I would like you to make Llama3 13B and 32B models. And it specializes in Japanese.

by MouhuAI - opened

As a Japanese person, I would like you to create a Japanese Llama3 model. I know it's selfish. please.


Probably not selfish, but I am not in the model creator business, I only quantize model by other people.

In general, if you see an interesting model by somebody else, feel free to ask me to quantize. I don't usually do imatrix quants for foreign-language models, because I think my training data is not good for that, but I will happily make static quants (and have done so in the past) for e.g. primarily japanese models.

With llama-3 specifically, there are some issues at the moment (such as special token handling, maybe some others), so I am holding back a bit on those until they are ironed out. But again, if you have a model by somebody else, feel free to request quants from me.

mradermacher changed discussion status to closed

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