public function delete($_id = NULL) { if ($_id) { $this->_id = $_id; } $parameters = [ "id" => $this->_id, 'client' => ['ignore' => $this->ignores] ]; if ($index = $this->getIndex()) { $parameters["index"] = $index; } if ($type = $this->getType()) { $parameters["type"] = $type; } return (object)$this->connection->delete($parameters); }
function exists() { $index = new Index($this->index); $index->connection = $this->connection; return $index->exists(); }
function createIndex($name, $callback = false) { $index = new Index($name, $callback); $index->connection = $this->connection; return $index->create(); }
function dropIndex($name) { $index = new Index($name); $index->connection = $this->connection; return $index->drop(); }
function create($callback = false) { $index = new Index($this->index, $callback); $index->connection = $this->connection; return $index->create(); }
function drop() { $index = new Index($this->index); $index->connection = $this->connection; return $index->drop(); }
public function action($actionType, $data = []) { $this->body["body"][] = [ $actionType => [ '_index' => $this->getIndex(), '_type' => $this->getType(), '_id' => $this->_id ] ]; if (!empty($data)) { if($actionType == "update"){ $this->body["body"][] = ["doc" => $data]; }else { $this->body["body"][] = $data; } } $this->operationCount++; $this->reset(); if ($this->autocommitAfter > 0 && $this->operationCount >= $this->autocommitAfter) { return $this->commit(); } return true; }
public function commit() { if (empty($this->body)) { return false; } $result = $this->query->connection->bulk($this->body); $this->operationCount = 0; $this->body = []; return $result; }
public function links($view = "default", $data = []) { extract($data); $paginator = $this; $elements = $this->elements(); require dirname(__FILE__) . "/pagination/" . $view . ".php"; }
public function getConfigTreeBuilder() { $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(); $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('m6web_api_exception'); $rootNode ->children() ->booleanNode('stack_trace')->defaultValue(false)->end() ->booleanNode('match_all')->defaultValue(true)->end() ->arrayNode('default') ->addDefaultsIfNotSet() ->children() ->integerNode('code')->defaultValue(0)->end() ->integerNode('status')->defaultValue(500)->end() ->scalarNode('message')->defaultValue('Internal server error')->end() ->arrayNode('headers') ->useAttributeAsKey('name') ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->defaultValue([]) ->end() ->end() ->end() ->arrayNode('exceptions') ->useAttributeAsKey('name') ->prototype('array') ->children() ->integerNode('code')->end() ->integerNode('status')->end() ->scalarNode('message')->end() ->arrayNode('headers') ->useAttributeAsKey('name') ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end(); return $treeBuilder; }
public function configure(ExceptionInterface $exception) { $exceptionName = get_class($exception); $configException = $this->getConfigException($exceptionName); $exception->setCode($configException['code']); $exception->setMessage($configException['message']); if ($exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface) { $exception->setStatusCode($configException['status']); $exception->setHeaders($configException['headers']); } return $exception; }
protected function getConfigException($exceptionName) { $exceptionParentName = get_parent_class($exceptionName); if (in_array( 'M6Web\Bundle\ApiExceptionBundle\Exception\Interfaces\ExceptionInterface', class_implements($exceptionParentName) )) { $parentConfig = $this->getConfigException($exceptionParentName); } else { $parentConfig = $this->defaultConfig; } if (isset($this->exceptions[$exceptionName])) { return array_merge($parentConfig, $this->exceptions[$exceptionName]); } return $parentConfig; }
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container) { $configuration = new Configuration(); $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs); $this->loadExceptionManager($container, $config); $this->loadExceptionListener($container, $config); }
protected function loadExceptionManager(ContainerBuilder $container, array $config) { $definition = new Definition( 'M6Web\Bundle\ApiExceptionBundle\Manager\ExceptionManager', [ $config['default'], $config['exceptions'], ] ); $definition->setPublic(true); $container->setDefinition($this->getAlias().'.manager.exception', $definition); }
protected function loadExceptionListener(ContainerBuilder $container, array $config) { $definition = new Definition( 'M6Web\Bundle\ApiExceptionBundle\EventListener\ExceptionListener', [ new Reference('kernel'), new Reference($this->getAlias().'.manager.exception'), $config['match_all'], $config['default'], $config['stack_trace'], ] ); $definition->setPublic(true); $definition->addTag( 'kernel.event_listener', [ 'event' => 'kernel.exception', 'method' => 'onKernelException', 'priority' => '-100' // as the setResponse stop the exception propagation, this listener has to pass in last position ] ); $container->setDefinition($this->getAlias().'.listener.exception', $definition); }
public function getMessageWithVariables() { $message = $this->message; preg_match(self::VARIABLE_REGEX, $message, $variables); foreach ($variables as $variable) { $variableName = substr($variable, 1, -1); if (!isset($this->$variableName)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf( 'Variable "%s" for exception "%s" not found', $variableName, get_class($this) ), 500); } if (!is_string($this->$variableName)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf( 'Variable "%s" for exception "%s" must be a string, %s found', $variableName, get_class($this), gettype($this->$variableName) ), 500); } $message = str_replace($variable, $this->$variableName, $message); } return $message; }
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event) { $exception = $event->getException(); if (!($event->getRequest()) || ($this->matchAll === false && !$this->isApiException($exception)) ) { return; } $data = []; if ($this->isApiException($exception)) { $exception = $this->exceptionManager->configure($exception); } $statusCode = $this->getStatusCode($exception); $data['error']['status'] = $statusCode; if ($code = $exception->getCode()) { $data['error']['code'] = $code; } $data['error']['message'] = $this->getMessage($exception); if ($this->isFlattenErrorException($exception)) { $data['error']['errors'] = $exception->getFlattenErrors(); } if ($this->stackTrace) { $data['error']['stack_trace'] = $exception->getTrace(); // Clean stacktrace to avoid circular reference or invalid type array_walk_recursive( $data['error']['stack_trace'], function(&$item) { if (is_object($item)) { $item = get_class($item); } elseif (is_resource($item)) { $item = get_resource_type($item); } } ); } $response = new JsonResponse($data, $statusCode, $this->getHeaders($exception)); $event->setResponse($response); }
private function getStatusCode(\Exception $exception) { $statusCode = $this->default['status']; if ($exception instanceof SymfonyHttpExceptionInterface || $exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface ) { $statusCode = $exception->getStatusCode(); } return $statusCode; }
private function getMessage(\Exception $exception) { $message = $exception->getMessage(); if ($this->isApiException($exception)) { $message = $exception->getMessageWithVariables(); } return $message; }
private function getHeaders(\Exception $exception) { $headers = $this->default['headers']; if ($exception instanceof SymfonyHttpExceptionInterface || $exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface ) { $headers = $exception->getHeaders(); } return $headers; }
public function getFlattenErrors(FormInterface $form = null, $subForm = false) { $form = $form ?: $this->form; $flatten = []; foreach ($form->getErrors() as $error) { if ($subForm) { $flatten[] = $error->getMessage(); } else { $path = $error->getCause()->getPropertyPath(); if (!array_key_exists($path, $flatten)) { $flatten[$path] = [$error->getMessage()]; continue; } $flatten[$path][] = $error->getMessage(); } } $subForm = true; foreach ($form->all() as $key => $child) { $childErrors = $this->getFlattenErrors($child, $subForm); if (!empty($childErrors)) { $flatten[$key] = $childErrors; } } return $flatten; }
protected function processParts(array $parts) { $strValue = ''; $ret = []; $filtered = $this->filterIgnoredSpaces($parts); foreach ($filtered as $part) { if ($part instanceof CommentPart) { $ret[] = $part; continue; // getValue() is empty anyway, but for clarity... } $strValue .= $part->getValue(); } array_unshift($ret, $this->partFactory->newReceivedPart($this->getPartName(), $strValue)); return $ret; }
public function getAddress($index) { if (!isset($this->addresses[$index])) { return null; } return $this->addresses[$index]; }
protected function processParts(array $parts) { $comment = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { // order is important here - CommentPart extends LiteralPart if ($part instanceof CommentPart) { $comment .= '(' . $part->getComment() . ')'; } elseif ($part instanceof LiteralPart) { $comment .= '"' . $part->getValue() . '"'; } else { $comment .= $part->getValue(); } } return [$this->partFactory->newCommentPart($comment)]; }
private function matchHostPart($value, &$hostname, &$address) { $matches = []; $pattern = '~^(?P<name>[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+)?\s*(\[(IPv[64])?(?P<addr>[a-f\d\.\:]+)\])?$~i'; if (preg_match($pattern, $value, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches['name'])) { $hostname = $matches['name']; } if (!empty($matches['addr'])) { $address = $matches['addr']; } return true; } return false; }
protected function processParts(array $parts) { $ehloName = null; $hostname = null; $address = null; $commentPart = null; $filtered = $this->filterIgnoredSpaces($parts); foreach ($filtered as $part) { if ($part instanceof CommentPart) { $commentPart = $part; continue; } $ehloName .= $part->getValue(); } $strValue = $ehloName; if ($commentPart !== null && $this->matchHostPart($commentPart->getComment(), $hostname, $address)) { $strValue .= ' (' . $commentPart->getComment() . ')'; $commentPart = null; } $domainPart = $this->partFactory->newReceivedDomainPart( $this->getPartName(), $strValue, $ehloName, $hostname, $address ); return array_filter([ $domainPart, $commentPart ]); }
protected function extractMetaInformationAndValue($value, $index) { if (preg_match('~^([^\']*)\'([^\']*)\'(.*)$~', $value, $matches)) { if ($index === 0) { $this->charset = (!empty($matches[1])) ? $matches[1] : $this->charset; $this->language = (!empty($matches[2])) ? $matches[2] : $this->language; } $value = $matches[3]; } $this->encodedParts[$index] = $value; }
public function addPart($value, $isEncoded, $index) { if (empty($index)) { $index = 0; } if ($isEncoded) { $this->extractMetaInformationAndValue($value, $index); } else { $this->literalParts[$index] = $this->convertEncoding($value); } }
private function getNextEncodedValue() { $cur = current($this->encodedParts); $key = key($this->encodedParts); $running = ''; while ($cur !== false) { $running .= $cur; $cur = next($this->encodedParts); $nKey = key($this->encodedParts); if ($nKey !== $key + 1) { break; } $key = $nKey; } return $this->convertEncoding( rawurldecode($running), $this->charset, true ); }
public function getValue() { $parts = $this->literalParts; reset($this->encodedParts); ksort($this->encodedParts); while (current($this->encodedParts) !== false) { $parts[key($this->encodedParts)] = $this->getNextEncodedValue(); } ksort($parts); return array_reduce( $parts, function ($carry, $item) { return $carry . $item; }, '' ); }
private function validateArgument($name, $value, array $valid) { if (!in_array($value, $valid)) { $last = array_pop($valid); throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$value parameter for ' . $name . ' must be one of ' . join(', ', $valid) . ' or ' . $last . ' - "' . $value . '" provided' ); } }
public function setHeaders(array $headers) { array_walk($headers, function ($v, $k) { $this->validateArgument( 'headers', $k, [ static::FILTER_EXCLUDE, static::FILTER_INCLUDE ] ); if (!is_array($v)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$value must be an array with keys set to FILTER_EXCLUDE, ' . 'FILTER_INCLUDE and values set to an array of header ' . 'name => values' ); } }); $this->headers = $headers; }
private function failsHasContentFilter(MessagePart $part) { return ($this->hascontent === static::FILTER_EXCLUDE && $part->hasContent()) || ($this->hascontent === static::FILTER_INCLUDE && !$part->hasContent()); }
private function failsMultiPartFilter(MessagePart $part) { if (!($part instanceof MimePart)) { return $this->multipart !== static::FILTER_EXCLUDE; } return ($this->multipart === static::FILTER_EXCLUDE && $part->isMultiPart()) || ($this->multipart === static::FILTER_INCLUDE && !$part->isMultiPart()); }
private function failsTextPartFilter(MessagePart $part) { return ($this->textpart === static::FILTER_EXCLUDE && $part->isTextPart()) || ($this->textpart === static::FILTER_INCLUDE && !$part->isTextPart()); }
private function failsSignedPartFilter(MessagePart $part) { if ($this->signedpart === static::FILTER_OFF) { return false; } elseif (!$part->isMime() || $part->getParent() === null) { return ($this->signedpart === static::FILTER_INCLUDE); } $partMimeType = $part->getContentType(); $parentMimeType = $part->getParent()->getContentType(); $parentProtocol = $part->getParent()->getHeaderParameter('Content-Type', 'protocol'); if (strcasecmp($parentMimeType, 'multipart/signed') === 0 && strcasecmp($partMimeType, $parentProtocol) === 0) { return ($this->signedpart === static::FILTER_EXCLUDE); } return ($this->signedpart === static::FILTER_INCLUDE); }
private function failsHeaderFor(MessagePart $part, $type, $name, $header) { $headerValue = null; static $map = [ 'content-type' => 'getContentType', 'content-disposition' => 'getContentDisposition', 'content-transfer-encoding' => 'getContentTransferEncoding', 'content-id' => 'getContentId' ]; $lower = strtolower($name); if (isset($map[$lower])) { $headerValue = call_user_func([$part, $map[$lower]]); } elseif (!($part instanceof MimePart)) { return ($type === static::FILTER_INCLUDE); } else { $headerValue = $part->getHeaderValue($name); } return (($type === static::FILTER_EXCLUDE && strcasecmp($headerValue, $header) === 0) || ($type === static::FILTER_INCLUDE && strcasecmp($headerValue, $header) !== 0)); }
private function failsHeaderPartFilter(MessagePart $part) { foreach ($this->headers as $type => $values) { foreach ($values as $name => $header) { if ($this->failsHeaderFor($part, $type, $name, $header)) { return true; } } } return false; }
public function filter(MessagePart $part) { return !($this->failsMultiPartFilter($part) || $this->failsTextPartFilter($part) || $this->failsSignedPartFilter($part) || $this->failsHeaderPartFilter($part)); }
public function getUniqueBoundary($mimeType) { $type = ltrim(strtoupper(preg_replace('/^(multipart\/(.{3}).*|.*)$/i', '$2-', $mimeType)), '-'); return uniqid('----=MMP-' . $type . '.', true); }
public function setMessageAsMixed(Message $message) { if ($message->hasContent()) { $part = $this->genericHelper->createNewContentPartFrom($message); $message->addChild($part, 0); } $this->setMimeHeaderBoundaryOnPart($message, 'multipart/mixed'); $atts = $message->getAllAttachmentParts(); if (!empty($atts)) { foreach ($atts as $att) { $att->markAsChanged(); } } }
public function setMessageAsAlternative(Message $message) { if ($message->hasContent()) { $part = $this->genericHelper->createNewContentPartFrom($message); $message->addChild($part, 0); } $this->setMimeHeaderBoundaryOnPart($message, 'multipart/alternative'); }
public function getContentPartContainerFromAlternative($mimeType, ParentHeaderPart $alternativePart) { $part = $alternativePart->getPart(0, PartFilter::fromInlineContentType($mimeType)); $contPart = null; do { if ($part === null) { return false; } $contPart = $part; $part = $part->getParent(); } while ($part !== $alternativePart); return $contPart; }
public function removeAllContentPartsFromAlternative(Message $message, $mimeType, ParentHeaderPart $alternativePart, $keepOtherContent) { $rmPart = $this->getContentPartContainerFromAlternative($mimeType, $alternativePart); if ($rmPart === false) { return false; } if ($keepOtherContent) { $this->moveAllPartsAsAttachmentsExcept($message, $rmPart, $mimeType); $alternativePart = $message->getPart(0, PartFilter::fromInlineContentType('multipart/alternative')); } else { $rmPart->removeAllParts(); } $message->removePart($rmPart); if ($alternativePart !== null) { if ($alternativePart->getChildCount() === 1) { $this->genericHelper->replacePart($message, $alternativePart, $alternativePart->getChild(0)); } elseif ($alternativePart->getChildCount() === 0) { $message->removePart($alternativePart); } } while ($message->getChildCount() === 1) { $this->genericHelper->replacePart($message, $message, $message->getChild(0)); } return true; }
public function createAlternativeContentPart(Message $message, MessagePart $contentPart) { $altPart = $this->partBuilderFactory->newPartBuilder($this->mimePartFactory)->createMessagePart(); $this->setMimeHeaderBoundaryOnPart($altPart, 'multipart/alternative'); $message->removePart($contentPart); $message->addChild($altPart, 0); $altPart->addChild($contentPart, 0); return $altPart; }
public function moveAllPartsAsAttachmentsExcept(Message $message, ParentHeaderPart $from, $exceptMimeType) { $parts = $from->getAllParts(new PartFilter([ 'multipart' => PartFilter::FILTER_EXCLUDE, 'headers' => [ PartFilter::FILTER_EXCLUDE => [ 'Content-Type' => $exceptMimeType ] ] ])); if (strcasecmp($message->getContentType(), 'multipart/mixed') !== 0) { $this->setMessageAsMixed($message); } foreach ($parts as $part) { $from->removePart($part); $message->addChild($part); } }
public function enforceMime(Message $message) { if (!$message->isMime()) { if ($message->getAttachmentCount()) { $this->setMessageAsMixed($message); } else { $message->setRawHeader('Content-Type', "text/plain;\r\n\tcharset=\"iso-8859-1\""); } $message->setRawHeader('Mime-Version', '1.0'); } }
public function createMultipartRelatedPartForInlineChildrenOf(ParentHeaderPart $parent) { $relatedPart = $this->partBuilderFactory->newPartBuilder($this->mimePartFactory)->createMessagePart(); $this->setMimeHeaderBoundaryOnPart($relatedPart, 'multipart/related'); foreach ($parent->getChildParts(PartFilter::fromDisposition('inline', PartFilter::FILTER_EXCLUDE)) as $part) { $parent->removePart($part); $relatedPart->addChild($part); } $parent->addChild($relatedPart, 0); return $relatedPart; }
public function findOtherContentPartFor(Message $message, $mimeType) { $altPart = $message->getPart( 0, PartFilter::fromInlineContentType(($mimeType === 'text/plain') ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain') ); if ($altPart !== null && $altPart->getParent() !== null && $altPart->getParent()->isMultiPart()) { $altPartParent = $altPart->getParent(); if ($altPartParent->getChildCount(PartFilter::fromDisposition('inline', PartFilter::FILTER_EXCLUDE)) !== 1) { $altPart = $this->createMultipartRelatedPartForInlineChildrenOf($altPartParent); } } return $altPart; }
public function createContentPartForMimeType(Message $message, $mimeType, $charset) { $builder = $this->partBuilderFactory->newPartBuilder($this->mimePartFactory); $builder->addHeader('Content-Type', "$mimeType;\r\n\tcharset=\"$charset\""); $builder->addHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'quoted-printable'); $this->enforceMime($message); $mimePart = $builder->createMessagePart(); $altPart = $this->findOtherContentPartFor($message, $mimeType); if ($altPart === $message) { $this->setMessageAsAlternative($message); $message->addChild($mimePart); } elseif ($altPart !== null) { $mimeAltPart = $this->createAlternativeContentPart($message, $altPart); $mimeAltPart->addChild($mimePart, 1); } else { $message->addChild($mimePart, 0); } return $mimePart; }
public function createAndAddPartForAttachment(Message $message, $resource, $mimeType, $disposition, $filename = null) { if ($filename === null) { $filename = 'file' . uniqid(); } $safe = iconv('UTF-8', 'US-ASCII//translit//ignore', $filename); if ($message->isMime()) { $builder = $this->partBuilderFactory->newPartBuilder($this->mimePartFactory); $builder->addHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64'); if (strcasecmp($message->getContentType(), 'multipart/mixed') !== 0) { $this->setMessageAsMixed($message); } $builder->addHeader('Content-Type', "$mimeType;\r\n\tname=\"$safe\""); $builder->addHeader('Content-Disposition', "$disposition;\r\n\tfilename=\"$safe\""); } else { $builder = $this->partBuilderFactory->newPartBuilder( $this->uuEncodedPartFactory ); $builder->setProperty('filename', $safe); } $part = $builder->createMessagePart(); $part->setContent($resource); $message->addChild($part); }
public function removeAllContentPartsByMimeType(Message $message, $mimeType, $keepOtherContent = false) { $alt = $message->getPart(0, PartFilter::fromInlineContentType('multipart/alternative')); if ($alt !== null) { return $this->removeAllContentPartsFromAlternative($message, $mimeType, $alt, $keepOtherContent); } $message->removeAllParts(PartFilter::fromInlineContentType($mimeType)); return true; }
public function removePartByMimeType(Message $message, $mimeType, $index = 0) { $parts = $message->getAllParts(PartFilter::fromInlineContentType($mimeType)); $alt = $message->getPart(0, PartFilter::fromInlineContentType('multipart/alternative')); if ($parts === null || !isset($parts[$index])) { return false; } elseif (count($parts) === 1) { return $this->removeAllContentPartsByMimeType($message, $mimeType, true); } $part = $parts[$index]; $message->removePart($part); if ($alt !== null && $alt->getChildCount() === 1) { $this->genericHelper->replacePart($message, $alt, $alt->getChild(0)); } return true; }