Losing her edge? I loved Patricia Cornwell's first five novels; sadly, her sixth loses its edge.. I wanted to enjoy it.. but the plot labors on.. and I had a hard time finishing a book I couldn't wait to read. We lose Scarpetta's forensic "grit" and instead focus on a bizarre, rather boring computer plot.. I hope the next books in the series are better!
good book compare to others For a first book that I read from this author it keeps your interest and give a lot of forensic pathology when describing what is going.
Dr. Scarpetta Returns, and So Does Gault! Prepare to keep the lights on tonight if you're reading "From Potter's Field"! Enter the dark, even sometimes humorous, world of Dr.Kay Scarpetta, a mystery solving sleuth where you don't expect it! Marino better watch out for his job.Suspense and terror reign through "Potter's Field" as well as suprise and intrigue. We once again encounter the evil Temple Gault and seek the identity of his latest victim. Its like mixing horror and mystery and getting the best of both worlds!If you didn't read this book on hardcover, pick it up now on paperback! Unless, of course, you chicken..
good reading but too much like other books reading this book reminds me of the other books she has written. Cornwell is an excellent writer who needs to remember that she should change her characters once in a while. We are lead slowly down a path to the inevitable outcome. The only twist in this book is the sister who looks like him. It's a good read
So far, the worst book of one of my favorite authors Having read all of Patricia Cornwell's books, I was very disappointed about her latest achievment. Draging the villain through 3 separate books probably wasn't her best idea. Even more disturbing: The characters of her main heros (Scarpetta, Marino, Lucie) were described inconsistent with her previous books
Great book. Not as spell binding as others in this series but still very good. It took getting to the last couple of chapters to understand the title, but that was minor. I also found a alot of typos in this book. usually just minor ones but a name was completely wrong, but correct in the very next sentence. I had to stop for a second and think....who is that? ok...off to Amazon.com to find the next one.
scarpetta this book is amazing. it was an all around exciting book. scarpetta definetly meets my expectations. it was a roller coster of emotions. i couldnt put the book down. i will re-read this book numerous times.
Hey! Wait a minute! I really enjoyed this story and the writing very much -- until I got to the end. The events that bring us to the climax are intriguing and shocking (and grisly, as a warning to anyone not familiar with Cornwell). The interpersonal relationships among the "good guys" -- Kay, Benton, Marino, Janet and Lucy -- added texture and enhanced the suspense. And I enjoyed moving from Virginia to New York to Hilton Head with Kay. BUT this ending! So much action brings us to a very unsatisfying climax. Throughout the book, we hear at least two characters muse as to why the villain behaves as he does. This made me want to hear a definitive answer. And we never get it. The book ends so abruptly, you would think Ms. Cornwell simply ran out of paper.
She's Done Better Having read six of Cornwell's novels I have to say that this isn't presented with the momentum and irony that her other books had. The first fourth of the book is excellent, but then the ending is so disappointing that you wonder why she even bothered with the foreshadowing. I enjoyed this book, but it could have been better.
One of the best mysteries I've read in a while It was magnificent. I picked it up at a Border's bookstore for 3 dollars just to see how it was. ever since I've read it I've been stuck on her books. It was great a little gory at parts but it had a wonderful storyline and plot. I would highly recommend this to anyone that loves mysteries.
Suspenseful but uneventful ending I enjoyed it very much particularly the written skills in describing the characters and the crime scenes. However, I was not convinced about the ending since it did not explain about why Temple Gault was challenging Dr.Scarpetta. Perhaps a book on his adolescent and how he develops an emotional attachment to Kay would be interesting.
awful Mystery novels are the only books that I read and this one was the worst book I've read this year. I was expecting more from Ms. Cornwell.
What a disappointment! I expected better than this poorly contrived story of murder and mystery from a well-seasoned author. The plot line lacked substance and the ending was poorly executed. The only reason I continued reading the story was in hopes that it would improve as I read. Boy, was I disappointed.
Good Enough I have read almost all of Patricia Cornwell's series with Kay Scarpetta and if you liked her other books, you will probably enjoy this book as well. It has the same feel as the others except I find the adultery that Kay continues to commit inconsistent with her strict sense of right and wrong. Marino is always a great character you can easily picture in your mind and I found the scene with the police at the morgue particularly good. The ending was a bit of a let down. However, I'm still hooked and will continue to read her books.
A wildly implausible thriller This book is so unrealistic that it spoils all the fun, super killers like Temple Gault (a clone for the Satan Incarnate known as Hannibal Lecter) are more silly than super. I found all the other character two dimensional and all the "intrigue" regarding super computers insulting to my intelligence. Has Cornwell done better? I don't know and, after reading this, am in no big hurry to find out.
Predictable but Good Most of the story you could have guessed at and unless you were deaf, dumb and blind you were not really shocked as to how the story ended.Still not a bad little book. I would recommend it. I still like Dr. Kay even after all this time.
Entertaining, but one major quibble. I listened to the tape version, which is pretty good for getting you to the beach, etc. There is a strong narrative drive that carries you along. However, having the text read to you highlights some of the lack of "tightness" that good editing could have fixed. Also, please don't TELL us that Gault is the worst murderer of the century, SHOW us. Prove it! My personal quibble is that when our heroine is talking with a woman's father and he asks if his daughter is dead, Kay answers with a flat yes, when at most she's got a hunch as to the identity of the dead woman. This is inconceivable for a forensic pathologist whose specialty is not only what she knows, but what she can prove. I'd probably listen to another Scarpetta book on tape, if I got it from the library.
Cornwell's "From Potter's Field" The first 90% of the story held my interest. In the last 50 pages it seemed that Miss Cornwell ran out of steam. It had a let's-get-this-done anti-climatic aire. I expected a thrilling pursuit through the subways of New York, complete with frustrating near misses and near successes. Instead, we get bad guy just comes straight to the heroine, temporarily captures heroine #2, is thwarted by heroine and disabled, all in 20 or so pages.
Impressive delivery but plot lacking in believability This was the first Patricia Cornwell book I have read. She is a compelling storyteller, and she obviously possesses great knowledge of the subject matter. I do admit to finishing the book in a two-day period, but it was more to get to the inevitable final showdown between Scarpetta and the killer. Scarpetta and some of her cronies are characterized well, but the killer seemed a bit stereotypical. I don't believe in reading ahead and spoiling the surprise, but in this case I skipped some detailed sections to find out how the killer would be stopped in his tracks.Since reading this book, I have read Cause of Death by Cornwell and would rate that book slightly higher than this one. This book is not her best that I've read so far, but it wouldn't prevent me from reading another one.This is a good, focused, and knowledgable writer who does not need to fall back on unbelievable killers and sensantional plot devices to tell an imaginative story.
Good...up until the end! I was really into this book and was having a hard time putting it down. But the end left me totally unstatisfied. I felt that it was rushed and really left no closure, almost like there were pages misssing from my book that would compliment the story. It was as if the author was faced with constraints in time or space. Great story line...bad ending.
No one will edit this, because I'm Patricia Cornwell At least, that's how I felt about this book, which seems only to have been published because the author has written some truly interesting previous novels. I recommend the first three books in the series. I cannot recommend this book for anything except kindling. However, not having a fireplace, I filed this under G.
To contrived and therefore not plausible I found this plot to be to contrived in that many of the scenes were just to clearly made up for me to become vicariously involved. The twists and turns in the plot were simply to convenient for me to appreciate a sense of natural flow that good novels must have. For example: The scene in which Gault (the killer) has been seen using the same restaurant that the main character spontaneously finds herself in. Imagine, in New York no less! Not only that, but the killer is using the main characters visa in the same restaurant. And then the genius software engineer niece who just happens to be working on a huge computer program in the law enforcement field. I'm sorry, but this tale is just to unbelievable. It might make a passable B grade film, but I wouldn't want to see it.
The end of Gault in a satisfying thriller The is one of Scarpetta's better adventures. Temple Brooks Gault, the serial killer released from prison in "Cruel & Unusual" plays mind games with Scarpetta and the NYPD and NY Transit Police after a woman's body is discovered in a park. The twisty plot is worth a re-read, especially for the ending which pits Gault against Scarpetta and her geniuse niece, Lucy, in the subway tunnels of New York.
Scarpetta rocks! I love the Kay Scarpetta series, that's how I got hooked on the whole forensics stuff! Patricia Cornwell is an excellent author!
First Cornwell read, entertaining and fast paced This was my first Cornwell book. I enjoyed the characters in this story and I look forward to reading more about Scarpetta, Marino, Benton and company. The action was fluid and I was never sure where Gault, our killer, was going to turn up next.Cornwell is detailed and this lends credibility to the plot and circumstances. The events are gruesome, but this is a coroner we are reading about, so that is to be expected. Cornwell does not exhaust the reader with gore and that made the subject matter easier to handle.The one criticism I do have is that the story moved so fast that I felt I was sometimes missing something. I think I just have to get used to Cornwell's writing style, and I maybe should have started the series in a chronological order. Nonetheless, a satisfying read, and I would recommend the Cornwell series to others, worthy of 4 stars.
Hoping for more! Adermatt grabbed my attention from the very beginning and kept it to the end. She tells an extremely poignant and relevant story such that I felt I was watching every minute of it in real life. I hope this is the beginning of a series!
Funny, but not many Coloured Diagrams I was a little disappointed with this. Though I enjoyed John's humour as always, there is a decided lack of coloured art. I remember purchasing a "Bloom County" book of cartoons back in the 1980's - and large portions of the book were in colour. But the reverse is true here. There are some illuminated sketches, but the great majority of the book is black and white. Half the fun of Mr. McPherson's work is witnessing the funny pictures, and the lack of colour interfers with this. I would like publishers, as part of the book description, to include an accounting of the amount or percentage of hued work.
A Piece of Crap! Noisy, crude five point vibration pad.NOT! a massager, a vibration pad!We purchased three of these and we sent back three of these!Worthless, no, worse than worthless!
No theory what so ever The authors seem unaware of the fact that theory guides our understanding. There are no "objective" facts, yet the authors present all their findings as such with almost no reasoning attached. This is both arrogant and ignorant. The authors display no grasp of theoretical advances in Accounting and I recommend getting a book that has a better exposition of principles as more than practice
good book for beginners I am from Germany and was in the US for studying Economics. That book is very easy written and explains good. For classes it is required. A bit too expensive and too heavy to carry. Quite good.
wrong item I was going to get a book with a ISN number of 0072316373...But today, I got one with 0070412901...So I need you send my money beac to my account, and give me a well reason why you let the seller mail me a totally different book again, It is the second time I get an item with wrong number
Very interesting read I picked up this book not realizing that I had already read excerpts from it in another of Childress' books. I was headed for Jordan and was interested in reading up on Petra when I found this book. As I read more, it began to get really interesting. His broad coverage of various theories of ancient civilizations is fascinating, if sometimes hard to believe. But, that being said, there are so many unexplained civilizations out there that, however fanciful the explanations may be, who knows, some may even be correct!! It's an entertaining read, and really causes you to reconsider some very basic historical facts that may turn out to be in error. How DID those guys at the Temple of Ba'al move 2 million pound stones?!? Makes you wonder!!
Lincoln in a new light "Lincoln Reconsidered" by David Donald 1961History has always been an interest for me. This takes a bit of time and expands on it very nicely. It starts out with a nice introdution about Lincoln and his times, the people he knew and worked with, then goes onto the politics and war. It had some anecdotes that you never see anywhere else. It turns out that Linoln was not a rabid emancipationist, but a pratical president who did things as needed to be done. I wondered before why he only freed the slaves in the states in rebellion: it was because he did not want to alienate the slaveholders in Kentucky and Maryland. I am still mystified as to the reason for the war of northern aggression: slavery does not seem to be the all inclusive answer that mythology makes it out to be, and this book shows some altenative reasons, but does not take a stand, after it is only a collection of essays.
Available for Free You can get the full text of the 1952 edition free here: [...]Information is costly, so hopefully you read the review.
Hard to read I am not a native speaker but have no problem understanding the popular books on economy. Not this one. I am still struggling with the style so I cannot fully judge the content of it yet.In my opinion, an author that writes for general public (that is for whom the book was intended, I assume) should try to simpify the writing style.And for that reason I gave it 3 stars.
a brilliant, well-written economics primer Hazlitt presents a clear, concise lesson on basic economics. His message is well-articulated and well-supported. This is a must read for every person who has ever worked or voted (or is planning to do either) because it discusses the essentials in both economic theory and the politics that put the theory into practice.Unfortunately, there are some erroneous ideas in this book. Hazlitt occasionally makes claims or implies that the government should make some interventions into the economy; he also seems to think that capitalism's merit lies in its service to the "common good." However, these fallacies are rare, and they do not significantly detract from the book.For a great back-to-back lesson in economics and its moral base, read this book followed by CAPITALISM: THE UNKNOWN IDEAL by Ayn Rand.
book This is an interesting read and reflects the perspective of the author in its title, "Economics in One Lesson . . . "
To review this book I haven't finished book, but I perceived it is written years and years ago, does it fit the global eco circumstance ? And the expression is not straightforward, but I'll keep going, from all aspects to get an idea how people understand economy. Thank you.
Don't waste your money. If you are new to Economics, this is one book that you can skip. It is not useful nor "mandatory reading" if you are looking to understand the subject better. There is not even one chart or graph included in this book!!! Stick with Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science or Economics for Dummies as these two titles will serve you better.
Set your expectations before you buy this The value of this book depends on what you expect out of it. I bought this book so I can get a good idea about basic economics in general not about government economic policies. But this book essentially goes about picking one government policy after another (like tax cuts, protection of industries, price fixations, minimum wage etc) and goes about telling us why such artificial measures are not right and why the economy should in general be left to free market forces.As such, the book was a kind of disappointment for me - in not meeting my requirements. Though I should say that by itself, the contents of the book are quite good and generally enlightening.
More of a personal opinion than that of economics When I read something I like the whole story with some facts to back them up, but what I got out of this book was a guy with one side of politics while giving his opinion. Although many of his policies I tend to agree with, I just have a really hard time reading something when the entire book (well, I only got around a third way through it) is swung in one way direction. If you like reading about someone's opinion then you'll love this book, but if you're like me and just like cold hard facts leaving it up to yourself at making your own opinion, then don't buy this book.
A Political pamphlet all the way This book seems to be a political pamphlet, all the way. I like the narrative approach though. Too much anger at the government I guess. Analysis please. Reader will draw their own conclusions.
Good for the person that hasn't studied economics The book is good for the person that hasn't studied economics. It reflects the libertarian philosophy of low taxes and self sufficiency.
Polemic and Outdated I read this in the 1980's, and it was a non-event back then. Like most books that claim to have "the answer," this book gives an enormously over-simplified view of economics that does not reflect the real world. Moreover, it presents as settled many open questions, claiming the authors opinions as facts. There are many better books on free-market economics, and far, far better books on economics in general.
This ain't no economics book! I was expecting a book on economics 101, so maybe I might understand market forces, PE ratios, stuff like that.It's just a big argument for a libertarian government. Not even particularly good arguments either - they're all based on metaphors, like the broken window (paraphrased from memory):'Even though they may get paid, a community does not get rich fixing broken windows. That holds the community still, it does not push it forward.'That's a fine argument and all, but that's not teaching. Metaphors are mental manipulation... give me all the pros and cons and let me decide. Or better: give me the damn facts.And it's outdated too. The book is 50 years old. We are so NOT in Post WWII economics.
Ho-hum Mr. Hazlitt had some good points to offer, but there were two things that were diminishing: much of his content was dated (written a half-century ago) and he dwelt on certain issues in far too much detail. I was disappointed.
Biased / not a general intro to economics If you want someone to argue against Keynes, then this book is for you. I know enough to know that economic stimulus during a recession is considered reasonable by many (but not all) economists.
Never more needed than today Sure, a few of the specific examples cited 60+ years ago are no longer relevant today, but the basic lessons are absolutely and permanently valid and need more than ever to be understood by at least a majority of the voting public.The sad fact is that Americans can go through the entire public school system and "higher education" without learning the first thing about economic science (while getting bombarded with self-serving economic propaganda). Thus public gullibility to the fallacies cited by Hazlitt seems no less pervasive now than back then, while the resultant cancerous growth of government economic meddling has only increased.Here's a revolutionary fantasy: Make this book a required study by all high school students. Imagine what that would do for the kinds of politicians who get elected in the future.BTW, you can get the nice hard-cover edition at less cost directly from the Mises Institute.
Economics even you will Understand For all who avoided economics like the plague, this is the book for you.very informative, and gives the novice a good foundation of the subject... Check it out.. next time you argue economics with uncle Fred, you wont sound like such a dope
Our Senators and Reps should read and heed This is not a new book;perhaps that's why it is so useful.There is no gobblygook, no arcane economic theories with fancy lables.What there are in this book are many examples of - - if the government takes this action to make this or that happen, the unintended consequences have proven to be and will probably be again something quite different, and usually not positive.Sound experiential economics in my view, clearly written; and a tremendous help to understanding what will probably happen if the nation takes on more debt, subsidizes this or that interest, taxes one interest at the expense of another, etc.I liked it; I could read and understand it.
Exellent Why was I not taught this in school. An excellent book whose lessons still hold true today. I highly recommend it.
A common sense approach to Economics Economics in One Lesson is essentially an introduction into the Austrian school of Economic thought. Hazlitt's now renowned treatise originally written in 1946 is lauded by Libertarian stalwarts Ron Paul, Peter Schiff and Lew Rockwell among others. While some of the examples provided in the text may be dated the book is as relevant today as it was when first written. Hazlitt, from a 1940's perspective, takes on many of today's most controversial issues such as government spending, taxes, minimum wage, balance of trade, unions and inflation. In an era of big government, many of Hazlitt's economic lessons come as a breath of fresh air. I highly recommend Economics in One Lesson for those interested in learning about the Austrian School of economics and basic free market priciples.
Unsatisfactory and very outdated I am in my 60's and thought it would be a good time to remedy what I perceived as a gap in my education, economics. I never had a course in economics and the only book I had read was Heilbroner's Worldly Philosophers, a satisfying but very general overview as I recall. I probably read Heilbroner in the late 70's.I'm an audible subscriber and got Economics in One Lesson from them. I can only say that the book was dated, full of economic events that were referenced from WWII, and excessively polemical and rigid.I read it some time ago but it made enough of a bad impression on me that when I saw it in my suggestion list around number 250, I just had to get onto this page and say what a terrible disappointment the book was.I think the book should be retitled, Economics in One Polemic: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand the Economics of the Late 1940's and the 1950's.
Capitalism straight, in small unpalatable doses If you want your faith in market forces and low taxation reinforced, this is a straightforward, but blinkered attempt to make you forget all about government regulation. Funny that west-European countries with bigger taxation and more government influence have less crime, better education, better health care, better TV programmes than the US. They also organise their politics better, so that the tax money is better spent. It did set me right on one or two points, and parts are written in a spuriously funny way, but it is too biased to be really informing . Clearly the writer has never listened to people he doesn't agree with.If you have an open mind compare this dangerous nonsense with the writings of Naomi Klein to see how unfettered capitalism works out in practice.
Economics demystified I read this book in college (some 50 years ago), and it's basic precepts have stuck with me all those years, and have helped me reduce complex issues to fundamental truths. You won't find details of the complexities of all of today's problems, but it will help you better understand them and give you a strong starting point from which to approach them, and to brush aside all the political BS that surrounds them. Politicians and economists-all of them-like to surround their public positions with their own idealogy. This book will help sort out the core issues. You might still agree with the ideology, but at least you will know it when you depart from the basics.
Changed my life I know it sounds stupid. I know it sounds extreme. I know it sounds ridiculous.But this book REALLY DID change my life.I used to be a bleeding-heart liberal: "the government has to do X, Y and Z".This book showed me how wrong I was. How so VERY wrong I was.This book should be mandated reading in all schools.
Criticizing what you don't understand I have to laugh at the negative reviews of this book. They are probably written by socialists who don't understand economics, otherwise they wouldn't be socialists. Hazlitt's arguments are based on (1) a real understanding of economics and (2) facts, including that socialism has been an abject failure where ever it has been tried. In contrast, the arguments of modern liberals are based on emotions and are devoid of facts and of thinking about the world as it is.I can tell you that this is one of the very best books that has ever been written on economics.
A good libertarian primer This book is a little outdated, and a little heavy on the libertarianism, but otherwise it's a very easy read, and I particularly like some of the stories it uses to present basic economic ideas.
Not a 5 star, but close The book is extremely too cryptic for normal readers. I had the toughest time understanding all the extremely complicated language in this book. It would be nice for it to have been made for "dummies", but I still got it. Austrian economics needs to be taught in school, period.
Worth the brain power This may be the only hardcore economics book I've really ever read. I don't follow through on many books period, but I pushed on through this one. The effort was valuable and worth it. From what I understand, it's held as one of the classics and rightly so. Just take it in chunks as you have time, but do yourself a favor and glean some knowledge from this one.
Lives up to the hype Amazingly prophetic book. Could have been written yesterday. So far, a very educational read. I can see why so many people are recommending this book.
Understanding the philosophy of economics These concepts are important for everyone to familiarize themselves with. I teach economics and it has been incredibly helpful to use these illustrations with my students. Such simple and easy to read chapters. Read one a day and really think about each one. Before you know it the financial reports and the governments budgeting process will come clearly into view. You will begin thinking in the micro and the macro with ease. If it makes sense in your home, it will most likely make sense on the national level.I highly recommend this easy to read little book. Learn these concepts and see what new world will open up for you in so many areas.
over-simplified diatribe Wow, this one is really out there. Only Any Rand and Ron Paul, who know nothing about economics, could recommend this book. For example, consider these laughable claims, that I paraphrase -The primary problem with economics as practiced is that no thought is given to the long term consequences of policies to all groups.There is no difference between supply and demand.The vast majority of economists are ignoramuses.It is all very simple; listen to me.If you can believe this stuff, read the book. You can get it online for free.
A historical gem whose title obscures its intent Started laughing in the second chapter....enjoyed the book after I realized that I wasn't going to learn anything new. It's obviously a miracle that we survived for the 65 years since it was first published.And seeing that the pending insolvency of the US was as loudly shouted in the 40's as it is now was worth the price. This book had quotes that would shame both modern day political extremes in the US.Kudos to whoever owns the copyright --- now there's economics in action.
More politics, less economincs I wish I had read more of the reviews to learn that this book is less about economics and more about pushing a particular political point of view. The point of view is hard right and the current recession disproves most of the economic patter. After skimming a few pages I threw it away; I didn't even want it in the house.
This book's title is misleading. This is propaganda, not an economics lesson. The book is full of faulty logic apparently spewed to promote a libertarian agenda. I couldn't be less happy with this purchase.
Straight to the trash can! Threw this book right in the trash not even a chapter into it, because I realized it is nothing but the same old recycled and obsolete right-wing drivel that we've been peppered with over and over, and that took our country to the edge of a second Great Depression. If you are a concerned American you should stay away from this book!
Nice to finally see some P:TL merchandise! It was a bit on the short side but enjoyable to finally get to read the first P:TL novel - it read like I was watching an episode ! :-) Nick got to do his Navy SEAL/action thing which I'm sure his fans will appreciate. However, I would've liked to have seen the team *together* instead of working separately as the writers of the series were always doing to them in the last two seasons. MAJOR peeve (and this wasn't just me, I heard it from other fans) was the way the Legacy House was referred to with the "the" (or "the San Francisco") in front of it. I'm looking forward to the next P:TL novel that comes out from this publisher.
A very accessible mathematical classic An excellent and lucid exposition of what we really mean when we talk about 2 houses, or 1/2 an hour, or square root of 2 meters, or that the counting numbers are infinite. It does not require any prior mathematical knowledge beyond the basics, although it probably will be of interest only to those that care about math at its most abstract. It is fascinating to realize how much we take for granted when we do math and how much ingenuity it takes to pin down the concept of number. Highly recommended.
Kids love it It's Thomas! Kids love it. I can tolerate him better than Barney or those Wiggles. Still sounds so odd to hear George Carlin narrating a children's movie...
great book of chocolate I ordered this book several years ago to do a paper. Yes, it is good enough to use as a reference for a college level paper. On a less serious note, it is also entertaining to read for chocolate lovers, and even though I completed my paper and class a long time ago, we still have this book.
A delicious presentation indeed, packed with history and appeal Chocolate makers and company evolution are the focus of a tasty selection of historical notes in Beth Kimmerle's Chocolate: The Sweet History - but the focus doesn't end with company profiles alone. Historical details trace chocolate's Aztec origins, cocoa plant myths and usage, timelines of chocolate trade development, and more, adding depth and insights which include notes on different varieties of chocolate. Add luscious historical photos and ads in full color and you have a delicious presentation indeed, packed with history and appeal.
Grew on a second viewing A sort of mix of Percy Adlon's earlier `Bagdad Café' andRoberty Altman's `Three Women' set in Alaska.k.d. lang plays an androgynous miner who falls in love with a straight, private, local German librarian.They both have muddy, tragic pasts that slowly emerge. There are some deeply moving moments,and some wonderful slightly magical realist touches. The cinematography is very good. But while langdoes a surprisingly decent job, I can't help thinking a stronger, more experienced actress could havebrought out even more in this amazing role.That said, I did enjoy this much more on a second viewing. While it bothered me that it felt at times likeAdlon was simply trying to re-create the magic of `Bagdad Café' (odd, surreal setting, quirky out of placecharacters, cinematography that uses color in exaggerated ways for effect, etc.) overall I foundmyself more able to just let go and accept this tale on its own merits. And doing that, it made me smile.
Too much kid-pop music for a dark, animated movie! I don't like the fact that there was so much kiddie-pop music on the soundtrack,where as the first, second, and third movies had a blend of rock, techno, hip-hop, andrap... but this one had too much kid music for a movie that was (for the most part)dark!The only song on this album that fit the mood of the movies was 'Lights Out' by P.O.D.!That re-mix of the song is the only reason why I bought this album!Not recommended for the whole album, just that one song...
Great Camera I recently purchased this camera and I'm very satisfied with it. I find the quality of the pictures with this camera as good if not better than anything else without going to digital. It is very comfortable to hold and the controls are easy to use. I highly reccomend this product to anyone looking for a top quality camera at an affordable price. Nice going Sony!
Great Camcorder I just got the CCD-TRV-308 camcorder and it is awesome!! The only thing is is that you cant edit your film on your computer you can just play it back. I give 4 - 4 1/2 stars
Practical and complete I recommend this book because is good to have it on your desk as a quick reference, for those wo are starting into ABAP, can consider to purchase the reference book too, in order to have a vast source to lern from.
Great Stories but a little repetitive This is a wonderful collection of tales from South America, which won the Newbery Medal 1925. The stories are for all ages and written to intrigue the reader and whisk him or her to a far away land. Brave worriers, fair maidens, rich kings, evil witches, and ferocious giants are all a part of these tales. My only negative comment about this book is that towards the end it became somewhat repetitive. All the characters became somewhat similar and the plots (although diverse) had similar paths. However, this is a great book for children's bedtime stories, and a treat to the adult who reads it to them.
This book is incomprehensible This book was an anthology of 19 stories. I didn't like it because it was hard for me to make a mental picture in my head. I had to read almost every paragraph over. I could not comprehend at all!
It wasn't very good! This book was about witches and possession. I do not believe in those things. I am a Christian! I did not like this book very much at all! I don't think this is a good book for kids to be reading, because they might have nightmares. Some of the stories are hard to comprehend. But if you do like those kind of things you will enjoy this book! Thank you for reading my review.
Author's comments As the author of this book, I would just like to say that it has been successfully published in the Uk and reached number 60 in the hot one hundred best sellers. It has also sold successfully in Australia, Greece, Italy, America, Japan, Sweden, and is now being published in Poland. In Japan it was so poular that although only published last year it is now being reissued.To Amazon!! Please remove the stars as I do not have the right to rate my own book. I had to put them in so that I could post this as you no longer give the author a right to reply - which I believe you should when bad reviewers slate an author's book.Linda Sole. I write as Anne Herries and Linda Sole.
Virtually perfect folding table I've received and tried these great tables. I'm sorry I only ordered four. Even though I'm small, I can manage these tables - all 4 by myself! They fit in the back of my SUV and in my camper. My bruiser children have already started using them as a jungle gym/stairmaster -- they are incredibly stable and sturdy. My only concern is the legs don't lock in the folded(collapsed) position. If you hold them vertical it's not a problem, but when rotated, one leg drops - I'm using a canopy bungee to secure the two legs together for transport.Lori
My review will be forthcoming if or when I receive this prod I placed my order for this picnic table on July 24 and as yet have not received it.Just keep getting up dated delivery dates.
on order I just ordered this fudge. It looked so good and seemed to be priced well I thought I would give it a try. I have looked at just about every store where we live and can not find any maple fudge. I am hoping this will taste as good as it looks. I will send another feedback after I have had my first bite. Can't wait.
Super handy on trips we didn't even use the magnetic feature but glad it had that option. Compact, easy to take (about size of Ipad but thicker). Would recommend for the avid backgammon enthusiasts like us who cannot bear to go too long without playing!
good for the price We got this for our 8 year old niece for christmas and it was a hit. Quality seems just right for the price. The fact that it's magnetic is great for the kids or for traveling. No complaints.
Long torso but great product Received this product in the mail and have worn it a few times. It's fairly comfortable for a bustier/corset style waist cincher. The boning is very supportive and higher quality then a bridal style corsette (most of those are cheap and just to get things to lay down more smoothly). I'm pleased with the product. One thing I will say on the negative side is that I'm rather short. These are more of a one-size fits all from what I understand and mine is a bit long in the torso since I'm 5'1". Not an issue, it's meant that way so that it will cover under the chest down to about the belt so you dont have any random tire hanging over your pants, but I'm already fairly thin and this just causing the top wires to rub under my bra or jeans. Not the best for sitting, whereas a custom corset or one with a smaller torso likely wouldn't do that. The cloth is fairly comfortable and does as promised.
Squeem = Squeeze + Scream? This shapewear does exactly what it's supposed to do- squeezes you into a nice shape where you've got a little extra. With a loose-fitting shirt over top, I looked amazing. With a tight-fitting shirt, you could see ripples. Pretty much, if you plan on standing the whole time you're wearing this, it's amazing. If you sit much or bend over a lot, it's not so great because it will ripple and those do not go away. I was constantly trying to smooth it out while standing. So I'm torn because this thing really did make me feel great about how I looked while wearing it, but those ripples were extremely bothersome. You can see a little from the picture that it's not completely smooth on the front and has a few minor ripples, but once you put it on and bend over or sit down, these become much more pronounced and extend to the back. I ended up returning mine because of this, but I also wouldn't steer people away from it because it does such a good job.
shapewear she liked it and I think it defined her curves an makes her appear alot slimmer. she said it is somewhat tight but also stated she gets used to it after a few minutes.
Squeeze n Scream! I ordered my size based on the sizing provided. I am able to hook on the first set of hooks. It does provide the curves I was looking for, but I NEVER forget that I have it on. The area below the waist was flipping up the first week that I wore it as I do deskwork all day; lately it hasn't but i don't know if that is due to additional weight loss or the fact that I was wearing clothes that did not allow it to do so! After wearing for several hours, I do experience a little soreness where the stays are pressing against my ribs. The lines of the squeem will show under a close fitting garment if your are near the upper limits of your size; and if someone is holding you, I believe they would be able to feel the support structure.
Squeem This product is fantastic, got alot of compliments on how much skinnier I looked and it is also comfortable, can wear it for hours. It took me about a day (actually a few hrs) to get comfortable wearing it
Odd smell.... Even months after purchasing this and trying a few different methods, I have not been able to rid the shapewear of the "rubbery" smell. It is quite difficult and time-consuming to get on and off, and really, the end result really isn't worth the time and effort, especially with the worry that others will detect the awful smell.
Wasn't what I expected I ordered the item according to the chart that was associated with the size and it ended up being to big. The item is also like it is made from rubber, but because I needed it for this weekend I don't know what I am going to do at this point.
Works Well! I bought this item for my wedding dress! I wanted to make sure that I "tried out" the cincher before my big day and it works really well! I started out with this same item, in a Small - but it gave me "back fat" which I do not normally have...I returned the Small and opted for the Medium and it works like a charm. When wearing the cincher you have two "size options" with the double hook closure..which allows you to let it out more around the bust & tighter around your "natural" waist to create a better shape. It definately does the trick and is made of rubber material(def makes you sweaty...but it DOESNT move around) Totally worth it!Kinda painful...the boning pushes into my "under/side boob" probably because I am not super skinny immediately under my boobs...(size 36 DD)Ladies, if it helps..I am 5'2 135lbs busty, not super skinny but not fat(size 27 in jeans)
Works Well I like the product. Helps trim me down a little under the clothing. The rubber makes you sweat. After a couple days of wearing it, I really do feel trimmer in the middle. The immediate compression isn't as much as my steel boned corsets, but is pretty decent for shapewear. I'd say an inch plus a little more in the areas that need extra smoothing.However, I don't recommend it for all day (10 hour) wear. I'm so itchy by the time I get home. It is cotten on the inside, but it still itches by the end of the day.In terms of fit, I am a 20, usually. Sometimes an 18. I bought a 3XL. It fits fine. I am short and it does indeed go from hip to just under the bust.
not really worth it I wore this for my wedding since I hadn't lost all of my pregnancy weight. It was great for a little bit. But then started getting a crease around my waist. I can't wear it anymore. Plus it made me feel very sick if I wore it for more than a couple hours. They suggest wearing it 8 hours? I couldn't do it. As soon as I take it off I am instantly better.
Painful Experience I think the concept is great but with this particular product, they have these sections that are thicker rubber (or whatever the material is) and it literally pushed into my ribs every time I sit down. I commute a lot and have a desk job so its not a very pleasant experience to have that pushing and bruising your rubs every day. It would've been nice except for those thicker lines of rubber that aren't very flexible.
It works but it hurts It sucked all of me in & I looked great. I wore it for about 4 hours & when I got home & took it off my sides, back, & stomach wouldn't stop itching. By the end of the night I had welps on my sides, which turned into blisters by the next morning. I gave it 3 stars because it did what it was supposed to but I didn't count on the itching, welps or blisters.
not what I expected Based on the positive reviews, I was excited to receive my cincher. But when it arrived and I tried it on, two things annoyed me: 1) all those hooks! I couldn't imagine struggling with allll those tiny hooks every single time I wore it; 2) it was just too stiff! Sure, it definitely holds you in, but if I were at a party and someone happened to touch my waist, I'd be mortified, knowing they'd just discovered my secret. Besides, I think I'd prefer something a little more breathable. I wanted to love this product, but I just didn't. (I'd give it 2 1/2 stars if I could, only because it does actually work.)
poor fit After trying three different sizes,I still couldn't find one that fit. I first ordered a medium and it wouldn't even come close to hooking so I went up to size to xlarge which was waaay to big, my last possible option would be a large and it was still huge, wish I would have sent it back but was just tired of the whole process and kept it. The hooks are a pain as well and it is way over priced.....there is a zippered option on amazon that is much cheaper.