Is this working yet?

by ehartford - opened

Do we have hugging face compatible model yet?

@failspy is still working on it. As of now we have a working tokenizer and this SafeTensors conversion currently not working for inference. In #2 @failspy mentioned that he will try completing it last weekend which unfortunately didn't happen. He shared the code that was used to convert Nemo to SafeTensor on FailSpy/export-nemo-to-safetensors/blob/main/ in case you or anyone else wants to try getting it working themselves. I hope you will do a dolphin finetune for it once it is hugging face compatible as it is quite an impressive model.

that is of course the intent :)
just as soon as I am able to load the model in huggingface library

More importantly, transformers library does not have model type of nemo and corresponded casualLM model class to load this

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