[READ IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS] Getting access to the model

by osanseviero HF staff - opened
Meta Llama org

Hey all! If you do not have access to the model yet, please follow the next steps

  1. Go to the model page
  2. Read the Llama 3 Community License Agreement
  3. At the bottom of the agreement, there's an Accept License button, click it

Meta reviews the applications approximately once an hour. Please wait.

Do not request a DOI, that's unrelated to getting access to the model


osanseviero pinned discussion

you closed the thread (#97) and pointed people here without fixing the issue, everyone isn't an idiot, there are access permission issues AFTER gaining access permissioins to the model.

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an hour! awesome. Also, thanks jeevansreenivas for the token info

Thanks but my request has been pending for a month! Is there any way to re-send it?

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Meta Llama org

Thanks but my request has been pending for a month! Is there any way to re-send it?

We're working on having a way to allow people to manage their repo requests and withdraw them so they can re-submit if needed

Not sure if it helps. I have 403 error with the access permission granted, but the error is gone after I add the repo in "Setting --> Access Tokens --> Edit Permissions --> Repositories permissions".

When I asked for access as Ivan from Russia, I was refused.
When I made a new account and asked for access as Ivan from Ukraine, I was given access.
Just funny.

hello , I have been granted access to the model repo but when i try to connect to it from colab notebook it says its gated repo and i dont have acess. help please ?
I have put acess token and checked it , its all good. so whats the issue ?

I chose China cause I lived in China. After about a week it says I was rejected. That is absolutely geographical discrimination! We need explaination!

Thanks but my request has been pending for a month! Is there any way to re-send it?

same issue!

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where is the ' Accept License button'?

+1 where is the ' Accept License button'?

Even after i've been granted access to the model, when I try to download using huggingface-cli by login in I get the below error
"Cannot access gated repo for URL https://huggingface.co/api/models/meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct/revision/main.
Access to model meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct is restricted. You must be authenticated to access it."

I am having the same issue

I had the same issue and I think it was because I chose the default fine-grain permissions when i applied for access. I went back in to "manage permissions" and clicked all the unchecked check-boxes and then tried again and it worked. Hope this helps.

Hi, seems something has gone wrong, I requested llama3 access on April 19, but still pending. Thanks for bumping it.

Screenshot from 2024-06-21 01-51-10.png

reject in a second,what did I do wrong

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