Thanks for your fantastic work!

by matchaaaaa - opened

@mradermacher , thank you so much for doing these quants! It means a lot, especially since I'm new here :)

Would you mind/like it if I linked to this repo in the original's README?

Thank you once again.

Of course you can link to this repo, or directly to the quants, or whatever else you wish, really. Maybe I was a bit too cryptic in my comment on your other model :)

In any case, when I see some potentially interesting model I tend to make gguf quants so a wider audience can try them out. And I take requests, so if I don't quantize a model of yours, but you think it might be useful to have gguf quants of it, feel to request it (e.g. on my model_requests repo).

Anyway, have fun here on huggingface!

mradermacher changed discussion status to closed

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