Does bioGPT support NER ?

by bear007 - opened

Hi, does bioGPT model support NER tasks? If not directly, is there any way I can tweak the parameter/code to apply this model for NER-similar tasks? Thanks!

Microsoft org

It depends on how you would solve NER with BioGPT. You could either make the model learn to generate the entities one token at a time, in case it's just like general autoregressive language modeling, or you can treat it like BERT does it, which means leveraging IOB labels. For that you'll need a BioGPTForTokenClassification class, which still needs to be added to the library but is pretty straightforward to do.

@nielsr For the second option, we still need to train the BioGPTForTokenClassification class right? or do we have some pre-trained BioGPT checkpoints for NER?

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