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0704.0808 | Michael Lacey and Xiaochun Li | On a Conjecture of EM Stein on the Hilbert Transform on Vector Fields | Let $ v$ be a smooth vector field on the plane, that is a map from the plane
to the unit circle. We study sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the
Hilbert transform
\operatorname H_{v, \epsilon}f(x) := \text{p.v.}\int_{-\epsilon}^ \epsilon
f(x-yv(x)) \frac{dy}y where $ \epsilon $ is a suitably chosen parameter,
determined by the smoothness properties of the vector field. It is a
conjecture, due to E.\thinspace M.\thinspace Stein, that if $ v$ is Lipschitz,
there is a positive $ \epsilon $ for which the transform above is bounded on $
L ^{2}$. Our principal result gives a sufficient condition in terms of the
boundedness of a maximal function associated to $ v$. This sufficient condition
is that this new maximal function be bounded on some $ L ^{p}$, for some $
1<p<2$. We show that the maximal function is bounded from $ L ^{2}$ to weak $ L
^{2}$ for all Lipschitz maximal function. The relationship between our results
and other known sufficient conditions is explored.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0808v3 [math.CA] 11 Jan 2008On a Conjecture of E. M.Stein on
the Hilbert Transform on Vector
Michael Lacey and Xiaochun Li
Michael Lacey, School of Mathematics, Georgia Insti-
tute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332
Xiaochun Li, Department of Mathematics, University
of Illinois, Urb |
0704.0809 | A.Lawrence | Wide Field Surveys and Astronomical Discovery Space | I review the status of science with wide field surveys. For many decades
surveys have been the backbone of astronomy, and the main engine of discovery,
as we have mapped the sky at every possible wavelength. Surveys are an
efficient use of resources. They are important as a fundamental resource; to
map intrinsically large structures; to gain the necessary statistics to address
some problems; and to find very rare objects. I summarise major recent wide
field surveys - 2MASS, SDSS, 2dfGRS, and UKIDSS - and look at examples of the
exciting science they have produced, covering the structure of the Milky Way,
the measurement of cosmological parameters, the creation of a new field
studying substellar objects, and the ionisation history of the Universe. I then
look briefly at upcoming projects in the optical-IR survey arena - VISTA,
PanSTARRS, WISE, and LSST. Finally I ask, now we have opened up essentially all
wavelength windows, whether the exploration of survey discovery space is ended.
I examine other possible axes of discovery space, and find them mostly to be
too expensive to explore or otherwise unfruitful, with two exceptions : the
first is the time axis, which we have only just begun to explore properly; and
the second is the possibility of neutrino astrophysics.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0809v1 [astro-ph] 5 Apr 2007Wide Field Surveys and Astronomical Discovery Space
Institute for Astronomy, SUPA∗, University of Edinburgh,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ
A review for publication in Astronomy and Geophysics
Feb 27th 2007
I review t |
0704.0810 | Rodrigo Leonardi, Brian Williams, Marco Bersanelli, Ivan Ferreira,
Philip M. Lubin, Peter R. Meinhold, Hugh O'Neill, Nathan C. Stebor, Fabrizio
Villa, Thyrso Villela, Carlos A. Wuensche | The Cosmic Foreground Explorer (COFE): A balloon-borne microwave
polarimeter to characterize polarized foregrounds | The COsmic Foreground Explorer (COFE) is a balloon-borne microwave polarime-
ter designed to measure the low-frequency and low-l characteristics of dominant
diffuse polarized foregrounds. Short duration balloon flights from the Northern
and Southern Hemispheres will allow the telescope to cover up to 80% of the sky
with an expected sensitivity per pixel better than 100 $\mu K / deg^2$ from 10
GHz to 20 GHz. This is an important effort toward characterizing the polarized
foregrounds for future CMB experiments, in particular the ones that aim to
detect primordial gravity wave signatures in the CMB polarization angular power
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0810v2 [astro-ph] 9 Apr 2007The Cosmic Foreground Explorer (COFE): A
balloon-borne microwave polarimeter to
characterize polarized foregrounds
Rodrigo Leonardia,b, Brian Williamsa, Marco Bersanellic,
Ivan Ferreirab, Philip M. Lubina, Peter R. Meinholda,
Hugh O’Neilla, Nathan C.Stebora, |
0704.0811 | Gustavo E. Romero | Jet interactions in massive X-ray binaries | Massive X-ray binaries are formed by a compact object that accretes matter
from the stellar wind of an early-type donor star. In some of these systems,
called microquasars, relativistic jets are launched from the surroundings of
the compact object. Such jets interact with the photon field of the companion
star, the stellar wind, and, at large distances, with the interstellar medium.
In this paper I will review the main results of such interactions with
particular emphasis on the production of high-energy photons and neutrinos. The
case of some specific systems, like LS I +61 303, will be discussed in some
detail. Prospects for future observations at different wavelengths of this type
of objects will be presented.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0811v1 [astro-ph] 5 Apr 2007To appear in “Massive Stars: Fundamental Parameters and Cir cumstellar Interactions (2007)” RevMexAA(SC)
Gustavo E. Romero1,2
Los sistemas binarios masivos de rayos X est´ an formados por un ob jeto compacto |
0704.0812 | Rodrigo F. D\'iaz, Carolina Cincunegui and Pablo J. D. Mauas
(Instituto de Astronom\'ia y F\'isica del Espacio (IAFE). Buenos Aires,
Argentina) | The Na I D resonance lines in main sequence late-type stars | We study the sodium D lines (D1: 5895.92 \AA; D2: 5889.95 \AA) in late-type
dwarf stars. The stars have spectral types between F6 and M5.5 (B-V between
0.457 and 1.807) and metallicity between [Fe/H] = -0.82 and 0.6. We obtained
medium resolution echelle spectra using the 2.15-m telescope at the argentinian
observatory CASLEO. The observations have been performed periodically since
1999. The spectra were calibrated in wavelength and in flux. A definition of
the pseudo-continuum level is found for all our observations. We also define a
continuum level for calibration purposes. The equivalent width of the D lines
is computed in detail for all our spectra and related to the colour index (B-V)
of the stars. When possible, we perform a careful comparison with previous
studies. Finally, we construct a spectral index (R_D') as the ratio between the
flux in the D lines, and the bolometric flux. We find that, once corrected for
the photospheric contribution, this index can be used as a chromospheric
activity indicator in stars with a high level of activity. Additionally, we
find that combining some of our results, we obtain a method to calibrate in
flux stars of unknown colour.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0812v1 [astro-ph] 5 Apr 2007Mon. Not.R. Astron. Soc. 000, 000–000 (0000) Printed 3October 2018 (MNL ATEXstyle filev2.2)
TheNaI Dresonancelinesin mainsequencelate-typestars
RodrigoF. D ´ıaz, Carolina CincuneguiandPablo J.D. Mauas
Instituto deAstronom´ ıa y F´ ısica del Espacio, CC. 67, su |
0704.0813 | Benjamin Schlein | Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates | We report on some recent results concerning the dynamics of Bose-Einstein
condensates, obtained in a series of joint papers with L. Erdos and H.-T. Yau.
Starting from many body quantum dynamics, we present a rigorous derivation of a
cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation known as the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
for the time evolution of the condensate wave function.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0813v1 [math-ph] 5 Apr 2007Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Benjamin Schlein
Department of Mathematics, University of California at Davis, CA 95 616, USA
October 15, 2018
We report on some recent results concerning the dynamics of Bose -Einstein condensates, ob-
tained in |
0704.0814 | K.-P. Marzlin, Juergen Appel, A. I. Lvovsky | Photons as quasi-charged particles | The Schrodinger motion of a charged quantum particle in an electromagnetic
potential can be simulated by the paraxial dynamics of photons propagating
through a spatially inhomogeneous medium. The inhomogeneity induces geometric
effects that generate an artificial vector potential to which signal photons
are coupled. This phenomenon can be implemented with slow light propagating
through an a gas of double-Lambda atoms in an electromagnetically-induced
transparency setting with spatially varied control fields. It can lead to a
reduced dispersion of signal photons and a topological phase shift of
Aharonov-Bohm type.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0814v2 [quant-ph] 16 Oct 2007Photons as quasi-charged particles
K.-P. Marzlin, J¨ urgen Appel, A. I. Lvovsky
Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of C algary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada
(Dated: November 3, 2018)
The Schr¨ odinger motion of a charged quantum partic |
0704.0815 | D. Portes Jr., H. Rodrigues, S. B. Duarte and B. Baseia | Exchange of quantum states between coupled oscillators | Exchange of quantum states between two interacting harmonic oscillator along
their evolution time is discussed. It is analyzed the conditions for such
exchange starting from a generic initial state and demonstrating that the
effect occurs exactly only for the particular states C0|0>+Cn|N>, which
includes the interesting qubits components |0>,|1>. It is also determined the
relation between the coupling constant and characteristic frequencies of the
oscillators to have the complete exchange.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0815v2 [quant-ph] 7 Apr 2007Exchange of quantum states between coupled
D. Portes Jr. and H. Rodrigues
Centro Federal de Educa¸ c˜ ao Tecnol´ ogica do Rio de Janeiro
Departamento de Educa¸ c˜ ao Superior-DEPES.
S. B. Duarte∗
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F´ ısicas /CNPq,
Rua |
0704.0816 | Brian Punsly | 3-D Simulations of Ergospheric Disk Driven Poynting Jets | This Letter reports on 3-dimensional simulations of Kerr black hole
magnetospheres that obey the general relativistic equations of perfect
magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). In particular, we study powerful Poynting flux
dominated jets that are driven from dense gas in the equatorial plane in the
ergosphere. The physics of which has been previously studied in the simplified
limit of an ergopsheric disk. For high spin black holes, $a/M > 0.95$, the
ergospheric disk is prominent in the 3-D simulations and is responsible for
greatly enhanced Poynting flux emission. Any large scale poloidal magnetic flux
that is trapped in the equatorial region leads to an enormous release of
electromagnetic energy that dwarfs the jet energy produced by magnetic flux
threading the event horizon. The implication is that magnetic flux threading
the equatorial plane of the ergosphere is a likely prerequisite for the central
engine of powerful FRII quasars.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0816v1 [astro-ph] 5 Apr 20073-D Simulations of Ergospheric Disk Driven Poynting Jets
Brian Punsly
4014 Emerald Street No.116, Torrance CA, USA 90503 and Inter national Center for
Relativistic Astrophysics, I.C.R.A.,University of Rome L a Sapienza, I-00185 Roma, Italy
brian.m.punsly@L-3c |
0704.0817 | Hugh Thomas, Alexander Yong | An S_3-symmetric Littlewood-Richardson rule | The classical Littlewood-Richardson coefficients C(lambda,mu,nu) carry a
natural $S_3$ symmetry via permutation of the indices. Our "carton rule" for
computing these numbers transparently and uniformly explains these six
symmetries; previously formulated Littlewood-Richardson rules manifest at most
three of the six.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0817v1 [math.CO] 6 Apr 2007ANS3-SYMMETRIC LITTLEWOOD-RICHARDSON RULE
Fix Young shapes λ,µ,ν⊆Λ:=ℓ×k. Viewing the Littlewood-Richardson coeffi-
cientsCλ,µ,ν as intersection numbers of three Schubert varieties in gene ral position in the
Grass |
0704.0818 | M. A. Shay, J. F. Drake, and M. Swisdak | Two-scale structure of the electron dissipation region during
collisionless magnetic reconnection | Particle in cell (PIC) simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection are
presented that demonstrate that the electron dissipation region develops a
distinct two-scale structure along the outflow direction. The length of the
electron current layer is found to decrease with decreasing electron mass,
approaching the ion inertial length for a proton-electron plasma. A surprise,
however, is that the electrons form a high-velocity outflow jet that remains
decoupled from the magnetic field and extends large distances downstream from
the x-line. The rate of reconnection remains fast in very large systems,
independent of boundary conditions and the mass of electrons.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0818v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 6 Apr 2007Submitted to Physical Review Letters
Two-scale structure of the electron dissipation region dur ing collisionless magnetic
M. A. Shay∗
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 217 Sharp Lab, Universit y of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
J. F. Drake |
0704.0819 | Lucero Uscanga, Jorge Cant\'o and Alejandro C. Raga | Position-Velocity Diagrams for the Maser Emission coming from a
Keplerian Ring | We have studied the maser emission from a thin, planar, gaseous ring in
Keplerian rotation around a central mass observed edge-on. The absorption
coefficient within the ring is assumed to follow a power law dependence with
the distance from the central mass as, k=k0r^{-q}. We have calculated
position-velocity diagrams for the most intense maser features, for different
values of the exponent q. We have found that, depending on the value of q,
these diagrams can be qualitatively different. The most intense maser emission
at a given velocity can either come mainly from regions close to the inner or
outer edges of the amplifying ring or from the line perpendicular to the line
of sight and passing through the central mass (as is commonly assumed).
Particularly, when q>1 the position-velocity diagram is qualitatively similar
to the one observed for the water maser emission in the nucleus of the galaxy
NGC 4258. In the context of this simple model, we conclude that in this object
the absorption coefficient depends on the radius of the amplifying ring as a
decreasing function, in order to have significant emission coming from the
inner edge of the ring.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0819v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal
Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 03/07/07
Lucero Uscanga,
Centro de Radioastronom´ ıa y Astrof´ ısica, Universidad Na cional |
0704.0820 | Svetlana V. Boriskina | Coupling of whispering-gallery modes in size-mismatched microdisk
photonic molecules | Mechanisms of whispering-gallery (WG) modes coupling in microdisk photonic
molecules (PMs) with slight and significant size mismatch are numerically
investigated. The results reveal two different scenarios of modes interaction
depending on the degree of this mismatch and offer new insight into how PM
parameters can be tuned to control and modify WG-modes wavelengths and
Q-factors. From a practical point of view, these findings offer a way to
fabricate PM microlaser structures that exhibit low thresholds and directional
emission, and at the same time are more tolerant to fabrication errors than
previously explored coupled-cavity structures composed of identical
| What is the title of this paper? 1Coupling of whispering-gallery modes in size-mismatched
microdisk photonic molecules
Svetlana V. Boriskina
School of Radiophysics, V. Karazin Kharkov National University, Kharkov 61077, Ukraine
Mechanisms of whispering-gallery (W G) modes coupling in microdisk photoni c molecules (PMs) with |
0704.0821 | Karol Gregor, Olexei I. Motrunich | Spin solid phases of spin 1 and spin 3/2 antiferromagnets on a cubic
lattice | We study spin S=1 and S=3/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets on a cubic lattice
focusing on spin solid states. Using Schwinger boson formulation for spins, we
start in a U(1) spin liquid phase proximate to Neel phase and explore possible
confining paramagnetic phases as we transition away from the spin liquid by the
process of monopole condensation. Electromagnetic duality is used to rewrite
the theory in terms of monopoles. For spin 1 we find several candidate phases
of which the most natural one is a phase with spins organized into parallel
Haldane chains. For spin 3/2 we find that the most natural phase has spins
organized into parallel ladders. As a by-product, we also write a Landau theory
of the ordering in two special classical frustrated XY models on the cubic
lattice, one of which is the fully frustrated XY model. In a particular limit
our approach maps to a dimer model with 2S dimers coming out of every site, and
we find the same spin solid phases in this regime as well.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0821v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 6 Apr 2007Spin solid phases of spin 1and spin 3/2antiferromagnets on a cubic lattice.
Karol Gregor and Olexei I. Motrunich
Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology , Pasadena, CA 91125
(Dated: October 30, 2018)
We study spin S= 1 and S= 3/2 Heis |
0704.0822 | Yuya Sasai, Naoki Sasakura | Braided quantum field theories and their symmetries | Braided quantum field theories proposed by Oeckl can provide a framework for
defining quantum field theories having Hopf algebra symmetries. In quantum
field theories, symmetries lead to non-perturbative relations among correlation
functions. We discuss Hopf algebra symmetries and such relations in braided
quantum field theories. We give the four algebraic conditions between Hopf
algebra symmetries and braided quantum field theories, which are required for
the relations to hold. As concrete examples, we apply our discussions to the
Poincare symmetries of two examples of noncommutative field theories. One is
the effective quantum field theory of three-dimensional quantum gravity coupled
with spinless particles given by Freidel and Livine, and the other is
noncommutative field theory on Moyal plane. We also comment on quantum field
theory on kappa-Minkowski spacetime.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0822v6 [hep-th] 27 Aug 2007YITP-07-14
Braided quantum field theories
and their symmetries
Yuya Sasai∗and Naoki Sasakura†
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto Universit y,
Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Braided quantum field theories proposed by Oeckl can provide a framework for |
0704.0823 | Hugh S. Hudson | Chromospheric Flares | In this topical review I revisit the "chromospheric flare." This should
currently be an outdated concept, because modern data seem to rule out the
possiblity of a major flare happening independently in the chromosphere alone,
but the chromosphere still plays a major observational role in many ways. It is
the source of the bulk of a flare's radiant energy - in particular the
visible/UV continuum radiation. It also provides tracers that guide us to the
coronal source of the energy, even though we do not yet understand the
propagation of the energy from its storage in the corona to its release in the
chromosphere. The formation of chromospheric radiations during a flare presents
several difficult and interesting physical problems.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0823v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting on The Physics of Chromospher ic Plasmas
ASP Conference Series, Vol. xxx, 2007
Petr Heinzel, Ivan Dorotoviˇ c and Robert J. Rutten, eds.
Chromospheric Flares
Hugh S. Hudson
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Ber |
0704.0824 | Mauricio Angel, Jaime Camacaro and Rafael Diaz | On the (3,N) Maurer-Cartan equation | Deformations of the 3-differential of 3-differential graded algebras are
controlled by the (3,N) Maurer-Cartan equation. We find explicit formulae for
the coefficients appearing in that equation, introduce new geometric examples
of N-differential graded algebras, and use these results to study N Lie
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0824v3 [math.QA] 4 Jan 2008On the (3 ,N) Maurer-Cartan equation
Mauricio Angel, Jaime Camacaro and Rafael D´ ıaz
Deformations of the 3-differential of 3-differential graded algebr as are controlled by the
(3,N) Maurer-Cartan equation. We find explicit formulae for the coefficie nts |
0704.0825 | Yu Lan, Jihong Qin and Shiping Feng | Electronic structure of kinetic energy driven superconductors in the
presence of bilayer splitting | Within the framework of the kinetic energy driven superconductivity, the
electronic structure of bilayer cuprate superconductors in the superconducting
state is studied. It is shown that the electron spectrum of bilayer cuprate
superconductors is split into the bonding and antibonding components by the
bilayer splitting, then the observed peak-dip-hump structure around the
$[\pi,0]$ point is mainly caused by this bilayer splitting, with the
superconducting peak being related to the antibonding component, and the hump
being formed by the bonding component. The spectral weight increases with
increasing the doping concentration. In analogy to the normal state case, both
electron antibonding peak and bonding hump have the weak dispersions around the
$[\pi,0]$ point.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0825v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] 24 Jul 2007Electronic structure of kinetic energy driven superconduc tors in the presence of
bilayer splitting
Yu Lan,1Jihong Qin,2and Shiping Feng1
1Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
2Department of Physics, Beijing Univer |
0704.0826 | Varsha P. Kulkarni, Donald G. York, Giovanni Vladilo, Daniel E. Welty | 9.7 micrometer Silicate Absorption in a Damped Lyman-alpha Absorber at
z=0.52 | We report a detection of the 9.7 micrometer silicate absorption feature in a
damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) system at z_{abs} = 0.524 toward AO0235+164, using the
Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. The feature
shows a broad shallow profile over about 8-12 micrometers in the absorber rest
frame and appears to be > 15 sigma significant in equivalent width. The feature
is fit reasonably well by the silicate absorption profiles for laboratory
amorphous olivine or diffuse Galactic interstellar clouds. To our knowledge,
this is the first indication of 9.7 micrometer silicate absorption in a DLA. We
discuss potential implications of this finding for the nature of the dust in
quasar absorbers. Although the feature is relatively shallow (tau_{9.7} =
0.08-0.09), it is about 2 times deeper than expected from extrapolation of the
tau_{9.7} vs. E(B-V) relation known for diffuse Galactic interstellar clouds.
Further studies of the 9.7 micrometer silicate feature in quasar absorbers will
open a new window on the dust in distant galaxies.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0826v2 [astro-ph] 2 May 2007Submitted to ApJ Letters (Revised Version including Referee’ s Comments)
Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 08/22/09
Varsha P. Kulkarni1, Donald G. York2,3, Giovanni Vladilo4, Da |
0704.0827 | Nassissie Fekadu, Eric L. Sandquist, Michael Bolte | Photometry of the Globular Cluster NGC 5466: Red Giants and Blue
Stragglers | We present wide-field BVI photometry for about 11,500 stars in the
low-metallicity cluster NGC 5466. We have detected the red giant branch bump
for the first time, although it is at least 0.2 mag fainter than expected
relative to the turnoff. The number of red giants (relative to main sequence
turnoff stars) is in excellent agreement with stellar models from the
Yonsei-Yale and Teramo groups, and slightly high compared to Victoria-Regina
models. This adds to evidence that an abnormally large ratio of red giant to
main-sequence stars is not correlated with cluster metallicity. We discuss
theoretical predictions from different research groups and find that the
inclusion or exclusion of helium diffusion and strong limit Coulomb
interactions may be partly responsible.
We also examine indicators of dynamical history: the mass function exponent
and the blue straggler frequency. NGC 5466 has a very shallow mass function,
consistent with large mass loss and recently-discovered tidal tails. The blue
straggler sample is significantly more centrally concentrated than the HB or
RGB stars. We see no evidence of an upturn in the blue straggler frequency at
large distances from the center. Dynamical friction timescales indicate that
the stragglers should be more concentrated if the cluster's present density
structure has existed for most of its history. NGC 5466 also has an unusually
low central density compared to clusters of similar luminosity. In spite of
this, the specific frequency of blue stragglers that puts it right on the
frequency -- cluster M_V relation observed for other clusters.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0827v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Photometry of the Globular Cluster NGC 5466: Red Giants and
Blue Stragglers
Nassissie Fekadu and Eric L. Sandquist1,2
Department of Astronomy, San Diego state University, 5500 C ampanile Drive, San Diego,
CA 92182, erics@sciences.sdsu |
0704.0828 | C. Reichhardt and C. J. Olson Reichhardt | Vortex Molecular Crystal and Vortex Plastic Crystal States in Honeycomb
and Kagome Pinning Arrays | Using numerical simulations, we investigate vortex configurations and pinning
in superconductors with honeycomb and kagome pinning arrays. We find that a
variety of novel vortex crystal states can be stabilized at integer and
fractional matching field densities. The honeycomb and kagome pinning arrays
produce considerably more pronounced commensuration peaks in the critical
depinning force than triangular pinning arrays, and also cause additional peaks
at noninteger matching fields where a portion of the vortices are located in
the large interstitial regions of the pinning lattices. For the honeycomb
pinning array, we find matching effects of equal strength at most fillings
B/B_\phi=n/2 for n>2, where n is an integer, in agreement with recent
experiments. For kagome pinning arrays, pronounced matching effects generally
occur at B/B_\phi=n/3 for n>3, while for triangular pinning arrays pronounced
matching effects are observed only at integer fillings B/B_\phi=n. At the
noninteger matching field peaks in the honeycomb and kagome pinning arrays, the
interstitial vortices are arranged in dimer, trimer, and higher order n-mer
states that have an overall orientational order. We call these n-mer states
"vortex molecular crystals" and "vortex plastic crystals" since they are
similar to the states recently observed in colloidal molecular crystal systems.
We argue that the vortex molecular crystals have properties in common with
certain spin systems such as Ising and n-state Potts models. We show that
kagome and honeycomb pinning arrays can be useful for increasing the critical
current above that of purely triangular pinning arrays.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0828v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] 26 Jul 2007Vortex Molecular Crystal and Vortex Plastic Crystal States in Honeycomb and
Kagom´ e Pinning Arrays
C. Reichhardt and C.J. Olson Reichhardt
Theoretical Division and Center for Nonlinear Studies,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico |
0704.0829 | Bang-Rong Zhou (Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences) | Quark-Antiquark and Diquark Condensates in Vacuum in a 3D Two-Flavor
Gross-Neveu Model | The effective potential analysis indicates that, in a 3D two-flavor
Gross-Neveu model in vacuum, depending on less or bigger than the critical
value 2/3 of $G_S/H_P$, where $G_S$ and $H_P$ are respectively the coupling
constants of scalar quark-antiquark channel and pseudoscalar diquark channel,
the system will have the ground state with pure diquark condensates or with
pure quark-antiquark condensates, but no the one with coexistence of the two
forms of condensates. The similarities and differences in the interplay between
the quark-antiquark and the diquark condensates in vacuum in the 2D, 3D and 4D
two-flavor four-fermion interaction models are summarized.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0829v2 [hep-th] 23 Jun 2007Quark-Antiquark and Diquark Condensates in Vacuum in a 3D Tw o-Flavor
Gross-Neveu Model∗
Zhou Bang-Rong
College of Physical Sciences, Graduate School of the Chines e Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China and
CCAST (World Laboratory), P.O.Box 8730, Beijing |
0704.0830 | Qin Liu, Tianxing Ma, Shou-Cheng Zhang | Spin accumulation from the non-Abelian Aharonov-Bohm effect | Recently, it has been shown that the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) of the
Dresselhaus type in $[110]$ quantum wells can be mathematically removed by a
non-Abelian gauge transformation. In the presence of an additional uniform
magnetic field, such a non-Abelian gauge flux leads to a spin accumulation at
the edges of the sample, where the relative sign of the spin accumulation
between the edges can be tuned by the sign of the Dresselhaus SOC constant. Our
prediction can be tested by Kerr measurements within the available experimental
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0830v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 6 Apr 2007Spin accumulation from the non-Abelian Aharonov-Bohm effec t
Qin Liu1, Tianxing Ma1, Shou-Cheng Zhang2,1
1Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
2Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Cal ifornia 94305
(Dated: |
0704.0831 | Brooke Shrader and Anthony Ephremides | On packet lengths and overhead for random linear coding over the erasure
channel | We assess the practicality of random network coding by illuminating the issue
of overhead and considering it in conjunction with increasingly long packets
sent over the erasure channel. We show that the transmission of increasingly
long packets, consisting of either of an increasing number of symbols per
packet or an increasing symbol alphabet size, results in a data rate
approaching zero over the erasure channel. This result is due to an erasure
probability that increases with packet length. Numerical results for a
particular modulation scheme demonstrate a data rate of approximately zero for
a large, but finite-length packet. Our results suggest a reduction in the
performance gains offered by random network coding.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0831v1 [cs.IT] 6 Apr 2007On packet lengths and overhead for random linear
coding over the erasure channel
Brooke Shrader and Anthony Ephremides
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
and Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
bshrader, etony@umd.e |
0704.0832 | Nader Haghighipour, Steinn Sigurdsson, Jack Lissauer, Sean Raymond | Terrestrial and Habitable Planet Formation in Binary and Multi-star
Systems | One of the most surprising discoveries of extrasolar planets is the detection
of planets in moderately close binary star systems. The Jovian-type planets in
the two binaries of Gamma Cephei and GJ 86 have brought to the forefront
questions on the formation of giant planets and the possibility of the
existence of smaller bodies in such dynamically complex environments. The
diverse dynamical characteristics of these objects have made scientists wonder
to what extent the current theories of planet formation can be applied to
binaries and multiple star systems. At present, the sensitivity of the
detection techniques does not allow routine discovery of Earth-sized bodies in
binary systems. However, with the advancement of new techniques, and with the
recent launch of CoRoT and the launch of Kepler in late 2008, the detection of
more planets (possibly terrestrial-class objects) in such systems is on the
horizon. Theoretical studies and numerical modeling of terrestrial and
habitable planet formation are, therefore, necessary to gain fundamental
insights into the prospects for life in such systems and have great strategic
impact on NASA science and missions.
| What is the title of this paper? White Paper (Submitted to ExoPlanet Task Force) Terrestrial and Habitable Planet Formation in Binary and Multi-star Systems Authors Nader Haghighipour Institute for Astronomy and NASA Astrobiology Institute, University of Hawaii-Manoa Steinn Sigurdsson Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics |
0704.0833 | \'Arp\'ad B\'enyi, Kasso A. Okoudjou | Local well-posedness of nonlinear dispersive equations on modulation
spaces | By using tools of time-frequency analysis, we obtain some improved local
well-posedness results for the NLS, NLW and NLKG equations with Cauchy data in
modulation spaces $M{p, 1}_{0,s}$.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0833v1 [math.AP] 6 Apr 2007LOCAL WELL-POSEDNESS OF NONLINEAR DISPERSIVE
Abstract. By using tools of time-frequency analysis, we obtain some improved
local well-posedness results for the NLS, NLW and NLKG equations w ith |
0704.0834 | Anatoly Rodionov, Sergey Volkov | P-adic arithmetic coding | A new incremental algorithm for data compression is presented. For a sequence
of input symbols algorithm incrementally constructs a p-adic integer number as
an output. Decoding process starts with less significant part of a p-adic
integer and incrementally reconstructs a sequence of input symbols. Algorithm
is based on certain features of p-adic numbers and p-adic norm. p-adic coding
algorithm may be considered as of generalization a popular compression
technique - arithmetic coding algorithms. It is shown that for p = 2 the
algorithm works as integer variant of arithmetic coding; for a special class of
models it gives exactly the same codes as Huffman's algorithm, for another
special model and a specific alphabet it gives Golomb-Rice codes.
| What is the title of this paper? 4/5/2007
1P-adic arithmetic coding.
Anatoly Rodionov, Sergey Volko v
Spectrum Systems, Inc
A new incremental algorithm for data compression is presented. For a sequence of input symbols algorithm
incrementally constructs a p-adic integer number as an output. Decoding process start |
0704.0835 | C.C. Cheung | Compton X-ray and Gamma-ray Emission from Extended Radio Galaxies | The extended lobes of radio galaxies are examined as sources of X-ray and
gamma-ray emission via inverse Compton scattering of 3K background photons. The
Compton spectra of two exemplary examples, Fornax A and Centaurus A, are
estimated using available radio measurements in the ~10's MHz - 10's GHz range.
For average lobe magnetic fields of >~0.3-1 micro-G, the lobe spectra are
predicted to extend into the soft gamma-rays making them likely detectable with
the GLAST LAT. If detected, their large angular extents (~1 deg and 8 deg) will
make it possible to ``image'' the radio lobes in gamma-rays. Similarly, this
process operates in more distant radio galaxies and the possibility that such
systems will be detected as unresolved gamma-ray sources with GLAST is briefly
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0835v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Compton X-rayand γ-rayEmissionfrom Extended Radio
Kavli InstituteforParticleAstrophysicsandCosmology,S tanfordUniversity, Stanford,CA94305,USA
Abstract. The extended lobes of radio galaxies are examined as sources of X-ray and γ-ray emiss |
0704.0836 | Kurt W. Luoto | A matroid-friendly basis for the quasisymmetric functions | A new Z-basis for the space of quasisymmetric functions (QSym, for short) is
presented. It is shown to have nonnegative structure constants, and several
interesting properties relative to the space of quasisymmetric functions
associated to matroids by the Hopf algebra morphism (F) of Billera, Jia, and
Reiner. In particular, for loopless matroids, this basis reflects the grading
by matroid rank, as well as by the size of the ground set. It is shown that the
morphism F is injective on the set of rank two matroids, and that
decomposability of the quasisymmetric function of a rank two matroid mirrors
the decomposability of its base polytope. An affirmative answer is given to the
Hilbert basis question raised by Billera, Jia, and Reiner.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0836v2 [math.CO] 16 Nov 2007A Matroid-Friendly Basis for the Quasisymmetric
Kurt W. Luoto
Department of Mathematics, University of Washington,
Box 354350, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
October 26, 2018
A newZ-basis for the space of quasisymmetric |
0704.0837 | Jae-Weon Lee, Kyungsub Kim, Chul H. Lee, Ji-ho Jang | Bremsstrahlung Radiation At a Vacuum Bubble Wall | When charged particles collide with a vacuum bubble, they can radiate strong
electromagnetic waves due to rapid deceleration. Owing to the energy loss of
the particles by this bremsstrahlung radiation, there is a non-negligible
damping pressure acting on the bubble wall even when thermal equilibrium is
maintained. In the non-relativistic region, this pressure is proportional to
the velocity of the wall and could have influenced the bubble dynamics in the
early universe.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0837v1 [hep-th] 6 Apr 2007Bremsstrahlung Radiation At a Vacuum Bubble Wall
Jae-Weon Lee∗
School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Adva nced Study,
207-43 Cheongnyangni 2-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-72 2, Korea
Kyungsub Kim and Chul H. Lee
Department of Physics, Hanyang U |
0704.0838 | Gil I. Shamir | Universal Source Coding for Monotonic and Fast Decaying Monotonic
Distributions | We study universal compression of sequences generated by monotonic
distributions. We show that for a monotonic distribution over an alphabet of
size $k$, each probability parameter costs essentially $0.5 \log (n/k^3)$ bits,
where $n$ is the coded sequence length, as long as $k = o(n^{1/3})$. Otherwise,
for $k = O(n)$, the total average sequence redundancy is $O(n^{1/3+\epsilon})$
bits overall. We then show that there exists a sub-class of monotonic
distributions over infinite alphabets for which redundancy of
$O(n^{1/3+\epsilon})$ bits overall is still achievable. This class contains
fast decaying distributions, including many distributions over the integers and
geometric distributions. For some slower decays, including other distributions
over the integers, redundancy of $o(n)$ bits overall is achievable, where a
method to compute specific redundancy rates for such distributions is derived.
The results are specifically true for finite entropy monotonic distributions.
Finally, we study individual sequence redundancy behavior assuming a sequence
is governed by a monotonic distribution. We show that for sequences whose
empirical distributions are monotonic, individual redundancy bounds similar to
those in the average case can be obtained. However, even if the monotonicity in
the empirical distribution is violated, diminishing per symbol individual
sequence redundancies with respect to the monotonic maximum likelihood
description length may still be achievable.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0838v1 [cs.IT] 6 Apr 2007Universal Source Coding for Monotonic and Fast Decaying
Monotonic Distributions∗
Gil I. Shamir
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112, U.S.A
We study universal compress |
0704.0839 | Grigory Mikhalkin | Moduli spaces of rational tropical curves | This note is devoted to the definition of moduli spaces of rational tropical
curves with n marked points. We show that this space has a structure of a
smooth tropical variety of dimension n-3. We define the Deligne-Mumford
compactification of this space and tropical $\psi$-class divisors.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0839v1 [math.AG] 6 Apr 2007MODULI SPACES OF RATIONAL TROPICAL CURVES
Abstract. This note is devoted to the definition ofmoduli spaces
ofrationaltropicalcurveswith nmarkedpoints. We showthatthis
space has a structure of a smooth tropical variety of dimension
n−3. We defin |
0704.0841 | Bang-Rong Zhou (Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences) | Difermion condensates in vacuum in 2-4D four-fermion interaction models | Theoretical analysis of interplay between the condensates $<\bar{q}q>$ and
$<qq>$ in vacuum is generally made by relativistic effective potentials in the
mean field approximation in 2D, 3D and 4D models with two flavor and $N_c$
color massless fermions. It is found that in ground states of these models,
interplay between the two condensates mainly depend on the ratio $G_S/H_S$ for
2D and 4D case or $G_S/H_P$ for 3D case, where $G_S$, $H_S$ and $H_P$ are
respectively the coupling constants in a scalar $(\bar{q}q)$, a scalar $(qq)$
and a pseudoscalar $(qq)$ channel. In ground states of all the models, only
pure $<\bar{q}q>$ condensates could exist if $G_S/H_S$ or $G_S/H_P$ is bigger
than the critical value $2/N_c$, the ratio of the color numbers of the fermions
entering into the condensates $<qq>$ and $<\bar{q}q>$. As $G_S/H_S$ or
$G_S/H_P$ decreases to the region below $2/N_c$, differences of the models will
manifest themselves. Depending on different models, and also on $N_c$ in 3D
model, one will have or have no the coexistence phase of the two condensates,
besides the pure $<qq>$ condensate phase. The $G_S-H_S$ (or $G_S-H_P$) phase
diagrams in these models are given. The results also implicate a real
constraint on two-flavor QCD-analogous NJL model.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0841v3 [hep-th] 17 Feb 2008Difermion condensates in vacuum in 2-4D four-fermion inter action models∗
Bang-Rong Zhou†
College of Physical Sciences, Graduate School of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
In any four fermion (denoted by q) interaction models, the couplin |
0704.0842 | Chengguang Bao | Oscillation bands of condensates on a ring: Beyond the mean field theory | The Hamiltonian of a N-boson system confined on a ring with zero spin and
repulsive interaction is diagonalized. The excitation of a pair of
p-wave-particles rotating reversely appears to be a basic mode. The fluctuation
of many of these excited pairs provides a mechanism of oscillation, the states
can be thereby classified into oscillation bands. The particle correlation is
studied intuitively via the two-body densities. Bose-clustering originating
from the symmetrization of wave functions is found, which leads to the
appearance of 1-, 2-, and 3-cluster structures. The motion is divided into
being collective and relative, this leads to the establishment of a relation
between the very high vortex states and the low-lying states.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0842v1 [cond-mat.other] 6 Apr 2007Oscillation bands of condensates on a ring: Beyond the mean fi eld theory
C. G. Bao
Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics,
National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Collisions,
Lanzhou 730000, P. R. China
The State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials a |
0704.0843 | Takuya Okabe | Kadowaki-Woods Ratio of Strongly Coupled Fermi Liquids | On the basis of the Fermi liquid theory, the Kadowaki-Woods ratio
$A/\gamma^2$ is evaluated by using a first principle band calculation for
typical itinerant $d$ and $f$ electron systems. It is found as observed that
the ratio for the $d$ electron systems is significantly smaller than the normal
$f$ systems, even without considering their relatively weak correlation. The
difference in the ratio value comes from different characters of the Fermi
surfaces. By comparing Pd and USn$_3$ as typical cases, we discuss the
importance of the Fermi surface dependence of the quasiparticle transport
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0843v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 2 Oct 2007Kadowaki-Woods Ratio of Strongly Coupled Fermi Liquids
Takuya Okabe
Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1 Johoku , Hamamatsu 432-8561,Japan∗
(Dated: November 28, 2018)
On the basis of the Fermi liquid theory, the Kadowaki-Woods r atioA/γ2i |
0704.0844 | Masayuki Matsuzaki and Etsuchika Kobayashi (Fukuoka Univ. of Educ.) | Structure of Strange Dwarfs with Color Superconducting Core | We study effects of two-flavor color superconductivity on the structure of
strange dwarfs, which are stellar objects with similar masses and radii with
ordinary white dwarfs but stabilized by the strange quark matter core. We find
that unpaired quark matter is a good approximation to the core of strange
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0844v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Structure of Strange Dwarfs with Color Superconducting Cor e
Masayuki Matsuzaki∗and Etsuchika Kobayashi
Department of Physics, Fukuoka University of Education,
Munakata, Fukuoka 811-4192, Japan
We study effects of two-flavor color superconductivity on |
0704.0845 | A. O. Niskanen, Y. Nakamura, J. P. Pekola | Information entropic superconducting microcooler | We consider a design for a cyclic microrefrigerator using a superconducting
flux qubit. Adiabatic modulation of the flux combined with thermalization can
be used to transfer energy from a lower temperature normal metal thin film
resistor to another one at higher temperature. The frequency selectivity of
photonic heat conduction is achieved by including the hot resistor as part of a
high frequency LC resonator and the cold one as part of a low-frequency
oscillator while keeping both circuits in the underdamped regime. We discuss
the performance of the device in an experimentally realistic setting. This
device illustrates the complementarity of information and thermodynamic entropy
as the erasure of the quantum bit directly relates to the cooling of the
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0845v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 6 Apr 2007Information entropic superconducting microcooler
A. O. Niskanen,1,2Y. Nakamura,1,3,4and J. P. Pekola5
1CREST-JST, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012,Japan
2VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Sensors, PO BOX 10 00, 02044 VTT, Finland
3NEC Fundamental |
0704.0846 | Heidi Haynal | PI degree parity in q-skew polynomial rings | For k a field of arbitrary characteristic, and R a k-algebra, we show that
the PI degree of an iterated skew polynomial ring
R[x_1;\tau_1,\delta_1]...b[x_n;\tau_n,\delta_n] agrees with the PI degree of
R[x_1;\tau_1]...b[x_n;\tau_n] when each (\tau_i,\delta_i) satisfies a q_i-skew
relation for q_i \in k^{\times} and extends to a higher q_i-skew
\tau_i-derivation. We confirm the quantum Gel'fand-Kirillov conjecture for
various quantized coordinate rings, and calculate their PI degrees. We extend
these results to completely prime factor algebras.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0846v1 [math.RA] 6 Apr 2007PI DEGREE PARITY IN q-SKEW POLYNOMIAL RINGS
Abstract. Forka field of arbitrary characteristic, and Rak-algebra, we show that
the PI degree of an iterated skew polynomial ring R[x1;τ1,δ1]···[xn;τn,δn] agrees
with the PI degree of R[x1;τ1]···[xn;τn] |
0704.0847 | D. N. Poenaru, R. A. Gherghescu, A. V. Solov'yov, W. Greiner | Semi-spheroidal Quantum Harmonic Oscillator | A new single-particle shell model is derived by solving the Schr\"odinger
equation for a semi-spheroidal potential well. Only the negative parity states
of the $Z(z)$ component of the wave function are allowed, so that new magic
numbers are obtained for oblate semi-spheroids, semi-sphere and prolate
semi-spheroids. The semi-spherical magic numbers are identical with those
obtained at the oblate spheroidal superdeformed shape: 2, 6, 14, 26, 44, 68,
100, 140, ... The superdeformed prolate magic numbers of the semi-spheroidal
shape are identical with those obtained at the spherical shape of the
spheroidal harmonic oscillator: 2, 8, 20, 40, 70, 112, 168 ...
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0847v1 [physics.atm-clus] 6 Apr 2007Semi-spheroidal Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
D. N. Poenaru,1,2,∗R. A. Gherghescu,1,2A. V. Solov’yov,1and W. Greiner1
1Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, J. W. Goethe Univ ersit¨ at,
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2Horia |
0704.0848 | Hyeong-Chai Jeong | Growing Perfect Decagonal Quasicrystals by Local Rules | A local growth algorithm for a decagonal quasicrystal is presented. We show
that a perfect Penrose tiling (PPT) layer can be grown on a decapod tiling
layer by a three dimensional (3D) local rule growth. Once a PPT layer begins to
form on the upper layer, successive 2D PPT layers can be added on top resulting
in a perfect decagonal quasicrystalline structure in bulk with a point defect
only on the bottom surface layer. Our growth rule shows that an ideal
quasicrystal structure can be constructed by a local growth algorithm in 3D,
contrary to the necessity of non-local information for a 2D PPT growth.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0848v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 6 Apr 2007Growing Perfect Decagonal Quasicrystals by Local Rules
Hyeong-Chai Jeong
Department of Physics, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, K orea,
Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, POSTECH, Pohan g 790-784, Korea,
and Department of Physics, Princeton |
0704.0849 | Anirudh Pradhan, J. P. Shahi and C. V. Singh | LRS Bianchi Type-V Viscous Fluid Universe With a Time Dependent
Cosmological Term $\Lambda$ | An LRS Bianchi type-V cosmological models representing a viscous fluid
distribution with a time dependent cosmological term $\Lambda$ is investigated.
To get a determinate solution, the viscosity coefficient of bulk viscous fluid
is assumed to be a power function of mass density. It turns out that the
cosmological term $\Lambda(t)$ is a decreasing function of time, which is
consistent with recent observations of type Ia supernovae. Various physical and
kinematic features of these models have also been explored.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0849v2 [gr-qc] 6 Aug 2007LRS Bianchi Type-V Viscous Fluid Universe with a Time
Dependent Cosmological Term Λ
Anirudh Pradhana,1, J. P. Shahiband Chandra Bhan Singhc
aDepartment of Mathematics, Hindu Post-graduate College, Z amania-232 331,
Ghazipur, India
E-Addresses: pradhan@iucaa.erne |
0704.0850 | Jun Sato, Masahiro Shiroishi | Density matrix elements and entanglement entropy for the spin-1/2 XXZ
chain at $\Delta$=1/2 | We have analytically obtained all the density matrix elements up to six
lattice sites for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg XXZ chain at $\Delta=1/2$. We use the
multiple integral formula of the correlation function for the massless XXZ
chain derived by Jimbo and Miwa. As for the spin-spin correlation functions, we
have newly obtained the fourth- and fifth-neighbour transverse correlation
functions. We have calculated all the eigenvalues of the density matrix and
analyze the eigenvalue-distribution. Using these results the exact values of
the entanglement entropy for the reduced density matrix up six lattice sites
have been obtained. We observe that our exact results agree quite well with the
asymptotic formula predicted by the conformal field theory.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0850v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 6 Apr 2007Density matrix elements and entanglement entropy for
the spin-1/2 XXZ chain at ∆=1/2
Jun Sato1∗, Masahiro Shiroishi1†
1Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo,
Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan
November 9, 2018
Abstrac |
0704.0851 | Milan Janjic | Counting on rectangular areas | In the first section of this paper we prove a theorem for the number of
columns of a rectangular area that are identical to the given one. In the next
section we apply this theorem to derive several combinatorial identities by
counting specified subsets of a finite set.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0851v1 [math.CO] 6 Apr 2007Counting on Rectangular Areas
Milan Janji´ c,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and mathematics,
Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Counting on Rectangular Areas
In the first section of this paper we prove a theorem for the num ber
of co |
0704.0852 | D.Peressounko (for the PHENIX Collaboration) | Bose-Einstein correlations of direct photons in Au+Au collisions at
$\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV | The current status of the analysis of direct photon Bose-Einstein
correlations in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV done by the PHENIX
collaboration is summarized. All possible sources of distortion of the
two-photon correlation function are discussed and methods to control them in
the PHENIX experiment are presented.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0852v1 [nucl-ex] 6 Apr 2007November 9, 2018 19:7 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE DPeressounko-
International Journal of Modern Physics E
c/circleco√yrtWorld Scientific Publishing Company
Bose-Einstein correlations of direct photons in Au+Au coll isions at√sNN= 200 GeV
D. Peressounko for th |
0704.0853 | Hao Yin | Normalized Ricci flow on nonparabolic surfaces | This paper studies normalized Ricci flow on a nonparabolic surface, whose
scalar curvature is asymptotically -1 in an integral sense. By a method
initiated by R. Hamilton, the flow is shown to converge to a metric of constant
scalar curvature -1. A relative estimate of Green's function is proved as a
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0853v2 [math.DG] 5 Jun 2007NORMALIZED RICCI FLOW ON NONPARABOLIC SURFACES
Abstract. This paper studies normalized Ricci flow on a nonparabolic su r-
face, whose scalar curvature is asymptotically −1 in an integral sense. By a
method initiated by R. Hamilton, the flow is shown to c |
0704.0854 | Xi-Feng Ren, Pei Zhang, Guo-Ping Guo, Yun-Feng Huang, Zhi-Wei Wang,
Guang-Can Guo | Polarization properties of subwavelength hole arrays consisting of
rectangular holes | Influence of hole shape on extraordinary optical transmission was
investigated using hole arrays consisting of rectangular holes with different
aspect ratio. It was found that the transmission could be tuned continuously by
rotating the hole array. Further more, a phase was generated in this process,
and linear polarization states could be changed to elliptical polarization
states. This phase was correlated with the aspect ratio of the holes. An
intuitional model was presented to explain these results.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0854v2 [physics.optics] 4 Jun 2008myjournal manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
Polarization properties of subwavelength hole arrays cons isting of
rectangular holes
Xi-Feng Ren, Pei Zhang, Guo-Ping Guo⋆, Yun-Feng Huang, Zhi-Wei Wang, Guang-Can Guo
Key Laboratory of Quantum |
0704.0855 | Thierry Chaneliere (LAC), Ling Xiang He, Robin Kaiser (INLN), David
Wilkowski (INLN) | Three dimensional cooling and trapping with a narrow line | The intercombination line of Strontium at 689nm is successfully used in laser
cooling to reach the photon recoil limit with Doppler cooling in a
magneto-optical traps (MOT). In this paper we present a systematic study of the
loading efficiency of such a MOT. Comparing the experimental results to a
simple model allows us to discuss the actual limitation of our apparatus. We
also study in detail the final MOT regime emphasizing the role of gravity on
the position, size and temperature along the vertical and horizontal
directions. At large laser detuning, one finds an unusual situation where
cooling and trapping occur in the presence of a high bias magnetic field.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0855v2 [physics.atom-ph] 10 Aug 2007EPJ manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
Three dimensional cooling and trapping with a narrow line
T. Chaneli` ere1, L. He2, R. Kaiser3and D. Wilkowski3
1 +Now at: Laboratoire Aim´ e Cotton, CNRS, UPR 3321, Universit ´ e Paris-Sud, Bat. 505 |
0704.0856 | I.B. Khriplovich and D.V. Matvienko | Approximate Selection Rule for Orbital Angular Momentum in Atomic
Radiative Transitions | We demonstrate that radiative transitions with \Delta l = - 1 are strongly
dominating for all values of n and l, except small region where l << n.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0856v1 [physics.atom-ph] 6 Apr 2007Approximate Selection Rule for Orbital Angular Momentum
in Atomic Radiative Transitions
I.B. Khriplovich and D.V. Matvienko
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia,
and Novosibirsk University
Wedemonstratethatradiativet |
0704.0857 | I.L. Zhogin | Extrasolar scale change in Newton's Law from 5D `plain' R^2-gravity | Galactic rotation curves and lack of direct observations of Dark Matter may
indicate that General Relativity is not valid (on galactic scale) and should be
replaced with another theory. There is the only variant of Absolute Parallelism
which solutions are free of arising singularities, if D=5 (there is no room for
changes). This variant does not have a Lagrangian, nor match GR: an equation of
`plain' R^2-gravity (ie without R-term) is in sight instead. Arranging an
expanding O_4-symmetrical solution as the basis of 5D cosmological model, and
probing a universal_function of mass distribution (along very-very long the
extra dimension) to place into bi-Laplace equation (R^2 gravity), one can
derive the Law of Gravitation: 1/r^2 transforms to 1/r with distance (not with
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0857v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Extrasolar scale change in Newton’s Law
from 5D ‘plain’ R2-gravity (on ‘very thick brane’)
I L Zhogin (SSRC, Novosibirsk)∗
Galactic rotation curves and lack of direct observations of Dark Matter may indicate that
General Relativity is not valid (on g |
0704.0858 | Eric Alata (LAAS), Vincent Nicomette (LAAS), Mohamed Ka\^aniche
(LAAS), Marc Dacier (LAAS), Matthieu Herrb (LAAS) | Lessons Learned from the deployment of a high-interaction honeypot | This paper presents an experimental study and the lessons learned from the
observation of the attackers when logged on a compromised machine. The results
are based on a six months period during which a controlled experiment has been
run with a high interaction honeypot. We correlate our findings with those
obtained with a worldwide distributed system of lowinteraction honeypots.
| What is the title of this paper? Lessons learned from the deployment of a high-interaction honeypot
E. Alata1, V. Nicomette1, M. Kaâniche1, M. Dacier2, M. Herrb1
1LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, 7 Avenue du Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
2Eurécom, 2229 Route des Crêtes, BP 193, 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, |
0704.0859 | Balint Farkas, Bela Nagy | Transfinite diameter, Chebyshev constant and energy on locally compact
spaces | We study the relationship between transfinite diameter, Chebyshev constant
and Wiener energy in the abstract linear potential analytic setting pioneered
by Choquet, Fuglede and Ohtsuka. It turns out that, whenever the potential
theoretic kernel has the maximum principle, then all these quantities are equal
for all compact sets. For continuous kernels even the converse statement is
true: if the Chebyshev constant of any compact set coincides with its
transfinite diameter, the kernel must satisfy the maximum principle. An
abundance of examples is provided to show the sharpness of the results.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0859v1 [math.CA] 6 Apr 2007Transfinite diameter, Chebyshev constant and energy
on locally compact spaces
B´ alint Farkas∗( )
Technische Universit¨ at Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathemat ik
Department of Applied Analysis
Schloßgartenstraße 7, D-64289, Darmstad |
0704.0860 | Cristina Simache (LAAS), Mohamed Kaaniche (LAAS) | Availability assessment of SunOS/Solaris Unix Systems based on Syslogd
and wtmpx logfiles : a case study | This paper presents a measurement-based availability assessment study using
field data collected during a 4-year period from 373 SunOS/Solaris Unix
workstations and servers interconnected through a local area network. We focus
on the estimation of machine uptimes, downtimes and availability based on the
identification of failures that caused total service loss. Data corresponds to
syslogd event logs that contain a large amount of information about the normal
activity of the studied systems as well as their behavior in the presence of
failures. It is widely recognized that the information contained in such event
logs might be incomplete or imperfect. The solution investigated in this paper
to address this problem is based on the use of auxiliary sources of data
obtained from wtmpx files maintained by the SunOS/Solaris Unix operating
system. The results obtained suggest that the combined use of wtmpx and syslogd
log files provides more complete information on the state of the target systems
that is useful to provide availability estimations that better reflect reality.
| What is the title of this paper? Availability Assessment of SunOS/Solaris Unix Systems
based on Syslogd and wtmpx log files: A case study
Cristina Simache and Mohamed Kaâniche
LAAS-CNRS — 7 Avenue du Colonel Roche
31077 Toulouse Cedex 4 — France
This paper presents a measurement-based availability
0704.0861 | Mohamed Kaaniche (LAAS), Y. Deswarte (LAAS), Eric Alata (LAAS), Marc
Dacier (SC), Vincent Nicomette (LAAS) | Empirical analysis and statistical modeling of attack processes based on
honeypots | Honeypots are more and more used to collect data on malicious activities on
the Internet and to better understand the strategies and techniques used by
attackers to compromise target systems. Analysis and modeling methodologies are
needed to support the characterization of attack processes based on the data
collected from the honeypots. This paper presents some empirical analyses based
on the data collected from the Leurr{\'e}.com honeypot platforms deployed on
the Internet and presents some preliminary modeling studies aimed at fulfilling
such objectives.
| What is the title of this paper? Empirical Analysis and Statistical Modeling of Attack Processes based on Honeypots M. Kaâniche1, E. Alata1, V. Nicomette1, Y. Deswarte1, M. Dacier2 1LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse 7 Avenue du Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France {kaaniche, ealata, deswarte, nicomett} 2Eu |
0704.0862 | Adam Leroy, John Cannon, Fabian Walter, Alberto Bolatto, Axel Weiss | The Low CO Content of the Extremely Metal Poor Galaxy I Zw 18 | We present sensitive molecular line observations of the metal-poor blue
compact dwarf I Zw 18 obtained with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer.
These data constrain the CO J=1-0 luminosity within our 300 pc (FWHM) beam to
be L_CO < 1 \times 10^5 K km s^-1 pc^2 (I_CO < 1 K km s^-1), an order of
magnitude lower than previous limits. Although I Zw 18 is starbursting, it has
a CO luminosity similar to or less than nearby low-mass irregulars (e.g. NGC
1569, the SMC, and NGC 6822). There is less CO in I Zw 18 relative to its
B-band luminosity, HI mass, or star formation rate than in spiral or dwarf
starburst galaxies (including the nearby dwarf starburst IC 10). Comparing the
star formation rate to our CO upper limit reveals that unless molecular gas
forms stars much more efficiently in I Zw 18 than in our own galaxy, it must
have a very low CO-to-H_2 ratio, \sim 10^-2 times the Galactic value. We detect
3mm continuum emission, presumably due to thermal dust and free-free emission,
towards the radio peak.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0862v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Draft version October 24, 2018
Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 08/22/09
Adam Leroy1, John Cannon1,2, Fabian Walter1, Alberto Bolatto3, Axel Weiss4
Draft version October 24, 2018
A |
0704.0863 | Z. Han, Ph. Podsiadlowski, A.E. Lynas-Gray | A binary model for the UV-upturn of elliptical galaxies (MNRAS version) | The discovery of a flux excess in the far-ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of
elliptical galaxies was a major surprise in 1969. While it is now clear that
this UV excess is caused by an old population of hot helium-burning stars
without large hydrogen-rich envelopes, rather than young stars, their origin
has remained a mystery. Here we show that these stars most likely lost their
envelopes because of binary interactions, similar to the hot subdwarf
population in our own Galaxy. We have developed an evolutionary population
synthesis model for the far-UV excess of elliptical galaxies based on the
binary model developed by Han et al (2002, 2003) for the formation of hot
subdwarfs in our Galaxy. Despite its simplicity, it successfully reproduces
most of the properties of elliptical galaxies with a UV excess: the range of
observed UV excesses, both in $(1550-V)$ and $(2000-V)$, and their evolution
with redshift. We also present colour-colour diagrams for use as diagnostic
tools in the study of elliptical galaxies. The model has major implications for
understanding the evolution of the UV excess and of elliptical galaxies in
general. In particular, it implies that the UV excess is not a sign of age, as
had been postulated previously, and predicts that it should not be strongly
dependent on the metallicity of the population, but exists universally from
dwarf ellipticals to giant ellipticals.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0863v3 [astro-ph] 25 Jun 2007Mon. Not.R. Astron. Soc. 000, 000–000 (0000) Printed 6November 2018 (MN L ATEX style filev2.2)
Abinarymodelfor theUV-upturnof ellipticalgalaxies
Z. Han1⋆, Ph. Podsiadlowski2, A.E. Lynas-Gray2
1National Astronomical Observatories /Yunnan Observatory , the Chin |
0704.0864 | Z. Bagoly, I. Csabai, A. Meszaros, P. Meszaros, I. Horvath, L.G.
Balazs, R. Vavrek | Redshifts of the Long Gamma-Ray Bursts | The low energy spectra of some gamma-ray bursts' show excess components
beside the power-law dependence. The consequences of such a feature allows to
estimate the gamma photometric redshift of the long gamma-ray bursts in the
BATSE Catalog. There is good correlation between the measured optical and the
estimated gamma photometric redshifts. The estimated redshift values for the
long bright gamma-ray bursts are up to z=4, while for the the faint long bursts
- which should be up to z=20 - the redshifts cannot be determined unambiguously
with this method. The redshift distribution of all the gamma-ray bursts with
known optical redshift agrees quite well with the BATSE based gamma photometric
redshift distribution.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0864v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Baltic Astronomy, vol.12, XXX–XXX, 2003.
Z. Bagoly1and I. Csabai2and A. M´ esz´ aros3and P. M´ esz´ aros4
and I. Horv´ ath5and L. G. Bal´ azs6and R. Vavrek7
1Lab. for Information Technology, E¨ otv¨ os University, H-1 117 Budapest,
0704.0865 | Ana-Elena Rugina (LAAS), Karama Kanoun (LAAS), Mohamed Kaaniche (LAAS) | An architecture-based dependability modeling framework using AADL | For efficiency reasons, the software system designers' will is to use an
integrated set of methods and tools to describe specifications and designs, and
also to perform analyses such as dependability, schedulability and performance.
AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) has proved to be efficient for
software architecture modeling. In addition, AADL was designed to accommodate
several types of analyses. This paper presents an iterative dependency-driven
approach for dependability modeling using AADL. It is illustrated on a small
example. This approach is part of a complete framework that allows the
generation of dependability analysis and evaluation models from AADL models to
support the analysis of software and system architectures, in critical
application domains.
| What is the title of this paper? AN ARCHITECTURE-BASED DEPENDABILITY MODELING FRAMEWORK USING AADL Ana-Elena Rugina, Karama Kanoun and Mohamed Kaâniche LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse 7 avenue Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France Phone:+33(0)5 61 33 62 00, Fax: +33(0)5 61 33 64 11 e-mail: {rugina, kanoun, kaaniche}@laa |
0704.0866 | S.Benelkourchi, V.Guedj and A.Zeriahi | A priori estimates for weak solutions of complex Monge-Amp\`ere
equations | Let $X$ be a compact K\"ahler manifold and $\om$ a smooth closed form of
bidegree $(1,1)$ which is nonnegative and big. We study the classes ${\mathcal
E}_{\chi}(X,\om)$ of $\om$-plurisubharmonic functions of finite weighted
Monge-Amp\`ere energy. When the weight $\chi$ has fast growth at infinity, the
corresponding functions are close to be bounded.
We show that if a positive Radon measure is suitably dominated by the
Monge-Amp\`ere capacity, then it belongs to the range of the Monge-Amp\`ere
operator on some class ${\mathcal E}_{\chi}(X,\om)$. This is done by
establishing a priori estimates on the capacity of sublevel sets of the
Our result extends U.Cegrell's and S.Kolodziej's results and puts them into a
unifying frame. It also gives a simple proof of S.T.Yau's celebrated a priori
${\mathcal C}^0$-estimate.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0866v2 [math.CV] 22 Feb 2008A PRIORI ESTIMATES FOR WEAK SOLUTIONS OF
Abstract. LetXbe a compact K¨ ahler manifold and ωa smooth
closed form of bidegree (1 ,1) which is nonnegative and big. We study
the classes Eχ(X,ω) |
0704.0867 | Shuping Situ, Yanzhang He and Chengguang Bao | Density oscillation in highly flattened quantum elliptic rings and
tunable strong dipole radiation | A narrow elliptic ring containing an electron threaded by a magnetic field B
is studied. When the ring is highly flattened, the increase of B would lead to
a big energy gap between the ground and excited states, and therefore lead to a
strong emission of dipole photons. The photon frequency can be tuned in a wide
range by changing B and/or the shape of the ellipse. The particle density is
found to oscillate from a pattern of distribution to another pattern back and
forth against $B$. This is a new kind of Aharonov-Bohm oscillation originating
from symmetry breaking and is different from the usual oscillation of
persistent current.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0867v1 [cond-mat.other] 6 Apr 2007Density oscillation in highly flattened quantum elliptic ri ngs and tunable strong
dipole radiation
S.P. Situ, Y.Z. He, and C.G. Bao∗
The State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Te chnologies,
Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, 510275, P.R. Ch |
0704.0868 | Juan I. Climente, Andrea Bertoni, Guido Goldoni, Massimo Rontani,
Elisa Molinari | Effect of electron-electron interaction on the phonon-mediated spin
relaxation in quantum dots | We estimate the spin relaxation rate due to spin-orbit coupling and acoustic
phonon scattering in weakly-confined quantum dots with up to five interacting
electrons. The Full Configuration Interaction approach is used to account for
the inter-electron repulsion, and Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings
are exactly diagonalized. We show that electron-electron interaction strongly
affects spin-orbit admixture in the sample. Consequently, relaxation rates
strongly depend on the number of carriers confined in the dot. We identify the
mechanisms which may lead to improved spin stability in few electron (>2)
quantum dots as compared to the usual one and two electron devices. Finally, we
discuss recent experiments on triplet-singlet transitions in GaAs dots subject
to external magnetic fields. Our simulations are in good agreement with the
experimental findings, and support the interpretation of the observed spin
relaxation as being due to spin-orbit coupling assisted by acoustic phonon
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0868v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 11 Jun 2007Effect of electron-electron interaction on the phonon-medi ated spin relaxation in
quantum dots
Juan I. Climente,1,∗Andrea Bertoni,1Guido Goldoni,1,2Massimo Rontani,1and Elisa Molinari1,2
1CNR-INFM National Center on nanoStructures and bioSystems at |
0704.0869 | O. Golinelli, K. Mallick (Cea Saclay, France) | Connected Operators for the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process | We fully elucidate the structure of the hierarchy of the connected operators
that commute with the Markov matrix of the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process
(TASEP). We prove for the connected operators a combinatorial formula that was
conjectured in a previous work. Our derivation is purely algebraic and relies
on the algebra generated by the local jump operators involved in the TASEP.
Keywords: Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, ASEP, Exact Results,
Algebraic Bethe Ansatz.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0869v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 6 Apr 2007Connected Operators for the Totally
Asymmetric Exclusion Process
O. Golinelli, K. Mallick
Service de Physique Th´ eorique, Cea Saclay, 91191 Gif, Fran ce
6 April 2007
We fully elucidate the structure of the hierarchy of the con-
nected oper |
0704.0870 | E.G. Bessonov, M.V. Gorbunkov (Lebedev Phys. Inst. RAS, Moscow,
Russia), A.A.Mikhailichenko (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A.) | Proposal for an Enhanced Optical Cooling System Test in an Electron
Storage Ring | We are proposing to test experimentally the new idea of Enhanced Optical
Cooling (EOC) in an electron storage ring. This experiment will confirm new
fundamental processes in beam physics and will demonstrate new unique
possibilities with this cooling technique. It will open important applications
of EOC in nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and in Light Sources
(LS) based on high brightness electron and ion beams.
E.G.Bessonov, M.V.Gorbunkov, Lebedev Phys. Inst. RAS, Moscow, Russia,
A.A.Mikhailichenko, Cornell Univ ersity, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A.
0704.0871 | K. E. Gabanyi (1,2), N. Marchili (1), T. P. Krichbaum (1), S. Britzen
(1), L. Fuhrmann (1), A. Witzel (1), J. A. Zensus (1), P. Muller (1), X. Liu
(3), H. G. Song (3), J. L. Han (4), X. H. Sun (4) ((1) Max-Planck-Institut
fur Radioastronomie, (2) Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Group for
Physical Geodesy and Geodynamics, (3) Urumqi Observatory, the National
Astronomical Observatories, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (4) National
Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences) | The IDV source J1128+5925, a new candidate for annual modulation? | Short time-scale radio variations of compact extragalactic radio sources,
known as IntraDay Variability, can be explained in at least some sources by a
source-extrinsic effect, in which the variations are interpreted as
scintillation of radio waves caused by the turbulent ISM of the Milky Way. One
of the most convincing observational arguments in favour of propagation-induced
variability is the so called annual modulation of the characteristic
variability time-scale, which is due to the orbital motion of the Earth. Data
for the recently discovered and highly variable IDV source J1128+5925 are
presented. We study the frequency and time dependence of the IDV in this
compact quasar. We measure the characteristic variability time-scale of the IDV
throughout the year, and analyze whether the observed changes in the
variability time-scale are consistent with annual modulation. We monitored the
flux density variability of J1128+5925 with dense time sampling between 2.7 and
10.45GHz with the 100m Effelsberg radio telescope of the MPIfR and with the 25m
Urumqi radio telescope. From ten observing sessions, we determine the
variability characteristics and time-scales. The observed pronounced changes of
the variability time-scale of J1128+5925 are modelled with an anisotropic
annual modulation model. The observed frequency dependence of the variation is
in good agreement with the prediction from interstellar scintillation. Adopting
a simple model for the annual modulation model and using also the frequency
dependence of the IDV, we derive a lower limit to the distance of the
scattering screen and an upper limit to the scintillating source size. The
latter is found to be consistent with the measured core size from VLBI.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0871v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Astronomy& Astrophysics manuscriptno.idv1128 c/circleco√yrtESO 2021
The IDV source J1128+5925,a new candidate for annual
K.´E.Gab´ anyi1,2, N.Marchili1,T.P.Krichbaum1, S.Britzen1,L.Fuhrmann1, A.Witzel1, J.A.Zensus1,P.M¨ uller1,
X.Liu |
0704.0872 | K. Veselic | Spectral perturbation bounds for selfadjoint operators | We give general spectral and eigenvalue perturbation bounds for a selfadjoint
operator perturbed in the sense of the pseudo-Friedrichs extension. We also
give several generalisations of the aforementioned extension. The spectral
bounds for finite eigenvalues are obtained by using analyticity and
monotonicity properties (rather than variational principles) and they are
general enough to include eigenvalues in gaps of the essential spectrum.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0872v2 [math.SP] 21 Jan 2008Spectral perturbation bounds for selfadjoint operators I∗
Kreˇ simir Veseli´ c†
We give general spectral and eigenvalue perturbation bound s for a selfadjoint op-
erator perturbed in the sense of the pseudo-Friedrichs exte nsion. We also give sev-
er |
0704.0873 | J.S. Greaves, D.A. Fischer, M.C. Wyatt, C.A. Beichman and G. Bryden | Predicting the frequencies of diverse exo-planetary systems | Extrasolar planetary systems range from hot Jupiters out to icy comet belts
more distant than Pluto. We explain this diversity in a model where the mass of
solids in the primordial circumstellar disk dictates the outcome. The star
retains measures of the initial heavy-element (metal) abundance that can be
used to map solid masses onto outcomes, and the frequencies of all classes are
correctly predicted. The differing dependences on metallicity for forming
massive planets and low-mass cometary bodies are also explained. By
extrapolation, around two-thirds of stars have enough solids to form Earth-like
planets, and a high rate is supported by the first detections of low-mass
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0873v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1–6 (2006) Printed 25 October 2018 (MN L ATEX style file v2.2)
Predicting the frequencies of diverse exo-planetary syste ms
J.S. Greaves1⋆, D.A. Fischer2, M.C. Wyatt3, C.A. Beichman4,5and G. Bryden4
1Scottish Universities Physics |
0704.0874 | Gavril Farkas | Higher ramification and varieties of secant divisors on the generic
curve | For a smooth projective curve, the cycles of e-secant k-planes are among the
most studied objects in classical enumerative geometry and there are well-known
formulas due to Castelnuovo, Cayley and MacDonald concerning them. Despite
various attempts, surprisingly little is known about the enumerative validity
of such formulas. The aim of this paper is to completely clarify this problem
in the case of the generic curve C of given genus. Using degeneration
techniques and a few facts about the birational geometry of moduli spaces of
stable pointed curves we determine precisely under which conditions the cycle
of e-secant k-planes in non-empty and we compute its dimension. We also
precisely determine the dimension of the variety of linear series on C carrying
e-secant k-planes. In a different direction, in the last part of the paper we
study the distribution of ramification points of the powers of a line bundle on
C having prescribed ramification at a given point.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0874v3 [math.AG] 20 Nov 2014HIGHER RAMIFICATION AND V ARIETIES OF SECANT DIVISORS ON THE
ABSTRACT . For a smooth projective curve, the cycles of e-secantk-planes are among
the most studied objects in classical enumerative geometry and there are well- |
0704.0875 | Boris V. Tarasov | The concrete theory of numbers: initial numbers and wonderful properties
of numbers repunit | In this work initial numbers and repunit numbers have been studied. All
numbers have been considered in a decimal notation. The problem of simplicity
of initial numbers has been studied. Interesting properties of numbers repunit
are proved:
$gcd(R_a, R_b) = R_{gcd(a,b)}$;
$R_{ab}/(R_aR_b)$ is an integer only if $gcd(a,b) = 1$, where $a\geq1$,
$b\geq1$ are integers. Dividers of numbers repunit, are researched by a degree
of prime number.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0875v2 [math.GM] 7 Apr 2007The concrete theory of numbers: initial numbers
and wonderful properties of numbers repunit
Tarasov, B.V.∗
November 15, 2021
In this work initial numbers and repunit numbers have been st udied.
All numbers have been considered in a decimal notation. T |
0704.0876 | Walter Schachermayer, Uwe Schmock, Josef Teichmann | Non-monotone convergence in the quadratic Wasserstein distance | We give an easy counter-example to Problem 7.20 from C. Villani's book on
mass transport: in general, the quadratic Wasserstein distance between $n$-fold
normalized convolutions of two given measures fails to decrease monotonically.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0876v1 [math.PR] 6 Apr 2007NON-MONOTONE CONVERGENCE IN THE QUADRATIC
Abstract. We give an easy counter-example to Problem 7.20 from C. Vil-
lani’s book on mass transport: in general, the quadratic Was serstein d |
0704.0877 | F. Mannucci, N. Panagia, M. Della Valle | The bimodality of type Ia Supernovae | We comment on the presence of a bimodality in the distribution of delay time
between the formation of the progenitors and their explosion as type Ia SNe.
Two "flavors" of such bimodality are present in the literature: a "weak"
bimodality, in which type Ia SNe must explode from both young and old
progenitors, and a "strong" bimodality, in which about half of the systems
explode within 10^8 years from formation. The "weak" bimodality is
observationally based on the dependence of the rates with the host galaxy SFR,
while the "strong" one on the different rates in radio-loud and radio-quiet
early-type galaxies. We review the evidence for these bimodalities. Finally, we
estimate the fraction of SNe which are missed by optical and near-IR searches
because of dust extinction in massive starbursts.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0877v2 [astro-ph] 4 Jul 2007Thebimodality oftype IaSupernovae
F.Mannucci∗,N.Panagia†andM.Della Valle∗∗
†STScI,USA;INAF- OAC- Catania,Italia;SNLtd- VirginGorda ,BVI
∗∗INAF-OAA -Firenze, Italia
Abstract. We comment on the presence of a bimodality in the distributi |
0704.0878 | Am\'elie Juhin (IMPMC), Georges Calas (IMPMC), Delphine Cabaret
(IMPMC), Laurence Galoisy (IMPMC), Jean-Louis Hazemann | Structural relaxation around substitutional Cr3+ in MgAl2O4 | The structural environment of substitutional Cr3+ ion in MgAl2O4 spinel has
been investigated by Cr K-edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)
and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopies.
First-principles computations of the structural relaxation and of the XANES
spectrum have been performed, with a good agreement to the experiment. The Cr-O
distance is close to that in MgCr2O4, indicating a full relaxation of the first
neighbors, and the second shell of Al atoms relaxes partially. These
observations demonstrate that Vegard's law is not obeyed in the MgAl2O4-MgCr2O4
solid solution. Despite some angular site distortion, the local D3d symmetry of
the B-site of the spinel structure is retained during the substitution of Cr
for Al. Here, we show that the relaxation is accomodated by strain-induced bond
buckling, with angular tilts of the Mg-centred tetrahedra around the Cr-centred
octahedron. By contrast, there is no significant alteration of the angles
between the edge-sharing octahedra, which build chains aligned along the three
four-fold axes of the cubic structure.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0878v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 6 Apr 2007Structural relaxation around substitutional Cr3+in MgAl 2O4
Am´ elie Juhin,∗Georges Calas, Delphine Cabaret, and Laurence Galoisy
Institut de Min´ eralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condens ´ es,
Universit´ e Pierre et Marie Curie, Par |
0704.0879 | Mohamed Kaaniche (LAAS), Luigi Romano (UIUC), Zbigniew Kalbarczyk
(UIUC), Ravishankar Iyer (UIUC), Rick Karcich (STORAGETEK) | A Hierarchical Approach for Dependability Analysis of a Commercial
Cache-Based RAID Storage Architecture | We present a hierarchical simulation approach for the dependability analysis
and evaluation of a highly available commercial cache-based RAID storage
system. The archi-tecture is complex and includes several layers of
overlap-ping error detection and recovery mechanisms. Three ab-straction levels
have been developed to model the cache architecture, cache operations, and
error detection and recovery mechanism. The impact of faults and errors
oc-curring in the cache and in the disks is analyzed at each level of the
hierarchy. A simulation submodel is associated with each abstraction level. The
models have been devel-oped using DEPEND, a simulation-based environment for
system-level dependability analysis, which provides facili-ties to inject
faults into a functional behavior model, to simulate error detection and
recovery mechanisms, and to evaluate quantitative measures. Several fault
models are defined for each submodel to simulate cache component failures, disk
failures, transmission errors, and data errors in the cache memory and in the
disks. Some of the parame-ters characterizing fault injection in a given
submodel cor-respond to probabilities evaluated from the simulation of the
lower-level submodel. Based on the proposed method-ology, we evaluate and
analyze 1) the system behavior un-der a real workload and high error rate
(focusing on error bursts), 2) the coverage of the error detection mechanisms
implemented in the system and the error latency distribu-tions, and 3) the
accumulation of errors in the cache and in the disks.
| What is the title of this paper? 28th IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-28), Munich (Allemagne), IEEE Computer Society, Juin 1998, pp.6-15
A Hierarchical Approach for Dependability Analysis of a Commercial Cache-Based RAID Storage Architecture M. Kaâniche1*, L. Romano2†, Z. Kalbarczyk2, R. Iyer2 and |
0704.0880 | Q. A. Wang (ISMANS), F. Tsobnang (ISMANS), S. Bangoup (ISMANS), F.
Dzangue (ISMANS), A. Jeatsa (ISMANS), A. Le M\'ehaut\'e (ISMANS) | Stochastic action principle and maximum entropy | A stochastic action principle for stochastic dynamics is revisited. We
present first numerical diffusion experiments showing that the diffusion path
probability depend exponentially on average Lagrangian action. This result is
then used to derive an uncertainty measure defined in a way mimicking the heat
or entropy in the first law of thermodynamics. It is shown that the path
uncertainty (or path entropy) can be measured by the Shannon information and
that the maximum entropy principle and the least action principle of classical
mechanics can be unified into a concise form. It is argued that this action
principle, hence the maximum entropy principle, is simply a consequence of the
mechanical equilibrium condition extended to the case of stochastic dynamics.
| What is the title of this paper?
Stochastic action princi ple and maximum entropy
Q. A. Wang, F. Tsobnang, S. Bangoup, F. D zangue, A. Jeatsa and A. Le Méhauté
Institut Supérieur des Matériaux et M écaniques Avancées du Mans, 44 Av. Bartholdi,
72000 Le Mans, France
A stochastic action principle for stoc |
0704.0881 | Jounghun Lee, Daeseong Park (Seoul Nat'l Univ.) | Constraining the Dark Energy Equation of State with Cosmic Voids | Our universe is observed to be accelerating due to the dominant dark energy
with negative pressure. The dark energy equation of state (w) holds a key to
understanding the ultimate fate of the universe. The cosmic voids behave like
bubbles in the universe so that their shapes must be quite sensitive to the
background cosmology. Assuming a flat universe and using the priors on the
matter density parameter (Omega_m) and the dimensionless Hubble parameter (h),
we demonstrate analytically that the ellipticity evolution of cosmic voids may
be a sensitive probe of the dark energy equation of state. We also discuss the
parameter degeneracy between w and Omega_m.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0881v2 [astro-ph] 13 Mar 2009CONSTRAINING THE DARK ENERGY EQUATION OF
Jounghun Lee and Daeseong Park
Department of Physics and Astronomy, FPRD, Seoul National U niversity, Seoul 151-747,
Our universe is observed to be acceleratin |
0704.0882 | Matts Roos | A Dark Energy model combining DGP gravity and Chaplygin gas | The expansion of the Universe is accelerating, as testified by observations
of supernovae of type Ia as a function of redshift. Explanations are of two
types: modifications of Einstein gravity or new forms of energy, coined dark
energy.The accelerated expansion is explained here by a combination of
Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) model gravity and Chaplygin gas dark energy. Both
models are characterized by a length scale L which may be the same. The
continuity equation for the combined model is derived in flat geometry, and
solved by numerical methods. The solution is shown to have the expected
properties: at very small scales (a<<L) the energy density behaves as
pressureless dust, at very large scales (a>>L) as a cosmological constant. The
modifications to the DGP model and the Chaplygin gas model occur for values of
a L. The results show an increase in the present dark energy density relative
to the plain DGP model.
| What is the title of this paper? Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. CDGPR c
ESO 2021
August 28, 2021
A Dark Energy model combining DGP gravity and Chaplygin gas
M. Roos
Department of Physical Sciences and Department of Astronomy, FIN-00014 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI
e-mail: matts dot roos at helsinki dot fi
Received April 2007; ac |
0704.0883 | Yutaka Hosotani | Gauge-Higgs Unification and LHC/ILC | In the gauge-Higgs unification scenario the 4D Higgs field is identified with
the zero mode of the extra-dimensional component of gauge potentials. The mass
of the Higgs particle in the unification in the Randall-Sundrum warped
spacetime is predicted to be in the range 100 GeV - 300 GeV. The WWZ gauge
couplings remains almost universal as in the standard model, but substantial
deviation results for the Higgs couplings. The WWH and ZZH couplings are
suppressed by a factor \cos \theta_H from the values in the standard model,
where \theta_H is the Yang-Mills AB phase along the fifth dimension. These can
be tested at LHC and ILC.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0883v1 [hep-ph] 6 Apr 2007November 4, 2018 9:33 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in s cgt2006-a
April 6, 2007 OU-HET 579/2007
Gauge-Higgs Unification and LHC/ILC
Yutaka Hosotani∗
Department of Physics, Osaka University,
Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
∗E-mail: hosotani@phys.sci.osa |
0704.0884 | Peter Pflug and Viet-Anh Nguyen | Extension theorems of Sakai type for separately holomorphic and
meromorphic functions | We first exhibit counterexamples to some open questions related to a theorem
of Sakai.
Then we establish an extension theorem of Sakai type for separately
holomorphic/meromorphic functions.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0884v1 [math.CV] 6 Apr 2007EXTENSION THEOREMS OF SAKAI TYPE FOR
Abstract. We first exhibit counterexamples to some open questions related to
a theorem of Sakai. Then we establish an extension theorem of Saka i ty |
0704.0885 | Jan Pachl | Uniform measures and countably additive measures | Uniform measures are defined as the functionals on the space of bounded
uniformly continuous functions that are continuous on bounded uniformly
equicontinuous sets. If every cardinal has measure zero then every countably
additive measure is a uniform measure. The functionals sequentially continuous
on bounded uniformly equicontinuous sets are exactly uniform measures on the
separable modification of the underlying uniform space.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0885v1 [math.FA] 6 Apr 2007Uniform measures and countably additive measures
Jan Pachl
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
April 6, 2007
Uniform measures are defined as the functionals on the space o f bounded uniformly
continuous functions that are continuous on bounded unifor mly equicont |
0704.0886 | Peter Jung and Achim Rosch | Lower bounds for the conductivities of correlated quantum systems | We show how one can obtain a lower bound for the electrical, spin or heat
conductivity of correlated quantum systems described by Hamiltonians of the
form H = H0 + g H1. Here H0 is an interacting Hamiltonian characterized by
conservation laws which lead to an infinite conductivity for g=0. The small
perturbation g H1, however, renders the conductivity finite at finite
temperatures. For example, H0 could be a continuum field theory, where momentum
is conserved, or an integrable one-dimensional model while H1 might describe
the effects of weak disorder. In the limit g to 0, we derive lower bounds for
the relevant conductivities and show how they can be improved systematically
using the memory matrix formalism. Furthermore, we discuss various applications
and investigate under what conditions our lower bound may become exact.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0886v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 20 Jun 2007Lower bounds for the conductivities of correlated quantum s ystems
Peter Jung and Achim Rosch
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, 50937 Cologne, Germany.
(Dated: October 30, 2018)
We show how one can obtain a lower bound for the |
0704.0887 | S. S. Apostolov, Z. A. Mayzelis, O. V. Usatenko, V. A. Yampol'skii | Non-extensive thermodynamics of 1D systems with long-range interaction | A new approach to non-extensive thermodynamical systems with non-additive
energy and entropy is proposed. The main idea of the paper is based on the
statistical matching of the thermodynamical systems with the additive
multi-step Markov chains. This general approach is applied to the Ising spin
chain with long-range interaction between its elements. The asymptotical
expressions for the energy and entropy of the system are derived for the
limiting case of weak interaction. These thermodynamical quantities are found
to be non-proportional to the length of the system (number of its particle).
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0887v1 [] 6 Apr 2007Non-extensive thermodynamics of 1D systems with long-rang e interaction
S. S. Apostolov1,2, Z. A. Mayzelis1,2, O. V. Usatenko1∗, V. A. Yampol’skii1
1A. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics
Ukrainian Academy of Science, 12 Proskura Stre |
0704.0888 | S. Kramer (LCMI), R. Stern, M. Horvatic (LCMI), C. Berthier (LCMI), T.
Kimura (LANL), I.R. Fisher | NMR evidence for a strong modulation of the Bose-Einstein Condensate in
BaCuSi$_2$O$_6$ | We present a $^{63,65}$Cu and $^{29}$Si NMR study of the quasi-2D coupled
spin 1/2 dimer compound BaCuSi$_2$O$_6$ in the magnetic field range 13-26 T and
at temperatures as low as 50 mK. NMR data in the gapped phase reveal that below
90 K different intra-dimer exchange couplings and different gaps
($\Delta_{\rm{B}}/\Delta_{\rm{A}}$ = 1.16) exist in every second plane along
the c-axis, in addition to a planar incommensurate (IC) modulation. $^{29}$Si
spectra in the field induced magnetic ordered phase reveal that close to the
quantum critical point at $H_{\rm{c1}}$ = 23.35 T the average boson density
$\bar{n}$ of the Bose-Einstein condensate is strongly modulated along the
c-axis with a density ratio for every second plane
$\bar{n}_{\rm{A}}/\bar{n}_{\rm{B}} \simeq 5$. An IC modulation of the local
density is also present in each plane. This adds new constraints for the
understanding of the 2D value $\phi$ = 1 of the critical exponent describing
the phase boundary.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0888v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 6 Apr 2007NMR evidence for a strong modulation of the Bose-Einstein Co ndensate in BaCuSi 2O6
S. Kr¨ amer,1R. Stern,2M. Horvati´ c,1C. Berthier,1T. Kimura,3and I. R. Fisher4
1Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (GHMFL) - CNRS, BP 1 66, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 0 |
0704.0889 | Anthony F. J. van Raan | Bibliometric statistical properties of the 100 largest European
universities: prevalent scaling rules in the science system | For the 100 largest European universities we studied the statistical
properties of bibliometric indicators related to research performance, field
citation density and journal impact. We find a size-dependent cumulative
advantage for the impact of universities in terms of total number of citations.
In previous work a similar scaling rule was found at the level of research
groups. Therefore we conjecture that this scaling rule is a prevalent property
of the science system. We observe that lower performance universities have a
larger size-dependent cumulative advantage for receiving citations than
top-performance universities. We also find that for the lower-performance
universities the fraction of not-cited publications decreases considerably with
size. Generally, the higher the average journal impact of the publications of a
university, the lower the number of not-cited publications. We find that the
average research performance does not dilute with size. Large top-performance
universities succeed in keeping a high performance over a broad range of
activities. This most probably is an indication of their scientific attractive
power. Next we find that particularly for the lower-performance universities
the field citation density provides a strong cumulative advantage in citations
per publication. The relation between number of citations and field citation
density found in this study can be considered as a second basic scaling rule of
the science system. Top-performance universities publish in journals with
significantly higher journal impact as compared to the lower performance
universities. We find a significant decrease of the fraction of self-citations
with increasing research performance, average field citation density, and
average journal impact.
| What is the title of this paper? 1Bibliometric statistical properti es of the 100 largest European
universities: prevalent scaling rules in the science system
Anthony F. J. van Raan
Centre for Science and Technology Studies
Leiden University
Wassenaarseweg 52
P.O. Box 9555
2300 RB Leiden, the Netherlands
Abstract |
0704.0890 | S. Orlando, F. Bocchino, F. Reale, G. Peres, O. Petruk | On the Origin of Asymmetries in Bilateral Supernova Remnants | AIMS: We investigate whether the morphology of bilateral supernova remnants
(BSNRs) observed in the radio band is determined mainly either by a non-uniform
interstellar medium (ISM) or by a non-uniform ambient magnetic field.
METHODS: We perform 3-D MHD simulations of a spherical SNR shock propagating
through a magnetized ISM. Two cases of shock propagation are considered: 1)
through a gradient of ambient density with a uniform ambient magnetic field; 2)
through a homogeneous medium with a gradient of ambient magnetic field
strength. From the simulations, we synthesize the synchrotron radio emission,
making different assumptions about the details of acceleration and injection of
relativistic electrons.
RESULTS: We find that asymmetric BSNRs are produced if the line-of-sight is
not aligned with the gradient of ambient plasma density or with the gradient of
ambient magnetic field strength. We derive useful parameters to quantify the
degree of asymmetry of the remnants that may provide a powerful diagnostic of
the microphysics of strong shock waves through the comparison between models
and observations.
CONCLUSIONS: BSNRs with two radio limbs of different brightness can be
explained if a gradient of ambient density or, most likely, of ambient magnetic
field strength is perpendicular to the radio limbs. BSNRs with converging
similar radio arcs can be explained if the gradient runs between the two arcs.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0890v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Astronomy& Astrophysics manuscriptno.sorlando˙6045 c∝ci∇clecopy∇tESO 2018
Onthe origin ofasymmetriesinbilateral supernova remnant s
S.Orlando1,2, F.Bocchino1,2,F.Reale3,1,2, G.Peres3,1,2and O.Petruk4,5
1INAF -Osservatorio Astronomico di Palerm |
0704.0891 | M. Cribier (APC) | Reactor Monitoring with Neutrinos | The fundamental knowledge on neutrinos acquired in the recent years open the
possibility of applied neutrino physics. Among it the automatic and non
intrusive monitoring of nuclear reactor by its antineutrino signal could be
very valuable to IAEA in charge of the control of nuclear power plants. Several
efforts worldwide have already started.
| What is the title of this paper?
Reactor monitoring with Neutrinos
Michel Cribier
Astroparticule & Cosmologie
10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
F-75205 Paris Cedex 13
Abstract . The fundamental knowledge on neutrinos acquired i n the recent years open the
possibility of applied neutrino |
0704.0892 | Xingang Wang, Meng Zhan, Ghuguang Guan, and Choy Heng Lai | Nonstationary pattern in unsynchronizable complex networks | Pattern formation and evolution in unsynchronizable complex networks are
investigated. Due to the asymmetric topology, the synchronous patterns formed
in complex networks are irregular and nonstationary. For coupling strength
immediately out of the synchronizable region, the typical phenomenon is the
on-off intermittency of the system dynamics. The patterns appeared in this
process are signatured by the coexistence of a giant cluster, which comprises
most of the nodes, and a few number of small clusters. The pattern evolution is
characterized by the giant cluster irregularly absorbs or emits the small
clusters. As the coupling strength leaves away from the synchronization
bifurcation point, the giant cluster is gradually dissolved into a number of
small clusters, and the system dynamics is characterized by the integration and
separation of the small clusters. Dynamical mechanisms and statistical
properties of the nonstationary pattern evolution are analyzed and conducted,
and some scalings are newly revealed. Remarkably, it is found that the few
active nodes, which escape from the giant cluster with a high frequency, are
independent of the coupling strength while are sensitive to the bifurcation
types. We hope our findings about nonstationary pattern could give additional
understandings to the dynamics of complex systems and have implications to some
real problems where systems maintain their normal functions only in the
unsynchronizable state.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0892v1 [nlin.CD] 6 Apr 2007Nonstationary pattern inunsynchronizable complex networ ks
Xingang Wang,1,2Meng Zhan,3Shuguang Guan,1,2and Choy Heng Lai4,2
1Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, 1 17508 Singapore
2Beijing-Hong Kong-Singapore Joint Centre for Nonlinear & C o |
0704.0893 | C.E.R. Souza, J.A.O. Huguenin, P. Milman, and A.Z. Khoury | Topological phase for spin-orbit transformations on a laser beam | We investigate the topological phase associated with the double connectedness
of the SO(3) representation in terms of maximally entangled states. An
experimental demonstration is provided in the context of polarization and
spatial mode transformations of a laser beam carrying orbital angular momentum.
The topological phase is evidenced through interferometric measurements and a
quantitative relationship between the concurrence and the fringes visibility is
derived. Both the quantum and the classical regimes were investigated.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0893v1 [quant-ph] 6 Apr 2007Topological phase for spin-orbit transformations on a lase r beam
C. E. R. Souza†, J. A. O. Huguenin†, P. Milman††, and A.Z. Khoury†
†Instituto de F´ ısica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 24 210-340 Niter´ oi - RJ, Brasil. and
††Laboratoire Mat´ eriaux et P |
0704.0894 | John P. Subasavage (1), Todd J. Henry (1), P. Bergeron (2), P. Dufour
(2), Nigel C. Hambly (3), Thomas D. Beaulieu (1) ((1) Georgia State
University, (2) University of Montreal, (3) University of Edinburgh Royal
Observatory) | The Solar Neighborhood. XIX. Discovery and Characterization of 33 New
Nearby White Dwarf Systems | We present spectra for 33 previously unclassified white dwarf systems
brighter than V = 17 primarily in the southern hemisphere. Of these new
systems, 26 are DA, 4 are DC, 2 are DZ, and 1 is DQ. We suspect three of these
systems are unresolved double degenerates. We obtained VRI photometry for these
33 objects as well as for 23 known white dwarf systems without trigonometric
parallaxes, also primarily in the southern hemisphere. For the 56 objects, we
converted the photometry values to fluxes and fit them to a spectral energy
distribution using the spectroscopy to determine which model to use (i.e. pure
hydrogen, pure helium, or metal-rich helium), resulting in estimates of
effective temperature and distance. Eight of the new and 12 known systems are
estimated to be within the NStars and Catalogue of Nearby Stars (CNS) horizons
of 25 pc, constituting a potential 18% increase in the nearby white dwarf
sample. Trigonometric parallax determinations are underway via CTIOPI for these
20 systems.
One of the DCs is cool so that it displays absorption in the near infrared.
Using the distance determined via trigonometric parallax, we are able to
constrain the model-dependent physical parameters and find that this object is
most likely a mixed H/He atmosphere white dwarf similar to other cool white
dwarfs identified in recent years with significant absorption in the infrared
due to collision-induced absorptions by molecular hydrogen.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0894v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007to appear in the Astronomical Journal
The Solar Neighborhood XIX:
Discovery and Characterization of 33 New Nearby White Dwarf
John P. Subasavage, Todd J. Henry
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302-4106, thenry@chara.gsu |
0704.0895 | Nicolas Perrin | Gorenstein locus of minuscule Schubert varieties | In this article, we describe explicitely the Gorenstein locus of all
minuscule Schubert varieties. This proves a special case of a conjecture of A.
Woo and A. Yong (see math.AG/0603273) on the Gorenstein locus of Schubert
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0895v1 [math.AG] 6 Apr 2007Gorenstein locus of minuscule Schubert varieties
Nicolas Perrin
Inthisarticle, wedescribeexplicitelytheGorensteinlocusofallminus culeSchubertvarieties.
This proves a special case of a conjecture of A. Woo and A. Yong [WY 06b] on the Gorenstein
locus o |
0704.0896 | M. Dudka, R. Folk, Yu. Holovatch, G. Moser | Model C critical dynamics of random anisotropy magnets | We study the relaxational critical dynamics of the three-dimensional random
anisotropy magnets with the non-conserved n-component order parameter coupled
to a conserved scalar density. In the random anisotropy magnets the structural
disorder is present in a form of local quenched anisotropy axes of random
orientation. When the anisotropy axes are randomly distributed along the edges
of the n-dimensional hypercube, asymptotical dynamical critical properties
coincide with those of the random-site Ising model. However structural disorder
gives rise to considerable effects for non-asymptotic critical dynamics. We
investigate this phenomenon by a field-theoretical renormalization group
analysis in the two-loop order. We study critical slowing down and obtain
quantitative estimates for the effective and asymptotic critical exponents of
the order parameter and scalar density. The results predict complex scenarios
for the effective critical exponent approaching an asymptotic regime.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0896v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 6 Apr 2007Model C critical dynamics of random anisotropy
M. Dudka1,2, R. Folk2, Yu. Holovatch1,2and G. Moser3
1Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Acad. Sci. of U kraine, UA-79011
Lviv, Ukraine
2Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik, Johannes K |
0704.0897 | Viet-Anh Nguyen | A unified approach to the theory of separately holomorphic mappings | We extend the theory of separately holomorphic mappings between complex
analytic spaces. Our method is based on Poletsky theory of discs, Rosay Theorem
on holomorphic discs and our recent joint-work with Pflug on cross theorems in
dimension 1. It also relies on our new technique of conformal mappings and a
generalization of Siciak's relative extremal function.
Our approach illustrates the unified character: ``From local informations to
global extensions". Moreover, it avoids systematically the use of the classical
method of doubly orthogonal bases of Bergman type.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0897v2 [math.CV] 4 Nov 2007A UNIFIED APPROACH TO THE THEORY OF SEPARATELY
Abstract. We extend the theory of separately holomorphic mappings between
complex analytic spaces. Our method is based on Poletsky theory of discs, Rosay
Theorem on holomorp |
0704.0898 | Xavier Bekaert | Higher spin algebras as higher symmetries | The exhaustive study of the rigid symmetries of arbitrary free field theories
is motivated, along several lines, as a preliminary step in the completion of
the higher-spin interaction problem in full generality. Some results for the
simplest example (a scalar field) are reviewed and commented along these lines.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0898v2 [hep-th] 23 Aug 2007Higher spin algebras as higher symmetries
Xavier Bekaert∗
Laboratoire de Math´ ematiques et Physique Th´ eorique
Unit´ e Mixte de Recherche 6083 du CNRS, F´ ed´ eration Denis P oisson
Universit´ e Fran¸ cois Rabelais, Parc de Grandmount
37200 Tours, France
Abs |
0704.0899 | W. V. Dixon (1), D. J. Sahnow (1), P. E. Barrett (2 and 3), T. Civeit
(1 and 4), J. Dupuis (1 and 5), A. W. Fullerton (1 and 6), B. Godard (1 and
7), J. C. Hsu (2 and 8), M. E. Kaiser (1), J. W. Kruk (1), S. Lacour (1 and
9), D. J. Lindler (10), D. Massa (11), R. D. Robinson (1 and 8), M. L.
Romelfanger (1), P. Sonnentrucker (1) ((1) Johns Hopkins University, (2)
Space Telescope Science Institute, (3) U.S. Naval Observatory, (4) Centre
National d'Etudes Spatiales, (5) Canadian Space Agency, (6) University of
Victoria, (7) Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, (8) Retired, (9) Sydney
University, (10) Sigma Space Corporation, (11) SGT, Inc.) | CalFUSE v3: A Data-Reduction Pipeline for the Far Ultraviolet
Spectroscopic Explorer | Since its launch in 1999, the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE)
has made over 4600 observations of some 2500 individual targets. The data are
reduced by the Principal Investigator team at the Johns Hopkins University and
archived at the Multimission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST). The
data-reduction software package, called CalFUSE, has evolved considerably over
the lifetime of the mission. The entire FUSE data set has recently been
reprocessed with CalFUSE v3.2, the latest version of this software. This paper
describes CalFUSE v3.2, the instrument calibrations upon which it is based, and
the format of the resulting calibrated data files.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0899v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007To Appear in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Preprint typeset using L ATEX style emulateapj v. 08/22/09
W. V. Dixon2, D. J. Sahnow2, P. E. Barrett3,4, |
0704.0900 | Benoit Doucot and Lev B. Ioffe | Voltage-Current curves for small Josephson junction arrays | We compute the current voltage characteristic of a chain of identical
Josephson circuits characterized by a large ratio of Josephson to charging
energy that are envisioned as the implementation of topologically protected
qubits. We show that in the limit of small coupling to the environment it
exhibits a non-monotonous behavior with a maximum voltage followed by a
parametrically large region where $V\propto 1/I$. We argue that its
experimental measurement provides a direct probe of the amplitude of the
quantum transitions in constituting Josephson circuits and thus allows their
full characterization.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0900v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 6 Apr 2007Voltage-Current curves for small Josephson junction array s
B. Dou¸ cot1and L.B. Ioffe2
1Laboratoire de Physique Th´ eorique et Hautes ´Energies, CNRS UMR 7589,
Universit´ es Paris 6 et 7, 4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cede x 05 France
2Center for Mat |
0704.0901 | Jacob J. H. Simmons, Peter Kleban, Kevin Dahlberg, Robert M. Ziff | The density of critical percolation clusters touching the boundaries of
strips and squares | We consider the density of two-dimensional critical percolation clusters,
constrained to touch one or both boundaries, in infinite strips, half-infinite
strips, and squares, as well as several related quantities for the infinite
strip. Our theoretical results follow from conformal field theory, and are
compared with high-precision numerical simulation. For example, we show that
the density of clusters touching both boundaries of an infinite strip of unit
width (i.e. crossing clusters) is proportional to $(\sin \pi
y)^{-5/48}\{[\cos(\pi y/2)]^{1/3} +[\sin (\pi y/2)]^{1/3}-1\}$.
We also determine numerically contours for the density of clusters crossing
squares and long rectangles with open boundaries on the sides, and compare with
theory for the density along an edge.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0901v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 20 May 2007The density of critical percolation clusters touching the b oundaries of strips and
Jacob J. H. Simmons∗and Peter Kleban†
LASST and Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of M aine, Orono, ME 04469, USA
Kevin Dahlberg‡and Robert M. Ziff§ |
0704.0902 | Jan M. Tomczak, Ferdi Aryasetiawan, and Silke Biermann | Effective band-structure in the insulating phase versus strong dynamical
correlations in metallic VO2 | Using a general analytical continuation scheme for cluster dynamical mean
field calculations, we analyze real-frequency self-energies, momentum-resolved
spectral functions, and one-particle excitations of the metallic and insulating
phases of VO2. While for the former dynamical correlations and lifetime effects
prevent a description in terms of quasi-particles, the excitations of the
latter allow for an effective band-structure. We construct an
orbital-dependent, but static one-particle potential that reproduces the full
many-body spectrum. Yet, the ground state is well beyond a static one-particle
description. The emerging picture gives a non-trivial answer to the decade-old
question of the nature of the insulator, which we characterize as a ``many-body
Peierls'' state.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0902v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 12 Apr 2008Effective band-structure in the insulating phase versus
strong dynamical correlations in metallic VO 2
Jan M. Tomczak,1Ferdi Aryasetiawan,2and Silke Biermann1
1Centre de Physique Th´ eorique, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France
2Re |
0704.0903 | Elio Conte, Andrei Yu. Khrennikov, Joseph P. Zbilut | New possible properties of atomic nuclei investigated by non linear
methods: Fractal and recurrence quantification analysis | For the first time we apply the methodologies of nonlinear analysis to
investigate atomic matter. We use these methods in the analysis of Atomic
Weights and of Mass Number of atomic nuclei. Using the AutoCorrelation Function
and Mutual Information we establish the presence of nonlinear effects in the
mechanism of increasing mass of atomic nuclei considered as a function of the
atomic number. We find that increasing mass is divergent, possibly chaotic. We
also investigate the possible existence of a Power Law for atomic nuclei and,
using also the technique of the variogram, we conclude that a fractal regime
could superintend to the mechanism of increasing mass for nuclei. Finally,
using the Hurst exponent, evidence is obtained that the mechanism of increasing
mass in atomic nuclei is in the fractional Brownian regime. The most
interesting results are obtained by using Recurrence Quantification Analysis
(RQA). New recurrences, psudoperiodicities, self-resemblance and class of
self-similarities are identified with values of determinism showing oscillating
values indicating the presence of more or less stability during the process of
increasing mass of atomic nuclei. In brief, new regimes of regularities are
identified for atomic nuclei that deserve to be studied by future researches.
In particular an accurate analysis of binding energy values by nonlinear
methods is further required.
| What is the title of this paper?
New Possible Properties of Atomic Nuclei Investigated by Non Linear Methods,
Fractal and Recurrence Quantification Analysis.
Elio Conte(*)
(*) Department of Pharmacology and Human Physiology – Tires – Center for |
0704.0904 | Robin Corbet, Richard Dubois | The Use of Weighting in Periodicity Searches in All-Sky Monitor Data:
Applications to the GLAST LAT | The light curves produced by all-sky monitors, such as the Rossi X-ray Timing
Explorer All-Sky Monitor and the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT), generally
have non-uniform error bars. In searching for periodic modulation in this type
of data using power spectra it can be important to use appropriate weighting of
data points to achieve the best sensitivity. It was recently demonstrated that
for Swift BAT data a simple weighting scheme can actually sometimes reduce the
sensitivity of the power spectrum depending on source brightness. Instead, a
modified weighting scheme, based on the Cochran semi-weighted mean, gives
improved results independent of source brightness. We investigate the benefits
of weighting power spectra in period searches using simulated GLAST LAT
observations of gamma-ray binaries.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0904v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007TheUse ofWeightinginPeriodicitySearches inAll-Sky
MonitorData:Applicationstothe GLASTLAT
Robin Corbet∗andRichardDubois†
∗CRESST/USRA/GSFC,Code662NASA/GSFC,GreenbeltRoad,Gre enbeltMD 20771
†StanfordLinearAcceleratorCenter, MenloPark,CA 94025
Abstract. The ligh |
0704.0905 | D. V. Luki\'c, M. Schnell, D. W. Savin, C. Brandau, E. W. Schmidt, S.
B\"ohm, A. M\"uller, S. Schippers, M. Lestinsky, F. Sprenger, A. Wolf, Z.
Altun, N. R. Badnell | Dielectronic Recombination of Fe XV forming Fe XIV: Laboratory
Measurements and Theoretical Calculations | We have measured resonance strengths and energies for dielectronic
recombination (DR) of Mg-like Fe XV forming Al-like Fe XIV via N=3 -> N' = 3
core excitations in the electron-ion collision energy range 0-45 eV. All
measurements were carried out using the heavy-ion Test Storage Ring at the Max
Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. We have also
carried out new multiconfiguration Breit-Pauli (MCBP) calculations using the
AUTOSTRUCTURE code. For electron-ion collision energies < 25 eV we find poor
agreement between our experimental and theoretical resonance energies and
strengths. From 25 to 42 eV we find good agreement between the two for
resonance energies. But in this energy range the theoretical resonance
strengths are ~ 31% larger than the experimental results. This is larger than
our estimated total experimental uncertainty in this energy range of +/- 26%
(at a 90% confidence level). Above 42 eV the difference in the shape between
the calculated and measured 3s3p(^1P_1)nl DR series limit we attribute partly
to the nl dependence of the detection probabilities of high Rydberg states in
the experiment. We have used our measurements, supplemented by our
AUTOSTRUCTURE calculations, to produce a Maxwellian-averaged 3 -> 3 DR rate
coefficient for Fe XV forming Fe XIV. The resulting rate coefficient is
estimated to be accurate to better than +/- 29% (at a 90% confidence level) for
k_BT_e > 1 eV. At temperatures of k_BT_e ~ 2.5-15 eV, where Fe XV is predicted
to form in photoionized plasmas, significant discrepancies are found between
our experimentally-derived rate coefficient and previously published
theoretical results. Our new MCBP plasma rate coefficient is 19-28% smaller
than our experimental results over this temperature range.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0905v1 [astro-ph] 6 Apr 2007Dielectronic Recombination of Fe XVforming Fe XIV: Laboratory
Measurements and Theoretical Calculations
D. V. Luki ´c1, M. Schnell2, and D. W. Savin
Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, Columbia University,
New York, NY 10027, USA
C. Bra |
0704.0906 | Bassetti Federico, Leisen Fabrizio | Metropolis algorithm and equienergy sampling for two mean field spin
systems | In this paper we study the Metropolis algorithm in connection with two
mean--field spin systems, the so called mean--field Ising model and the
Blume--Emery--Griffiths model. In both this examples the naive choice of
proposal chain gives rise, for some parameters, to a slowly mixing Metropolis
chain, that is a chain whose spectral gap decreases exponentially fast (in the
dimension $N$ of the problem). Here we show how a slight variant in the
proposal chain can avoid this problem, keeping the mean computational cost
similar to the cost of the usual Metropolis. More precisely we prove that, with
a suitable variant in the proposal, the Metropolis chain has a spectral gap
which decreases polynomially in 1/N. Using some symmetry structure of the
energy, the method rests on allowing appropriate jumps within the energy level
of the starting state.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0906v2 [math.PR] 8 May 2007METROPOLIS ALGORITHM AND EQUIENERGY SAMPLING
Abstract. In this paper we study the Metropolis algorithm in connectio n
with two mean–field spin systems, the so called mean–field Isi ng model an |
0704.0907 | Eva Zakka-Bajjani (SPEC), Julien Segala (SPEC), Fabien Portier (SPEC),
Patrice Roche (SPEC), Christian Glattli (SPEC), Antonella Cavanna (LPN), Yong
Jin (LPN) | Experimental Test of the High-Frequency Quantum Shot Noise Theory in a
Quantum Point Contact | We report on direct measurements of the electronic shot noise of a quantum
point contact at frequencies nu in the range 4-8 GHz. The very small energy
scale used ensures energy independent transmissions of the few transmitted
electronic modes and their accurate knowledge. Both the thermal energy and the
quantum point contact drain-source voltage Vds are comparable to the photon
energy hnu leading to observation of the shot noise suppression when
$V_{ds}<h\nu/e$. Our measurements provide the first complete test of the finite
frequency shot noise scattering theory without adjustable parameters.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0907v4 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 22 Apr 2008Experimental test of the high frequency quantum shot noise t heory in a Quantum
Point Contact
E. Zakka-Bajjani, J. S´ egala, F. Portier,∗P. Roche, and D. C. Glattli†
Nanoelectronic group, Service de Physique de l’Etat Conden s´ e,
CEA Saclay, F-9119 |
0704.0908 | Lawrence Rudnick, Shea Brown, and Liliya R. Williams | Extragalactic Radio Sources and the WMAP Cold Spot | We detect a dip of 20-45% in the surface brightness and number counts of NVSS
sources smoothed to a few degrees at the location of the WMAP cold spot. The
dip has structure on scales of approximately 1-10 degrees. Together with
independent all-sky wavelet analyses, our results suggest that the dip in
extragalactic brightness and number counts and the WMAP cold spot are
physically related, i.e., that the coincidence is neither a statistical anomaly
nor a WMAP foreground correction problem. If the cold spot does originate from
structures at modest redshifts, as we suggest, then there is no remaining need
for non-Gaussian processes at the last scattering surface of the CMB to explain
the cold spot. The late integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, already seen
statistically for NVSS source counts, can now be seen to operate on a single
region. To create the magnitude and angular size of the WMAP cold spot requires
a ~140 Mpc radius completely empty void at z<=1 along this line of sight. This
is far outside the current expectations of the concordance cosmology, and adds
to the anomalies seen in the CMB.
| What is the title of this paper? arXiv:0704.0908v2 [astro-ph] 3 Aug 2007Extragalactic Radio Sources and the WMAP Cold spot
Lawrence Rudnick1, Shea Brown2, Liliya R. Williams3
Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota
116 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
We detect a dip of 20-45% in the surface brightness and n |