from torch import optim |
from tqdm.auto import tqdm |
from helper import * |
from model.generator import SkipEncoderDecoder, input_noise |
def remove_watermark(image_path, mask_path, max_dim, reg_noise, input_depth, lr, show_step, training_steps, tqdm_length=100): |
DTYPE = torch.FloatTensor |
has_set_device = False |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
device = 'cuda' |
has_set_device = True |
print("Setting Device to CUDA...") |
try: |
if torch.backends.mps.is_available(): |
device = 'mps' |
has_set_device = True |
print("Setting Device to MPS...") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Your version of pytorch might be too old, which does not support MPS. Error: \n{e}") |
pass |
if not has_set_device: |
device = 'cpu' |
print('\nSetting device to "cpu", since torch is not built with "cuda" or "mps" support...') |
print('It is recommended to use GPU if possible...') |
image_np, mask_np = preprocess_images(image_path, mask_path, max_dim) |
print('Building the model...') |
generator = SkipEncoderDecoder( |
input_depth, |
num_channels_down = [128] * 5, |
num_channels_up = [128] * 5, |
num_channels_skip = [128] * 5 |
).type(DTYPE).to(device) |
objective = torch.nn.MSELoss().type(DTYPE).to(device) |
optimizer = optim.Adam(generator.parameters(), lr) |
image_var = np_to_torch_array(image_np).type(DTYPE).to(device) |
mask_var = np_to_torch_array(mask_np).type(DTYPE).to(device) |
generator_input = input_noise(input_depth, image_np.shape[1:]).type(DTYPE).to(device) |
generator_input_saved = generator_input.detach().clone() |
noise = generator_input.detach().clone() |
print('\nStarting training...\n') |
progress_bar = tqdm(range(training_steps), desc='Completed', ncols=tqdm_length) |
for step in progress_bar: |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
generator_input = generator_input_saved |
if reg_noise > 0: |
generator_input = generator_input_saved + (noise.normal_() * reg_noise) |
output = generator(generator_input) |
loss = objective(output * mask_var, image_var * mask_var) |
loss.backward() |
if step % show_step == 0: |
output_image = torch_to_np_array(output) |
visualize_sample(image_np, output_image, nrow = 2, size_factor = 10) |
progress_bar.set_postfix(Loss = loss.item()) |
optimizer.step() |
output_image = torch_to_np_array(output) |
visualize_sample(output_image, nrow = 1, size_factor = 10) |
pil_image = Image.fromarray((output_image.transpose(1, 2, 0) * 255.0).astype('uint8')) |
output_path = image_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-2] + '-output.jpg' |
print(f'\nSaving final output image to: "{output_path}"\n') |
pil_image.save(output_path) |