protected byte readByte () throws DRDAProtocolException { ensureBLayerDataInBuffer (1, ADJUST_LENGTHS); return (byte) (buffer[pos++] & 0xff); }
protected byte readByte () throws DRDAProtocolException { ensureBLayerDataInBuffer (1, ADJUST_LENGTHS); return buffer[pos++]; }
private boolean readBoolean(int codepoint) throws DRDAProtocolException { checkLength(codepoint, 1); int val = reader.readByte(); if (val == CodePoint.TRUE) return true; else if (val == CodePoint.FALSE) return false; else invalidValue(codepoint); return false; //to shut the compiler up }
private boolean readBoolean(int codepoint) throws DRDAProtocolException { checkLength(codepoint, 1); byte val = reader.readByte(); if (val == CodePoint.TRUE) return true; else if (val == CodePoint.FALSE) return false; else invalidValue(codepoint); return false; //to shut the compiler up }
public int run(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { addInputOption(); addOutputOption(); addOption("numRecommendations", "n", "Number of recommendations per user", String.valueOf(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.DEFAULT_NUM_RECOMMENDATIONS)); addOption("usersFile", "u", "File of users to recommend for", null); addOption("itemsFile", "i", "File of items to recommend for", null); addOption("filterFile", "f", "File containing comma-separated userID,itemID pairs. Used to exclude the item from " + "the recommendations for that user (optional)", null); addOption("booleanData", "b", "Treat input as without pref values", Boolean.FALSE.toString()); addOption("maxPrefsPerUser", "mp", "Maximum number of preferences considered per user in final recommendation phase", String.valueOf(UserVectorSplitterMapper.DEFAULT_MAX_PREFS_PER_USER_CONSIDERED)); addOption("minPrefsPerUser", "mp", "ignore users with less preferences than this in the similarity computation " + "(default: " + DEFAULT_MIN_PREFS_PER_USER + ')', String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MIN_PREFS_PER_USER)); addOption("maxSimilaritiesPerItem", "m", "Maximum number of similarities considered per item ", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MAX_SIMILARITIES_PER_ITEM)); addOption("maxCooccurrencesPerItem", "mo", "try to cap the number of cooccurrences per item to this " + "number (default: " + DEFAULT_MAX_COOCCURRENCES_PER_ITEM + ')', String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MAX_COOCCURRENCES_PER_ITEM)); addOption("similarityClassname", "s", "Name of distributed similarity class to instantiate, alternatively use " + "one of the predefined similarities (" + SimilarityType.listEnumNames() + ')', String.valueOf(SimilarityType.SIMILARITY_COOCCURRENCE)); Map<String,String> parsedArgs = parseArguments(args); if (parsedArgs == null) { return -1; } Path inputPath = getInputPath(); Path outputPath = getOutputPath(); int numRecommendations = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--numRecommendations")); String usersFile = parsedArgs.get("--usersFile"); String itemsFile = parsedArgs.get("--itemsFile"); String filterFile = parsedArgs.get("--filterFile"); boolean booleanData = Boolean.valueOf(parsedArgs.get("--booleanData")); int maxPrefsPerUser = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--maxPrefsPerUser")); int minPrefsPerUser = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--minPrefsPerUser")); int maxSimilaritiesPerItem = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--maxSimilaritiesPerItem")); int maxCooccurrencesPerItem = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--maxCooccurrencesPerItem")); String similarityClassname = parsedArgs.get("--similarityClassname"); Path userVectorPath = getTempPath("userVectors"); Path itemIDIndexPath = getTempPath("itemIDIndex"); Path countUsersPath = getTempPath("countUsers"); Path itemUserMatrixPath = getTempPath("itemUserMatrix"); Path similarityMatrixPath = getTempPath("similarityMatrix"); Path prePartialMultiplyPath1 = getTempPath("prePartialMultiply1"); Path prePartialMultiplyPath2 = getTempPath("prePartialMultiply2"); Path explicitFilterPath = getTempPath("explicitFilterPath"); Path partialMultiplyPath = getTempPath("partialMultiply"); AtomicInteger currentPhase = new AtomicInteger(); if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job itemIDIndex = prepareJob( inputPath, itemIDIndexPath, TextInputFormat.class, ItemIDIndexMapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VarLongWritable.class, ItemIDIndexReducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VarLongWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); itemIDIndex.setCombinerClass(ItemIDIndexReducer.class); itemIDIndex.waitForCompletion(true); } int numberOfUsers = 0; if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job toUserVector = prepareJob( inputPath, userVectorPath, TextInputFormat.class, ToItemPrefsMapper.class, VarLongWritable.class, booleanData ? VarLongWritable.class : EntityPrefWritable.class, ToUserVectorReducer.class, VarLongWritable.class, VectorWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); toUserVector.getConfiguration().setBoolean(BOOLEAN_DATA, booleanData); toUserVector.getConfiguration().setInt(ToUserVectorReducer.MIN_PREFERENCES_PER_USER, minPrefsPerUser); toUserVector.waitForCompletion(true); numberOfUsers = (int) toUserVector.getCounters().findCounter(ToUserVectorReducer.Counters.USERS).getValue(); } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job maybePruneAndTransponse = prepareJob(userVectorPath, itemUserMatrixPath, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, MaybePruneRowsMapper.class, IntWritable.class, DistributedRowMatrix.MatrixEntryWritable.class, ToItemVectorsReducer.class, IntWritable.class, VectorWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); maybePruneAndTransponse.getConfiguration().setInt(MaybePruneRowsMapper.MAX_COOCCURRENCES, maxCooccurrencesPerItem); maybePruneAndTransponse.waitForCompletion(true); } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { /* Once DistributedRowMatrix uses the hadoop 0.20 API, we should refactor this call to something like * new DistributedRowMatrix(...).rowSimilarity(...) */ try { ToolRunner.run(getConf(), new RowSimilarityJob(), new String[] { "-Dmapred.input.dir=" + itemUserMatrixPath, "-Dmapred.output.dir=" + similarityMatrixPath, "--numberOfColumns", String.valueOf(numberOfUsers), "--similarityClassname", similarityClassname, "--maxSimilaritiesPerRow", String.valueOf(maxSimilaritiesPerItem + 1), "--tempDir", getTempPath().toString() }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("item-item-similarity computation failed", e); } } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job prePartialMultiply1 = prepareJob( similarityMatrixPath, prePartialMultiplyPath1, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, SimilarityMatrixRowWrapperMapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, Reducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); prePartialMultiply1.waitForCompletion(true); Job prePartialMultiply2 = prepareJob( userVectorPath, prePartialMultiplyPath2, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, UserVectorSplitterMapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, Reducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); if (usersFile != null) { prePartialMultiply2.getConfiguration().set(UserVectorSplitterMapper.USERS_FILE, usersFile); } prePartialMultiply2.getConfiguration().setInt(UserVectorSplitterMapper.MAX_PREFS_PER_USER_CONSIDERED, maxPrefsPerUser); prePartialMultiply2.waitForCompletion(true); Job partialMultiply = prepareJob( new Path(prePartialMultiplyPath1 + "," + prePartialMultiplyPath2), partialMultiplyPath, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, Mapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, ToVectorAndPrefReducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorAndPrefsWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); setS3SafeCombinedInputPath(partialMultiply, getTempPath(), prePartialMultiplyPath1, prePartialMultiplyPath2); partialMultiply.waitForCompletion(true); } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { /* convert the user/item pairs to filter if a filterfile has been specified */ if (filterFile != null) { Job itemFiltering = prepareJob(new Path(filterFile), explicitFilterPath, TextInputFormat.class, ItemFilterMapper.class, VarLongWritable.class, VarLongWritable.class, ItemFilterAsVectorAndPrefsReducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorAndPrefsWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); itemFiltering.waitForCompletion(true); } String aggregateAndRecommendInput = partialMultiplyPath.toString(); if (filterFile != null) { aggregateAndRecommendInput += "," + explicitFilterPath; } Job aggregateAndRecommend = prepareJob( new Path(aggregateAndRecommendInput), outputPath, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, PartialMultiplyMapper.class, VarLongWritable.class, PrefAndSimilarityColumnWritable.class, AggregateAndRecommendReducer.class, VarLongWritable.class, RecommendedItemsWritable.class, TextOutputFormat.class); Configuration aggregateAndRecommendConf = aggregateAndRecommend.getConfiguration(); if (itemsFile != null) { aggregateAndRecommendConf.set(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.ITEMS_FILE, itemsFile); } if (filterFile != null) { setS3SafeCombinedInputPath(aggregateAndRecommend, getTempPath(), partialMultiplyPath, explicitFilterPath); } setIOSort(aggregateAndRecommend); aggregateAndRecommendConf.set(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.ITEMID_INDEX_PATH, itemIDIndexPath.toString()); aggregateAndRecommendConf.setInt(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.NUM_RECOMMENDATIONS, numRecommendations); aggregateAndRecommendConf.setBoolean(BOOLEAN_DATA, booleanData); aggregateAndRecommend.waitForCompletion(true); } return 0; }
public int run(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { addInputOption(); addOutputOption(); addOption("numRecommendations", "n", "Number of recommendations per user", String.valueOf(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.DEFAULT_NUM_RECOMMENDATIONS)); addOption("usersFile", "u", "File of users to recommend for", null); addOption("itemsFile", "i", "File of items to recommend for", null); addOption("filterFile", "f", "File containing comma-separated userID,itemID pairs. Used to exclude the item from " + "the recommendations for that user (optional)", null); addOption("booleanData", "b", "Treat input as without pref values", Boolean.FALSE.toString()); addOption("maxPrefsPerUser", "mxp", "Maximum number of preferences considered per user in final recommendation phase", String.valueOf(UserVectorSplitterMapper.DEFAULT_MAX_PREFS_PER_USER_CONSIDERED)); addOption("minPrefsPerUser", "mp", "ignore users with less preferences than this in the similarity computation " + "(default: " + DEFAULT_MIN_PREFS_PER_USER + ')', String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MIN_PREFS_PER_USER)); addOption("maxSimilaritiesPerItem", "m", "Maximum number of similarities considered per item ", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MAX_SIMILARITIES_PER_ITEM)); addOption("maxCooccurrencesPerItem", "mo", "try to cap the number of cooccurrences per item to this " + "number (default: " + DEFAULT_MAX_COOCCURRENCES_PER_ITEM + ')', String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MAX_COOCCURRENCES_PER_ITEM)); addOption("similarityClassname", "s", "Name of distributed similarity class to instantiate, alternatively use " + "one of the predefined similarities (" + SimilarityType.listEnumNames() + ')', String.valueOf(SimilarityType.SIMILARITY_COOCCURRENCE)); Map<String,String> parsedArgs = parseArguments(args); if (parsedArgs == null) { return -1; } Path inputPath = getInputPath(); Path outputPath = getOutputPath(); int numRecommendations = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--numRecommendations")); String usersFile = parsedArgs.get("--usersFile"); String itemsFile = parsedArgs.get("--itemsFile"); String filterFile = parsedArgs.get("--filterFile"); boolean booleanData = Boolean.valueOf(parsedArgs.get("--booleanData")); int maxPrefsPerUser = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--maxPrefsPerUser")); int minPrefsPerUser = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--minPrefsPerUser")); int maxSimilaritiesPerItem = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--maxSimilaritiesPerItem")); int maxCooccurrencesPerItem = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("--maxCooccurrencesPerItem")); String similarityClassname = parsedArgs.get("--similarityClassname"); Path userVectorPath = getTempPath("userVectors"); Path itemIDIndexPath = getTempPath("itemIDIndex"); Path countUsersPath = getTempPath("countUsers"); Path itemUserMatrixPath = getTempPath("itemUserMatrix"); Path similarityMatrixPath = getTempPath("similarityMatrix"); Path prePartialMultiplyPath1 = getTempPath("prePartialMultiply1"); Path prePartialMultiplyPath2 = getTempPath("prePartialMultiply2"); Path explicitFilterPath = getTempPath("explicitFilterPath"); Path partialMultiplyPath = getTempPath("partialMultiply"); AtomicInteger currentPhase = new AtomicInteger(); if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job itemIDIndex = prepareJob( inputPath, itemIDIndexPath, TextInputFormat.class, ItemIDIndexMapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VarLongWritable.class, ItemIDIndexReducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VarLongWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); itemIDIndex.setCombinerClass(ItemIDIndexReducer.class); itemIDIndex.waitForCompletion(true); } int numberOfUsers = 0; if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job toUserVector = prepareJob( inputPath, userVectorPath, TextInputFormat.class, ToItemPrefsMapper.class, VarLongWritable.class, booleanData ? VarLongWritable.class : EntityPrefWritable.class, ToUserVectorReducer.class, VarLongWritable.class, VectorWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); toUserVector.getConfiguration().setBoolean(BOOLEAN_DATA, booleanData); toUserVector.getConfiguration().setInt(ToUserVectorReducer.MIN_PREFERENCES_PER_USER, minPrefsPerUser); toUserVector.waitForCompletion(true); numberOfUsers = (int) toUserVector.getCounters().findCounter(ToUserVectorReducer.Counters.USERS).getValue(); } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job maybePruneAndTransponse = prepareJob(userVectorPath, itemUserMatrixPath, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, MaybePruneRowsMapper.class, IntWritable.class, DistributedRowMatrix.MatrixEntryWritable.class, ToItemVectorsReducer.class, IntWritable.class, VectorWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); maybePruneAndTransponse.getConfiguration().setInt(MaybePruneRowsMapper.MAX_COOCCURRENCES, maxCooccurrencesPerItem); maybePruneAndTransponse.waitForCompletion(true); } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { /* Once DistributedRowMatrix uses the hadoop 0.20 API, we should refactor this call to something like * new DistributedRowMatrix(...).rowSimilarity(...) */ try { ToolRunner.run(getConf(), new RowSimilarityJob(), new String[] { "-Dmapred.input.dir=" + itemUserMatrixPath, "-Dmapred.output.dir=" + similarityMatrixPath, "--numberOfColumns", String.valueOf(numberOfUsers), "--similarityClassname", similarityClassname, "--maxSimilaritiesPerRow", String.valueOf(maxSimilaritiesPerItem + 1), "--tempDir", getTempPath().toString() }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("item-item-similarity computation failed", e); } } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { Job prePartialMultiply1 = prepareJob( similarityMatrixPath, prePartialMultiplyPath1, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, SimilarityMatrixRowWrapperMapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, Reducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); prePartialMultiply1.waitForCompletion(true); Job prePartialMultiply2 = prepareJob( userVectorPath, prePartialMultiplyPath2, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, UserVectorSplitterMapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, Reducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); if (usersFile != null) { prePartialMultiply2.getConfiguration().set(UserVectorSplitterMapper.USERS_FILE, usersFile); } prePartialMultiply2.getConfiguration().setInt(UserVectorSplitterMapper.MAX_PREFS_PER_USER_CONSIDERED, maxPrefsPerUser); prePartialMultiply2.waitForCompletion(true); Job partialMultiply = prepareJob( new Path(prePartialMultiplyPath1 + "," + prePartialMultiplyPath2), partialMultiplyPath, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, Mapper.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorOrPrefWritable.class, ToVectorAndPrefReducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorAndPrefsWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); setS3SafeCombinedInputPath(partialMultiply, getTempPath(), prePartialMultiplyPath1, prePartialMultiplyPath2); partialMultiply.waitForCompletion(true); } if (shouldRunNextPhase(parsedArgs, currentPhase)) { /* convert the user/item pairs to filter if a filterfile has been specified */ if (filterFile != null) { Job itemFiltering = prepareJob(new Path(filterFile), explicitFilterPath, TextInputFormat.class, ItemFilterMapper.class, VarLongWritable.class, VarLongWritable.class, ItemFilterAsVectorAndPrefsReducer.class, VarIntWritable.class, VectorAndPrefsWritable.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); itemFiltering.waitForCompletion(true); } String aggregateAndRecommendInput = partialMultiplyPath.toString(); if (filterFile != null) { aggregateAndRecommendInput += "," + explicitFilterPath; } Job aggregateAndRecommend = prepareJob( new Path(aggregateAndRecommendInput), outputPath, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, PartialMultiplyMapper.class, VarLongWritable.class, PrefAndSimilarityColumnWritable.class, AggregateAndRecommendReducer.class, VarLongWritable.class, RecommendedItemsWritable.class, TextOutputFormat.class); Configuration aggregateAndRecommendConf = aggregateAndRecommend.getConfiguration(); if (itemsFile != null) { aggregateAndRecommendConf.set(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.ITEMS_FILE, itemsFile); } if (filterFile != null) { setS3SafeCombinedInputPath(aggregateAndRecommend, getTempPath(), partialMultiplyPath, explicitFilterPath); } setIOSort(aggregateAndRecommend); aggregateAndRecommendConf.set(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.ITEMID_INDEX_PATH, itemIDIndexPath.toString()); aggregateAndRecommendConf.setInt(AggregateAndRecommendReducer.NUM_RECOMMENDATIONS, numRecommendations); aggregateAndRecommendConf.setBoolean(BOOLEAN_DATA, booleanData); aggregateAndRecommend.waitForCompletion(true); } return 0; }
public void testFSDirectoryFilter() throws IOException { checkDirectoryFilter(FSDirectory.open(new File("test"))); }
public void testFSDirectoryFilter() throws IOException { checkDirectoryFilter(FSDirectory.open(new File(System.getProperty("tempDir"),"test"))); }
private void schedule() { requestScheduler.queue(Thread.currentThread(), clientState.getSchedulingId()); }
private void schedule() { requestScheduler.queue(Thread.currentThread(), clientState.getSchedulingValue()); }
private void syncRequest(Node node, UpdateRequestExt ureq) { Request sreq = new Request(); sreq.node = node; sreq.ureq = ureq; String url = node.getUrl(); String fullUrl; if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://")) { fullUrl = "http://" + url; } else { fullUrl = url; } HttpSolrServer server = new HttpSolrServer(fullUrl, updateShardHandler.getHttpClient()); try { sreq.ursp = server.request(ureq); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Failed synchronous update on shard " + sreq.node, sreq.exception); } }
private void syncRequest(Node node, UpdateRequestExt ureq) { Request sreq = new Request(); sreq.node = node; sreq.ureq = ureq; String url = node.getUrl(); String fullUrl; if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://")) { fullUrl = "http://" + url; } else { fullUrl = url; } HttpSolrServer server = new HttpSolrServer(fullUrl, updateShardHandler.getHttpClient()); try { sreq.ursp = server.request(ureq); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Failed synchronous update on shard " + sreq.node + " update: " + ureq , e); } }
public String init(NamedList config, SolrCore core) { LOG.info("init: " + config); String name = super.init(config, core); threshold = config.get(THRESHOLD_TOKEN_FREQUENCY) == null ? 0.0f : (Float) config.get(THRESHOLD_TOKEN_FREQUENCY); sourceLocation = (String) config.get(LOCATION); field = (String)config.get(FIELD); lookupImpl = (String)config.get(LOOKUP_IMPL); if (lookupImpl == null) { lookupImpl = JaspellLookup.class.getName(); } String store = (String)config.get(STORE_DIR); if (store != null) { storeDir = new File(store); if (!storeDir.isAbsolute()) { storeDir = new File(core.getDataDir() + File.separator + storeDir); } if (!storeDir.exists()) { storeDir.mkdirs(); } } return name; }
public String init(NamedList config, SolrCore core) { LOG.info("init: " + config); String name = super.init(config, core); threshold = config.get(THRESHOLD_TOKEN_FREQUENCY) == null ? 0.0f : Float.valueOf((String)config.get(THRESHOLD_TOKEN_FREQUENCY)); sourceLocation = (String) config.get(LOCATION); field = (String)config.get(FIELD); lookupImpl = (String)config.get(LOOKUP_IMPL); if (lookupImpl == null) { lookupImpl = JaspellLookup.class.getName(); } String store = (String)config.get(STORE_DIR); if (store != null) { storeDir = new File(store); if (!storeDir.isAbsolute()) { storeDir = new File(core.getDataDir() + File.separator + storeDir); } if (!storeDir.exists()) { storeDir.mkdirs(); } } return name; }
public void cacheCurrentTerm(SegmentTermEnum enumerator) { termsCache.put(new CloneableTerm(enumerator.term()), new TermInfoAndOrd(enumerator.termInfo, enumerator.position)); } TermInfo seekEnum(SegmentTermEnum enumerator, Term term, boolean useCache) throws IOException { if (useCache) { return seekEnum(enumerator, term, termsCache.get(new CloneableTerm(term)), useCache); } else { return seekEnum(enumerator, term, null, useCache); } } TermInfo seekEnum(SegmentTermEnum enumerator, Term term, TermInfoAndOrd tiOrd, boolean useCache) throws IOException { if (size == 0) { return null; } // optimize sequential access: first try scanning cached enum w/o seeking if (enumerator.term() != null // term is at or past current && ((enumerator.prev() != null && term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.prev())> 0) || term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.term()) >= 0)) { int enumOffset = (int)(enumerator.position/totalIndexInterval)+1; if (indexTerms.length == enumOffset // but before end of block || term.compareToUTF16(indexTerms[enumOffset]) < 0) { // no need to seek final TermInfo ti; int numScans = enumerator.scanTo(term); if (enumerator.term() != null && term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.term()) == 0) { ti = enumerator.termInfo; if (numScans > 1) { // we only want to put this TermInfo into the cache if // scanEnum skipped more than one dictionary entry. // This prevents RangeQueries or WildcardQueries to // wipe out the cache when they iterate over a large numbers // of terms in order if (tiOrd == null) { if (useCache) { termsCache.put(new CloneableTerm(term), new TermInfoAndOrd(ti, enumerator.position)); } } else { assert sameTermInfo(ti, tiOrd, enumerator); assert (int) enumerator.position == tiOrd.termOrd; } } } else { ti = null; } return ti; } } // random-access: must seek final int indexPos; if (tiOrd != null) { indexPos = (int) (tiOrd.termOrd / totalIndexInterval); } else { // Must do binary search: indexPos = getIndexOffset(term); } seekEnum(enumerator, indexPos); enumerator.scanTo(term); final TermInfo ti; if (enumerator.term() != null && term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.term()) == 0) { ti = enumerator.termInfo; if (tiOrd == null) { if (useCache) { termsCache.put(new CloneableTerm(term), new TermInfoAndOrd(ti, enumerator.position)); } } else { assert sameTermInfo(ti, tiOrd, enumerator); assert (int) enumerator.position == tiOrd.termOrd; } } else { ti = null; } return ti; }
public void cacheCurrentTerm(SegmentTermEnum enumerator) { termsCache.put(new CloneableTerm(enumerator.term()), new TermInfoAndOrd(enumerator.termInfo, enumerator.position)); } TermInfo seekEnum(SegmentTermEnum enumerator, Term term, boolean useCache) throws IOException { if (useCache) { return seekEnum(enumerator, term, termsCache.get(new CloneableTerm(term)), useCache); } else { return seekEnum(enumerator, term, null, useCache); } } TermInfo seekEnum(SegmentTermEnum enumerator, Term term, TermInfoAndOrd tiOrd, boolean useCache) throws IOException { if (size == 0) { return null; } // optimize sequential access: first try scanning cached enum w/o seeking if (enumerator.term() != null // term is at or past current && ((enumerator.prev() != null && term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.prev())> 0) || term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.term()) >= 0)) { int enumOffset = (int)(enumerator.position/totalIndexInterval)+1; if (indexTerms.length == enumOffset // but before end of block || term.compareToUTF16(indexTerms[enumOffset]) < 0) { // no need to seek final TermInfo ti; int numScans = enumerator.scanTo(term); if (enumerator.term() != null && term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.term()) == 0) { ti = enumerator.termInfo; if (numScans > 1) { // we only want to put this TermInfo into the cache if // scanEnum skipped more than one dictionary entry. // This prevents RangeQueries or WildcardQueries to // wipe out the cache when they iterate over a large numbers // of terms in order if (tiOrd == null) { if (useCache) { termsCache.put(new CloneableTerm(term), new TermInfoAndOrd(ti, enumerator.position)); } } else { assert sameTermInfo(ti, tiOrd, enumerator); assert (int) enumerator.position == tiOrd.termOrd; } } } else { ti = null; } return ti; } } // random-access: must seek final int indexPos; if (tiOrd != null) { indexPos = (int) (tiOrd.termOrd / totalIndexInterval); } else { // Must do binary search: indexPos = getIndexOffset(term); } seekEnum(enumerator, indexPos); enumerator.scanTo(term); final TermInfo ti; if (enumerator.term() != null && term.compareToUTF16(enumerator.term()) == 0) { ti = enumerator.termInfo; if (tiOrd == null) { if (useCache) { termsCache.put(new CloneableTerm(term), new TermInfoAndOrd(ti, enumerator.position)); } } else { assert sameTermInfo(ti, tiOrd, enumerator); assert enumerator.position == tiOrd.termOrd; } } else { ti = null; } return ti; }
private static final char UNABLE_TO_PROXY = '#'; public static Class<?> getProxySubclass(Class<?> aClass) throws UnableToProxyException { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_ENTRY, "getProxySubclass", new Object[] { aClass }); ClassLoader loader = aClass.getClassLoader(); // in the special case where the loader is null we use the thread // ContextClassLoader // this is for subclassing java.* or javax.* packages if (loader == null) loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); ConcurrentMap<String, String> proxyMap; synchronized (loader) { proxyMap = proxyClassesByClassLoader.get(loader); if (proxyMap == null) { proxyMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); proxyClassesByClassLoader.put(loader, proxyMap); } } // check the map to see if we have already generated a subclass for this // class // if we have return the mapped class object // if we haven't generate the subclass and return it Class<?> classToReturn = null; synchronized (aClass) { String key = aClass.getName(); String className = proxyMap.get(key); if (className != null) { LOGGER.debug("Found proxy subclass with key {} and name {}.", key, className); if (className.charAt(0) == FINAL_MODIFIER) { String[] exceptionParts = className.substring(1).split(":"); if (exceptionParts.length == 1) { throw new FinalModifierException(aClass); } else { throw new FinalModifierException(aClass, exceptionParts[1]); } } else if (className.charAt(0) == UNABLE_TO_PROXY) { throw new UnableToProxyException(aClass); } try { classToReturn = loader.loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, cnfe); throw new UnableToLoadProxyException(className, cnfe); } } else { LOGGER.debug("Need to generate subclass. Using key {}.", key); try { scanForFinalModifiers(aClass); classToReturn = generateAndLoadSubclass(aClass, loader); if (classToReturn != null) { proxyMap.put(key, classToReturn.getName()); } else { proxyMap.put(key, UNABLE_TO_PROXY + aClass.getName()); throw new UnableToProxyException(aClass); } } catch (FinalModifierException e) { if (e.isFinalClass()) { proxyMap.put(key, FINAL_MODIFIER + e.getClassName()); throw e; } else { proxyMap.put(key, FINAL_MODIFIER + e.getClassName() + ':' + e.getFinalMethods()); throw e; } } } } LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXIT, "getProxySubclass", classToReturn); return classToReturn; } public static Object newProxySubclassInstance(Class<?> classToProxy, InvocationHandler ih) throws UnableToProxyException { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_ENTRY, "newProxySubclassInstance", new Object[] { classToProxy, ih }); Object proxySubclassInstance = null; try { Class<?> generatedProxySubclass = getProxySubclass(classToProxy); LOGGER.debug("Getting the proxy subclass constructor"); Constructor<?> subclassConstructor = generatedProxySubclass .getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class }); LOGGER.debug("Invoking the proxy subclass constructor"); proxySubclassInstance = subclassConstructor.newInstance(ih); LOGGER.debug("Invoked proxy subclass constructor"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, nsme); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, nsme); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, ite); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, ite); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, ie); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, ie); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, iae); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, iae); } LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXIT, "newProxySubclassInstance", proxySubclassInstance); return proxySubclassInstance; } private static Class<?> generateAndLoadSubclass(Class<?> aClass, ClassLoader loader) throws UnableToProxyException { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_ENTRY, "generateAndLoadSubclass", new Object[] { aClass, loader }); // set the newClassName String newClassName = "$" + aClass.getSimpleName() + aClass.hashCode(); String packageName = aClass.getPackage().getName(); if (packageName.startsWith("java.") || packageName.startsWith("javax.")) { packageName = "com.ibm.osgi.blueprint.proxy." + packageName; } String fullNewClassName = (packageName + "." + newClassName).replaceAll("\\.", "/"); LOGGER.debug("New class name: {}", newClassName); LOGGER.debug("Full new class name: {}", fullNewClassName); Class<?> clazz = null; try { ClassReader cReader = new ClassReader(loader.getResourceAsStream(aClass.getName().replaceAll( "\\.", "/") + ".class")); ClassWriter cWriter = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS); ClassVisitor dynamicSubclassAdapter = new ProxySubclassAdapter(cWriter, fullNewClassName, loader); byte[] byteClassData = processClass(cReader, cWriter, dynamicSubclassAdapter); clazz = loadClassFromBytes(loader, getBinaryName(fullNewClassName), byteClassData, aClass .getName()); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, ioe); throw new ProxyClassBytecodeGenerationException(aClass.getName(), ioe); } catch (TypeNotPresentException tnpe) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, tnpe); throw new ProxyClassBytecodeGenerationException(tnpe.typeName(), tnpe.getCause()); } LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXIT, "generateAndLoadSubclass", clazz); return clazz; }
private static final char UNABLE_TO_PROXY = '#'; public static Class<?> getProxySubclass(Class<?> aClass) throws UnableToProxyException { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_ENTRY, "getProxySubclass", new Object[] { aClass }); ClassLoader loader = aClass.getClassLoader(); // in the special case where the loader is null we use the thread // ContextClassLoader // this is for subclassing java.* or javax.* packages if (loader == null) loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); ConcurrentMap<String, String> proxyMap; synchronized (loader) { proxyMap = proxyClassesByClassLoader.get(loader); if (proxyMap == null) { proxyMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); proxyClassesByClassLoader.put(loader, proxyMap); } } // check the map to see if we have already generated a subclass for this // class // if we have return the mapped class object // if we haven't generate the subclass and return it Class<?> classToReturn = null; synchronized (aClass) { String key = aClass.getName(); String className = proxyMap.get(key); if (className != null) { LOGGER.debug("Found proxy subclass with key {} and name {}.", key, className); if (className.charAt(0) == FINAL_MODIFIER) { String[] exceptionParts = className.substring(1).split(":"); if (exceptionParts.length == 1) { throw new FinalModifierException(aClass); } else { throw new FinalModifierException(aClass, exceptionParts[1]); } } else if (className.charAt(0) == UNABLE_TO_PROXY) { throw new UnableToProxyException(aClass); } try { classToReturn = loader.loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, cnfe); throw new UnableToLoadProxyException(className, cnfe); } } else { LOGGER.debug("Need to generate subclass. Using key {}.", key); try { scanForFinalModifiers(aClass); classToReturn = generateAndLoadSubclass(aClass, loader); if (classToReturn != null) { proxyMap.put(key, classToReturn.getName()); } else { proxyMap.put(key, UNABLE_TO_PROXY + aClass.getName()); throw new UnableToProxyException(aClass); } } catch (FinalModifierException e) { if (e.isFinalClass()) { proxyMap.put(key, FINAL_MODIFIER + e.getClassName()); throw e; } else { proxyMap.put(key, FINAL_MODIFIER + e.getClassName() + ':' + e.getFinalMethods()); throw e; } } } } LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXIT, "getProxySubclass", classToReturn); return classToReturn; } public static Object newProxySubclassInstance(Class<?> classToProxy, InvocationHandler ih) throws UnableToProxyException { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_ENTRY, "newProxySubclassInstance", new Object[] { classToProxy, ih }); Object proxySubclassInstance = null; try { Class<?> generatedProxySubclass = getProxySubclass(classToProxy); LOGGER.debug("Getting the proxy subclass constructor"); Constructor<?> subclassConstructor = generatedProxySubclass .getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class }); LOGGER.debug("Invoking the proxy subclass constructor"); proxySubclassInstance = subclassConstructor.newInstance(ih); LOGGER.debug("Invoked proxy subclass constructor"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, nsme); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, nsme); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, ite); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, ite); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, ie); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, ie); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, iae); throw new ProxyClassInstantiationException(classToProxy, iae); } LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXIT, "newProxySubclassInstance", proxySubclassInstance); return proxySubclassInstance; } private static Class<?> generateAndLoadSubclass(Class<?> aClass, ClassLoader loader) throws UnableToProxyException { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_ENTRY, "generateAndLoadSubclass", new Object[] { aClass, loader }); // set the newClassName String newClassName = "$" + aClass.getSimpleName() + aClass.hashCode(); String packageName = aClass.getPackage().getName(); if (packageName.startsWith("java.") || packageName.startsWith("javax.")) { packageName = "org.apache.aries.blueprint.proxy." + packageName; } String fullNewClassName = (packageName + "." + newClassName).replaceAll("\\.", "/"); LOGGER.debug("New class name: {}", newClassName); LOGGER.debug("Full new class name: {}", fullNewClassName); Class<?> clazz = null; try { ClassReader cReader = new ClassReader(loader.getResourceAsStream(aClass.getName().replaceAll( "\\.", "/") + ".class")); ClassWriter cWriter = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS); ClassVisitor dynamicSubclassAdapter = new ProxySubclassAdapter(cWriter, fullNewClassName, loader); byte[] byteClassData = processClass(cReader, cWriter, dynamicSubclassAdapter); clazz = loadClassFromBytes(loader, getBinaryName(fullNewClassName), byteClassData, aClass .getName()); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, ioe); throw new ProxyClassBytecodeGenerationException(aClass.getName(), ioe); } catch (TypeNotPresentException tnpe) { LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXCEPTION, tnpe); throw new ProxyClassBytecodeGenerationException(tnpe.typeName(), tnpe.getCause()); } LOGGER.debug(AsmInterceptorWrapper.LOG_EXIT, "generateAndLoadSubclass", clazz); return clazz; }
public void testSize() { assertEquals("size", 7, getTestVector().getNumNondefaultElements()); }
public void testSize() { assertEquals("size", 3, getTestVector().getNumNondefaultElements()); }
private void verifyCachedSchema(Connection c) throws SQLException { if (c instanceof org.apache.derby.client.am.Connection) { String cached = ((org.apache.derby.client.am.Connection) c). getCurrentSchemaName(); Statement s = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("VALUES CURRENT SCHEMA"); rs.next(); String reported = rs.getString(1); assertEquals(reported, cached); } else { println("Cannot verify cached schema for "+c.getClass()); } }
private void verifyCachedSchema(Connection c) throws SQLException { if (usingDerbyNetClient()) { String cached = ((org.apache.derby.client.am.Connection) c). getCurrentSchemaName(); Statement s = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("VALUES CURRENT SCHEMA"); rs.next(); String reported = rs.getString(1); assertEquals(reported, cached); } else { println("Cannot verify cached schema for "+c.getClass()); } }
public void run() { try { TermEnum termEnum = s.getIndexReader().terms(new Term("body", "")); int seenTermCount = 0; int shift; int trigger; if (totTermCount.get() == 0) { shift = 0; trigger = 1; } else { shift = random.nextInt(totTermCount.get()/10); trigger = totTermCount.get()/10; } while(System.currentTimeMillis() < searchStopTime) { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term == null) { if (seenTermCount == 0) { break; } totTermCount.set(seenTermCount); seenTermCount = 0; trigger = totTermCount.get()/10; //System.out.println("trigger " + trigger); shift = random.nextInt(totTermCount.get()/10); termEnum = s.getIndexReader().terms(new Term("body", "")); continue; } seenTermCount++; // search 10 terms if (trigger == 0) { trigger = 1; } if ((seenTermCount + shift) % trigger == 0) { //if (VERBOSE) { //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " now search body:" + term.utf8ToString()); //} totHits.addAndGet(runQuery(s, new TermQuery(term))); } } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": search done"); } } catch (Throwable t) { failed.set(true); t.printStackTrace(System.out); throw new RuntimeException(t); } } }; searchThreads[thread].setDaemon(true); searchThreads[thread].start(); } for(int thread=0;thread<NUM_SEARCH_THREADS;thread++) { searchThreads[thread].join(); } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: DONE search: totHits=" + totHits); } } else { Thread.sleep(100); } } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: all searching done [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0) + " ms]"); } //System.out.println("numDocs=" + r.numDocs() + " openDelFileCount=" + dir.openDeleteFileCount()); r.close(); final Set<String> openDeletedFiles = dir.getOpenDeletedFiles(); if (openDeletedFiles.size() > 0) { System.out.println("OBD files: " + openDeletedFiles); } any |= openDeletedFiles.size() > 0; assertFalse("saw non-zero open-but-deleted count", any); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: now join"); } for(int thread=0;thread<NUM_INDEX_THREADS;thread++) { threads[thread].join(); } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: done join [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0) + " ms]; addCount=" + addCount + " delCount=" + delCount); } writer.commit(); assertEquals(addCount.get() - delCount.get(), writer.numDocs()); writer.close(false); dir.close(); _TestUtil.rmDir(tempDir); docs.close(); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: done [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0) + " ms]"); } }
public void run() { try { TermEnum termEnum = s.getIndexReader().terms(new Term("body", "")); int seenTermCount = 0; int shift; int trigger; if (totTermCount.get() == 0) { shift = 0; trigger = 1; } else { shift = random.nextInt(totTermCount.get()/10); trigger = totTermCount.get()/10; } while(System.currentTimeMillis() < searchStopTime) { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term == null) { if (seenTermCount == 0) { break; } totTermCount.set(seenTermCount); seenTermCount = 0; trigger = totTermCount.get()/10; //System.out.println("trigger " + trigger); shift = random.nextInt(totTermCount.get()/10); termEnum = s.getIndexReader().terms(new Term("body", "")); continue; } seenTermCount++; // search 10 terms if (trigger == 0) { trigger = 1; } if ((seenTermCount + shift) % trigger == 0) { //if (VERBOSE) { //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " now search body:" + term.utf8ToString()); //} totHits.addAndGet(runQuery(s, new TermQuery(term))); } } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": search done"); } } catch (Throwable t) { failed.set(true); t.printStackTrace(System.out); throw new RuntimeException(t); } } }; searchThreads[thread].setDaemon(true); searchThreads[thread].start(); } for(int thread=0;thread<NUM_SEARCH_THREADS;thread++) { searchThreads[thread].join(); } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: DONE search: totHits=" + totHits); } } else { Thread.sleep(100); } } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: all searching done [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0) + " ms]"); } //System.out.println("numDocs=" + r.numDocs() + " openDelFileCount=" + dir.openDeleteFileCount()); r.close(); final Set<String> openDeletedFiles = dir.getOpenDeletedFiles(); if (openDeletedFiles.size() > 0) { System.out.println("OBD files: " + openDeletedFiles); } any |= openDeletedFiles.size() > 0; assertFalse("saw non-zero open-but-deleted count", any); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: now join"); } for(int thread=0;thread<NUM_INDEX_THREADS;thread++) { threads[thread].join(); } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: done join [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0) + " ms]; addCount=" + addCount + " delCount=" + delCount); } writer.commit(); assertEquals("index=" + writer.segString(), addCount.get() - delCount.get(), writer.numDocs()); writer.close(false); dir.close(); _TestUtil.rmDir(tempDir); docs.close(); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: done [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0) + " ms]"); } }
public synchronized int numDocs() throws IOException { int count; if (docWriter != null) count = docWriter.getNumDocsInRAM(); else count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.size(); i++) { final SegmentInfo info = segmentInfos.info(i); count += info.docCount - info.getDelCount(); } return count; }
public synchronized int numDocs() throws IOException { int count; if (docWriter != null) count = docWriter.getNumDocsInRAM(); else count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.size(); i++) { final SegmentInfo info = segmentInfos.info(i); count += info.docCount - numDeletedDocs(info); } return count; }
public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("errorcode Test"); suite.addTest(TestConfiguration.embeddedSuite(ErrorCodeTest.class)); return new LocaleTestSetup(suite, Locale.ENGLISH); }
public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("errorcode Test"); suite.addTest(TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(ErrorCodeTest.class)); return new LocaleTestSetup(suite, Locale.ENGLISH); }
private static List<Row> strongRead(List<ReadCommand> commands) throws IOException, TimeoutException, InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException { List<QuorumResponseHandler<Row>> quorumResponseHandlers = new ArrayList<QuorumResponseHandler<Row>>(); List<EndPoint[]> commandEndPoints = new ArrayList<EndPoint[]>(); List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(); int commandIndex = 0; for (ReadCommand command: commands) { // TODO: throw a thrift exception if we do not have N nodes assert !command.isDigestQuery(); ReadCommand readMessageDigestOnly = command.copy(); readMessageDigestOnly.setDigestQuery(true); Message message = command.makeReadMessage(); Message messageDigestOnly = readMessageDigestOnly.makeReadMessage(); QuorumResponseHandler<Row> quorumResponseHandler = new QuorumResponseHandler<Row>(DatabaseDescriptor.getQuorum(), new ReadResponseResolver()); EndPoint dataPoint = StorageService.instance().findSuitableEndPoint(command.key); List<EndPoint> endpointList = new ArrayList<EndPoint>(Arrays.asList(StorageService.instance().getReadStorageEndPoints(command.key))); /* Remove the local storage endpoint from the list. */ endpointList.remove(dataPoint); EndPoint[] endPoints = new EndPoint[endpointList.size() + 1]; Message messages[] = new Message[endpointList.size() + 1]; /* * First message is sent to the node that will actually get * the data for us. The other two replicas are only sent a * digest query. */ endPoints[0] = dataPoint; messages[0] = message; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("strongread reading data for " + command + " from " + message.getMessageId() + "@" + dataPoint); for (int i = 1; i < endPoints.length; i++) { EndPoint digestPoint = endpointList.get(i - 1); endPoints[i] = digestPoint; messages[i] = messageDigestOnly; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("strongread reading digest for " + command + " from " + messageDigestOnly.getMessageId() + "@" + digestPoint); } MessagingService.getMessagingInstance().sendRR(messages, endPoints, quorumResponseHandler); quorumResponseHandlers.add(quorumResponseHandler); commandEndPoints.add(endPoints); } for (QuorumResponseHandler<Row> quorumResponseHandler: quorumResponseHandlers) { Row row = null; ReadCommand command = commands.get(commandIndex); try { long startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); row = quorumResponseHandler.get(); if (row != null) rows.add(row); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("quorumResponseHandler: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime2) + " ms."); } catch (DigestMismatchException ex) { if (DatabaseDescriptor.getConsistencyCheck()) { IResponseResolver<Row> readResponseResolverRepair = new ReadResponseResolver(); QuorumResponseHandler<Row> quorumResponseHandlerRepair = new QuorumResponseHandler<Row>( DatabaseDescriptor.getQuorum(), readResponseResolverRepair); logger.info("DigestMismatchException: " + command.key); Message messageRepair = command.makeReadMessage(); MessagingService.getMessagingInstance().sendRR(messageRepair, commandEndPoints.get(commandIndex), quorumResponseHandlerRepair); try { row = quorumResponseHandlerRepair.get(); if (row != null) rows.add(row); } catch (DigestMismatchException e) { // TODO should this be a thrift exception? throw new RuntimeException("digest mismatch reading key " + command.key, e); } } } commandIndex++; } return rows; }
private static List<Row> strongRead(List<ReadCommand> commands) throws IOException, TimeoutException, InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException { List<QuorumResponseHandler<Row>> quorumResponseHandlers = new ArrayList<QuorumResponseHandler<Row>>(); List<EndPoint[]> commandEndPoints = new ArrayList<EndPoint[]>(); List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(); int commandIndex = 0; for (ReadCommand command: commands) { // TODO: throw a thrift exception if we do not have N nodes assert !command.isDigestQuery(); ReadCommand readMessageDigestOnly = command.copy(); readMessageDigestOnly.setDigestQuery(true); Message message = command.makeReadMessage(); Message messageDigestOnly = readMessageDigestOnly.makeReadMessage(); QuorumResponseHandler<Row> quorumResponseHandler = new QuorumResponseHandler<Row>(DatabaseDescriptor.getQuorum(), new ReadResponseResolver()); EndPoint dataPoint = StorageService.instance().findSuitableEndPoint(command.key); List<EndPoint> endpointList = new ArrayList<EndPoint>(Arrays.asList(StorageService.instance().getReadStorageEndPoints(command.key))); /* Remove the local storage endpoint from the list. */ endpointList.remove(dataPoint); EndPoint[] endPoints = new EndPoint[endpointList.size() + 1]; Message messages[] = new Message[endpointList.size() + 1]; /* * First message is sent to the node that will actually get * the data for us. The other two replicas are only sent a * digest query. */ endPoints[0] = dataPoint; messages[0] = message; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("strongread reading data for " + command + " from " + message.getMessageId() + "@" + dataPoint); for (int i = 1; i < endPoints.length; i++) { EndPoint digestPoint = endpointList.get(i - 1); endPoints[i] = digestPoint; messages[i] = messageDigestOnly; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("strongread reading digest for " + command + " from " + messageDigestOnly.getMessageId() + "@" + digestPoint); } MessagingService.getMessagingInstance().sendRR(messages, endPoints, quorumResponseHandler); quorumResponseHandlers.add(quorumResponseHandler); commandEndPoints.add(endPoints); } for (QuorumResponseHandler<Row> quorumResponseHandler: quorumResponseHandlers) { Row row = null; ReadCommand command = commands.get(commandIndex); try { long startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); row = quorumResponseHandler.get(); if (row != null) rows.add(row); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("quorumResponseHandler: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime2) + " ms."); } catch (DigestMismatchException ex) { if (DatabaseDescriptor.getConsistencyCheck()) { IResponseResolver<Row> readResponseResolverRepair = new ReadResponseResolver(); QuorumResponseHandler<Row> quorumResponseHandlerRepair = new QuorumResponseHandler<Row>( DatabaseDescriptor.getQuorum(), readResponseResolverRepair); logger.info("DigestMismatchException: " + ex.getMessage()); Message messageRepair = command.makeReadMessage(); MessagingService.getMessagingInstance().sendRR(messageRepair, commandEndPoints.get(commandIndex), quorumResponseHandlerRepair); try { row = quorumResponseHandlerRepair.get(); if (row != null) rows.add(row); } catch (DigestMismatchException e) { // TODO should this be a thrift exception? throw new RuntimeException("digest mismatch reading key " + command.key, e); } } } commandIndex++; } return rows; }
private FST<Object> buildAutomaton(BytesRefSorter sorter) throws IOException { // Build the automaton. final Outputs<Object> outputs = NoOutputs.getSingleton(); final Object empty = outputs.getNoOutput(); final Builder<Object> builder = new Builder<Object>( FST.INPUT_TYPE.BYTE1, 0, 0, true, true, shareMaxTailLength, outputs, null, false); BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef(); BytesRef entry; final IntsRef scratchIntsRef = new IntsRef(); int count = 0; BytesRefIterator iter = sorter.iterator(); while((entry = iter.next()) != null) { count++; if (scratch.compareTo(entry) != 0) { builder.add(Util.toIntsRef(entry, scratchIntsRef), empty); scratch.copyBytes(entry); } } return count == 0 ? null : builder.finish(); }
private FST<Object> buildAutomaton(BytesRefSorter sorter) throws IOException { // Build the automaton. final Outputs<Object> outputs = NoOutputs.getSingleton(); final Object empty = outputs.getNoOutput(); final Builder<Object> builder = new Builder<Object>( FST.INPUT_TYPE.BYTE1, 0, 0, true, true, shareMaxTailLength, outputs, null, false, true); BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef(); BytesRef entry; final IntsRef scratchIntsRef = new IntsRef(); int count = 0; BytesRefIterator iter = sorter.iterator(); while((entry = iter.next()) != null) { count++; if (scratch.compareTo(entry) != 0) { builder.add(Util.toIntsRef(entry, scratchIntsRef), empty); scratch.copyBytes(entry); } } return count == 0 ? null : builder.finish(); }
public int compare(String[] left, String[] right) { return left[0].compareTo(right[0]); } }); System.out.println(" encode..."); PositiveIntOutputs fstOutput = PositiveIntOutputs.getSingleton(true); Builder<Long> fstBuilder = new Builder<Long>(FST.INPUT_TYPE.BYTE2, 0, 0, true, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE, fstOutput, null, true); IntsRef scratch = new IntsRef(); long ord = -1; // first ord will be 0 String lastValue = null; // build tokeninfo dictionary for (String[] entry : lines) { int next = dictionary.put(entry); if(next == offset){ System.out.println("Failed to process line: " + Arrays.toString(entry)); continue; } String token = entry[0]; if (!token.equals(lastValue)) { // new word to add to fst ord++; lastValue = token; scratch.grow(token.length()); scratch.length = token.length(); for (int i = 0; i < token.length(); i++) { scratch.ints[i] = (int) token.charAt(i); } fstBuilder.add(scratch, ord); } dictionary.addMapping((int)ord, offset); offset = next; } final FST<Long> fst = fstBuilder.finish(); System.out.print(" " + fst.getNodeCount() + " nodes, " + fst.getArcCount() + " arcs, " + fst.sizeInBytes() + " bytes... "); dictionary.setFST(fst); System.out.println(" done"); return dictionary; }
public int compare(String[] left, String[] right) { return left[0].compareTo(right[0]); } }); System.out.println(" encode..."); PositiveIntOutputs fstOutput = PositiveIntOutputs.getSingleton(true); Builder<Long> fstBuilder = new Builder<Long>(FST.INPUT_TYPE.BYTE2, 0, 0, true, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE, fstOutput, null, true, true); IntsRef scratch = new IntsRef(); long ord = -1; // first ord will be 0 String lastValue = null; // build tokeninfo dictionary for (String[] entry : lines) { int next = dictionary.put(entry); if(next == offset){ System.out.println("Failed to process line: " + Arrays.toString(entry)); continue; } String token = entry[0]; if (!token.equals(lastValue)) { // new word to add to fst ord++; lastValue = token; scratch.grow(token.length()); scratch.length = token.length(); for (int i = 0; i < token.length(); i++) { scratch.ints[i] = (int) token.charAt(i); } fstBuilder.add(scratch, ord); } dictionary.addMapping((int)ord, offset); offset = next; } final FST<Long> fst = fstBuilder.finish(); System.out.print(" " + fst.getNodeCount() + " nodes, " + fst.getArcCount() + " arcs, " + fst.sizeInBytes() + " bytes... "); dictionary.setFST(fst); System.out.println(" done"); return dictionary; }
public void setExclusionTable( Map<?,?> exclusiontable ) { exclusions = new HashSet(exclusiontable.keySet()); }
public void setExclusionTable( Map<?,?> exclusiontable ) { exclusions = exclusiontable.keySet(); }
public boolean validateData(QualityQuery[] qq, PrintWriter logger) { HashMap<String,QRelJudgement> missingQueries = (HashMap<String, QRelJudgement>) judgements.clone(); ArrayList<String> missingJudgements = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i=0; i<qq.length; i++) { String id = qq[i].getQueryID(); if (missingQueries.containsKey(id)) { missingQueries.remove(id); } else { missingJudgements.add(id); } } boolean isValid = true; if (missingJudgements.size()>0) { isValid = false; if (logger!=null) { logger.println("WARNING: "+missingJudgements.size()+" queries have no judgments! - "); for (int i=0; i<missingJudgements.size(); i++) { logger.println(" "+ missingJudgements.get(i)); } } } if (missingQueries.size()>0) { isValid = false; if (logger!=null) { logger.println("WARNING: "+missingQueries.size()+" judgments match no query! - "); for (final String id : missingQueries.keySet()) { logger.println(" "+id); } } } return isValid; }
public boolean validateData(QualityQuery[] qq, PrintWriter logger) { HashMap<String,QRelJudgement> missingQueries = new HashMap<String, QRelJudgement>(judgements); ArrayList<String> missingJudgements = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i=0; i<qq.length; i++) { String id = qq[i].getQueryID(); if (missingQueries.containsKey(id)) { missingQueries.remove(id); } else { missingJudgements.add(id); } } boolean isValid = true; if (missingJudgements.size()>0) { isValid = false; if (logger!=null) { logger.println("WARNING: "+missingJudgements.size()+" queries have no judgments! - "); for (int i=0; i<missingJudgements.size(); i++) { logger.println(" "+ missingJudgements.get(i)); } } } if (missingQueries.size()>0) { isValid = false; if (logger!=null) { logger.println("WARNING: "+missingQueries.size()+" judgments match no query! - "); for (final String id : missingQueries.keySet()) { logger.println(" "+id); } } } return isValid; }
public void testScheduledExecMemoryLeak() throws Exception { Fixture jar = ArchiveFixture.newJar() .manifest().symbolicName("test.bundle").end() .file("OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml") .line("<blueprint xmlns=\"http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0\">") .line("<reference interface=\"java.util.List\" />") .line("</blueprint>").end().end(); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); jar.writeOut(bout); Bundle b = bundleContext.installBundle("test.bundle", new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray())); for (int i=0; i<16; i++) System.gc(); long startFreeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); // 3000 iterations on a Mac 1.6 JVM leaks 30+ mb, 2000 leaks a bit more than 20, // 10000 iterations would be close to OutOfMemory however by that stage the test runs very slowly for (int i=0; i<3000; i++) { b.start(); // give the container some time to operate, otherwise it probably won't even get to create a future Thread.sleep(10); b.stop(); } for (int i=0; i<16; i++) System.gc(); long endFreeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); long lossage = startFreeMemory - endFreeMemory; assertTrue("We lost: "+lossage, lossage < 10000000); }
public void testScheduledExecMemoryLeak() throws Exception { Fixture jar = ArchiveFixture.newJar() .manifest().symbolicName("test.bundle").end() .file("OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml") .line("<blueprint xmlns=\"http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0\">") .line("<reference interface=\"java.util.List\" />") .line("</blueprint>").end().end(); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); jar.writeOut(bout); Bundle b = bundleContext.installBundle("test.bundle", new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray())); for (int i=0; i<16; i++) System.gc(); long startFreeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); // 3000 iterations on a Mac 1.6 JVM leaks 30+ mb, 2000 leaks a bit more than 20, // 10000 iterations would be close to OutOfMemory however by that stage the test runs very slowly for (int i=0; i<3000; i++) { b.start(); // give the container some time to operate, otherwise it probably won't even get to create a future Thread.sleep(10); b.stop(); } for (int i=0; i<16; i++) System.gc(); long endFreeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); long lossage = startFreeMemory - endFreeMemory; assertTrue("We lost: "+lossage, lossage < 20000000); }
String PERSISTENTLY_STARTED = "PersistentlyStarted"; /* * Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2009). All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.osgi.jmx.framework; import java.io.IOException; import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType; import javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType; import javax.management.openmbean.TabularData; import javax.management.openmbean.TabularType; import org.osgi.jmx.Item; import org.osgi.jmx.JmxConstants; /** * This MBean represents the Bundle state of the framework. This MBean also * emits events that clients can use to get notified of the changes in the * bundle state of the framework. * * @version $Rev$ */ public interface BundleStateMBean { /** * The Object Name for a Bundle State MBean. */ String OBJECTNAME = JmxConstants.OSGI_CORE + ":type=bundleState,version=1.5"; /** * The key KEY, used in {@link #KEY_ITEM}. */ String KEY = "Key"; /** * The item describing the key of a bundle header entry. The key is * {@link #KEY} and the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item KEY_ITEM = new Item(KEY, "The bundle header key", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key VALUE, used in {@link #VALUE_ITEM}. */ String VALUE = "Value"; /** * The item describing the value of a bundle header entry. The key is * {@link #VALUE} and the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item VALUE_ITEM = new Item(VALUE, "The bundle header value", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The Composite Type describing an entry in bundle headers. It consists of * {@link #KEY_ITEM} and {@link #VALUE_ITEM}. */ CompositeType HEADER_TYPE = Item.compositeType("HEADER", "This type encapsulates OSGi bundle header key/value pairs", KEY_ITEM, VALUE_ITEM); /** * The Tabular Type describing the type of the Tabular Data value that is * returned from {@link #getHeaders(long)} method. The primary item is * {@link #KEY_ITEM}. */ TabularType HEADERS_TYPE = Item.tabularType("HEADERS", "The table of bundle headers", HEADER_TYPE, new String[] { KEY }); /** * The key LOCATION, used in {@link #LOCATION_ITEM}. */ String LOCATION = "Location"; /** * The item containing the bundle location in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #LOCATION} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item LOCATION_ITEM = new Item(LOCATION, "The location of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key IDENTIFIER, used in {@link #IDENTIFIER_ITEM}. */ String IDENTIFIER = "Identifier"; /** * The item containing the bundle identifier in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The * key is {@link #IDENTIFIER} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#LONG}. */ Item IDENTIFIER_ITEM = new Item(IDENTIFIER, "The id of the bundle", SimpleType.LONG); /** * The key SYMBOLIC_NAME, used in {@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM}. */ String SYMBOLIC_NAME = "SymbolicName"; /** * The item containing the symbolic name in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM = new Item(SYMBOLIC_NAME, "The symbolic name of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key VERSION, used in {@link #VERSION_ITEM}. */ String VERSION = "Version"; /** * The item containing the symbolic name in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item VERSION_ITEM = new Item(VERSION, "The version of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key START_LEVEL, used in {@link #START_LEVEL_ITEM}. */ String START_LEVEL = "StartLevel"; /** * The item containing the start level in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #START_LEVEL} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#INTEGER}. */ Item START_LEVEL_ITEM = new Item(START_LEVEL, "The start level of the bundle", SimpleType.INTEGER); /** * The key STATE, used in {@link #STATE_ITEM}. */ String STATE = "State"; /** * Constant INSTALLED for the {@link #STATE} */ String INSTALLED = "INSTALLED"; /** * Constant RESOLVED for the {@link #STATE} */ String RESOLVED = "RESOLVED"; /** * Constant STARTING for the {@link #STATE} */ String STARTING = "STARTING"; /** * Constant ACTIVE for the {@link #STATE} */ String ACTIVE = "ACTIVE"; /** * Constant STOPPING for the {@link #STATE} */ String STOPPING = "STOPPING"; /** * Constant UNINSTALLED for the {@link #STATE} */ String UNINSTALLED = "UNINSTALLED"; /** * Constant UNKNOWN for the {@link #STATE} */ String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"; /** * The item containing the bundle state in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #STATE} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. The * returned values must be one of the following strings: * <ul> * <li>{@link #INSTALLED}</li> * <li>{@link #RESOLVED}</li> * <li>{@link #STARTING}</li> * <li>{@link #ACTIVE}</li> * <li>{@link #STOPPING}</li> * <li>{@link #UNINSTALLED}</li> * <li>{@link #UNKNOWN}</li> * </ul> */ Item STATE_ITEM = new Item(STATE, "The state of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING, INSTALLED, RESOLVED, STARTING, ACTIVE, STOPPING, UNINSTALLED, UNKNOWN); /** * The key LAST_MODIFIED, used in {@link #LAST_MODIFIED_ITEM}. */ String LAST_MODIFIED = "LastModified"; /** * The item containing the last modified time in the {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. * The key is {@link #LAST_MODIFIED} and the the type is * {@link SimpleType#LONG}. */ Item LAST_MODIFIED_ITEM = new Item(LAST_MODIFIED, "The last modification time of the bundle", SimpleType.LONG); /** * The key PERSISTENTLY_STARTED, used in {@link #PERSISTENTLY_STARTED_ITEM}. */ String PERSISTENTLY_STARTED = "PeristentlyStarted"; /** * The item containing the indication of persistently started in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #PERSISTENTLY_STARTED} and the * the type is {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item PERSISTENTLY_STARTED_ITEM = new Item(PERSISTENTLY_STARTED, "Whether the bundle is persistently started", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key REMOVAL_PENDING, used in {@link #REMOVAL_PENDING_ITEM}. */ String REMOVAL_PENDING = "RemovalPending"; /** * The item containing the indication of removal pending in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #REMOVAL_PENDING} and the type is * {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item REMOVAL_PENDING_ITEM = new Item(REMOVAL_PENDING, "Whether the bundle is pending removal", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key REQUIRED, used in {@value #REQUIRED_ITEM}. */ String REQUIRED = "Required"; /** * The item containing the required status in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #REQUIRED} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item REQUIRED_ITEM = new Item(REQUIRED, "Whether the bundle is required", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key FRAGMENT, used in {@value #FRAGMENT_ITEM}. */ String FRAGMENT = "Fragment"; /** * The item containing the fragment status in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #FRAGMENT} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item FRAGMENT_ITEM = new Item(FRAGMENT, "Whether the bundle is a fragment", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key REGISTERED_SERVICES, used in {@value #REGISTERED_SERVICES_ITEM}. */ String REGISTERED_SERVICES = "RegisteredServices"; /** * The item containing the registered services of the bundle in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #REGISTERED_SERVICES} and the the * type is {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item REGISTERED_SERVICES_ITEM = new Item(REGISTERED_SERVICES, "The registered services of the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key SERVICES_IN_USE, used in {@value #SERVICES_IN_USE_ITEM}. */ String SERVICES_IN_USE = "ServicesInUse"; /** * The item containing the services in use by this bundle in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #SERVICES_IN_USE} and the the * type is {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item SERVICES_IN_USE_ITEM = new Item(SERVICES_IN_USE, "The services in use by the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key HEADERS, used in {@link #HEADERS_ITEM}. */ String HEADERS = "Headers"; /** * The item containing the bundle headers in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #HEADERS} and the the type is {@link #HEADERS_TYPE}. */ Item HEADERS_ITEM = new Item(HEADERS, "The headers of the bundle", HEADERS_TYPE); /** * The key EXPORTED_PACKAGES, used in {@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM}. */ String EXPORTED_PACKAGES = "ExportedPackages"; /** * The item containing the exported package names in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE} * .The key is {@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES} and the the type is * {@link JmxConstants#STRING_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM = new Item(EXPORTED_PACKAGES, "The exported packages of the bundle", JmxConstants.STRING_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key IMPORTED_PACKAGES, used in {@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM}. */ String IMPORTED_PACKAGES = "ImportedPackages"; /** * The item containing the imported package names in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE} * .The key is {@link #IMPORTED_PACKAGES} and the the type is * {@link JmxConstants#STRING_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item IMPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM = new Item(IMPORTED_PACKAGES, "The imported packages of the bundle", JmxConstants.STRING_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key FRAGMENTS, used in {@link #FRAGMENTS_ITEM}. */ String FRAGMENTS = "Fragments"; /** * The item containing the list of fragments the bundle is host to in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #FRAGMENTS} and the type is * {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item FRAGMENTS_ITEM = new Item(FRAGMENTS, "The fragments of which the bundle is host", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key HOSTS, used in {@link #HOSTS_ITEM}. */ String HOSTS = "Hosts"; /** * The item containing the bundle identifiers representing the hosts in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #HOSTS} and the type is * {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE} */ Item HOSTS_ITEM = new Item(HOSTS, "The fragments of which the bundle is host", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key REQUIRED_BUNDLES, used in {@link #REQUIRED_BUNDLES_ITEM}. */ String REQUIRED_BUNDLES = "RequiredBundles"; /** * The item containing the required bundles in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #REQUIRED_BUNDLES} and the type is * {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE} */ Item REQUIRED_BUNDLES_ITEM = new Item(REQUIRED_BUNDLES, "The required bundles the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key REQUIRING_BUNDLES, used in {@link #REQUIRING_BUNDLES_ITEM}. */ String REQUIRING_BUNDLES = "RequiringBundles"; /** * The item containing the bundles requiring this bundle in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #REQUIRING_BUNDLES} and the type * is {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE} */ Item REQUIRING_BUNDLES_ITEM = new Item(REQUIRING_BUNDLES, "The bundles requiring the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key EVENT, used in {@link #EVENT_ITEM}. */ String EVENT = "BundleEvent"; /** * The item containing the event type. The key is {@link #EVENT} and the type is {@link SimpleType#INTEGER} */ Item EVENT_ITEM = new Item( EVENT, "The type of the event: {INSTALLED=1, STARTED=2, STOPPED=4, UPDATED=8, UNINSTALLED=16}", SimpleType.INTEGER); /** * The Composite Type that represents a bundle event. This composite consists of: * <ul> * <li>{@link #IDENTIFIER}</li> * <li>{@link #LOCATION}</li> * <li>{@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME}</li> * <li>{@link #EVENT}</li> * </ul> */ CompositeType BUNDLE_EVENT_TYPE = Item.compositeType("BUNDLE_EVENT", "This type encapsulates OSGi bundle events", IDENTIFIER_ITEM, LOCATION_ITEM, SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM, EVENT_ITEM); /** * The Composite Type that represents a bundle. This composite consist of: * <ul> * <li>{@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES}</li> * <li>{@link #FRAGMENT}</li> * <li>{@link #FRAGMENTS}</li> * <li>{@link #HEADERS}</li> * <li>{@link #HOSTS}</li> * <li>{@link #IDENTIFIER}</li> * <li>{@link #IMPORTED_PACKAGES}</li> * <li>{@link #LAST_MODIFIED}</li> * <li>{@link #LOCATION}</li> * <li>{@link #PERSISTENTLY_STARTED}</li> * <li>{@link #REGISTERED_SERVICES}</li> * <li>{@link #REMOVAL_PENDING}</li> * <li>{@link #REQUIRED}</li> * <li>{@link #REQUIRED_BUNDLES}</li> * <li>{@link #REQUIRING_BUNDLES}</li> * <li>{@link #START_LEVEL}</li> * <li>{@link #STATE}</li> * <li>{@link #SERVICES_IN_USE}</li> * <li>{@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME}</li> * <li>{@link #VERSION}</li> * </ul> * It is used by {@link #BUNDLES_TYPE}. */ CompositeType BUNDLE_TYPE = Item.compositeType("BUNDLE", "This type encapsulates OSGi bundles", EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM, FRAGMENT_ITEM, FRAGMENTS_ITEM, HEADERS_ITEM, HOSTS_ITEM, IDENTIFIER_ITEM, IMPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM, LAST_MODIFIED_ITEM, LOCATION_ITEM, PERSISTENTLY_STARTED_ITEM, REGISTERED_SERVICES_ITEM, REMOVAL_PENDING_ITEM, REQUIRED_ITEM, REQUIRED_BUNDLES_ITEM, REQUIRING_BUNDLES_ITEM, START_LEVEL_ITEM, STATE_ITEM, SERVICES_IN_USE_ITEM, SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM, VERSION_ITEM); /** * The Tabular Type for a list of bundles. The row type is * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. */ TabularType BUNDLES_TYPE = Item.tabularType("BUNDLES", "A list of bundles", BUNDLE_TYPE, new String[] { IDENTIFIER }); /** * Answer the list of identifiers of the bundles this bundle depends upon * * @param bundleIdentifier * the bundle identifier * @return the list of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getRequiredBundles(long bundleIdentifier) throws IOException; /** * Answer the bundle state of the system in tabular form. * * Each row of the returned table represents a single bundle. The Tabular * Data consists of Composite Data that is type by {@link #BUNDLES_TYPE}. * * @return the tabular representation of the bundle state * @throws IOException */ TabularData listBundles() throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of exported packages for this bundle. * * @param bundleId * @return the array of package names, combined with their version in the * format &lt;packageName;version&gt; * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String[] getExportedPackages(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of the bundle ids of the fragments associated with this * bundle * * @param bundleId * @return the array of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getFragments(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the headers for the bundle uniquely identified by the bundle id. * The Tabular Data is typed by the {@link #HEADERS_TYPE}. * * @param bundleId * the unique identifier of the bundle * @return the table of associated header key and values * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ TabularData getHeaders(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of bundle ids of the bundles which host a fragment * * @param fragment * the bundle id of the fragment * @return the array of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getHosts(long fragment) throws IOException; /** * Answer the array of the packages imported by this bundle * * @param bundleId * the bundle identifier * @return the array of package names, combined with their version in the * format &lt;packageName;version&gt; * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String[] getImportedPackages(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the last modified time of a bundle * * @param bundleId * the unique identifier of a bundle * @return the last modified time * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long getLastModified(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of service identifiers representing the services this * bundle exports * * @param bundleId * the bundle identifier * @return the list of service identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getRegisteredServices(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of identifiers of the bundles which require this bundle * * @param bundleIdentifier * the bundle identifier * @return the list of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getRequiringBundles(long bundleIdentifier) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of service identifiers which refer to the the services * this bundle is using * * @param bundleIdentifier * the bundle identifier * @return the list of service identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getServicesInUse(long bundleIdentifier) throws IOException; /** * Answer the start level of the bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return the start level * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ int getStartLevel(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the symbolic name of the state of the bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return the string name of the bundle state * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getState(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the symbolic name of the bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return the symbolic name * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getSymbolicName(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer if the bundle is persistently started when its start level is * reached * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is persistently started * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isPersistentlyStarted(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer whether the bundle is a fragment or not * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is a fragment * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isFragment(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer true if the bundle is pending removal * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is pending removal * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isRemovalPending(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer true if the bundle is required by another bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is required by another bundle * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isRequired(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the location of the bundle. * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return The location string of this bundle * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getLocation(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the location of the bundle. * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return The location string of this bundle * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getVersion(long bundleId) throws IOException; }
String PERSISTENTLY_STARTED = "PersistentlyStarted"; /* * Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2009). All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.osgi.jmx.framework; import java.io.IOException; import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType; import javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType; import javax.management.openmbean.TabularData; import javax.management.openmbean.TabularType; import org.osgi.jmx.Item; import org.osgi.jmx.JmxConstants; /** * This MBean represents the Bundle state of the framework. This MBean also * emits events that clients can use to get notified of the changes in the * bundle state of the framework. * * @version $Rev$ */ public interface BundleStateMBean { /** * The Object Name for a Bundle State MBean. */ String OBJECTNAME = JmxConstants.OSGI_CORE + ":type=bundleState,version=1.5"; /** * The key KEY, used in {@link #KEY_ITEM}. */ String KEY = "Key"; /** * The item describing the key of a bundle header entry. The key is * {@link #KEY} and the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item KEY_ITEM = new Item(KEY, "The bundle header key", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key VALUE, used in {@link #VALUE_ITEM}. */ String VALUE = "Value"; /** * The item describing the value of a bundle header entry. The key is * {@link #VALUE} and the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item VALUE_ITEM = new Item(VALUE, "The bundle header value", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The Composite Type describing an entry in bundle headers. It consists of * {@link #KEY_ITEM} and {@link #VALUE_ITEM}. */ CompositeType HEADER_TYPE = Item.compositeType("HEADER", "This type encapsulates OSGi bundle header key/value pairs", KEY_ITEM, VALUE_ITEM); /** * The Tabular Type describing the type of the Tabular Data value that is * returned from {@link #getHeaders(long)} method. The primary item is * {@link #KEY_ITEM}. */ TabularType HEADERS_TYPE = Item.tabularType("HEADERS", "The table of bundle headers", HEADER_TYPE, new String[] { KEY }); /** * The key LOCATION, used in {@link #LOCATION_ITEM}. */ String LOCATION = "Location"; /** * The item containing the bundle location in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #LOCATION} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item LOCATION_ITEM = new Item(LOCATION, "The location of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key IDENTIFIER, used in {@link #IDENTIFIER_ITEM}. */ String IDENTIFIER = "Identifier"; /** * The item containing the bundle identifier in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The * key is {@link #IDENTIFIER} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#LONG}. */ Item IDENTIFIER_ITEM = new Item(IDENTIFIER, "The id of the bundle", SimpleType.LONG); /** * The key SYMBOLIC_NAME, used in {@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM}. */ String SYMBOLIC_NAME = "SymbolicName"; /** * The item containing the symbolic name in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM = new Item(SYMBOLIC_NAME, "The symbolic name of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key VERSION, used in {@link #VERSION_ITEM}. */ String VERSION = "Version"; /** * The item containing the symbolic name in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. */ Item VERSION_ITEM = new Item(VERSION, "The version of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING); /** * The key START_LEVEL, used in {@link #START_LEVEL_ITEM}. */ String START_LEVEL = "StartLevel"; /** * The item containing the start level in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #START_LEVEL} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#INTEGER}. */ Item START_LEVEL_ITEM = new Item(START_LEVEL, "The start level of the bundle", SimpleType.INTEGER); /** * The key STATE, used in {@link #STATE_ITEM}. */ String STATE = "State"; /** * Constant INSTALLED for the {@link #STATE} */ String INSTALLED = "INSTALLED"; /** * Constant RESOLVED for the {@link #STATE} */ String RESOLVED = "RESOLVED"; /** * Constant STARTING for the {@link #STATE} */ String STARTING = "STARTING"; /** * Constant ACTIVE for the {@link #STATE} */ String ACTIVE = "ACTIVE"; /** * Constant STOPPING for the {@link #STATE} */ String STOPPING = "STOPPING"; /** * Constant UNINSTALLED for the {@link #STATE} */ String UNINSTALLED = "UNINSTALLED"; /** * Constant UNKNOWN for the {@link #STATE} */ String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"; /** * The item containing the bundle state in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is * {@link #STATE} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#STRING}. The * returned values must be one of the following strings: * <ul> * <li>{@link #INSTALLED}</li> * <li>{@link #RESOLVED}</li> * <li>{@link #STARTING}</li> * <li>{@link #ACTIVE}</li> * <li>{@link #STOPPING}</li> * <li>{@link #UNINSTALLED}</li> * <li>{@link #UNKNOWN}</li> * </ul> */ Item STATE_ITEM = new Item(STATE, "The state of the bundle", SimpleType.STRING, INSTALLED, RESOLVED, STARTING, ACTIVE, STOPPING, UNINSTALLED, UNKNOWN); /** * The key LAST_MODIFIED, used in {@link #LAST_MODIFIED_ITEM}. */ String LAST_MODIFIED = "LastModified"; /** * The item containing the last modified time in the {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. * The key is {@link #LAST_MODIFIED} and the the type is * {@link SimpleType#LONG}. */ Item LAST_MODIFIED_ITEM = new Item(LAST_MODIFIED, "The last modification time of the bundle", SimpleType.LONG); /** * The key PERSISTENTLY_STARTED, used in {@link #PERSISTENTLY_STARTED_ITEM}. */ String PERSISTENTLY_STARTED = "PersistentlyStarted"; /** * The item containing the indication of persistently started in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #PERSISTENTLY_STARTED} and the * the type is {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item PERSISTENTLY_STARTED_ITEM = new Item(PERSISTENTLY_STARTED, "Whether the bundle is persistently started", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key REMOVAL_PENDING, used in {@link #REMOVAL_PENDING_ITEM}. */ String REMOVAL_PENDING = "RemovalPending"; /** * The item containing the indication of removal pending in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #REMOVAL_PENDING} and the type is * {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item REMOVAL_PENDING_ITEM = new Item(REMOVAL_PENDING, "Whether the bundle is pending removal", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key REQUIRED, used in {@value #REQUIRED_ITEM}. */ String REQUIRED = "Required"; /** * The item containing the required status in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #REQUIRED} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item REQUIRED_ITEM = new Item(REQUIRED, "Whether the bundle is required", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key FRAGMENT, used in {@value #FRAGMENT_ITEM}. */ String FRAGMENT = "Fragment"; /** * The item containing the fragment status in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #FRAGMENT} and the the type is {@link SimpleType#BOOLEAN}. */ Item FRAGMENT_ITEM = new Item(FRAGMENT, "Whether the bundle is a fragment", SimpleType.BOOLEAN); /** * The key REGISTERED_SERVICES, used in {@value #REGISTERED_SERVICES_ITEM}. */ String REGISTERED_SERVICES = "RegisteredServices"; /** * The item containing the registered services of the bundle in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #REGISTERED_SERVICES} and the the * type is {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item REGISTERED_SERVICES_ITEM = new Item(REGISTERED_SERVICES, "The registered services of the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key SERVICES_IN_USE, used in {@value #SERVICES_IN_USE_ITEM}. */ String SERVICES_IN_USE = "ServicesInUse"; /** * The item containing the services in use by this bundle in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #SERVICES_IN_USE} and the the * type is {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item SERVICES_IN_USE_ITEM = new Item(SERVICES_IN_USE, "The services in use by the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key HEADERS, used in {@link #HEADERS_ITEM}. */ String HEADERS = "Headers"; /** * The item containing the bundle headers in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #HEADERS} and the the type is {@link #HEADERS_TYPE}. */ Item HEADERS_ITEM = new Item(HEADERS, "The headers of the bundle", HEADERS_TYPE); /** * The key EXPORTED_PACKAGES, used in {@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM}. */ String EXPORTED_PACKAGES = "ExportedPackages"; /** * The item containing the exported package names in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE} * .The key is {@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES} and the the type is * {@link JmxConstants#STRING_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM = new Item(EXPORTED_PACKAGES, "The exported packages of the bundle", JmxConstants.STRING_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key IMPORTED_PACKAGES, used in {@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM}. */ String IMPORTED_PACKAGES = "ImportedPackages"; /** * The item containing the imported package names in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE} * .The key is {@link #IMPORTED_PACKAGES} and the the type is * {@link JmxConstants#STRING_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item IMPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM = new Item(IMPORTED_PACKAGES, "The imported packages of the bundle", JmxConstants.STRING_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key FRAGMENTS, used in {@link #FRAGMENTS_ITEM}. */ String FRAGMENTS = "Fragments"; /** * The item containing the list of fragments the bundle is host to in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #FRAGMENTS} and the type is * {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE}. */ Item FRAGMENTS_ITEM = new Item(FRAGMENTS, "The fragments of which the bundle is host", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key HOSTS, used in {@link #HOSTS_ITEM}. */ String HOSTS = "Hosts"; /** * The item containing the bundle identifiers representing the hosts in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #HOSTS} and the type is * {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE} */ Item HOSTS_ITEM = new Item(HOSTS, "The fragments of which the bundle is host", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key REQUIRED_BUNDLES, used in {@link #REQUIRED_BUNDLES_ITEM}. */ String REQUIRED_BUNDLES = "RequiredBundles"; /** * The item containing the required bundles in {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key * is {@link #REQUIRED_BUNDLES} and the type is * {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE} */ Item REQUIRED_BUNDLES_ITEM = new Item(REQUIRED_BUNDLES, "The required bundles the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key REQUIRING_BUNDLES, used in {@link #REQUIRING_BUNDLES_ITEM}. */ String REQUIRING_BUNDLES = "RequiringBundles"; /** * The item containing the bundles requiring this bundle in * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. The key is {@link #REQUIRING_BUNDLES} and the type * is {@link JmxConstants#LONG_ARRAY_TYPE} */ Item REQUIRING_BUNDLES_ITEM = new Item(REQUIRING_BUNDLES, "The bundles requiring the bundle", JmxConstants.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE); /** * The key EVENT, used in {@link #EVENT_ITEM}. */ String EVENT = "BundleEvent"; /** * The item containing the event type. The key is {@link #EVENT} and the type is {@link SimpleType#INTEGER} */ Item EVENT_ITEM = new Item( EVENT, "The type of the event: {INSTALLED=1, STARTED=2, STOPPED=4, UPDATED=8, UNINSTALLED=16}", SimpleType.INTEGER); /** * The Composite Type that represents a bundle event. This composite consists of: * <ul> * <li>{@link #IDENTIFIER}</li> * <li>{@link #LOCATION}</li> * <li>{@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME}</li> * <li>{@link #EVENT}</li> * </ul> */ CompositeType BUNDLE_EVENT_TYPE = Item.compositeType("BUNDLE_EVENT", "This type encapsulates OSGi bundle events", IDENTIFIER_ITEM, LOCATION_ITEM, SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM, EVENT_ITEM); /** * The Composite Type that represents a bundle. This composite consist of: * <ul> * <li>{@link #EXPORTED_PACKAGES}</li> * <li>{@link #FRAGMENT}</li> * <li>{@link #FRAGMENTS}</li> * <li>{@link #HEADERS}</li> * <li>{@link #HOSTS}</li> * <li>{@link #IDENTIFIER}</li> * <li>{@link #IMPORTED_PACKAGES}</li> * <li>{@link #LAST_MODIFIED}</li> * <li>{@link #LOCATION}</li> * <li>{@link #PERSISTENTLY_STARTED}</li> * <li>{@link #REGISTERED_SERVICES}</li> * <li>{@link #REMOVAL_PENDING}</li> * <li>{@link #REQUIRED}</li> * <li>{@link #REQUIRED_BUNDLES}</li> * <li>{@link #REQUIRING_BUNDLES}</li> * <li>{@link #START_LEVEL}</li> * <li>{@link #STATE}</li> * <li>{@link #SERVICES_IN_USE}</li> * <li>{@link #SYMBOLIC_NAME}</li> * <li>{@link #VERSION}</li> * </ul> * It is used by {@link #BUNDLES_TYPE}. */ CompositeType BUNDLE_TYPE = Item.compositeType("BUNDLE", "This type encapsulates OSGi bundles", EXPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM, FRAGMENT_ITEM, FRAGMENTS_ITEM, HEADERS_ITEM, HOSTS_ITEM, IDENTIFIER_ITEM, IMPORTED_PACKAGES_ITEM, LAST_MODIFIED_ITEM, LOCATION_ITEM, PERSISTENTLY_STARTED_ITEM, REGISTERED_SERVICES_ITEM, REMOVAL_PENDING_ITEM, REQUIRED_ITEM, REQUIRED_BUNDLES_ITEM, REQUIRING_BUNDLES_ITEM, START_LEVEL_ITEM, STATE_ITEM, SERVICES_IN_USE_ITEM, SYMBOLIC_NAME_ITEM, VERSION_ITEM); /** * The Tabular Type for a list of bundles. The row type is * {@link #BUNDLE_TYPE}. */ TabularType BUNDLES_TYPE = Item.tabularType("BUNDLES", "A list of bundles", BUNDLE_TYPE, new String[] { IDENTIFIER }); /** * Answer the list of identifiers of the bundles this bundle depends upon * * @param bundleIdentifier * the bundle identifier * @return the list of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getRequiredBundles(long bundleIdentifier) throws IOException; /** * Answer the bundle state of the system in tabular form. * * Each row of the returned table represents a single bundle. The Tabular * Data consists of Composite Data that is type by {@link #BUNDLES_TYPE}. * * @return the tabular representation of the bundle state * @throws IOException */ TabularData listBundles() throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of exported packages for this bundle. * * @param bundleId * @return the array of package names, combined with their version in the * format &lt;packageName;version&gt; * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String[] getExportedPackages(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of the bundle ids of the fragments associated with this * bundle * * @param bundleId * @return the array of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getFragments(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the headers for the bundle uniquely identified by the bundle id. * The Tabular Data is typed by the {@link #HEADERS_TYPE}. * * @param bundleId * the unique identifier of the bundle * @return the table of associated header key and values * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ TabularData getHeaders(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of bundle ids of the bundles which host a fragment * * @param fragment * the bundle id of the fragment * @return the array of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getHosts(long fragment) throws IOException; /** * Answer the array of the packages imported by this bundle * * @param bundleId * the bundle identifier * @return the array of package names, combined with their version in the * format &lt;packageName;version&gt; * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String[] getImportedPackages(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the last modified time of a bundle * * @param bundleId * the unique identifier of a bundle * @return the last modified time * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long getLastModified(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of service identifiers representing the services this * bundle exports * * @param bundleId * the bundle identifier * @return the list of service identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getRegisteredServices(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of identifiers of the bundles which require this bundle * * @param bundleIdentifier * the bundle identifier * @return the list of bundle identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getRequiringBundles(long bundleIdentifier) throws IOException; /** * Answer the list of service identifiers which refer to the the services * this bundle is using * * @param bundleIdentifier * the bundle identifier * @return the list of service identifiers * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ long[] getServicesInUse(long bundleIdentifier) throws IOException; /** * Answer the start level of the bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return the start level * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ int getStartLevel(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the symbolic name of the state of the bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return the string name of the bundle state * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getState(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the symbolic name of the bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return the symbolic name * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getSymbolicName(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer if the bundle is persistently started when its start level is * reached * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is persistently started * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isPersistentlyStarted(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer whether the bundle is a fragment or not * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is a fragment * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isFragment(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer true if the bundle is pending removal * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is pending removal * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isRemovalPending(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer true if the bundle is required by another bundle * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return true if the bundle is required by another bundle * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ boolean isRequired(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the location of the bundle. * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return The location string of this bundle * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getLocation(long bundleId) throws IOException; /** * Answer the location of the bundle. * * @param bundleId * the identifier of the bundle * @return The location string of this bundle * @throws IOException * if the operation fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the bundle indicated does not exist */ String getVersion(long bundleId) throws IOException; }
private String getRemotCoreUrl(CoreContainer cores, String collectionName, String origCorename) { ClusterState clusterState = cores.getZkController().getClusterState(); Collection<Slice> slices = clusterState.getActiveSlices(collectionName); boolean byCoreName = false; if (slices == null) { // look by core name byCoreName = true; Set<String> collections = clusterState.getCollections(); for (String collection : collections) { slices = new ArrayList<Slice>(); slices.addAll(clusterState.getActiveSlices(collection)); } } if (slices == null || slices.size() == 0) { return null; } Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes(); Iterator<Slice> it = slices.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Slice slice = it.next(); Map<String,Replica> sliceShards = slice.getReplicasMap(); for (ZkNodeProps nodeProps : sliceShards.values()) { ZkCoreNodeProps coreNodeProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(nodeProps); if (liveNodes.contains(coreNodeProps.getNodeName()) && coreNodeProps.getState().equals(ZkStateReader.ACTIVE)) { if (byCoreName && !collectionName.equals(coreNodeProps.getCoreName())) { // if it's by core name, make sure they match continue; } if (coreNodeProps.getBaseUrl().equals(cores.getZkController().getBaseUrl())) { // don't count a local core continue; } String coreUrl; if (origCorename != null) { coreUrl = coreNodeProps.getBaseUrl() + "/" + origCorename; } else { coreUrl = coreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(); if (coreUrl.endsWith("/")) { coreUrl = coreUrl.substring(0, coreUrl.length() - 1); } } return coreUrl; } } } return null; }
private String getRemotCoreUrl(CoreContainer cores, String collectionName, String origCorename) { ClusterState clusterState = cores.getZkController().getClusterState(); Collection<Slice> slices = clusterState.getActiveSlices(collectionName); boolean byCoreName = false; if (slices == null) { // look by core name byCoreName = true; Set<String> collections = clusterState.getCollections(); for (String collection : collections) { slices = new ArrayList<Slice>(); slices.addAll(clusterState.getSlices(collection)); } } if (slices == null || slices.size() == 0) { return null; } Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes(); Iterator<Slice> it = slices.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Slice slice = it.next(); Map<String,Replica> sliceShards = slice.getReplicasMap(); for (ZkNodeProps nodeProps : sliceShards.values()) { ZkCoreNodeProps coreNodeProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(nodeProps); if (liveNodes.contains(coreNodeProps.getNodeName()) && coreNodeProps.getState().equals(ZkStateReader.ACTIVE)) { if (byCoreName && !collectionName.equals(coreNodeProps.getCoreName())) { // if it's by core name, make sure they match continue; } if (coreNodeProps.getBaseUrl().equals(cores.getZkController().getBaseUrl())) { // don't count a local core continue; } String coreUrl; if (origCorename != null) { coreUrl = coreNodeProps.getBaseUrl() + "/" + origCorename; } else { coreUrl = coreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(); if (coreUrl.endsWith("/")) { coreUrl = coreUrl.substring(0, coreUrl.length() - 1); } } return coreUrl; } } } return null; }
private SolrZkClient electNewOverseer(String address) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException, KeeperException { SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(address, TIMEOUT); ZkStateReader reader = new ZkStateReader(zkClient); LeaderElector overseerElector = new LeaderElector(zkClient); ElectionContext ec = new OverseerElectionContext(address, zkClient, reader); overseerElector.setup(ec); overseerElector.joinElection(ec); return zkClient; }
private SolrZkClient electNewOverseer(String address) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException, KeeperException { SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(address, TIMEOUT); ZkStateReader reader = new ZkStateReader(zkClient); LeaderElector overseerElector = new LeaderElector(zkClient); ElectionContext ec = new OverseerElectionContext(address.replaceAll("/", "_"), zkClient, reader); overseerElector.setup(ec); overseerElector.joinElection(ec); return zkClient; }
public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws Exception, ParseException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { // int sleep = req.getParams().getInt("sleep",0); // if (sleep > 0) {log.error("SLEEPING for " + sleep); Thread.sleep(sleep);} ResponseBuilder rb = new ResponseBuilder(req, rsp, components); if (rb.requestInfo != null) { rb.requestInfo.setResponseBuilder(rb); } boolean dbg = req.getParams().getBool(CommonParams.DEBUG_QUERY, false); rb.setDebug(dbg); if (dbg == false){//if it's true, we are doing everything anyway. SolrPluginUtils.getDebugInterests(req.getParams().getParams(CommonParams.DEBUG), rb); } final RTimer timer = rb.isDebug() ? new RTimer() : null; ShardHandler shardHandler1 = shardHandlerFactory.getShardHandler(); shardHandler1.checkDistributed(rb); if (timer == null) { // non-debugging prepare phase for( SearchComponent c : components ) { c.prepare(rb); } } else { // debugging prepare phase RTimer subt = timer.sub( "prepare" ); for( SearchComponent c : components ) { rb.setTimer( subt.sub( c.getName() ) ); c.prepare(rb); rb.getTimer().stop(); } subt.stop(); } if (!rb.isDistrib) { // a normal non-distributed request // The semantics of debugging vs not debugging are different enough that // it makes sense to have two control loops if(!rb.isDebug()) { // Process for( SearchComponent c : components ) { c.process(rb); } } else { // Process RTimer subt = timer.sub( "process" ); for( SearchComponent c : components ) { rb.setTimer( subt.sub( c.getName() ) ); c.process(rb); rb.getTimer().stop(); } subt.stop(); timer.stop(); // add the timing info if (rb.isDebugTimings()) { rb.addDebugInfo("timing", timer.asNamedList() ); } } } else { // a distributed request if (rb.outgoing == null) { rb.outgoing = new LinkedList<ShardRequest>(); } rb.finished = new ArrayList<ShardRequest>(); int nextStage = 0; do { rb.stage = nextStage; nextStage = ResponseBuilder.STAGE_DONE; // call all components for( SearchComponent c : components ) { // the next stage is the minimum of what all components report nextStage = Math.min(nextStage, c.distributedProcess(rb)); } // check the outgoing queue and send requests while (rb.outgoing.size() > 0) { // submit all current request tasks at once while (rb.outgoing.size() > 0) { ShardRequest sreq = rb.outgoing.remove(0); sreq.actualShards = sreq.shards; if (sreq.actualShards==ShardRequest.ALL_SHARDS) { sreq.actualShards = rb.shards; } sreq.responses = new ArrayList<ShardResponse>(); // TODO: map from shard to address[] for (String shard : sreq.actualShards) { ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(sreq.params); params.remove(ShardParams.SHARDS); // not a top-level request params.remove("distrib"); // not a top-level request params.remove("indent"); params.remove(CommonParams.HEADER_ECHO_PARAMS); params.set(ShardParams.IS_SHARD, true); // a sub (shard) request params.set(ShardParams.SHARD_URL, shard); // so the shard knows what was asked if (rb.requestInfo != null) { // we could try and detect when this is needed, but it could be tricky params.set("NOW", Long.toString(rb.requestInfo.getNOW().getTime())); } String shardQt = req.getParams().get(ShardParams.SHARDS_QT); if (shardQt == null) { params.remove(CommonParams.QT); } else { params.set(CommonParams.QT, shardQt); } shardHandler1.submit(sreq, shard, params); } } // now wait for replies, but if anyone puts more requests on // the outgoing queue, send them out immediately (by exiting // this loop) while (rb.outgoing.size() == 0) { ShardResponse srsp = shardHandler1.takeCompletedOrError(); if (srsp == null) break; // no more requests to wait for // Was there an exception? If so, abort everything and // rethrow if (srsp.getException() != null) { shardHandler1.cancelAll(); if (srsp.getException() instanceof SolrException) { throw (SolrException)srsp.getException(); } else { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, srsp.getException()); } } rb.finished.add(srsp.getShardRequest()); // let the components see the responses to the request for(SearchComponent c : components) { c.handleResponses(rb, srsp.getShardRequest()); } } } for(SearchComponent c : components) { c.finishStage(rb); } // we are done when the next stage is MAX_VALUE } while (nextStage != Integer.MAX_VALUE); } }
public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws Exception, ParseException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { // int sleep = req.getParams().getInt("sleep",0); // if (sleep > 0) {log.error("SLEEPING for " + sleep); Thread.sleep(sleep);} ResponseBuilder rb = new ResponseBuilder(req, rsp, components); if (rb.requestInfo != null) { rb.requestInfo.setResponseBuilder(rb); } boolean dbg = req.getParams().getBool(CommonParams.DEBUG_QUERY, false); rb.setDebug(dbg); if (dbg == false){//if it's true, we are doing everything anyway. SolrPluginUtils.getDebugInterests(req.getParams().getParams(CommonParams.DEBUG), rb); } final RTimer timer = rb.isDebug() ? new RTimer() : null; ShardHandler shardHandler1 = shardHandlerFactory.getShardHandler(); shardHandler1.checkDistributed(rb); if (timer == null) { // non-debugging prepare phase for( SearchComponent c : components ) { c.prepare(rb); } } else { // debugging prepare phase RTimer subt = timer.sub( "prepare" ); for( SearchComponent c : components ) { rb.setTimer( subt.sub( c.getName() ) ); c.prepare(rb); rb.getTimer().stop(); } subt.stop(); } if (!rb.isDistrib) { // a normal non-distributed request // The semantics of debugging vs not debugging are different enough that // it makes sense to have two control loops if(!rb.isDebug()) { // Process for( SearchComponent c : components ) { c.process(rb); } } else { // Process RTimer subt = timer.sub( "process" ); for( SearchComponent c : components ) { rb.setTimer( subt.sub( c.getName() ) ); c.process(rb); rb.getTimer().stop(); } subt.stop(); timer.stop(); // add the timing info if (rb.isDebugTimings()) { rb.addDebugInfo("timing", timer.asNamedList() ); } } } else { // a distributed request if (rb.outgoing == null) { rb.outgoing = new LinkedList<ShardRequest>(); } rb.finished = new ArrayList<ShardRequest>(); int nextStage = 0; do { rb.stage = nextStage; nextStage = ResponseBuilder.STAGE_DONE; // call all components for( SearchComponent c : components ) { // the next stage is the minimum of what all components report nextStage = Math.min(nextStage, c.distributedProcess(rb)); } // check the outgoing queue and send requests while (rb.outgoing.size() > 0) { // submit all current request tasks at once while (rb.outgoing.size() > 0) { ShardRequest sreq = rb.outgoing.remove(0); sreq.actualShards = sreq.shards; if (sreq.actualShards==ShardRequest.ALL_SHARDS) { sreq.actualShards = rb.shards; } sreq.responses = new ArrayList<ShardResponse>(); // TODO: map from shard to address[] for (String shard : sreq.actualShards) { ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(sreq.params); params.remove(ShardParams.SHARDS); // not a top-level request params.set("distrib", "false"); // not a top-level request params.remove("indent"); params.remove(CommonParams.HEADER_ECHO_PARAMS); params.set(ShardParams.IS_SHARD, true); // a sub (shard) request params.set(ShardParams.SHARD_URL, shard); // so the shard knows what was asked if (rb.requestInfo != null) { // we could try and detect when this is needed, but it could be tricky params.set("NOW", Long.toString(rb.requestInfo.getNOW().getTime())); } String shardQt = req.getParams().get(ShardParams.SHARDS_QT); if (shardQt == null) { params.remove(CommonParams.QT); } else { params.set(CommonParams.QT, shardQt); } shardHandler1.submit(sreq, shard, params); } } // now wait for replies, but if anyone puts more requests on // the outgoing queue, send them out immediately (by exiting // this loop) while (rb.outgoing.size() == 0) { ShardResponse srsp = shardHandler1.takeCompletedOrError(); if (srsp == null) break; // no more requests to wait for // Was there an exception? If so, abort everything and // rethrow if (srsp.getException() != null) { shardHandler1.cancelAll(); if (srsp.getException() instanceof SolrException) { throw (SolrException)srsp.getException(); } else { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, srsp.getException()); } } rb.finished.add(srsp.getShardRequest()); // let the components see the responses to the request for(SearchComponent c : components) { c.handleResponses(rb, srsp.getShardRequest()); } } } for(SearchComponent c : components) { c.finishStage(rb); } // we are done when the next stage is MAX_VALUE } while (nextStage != Integer.MAX_VALUE); } }
public void testFeature1() throws Exception { Subsystem subsystem = installSubsystemFromFile("feature1.ssa"); try { assertSymbolicName("org.apache.aries.subsystem.feature1", subsystem); assertVersion("1.0.0", subsystem); assertConstituents(2, subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for installation. startSubsystem(subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for starting. stopSubsystem(subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for stopping. } finally { uninstallSubsystem(subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for uninstalling. } }
public void testFeature1() throws Exception { Subsystem subsystem = installSubsystemFromFile("feature1.ssa"); try { assertSymbolicName("org.apache.aries.subsystem.feature1", subsystem); assertVersion("1.0.0", subsystem); assertConstituents(3, subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for installation. startSubsystem(subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for starting. stopSubsystem(subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for stopping. } finally { uninstallSubsystem(subsystem); // TODO Test internal events for uninstalling. } }
public static Option[] configuration() { Option[] options = options( // Log mavenBundle("org.ops4j.pax.logging", "pax-logging-api"), mavenBundle("org.ops4j.pax.logging", "pax-logging-service"), // Felix Config Admin mavenBundle("org.apache.felix", "org.apache.felix.configadmin"), // Felix mvn url handler mavenBundle("org.ops4j.pax.url", "pax-url-mvn"), // this is how you set the default log level when using pax // logging (logProfile) systemProperty("org.ops4j.pax.logging.DefaultServiceLog.level").value("DEBUG"), systemProperty("org.osgi.framework.bsnversion").value("multiple"), // Bundles mavenBundle("org.eclipse.osgi", "services").version("3.3.0-v20110523"), mavenBundle("org.eclipse.equinox", "region").version("1.0.0.v20110518"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.testsupport", "org.apache.aries.testsupport.unit"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.application", "org.apache.aries.application.api"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries", "org.apache.aries.util"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.application", "org.apache.aries.application.utils"), mavenBundle("org.apache.felix", "org.apache.felix.bundlerepository"), mavenBundle("org.eclipse.equinox", "coordinator"), mavenBundle("org.eclipse.equinox", "org.eclipse.equinox.event"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.subsystem", "org.apache.aries.subsystem.api"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.subsystem", "org.apache.aries.subsystem.core"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.subsystem", "org.apache.aries.subsystem.executor"), // org.ops4j.pax.exam.container.def.PaxRunnerOptions.vmOption("-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"), PaxRunnerOptions.rawPaxRunnerOption("config", "classpath:ss-runner.properties"), equinox().version("3.8.0.v20110621")); options = updateOptions(options);
public static Option[] configuration() { Option[] options = options( // Log mavenBundle("org.ops4j.pax.logging", "pax-logging-api"), mavenBundle("org.ops4j.pax.logging", "pax-logging-service"), // Felix Config Admin mavenBundle("org.apache.felix", "org.apache.felix.configadmin"), // Felix mvn url handler mavenBundle("org.ops4j.pax.url", "pax-url-mvn"), // this is how you set the default log level when using pax // logging (logProfile) systemProperty("org.ops4j.pax.logging.DefaultServiceLog.level").value("DEBUG"), systemProperty("org.osgi.framework.bsnversion").value("multiple"), // Bundles mavenBundle("org.eclipse.osgi", "services").version("3.3.0-v20110523"), mavenBundle("org.eclipse.equinox", "region").version("1.0.0.v20110518"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.testsupport", "org.apache.aries.testsupport.unit"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.application", "org.apache.aries.application.api"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries", "org.apache.aries.util"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.application", "org.apache.aries.application.utils"), mavenBundle("org.apache.felix", "org.apache.felix.bundlerepository"), mavenBundle("org.eclipse.equinox", "coordinator"), mavenBundle("org.eclipse.equinox", "org.eclipse.equinox.event"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.subsystem", "org.apache.aries.subsystem.api"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.subsystem", "org.apache.aries.subsystem.core"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.subsystem", "org.apache.aries.subsystem.executor"), // org.ops4j.pax.exam.container.def.PaxRunnerOptions.vmOption("-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"), PaxRunnerOptions.rawPaxRunnerOption("config", "classpath:ss-runner.properties"), equinox().version("3.8.0-SNAPSHOT")); options = updateOptions(options);
public static DeploymentManifest newInstance(SubsystemManifest manifest, SubsystemEnvironment environment) { DeploymentManifest result = new DeploymentManifest(); result.headers.put(ManifestVersionHeader.NAME, manifest.getManifestVersion()); Collection<Requirement> requirements = new ArrayList<Requirement>(); for (SubsystemContentHeader.Content content : manifest.getSubsystemContent().getContents()) { Requirement requirement = OsgiIdentityRequirement.newInstance(content); requirements.add(requirement); } // TODO This does not validate that all content bundles were found. Map<Resource, List<Wire>> resolution = Activator.getResolver().resolve(environment, requirements.toArray(new Requirement[requirements.size()])); // TODO Once we have a resolver that actually returns lists of wires, we can use them to compute other manifest headers such as Import-Package. Collection<Resource> deployedContent = new ArrayList<Resource>(); Collection<Resource> provisionResource = new ArrayList<Resource>(); for (Resource resource : resolution.keySet()) { if (environment.isContentResource(resource)) deployedContent.add(resource); else provisionResource.add(resource); } result.headers.put(DeployedContentHeader.NAME, DeployedContentHeader.newInstance(deployedContent)); if (!provisionResource.isEmpty()) result.headers.put(ProvisionResourceHeader.NAME, ProvisionResourceHeader.newInstance(provisionResource)); result.headers.put(SubsystemSymbolicNameHeader.NAME, manifest.getSubsystemSymbolicName()); result.headers.put(SubsystemVersionHeader.NAME, manifest.getSubsystemVersion()); SubsystemTypeHeader typeHeader = manifest.getSubsystemType(); result.headers.put(SubsystemTypeHeader.NAME, typeHeader); // TODO Add to constants. if ("osgi.application".equals(typeHeader.getValue())) { // TODO Compute additional headers for an application. } // TODO Add to constants. else if ("osgi.composite".equals(typeHeader.getValue())) { // TODO Compute additional headers for a composite. } // Features require no additional headers. return result; }
public static DeploymentManifest newInstance(SubsystemManifest manifest, SubsystemEnvironment environment) { DeploymentManifest result = new DeploymentManifest(); result.headers.put(ManifestVersionHeader.NAME, manifest.getManifestVersion()); Collection<Requirement> requirements = new ArrayList<Requirement>(); for (SubsystemContentHeader.Content content : manifest.getSubsystemContent().getContents()) { Requirement requirement = new OsgiIdentityRequirement(content.getName(), content.getVersionRange(), content.getType(), false); requirements.add(requirement); } // TODO This does not validate that all content bundles were found. Map<Resource, List<Wire>> resolution = Activator.getResolver().resolve(environment, requirements.toArray(new Requirement[requirements.size()])); // TODO Once we have a resolver that actually returns lists of wires, we can use them to compute other manifest headers such as Import-Package. Collection<Resource> deployedContent = new ArrayList<Resource>(); Collection<Resource> provisionResource = new ArrayList<Resource>(); for (Resource resource : resolution.keySet()) { if (environment.isContentResource(resource)) deployedContent.add(resource); else provisionResource.add(resource); } result.headers.put(DeployedContentHeader.NAME, DeployedContentHeader.newInstance(deployedContent)); if (!provisionResource.isEmpty()) result.headers.put(ProvisionResourceHeader.NAME, ProvisionResourceHeader.newInstance(provisionResource)); result.headers.put(SubsystemSymbolicNameHeader.NAME, manifest.getSubsystemSymbolicName()); result.headers.put(SubsystemVersionHeader.NAME, manifest.getSubsystemVersion()); SubsystemTypeHeader typeHeader = manifest.getSubsystemType(); result.headers.put(SubsystemTypeHeader.NAME, typeHeader); // TODO Add to constants. if ("osgi.application".equals(typeHeader.getValue())) { // TODO Compute additional headers for an application. } // TODO Add to constants. else if ("osgi.composite".equals(typeHeader.getValue())) { // TODO Compute additional headers for a composite. } // Features require no additional headers. return result; }
public void renameCf() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("key0"); final KSMetaData ks = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace2"); assert ks != null; final CFMetaData oldCfm = ks.cfMetaData().get("Standard1"); assert oldCfm != null; // write some data, force a flush, then verify that files exist on disk. RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) rm.add(new QueryPath(oldCfm.cfName, null, ("col" + i).getBytes()), "anyvalue".getBytes(), new TimestampClock(1L)); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(oldCfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(oldCfm.cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); int fileCount = DefsTable.getFiles(oldCfm.tableName, oldCfm.cfName).size(); assert fileCount > 0; final String cfName = "St4ndard1Replacement"; new RenameColumnFamily(oldCfm.tableName, oldCfm.cfName, cfName).apply(); assert !DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(oldCfm.cfName); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(cfName); // verify that new files are there. assert DefsTable.getFiles(oldCfm.tableName, cfName).size() == fileCount; // do some reads. store = Table.open(oldCfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(cfName); assert store != null; ColumnFamily cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cfName), "".getBytes(), "".getBytes(), null, false, 1000)); assert cfam.getSortedColumns().size() == 100; // should be good enough? // do some writes rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null, "col5".getBytes()), "updated".getBytes(), new TimestampClock(2L)); rm.apply(); store.forceBlockingFlush(); cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getNamesFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cfName), "col5".getBytes())); assert cfam.getColumnCount() == 1; assert Arrays.equals(cfam.getColumn("col5".getBytes()).value(), "updated".getBytes()); }
public void renameCf() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("key0"); final KSMetaData ks = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace2"); assert ks != null; final CFMetaData oldCfm = ks.cfMetaData().get("Standard1"); assert oldCfm != null; // write some data, force a flush, then verify that files exist on disk. RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) rm.add(new QueryPath(oldCfm.cfName, null, ("col" + i).getBytes()), "anyvalue".getBytes(), new TimestampClock(1L)); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(oldCfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(oldCfm.cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); int fileCount = DefsTable.getFiles(oldCfm.tableName, oldCfm.cfName).size(); assert fileCount > 0; final String cfName = "St4ndard1Replacement"; new RenameColumnFamily(oldCfm.tableName, oldCfm.cfName, cfName).apply(); assert !DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(oldCfm.cfName); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(cfName); // verify that new files are there. assert DefsTable.getFiles(oldCfm.tableName, cfName).size() == fileCount; // do some reads. store = Table.open(oldCfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(cfName); assert store != null; ColumnFamily cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cfName), "".getBytes(), "".getBytes(), false, 1000)); assert cfam.getSortedColumns().size() == 100; // should be good enough? // do some writes rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null, "col5".getBytes()), "updated".getBytes(), new TimestampClock(2L)); rm.apply(); store.forceBlockingFlush(); cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getNamesFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cfName), "col5".getBytes())); assert cfam.getColumnCount() == 1; assert Arrays.equals(cfam.getColumn("col5".getBytes()).value(), "updated".getBytes()); }
public static ColumnFamily getDroppedCFs() throws IOException { ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Table.open(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE).getColumnFamilyStore(SystemTable.STATUS_CF); return cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(decorate(GRAVEYARD_KEY), new QueryPath(STATUS_CF), "".getBytes(), "".getBytes(), null, false, 100)); }
public static ColumnFamily getDroppedCFs() throws IOException { ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Table.open(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE).getColumnFamilyStore(SystemTable.STATUS_CF); return cfs.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(decorate(GRAVEYARD_KEY), new QueryPath(STATUS_CF), "".getBytes(), "".getBytes(), false, 100)); }
public static Collection<IColumn> getLocalMigrations(UUID start, UUID end) { DecoratedKey dkey = StorageService.getPartitioner().decorateKey(MIGRATIONS_KEY); Table defs = Table.open(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE); ColumnFamilyStore cfStore = defs.getColumnFamilyStore(Migration.MIGRATIONS_CF); QueryFilter filter = QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dkey, new QueryPath(MIGRATIONS_CF), UUIDGen.decompose(start), UUIDGen.decompose(end), null, false, 1000); ColumnFamily cf = cfStore.getColumnFamily(filter); return cf.getSortedColumns(); }
public static Collection<IColumn> getLocalMigrations(UUID start, UUID end) { DecoratedKey dkey = StorageService.getPartitioner().decorateKey(MIGRATIONS_KEY); Table defs = Table.open(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE); ColumnFamilyStore cfStore = defs.getColumnFamilyStore(Migration.MIGRATIONS_CF); QueryFilter filter = QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dkey, new QueryPath(MIGRATIONS_CF), UUIDGen.decompose(start), UUIDGen.decompose(end), false, 1000); ColumnFamily cf = cfStore.getColumnFamily(filter); return cf.getSortedColumns(); }
public SnowballFilter(TokenStream in, String name) { super(in); try { Class<? extends SnowballProgram> stemClass = Class.forName("org.tartarus.snowball.ext." + name + "Stemmer").asSubclass(SnowballProgram.class); stemmer = stemClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } }
public SnowballFilter(TokenStream in, String name) { super(in); try { Class<? extends SnowballProgram> stemClass = Class.forName("org.tartarus.snowball.ext." + name + "Stemmer").asSubclass(SnowballProgram.class); stemmer = stemClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid stemmer class specified: " + name, e); } }
protected void copyState(SQLChar other) { this.value = other.value; this.rawData = other.rawData; this.rawLength = other.rawLength; this.cKey = other.cKey; this.stream = other.stream; this._clobValue = other._clobValue; this.localeFinder = localeFinder; }
protected void copyState(SQLChar other) { this.value = other.value; this.rawData = other.rawData; this.rawLength = other.rawLength; this.cKey = other.cKey; this.stream = other.stream; this._clobValue = other._clobValue; this.localeFinder = other.localeFinder; }
public NamedSPILoader(Class<S> clazz) { this(clazz, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); } public NamedSPILoader(Class<S> clazz, ClassLoader classloader) { this.clazz = clazz; reload(classloader); } /** * Reloads the internal SPI list from the given {@link ClassLoader}. * Changes to the service list are visible after the method ends, all * iterators ({@link #iterator()},...) stay consistent. * * <p><b>NOTE:</b> Only new service providers are added, existing ones are * never removed or replaced. * * <p><em>This method is expensive and should only be called for discovery * of new service providers on the given classpath/classloader!</em> */ public void reload(ClassLoader classloader) { final LinkedHashMap<String,S> services = new LinkedHashMap<String,S>(this.services); final SPIClassIterator<S> loader = SPIClassIterator.get(clazz, classloader); while (loader.hasNext()) { final Class<? extends S> c = loader.next(); try { final S service = c.newInstance(); final String name = service.getName(); // only add the first one for each name, later services will be ignored // this allows to place services before others in classpath to make // them used instead of others if (!services.containsKey(name)) { checkServiceName(name); services.put(name, service); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceConfigurationError("Cannot instantiate SPI class: " + c.getName(), e); } } this.services = Collections.unmodifiableMap(services); }
public NamedSPILoader(Class<S> clazz) { this(clazz, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); } public NamedSPILoader(Class<S> clazz, ClassLoader classloader) { this.clazz = clazz; reload(classloader); } /** * Reloads the internal SPI list from the given {@link ClassLoader}. * Changes to the service list are visible after the method ends, all * iterators ({@link #iterator()},...) stay consistent. * * <p><b>NOTE:</b> Only new service providers are added, existing ones are * never removed or replaced. * * <p><em>This method is expensive and should only be called for discovery * of new service providers on the given classpath/classloader!</em> */ public synchronized void reload(ClassLoader classloader) { final LinkedHashMap<String,S> services = new LinkedHashMap<String,S>(this.services); final SPIClassIterator<S> loader = SPIClassIterator.get(clazz, classloader); while (loader.hasNext()) { final Class<? extends S> c = loader.next(); try { final S service = c.newInstance(); final String name = service.getName(); // only add the first one for each name, later services will be ignored // this allows to place services before others in classpath to make // them used instead of others if (!services.containsKey(name)) { checkServiceName(name); services.put(name, service); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceConfigurationError("Cannot instantiate SPI class: " + c.getName(), e); } } this.services = Collections.unmodifiableMap(services); }
private void doTest(final SpatialOperation operation) throws IOException { //first show that when there's no data, a query will result in no results { Query query = strategy.makeQuery(new SpatialArgs(operation, randomRectangle())); SearchResults searchResults = executeQuery(query, 1); assertEquals(0, searchResults.numFound); } final boolean biasContains = (operation == SpatialOperation.Contains); //Main index loop: Map<String, Shape> indexedShapes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<String, Shape> indexedShapesGS = new LinkedHashMap<>();//grid snapped final int numIndexedShapes = randomIntBetween(1, 6); boolean indexedAtLeastOneShapePair = false; for (int i = 0; i < numIndexedShapes; i++) { String id = "" + i; Shape indexedShape; int R = random().nextInt(12); if (R == 0) {//1 in 12 indexedShape = null; } else if (R == 1) {//1 in 12 indexedShape = randomPoint();//just one point } else if (R <= 4) {//3 in 12 //comprised of more than one shape indexedShape = randomShapePairRect(biasContains); indexedAtLeastOneShapePair = true; } else { indexedShape = randomRectangle();//just one rect } indexedShapes.put(id, indexedShape); indexedShapesGS.put(id, gridSnap(indexedShape)); adoc(id, indexedShape); if (random().nextInt(10) == 0) commit();//intermediate commit, produces extra segments } //delete some documents randomly Iterator<String> idIter = indexedShapes.keySet().iterator(); while (idIter.hasNext()) { String id = idIter.next(); if (random().nextInt(10) == 0) { deleteDoc(id); idIter.remove(); indexedShapesGS.remove(id); } } commit(); //Main query loop: final int numQueryShapes = atLeast(20); for (int i = 0; i < numQueryShapes; i++) { int scanLevel = randomInt(grid.getMaxLevels()); ((RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy) strategy).setPrefixGridScanLevel(scanLevel); final Shape queryShape; switch (randomInt(10)) { case 0: queryShape = randomPoint(); break; case 1:case 2:case 3: if (!indexedAtLeastOneShapePair) { // avoids ShapePair.relate(ShapePair), which isn't reliable queryShape = randomShapePairRect(biasContains); break; } default: queryShape = randomRectangle(); } final Shape queryShapeGS = gridSnap(queryShape); final boolean opIsDisjoint = operation == SpatialOperation.IsDisjointTo; //Generate truth via brute force: // We ensure true-positive matches (if the predicate on the raw shapes match // then the search should find those same matches). // approximations, false-positive matches Set<String> expectedIds = new LinkedHashSet<>();//true-positives Set<String> secondaryIds = new LinkedHashSet<>();//false-positives (unless disjoint) for (Map.Entry<String, Shape> entry : indexedShapes.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); Shape indexedShapeCompare = entry.getValue(); if (indexedShapeCompare == null) continue; Shape queryShapeCompare = queryShape; if (operation.evaluate(indexedShapeCompare, queryShapeCompare)) { expectedIds.add(id); if (opIsDisjoint) { //if no longer intersect after buffering them, for disjoint, remember this indexedShapeCompare = indexedShapesGS.get(id); queryShapeCompare = queryShapeGS; if (!operation.evaluate(indexedShapeCompare, queryShapeCompare)) secondaryIds.add(id); } } else if (!opIsDisjoint) { //buffer either the indexed or query shape (via gridSnap) and try again if (operation == SpatialOperation.Intersects) { indexedShapeCompare = indexedShapesGS.get(id); queryShapeCompare = queryShapeGS; //TODO Unfortunately, grid-snapping both can result in intersections that otherwise // wouldn't happen when the grids are adjacent. Not a big deal but our test is just a // bit more lenient. } else if (operation == SpatialOperation.Contains) { indexedShapeCompare = indexedShapesGS.get(id); } else if (operation == SpatialOperation.IsWithin) { queryShapeCompare = queryShapeGS; } if (operation.evaluate(indexedShapeCompare, queryShapeCompare)) secondaryIds.add(id); } } //Search and verify results SpatialArgs args = new SpatialArgs(operation, queryShape); if (queryShape instanceof ShapePair) args.setDistErrPct(0.0);//a hack; we want to be more detailed than gridSnap(queryShape) Query query = strategy.makeQuery(args); SearchResults got = executeQuery(query, 100); Set<String> remainingExpectedIds = new LinkedHashSet<>(expectedIds); for (SearchResult result : got.results) { String id = result.getId(); boolean removed = remainingExpectedIds.remove(id); if (!removed && (!opIsDisjoint && !secondaryIds.contains(id))) { fail("Shouldn't match", id, indexedShapes, indexedShapesGS, queryShape); } } if (opIsDisjoint) remainingExpectedIds.removeAll(secondaryIds); if (!remainingExpectedIds.isEmpty()) { String id = remainingExpectedIds.iterator().next(); fail("Should have matched", id, indexedShapes, indexedShapesGS, queryShape); } } }
private void doTest(final SpatialOperation operation) throws IOException { //first show that when there's no data, a query will result in no results { Query query = strategy.makeQuery(new SpatialArgs(operation, randomRectangle())); SearchResults searchResults = executeQuery(query, 1); assertEquals(0, searchResults.numFound); } final boolean biasContains = (operation == SpatialOperation.Contains); //Main index loop: Map<String, Shape> indexedShapes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<String, Shape> indexedShapesGS = new LinkedHashMap<>();//grid snapped final int numIndexedShapes = randomIntBetween(1, 6); boolean indexedAtLeastOneShapePair = false; for (int i = 0; i < numIndexedShapes; i++) { String id = "" + i; Shape indexedShape; int R = random().nextInt(12); if (R == 0) {//1 in 12 indexedShape = null; } else if (R == 1) {//1 in 12 indexedShape = randomPoint();//just one point } else if (R <= 4) {//3 in 12 //comprised of more than one shape indexedShape = randomShapePairRect(biasContains); indexedAtLeastOneShapePair = true; } else { indexedShape = randomRectangle();//just one rect } indexedShapes.put(id, indexedShape); indexedShapesGS.put(id, gridSnap(indexedShape)); adoc(id, indexedShape); if (random().nextInt(10) == 0) commit();//intermediate commit, produces extra segments } //delete some documents randomly Iterator<String> idIter = indexedShapes.keySet().iterator(); while (idIter.hasNext()) { String id = idIter.next(); if (random().nextInt(10) == 0) { deleteDoc(id); idIter.remove(); indexedShapesGS.remove(id); } } commit(); //Main query loop: final int numQueryShapes = atLeast(20); for (int i = 0; i < numQueryShapes; i++) { int scanLevel = randomInt(grid.getMaxLevels()); ((RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy) strategy).setPrefixGridScanLevel(scanLevel); final Shape queryShape; switch (randomInt(10)) { case 0: queryShape = randomPoint(); break; case 1:case 2:case 3: if (!indexedAtLeastOneShapePair) { // avoids ShapePair.relate(ShapePair), which isn't reliable queryShape = randomShapePairRect(!biasContains);//invert biasContains for query side break; } default: queryShape = randomRectangle(); } final Shape queryShapeGS = gridSnap(queryShape); final boolean opIsDisjoint = operation == SpatialOperation.IsDisjointTo; //Generate truth via brute force: // We ensure true-positive matches (if the predicate on the raw shapes match // then the search should find those same matches). // approximations, false-positive matches Set<String> expectedIds = new LinkedHashSet<>();//true-positives Set<String> secondaryIds = new LinkedHashSet<>();//false-positives (unless disjoint) for (Map.Entry<String, Shape> entry : indexedShapes.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); Shape indexedShapeCompare = entry.getValue(); if (indexedShapeCompare == null) continue; Shape queryShapeCompare = queryShape; if (operation.evaluate(indexedShapeCompare, queryShapeCompare)) { expectedIds.add(id); if (opIsDisjoint) { //if no longer intersect after buffering them, for disjoint, remember this indexedShapeCompare = indexedShapesGS.get(id); queryShapeCompare = queryShapeGS; if (!operation.evaluate(indexedShapeCompare, queryShapeCompare)) secondaryIds.add(id); } } else if (!opIsDisjoint) { //buffer either the indexed or query shape (via gridSnap) and try again if (operation == SpatialOperation.Intersects) { indexedShapeCompare = indexedShapesGS.get(id); queryShapeCompare = queryShapeGS; //TODO Unfortunately, grid-snapping both can result in intersections that otherwise // wouldn't happen when the grids are adjacent. Not a big deal but our test is just a // bit more lenient. } else if (operation == SpatialOperation.Contains) { indexedShapeCompare = indexedShapesGS.get(id); } else if (operation == SpatialOperation.IsWithin) { queryShapeCompare = queryShapeGS; } if (operation.evaluate(indexedShapeCompare, queryShapeCompare)) secondaryIds.add(id); } } //Search and verify results SpatialArgs args = new SpatialArgs(operation, queryShape); if (queryShape instanceof ShapePair) args.setDistErrPct(0.0);//a hack; we want to be more detailed than gridSnap(queryShape) Query query = strategy.makeQuery(args); SearchResults got = executeQuery(query, 100); Set<String> remainingExpectedIds = new LinkedHashSet<>(expectedIds); for (SearchResult result : got.results) { String id = result.getId(); boolean removed = remainingExpectedIds.remove(id); if (!removed && (!opIsDisjoint && !secondaryIds.contains(id))) { fail("Shouldn't match", id, indexedShapes, indexedShapesGS, queryShape); } } if (opIsDisjoint) remainingExpectedIds.removeAll(secondaryIds); if (!remainingExpectedIds.isEmpty()) { String id = remainingExpectedIds.iterator().next(); fail("Should have matched", id, indexedShapes, indexedShapesGS, queryShape); } } }
public synchronized final long getRecomputedSizeInBytes() { long size = 0; Iterator it = fileMap.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) size += ((RAMFile) it.next()).getSizeInBytes(); return size; } /** Like getRecomputedSizeInBytes(), but, uses actual file * lengths rather than buffer allocations (which are * quantized up to nearest * RAMOutputStream.BUFFER_SIZE (now 1024) bytes. */ final long getRecomputedActualSizeInBytes() { long size = 0; Iterator it = fileMap.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) size += ((RAMFile) it.next()).length; return size; }
public synchronized final long getRecomputedSizeInBytes() { long size = 0; Iterator it = fileMap.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) size += ((RAMFile) it.next()).getSizeInBytes(); return size; } /** Like getRecomputedSizeInBytes(), but, uses actual file * lengths rather than buffer allocations (which are * quantized up to nearest * RAMOutputStream.BUFFER_SIZE (now 1024) bytes. */ final synchronized long getRecomputedActualSizeInBytes() { long size = 0; Iterator it = fileMap.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) size += ((RAMFile) it.next()).length; return size; }
public static SegmentInfo writeDoc(Directory dir, Analyzer analyzer, Similarity similarity, Document doc) throws IOException { IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, analyzer); writer.setSimilarity(similarity); //writer.setUseCompoundFile(false); writer.addDocument(doc); writer.flush(); SegmentInfo info = writer.segmentInfos.info(writer.segmentInfos.size()-1); writer.close(); return info; }
public static SegmentInfo writeDoc(Directory dir, Analyzer analyzer, Similarity similarity, Document doc) throws IOException { IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, analyzer); writer.setSimilarity(similarity); //writer.setUseCompoundFile(false); writer.addDocument(doc); writer.flush(); SegmentInfo info = writer.newestSegment(); writer.close(); return info; }
private SegmentInfo indexDoc(IndexWriter writer, String fileName) throws Exception { File file = new File(workDir, fileName); Document doc = FileDocument.Document(file); writer.addDocument(doc); writer.flush(); return writer.segmentInfos.info(writer.segmentInfos.size()-1); }
private SegmentInfo indexDoc(IndexWriter writer, String fileName) throws Exception { File file = new File(workDir, fileName); Document doc = FileDocument.Document(file); writer.addDocument(doc); writer.flush(); return writer.newestSegment(); }
public DecoratedKey getKey() { return filter.key; } }; ColumnFamily returnCF = container.cloneMeShallow(); filter.collateColumns(returnCF, Collections.singletonList(toCollate), cfs.metadata.comparator, gcBefore); // "hoist up" the requested data into a more recent sstable if (sstablesIterated >= cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold() && cfs.getCompactionStrategy() instanceof SizeTieredCompactionStrategy) { RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(cfs.table.name, new Row(filter.key, returnCF)); try { rm.applyUnsafe(); // skipping commitlog is fine since we're just de-fragmenting existing data } catch (IOException e) { // log and allow the result to be returned logger.error("Error re-writing read results", e); } } // Caller is responsible for final removeDeletedCF. This is important for cacheRow to work correctly: return returnCF; } finally { for (IColumnIterator iter : iterators) FileUtils.closeQuietly(iter); SSTableReader.releaseReferences(view.sstables); } }
public DecoratedKey getKey() { return filter.key; } }; ColumnFamily returnCF = container.cloneMeShallow(); filter.collateColumns(returnCF, Collections.singletonList(toCollate), cfs.metadata.comparator, gcBefore); // "hoist up" the requested data into a more recent sstable if (sstablesIterated >= cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold() && cfs.getCompactionStrategy() instanceof SizeTieredCompactionStrategy) { RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(cfs.table.name, new Row(filter.key, returnCF.cloneMe())); try { rm.applyUnsafe(); // skipping commitlog is fine since we're just de-fragmenting existing data } catch (IOException e) { // log and allow the result to be returned logger.error("Error re-writing read results", e); } } // Caller is responsible for final removeDeletedCF. This is important for cacheRow to work correctly: return returnCF; } finally { for (IColumnIterator iter : iterators) FileUtils.closeQuietly(iter); SSTableReader.releaseReferences(view.sstables); } }
public void testInvalidLDAPServerConnectionError() throws SQLException { // setup Connection conn = getConnection(); // set the ldap properties setDatabaseProperty("derby.connection.requireAuthentication", "true", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.provider", "LDAP", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.server", "noSuchServer", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.ldap.searchBase", "o=dnString", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter","(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%USERNAME%))", conn); commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); // shutdown the database as system, so the properties take effect TestConfiguration.getCurrent().shutdownDatabase(); String dbName = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getDefaultDatabaseName(); // actual test. // first, try datasource connection DataSource ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource(dbName); try { ds.getConnection(); fail("expected java.net.UnknownHostException for datasource"); } catch (SQLException se) { assertSQLState("08004", se); // with network server, the java.net.UnknownHostException will be in // derby.log, the client only gets a 08004 and somewhat misleading // warning ('Reason: userid or password invalid') if (usingEmbedded()) assertTrue(se.getMessage().indexOf("java.net.UnknownHostException")>1); } // driver manager connection String url2 = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getJDBCUrl(dbName); try { DriverManager.getConnection(url2,"user","password").close(); fail("expected java.net.UnknownHostException for driver"); } catch (SQLException se) { assertSQLState("08004", se); // with network server, the java.net.UnknownHostException will be in // derby.log, the client only gets a 08004 and somewhat misleading // warning ('Reason: userid or password invalid') if (usingEmbedded()) assertTrue(se.getMessage().indexOf("java.net.UnknownHostException")>1); } // we need to shutdown the system, or the failed connections // cling to db.lck causing cleanup to fail. // we *can* shutdown because we don't have authentication required // set at system level (only database level). shutdownSystem(); }
public void testInvalidLDAPServerConnectionError() throws SQLException { // setup Connection conn = getConnection(); // set the ldap properties setDatabaseProperty("derby.connection.requireAuthentication", "true", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.provider", "LDAP", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.server", "noSuchServer.invalid", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.ldap.searchBase", "o=dnString", conn); setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter","(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%USERNAME%))", conn); commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); // shutdown the database as system, so the properties take effect TestConfiguration.getCurrent().shutdownDatabase(); String dbName = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getDefaultDatabaseName(); // actual test. // first, try datasource connection DataSource ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource(dbName); try { ds.getConnection(); fail("expected java.net.UnknownHostException for datasource"); } catch (SQLException se) { assertSQLState("08004", se); // with network server, the java.net.UnknownHostException will be in // derby.log, the client only gets a 08004 and somewhat misleading // warning ('Reason: userid or password invalid') if (usingEmbedded()) assertTrue(se.getMessage().indexOf("java.net.UnknownHostException")>1); } // driver manager connection String url2 = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getJDBCUrl(dbName); try { DriverManager.getConnection(url2,"user","password").close(); fail("expected java.net.UnknownHostException for driver"); } catch (SQLException se) { assertSQLState("08004", se); // with network server, the java.net.UnknownHostException will be in // derby.log, the client only gets a 08004 and somewhat misleading // warning ('Reason: userid or password invalid') if (usingEmbedded()) assertTrue(se.getMessage().indexOf("java.net.UnknownHostException")>1); } // we need to shutdown the system, or the failed connections // cling to db.lck causing cleanup to fail. // we *can* shutdown because we don't have authentication required // set at system level (only database level). shutdownSystem(); }
public List<ColumnOrSuperColumn> get_slice(String keyspace, String key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, int consistency_level) throws InvalidRequestException, NotFoundException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("get_slice_from"); ThriftValidation.validateColumnParent(keyspace, column_parent); if (predicate.column_names != null) { return getSlice(new SliceByNamesReadCommand(keyspace, key, column_parent, predicate.column_names), consistency_level); } else { SliceRange range = predicate.slice_range; if (range.count < 0) throw new InvalidRequestException("get_slice requires non-negative count"); return getSlice(new SliceFromReadCommand(keyspace, key, column_parent, range.start, range.finish, range.is_ascending, range.count), consistency_level); } }
public List<ColumnOrSuperColumn> get_slice(String keyspace, String key, ColumnParent column_parent, SlicePredicate predicate, int consistency_level) throws InvalidRequestException, NotFoundException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("get_slice_from"); ThriftValidation.validateColumnParent(keyspace, column_parent); if (predicate.column_names != null) { return getSlice(new SliceByNamesReadCommand(keyspace, key, column_parent, predicate.column_names), consistency_level); } else { SliceRange range = predicate.slice_range; if (range.count < 0) throw new InvalidRequestException("get_slice requires non-negative count"); return getSlice(new SliceFromReadCommand(keyspace, key, column_parent, range.start, range.finish, range.reversed, range.count), consistency_level); } }
private void doTestExactScore(String field, boolean inOrder) throws Exception { IndexReader r = DirectoryReader.open(dir); IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(r); ValueSource vs; if (inOrder) { vs = new OrdFieldSource(field); } else { vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field); } Query q = new FunctionQuery(vs); TopDocs td = s.search(q, null, 1000); assertEquals("All docs should be matched!", N_DOCS, td.totalHits); ScoreDoc sd[] = td.scoreDocs; for (int i = 0; i < sd.length; i++) { float score = sd[i].score; String id = s.getIndexReader().document(sd[i].doc).get(ID_FIELD); log("-------- " + i + ". Explain doc " + id); log(s.explain(q, sd[i].doc)); float expectedScore = N_DOCS - i; assertEquals("score of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedScore + " != " + score, expectedScore, score, TEST_SCORE_TOLERANCE_DELTA); String expectedId = inOrder ? id2String(N_DOCS - i) // in-order ==> larger values first : id2String(i + 1); // reverse ==> smaller values first assertTrue("id of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedId + " != " + score, expectedId.equals(id)); } r.close(); }
private void doTestExactScore(String field, boolean inOrder) throws Exception { IndexReader r = DirectoryReader.open(dir); IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(r); ValueSource vs; if (inOrder) { vs = new OrdFieldSource(field); } else { vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field); } Query q = new FunctionQuery(vs); TopDocs td = s.search(q, null, 1000); assertEquals("All docs should be matched!", N_DOCS, td.totalHits); ScoreDoc sd[] = td.scoreDocs; for (int i = 0; i < sd.length; i++) { float score = sd[i].score; String id = s.getIndexReader().document(sd[i].doc).get(ID_FIELD); log("-------- " + i + ". Explain doc " + id); log(s.explain(q, sd[i].doc)); float expectedScore = N_DOCS - i - 1; assertEquals("score of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedScore + " != " + score, expectedScore, score, TEST_SCORE_TOLERANCE_DELTA); String expectedId = inOrder ? id2String(N_DOCS - i) // in-order ==> larger values first : id2String(i + 1); // reverse ==> smaller values first assertTrue("id of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedId + " != " + score, expectedId.equals(id)); } r.close(); }
public int intVal(int doc) { return (end - sindex.getOrd(doc+off)); } }; }
public int intVal(int doc) { return (end - sindex.getOrd(doc+off) - 1); } }; }
public void testBackCompatXml() throws Exception { setMeUp(); addSolrPropertiesFile(); addSolrXml(); addConfigsForBackCompat(); CoreContainer cc = init(); try { Properties props = cc.getContainerProperties(); assertEquals("/admin/cores", cc.getAdminPath()); assertEquals("collectionLazy2", cc.getDefaultCoreName()); // Shouldn't get these in properties at this point assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.adminPath")); assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.defaultCoreName")); assertNull(props.getProperty("host")); assertNull(props.getProperty("port")); // getProperty actually looks at original props. assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.hostContext")); assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.zkClientTimeout")); SolrCore core1 = cc.getCore("collection1"); CoreDescriptor desc = core1.getCoreDescriptor(); assertEquals("collection1", desc.getProperty("solr.core.name")); // This is too long and ugly to put in. Besides, it varies. assertNotNull(desc.getProperty("solr.core.instanceDir")); assertEquals("data/", desc.getProperty("solr.core.dataDir")); assertEquals("solrconfig-minimal.xml", desc.getProperty("solr.core.configName")); assertEquals("schema-tiny.xml", desc.getProperty("solr.core.schemaName")); core1.close(); } finally { cc.shutdown(); } }
public void testBackCompatXml() throws Exception { setMeUp(); addSolrPropertiesFile(); addSolrXml(); addConfigsForBackCompat(); CoreContainer cc = init(); try { Properties props = cc.getContainerProperties(); assertEquals("/admin/cores", cc.getAdminPath()); assertEquals("collectionLazy2", cc.getDefaultCoreName()); // Shouldn't get these in properties at this point assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.adminPath")); assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.defaultCoreName")); assertNull(props.getProperty("host")); assertNull(props.getProperty("port")); // getProperty actually looks at original props. assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.hostContext")); assertNull(props.getProperty("cores.zkClientTimeout")); SolrCore core1 = cc.getCore("collection1"); CoreDescriptor desc = core1.getCoreDescriptor(); assertEquals("collection1", desc.getProperty("solr.core.name")); // This is too long and ugly to put in. Besides, it varies. assertNotNull(desc.getProperty("solr.core.instanceDir")); assertEquals("data" + File.separator, desc.getProperty("solr.core.dataDir")); assertEquals("solrconfig-minimal.xml", desc.getProperty("solr.core.configName")); assertEquals("schema-tiny.xml", desc.getProperty("solr.core.schemaName")); core1.close(); } finally { cc.shutdown(); } }
protected AbstractCompactedRow getReduced() { assert rows.size() > 0; try { AbstractCompactedRow compactedRow = controller.getCompactedRow(rows); if (compactedRow.isEmpty()) { controller.invalidateCachedRow(compactedRow.key); return null; } // If the raw is cached, we call removeDeleted on it to have/ coherent query returns. However it would look // like some deleted columns lived longer than gc_grace + compaction. This can also free up big amount of // memory on long running instances controller.removeDeletedInCache(compactedRow.key); return compactedRow; } finally { rows.clear(); if ((row++ % controller.getThrottleResolution()) == 0) { bytesRead = 0; for (SSTableScanner scanner : getScanners()) bytesRead += scanner.getFilePointer(); throttle(); } } }
protected AbstractCompactedRow getReduced() { assert rows.size() > 0; try { AbstractCompactedRow compactedRow = controller.getCompactedRow(new ArrayList<SSTableIdentityIterator>(rows)); if (compactedRow.isEmpty()) { controller.invalidateCachedRow(compactedRow.key); return null; } // If the raw is cached, we call removeDeleted on it to have/ coherent query returns. However it would look // like some deleted columns lived longer than gc_grace + compaction. This can also free up big amount of // memory on long running instances controller.removeDeletedInCache(compactedRow.key); return compactedRow; } finally { rows.clear(); if ((row++ % controller.getThrottleResolution()) == 0) { bytesRead = 0; for (SSTableScanner scanner : getScanners()) bytesRead += scanner.getFilePointer(); throttle(); } } }
protected IColumn getReduced() { assert container != null; IColumn reduced = container.iterator().next(); ColumnFamily purged = shouldPurge ? ColumnFamilyStore.removeDeleted(container, controller.gcBefore) : container; if (purged != null && purged.metadata().getDefaultValidator().isCommutative()) { CounterColumn.removeOldShards(purged, controller.gcBefore); } if (purged == null || !purged.iterator().hasNext()) { container.clear(); return null; } container.clear(); serializedSize += reduced.serializedSize(); size++; return reduced; } }
protected IColumn getReduced() { assert container != null; IColumn reduced = container.iterator().next(); ColumnFamily purged = shouldPurge ? ColumnFamilyStore.removeDeleted(container, controller.gcBefore) : container; if (shouldPurge && purged != null && purged.metadata().getDefaultValidator().isCommutative()) { CounterColumn.removeOldShards(purged, controller.gcBefore); } if (purged == null || !purged.iterator().hasNext()) { container.clear(); return null; } container.clear(); serializedSize += reduced.serializedSize(); size++; return reduced; } }
final private int mergeMiddle(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { merge.checkAborted(directory); final String mergedName = merge.info.name; int mergedDocCount = 0; SegmentInfos sourceSegments = merge.segments; SegmentMerger merger = new SegmentMerger(directory, config.getTermIndexInterval(), mergedName, merge, payloadProcessorProvider, ((FieldInfos) docWriter.getFieldInfos().clone())); if (infoStream != null) { message("merging " + merge.segString(directory) + " mergeVectors=" + merge.info.getHasVectors()); } merge.readers = new ArrayList<SegmentReader>(); merge.readerClones = new ArrayList<SegmentReader>(); merge.info.setHasVectors(merger.fieldInfos().hasVectors()); // This is try/finally to make sure merger's readers are // closed: boolean success = false; try { int totDocCount = 0; int segUpto = 0; while(segUpto < sourceSegments.size()) { final SegmentInfo info = sourceSegments.info(segUpto); // Hold onto the "live" reader; we will use this to // commit merged deletes final SegmentReader reader = readerPool.get(info, true, MERGE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, -1); merge.readers.add(reader); // We clone the segment readers because other // deletes may come in while we're merging so we // need readers that will not change final SegmentReader clone = (SegmentReader) reader.clone(true); merge.readerClones.add(clone); if (clone.numDocs() > 0) { merger.add(clone); totDocCount += clone.numDocs(); } segUpto++; } if (infoStream != null) { message("merge: total " + totDocCount + " docs"); } merge.checkAborted(directory); // This is where all the work happens: mergedDocCount = merge.info.docCount = merger.merge(); assert mergedDocCount == totDocCount; if (infoStream != null) { message("merge store matchedCount=" + merger.getMatchedSubReaderCount() + " vs " + merge.readers.size()); } anyNonBulkMerges |= merger.getMatchedSubReaderCount() != merge.readers.size(); assert mergedDocCount == totDocCount: "mergedDocCount=" + mergedDocCount + " vs " + totDocCount; // Very important to do this before opening the reader // because SegmentReader must know if prox was written for // this segment: merge.info.setHasProx(merger.fieldInfos().hasProx()); boolean useCompoundFile; synchronized (this) { // Guard segmentInfos useCompoundFile = mergePolicy.useCompoundFile(segmentInfos, merge.info); } if (useCompoundFile) { success = false; final String compoundFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(mergedName, IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION); try { if (infoStream != null) { message("create compound file " + compoundFileName); } merger.createCompoundFile(compoundFileName, merge.info); success = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { synchronized(this) { if (merge.isAborted()) { // This can happen if rollback or close(false) // is called -- fall through to logic below to // remove the partially created CFS: } else { handleMergeException(ioe, merge); } } } catch (Throwable t) { handleMergeException(t, merge); } finally { if (!success) { if (infoStream != null) { message("hit exception creating compound file during merge"); } synchronized(this) { deleter.deleteFile(compoundFileName); deleter.deleteNewFiles(merge.info.files()); } } } success = false; synchronized(this) { // delete new non cfs files directly: they were never // registered with IFD deleter.deleteNewFiles(merge.info.files()); if (merge.isAborted()) { if (infoStream != null) { message("abort merge after building CFS"); } deleter.deleteFile(compoundFileName); return 0; } } merge.info.setUseCompoundFile(true); } final IndexReaderWarmer mergedSegmentWarmer = config.getMergedSegmentWarmer(); final int termsIndexDivisor; final boolean loadDocStores; if (mergedSegmentWarmer != null) { // Load terms index & doc stores so the segment // warmer can run searches, load documents/term // vectors termsIndexDivisor = config.getReaderTermsIndexDivisor(); loadDocStores = true; } else { termsIndexDivisor = -1; loadDocStores = false; } // TODO: in the non-realtime case, we may want to only // keep deletes (it's costly to open entire reader // when we just need deletes) final SegmentReader mergedReader = readerPool.get(merge.info, loadDocStores, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, termsIndexDivisor); try { if (poolReaders && mergedSegmentWarmer != null) { mergedSegmentWarmer.warm(mergedReader); } if (!commitMerge(merge, mergedReader)) { // commitMerge will return false if this merge was aborted return 0; } } finally { synchronized(this) { if (readerPool.release(mergedReader)) { // Must checkpoint after releasing the // mergedReader since it may have written a new // deletes file: checkpoint(); } } } success = true; } finally { // Readers are already closed in commitMerge if we didn't hit // an exc: if (!success) { closeMergeReaders(merge, true); } } return mergedDocCount; }
final private int mergeMiddle(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { merge.checkAborted(directory); final String mergedName = merge.info.name; int mergedDocCount = 0; SegmentInfos sourceSegments = merge.segments; SegmentMerger merger = new SegmentMerger(directory, config.getTermIndexInterval(), mergedName, merge, payloadProcessorProvider, ((FieldInfos) docWriter.getFieldInfos().clone())); if (infoStream != null) { message("merging " + merge.segString(directory) + " mergeVectors=" + merge.info.getHasVectors()); } merge.readers = new ArrayList<SegmentReader>(); merge.readerClones = new ArrayList<SegmentReader>(); merge.info.setHasVectors(merger.fieldInfos().hasVectors()); // This is try/finally to make sure merger's readers are // closed: boolean success = false; try { int totDocCount = 0; int segUpto = 0; while(segUpto < sourceSegments.size()) { final SegmentInfo info = sourceSegments.info(segUpto); // Hold onto the "live" reader; we will use this to // commit merged deletes final SegmentReader reader = readerPool.get(info, true, MERGE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, -1); merge.readers.add(reader); // We clone the segment readers because other // deletes may come in while we're merging so we // need readers that will not change final SegmentReader clone = (SegmentReader) reader.clone(true); merge.readerClones.add(clone); if (clone.numDocs() > 0) { merger.add(clone); totDocCount += clone.numDocs(); } segUpto++; } if (infoStream != null) { message("merge: total " + totDocCount + " docs"); } merge.checkAborted(directory); // This is where all the work happens: mergedDocCount = merge.info.docCount = merger.merge(); assert mergedDocCount == totDocCount; if (infoStream != null) { message("merge store matchedCount=" + merger.getMatchedSubReaderCount() + " vs " + merge.readers.size()); } anyNonBulkMerges |= merger.getAnyNonBulkMerges(); assert mergedDocCount == totDocCount: "mergedDocCount=" + mergedDocCount + " vs " + totDocCount; // Very important to do this before opening the reader // because SegmentReader must know if prox was written for // this segment: merge.info.setHasProx(merger.fieldInfos().hasProx()); boolean useCompoundFile; synchronized (this) { // Guard segmentInfos useCompoundFile = mergePolicy.useCompoundFile(segmentInfos, merge.info); } if (useCompoundFile) { success = false; final String compoundFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(mergedName, IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION); try { if (infoStream != null) { message("create compound file " + compoundFileName); } merger.createCompoundFile(compoundFileName, merge.info); success = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { synchronized(this) { if (merge.isAborted()) { // This can happen if rollback or close(false) // is called -- fall through to logic below to // remove the partially created CFS: } else { handleMergeException(ioe, merge); } } } catch (Throwable t) { handleMergeException(t, merge); } finally { if (!success) { if (infoStream != null) { message("hit exception creating compound file during merge"); } synchronized(this) { deleter.deleteFile(compoundFileName); deleter.deleteNewFiles(merge.info.files()); } } } success = false; synchronized(this) { // delete new non cfs files directly: they were never // registered with IFD deleter.deleteNewFiles(merge.info.files()); if (merge.isAborted()) { if (infoStream != null) { message("abort merge after building CFS"); } deleter.deleteFile(compoundFileName); return 0; } } merge.info.setUseCompoundFile(true); } final IndexReaderWarmer mergedSegmentWarmer = config.getMergedSegmentWarmer(); final int termsIndexDivisor; final boolean loadDocStores; if (mergedSegmentWarmer != null) { // Load terms index & doc stores so the segment // warmer can run searches, load documents/term // vectors termsIndexDivisor = config.getReaderTermsIndexDivisor(); loadDocStores = true; } else { termsIndexDivisor = -1; loadDocStores = false; } // TODO: in the non-realtime case, we may want to only // keep deletes (it's costly to open entire reader // when we just need deletes) final SegmentReader mergedReader = readerPool.get(merge.info, loadDocStores, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, termsIndexDivisor); try { if (poolReaders && mergedSegmentWarmer != null) { mergedSegmentWarmer.warm(mergedReader); } if (!commitMerge(merge, mergedReader)) { // commitMerge will return false if this merge was aborted return 0; } } finally { synchronized(this) { if (readerPool.release(mergedReader)) { // Must checkpoint after releasing the // mergedReader since it may have written a new // deletes file: checkpoint(); } } } success = true; } finally { // Readers are already closed in commitMerge if we didn't hit // an exc: if (!success) { closeMergeReaders(merge, true); } } return mergedDocCount; }
public void testTrecFeedDirAllTypes() throws Exception { File dataDir = _TestUtil.getTempDir("trecFeedAllTypes"); _TestUtil.unzip(getDataFile("trecdocs.zip"), dataDir); TrecContentSource tcs = new TrecContentSource(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("print.props", "false"); props.setProperty("content.source.verbose", "false"); props.setProperty("content.source.excludeIteration", "true"); props.setProperty("doc.maker.forever", "false"); props.setProperty("docs.dir", dataDir.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\','/')); props.setProperty("trec.doc.parser", TrecParserByPath.class.getName()); props.setProperty("content.source.forever", "false"); tcs.setConfig(new Config(props)); tcs.resetInputs(); DocData dd = new DocData(); int n = 0; boolean gotExpectedException = false; HashSet<ParsePathType> unseenTypes = new HashSet<ParsePathType>(Arrays.asList(ParsePathType.values())); try { while (n<100) { // arbiterary limit to prevent looping forever in case of test failure dd = tcs.getNextDocData(dd); ++n; assertNotNull("doc data "+n+" should not be null!", dd); unseenTypes.remove(tcs.currPathType); switch(tcs.currPathType) { case GOV2: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-000", "TEST-000 title", "TEST-000 text", tcs.parseDate("Sun, 11 Jan 2009 08:00:00 GMT")); break; case FBIS: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-001", "TEST-001 Title", "TEST-001 text", tcs.parseDate("1 January 1991")); break; case FR94: // no title extraction in this source for now assertDocData(dd, "TEST-002", null, "DEPARTMENT OF SOMETHING", tcs.parseDate("February 3, 1994")); break; case FT: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-003", "Test-003 title", "Some pub text", tcs.parseDate("980424")); break; case LATIMES: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-004", "Test-004 Title", "Some paragraph", tcs.parseDate("January 17, 1997, Sunday")); break; default: assertTrue("Should never get here!", false); } } } catch (NoMoreDataException e) { gotExpectedException = true; } assertTrue("Should have gotten NoMoreDataException!", gotExpectedException); assertEquals("Wrong numbre of documents created by osurce!",5,n); assertTrue("Did not see all types!",unseenTypes.isEmpty());
public void testTrecFeedDirAllTypes() throws Exception { File dataDir = _TestUtil.getTempDir("trecFeedAllTypes"); _TestUtil.unzip(getDataFile("trecdocs.zip"), dataDir); TrecContentSource tcs = new TrecContentSource(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("print.props", "false"); props.setProperty("content.source.verbose", "false"); props.setProperty("content.source.excludeIteration", "true"); props.setProperty("doc.maker.forever", "false"); props.setProperty("docs.dir", dataDir.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\','/')); props.setProperty("trec.doc.parser", TrecParserByPath.class.getName()); props.setProperty("content.source.forever", "false"); tcs.setConfig(new Config(props)); tcs.resetInputs(); DocData dd = new DocData(); int n = 0; boolean gotExpectedException = false; HashSet<ParsePathType> unseenTypes = new HashSet<ParsePathType>(Arrays.asList(ParsePathType.values())); try { while (n<100) { // arbiterary limit to prevent looping forever in case of test failure dd = tcs.getNextDocData(dd); ++n; assertNotNull("doc data "+n+" should not be null!", dd); unseenTypes.remove(tcs.currPathType); switch(tcs.currPathType) { case GOV2: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-000", "TEST-000 title", "TEST-000 text", tcs.parseDate("Sun, 11 Jan 2009 08:00:00 GMT")); break; case FBIS: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-001", "TEST-001 Title", "TEST-001 text", tcs.parseDate("1 January 1991")); break; case FR94: // no title extraction in this source for now assertDocData(dd, "TEST-002", null, "DEPARTMENT OF SOMETHING", tcs.parseDate("February 3, 1994")); break; case FT: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-003", "Test-003 title", "Some pub text", tcs.parseDate("980424")); break; case LATIMES: assertDocData(dd, "TEST-004", "Test-004 Title", "Some paragraph", tcs.parseDate("January 17, 1997, Sunday")); break; default: assertTrue("Should never get here!", false); } } } catch (NoMoreDataException e) { gotExpectedException = true; } assertTrue("Should have gotten NoMoreDataException!", gotExpectedException); assertEquals("Wrong number of documents created by osurce!",5,n); assertTrue("Did not see all types!",unseenTypes.isEmpty());
public void testBasicUsage() throws Exception { checkCorrectClassification(new KNearestNeighborClassifier(1), new BytesRef("technology"), new MockAnalyzer(random()), categoryFieldName); }
public void testBasicUsage() throws Exception { checkCorrectClassification(new KNearestNeighborClassifier(1), TECHNOLOGY_INPUT, TECHNOLOGY_RESULT, new MockAnalyzer(random()), categoryFieldName); }
public ClassificationResult<BytesRef> assignClass(String inputDocument) throws IOException { if (atomicReader == null) { throw new IOException("You must first call Classifier#train first"); } double max = 0d; BytesRef foundClass = new BytesRef(); Terms terms = MultiFields.getTerms(atomicReader, classFieldName); TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null); BytesRef next; String[] tokenizedDoc = tokenizeDoc(inputDocument); while ((next = termsEnum.next()) != null) { // TODO : turn it to be in log scale double clVal = calculatePrior(next) * calculateLikelihood(tokenizedDoc, next); if (clVal > max) { max = clVal; foundClass = next.clone(); } } return new ClassificationResult<BytesRef>(foundClass, max); }
public ClassificationResult<BytesRef> assignClass(String inputDocument) throws IOException { if (atomicReader == null) { throw new IOException("You must first call Classifier#train first"); } double max = 0d; BytesRef foundClass = new BytesRef(); Terms terms = MultiFields.getTerms(atomicReader, classFieldName); TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null); BytesRef next; String[] tokenizedDoc = tokenizeDoc(inputDocument); while ((next = termsEnum.next()) != null) { // TODO : turn it to be in log scale double clVal = calculatePrior(next) * calculateLikelihood(tokenizedDoc, next); if (clVal > max) { max = clVal; foundClass = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(next); } } return new ClassificationResult<BytesRef>(foundClass, max); }
private void verifyStatistics() throws SQLException { // DERBY-5097: On machines with a single core/CPU the load generated // by the test threads may cause the index statistics daemon worker // thread to be "starved". Add a timeout to give it a chance to do // what it has been told to do. IndexStatsUtil stats = new IndexStatsUtil(getConnection(), 2000); IdxStats[] myStats = stats.getStatsTable(TAB, 2); for (int i=0; i < myStats.length; i++) { IdxStats s = myStats[i]; assertEquals(_100K, s.rows); switch (s.lcols) { case 1: assertEquals(10, s.card); break; case 2: assertEquals(_100K, s.card); break; default: fail("unexpected number of leading columns: " + s.lcols); } } }
private void verifyStatistics() throws SQLException { // DERBY-5097: On machines with a single core/CPU the load generated // by the test threads may cause the index statistics daemon worker // thread to be "starved". Add a timeout to give it a chance to do // what it has been told to do. IndexStatsUtil stats = new IndexStatsUtil(getConnection(), 5000); IdxStats[] myStats = stats.getStatsTable(TAB, 2); for (int i=0; i < myStats.length; i++) { IdxStats s = myStats[i]; assertEquals(_100K, s.rows); switch (s.lcols) { case 1: assertEquals(10, s.card); break; case 2: assertEquals(_100K, s.card); break; default: fail("unexpected number of leading columns: " + s.lcols); } } }
public Query parse() throws ParseException { SolrParams localParams = getLocalParams(); SolrParams params = getParams(); solrParams = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(localParams, params); userFields = new UserFields(U.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams(DMP.UF))); queryFields = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.QF)); if (0 == queryFields.size()) { queryFields.put(req.getSchema().getDefaultSearchFieldName(), 1.0f); } // Boosted phrase of the full query string Map<String,Float> phraseFields = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.PF)); // Boosted Bi-Term Shingles from the query string Map<String,Float> phraseFields2 = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams("pf2")); // Boosted Tri-Term Shingles from the query string Map<String,Float> phraseFields3 = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams("pf3")); float tiebreaker = solrParams.getFloat(DisMaxParams.TIE, 0.0f); int pslop = solrParams.getInt(DisMaxParams.PS, 0); int qslop = solrParams.getInt(DisMaxParams.QS, 0); // remove stopwords from mandatory "matching" component? boolean stopwords = solrParams.getBool("stopwords", true); /* the main query we will execute. we disable the coord because * this query is an artificial construct */ BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(true); /* * * Main User Query * * */ parsedUserQuery = null; String userQuery = getString(); altUserQuery = null; if( userQuery == null || userQuery.length() < 1 ) { // If no query is specified, we may have an alternate String altQ = solrParams.get( DisMaxParams.ALTQ ); if (altQ != null) { altQParser = subQuery(altQ, null); altUserQuery = altQParser.getQuery(); query.add( altUserQuery , BooleanClause.Occur.MUST ); } else { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "missing query string" ); } } else { // There is a valid query string // userQuery = partialEscape(U.stripUnbalancedQuotes(userQuery)).toString(); boolean lowercaseOperators = solrParams.getBool("lowercaseOperators", true); String mainUserQuery = userQuery; ExtendedSolrQueryParser up = new ExtendedSolrQueryParser(this, IMPOSSIBLE_FIELD_NAME); up.addAlias(IMPOSSIBLE_FIELD_NAME, tiebreaker, queryFields); addAliasesFromRequest(up, tiebreaker); up.setPhraseSlop(qslop); // slop for explicit user phrase queries up.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true); // defer escaping and only do if lucene parsing fails, or we need phrases // parsing fails. Need to sloppy phrase queries anyway though. List<Clause> clauses = null; int numPluses = 0; int numMinuses = 0; int numOR = 0; int numNOT = 0; clauses = splitIntoClauses(userQuery, false); for (Clause clause : clauses) { if (clause.must == '+') numPluses++; if (clause.must == '-') numMinuses++; if (clause.isBareWord()) { String s = clause.val; if ("OR".equals(s)) { numOR++; } else if ("NOT".equals(s)) { numNOT++; } else if (lowercaseOperators && "or".equals(s)) { numOR++; } } } // Always rebuild mainUserQuery from clauses to catch modifications from splitIntoClauses // This was necessary for userFields modifications to get propagated into the query. // Convert lower or mixed case operators to uppercase if we saw them. // only do this for the lucene query part and not for phrase query boosting // since some fields might not be case insensitive. // We don't use a regex for this because it might change and AND or OR in // a phrase query in a case sensitive field. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i<clauses.size(); i++) { Clause clause = clauses.get(i); String s = clause.raw; // and and or won't be operators at the start or end if (i>0 && i+1<clauses.size()) { if ("AND".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { s="AND"; } else if ("OR".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { s="OR"; } } sb.append(s); sb.append(' '); } mainUserQuery = sb.toString(); // For correct lucene queries, turn off mm processing if there // were explicit operators (except for AND). boolean doMinMatched = (numOR + numNOT + numPluses + numMinuses) == 0; try { up.setRemoveStopFilter(!stopwords); up.exceptions = true; parsedUserQuery = up.parse(mainUserQuery); if (stopwords && isEmpty(parsedUserQuery)) { // if the query was all stop words, remove none of them up.setRemoveStopFilter(true); parsedUserQuery = up.parse(mainUserQuery); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore failure and reparse later after escaping reserved chars up.exceptions = false; } if (parsedUserQuery != null && doMinMatched) { String minShouldMatch = solrParams.get(DisMaxParams.MM, "100%"); if (parsedUserQuery instanceof BooleanQuery) { SolrPluginUtils.setMinShouldMatch((BooleanQuery)parsedUserQuery, minShouldMatch); } } if (parsedUserQuery == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Clause clause : clauses) { boolean doQuote = clause.isPhrase; String s=clause.val; if (!clause.isPhrase && ("OR".equals(s) || "AND".equals(s) || "NOT".equals(s))) { doQuote=true; } if (clause.must != 0) { sb.append(clause.must); } if (clause.field != null) { sb.append(clause.field); sb.append(':'); } if (doQuote) { sb.append('"'); } sb.append(clause.val); if (doQuote) { sb.append('"'); } if (clause.field != null) { // Add the default user field boost, if any Float boost = userFields.getBoost(clause.field); if(boost != null) sb.append("^").append(boost); } sb.append(' '); } String escapedUserQuery = sb.toString(); parsedUserQuery = up.parse(escapedUserQuery); // Only do minimum-match logic String minShouldMatch = solrParams.get(DisMaxParams.MM, "100%"); if (parsedUserQuery instanceof BooleanQuery) { BooleanQuery t = new BooleanQuery(); SolrPluginUtils.flattenBooleanQuery(t, (BooleanQuery)parsedUserQuery); SolrPluginUtils.setMinShouldMatch(t, minShouldMatch); parsedUserQuery = t; } } query.add(parsedUserQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); // sloppy phrase queries for proximity if (phraseFields.size() > 0 || phraseFields2.size() > 0 || phraseFields3.size() > 0) { // find non-field clauses List<Clause> normalClauses = new ArrayList<Clause>(clauses.size()); for (Clause clause : clauses) { if (clause.field != null || clause.isPhrase) continue; // check for keywords "AND,OR,TO" if (clause.isBareWord()) { String s = clause.val.toString(); // avoid putting explict operators in the phrase query if ("OR".equals(s) || "AND".equals(s) || "NOT".equals(s) || "TO".equals(s)) continue; } normalClauses.add(clause); } // full phrase... addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields, 0, tiebreaker, pslop); // shingles... addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields2, 2, tiebreaker, pslop); addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields3, 3, tiebreaker, pslop); } } /* * * Boosting Query * * */ boostParams = solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.BQ); //List<Query> boostQueries = U.parseQueryStrings(req, boostParams); boostQueries=null; if (boostParams!=null && boostParams.length>0) { boostQueries = new ArrayList<Query>(); for (String qs : boostParams) { if (qs.trim().length()==0) continue; Query q = subQuery(qs, null).getQuery(); boostQueries.add(q); } } if (null != boostQueries) { for(Query f : boostQueries) { query.add(f, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } /* * * Boosting Functions * * */ String[] boostFuncs = solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.BF); if (null != boostFuncs && 0 != boostFuncs.length) { for (String boostFunc : boostFuncs) { if(null == boostFunc || "".equals(boostFunc)) continue; Map<String,Float> ff = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(boostFunc); for (String f : ff.keySet()) { Query fq = subQuery(f, FunctionQParserPlugin.NAME).getQuery(); Float b = ff.get(f); if (null != b) { fq.setBoost(b); } query.add(fq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } } // // create a boosted query (scores multiplied by boosts) // Query topQuery = query; multBoosts = solrParams.getParams("boost"); if (multBoosts!=null && multBoosts.length>0) { List<ValueSource> boosts = new ArrayList<ValueSource>(); for (String boostStr : multBoosts) { if (boostStr==null || boostStr.length()==0) continue; Query boost = subQuery(boostStr, FunctionQParserPlugin.NAME).getQuery(); ValueSource vs; if (boost instanceof FunctionQuery) { vs = ((FunctionQuery)boost).getValueSource(); } else { vs = new QueryValueSource(boost, 1.0f); } boosts.add(vs); } if (boosts.size()>1) { ValueSource prod = new ProductFloatFunction(boosts.toArray(new ValueSource[boosts.size()])); topQuery = new BoostedQuery(query, prod); } else if (boosts.size() == 1) { topQuery = new BoostedQuery(query, boosts.get(0)); } } return topQuery; }
public Query parse() throws ParseException { SolrParams localParams = getLocalParams(); SolrParams params = getParams(); solrParams = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(localParams, params); userFields = new UserFields(U.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams(DMP.UF))); queryFields = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.QF)); if (0 == queryFields.size()) { queryFields.put(req.getSchema().getDefaultSearchFieldName(), 1.0f); } // Boosted phrase of the full query string Map<String,Float> phraseFields = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.PF)); // Boosted Bi-Term Shingles from the query string Map<String,Float> phraseFields2 = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams("pf2")); // Boosted Tri-Term Shingles from the query string Map<String,Float> phraseFields3 = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(solrParams.getParams("pf3")); float tiebreaker = solrParams.getFloat(DisMaxParams.TIE, 0.0f); int pslop = solrParams.getInt(DisMaxParams.PS, 0); int qslop = solrParams.getInt(DisMaxParams.QS, 0); // remove stopwords from mandatory "matching" component? boolean stopwords = solrParams.getBool("stopwords", true); /* the main query we will execute. we disable the coord because * this query is an artificial construct */ BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(true); /* * * Main User Query * * */ parsedUserQuery = null; String userQuery = getString(); altUserQuery = null; if( userQuery == null || userQuery.trim().length() == 0 ) { // If no query is specified, we may have an alternate String altQ = solrParams.get( DisMaxParams.ALTQ ); if (altQ != null) { altQParser = subQuery(altQ, null); altUserQuery = altQParser.getQuery(); query.add( altUserQuery , BooleanClause.Occur.MUST ); } else { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "missing query string" ); } } else { // There is a valid query string // userQuery = partialEscape(U.stripUnbalancedQuotes(userQuery)).toString(); boolean lowercaseOperators = solrParams.getBool("lowercaseOperators", true); String mainUserQuery = userQuery; ExtendedSolrQueryParser up = new ExtendedSolrQueryParser(this, IMPOSSIBLE_FIELD_NAME); up.addAlias(IMPOSSIBLE_FIELD_NAME, tiebreaker, queryFields); addAliasesFromRequest(up, tiebreaker); up.setPhraseSlop(qslop); // slop for explicit user phrase queries up.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true); // defer escaping and only do if lucene parsing fails, or we need phrases // parsing fails. Need to sloppy phrase queries anyway though. List<Clause> clauses = null; int numPluses = 0; int numMinuses = 0; int numOR = 0; int numNOT = 0; clauses = splitIntoClauses(userQuery, false); for (Clause clause : clauses) { if (clause.must == '+') numPluses++; if (clause.must == '-') numMinuses++; if (clause.isBareWord()) { String s = clause.val; if ("OR".equals(s)) { numOR++; } else if ("NOT".equals(s)) { numNOT++; } else if (lowercaseOperators && "or".equals(s)) { numOR++; } } } // Always rebuild mainUserQuery from clauses to catch modifications from splitIntoClauses // This was necessary for userFields modifications to get propagated into the query. // Convert lower or mixed case operators to uppercase if we saw them. // only do this for the lucene query part and not for phrase query boosting // since some fields might not be case insensitive. // We don't use a regex for this because it might change and AND or OR in // a phrase query in a case sensitive field. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i<clauses.size(); i++) { Clause clause = clauses.get(i); String s = clause.raw; // and and or won't be operators at the start or end if (i>0 && i+1<clauses.size()) { if ("AND".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { s="AND"; } else if ("OR".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { s="OR"; } } sb.append(s); sb.append(' '); } mainUserQuery = sb.toString(); // For correct lucene queries, turn off mm processing if there // were explicit operators (except for AND). boolean doMinMatched = (numOR + numNOT + numPluses + numMinuses) == 0; try { up.setRemoveStopFilter(!stopwords); up.exceptions = true; parsedUserQuery = up.parse(mainUserQuery); if (stopwords && isEmpty(parsedUserQuery)) { // if the query was all stop words, remove none of them up.setRemoveStopFilter(true); parsedUserQuery = up.parse(mainUserQuery); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore failure and reparse later after escaping reserved chars up.exceptions = false; } if (parsedUserQuery != null && doMinMatched) { String minShouldMatch = solrParams.get(DisMaxParams.MM, "100%"); if (parsedUserQuery instanceof BooleanQuery) { SolrPluginUtils.setMinShouldMatch((BooleanQuery)parsedUserQuery, minShouldMatch); } } if (parsedUserQuery == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Clause clause : clauses) { boolean doQuote = clause.isPhrase; String s=clause.val; if (!clause.isPhrase && ("OR".equals(s) || "AND".equals(s) || "NOT".equals(s))) { doQuote=true; } if (clause.must != 0) { sb.append(clause.must); } if (clause.field != null) { sb.append(clause.field); sb.append(':'); } if (doQuote) { sb.append('"'); } sb.append(clause.val); if (doQuote) { sb.append('"'); } if (clause.field != null) { // Add the default user field boost, if any Float boost = userFields.getBoost(clause.field); if(boost != null) sb.append("^").append(boost); } sb.append(' '); } String escapedUserQuery = sb.toString(); parsedUserQuery = up.parse(escapedUserQuery); // Only do minimum-match logic String minShouldMatch = solrParams.get(DisMaxParams.MM, "100%"); if (parsedUserQuery instanceof BooleanQuery) { BooleanQuery t = new BooleanQuery(); SolrPluginUtils.flattenBooleanQuery(t, (BooleanQuery)parsedUserQuery); SolrPluginUtils.setMinShouldMatch(t, minShouldMatch); parsedUserQuery = t; } } query.add(parsedUserQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); // sloppy phrase queries for proximity if (phraseFields.size() > 0 || phraseFields2.size() > 0 || phraseFields3.size() > 0) { // find non-field clauses List<Clause> normalClauses = new ArrayList<Clause>(clauses.size()); for (Clause clause : clauses) { if (clause.field != null || clause.isPhrase) continue; // check for keywords "AND,OR,TO" if (clause.isBareWord()) { String s = clause.val.toString(); // avoid putting explict operators in the phrase query if ("OR".equals(s) || "AND".equals(s) || "NOT".equals(s) || "TO".equals(s)) continue; } normalClauses.add(clause); } // full phrase... addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields, 0, tiebreaker, pslop); // shingles... addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields2, 2, tiebreaker, pslop); addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields3, 3, tiebreaker, pslop); } } /* * * Boosting Query * * */ boostParams = solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.BQ); //List<Query> boostQueries = U.parseQueryStrings(req, boostParams); boostQueries=null; if (boostParams!=null && boostParams.length>0) { boostQueries = new ArrayList<Query>(); for (String qs : boostParams) { if (qs.trim().length()==0) continue; Query q = subQuery(qs, null).getQuery(); boostQueries.add(q); } } if (null != boostQueries) { for(Query f : boostQueries) { query.add(f, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } /* * * Boosting Functions * * */ String[] boostFuncs = solrParams.getParams(DisMaxParams.BF); if (null != boostFuncs && 0 != boostFuncs.length) { for (String boostFunc : boostFuncs) { if(null == boostFunc || "".equals(boostFunc)) continue; Map<String,Float> ff = SolrPluginUtils.parseFieldBoosts(boostFunc); for (String f : ff.keySet()) { Query fq = subQuery(f, FunctionQParserPlugin.NAME).getQuery(); Float b = ff.get(f); if (null != b) { fq.setBoost(b); } query.add(fq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } } // // create a boosted query (scores multiplied by boosts) // Query topQuery = query; multBoosts = solrParams.getParams("boost"); if (multBoosts!=null && multBoosts.length>0) { List<ValueSource> boosts = new ArrayList<ValueSource>(); for (String boostStr : multBoosts) { if (boostStr==null || boostStr.length()==0) continue; Query boost = subQuery(boostStr, FunctionQParserPlugin.NAME).getQuery(); ValueSource vs; if (boost instanceof FunctionQuery) { vs = ((FunctionQuery)boost).getValueSource(); } else { vs = new QueryValueSource(boost, 1.0f); } boosts.add(vs); } if (boosts.size()>1) { ValueSource prod = new ProductFloatFunction(boosts.toArray(new ValueSource[boosts.size()])); topQuery = new BoostedQuery(query, prod); } else if (boosts.size() == 1) { topQuery = new BoostedQuery(query, boosts.get(0)); } } return topQuery; }
public final boolean isProxy(Object proxy) { return (getInvocationHandler(proxy) instanceof ProxyHandler); }
public final boolean isProxy(Object proxy) { return (proxy != null && getInvocationHandler(proxy) instanceof ProxyHandler); }
private final CSVLoader.FieldAdder base; FieldSplitter(CSVStrategy strategy, CSVLoader.FieldAdder base) { this.strategy = strategy; this.base = base; } void add(SolrInputDocument doc, int line, int column, String val) { CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(new StringReader(val), strategy); try { String[] vals = parser.getLine(); if (vals!=null) { for (String v: vals) base.add(doc,line,column,v); } else { base.add(doc,line,column,val); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,e); } } } String errHeader="CSVLoader:"; CSVLoader(SolrQueryRequest req, UpdateRequestProcessor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.params = req.getParams(); schema = req.getSchema(); templateAdd = new AddUpdateCommand(); templateAdd.allowDups=false; templateAdd.overwriteCommitted=true; templateAdd.overwritePending=true; if (params.getBool(OVERWRITE,true)) { templateAdd.allowDups=false; templateAdd.overwriteCommitted=true; templateAdd.overwritePending=true; } else { templateAdd.allowDups=true; templateAdd.overwriteCommitted=false; templateAdd.overwritePending=false; } strategy = new CSVStrategy(',', '"', CSVStrategy.COMMENTS_DISABLED, CSVStrategy.ESCAPE_DISABLED, false, false, false, true); String sep = params.get(SEPARATOR); if (sep!=null) { if (sep.length()!=1) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Invalid separator:'"+sep+"'"); strategy.setDelimiter(sep.charAt(0)); } String encapsulator = params.get(ENCAPSULATOR); if (encapsulator!=null) { if (encapsulator.length()!=1) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Invalid encapsulator:'"+encapsulator+"'"); } String escape = params.get(ESCAPE); if (escape!=null) { if (escape.length()!=1) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Invalid escape:'"+escape+"'"); } // if only encapsulator or escape is set, disable the other escaping mechanism if (encapsulator == null && escape != null) { strategy.setEncapsulator( CSVStrategy.ENCAPSULATOR_DISABLED); strategy.setEscape(escape.charAt(0)); } else { if (encapsulator != null) { strategy.setEncapsulator(encapsulator.charAt(0)); } if (escape != null) { char ch = escape.charAt(0); strategy.setEscape(ch); if (ch == '\\') { // If the escape is the standard backslash, then also enable // unicode escapes (it's harmless since 'u' would not otherwise // be escaped. strategy.setUnicodeEscapeInterpretation(true); } } } String fn = params.get(FIELDNAMES); fieldnames = fn != null ? commaSplit.split(fn,-1) : null; Boolean hasHeader = params.getBool(HEADER); skipLines = params.getInt(SKIPLINES,0); if (fieldnames==null) { if (null == hasHeader) { // assume the file has the headers if they aren't supplied in the args hasHeader=true; } else if (!hasHeader) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"CSVLoader: must specify fieldnames=<fields>* or header=true"); } } else { // if the fieldnames were supplied and the file has a header, we need to // skip over that header. if (hasHeader!=null && hasHeader) skipLines++; prepareFields(); } } /** create the FieldAdders that control how each field is indexed */ void prepareFields() { // Possible future optimization: for really rapid incremental indexing // from a POST, one could cache all of this setup info based on the params. // The link from FieldAdder to this would need to be severed for that to happen. fields = new SchemaField[fieldnames.length]; adders = new CSVLoader.FieldAdder[fieldnames.length]; String skipStr = params.get(SKIP); List<String> skipFields = skipStr==null ? null : StrUtils.splitSmart(skipStr,','); CSVLoader.FieldAdder adder = new CSVLoader.FieldAdder(); CSVLoader.FieldAdder adderKeepEmpty = new CSVLoader.FieldAdderEmpty(); for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { String fname = fieldnames[i]; // to skip a field, leave the entries in fields and addrs null if (fname.length()==0 || (skipFields!=null && skipFields.contains(fname))) continue; fields[i] = schema.getField(fname); boolean keepEmpty = params.getFieldBool(fname,EMPTY,false); adders[i] = keepEmpty ? adderKeepEmpty : adder; // Order that operations are applied: split -> trim -> map -> add // so create in reverse order. // Creation of FieldAdders could be optimized and shared among fields String[] fmap = params.getFieldParams(fname,MAP); if (fmap!=null) { for (String mapRule : fmap) { String[] mapArgs = colonSplit.split(mapRule,-1); if (mapArgs.length!=2) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Map rules must be of the form 'from:to' ,got '"+mapRule+"'"); adders[i] = new CSVLoader.FieldMapperSingle(mapArgs[0], mapArgs[1], adders[i]); } } if (params.getFieldBool(fname,TRIM,false)) { adders[i] = new CSVLoader.FieldTrimmer(adders[i]); } if (params.getFieldBool(fname,SPLIT,false)) { String sepStr = params.getFieldParam(fname,SEPARATOR); char fsep = sepStr==null || sepStr.length()==0 ? ',' : sepStr.charAt(0); String encStr = params.getFieldParam(fname,ENCAPSULATOR); char fenc = encStr==null || encStr.length()==0 ? (char)-2 : encStr.charAt(0); String escStr = params.getFieldParam(fname,ESCAPE); char fesc = escStr==null || encStr.length()==0 ? CSVStrategy.ESCAPE_DISABLED : escStr.charAt(0); CSVStrategy fstrat = new CSVStrategy(fsep,fenc,CSVStrategy.COMMENTS_DISABLED,fesc, false, false, false, false); adders[i] = new CSVLoader.FieldSplitter(fstrat, adders[i]); } } }
private final CSVLoader.FieldAdder base; FieldSplitter(CSVStrategy strategy, CSVLoader.FieldAdder base) { this.strategy = strategy; this.base = base; } void add(SolrInputDocument doc, int line, int column, String val) { CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(new StringReader(val), strategy); try { String[] vals = parser.getLine(); if (vals!=null) { for (String v: vals) base.add(doc,line,column,v); } else { base.add(doc,line,column,val); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,e); } } } String errHeader="CSVLoader:"; CSVLoader(SolrQueryRequest req, UpdateRequestProcessor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.params = req.getParams(); schema = req.getSchema(); templateAdd = new AddUpdateCommand(); templateAdd.allowDups=false; templateAdd.overwriteCommitted=true; templateAdd.overwritePending=true; if (params.getBool(OVERWRITE,true)) { templateAdd.allowDups=false; templateAdd.overwriteCommitted=true; templateAdd.overwritePending=true; } else { templateAdd.allowDups=true; templateAdd.overwriteCommitted=false; templateAdd.overwritePending=false; } strategy = new CSVStrategy(',', '"', CSVStrategy.COMMENTS_DISABLED, CSVStrategy.ESCAPE_DISABLED, false, false, false, true); String sep = params.get(SEPARATOR); if (sep!=null) { if (sep.length()!=1) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Invalid separator:'"+sep+"'"); strategy.setDelimiter(sep.charAt(0)); } String encapsulator = params.get(ENCAPSULATOR); if (encapsulator!=null) { if (encapsulator.length()!=1) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Invalid encapsulator:'"+encapsulator+"'"); } String escape = params.get(ESCAPE); if (escape!=null) { if (escape.length()!=1) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Invalid escape:'"+escape+"'"); } // if only encapsulator or escape is set, disable the other escaping mechanism if (encapsulator == null && escape != null) { strategy.setEncapsulator( CSVStrategy.ENCAPSULATOR_DISABLED); strategy.setEscape(escape.charAt(0)); } else { if (encapsulator != null) { strategy.setEncapsulator(encapsulator.charAt(0)); } if (escape != null) { char ch = escape.charAt(0); strategy.setEscape(ch); if (ch == '\\') { // If the escape is the standard backslash, then also enable // unicode escapes (it's harmless since 'u' would not otherwise // be escaped. strategy.setUnicodeEscapeInterpretation(true); } } } String fn = params.get(FIELDNAMES); fieldnames = fn != null ? commaSplit.split(fn,-1) : null; Boolean hasHeader = params.getBool(HEADER); skipLines = params.getInt(SKIPLINES,0); if (fieldnames==null) { if (null == hasHeader) { // assume the file has the headers if they aren't supplied in the args hasHeader=true; } else if (!hasHeader) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"CSVLoader: must specify fieldnames=<fields>* or header=true"); } } else { // if the fieldnames were supplied and the file has a header, we need to // skip over that header. if (hasHeader!=null && hasHeader) skipLines++; prepareFields(); } } /** create the FieldAdders that control how each field is indexed */ void prepareFields() { // Possible future optimization: for really rapid incremental indexing // from a POST, one could cache all of this setup info based on the params. // The link from FieldAdder to this would need to be severed for that to happen. fields = new SchemaField[fieldnames.length]; adders = new CSVLoader.FieldAdder[fieldnames.length]; String skipStr = params.get(SKIP); List<String> skipFields = skipStr==null ? null : StrUtils.splitSmart(skipStr,','); CSVLoader.FieldAdder adder = new CSVLoader.FieldAdder(); CSVLoader.FieldAdder adderKeepEmpty = new CSVLoader.FieldAdderEmpty(); for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { String fname = fieldnames[i]; // to skip a field, leave the entries in fields and addrs null if (fname.length()==0 || (skipFields!=null && skipFields.contains(fname))) continue; fields[i] = schema.getField(fname); boolean keepEmpty = params.getFieldBool(fname,EMPTY,false); adders[i] = keepEmpty ? adderKeepEmpty : adder; // Order that operations are applied: split -> trim -> map -> add // so create in reverse order. // Creation of FieldAdders could be optimized and shared among fields String[] fmap = params.getFieldParams(fname,MAP); if (fmap!=null) { for (String mapRule : fmap) { String[] mapArgs = colonSplit.split(mapRule,-1); if (mapArgs.length!=2) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Map rules must be of the form 'from:to' ,got '"+mapRule+"'"); adders[i] = new CSVLoader.FieldMapperSingle(mapArgs[0], mapArgs[1], adders[i]); } } if (params.getFieldBool(fname,TRIM,false)) { adders[i] = new CSVLoader.FieldTrimmer(adders[i]); } if (params.getFieldBool(fname,SPLIT,false)) { String sepStr = params.getFieldParam(fname,SEPARATOR); char fsep = sepStr==null || sepStr.length()==0 ? ',' : sepStr.charAt(0); String encStr = params.getFieldParam(fname,ENCAPSULATOR); char fenc = encStr==null || encStr.length()==0 ? (char)-2 : encStr.charAt(0); String escStr = params.getFieldParam(fname,ESCAPE); char fesc = escStr==null || escStr.length()==0 ? CSVStrategy.ESCAPE_DISABLED : escStr.charAt(0); CSVStrategy fstrat = new CSVStrategy(fsep,fenc,CSVStrategy.COMMENTS_DISABLED,fesc, false, false, false, false); adders[i] = new CSVLoader.FieldSplitter(fstrat, adders[i]); } } }
protected SolrServer createNewSolrServer() { try { // setup the server... String url = "http://localhost:"+port+context; CommonsHttpSolrServer s = new CommonsHttpSolrServer( url ); s.setConnectionTimeout(5); s.setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(100); s.setMaxTotalConnections(100); return s; } catch( Exception ex ) { throw new RuntimeException( ex ); } }
protected SolrServer createNewSolrServer() { try { // setup the server... String url = "http://localhost:"+port+context; CommonsHttpSolrServer s = new CommonsHttpSolrServer( url ); s.setConnectionTimeout(100); // 1/10th sec s.setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(100); s.setMaxTotalConnections(100); return s; } catch( Exception ex ) { throw new RuntimeException( ex ); } }
public HMMChineseTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory) { super((BreakIterator)sentenceProto.clone()); }
public HMMChineseTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory) { super(factory, (BreakIterator)sentenceProto.clone()); }
public ThaiTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory) { super((BreakIterator)sentenceProto.clone()); if (!DBBI_AVAILABLE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This JRE does not have support for Thai segmentation"); } wordBreaker = (BreakIterator)proto.clone(); }
public ThaiTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory) { super(factory, (BreakIterator)sentenceProto.clone()); if (!DBBI_AVAILABLE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This JRE does not have support for Thai segmentation"); } wordBreaker = (BreakIterator)proto.clone(); }
public static synchronized Collection<KSMetaData> loadFromStorage(UUID version) throws IOException { DecoratedKey vkey = StorageService.getPartitioner().decorateKey(Migration.toUTF8Bytes(version)); Table defs = Table.open(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE); ColumnFamilyStore cfStore = defs.getColumnFamilyStore(Migration.SCHEMA_CF); QueryFilter filter = QueryFilter.getIdentityFilter(vkey, new QueryPath(Migration.SCHEMA_CF)); ColumnFamily cf = cfStore.getColumnFamily(filter); IColumn avroschema = cf.getColumn(DEFINITION_SCHEMA_COLUMN_NAME); if (avroschema == null) // TODO: more polite way to handle this? throw new RuntimeException("Cannot read system table! Are you upgrading a pre-release version?"); Schema schema = Schema.parse(new String(avroschema.value())); // deserialize keyspaces using schema Collection<KSMetaData> keyspaces = new ArrayList<KSMetaData>(); for (IColumn column : cf.getSortedColumns()) { if (Arrays.equals(column.name(), DEFINITION_SCHEMA_COLUMN_NAME)) continue; org.apache.cassandra.config.avro.KsDef ks = SerDeUtils.<org.apache.cassandra.config.avro.KsDef>deserialize(schema, column.value()); keyspaces.add(KSMetaData.inflate(ks)); } return keyspaces; }
public static synchronized Collection<KSMetaData> loadFromStorage(UUID version) throws IOException { DecoratedKey vkey = StorageService.getPartitioner().decorateKey(Migration.toUTF8Bytes(version)); Table defs = Table.open(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE); ColumnFamilyStore cfStore = defs.getColumnFamilyStore(Migration.SCHEMA_CF); QueryFilter filter = QueryFilter.getIdentityFilter(vkey, new QueryPath(Migration.SCHEMA_CF)); ColumnFamily cf = cfStore.getColumnFamily(filter); IColumn avroschema = cf.getColumn(DEFINITION_SCHEMA_COLUMN_NAME); if (avroschema == null) // TODO: more polite way to handle this? throw new RuntimeException("Cannot read system table! Are you upgrading a pre-release version?"); Schema schema = Schema.parse(new String(avroschema.value())); // deserialize keyspaces using schema Collection<KSMetaData> keyspaces = new ArrayList<KSMetaData>(); for (IColumn column : cf.getSortedColumns()) { if (Arrays.equals(column.name(), DEFINITION_SCHEMA_COLUMN_NAME)) continue; org.apache.cassandra.config.avro.KsDef ks = SerDeUtils.deserialize(schema, column.value(), new org.apache.cassandra.config.avro.KsDef()); keyspaces.add(KSMetaData.inflate(ks)); } return keyspaces; }
public static Migration deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { // deserialize org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.Migration mi = SerDeUtils.deserializeWithSchema(bytes); // create an instance of the migration subclass Migration migration; try { Class migrationClass = Class.forName(mi.classname.toString()); Constructor migrationConstructor = migrationClass.getDeclaredConstructor(); migrationConstructor.setAccessible(true); migration = (Migration)migrationConstructor.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid migration class: " + mi.classname.toString(), e); } // super inflate migration.lastVersion = UUIDGen.makeType1UUID(mi.old_version.bytes()); migration.newVersion = UUIDGen.makeType1UUID(mi.new_version.bytes()); try { migration.rm = RowMutation.serializer().deserialize(SerDeUtils.createDataInputStream(mi.row_mutation)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // sub inflate migration.subinflate(mi); return migration; }
public static Migration deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { // deserialize org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.Migration mi = SerDeUtils.deserializeWithSchema(bytes, new org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.Migration()); // create an instance of the migration subclass Migration migration; try { Class migrationClass = Class.forName(mi.classname.toString()); Constructor migrationConstructor = migrationClass.getDeclaredConstructor(); migrationConstructor.setAccessible(true); migration = (Migration)migrationConstructor.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid migration class: " + mi.classname.toString(), e); } // super inflate migration.lastVersion = UUIDGen.makeType1UUID(mi.old_version.bytes()); migration.newVersion = UUIDGen.makeType1UUID(mi.new_version.bytes()); try { migration.rm = RowMutation.serializer().deserialize(SerDeUtils.createDataInputStream(mi.row_mutation)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // sub inflate migration.subinflate(mi); return migration; }
public void connect() { if (zkController != null) return; synchronized(this) { if (zkController != null) return; try { ZkController zk = new ZkController(zkHost, zkConnectTimeout, zkClientTimeout, null, null, null); zk.addShardZkNodeWatches(); zk.updateCloudState(true); zkController = zk; } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } } }
public void connect() { if (zkController != null) return; synchronized(this) { if (zkController != null) return; try { ZkController zk = new ZkController(zkHost, zkConnectTimeout, zkClientTimeout, null, null, null); zk.addShardZkNodeWatches(); zk.getZkStateReader().updateCloudState(true); zkController = zk; } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e); } } }
public void afterExecute(Runnable r, Throwable t) { super.afterExecute(r,t); // exceptions wrapped by FutureTask if (r instanceof FutureTask) { try { ((FutureTask) r).get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), e); } } // exceptions for non-FutureTask runnables [i.e., added via execute() instead of submit()] if (t != null) { logger.error("Error in ThreadPoolExecutor", t); } }
public void afterExecute(Runnable r, Throwable t) { super.afterExecute(r,t); // exceptions wrapped by FutureTask if (r instanceof FutureTask) { try { ((FutureTask) r).get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), e.getCause()); } } // exceptions for non-FutureTask runnables [i.e., added via execute() instead of submit()] if (t != null) { logger.error("Error in ThreadPoolExecutor", t); } }
private RefCount getRefCount(String fileName) { RefCount rc; if (!refCounts.containsKey(fileName)) { rc = new RefCount(fileName); refCounts.put(fileName, rc); } else { rc = refCounts.get(fileName); } return rc; } void deleteFiles(List<String> files) throws IOException { for(final String file: files) deleteFile(file); } /** Deletes the specified files, but only if they are new * (have not yet been incref'd). */ void deleteNewFiles(Collection<String> files) throws IOException { for (final String fileName: files) { if (!refCounts.containsKey(fileName)) deleteFile(fileName); } } void deleteFile(String fileName) throws IOException { try { if (infoStream != null) { message("delete \"" + fileName + "\""); } directory.deleteFile(fileName); } catch (IOException e) { // if delete fails if (directory.fileExists(fileName)) { // Some operating systems (e.g. Windows) don't // permit a file to be deleted while it is opened // for read (e.g. by another process or thread). So // we assume that when a delete fails it is because // the file is open in another process, and queue // the file for subsequent deletion. if (infoStream != null) { message("IndexFileDeleter: unable to remove file \"" + fileName + "\": " + e.toString() + "; Will re-try later."); } if (deletable == null) { deletable = new ArrayList<String>(); } deletable.add(fileName); // add to deletable } } }
private RefCount getRefCount(String fileName) { RefCount rc; if (!refCounts.containsKey(fileName)) { rc = new RefCount(fileName); refCounts.put(fileName, rc); } else { rc = refCounts.get(fileName); } return rc; } void deleteFiles(List<String> files) throws IOException { for(final String file: files) deleteFile(file); } /** Deletes the specified files, but only if they are new * (have not yet been incref'd). */ void deleteNewFiles(Collection<String> files) throws IOException { for (final String fileName: files) { if (!refCounts.containsKey(fileName)) deleteFile(fileName); } } void deleteFile(String fileName) throws IOException { try { if (infoStream != null) { message("delete \"" + fileName + "\""); } directory.deleteFile(fileName); } catch (IOException e) { // if delete fails if (directory.fileExists(fileName)) { // Some operating systems (e.g. Windows) don't // permit a file to be deleted while it is opened // for read (e.g. by another process or thread). So // we assume that when a delete fails it is because // the file is open in another process, and queue // the file for subsequent deletion. if (infoStream != null) { message("unable to remove file \"" + fileName + "\": " + e.toString() + "; Will re-try later."); } if (deletable == null) { deletable = new ArrayList<String>(); } deletable.add(fileName); // add to deletable } } }
public void _testStressLocks(LockFactory lockFactory, String indexDirName) throws IOException { FSDirectory fs1 = FSDirectory.getDirectory(indexDirName, lockFactory); // First create a 1 doc index: IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(fs1, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true); addDoc(w); w.close(); WriterThread writer = new WriterThread(100, fs1); SearcherThread searcher = new SearcherThread(100, fs1); writer.start(); searcher.start(); while(writer.isAlive() || searcher.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } assertTrue("IndexWriter hit unexpected exceptions", !writer.hitException); assertTrue("IndexSearcher hit unexpected exceptions", !searcher.hitException); // Cleanup rmDir(indexDirName); }
public void _testStressLocks(LockFactory lockFactory, String indexDirName) throws IOException { FSDirectory fs1 = FSDirectory.getDirectory(indexDirName, lockFactory, false); // First create a 1 doc index: IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(fs1, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true); addDoc(w); w.close(); WriterThread writer = new WriterThread(100, fs1); SearcherThread searcher = new SearcherThread(100, fs1); writer.start(); searcher.start(); while(writer.isAlive() || searcher.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } assertTrue("IndexWriter hit unexpected exceptions", !writer.hitException); assertTrue("IndexSearcher hit unexpected exceptions", !searcher.hitException); // Cleanup rmDir(indexDirName); }
private void testIndexInternal(int maxWait) throws IOException { final boolean create = true; //Directory rd = new RAMDirectory(); // work on disk to make sure potential lock problems are tested: String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); if (tempDir == null) throw new IOException("java.io.tmpdir undefined, cannot run test"); File indexDir = new File(tempDir, "lucenetestindex"); Directory rd = FSDirectory.getDirectory(indexDir); IndexThread.id = 0; IndexThread.idStack.clear(); IndexModifier index = new IndexModifier(rd, new StandardAnalyzer(), create); IndexThread thread1 = new IndexThread(index, maxWait, 1); thread1.start(); IndexThread thread2 = new IndexThread(index, maxWait, 2); thread2.start(); while(thread1.isAlive() || thread2.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } index.optimize(); int added = thread1.added + thread2.added; int deleted = thread1.deleted + thread2.deleted; assertEquals(added-deleted, index.docCount()); index.close(); try { index.close(); fail(); } catch(IllegalStateException e) { // expected exception } rmDir(indexDir); }
private void testIndexInternal(int maxWait) throws IOException { final boolean create = true; //Directory rd = new RAMDirectory(); // work on disk to make sure potential lock problems are tested: String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); if (tempDir == null) throw new IOException("java.io.tmpdir undefined, cannot run test"); File indexDir = new File(tempDir, "lucenetestindex"); Directory rd = FSDirectory.getDirectory(indexDir, null, false); IndexThread.id = 0; IndexThread.idStack.clear(); IndexModifier index = new IndexModifier(rd, new StandardAnalyzer(), create); IndexThread thread1 = new IndexThread(index, maxWait, 1); thread1.start(); IndexThread thread2 = new IndexThread(index, maxWait, 2); thread2.start(); while(thread1.isAlive() || thread2.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } index.optimize(); int added = thread1.added + thread2.added; int deleted = thread1.deleted + thread2.deleted; assertEquals(added-deleted, index.docCount()); index.close(); try { index.close(); fail(); } catch(IllegalStateException e) { // expected exception } rmDir(indexDir); }
public void testThreadedOptimize() throws Exception { Directory directory = new MockRAMDirectory(); runTest(directory, false, null); runTest(directory, true, null); runTest(directory, false, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); runTest(directory, true, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); directory.close(); String tempDir = System.getProperty("tempDir"); if (tempDir == null) throw new IOException("tempDir undefined, cannot run test"); String dirName = tempDir + "/luceneTestThreadedOptimize"; directory = FSDirectory.getDirectory(dirName); runTest(directory, false, null); runTest(directory, true, null); runTest(directory, false, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); runTest(directory, true, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); directory.close(); _TestUtil.rmDir(dirName); }
public void testThreadedOptimize() throws Exception { Directory directory = new MockRAMDirectory(); runTest(directory, false, null); runTest(directory, true, null); runTest(directory, false, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); runTest(directory, true, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); directory.close(); String tempDir = System.getProperty("tempDir"); if (tempDir == null) throw new IOException("tempDir undefined, cannot run test"); String dirName = tempDir + "/luceneTestThreadedOptimize"; directory = FSDirectory.getDirectory(dirName, null, false); runTest(directory, false, null); runTest(directory, true, null); runTest(directory, false, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); runTest(directory, true, new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()); directory.close(); _TestUtil.rmDir(dirName); }
public void testAtomicUpdates() throws Exception { Directory directory; // First in a RAM directory: directory = new MockRAMDirectory(); runTest(directory); directory.close(); // Second in an FSDirectory: String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); File dirPath = new File(tempDir, "lucene.test.atomic"); directory = FSDirectory.getDirectory(dirPath); runTest(directory); directory.close(); _TestUtil.rmDir(dirPath); }
public void testAtomicUpdates() throws Exception { Directory directory; // First in a RAM directory: directory = new MockRAMDirectory(); runTest(directory); directory.close(); // Second in an FSDirectory: String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); File dirPath = new File(tempDir, "lucene.test.atomic"); directory = FSDirectory.getDirectory(dirPath, null, false); runTest(directory); directory.close(); _TestUtil.rmDir(dirPath); }
public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); File file = new File(System.getProperty("tempDir"), "testIndex"); _TestUtil.rmDir(file); dir = FSDirectory.getDirectory(file); }
public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); File file = new File(System.getProperty("tempDir"), "testIndex"); _TestUtil.rmDir(file); dir = FSDirectory.getDirectory(file, null, false); }
public IndexableField createField(SchemaField field, Object val, float boost) { if (val == null) return null; if (!field.stored()) { log.trace("Ignoring unstored binary field: " + field); return null; } byte[] buf = null; int offset = 0, len = 0; if (val instanceof byte[]) { buf = (byte[]) val; len = buf.length; } else if (val instanceof ByteBuffer && ((ByteBuffer)val).hasArray()) { ByteBuffer byteBuf = (ByteBuffer) val; buf = byteBuf.array(); offset = byteBuf.position(); len = byteBuf.limit() - byteBuf.position(); } else { String strVal = val.toString(); //the string has to be a base64 encoded string buf = Base64.base64ToByteArray(strVal); offset = 0; len = buf.length; } Field f = new org.apache.lucene.document.BinaryField(field.getName(), buf, offset, len); f.setBoost(boost); return f; }
public IndexableField createField(SchemaField field, Object val, float boost) { if (val == null) return null; if (!field.stored()) { log.trace("Ignoring unstored binary field: " + field); return null; } byte[] buf = null; int offset = 0, len = 0; if (val instanceof byte[]) { buf = (byte[]) val; len = buf.length; } else if (val instanceof ByteBuffer && ((ByteBuffer)val).hasArray()) { ByteBuffer byteBuf = (ByteBuffer) val; buf = byteBuf.array(); offset = byteBuf.position(); len = byteBuf.limit() - byteBuf.position(); } else { String strVal = val.toString(); //the string has to be a base64 encoded string buf = Base64.base64ToByteArray(strVal); offset = 0; len = buf.length; } Field f = new org.apache.lucene.document.StoredField(field.getName(), buf, offset, len); f.setBoost(boost); return f; }
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { NUM_DOCS = atLeast(500); NUM_ORDS = atLeast(2); directory = newDirectory(); RandomIndexWriter writer= new RandomIndexWriter(random, directory, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)).setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy())); long theLong = Long.MAX_VALUE; double theDouble = Double.MAX_VALUE; byte theByte = Byte.MAX_VALUE; short theShort = Short.MAX_VALUE; int theInt = Integer.MAX_VALUE; float theFloat = Float.MAX_VALUE; unicodeStrings = new String[NUM_DOCS]; multiValued = new BytesRef[NUM_DOCS][NUM_ORDS]; if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: setUp"); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++){ Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(newField("theLong", String.valueOf(theLong--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theDouble", String.valueOf(theDouble--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theByte", String.valueOf(theByte--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theShort", String.valueOf(theShort--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theInt", String.valueOf(theInt--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theFloat", String.valueOf(theFloat--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); if (i%2 == 0) { doc.add(newField("sparse", String.valueOf(i), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); } if (i%2 == 0) { doc.add(new NumericField("numInt").setIntValue(i)); } // sometimes skip the field: if (random.nextInt(40) != 17) { unicodeStrings[i] = generateString(i); doc.add(newField("theRandomUnicodeString", unicodeStrings[i], StringField.TYPE_STORED)); } // sometimes skip the field: if (random.nextInt(10) != 8) { for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ORDS; j++) { String newValue = generateString(i); multiValued[i][j] = new BytesRef(newValue); doc.add(newField("theRandomUnicodeMultiValuedField", newValue, StringField.TYPE_STORED)); } Arrays.sort(multiValued[i]); } writer.addDocument(doc); } reader = writer.getReader(); writer.close(); }
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { NUM_DOCS = atLeast(500); NUM_ORDS = atLeast(2); directory = newDirectory(); RandomIndexWriter writer= new RandomIndexWriter(random, directory, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)).setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy())); long theLong = Long.MAX_VALUE; double theDouble = Double.MAX_VALUE; byte theByte = Byte.MAX_VALUE; short theShort = Short.MAX_VALUE; int theInt = Integer.MAX_VALUE; float theFloat = Float.MAX_VALUE; unicodeStrings = new String[NUM_DOCS]; multiValued = new BytesRef[NUM_DOCS][NUM_ORDS]; if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: setUp"); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++){ Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(newField("theLong", String.valueOf(theLong--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theDouble", String.valueOf(theDouble--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theByte", String.valueOf(theByte--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theShort", String.valueOf(theShort--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theInt", String.valueOf(theInt--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(newField("theFloat", String.valueOf(theFloat--), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); if (i%2 == 0) { doc.add(newField("sparse", String.valueOf(i), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); } if (i%2 == 0) { doc.add(new NumericField("numInt", i)); } // sometimes skip the field: if (random.nextInt(40) != 17) { unicodeStrings[i] = generateString(i); doc.add(newField("theRandomUnicodeString", unicodeStrings[i], StringField.TYPE_STORED)); } // sometimes skip the field: if (random.nextInt(10) != 8) { for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ORDS; j++) { String newValue = generateString(i); multiValued[i][j] = new BytesRef(newValue); doc.add(newField("theRandomUnicodeMultiValuedField", newValue, StringField.TYPE_STORED)); } Arrays.sort(multiValued[i]); } writer.addDocument(doc); } reader = writer.getReader(); writer.close(); }
public void testMultiValuedNRQ() throws Exception { Directory directory = newDirectory(); RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random, directory, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)) .setMaxBufferedDocs(_TestUtil.nextInt(random, 50, 1000))); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("00000000000", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); int num = atLeast(500); for (int l = 0; l < num; l++) { Document doc = new Document(); for (int m=0, c=random.nextInt(10); m<=c; m++) { int value = random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); doc.add(newField("asc", format.format(value), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(new NumericField("trie").setIntValue(value)); } writer.addDocument(doc); } IndexReader reader = writer.getReader(); writer.close(); IndexSearcher searcher=newSearcher(reader); num = atLeast(50); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int lower=random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); int upper=random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (lower>upper) { int a=lower; lower=upper; upper=a; } TermRangeQuery cq=TermRangeQuery.newStringRange("asc", format.format(lower), format.format(upper), true, true); NumericRangeQuery<Integer> tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("trie", lower, upper, true, true); TopDocs trTopDocs = searcher.search(cq, 1); TopDocs nrTopDocs = searcher.search(tq, 1); assertEquals("Returned count for NumericRangeQuery and TermRangeQuery must be equal", trTopDocs.totalHits, nrTopDocs.totalHits ); } reader.close(); directory.close(); }
public void testMultiValuedNRQ() throws Exception { Directory directory = newDirectory(); RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random, directory, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)) .setMaxBufferedDocs(_TestUtil.nextInt(random, 50, 1000))); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("00000000000", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); int num = atLeast(500); for (int l = 0; l < num; l++) { Document doc = new Document(); for (int m=0, c=random.nextInt(10); m<=c; m++) { int value = random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); doc.add(newField("asc", format.format(value), StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); doc.add(new NumericField("trie", value)); } writer.addDocument(doc); } IndexReader reader = writer.getReader(); writer.close(); IndexSearcher searcher=newSearcher(reader); num = atLeast(50); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int lower=random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); int upper=random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (lower>upper) { int a=lower; lower=upper; upper=a; } TermRangeQuery cq=TermRangeQuery.newStringRange("asc", format.format(lower), format.format(upper), true, true); NumericRangeQuery<Integer> tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("trie", lower, upper, true, true); TopDocs trTopDocs = searcher.search(cq, 1); TopDocs nrTopDocs = searcher.search(tq, 1); assertEquals("Returned count for NumericRangeQuery and TermRangeQuery must be equal", trTopDocs.totalHits, nrTopDocs.totalHits ); } reader.close(); directory.close(); }
private void addDoc(RandomIndexWriter w, Collection<String> terms, Map<BytesRef,Integer> termToID, int id) throws IOException { Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new NumericField("id").setIntValue(id)); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: addDoc id:" + id + " terms=" + terms); } for (String s2 : terms) { doc.add(newField("f", s2, StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); termToID.put(new BytesRef(s2), id); } w.addDocument(doc); terms.clear(); }
private void addDoc(RandomIndexWriter w, Collection<String> terms, Map<BytesRef,Integer> termToID, int id) throws IOException { Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new NumericField("id", id)); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("TEST: addDoc id:" + id + " terms=" + terms); } for (String s2 : terms) { doc.add(newField("f", s2, StringField.TYPE_UNSTORED)); termToID.put(new BytesRef(s2), id); } w.addDocument(doc); terms.clear(); }
public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException { if (clauses.size() == 1) { // optimize 1-clause queries BooleanClause c = (BooleanClause)clauses.elementAt(0); if (!c.prohibited) { // just return clause Query query = c.query; if (getBoost() != 1.0f) { // have to clone to boost query = (Query)query.clone(); query.setBoost(getBoost() * query.getBoost()); } return query; } } BooleanQuery clone = null; // recursively rewrite for (int i = 0 ; i < clauses.size(); i++) { BooleanClause c = (BooleanClause)clauses.elementAt(i); Query query = c.query.rewrite(reader); if (query != c.query) { // clause rewrote: must clone if (clone == null) clone = (BooleanQuery)this.clone(); clone.clauses.setElementAt (new BooleanClause(query, c.required, c.prohibited), i); } } if (clone != null) { return clone; // some clauses rewrote } else return this; // no clauses rewrote }
public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException { if (clauses.size() == 1) { // optimize 1-clause queries BooleanClause c = (BooleanClause)clauses.elementAt(0); if (!c.prohibited) { // just return clause Query query = c.query.rewrite(reader); // rewrite first if (getBoost() != 1.0f) { // have to clone to boost query = (Query)query.clone(); query.setBoost(getBoost() * query.getBoost()); } return query; } } BooleanQuery clone = null; // recursively rewrite for (int i = 0 ; i < clauses.size(); i++) { BooleanClause c = (BooleanClause)clauses.elementAt(i); Query query = c.query.rewrite(reader); if (query != c.query) { // clause rewrote: must clone if (clone == null) clone = (BooleanQuery)this.clone(); clone.clauses.setElementAt (new BooleanClause(query, c.required, c.prohibited), i); } } if (clone != null) { return clone; // some clauses rewrote } else return this; // no clauses rewrote }
public static void removePersistentService(String name) throws StandardException { // For now we only allow dropping in-memory databases. // This is mostly due to the fact that the current implementation for // the on-disk back end doesn't handle logDevice when dropping. // Security is another concern. if (!name.startsWith(PersistentService.INMEMORY)) { throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.SERVICE_DIRECTORY_REMOVE_ERROR, name); } monitor.removePersistentService(name); }
public static void removePersistentService(String name) throws StandardException { // For now we only allow dropping in-memory databases. // This is mostly due to the fact that the current implementation for // the on-disk back end doesn't handle logDevice when dropping. // Security is another concern. if (!name.startsWith(PersistentService.INMEMORY + ":")) { throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.SERVICE_DIRECTORY_REMOVE_ERROR, name); } monitor.removePersistentService(name); }
public void normalTest1(String query, int[] expdnrs) throws Exception { BooleanQueryTest bqt = new BooleanQueryTest( query, expdnrs, db1, fieldName, this, new BasicQueryFactory(maxBasicQueries)); bqt.setVerbose(verbose); bqt.doTest(); }
public void normalTest1(String query, int[] expdnrs) throws Exception { BooleanQueryTst bqt = new BooleanQueryTst( query, expdnrs, db1, fieldName, this, new BasicQueryFactory(maxBasicQueries)); bqt.setVerbose(verbose); bqt.doTest(); }
public void test01Exceptions() throws Exception { String m = ExceptionQueryTest.getFailQueries(exceptionQueries, verbose); if (m.length() > 0) { fail("No ParseException for:\n" + m); } }
public void test01Exceptions() throws Exception { String m = ExceptionQueryTst.getFailQueries(exceptionQueries, verbose); if (m.length() > 0) { fail("No ParseException for:\n" + m); } }
protected Query newFieldQuery(Analyzer analyzer, String field, String queryText, boolean quoted) throws SyntaxError { // Use the analyzer to get all the tokens, and then build a TermQuery, // PhraseQuery, or nothing based on the term count TokenStream source; try { source = analyzer.tokenStream(field, new StringReader(queryText)); source.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError("Unable to initialize TokenStream to analyze query text", e); } CachingTokenFilter buffer = new CachingTokenFilter(source); TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = null; PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = null; int numTokens = 0; buffer.reset(); if (buffer.hasAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class)) { termAtt = buffer.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class); } if (buffer.hasAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class)) { posIncrAtt = buffer.getAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class); } int positionCount = 0; boolean severalTokensAtSamePosition = false; boolean hasMoreTokens = false; if (termAtt != null) { try { hasMoreTokens = buffer.incrementToken(); while (hasMoreTokens) { numTokens++; int positionIncrement = (posIncrAtt != null) ? posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement() : 1; if (positionIncrement != 0) { positionCount += positionIncrement; } else { severalTokensAtSamePosition = true; } hasMoreTokens = buffer.incrementToken(); } } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } try { // rewind the buffer stream buffer.reset(); // close original stream - all tokens buffered source.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError("Cannot close TokenStream analyzing query text", e); } BytesRef bytes = termAtt == null ? null : termAtt.getBytesRef(); if (numTokens == 0) return null; else if (numTokens == 1) { try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } return newTermQuery(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); } else { if (severalTokensAtSamePosition || (!quoted && !autoGeneratePhraseQueries)) { if (positionCount == 1 || (!quoted && !autoGeneratePhraseQueries)) { // no phrase query: BooleanQuery q = newBooleanQuery(positionCount == 1); BooleanClause.Occur occur = positionCount > 1 && operator == AND_OPERATOR ? BooleanClause.Occur.MUST : BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD; for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } Query currentQuery = newTermQuery( new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); q.add(currentQuery, occur); } return q; } else { // phrase query: MultiPhraseQuery mpq = newMultiPhraseQuery(); mpq.setSlop(phraseSlop); List<Term> multiTerms = new ArrayList<Term>(); int position = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { int positionIncrement = 1; try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); if (posIncrAtt != null) { positionIncrement = posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement(); } } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } if (positionIncrement > 0 && multiTerms.size() > 0) { if (enablePositionIncrements) { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0]),position); } else { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0])); } multiTerms.clear(); } position += positionIncrement; multiTerms.add(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); } if (enablePositionIncrements) { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0]),position); } else { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0])); } return mpq; } } else { PhraseQuery pq = newPhraseQuery(); pq.setSlop(phraseSlop); int position = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { int positionIncrement = 1; try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); if (posIncrAtt != null) { positionIncrement = posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement(); } } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } if (enablePositionIncrements) { position += positionIncrement; pq.add(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes)),position); } else { pq.add(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); } } return pq; } } }
protected Query newFieldQuery(Analyzer analyzer, String field, String queryText, boolean quoted) throws SyntaxError { // Use the analyzer to get all the tokens, and then build a TermQuery, // PhraseQuery, or nothing based on the term count TokenStream source; try { source = analyzer.tokenStream(field, queryText); source.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError("Unable to initialize TokenStream to analyze query text", e); } CachingTokenFilter buffer = new CachingTokenFilter(source); TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = null; PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = null; int numTokens = 0; buffer.reset(); if (buffer.hasAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class)) { termAtt = buffer.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class); } if (buffer.hasAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class)) { posIncrAtt = buffer.getAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class); } int positionCount = 0; boolean severalTokensAtSamePosition = false; boolean hasMoreTokens = false; if (termAtt != null) { try { hasMoreTokens = buffer.incrementToken(); while (hasMoreTokens) { numTokens++; int positionIncrement = (posIncrAtt != null) ? posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement() : 1; if (positionIncrement != 0) { positionCount += positionIncrement; } else { severalTokensAtSamePosition = true; } hasMoreTokens = buffer.incrementToken(); } } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } try { // rewind the buffer stream buffer.reset(); // close original stream - all tokens buffered source.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SyntaxError("Cannot close TokenStream analyzing query text", e); } BytesRef bytes = termAtt == null ? null : termAtt.getBytesRef(); if (numTokens == 0) return null; else if (numTokens == 1) { try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } return newTermQuery(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); } else { if (severalTokensAtSamePosition || (!quoted && !autoGeneratePhraseQueries)) { if (positionCount == 1 || (!quoted && !autoGeneratePhraseQueries)) { // no phrase query: BooleanQuery q = newBooleanQuery(positionCount == 1); BooleanClause.Occur occur = positionCount > 1 && operator == AND_OPERATOR ? BooleanClause.Occur.MUST : BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD; for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } Query currentQuery = newTermQuery( new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); q.add(currentQuery, occur); } return q; } else { // phrase query: MultiPhraseQuery mpq = newMultiPhraseQuery(); mpq.setSlop(phraseSlop); List<Term> multiTerms = new ArrayList<Term>(); int position = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { int positionIncrement = 1; try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); if (posIncrAtt != null) { positionIncrement = posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement(); } } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } if (positionIncrement > 0 && multiTerms.size() > 0) { if (enablePositionIncrements) { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0]),position); } else { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0])); } multiTerms.clear(); } position += positionIncrement; multiTerms.add(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); } if (enablePositionIncrements) { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0]),position); } else { mpq.add(multiTerms.toArray(new Term[0])); } return mpq; } } else { PhraseQuery pq = newPhraseQuery(); pq.setSlop(phraseSlop); int position = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { int positionIncrement = 1; try { boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken(); assert hasNext == true; termAtt.fillBytesRef(); if (posIncrAtt != null) { positionIncrement = posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement(); } } catch (IOException e) { // safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens } if (enablePositionIncrements) { position += positionIncrement; pq.add(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes)),position); } else { pq.add(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes))); } } return pq; } } }
public void testLUCENE_3042() throws Exception { String testString = "t"; Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random()); TokenStream stream = analyzer.tokenStream("dummy", new StringReader(testString)); stream.reset(); while (stream.incrementToken()) { // consume } stream.end(); stream.close(); assertAnalyzesToReuse(analyzer, testString, new String[] { "t" }); }
public void testLUCENE_3042() throws Exception { String testString = "t"; Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random()); TokenStream stream = analyzer.tokenStream("dummy", testString); stream.reset(); while (stream.incrementToken()) { // consume } stream.end(); stream.close(); assertAnalyzesToReuse(analyzer, testString, new String[] { "t" }); }
public void testRandomPhrases() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random()); RandomIndexWriter w = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), dir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer).setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy())); List<List<String>> docs = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); Document d = new Document(); Field f = newTextField("f", "", Field.Store.NO); d.add(f); Random r = random(); int NUM_DOCS = atLeast(10); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { // must be > 4096 so it spans multiple chunks int termCount = _TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 4097, 8200); List<String> doc = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while(doc.size() < termCount) { if (r.nextInt(5) == 1 || docs.size() == 0) { // make new non-empty-string term String term; while(true) { term = _TestUtil.randomUnicodeString(r); if (term.length() > 0) { break; } } TokenStream ts = analyzer.tokenStream("ignore", new StringReader(term)); CharTermAttribute termAttr = ts.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); ts.reset(); while(ts.incrementToken()) { String text = termAttr.toString(); doc.add(text); sb.append(text).append(' '); } ts.end(); ts.close(); } else { // pick existing sub-phrase List<String> lastDoc = docs.get(r.nextInt(docs.size())); int len = _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 1, 10); int start = r.nextInt(lastDoc.size()-len); for(int k=start;k<start+len;k++) { String t = lastDoc.get(k); doc.add(t); sb.append(t).append(' '); } } } docs.add(doc); f.setStringValue(sb.toString()); w.addDocument(d); } IndexReader reader = w.getReader(); IndexSearcher s = newSearcher(reader); w.close(); // now search int num = atLeast(10); for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { int docID = r.nextInt(docs.size()); List<String> doc = docs.get(docID); final int numTerm = _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 2, 20); final int start = r.nextInt(doc.size()-numTerm); PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int t=start;t<start+numTerm;t++) { pq.add(new Term("f", doc.get(t))); sb.append(doc.get(t)).append(' '); } TopDocs hits = s.search(pq, NUM_DOCS); boolean found = false; for(int j=0;j<hits.scoreDocs.length;j++) { if (hits.scoreDocs[j].doc == docID) { found = true; break; } } assertTrue("phrase '" + sb + "' not found; start=" + start, found); } reader.close(); dir.close(); }
public void testRandomPhrases() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random()); RandomIndexWriter w = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), dir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer).setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy())); List<List<String>> docs = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); Document d = new Document(); Field f = newTextField("f", "", Field.Store.NO); d.add(f); Random r = random(); int NUM_DOCS = atLeast(10); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { // must be > 4096 so it spans multiple chunks int termCount = _TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 4097, 8200); List<String> doc = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while(doc.size() < termCount) { if (r.nextInt(5) == 1 || docs.size() == 0) { // make new non-empty-string term String term; while(true) { term = _TestUtil.randomUnicodeString(r); if (term.length() > 0) { break; } } TokenStream ts = analyzer.tokenStream("ignore", term); CharTermAttribute termAttr = ts.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); ts.reset(); while(ts.incrementToken()) { String text = termAttr.toString(); doc.add(text); sb.append(text).append(' '); } ts.end(); ts.close(); } else { // pick existing sub-phrase List<String> lastDoc = docs.get(r.nextInt(docs.size())); int len = _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 1, 10); int start = r.nextInt(lastDoc.size()-len); for(int k=start;k<start+len;k++) { String t = lastDoc.get(k); doc.add(t); sb.append(t).append(' '); } } } docs.add(doc); f.setStringValue(sb.toString()); w.addDocument(d); } IndexReader reader = w.getReader(); IndexSearcher s = newSearcher(reader); w.close(); // now search int num = atLeast(10); for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { int docID = r.nextInt(docs.size()); List<String> doc = docs.get(docID); final int numTerm = _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 2, 20); final int start = r.nextInt(doc.size()-numTerm); PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int t=start;t<start+numTerm;t++) { pq.add(new Term("f", doc.get(t))); sb.append(doc.get(t)).append(' '); } TopDocs hits = s.search(pq, NUM_DOCS); boolean found = false; for(int j=0;j<hits.scoreDocs.length;j++) { if (hits.scoreDocs[j].doc == docID) { found = true; break; } } assertTrue("phrase '" + sb + "' not found; start=" + start, found); } reader.close(); dir.close(); }
public void testEndOffsetPositionWithTeeSinkTokenFilter() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random(), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false); IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer)); Document doc = new Document(); TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream("field", new StringReader("abcd ")); TeeSinkTokenFilter tee = new TeeSinkTokenFilter(tokenStream); TokenStream sink = tee.newSinkTokenStream(); FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); ft.setStoreTermVectors(true); ft.setStoreTermVectorOffsets(true); ft.setStoreTermVectorPositions(true); Field f1 = new Field("field", tee, ft); Field f2 = new Field("field", sink, ft); doc.add(f1); doc.add(f2); w.addDocument(doc); w.close(); IndexReader r = DirectoryReader.open(dir); Terms vector = r.getTermVectors(0).terms("field"); assertEquals(1, vector.size()); TermsEnum termsEnum = vector.iterator(null); termsEnum.next(); assertEquals(2, termsEnum.totalTermFreq()); DocsAndPositionsEnum positions = termsEnum.docsAndPositions(null, null); assertTrue(positions.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS); assertEquals(2, positions.freq()); positions.nextPosition(); assertEquals(0, positions.startOffset()); assertEquals(4, positions.endOffset()); positions.nextPosition(); assertEquals(8, positions.startOffset()); assertEquals(12, positions.endOffset()); assertEquals(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, positions.nextDoc()); r.close(); dir.close(); }
public void testEndOffsetPositionWithTeeSinkTokenFilter() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random(), MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false); IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer)); Document doc = new Document(); TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream("field", "abcd "); TeeSinkTokenFilter tee = new TeeSinkTokenFilter(tokenStream); TokenStream sink = tee.newSinkTokenStream(); FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); ft.setStoreTermVectors(true); ft.setStoreTermVectorOffsets(true); ft.setStoreTermVectorPositions(true); Field f1 = new Field("field", tee, ft); Field f2 = new Field("field", sink, ft); doc.add(f1); doc.add(f2); w.addDocument(doc); w.close(); IndexReader r = DirectoryReader.open(dir); Terms vector = r.getTermVectors(0).terms("field"); assertEquals(1, vector.size()); TermsEnum termsEnum = vector.iterator(null); termsEnum.next(); assertEquals(2, termsEnum.totalTermFreq()); DocsAndPositionsEnum positions = termsEnum.docsAndPositions(null, null); assertTrue(positions.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS); assertEquals(2, positions.freq()); positions.nextPosition(); assertEquals(0, positions.startOffset()); assertEquals(4, positions.endOffset()); positions.nextPosition(); assertEquals(8, positions.startOffset()); assertEquals(12, positions.endOffset()); assertEquals(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, positions.nextDoc()); r.close(); dir.close(); }
public void testTokenAttributes() throws Exception { TokenStream ts = a.tokenStream("dummy", new StringReader("This is a test")); ScriptAttribute scriptAtt = ts.addAttribute(ScriptAttribute.class); ts.reset(); while (ts.incrementToken()) { assertEquals(UScript.LATIN, scriptAtt.getCode()); assertEquals(UScript.getName(UScript.LATIN), scriptAtt.getName()); assertEquals(UScript.getShortName(UScript.LATIN), scriptAtt.getShortName()); assertTrue(ts.reflectAsString(false).contains("script=Latin")); } ts.end(); ts.close(); }
public void testTokenAttributes() throws Exception { TokenStream ts = a.tokenStream("dummy", "This is a test"); ScriptAttribute scriptAtt = ts.addAttribute(ScriptAttribute.class); ts.reset(); while (ts.incrementToken()) { assertEquals(UScript.LATIN, scriptAtt.getCode()); assertEquals(UScript.getName(UScript.LATIN), scriptAtt.getName()); assertEquals(UScript.getShortName(UScript.LATIN), scriptAtt.getShortName()); assertTrue(ts.reflectAsString(false).contains("script=Latin")); } ts.end(); ts.close(); }
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int actualLength = 0; updateIfRequired(); //If maxPos is not invalid then //ensure that the length(len) //that is requested falls within //the restriction set by maxPos. if(maxPos != -1) { actualLength = (int )Math.min(len, maxPos - pos); } else { //maxPos has not been set. Make //maxPos the length requested. actualLength = len; } int retValue = super.read(b, off, actualLength); if (retValue > 0) pos += retValue; return retValue; }
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int actualLength = 0; updateIfRequired(); //If maxPos is not invalid then //ensure that the length(len) //that is requested falls within //the restriction set by maxPos. if(maxPos != -1) { actualLength = (int )Math.min(len, maxPos - pos); } else { //maxPos has not been set. Make //maxPos the length requested. actualLength = len; } int retValue = stream.read(b, off, actualLength); if (retValue > 0) pos += retValue; return retValue; }
public void apply(org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.CfDef cf_def) throws ConfigurationException { // validate if (!cf_def.keyspace.toString().equals(ksName)) throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Keyspace mismatch (found %s; expected %s)", cf_def.keyspace, tableName)); if (!cf_def.name.toString().equals(cfName)) throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Column family mismatch (found %s; expected %s)", cf_def.name, cfName)); if (!cf_def.id.equals(cfId)) throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Column family ID mismatch (found %s; expected %s)", cf_def.id, cfId)); if (!cf_def.column_type.toString().equals(cfType.name())) throw new ConfigurationException("types do not match."); if (comparator != TypeParser.parse(cf_def.comparator_type)) throw new ConfigurationException("comparators do not match."); if (cf_def.subcomparator_type == null || cf_def.subcomparator_type.equals("")) { if (subcolumnComparator != null) throw new ConfigurationException("subcolumncomparators do not match."); // else, it's null and we're good. } else if (subcolumnComparator != TypeParser.parse(cf_def.subcomparator_type)) throw new ConfigurationException("subcolumncomparators do not match."); validateMinMaxCompactionThresholds(cf_def); validateMemtableSettings(cf_def); comment = enforceCommentNotNull(cf_def.comment); rowCacheSize = cf_def.row_cache_size; keyCacheSize = cf_def.key_cache_size; readRepairChance = cf_def.read_repair_chance; replicateOnWrite = cf_def.replicate_on_write; gcGraceSeconds = cf_def.gc_grace_seconds; defaultValidator = TypeParser.parse(cf_def.default_validation_class); keyValidator = TypeParser.parse(cf_def.key_validation_class); minCompactionThreshold = cf_def.min_compaction_threshold; maxCompactionThreshold = cf_def.max_compaction_threshold; rowCacheSavePeriodInSeconds = cf_def.row_cache_save_period_in_seconds; keyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds = cf_def.key_cache_save_period_in_seconds; memtableFlushAfterMins = cf_def.memtable_flush_after_mins; memtableThroughputInMb = cf_def.memtable_throughput_in_mb; memtableOperationsInMillions = cf_def.memtable_operations_in_millions; mergeShardsChance = cf_def.merge_shards_chance; if (cf_def.row_cache_provider != null) rowCacheProvider = FBUtilities.newCacheProvider(cf_def.row_cache_provider.toString()); keyAlias = cf_def.key_alias; // adjust column definitions. figure out who is coming and going. Set<ByteBuffer> toRemove = new HashSet<ByteBuffer>(); Set<ByteBuffer> newColumns = new HashSet<ByteBuffer>(); Set<org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef> toAdd = new HashSet<org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef>(); for (org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef def : cf_def.column_metadata) { newColumns.add(def.name); if (!column_metadata.containsKey(def.name)) toAdd.add(def); } for (ByteBuffer name : column_metadata.keySet()) if (!newColumns.contains(name)) toRemove.add(name); // remove the ones leaving. for (ByteBuffer indexName : toRemove) column_metadata.remove(indexName); // update the ones staying for (org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef def : cf_def.column_metadata) { ColumnDefinition oldDef = column_metadata.get(def.name); if (oldDef == null) continue; oldDef.setValidator(TypeParser.parse(def.validation_class)); oldDef.setIndexType(def.index_type == null ? null : org.apache.cassandra.thrift.IndexType.valueOf(def.index_type.name())); oldDef.setIndexName(def.index_name == null ? null : def.index_name.toString()); } // add the new ones coming in. for (org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef def : toAdd) { AbstractType dValidClass = TypeParser.parse(def.validation_class); ColumnDefinition cd = new ColumnDefinition(def.name, dValidClass, def.index_type == null ? null : org.apache.cassandra.thrift.IndexType.valueOf(def.index_type.toString()), def.index_name == null ? null : def.index_name.toString()); column_metadata.put(cd.name, cd); } }
public void apply(org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.CfDef cf_def) throws ConfigurationException { // validate if (!cf_def.keyspace.toString().equals(ksName)) throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Keyspace mismatch (found %s; expected %s)", cf_def.keyspace, ksName)); if (!cf_def.name.toString().equals(cfName)) throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Column family mismatch (found %s; expected %s)", cf_def.name, cfName)); if (!cf_def.id.equals(cfId)) throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Column family ID mismatch (found %s; expected %s)", cf_def.id, cfId)); if (!cf_def.column_type.toString().equals(cfType.name())) throw new ConfigurationException("types do not match."); if (comparator != TypeParser.parse(cf_def.comparator_type)) throw new ConfigurationException("comparators do not match."); if (cf_def.subcomparator_type == null || cf_def.subcomparator_type.equals("")) { if (subcolumnComparator != null) throw new ConfigurationException("subcolumncomparators do not match."); // else, it's null and we're good. } else if (subcolumnComparator != TypeParser.parse(cf_def.subcomparator_type)) throw new ConfigurationException("subcolumncomparators do not match."); validateMinMaxCompactionThresholds(cf_def); validateMemtableSettings(cf_def); comment = enforceCommentNotNull(cf_def.comment); rowCacheSize = cf_def.row_cache_size; keyCacheSize = cf_def.key_cache_size; readRepairChance = cf_def.read_repair_chance; replicateOnWrite = cf_def.replicate_on_write; gcGraceSeconds = cf_def.gc_grace_seconds; defaultValidator = TypeParser.parse(cf_def.default_validation_class); keyValidator = TypeParser.parse(cf_def.key_validation_class); minCompactionThreshold = cf_def.min_compaction_threshold; maxCompactionThreshold = cf_def.max_compaction_threshold; rowCacheSavePeriodInSeconds = cf_def.row_cache_save_period_in_seconds; keyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds = cf_def.key_cache_save_period_in_seconds; memtableFlushAfterMins = cf_def.memtable_flush_after_mins; memtableThroughputInMb = cf_def.memtable_throughput_in_mb; memtableOperationsInMillions = cf_def.memtable_operations_in_millions; mergeShardsChance = cf_def.merge_shards_chance; if (cf_def.row_cache_provider != null) rowCacheProvider = FBUtilities.newCacheProvider(cf_def.row_cache_provider.toString()); keyAlias = cf_def.key_alias; // adjust column definitions. figure out who is coming and going. Set<ByteBuffer> toRemove = new HashSet<ByteBuffer>(); Set<ByteBuffer> newColumns = new HashSet<ByteBuffer>(); Set<org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef> toAdd = new HashSet<org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef>(); for (org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef def : cf_def.column_metadata) { newColumns.add(def.name); if (!column_metadata.containsKey(def.name)) toAdd.add(def); } for (ByteBuffer name : column_metadata.keySet()) if (!newColumns.contains(name)) toRemove.add(name); // remove the ones leaving. for (ByteBuffer indexName : toRemove) column_metadata.remove(indexName); // update the ones staying for (org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef def : cf_def.column_metadata) { ColumnDefinition oldDef = column_metadata.get(def.name); if (oldDef == null) continue; oldDef.setValidator(TypeParser.parse(def.validation_class)); oldDef.setIndexType(def.index_type == null ? null : org.apache.cassandra.thrift.IndexType.valueOf(def.index_type.name())); oldDef.setIndexName(def.index_name == null ? null : def.index_name.toString()); } // add the new ones coming in. for (org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.avro.ColumnDef def : toAdd) { AbstractType dValidClass = TypeParser.parse(def.validation_class); ColumnDefinition cd = new ColumnDefinition(def.name, dValidClass, def.index_type == null ? null : org.apache.cassandra.thrift.IndexType.valueOf(def.index_type.toString()), def.index_name == null ? null : def.index_name.toString()); column_metadata.put(cd.name, cd); } }
public SegmentInfoWriter getSegmentInfosWriter() { return writer; } }
public SegmentInfoWriter getSegmentInfoWriter() { return writer; } }
public final void read(Directory directory, String segmentFileName) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { boolean success = false; // Clear any previous segments: this.clear(); generation = generationFromSegmentsFileName(segmentFileName); lastGeneration = generation; ChecksumIndexInput input = new ChecksumIndexInput(directory.openInput(segmentFileName, IOContext.READ)); try { final int format = input.readInt(); if (format == CodecUtil.CODEC_MAGIC) { // 4.0+ CodecUtil.checkHeaderNoMagic(input, "segments", VERSION_40, VERSION_40); version = input.readLong(); counter = input.readInt(); int numSegments = input.readInt(); for(int seg=0;seg<numSegments;seg++) { String segName = input.readString(); Codec codec = Codec.forName(input.readString()); //System.out.println("SIS.read seg=" + seg + " codec=" + codec); SegmentInfo info = codec.segmentInfoFormat().getSegmentInfosReader().read(directory, segName, IOContext.READ); info.setCodec(codec); long delGen = input.readLong(); int delCount = input.readInt(); assert delCount <= info.getDocCount(); add(new SegmentInfoPerCommit(info, delCount, delGen)); } userData = input.readStringStringMap(); } else { Lucene3xSegmentInfoReader.readLegacyInfos(this, directory, input, format); Codec codec = Codec.forName("Lucene3x"); for (SegmentInfoPerCommit info : this) { info.info.setCodec(codec); } } final long checksumNow = input.getChecksum(); final long checksumThen = input.readLong(); if (checksumNow != checksumThen) { throw new CorruptIndexException("checksum mismatch in segments file (resource: " + input + ")"); } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { // Clear any segment infos we had loaded so we // have a clean slate on retry: this.clear(); IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(input); } else { input.close(); } } }
public final void read(Directory directory, String segmentFileName) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { boolean success = false; // Clear any previous segments: this.clear(); generation = generationFromSegmentsFileName(segmentFileName); lastGeneration = generation; ChecksumIndexInput input = new ChecksumIndexInput(directory.openInput(segmentFileName, IOContext.READ)); try { final int format = input.readInt(); if (format == CodecUtil.CODEC_MAGIC) { // 4.0+ CodecUtil.checkHeaderNoMagic(input, "segments", VERSION_40, VERSION_40); version = input.readLong(); counter = input.readInt(); int numSegments = input.readInt(); for(int seg=0;seg<numSegments;seg++) { String segName = input.readString(); Codec codec = Codec.forName(input.readString()); //System.out.println("SIS.read seg=" + seg + " codec=" + codec); SegmentInfo info = codec.segmentInfoFormat().getSegmentInfoReader().read(directory, segName, IOContext.READ); info.setCodec(codec); long delGen = input.readLong(); int delCount = input.readInt(); assert delCount <= info.getDocCount(); add(new SegmentInfoPerCommit(info, delCount, delGen)); } userData = input.readStringStringMap(); } else { Lucene3xSegmentInfoReader.readLegacyInfos(this, directory, input, format); Codec codec = Codec.forName("Lucene3x"); for (SegmentInfoPerCommit info : this) { info.info.setCodec(codec); } } final long checksumNow = input.getChecksum(); final long checksumThen = input.readLong(); if (checksumNow != checksumThen) { throw new CorruptIndexException("checksum mismatch in segments file (resource: " + input + ")"); } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { // Clear any segment infos we had loaded so we // have a clean slate on retry: this.clear(); IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(input); } else { input.close(); } } }
private void go() throws Exception { try { // Connect to the database, prepare statements, // and load id-to-name mappings. this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(sourceDBUrl); prepForDump(); boolean at10_6 = atVersion( conn, 10, 6 ); // Generate DDL. // Start with schemas, since we might need them to // exist for jars to load properly. DB_Schema.doSchemas(this.conn, (tableList != null) && (targetSchema == null)); DB_Sequence.doSequences( conn ); if (tableList == null) { // Don't do these if user just wants table-related objects. DB_Jar.doJars(sourceDBName, this.conn); DB_Alias.doProceduresFunctionsAndUDTs(this.conn, at10_6 ); } DB_Table.doTables(this.conn, tableIdToNameMap); DB_Index.doIndexes(this.conn); DB_Alias.doSynonyms(this.conn); DB_Key.doKeys(this.conn); DB_Check.doChecks(this.conn); if (!skipViews) DB_View.doViews(this.conn); DB_Trigger.doTriggers(this.conn); DB_Roles.doRoles(this.conn); DB_GrantRevoke.doAuthorizations(this.conn, at10_6); // That's it; we're done. if (getColNameFromNumberQuery != null) getColNameFromNumberQuery.close(); Logs.cleanup(); } catch (SQLException sqlE) { Logs.debug(sqlE); Logs.debug(Logs.unRollExceptions(sqlE), (String)null); Logs.cleanup(); return; } catch (Exception e) { Logs.debug(e); Logs.cleanup(); return; } finally { // Close our connection. if (conn != null) { conn.commit(); conn.close(); } } }
private void go() throws Exception { try { // Connect to the database, prepare statements, // and load id-to-name mappings. this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(sourceDBUrl); prepForDump(); boolean at10_6 = atVersion( conn, 10, 6 ); // Generate DDL. // Start with schemas, since we might need them to // exist for jars to load properly. DB_Schema.doSchemas(this.conn, (tableList != null) && (targetSchema == null)); if ( at10_6 ) { DB_Sequence.doSequences( conn ); } if (tableList == null) { // Don't do these if user just wants table-related objects. DB_Jar.doJars(sourceDBName, this.conn); DB_Alias.doProceduresFunctionsAndUDTs(this.conn, at10_6 ); } DB_Table.doTables(this.conn, tableIdToNameMap); DB_Index.doIndexes(this.conn); DB_Alias.doSynonyms(this.conn); DB_Key.doKeys(this.conn); DB_Check.doChecks(this.conn); if (!skipViews) DB_View.doViews(this.conn); DB_Trigger.doTriggers(this.conn); DB_Roles.doRoles(this.conn); DB_GrantRevoke.doAuthorizations(this.conn, at10_6); // That's it; we're done. if (getColNameFromNumberQuery != null) getColNameFromNumberQuery.close(); Logs.cleanup(); } catch (SQLException sqlE) { Logs.debug(sqlE); Logs.debug(Logs.unRollExceptions(sqlE), (String)null); Logs.cleanup(); return; } catch (Exception e) { Logs.debug(e); Logs.cleanup(); return; } finally { // Close our connection. if (conn != null) { conn.commit(); conn.close(); } } }
public static long absoluteFromFraction(double fractOrAbs, long total) { if (fractOrAbs < 0) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected negative value " + fractOrAbs); if (0 < fractOrAbs && fractOrAbs < 1) { // fraction return Math.max(1, (long)(fractOrAbs * total)); } // absolute assert fractOrAbs >= 1 || fractOrAbs == 0; return (long)fractOrAbs; }
public static long absoluteFromFraction(double fractOrAbs, long total) { if (fractOrAbs < 0) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected negative value " + fractOrAbs); if (0 < fractOrAbs && fractOrAbs <= 1) { // fraction return Math.max(1, (long)(fractOrAbs * total)); } // absolute assert fractOrAbs >= 1 || fractOrAbs == 0; return (long)fractOrAbs; }
public void init(NamedList args) { super.init(args); SolrParams p = SolrParams.toSolrParams(args); restrictToField = p.get("termSourceField"); spellcheckerIndexDir = p.get("spellcheckerIndexDir"); try { spellChecker = new SpellChecker(FSDirectory.getDirectory(spellcheckerIndexDir)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot open SpellChecker index", e); } }
public void init(NamedList args) { super.init(args); SolrParams p = SolrParams.toSolrParams(args); termSourceField = p.get("termSourceField"); spellcheckerIndexDir = p.get("spellcheckerIndexDir"); try { spellChecker = new SpellChecker(FSDirectory.getDirectory(spellcheckerIndexDir)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot open SpellChecker index", e); } }
public void BlueprintSample() throws Exception { System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Start Test Blueprint Sample"); ////////////////////////////// //Test BlueprintStateMBean ////////////////////////////// //find the Blueprint Sample bundle id and the blueprint extender bundle id long sampleBundleId = -1; long extenderBundleId = -1; // the blueprint extender bundle "org.apache.geronimo.blueprint.geronimo-blueprint" is also a blueprint bundle. for (Bundle bundle : bundleContext.getBundles()){ if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample")) sampleBundleId = bundle.getBundleId(); if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals("org.apache.aries.blueprint")) extenderBundleId = bundle.getBundleId(); } if (-1==sampleBundleId) fail("Blueprint Sample Bundle is not found!"); if (-1==extenderBundleId) fail("Blueprint Extender Bundle is not found!"); //retrieve the proxy object BlueprintStateMBean stateProxy = (BlueprintStateMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(mbeanServer, new ObjectName(BlueprintStateMBean.OBJECTNAME), BlueprintStateMBean.class, false); // test getBlueprintBundleIds long[] bpBundleIds = stateProxy.getBlueprintBundleIds(); assertEquals(2, bpBundleIds.length); // test getLastEvent BlueprintEventValidator sampleValidator = new BlueprintEventValidator(sampleBundleId, extenderBundleId, 2); sampleValidator.validate(stateProxy.getLastEvent(sampleBundleId)); // test getLastEvents TabularData lastEvents = stateProxy.getLastEvents(); assertEquals(BlueprintStateMBean.OSGI_BLUEPRINT_EVENTS_TYPE,lastEvents.getTabularType()); sampleValidator.validate(lastEvents.get(new Long[]{sampleBundleId})); ////////////////////////////// //Test BlueprintMetadataMBean ////////////////////////////// //find the Blueprint Sample bundle's container service id Bundle sampleBundle = bundleContext.getBundle(sampleBundleId); String filter = "(&(osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname=" // no similar one in interfaces + sampleBundle.getSymbolicName() + ")(osgi.blueprint.container.version=" + sampleBundle.getVersion() + "))"; ServiceReference[] serviceReferences = null; try { serviceReferences = bundleContext.getServiceReferences(BlueprintContainer.class.getName(), filter); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } long sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId = (Long) serviceReferences[0].getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_ID); //retrieve the proxy object BlueprintMetadataMBean metadataProxy = (BlueprintMetadataMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(mbeanServer, new ObjectName(BlueprintMetadataMBean.OBJECTNAME), BlueprintMetadataMBean.class, false); // test getBlueprintContainerServiceIds long[] bpContainerServiceIds = metadataProxy.getBlueprintContainerServiceIds(); assertEquals(2, bpContainerServiceIds.length); // test getBlueprintContainerServiceId assertEquals(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, metadataProxy.getBlueprintContainerServiceId(sampleBundleId)); // test getComponentMetadata // bean: foo BeanValidator bv_foo = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.Foo", "init", "destroy"); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_a = new BeanPropertyValidator("a"); bpv_a.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("5")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_b = new BeanPropertyValidator("b"); bpv_b.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("-1")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_bar = new BeanPropertyValidator("bar"); bpv_bar.setObjectValueValidator(new RefValidator("bar")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_currency = new BeanPropertyValidator("currency"); bpv_currency.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("PLN")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_date = new BeanPropertyValidator("date"); bpv_date.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("2009.04.17")); bv_foo.addPropertyValidators(bpv_a, bpv_b, bpv_bar, bpv_currency, bpv_date); bv_foo.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "foo")); // bean: bar BeanPropertyValidator bpv_value = new BeanPropertyValidator("value"); bpv_value.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("Hello FooBar")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_context = new BeanPropertyValidator("context"); bpv_context.setObjectValueValidator(new RefValidator("blueprintBundleContext")); CollectionValidator cv = new CollectionValidator("java.util.List"); cv.addCollectionValueValidators(new ValueValidator("a list element"), new ValueValidator("5", "java.lang.Integer")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_list = new BeanPropertyValidator("list"); bpv_list.setObjectValueValidator(cv); BeanValidator bv_bar = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.Bar"); bv_bar.addPropertyValidators(bpv_value, bpv_context, bpv_list); bv_bar.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "bar")); // service: ref=foo, no componentId set. So using it to test getComponentIdsByType. String[] serviceComponentIds = metadataProxy.getComponentIdsByType(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, BlueprintMetadataMBean.SERVICE_METADATA); assertEquals("There should be only one service component in this sample", 1, serviceComponentIds.length); MapEntryValidator mev = new MapEntryValidator(); mev.setKeyValueValidator(new ValueValidator("key"), new ValueValidator("value")); RegistrationListenerValidator rglrv = new RegistrationListenerValidator("serviceRegistered", "serviceUnregistered"); rglrv.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("fooRegistrationListener")); ServiceValidator sv = new ServiceValidator(4); sv.setServiceComponentValidator(new RefValidator("foo")); sv.addMapEntryValidator(mev); sv.addRegistrationListenerValidator(rglrv); sv.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, serviceComponentIds[0])); // bean: fooRegistrationListener BeanValidator bv_fooRegistrationListener = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.FooRegistrationListener"); bv_fooRegistrationListener.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "fooRegistrationListener")); // reference: ref2 ReferenceListenerValidator rlrv_1 = new ReferenceListenerValidator("bind", "unbind"); rlrv_1.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("bindingListener")); ReferenceValidator rv = new ReferenceValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.InterfaceA", 100); rv.addReferenceListenerValidator(rlrv_1); rv.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "ref2")); // bean: bindingListener BeanValidator bv_bindingListener = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.BindingListener"); bv_bindingListener.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "bindingListener")); // reference-list: ref-list ReferenceListenerValidator rlrv_2 = new ReferenceListenerValidator("bind", "unbind"); rlrv_2.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("listBindingListener")); ReferenceListValidator rlv_ref_list = new ReferenceListValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.InterfaceA"); rlv_ref_list.addReferenceListenerValidator(rlrv_2); rlv_ref_list.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "ref-list")); // bean: listBindingListener BeanValidator bv_listBindingListener = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.BindingListener"); bv_listBindingListener.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "listBindingListener")); // bean: circularReference ReferenceListenerValidator rlrv_3 = new ReferenceListenerValidator("bind", "unbind"); rlrv_3.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("circularReference")); ReferenceListValidator rlv_2 = new ReferenceListValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.InterfaceA", 2); rlv_2.addReferenceListenerValidator(rlrv_3); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_list_2 = new BeanPropertyValidator("list"); bpv_list_2.setObjectValueValidator(rlv_2); BeanValidator bv_circularReference = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.BindingListener", "init"); bv_circularReference.addPropertyValidators(bpv_list_2); bv_circularReference.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "circularReference")); }
public void BlueprintSample() throws Exception { System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Start Test Blueprint Sample"); ////////////////////////////// //Test BlueprintStateMBean ////////////////////////////// //find the Blueprint Sample bundle id and the blueprint extender bundle id long sampleBundleId = -1; long extenderBundleId = -1; // the blueprint extender bundle "org.apache.geronimo.blueprint.geronimo-blueprint" is also a blueprint bundle. for (Bundle bundle : bundleContext.getBundles()){ if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample")) sampleBundleId = bundle.getBundleId(); if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals("org.apache.aries.blueprint")) extenderBundleId = bundle.getBundleId(); } if (-1==sampleBundleId) fail("Blueprint Sample Bundle is not found!"); if (-1==extenderBundleId) fail("Blueprint Extender Bundle is not found!"); //retrieve the proxy object BlueprintStateMBean stateProxy = (BlueprintStateMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(mbeanServer, new ObjectName(BlueprintStateMBean.OBJECTNAME), BlueprintStateMBean.class, false); // test getBlueprintBundleIds long[] bpBundleIds = stateProxy.getBlueprintBundleIds(); assertEquals(2, bpBundleIds.length); // test getLastEvent BlueprintEventValidator sampleValidator = new BlueprintEventValidator(sampleBundleId, extenderBundleId, 2); sampleValidator.validate(stateProxy.getLastEvent(sampleBundleId)); // test getLastEvents TabularData lastEvents = stateProxy.getLastEvents(); assertEquals(BlueprintStateMBean.OSGI_BLUEPRINT_EVENTS_TYPE,lastEvents.getTabularType()); sampleValidator.validate(lastEvents.get(new Long[]{sampleBundleId})); ////////////////////////////// //Test BlueprintMetadataMBean ////////////////////////////// //find the Blueprint Sample bundle's container service id Bundle sampleBundle = bundleContext.getBundle(sampleBundleId); String filter = "(&(osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname=" // no similar one in interfaces + sampleBundle.getSymbolicName() + ")(osgi.blueprint.container.version=" + sampleBundle.getVersion() + "))"; ServiceReference[] serviceReferences = null; try { serviceReferences = bundleContext.getServiceReferences(BlueprintContainer.class.getName(), filter); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } long sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId = (Long) serviceReferences[0].getProperty(Constants.SERVICE_ID); //retrieve the proxy object BlueprintMetadataMBean metadataProxy = (BlueprintMetadataMBean) MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(mbeanServer, new ObjectName(BlueprintMetadataMBean.OBJECTNAME), BlueprintMetadataMBean.class, false); // test getBlueprintContainerServiceIds long[] bpContainerServiceIds = metadataProxy.getBlueprintContainerServiceIds(); assertEquals(2, bpContainerServiceIds.length); // test getBlueprintContainerServiceId assertEquals(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, metadataProxy.getBlueprintContainerServiceId(sampleBundleId)); // test getComponentMetadata // bean: foo BeanValidator bv_foo = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.Foo", "init", "destroy"); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_a = new BeanPropertyValidator("a"); bpv_a.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("5")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_b = new BeanPropertyValidator("b"); bpv_b.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("-1")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_bar = new BeanPropertyValidator("bar"); bpv_bar.setObjectValueValidator(new RefValidator("bar")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_currency = new BeanPropertyValidator("currency"); bpv_currency.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("PLN")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_date = new BeanPropertyValidator("date"); bpv_date.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("2009.04.17")); bv_foo.addPropertyValidators(bpv_a, bpv_b, bpv_bar, bpv_currency, bpv_date); bv_foo.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "foo")); // bean: bar BeanPropertyValidator bpv_value = new BeanPropertyValidator("value"); bpv_value.setObjectValueValidator(new ValueValidator("Hello FooBar")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_context = new BeanPropertyValidator("context"); bpv_context.setObjectValueValidator(new RefValidator("blueprintBundleContext")); CollectionValidator cv = new CollectionValidator("java.util.List"); cv.addCollectionValueValidators(new ValueValidator("a list element"), new ValueValidator("5", "java.lang.Integer")); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_list = new BeanPropertyValidator("list"); bpv_list.setObjectValueValidator(cv); BeanValidator bv_bar = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.Bar"); bv_bar.addPropertyValidators(bpv_value, bpv_context, bpv_list); bv_bar.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "bar")); // service: ref=foo, no componentId set. So using it to test getComponentIdsByType. String[] serviceComponentIds = metadataProxy.getComponentIdsByType(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, BlueprintMetadataMBean.SERVICE_METADATA); assertEquals("There should be two service components in this sample", 2, serviceComponentIds.length); MapEntryValidator mev = new MapEntryValidator(); mev.setKeyValueValidator(new ValueValidator("key"), new ValueValidator("value")); RegistrationListenerValidator rglrv = new RegistrationListenerValidator("serviceRegistered", "serviceUnregistered"); rglrv.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("fooRegistrationListener")); ServiceValidator sv = new ServiceValidator(4); sv.setServiceComponentValidator(new RefValidator("foo")); sv.addMapEntryValidator(mev); sv.addRegistrationListenerValidator(rglrv); sv.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, serviceComponentIds[0])); // bean: fooRegistrationListener BeanValidator bv_fooRegistrationListener = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.FooRegistrationListener"); bv_fooRegistrationListener.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "fooRegistrationListener")); // reference: ref2 ReferenceListenerValidator rlrv_1 = new ReferenceListenerValidator("bind", "unbind"); rlrv_1.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("bindingListener")); ReferenceValidator rv = new ReferenceValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.InterfaceA", 100); rv.addReferenceListenerValidator(rlrv_1); rv.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "ref2")); // bean: bindingListener BeanValidator bv_bindingListener = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.BindingListener"); bv_bindingListener.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "bindingListener")); // reference-list: ref-list ReferenceListenerValidator rlrv_2 = new ReferenceListenerValidator("bind", "unbind"); rlrv_2.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("listBindingListener")); ReferenceListValidator rlv_ref_list = new ReferenceListValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.InterfaceA"); rlv_ref_list.addReferenceListenerValidator(rlrv_2); rlv_ref_list.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "ref-list")); // bean: listBindingListener BeanValidator bv_listBindingListener = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.BindingListener"); bv_listBindingListener.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "listBindingListener")); // bean: circularReference ReferenceListenerValidator rlrv_3 = new ReferenceListenerValidator("bind", "unbind"); rlrv_3.setListenerComponentValidator(new RefValidator("circularReference")); ReferenceListValidator rlv_2 = new ReferenceListValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.InterfaceA", 2); rlv_2.addReferenceListenerValidator(rlrv_3); BeanPropertyValidator bpv_list_2 = new BeanPropertyValidator("list"); bpv_list_2.setObjectValueValidator(rlv_2); BeanValidator bv_circularReference = new BeanValidator("org.apache.aries.blueprint.sample.BindingListener", "init"); bv_circularReference.addPropertyValidators(bpv_list_2); bv_circularReference.validate(metadataProxy.getComponentMetadata(sampleBlueprintContainerServiceId, "circularReference")); }
public CompositeData installBundles(String[] locations, String[] urls) throws IOException { if(locations == null || urls == null){ return new BatchInstallResult("Failed to install bundles arguments can't be null").toCompositeData(); } if(locations != null && locations != null && locations.length != urls.length){ return new BatchInstallResult("Failed to install bundles size of arguments should be same").toCompositeData(); } long[] ids = new long[locations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { try { long id = installBundle(locations[i], urls[i]); ids[i] = id; } catch (Throwable t) { long[] completed = new long[i]; System.arraycopy(ids, 0, completed, 0, i); String[] remaining = new String[locations.length - i - 1]; System.arraycopy(locations, i + 1, remaining, 0, remaining.length); return new BatchInstallResult(completed, t.toString(), remaining, locations[i]).toCompositeData(); } } return new BatchInstallResult(ids).toCompositeData(); }
public CompositeData installBundles(String[] locations, String[] urls) throws IOException { if(locations == null || urls == null){ return new BatchInstallResult("Failed to install bundles arguments can't be null").toCompositeData(); } if(locations != null && locations.length != urls.length){ return new BatchInstallResult("Failed to install bundles size of arguments should be same").toCompositeData(); } long[] ids = new long[locations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { try { long id = installBundle(locations[i], urls[i]); ids[i] = id; } catch (Throwable t) { long[] completed = new long[i]; System.arraycopy(ids, 0, completed, 0, i); String[] remaining = new String[locations.length - i - 1]; System.arraycopy(locations, i + 1, remaining, 0, remaining.length); return new BatchInstallResult(completed, t.toString(), remaining, locations[i]).toCompositeData(); } } return new BatchInstallResult(ids).toCompositeData(); }
protected int readXaPrepare(NetConnection conn) throws DisconnectException { startSameIdChainParse(); int synctype = parseSYNCCTLreply(conn); endOfSameIdChainData(); NetXACallInfo callInfo = conn.xares_.callInfoArray_[conn.currXACallInfoOffset_]; if (synctype == NetXAResource.XARETVAL_XARDONLY) { // xaretval of read-only, make sure flag agrees callInfo.setReadOnlyTransactionFlag(true); } else { // xaretval NOT read-only, make sure flag agrees callInfo.setReadOnlyTransactionFlag(false); } return synctype; }
protected int readXaPrepare(NetConnection conn) throws DisconnectException { startSameIdChainParse(); int synctype = parseSYNCCTLreply(conn); endOfSameIdChainData(); NetXACallInfo callInfo = conn.xares_.callInfoArray_[conn.currXACallInfoOffset_]; if (synctype == XAResource.XA_RDONLY) { // xaretval of read-only, make sure flag agrees callInfo.setReadOnlyTransactionFlag(true); } else { // xaretval NOT read-only, make sure flag agrees callInfo.setReadOnlyTransactionFlag(false); } return synctype; }
private void checkInvariants(IndexWriter writer) throws IOException { _TestUtil.syncConcurrentMerges(writer); int maxBufferedDocs = writer.getMaxBufferedDocs(); int mergeFactor = writer.getMergeFactor(); int maxMergeDocs = writer.getMaxMergeDocs(); int ramSegmentCount = writer.getNumBufferedDocuments(); assertTrue(ramSegmentCount < maxBufferedDocs); int lowerBound = -1; int upperBound = maxBufferedDocs; int numSegments = 0; int segmentCount = writer.getSegmentCount(); for (int i = segmentCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int docCount = writer.getDocCount(i); assertTrue(docCount > lowerBound); if (docCount <= upperBound) { numSegments++; } else { if (upperBound * mergeFactor <= maxMergeDocs) { assertTrue("maxMergeDocs=" + maxMergeDocs + "; numSegments=" + numSegments + "; upperBound=" + upperBound + "; mergeFactor=" + mergeFactor, numSegments < mergeFactor); } do { lowerBound = upperBound; upperBound *= mergeFactor; } while (docCount > upperBound); numSegments = 1; } } if (upperBound * mergeFactor <= maxMergeDocs) { assertTrue(numSegments < mergeFactor); } String[] files = writer.getDirectory().listAll(); int segmentCfsCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].endsWith(".cfs")) { segmentCfsCount++; } } assertEquals(segmentCount, segmentCfsCount); }
private void checkInvariants(IndexWriter writer) throws IOException { _TestUtil.syncConcurrentMerges(writer); int maxBufferedDocs = writer.getMaxBufferedDocs(); int mergeFactor = writer.getMergeFactor(); int maxMergeDocs = writer.getMaxMergeDocs(); int ramSegmentCount = writer.getNumBufferedDocuments(); assertTrue(ramSegmentCount < maxBufferedDocs); int lowerBound = -1; int upperBound = maxBufferedDocs; int numSegments = 0; int segmentCount = writer.getSegmentCount(); for (int i = segmentCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int docCount = writer.getDocCount(i); assertTrue(docCount > lowerBound); if (docCount <= upperBound) { numSegments++; } else { if (upperBound * mergeFactor <= maxMergeDocs) { assertTrue("maxMergeDocs=" + maxMergeDocs + "; numSegments=" + numSegments + "; upperBound=" + upperBound + "; mergeFactor=" + mergeFactor + "; segs=" + writer.segString(), numSegments < mergeFactor); } do { lowerBound = upperBound; upperBound *= mergeFactor; } while (docCount > upperBound); numSegments = 1; } } if (upperBound * mergeFactor <= maxMergeDocs) { assertTrue(numSegments < mergeFactor); } String[] files = writer.getDirectory().listAll(); int segmentCfsCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].endsWith(".cfs")) { segmentCfsCount++; } } assertEquals(segmentCount, segmentCfsCount); }
public long sizeInBytes() { return file.numBuffers() * BUFFER_SIZE; }
public long sizeInBytes() { return (long) file.numBuffers() * (long) BUFFER_SIZE; }
private void verifyInterval(Blob blob, long pos, int length, int testNum, int blobLength) throws Exception { try { String subStr = new String(blob.getBytes(pos,length), "US-ASCII"); assertEquals("FAIL - getSubString returned wrong length ", Math.min((blob.length() - pos) + 1, length), subStr.length()); assertEquals("FAIL - clob has mismatched lengths", blobLength, blob.length()); assertFalse("FAIL - NO ERROR ON getSubString POS TOO LARGE", (pos > blobLength + 1)); // Get expected value usign Blob.getBinaryStream() byte[] value = new byte[length]; String valueString; InputStream inStream = blob.getBinaryStream(); inStream.skip(pos - 1); int numBytes = inStream.read(value); // check that the two values match if (numBytes >= 0) { byte[] readBytes = new byte[numBytes]; System.arraycopy(value, 0, readBytes, 0, numBytes); valueString = new String(readBytes); assertEquals("FAIL - wrong substring value", valueString, subStr); } else { assertTrue("FAIL - wrong length", subStr.length() == 0); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (pos <= 0) { checkException(BLOB_BAD_POSITION, e); } else { if (pos > blobLength + 1) { checkException(BLOB_POSITION_TOO_LARGE, e); } else { throw e; } } } catch (NegativeArraySizeException nase) { if (!((pos > blobLength) && usingDerbyNet())) { throw nase; } } }
private void verifyInterval(Blob blob, long pos, int length, int testNum, int blobLength) throws Exception { try { String subStr = new String(blob.getBytes(pos,length), "US-ASCII"); assertEquals("FAIL - getSubString returned wrong length ", Math.min((blob.length() - pos) + 1, length), subStr.length()); assertEquals("FAIL - clob has mismatched lengths", blobLength, blob.length()); assertFalse("FAIL - NO ERROR ON getSubString POS TOO LARGE", (pos > blobLength + 1)); // Get expected value usign Blob.getBinaryStream() byte[] value = new byte[length]; String valueString; InputStream inStream = blob.getBinaryStream(); inStream.skip(pos - 1); int numBytes = inStream.read(value); // check that the two values match if (numBytes >= 0) { byte[] readBytes = new byte[numBytes]; System.arraycopy(value, 0, readBytes, 0, numBytes); valueString = new String(readBytes, "US-ASCII"); assertEquals("FAIL - wrong substring value", valueString, subStr); } else { assertTrue("FAIL - wrong length", subStr.length() == 0); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (pos <= 0) { checkException(BLOB_BAD_POSITION, e); } else { if (pos > blobLength + 1) { checkException(BLOB_POSITION_TOO_LARGE, e); } else { throw e; } } } catch (NegativeArraySizeException nase) { if (!((pos > blobLength) && usingDerbyNet())) { throw nase; } } }
public void testGetNewNames() throws IOException { Descriptor desc = Descriptor.fromFilename(new File("Keyspace1", "Standard1-500-Data.db").toString()); PendingFile inContext = new PendingFile(null, desc, "Data.db", Arrays.asList(new Pair<Long,Long>(0L, 1L))); PendingFile outContext = StreamIn.getContextMapping(inContext); // filename and generation are expected to have changed assert !inContext.getFilename().equals(outContext.getFilename()); // nothing else should assertEquals(inContext.component, outContext.component); assertEquals(inContext.desc.ksname, outContext.desc.ksname); assertEquals(inContext.desc.cfname, outContext.desc.cfname); }
public void testGetNewNames() throws IOException { Descriptor desc = Descriptor.fromFilename(new File("Keyspace1", "Standard1-500-Data.db").toString()); PendingFile inContext = new PendingFile(null, desc, "Data.db", Arrays.asList(new Pair<Long,Long>(0L, 1L)), OperationType.BOOTSTRAP); PendingFile outContext = StreamIn.getContextMapping(inContext); // filename and generation are expected to have changed assert !inContext.getFilename().equals(outContext.getFilename()); // nothing else should assertEquals(inContext.component, outContext.component); assertEquals(inContext.desc.ksname, outContext.desc.ksname); assertEquals(inContext.desc.cfname, outContext.desc.cfname); }
public void doVerb(Message message) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Received a StreamRequestMessage from {}", message.getFrom()); byte[] body = message.getMessageBody(); ByteArrayInputStream bufIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(body); try { StreamRequestMessage srm = StreamRequestMessage.serializer().deserialize(new DataInputStream(bufIn)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(srm.toString()); StreamOutSession session = StreamOutSession.create(srm.table, message.getFrom(), srm.sessionId); StreamOut.transferRangesForRequest(session, srm.ranges); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOError(ex); } }
public void doVerb(Message message) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Received a StreamRequestMessage from {}", message.getFrom()); byte[] body = message.getMessageBody(); ByteArrayInputStream bufIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(body); try { StreamRequestMessage srm = StreamRequestMessage.serializer().deserialize(new DataInputStream(bufIn)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(srm.toString()); StreamOutSession session = StreamOutSession.create(srm.table, message.getFrom(), srm.sessionId); StreamOut.transferRangesForRequest(session, srm.ranges, srm.type); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOError(ex); } }
public void finished(PendingFile remoteFile, PendingFile localFile) throws IOException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Finished {}. Sending ack to {}", remoteFile, this); Future future = CompactionManager.instance.submitSSTableBuild(localFile.desc); buildFutures.add(future); files.remove(remoteFile); if (remoteFile.equals(current)) current = null; StreamReply reply = new StreamReply(remoteFile.getFilename(), getSessionId(), StreamReply.Status.FILE_FINISHED); // send a StreamStatus message telling the source node it can delete this file MessagingService.instance.sendOneWay(reply.createMessage(), getHost()); }
public void finished(PendingFile remoteFile, PendingFile localFile) throws IOException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Finished {}. Sending ack to {}", remoteFile, this); Future future = CompactionManager.instance.submitSSTableBuild(localFile.desc, remoteFile.type); buildFutures.add(future); files.remove(remoteFile); if (remoteFile.equals(current)) current = null; StreamReply reply = new StreamReply(remoteFile.getFilename(), getSessionId(), StreamReply.Status.FILE_FINISHED); // send a StreamStatus message telling the source node it can delete this file MessagingService.instance.sendOneWay(reply.createMessage(), getHost()); }
private int getAbsoluteColumnPosition(Optimizable optTable) { ColumnReference cr = (ColumnReference) operand; int columnPosition; ConglomerateDescriptor bestCD; /* Column positions are one-based, store is zero-based */ columnPosition = cr.getSource().getColumnPosition(); bestCD = optTable.getTrulyTheBestAccessPath().getConglomerateDescriptor(); /* ** If it's an index, find the base column position in the index ** and translate it to an index column position. */ if (bestCD.isIndex()) { columnPosition = bestCD.getIndexDescriptor(). getKeyColumnPosition(new Integer(columnPosition)).intValue(); if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { SanityManager.ASSERT(columnPosition > 0, "Base column not found in index"); } } // return the 0-based column position return columnPosition - 1; }
private int getAbsoluteColumnPosition(Optimizable optTable) { ColumnReference cr = (ColumnReference) operand; int columnPosition; ConglomerateDescriptor bestCD; /* Column positions are one-based, store is zero-based */ columnPosition = cr.getSource().getColumnPosition(); bestCD = optTable.getTrulyTheBestAccessPath().getConglomerateDescriptor(); /* ** If it's an index, find the base column position in the index ** and translate it to an index column position. */ if (bestCD.isIndex()) { columnPosition = bestCD.getIndexDescriptor(). getKeyColumnPosition(columnPosition); if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { SanityManager.ASSERT(columnPosition > 0, "Base column not found in index"); } } // return the 0-based column position return columnPosition - 1; }
public void testBoostsSimple() throws Exception { Map<CharSequence,Float> boosts = new HashMap<CharSequence,Float>(); boosts.put("b", Float.valueOf(5)); boosts.put("t", Float.valueOf(10)); String[] fields = { "b", "t" }; StandardQueryParser mfqp = new StandardQueryParser(); mfqp.setMultiFields(fields); mfqp.setFieldsBoost(boosts); mfqp.setAnalyzer(new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); // Check for simple Query q = mfqp.parse("one", null); assertEquals("b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0", q.toString()); // Check for AND q = mfqp.parse("one AND two", null); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q .toString()); // Check for OR q = mfqp.parse("one OR two", null); assertEquals("(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) (b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q.toString()); // Check for AND and a field q = mfqp.parse("one AND two AND foo:test", null); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0) +foo:test", q .toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one^3 AND two^4", null); assertEquals("+((b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0)^3.0) +((b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)^4.0)", q.toString()); }
public void testBoostsSimple() throws Exception { Map<String,Float> boosts = new HashMap<String,Float>(); boosts.put("b", Float.valueOf(5)); boosts.put("t", Float.valueOf(10)); String[] fields = { "b", "t" }; StandardQueryParser mfqp = new StandardQueryParser(); mfqp.setMultiFields(fields); mfqp.setFieldsBoost(boosts); mfqp.setAnalyzer(new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT)); // Check for simple Query q = mfqp.parse("one", null); assertEquals("b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0", q.toString()); // Check for AND q = mfqp.parse("one AND two", null); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q .toString()); // Check for OR q = mfqp.parse("one OR two", null); assertEquals("(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) (b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q.toString()); // Check for AND and a field q = mfqp.parse("one AND two AND foo:test", null); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0) +foo:test", q .toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one^3 AND two^4", null); assertEquals("+((b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0)^3.0) +((b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)^4.0)", q.toString()); }
public void testBoostsSimple() throws Exception { Map<CharSequence,Float> boosts = new HashMap<CharSequence,Float>(); boosts.put("b", Float.valueOf(5)); boosts.put("t", Float.valueOf(10)); String[] fields = { "b", "t" }; MultiFieldQueryParserWrapper mfqp = new MultiFieldQueryParserWrapper( fields, new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT), boosts); // Check for simple Query q = mfqp.parse("one"); assertEquals("b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0", q.toString()); // Check for AND q = mfqp.parse("one AND two"); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q .toString()); // Check for OR q = mfqp.parse("one OR two"); assertEquals("(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) (b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q.toString()); // Check for AND and a field q = mfqp.parse("one AND two AND foo:test"); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0) +foo:test", q .toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one^3 AND two^4"); assertEquals("+((b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0)^3.0) +((b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)^4.0)", q.toString()); }
public void testBoostsSimple() throws Exception { Map<String,Float> boosts = new HashMap<String,Float>(); boosts.put("b", Float.valueOf(5)); boosts.put("t", Float.valueOf(10)); String[] fields = { "b", "t" }; MultiFieldQueryParserWrapper mfqp = new MultiFieldQueryParserWrapper( fields, new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT), boosts); // Check for simple Query q = mfqp.parse("one"); assertEquals("b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0", q.toString()); // Check for AND q = mfqp.parse("one AND two"); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q .toString()); // Check for OR q = mfqp.parse("one OR two"); assertEquals("(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) (b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q.toString()); // Check for AND and a field q = mfqp.parse("one AND two AND foo:test"); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0) +foo:test", q .toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one^3 AND two^4"); assertEquals("+((b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0)^3.0) +((b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)^4.0)", q.toString()); }
private void setupCassandra() throws TException, InvalidRequestException { /* Establish a thrift connection to the cassandra instance */ TSocket socket = new TSocket(DatabaseDescriptor.getListenAddress().getHostName(), DatabaseDescriptor.getRpcPort()); TTransport transport = new TFramedTransport(socket); TBinaryProtocol binaryProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport, false, false); Cassandra.Client cassandraClient = new Cassandra.Client(binaryProtocol); transport.open(); thriftClient = cassandraClient; Set<String> keyspaces = thriftClient.describe_keyspaces(); if (!keyspaces.contains(KEYSPACE)) { List<CfDef> cfDefs = new ArrayList<CfDef>(); thriftClient.system_add_keyspace(new KsDef(KEYSPACE, "org.apache.cassandra.locator.RackUnawareStrategy", 1, cfDefs)); } thriftClient.set_keyspace(KEYSPACE); CfDef cfDef = new CfDef(KEYSPACE, COLUMN_FAMILY); try { thriftClient.system_add_column_family(cfDef); } catch (InvalidRequestException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private void setupCassandra() throws TException, InvalidRequestException { /* Establish a thrift connection to the cassandra instance */ TSocket socket = new TSocket(DatabaseDescriptor.getListenAddress().getHostName(), DatabaseDescriptor.getRpcPort()); TTransport transport = new TFramedTransport(socket); TBinaryProtocol binaryProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); Cassandra.Client cassandraClient = new Cassandra.Client(binaryProtocol); transport.open(); thriftClient = cassandraClient; Set<String> keyspaces = thriftClient.describe_keyspaces(); if (!keyspaces.contains(KEYSPACE)) { List<CfDef> cfDefs = new ArrayList<CfDef>(); thriftClient.system_add_keyspace(new KsDef(KEYSPACE, "org.apache.cassandra.locator.RackUnawareStrategy", 1, cfDefs)); } thriftClient.set_keyspace(KEYSPACE); CfDef cfDef = new CfDef(KEYSPACE, COLUMN_FAMILY); try { thriftClient.system_add_column_family(cfDef); } catch (InvalidRequestException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void testConsumerBundle() throws Exception { String testClassFileName = TestClass.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL testClassURL = getClass().getResource("/" + testClassFileName); String test2ClassFileName = Test2Class.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL test2ClassURL = getClass().getResource("/" + test2ClassFileName); String test3ClassFileName = Test3Class.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL test3ClassURL = getClass().getResource("/" + test3ClassFileName); File jarFile = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/testjar_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jar"); File expectedFile = null; try { // Create the jarfile to be used for testing Manifest mf = new Manifest(); Attributes mainAttributes = mf.getMainAttributes(); mainAttributes.putValue("Manifest-Version", "1.0"); mainAttributes.putValue("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2.0"); mainAttributes.putValue("Bundle-SymbolicName", "testbundle"); mainAttributes.putValue("Foo", "Bar Bar"); mainAttributes.putValue("Import-Package", "org.foo.bar"); mainAttributes.putValue(SpiFlyConstants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY, "osgi.serviceloader; filter:=\"(osgi.serviceloader=org.apache.aries.spifly.mysvc.SPIProvider)\";cardinality:=multiple," + "osgi.extender; filter:=\"(osgi.extender=osgi.serviceloader.processor)\""); JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile), mf); jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(testClassFileName)); Streams.pump(testClassURL.openStream(), jos); jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(test2ClassFileName)); Streams.pump(test2ClassURL.openStream(), jos); jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(test3ClassFileName)); Streams.pump(test3ClassURL.openStream(), jos); jos.close(); Main.main(jarFile.getCanonicalPath()); expectedFile = new File(jarFile.getParent(), jarFile.getName().replaceAll("[.]jar", "_spifly.jar")); Assert.assertTrue("A processed separate bundle should have been created", expectedFile.exists()); // Check manifest in generated bundle. JarFile transformedJarFile = new JarFile(expectedFile); Manifest expectedMF = transformedJarFile.getManifest(); Assert.assertEquals("1.0", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Manifest-Version")); Assert.assertEquals("2.0", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-ManifestVersion")); Assert.assertEquals("testbundle", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName")); Assert.assertEquals("Bar Bar", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Foo")); Assert.assertEquals("osgi.serviceloader; filter:=\"(osgi.serviceloader=org.apache.aries.spifly.mysvc.SPIProvider)\";cardinality:=multiple,", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue(SpiFlyConstants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY)); String importPackage = expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Import-Package"); Assert.assertTrue( "org.foo.bar,org.apache.aries.spifly;version=\"[1.0.0,1.1.0)\"".equals(importPackage) || "org.apache.aries.spifly;version=\"[1.0.0,1.1.0)\",org.foo.bar".equals(importPackage)); JarFile initialJarFile = new JarFile(jarFile); byte[] orgBytes = Streams.suck(initialJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(testClassFileName))); byte[] nonTransBytes = Streams.suck(transformedJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(testClassFileName))); Assert.assertArrayEquals(orgBytes, nonTransBytes); byte[] orgBytes2 = Streams.suck(initialJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test2ClassFileName))); byte[] nonTransBytes2 = Streams.suck(transformedJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test2ClassFileName))); Assert.assertArrayEquals(orgBytes2, nonTransBytes2); byte[] orgBytes3 = Streams.suck(initialJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test3ClassFileName))); byte[] transBytes3 = Streams.suck(transformedJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test3ClassFileName))); Assert.assertFalse("The transformed class should be different", Arrays.equals(orgBytes3, transBytes3)); initialJarFile.close(); transformedJarFile.close(); } finally { jarFile.delete(); if (expectedFile != null) expectedFile.delete(); } }
public void testConsumerBundle() throws Exception { String testClassFileName = TestClass.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL testClassURL = getClass().getResource("/" + testClassFileName); String test2ClassFileName = Test2Class.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL test2ClassURL = getClass().getResource("/" + test2ClassFileName); String test3ClassFileName = Test3Class.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL test3ClassURL = getClass().getResource("/" + test3ClassFileName); File jarFile = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/testjar_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jar"); File expectedFile = null; try { // Create the jarfile to be used for testing Manifest mf = new Manifest(); Attributes mainAttributes = mf.getMainAttributes(); mainAttributes.putValue("Manifest-Version", "1.0"); mainAttributes.putValue("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2.0"); mainAttributes.putValue("Bundle-SymbolicName", "testbundle"); mainAttributes.putValue("Foo", "Bar Bar"); mainAttributes.putValue("Import-Package", "org.foo.bar"); mainAttributes.putValue(SpiFlyConstants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY, "osgi.serviceloader; filter:=\"(osgi.serviceloader=org.apache.aries.spifly.mysvc.SPIProvider)\";cardinality:=multiple," + "osgi.extender; filter:=\"(osgi.extender=osgi.serviceloader.processor)\""); JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile), mf); jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(testClassFileName)); Streams.pump(testClassURL.openStream(), jos); jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(test2ClassFileName)); Streams.pump(test2ClassURL.openStream(), jos); jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(test3ClassFileName)); Streams.pump(test3ClassURL.openStream(), jos); jos.close(); Main.main(jarFile.getCanonicalPath()); expectedFile = new File(jarFile.getParent(), jarFile.getName().replaceAll("[.]jar", "_spifly.jar")); Assert.assertTrue("A processed separate bundle should have been created", expectedFile.exists()); // Check manifest in generated bundle. JarFile transformedJarFile = new JarFile(expectedFile); Manifest expectedMF = transformedJarFile.getManifest(); Assert.assertEquals("1.0", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Manifest-Version")); Assert.assertEquals("2.0", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-ManifestVersion")); Assert.assertEquals("testbundle", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName")); Assert.assertEquals("Bar Bar", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Foo")); Assert.assertEquals("osgi.serviceloader; filter:=\"(osgi.serviceloader=org.apache.aries.spifly.mysvc.SPIProvider)\";cardinality:=multiple", expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue(SpiFlyConstants.REQUIRE_CAPABILITY)); String importPackage = expectedMF.getMainAttributes().getValue("Import-Package"); Assert.assertTrue( "org.foo.bar,org.apache.aries.spifly;version=\"[1.0.0,1.1.0)\"".equals(importPackage) || "org.apache.aries.spifly;version=\"[1.0.0,1.1.0)\",org.foo.bar".equals(importPackage)); JarFile initialJarFile = new JarFile(jarFile); byte[] orgBytes = Streams.suck(initialJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(testClassFileName))); byte[] nonTransBytes = Streams.suck(transformedJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(testClassFileName))); Assert.assertArrayEquals(orgBytes, nonTransBytes); byte[] orgBytes2 = Streams.suck(initialJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test2ClassFileName))); byte[] nonTransBytes2 = Streams.suck(transformedJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test2ClassFileName))); Assert.assertArrayEquals(orgBytes2, nonTransBytes2); byte[] orgBytes3 = Streams.suck(initialJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test3ClassFileName))); byte[] transBytes3 = Streams.suck(transformedJarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry(test3ClassFileName))); Assert.assertFalse("The transformed class should be different", Arrays.equals(orgBytes3, transBytes3)); initialJarFile.close(); transformedJarFile.close(); } finally { jarFile.delete(); if (expectedFile != null) expectedFile.delete(); } }