Why is it showing in LM-Studio as 7B parameters?

by yehiaserag - opened

Tested the Q8 version and it's working as expected except that it's showing with 7B instead of 8B

LM Studio Community org

I think that's just a glitch with the UI that should get cleaned up shortly :)

It is 7B according to the modelcard .gguf info
"name": "Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct",
"arch": "llama",
"quant": "Q8_0",
"context_length": 8192,
"embedding_length": 4096,
"num_layers": 32,
"rope": {
"freq_base": 500000,
"dimension_count": 128
"head_count": 32,
"head_count_kv": 8,
"parameters": "7B"

@MaxPlanck Yeah, just came to past this here

LM Studio Community org

Weird, can't imagine why GGUF is marking it as such, will see what the appropriate fix is

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