How did you convert to gguf?

by scott0x - opened


When I have converted to GGUF, I am getting garbage responses.

I have been using llamacpp's GGUF conversion tools.

/root/llamacpp/ hfmodel --outfile model.gguf"

/root/llamacpp/quantize model.gguf model_q4_k_m.gguf Q4_K_M"

/app/gguf-py/scripts/ model_q4_k_m.gguf model_q4_k_m_with_meta.gguf --special-token prefix '<|fim_prefix|>' --special-token middle '<|fim_middle|>' --special-token suffix '<|fim_suffix|>'

But when I run inferencing on the model, I get garbage responses (random words etc).

Hi @scott0x
Alternatively you can try out this tool: to GGUF any repo out of the box

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