Help needed to export in ONNX
I've followed the ONNX build model guide from this link. but no luck.
The build command I used was:python3 -m onnxruntime_genai.models.builder -i ep_2_grad_32_lr_3e-5/ -o onnx_output/ -p int4 -e cuda --extra_options int4_block_size=32 int4_accuracy_level=4
The build process was successful and generated the following files:
- genai_config.json
- model.onnx
- special_tokens_map.json
- tokenizer.json
- tokenizer_config.json
However, the number of files generated doesn't match the file count in this official repo.
Files highlighted in red are missing:
Additionally, while loading the model using ONNX Runtime, the following error occurs:OrtException: Load model from onnx_output failed: Protobuf parsing failed.
I have also noticed that sections for "embedding" and "vision" are missing from the genai_config.json
Can someone help me identify if I'm missing anything?
I will close this discussion since the same question is being discussed here.