by xzuyn - opened

Requesting quants for my weird model_stock merge of all the LLaMa-3-8B fine-tunes I could find which seemed to have at least some effort put into the fine-tuning process, without adding extra tokens. 54 models to be exact, which is ~864gb worth of models lol.

The idea of the merge was to get a sort of average of all the models for use as a ClownMoE base or a fine-tuning base, but it's probably an interesting model by itself as well.

Thanks for the nearly 2400 model pages so far. Putting in work.

Wouldn't be the first clown model I've quantized ;-) Anyway, it's in the queue, and, if no problems turn up, should have static and imatrix quants in a few hours.

mradermacher changed discussion status to closed

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