
by Youngdong2 - opened

hello. I'm trying to use gemma-7b-it, but I'm getting PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied.
But I can use gemma-7b, gemma-2b-it with my account. do you know anything about this issue?

Hi @Youngdong2
Hmm that's odd, can you share the full traceback of the issue?

Thank you for your response.
Here are the errors I'm getting

this seems to be related to the way you configured your cache. Can you try to set your cache elsewhere by setting up a new path for HF_HOME ? see: for more details

Google org

Hi @ybelkada ,

sorry for late response, It might suggests that your account might not have access rights to this specific model. This can happen if the model is gated, restricted, or subject to additional licensing conditions. Since you can access gemma-7b and gemma-2b-it, it appears your setup and permissions for those models are fine. The screenshot indicates that the error is related to permission issues when accessing the Hugging Face cache directory. Could you please Run this command chmod -R 777 /data/ydki/.cache/huggingface/hub/models and check the permissions.

Thank you.

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