Epoch 7 is better...
Used with xttsv2 (like your ebook2audiobook code), sounds ok (not great, not bad, better than before)
I know
Morgan freeman is really hard to train for
He’s never read any books
And a lot of his lines are almost whisper like :/
Is anyone using this model with Coqui? I am trying to get it to run on my Docker instance with the CPU....
mike@plexy:~/Docker/coqui$ docker exec -it workingTTS bash
mike@plexy:~/Docker/coqui/models/MorganFreedman$ docker exec -it workingTTS bash
root@76ff1f38da5c:~# python TTS/server/server.py --model_path /models/MorganFreedman --config_path /models/MorganFreedman
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/TTS/server/server.py", line 104, in
synthesizer = Synthesizer(
File "/root/TTS/utils/synthesizer.py", line 93, in init
self._load_tts(tts_checkpoint, tts_config_path, use_cuda)
File "/root/TTS/utils/synthesizer.py", line 183, in _load_tts
self.tts_config = load_config(tts_config_path)
File "/root/TTS/config/init.py", line 94, in load_config
raise TypeError(f" [!] Unknown config file type {ext}")
TypeError: [!] Unknown config file type
I changed the JSON.config file to disable CUDA and that didn't seem to help.
mike@plexy:~/Docker/coqui/models/MorganFreedman$ grep cudnn *
config.json: "cudnn_enable": false,
no idea I would ask Coqui
also make sure your looking at the active coqui, the company died and you need to be using the fork thats kept alive by the community
Thanks. There were several forks of the project... I'll give this one a try...
Thanks. Love ebook2audiobook.