[ 72, 65, 19 ]
cs.PF cs.CR cs.NI
Impact of network delays on Hyperledger Fabric. Blockchain has become one of the most attractive technologies for applications, with a large range of deployments such as production, economy, or banking. Under the hood, Blockchain technology is a type of distributed database that supports untrusted parties. In this paper we focus Hyperledger Fabric, the first blockchain in the market tailored for a private environment, allowing businesses to create a permissioned network. Hyperledger Fabric implements a PBFT consensus in order to maintain a non forking blockchain at the application level. We deployed this framework over an area network between France and Germany in order to evaluate its performance when potentially large network delays are observed. Overall we found that when network delay increases significantly (i.e. up to 3.5 seconds at network layer between two clouds), we observed that the blocks added to our blockchain had up to 134 seconds offset after 100 th block from one cloud to another. Thus by delaying block propagation, we demonstrated that Hyperledger Fabric does not provide sufficient consistency guaranties to be deployed in critical environments. Our work, is the fist to evidence the negative impact of network delays on a PBFT based blockchain.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Approximation of Definite Integrals Over the Volume of the Ball. A Radial Basis Function Generated Finite Differences (RBF FD) inspired technique for evaluating definite integrals over the volume of the ball in three dimensions is described. Such methods are necessary in many areas of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and many other application areas. Previous approaches needed restrictive uniformity in the node set, which the algorithm presented here does not require. By using RBF FD approach, the proposed algorithm computes quadrature weights for N arbitrarily scattered nodes in only O(N mbox log N) operations with high orders of accuracy.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Efficient simulation of inclusions and reinforcement bars with the isogeometric Boundary Element method. The paper is concerned with the development of efficient and accurate solution procedures for the isogeometric boundary element method (BEM) when applied to problems that contain inclusions that have elastic properties different to the computed domain. This topic has been addressed in previous papers but the approach presented here is a considerable improvement in terms of efficiency and accuracy. One innovation is that initial stresses instead of body forces are used. This then allows a one step solution without iteration. In addition, a novel approach is used for the computation of strains, that avoids the use of highly singular fundamental solutions. Finally, a new type of inclusion is presented that can be used to model reinforcement bars or rock bolts and where analytical integration can be used. Test examples, where results are compared with Finite Element simulations, show that the proposed approach is sound.
[ 0, 2 ]
cs.CV cs.AI
Collaboratively boosting data driven deep learning and knowledge guided ontological reasoning for semantic segmentation of remote sensing imagery. As one kind of architecture from the deep learning family, deep semantic segmentation network (DSSN) achieves a certain degree of success on the semantic segmentation task and obviously outperforms the traditional methods based on hand crafted features. As a classic data driven technique, DSSN can be trained by an end to end mechanism and competent for employing the low level and mid level cues (i.e., the discriminative image structure) to understand images, but lacks the high level inference ability. By contrast, human beings have an excellent inference capacity and can be able to reliably interpret the RS imagery only when human beings master the basic RS domain knowledge. In literature, ontological modeling and reasoning is an ideal way to imitate and employ the domain knowledge of human beings, but is still rarely explored and adopted in the RS domain. To remedy the aforementioned critical limitation of DSSN, this paper proposes a collaboratively boosting framework (CBF) to combine data driven deep learning module and knowledge guided ontological reasoning module in an iterative way.
[ 21 ]
The pebbling threshold spectrum and paths. Given a distribution of pebbles on the vertices of a graph, say that we can pebble a vertex if a pebble is left on it after some sequence of moves, each of which takes two pebbles from some vertex and places one on an adjacent vertex. A distribution is solvable if all vertices are pebblable the pebbling threshold of a sequence of graphs is, roughly speaking, the total number of pebbles for which random distributions with that number of pebbles on a graph in the sequence change from being almost never solvable to being almost always solvable. We show that any sequence of connected graphs with strictly increasing orders always has some pebbling threshold which is Omega( sqrt n ) and O(2 sqrt 2 log 2 n n sqrt log 2 n ) , and that it is possible to construct such a sequence of connected graphs which has any desired pebbling threshold between these bounds. (Here, n is the order of a graph in the sequence.) It follows that the sequence of paths, which, improving earlier estimates, we show has pebbling threshold Theta(2 sqrt log 2 n n sqrt log 2 n ) , does not have the greatest possible pebbling threshold.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Comprehensive Attention Self Distillation for Weakly Supervised Object Detection. Weakly Supervised Object Detection (WSOD) has emerged as an effective tool to train object detectors using only the image level category labels. However, without object level labels, WSOD detectors are prone to detect bounding boxes on salient objects, clustered objects and discriminative object parts. Moreover, the image level category labels do not enforce consistent object detection across different transformations of the same images. To address the above issues, we propose a Comprehensive Attention Self Distillation (CASD) training approach for WSOD. To balance feature learning among all object instances, CASD computes the comprehensive attention aggregated from multiple transformations and feature layers of the same images. To enforce consistent spatial supervision on objects, CASD conducts self distillation on the WSOD networks, such that the comprehensive attention is approximated simultaneously by multiple transformations and feature layers of the same images. CASD produces new state of the art WSOD results on standard benchmarks such as PASCAL VOC 2007 2012 and MS COCO.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Disentangling the Spatial Structure and Style in Conditional VAE. This paper aims to disentangle the latent space in cVAE into the spatial structure and the style code, which are complementary to each other, with one of them z s being label relevant and the other z u irrelevant. The generator is built by a connected encoder decoder and a label condition mapping network. Depending on whether the label is related with the spatial structure, the output z s from the condition mapping network is used either as a style code or a spatial structure code. The encoder provides the label irrelevant posterior from which z u is sampled. The decoder employs z s and z u in each layer by adaptive normalization like SPADE or AdaIN. Extensive experiments on two datasets with different types of labels show the effectiveness of our method.
[ 49 ]
Iterative algorithm with structured diagonal Hessian approximation for solving nonlinear least squares problems. Nonlinear least squares problems are a special class of unconstrained optimization problems in which their gradient and Hessian have special structures. In this paper, we exploit these structures and proposed a matrix free algorithm with a diagonal Hessian approximation for solving nonlinear least squares problems. We devise appropriate safeguarding strategies to ensure the Hessian matrix is positive definite throughout the iteration process. The proposed algorithm generates descent direction and is globally convergent. Preliminary numerical experiments show that the proposed method is competitive with a recently developed similar method.
[ 32 ]
Pivot Selection for Median String Problem. The Median String Problem is W 1 Hard under the Levenshtein distance, thus, approximation heuristics are used. Perturbation based heuristics have been proved to be very competitive as regards the ratio approximation accuracy convergence speed. However, the computational burden increase with the size of the set. In this paper, we explore the idea of reducing the size of the problem by selecting a subset of representative elements, i.e. pivots, that are used to compute the approximate median instead of the whole set. We aim to reduce the computation time through a reduction of the problem size while achieving similar approximation accuracy. We explain how we find those pivots and how to compute the median string from them. Results on commonly used test data suggest that our approach can reduce the computational requirements (measured in computed edit distances) by 8 with approximation accuracy as good as the state of the art heuristic. This work has been supported in part by CONICYT PCHA Doctorado Nacional 2014 63140074 through a Ph.D. Scholarship Universidad Cat ' o lica de la Sant ' i sima Concepci ' o n through the research project DIN 01 2016 European Union's Horizon 2020 under the Marie Sk l odowska Curie grant agreement 690941 Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD) FONDECYT CONICYT grant number 1170497 and for O. Pedreira, Xunta de Galicia FEDER UE refs. CSI ED431G 01 and GRC ED431C 2017 58.
[ 51, 6 ]
physics.flu-dyn physics.bio-ph
A Minimal Model of the Hydrodynamical Coupling of Flagella on a Spherical Body with application to Volvox. Flagella are hair like appendages attached to microorganisms that allow the organisms to traverse their fluid environment. The algae Volvox are spherical swimmers with thousands of individual flagella on their surface and their coordination is not fully understood. In this work, a previously developed minimal model of flagella synchronization is extended to the outer surface of a sphere submerged in a fluid. Each beating flagellum tip is modelled as a small sphere, elastically bound to a circular orbit just above the spherical surface and a regularized image system for Stokes flow outside of a sphere is used to enforce the no slip condition. Biologically relevant distributions of rotors results in a rapidly developing and robust symplectic metachronal wave traveling from the anterior to the posterior of the spherical Volvox body.
[ 0 ]
Deep Robust Single Image Depth Estimation Neural Network Using Scene Understanding. Single image depth estimation (SIDE) plays a crucial role in 3D computer vision. In this paper, we propose a two stage robust SIDE framework that can perform blind SIDE for both indoor and outdoor scenes. At the first stage, the scene understanding module will categorize the RGB image into different depth ranges. We introduce two different scene understanding modules based on scene classification and coarse depth estimation respectively. At the second stage, SIDE networks trained by the images of specific depth range are applied to obtain an accurate depth map. In order to improve the accuracy, we further design a multi task encoding decoding SIDE network DS SIDENet based on depthwise separable convolutions. DS SIDENet is optimized to minimize both depth classification and depth regression losses. This improves the accuracy compared to a single task SIDE network. Experimental results demonstrate that training DS SIDENet on an individual dataset such as NYU achieves competitive performance to the state of art methods with much better efficiency. Ours proposed robust SIDE framework also shows good performance for the ScanNet indoor images and KITTI outdoor images simultaneously. It achieves the top performance compared to the Robust Vision Challenge (ROB) 2018 submissions.
[ 42 ]
Classification results for expanding and shrinking gradient K "ahler Ricci solitons. We first show that a K "ahler cone appears as the tangent cone of a complete expanding gradient K "ahler Ricci soliton with quadratic curvature decay with derivatives if and only if it has a smooth canonical model (on which the soliton lives). This allows us to classify two dimensional complete expanding gradient K "ahler Ricci solitons with quadratic curvature decay with derivatives. We then show that any two dimensional complete shrinking gradient K "ahler Ricci soliton whose scalar curvature tends to zero at infinity is, up to pullback by an element of GL(2, , mathbb C ) , either the flat Gaussian shrinking soliton on mathbb C 2 or the U(2) invariant shrinking gradient K "ahler Ricci soliton of Feldman Ilmanen Knopf on the blowup of mathbb C 2 at one point. Finally, we show that up to pullback by an element of GL(n, , mathbb C ) , the only complete shrinking gradient K "ahler Ricci soliton with bounded Ricci curvature on mathbb C n is the flat Gaussian shrinking soliton and on the total space of mathcal O ( k) to mathbb P n 1 for 0 k n is the U(n) invariant example of Feldman Ilmanen Knopf. In the course of the proof, we establish the uniqueness of the soliton vector field of a complete shrinking gradient K "ahler Ricci soliton with bounded Ricci curvature in the Lie algebra of a torus. A key tool used to achieve this result is the Duistermaat Heckman theorem from symplectic geometry. This provides the first step towards understanding the relationship between complete shrinking gradient K "ahler Ricci solitons and algebraic geometry.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.optics physics.app-ph
High Speed Phase Only Spatial Light Modulators with Two Dimensional Tunable Microcavity Arrays. Spatial light modulators (SLMs) are central to numerous applications ranging from high speed displays to adaptive optics, structured illumination microscopy, and holography. After decades of advances, SLM arrays based on liquid crystals can now reach large pixel counts exceeding 10 6 with phase only modulation with a pixel pitch of less than 10 mu m and reflectance around 75 . However, the rather slow modulation speed in such SLMs (below hundreds of Hz) presents limitations for many applications. Here we propose an SLM architecture that can achieve high pixel count with high resolution phase only modulation at high speed in excess of GHz. The architecture consists of a tunable two dimensional array of vertically oriented, one sided microcavities that are tuned through an electro optic material such as barium titanate (BTO). We calculate that the optimized microcavity design achieves a pi phase shift under an applied bias voltage below 10 V, while maintaining nearly constant reflection amplitude. As two model applications, we consider high speed 2D beam steering as well as beam forming. The outlined design methodology could also benefit future design of spatial light modulators with other specifications (for example amplitude modulators). This high speed SLM architecture promises a wide range of new applications ranging from fully tunable metasurfaces to optical computing accelerators, high speed interconnects, true 2D phased array beam steering, and quantum computing with cold atom arrays.
[ 9, 20 ]
math.AP cs.NA math.NA
Continuum limit for discrete NLS with memory effect. We consider a discrete nonlinear Schr "odinger equation with memory effect on the lattice h mathbb Z with mesh size h 0 . As h rightarrow 0 , we prove that solutions to this discrete equation converge strongly in L 2 to the solution to a continuous NLS type equation with a memory effect, and compute the precise rate of convergence. In the process, we extend some recent ideas proposed by Hong and Yang in order to exploit a smoothing effect. This approach could therefore be adapted to tackle continuum limits of more general dispersive equations that require working in similar spaces.
[ 73 ]
Cold atmospheric plasma induces tumor cell death in preclinical in vivo and in vitro models of human cholangiocarcinoma. Through the last decade, cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has emerged as an innovative therapeutic option for cancer treatment. Recently, we have set up a potentially safe atmospheric pressure plasma jet device that displays antitumoral properties in a preclinical model of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), a rare and very aggressive cancer emerging from the biliary tree with few efficient treatments. In the present study, we aimed at deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying the antitumor effects of CAP towards CCA both in an in vivo and in vitro context. In vivo, using subcutaneous xenografts into immunocompromised mice, CAP treatment of CCA induced DNA lesions and tumor cell apoptosis, as evaluated by 8 oxoguanine and cleaved caspase 3 immunohistochemistry, respectively. Analysis of the tumor microenvironment showed changes in markers related to macrophage polarization. In vitro, incubation of CCA cells with CAP treated culture media (i.e. plasma activated media, PAM) led to a dose response decrease in cell survival. At molecular level, CAP treatment induced double strand DNA breaks, followed by an increased phosphorylation and activation of the cell cycle master regulators CHK1 and p53, leading to cell cycle arrest and cell death by apoptosis. In conclusion, CAP is a novel therapeutic option to consider for CCA in the future.
[ 0 ]
Video Panoptic Segmentation. Panoptic segmentation has become a new standard of visual recognition task by unifying previous semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks in concert. In this paper, we propose and explore a new video extension of this task, called video panoptic segmentation. The task requires generating consistent panoptic segmentation as well as an association of instance ids across video frames. To invigorate research on this new task, we present two types of video panoptic datasets. The first is a re organization of the synthetic VIPER dataset into the video panoptic format to exploit its large scale pixel annotations. The second is a temporal extension on the Cityscapes val. set, by providing new video panoptic annotations (Cityscapes VPS). Moreover, we propose a novel video panoptic segmentation network (VPSNet) which jointly predicts object classes, bounding boxes, masks, instance id tracking, and semantic segmentation in video frames. To provide appropriate metrics for this task, we propose a video panoptic quality (VPQ) metric and evaluate our method and several other baselines. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented two datasets. We achieve state of the art results in image PQ on Cityscapes and also in VPQ on Cityscapes VPS and VIPER datasets. The datasets and code are made publicly available.
[ 68, 21 ]
cs.DM math.CO
Perfect Matchings, Rank of Connection Tensors and Graph Homomorphisms. We develop a theory of graph algebras over general fields. This is modeled after the theory developed by Freedman, Lov 'asz and Schrijver in 22 for connection matrices, in the study of graph homomorphism functions over real edge weight and positive vertex weight. We introduce connection tensors for graph properties. This notion naturally generalizes the concept of connection matrices. It is shown that counting perfect matchings, and a host of other graph properties naturally defined as Holant problems (edge models), cannot be expressed by graph homomorphism functions with both complex vertex and edge weights (or even from more general fields). Our necessary and sufficient condition in terms of connection tensors is a simple exponential rank bound. It shows that positive semidefiniteness is not needed in the more general setting.
[ 91, 31 ]
q-bio.PE q-bio.GN
Towards more realistic models of genomes in populations the Markov modulated sequentially Markov coalescent. The development of coalescent theory paved the way to statistical inference from population genetic data. In the genomic era, however, coalescent models are limited due to the complexity of the underlying ancestral recombination graph. The sequentially Markov coalescent (SMC) is a heuristic that enables the modelling of complete genomes under the coalescent framework. While it empowers the inference of detailed demographic history of a population from as few as one diploid genome, current implementations of the SMC make unrealistic assumptions about the homogeneity of the coalescent process along the genome, ignoring the intrinsic spatial variability of parameters such as the recombination rate. Here, I review the historical developments of SMC models and discuss the evidence for parameter heterogeneity. I then survey approaches to handle this heterogeneity, focusing on a recently developed extension of the SMC.
[ 32 ]
Structural Iterative Rounding for Generalized k Median Problems. This paper considers approximation algorithms for generalized k median problems. This class of problems can be informally described as k median with a constant number of extra constraints, and includes k median with outliers, and knapsack median. Our first contribution is a pseudo approximation algorithm for generalized k median that outputs a 6.387 approximate solution, with a constant number of fractional variables. The algorithm builds on the iterative rounding framework introduced by Krishnaswamy, Li, and Sandeep for k median with outliers. The main technical innovation is allowing richer constraint sets in the iterative rounding and taking advantage of the structure of the resulting extreme points. Using our pseudo approximation algorithm, we give improved approximation algorithms for k median with outliers and knapsack median. This involves combining our pseudo approximation with pre and post processing steps to round a constant number of fractional variables at a small increase in cost. Our algorithms achieve approximation ratios 6.994 epsilon and 6.387 epsilon for k median with outliers and knapsack median, respectively. These improve on the best known approximation ratio 7.081 epsilon for both problems cite DBLP conf stoc KrishnaswamyLS18 .
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Numerical analysis of least squares and perceptron learning for classification problems. This work presents study on regularized and non regularized versions of perceptron learning and least squares algorithms for classification problems. Fr'echet derivatives for regularized least squares and perceptron learning algorithms are derived. Different Tikhonov's regularization techniques for choosing the regularization parameter are discussed. Decision boundaries obtained by non regularized algorithms to classify simulated and experimental data sets are analyzed.
[ 8 ]
How Perfect are Perfect Vortex Beams?. Perfect (optical) vortex (PV) beams are fields which are mooted to be independent of the orbital angular momentum (OAM) they carry. To date, the best experimental approximation of these modes is obtained from passing Bessel Gaussian beams through a Fourier lens. However, the OAM dependent width of these quasi PVs is not precisely known and is often understated. We address this here by deriving and experimentally confirming an explicit analytic expression for the second moment width of quasi PVs. We show that the width scales in proportion to sqrt ell in the best case, the same as most "regular" vortex modes albeit with a much smaller proportionality constant. Our work will be of interest to the large community who seek to use such structured light fields in various applications, including optical trapping, tweezing and communications.
[ 35 ]
Contact Seaweeds. A ( 2k 1 ) dimensional contact Lie algebra is one which admits a one form varphi such that varphi wedge (d varphi) k ne0 . Such algebras have index one, but this is not generally a sufficient condition. Here we show that index one type A seaweed algebras are necessarily contact. Examples, together with a method for their explicit construction, are provided.
[ 49 ]
The Complete Differential Game of Active Target Defense. In the Target Attacker Defender (TAD) differential game, an Attacker missile strives to capture a Target aircraft. The Target tries to escape the Attacker and is aided by a Defender missile which aims at intercepting the Attacker before the latter manages to close in on the Target. The conflict between these intelligent adversaries has been suitably modeled as a zero sum differential game. Optimal strategies have been synthesized covering the region of the state space where the Target Defender team is able to win the game. However, the Game of Degree in the Attacker's region of win has not been fully addressed. Preliminary attempts at designing the players' strategies have not been proven to be optimal in the differential game sense. The main results of the paper present the optimal strategies of the Game of Degree in the Attacker's winning region of the state space. It is proven that the obtained strategies provide the saddle point solution of the game the Value function is obtained and it is shown to be continuous and continuously differentiable. It is also demonstrated that it is the solution of the Hamilton Jacobi Isaacs (HJI) equation. Finally, the obtained strategies are compared to recent results addressing the TAD differential game in 22 . It is shown by counterexample that the strategies proposed in 22 are not optimal. The unique regular solution of this differential game that actually provides a semipermeable Barrier surface is synthesized and verified in this paper.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.optics physics.app-ph
Changing the speed of optical coherence in free space. It is typically assumed that the fluctuations associated with a stationary broadband incoherent field propagate in free space at the speed of light in vacuum c. Here we introduce the concept of 'coherence group velocity', which in analogy to the group velocity of coherent pulses is the speed of the peak of the coherence function. We confirm experimentally that incorporating a judicious spatio temporal spectral structure into a field allows tuning its coherence group velocity in free space. Utilizing light from a super luminescent diode, we interferometrically measure the group delay encountered by the cross correlation of a structured field synthesized from this source with the unstructured diode field. By tracking the propagation of this cross correlation function, we measure coherence group velocities in the range from 12c to 6c.
[ 42, 46 ]
math.DG math.AG
Nilpotent Higgs bundles and the Hodge metric on the Calabi Yau moduli. We study an algebraic inequality for nilpotent matrices and show some interesting geometric applications (i) obtaining topological information for nilpotent polystable Higgs bundles over a compact Riemann surface (ii) obtaining a sharp upper bound of the holomorphic sectional curvatures of the period domain and the Hodge metric on the Calabi Yau moduli.
[ 23 ]
Relationships between Cyclic and Hypercyclic Operators. A bounded linear operator T on a Banach space X is called hypercyclic if there exists a vector x in X such that orb (x,T) is dense in X . The Hypercyclicity Criterion is a well known sufficient condition for an operator to be hypercyclic. One open problem is whether there exists a space where the Hypercyclicity Criterion is also a necessary condition. For a number of reasons, the spaces with very few operators are some natural candidates to be a positive answer to that problem. In this paper, we provide a theorem that establishes some relationships for operators in these spaces.
[ 25 ]
A branching process with contact tracing. We consider a supercritical branching process and define a contact tracing mechanism on its genealogical tree. We calculate the growth rate of the post tracing process, and give conditions under which the tracing is strong enough to drive the process to extinction.
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
BERT's output layer recognizes all hidden layers? Some Intriguing Phenomena and a simple way to boost BERT. Although Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) have achieved tremendous success in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, it remains a black box. A variety of previous works have tried to lift the veil of BERT and understand each layer's functionality. In this paper, we found that surprisingly the output layer of BERT can reconstruct the input sentence by directly taking each layer of BERT as input, even though the output layer has never seen the input other than the final hidden layer. This fact remains true across a wide variety of BERT based models, even when some layers are duplicated. Based on this observation, we propose a quite simple method to boost the performance of BERT. By duplicating some layers in the BERT based models to make it deeper (no extra training required in this step), they obtain better performance in the downstream tasks after fine tuning.
[ 47 ]
On diffeomorphisms of even dimensional discs. We determine pi (BDiff partial(D 2n )) otimes mathbb Q for 2n geq 6 completely in degrees leq 4n 10 , far beyond the pseudoisotopy stable range. Furthermore, above these degrees we discover a systematic structure in these homotopy groups we determine them outside of certain "bands" of degrees.
[ 3, 39 ]
cs.CL cs.CY
Text Analytics for Resilience Enabled Extreme Events Reconnaissance. Post hazard reconnaissance for natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes) is important for understanding the performance of the built environment, speeding up the recovery, enhancing resilience and making informed decisions related to current and future hazards. Natural language processing (NLP) is used in this study for the purposes of increasing the accuracy and efficiency of natural hazard reconnaissance through automation. The study particularly focuses on (1) automated data (news and social media) collection hosted by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center server, (2) automatic generation of reconnaissance reports, and (3) use of social media to extract post hazard information such as the recovery time. Obtained results are encouraging for further development and wider usage of various NLP methods in natural hazard reconnaissance.
[ 9 ]
Nonlinear diffusion in the Keller Segel model of parabolic parabolic type. In this paper we study the initial boundary value problem for the system u t Delta u m mbox div (u q nabla v), v t Delta v v u . This problem is the so called Keller Segel model with nonlinear diffusion. Our investigation reveals that nonlinear diffusion can prevent overcrowding. To be precise, we show that solutions are bounded as long as m q 0 , thereby substantially generalizing the known results in this area. Furthermore, our result seems to imply that the Keller Segel model can have bounded solutions and blow up ones simultaneously.
[ 0, 83 ]
cs.MM cs.CV
Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment Based on Predictive Coding Theory. Objective quality assessment of stereoscopic omnidirectional images is a challenging problem since it is influenced by multiple aspects such as projection deformation, field of view (FoV) range, binocular vision, visual comfort, etc. Existing studies show that classic 2D or 3D image quality assessment (IQA) metrics are not able to perform well for stereoscopic omnidirectional images. However, very few research works have focused on evaluating the perceptual visual quality of omnidirectional images, especially for stereoscopic omnidirectional images. In this paper, based on the predictive coding theory of the human vision system (HVS), we propose a stereoscopic omnidirectional image quality evaluator (SOIQE) to cope with the characteristics of 3D 360 degree images. Two modules are involved in SOIQE predictive coding theory based binocular rivalry module and multi view fusion module. In the binocular rivalry module, we introduce predictive coding theory to simulate the competition between high level patterns and calculate the similarity and rivalry dominance to obtain the quality scores of viewport images. Moreover, we develop the multi view fusion module to aggregate the quality scores of viewport images with the help of both content weight and location weight. The proposed SOIQE is a parametric model without necessary of regression learning, which ensures its interpretability and generalization performance. Experimental results on our published stereoscopic omnidirectional image quality assessment database (SOLID) demonstrate that our proposed SOIQE method outperforms state of the art metrics. Furthermore, we also verify the effectiveness of each proposed module on both public stereoscopic image datasets and panoramic image datasets.
[ 25, 35 ]
math.PR math.RA
Asymptotics of product of nonnegative 2 by 2 matrices with applications to random walks with asymptotically zero drifts. Let A kA k 1 cdots A 1 be product of some nonnegative 2 by 2 matrices. In general, its elements are hard to evaluate. Under some conditions, we show that forall i,j in 1,2 , (A kA k 1 cdots A 1) i,j sim c varrho(A k) varrho(A k 1 ) cdots varrho(A 1) as k rightarrow infty, where varrho(A n) is the spectral radius of the matrix A n and c in(0, infty) is some constant, so that the elements of A kA k 1 cdots A 1 can be estimated. As applications, consider the maxima of certain excursions of (2,1) and (1,2) random walks with asymptotically zero drifts. We get some delicate limit theories which are quite different from the ones of simple random walks. Limit theories of both the tail and critical tail sequences of continued fractions play important roles in our studies.
[ 16, 51, 85 ]
physics.bio-ph physics.data-an q-bio.QM
EGGTART A computational tool to visualize the dynamics of biophysical transport processes under the inhomogeneous ell TASEP. The totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP), which describes the stochastic dynamics of interacting particles on a lattice, has been actively studied over the past several decades and applied to model important biological transport processes. Here we present a software package, called EGGTART (Extensive GUI gives TASEP realization in real time), which quantifies and visualizes the dynamics associated with a generalized version of the TASEP with an extended particle size and heterogeneous jump rates. This computational tool is based on analytic formulas obtained from deriving and solving the hydrodynamic limit of the process. It allows an immediate quantification of the particle density, flux, and phase diagram, as a function of a few key parameters associated with the system, which would be difficult to achieve via conventional stochastic simulations. Our software should therefore be of interest to biophysicists studying general transport processes, and can in particular be used in the context of gene expression to model and quantify mRNA translation of different coding sequences.
[ 5 ]
Localized waves in plasmas at varying magnetic field. By considering the continuity, Navier Stoks and Poisson's equations in a non relativistic frame work for plasmas, we study the behavior of small amplitude ion acoustic solitary waves in plasmas under the influence of a varying magnetic field. The result is a nonlinear wave equation which complies with the KdV Burgers (KdVB) equation, surprisingly in the absence of thermal pressure or any dissipative effects. We show that the complete set of equations, by considering the varying magnetic field, create solitary waves which radiate energy during their traveling in the medium. An interesting result is the existence of small amplitude localized shock profiles beside the solitary waves. Properties of this solitaire solution is studied by considering different values for the environmental characters.
[ 2, 3, 14 ]
cs.HC cs.AI cs.CL
Lemotif An Affective Visual Journal Using Deep Neural Networks. We present Lemotif, an integrated natural language processing and image generation system that uses machine learning to (1) parse a text based input journal entry describing the user's day for salient themes and emotions and (2) visualize the detected themes and emotions in creative and appealing image motifs. Synthesizing approaches from artificial intelligence and psychology, Lemotif acts as an affective visual journal, encouraging users to regularly write and reflect on their daily experiences through visual reinforcement. By making patterns in emotions and their sources more apparent, Lemotif aims to help users better understand their emotional lives, identify opportunities for action, and track the effectiveness of behavioral changes over time. We verify via human studies that prospective users prefer motifs generated by Lemotif over corresponding baselines, find the motifs representative of their journal entries, and think they would be more likely to journal regularly using a Lemotif based app.
[ 25 ]
Self Switching Markov Chains emerging dominance phenomena. In many dynamical systems in nature, the law of the dynamics changes along with the temporal evolution of the system. These changes are often associated with the occurrence of certain events. The timing of occurrence of these events depends, in turn, on the trajectory of the dynamical system itself, making the dynamics of the system and the timing of a change in the dynamics strongly coupled. Naturally, trajectories that take longer to satisfy the event will last longer. Therefore, we expect to observe more frequently the dominant dynamics, the ones that take longer to change in the long run. This article proposes a Markov chain model, called Self Switching Markov Chain (SSMC), in which the emergence of dominant dynamics can be rigorously addressed. We present conditions and scaling in the SSMC under which we observe with probability one only the subset of dominant dynamics, and we characterize these dominant dynamics. Furthermore, we show that the switching between dynamics exhibits metastability like property.
[ 64, 59 ]
physics.soc-ph cs.SI
Characteristics of human mobility patterns revealed by high frequency cell phone position data. Human mobility is an important characteristic of human behavior, but since tracking personalized position to high temporal and spatial resolution is difficult, most studies on human mobility patterns rely largely on mathematical models. Seminal models which assume frequently visited locations tend to be re visited, reproduce a wide range of statistical features including collective mobility fluxes and numerous scaling laws. However, these models cannot be verified at a time scale relevant to our daily travel patterns as most available data do not provide the necessary temporal resolution. In this work, we re examined human mobility mechanisms via comprehensive cell phone position data recorded at a high frequency up to every second. We found that the next location visited by users is not their most frequently visited ones in many cases. Instead, individuals exhibit origin dependent, path preferential patterns in their short time scale mobility. These behaviors are prominent when the temporal resolution of the data is high, and are thus overlooked in most previous studies. Incorporating measured quantities from our high frequency data into conventional human mobility models shows contradictory statistical results. We finally revealed that the individual preferential transition mechanism characterized by the first order Markov process can quantitatively reproduce the observed travel patterns at both individual and population levels at all relevant time scales.
[ 47 ]
Higher homotopy associativity in the Harris decomposition of Lie groups. Let (G,H) (SU(2n 1),SO(2n 1)), ,(SU(2n),Sp(n)), ,(SO(2n),SO(2n 1)), ,(E 6,F 4), ,(Spin(8),G 2) , and let p be any prime ge 5 for (G,H) (E 6,F 4) , any prime p ne 3 for (G,H) (Spin(8),G 2) , and any odd prime otherwise. The classical result of Harris on the relation between the homotopy groups of G and H is reinterpreted as a p local homotopy equivalence G simeq (p) H times G H , which yields a projection G (p) to H (p) . We show how much this projection preserves the higher homotopy associativity.
[ 66 ]
A Multi Vector Interface Quasi Newton Method with Linear Complexity for Partitioned Fluid Structure Interaction. In recent years, interface quasi Newton methods have gained growing attention in the fluid structure interaction community by significantly improving partitioned solution schemes They not only help to control the inherent added mass instability, but also prove to substantially speed up the coupling's convergence. In this work, we present a novel variant The key idea is to build on the multi vector Jacobian update scheme first presented by Bogaers et al. (2014) and avoid any explicit representation of the (inverse) Jacobian approximation, since it slows down the solution for large systems. Instead, all terms involving a quadratic complexity have been systematically eliminated. The result is a new multi vector interface quasi Newton variant whose computational cost scales linearly with the problem size.
[ 38 ]
Subconvexity for GL 3 (R) L Functions The Key Identity via Integral Representations. We study the subconvexity problem for GL 3 (R) L functions in the t aspect using integral representations by combining techniques employed by Michel Venkatesh in their study of the corresponding problem for GL 2 with ideas from recent works of Munshi, Holowinsky Nelson and Lin. Our main objective is to give from the perspective of integral representations of L functions and automorphic representation theory a possible explanation of the origin of the "key identity" arising in the latter series of works.
[ 9 ]
Dynamics at the threshold for blowup for supercritical wave equations outside a ball. We consider spherically symmetric supercritical focusing wave equations outside a ball. Using mixed analytical and numerical methods, we show that the threshold for blowup is given by a codimension one stable manifold of the unique static solution with exactly one unstable direction. We analyze in detail the convergence to this critical solution for initial data fine tuned to the threshold.
[ 23 ]
Some A spectral radius inequalities for A bounded Hilbert space operators. Let r A(T) denote the A spectral radius of an operator T which is bounded with respect to the seminorm induced by a positive operator A on a complex Hilbert space mathcal H . In this paper, we aim to establish some A spectral radius inequalities for products, sums and commutators of A bounded operators. Moreover, under suitable conditions on T and A we show that begin equation r A left( sum k 0 infty c k T k right) leq sum k 0 infty c k left r A(T) right k , end equation where c k are complex numbers for all k in mathbb N .
[ 9 ]
Sharp regularity for degenerate obstacle type problems a geometric approach. We prove sharp regularity estimates for solutions of obstacle type problems driven by a class of degenerate fully nonlinear operators more specifically, we consider viscosity solutions of D u gamma F(x, D 2u) f(x) chi u phi textrm in B 1 with gamma 0 , phi in C 1, alpha (B 1) for some alpha in(0,1 and f in L infty(B 1) constrained to satisfy u geq phi textrm in B 1 and prove that they are C 1, beta (B 1 2 ) (and in particular along free boundary points) where beta min left alpha, frac 1 gamma 1 right . Moreover, we achieve such a feature by using a recently developed geometric approach which is a novelty for these kind of free boundary problems. Further, under a natural non degeneracy assumption on the obstacle, we prove that the free boundary partial u phi has zero Lebesgue measure. Our results are new even for seemingly simple model as follows Du gamma Delta u chi u phi quad text with quad gamma 0.
[ 9, 49 ]
math.AP math.OC
Local controllability of the one dimensional nonlocal Gray Scott model with moving controls. In this paper, we prove the local controllability to positive constant trajectories of a nonlinear system of two coupled ODE equations, posed in the one dimensional spatial setting, with nonlocal spatial nonlinearites, and using only one localized control with a moving support. The model we deal with is derived from the well known nonlinear reaction diffusion Gray Scott model when the diffusion coefficient of the first chemical species d u tends to 0 and the diffusion coefficient of the second chemical species d v tends to infty . The strategy of the proof consists in two main steps. First, we establish the local controllability of the reaction diffusion ODE PDE derived from the Gray Scott model taking d u 0 , and uniformly with respect to the diffusion parameter d v in (1, infty) . In order to do this, we prove the (uniform) null controllability of the linearized system thanks to an observability estimate obtained through adapted Carleman estimates for ODE PDE. To pass to the nonlinear system, we use a precise inverse mapping argument and, secondly, we apply the shadow limit d v rightarrow infty to reduce to the initial system.
[ 8 ]
Slow thermo optomechanical pulsations in suspended 1D photonic crystal nanocavities. We investigate the nonlinear optical response of suspended 1D photonic crystal nanocavities fabricated on a silicon nitride chip. Strong thermo optical nonlinearities are demonstrated for input powers as low as 2 , mu text W and a self sustained pulsing regime is shown to emerge with periodicity of several seconds. As the input power and laser wavelength are varied the temporal patterns change in period, duty cycle and shape. This dynamics is attributed to the multiple timescale competition between thermo optical and thermo optomechanical effects and closely resembles the relaxation oscillations states found in mathematical models of neuronal activity. We introduce a simplified model that reproduces all the experimental observations and allows us to explain them in terms of the properties of a 1D critical manifold which governs the slow evolution of the system.
[ 3 ]
Personalizing Grammatical Error Correction Adaptation to Proficiency Level and L1. Grammar error correction (GEC) systems have become ubiquitous in a variety of software applications, and have started to approach human level performance for some datasets. However, very little is known about how to efficiently personalize these systems to the user's characteristics, such as their proficiency level and first language, or to emerging domains of text. We present the first results on adapting a general purpose neural GEC system to both the proficiency level and the first language of a writer, using only a few thousand annotated sentences. Our study is the broadest of its kind, covering five proficiency levels and twelve different languages, and comparing three different adaptation scenarios adapting to the proficiency level only, to the first language only, or to both aspects simultaneously. We show that tailoring to both scenarios achieves the largest performance improvement (3.6 F0.5) relative to a strong baseline.
[ 2, 14 ]
cs.AI cs.HC
Joint Optimization of AI Fairness and Utility A Human Centered Approach. Today, AI is increasingly being used in many high stakes decision making applications in which fairness is an important concern. Already, there are many examples of AI being biased and making questionable and unfair decisions. The AI research community has proposed many methods to measure and mitigate unwanted biases, but few of them involve inputs from human policy makers. We argue that because different fairness criteria sometimes cannot be simultaneously satisfied, and because achieving fairness often requires sacrificing other objectives such as model accuracy, it is key to acquire and adhere to human policy makers' preferences on how to make the tradeoff among these objectives. In this paper, we propose a framework and some exemplar methods for eliciting such preferences and for optimizing an AI model according to these preferences.
[ 26, 69 ]
math.RT math.QA
Representations of Simple Hom Lie algebras. The purpose of this paper is to study representations of simple multiplicative Hom Lie algebras. First, we provide a new proof using Killing form for characterization theorem of simple Hom Lie algebras given by Chen and Han, then discuss the representations structure of simple multiplicative Hom Lie algebras. Moreover, we study weight modules and root space decompositions of simple multiplicative Hom Lie algebras, characterize weight modules and provide examples of representations of mathfrak sl 2 type Hom Lie algebras.
[ 9 ]
Remarks on the well posedness of the Euler equations in the Triebel Lizorkin spaces. We prove the continuous dependence of the solution maps for the Euler equations in the (critical) Triebel Lizorkin spaces, which was not shown in the previous works( cite Ch02, Ch03, ChMiZh10 ). The proof relies on the classical Bona Smith method as cite GuLiYi18 , where similar result was obtained in critical Besov spaces B 1 infty,1 .
[ 9 ]
Regularity of the singular set in the fully nonlinear obstacle problem. For the obstacle problem involving a convex fully nonlinear elliptic operator, we show that the singular set in the free boundary stratifies. The top stratum is locally covered by a C 1, alpha manifold, and the lower strata are covered by C 1, log varepsilon manifolds. This essentially recovers the regularity result obtained by Figalli Serra when the operator is the Laplacian.
[ 21 ]
On weak twins and up and down sub permutations. Two permutations (x 1, dots,x w) and (y 1, dots,y w) are weakly similar if x i x i 1 if and only if y i y i 1 for all 1 leqslant i leqslant w . Let pi be a permutation of the set n 1,2, dots, n and let wt( pi) denote the largest integer w such that pi contains a pair of disjoint weakly similar sub permutations (called weak twins) of length w . Finally, let wt(n) denote the minimum of wt( pi) over all permutations pi of n . Clearly, wt(n) le n 2 . In this paper we show that tfrac n 12 le wt(n) le tfrac n2 Omega(n 1 3 ) . We also study a variant of this problem. Let us say that pi' ( pi(i 1),..., pi(i j)) , i 1 cdots i j , is an alternating (or up and down) sub permutation of pi if pi(i 1) pi(i 2) pi(i 3) ... or pi(i 1) pi(i 2) pi(i 3) ... . Let Pi n be a random permutation selected uniformly from all n! permutations of n . It is known that the length of a longest alternating permutation in Pi n is asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) close to 2n 3 . We study the maximum length alpha(n) of a pair of disjoint alternating sub permutations in Pi n and show that there are two constants 1 3 c 1 c 2 1 2 such that a.a.s. c 1n le alpha(n) le c 2n . In addition, we show that the alternating shape is the most popular among all permutations of a given length.
[ 19, 62 ]
cs.GT cs.CR
Spatial Temporal Moving Target Defense A Markov Stackelberg Game Model. Moving target defense has emerged as a critical paradigm of protecting a vulnerable system against persistent and stealthy attacks. To protect a system, a defender proactively changes the system configurations to limit the exposure of security vulnerabilities to potential attackers. In doing so, the defender creates asymmetric uncertainty and complexity for the attackers, making it much harder for them to compromise the system. In practice, the defender incurs a switching cost for each migration of the system configurations. The switching cost usually depends on both the current configuration and the following configuration. Besides, different system configurations typically require a different amount of time for an attacker to exploit and attack. Therefore, a defender must simultaneously decide both the optimal sequences of system configurations and the optimal timing for switching. In this paper, we propose a Markov Stackelberg Game framework to precisely characterize the defender's spatial and temporal decision making in the face of advanced attackers. We introduce a relative value iteration algorithm that computes the defender's optimal moving target defense strategies. Empirical evaluation on real world problems demonstrates the advantages of the Markov Stackelberg game model for spatial temporal moving target defense.
[ 75, 38 ]
math.NT math.KT
On the K 4 group of modular curves. We construct elements in K 4 of modular curves using the Goncharov polylogarithmic complex of weight 3, together with results of de Jeu. The construction is uniform in the level and makes use of new modular units obtained as cross ratios of division values of the Weierstrass wp function. These units provide explicit triangulations of the Manin 3 term relations in K 2 of modular curves, which in turn give rise to elements in K 4 . Based on numerical computation and on recent results of Weijia Wang, we conjecture that these elements are proportional to the Beilinson elements defined using the Eisenstein symbol.
[ 46 ]
Chow Group of 1 cycles of the Moduli of Parabolic Bundles Over a Curve. We study the Chow group of 1 cycles of the moduli space of semistable parabolic vector bundles of fixed rank, determinant and a generic weight over a nonsingular projective curve over mathbb C of genus at least 3. We show that, the Chow group of 1 cycles remains isomorphic as we vary the generic weight. As a consequence, we can give an explicit description of the Chow group in the case of rank 2 and determinant mathcal O (x) , where x in X is a fixed point.
[ 40, 17, 43 ]
cs.DC cs.DB cs.IR
Distributed Streaming Analytics on Large scale Oceanographic Data using Apache Spark. Real world data from diverse domains require real time scalable analysis. Large scale data processing frameworks or engines such as Hadoop fall short when results are needed on the fly. Apache Spark's streaming library is increasingly becoming a popular choice as it can stream and analyze a significant amount of data. In this paper, we analyze large scale geo temporal data collected from the USGODAE (United States Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment) data catalog, and showcase and assess the ability of Spark stream processing. We measure the latency of streaming and monitor scalability by adding and removing nodes in the middle of a streaming job. We also verify the fault tolerance by stopping nodes in the middle of a job and making sure that the job is rescheduled and completed on other nodes. We design a full stack application that automates data collection, data processing and visualizing the results. We also use Google Maps API to visualize results by color coding the world map with values from various analytics.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Early Diagnosis of Pneumonia with Deep Learning. Pneumonia has been one of the fatal diseases and has the potential to result in severe consequences within a short period of time, due to the flow of fluid in lungs, which leads to drowning. If not acted upon by drugs at the right time, pneumonia may result in death of individuals. Therefore, the early diagnosis is a key factor along the progress of the disease. This paper focuses on the biological progress of pneumonia and its detection by x ray imaging, overviews the studies conducted on enhancing the level of diagnosis, and presents the methodology and results of an automation of xray images based on various parameters in order to detect the disease at very early stages. In this study we propose our deep learning architecture for the classification task, which is trained with modified images, through multiple steps of preprocessing. Our classification method uses convolutional neural networks and residual network architecture for classifying the images. Our findings yield an accuracy of 78.73 , surpassing the previously top scoring accuracy of 76.8 .
[ 23 ]
Derivation of new Degrees for Best (Co)convex and Unconstrained Polynomial Approximation in mathbb L alpha, beta p space I. The purpose of this work is to present the derivation and an estimate of the degrees of the best approximation based on convex, coconvex and unconstrained polynomials, and discuss some applications. We simplify the term convex and coconvex polynomial as (co)convex polynomial herein.
[ 46, 18, 21, 78 ]
math.CO math.AC math.AG math.GT
Weak Lefschetz property of PL spheres. A recent result of Papadakis Petrotou shows that every simplicial sphere has the weak Lefschetz property in characteristic 2 . In this paper, we give a simpler proof of this result for PL spheres by showing that the weak Lefschetz property in characteristic 2 is preserved by bistellar moves. Several applications are given.
[ 49, 31 ]
math.OC q-bio.PE
Optimal Control of Aquatic Diseases A Case Study of Yemen's Cholera Outbreak. We propose a mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of some strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, responsible for the cholera disease in humans. We prove that, when the basic reproduction number is equal to one, a transcritical bifurcation occurs for which the endemic equilibrium emanates from the disease free point. A control function is introduced into the model, representing the distribution of chlorine water tablets for water purification. An optimal control problem is then proposed and analyzed, where the goal is to determine the fraction of susceptible individuals who should have access to chlorine water tablets in order to minimize the total number of new infections plus the total cost associated with the distribution of chlorine water tablets, over the considered period of time. Finally, we consider real data of the cholera outbreak in Yemen, from 27 April 2017 to 15 April 2018, choosing the values of the parameters of the uncontrolled model that fit the real data. Using our optimal control results, we show, numerically, that the distribution of chlorine water tablets could have stopped, in a fast way, the worst cholera outbreak that ever occurred in human history. Due to the critical situation of Yemen, we also simulate the case where only a small percentage of susceptible individuals has access to chlorine water tablets and obtain an optimal control solution that decreases, substantially, the maximum number of infective individuals attained at the outbreak.
[ 3 ]
Learning Conceptual Contextual Embeddings for Medical Text. External knowledge is often useful for natural language understanding tasks. We introduce a contextual text representation model called Conceptual Contextual (CC) embeddings, which incorporates structured knowledge into text representations. Unlike entity embedding methods, our approach encodes a knowledge graph into a context model. CC embeddings can be easily reused for a wide range of tasks just like pre trained language models. Our model effectively encodes the huge UMLS database by leveraging semantic generalizability. Experiments on electronic health records (EHRs) and medical text processing benchmarks showed our model gives a major boost to the performance of supervised medical NLP tasks.
[ 73 ]
Effect of protein binding on exposure of unbound and total mycophenolic acid a population pharmacokinetic analysis in Chinese adult kidney transplant recipients. AIMS A population pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis was performed to (1) characterise the PK of unbound and total mycophenolic acid (MPA) and its 7 O mycophenolic acid glucuronide (MPAG) metabolite, and (2) identify the clinically significant covariates that cause variability in the dose exposure relationship to facilitate dose optimisation. METHODS A total of 740 unbound MPA (uMPA), 741 total MPA (tMPA) and 734 total MPAG (tMPAG) concentration time data from 58 Chinese kidney transplant patients were analysed using a nonlinear mixed effect model. The influence of covariates was tested using a stepwise procedure. RESULTS The PK of unbound MPA and MPAG were characterised by a two and one compartment model with first order elimination, respectively. Apparent clearance of uMPA (CLuMPA F) was estimated to be 852 L h with a relative standard error (RSE) of 7.1 . The tMPA and uMPA were connected using a linear protein binding model, in which the protein binding rate constant (kB) increased non linearly with the serum albumin (ALB) concentration. The estimated kB was 53.4 h (RSE, 2.3 ) for patients with ALB of 40 g L. In addition, model based simulation showed that changes in ALB substantially affected tMPA but not uMPA exposure. CONCLUSIONS The established model adequately described the population PK characteristics of the uMPA, tMPA, and MPAG. The estimated CLuMPA F and unbound fraction of MPA (FUMPA) in Chinese kidney transplant recipients were comparable to those published previously in Caucasians. We recommend monitoring uMPA instead of tMPA to optimise mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) dosing for patients with lower ALB levels.
[ 1, 19 ]
cs.LG cs.CR
Latent Adversarial Defence with Boundary guided Generation. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have recently achieved great success in many tasks, which encourages DNNs to be widely used as a machine learning service in model sharing scenarios. However, attackers can easily generate adversarial examples with a small perturbation to fool the DNN models to predict wrong labels. To improve the robustness of shared DNN models against adversarial attacks, we propose a novel method called Latent Adversarial Defence (LAD). The proposed LAD method improves the robustness of a DNN model through adversarial training on generated adversarial examples. Different from popular attack methods which are carried in the input space and only generate adversarial examples of repeating patterns, LAD generates myriad of adversarial examples through adding perturbations to latent features along the normal of the decision boundary which is constructed by an SVM with an attention mechanism. Once adversarial examples are generated, we adversarially train the model through augmenting the training data with generated adversarial examples. Extensive experiments on the MNIST, SVHN, and CelebA dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in defending against different types of adversarial attacks.
[ 3, 39 ]
cs.CY cs.CL
Annotating for Hate Speech The MaNeCo Corpus and Some Input from Critical Discourse Analysis. This paper presents a novel scheme for the annotation of hate speech in corpora of Web 2.0 commentary. The proposed scheme is motivated by the critical analysis of posts made in reaction to news reports on the Mediterranean migration crisis and LGBTIQ matters in Malta, which was conducted under the auspices of the EU funded C.O.N.T.A.C.T. project. Based on the realization that hate speech is not a clear cut category to begin with, appears to belong to a continuum of discriminatory discourse and is often realized through the use of indirect linguistic means, it is argued that annotation schemes for its detection should refrain from directly including the label 'hate speech,' as different annotators might have different thresholds as to what constitutes hate speech and what not. In view of this, we suggest a multi layer annotation scheme, which is pilot tested against a binary hate speech classification and appears to yield higher inter annotator agreement. Motivating the postulation of our scheme, we then present the MaNeCo corpus on which it will eventually be used a substantial corpus of on line newspaper comments spanning 10 years.
[ 9, 12 ]
math.AP math.CA
Elliptic measures and Square function estimates on 1 sided chord arc domains. In nice environments, such as Lipschitz or chord arc domains, it is well known that the solvability of the Dirichlet problem for an elliptic operator in L p , for some finite p , is equivalent to the fact that the associated elliptic measure belongs to the Muckenhoupt class A infty . In turn, any of these conditions occurs if and only if the gradient of every bounded null solution satisfies a Carleson measure estimate. This has been recently extended to much rougher settings such as those of 1 sided chord arc domains, that is, sets which are quantitatively open and connected with a boundary which is Ahlfors David regular. In this paper, we work in the same environment and consider a qualitative analog of the latter equivalence showing that one can characterize the absolute continuity of the surface measure with respect to the elliptic measure in terms of the finiteness almost everywhere of the truncated conical square function for any bounded null solution. As a consequence of our main result particularized to the Laplace operator and some previous results, we show that the boundary of the domain is rectifiable if and only if the truncated conical square function is finite almost everywhere for any bounded harmonic function. Also, we obtain that for two given elliptic operators L 1 and L 2 , the absolute continuity of the surface measure with respect to the elliptic measure of L 1 is equivalent to the same property for L 2 provided the disagreement of the coefficients satisfy some quadratic estimate in truncated cones for almost everywhere vertex. Finally for the case on which L 2 is either the transpose of L 1 or its symmetric part we show the equivalence of the corresponding absolute continuity upon assuming that the antisymmetric part of the coefficients has some controlled oscillation in truncated cones for almost every vertex.
[ 20, 55 ]
physics.geo-ph cs.NA math.NA
Improving the use of the randomized singular value decomposition for the inversion of gravity and magnetic data. The large scale focusing inversion of gravity and magnetic potential field data using L 1 norm regularization is considered. The use of the randomized singular value decomposition methodology facilitates tackling the computational challenge that arises in the solution of these large scale inverse problems. As such the powerful randomized singular value decomposition is used for the numerical solution of all linear systems required in the algorithm. A comprehensive comparison of the developed methodology for the inversion of magnetic and gravity data is presented. These results indicate that there is generally an important difference between the gravity and magnetic inversion problems. Specifically, the randomized singular value decomposition is dependent on the generation of a rank q approximation to the underlying model matrix, and the results demonstrate that q needs to be larger, for equivalent problem sizes, for the magnetic problem as compared to the gravity problem. Without a relatively large q the dominant singular values of the magnetic model matrix are not well approximated. The comparison also shows how the use of the power iteration embedded within the randomized algorithm is used to improve the quality of the resulting dominant subspace approximation, especially in magnetic inversion, yielding acceptable approximations for smaller choices of q . The price to pay is the trade off between approximation accuracy and computational cost. The algorithm is applied for the inversion of magnetic data obtained over a portion of the Wuskwatim Lake region in Manitoba, Canada
[ 60 ]
Helper Without Threads Customized Prefetching for Delinquent Irregular Loads. The growing memory footprints of cloud and big data applications mean that data center CPUs can spend significant time waiting for memory. An attractive approach to improving performance in such centralized compute settings is to employ prefetchers that are customized per application, where gains can be easily scaled across thousands of machines. Helper thread prefetching is such a technique but has yet to achieve wide adoption since it requires spare thread contexts or special hardware firmware support. In this paper, we propose an inline software prefetching technique that overcomes these restrictions by inserting the helper code into the main thread itself. Our approach is complementary to and does not interfere with existing hardware prefetchers since we target only delinquent irregular load instructions (those with no constant or striding address patterns). For each chosen load instruction, we generate and insert a customized software prefetcher extracted from and mimicking the application's dataflow, all without access to the application source code. For a set of irregular workloads that are memory bound, we demonstrate up to 2X single thread performance improvement on recent high end hardware (Intel Skylake) and up to 83 speedup over a helper thread implementation on the same hardware, due to the absence of thread spawning overhead.
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
A Data driven Approach for Noise Reduction in Distantly Supervised Biomedical Relation Extraction. Fact triples are a common form of structured knowledge used within the biomedical domain. As the amount of unstructured scientific texts continues to grow, manual annotation of these texts for the task of relation extraction becomes increasingly expensive. Distant supervision offers a viable approach to combat this by quickly producing large amounts of labeled, but considerably noisy, data. We aim to reduce such noise by extending an entity enriched relation classification BERT model to the problem of multiple instance learning, and defining a simple data encoding scheme that significantly reduces noise, reaching state of the art performance for distantly supervised biomedical relation extraction. Our approach further encodes knowledge about the direction of relation triples, allowing for increased focus on relation learning by reducing noise and alleviating the need for joint learning with knowledge graph completion.
[ 46, 38 ]
math.NT math.AG
Ax Schanuel for GL n . In this paper we prove an Ax Schanuel type result for the exponential functions for general linear groups over mathbb C . We prove the result first for the group of upper triangular matrices and then for the group GL n of all n times n invertible matrices over mathbb C . We also obtain Ax Lindemann type results for these maps as a corollary, characterizing the bi algebraic subsets of these maps.
[ 24, 26, 21 ]
math.MG math.CO math.RT
The Geometry of H 4 Polytopes. We describe the geometry of an arrangement of 24 cells inscribed in the 600 cell. In S 7 we apply our results to the even unimodular lattice E 8 and show how the 600 cell transforms E 8 2 E 8 , an 8 space over the field bf F 2 , into a 4 space over bf F 4 whose points, lines and planes are labeled by the geometric objects of the 600 cell.
[ 21 ]
Factoring Middle Binomial Coefficients. The article describes prime intervals into the prime factorization of the middle binomial coefficient. Prime factors and prime powers are distributed in layers. Each layer consists of non repeated prime numbers which are chosen (not calculated) from the noncrossing prime intervals. Repeated factors are formed when primes are duplicated among different layers.
[ 19 ]
Towards Memory Safe Python Enclave for Security Sensitive Computation. Intel SGX Guard eXtensions (SGX), a hardware supported trusted execution environment (TEE), is designed to protect security sensitive applications. However, since enclave applications are developed with memory unsafe languages such as C C , traditional memory corruption is not eliminated in SGX. Rust SGX is the first toolkit providing enclave developers with a memory language. However, Rust is considered a Systems language and has become the right choice for concurrent applications and web browsers. Many application domains such as Big Data, Machine Learning, Robotics, Computer Vision are more commonly developed in the python programming language. Therefore, Python application developers cannot benefit from secure enclaves like Intel SGX and rust SGX. To fill this gap, we propose Python SGX, which is a memory safe SGX SDK providing enclave developers a memory safe Python development environment. The key idea is to enable memory safe Python language in SGX by solving the following key challenges (1) defining a memory safe Python interpreter (2)replacing unsafe elements of Python interpreter with safe ones,(3) achieving comparable performance to non enclave Python applications, and (4) not introducing any unsafe new code or libraries into SGX. We propose to build Python SGX with PyPy, a Python interpreter written by RPython, which is a subset of Python, and tame unsafe parts in PyPy by formal verification, security hardening, and memory safe language. We have implemented python SGX and tested it with a series of benchmarks programs. Our evaluation results show that Python SGX does not cause significant overhead.
[ 27 ]
On the dependent product in toposes. We give an explicit construction of the dependent product in an elementary topos, and a site theoretic description for it in the case of a Grothendieck topos.
[ 8, 67, 36 ]
physics.chem-ph physics.atom-ph physics.optics
High harmonic generation spectroscopy via orbital angular momentum. We present an experimental technique using orbital angular momentum (OAM) in a fundamental laser field to drive High Harmonic Generation (HHG). The mixing of beams with different OAM allows to generate two laser foci tightly spaced to study the phase and amplitude of HHG produced in diatomic nitrogen. Nitrogen is used as a well studied system to show the quality of OAM based HHG interferometry.
[ 21, 47 ]
math.CO math.AT
Distance r domination number and r independence complexes of graphs. For r geq 1 , the r independence complex of a graph G , denoted Ind r(G) , is a simplicial complex whose faces are subsets A subseteq V(G) such that each component of the induced subgraph G A has at most r vertices. In this article, we establish a relation between the distance r domination number of G and (homological) connectivity of Ind r(G) . We also prove that Ind r(G) , for a chordal graph G , is either contractible or homotopy equivalent to a wedge of spheres. Given a wedge of spheres, we also provide a construction of a chordal graph whose r independence complex has the homotopy type of the given wedge.
[ 15 ]
cs.IT math.IT
Secure Regularized Zero Forcing for Multiuser MIMOME Channels. This paper proposes a new linear precoding scheme for downlink transmission in MIMOME channels, referred to as secure regularized zero forcing. The scheme modifies regularized zero forcing precoding, such that the beamformers further suppress the information leakage towards the eavesdroppers. The proposed scheme is characterized in the large system limit, and a closed form expression for the achievable ergodic secrecy rate per user is derived. Numerical investigations demonstrate high robustness against the quality of eavesdroppers' channel.
[ 17, 1 ]
cs.DC cs.LG
Fast Fourier Forecasting Resource Utilisation in Distributed Systems. Distributed computing systems often consist of hundreds of nodes, executing tasks with different resource requirements. Efficient resource provisioning and task scheduling in such systems are non trivial and require close monitoring and accurate forecasting of the state of the system, specifically resource utilisation at its constituent machines. Two challenges present themselves towards these objectives. First, collecting monitoring data entails substantial communication overhead. This overhead can be prohibitively high, especially in networks where bandwidth is limited. Second, forecasting models to predict resource utilisation should be accurate and need to exhibit high inference speed. Mission critical scheduling and resource allocation algorithms use these predictions and rely on their immediate availability. To address the first challenge, we present a communication efficient data collection mechanism. Resource utilisation data is collected at the individual machines in the system and transmitted to a central controller in batches. Each batch is processed by an adaptive data reduction algorithm based on Fourier transforms and truncation in the frequency domain. We show that the proposed mechanism leads to a significant reduction in communication overhead while incurring only minimal error and adhering to accuracy guarantees. To address the second challenge, we propose a deep learning architecture using complex Gated Recurrent Units to forecast resource utilisation. This architecture is directly integrated with the above data collection mechanism to improve inference speed of our forecasting model. Using two real world datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, both in terms of forecasting accuracy and inference speed. Our approach resolves challenges encountered in resource provisioning frameworks and can be applied to other forecasting problems.
[ 0 ]
Detective An Attentive Recurrent Model for Sparse Object Detection. In this work, we present Detective an attentive object detector that identifies objects in images in a sequential manner. Our network is based on an encoder decoder architecture, where the encoder is a convolutional neural network, and the decoder is a convolutional recurrent neural network coupled with an attention mechanism. At each iteration, our decoder focuses on the relevant parts of the image using an attention mechanism, and then estimates the object's class and the bounding box coordinates. Current object detection models generate dense predictions and rely on post processing to remove duplicate predictions. Detective is a sparse object detector that generates a single bounding box per object instance. However, training a sparse object detector is challenging, as it requires the model to reason at the instance level and not just at the class and spatial levels. We propose a training mechanism based on the Hungarian algorithm and a loss that balances the localization and classification tasks. This allows Detective to achieve promising results on the PASCAL VOC object detection dataset. Our experiments demonstrate that sparse object detection is possible and has a great potential for future developments in applications where the order of the objects to be predicted is of interest.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.optics physics.app-ph
High efficient and polarization independent edge coupler for thin film lithium niobite waveguide devices. Lithium niobate (LN) devices have been widely used in optical communication and nonlinear optics due to its attractive optical properties. The emergence of thin film lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) improves performances of LN based devices greatly. However, a high efficient fiber chip optical coupler is still necessary for the LNOI based devices for practical applications. In this paper, we demonstrate a highly efficient and polarization independent edge coupler based on LNOI. The coupler, fabricated by standard semiconductor process, shows a low fiber chip coupling loss of 0.54 dB 0.59 dB per facet at 1550 nm for TE TM light respectively, when coupled with ultra high numerical aperture fiber (UHNAF) of which mode field diameter is about 3.2 micrometers. The coupling loss is lower than 1dB facet for both TE and TM light at wavelengths longer than 1527nm. A relatively large tolerance for optical misalignment is also proved. The coupler shows a promising stability in high optical power and temperature variation.
[ 16, 25 ]
math.PR q-bio.QM
Distribution of extreme first passage times of diffusion. Many events in biology are triggered when a diffusing searcher finds a target, which is called a first passage time (FPT). The overwhelming majority of FPT studies have analyzed the time it takes a single searcher to find a target. However, the more relevant timescale in many biological systems is the time it takes the fastest searcher(s) out of many searchers to find a target, which is called an extreme FPT. In this paper, we apply extreme value theory to find a tractable approximation for the full probability distribution of extreme FPTs of diffusion. This approximation can be easily applied in many diverse scenarios, as it depends on only a few properties of the short time behavior of the survival probability of a single FPT. We find this distribution by proving that a careful rescaling of extreme FPTs converges in distribution as the number of searchers grows. This limiting distribution is a type of Gumbel distribution and involves the LambertW function. This analysis yields new explicit formulas for approximations of statistics of extreme FPTs (mean, variance, moments, etc.) which are highly accurate and are accompanied by rigorous error estimates.
[ 10 ]
Development of a unified high order nonhydrostatic multi moment constrained finite volume dynamical core derivation of flux form governing equations in the general curvilinear coordinate system. In the manuscript we have derived the flux form atmospheric governing equations in the general curvilinear coordinate system which is used by a high order nonhydrostatic multi moment constrained finite volume (MCV) dynamical core, and given the explicit formulations in the shallow atmosphere approximation. In general curvilinear coordinate x i(i 1,2,3), unlike the Cartesian coordinate, the base vectors are not constants either in magnitude or direction. Following the representations such as base vectors, vector and tensor and so on in general curvilinear coordinate, we can obtain the differential relations of base vectors, the gradient and divergence operator etc. which are the component parts of the atmospheric governing equation. Then we apply them in the two specific curvilinear coordinate system the spherical polar and cubed sphere coordinates that are adopted in high order nonhydrostatic MCV dynamical core. By switching the geometrics such as the metric tensors (covariant and contravariant), Jacobian of the transformation, the Christoffel symbol of the second kind between the spherical polar and cubed sphere coordinates, the resulting flux form governing equations in the specific coordinate system can be easily achieved. Of course, the Cartesian coordinate can be recovered. Noted that the projection metric tensors like spherical polar system and Cartesian coordinate become simple due to orthogonal properties of coordinate.
[ 25 ]
New Weak Error bounds and expansions for Optimal Quantization. We propose new weak error bounds and expansion in dimension one for optimal quantization based cubature formula for different classes of functions, such that piecewise affine functions, Lipschitz convex functions or differentiable function with piecewise defined locally Lipschitz or alpha H "older derivatives. This new results rest on the local behaviors of optimal quantizers, the L r L s distribution mismatch problem and Zador's Theorem. This new expansion supports the definition of a Richardson Romberg extrapolation yielding a better rate of convergence for the cubature formula. An extension of this expansion is then proposed in higher dimension for the first time. We then propose a novel variance reduction method for Monte Carlo estimators, based on one dimensional optimal quantizers.
[ 42 ]
Some problems on ruled hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. We study ruled real hypersurfaces whose shape operators have constant squared norm in nonflat complex space forms. In particular, we prove the nonexistence of such hypersurfaces in the projective case. We also show that biharmonic ruled real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms are minimal, which provides their classification due to a known result of Lohnherr and Reckziegel.
[ 12, 45, 44, 54, 25 ]
q-fin.MF math.CA math.PR q-fin.CP q-fin.PR
Geometric Brownian motion with affine drift and its time integral. The joint distribution of a geometric Brownian motion and its time integral was derived in a seminal paper by Yor (1992) using Lamperti's transformation, leading to explicit solutions in terms of modified Bessel functions. In this paper, we revisit this classic result using the simple Laplace transform approach in connection to the Heun differential equation. We extend the methodology to the geometric Brownian motion with affine drift and show that the joint distribution of this process and its time integral can be determined by a doubly confluent Heun equation. Furthermore, the joint Laplace transform of the process and its time integral is derived from the asymptotics of the solutions. In addition, we provide an application by using the results for the asymptotics of the double confluent Heun equation in pricing Asian options. Numerical results show the accuracy and efficiency of this new method.
[ 29, 38, 15 ]
cs.IT math.GR math.IT math.NT
Integer Ring Sieve for Constructing Compact QC LDPC Codes with Girths 8, 10, and 12. This paper proposes a new method of constructing compact fully connected Quasi Cyclic Low Density Parity Check (QC LDPC) codes with girth g 8, 10, and 12. The originality of the proposed method is to impose constraints on the exponent matrix P to reduce the search space drastically. For a targeted lifting degree of N, the first step of the method is to sieve the integer ring Z N to make a particular sub group with specific properties to construct the second column of P (the first column being filled with zeros). The remaining columns of P are determined recursively as multiples of the second column by adapting the sequentially multiplied column (SMC) method whereby a controlled greedy search is applied at each step. The codes constructed with the proposed semi algebraic method show lengths that can be significantly shorter than their best counterparts in the literature.
[ 2, 3, 63 ]
cs.DL cs.AI cs.CL
Textual analysis of artificial intelligence manuscripts reveals features associated with peer review outcome. We analysed a dataset of scientific manuscripts that were submitted to various conferences in artificial intelligence. We performed a combination of semantic, lexical and psycholinguistic analyses of the full text of the manuscripts and compared them with the outcome of the peer review process. We found that accepted manuscripts scored lower than rejected manuscripts on two indicators of readability, and that they also used more scientific and artificial intelligence jargon. We also found that accepted manuscripts were written with words that are less frequent, that are acquired at an older age, and that are more abstract than rejected manuscripts. The analysis of references included in the manuscripts revealed that the subset of accepted submissions were more likely to cite the same publications. This finding was echoed by pairwise comparisons of the word content of the manuscripts (i.e. an indicator or semantic similarity), which were more similar in the subset of accepted manuscripts. Finally, we predicted the peer review outcome of manuscripts with their word content, with words related to machine learning and neural networks positively related with acceptance, whereas words related to logic, symbolic processing and knowledge based systems negatively related with acceptance.
[ 59, 39 ]
cs.CY cs.SI
HITS hits art. The blockchain art market is partitioned around the roles of artists and collectors and highly concentrated among few prominent figures. We hence propose to adapt Kleinberg's authority hub HITS method to rate artists and collectors in the art context. This seems a reasonable choice since the original method deftly defines its scores in terms of a mutual recursive relationship between authorities artists the miners of information art, and hubs collectors the assemblers of such information art. We evaluated the proposed method on the collector artist network of SuperRare gallery, the major crypto art marketplace. We found that the proposed artist and collector metrics are weakly correlated with other network science metrics like degree and strength. This hints the possibility of coupling different measures in order to profile active users of the gallery and suggests investment strategies with different risk reward ratios for collectors as well as marketing strategies with different targets for artists.
[ 42, 34 ]
math.DG math.CV
Degenerating Hermitian metrics, canonical bundle and spectral convergence. Let (M,J) be a compact complex manifold of complex dimension m and let g s be a one parameter family of Hermitian forms on M that are smooth and positive definite for each fixed s in (0,1 and that somehow degenerates to a Hermitian pseudometric h for s tending to 0 . In this paper under rather general assumptions on g s we prove various spectral convergence type theorems for the family of Hodge Kodaira Laplacians Delta overline partial ,m,0,s associated to g s and acting on the canonical bundle of M . In particular we show that, as s tends to zero, the eigenvalues, the heat operators and the heat kernels corresponding to the family Delta overline partial ,m,0,s converge to the eigenvalues, the heat operator and the heat kernel of Delta overline partial ,m,0, mathrm abs , a suitable self adjoint operator with entirely discrete spectrum defined on the limit space (A,h A) .
[ 13 ]
Pfaffians and the inverse problem for collinear central configurations. We consider, after Albouy Moeckel, the inverse problem for collinear central configurations given a collinear configuration of n bodies, find positive masses which make it central. We give some new estimates concerning the positivity of Albouy Moeckel pfaffians we show that for any homogeneity alpha and n leq 6 or n leq 10 and alpha 1 (computer assisted) the pfaffians are positive. Moreover, for the inverse problem with positive masses, we show that for any homogeneity and n geq 4 there are explicit regions of the configuration space without solutions of the inverse problem.
[ 1, 20, 6, 7 ]
physics.comp-ph cs.LG cs.NA math.NA physics.flu-dyn
A Method for Representing Periodic Functions and Enforcing Exactly Periodic Boundary Conditions with Deep Neural Networks. We present a simple and effective method for representing periodic functions and enforcing exactly the periodic boundary conditions for solving differential equations with deep neural networks (DNN). The method stems from some simple properties about function compositions involving periodic functions. It essentially composes a DNN represented arbitrary function with a set of independent periodic functions with adjustable (training) parameters. We distinguish two types of periodic conditions those imposing the periodicity requirement on the function and all its derivatives (to infinite order), and those imposing periodicity on the function and its derivatives up to a finite order k ( k geqslant 0 ). The former will be referred to as C infty periodic conditions, and the latter C k periodic conditions. We define operations that constitute a C infty periodic layer and a C k periodic layer (for any k geqslant 0 ). A deep neural network with a C infty (or C k ) periodic layer incorporated as the second layer automatically and exactly satisfies the C infty (or C k ) periodic conditions. We present extensive numerical experiments on ordinary and partial differential equations with C infty and C k periodic boundary conditions to verify and demonstrate that the proposed method indeed enforces exactly, to the machine accuracy, the periodicity for the DNN solution and its derivatives.
[ 0, 1, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.CV cs.LG
Blacklight Defending Black Box Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks. The vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) to adversarial examples is well documented. Under the strong white box threat model, where attackers have full access to DNN internals, recent work has produced continual advancements in defenses, often followed by more powerful attacks that break them. Meanwhile, research on the more realistic black box threat model has focused almost entirely on reducing the query cost of attacks, making them increasingly practical for ML models already deployed today. This paper proposes and evaluates Blacklight, a new defense against black box adversarial attacks. Blacklight targets a key property of black box attacks to compute adversarial examples, they produce sequences of highly similar images while trying to minimize the distance from some initial benign input. To detect an attack, Blacklight computes for each query image a compact set of one way hash values that form a probabilistic fingerprint. Variants of an image produce nearly identical fingerprints, and fingerprint generation is robust against manipulation. We evaluate Blacklight on 5 state of the art black box attacks, across a variety of models and classification tasks. While the most efficient attacks take thousands or tens of thousands of queries to complete, Blacklight identifies them all, often after only a handful of queries. Blacklight is also robust against several powerful countermeasures, including an optimal black box attack that approximates white box attacks in efficiency. Finally, Blacklight significantly outperforms the only known alternative in both detection coverage of attack queries and resistance against persistent attackers.
[ 46 ]
Arithmetic D modules over algebraic varieties of characteristic p 0. Let k be a field of characteristic p 0 not necessarily perfect. Using Berthelot's theory of arithmetic mathcal D modules, we construct a p adic formalism of Grothendieck's six operations for realizable k schemes of finite type.
[ 88, 67 ]
physics.atm-clus physics.atom-ph
Photoemission from hybrid states of Cl C 60 before and after a stabilizing charge transfer. Photoionization calculations of the endofullerene molecule Cl C 60 with an open shell chlorine atom are performed in the time dependent local density approximation (TDLDA) based on a spherical jellium model. Cross sections for atom fullerene hybrid photoemission studied show the effects of the hybridization symmetry, the giant plasmon and the molecular cavity. Comparisons with the results of Ar C 60 provide insights in the role of a shell closing electron and its influence on the dynamics. The results for Cl C 60 are further compared with those of a more stable, lower energy configuration that results after a C 60 electron transfers to Cl forming Cl C 60 . This comparison reveals noticeable differences in the ionization properties of the antibonding hybrid state while the bonding hybrid remains nearly unaltered showing a magnification covering the entire giant plasmon energy range.
[ 41, 2 ]
cs.AI cs.RO
Towards More Sample Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning with Data Augmentation. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is a promising approach for adaptive robot control, but its current application to robotics is currently hindered by high sample requirements. We propose two novel data augmentation techniques for DRL in order to reuse more efficiently observed data. The first one called Kaleidoscope Experience Replay exploits reflectional symmetries, while the second called Goal augmented Experience Replay takes advantage of lax goal definitions. Our preliminary experimental results show a large increase in learning speed.
[ 21 ]
Countable ordinals and big Ramsey degrees. In this paper we consider big Ramsey degrees of finite chains in countable ordinals. We prove that a countable ordinal has finite big Ramsey degrees if and only if it is smaller than omega omega . Big Ramsey degrees of finite chains in all other countable ordinals are infinite.
[ 46 ]
Gevrey and formal Nilsson solutions of A hypergeometric systems. We prove that the space of Gevrey solutions of an A hypergeometric system along a coordinate subspace is contained in a space of formal Nilsson solutions. Moreover, under some additional conditions, both spaces are equal. In the process we prove some other results about formal Nilsson solutions.
[ 34, 12, 76, 23 ]
math.FA math.CA math.CV math.SP
Schur multipliers of Schatten von Neumann classes boldsymbol S p . We study in this paper properties of Schur multipliers of Schatten von Neumann classes boldsymbol S p . We prove that for p le1 , Schur multipliers of boldsymbol S p are necessarily completely bounded. We also introduce for p le1 a scale mathscr W p of tensor products of ell infty and prove that matrices in mathscr W p are Schur multipliers of boldsymbol S p . We compare this sufficient condition with the sufficient condition of membership in the p tensor product of ell infty spaces.
[ 0 ]
Detecting CNN Generated Facial Images in Real World Scenarios. Artificial, CNN generated images are now of such high quality that humans have trouble distinguishing them from real images. Several algorithmic detection methods have been proposed, but these appear to generalize poorly to data from unknown sources, making them infeasible for real world scenarios. In this work, we present a framework for evaluating detection methods under real world conditions, consisting of cross model, cross data, and post processing evaluation, and we evaluate state of the art detection methods using the proposed framework. Furthermore, we examine the usefulness of commonly used image pre processing methods. Lastly, we evaluate human performance on detecting CNN generated images, along with factors that influence this performance, by conducting an online survey. Our results suggest that CNN based detection methods are not yet robust enough to be used in real world scenarios.
[ 8 ]
Frequency swept high repetition rate optical source. We propose and numerically validate an all optical scheme to generate optical pulse trains with varying temporal pulse to pulse delay and pulse duration. Applying a temporal sinusoidal phase modulation followed by a shaping of the spectral phase enables us to maintain high quality Gaussian temporal profiles.
[ 29 ]
The dynamics and geometry of free group endomorphisms. We prove that ascending HNN extensions of free groups are word hyperbolic if and only if they have no Baumslag Solitar subgroups. This extends the theorem of Brinkmann that free by cyclic groups are word hyperbolic if and only if they have no free abelian subgroups of rank 2. The paper is split into two independent parts 1) We study the dynamics of injective nonsurjective endomorphisms of free groups. We prove a canonical structure theorem that initializes the development of improved relative train tracks for endomorphisms this structure theorem is of independent interest since it makes many open questions about injective endomorphisms tractable. 2) As an application of the structure theorem, we are able to (relatively) combine Brinkmann's theorem with our previous work and obtain the main result stated above. In the final section, we further extend the result to HNN extensions of free groups over free factors.

This is the data used in the paper Large Language Model as Attributed Training Data Generator: A Tale of Diversity and Bias. See the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.15895 for details.

  • label.txt: the label name for each class
  • train.jsonl: The original training set.
  • valid.jsonl: The original validation set.
  • test.jsonl: The original test set.
  • simprompt.jsonl: The training data generated by the simple prompt.
  • attrprompt.jsonl: The training data generated by the attributed prompt.

Note: Different than the other datasets, the labels for training/validation/test data are all a list instead of an integer as it is a multi-label classification dataset.

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