Browse files- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/config.yaml +49 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/logs/log.txt +90 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/models/1000 +3 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/models/1500 +3 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/models/2000 +3 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/models/2500 +3 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/models/500 +3 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/models/best +0 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/tb_logs/interact/events.out.tfevents.1688778274.LAPTOP-L4C8EI5B.44368.0 +3 -0
- ClassControl/CartPole-v1/Predict_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230708-090434/tb_logs/policy/events.out.tfevents.1688778274.LAPTOP-L4C8EI5B.44368.1 +3 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1 |
2 |
algo_name: SoftQ
3 |
collect_traj: false
4 |
device: cpu
5 |
env_name: gym
6 |
interact_summary_fre: 1
7 |
load_checkpoint: true
8 |
load_model_step: best
9 |
load_path: Train_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230705-215318
10 |
max_episode: 30
11 |
max_step: 200
12 |
mode: predict
13 |
model_save_fre: 500
14 |
model_summary_fre: 1
15 |
mp_backend: null
16 |
n_learners: 1
17 |
n_workers: 2
18 |
online_eval: true
19 |
online_eval_episode: 10
20 |
seed: 1
21 |
share_buffer: true
22 |
23 |
alpha: 4
24 |
batch_size: 128
25 |
buffer_size: 100000
26 |
buffer_type: REPLAY_QUE
27 |
epsilon_decay: 500
28 |
epsilon_end: 0.01
29 |
epsilon_start: 0.95
30 |
gamma: 0.95
31 |
lr: 0.0001
32 |
n_steps_per_learn: 1
33 |
target_update: 4
34 |
35 |
- activation: relu
36 |
37 |
- 256
38 |
layer_type: linear
39 |
- activation: relu
40 |
41 |
- 256
42 |
layer_type: linear
43 |
44 |
id: CartPole-v1
45 |
46 |
- wrapper
47 |
- ignore_params
48 |
render_mode: null
49 |
wrapper: null
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
1 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - General Configs:
2 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - ================================================================================
3 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Name Value Type
4 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - env_name gym <class 'str'>
5 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - algo_name SoftQ <class 'str'>
6 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - mode predict <class 'str'>
7 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - device cpu <class 'str'>
8 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - seed 1 <class 'int'>
9 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - max_episode 30 <class 'int'>
10 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - max_step 200 <class 'int'>
11 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - collect_traj 0 <class 'bool'>
12 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - mp_backend None <class 'str'>
13 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - n_workers 2 <class 'int'>
14 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - n_learners 1 <class 'int'>
15 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - share_buffer 1 <class 'bool'>
16 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - online_eval 1 <class 'bool'>
17 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - online_eval_episode 10 <class 'int'>
18 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - model_save_fre 500 <class 'int'>
19 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - load_checkpoint 1 <class 'bool'>
20 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - load_path Train_CartPole-v1_SoftQ_20230705-215318 <class 'str'>
21 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - load_model_step best <class 'str'>
22 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - interact_summary_fre 1 <class 'int'>
23 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - model_summary_fre 1 <class 'int'>
24 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - ================================================================================
25 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Algo Configs:
26 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - ================================================================================
27 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Name Value Type
28 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - epsilon_start 0.95 <class 'float'>
29 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - epsilon_end 0.01 <class 'float'>
30 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - epsilon_decay 500 <class 'int'>
31 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - gamma 0.95 <class 'float'>
32 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - lr 0.0001 <class 'float'>
33 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - buffer_type REPLAY_QUE <class 'str'>
34 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - buffer_size 100000 <class 'int'>
35 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - batch_size 128 <class 'int'>
36 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - alpha 4 <class 'int'>
37 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - target_update 4 <class 'int'>
38 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - value_layers [{'layer_type': 'linear', 'layer_size': [256], 'activation': 'relu'}, {'layer_type': 'linear', 'layer_size': [256], 'activation': 'relu'}] <class 'str'>
39 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - n_steps_per_learn 1 <class 'int'>
40 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - ================================================================================
41 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Env Configs:
42 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - ================================================================================
43 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Name Value Type
44 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - id CartPole-v1 <class 'str'>
45 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - render_mode None <class 'str'>
46 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - wrapper None <class 'str'>
47 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - ignore_params ['wrapper', 'ignore_params'] <class 'str'>
48 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - ================================================================================
49 |
2023-07-08 09:04:34 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Start predicting!
50 |
2023-07-08 09:04:35 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 1 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
51 |
2023-07-08 09:04:35 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 2 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
52 |
2023-07-08 09:04:36 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 3 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
53 |
2023-07-08 09:04:36 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 4 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
54 |
2023-07-08 09:04:37 - SimpleLog - INFO: - update_step: 500, online_eval_reward: 200.000
55 |
2023-07-08 09:04:37 - SimpleLog - INFO: - current update step obtain a better online_eval_reward: 200.000, save the best model!
56 |
2023-07-08 09:04:37 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 5 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
57 |
2023-07-08 09:04:37 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 6 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
58 |
2023-07-08 09:04:37 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 7 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
59 |
2023-07-08 09:04:37 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 8 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
60 |
2023-07-08 09:04:38 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 9 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
61 |
2023-07-08 09:04:38 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 10 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
62 |
2023-07-08 09:04:39 - SimpleLog - INFO: - update_step: 1000, online_eval_reward: 200.000
63 |
2023-07-08 09:04:39 - SimpleLog - INFO: - current update step obtain a better online_eval_reward: 200.000, save the best model!
64 |
2023-07-08 09:04:39 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 11 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
65 |
2023-07-08 09:04:39 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 12 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
66 |
2023-07-08 09:04:40 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 13 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
67 |
2023-07-08 09:04:40 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 14 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
68 |
2023-07-08 09:04:40 - SimpleLog - INFO: - update_step: 1500, online_eval_reward: 200.000
69 |
2023-07-08 09:04:40 - SimpleLog - INFO: - current update step obtain a better online_eval_reward: 200.000, save the best model!
70 |
2023-07-08 09:04:41 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 15 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
71 |
2023-07-08 09:04:41 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 16 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
72 |
2023-07-08 09:04:41 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 17 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
73 |
2023-07-08 09:04:41 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 18 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
74 |
2023-07-08 09:04:42 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 19 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
75 |
2023-07-08 09:04:42 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 20 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
76 |
2023-07-08 09:04:42 - SimpleLog - INFO: - update_step: 2000, online_eval_reward: 200.000
77 |
2023-07-08 09:04:42 - SimpleLog - INFO: - current update step obtain a better online_eval_reward: 200.000, save the best model!
78 |
2023-07-08 09:04:43 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 21 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
79 |
2023-07-08 09:04:43 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 22 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
80 |
2023-07-08 09:04:44 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 23 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
81 |
2023-07-08 09:04:44 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 24 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
82 |
2023-07-08 09:04:44 - SimpleLog - INFO: - update_step: 2500, online_eval_reward: 200.000
83 |
2023-07-08 09:04:44 - SimpleLog - INFO: - current update step obtain a better online_eval_reward: 200.000, save the best model!
84 |
2023-07-08 09:04:45 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 25 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
85 |
2023-07-08 09:04:45 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 26 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
86 |
2023-07-08 09:04:45 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 27 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
87 |
2023-07-08 09:04:45 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 28 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
88 |
2023-07-08 09:04:46 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 0 finished episode 29 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
89 |
2023-07-08 09:04:46 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Interactor 1 finished episode 30 with reward 200.000 in 200 steps
90 |
2023-07-08 09:04:46 - SimpleLog - INFO: - Finish predicting! Time cost: 11.327 s
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:3aff86a89801bf007bd42a26cb8379736ad5f79d5aec13fef527579c67766b14
3 |
size 544727
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:88cf9bd409af41977624c975c2732f8a6cd83c707e04326c5def695931ca5262
3 |
size 544727
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:847e40b2f6666c4a0bf2a3c47c84bd2d97ad14fba7f80abdcb800d17cd9e4bf3
3 |
size 544727
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:05143274a91f1d1aeb0b8ef069ad172f7861474fb74cf7b1e118b7c2e7af8ca4
3 |
size 544727
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:268334ec7b2a74fca824642b2266262f95fb97f907074b8d7d7f26ec17cc3637
3 |
size 544713
Binary file (545 kB). View file
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:e84a45da666de552b82238f79db89fc70455e38efdbb6f137ceacb585c8ade4a
3 |
size 3148
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:de985e2d617c6cf48abe7657d1671e1b47fe5db32586d13d14a8708a9337227f
3 |
size 150073