Model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct time out

by ChiragMa - opened

The phi 3 model might not be working maybe cos I tried to run many simple queries both on the huggingface API and my laptop after downloading and it didn't generate anything!

Tried to do NER using the model but the model didn't generate any text.

The input prompt was:

"Find the name of the person introducing himself in the 'Text'. 'Text': Hi, My name is John Wick"

The neither Huggingface API nor the downloaded model generate anything!
The API gives "Model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct time out" message!

Can someone shoot some ideas on why that might have happened?

ChiragMa changed discussion title from API not working? to Model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct time out

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