#include "nuitka/prelude.h" |
#include "nuitka/unfreezing.h" |
#include "__helpers.h" |
PyObject *module_models$unet3d$config; |
PyDictObject *moduledict_models$unet3d$config; |
static PyObject *mod_consts[41]; |
static PyObject *module_filename_obj = NULL; |
static bool constants_created = false; |
static void createModuleConstants(void) { |
if (constants_created == false) { |
loadConstantsBlob(&mod_consts[0], UNTRANSLATE("models.unet3d.config")); |
constants_created = true; |
} |
} |
void createMainModuleConstants(void) { |
createModuleConstants(); |
} |
#endif |
#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__ |
void checkModuleConstants_models$unet3d$config(void) { |
if (constants_created == false) return; |
checkConstantsBlob(&mod_consts[0], "models.unet3d.config"); |
} |
#endif |
static PyCodeObject *codeobj_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08; |
static PyCodeObject *codeobj_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2; |
static PyCodeObject *codeobj_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de; |
static void createModuleCodeObjects(void) { |
module_filename_obj = MAKE_RELATIVE_PATH(mod_consts[37]); CHECK_OBJECT(module_filename_obj); |
codeobj_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08 = MAKE_CODEOBJECT(module_filename_obj, 1, CO_NOFREE, mod_consts[38], NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0); |
codeobj_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2 = MAKE_CODEOBJECT(module_filename_obj, 31, CO_OPTIMIZED | CO_NEWLOCALS | CO_NOFREE, mod_consts[36], mod_consts[39], NULL, 1, 0, 0); |
codeobj_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de = MAKE_CODEOBJECT(module_filename_obj, 11, CO_OPTIMIZED | CO_NEWLOCALS | CO_NOFREE, mod_consts[35], mod_consts[40], NULL, 0, 0, 0); |
} |
static PyObject *MAKE_FUNCTION_models$unet3d$config$$$function__1_load_config(); |
static PyObject *MAKE_FUNCTION_models$unet3d$config$$$function__2__load_config_yaml(); |
static PyObject *impl_models$unet3d$config$$$function__1_load_config(struct Nuitka_FunctionObject const *self, PyObject **python_pars) { |
#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__ |
#endif |
PyObject *var_parser = NULL; |
PyObject *var_args = NULL; |
PyObject *var_config = NULL; |
PyObject *var_device = NULL; |
struct Nuitka_FrameObject *frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED char const *type_description_1 = NULL; |
PyObject *exception_type = NULL; |
PyObject *exception_value = NULL; |
PyTracebackObject *exception_tb = NULL; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_lineno = 0; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED nuitka_void tmp_unused; |
bool tmp_result; |
PyObject *tmp_return_value = NULL; |
static struct Nuitka_FrameObject *cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de = NULL; |
PyObject *exception_keeper_type_1; |
PyObject *exception_keeper_value_1; |
PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_1; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_keeper_lineno_1; |
if (isFrameUnusable(cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de)) { |
Py_XDECREF(cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de); |
if (cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de == NULL) { |
count_active_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
} else { |
count_released_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
} |
count_allocated_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
#endif |
cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de = MAKE_FUNCTION_FRAME(codeobj_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de, module_models$unet3d$config, sizeof(void *)+sizeof(void *)+sizeof(void *)+sizeof(void *)); |
} else { |
count_hit_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
#endif |
} |
assert(cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_type_description == NULL); |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de = cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de; |
pushFrameStack(frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de); |
assert(Py_REFCNT(frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de) == 2); |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1; |
PyObject *tmp_called_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_expression_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_kwargs_name_1; |
tmp_expression_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[0]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_expression_name_1 == NULL)) { |
tmp_expression_name_1 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[0]); |
} |
if (tmp_expression_name_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 12; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_called_name_1 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_expression_name_1, mod_consts[1]); |
if (tmp_called_name_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 12; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_kwargs_name_1 = PyDict_Copy(mod_consts[2]); |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 12; |
tmp_assign_source_1 = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_KEYARGS(tmp_called_name_1, tmp_kwargs_name_1); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_name_1); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_kwargs_name_1); |
if (tmp_assign_source_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 12; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
assert(var_parser == NULL); |
var_parser = tmp_assign_source_1; |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_called_name_2; |
PyObject *tmp_expression_name_2; |
PyObject *tmp_call_result_1; |
PyObject *tmp_args_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_kwargs_name_2; |
CHECK_OBJECT(var_parser); |
tmp_expression_name_2 = var_parser; |
tmp_called_name_2 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_expression_name_2, mod_consts[3]); |
if (tmp_called_name_2 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 13; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_args_name_1 = mod_consts[4]; |
tmp_kwargs_name_2 = PyDict_Copy(mod_consts[5]); |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 13; |
tmp_call_result_1 = CALL_FUNCTION(tmp_called_name_2, tmp_args_name_1, tmp_kwargs_name_2); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_name_2); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_kwargs_name_2); |
if (tmp_call_result_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 13; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
Py_DECREF(tmp_call_result_1); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2; |
PyObject *tmp_called_instance_1; |
if (var_parser == NULL) { |
FORMAT_UNBOUND_LOCAL_ERROR(&exception_type, &exception_value, mod_consts[6]); |
exception_tb = NULL; |
NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
CHAIN_EXCEPTION(exception_value); |
exception_lineno = 14; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_called_instance_1 = var_parser; |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 14; |
tmp_assign_source_2 = CALL_METHOD_NO_ARGS(tmp_called_instance_1, mod_consts[7]); |
if (tmp_assign_source_2 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 14; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
assert(var_args == NULL); |
var_args = tmp_assign_source_2; |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3; |
PyObject *tmp_called_name_3; |
PyObject *tmp_expression_name_3; |
PyObject *tmp_args_element_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_open_filename_1; |
PyObject *tmp_expression_name_4; |
PyObject *tmp_open_mode_1; |
tmp_expression_name_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[8]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_expression_name_3 == NULL)) { |
tmp_expression_name_3 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[8]); |
} |
if (tmp_expression_name_3 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 15; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_called_name_3 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_expression_name_3, mod_consts[9]); |
if (tmp_called_name_3 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 15; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
CHECK_OBJECT(var_args); |
tmp_expression_name_4 = var_args; |
tmp_open_filename_1 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_expression_name_4, mod_consts[10]); |
if (tmp_open_filename_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_name_3); |
exception_lineno = 15; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_open_mode_1 = mod_consts[11]; |
tmp_args_element_name_1 = BUILTIN_OPEN(tmp_open_filename_1, tmp_open_mode_1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_open_filename_1); |
if (tmp_args_element_name_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_name_3); |
exception_lineno = 15; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 15; |
tmp_assign_source_3 = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_SINGLE_ARG(tmp_called_name_3, tmp_args_element_name_1); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_name_3); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_args_element_name_1); |
if (tmp_assign_source_3 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 15; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
assert(var_config == NULL); |
var_config = tmp_assign_source_3; |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4; |
PyObject *tmp_called_instance_2; |
CHECK_OBJECT(var_config); |
tmp_called_instance_2 = var_config; |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 17; |
tmp_assign_source_4 = CALL_METHOD_WITH_ARGS2( |
tmp_called_instance_2, |
mod_consts[12], |
&PyTuple_GET_ITEM(mod_consts[13], 0) |
); |
if (tmp_assign_source_4 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 17; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
assert(var_device == NULL); |
var_device = tmp_assign_source_4; |
} |
{ |
nuitka_bool tmp_condition_result_1; |
PyObject *tmp_compexpr_left_1; |
PyObject *tmp_compexpr_right_1; |
PyObject *tmp_tmp_condition_result_1_object_1; |
int tmp_truth_name_1; |
CHECK_OBJECT(var_device); |
tmp_compexpr_left_1 = var_device; |
tmp_compexpr_right_1 = mod_consts[14]; |
tmp_tmp_condition_result_1_object_1 = RICH_COMPARE_EQ_OBJECT_OBJECT_OBJECT(tmp_compexpr_left_1, tmp_compexpr_right_1); |
if (tmp_tmp_condition_result_1_object_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 18; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_truth_name_1 = CHECK_IF_TRUE(tmp_tmp_condition_result_1_object_1); |
if (tmp_truth_name_1 == -1) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_tmp_condition_result_1_object_1); |
exception_lineno = 18; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_condition_result_1 = tmp_truth_name_1 == 0 ? NUITKA_BOOL_FALSE : NUITKA_BOOL_TRUE; |
Py_DECREF(tmp_tmp_condition_result_1_object_1); |
if (tmp_condition_result_1 == NUITKA_BOOL_TRUE) { |
goto branch_yes_1; |
} else { |
goto branch_no_1; |
} |
} |
branch_yes_1:; |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_called_instance_3; |
PyObject *tmp_call_result_2; |
tmp_called_instance_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[15]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_called_instance_3 == NULL)) { |
tmp_called_instance_3 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[15]); |
} |
if (tmp_called_instance_3 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 19; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 19; |
tmp_call_result_2 = CALL_METHOD_WITH_ARGS1( |
tmp_called_instance_3, |
mod_consts[16], |
&PyTuple_GET_ITEM(mod_consts[17], 0) |
); |
if (tmp_call_result_2 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 19; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
Py_DECREF(tmp_call_result_2); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subvalue_1; |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subscribed_1; |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subscript_1; |
tmp_ass_subvalue_1 = mod_consts[14]; |
if (var_config == NULL) { |
FORMAT_UNBOUND_LOCAL_ERROR(&exception_type, &exception_value, mod_consts[10]); |
exception_tb = NULL; |
NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
CHAIN_EXCEPTION(exception_value); |
exception_lineno = 20; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_ass_subscribed_1 = var_config; |
tmp_ass_subscript_1 = mod_consts[18]; |
tmp_result = SET_SUBSCRIPT(tmp_ass_subscribed_1, tmp_ass_subscript_1, tmp_ass_subvalue_1); |
if (tmp_result == false) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 20; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
} |
if (var_config == NULL) { |
FORMAT_UNBOUND_LOCAL_ERROR(&exception_type, &exception_value, mod_consts[10]); |
exception_tb = NULL; |
NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
CHAIN_EXCEPTION(exception_value); |
exception_lineno = 21; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_return_value = var_config; |
Py_INCREF(tmp_return_value); |
goto frame_return_exit_1; |
branch_no_1:; |
{ |
nuitka_bool tmp_condition_result_2; |
PyObject *tmp_called_instance_4; |
PyObject *tmp_expression_name_5; |
PyObject *tmp_call_result_3; |
int tmp_truth_name_2; |
tmp_expression_name_5 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[19]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_expression_name_5 == NULL)) { |
tmp_expression_name_5 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[19]); |
} |
if (tmp_expression_name_5 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 23; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_called_instance_4 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_expression_name_5, mod_consts[20]); |
if (tmp_called_instance_4 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 23; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 23; |
tmp_call_result_3 = CALL_METHOD_NO_ARGS(tmp_called_instance_4, mod_consts[21]); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_instance_4); |
if (tmp_call_result_3 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 23; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_truth_name_2 = CHECK_IF_TRUE(tmp_call_result_3); |
if (tmp_truth_name_2 == -1) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_call_result_3); |
exception_lineno = 23; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_condition_result_2 = tmp_truth_name_2 == 0 ? NUITKA_BOOL_FALSE : NUITKA_BOOL_TRUE; |
Py_DECREF(tmp_call_result_3); |
if (tmp_condition_result_2 == NUITKA_BOOL_TRUE) { |
goto branch_yes_2; |
} else { |
goto branch_no_2; |
} |
} |
branch_yes_2:; |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subvalue_2; |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subscribed_2; |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subscript_2; |
tmp_ass_subvalue_2 = mod_consts[20]; |
if (var_config == NULL) { |
FORMAT_UNBOUND_LOCAL_ERROR(&exception_type, &exception_value, mod_consts[10]); |
exception_tb = NULL; |
NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
CHAIN_EXCEPTION(exception_value); |
exception_lineno = 24; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_ass_subscribed_2 = var_config; |
tmp_ass_subscript_2 = mod_consts[18]; |
tmp_result = SET_SUBSCRIPT(tmp_ass_subscribed_2, tmp_ass_subscript_2, tmp_ass_subvalue_2); |
if (tmp_result == false) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 24; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
} |
goto branch_end_2; |
branch_no_2:; |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_called_instance_5; |
PyObject *tmp_call_result_4; |
tmp_called_instance_5 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[15]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_called_instance_5 == NULL)) { |
tmp_called_instance_5 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[15]); |
} |
if (tmp_called_instance_5 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 26; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame.f_lineno = 26; |
tmp_call_result_4 = CALL_METHOD_WITH_ARGS1( |
tmp_called_instance_5, |
mod_consts[16], |
&PyTuple_GET_ITEM(mod_consts[22], 0) |
); |
if (tmp_call_result_4 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 26; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
Py_DECREF(tmp_call_result_4); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subvalue_3; |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subscribed_3; |
PyObject *tmp_ass_subscript_3; |
tmp_ass_subvalue_3 = mod_consts[14]; |
if (var_config == NULL) { |
FORMAT_UNBOUND_LOCAL_ERROR(&exception_type, &exception_value, mod_consts[10]); |
exception_tb = NULL; |
NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
CHAIN_EXCEPTION(exception_value); |
exception_lineno = 27; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_ass_subscribed_3 = var_config; |
tmp_ass_subscript_3 = mod_consts[18]; |
tmp_result = SET_SUBSCRIPT(tmp_ass_subscribed_3, tmp_ass_subscript_3, tmp_ass_subvalue_3); |
if (tmp_result == false) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 27; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
} |
branch_end_2:; |
if (var_config == NULL) { |
FORMAT_UNBOUND_LOCAL_ERROR(&exception_type, &exception_value, mod_consts[10]); |
exception_tb = NULL; |
NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
CHAIN_EXCEPTION(exception_value); |
exception_lineno = 28; |
type_description_1 = "oooo"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_return_value = var_config; |
Py_INCREF(tmp_return_value); |
goto frame_return_exit_1; |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de); |
#endif |
popFrameStack(); |
goto frame_no_exception_1; |
frame_return_exit_1:; |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de); |
#endif |
popFrameStack(); |
goto try_return_handler_1; |
frame_exception_exit_1:; |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de); |
#endif |
if (exception_tb == NULL) { |
exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK(frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de, exception_lineno); |
} else if (exception_tb->tb_frame != &frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de->m_frame) { |
exception_tb = ADD_TRACEBACK(exception_tb, frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de, exception_lineno); |
} |
Nuitka_Frame_AttachLocals( |
frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de, |
type_description_1, |
var_parser, |
var_args, |
var_config, |
var_device |
); |
if (frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de == cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de) { |
count_active_frame_cache_instances -= 1; |
count_released_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
#endif |
Py_DECREF(cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de); |
cache_frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de = NULL; |
} |
assertFrameObject(frame_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de); |
popFrameStack(); |
goto try_except_handler_1; |
frame_no_exception_1:; |
NUITKA_CANNOT_GET_HERE("tried codes exits in all cases"); |
return NULL; |
try_return_handler_1:; |
Py_XDECREF(var_parser); |
var_parser = NULL; |
Py_XDECREF(var_args); |
var_args = NULL; |
Py_XDECREF(var_config); |
var_config = NULL; |
CHECK_OBJECT(var_device); |
Py_DECREF(var_device); |
var_device = NULL; |
goto function_return_exit; |
try_except_handler_1:; |
exception_keeper_type_1 = exception_type; |
exception_keeper_value_1 = exception_value; |
exception_keeper_tb_1 = exception_tb; |
exception_keeper_lineno_1 = exception_lineno; |
exception_type = NULL; |
exception_value = NULL; |
exception_tb = NULL; |
exception_lineno = 0; |
Py_XDECREF(var_parser); |
var_parser = NULL; |
Py_XDECREF(var_args); |
var_args = NULL; |
Py_XDECREF(var_config); |
var_config = NULL; |
Py_XDECREF(var_device); |
var_device = NULL; |
exception_type = exception_keeper_type_1; |
exception_value = exception_keeper_value_1; |
exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_1; |
exception_lineno = exception_keeper_lineno_1; |
goto function_exception_exit; |
NUITKA_CANNOT_GET_HERE("Return statement must have exited already."); |
return NULL; |
function_exception_exit: |
assert(exception_type); |
RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED(exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb); |
return NULL; |
function_return_exit: |
CHECK_OBJECT(tmp_return_value); |
assert(had_error || !ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
return tmp_return_value; |
} |
static PyObject *impl_models$unet3d$config$$$function__2__load_config_yaml(struct Nuitka_FunctionObject const *self, PyObject **python_pars) { |
#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__ |
#endif |
PyObject *par_config_file = python_pars[0]; |
struct Nuitka_FrameObject *frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED char const *type_description_1 = NULL; |
PyObject *tmp_return_value = NULL; |
PyObject *exception_type = NULL; |
PyObject *exception_value = NULL; |
PyTracebackObject *exception_tb = NULL; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_lineno = 0; |
static struct Nuitka_FrameObject *cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2 = NULL; |
PyObject *exception_keeper_type_1; |
PyObject *exception_keeper_value_1; |
PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_1; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_keeper_lineno_1; |
if (isFrameUnusable(cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2)) { |
Py_XDECREF(cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2); |
if (cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2 == NULL) { |
count_active_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
} else { |
count_released_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
} |
count_allocated_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
#endif |
cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2 = MAKE_FUNCTION_FRAME(codeobj_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2, module_models$unet3d$config, sizeof(void *)); |
} else { |
count_hit_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
#endif |
} |
assert(cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2->m_type_description == NULL); |
frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2 = cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2; |
pushFrameStack(frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2); |
assert(Py_REFCNT(frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2) == 2); |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_called_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_expression_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_args_element_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_open_filename_1; |
PyObject *tmp_open_mode_1; |
tmp_expression_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[8]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_expression_name_1 == NULL)) { |
tmp_expression_name_1 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[8]); |
} |
if (tmp_expression_name_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 32; |
type_description_1 = "o"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
tmp_called_name_1 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_expression_name_1, mod_consts[9]); |
if (tmp_called_name_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 32; |
type_description_1 = "o"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
CHECK_OBJECT(par_config_file); |
tmp_open_filename_1 = par_config_file; |
tmp_open_mode_1 = mod_consts[11]; |
tmp_args_element_name_1 = BUILTIN_OPEN(tmp_open_filename_1, tmp_open_mode_1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
if (tmp_args_element_name_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_name_1); |
exception_lineno = 32; |
type_description_1 = "o"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2->m_frame.f_lineno = 32; |
tmp_return_value = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_SINGLE_ARG(tmp_called_name_1, tmp_args_element_name_1); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_called_name_1); |
Py_DECREF(tmp_args_element_name_1); |
if (tmp_return_value == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 32; |
type_description_1 = "o"; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
goto frame_return_exit_1; |
} |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2); |
#endif |
popFrameStack(); |
goto frame_no_exception_1; |
frame_return_exit_1:; |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2); |
#endif |
popFrameStack(); |
goto try_return_handler_1; |
frame_exception_exit_1:; |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2); |
#endif |
if (exception_tb == NULL) { |
exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK(frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2, exception_lineno); |
} else if (exception_tb->tb_frame != &frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2->m_frame) { |
exception_tb = ADD_TRACEBACK(exception_tb, frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2, exception_lineno); |
} |
Nuitka_Frame_AttachLocals( |
frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2, |
type_description_1, |
par_config_file |
); |
if (frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2 == cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2) { |
count_active_frame_cache_instances -= 1; |
count_released_frame_cache_instances += 1; |
#endif |
Py_DECREF(cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2); |
cache_frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2 = NULL; |
} |
assertFrameObject(frame_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2); |
popFrameStack(); |
goto try_except_handler_1; |
frame_no_exception_1:; |
NUITKA_CANNOT_GET_HERE("tried codes exits in all cases"); |
return NULL; |
try_return_handler_1:; |
CHECK_OBJECT(par_config_file); |
Py_DECREF(par_config_file); |
par_config_file = NULL; |
goto function_return_exit; |
try_except_handler_1:; |
exception_keeper_type_1 = exception_type; |
exception_keeper_value_1 = exception_value; |
exception_keeper_tb_1 = exception_tb; |
exception_keeper_lineno_1 = exception_lineno; |
exception_type = NULL; |
exception_value = NULL; |
exception_tb = NULL; |
exception_lineno = 0; |
CHECK_OBJECT(par_config_file); |
Py_DECREF(par_config_file); |
par_config_file = NULL; |
exception_type = exception_keeper_type_1; |
exception_value = exception_keeper_value_1; |
exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_1; |
exception_lineno = exception_keeper_lineno_1; |
goto function_exception_exit; |
NUITKA_CANNOT_GET_HERE("Return statement must have exited already."); |
return NULL; |
function_exception_exit: |
assert(exception_type); |
RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED(exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb); |
return NULL; |
function_return_exit: |
CHECK_OBJECT(tmp_return_value); |
assert(had_error || !ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
return tmp_return_value; |
} |
static PyObject *MAKE_FUNCTION_models$unet3d$config$$$function__1_load_config() { |
struct Nuitka_FunctionObject *result = Nuitka_Function_New( |
impl_models$unet3d$config$$$function__1_load_config, |
mod_consts[35], |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
#endif |
codeobj_fe147ccf47df0f0326a7eabd624239de, |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
#endif |
module_models$unet3d$config, |
0 |
); |
return (PyObject *)result; |
} |
static PyObject *MAKE_FUNCTION_models$unet3d$config$$$function__2__load_config_yaml() { |
struct Nuitka_FunctionObject *result = Nuitka_Function_New( |
impl_models$unet3d$config$$$function__2__load_config_yaml, |
mod_consts[36], |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
#endif |
codeobj_06a61653c58962b90971568d2c6397d2, |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
#endif |
module_models$unet3d$config, |
0 |
); |
return (PyObject *)result; |
} |
extern void _initCompiledCellType(); |
extern void _initCompiledGeneratorType(); |
extern void _initCompiledFunctionType(); |
extern void _initCompiledMethodType(); |
extern void _initCompiledFrameType(); |
extern PyTypeObject Nuitka_Loader_Type; |
extern void registerDillPluginTables(char const *module_name, PyMethodDef *reduce_compiled_function, PyMethodDef *create_compiled_function); |
function_impl_code functable_models$unet3d$config[] = { |
impl_models$unet3d$config$$$function__1_load_config, |
impl_models$unet3d$config$$$function__2__load_config_yaml, |
}; |
static char const *_reduce_compiled_function_argnames[] = { |
"func", |
}; |
static PyObject *_reduce_compiled_function(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
PyObject *func; |
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O:reduce_compiled_function", (char **)_reduce_compiled_function_argnames, &func, NULL)) { |
return NULL; |
} |
if (Nuitka_Function_Check(func) == false) { |
SET_CURRENT_EXCEPTION_TYPE0_STR(PyExc_TypeError, "not a compiled function"); |
return NULL; |
} |
struct Nuitka_FunctionObject *function = (struct Nuitka_FunctionObject *)func; |
function_impl_code *current = functable_models$unet3d$config; |
int offset = 0; |
while (*current != NULL) { |
if (*current == function->m_c_code) { |
break; |
} |
current += 1; |
offset += 1; |
} |
if (*current == NULL) { |
SET_CURRENT_EXCEPTION_TYPE0_STR(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot find compiled function in module."); |
return NULL; |
} |
PyObject *code_object_desc = PyTuple_New(6); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM0(code_object_desc, 0, function->m_code_object->co_filename); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM0(code_object_desc, 1, function->m_code_object->co_name); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 2, PyLong_FromLong(function->m_code_object->co_firstlineno)); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM0(code_object_desc, 3, function->m_code_object->co_varnames); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 4, PyLong_FromLong(function->m_code_object->co_argcount)); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 5, PyLong_FromLong(function->m_code_object->co_flags)); |
CHECK_OBJECT_DEEP(code_object_desc); |
PyObject *result = PyTuple_New(4); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 0, PyLong_FromLong(offset)); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 1, code_object_desc); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM0(result, 2, function->m_defaults); |
PyTuple_SET_ITEM0(result, 3, function->m_doc != NULL ? function->m_doc : Py_None); |
return result; |
} |
static PyMethodDef _method_def_reduce_compiled_function = {"reduce_compiled_function", (PyCFunction)_reduce_compiled_function, |
static char const *_create_compiled_function_argnames[] = { |
"func", |
"code_object_desc", |
"defaults", |
"doc", |
}; |
static PyObject *_create_compiled_function(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
PyObject *func; |
PyObject *code_object_desc; |
PyObject *defaults; |
PyObject *doc; |
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OOOO:create_compiled_function", (char **)_create_compiled_function_argnames, &func, &code_object_desc, &defaults, &doc, NULL)) { |
return NULL; |
} |
int offset = PyLong_AsLong(func); |
if (offset == -1 && ERROR_OCCURRED()) { |
return NULL; |
} |
if (offset > sizeof(functable_models$unet3d$config) || offset < 0) { |
SET_CURRENT_EXCEPTION_TYPE0_STR(PyExc_TypeError, "Wrong offset for compiled function."); |
return NULL; |
} |
PyObject *filename = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 0); |
PyObject *function_name = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 1); |
PyObject *line = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 2); |
int line_int = PyLong_AsLong(line); |
assert(!ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
PyObject *argnames = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 3); |
PyObject *arg_count = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 4); |
int arg_count_int = PyLong_AsLong(arg_count); |
assert(!ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
PyObject *flags = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(code_object_desc, 5); |
int flags_int = PyLong_AsLong(flags); |
assert(!ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
PyCodeObject *code_object = MAKE_CODEOBJECT( |
filename, |
line_int, |
flags_int, |
function_name, |
argnames, |
arg_count_int, |
0, |
0 |
); |
struct Nuitka_FunctionObject *result = Nuitka_Function_New( |
functable_models$unet3d$config[offset], |
code_object->co_name, |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
#endif |
code_object, |
defaults, |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
#endif |
module_models$unet3d$config, |
doc, |
0 |
); |
return (PyObject *)result; |
} |
static PyMethodDef _method_def_create_compiled_function = { |
"create_compiled_function", |
(PyCFunction)_create_compiled_function, |
}; |
#endif |
PyObject *modulecode_models$unet3d$config(PyObject *module, struct Nuitka_MetaPathBasedLoaderEntry const *module_entry) { |
module_models$unet3d$config = module; |
_initBuiltinModule(); |
createGlobalConstants(); |
_initCompiledCellType(); |
_initCompiledGeneratorType(); |
_initCompiledFunctionType(); |
_initCompiledMethodType(); |
_initCompiledFrameType(); |
#if PYTHON_VERSION < 0x300 |
_initSlotCompare(); |
#endif |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x270 |
_initSlotIternext(); |
#endif |
patchBuiltinModule(); |
patchTypeComparison(); |
#ifdef _NUITKA_TRACE |
PRINT_STRING("models.unet3d.config: Calling setupMetaPathBasedLoader().\n"); |
#endif |
setupMetaPathBasedLoader(); |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
patchInspectModule(); |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifdef _NUITKA_TRACE |
PRINT_STRING("models.unet3d.config: Calling createModuleConstants().\n"); |
#endif |
createModuleConstants(); |
#ifdef _NUITKA_TRACE |
PRINT_STRING("models.unet3d.config: Calling createModuleCodeObjects().\n"); |
#endif |
createModuleCodeObjects(); |
moduledict_models$unet3d$config = MODULE_DICT(module_models$unet3d$config); |
registerDillPluginTables(module_entry->name, &_method_def_reduce_compiled_function, &_method_def_create_compiled_function); |
#endif |
moduledict_models$unet3d$config, |
(Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___compiled__, |
Nuitka_dunder_compiled_value |
); |
{ |
#if 0 |
moduledict_models$unet3d$config, |
(Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, |
const_str_empty |
); |
#elif 0 |
PyObject *module_name = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___name__); |
moduledict_models$unet3d$config, |
(Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, |
module_name |
); |
#else |
#if PYTHON_VERSION < 0x300 |
PyObject *module_name = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___name__); |
char const *module_name_cstr = PyString_AS_STRING(module_name); |
char const *last_dot = strrchr(module_name_cstr, '.'); |
if (last_dot != NULL) { |
moduledict_models$unet3d$config, |
(Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, |
PyString_FromStringAndSize(module_name_cstr, last_dot - module_name_cstr) |
); |
} |
#else |
PyObject *module_name = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___name__); |
Py_ssize_t dot_index = PyUnicode_Find(module_name, const_str_dot, 0, PyUnicode_GetLength(module_name), -1); |
if (dot_index != -1) { |
moduledict_models$unet3d$config, |
(Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, |
PyUnicode_Substring(module_name, 0, dot_index) |
); |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
} |
CHECK_OBJECT(module_models$unet3d$config); |
if (GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___builtins__) == NULL) { |
PyObject *value = (PyObject *)builtin_module; |
#if !defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || !0 |
value = PyModule_GetDict(value); |
#endif |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT0(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___builtins__, value); |
} |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x300 |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT0(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___loader__, (PyObject *)&Nuitka_Loader_Type); |
#endif |
#if PYTHON_VERSION >= 0x340 |
#if 0 |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT0(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___spec__, Py_None); |
#else |
{ |
PyObject *bootstrap_module = getImportLibBootstrapModule(); |
CHECK_OBJECT(bootstrap_module); |
PyObject *_spec_from_module = PyObject_GetAttrString(bootstrap_module, "_spec_from_module"); |
CHECK_OBJECT(_spec_from_module); |
PyObject *spec_value = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_SINGLE_ARG(_spec_from_module, module_models$unet3d$config); |
Py_DECREF(_spec_from_module); |
if (spec_value == NULL) { |
PyErr_PrintEx(0); |
abort(); |
} |
SET_ATTRIBUTE(spec_value, const_str_plain__initializing, Py_True); |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___spec__, spec_value); |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
struct Nuitka_FrameObject *frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED char const *type_description_1 = NULL; |
bool tmp_result; |
PyObject *exception_type = NULL; |
PyObject *exception_value = NULL; |
PyTracebackObject *exception_tb = NULL; |
NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_lineno = 0; |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1; |
tmp_assign_source_1 = Py_None; |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT0(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[23], tmp_assign_source_1); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2; |
tmp_assign_source_2 = module_filename_obj; |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT0(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[24], tmp_assign_source_2); |
} |
frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08 = MAKE_MODULE_FRAME(codeobj_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08, module_models$unet3d$config); |
pushFrameStack(frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08); |
assert(Py_REFCNT(frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08) == 2); |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assattr_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_assattr_target_1; |
tmp_assattr_name_1 = module_filename_obj; |
tmp_assattr_target_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[25]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_assattr_target_1 == NULL)) { |
tmp_assattr_target_1 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[25]); |
} |
assert(!(tmp_assattr_target_1 == NULL)); |
tmp_result = SET_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_assattr_target_1, mod_consts[26], tmp_assattr_name_1); |
if (tmp_result == false) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 1; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assattr_name_2; |
PyObject *tmp_assattr_target_2; |
tmp_assattr_name_2 = Py_True; |
tmp_assattr_target_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[25]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_assattr_target_2 == NULL)) { |
tmp_assattr_target_2 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[25]); |
} |
assert(!(tmp_assattr_target_2 == NULL)); |
tmp_result = SET_ATTRIBUTE(tmp_assattr_target_2, mod_consts[27], tmp_assattr_name_2); |
if (tmp_result == false) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 1; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3; |
tmp_assign_source_3 = Py_None; |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT0(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[28], tmp_assign_source_3); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4; |
PyObject *tmp_name_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_globals_arg_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_locals_arg_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_fromlist_name_1; |
PyObject *tmp_level_name_1; |
tmp_name_name_1 = mod_consts[0]; |
tmp_globals_arg_name_1 = (PyObject *)moduledict_models$unet3d$config; |
tmp_locals_arg_name_1 = Py_None; |
tmp_fromlist_name_1 = Py_None; |
tmp_level_name_1 = mod_consts[29]; |
frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08->m_frame.f_lineno = 1; |
tmp_assign_source_4 = IMPORT_MODULE5(tmp_name_name_1, tmp_globals_arg_name_1, tmp_locals_arg_name_1, tmp_fromlist_name_1, tmp_level_name_1); |
if (tmp_assign_source_4 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 1; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[0], tmp_assign_source_4); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_5; |
PyObject *tmp_name_name_2; |
PyObject *tmp_globals_arg_name_2; |
PyObject *tmp_locals_arg_name_2; |
PyObject *tmp_fromlist_name_2; |
PyObject *tmp_level_name_2; |
tmp_name_name_2 = mod_consts[19]; |
tmp_globals_arg_name_2 = (PyObject *)moduledict_models$unet3d$config; |
tmp_locals_arg_name_2 = Py_None; |
tmp_fromlist_name_2 = Py_None; |
tmp_level_name_2 = mod_consts[29]; |
frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08->m_frame.f_lineno = 3; |
tmp_assign_source_5 = IMPORT_MODULE5(tmp_name_name_2, tmp_globals_arg_name_2, tmp_locals_arg_name_2, tmp_fromlist_name_2, tmp_level_name_2); |
if (tmp_assign_source_5 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 3; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[19], tmp_assign_source_5); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_6; |
PyObject *tmp_name_name_3; |
PyObject *tmp_globals_arg_name_3; |
PyObject *tmp_locals_arg_name_3; |
PyObject *tmp_fromlist_name_3; |
PyObject *tmp_level_name_3; |
tmp_name_name_3 = mod_consts[8]; |
tmp_globals_arg_name_3 = (PyObject *)moduledict_models$unet3d$config; |
tmp_locals_arg_name_3 = Py_None; |
tmp_fromlist_name_3 = Py_None; |
tmp_level_name_3 = mod_consts[29]; |
frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08->m_frame.f_lineno = 4; |
tmp_assign_source_6 = IMPORT_MODULE5(tmp_name_name_3, tmp_globals_arg_name_3, tmp_locals_arg_name_3, tmp_fromlist_name_3, tmp_level_name_3); |
if (tmp_assign_source_6 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 4; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[8], tmp_assign_source_6); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_7; |
PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_1; |
PyObject *tmp_name_name_4; |
PyObject *tmp_globals_arg_name_4; |
PyObject *tmp_locals_arg_name_4; |
PyObject *tmp_fromlist_name_4; |
PyObject *tmp_level_name_4; |
tmp_name_name_4 = mod_consts[30]; |
tmp_globals_arg_name_4 = (PyObject *)moduledict_models$unet3d$config; |
tmp_locals_arg_name_4 = Py_None; |
tmp_fromlist_name_4 = mod_consts[31]; |
tmp_level_name_4 = mod_consts[29]; |
frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08->m_frame.f_lineno = 6; |
tmp_import_name_from_1 = IMPORT_MODULE5(tmp_name_name_4, tmp_globals_arg_name_4, tmp_locals_arg_name_4, tmp_fromlist_name_4, tmp_level_name_4); |
if (tmp_import_name_from_1 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 6; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
if (PyModule_Check(tmp_import_name_from_1)) { |
tmp_assign_source_7 = IMPORT_NAME_OR_MODULE( |
tmp_import_name_from_1, |
(PyObject *)moduledict_models$unet3d$config, |
mod_consts[32], |
mod_consts[29] |
); |
} else { |
tmp_assign_source_7 = IMPORT_NAME(tmp_import_name_from_1, mod_consts[32]); |
} |
Py_DECREF(tmp_import_name_from_1); |
if (tmp_assign_source_7 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 6; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[32], tmp_assign_source_7); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_8; |
PyObject *tmp_called_instance_1; |
tmp_called_instance_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[32]); |
if (unlikely(tmp_called_instance_1 == NULL)) { |
tmp_called_instance_1 = GET_MODULE_VARIABLE_VALUE_FALLBACK(mod_consts[32]); |
} |
assert(!(tmp_called_instance_1 == NULL)); |
frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08->m_frame.f_lineno = 8; |
tmp_assign_source_8 = CALL_METHOD_WITH_ARGS1( |
tmp_called_instance_1, |
mod_consts[33], |
&PyTuple_GET_ITEM(mod_consts[34], 0) |
); |
if (tmp_assign_source_8 == NULL) { |
assert(ERROR_OCCURRED()); |
FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb); |
exception_lineno = 8; |
goto frame_exception_exit_1; |
} |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[15], tmp_assign_source_8); |
} |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08); |
#endif |
popFrameStack(); |
assertFrameObject(frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08); |
goto frame_no_exception_1; |
frame_exception_exit_1:; |
#if 0 |
RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION(frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08); |
#endif |
if (exception_tb == NULL) { |
exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK(frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08, exception_lineno); |
} else if (exception_tb->tb_frame != &frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08->m_frame) { |
exception_tb = ADD_TRACEBACK(exception_tb, frame_0d287422afe948efe554fb353d458e08, exception_lineno); |
} |
popFrameStack(); |
goto module_exception_exit; |
frame_no_exception_1:; |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_9; |
tmp_assign_source_9 = MAKE_FUNCTION_models$unet3d$config$$$function__1_load_config(); |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[35], tmp_assign_source_9); |
} |
{ |
PyObject *tmp_assign_source_10; |
tmp_assign_source_10 = MAKE_FUNCTION_models$unet3d$config$$$function__2__load_config_yaml(); |
UPDATE_STRING_DICT1(moduledict_models$unet3d$config, (Nuitka_StringObject *)mod_consts[36], tmp_assign_source_10); |
} |
return module_models$unet3d$config; |
module_exception_exit: |
RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED(exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb); |
return NULL; |
} |