Q5_1 & Q5_K_M quant

by muzika38 - opened

Can you also upload the Q5_1 & Q5_K_M for mixtral-instruct please?

muzika38 changed discussion title from Q5_1 quant to Q5_1 & Q5_K_M quant

With this quantization approach Q5_1 is about the same as Q5_0, and Q5_K_M is about the same as Q5_K_S.

With this quantization approach Q5_1 is about the same as Q5_0, and Q5_K_M is about the same as Q5_K_S.

Interesting... Is this a case exclusive to MoE? Because the difference between Q5_0 & Q5_1 on the openhermes model is more than double on the quantization error percentage.

With this quantization approach Q5_1 is about the same as Q5_0, and Q5_K_M is about the same as Q5_K_S.

Interesting... Is this a case exclusive to MoE? Because the difference between Q5_0 & Q5_1 on the openhermes model is more than double on the quantization error percentage.

You can see in the OpenHermes table that Q5_K_M quantization error is about the same as Q5_K_S. Q5_1 has always behaved in erratic ways, for some models the quantization error being significantly higher than Q5_0. With this new quantization that utilizes an "importance matrix", Q5_1 behaves much better in the sense that it is as good as, or better than, Q5_0. In the case of the base and instruct tuned Mixtral-8x7b models it is about the same as Q5_0. I'm not sure if it is related to the MoE architecture as the number of models quantized that way is too small at this point to draw this conclusion.

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