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3168332 verified
- ja
- japanese-stablelm
- causal-lm
pipeline_tag: text-generation
base_model: stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-base-gamma-7b
license: apache-2.0
Name: text
Email: text
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# Reproduced Japanese Stable LM Instruct Gamma 7B
## Model Description
This is a reproduction of 7B-parameter decoder-only Japanese language model fine-tuned on instruction-following datasets, built on top of the base model [Japanese Stable LM Base Gamma 7B](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-base-gamma-7b).
This model is trained with [notus](https://github.com/argilla-io/notus) code base.
*If you are in search of the official model, please check [Japanese Stable LM Instruct Gamma 7B](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-instruct-gamma-7b).*
## Model Details
### Training Datasets
- [Japanese translation of the Databricks Dolly-15k dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/kunishou/databricks-dolly-15k-ja)
- [Japanese translation of the subset of the Anthropic HH dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/fujiki/japanese_hh-rlhf-49k)
- [Wikinews](https://ja.wikinews.org/wi) [subset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/fujiki/llm-japanese-dataset_wikinews) of the [izumi-lab/llm-japanese-dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/izumi-lab/llm-japanese-dataset)
### Benchmarks
The result is evaluated by [Nejumi-leaderboard Neo](https://github.com/wandb/llm-leaderboard/tree/b2723944d4955768cb93c18ffe162a8ff4e88955).
- llm-jp-eval:
|AVG |EL |FA |MC |MR |NLI |QA |RC |chabsa|jamp |janli|jcommonsenseqa|jemhopqa|jnli |jsem |jsick|jsquad |mawps |niilc |wiki_coreference|wiki_dependency|wiki_ner|wiki_pas|wiki_reading|
|0.26 |0 |0.14|0.27 |0.1 |0.302 |0.2619 |0.7464 |0.0 |0.15 |0.5 |0.27 |0.2528 |0.04 |0.67 |0.15 |0.7464 |0.1 |0.271 |0.0 |0.0 |0.0 |0.0 |0.7 |
- Japanese Mt-Bench:
|1.3 |1.75 |2.35 |1.45|3.4 |5.8 |4.3 |3.1 |
- Overall Average: 0.283125
## Credits
The training was carried out by [Hwigeon Oh](https://huggingface.co/ohwi) and [Fujiki Nakamura](https://huggingface.co/fujiki).