my due date. Well y'know, I just want to take a moment and thank you guys for how great you've been during this time. I really couldn't have done it without you. And I have loved these last nine months! And even though I am so looking forward to the next part, I am really gonna miss being pregnant. [Scene: Central Perk, time lapse, and Rachel is entering still pregnant.] Rachel: That's right, still no baby! (To Monica, Joey, and Chandler on the couch) Come on people! Please make some room! Ross: Uh sweetie, maybe you'd be more comfortable here? (Gets up from the green armchair.) Rachel: You. Like you haven't done enough. Ross: Look, I-I know how miserable you are, I wish there was something I can do. I mean I wish I were a seahorse. (She glares at him) Because with seahorses it's the male, they carry the babies. And then also umm, I'd be far away in the sea. (He sits back down.
SUMMARY: | With the release of Joey's movie approaching, he must decide which friend to invite to the premiere. Unfortunately, his pick, Chandler, falls asleep during it. Monica and Phoebe bet on when the baby will be born as Rachel's due date comes and goes. |
fd_Charmed_07x01 | fd_Charmed_07x01_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Paige, Wyatt and baby Chris are there. Baby Chris cries while Paige changes him, and Wyatt sits in a high chair throwing food.] Paige: Help! Somebody help! Please? (Piper walks in.) Piper: Alright, alright, relax. I'm back. (She walks over to Wyatt and sees the mess.) What is this? How's his rash, does he need ointment? Paige: I don't know, I've been kind of procrastinating on that one. It's not my favourite thing to check. Piper: Why? You don't have a problem checking Wyatt. Paige: Yeah, that's 'cause I don't flash forward to Wyatt being twenty-two like you do with Chris. Piper: Oh, yeah, eww. Paige: Exactly. Stinky diaper. (The diaper orbs into the rubbish bin.) Piper: Hey, hey, are you using magic? Paige: Yeah. Wait till you see how I put the ointment on. Piper: Hi, personal gain. Do you want to lose your powers like Phoebe did? What if a demon attacks? Paige: Could liven things up around here. Piper: Excuse me? Paige: I'm just kidding. Sort of. Look, I love being a stay-at-home aunty, I really, really do, I just, I'm going crazy, I have to get out. You know, it wouldn't hurt you to get out a little bit too, I mean, you've been cooped up in here ever since... (Piper looks away.) You know, it's okay to talk about it, Piper. It won't hurt you, it could even help. Piper: Talk about what? Gideon's gone, Chris and Wyatt are safe, it all worked out. (Phoebe walks in.) Phoebe: Ohh, coffee, coffee, coffee. I can not believe how late for work I am
SUMMARY: | Reeling from the loss of their future son Chris, an overprotective Piper and an obsessed Leo are forced by Phoebe and Paige to attend a Hindu wedding, where they inadvertently receive the powers of the Hindu's Ultimate Lovers, Shakti , the Goddess of Creation and her lover, Shiva , the God of Destruction. Phoebe and Paige must keep them from consummating their obvious new passion or according to Hindu dogma and legend, the world will be destroyed if they love one another again. Meanwhile, Barbas hatches a plot to distract Piper and Leo, well aware that Leo is hunting him and enlists a hoard of lesser demons to kidnap baby Chris . Paige finds that the remaining staff at Magic School is packing up in preparation for shutting down, and resolves to take action for it to remain open. Phoebe meets her ghost writer at the Bay Mirror and discovers that Leslie is a guy. Back at the manor, Inspector Sheridan and a reluctant Darryl Morris confront Leo and Paige in the nursery and Leo blasts her across the room knocking her unconscious then leaves. Barbas proves able to influence Leo and uses projective telepathy to implant beliefs and causes him to attack an elder who is actually on his side. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_10x01 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_10x01_0 | TEXT: THE THREE DOCTORS By Bob Baker and Dave Martin 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] BLACK SCREEN (Coloured lights flash before our eyes and resolve into a familiar, friendly face, which fades into the background. It is replaced by the show logo.) (This is then replaced by the following text.) TITLE THE THREE DOCTORS (Fades to.) PART ONE (Fade in.) [SCENE_BREAK] 1. EXT. WILD LIFE SANCTUARY - LAKE DISTRICT - DAY (By the side of a lake, a weather balloon has come down. A man, ARTHUR, walks up to it and inspects a box that is attached to it. He touches it, hesitantly.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. EXT. WILD LIFE SANCTUARY - ENTRANCE - DAY (A land rover drives up to the house, passing a sign. MINSBRIDGE WILD LIFE SANCTUARY WARDENS OFFICE (The land rover drives up to a house and stops. The driver, DOCTOR TYLER, gets out and is approached by a WOMAN.) WOMAN: Dr. Tyler is it? TYLER: Yeah. Sorry to be a trouble. Thanks very much for calling. WOMAN: Oh, Arthur's keeping an eye on it, down by the lake. He hasn't touched it. TYLER: Oh good. WOMAN: It's not chemicals is it? Only the birds, you see... TYLER: No, you'll be all right. Nothing to worry about. (He gets back into his land rover and drives off.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. EXT. WILD LIFE SANCTUARY - LAKESIDE - DAY (Arthur is looking at the box suspiciously. He gets up and looks at the road and sees Tyler's land rover approaching. He looks back at the box. The box crackles, menacingly. Arthur looks down at it. There is a
SUMMARY: | The 10th Anniversary Serial has three incarnations of the Doctor meeting up to face the evil Omega in a universe of antimatter. |
fd_Dawson_s_Creek_02x01 | fd_Dawson_s_Creek_02x01_0 | TEXT: *Dawson's room - Dawson and Joey are kissing as "Say Goodnight" plays in the background. They pull away.* Joey: What was that? Dawson: A kiss...I think. Joey: *smiles* You kissed me. Dawson: I know. *Joey and Dawson both have that 'Should we kiss again?' look on their faces* Dawson: So.. Joey: So. Dawson: Well.. Joey: Well what? Dawson: Well that was a kiss. Joey: I'll say. Dawson: So now what? Joey: I don't know. Dawson: Me either. Joey: Well, uh, maybe we could.. *Joey walks over and sits on the bed.* Dawson: What? Joey: Nothing. *Dawson walks over and sits beside her.* Dawson: No, no, you were going to say something. What were you going to say? Joey: Nothing, I mean, I don't know. I don't know what I was going to say. Dawson: You were going to say we shouldn't have done that. I mean, that's what you're thinking, right? Joey: Actually, Dawson, I don't have a thought in my head now. *standing up* But apparently, that's what you're thinking so Dawson: No, no, I... Joey: Look. Why don't we sleep on it? *Dawson looks at her.* Joey: (cont.) Not together! I mean, YOU in your bed and me in mine. Dawson: Right, right, uh, absolutely. Obviously. We'll sleep on it, wake up, and this will all be a dream. Joey: You mean like it never happened? Dawson: Is that what you want? Joey: Is that what YOU want? *Dawson just stands there.* Joey: Okay, poof! Didn't happen, Dawson. See ya later. *She starts climbing out the window* Dawson: Joey! Joey! *He runs to the window and pulls her by the arm back inside.* Dawson: Don
SUMMARY: | After their kiss at the end of season one, Dawson and Joey have doubts about the future of their relationship as Joey is still mulling over plans to go to France. Meanwhile, Pacey plays a trick on new girl Andie, but later finds himself the victim of her revenge trick on him. |
fd_The_Office_06x17-18 | fd_The_Office_06x17-18_0 | TEXT: Pam: [on the phone with a client] I just wanted to check and see if there's anything you needed before I went on my maternity leave... Yeah, I'm pregnant... Great, well, I'll write up the order. Okay, thanks. Dwight: Wait a minute! You can't do that. You cannot exploit your baby for sales. Jim: [on the phone] Hey, did I tell you we were going to have a baby? Oh, thank you very much. I'm excited. Oh, definitely. Dwight: No, no! You need to come by your sales honorably! Pam: There is nothing dishonorable about talking about your life. People like it. Dwight: [on the phone with a client] Hey there. Dwight Schrute here. Listen, uh, would you be interested in restocking on paper?... Yeah, I could sure use the money. My cousin, uh, came down with a case of that nasty new goat fungus. Oh, it's just horrific. The doctor says he'd never seen it beard so quickly. Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: I need a baby. I'll never outsell Jim and Pam without one. Also, I've been noticing a gaping hole in my life. Sometimes I wake up cradling a gourd. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Kevin, you're such a gourmand. Kevin: I cooked my way through Julia Childs' cookbook, and now, I'm halfway through the Twilight cookbook. Last night, I had Edward's corn flake chicken. Pam: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Pregnant Pam and I, we get hungry at the same times, so we've been eating together a lot. Not all meals. Just second breakfast, lunch, second lunch, and first dinner. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: I thought that maybe we should do something special for early dinner. One last ultra feast. Pam: Mmmm, that sounds great. What are you thinking? Kevin: I think it should be a surprise. Meredith: [After Pam has a contraction] Oh, getting
SUMMARY: | Pam's contractions begin but she is determined to wait it out as long as possible so they can have more time at the hospital, unnerving Jim. Meanwhile the rest of the office tries to distract Pam from the pain with food and entertainment. Michael anxiously waits for Pam and Jim's baby, Cecilia, to be born. Back at the office, Erin makes Andy jealous when she has lunch with Kevin causing Andy to finally ask Erin out. Dwight and Angela draft a contract to have a baby together, but Dwight has mixed feelings after seeing Isabel at Jim and Pam's house when he renovates the couples kitchen. |
fd_FRIENDS_04x01 | fd_FRIENDS_04x01_0 | TEXT: Joey: (lying on a beach towel, recapping what happened in the last episode) Okay, so we went to the beach, because Phoebe found out about this lady who knew her mom and dad, and I don't really know what happened with that. [cut to Phoebe Sr.'s house, from the last episode] Phoebe Sr.: (to Phoebe) I'm your mother. Phoebe: Ehh? [cut to Monica opening the door of the beach house, with Chandler trying to pick her up for a date.] Joey: (voice-over) Oh, and then Monica joked that she wouldn't go out with a guy like Chandler... Chandler: (to Monica) (in a funny voice) Hi there. (Monica turns her head away in disgust) Joey: (voice-over)...and he couldn't let it go, and... I don't really know what happened with that either. [cut to a montage of scenes involving Bonnie, Ross, and Rachel from the last episode.] Joey: (voice-over) Oh-oh! And then Ross's new girlfriend, Bonnie, shows up and Rachel convinced her to save her head. And then Ross and Rachel kiss, and now Ross has to choose between Rachel and the bald girl and I don't know what happened there either... [cut back to Joey on the beach towel] Joey: Y'know what, hold on, let me go get Chandler. (gets up and leaves.) [Scene: The beach house, it's the same scene from the end of last year, with Ross in front of the two doors of Rachel's and Bonnie's rooms, trying to decide which door to choose. He finally chooses the one his right and goes in.] Ross: (surprised) Hi! Rachel and Bonnie: Hi! Bonnie: Rachel was just helping me out. My head got all sunburned. Ross: Awww. Bonnie: (to Rachel) Thanks a million. Rachel: Oh, you're welcome a million. Bonnie: (getting up and leaving) (to Ross) Okay, I'll see you in our room. Ross: Yeah. (close
SUMMARY: | Ross breaks up with Bonnie and gets back with Rachel, though she insists he first read her 18-page (front and back) letter discussing their relationship and insisting he take full responsibility for their break-up. Ross reluctantly agrees, suppressing his anger. Joey and Chandler come to Monica's rescue after she is stung by a jellyfish--one of them has to pee on her leg to relieve the pain. Phoebe goes to see her sister, Ursula, who reveals she already knows about their birth mother. Ross and Rachel break up again after Ross refuses to take all the blame for their previous problems and insists they were "on a break". |
fd_Scandal_01x07 | fd_Scandal_01x07_0 | TEXT: GIDEON WALLACE'S APARTMENT Quinn: Okay, not only are you super cute and have a great address; but you have literally the nicest people working in your bagel shop that I have ever-- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, god. Ohh. I-I Ohh. Ohh. Oh, god. Ohh. Oh, g-- You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're--you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. I'm gonna get help. Hold on. Just hold on. Hold on. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be- [SCENE_BREAK] WHITE HOUSE - FRONT GATES Morris: Morning again, Mr. Chambers. You've been a busy man. I signed you in two hours ago. Most people are just prying their eyelids open, And you've already been out causing trouble. Billy: Right. Have a good one. [SCENE_BREAK] WHITE HOUSE - BILLY CHAMBER'S OFFICE Aide: You have a 9:30 with the legislative affairs team to discuss the Gulf Coast Initiative. The advance briefing is on your desk, and then at 10:00, the Vice President would like you to join her For the prayer breakfast, and then-- [SCENE_BREAK] GIDEON WALLACE'S APARTMENT Olivia: Quinn? Quinn: Thank you. Thank you for coming. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry. I was gonna call 9-1-1, And then he- Olivia: Quinn, who else have you called? Quinn: You. Just you, because whoever k-killed Gideon, he's out there. We should call the police. We
SUMMARY: | OPA rushes to help Quinn when she finds herself in Gideon's apartment next to his body. They decide to clean up the crime scene in order to avoid exposing Quinn to the law. A reluctant Cyrus must turn to Olivia when Billy Chambers makes a public announcement that he had a relationship with Amanda Tanner and that the president took advantage of her, and because of it he resigns. Cyrus, Fitz and Olivia discuss how to move forward, and Fitz suggests that he resign as well. He tells Olivia that if he isn't president they can be together. |
fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_01x04 | fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_01x04_0 | TEXT: Scene: Sheldon and Leonard's apartment. Sheldon: I've been thinking about time travel again. Leonard: Why, did you hit a roadblock with invisibility? Sheldon: Put it on the back burner. Anyway, it occurs to me, if I ever did perfect a time machine, I'd just go into the past and give it to myself, thus eliminating the need for me to invent it in the first place. Leonard: Interesting. Sheldon: Yeah, it really takes the pressure off. Leonard: Sounds like a breakthrough, should I call the science magazines and tell them to hold the front cover? (Exiting the apartment.) Sheldon: It's time travel, Leonard, I will have already done that. Leonard: Then I guess congratulations are in order. Sheldon: No, congratulations will have been in order. You know, I'm not going to enjoy this party. Leonard: I know, I'm familiar with you. Sheldon: At the last department party, Dr Finkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes. Leonard: Yes, I was there. Sheldon: You know what's interesting about caves, Leonard? Leonard: What? Sheldon: Nothing. Leonard: Well then we'll avoid Finkleday, we'll meet the new department head, congratulate him, shake his hand and go. Sheldon: How's this? Pleased to meet you, Dr Gablehouser. How fortunate for you that the University has chosen to hire you, despite the fact that you've done no original research in 25 years, and instead have written a series of popular books that reduce the great concepts of science to a series of anecdotes, each one dumbed down to accommodate the duration of an average bowel movement. Mahalo. Leonard: Mahalo's a nice touch. Sheldon: Do you know there are only eight consonants in the Hawaiian language. Leonard: Interesting, you should lead with that. Scene: The department party. Sheldon, Raj and Leonard are at the buffet table. Raj: Oh, God, Look at this buffet. I love America. Leonard: You don't have buffets in India? Raj: Of
SUMMARY: | At the university Sheldon is fired from his job as a physicist after insulting his new boss Dr. Eric Gablehauser. Sheldon's change of circumstance triggers a downward spiral of depression in which he fails to improve scrambled eggs, develops luminous fish for nightlights, and weaves on a hand loom. Worried, Leonard calls Sheldon's mother, Mary Cooper. When she visits, the men realize she is the complete opposite of their expectations: she is sweet, down-to-earth, a devout Christian, and a loving and caring mother. Mary finally forces Sheldon to apologize, who is given his job back after she flirts with Dr. Gablehauser. |
fd_Frasier_07x06 | fd_Frasier_07x06_0 | TEXT: Act One. Scene One - Café Nervosa. Frasier hurriedly enters the café with a pursuing Poppy hot on his heels. Poppy: Hey, Frasier! Frasier: Hello, Poppy. Poppy: You should have your hearing checked. I've been yelling "wait up!" for the last four blocks. Frasier: [excusing] Well, I must be getting old. Poppy: Like an old man can walk that fast! You were practically running the last block. Did I ever tell you about my uncle who ran everywhere? He ran to the store... Frasier: [puts his hand up] That's a very interesting story. Yes, I'll see you at the station, okay? [notices Roz at a front table] Roz! Frasier crosses to Roz and sits with her as Poppy goes to the counter. Frasier: Thank God you were here. Roz: I know exactly how you feel. Last week I ducked into a bathroom stall to get away from her and there were three other women already in there. Listen, I have a favor to ask. This friend of mine is running this charity dinner dance Friday night... Frasier: Oh, Roz, say no more. What do they need? An autographed picture for their silent auction? Roz: That would be a silent auction! Frasier: Very funny. Roz: No, what I was hoping you'd do is buy a couple of tickets. They're only a hundred bucks each. Frasier: I don't know Roz, I'd have to take a date. Seattle does have certain expectations about the sort of person I'm to be seen with. Roz: Oh, that's easy! [points out Niles who has just entered the café] Here he is! Let's see if he's free. Frasier: [playing along] I'll let you know! Roz gets up, greets Niles, and exits. Niles greets Frasier and sits with him. Niles: Mind if I join you? Frasier: Well, actually I'm not staying, I'm
SUMMARY: | When Frasier escapes Poppy at Café Nervosa by leaving Niles in his place, Poppy is suddenly less talkative than usual; she finds Niles warm, charming and handsome. Frasier returns home and finds a strange woman in a towel using the phone. The woman, Regan, recently moved in next door, and Martin rescued her when she locked herself out. Frasier finds Regan attractive, and intends to ask her out. When Niles meets her, Frasier believes that Niles is attracted to her as well. Niles, in turn, thinks Frasier's persistent hostile remarks about Poppy mask a latent attraction, and so does not believe that he really likes Regan. Both couples attend a charity ball, each brother assuming that the other is pursuing his date. |
fd_The_Office_08x09 | fd_The_Office_08x09_0 | TEXT: Dwight: [knocks water bottle on to Jim's desk] Oh, little help. Wow your hair is really thinning. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Standing is proven to be healthier, increases productivity and just looks cooler. Picture someone doing something heroic. Now was he sitting or standing? Not counting FDR. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Every second you sit there is an hour off your life. Look at all of you. I feel like you're in a suicide cult. Creed: No. No. No. You're way off on that one. Dwight: Oh yeah? Oscar: Are you really comfortable standing there? I tried one of those and I just never hit the sweet spot. Jim: Hey guys let's just all admit it. Ok? Dwight's better than us. He had the guts to stop sitting. And he's never, ever going to go back on it right? Dwight: That's right Jim. [SCENE_BREAK] Darryl: Hey man. Dwight: [jumping up from an almost sitting position] Hey. Darryl: Taking a load off huh? Dwight: No. Putting a load on more like it. Darryl: Good luck with that. Dwight: Last thing I need is luck. [hunches down again] [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: [to Angela] Thank you so much. [hums] Jim: [sees a pole poking out Dwight's pant leg] What are you up to? Oops look out! [grabs Dwight's wallet] Dwight: What are you doing? Give that back. Come on! Jim: Prank! [throws money from Dwight's wallet on the floor] Dwight: Oh that's real creative. Jim: You know what it's not my best. Because you could just easily bend over and pick it up right? Dwight: I could, but I just don't feel like it loser. Jim: Because you're sitting? Dwight: Standing. Jim: Ok. Dwight: Don't! Jim: Because you're sitting
SUMMARY: | Robert tries to get Andy to not give his wife, Susan ( Maura Tierney ), a job in the office. After a confusing interview, Andy relents and gives Susan a job, and California is furious. After Susan learns the truth, she and California have a major fight. Meanwhile, Dwight opens a gym in the building and makes Darryl join in hopes of getting other office members to follow. |
fd_Alias_03x14 | fd_Alias_03x14_0 | TEXT: INT. VAUGHN'S HOME - NIGHT Lauren's phone vibrates. Lauren turns on a lamp. Vaughn's sitting in a chair messing with a watch. LAUREN: Michael, what are you doing? (looks at phone) Sometimes I hate my job. LAUREN: Baby, what's going on? VAUGHN: You know how doctors always make you wait? LAUREN: What? VAUGHN: When you go in for an appointment. My dad hated that. He used to say he'd always kept his appointments, and everyone else should do the same. LAUREN: You okay? VAUGHN: Yeah. I just... I was looking for my house keys and I found this (the watch). LAUREN: Why were you looking for your house keys? VAUGHN: I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd go for a jog. LARUEN: What time is it? VAUGHN: I dunno. It's broken. LAUREN: Are you sure you're alright? VAUGHN: Yeah, I'm fine. They kiss. VAUGHN: I'll see you later. Lauren calls Sark back. LAUREN: This better be good. SARK: And a good morning to you, too. LAUREN: You paged me on my NSC cell phone. You know that they track all incoming numbers. SARK: This cell phone's been cloned, so you have nothing to worry about. We've just learned that a freelance munitions expert has created a cutting edge technology, one that he's since sold to one of our rivals. We need you to filter back any CIA intel that might help us get a lock on it. LAUREN: You called me to remind me to do my job? SARK: Darling, it's not like that. LAUREN: (sarcastically) Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] INT. ROTUNDA - DAY WEISS: Will he ever open his eyes? MARSHALL: Babies sleep, Weiss, you know. That's what they do, except when
SUMMARY: | The CIA intercepts a communication suggesting that a terrorist organization, Shining Sword, has a plasma charge weapon. Sydney and Vaughn access a secure data facility to download information but their access is cut short by a Covenant operative who escapes after a car chase. They trace the weapon to a ship but Vaughn is shot while on board. The story is then replayed, with additional scenes showing Lauren's involvement in the operation. She had leaked information, it was her in the secure data facility and it was she and Sark that had escaped in the car. Lauren is aroused by the operation and makes love with Sark. Back aboard the ship, Sark and Lauren attempt to stop Sydney and Vaughn. Vaughn gets the upper hand, demanding that Lauren remove her mask but before Lauren reveals her identity, Sark threatens to kill Sydney. Sark and Lauren escape, arming the weapon which Vaughn disables with Marshall's remote assistance. Sloane meets Dr. Barnett, revealing that he had an affair with Irina Derevko and that Sydney may be his daughter. |
fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_03x13 | fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_03x13_0 | TEXT: Prologue: A cave. There is a thick mist obscuring the view. A red-eyed, bluish- gray skinned demon angrily searches through the fog for those who have attacked it and its kindred, two of which already lie dead on the cave's floor. Faith is standing in an alcove watching the demon's movements. Buffy is up on a ledge, watching the demon anxiously. Giles is off in a corner waiting for the right moment. Willow slowly steps around the corner of the cave entrance carrying a large lit candle. When she's in view of the main chamber and senses the moment is right, she quietly speaks her spell. Willow: Obscurate nos non diutius. Translation: Do not conceal any longer. She blows out the candle, and a wind quickly sucks the fog out of the cave. The demon is now clearly visible to everyone. Its teeth are sharp, yet there are no fangs. It has very long pointed ears and a series of horns starting just above its eyes and continuing up on its high, thick forehead. It growls as it turns around, trying to get a clear look at what's there. When it's facing her, Buffy jumps from the ledge and tackles the demon to the ground. Giles comes out of his corner and grabs one of its arms. Buffy grabs the other as she scrambles to her feet, and together they drag the demon up and slam it against a wall. It wraps its arm around Giles' shoulder and throws him off. He hits an adjacent wall and falls to the ground. Buffy: (yells) Now! Faith comes out of her alcove holding a sword up in both hands and charges the demon. Before it can react, Faith has plunged the sword through its heart. The demon screams in agony. Giles looks up and watches as Faith pulls the sword back out of the demon's chest. Buffy releases it and allows it to fall. Giles rolls out of the way as it hits face down on the ground. He rolls back a bit and looks at the body lying next to him. Faith
SUMMARY: | Xander tries to be cool and hangs out with Jack O'Toole ( Channon Roe ), who resurrects three of his former buddies. Xander soon realizes they are up to something deadly and attempts to hide. Meanwhile, the others need to prevent the Sisterhood of Jhe from reopening the Hellmouth. |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_06x12 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_06x12_0 | TEXT: At the funeral Grandma Yorke: It was a beautiful service. Thank you. JT was just the sweetest boy. I can't understand why anyone would want to hurt him. Sean: Tell you what I keep thinking about, getting in a room with the guy who did this and making him pay. Emma: He's in jail Sean. Sean: I know. I'm pissed. I mean killing JT for no...the guy's a psycho. Manny: How are you feeling sweetie? Emma: Yeah we're worried about you Lib. You haven't said a thing. Liberty: I have nothing to say Emma. Excuse me. (Liberty starts to leave and Toby follows her.) Liberty: Please leave me alone Toby. Toby: Look I understand if you don't want to talk. I'll just stand here. Liberty: Everyone expects me to be like Mia. Crying my eyes out. I can't. Toby: JT wouldn't want you to. You know this is, this is all wrong. All these flowers and organ music and people bawling. JT would hate this. Liberty: You're right. JT would probably put whoopee cushions on every seat if he could. Toby: We need to do like a memorial or something at school. You'll help me right? Liberty: You can find loads of volunteers. Toby: Yeah, but I'm asking you 'cause I don't know if I can do it without you. Outside Ms. Sauvé's office, Toby finishes up a session Ms. Sauvé: Grief is a long process. Just give it time. Uh Emma? You ready to see the psychologist? Mia: Toby I heard that you were the last one to speak to JT before he died. What did he say? Toby: It was just talk. Nothing important. Mia: No just tell me please. Toby: Honestly we talked about oatmeal and how he really wanted a bowl. Mia: So he didn't say anything about me at all? Toby: I'm sorry Mia, it was just oatmeal. Manny: Toby. Is
SUMMARY: | In the aftermath of J.T.'s murder, all of Degrassi are in mourning. While planning the memorial, Toby and Liberty kiss, and he soon wonders if he should let her know about J.T.'s true feelings for her. Meanwhile, Ellie decides to tell Jesse that she kissed Craig but receives some unexpected news. |
fd_Frasier_09x18 | fd_Frasier_09x18_0 | TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - KACL [Fade in. Frasier is on the air with a caller, Roz is in her booth.] Frasier: Lilian, the next time your perfectionist tendencies drive you to distraction, just remember this quotation from Henry James: "Excellence does not require perfection." Lillian: [voice over] That's very helpful. Thank you. Frasier: Or is it "demand"? Hmm... "require", "demand" "Excellence does not require perfection." "Excellence does not demand perfection." Roz: Aren't they the same thing? Frasier: Of course not, Roz! Shush! "Excellence"..."demand", "require", "demand", "require"...Oohh! Or is it "mandate"? Lillian: [v.o.] I really have to go now. [There is a click and a dial tone as she disconnects.] Frasier: Oh, well, it doesn't really matter, anyway, does it? Meantime, Seattle, this is Doctor Frasier Crane, wishing you good day OH! It's "require", it is "require"! [he laughs victoriously] And good mental health. [He goes off the air and Roz comes over and holds something out.] Roz: Frasier, would you please give this to Freddie for me? It's for his spelling bee tomorrow. Frasier: [taking it] Roz, it's not a spelling bee, it's the National Championship. Roz: Oh. Ooh, when's Lilith coming in? Frasier: [rising] Actually, she's not coming in, she'll be watching the competition ion from home. Her victory dance at the state finals earned her a long overdue suspension. So, what is this anyway? Roz: It's a flattened penny. I found it at the railroad tracks once when I was going through a really bad time. But as soon as I picked it up, I started getting lucky. Frasier: Oh, so that's where it all started.
SUMMARY: | Frederick is due to compete in the National Spelling Championship, and Frasier has been training him very thoroughly, even in stance and diet. Frederick does extremely well in the spelling bee , and is crowned National Champion. However, the parents of the runner-up notice an anomaly when watching the recording: it seems that Frasier was unconsciously mouthing the letters of the final word as Frederick spelled it out. The trophy is then re-awarded to the runner-up, Warren Clayton, but Frederick and Frasier are still invited to the finalists' banquet, where they are subjected to taunts and accusations of cheating. Frederick will not tolerate his father being called a cheater, and challenges Warren to a re-match. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_20x08 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_20x08_0 | TEXT: SNAKEDANCE BY: CHRISTOPHER BAILEY Part Four First Air Date: 26 January 1983 Running time: 24:29 [SCENE_BREAK] TANHA: You can't do that! LON: Why not? TANHA: It is preposterous to think that anyone is plotting against you, least of all these people. DOCTOR: Your mother is right. LON: I'd expect you to say that. DOCTOR: My only concern is for Tegan and the Great Crystal. AMBRIL: Why should the Great Crystal concern you? DOCTOR: If I'm allowed to live long enough, I'll explain. [SCENE_BREAK] TEGAN: Puzzling, isn't it. How can it be happening? Can you believe your eyes? You have no choice. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: You must not do that. TANHA: And why not? LON: Mother. TANHA: No, no, the man is entitled to his say, however preposterous. Of course we can do it. And the Director has agreed, haven't you. AMBRIL: The Great Crystal will be returned to its rightful place during the ceremony. DOCTOR: But why? LON: Why what? DOCTOR: Why did you request it, and why did he agree? TANHA: Why not? It is actually one of the few advantages of being a member of the Federator's family. CHELA: But it's forbidden. It's forbidden by tradition going back five hundred years! LON: Is that why you propose to assassinate me? TANHA: I thought we'd cleared that up. DOCTOR: Who said we wanted to assassinate you? LON: I'm not here to be questioned by you. DOCTOR: No, of course not. How foolish of me. I've been very stupid. Do you remember me telling you, Nyssa, on the Kinda world, the mark of the Mara? I should have realised. LON: They'd never believe you. TANHA: What are you two talking about? DOCTOR: Where's
SUMMARY: | The Mara's plan is close to fruition, the Doctor comes to prevent the Mara from finalizing the plan with the knowledge that Dojjen imparted to him. |
fd_Glee_01x20 | fd_Glee_01x20_0 | TEXT: Scene 1 - Figgin's Office - Figgins,Tina,Will Tina is dressed in total goth look and Figgins look at her with rage in his eyes. Tina : Am I in trouble? Will : Come on. You've got more self-esteem than that. I think this might have something to do with your perfect attendance last semester. Figgins : No. Miss Cohen-Chang is in trouble. It has come to my attention that the look you sport is what is known as goth.American teens are coming down with a serious case of Twilight fever,transformed from normal children into vampires obsessed with the occult. And only yesterday,this dark specter reared its head at McKinley High. Flash Back - Lockers-Lauren and a clique of « Team Edward and Jacob »,Jacob Ben Israel Some girls are in front of the lockers with Team Edward and Team Jacob T-shirts. Lauren : This is totally going to get Robert Pattinson's attention. Hissing Jacob : Oh, hey. (Girls roaring and screaming jump on him) Oh, dear God! End of Flash Back Will : I don't mean to state the obvious,but you do know that vampires aren't real, right? They don't exist. Figgins : William, denial will not make this problem go away! Tina : My parents won't even let me watch Twilight. My mom says she thinks Kristin Stewart seems like a bitch. Figgins : This is a serious problem! Miss Cohen-Chang, you've got to find yourself another style of dress! Will : Hold on a second. Tina is shy and one way she's found to express herself is through her clothes. High school is an incredibly important time when kids get to explore who they are. When I was in high school, I had a whole year where I dressed exactly like Kurt Cobain. I mean, come on. There has to be someone who you used to dress like. Figgins : Yes. For several years in my early 20s, I dressed up as Elvis.But
SUMMARY: | The glee club pays tribute to Lady Gaga , donning some of her famous outfits. Will teaches the club about theatricality to help Tina through an identity crisis. Rachel finally meets her mother by accident during a sneak-in on a Vocal Adrenaline practice session, but neither feel an immediate mother-daughter bond. Kurt's father, Burt, invites Finn and his mother to move in, but Finn is reluctant to share a room with Kurt. He uses a homophobic slur against Kurt during an emotional outburst, and is told to move out by Burt, but later comes to Kurt's defense when he is attacked by school bullies. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_13x11 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_13x11_0 | TEXT: PYRAMIDS OF MARS BY: "STEPHEN HARRIS" (ROBERT HOLMES AND LEWIS GREIFER) Part Three Running time: 24:32 [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: The ring, Sarah. Use the ring! SARAH: Stop! DOCTOR: Return to control. SARAH: Return to control! Return to control! DOCTOR: Are you all right? LAURENCE: Yes, I think so. DOCTOR: You don't deserve to be. You nearly got us all killed. LAURENCE: I'm sorry. DOCTOR: What's worse, you've probably wrecked what was my only chance of stopping Sutekh. LAURENCE: Look, forgive me, Doctor. I was thinking of my brother. DOCTOR: Listen! What's walking about out there is no longer your brother. It is simply an animated human cadaver. Animated by Sutekh. Do you understand? (Laurence nods.) And if Sutekh succeeds in freeing himself, the consequences will be incalculable. Stay here! LAURENCE: Where's he going? SARAH: To find out what Scarman's doing. [SCENE_BREAK] SUTEKH (OOV.): It was a deliberate attempt to block my cytronic control. SCARMAN: I know nothing, Master. [SCENE_BREAK] SUTEKH: I detected electromagnetic radiation. The source was within the deflection barrier. SCARMAN (on monitor): There are some humans here who have eluded the servicers. If work on the missile is delayed, they can be found and destroyed. SUTEKH: No! The missile must be projected at the hour appointed. My freedom comes before all. Immediately thereafter, you will find and kill the humans. SCARMAN (on monitor): As you direct, Master, so it shall be. [SCENE_BREAK] SARAH: What is it? DOCTOR: It's an Osiran war missile, and almost complete by the look of it. SARAH: You mean that thing can fly? DOCTOR: It trans
SUMMARY: | The Doctor and Sarah try to destroy Sutekh's rocket but the Osiran's mental powers prove too great for them. |
fd_Charmed_04x11 | fd_Charmed_04x11_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Paige are there making breakfast. Phoebe rushes in.] Phoebe: Okay, move it or lose it, people, coming through. (Phoebe takes Paige's coffee cup from her.) Paige: Hey, I was using that. (Phoebe pours some coffee in the cup.) Phoebe: Yeah, well, I'm late and I need caffeine, so sue me. Piper: Two weeks of jury duty and suddenly she's lawyery. Phoebe: Now, normally I would have a way to come back for that but I am too tired. Paige: I'd be tired too if I had to decide whether or not someone lived or died. What's your decision? Phoebe: Paige, you know I can't talk about the case. Besides, that's not why I can't sleep. I can't sleep. I can't sleep because I miss Cole too much. If he doesn't come home soon, I'm gonna turn into a vampire. Paige: Jokes like that in this house, not so funny. Piper: Not so funny. So when do you think he's gonna come back? Phoebe: Who knows? He said he needed some time to find himself and figure out who he was without his demon side. Paige: What does that mean? He's off banging on drums in the woods somewhere? Phoebe: God, I hope not. (She looks at her watch.) Ugh, gotta go. (She leaves the kitchen.) Piper: Wait! (Piper and Paige follow her out.) Who's testifying today? Phoebe: Nobody, it's closing argument. Piper: Already? That was fast. Phoebe: Oh, no, not you too. Piper: Oh, Phoebe, it's only natural to be curious. Phoebe: Forget it. Paige: Listen, nobody keeps secrets better than us. We are the mistresses of secrets. Piper: Well... Phoebe: Well,
SUMMARY: | Phoebe is selected to serve on the jury of a man on trial for murder. During the case, she has a premonition showing someone else committing the crime, despite the evidence against the defendant. While Leo, Piper and Paige rush to find the rightful killer and bring him to justice, Phoebe does her best to stall her fellow jurors from finding the man guilty. Meanwhile, Paige's friend Glen is in town and Paige invites him to stay at the manor. While there, he discovers the Book of Secrets and soon finds out Paige's magical powers. |
fd_NCIS_04x17 | fd_NCIS_04x17_0 | TEXT: EXT. CEMETERY - DAY MARINE: (V.O.) In pain we may find comfort, in sorrow hope, in death resurrection. HONOR GUARD: (V.O.) Guard ho! Ready, aim, fire! (SFX: GUNFIRE) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. MAUSOLEUM HONOR GUARD: (V.O.) Aim, fire! Aim, fire! Aim, fire!(SFX: GUNFIRE B.G.) JACKSON: They're almost finished out there, Ken. DIXON: What do you want me to tell you, Jack? I can't get the damn thing open. (SFX: TAPS B.G.) JACKSON: Stripped? DIXON: No, it's catching. It's just stuck or something. When's the last time you reopened one of these things? JACKSON: This is the first tandem burial since I've been here. DIXON: That's like what? A decade? JACKSON: Yeah. Let me try. (SFX: JACKSON GRUNTING B.G.) JACKSON: Okay, it's moving. DIXON: What's that smell? (SFX: EXPLOSION) DIXON: Are you okay? (MUSIC UP AND OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/ SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY ABBY: Give me a dollar! MCGEE: Okay. What's wrong with that one? ABBY: The machine wouldn't take it, and I want a candy bar! MCGEE: What's wrong with that candy bar? ABBY: It has nougat in it! MCGEE: What? You hate nougat. ABBY: (SHOUTS) I know!! It was a mistake, McGee! Do you have a dollar!? MCGEE: All I have are big bills. ZIVA: What is nougat? TONY: It
SUMMARY: | An explosion at a military cemetery mausoleum turns up a skeleton. As they investigate, Ducky discovers that they have turned up the skeleton of more than one body. The team talks to the families to try to find some link between the victims. Meanwhile, Abby is having personal problems. |
fd_FRIENDS_07x11 | fd_FRIENDS_07x11_0 | TEXT: With Help from: Aaron Howard-Miller [Scene: Chandler and Monica's, Chandler is sitting at the kitchen table eating cheesecake. The box it came in is also on the table.] Chandler: Ohh. Mmm. Rachel: (Comes in the front door and walks towards the kitchen.) Hi. Chandler: Hey, you have got to try this cheesecake. Rachel: Oh, y'know I'm not that much of a sweet tooth. I-(Chandler puts a forkful of the cheesecake in her mouth.)-Wow. My God, so creamy. Oh my God, this is the best cheesecake I have ever had. Where did you get this? (She reaches over to look at the label on the box.) Chandler: (nervously) It was at the front door. When I got home. Somebody sent it to us. Rachel: Chandler, this is not addressed to you. This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs. (Gasping) Thief. Chandler: I-no! I didn't read the box before I opened it. And you can't return a box after you've opened the box. Rachel: Why, why not? Chandler: Because it's too delicious. Rachel: Chandler, you stole this cheesecake. That is wrong. Chandler: No-no-no! It is going to be okay, because Mrs. Braverman is gonna send away for a free one and that way we all win! The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate, (Reading the label) Momma's Little Bakery. (Pause) I feel terrible, I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person. Rachel: (taking a bite) Oh, I'm sorry, what? Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, everyone except Rachel is there as Joey gets up and starts putting on his coat.] Joey: All right, I should get going, big day at work. Y'know I'm in a coma? Today, they do this test on me and it turns out I'm not brain dead. Chandler: So... Joey: Ah-ah-ah Mr. Smartie
SUMMARY: | Phoebe gets angry with Joey when he blows off dinner with her for a date. The tables are turned however when her scientist boyfriend David returns to town for one night -- the same night when she's scheduled to go to dinner with Joey. Monica is upset by her lack of invitation to a cousin's wedding, especially when she finds out that Ross was invited "with guest". Chandler accidentally gets a cheesecake delivered that was intended for another apartment. When he and Rachel start eating it, they are unable to stop and refuse to give it back. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x11 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x11_0 | TEXT: 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. KEMBEL. JUNGLE CLEARING (As the DOCTOR approaches the TARDIS, he stops to catch his breath. He sees movement through the trees and hides. He watches from the undergrowth as three DALEKS emerge from around the TARDIS. The DOCTOR looks on in horror as they surround the ship. He ducks further back into hiding...) ( the DALEKS look over the TARDIS.) FIRST DALEK: Inform base security that a further intruder craft has been located. SECOND DALEK: I obey. FIRST DALEK: Security patrols five and seven will converge on this area. Priority alert. Invaders to be located and destroyed! (The FIRST DALEK glides away. In the bushes, a worried DOCTOR also backs away from the scene and heads off into the trees. Back at the TARDIS, the FIRST DALEK glides back.) FIRST DALEK: A message from the Dalek Supreme - Operation Inferno to be put into execution at once. SECOND DALEK: Inform all units. Evacuate patrols to safety areas. Confirm with units in position. On confirmation, start abbreviated countdown for Operation Inferno. (The DOCTOR continues to observe...) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. KEMBEL. DALEK CITY. CONFERENCE ROOM (MAVIC CHEN sits alone in a large conference room. A shallow ramp descends into the room and at the bottom of this ramp spread out on either side two quarter-circle tables. CHEN is at one of these tables, writing on one of a numbers of papers in front of him. A menacing humanoid creature, dressed in a black cloak, appears at the top of the ramp. Its face is covered by a black hood with two slanting gashes for eyeholes. The creature starts to walk down the ramp. CHEN looks up and sees it approaching. The creature speaks with an arrogant, slightly high-pitched lilt
SUMMARY: | In the year 4000, the Daleks conspire to conquer the Solar System. Their scheme involves treachery at the highest levels and a weapon capable of destroying the very fabric of time. Only the Doctor and his friends can prevent catastrophe - and there is no guarantee they will escape with their lives... |
fd_Merlin_04x04 | fd_Merlin_04x04_0 | TEXT: "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name...Merlin". DRUIDS' CAVE - Night While the druids are sleeping, a man steals a key. He connects it to what looks like his third part of the key. The two parts matches perfectly. The man turns around and finds the druids all awake. He runs into the woods, but he is pursued. He reaches a cliff and has to stop. The druids are getting closer to him so he grabs one of them and pulls a dagger on his chest. Iseldir: It is not worth anyone's life. Man: Isn't it? It's cost me 20 years of mine. Iseldir: It is of no use. You will never find the third part of the Triskellian. Man: Ah, but you're wrong. I already know where that bit is. The man shoves his captive at the druids and jumps off the cliff. He rides to Camelot. [SCENE_BREAK] OPENING TITLES [SCENE_BREAK] KING'S PALACE, PHYSICIAN'S CHAMBERS - Night Gaius is working late when the man knocks on the door. Merlin wakes up. Gaius answers the door. Man: Hello, Gaius. Surely you remember me? Gaius: Only too well. Why are you here? Man: Please, I could do with drying myself by your fire. Gaius lets him in. Merlin watches the scene through the interstice of his bedroom door. Gaius: You've a nerve coming back here. You left me in a lot of trouble. Man: Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that. What can I say? Execution didn't really appeal to me. Don't pretend you supported Uther. Gaius: Tell me why you're here. Man: (Showing him the connected two parts of the Triskellion). Save your eyesight Gaius. It's the
SUMMARY: | The mysterious Julius Borden arrives in Camelot with news of a magical secret that threatens to change the landscape of the kingdom forever. He has located the final part of the key to the tomb of Ashkanar, an ancient mausoleum which holds a very special treasure: the last remaining dragon's egg. Merlin is understandably drawn in by Borden's news, and promises to help him. But just who is the enigmatic stranger and, more importantly, what does he really want with the egg? |
fd_Doctor_Who_03x02 | fd_Doctor_Who_03x02_0 | TEXT: EXT. THAMES EMBANKMENT London 1599. Elizabethan London skyline at night, moonlight reflected on the Thames. EXT. ALL HALLOWS STREET A young man is playing a lute as he serenades a woman at a balcony. WIGGINS: # Her face was like a winter's moon that lights the traveller's way. Her smile was like a summer bloom that bursts then fades away. My love is night, my love is day. My love she is my world.# LILITH: Such sweet music shows your blood to be afire. Why wait we on stale custom for consummation? WIGGINS: Oh, yes. Tonight's the night. He heads for the door of the house and is met by Lilith. LILITH (coyly): Would you enter, bold sir? WIGGINS: Oh, I would. INT. WITCHES' HOUSE He enters the dwelling to see it dark with numerous fires burning, sharp instruments hanging from the walls and dried plants. WIGGENS (CONT'D): Lilith, this cannot be the home of one so beautiful. Forgive me, this is foul. LILITH (shushes him): Sshh. Sad words suit not upon a lover's tongue. (Kisses him. When she pulls away, her face is wizened and her teeth, fangs). Your kiss transformed me. He backs away, terrified. LILITH (CONT'D): A suitor should meet his beloved's parents. Mother Doomfinger. An old woman with features similar to Lilith rises from behind him. He turns to face her, gasping. LILITH (CONT'D): And Mother Bloodtide. A second on the ceiling cackles before falling to the floor. They converge upon Wiggins who screams and falls under their attack. Lilith rises and faces the camera. LILITH (CONT'D): Soon at the hour of woven words we shall rise again and this fleeting Earth will perish! She cackles. OPENING CREDITS INT. TARDIS
SUMMARY: | The Doctor and Martha land around Southwark in 1599, where they discover that William Shakespeare is under the spell of witch-like aliens known as Carrionites who are forcing him to finish Love's Labour's Won using a poppet . The Doctor learns that they are using the powerful words of the play to bring back their imprisoned species; the words spoken by the actors are instructions which open a portal. The Doctor tries and fails to get Shakespeare to stop the play's performance at the Globe Theatre . When the Carrionites start coming through the portal, the Doctor convinces Shakespeare to use his own powerful gift of words to close the portal. The closing of the portal brings all of the copies of Shakespeare's lost play with the Carrionites. |
fd_Frasier_04x16 | fd_Frasier_04x16_0 | TEXT: Act One Scene One - Radio Station. Frasier is sat at his desk on the phone Frasier: [into phone] My eight year-old son is visiting me this weekend, he asked specifically if I could arrange a tour of the Microsoft complex, I was wondering what's your policy on... [pause] I'm sorry to hear that. [pause] You know, I don't often trade on my celebrity status, but does the name Frasier Crane mean anything to you? [pause] I'm sorry to hear that. Well, erm, you know, it's entirely possible that one day a relative of yours may wish to tour my workplace... [pause] It's a radio station! Forget it! [hangs up] Roz and Bulldog enter dressed in dirty KACL baseball shirts. Roz: If we'd even been close, that would be one thing, but I beat that pack by a mile! A mile! Bulldog: Calm down, slugger, it's all right. Roz: A mile! Frasier: I take it you lost the game. Bulldog: No, we won the game, but Roz got kicked out for arguing with the ump! She kicked dirt on his shoes, chest-butted him, almost took a bite out of his finger when he stuck it in her face. You can't coach that kind of thing. Roz: All right, the guy on second, one guy's out, I drive one to the gap. The throw-the-cop man is late, our guy stays at home and I try to stretch it to a double. I make a beautiful hook slide right into the tag. How can I be out?! Frasier: I'm still trying to understand why you drove to the Gap in the middle of the game! Bulldog: I gotta go work on the line-up for Saturday's game. You know, I love being in charge. Roz: Oh, can I play second base? Bulldog: Er, no, sorry, Liz Budner's playing second. Roz: Liz Budner?! Why? What can she do that I can't? Bulldog: It's what she will do that
SUMMARY: | Frasier's son, Frederick, is visiting him in Seattle for the week. He has requested a tour of Microsoft , which Frasier is having difficulty organising. He remembers that Roz used to date a Microsoft executive , and hopes she can help, but it turns out that he resigned soon after Roz dumped him. While on a tour of KACL , Frederick meets Bulldog, who is in need of another player to join the KACL softball team. Not wanting to disillusion the boy, Bulldog claims that Frasier is an expert softball player, but that he is unavailable for the next game because of the Microsoft tour. Frederick informs his father that he no longer wants to visit Microsoft; rather, he wants to see Frasier play in the softball game. Frasier must quickly learn how to play. Meanwhile, Niles is upset that Frederick has a crush on Daphne, and she enjoys spending time with him. |
fd_Grey_s_Anatomy_02x22 | fd_Grey_s_Anatomy_02x22_0 | TEXT: (Joe's Bar) MVO: A good basketball game can have us all on the edge of our seats. Games are all about the glory, the pain and the play-by-play. (Meredith is sitting at the bar knitting, Derek is watching from afar.) MVO: And then there are the more solitary games. Joe (To Derek): Dude, is she knitting? MVO: The games we each play all by ourselves. (Derek walks up) Derek: You know, as a friend, I got to tell you, you look a little weird. Meredith: I am making a sweater. Joe: You're knitting. In a bar. You can't knit in a bar. You're scaring the customers. Derek: Come on, have a drink. Meredith: I can't have a drink. I'm celibate. Joe: You mean sober? She means sober. Meredith: No. Celibate. I'm practicing celibacy, and drinking does not go well with celibacy, because it makes everything and everyone seem kind of porny. And then my head gets all cloudy and then the next thing you know, I'm naked. And my point is, I'm celibate, and knitting is good for surgical dexterity, so I'm making a sweater. Derek: You, celibate? I just don't buy it. Meredith: No more men. (Addison walks up) Addison: No more men? Really? You? And I'm asking because we are friends. Meredith: Every guy I meet turns out to be married. Derek: Ooh. Ouch. Meredith: Sorry. Or Mark. Addison: Ok, I'm gonna go over there now. Meredith: Sorry. (Addison walks away) Meredith: Or remember the horrible thing I did? Remember George? Derek: You're making a sweater. Meredith: I am making a sweater. MVO: The social games, the mind games, we use them to pass the time. To make life more interesting. To distract us from what's really going on. (Izzie
SUMMARY: | Bailey worries Dr. Webber is mommy-tracking her and becomes Derek's intern for the day. George begins a relationship with Callie and finds her living in the hospital. Meredith takes up knitting-and a vow of celibacy. Cristina competes with Webber during classroom exercises. Burke tries to teach Alex a lesson about bedside manner, but it's a lesson that falls on deaf ears. Izzie tries to get George to move back into the house. George discovers that his and Addison's patient is Meredith's half-sister. Meredith meets Doc's vet, and takes a shine to him. |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x02 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x02_0 | TEXT: (Manny climbs in through Emma's basement window.) Emma: I thought you crawled into somebody else's house by accident. (Manny falls into the hamper.) Manny: Ahh! Ahh! Emma: Oh no. You look like a pretzel. Manny: My insides are kind of pretzely too, let me tell you... Emma: Shh! Manny:...and I'm soaking wet. Emma: Shh! Manny: How am I gonna wear this to school tomorrow? Emma: Shh! My parents are sleeping. I'll loan you whatever you want, but you need to tell me why Jen saw Peter and stinking drunk you upstairs, alone at 2AM. I told you I liked him! Manny: Hey! Hey okay! You tell me he's hands off and he's hands off. That's just the law. Like girls scout artor... honour. I'm a sailor. (Emma helps her out of the hamper and they both fall on the floor.) In Emma's kitchen, the next morning Mr. Simpson: Oh Manny. You can be the taste tester for my fridged-out omelette(?). We got zucchini, sausage and a crumbly end of a big old hunk of blue cheese. Emma: Cold cereal is our friend. Manny: No. No, I'm fine. Mr. Simpson: Oh! Guess who just hung up from a conversation with your mom? Manny: Great. Mr. Simpson: Who nearly wept when she heard that you were here safe and sound. Manny: I hate her. I hate them. In the hallway Manny: Tell me you're as hung over as I am. Peter: Sure except I wasn't drinking. Manny: Good then you remember what happened because I'm still a little foggy. Peter: Yeah I remember everything. Especially when you showed me your... you know. Manny: But you were sober. Why didn't you try and stop me? Peter: Because your request 'let's make a little movie' implied you didn't want me. Manny: Why are you being like this? Peter: I want to see you again
SUMMARY: | When Manny rejects him, Peter releases the video of Manny flashing her breasts to the entire student body, which causes her whole life to fall apart. Meanwhile, Ellie and Craig are still mad at each other but later form a connection when she becomes Downtown Sasquatch's new drummer. |
fd_The_Office_05x07 | fd_The_Office_05x07_0 | TEXT: Michael: Hey, sport. Dwight: I heard someone got engaged, you dog, huh? [punches Michael's shoulder] Michael: Ow! God! Dwight: Oh, nothing can hurt you now. You're a man in love! [SCENE_BREAK] Darryl: I was there. That dude is not engaged. I'm not a big believer in therapy, but I'll go into my own pocket to cover his co-pay. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Big idea: double wedding. Me, Angela, you, Holly. Michael: No, we would never do that. And if we did, it would be with Jim and Pam. Jim: Yeah, we'd never do that. Michael: Yeah, so there you go. Kelly: [enters Michael's office] Michael, I got my bridesmaid dress. Michael: Oh, wow, so quickly. Kelly: Yeah, and you said I could get it in any color I wanted, so I picked white. Kevin: Michael, did you tell your mom yet? Michael: Nope. Nope. Not yet. Jim: You wouldn't tell your mom? Kevin: You love your mom. Kelly: Call your mom, Michael. [everyone talking] Michael: I'll call her later. Group: [chanting and clapping] Call her! Call her! Michael: I don't want to do that. [chanting continues] All right. [picks up phone and dials] She is going to freak out! Andy: [punches button] Speakerphone! Michael: That's -- thanks. Mother: [on speakerphone] Hello? Michael: Mom, I'm getting married. Mother: No, you're not. Michael: Why do you always do that? Whenever I'm getting married, you don't believe me. Mother: Well, are you getting married? Michael: No. [laughs] Mother: Are you-- [Michael ends call] Michael: I'm not, I'm not getting married. So... [laughs] Psych. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: So I returned my bridesmaid dress, and it was on sale, so I'm out $100. Michael
SUMMARY: | Dwight and Jim are shocked when they receive poor marks on their annual customer survey reports. They learn that Kelly has sabotaged their scores for blowing off her America's Got Talent wrap party. Kelly and a sympathetic Michael relish their discomfort. Through Angela's manipulations, she and Andy book their wedding at Schrute Farms B&B. Pam and Jim spend every minute together using their Bluetooth phones, including Jim overhearing Pam's friend Alex asking her to stay in New York. |
fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_02x08 | fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_02x08_0 | TEXT: The apartment. Ted from 2030: And so, after six months apart, Aunt Lily and Uncle Marshall were finally back together. Lily: Oh, my God. These pancakes are delicious! Marshall: Yes! Thank you. Uhm, I learned how to cook while you were gone this summer. Lily: Oh. Do you want to cook dinner tonight? Marshall: Yeah, sure. How about pancakes? Ted from 2030: And things were back to normal... Almost. Lily: You may not have much range, but at least I'm marrying a guy who knows how to make pancakes. Marshall: Oh, uhm... Lily: I mean, uhm... Well, I... I realize that we haven't really discussed whether us getting back together means us getting married, but... I still wanna. Do you still wanna? Marshall: Really? Lily: Of course, I love you. Marshall: No, I mean, that's how you're gonna do it? "Do you still wanna?" That's like the lamest proposal ever. When I did it, I got down on my knees... I don't know, I'm just saying. Lily (getting down on one knee): Marshall Eriksen, will you ma... Marshall: No, no, no, no, no, no. Lily: What?! Marshall: You can't lead with that. You got to... build up to that. You got to have, like, a little speech. Lily: Do you remember your proposal to me? (She puts her hand on her eye) Marshall: I had a speech prepared. Lily: What do you want to hear? Marshall: I don't know. I mean, you could tell me, like, about how good-looking and funny and smart I am and I've been working out lately. It might be nice for you to mention something about that. Lily: Marshall... You are good-looking... Marshall: Thank you. Lily: Funny... Marshall: Oh, thanks. Lily: Smart... Marshall: And a few tears wouldn't hurt. Lily: Okay, would you freakin' marry me already? Marshall: I'll marry you. Of course. But, uhm, until you see
SUMMARY: | Marshall and Lily, together again, decide to elope to Atlantic City, and they gather Barney, Ted and Robin to take part in the wedding. |
fd_Charmed_03x15 | fd_Charmed_03x15_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Prue and Phoebe are putting a floral arch in place for the wedding. Grams' spirit is standing near by.] Phoebe: Okay, that should do it. Grams: I'm thinking more to the left. Uh, is this the biggest arch you could get? Phoebe: Ugh. Prue: Without opening a fast food franchise, yeah. Grams: Well, just remember, if love is the quest then marriage is the conquest. This place must be like victory. Phoebe: And here I thought weddings were supposed to be romantic. Grams: Oh my dear sweet child. Prue: Better listen to grams, Phoebe. I mean, you could always calculate her age by the number of rings on her fingers. (Phoebe laughs.) Alright, wedding arch is done. (She ticks something on her list.) The next thing to do (she yawns) on the To Do list is... Phoebe: Sleep. You've been yawning all day. Prue: Try all week. It's this reoccurring dream I keep having. It's keeping me awake. Phoebe: Really? What's in the dream? Prue: Well, uh, there was this biker guy and he's kinda cute and kinda dangerous. Phoebe: Sounds kinda yummy. (Piper walks in and looks around.) Grams: Piper, sweetie, well, what do you think? Piper: It's-it's beautiful. Phoebe: Yeah, and the best part about it is, it's finally happening. (Piper sighs.) Piper: Flowers and bows and grams. The only thing missing is... Prue: Mum. Piper: Grams, are you sure that you can't do... Grams: No, nothing. I'm only here because you need a high priestess. They want me back by the witching hour tomorrow. Phoebe: I thought maybe this could help. (Phoebe holds up a photo of Patty.) Prue
SUMMARY: | On the day of Piper's marriage to Leo, Prue's Astrally Projected-self adopts an uninhibited, wild personality that threatens to ruin the wedding and place Prue in jail for Murder. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_14x15 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_14x15_0 | TEXT: THE FACE OF EVIL BY: CHRIS BOUCHER Part Three Running time: 24:40 [SCENE_BREAK] CALEB: Tomas! Tomas! Over here! CALEB: What was it? TOMAS: The Evil One. It's huge. It got Andor. CALEB: So I'm the leader now. TOMAS: How well will you lead us, Caleb? There are more of those things coming. CALEB: But the gun worked? TOMAS: Yes. It revealed the Evil One's face, drove him away. CALEB: Right, we must get back to the village. If we stay quiet it might pass by. TOMAS: I doubt it. [SCENE_BREAK] LEELA: Doctor, what is it? DOCTOR: There's only one way to find out. LEELA: It's gone. Where's it gone? DOCTOR: I remember now. The Mordee expedition. And I thought I was helping them. LEELA: Doctor, what are you doing? Will you please help me find this Tesh? DOCTOR: Tesh? How did you know it was a Tesh? Have you ever seen a Tesh? LEELA: Well, the skin was loose and shiny, as we're told, and it had two heads, one inside the other. DOCTOR: That was a protective suit and helmet. Must be another environment through there. DOCTOR (OOV.): Come on then. LEELA: It's a solid wall! DOCTOR (OOV.): It's an illusion, called a psy-tri projection. Combination of a three dimensional image which acts on the eye. Close your eyes. DOCTOR (OOV.): Both of them. Take one step back. DOCTOR (OOV.): Now walk forward. LEELA (OOV.): Great Xoanon! Where are we? DOCTOR (OOV.): It's called an anti-grav transporter. Just sit in it and it takes us straight to the ship in absolutely no time at all. [SCENE_BREAK] XOANON
SUMMARY: | The Doctor and Leela encounter the placid and mind-powerful Tesh, the complete opposite of the savage Saveteem. They recognize the Doctor, too, but to them he is Lord; however, when it becomes evident the Doctor threatens their living god, Xoanon, the Doctor becomes a marked man. |
fd_FRIENDS_10x15 | fd_FRIENDS_10x15_0 | TEXT: Teleplay by: Tracy Reilly Produced by: Robert Carlock & Wendy Knoller [Flashback scene from last week, Monica and Chandler's kitchen, Rachel, Ross, Monica and Chandler are there.] Jennifer: Previously on Friends... Chandler: How did the job stuff go? Rachel: He offered me one. Ross: (gasps) You know what? This calls for a bottle of Israels finest. Rachel: The job is in Paris. (we see Ross stare in disbelief) [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: Oh, God! Please, somebody say something. Ross: So if you take this job you'll be moving to Paris? Chandler: Or facing a bitch of a commute. Rachel: I know, it's huge, and it's scary, and it's... really far, far away from you guys, but this is such an incredible opportunity for me. And I've already talked to them about our situation with Emma, and they said they'll do whatever we need to make us feel comfortable. Ross: Okay. Rachel: I mean, I'll fly back and forth, they'll fly you out... Anything we want. Chandler: My boss said I might be getting a new lamp in my cubicle. (Monica looks at him and can't really place what he just said) Ross: All right, we'll work it out. Rachel: Thank you! Thank you! Ross: Yeah, yeah! (they hug) You sure this is what you want? Rachel: I think it is. (Ross looks very sad. Phoebe and Joey enter.) Phoebe: Ooh, what's going on? Rachel: I got a really incredible job offer. Joey: Hey, great! All right! Phoebe: Good for you! Rachel: It's in Paris. Joey: What? No, no, no! No, no... no... no, no... No, too much is changing, okay? First, Phoebe getting married (to Phoebe) Congratulations! (pointing to Monica and Chandler)... and then these two move into a stupid house in the stupid suburbs... Monica: Hey, this afternoon you said you'd be supportive... Joey:
SUMMARY: | Joey's agent Estelle dies, but the group doesn't want to tell him as it could push him over the edge after all the recent changes he's witnessed. Phoebe impersonates Estelle's voice and pretends to still be alive to try to get Joey to fire her, but Joey ends up terrified when he gets a phone call from 'Estelle' after learning about her death. While being shown their new home by their realtor ( Jane Lynch ), Monica and Chandler are horrified to find that Janice ( Maggie Wheeler ) is considering buying the house next door to them, leading Chandler to take drastic measures to ensure she doesn't move in. Ross tries to get Rachel her old job back so she won't have to move to Paris. However, when he succeeds, Rachel becomes upset that, although she won't have to leave her friends, she won't be able to visit the ' Fashion Capital of the World '. In the end, Ross persuades her to do what she wants to do. |
fd_Gilmore_Girls_07x15 | fd_Gilmore_Girls_07x15_0 | TEXT: PARIS AND DOYLE'S APARTMENT [Hallway outside, Lorelai knocks on the door, New-age music playing] PARIS: [From inside] Yes? LORELAI: Um, Paris, it's Lorelai. PARIS: Come in. The door is open. LORELAI: I'm so sorry that it's so early. I... oh. Wow. Hey. PARIS: Sorry. We're in the middle of our yoga practice. LORELAI: I didn't, uh, really imagine you guys to be the yoga types. DOYLE: It was a circuitous path that led us here. PARIS: I only signed up for the class 'cause I thought it'd help me B.S. My way through any med-school interviews when they talk about all that homeopathic, holistic, naturopathic, chiropractic, tcm, unani, ayurveda crap. DOYLE: Plus, we thought it would be funny to goof on. But now... PARIS: I guess the great cosmic goof is on us. LORELAI: Is Rory asleep? PARIS: You mean spiritually or literally? LORELAI: Literally. PARIS: Yeah, I think so. PARIS AND DOYLE'S APARTMENT - RORY'S ROOM [Lorelai knock on Rory's door] RORY: Hey, mom. LORELAI: Hey. Sorry I didn't call first. I left my phone at home. And it's 6:00 in the morning. Why are you up? RORY: Ah Paris and Doyle were chanting. Why are you up? LORELAI: Oh, I've been up for a while, driving... RORY: Driving? LORELAI: Yeah for a few hours. RORY: Driving? LORELAI: Yeah driving. RORY: Mom, what's going on? LORELAI: Want to go for a drive? RORY: Um, sure. Let's go for a drive. JEEP - DRIVING [Rory and Lorelai road unknown] RORY: So
SUMMARY: | Lorelai finally gets up the nerve to tell Emily that she and Christopher are phfffft. And Logan thought he bought an internet company. Instead his dreams of entrepreneurial glory bought the farm. |
fd_Dawson_s_Creek_06x15 | fd_Dawson_s_Creek_06x15_0 | TEXT: [Scene: A Fancy Dinner Party. Pacey and Joey are attending a company dinner. Pacey is talking to the good-looking girl next to him, while Joey is sitting next to Pacey very bored. She begins to try to get her shoes that she had taken off earlier and are under the table by trying to reach them with her feet and pulling them to her. She eventually gives up trying to reach one of them, and crawls under the table to grab it. When she reaches it, she turns to crawl out and sees that the lady has her hand on Pacey's inner thigh, and is surprised and hits her table on the bottom of the table.] Joey: Ohh. [Pacey sees Joey climbing out of under the table.] Pacey: Would you excuse me for one second? Woman: Of course. Pacey: Darlin', I don't mean to pry, but... would you mind telling me just what the hell it is you're doing down there? Joey: It depends. Would you mind telling me what that girl's hand is doing knee-deep on your lap? Pacey: Excuse me? Joey: You heard me. Or perhaps you'd like me to involve the entire table, 'cause I'm sure her date would at least be marginally interested. Pacey: Ok, great. You've made your point. Which is what, exactly? Joey: Pacey... I want to go home. Now. I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I know you didn't read the fine print in our little rent-a-day contract, but it expires in exactly 35 minutes, so maybe you could just skip the subtleties and get her phone number? Pacey: Ok, sis down. It'll be fine. Joey: She thinks I'm your sister?! Pacey: Oh, will you look at that? Joey: Oh! Pacey: Did I not mention to you what a wonderful networking opportunity this was for me? Joey: Yes. That's how you suckered me into coming in the first place, but you know what? We've networked, we've schm
SUMMARY: | After agreeing to pose as Pacey's sister at a business party, Joey demands to be taken home. When Pacey makes a quick stop at a local K-Mart they are accidentally locked inside the store. They're forced to spend the night there and talk about their friendship and relationship, both past and future. After the night is over they are both left to ponder what the future has in store for them. |
fd_NCIS_03x13 | fd_NCIS_03x13_0 | TEXT: MUSIC IN: INT. CAR TRUNK - DAY OPERATOR: (V.O./FILTERED) NCIS. WILKERSON: (INTO PHONE) I need help! OPERATOR: (V.O./FILTERED) You're going to have to speak up, Ma'am. WILKERSON: (INTO PHONE) I've been abducted. (SFX: CAR DRIVES OVER BUMPS) (SFX: WILKERSON SHOUTS) OPERATOR: (V.O./FILTERED) Are you there, Ma'am? (SFX: TELEPHONE BEEP TONE) WILKERSON: I seem to be.... no! (SFX: PHONE REDIALS) OPERATOR: (V.O./FILTERED) NCIS. WILKERSON: (INTO PHONE) My name is Wilkerson. (SFX: CAR BRAKES TO A STOP) WILKERSON: (INTO PHONE) I've been abducted! [SCENE_BREAK] EXT. CAR - DAY WILKERSON: (V.O./FILTERED) Please! Please, help me! OPERATOR: (V.O./FILTERED) Ma'am! (SFX: TRUNK OPENS) WILKERSON: (SCREAMS INTO THE PHONE) No!! Help me please!! (FADE OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) MUSIC IN: INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY TONY: Hi. You know what I like about coming to work on a Sunday? ZIVA: The relaxed dress code? TONY: Actually, no. It offers us the unique chance to get a glimpse into the private lives of our coworkers. ZIVA: Except I have no interest in your life. TONY: Now me? I was playing football. It's American football. You? I'm guessing, yoga? ZIVA
SUMMARY: | A Navy Lt. Commander, who was in charge of a shipment of nuclear weapons, is thought to have been abducted leading to Gibbs and his team being called in on a Sunday to investigate. The team discovers that the Lt. Commander had had a meeting earlier in the day at a shopping center and that she did volunteer work at an organization dedicated to combating online pedophilia, meaning that her abductor might not have been a terrorist but a pedophile she was tracking. |
fd_One_Tree_Hill_04x12 | fd_One_Tree_Hill_04x12_0 | TEXT: Summary of the previous episodes Haley : Nathan, look out! Nathan : Haley! Doctor: There's no reason to expect that this baby won't be perfectly healthy. Nathan: I'm having money problems, Dad. It's serious and I need your help. Dan: You're not an investment I'm interested in. Lucas: When I was unconscious, I saw Keith. Keith: This is where I was murdered, Luke. Lucas: I still don't believe that Jimmy killed you, Keith. Keith: You still can't see it, can you? You will. Deb: I'm not leaving here till I get my damn pills. Nathan: It's either the pills or me. Rachel: I could pass calculus in my sleep. You're the one flunking out. And this is the key to the cabinet with the answers. Brooke: Got it! Principal Turner: What brings you two to school so late? Rachel: Clean Teen meeting? Shelly: I now pronounce you virgins for life. Peyton: I love you, Lucas. Lucas: I love you too, Peyton. Beginning of the episode 4x12 Lucas (voice-off): Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there because you can't remember a time in your life when it wasn't. But then, one day, you feel something else, something that feels wrong, but only because it's so unfamiliar, and, in that moment, you realize you're happy. Peyton's bedroom Lucas: Hey, blondie. Peyton goes towards Lucas and they kiss. Lucas: It's gonna be a good day. Peyton: It really is, isn't it? In the highschool playground Haley arrives with her crutches and walk beside a table where students sell tickets to the prom. Haley: Oh, right, prom. Nathan comes up behind her and helps her carrying her bag. Nathan: Hey, can I get a kiss? They kiss. Haley: Just one? Nathan: I'll take as many as you got. Rachel goes to a table in front of the school where Brooke is sitting reading a mathematics' book. Rachel: Hey. She seats down. Brooke: Oh, again with the Clean
SUMMARY: | With senior prom only weeks away, Haley's frustration over her injuries increases and Skills and Mouth hatch a plan to help Nathan earn money for the big dance by stripping. Brooke betrays Rachel in order to get closer to a new guy and Peyton and Lucas resolve to be happy. Struggling with her drug addiction, Deb makes a choice that could end her life. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_04x15 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_04x15_0 | TEXT: THE HIGHLANDERS by ELWYN JONES and GERRY DAVIS first broadcast - 17th December 1966 running time - 24mins 38secs [SCENE_BREAK] 1. EXT. A HILL (On Culloden Moor, the Scottish Highland clans, loyal to Prince Charles Edward, battle with the English and German regiments loyal to the English monarch, King George. Unable to endure the superior fire power, the Highlanders have broken ranks and started to flee the battlefield. JAMIE McCRIMMON, ALEXANDER McLAREN and his sister, KIRSTY, carry the injured Laird, COLIN McLAREN, across the moor. They are confronted on a hill top by a Redcoat. Alexander dodges a bayonet lunge from the Englishman and after a brief scuffle he gains the upper hand, stabbing the Redcoat in the stomach.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. EXT. A SMALL WOODED HOLLOW (The TARDIS materialises in the middle of a clump of brambles and ferns. BEN and POLLY emerge, followed by THE DOCTOR.) POLLY: It's so cool. (BEN parts the brambles.) BEN: Hey, Polly. POLLY: What? (Shivering) Ooh. BEN: Where does this remind you of? POLLY: Oh, it's cold and damp. BEN: No, where does it remind you of? (POLLY catches herself in some brambles.) POLLY: Ouch! Prickles! What? BEN: Where else could it be? We're home, Duchess! POLLY: Oh, you never give up hope, do you? We'll ask the Doctor. Hey, Doctor. THE DOCTOR: Listen. (There is the sound of an explosion in the distance.) BEN: It sounds like the cup final. (There is the piercing whistle of a projectile.) POLLY: Look out! (BEN and POLLY throw themselves to the ground as the projectile lands
SUMMARY: | The Doctor, Polly and Ben arrive in 1746, in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden, and are captured by a group of Highlanders shortly before they themselves are captured by redcoats. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_06x28 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_06x28_0 | TEXT: The Seeds of Death By Brian Hayles and Terrance Dicks 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, INT: WEATHER-CONTROL (The warrior approaches the panels Zoe and Jamie are hiding behind, then stops as there is a pounding sound from down the corridor.) DOCTOR OOV: Zoe! Jamie! Let me in! (The creature strides away towards the source of the sound.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2, EXT: WEATHER-CONTROL GROUNDS DOCTOR: Zoe, Jamie Zoe! Ohh! (He moves out of the doorway as another vapour pustule attempts to spray it's deadly load into his face, then fans the spores away with his handkerchief. He sees a wave of sludge gushing towards him.) DOCTOR: Oh no! (He tries to move back into the doorway, but loses his footing and falls head-first into the soup. The Martian fungus has won. Moments later, the victory is snatched from the fungus as a figure resembling a curious parody of a snowman bursts through the surface of the clinging goo. Covered from head to toe in the slimy fungus the Doctor continues to desperately rap on the door.) DOCTOR: Ohh! Zoe! [SCENE_BREAK] 3, INT: CORRIDOR (The Ice-Warrior strides down the corridor.) DOCTOR OOV: Let me in! Zoe, Jamie! [SCENE_BREAK] 4, EXT: WEATHER-CONTROL GROUNDS DOCTOR: Are you in there.?! Jamie! [SCENE_BREAK] 5, INT: CORRIDOR (The warrior continues to lumber down the corridor.) [SCENE_BREAK] 6, EXT: WEATHER-CONTROL GROUNDS DOCTOR: Jamie open the door! [SCENE_BREAK] 7, INT: CORRIDOR (Jamie and Zoe have been following the warrior. As it moves towards the door
SUMMARY: | The Doctor manages to create a rain storm to destroy the Martian fungus before trying to find a way to stop the Ice Warriors' invasion fleet. |
fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_05x10 | fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_05x10_0 | TEXT: Scene: The comic book store. Howard: It's amazing people keep coming to comic book stores instead of just downloading comics digitally. Leonard: It's probably for the best. For a lot of these guys, the weekly trip here is the only chance their mom has to go down to the basement and change their sheets. Howard: Oh, that reminds me, I get fresh sheets tonight. Yay. Sheldon: Well? What do you think of New Comic Book Night? Magic, huh? Amy: Sheldon, I'm disappointed. As a brilliant man, you're entitled to a vice. I could understand frequenting an opium den or hunting your fellow man for sport. But this? Lame-o. Sheldon: Well, A, comic books employ storytelling through sequential art, a medium that dates back 17,000 years to the cave paintings of Lascaux, and B, you play the harp. Like that's cool. Stuart: Can I help you find anything? Amy: A comic that depicts a woman whose bosom can't be used as a floatation device. Stuart: Sorry. Most of the guys who come in here like big boobs. Couple of them have big boobs. Raj: Hey, look, the new Warlords of Ka'a expansion pack is out. Howard: A new one? Unbelievable. They just keep making up more cheesy monsters, slapping them on cards and selling them at 25 bucks a pop. It's like a secret tax on guys who can't get laid. Raj: They're not even trying. Remember the Satanimals pack with the Hellephant? Why, absurd. What was he, a bad elephant who died and went to hell? What could an elephant possibly do that would cause him eternal damnation? Howard: Wild West and Witches? What kind of loser cares about a showdown between Billy the Kid and the White Wizard of the North? Raj: A total loser. Obviously a guy with a six-shooter beats an old man with a magic wand. Leonard: Well, ho-hold on. What if the wizard casts a Helmet of Confusion spell on
SUMMARY: | When Amy visits the comic book store with the guys, she meets Stuart, who takes an immediate liking to her and asks her out, which she accepts. When Sheldon hears about this, he becomes jealous, though he denies it as usual. To make Amy jealous, he asks Penny out, who refuses and instead tells him to reveal his feelings to Amy. Later he interrupts Amy's date with Stuart and finally admits his feelings for her. He then proposes a 31-page Relationship Agreement, which Amy finds romantic and accepts, though she regrets it later when she finds out that she has to take care of her boyfriend's injuries as per Section 4 of the agreement. Meanwhile, Leonard, Howard and Raj discover that a new expansion pack for Mystic Warlords of Ka'a called Wild West and Witches has come out. Leonard tries to return his expansion pack but Stuart's assistant Dale (who is filling in for Stuart) refuses to take it back. Later Raj buys the Deluxe Limited Edition of the same pack in a collector's tin which annoys Leonard, but he too ends up buying it anyway. |
fd_Greek_02x10 | fd_Greek_02x10_0 | TEXT: KT HOUSE Cappie : Don't worry about these love handles. Rusty : What love handles? Cappie : Pledge frolicking session in five, those puppies will melt right off, big guy. Wade : Remember, you may leave for class, but you go straight there and back. No stopping for eating or sleeping or socializing. Your souls belong to us. Beaver : Show me angry, pledges. Wade : Come on, angry! Yeah. That's it. That's it. Work it. Beaver : Now you're sad. You're sad. I'm lost in the forest. Now, uh... now you're a cobra! Ben Bennett : Dude, they painted my pepperonis blue. It's permanent ink! Rusty : We've come this far, only a few more days, we're as good as initiated. Cappie : I nitiated? Sure, Rusty. You pledges have endured many a Hell Week trial. Like, Bobbing for Hairballs, the Rhinoceros Walk, and even that rousing game of Hide the Pickle... we found eventually. Pickle : I had a sweet hiding spot. Wade : Back in line, sweetie! Cappie : But what you don't know, Rusty... Keith : Why do you keep calling him "Rusty"? Wade : Because, Keith, "Spitter" is his KT name. Cappie : And, he has no guarantee of becoming a Kappa Tau. Oh, no. None of you do. Every Hell Week at least one pledge is found wanting and expelled. Rusty : You'd really kick one of us out? Cappie : Or more. The brothers will use a final round of trials to determine which pledges will become initiated, And which ones will go home... for good. Just like Dancing With the Stars, except there's no dancing and there's no stars. Remember, it's three strikes and you're out. Just like baseball, except there's no bases and there's really no balls. Now frolic!
SUMMARY: | Lauren Conrad's guest star appearance airs as part of the mid-season finale of ABC Family's hit series GREEK. In the episode, in which Conrad appears as herself during a dream sequence with Casey and Ashleigh, Casey is faced with a tough decision when she learns that Max is planning to head off to Cal Tech for grad school and she is offered an opportunity for an internship. So, in her time of indecision about how to spend her summer, she seeks the wisdom of one who faced a similar decision, Lauren Conrad. |
fd_Doctor_Who_04x06 | fd_Doctor_Who_04x06_0 | TEXT: In the TARDIS, the Doctor and his companions are clinging furiously to the console as the TARDIS flies violently through the vortex. They are shaking to every possible side while the Doctor tries to regain some control. Sparks are flying, Donna and Martha are screaming while the Doctor has a look of deep concern. DONNA: What the hell's it doing? DOCTOR : Controls aren't working! He tries again with a control and sparks fly. He falls to the floor and sees his hand in the jar bubbling wildly. DOCTOR : I don't know where we're going but my old hand's very excited about it! DONNA: I thought that was just some freaky alien thing! You telling me it's yours? DOCTOR : Well... MARTHA: It got cut off. He grew a new one! DONNA: You are completely... impossible! DOCTOR : Not impossible, just... a bit unlikely! The TARDIS makes one last rebellious explosion, sparks fly. The Doctor and his companions fall backwards, the Doctor lands in the chair next to the console. The TARDIS has landed. The Doctor looks at his companions before suddenly running towards the door and outside. He exits the TARDIS and looks around curiously. They seem to be in some underground tunnel, littered with junk and old equipment. His companions soon follow. DOCTOR : Why would the TARDIS bring us here? MARTHA: Oh, I love this bit. DONNA: Thought you wanted to go home. MARTHA: I know, but all the same... The Doctor is going about his business, seemingly oblivious to the conversation. He licks his hands and looks into the distance. MARTHA: It's that feeling you get... DONNA: Like you swallowed a hamster? At that moment, the Doctor and his companions hear a loud noise. They look over to the source of the commotion. Soldiers are coming. CLINE: Don't move, stay where you are! Drop your weapons. The soldiers point their guns at the TARDIS crew who
SUMMARY: | The TARDIS takes the Doctor, Martha, and Donna to the planet Messaline. They are met by soldiers working for General Cobb. The soldiers force the Doctor into a progenation machine, which uses his DNA to generate a soldier who becomes the Doctor's daughter. The other occupants of the planet, the Hath , attack, taking Martha hostage. The Doctor and Donna are taken to see Cobb, and Donna names the Doctor's daughter "Jenny". Elsewhere, Martha tends to an injured Hath, and they take her back to their command center. The General explains that they were meant to live with the Hath, but a dispute arose over "the Source". The Doctor inadvertently reveals its location to the humans and the Hath, and the two sides prepare for battle. The Source turns out to be a terraforming device. The Doctor, Martha, Donna, and Jenny make their way to the Source before both armies arrive. The Doctor declares the war to be over and releases the terraforming agent. Cobb tries to shoot the Doctor, but Jenny takes the bullet to the chest and dies. Later, Jenny revives and commandeers a rocket to leave the planet. |
fd_Frasier_03x12 | fd_Frasier_03x12_0 | TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Frasier's Apartment Daphne is waking up in her room. She rolls over and we say that Joe has stayed the night. Joe: [kissing Daphne] Morning. Daphne: [sleepily] Morning. [realising] Morning? Oh my God, Joe, get up! Get up! You were supposed to be out of here hours ago. [quickly putting on her dressing gown] You promised me that after we did the deed you'd be on your merry way. Joe: I was. Daphne: Get dressed. We've got to get you out of here before Dr. Crane gets up. [Daphne opens her bedroom door and takes a look outside] Oh, no. I smell coffee. They're already up! Joe: Now don't worry. I'll just lay low until the two of them... [notices the clock] Oh my God, it's nine o'clock. I'm a half- hour late for work. Daphne: Just give me a minute. I'll get rid of them. Joe: Where's my underwear? At this point Eddie comes running into the room and makes a dash for Joe's underwear which is lying on the chair. He grabs them and runs back out the room with them. Joe looks a touch dismayed. Daphne: Eddie, get back here! The scene switches to the living room where Frasier is decked out in his squash gear, reading the paper and eating breakfast. Martin comes through tugging at his trousers. Frasier: Good morning. Martin: Maybe for you. I just spent five minutes trying to button these pants. That stupid dryer shrunk another pair on me. Martin grabs an éclair and stuffs in it his mouth. Frasier looks on disapprovingly. Frasier: Dad. Before you blame the dryer, have you ever considered stepping on the old bathroom scales? Martin: Oh, what's the point? That thing's been ten pounds off for weeks. In the background, behind Frasier and Martin, Daphne is fighting a "tug-of-war" with Eddie over Joe
SUMMARY: | After spending the night together at Frasier's place, Daphne and Joe try to conceal the fact from Frasier and Martin at breakfast. The situation does not bother Martin, but Frasier feels uncomfortable at the idea of them sleeping together under his roof, and he expresses his concern to Daphne. She explains that Joe's house is under construction, so given Frasier's feelings she decides to look for her own place. After Frasier and Martin spend a weekend together without her in the apartment, they miss her calming influence. Meanwhile, Niles is finding that his separation from Maris is cutting him off from several high-profile social events. |
fd_Bones_04x13 | fd_Bones_04x13_0 | TEXT: "Fire in the Ice" [SCENE_BREAK] (Cut to ice rink. Whistle blows. Booth skating around on ice. Shots of various other ice hockey players from both teams.) REFEREE: Let's have a nice clean game, everyone. (Referee throws puck onto ice) Down. BOOTH: Come on, move the puck, (skates out of shot) Wendell! Move it! Move the puck! WENDELL: (off screen) Up here, Booth. Up here! FIREDAWG: Back on D. BOOTH: Pick 'em up, on D, pick 'em up. (Brennan, Cam and Sweets in stands watching the game) BRENNAN + CAM: Go, Booth! Go, Booth! Go, Booth! SWEETS: Wow CAM: Kill 'em, Booth! (Booth smashes Firedawgs player in to the screen in front of supporters.) BRENNAN: What did he do that for? CAM: It's what Booth does. Keeps the other team honest. He's what you call an enforcer. BRENNAN: What, like law enforcement? CAM: Yeah, okay. Well, let's go with that. (Firedawgs player smashes into Wendell, knocking him down) BOOTH: Oh, what was that? What about the crosscheck? Ref, are you blind? WENDELL: Pass it! I'm open! Pass it! I'm open! BOOTH: Pick him off! (Firedawgs score a goal) PETE CARLSON: Yeah! BOOTH: That was a cheap shot, Carlson. ED FRALIC: Yeah, you guys suck. REFEREE: That's 24 blue, two minutes for charging. BOOTH: For what? What about the crosscheck back there, huh? REFEREE: Get in the box! ALEX PINNA: Come on, man. It's hockey. BOOTH: Club hockey, and some of us have to go work in the morning, all right, pal?
SUMMARY: | The body of a fireman is discovered in a frozen lake. Booth becomes a suspect as he was seen fighting with the victim during an amateur hockey game some weeks ago. He is replaced by his colleague Agent Payton Perotta, much to Brennan's annoyance. When the investigation hits a dead end, the team, with Booth and Wendell's help, resort to an unusual method to collect the evidence needed. NHL legend Luc Robitaille guest stars. |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_02x06 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_02x06_0 | TEXT: CRAIG: You can't walk away from this car, Sir. COSTUMER: No? CRAIG: No, full sport suspension. You pitch it around a corner, it'll stay glued. COSTUMER: Really? JOEY: (walks over to costumer) hello. How are we today? COSTUMER: Good. Your assistant was singing the praises of this car. Do you mind if I...? JOEY: Oh, yes. Please do. I'll be back with you in a second. Craig, can I talk to you? Great job partner. CRAIG: You think so? JOEY: Yeah, you're a natural. Listen, I want you to do me a favor. A costumer is coming to take a test drive of this car. It needs a serious clean, ASAP. (Holds out car keys). Here are the keys. Come, on, take the keys. CRAIG: (takes keys) You mean, drive it? JOEY: yes, yes. Just across the lot. You'll be fine. (Walks away) (Craig excitedly gets in and starts the car) The Jeremiah household Craig runs down the stairs to the kitchen. JOEY: (on the phone) Yeah, well, Bianca booked this surprise spa and relaxation weekend thing and I need you to pick up Angie. I'll be by on Sunday to pick her up. Thanks Ma. Bye. (Hangs up phone.) (To Craig) What's up? CRAIG: Nothing. Just, uh, you're going away. So, uh, where do i go? JOEY: I figured you'd stay here. CRAIG: Alone? JOEY: You're 14. You know how to cook and how to clean. You'll be fine. CRAIG: Wait, so, I really get the run of the house for the whole weekend? JOEY: yeah. Hey, if you want you can invite some of your buddies over, that's cool. But 3 ground rules: no drinking, no chicks, no parties, I mean it. CRAIG: Got it. You can trust me
SUMMARY: | Craig thinks Joey's request for him to move a car on his used-car lot gives him free rein to drive and takes his friends on a joyride when Joey goes out of town for the weekend. Meanwhile, Ashley has found a friend in Ellie and considers getting her belly button pierced to impress her. |
fd_The_Office_02x03 | fd_The_Office_02x03_0 | TEXT: Michael: I'm an early bird, and I'm a night owl. So I'm wise, and I have worms. Oh, breakfast. Ryan: I got your sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. Michael: Yummy, yummy. Thank you, Ryan. Ryan: What was the thing, ah, you needed me to come in early for? Michael: Um. The sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. But thank you. And why don't you take a couple hours. The office is yours. "Home Alone," "Risky Business." Take your pants off, run around. Whatever you gotta do. Ryan: I'm just going to take a nap in my car until work starts. Michael: Ok. [Removes biscuit, leaving only sausage, egg and cheese.] Healthier. Gotta watch those carbs. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Today, I, Michael Scott, am becoming a homeowner. Investing in real estate. Dwight: Diversifying. Smart. Michael: Yes it is. Yes it is. It is very important to own property. Back in olden days, they would not even let you vote unless you owned property and they'd throw you in the stocks and humiliate you. Dwight: And it worked. They should bring the stocks back. People'd obey the law, there'd be less troublemakers. Michael: Maybe. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: [looks bored. Taps finger on desk. Head falls to desk] Pam: [laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Every so often, Jim dies of boredom. I think today it was the expense reports that did him in. And our deal is that, it's up to me to revive him. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: You see Dwight's coffee mug? Jim: Mm-hmm. Pam: Sometimes when he's not here, I try to throw stuff in it. Jim: No way. Let's do this [crumples post it and throws into mug. Misses.] Oh. Pam: Here. Jim: Wind. Pam: Try paperclips. Oh wait. This message. For Dwight. Jim: Perfect
SUMMARY: | Michael and salesman Dwight Schrute leave to close a deal on Michael's new condominium. Michael meets with his realtor Carole Stills , but becomes stressed when he realizes how long it will take to pay off his condo. Boredom leads receptionist Pam and salesman Jim Halpert to create the office olympics, in which their co-workers compete in various games using office supplies. Michael and Dwight's return stops the event, but Jim gives the gold medal to Michael for closing the purchase of his condo. |
fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_04x04 | fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_04x04_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Anna: My parents... they had a problem with magic. Would there be someone who could help them with that kind of a thing? Ruth: There is one man a very powerful wizard. Regina: Want to find who wrote this book and ask them to write me a happy ending. Henry: It'll be our own secret mission. Hook: I've hunted you a long time, my old crocodile. I know that that dagger you gave Belle was a fake. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Past. Enchanted Forest. A Long Time Ago.. ] [SCENE_BREAK] (The Apprentice is in the process of sweeping the floor, when suddenly the fire on the torches go out. The Apprentice stops what he is doing and looks up, drops the broom on the floor and draws his sword.) Apprentice: Show yourself, Dark One. (Turns to the entrance) Zoso: (Walking into the vault) You... Are not... the sorcerer. Apprentice: No. I am his apprentice. (Sees Zoso holding his dagger) And you are not the first Dark One I have faced. (He moves to strike the Dark One, but Zoso disappears. He once again goes to strike) Zoso: (Uses his magic to throw the Apprentice back, before stepping up onto the podium and focuses on a small box) Apprentice: You don't want to know what you'll unleash if you open that box. Zoso: (Removes his hood and turns to face the Apprentice) Then the sorcerer should not have put his faith in someone like you. (He turns back to the box and attempts to open it with his magic, but he is suddenly thrown back by an invisible force, and he lands a few metres away) Apprentice: (Stands up again and looks down at Zoso) Fortunately, Zoso... I am not the only thing he puts his faith in. Zoso: (Angry) An enchantment! Apprentice: Cast by the sorcerer himself. And no one who has succumbed to the darkness in their heart can ever break
SUMMARY: | Hook prepares for his first real date with Emma by making a deal with Gold to restore his missing hand in exchange for keeping Gold's secret about the Dagger that he gave Belle being fake. Hook discovers his restored hand brings out his dark side, and is forced into doing a favor for Gold to rid himself of the hand. Gold traps the Apprentice inside the Sorcerer's hat, and makes Hook responsible to ensure he won't tell Belle. Emma is followed by the Snow Queen. Will tries to steal a book that features someone from his past and gets caught. Henry takes a job at Gold's pawn shop to find out who wrote the storybook. In the past, Rumplestiltskin makes a deal with Anna in exchange for telling her about why her parents had traveled to the Enchanted Forest. |
fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_01x18 | fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_01x18_0 | TEXT: Ted from 2030: Previously on How I Met Your Mother... Ted: She was completely amazing. She was amazing and funny and... Lily: You have feelings for Ted. Robin: Maybe. The Bar Victoria: I've just been offered a fellowhip at a culinary institute in Germany. Ted: Do you want to try long distance? Victoria: Yes. Robin: "This long-distance thing sucks, huh? And I really need to talk to you tonight." Ted: She's going to dump me! Robin: She's not going to break up with you, Ted. Ted: Hello? Robin: Do you want to come over? Ted from 2030: Kids, your grandma always used to say to me, "Nothing good happens after 2:00 a.m.," and she was right. When 2:00 a.m. rolls around, just go home and go to sleep. Case in point: Ted: Hello. Robin: Hi, Ted, it's Robin. Um, listen, I know it's late, but do you want to come over? Ted from 2030: Let's back up a little bit. Robin: Sit. Good boys. Okay, remember, stay out of the liquor cabinet. I'll see you tonight. In Lily's class Robin: And so the life of a television reporter is very rewarding, and I stronly urge you to consider it as a career. Thank you. Yeah? Little Girl: Do you have a fiancé? Lily: Marshall was here yesterday. They just learned the word "fiancé." Robin: Oh, no, I don't have a fiancé. Little Girl: Then who do you live with? Robin: Well, actually, I've got five dogs. Little Girl: Don't you get lonely? Robin: No, I've got five dogs. Little Girl: My grandma has five cats and she gets lonely. Robin: Well, yeah, that's cats. I'm not some pathetic cat lady. Not that your grandmother is... Robin: Does anyone else have a...? Yes? Little Boy: Are you a lesbian? Robin: No. Are you? Just because a woman lives alone doesn't mean she's a les... Li
SUMMARY: | When Ted receives an ominous message from Victoria asking saying she wants "to talk", Ted becomes convinced that he is about to be dumped. That evening, Robin invites Ted to her flat to hang out. Lily and Marshall try to dissuade Ted from going, but inadvertently give him more reason to go. Meanwhile, Barney tries to persuade Lily and Marshall to join him in a "legendary night out". |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_17x05 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_17x05_0 | TEXT: THE CITY OF DEATH By David Agnew (alias Douglas Adams with Graham Williams) (From a story line by David Fisher) First shown 29th September, 1979 Running time: 24:25 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. A planet (On a bare rocky planet sits a large grey spaceship. Four long legs hold it high above the ground. Inside sits a humanoid figure, but it has one eye in the middle of its forehead and has a head which looks as if it is covered in masses of green-coloured string. This is SCAROTH.) VOICE: Mighty Solex to warp thrust. SCAROTH: Confirmed. VOICE: Thrust against planet's surface set to power three? SCAROTH: Negative, power three too severe. VOICE: Scaroth, it must be power three. It must be. SCAROTH: Warp thrust from planet's surface is untested and power there is suicide. Advised. VOICE: The Jagaroth are in your hands. Without secondary drive we must use our main warp thrust. You know this, Scaroth. It is our only hope. You are our only hope. SCAROTH: And I am the only one directly in warp field. I know the dangers. VOICE: Three, two, one... SCAROTH: What will happen if... VOICE: Full power! (The middle of the spaceship starts turning as the space craft slowly starts to rise. The legs start to fold into the centre. Then it starts to shake and glow.) VOICE: Scaroth! The fate of the Jagaroth is with you! Scaroth! Scaroth! You are our only hope! Our only hope! Scaroth! Scaroth! Scaroth! (With a small bang, the spaceship explodes in a shower of light.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. The Eifel Tower, Paris (THE DOCTOR and his companion ROMANA stand on the top of the Eifel Tower in Paris looking down at view below.) DOCTOR: (OOV) Nice, isn't it? ROMANA: (OOV) Yes
SUMMARY: | While the Doctor is exploring and showing the sights of Paris to Romana, they encounter what seems to be a blip in time. He then takes Romana to see the Mona Lisa and discovers a woman with Jewlery that seems out of place. |
fd_Salem_01x06 | fd_Salem_01x06_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Cotton: Tell me again of the visions. It says this object, this "malum," has thought to be present at every grand rite throughout history. Tituba: You would threaten me, your one true ally? Mary: So the others have turned on me. Tituba: Yes. Mary: Rose? Tituba: Everyone. Rose: I wonder. Mary: Wonder what? Rose: If he'd never left, would Captain Alden still hold such desperate appeal? Tituba: Tell me John Alden's secret. Mary: We had a deal. Mercy: Our deal no longer pleases me. Mary: What do you want? Mercy: I want to be just like you. Rose: The malum has fallen into other hands. Cotton: This object is evil. Woman: Aah! Cotton: It consecrates the earth for the devil's return. Rose: You filthy pricks. You coward! John: What are we waiting for? Cotton: Saturn... Rose: [Chuckles] Cotton: Planetary ruler of witches. John: Have you been drinking? Cotton: Most certainly. It's not every night I catch a witch with a... a "boob's trap" was it? Rose: [Coughing] Cotton: Lured here by that infernal box of yours, the malum. Once every 17 years, saturn stations direct... Rose: [Groans] Cotton: Exalted in its own house for a few brief moments. This will happen today at nightfall. John: And we care because? Cotton: A witch suspended beneath saturn as it stations direct, exalted in its own house, cannot lie. Reputable sources say it is why Odysseus himself dallied so long on Circe's Island. Rose: [Screams] Naughty lads. Cotton: We must haul her out into the woods... Rose: You need to be punished. Cotton: Bend her beneath saturn as it stations direct... And interrogate the witch. I've calculated the precise spot, but first we must secure her for travel. Rose: [Groaning] John: Why does my
SUMMARY: | After successfully capturing Rose, John and Cotton plan to extract information on the Grand Rite from her during the planetary alignment with Saturn. Mary assists Mercy in becoming a witch, and initiates her into the hive. |
fd_Dawson_s_Creek_05x05 | fd_Dawson_s_Creek_05x05_0 | TEXT: [Grams' house <unk> Jack, Joey and Pacey have just finished watching Friday the 13th.] Pacey: Well, that settles it. I now have officially lost faith in Hollywood. Jack: It wasn't that bad. Pacey: Not that bad? Maybe through the haze of your eardrum-shattering slumber, it wasn't that bad, but as someone who actually watched that movie, it sucked! Joey: I'm just so tired of this trend of... attack of the "insert your vengeful psycho here" movie. I mean, they're so unbelievable, you know? What are the chances of a chemically imbalanced camp director luring pre-teens to a blood bath at the archery range? Pacey: Well, apparently they're pretty good at northern Maine's camp bloodsucker. Jack: You know what the problem is? Pacey: Yeah, I know what the problem is. You talk in your sleep, and you talk about things I don't want to know about. Jack: That's great, but the problem is that people forget that the scariest things are the things that are actually possible. I mean, isn't that why Hitchcock's so great? Joey: Hmm, I don't know. How often does a guy go around dressing like his not-so-well preserved mother? Pacey: Well, you save that for special occasions. Joey: Maybe I've just lost the will to scream. Pacey: Oh, please. You were once and will forever remain the number one skittish kitten in my life. (She gives him a look) It's not to worry. It's part of your charm. Jack: Weren't you scared of grams up until, like, last year or something like that? Pacey: Oh, absolutely. In fact, I bet it's making you a little bit nervous just being in her house right now, isn't it? Jack: Yeah, who knows what kind of scary things will be lurking in the shadows? Joey: Who's hungry? A girl can't survive on Dots alone.
SUMMARY: | Dawson takes Joey up on her invitation to spend a weekend in Boston, but the two have difficulty connecting once there. Meanwhile, Jack is surprised when his boyfriend Toby shows up unexpectedly forcing Jack to choose between fraternity hell week and spending time with Toby. |
fd_Gilmore_Girls_04x05 | fd_Gilmore_Girls_04x05_0 | TEXT: OPEN AT LORELAI'S HOUSE [Lorelai is sitting out front on the grass when Rory pulls up] RORY: Hey. LORELAI: Hi. RORY: What are you doing? LORELAI: Well, I'm gardening. RORY: What are you doing? LORELAI: I'm gardening. RORY: What are you doing? LORELAI: Why don't you come over here and see, honey, since you seem so confused? RORY: Oh, my God. You are gardening. LORELAI: Yeah. Hello. I am gardening. RORY: Why? LORELAI: Because Babette bought me a bag of bulbs. RORY: Why would she do that? LORELAI: She thought that cultivating new life would help distract me from my current emptiness and sense of loss. RORY: Huh. Well, that's weirdly sweet of her. LORELAI: Yes, it was. Anyhow, I forgot about the bulbs 'til Babette brought them up this morning, so I dug them out of the garage. RORY: Ew! LORELAI: Where they've developed some sort of mold. RORY: This is the planet of the mold. LORELAI: Help me. RORY: Mom, I'm no botanist, but I don't think anything's gonna grow from this piece of tar. LORELAI: Just put it in the hole and cover it up. RORY: Why didn't you just throw them out? LORELAI: There are eyes everywhere, my dear. BABETTE: [calls from her front porch] Hey, doll, how you doing? LORELAI: Great, Babette. Just tending my bulbs. BABETTE: Makes you feel better, doesn't it? LORELAI: Absolutely - much better. BABETTE: You need any help? LORELAI: Oh, no. I got Rory helping me. RORY: Hi, Babette. BABETTE: Hi, sugar. Don't worry, I'm looking out for your mom. RORY: I'm glad to hear that. BAB
SUMMARY: | Rory accepts a classmate's invitation to go out on her first date since breaking up with Jess, while her roommates engage in a war of wills. Meanwhile, Lorelai invites Luke over to share the traditional Gilmore movie night she used to have with Rory, although she is somewhat disturbed after discovering that the designer she just hired to decorate the inn used to work for Emily. |
fd_The_Walking_Dead_01x05 | fd_The_Walking_Dead_01x05_0 | TEXT: Quarry Rick stares at a sunrise over Atlanta as he tries to reach Morgan on the walkie-talkie. Rick: Morgan, I don't know if you're out there. I don't know if you can hear me. Maybe you're listening right now. I hope so. I found others... my family, if you can believe it. My wife and son, they're alive. I wanted you to know that. There's something else you need to know. Atlanta isn't what we thought. It's not what they promised. The city is... Do not enter the city. It belongs to the dead now. We're camped a few miles northwest, up by a big abandoned rock quarry. You can see it on a map. I hope you come find us. But be careful. Last night walkers came out of the woods. We lost people. Watch yourself, Morgan. Take care of your boy. I'll try you again tomorrow at dawn. Survival Camp Andrea keeps vigil over the body of her dead sister Amy. Lori comes to her. Lori: Andrea. I'm so sorry. She's gone. You got to let us take her. We all cared about her and I promise we'll be as gentle as we can. The survivors of the attack start to clean up, burning the walker bodies and burying the dead from their group. Daryl swings at dead walkers' heads with a pickaxe as Glenn and T-Dog throw bodies in a fire. Rick: She still won't move? Lori: She won't even talk to us. She's been there all night. What do we do? Shane: Can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it same as the others. Rick: I'll tell her how it is. Rick tries to approach Andrea but she pulls a gun on him. Rick: Andrea. Andrea: I know how the safety works. Rick: All right. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Rick backs off. OPENING CREDITS Survival Camp Daryl: Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb
SUMMARY: | As the survivors bury their dead, some split off on their own. Rick, against Shane's judgement, leads the rest to the CDC facility in Atlanta, which initially appears abandoned and locked-down, but Rick spots signs of life and demands entry. |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_05x38 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_05x38_0 | TEXT: THE WHEEL IN SPACE by DAVID WHITAKER from a story by KIT PEDLER first broadcast - 18th May 1968 running time - 25mins 32secs [SCENE_BREAK] 1. CABIN (The two hypnotized men turn to their new masters.) CYBERMAN 1: You will take us to the Wheel. CYBERMAN 2: Obey. Inside the Wheel you will help us. You will obey. (LALEHAM and VALLANCE nod in agreement.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. DOCTOR'S ROOM (ZOE has got JARVIS and GEMMA and they have been listening to the Doctor as he explains about the Cybermen and shows them the Cybermat.) JARVIS: And what's all that supposed to mean? DOCTOR: The Cybermen are threatening this space Wheel. JARVIS: Cybermen!? Where did you dream up a name like that. (ZOE, ever wanting to be useful, pitches in.) ZOE: The study of a... a system. Control and communication in animals and devices such as Cybernetic machines. JARVIS: (Talking to Zoe.) What are you talking about? ZOE: Cybernetics. JARVIS: (Snaps.) I know all there is to know about Cybernetics. I don't need a lecture from you. DOCTOR: But the Cybermen exist. You've got to believe me, you've got to! JARVIS: What, on the evidence of one faked-up X-ray shot? ZOE: It is not faked-up. I took it myself Controller. (This takes the sting out of JARVIS.) JARVIS: Well... what are these Cybermen then? DOCTOR: They were once men, human beings, like yourself, from the planet Mondas. But now they're more robot then man. JARVIS: You mean half and half? DOCTOR: Oh no, more than that. Their entire body are mechanical and their brains have been treated neurosurgically to remove all human emotion. All sense of pain. They're ruthless inhuman killers! (J
SUMMARY: | The Cybermen instruct their human slaves to smuggle them onto the Wheel while the Doctor attempts to convince Bennett of the threat they pose. |
fd_FRIENDS_03x05 | fd_FRIENDS_03x05_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, there is lumber all over the apartment] Chandler: (entering) Hey! Joey: Hey! Chandler: Hey-hey-hey. So what happened? A forest tick you off? Joey: No. Y'know how we're always saying we need a place for the mail. Chandler: Yeah! Joey: Well, I started building one. But then I decided to take it to the next step. Chandler: You're building a post office? Joey: No, an entertainment unit, with a mail cubby built right in. It's a one day job, max. Chandler: Okay. (notices that Joey is wearing some really tight jeans) My word! Those are snug. Joey: Oh yeah. These are my old work pants, Sergio Valente's. (Chandler goes to his bedroom and opens the door. However, only the top half opens, and he trips into his bedroom over the bottom half.) Joey: Power saw kinda got away from me there. Opening Credits [Scene: Outside Central Perk, Phoebe is pacing back and forth waiting for someone.] Rachel: (joining Phoebe outside) Hey Pheebs. Phoebe: Hey! Rachel: Any sign of your brother? Phoebe: No, but he's always late. Rachel: I thought you only met him once? Phoebe: Yeah, I did. I think it sounds y'know big sistery, y'know, 'Frank's always late.' Rachel: Well relax, he'll be here. Phoebe: No, I know, I'm just nervous. Y'know it's just y'know Mom's dead, don't talk to my sister, Grandma's been sleeping a lot lately. It's like the last desperate chance to have a family, y'know, kinda thing. You're so sweet to wait with me. Rachel: Well, actually Gunther sent me. You're not allowed to have cups out here, it's a thing. (takes her cup and goes back inside) [
SUMMARY: | Phoebe's half-brother, Frank, Jr. visits but his quirky behavior makes bonding difficult. Joey builds an entertainment unit that is too big for the apartment and annoys Chandler. Ross is challenged to name the five celebrities he would most like to sleep with. When Isabella Rossellini comes into the coffee shop, Ross tries flirting with her by claiming she is on his list, even though she is not. After Joey bets Chandler that he can fit inside the entertainment unit, Chandler locks him in. Guest star Isabella Rossellini . |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_07x05 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_07x05_0 | TEXT: DOCTOR WHO AND THE SILURIANS BY: MALCOLM HULKE 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INT. CAVES (Two men wearing potholing gear are exploring a large subterranean cave. DAVIS holds a thin wire ladder steady whilst SPENCER climbs down.) SPENCER: Well this is fantastic! (They look about examining their surroundings, when there is a faint, far-off noise sounding like an animal roaring.) SPENCER: What was that? DAVIS: Nothing. (However DAVIS isn't quite sure of his own conclusion, and starts moving through the cave.) DAVIS: Wait. (DAVIS moves in the direction of the noise. After some time he finds a somewhat concealed opening to a larger space. Again the noise is heard much closer, and since SPENCER has followed directly in his footsteps, DAVIS beckons him to stay back. He then moves through the narrow opening which seems to be the source of the sound. He looks around, momentarily disoriented by the change in scale of the cave. Then there is a huge roar, and DAVIS wheels round, looking upwards at something indescribably terrifying.) DAVIS: Spencer! Spencer! (Accompanied by the same loud roar, a giant claw rakes across DAVIS and he falls backwards onto the floor of the cave. SPENCER rushes through the opening to reach DAVIS, who is clearly unconscious or dead. SPENCER looks up at something towering above him, and jumps back in sheer terror.) SPENCER: Ah! Ah! Ah! (SPENCER retreats from the opening and stumbles back through the cave, completely dazed.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INT. DOCTOR'S WORKSHOP, UNIT H.Q. DAY (The DOCTOR lies on the floor underneath an old, but well-looked-after, shiny yellow car, the engine of which he is busily working on. He is cheerfully humming and singing Lewis Carroll's poem J
SUMMARY: | The Doctor and Liz are summoned to the Wenley Moor Research Centre by the Brigadier, after several staff members suffer nervous breakdowns. |
fd_Married_01x04 | fd_Married_01x04_0 | TEXT: Receptionist: Ella Bowman? Hi, uh, Ella, can I talk to your mom? Ella: Okay. Hey, mom. Lina: Hi. Receptionist: It says that, uh, the bookkeeper would like to speak with you first. Well, we're just here to get her braces tightened. I don't deal with the billing, okay? I'm just dealing with the scheduling. Lina: Oh, no, I know, I know. So we'll just get her braces tightened and then jump in and talk to the bookkeeper. Receptionist: Not this time. Sorry. What kind of animal doesn't even tighten a girl's braces? Russ: They really refused to see her? Lina: Yeah. They said no more adjustments until we square up. I can't even believe that. Russ: That is so not cool. Lina: They didn't even call first. I'm just standing in there like an idiot. It was so embarrassing. I'm... What? Russ: Ty might have called. S01E04 Lina: (Sighs) If the braces don't get tightened, then they can't do anything. They're just metal in her mouth. What about calling Bernie? I mean, doesn't he owe us... Russ: Stop. Stop. I'm lucky to have a friend who throws me extra work. It's not cool for me to harass him every time he's behind. Lina: Who cares if it's cool? We're too broke to be cool. Russ: Being broke is cool. Lina: In your 20s. Russ: Well, I can still pull it off. Lina: You sure about that? Russ: Maybe you should call Jess. She offered to help you with your resumee. (Groans) Lina: Okay, I know I have to get a job. I just... (Sighs) I'll call Jess. (Whirring) Russ: Hey. Bernie! Bernie: Oh, hey. Russ: Hey, uh, you got a sec?
SUMMARY: | An orthodontist fee forces Russ to confront Bernie for payment on a recent design, but Bernie in turn blames a college fraternity for failing to pay him. The two get some "muscle" to persuade the frat leader to pay up, and in the process of visiting the frat house realize how uncool they have become. |
fd_Alias_04x10 | fd_Alias_04x10_0 | TEXT: Sydney walks through the APO office. She's going by Sloane's office when she notices Vaughn and Sloane talking. Sloane touches Vaughn's shoulder. Sydney has a perplexed look on her face and moves on. (Faint voiceover) Weiss: Do you have a problem with all holidays? Nadia: No... Weiss: So you're fine with, let's say, Arbor Day? Nadia Looks annoyed Nadia: I'm not that into celebrating, that's all! Weiss: That's all? Syd approaches the two Sydney: What's going on? Weiss: (Sigh) You're sister doesn't want to celebrate her own birthday! Nadia rolls her eyes and turns her head Syd: When? Weiss: In two days- you don't know about this either? Syd: Get out! Nadia: I don't even know if it is my birthday...In the orphanage they just felt bad because I was the only kid who didn't know when I was born. So the Sisters just picked a date - Weiss: Yeah, the day after tomorrow! Syd: We could go bowling and rent some lanes. Weiss: Ohh, we've been through bowling... Syd: There's always -- Weiss: Go Carts, though! Sydney laughs Weiss: That'd be really good! Syd (Still laughing): Bar-hopping! Nadia shakes her head, still annoyed Weiss: Bar-hopping, or a raging house party! Whoo! (Makes weird motions with his hands) What's up?! Nadia: Thank you, I don't want to do anything. Weiss: Come on - Marshall approaches MArshall: Hey guys, are you guys planning a party? Nadia: No. There's no party. Marshall: 'Cause, I'm a really good DJ, if you need one. Anyways, speaking of parties, Sloane's having one in the briefing room, now. Nadia gets up and leaves, leaving Weiss and Syd with sad
SUMMARY: | Sydney uses Nadia's birthday dinner as a pretext for stealing the key to Sloane's secure phone. Sydney and Dixon learn that Sloane has contacted old Alliance associates. The two conspire to give the CIA a corrupted key to an encrypted database-a master blackmail list. When Sloane arranges a meeting with his old associates, Jack presents them with the key to The Index. Jack is pistol-whipped when the key does not work. Nadia rescues him. Jack and Sloane finally gain access to the list. Vaughn receives a mysterious package from a mysterious 'fake nurse' while visiting his comatose uncle in the hospital. It contains a key that leads him to a journal written by his "late" father, which contains entries after the date of Vaughn's father's alleged death. |
fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_04x17 | fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_04x17_0 | TEXT: PROLOGUE Night. A park like graveyard. Buffy rolls backward. She is on her feet to meet a snarling bald vampire that leaps and spins and kicks at Buffy's head. Then it kicks her in the stomach, driving her back. It snarls and rushes her and she punches it rapidly perhaps five times. The vampire spins and backhands Buffy knocking her down. It rushes her and she kicks with both legs knocking it back. Buffy: "Xander, Anya!" The bald vampire rolls over backwards. Willow from the bushes, cries a warning. Willow: "Buffy another one!" A second vampire, a dark-haired one, snarls and grabs at the still prone Buffy and she flips it over. As the bald vampire comes to its feet Xander grabs it from behind by the jacket and Anya tries to hold (?) it from the front. Buffy kicks the dark-haired vampire in the face and he gets up and runs away. Willow: "Buffy!" Willow flips Buffy, who has gotten up, a stake. Buffy catches it. It is unclear whether Xander and Anya release the vampire they are struggling with or if it breaks free. Regardless, it moves toward Buffy and she stakes it but flinches as she does so. The staking seemed almost awkward. Buffy: "Where's the other one?" Xander (pointing): "Scampered like a big <unk>bumpy> bunny." Anya (also pointing): "In there." The four of them run in the same direction as the vampire did. Interior of a large crypt. Five vampires are feeding off of a single victim. Sucking sounds are heard. Buffy, holding a stake looks back worriedly at Xander, Willow and Anya. They have stopped descending a staircase and are looking at the vampires. Cut to exterior. The scoobies exit from the crypt looking depressed. Willow: "I don't care if it is an orgy of death,
SUMMARY: | Jonathan ( Danny Strong ) casts a spell to cause all of Sunnydale to believe that he is the titular "superstar". However, the spell comes with a price - it conjures up a monster which endangers the town. |
fd_Frasier_10x02 | fd_Frasier_10x02_0 | TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - Street Frasier is driving Niles in his BMW. They are in mid-conversation. Frasier: When the phone company says they will be at your door between the hours of nine and noon, they have entered into a verbal contract. If they show up at 12:47 they are in breach of said contract. Niles is shown to be carrying a birdcage on his lap. He is looking weary. Apparently he has been listening to Frasier rant for the entire drive. Niles: [with irritation] Again, I agree. Frasier: Well, I just shouldn't have waited for them, that's all. Now my entire day is thrown off. Niles: Still, I appreciate your taking the time to give me a lift. Frasier: Yes, well, when you informed me you had to get to the promenade shops posthaste, I assumed it was an actual emergency - not to return a cage for some silly lovebirds. They round a corner and stop at a light. Niles: It may not be on the order of a fallen pant cuff, but until I get home with something more secure, little Daphne and Niles are living under a colander. Frasier: Dear God... don't tell me you actually named them after yourselves. They start again. Niles: Big mistake, I admit. This morning when Daphne escaped, I just kept thinking, What if she's hurt or lost or eaten by a cat? Or worse... what if she meets a bird who's more birdly than Niles but without the substance? Frasier: [sardonically] Trust me. No one is more birdly than Niles. Niles: Thanks. They pull into a parking garage. Frasier takes a ticket. Frasier: What is with all this traffic? I tell you, don't these people have jobs? Some of us have a radio show to do! Niles: Frasier, relax, you're not on for another hour and a half. Frasier: [looking at the car clock] That can't be right. [checks his watch] Oh, Dear God!
SUMMARY: | While driving Niles to return a birdcage , on the way to KACL, Frasier turns his BMW into a multi-storey car park and takes a ticket. Suddenly realising that his show starts in fifteen minutes, he promptly drives round to the exit gate and explains to the attendant, George ( Luis Guzman ), that he decided not to park. George insists that he still pay $2, which is the standard charge for any portion of twenty minutes. Frasier objects on principle to paying when he has not parked, but when George refuses to let him out without paying, he decides to stay and get his money's worth, sitting in his car which is blocking the exit to all other motorists. Niles agrees that he is right to be frustrated, but tries to discourage his brother from this "peaceful protest" (as he insists on referring to it). Eventually, 20 minutes passes and Frasier pays $2. However, because he took time making a long speech he now owes $4. He then tells Niles to "hold on" and proceeds to drive through the barrier. Niles returns later at night and pays for the damage. Roz is compelled to start the show at KACL without him, and one careless remark while answering a caller's problem leads to the entire station discovering that she slept with Frasier. Meanwhile, it's a sad day in the Crane household as Daphne finishes moving out and Martin realizes just how much he's going to miss not having her around all the time. |
fd_Doctor_Who_09x08 | fd_Doctor_Who_09x08_0 | TEXT: Previously... ( Osgood screams ) Kate: They've kidnapped Osgood and they've stolen the location of every Zygon on Earth. Kate (O.C.): Doctor, the ceasefire's broken down. The Doctor: Call me now. Norlander: They turned into monsters and they came for us. We couldn't fight 'em. You can't tell who's who. Clara Z: Oh, come on. These are eggs or pods or whatever. Look! God, that's me. Jac: But I don't see how these are duplicates. That's not how Zygons work. These... are the humans! Jac (O.C.): Please! Clara Z: Kill the traitors. Norlander: There isn't any backup, is there? ( Squelching ) Clara Z: UNIT neutralised in the UK. Clara Z (O.C.): More or less. Clara Z: I'm sorry, but Clara's dead. [SCENE_BREAK] [ INT. Clara's bedroom - Night ] [SCENE_BREAK] ( Clara wakes with a start and gasps ) [SCENE_BREAK] [ INT. Clara's bathroom - Night ] [SCENE_BREAK] The Doctor (O.C.): Clara... Clara! [SCENE_BREAK] [ INT. Clara's livingroom - Night ] [SCENE_BREAK] Clara: You're breaking up! ( Electrical crackling from TV ) The Doctor (O.C.): The invasion has happened. You're probably surrounded by Zygons. Get to the TARDIS, get yourself safe. Apparently my plane is never going to land. Let's see what we can do about that! Clara Z (O.C.): I'm sorry, but Clara's dead. Clara: Dream checks... Dream checks, dream checks... Clara Z (O.C.): It's your decision, Doctor. Truth or consequences. [SCENE_BREAK] [ INT. Airplan
SUMMARY: | The Doctor and Osgood escape the plane before it is shot down. Within Clara's mind, Bonnie learns that the Osgood Box is held in UNIT's Black Archive. Against the wishes of the Zygons who are not aligned with the splinter group, Bonnie intends to start a war against humanity by using the Osgood Box to unmask 20 million Zygons on Earth. Clara telepathically breaks through Bonnie's control and alerts the Doctor to her whereabouts. Kate, having survived the encounter in New Mexico, joins the Doctor and Osgood. The three arrive at the Black Archive where Bonnie has found there are two Osgood Boxes, one which would either unmask the Zygons or make their human forms permanent, and the other which would destroy either every Zygon or everyone in London. When Bonnie and Kate prepare to activate the boxes, the Doctor talks them out by explaining the Boxes are a means to assure peace because of the consequences of declaring a war. Bonnie realises the boxes are empty as a ploy. The Doctor wipes Kate's memories to keep the peace treaty. Bonnie calls off the splinter group and says they will live peacefully. Bonnie becomes the new Osgood duplicate. |
Subsets and Splits