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c0e1461 verified
  - en
license: apache-2.0
  - pretrained
  - mlx
pipeline_tag: text-generation
    temperature: 0.7


This classics model is a fine-tune of Mistral 7b, on 1,640 Q/A pairs on Greek & Roman history, over 3 epochs. The dataset was generated via Mixtral-8x7b Instruct v01, run over 512 token-length chunks of vol's 2&3 of Will Durants' 13 vol Story of Civilization (Life of Greece and Caesar & Christ).

Training data was formatted with [INST] and [/INST] delimiting instructions:

{"text": "Q: \"Why did many Greeks come to resent Rome's 'liberation' and 'peacekeeping' efforts, such as forbidding class war and interfering in disputes, despite Rome having given Greece freedom from previous conflicts?\"\nA: Many Greeks came to resent Rome's \"liberation\" and \"peacekeeping\" efforts due to several reasons. First, after the Romans had given Greece freedom...(blah blah blah)...interfering in their domestic affairs, and ultimately"}

The model was converted to MLX format from mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1. Mistral-7B-v0.1 Large Language Model (LLM) is a pretrained generative text model with 7 billion parameters. Refer to the original model card for more details on the model.

Use with mlx

pip install mlx
git clone https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx-examples.git
cd mlx-examples/llms/hf_llm
python generate.py --model mlx-community/mistral-7b-v0.1-GreeceRome-v0.1 --prompt "How does Aristotle define the soul?"